Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 254 1 New Desperate German Attempts i o Smash City DAY AND NIGHT BATTLE Berlin, September 19. THE German Commander, General Ritter von Leeb, is making desperate new efforts to smash his way into Leningrad, Day and night, fighting is raging)and it is admitted that Russian troops
    —Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 216 1 —Reuter. ■joint entry into I TEHERAN By Pdtricfc Cross, Reuter’s <''’;Tespondewt nt Teheran). I Teheran, Sept. IS. Russian troops have held up a big Bonvoy of cars, mostly carrying GerBbuds who left here for Turkey. The B-iivoy which was spotted a few miles Bh®
    —Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 102 1 '-‘*3 u *teuter. I formal Statement On I En< rny Air Raid I Cairo, September 18. I rmal statement early yesterday I the Cairo Air Raid Precautions I red that Cairo was regardIkG sacred city bearing the burning ttn of Islam. L 1 Penally believed that
    '-‘*3 u *teuter.  -  102 words
  • 121 1 TOKIO PROTEST Tokyo, Sept. 19. THE Japanese Government has filed a “categorical protest" with Soviet Russia as a result of alleged danger arising from Soviet mines floating in the sea oft Japan. This was revealed in a Japanese Foreign Office statement winch alleges that
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  • 59 1 .—Reuter. Tokio. Sept. 18 The recently-imposed freezing regulations will cease to apply from Thursday enwards to diplomatic and consular offices of Britain, Australia. Canada and Nether lands East Indies in Japan and in Kwangtung leased territory. This was announced by the Finance Ministry teday. It was
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 181 1 London, Sept. 19. QLAVERY has been abolished in Abyssinia by Emperor v Haile Selassie and the Ethiopian Government in Addis Ababa has issued a statement to that effect. .—Reuter. The Emperor who had long wanted to emancipate his subjects took the first steps some years ago
    .—Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 307 1 —Reuter. New York, Sept. 19. Demanding an increase to the present monthly bonus for entering the so-called war zone about 20,000 members of the Seafarers’ International Union of North America have gone on strike and eleven American merchant ships are tied up
    —Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 93 1 —Reuter. Meeting Of Chambers Of •Commerce In Paris Berlin, September 18. A session of the French and German Chambers of Commerce began today in Paris and will last until September 21, states a Paris dispatch to the iiicial German news agency. The purpose of the session, it is
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 324 1 Washington, Sept. 19. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has T asked Congress for an additional $5,985,000,000 for Lease and Lend purpose». He made this request so that there might be “no interruption in the flow of aid to those countries whose defence
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  • 121 1 .—Reuter. Chungking, Sept. 19. j Chinese determination to continue fighting until the North Eastern j Provinces (Manchuria comprising i Liaoling, Kirin, Heillngkian and Jehol provinces) are completely recovered form the keynote of Chinese statements on the occasion of j the 10th anniversary of the Mukden
    .—Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 209 1 Tokyo, Sept. 19. The War Minister, General Tojo, in hid capacity as President of the Manchurian Affairs Board, urged national preparedness to cope with possible extension of the European war to the Far East in a radio speech at a banquet
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  • 57 1 .—Reuter. London, Sept. 19. It is learned that aircraft of the Fighter and Bomber Commands carried out a number of offensive operations yesterday but it is already known that 11 enemy fighters were destroyed. Two British bombers and eight fighters are missing but
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 104 1 —Reuter. Bardia Also Subjected To Night Attacks Cairo, Sept. 18. “On the night of Sept. 14-15 and a-gai on the following night, heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force raided Benghazi On both occasions, fires were started. Bardia w'as also subjected to night attack and damage was
    —Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 70 1 —Reuter. 17 Merchantmen To Be Put Into Service New York, Sept. 18 Rear-Admiral Adolphus Andrews, commandant of the third naval district, announced that United States Navy has arranged to use 17 merchantmen as supniy ships to naval bases outside the United States. Several have
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 80 1 casualties or damage are reported. Reuter. Bombs Dropped At Two Places On S.E. Coast London, September 18 A small number of casualties and some damage were caused last night when few enemy aircraft came inland over this country and brmbs were dropped at two places on
    casualties or damage are reported. Reuter.  -  80 words
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    .—Reuter.  -  403 words
  • 224 2 —Reuter. Mr. Norman To Be Re-elected London, Sept. 18. No change is being recommended in j the offices of Governor and Deputy I Governor of the Bank of England next I April. An announcement io this effect was made by the Governor, Mr. Montague Norman,
    .—Reuter.  -  224 words
  • 72 2 .—Reuter. Ninth Anniversary Of Japanese Recognition Hsinking, September 17. The first four days this week will see Manchukuo in gala mood celebrating the ninth anniversary of Japan’s recognition of Manchukuo and also the autumn shrine festival. Processions, dances and fireworks are taking place in the streets
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 117 2 Reuter. Dr. Koo Voices Anxiety London, September 18. The Chinese Ambassador, Dr. Wellington Koo, pleaded at the luncheon of the New Commonwealth Society in London today that the Far Eastern situation should not he overlooked in formulating any permanent, peace plan. “Stress
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 119 2 —Reuter. No Service Damage Or Casualties Cairo. September 18. A Brii:~b R.A.F. Middle East communique issued on Thursday states: A small force of enemy aircraft dropped a number of bomb.*; in the Alexandria area last nignt. No service damage or casualties were caused. Night fighter
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 198 2 Reuter. HITS SCORED ON TARGET London, Sept. 18 R.A.F. bombers again attacked objectives at Karlsruhe last night, states an Air Ministry communique. Bombs were seen to burst on the target area and fires were started. One bomber is missing. Karlsruhe, the home base of
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 68 2 Reuter. Found I nsatisfactory By W. Molotov Moscow, Sept. 18. M. Molotov. Soviet Foreign Commissar, has informed the Bulgarian Minister that he considers Bulgaria’s reply to Russia’s recent warning to be unsatisfactory, says Moscow ladio. The Soviet had accused Bulgaria of aiding Axis plans for attacks on Odessa,
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 95 2 -Reuter. Arrival On N isit I o Philippines Manila. Sept 18. Mr. Such’ya, described as Japan’s diplomatic courier, arrived at Cebu yesterday from Japan, aboard the Mantai Maru. He was met by the Japanese ViceConsul. Mr. Kawinami. Both will proceed t Manila on Friday. Mr. Suchiya will remain
    -Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 366 2 Germans Pressing Hard On Murmansk London, Sept. 18 here is again a total absence of specific claims regarding the fighting in the hard-pressed sector though the German communique states that in the Ukraine the German “offensive operations east of the Dnieper are progressing irresistibly.” In the
    Reuter  -  366 words
  • 359 2 PROMISE OF CO-OPERATh WITH BRITAIN AND REW Teheran, Sent After taking the oath today, the Shah departed from n re j reading a short speech in which he promised the cce* i of his Government with Britain and Russia “whn Ca oPtr<t H lie close
    l.—Reuter  -  359 words
  • 173 2 ’—Reuter. British Forces Following I p Retreating Germans Cairo. Sept. 18. South Africa; i armoured fighting vehicles, as well as British are fo lowing two German columns which have teen forced to retreat after a reconnoitrmg expedition seme miles over the Egyptian frontier. As stated ’n
    ’—Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 70 2 1. Reuter. Bombs Dropped On Suburbs London, September 18. It is stated here today that in the raid on Cairo during the night of September 15/16, tombs were dropped in the Abbassia area which is a suburb, and ten bombs were also dropped at Helwan, ten miles
    1.—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 67 2 —Reuter A Hospital Ship, Not A Transport Batavia, Sept. 18. An emphatic official denial was given by the Dutch News Agency to reports circulating from Shanghai that the wellknown Dutch vessel “Oranje” is to be converted into a troop transport at Sydney. It is stated that the “Oranje”
    —Reuter  -  67 words
  • 295 2 -Renter Friendlv Brilisil Near I' rentier I Bangkok, >ept. il Australia is anxious that the intel of the Thai state shall be nuj and there is no reason for be apprehensive over British ments in any part of the world J Thailand, said Sir
    -Renter  -  295 words
  • 65 2 .—Reuter. Another .£lO,OOO Sent I London Treasury Shanghai. Sept I It is officially announced that a» £lO,OOO has been remitted London Treasury by voluntary button funds for the purcha< o.a-‘ for the Royal Air Force Lringi a tai remitted since the the fund 13 months ago to
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 52 2 Reuter. British Government I Compensation Beme, e P‘', •nr has c £'Dt The British Government Swiss Confederation a ?U! bv wcJ francs to cover dam.? 1 RA F jii dropped inadvertent 12 5940 ing the night of June 11 r n Ge nf” Renens, Invaud.
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 48 2 —Reuter. Chinese P r,,f< ss ,r 1( Lecture I» Ku"-'’ To mark -J» clo e ’’'"'"i now exlsilns turo! S»’ I the Chinee-Bum® .sending Mr. H. 1 Julian 1 of Organic Chemists Un ivers®' sity. to lecture at tne eaRangoon. He will lea in October—Reuter
    – —Reuter.  -  48 words
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    • 249 2 Relief from the torment of II IHBAt i ~‘jjJ l !■;ffiV-- d* r <V';■>'' Asepso is now con- a'r/'ipi/' vained in a new red, -hi Ii yellow and black box. Be *’x[l? i, >Ul> y° u J et genuine Aaeptto. The burning torment of prickly heat is often unbearable. Don’t
      249 words

  • 1463 3 HON. MR. F.D. BISSEKER VOICES VIEW AT CHAMBER MEETING IT appears to n.e that there will be no alternative hut to grin and bear the high rate of premium which circumstances seemingly demand shall be prevail for the time being.” This
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  • 247 3 SOCIAL PERSONAL Lieut. David William Leggatt, R.N., missing, presumed lost in H.M. submarine Usk, was the son of Mr. William tand the late Mrs. Leggatt of Selangor. F.M.S. Mr Leong Kwong Chee, a former student of Raffles College, Singapore, who worked his passage over to England, is now in the
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  • 54 3 Singapore. The Japanese evacuee ship, Kakone Maru, arrived here yesterday from Colombo with 63 evacuees from Bombay and 30 from Ceylon. About 120 evacuees from Malaya are expected to join the boyt here. Twenty non-Japanese disembarked here. The boat
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  • 55 3 Two cars came into collision at the junction of Macalister Road and Anson Road at about 10 o’clock yesterday morning. One of the cars belonged to a police inspector. The driver, a Tamil was injured. The other occupants escaped. A report was later made at
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    • 77 3 Hope’s good news! ■■■■B ”o -an now clean your false teeth simply by placing them in ‘Steradent solution 'Vernight —or while you dress. lum ana stains disappear—every crevice is sterilized. From all chemists. HOW TO DO IT. Half tumbler warm water. Steradent’—the cap oi the tin full, stirL Steep dentures
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    • 31 3 NEWT F.M.S. CHIEF JUSTICE Sir Herbert Trusted Appointed Singapore. Sir Herbert Trusted, Chief Justice, Palestine, has been appointed Chief Justice, F.M.S., in succession to Sir Kenneth Poyser, it is officially announced.
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    • 168 3 FUN FROLIC PARK FRIDAY, 19th SEPTEMBER, 1941. CANTONESE OPERA: “THIT TENG HOY CHUN FOO” Part 5. Featuring Liew Kum Teng, Tang Siew Chow including 2 New Stars, Hor Kim Chow Chan Wye Mun appearing Tonight. ENG SIEW CHOON TEOCHEW OPERA COMING VERY SOON. WATCH FOR. OPENING DATE LIBERTY TALKIES Special
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    • 68 3 In CT "V’ 3 SHOWS TODAY I At 3; 6.15 9.30 p.m. I SHOWS TOMORROW AT 11 A.M., 3 8.15 0.30 P.M. I lopper’s Back As A Super-Snooper I BIGGEST laugh ghost show ever produced by I UNITED ARTISTS PLAYING HIDE SEEK WITH A GLAMOROUS NEW GHOST MORE FUN THAN
      68 words
    • 33 3 MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3, 6.15 9.30 P.M. AT REDUCED PRICES OF ADMISSION Here Conies The Giant Of Alt Musical Fun Shows! PARAMOUNT PRESENTS “GULLIVER’S TRAVELS” A full-length Feature Cartoon In Technicolour i
      33 words
    • 180 3 jr Ain-conon icneo OPENS TO-DAY THREE SHOWS TO-MORROW 4 SHOWS —l.OO. 3.3«. 6.15 ft. 36 P.M. THRILLS!. SUSPENSE! EXCITEMENT! The Greatest Epic of the Wild West! n't The Vigilantes ride again, .taking S the law and life into their own S wllf* a hands...that the West might live! B 411
      180 words
    • 305 3 hFMdd 5 LJ TODAY 3 P M «1 iWkM 6.15 9.30 P.M. THE GRANDEST COMEDY-ROMANCE OF THE YEAR IT HAS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT I fights j laughter adventurei I-' COMtOV.OMANCr o f r M{ INCHING Starting JOEL McCREA ELLEN DREW TOGETHER WITH Extra Extra I The Latest British Paramount
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  • 430 4 'T'HERE is good reason for A satisfaction, though cer-! tainly not for complacency, at the I acceleration of Malaya’s trade, as' measured by the rise in both im- i ports and exports for the half i year. Mi. Jules Martin, in his Presidential speech at
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  • 119 4 MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Gulliver’s Travels.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: Franchot Tone in “Trail of the Vigilantes.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA; Joel McCrea and Ellen Drew in “Reaching for the Sun.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA: “Topper Returns" with Joan Blondell
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  • 192 4 .—Reuter. Every Saturday From November To March London, September 18. Thirty National Hunt meetings are announced in the Rt cing Calendar starting at Nottingham on November 8 and ending on March 21 with meetings at Cheltenham and Wetherby. Meetings will te held every Saturday between those two
    .—Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 102 4 —Reiuter. 31 Killed And 11 Wounded In Explosion Stockholm, Sept. 18. The latest information is 31 killed and 11 wounded in the explosion in the destroyed “Gothenburg”. The destroyers “Kias Uggla” and “Kias Horn” were also reported sunk.—Reuter. BRITISH MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE London, Septembei’ 18. The British
    —Reiuter.  -  102 words
    • 155 4 (To “Alpha,” “Pinang Gazette”). Dear Alpha, Cannot the authorities do something with the unruly crowds on black-out nights? On Tuesday night, a number of them thronged the five-foot-way of a house in Transfer Road while the A.R.P. Wardens were carrying on their onerous duties, such as keeping people
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  • 318 4 Experienta Docet JN a way out back of beyond township in Australia a report came in that a Dago hatter scrubcutter had died. The local storekeeper —T.P.— coroner, not having time to go out himself, gave the village “down and outer” five pounds and told him to
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  • 4758 4 ITALAYA’S trade for the first half of this year shows an appreciable gain on the same period 1 of 1940, the advance being $l6 millions in imports and $23 million in exports, according to Mr. Jules Martin, Chairman of the Penang Chamber of
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    • 191 4 I Tailoring for H-M- Services 3® Our Fully Experienced European “Iji Cutter is at your service for all I Jpg classes of Tailoring f° r ie s erv i ces IH Tom can he assured BbS that all garments sMM x-< «K&' e are Correct in every |pA, V ‘•‘4
      191 words
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    • 40 4 j/— —ni S K I 1* 1 COMPAQ 79 niqo«K BUHAM »t "uam| For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121, A? wt r v-to i- f!r H '"T' WUtM TYt* '.OBJun
      40 words

  • 1923 5 IIIBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS KITICISE ASPECTS OF SCHEME Compensation Limited To Amount Of Fund? LcTS of the compulsory scheme of War Risks Insurance were commented on L yesterday; s meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce. Lakers on this subject in eluded the Chairman,
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  • 67 5 GOVT. ACCEPTS $lOO.OOO His Excellency the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, has been notified that His Majesty’s Government has accepted a generous gift of $lOO,OOO which Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., Singapore, have made for the purchase of two Spitfires to be named ‘'Harimau” and “Hamadryad.” Besides
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  • 284 5 “Topper Returns,” third of the Topper series, now showing at the Rex, is an excellent blend of mystery and comedy, with sparkling dialogue, eerie situations and spell-binding action. It may be farce, but there is no denying its entertainment value or its ability to amuse
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  • 13 5 Collections to The I.S.P. Fighter Fund to date total $34.596.
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  • 204 5 Appeal For More Contributions The War Fund total in North Malaya has made the very ei»couraging advance of nearly $l,OOO to $1,576,077.53, made up of Penang $982,159.62 and Perak $593,917.91, Last month, with the co-operation of the Banks, an appeal was made to increase the
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  • 154 5 Professor T. E. G. Gregory, Economic Adviser to the Government of India, arrived In Singapore by air today' for consultations with the Ministry of Economic Warfare, Far Eastern Mission. Although only 42, Professor Gregory is one of the world’s leading economists. He has filled important posts in
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  • 369 5 Encouraging Malays To Cultivate Kitchen Gardens (From \Our Own Correspondent.) Balik Pulau, Thursday. The South-West District vegetable show which had been occupying the attention of a good number of small gardeners throughout the rural areas, had its finishing touches this evening, when I paid
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  • 75 5 Bail in the sum of $5,000 was allowed by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court tfiis morning to Wooi Pek Sam, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $23.15 while being a servant at Messrs. Huttenbach
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  • 79 5 Among the presents received by the Sultan of Johore on Wednesday, when he celebrated his 68th. birthday, was a large emblem of the A.I.F. carved in wood. It was sent by the G.0.C., Australian Forces in Malaya, MajorGen. H. Gordon Bennett. The Sultan received telegrams
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  • 28 5 The total value of War Savings Certificates sold up to Wednesday last was $7,973,676. This sum represents an increase of $449,286 in the previous fortnight.
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    • 195 5 U 1 Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines, i Now we don’t have to take w >J nasty-tasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXO&AC—the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will
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  • 936 6 HUGE LOSSES IN MEN AND TANKS Enemy's Lies To Cover Heavy Toll Rugby, Sept. 18 The overnight Soviet war communique states: “In the course of September 17, our troops continued stubborn fighting against the enemy along the whole front During September 15, 78 German planes
    '—Reuter.  -  936 words
  • 226 6 .—Reuter. Three-Power Talks In Moscow London, Sept. 18 M. Molotov will lead the Soviet delegation which is meeting the British and United States missions in Moscow, the Soviet wireless announced this morning. Other members are Marshal Voroshilov, M. Mikoyan, People's Commissar for Foreign Trade, M.
    .—Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 221 6 —Reuter. Issued By Goebbels’ Loud Speakers London, Sept. 18. In German bulletins after the first three weeks of war, it was stated that the roed to Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev was open while Russian forces were described as a disorganised rabble without leadership and co-ordination. These were
    .—Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 102 6 rpyy. Yesterday’s Close Previously LONDON “loX’ard" f 256 1 SINGAPORE f 10 BuXaa done 1138 26 PENANG SpOt $138.3712 $138.25 RUBBER: LONDON “FoXm" X’ 13 Tone o„ M 13 11|1<M Quiet Quiet SINGAPORE PENANG 38 s!Bc 38 s!Bc SPOt 38 &8 38 s|Bc COPRA: p ENANG: Sundr’ed S
    102 words
  • 70 6 Reuter. Six Enemy Aircraft Destroyed London, September 17. This morning’s Air Ministry communique stated: “During the night a small number of enemy aircraft flew inland, mostly over parts of Eastern England. Bombs, which fell at a few points, caused .no damage and no casualties have been
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 53 6 I.—Reuter. Sinking Of “Sessa” And “Montana" Panama, September 17. The Panamanian Government has instructed its Minister in Berlin to present a formal protest to the German Government regarding the sinking of the steamships “Sessa” and Montana,” advising him to claim indemnity. This decision was takep at
    I.—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 260 6 Reuter. VETERANS PASS RESOLUTION Milwaukee, Sept. 18 The American Legion which is composed of veterans of the last War and one of the most influential organisations in the United States passed a resolution yesterday proposing the removal of geographical limitations on the use of
    Reuter.  -  260 words
  • 172 6 —Reuter. Hit! Body hi Sympathy With Russia Cairo. September 18. Reports of the Nazis’ efforts to drag on Bulgaria Into the war with Russia are discussed in diplomatic circles in the Middle East who well know that Russia possesses in Bulgaria a formidable body
    —Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 196 6 Penang Thursday. The share market was rather quieter tb-day and, being sensitive to war developments, had shown some reaction against holders with the inevitable result that some of the speculative counters had been marked down. Local tin shaies, on profit-taking, have sellers at quotations but there had
    196 words
    • 418 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers and Ipoh sections) at noon 19th Septen'M Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampav Tin 2/9 3/0 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/0 7/3ex £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/Oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/6 19 Oex $1 Ayer Weng .85 .90 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1 Batu Selangor
      418 words
    • 207 6 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.15 1.20 c Alor Gajah .874 .924 Amal Malay 1.65 1.724 Ayer Hitam .974 1.024 Ayer Molek 1.174 1.224 Ayer Panas 1.25 1.30 c Bassett .47 J .50 Batu Lintang 1.14 1.164 Bedford 1.024 1.07 J Benta 1.02 4 1.074 Borelli 1.40 1.45 Broga .65
      207 words
    • 322 6 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ora. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 7i% Pref 2.15 2.25 $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £94c £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5
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    • 277 6 LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDEND 8 LIS I LUKKENI ~iose MINING Dividend 941 Austral Amal 3d. and 14 Bonus g.l(L® Aver Hitam 10% Int. L.T. yjj les® S O /30.9.41 /iM Burma-Malay 6d. 28th div r/23 9.41 25 J Chin Chin Tin 2% int. 10° 20.9.41 Hong Fatt 8% 3rd Int.
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    • 186 6 BANKS F —A M. TT ~IaSSSjZJS c* Ik p 1 1- I SAVINGS z& doHAT saved Is an extra dollar •armed. ■a sowings Account Is the best inducement to save* c. To have a Savings Account and to see thia account grow from time to time is to be a
      186 words

  • 669 7 Melbourne, Sept. 17. PRESENTING his credentials at Canberra, the new Chinese Minister to Australia (Dr. Hsu Mo) said:—“The bravery with which the sons of Australia have distinguished themelves has aroused the deepest admiration of my countrymen, who are defending their soil and existence with equal
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  • 267 7 TRACED with air raids from both East and West, the Nazi propagandists are doing their best to minimise the importance of this war on two fronts. There is not much they can say to their own people, cowering in air-raid shelters, but this does
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  • 239 7 “It would not be serving a useful purpose if I sent you to prison; I am going to give you a chance to make amends,” Mr. L. C. Goh, Singapore Fifth Magistrate, told 28-year-old Tay Hui Toh, who had been convicted on a charge of enticing
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  • 66 7 TROOP PLANE IN FLAMES— This Is a British official photograph of the parachute attack on Crete. It shows a German troop-carrying machine in flames on the ground. It had been shot down by A. A. guns. Other German planes are flying overhead and through the smoke
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  • 504 7 Comment By Dr. Lim Boon Keng JAPANESE methods of consolidating their powers in occupied China were commented on in a broadcast from Singapore by Dr. Lim Boon Keng in the series “Malaya Speaks.” The speech was broadcast on three transmitters. “Apart from the atrocities and
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  • 246 7 Attempt To Invade Britain ProbableAnd It Will Fail TTITLER will attempt the invasion of Britain and will fail. 11 This is the conviction of the British Government, according to a South African journalist, Mr. David Friedmann, London Editor of the South Africa n Press Association, who has been working in
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  • 130 7 Batavia, Sept. 12. A new company, the Netherlands Indies Chemiqal Works, Ltd., has just been founded in Batavia, with a capital of 5* million guilders, of which the Government’s slfane is 1,650,000 guilders, the rest being furnished by the 8.P.M., H.V.A., Intematio, the Netherlands Trading
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  • 1882 7 Nehru a Gifted Lost Soul AT a time when people are looking for light on a problem that so far has remained unsolved a new volume of articles and speeches by Jawaharlal Nehru (“The Unity of India”) is likely to find a good many readers, writes Arthur Moore, editor of
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  • 396 7 SOME observers say it will take only three weeks for Janan to complete her bases in Indo-China, while others think it will be up to three months before she is ready to make a new move. These conflicting opinions are mainly due to differing
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  • 202 8 Burrell, (Calif.) An old-fashioned magneto telephone switchboard provides the only contact with the outside world for a group of 55 familes living on lonely mountain ranches in the hills around here which are miles from any city. It is the Burrell telephone exchange owned by
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  • 242 8 i < Bangkok Iniporjgpj’ Dilemma I Bangkok, Sept g Importers of condensed milk L to gang warily, a over two hundred thousand discovered. Though fortified by Mates regarding the grade of the tins they brought in nearly Sthousand cases, as on analyst the milk was
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  • 288 8 FRIDAY. 19TE’ SEPTEMBER, 1941. Poetag® Latest lime srf Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang H per oz. each Ordinary Regn H INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Air September 19th inst Singapore .10 .05 Service J p.m 12.45 pm, I AFRICA All destinations .50 .25 8.0.A.C.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 3148 8 mww— Wßf 1 NIROM News^Views and Flash-] IHi I JgliL 1» J f iBI < v ?Sc 15.15 Sc/f (19.80 m.) 8.45 Democracy Mar c *g^ d World W I W B 1 K JMB PLP 11.00 mc/s (27.27 m.) Affairs—Wickham Steed. BBBb a yw® w 9JP Bk. PMN 10
      3,148 words
    • 659 8 tary 9.15 Topical news report In Chinese (Amoy) 930 News in English. 9.40 Topical news report in Chinese (Teochew). 9.55 Educational talk on war of resistance in jTeochew. 10.10 Announcement of prot--1 grammes—Teochew dramas. 10.25 Talks 'on war of resistance. 10.40 News summary in Chinese (Amoy). 10.55 News summary in
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  • 794 9 EXCITING REPLAY I A lucky goal scored by the Indian Recreation Club a fewpts from the end enabled them io defeat the Police Sports lbby the narrow margin of ti.e odd goal in three in the P.F.A. f Final replay before a large
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 Huff 1 i* 3MWwWSBiBSWKr df Steamer sailings in September for United States of I America ■r |ir full particulars apply to I SIME, DARBY cO. LTD. AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD., 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421- lfl_-. I LINE fl (incorporated in Australia} for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, fl and other
      67 words
    • 10 9 nV La '••i' rriri T r K lOlinii APB 5
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  • 137 10 (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. rpHE track was in excellent condition this morning and if 1 the weather stays fine the going for tomorrow will be good. Time Tells and First Ra were impressive. Trainer Fenn is having a lucky spell and his Lady
    137 words
  • 326 10 Since the last remittance to London two months ago a further £l7 has been collected, raising the grand total now to £241. 17. 9d. (£2066.66); this is an average of $93.94 or £lO. 17. Od. per month since the collections started in Penang. Collecting-tins, when full,
    326 words
  • 44 10 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. TIN: Penang Singapore $133.37| RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5/8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundried $2.95 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $9.35 sellers Fair Seed $8.45 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    44 words
  • 535 10 -8.0. W. Ruejby, September 18 The “Manchester Guardian” devotes its leading article to a survey of the magnificent resistance to their German, masters which the peoples of every Nazi occupied country are showing with ever increasing energy and to the
    -8.0. W.  -  535 words
  • 230 10 .—Reuter. SHIPS FLYING BULGARIAN FLAG London, September 18. The British Government has no actual confirmation of the truth of the reports that Bulgaria is to ask for permissfion for Italian warships to pass through the Dardanelles under the Bulgarian flag. The British views, says
    .—Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 144 10 Mrs. Hogan Wins Medal Stroke The Ladies Medal (Stroke) fur Sept, was played yesterday and resulted in an easy win for Mrs. C. D. D. Hogan with a score of 49 less 12=37. Miss E. Peche was runner-up with 56 less 16 =4O. The draw for
    144 words
  • 42 10 Output for first half of September:— Dredge Takuapa No. 1: 330 hours, 72,000 cubic yards, 185 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No. 2 330 hours, 90,000 cubic yards, 336 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No. 3: 273 hours, 43,000 cubic yards, 202 piculs.
    42 words
  • 1099 10 Acceptances For Tomorrow RACE 1—2.15 p.m. HORSES—CIass 3—Div. 3—51 Furs. Straight 0 1 SPUN WOOL 4y 9.00 “Seagate Stable” Ferm 1 MICKY ROONEY 4y 9.00 “C. L. Kongsi” H. Sleigh 0 0 2 THE EMPEROR 7y 8.10 Mr. M. van Breukelen Owner 0 0 0
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  • 13 10 Outputs for August:— Kuala Reman Rubber 184,000 lbs. Bruseh Rubber 49,000
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 117 10 The Bankruptcy Ordinance (Chapter 45) In the High Court of the Straits Settlements SETTLEMENT OF PENANG IN BANKRUPTCY No. 64 of 1941. RE Mohamed Shagaff bin Aminoordin Notice is hereby given that on a Debtor’s own petition filed on the Ist day of September, 1941, Receiving and Adjudication Orders were
      117 words
    • 448 10 TRADE-MAIRK RIGHTS IN JOHORE NOTICE is hereby given that Josiah E. Fernaid, George 'Wendell Adams. Charles E. Heitman, William P. McKenzie, Nelvia E. Ritchie, and W. Stuart Booth, Trustees under the will of MARY BAKER G. EDDY, late of Concord, deceased, and doing business I at No. 107 Falmouth Street,
      448 words
    • 476 10 -latallSSßirtl. (Head Office) 216 Pon 3 Phrnie 1477 R ad P”* Telegrams: “Ga e p^bns Rates of Pin Half-Yeirly MJ I Yearly 3o oo J&-00 SUNDAY GAZIS «S i Local qg I Quarterly ’J Yeariy a a t advertisement rates I The charges and inc»,,, I ADVERT, 6 I Se
      476 words