Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 259 1 Washington, Sept. 13. 1i H E United States mission to Moscow would take up ievn the question of furnishing American supplies not only needed by Russia, in the immediate future but those required for “ultimate victory.” declared Mr. Averell Harriman, head of
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  • 357 1 Germans Meet Their Match In Skilful Soviet Generalship London, Sept. 13. r VODAY. once again, both German and Soviet comm uniques are guardedly non-coinmittai but behind this reserve, it is clear that the battle for Russia is entering another highly important phase. While the
    —Reuter.  -  357 words
  • 42 1 Reuter. German Claims Not Confirmed London; September 12. Qt H i g h Command claims MU»Ue°"nd add, that the convoy is atm being attacked. u foregoing is mtormatlon «gardmg unavailable 1. claLms in the pX’lTa probably grossly exaggerated-
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 188 1 INDIA BURMA BILL —Reuter. T hire! Reading Passed In Commons London, Sept. 12. The House of Commons yesterday gave a third reading to the India and Burma (Postponement of Elections) Bill which' extends for the duration of the war and twelve months afterwards the maximum life of the House of
    —Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 49 1 Reuter. To Undergo Repairs At Osaka Tokyo, Sept. 12. The flagship of the French Fleet in Far Eastern waters the cruiser “Lamotte Piequet” (7,249 tons) will sail for Jap«n to undergo repairs at Sakurajima dockyard, Osaka iron works, says a Japanese message from Hanoi.— Reuter,
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 20 1 —Reuter. London, Sept. 11. According to the official German News Agency, Pierre Laval left hospital yesterday.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 342 1 I London, Sept. 13. I Speaking at the christening of a I'Ea’iifax auniber, Lord Halifax said: I ir. Yorkshire from time immemorial tiere has been a simple prayer, “From hud, Hell and Halifax, Good Lord lit'ive: us? I hope the time is not far
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  • 110 1 —Reuter. I Hght To Last To Help I Save British At Dunkirk London, Sept. 12. fl authentic story of how the Belgian fl/ ta erately to the last of a 5 SK Vfcs t 0 save r ttksh Army I*' day for the first time I
    —Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 52 1 ST OP PRESS '■'•Heuter M I’KESS Deat Succumbs 0 Shot ounds bi 13, l>,. rb e pro-German j'' Urn alist who was at a ts -tor together with 10 injur r succum >e d 4(, l, ken)f. nf lH d wording- to an an- T e National BroadK .''7.’ any
    '■'•Heuter  -  52 words
  • 31 1 Girl Guides, faced with an Air Ministry demand for cotton reels, got busy during one week-end and collected 1)1,000. Picture shows them being sorted at the London headquarters.
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  • 179 1 New York, Sept. 13. Specimen texts of secret messages in which the Hamburg spy centre allegedly gave instructions and asked about American production and military matters were introduced as evidence, in yesterday’s hearing of the Brooklyn spy trial. —Reuter. The messages were received
    ’—Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 246 1 Question Of 11-S-Defensive Waters Washington, Sept. 13. “/GERMANY’S action will determine what areas the United States will consider ‘defensive waters’ in which American warships will shoot first.” the Secretary' of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, indicated at a press conference yesterday. Asked to define defensive waters, Mr. Hull
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  • 56 1 .—Reuter. Success Claimed By Japanese Tokyo, Sept. 12. A Japanese dispatch from Central China claims that a “crushing blow” has been dealt to the Chinese Fourth Army by Japanese forces in the Hankow and Wuchang regions. The main part of the Chinese forces s encircled in
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. For Committing Acts Of Sabotage London, Sept. 11. The inhabitants of the important Industrial town of Enschede in Eastern Holland have been fined 50,000 guilders by the German Commissar for “committing acts of sabotage”, it is learned in Dutch circles in London. The nature oi
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 27 1 .—Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 12. Mr. Li Shing-wu, Minister of Education, has been appointed Nanking Ambassador to Germany, reports Wang Ching-weis News Agency.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 31 1 1. —Reuter. London, Sept. 12. An Admiralty communique says that the auxiliary vessel “Tonbridge” (Lieutenant Commander De Brown) has been sunk and the next of kin informed. —Reuter.
    1.—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 570 1 America Ready For Hitler’s Answer New York> Sept. 13. VALMLY but grimly, the national capital waited today for Adolf Hitler’s answer to what is almost universally regarded here as a limited declaration of war. says the “New York Sun” in a dispatch from Washington. It heads
    —8.0. W  -  570 words
  • 30 1 ..—Reuter London. September 12. A single enemy aircraft dropped bombs Harmlessly at one point in North East Scotland yesterday, otherwise there was nothing to report.—Reuter
    ..—Reuter  -  30 words
  • 32 1 —Reuter Cairo, September 12. A British Middle East war communique issued today states: "Libya: Both at Tobruk and in the frontier area there was some exchange of shellfire.” —Reuter
    ’—Reuter  -  32 words
  • 251 1 TO BE OR NOT TO BE GERMANS Berlin, Sept. 12. YUR army is fighting in these historic times for them to be or not to be of the German nation,” Hitler told Germany today’ in a proclamation on the War Winter Help appeal. Hitler
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  • 124 1 —Reuter. Tokio Interpretation Of Freedom Of Seas Tokio, Sept. 13. That President KooMnclt’s interpretation oi the principle of freedom of the seas witicii was stressed in the eight-point Atlantic declaration and constituted one of the main points of liis speech apidius only in peacetime is emphasized
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 29 1 —Reuter Panama, Sept. 12. It is officially announced that Jrn Government has closed all Consulatein Germany and also the occupied zones of Europe.—Reuter
    —Reuter  -  29 words
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  • 429 2 TORPEDOED ON WAY TO ICELAND Former Danish Vessel “Paula” Washington, Sept. 12. rpHE State Department has announced that the Americanowned steamship “Montana,” flying the Panamanian flag, has been torpedoed and sunk en route from United States to Iceland. All 26 members of the crew were saved.
    —Reuter.  -  429 words
  • 328 2 Kiel And Le Havre Also Bombed London, Sept. 12 It is learned in London that .the I objectives attacked by the R.A.F. in Northern Germany on Thursday night included Kiel and Rostock. The docks at Le Havre i and Boulogne were also bombed. In
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  • 65 2 —Reuter. Renounces Her Rank Bangkok, September A Thai princess has 3 a lowed to renounce .her a title as she intends to commoner. She is Her Highness Princess The relinquishment title is obligatory beta? e princess contracts a fu., with a commoner. ended absolute
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 124 2 .—Reuter. i Chinese V essels I o Run Japanc c Blockade gj, ,hai, September 11 About 15 Chine coastal vessels under foreign registrat are reported to DC making prepara' to sail within the next few days or Foochow and other Fukien coastal orts follow ing
    .—Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 230 2 Reuter. Boast Of Japanese Tourists Bangkok, September 12. Close on the heels of the disclosure that Aliens of a certain nationality are buying up second-hand motor-cars at fancy prices comes a revelation in the “Varasab” which is frankly puzzled as to what it all
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 474 2 Canberra, Sept. 12 The Premier, Mr. Fadden, commenting on Mr. Roosevelt’s speech, said that the declaration is a tonic to the British people, representing the strengthening of United States determination to make certain that Britain receives an ever-increasing volume of material;
    ”—Reuter.  -  474 words
  • 120 2 —Reuter. Talking To Water In Full Dress Rangoon, Sept. 12. “Desperadoes,” Burma's bush warfare units, have just completed a unique demonstration, taking to the waters of an inland lake somewhere in Burma in full dress and heavy equipment. They accomplished a swimming feat which is
    —Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 612 2 Z 2 JtfNfitvrr PLANEg AM) FUEL.TANKS FIRED London, Sept. 12 A Soviet midday communique states that during the night fighting continued along the whole front. The communique states in a supplement that a German aerodrome at the approaches to Leningrad was destroyed. Soviet airmen destroyed
    .—Reuter.  -  612 words
  • 602 2 1.851 PLANES IN AUGUST: SHIPBUILDING DOUBLE London, Sept. 12 “To obtain the very maximum war production for our joint J count” is how Mr. John Biggers, the tall grey-haired directJ of United States armaments production, described his mission to Britain
    JIIV** ~ —Reuter-  -  602 words
  • 91 2 ’•—Reuter. Suspension Of 1 Worker” Circumvented I LOnd 0 f n the ePt C m o b^U M The suspension of the> b?e newspaper “Daffy V of 1 circumvented by m. p Vorkers v newspaper called the tjoner in W zette,” according to a q ked House of
    ’•—Reuter.  -  91 words
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    • 201 2 DENTALLY INSURED (vith th& Tek "SHDRT-HEADPOLICY Be sure your children grow up with healthy strong teem, mean not only jf\\ in the front but at the back, in all fv Nk x'Y those nooks and crannies, where IANW Z J food-remains lodge, and cause -X decay. Tek ’Short-Head” toothbrushes, designed
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  • 556 3 Misery!” Terrible Plight Of German Mother WISH my son to become an honest man-—not a Nazi!” 'hat was the cry of an Aryan German mother when, at the Swiss town of Basel, she was interviewed by Erica Mann, daughter of Thomas Mann, the
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  • 318 3 London. INHERE is a streak of Scottish doggedness in Murdo Mackenzie, who is 55 and comes from Cawdor, Nairn. It earned him a month’s gaol when he appeared before Sir Kynaston Studd a t the Mansion House for not making a return to the
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  • 320 3 4 N officer who, in the words Mr. Justice Wrottesley, “make® a habit of getting married,” wat sentenced at Exeter Assizes to three years’ penal servitude on. two charges of bigamy. He was stated to have hud since 1923 two legal and three
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  • 1137 3 The mother of a French family just arrived in America front Paris, gives a colourful picture of the Nazi-occupied capital in a talk with WALTER FARR Washington. TT is more than a year since the Germans goose-stepped a ross the Place de la Concorde
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  • 382 3 Melbourne, Sept. 11. A GOLD-STUDDED piece of quartz worth £l5 was picked up in a Ballarat Street. It was found in newly laid gravel. Australian News Cable Had Italians’ Plan -Colonel J. W. Mitchell, commanding officer of an A.I.F. battalion, while lecturing officers on the North African
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  • 190 3 London. Mrs. May Estelle Roberts, the spiritualist medium, and Mr. Charles Tilson-Chowne, her professional healer fr end, re eive a big legacy undei the will of Mrs. Lucie J. M. Campbell, of Selwyn Cottage, Kew-road, Richmond. To them Mrs. Campbell bequeathed £22,100 and half
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  • 48 3 Dr. Arthur Davies, Harley-street pathologist, said that pork should be cooked at a high temperature to ensure that there is no danger of infection. He was giving evidence at an inquest on a woman who died three days after eating sausages.
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  • 412 3 Lahore, Sept. 10. TIEGUM Shah Nawaz, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education, Punjab, who had been asked by the Muslim League Working C ommittee to resign from the National Defence Council, has decided not to leave the Council. News From India, In a
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    • 196 3 THE RULES OF HEALTH gre few, and morning glass of Andrews How it sweeps away sleepiness! Its ZX f bubbling tonic action brings to your whole svstem that deep down Inner Cleanliness which leaves you cleat headed and alert, ready tor the day. Drink a glassful of Andrews. You can
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  • 455 4 Miniature Battles Fought |Z EEPING troops defending the vital fortress of Singapore *Y in a “fit-for-war condition” is one of the major concerns of the Malaya Command. Fighting an enemy in the thick tropical jungles of Malaya calls for a considerable amount of stamina-—and
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  • 387 4 Visits To Matron 9 s Room Belfast P. WALKER, medical super- intendent, with a salary of ei,200 a year, and Miss J. M- Lamb, matron, were retired from their appointments at White Abbey Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Belfast, by the orders of Sir Dawson Bates, Ulster Minister of Home
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  • 157 4 Air. A. Kingdom Ward, a botanist who has spent many years in China and nas taken to England from that country hundreds of varieties of flowers and plants, spoke to the Singapore Rotary Club of his quest for the Chinese “coffin tree.” His interest- in
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  • 74 4 Mote than 150.000.000 bushels of wheat have been purchased from Canada during the last few months, and Britain now has over 500.000,000 bushels of best Canadian wheat stored in excess of normal requirements Mr. A. E Bryan, Canadian Trade Commissioner, said in Liverpool yesterday
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  • 68 4 Auckland undertakers want faster funerals in order to save petrol. They have suggested to the New Zealand Undertakers’ Association that a minimum speed of 15 miles an b ul be observed. The suggestion, if adopted, however, will mean that people attending funerals will have to
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  • 97 4 Dame Margaret Lloyd George, -who died in January, this year, left £32,600. She gave £l,OOO, three cottages, her residence Brynawelon and furniture, etc., to her daughter, Megan. Pencoed Fawr (a farm at Llangybi), stock and implements, go to her son Richard; freehold properties Delfryn
    97 words
  • 1533 4 Experiences Of Survivors Of The |TT SEIN, one of the survivors of the S.S. “Kemmendine” gives the following touching account of the brutal and pitiless treatment he and his fellow captives experienced at the hands of their ruthless German and Italian captors before they gained
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  • 61 4 A woman who said die pay the cost of a 1 two domaintenance crdei duck—zen eggs-12 chicken and at Tottenham Police < ou The court accepted the t 0 eggs were sold in the c ai members of the cour S urc d thZ
    61 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 VEGETABEE FOOD G,VES STRENGTH 4 Have you ever noticed that the biggest and '’W 1 strongest t animals in Nature are io be X ill found amongst the plant-eaters. What I|/ vegetable food means to these animals, it also means to you; strength, health, energy. That’s way Blue Band is
      166 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 58 4 ur a hv Gilbert > A W AR. Wilkinson J I ;'-tV x vX/ I a V.. By 1 J Ti>at‘ ihe nf thing I tvartt »<” v'd i golf' f, AP io a Wotk~ —by Hick Eime.Sot'/icTirvifc S 54-'O :<>nSE mSV Ti TTIE lAvCe TOO OCm "V t_OOK JViN
      58 words

  • 1212 5 Nearly 53,000 For Patriotic F und ENJOYABLE CONCERT BY LOCAL ARTISTES The very creditable sum of nearly $3,000 was realised by the Victory Concert Tea organised by the Chinese Ladies’ Section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund and held at the Elysee Cabaret Hall yesterday evening
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  • 207 5 Mr. L. A. G. Morris, Secretary, Transport Board. Kuala Lumpur, has returned from leave in England. West bound air mails despatched from Singapore on Aug. 8, 9 and 21 by Clipper were delivered m London on Sept. 4, 7 and 5, respectively. Messi'». A. H. P. Humphrey,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 305 5 I rm fcw world -j SEPTEMBER, 19-11. ■l\G UN C ANTONESE OPERA fl DAY SHOW AT 2 P.M. fl SIN TANG HIONG MA” fl XIGHT SHOW AT 8 P.M. fl ‘HOAN LYE FA" Part 1. Ying Loong, Loh Pun Chiew. fl GRAND NOORAN OPERA fl TO-NIGHT AT 9 P.M. fl
      305 words
    • 100 5 Miss E. Howes Roberts* Further Gift To War Fund The War Fund in North Malaju stands at $1,541,922.01 made up of Penang $981,083.50 and Perak $560,839.51. There is a gift of $l5O from an anonymous donor while Miss E. Howes Roberts has forwarded $lOO from Australia. Previously acknowledged $980,798.50 Stafi
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    • 156 5 FUN FROLIC PARK SATURDAY, 13th SEPTEMBER, 1941. MAIN GATE 10 cts. CANTONESE OPERA: Day Show: “FOO HOW KOON MAI TONG” Night Show: “THIT TENG HOY CHUN FOO” Part 2. Featuring Liew Kum Teng, Tang Siew Chow including 2 New Stars, Hor Kim Chow Chan Wye Mun appearing Tonight. LCW SAI
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 211 5 I Last 4 Shows Today Al IUI AII7CTIP 4 SHOWS TODAY D jp r ll a.m., 3 p.m., 6.15 IVLAIEIJ lIV TOMORROW L.o's gayest, freshest, brightest comedy romance .30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. I .mi;U Devil With he Year's Big MaUiy Dramatic Hit Ils JflsRBMKk HERE rn PICTURE FOR
      211 words
    • 247 5 THREE SHOWS TO-DAY Broadway's Stage Hit of the Year! Now the Gayest, Wittiest Movie of the Season! The Private Loves of Philadelphia s High-Hatted Society Unmasked! S STAR LAUGH HItT IT HEPBURN .STEWART John HOWAPO YOUNG CI j fl MALUOAY Man NASH Virginia WLIDIER SUPPORTED BY THE LATEST M-o-MNEws “NEWS
      247 words
    • 117 5 Columbia's Thrill-packed Sensation! Last 3 Shows Today 1 6.15 9.30 REVEALING NEW THREAT TO AMERICA’S DEFENCES “THE PHANTOM SUBMARINE” With ANITA LOUISE BRUCE BENNETT A Columbia Picture. Together with the latest British Paramount News. Plans At M. Grand Co., Ltd. Phone 1476. MATINEES TODAY AT 11 A.M. A 3.30
      117 words

  • 526 6 T)RESIDENT Roosevelt made an occasion on Thursday night to declare in weighty sentences the resolve of the American spirit. He decided that the moment had come “for active de--1 fence’’ and accordingly issued fair warning to Axis warships that if they enter United States territorial
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  • 134 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA'. "The Pnantom Submarine” with Anita Louise and Bruce Bennett. 1 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. HEX CINEMA: The Devil and Miss Jones” with Jean Arthur and Robert Cummings. 11 a.m., 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Yamla Jat” (Punjabi picture). 6.00 and 9.15 p.m. MAJESTIC
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  • 136 6 Well Aware Of General De Gaulle’s Struggle London, Sept. 12 French soldiers in German prison camps have become well aware, through under ground sources, or the stn.ggi? h General de Gaulle Is nuking to tree hh uTota nTtoS 01 tl,em try PrX’h’ B offi One f
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  • 72 6 —Reuter. 1 o Be Housed Elsewhere Owing To Raids Chungking, Sept. 12 In view of extensive damage done to foreign embassies, legations and consulates in Chungking as a result of Japanese aerial bombings, a proposal is afoot that the Chinese Government should designate a place where
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 267 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang GjLette”). Sir, I really fail to see what atfon the Police could possibly take ’o stop dogs from howling at nigh- The many indignant neighbours »io have protested against this disturbance of their sleep have no doubt c.use for annoyance but they wotld
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  • 664 6 Saturday, Sept. 13. v but grimly the American people are waiting for Hitler s answer to Roosevelt’s “limited declaration of war.” is considerable speculation over the exact interpretation of the President’s “shoot first order" but both Mr. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and Mr.
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  • 431 6 By Whose Order? T HAVE long been under the impression that the Municipality, being a semi-government body, followed Government rules and procedure generally, especially so with regard to dismissal of employees. In a Government Department, I believe the head may recommend dismissal but the final say is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 I Tailoring for K-M- §er9ices I Our Fully Experienced European Cutter is at your service for all classes of Tailoring for the Services. You can be assured that all garments Bj are Correct in every service detail and J|||l|r regulation, Expert O and individual attention is given to every order.
      167 words
    • 72 6 I I bh y b h zc<n wik H aU-ys B 1 181 L B B B excise BB I |HB Huchtful fl a* 0 B g,,a s M B B B B iJ-±: B I L3* I I THE BEST I J APPETIZER I B Obtainable R I at
      72 words

  • 847 7 Dealing With Lock-out And Picketing In Essential Services A N Enactment to control trade disputes and matters arising therefrom will be introduced into tie Federal Council shortly. Provisions of the Bill are published in this week’s Gazette and deal with unlawful strikes aid lock-out, intimidation,
    847 words
  • 284 7 Ijfission Over U.S. I Imports From East H Singapore. I -one ,s P erfectl > clear and is the President is deeply ded, st roy aggression." 1 was Dr. Henry Grady’s com■‘ton Mr Roosevelt’s speech he arrived yesterday afterlin bJ P ,ane ,rom Bandoen In Grady, who
    284 words
  • 148 7 I A function took place at Alor Star 11Wednesday evening when members IflM Catholic community in the town lieir.blei at the Parochial House tc farewell to the Rev. Fr. Bonamy Ifa will be leaving Kedah for SingaIxson Sunday lo take up new duties pfce Cathedral
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  • 69 7 TWO HOUSES FOR MR. DUFF COOPER STAFF Singapore. Two houses situated at 104 and 106, Jervois Road, Singapore, have been provided for Mr, A. Duff Cooper and his staff. Mr. Duff Cooper and Lady Diana Duff Cooper, who are at present staying in Government House, will probably move into one
    69 words
  • 951 7 ■'Hearing was continued tofore Mr. Koon Teck in the Penang Th'rd ®ourt yesterday in the case in which 00 Eng Chuan, a cashier of Messrs, wustead Company, was charged *itii committing criminal breach of in respect of $BOO cash on Must 4 this
    951 words
  • 141 7 Proposed Operation Through Fijis Pan American Airways System yesterday announced that they are applying to the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington to re-route their South Pacific air service between the United States and New- Zealand to include Suva, Fiji Islands. At the present time Pan American’s
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  • 223 7 Former Penang Man Weds In Calcutta The marriage took place on August 27 at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Calcutta, of Mr. Edward Charles Tokeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Tokeley of Eastcote, Middlesex, and Miss Margaret Tanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
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  • 94 7 New Life Members Two welcome additions to the roll of life members of the St. John Ambulance Association, Perak Centre, are Messrs. Lee Koon Voon of Menglembu and Chin Yook Eng of Ipoh. The Indian Army in Malaya now has its own newspaper, Singapori Akhbar. a
    94 words
  • 54 7 L- -Reuter. Batavia, Sept. AIF CHIEF MARSHAL,, Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, Com-mander-In-Chicf, Par East, has arrived in the Dutch East Indies on a visit of several days’ duration. During his stay, he is making courtesy calls on the Gover-nor-General and the Commander-In-Chief, Netherlands East
    L-—-Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 825 7 Stands Well Prepared, Says Journalist “Thailand will emerge unscathed from any probable crisis in the Far East; today, she remains absolutely unaffected by the war of nerves and, with a realistic grasp of the potentialities of the situation, she stands well prepared for any
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  • 61 7 Reuter. Equipped With Most Modern Planes Melbourne, Sept. 12. Five Australian Royal Air Force fighter squadrons, equipped with the most modem aircraft are serving abroad, stated the Air Minister, Mr. McEwen, adding that the progressive and substantial strength of the Malayan defences included a Buffalo squadron.
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 DE SILVA is the name you with Our exclusive designs and quality be duplicated at a cheaper price. B P. DE SILVA, LTD. (Incorporated in Ceylon.) SINGAPORE IPOH. l fl K ill IliiNF A wPSr f JKI Enough to make turn round I Children love Cow <f Gate. Not only
      107 words

  • 3202 8 EXPANSION OF TRADE Contribution To Vi ar Effort: Lord McGowan On Taxation < The following statement by the Chairman, the Right Hon. Lord McGowan, K.8.E., D.C.L., LLD., has been circulated to the shareholders of the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., with the report and accounts:— War-time conditions have
    3,202 words
  • 122 8 Yesterday's Cluse Previously TIN: LONDON: X POt rl 1 256- 5 £256. lo 0“Forward £259. 10. 0 £259 10 0 SINGAPORE 01 0 SpOt $138.12% $137.87% PENANG: Spot $138.12% $137.87% RUBBER: LONDON “Forward- J"" T nu 13 H|l6d. 13 11 i€d. r n 8 Quiet Steady SINGAPORE SpOt
    122 words
    • 468 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (penand Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 12th September, Issue Buyers Bellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/7$ 2/10 J 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/6 7/9c £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/6 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .80 .85 £1 Ba-ngrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
      468 words
    • 239 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby LlO 1.15 Alor Gajah -87$ .92* Amal Malay 1.57 J 1.62 Jex Ayer Hitam .97* 1.02£ Ayer Molek 1.17 J 1.22$ Ayer Panas 1.12$ 1.175 c Bassett -45 .50 j B(j.tu Lintang 1.15 1.20 Bedford LOO 1.05 Benta 1-05 1.10 Borelli 1-35 1.40 Broga -65
      239 words
    • 339 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austrai N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £9s £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5
      339 words
    • 249 8 LIM OF CUKKUIM Payable MINING Diviaend 26.9-41 Austral Amal 3d. and 1$ Bonus 30.9-41 Burma-Malay’ 6d. 28th div. ■«'•'*>394l 23-9-41 Chin Chin Tin 2% int- ,/'9O 941 22.9.41 Hong w att 8% 3rd Int. r4l 24.9.41 Ipoh Tin 3/- Int. 1 941 23.9.41 Katu Sd. 28th
      249 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 BA NKS i'\’~'~i|^s»i3 |Hm <• *J® wHI I SAVINGS 7/otC 'fy dollar saved is an extra dollar earosd, Savings Account la the best Inducement to save. a To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is to oe a contented person. A Savings
      120 words

  • 1023 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 14TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 a.m. Martins and Litany. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m. Mattins (Tamil) 10.30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 pm. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. MONDAY 7.00 am. Mattins 4.00 p.m. Evensong TUESDAY
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  • 279 9 London. ■JACK and Jill, a young man and woman each wearing an eye-shade and cotton wool over one eye, moved ar, audience of women to pity and indignation at a meeting In Kingsw&y Hall, Holbom, recently. The meeting had been called by women’s organisations
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  • 295 9 SATURDAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Peneng per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAI. MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Weame’s Air September 13th inst. Singapore in 05 Sendee 1 n m. 12 45 p m AFRICA All destinations .50 25 8.0.A.C.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 NOW AVAILABLE EMU BITTER ALE The Best That Australia Produces Sole Importer* CALMECK. MACGREGOR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies’ Ordinances of Hongkong) (Incorporated in Shanghai) PENANG SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUB
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2069 9 NIROM i V I YDB 1531 mc/s (19.61 m.) Ik JHpA YDC 15.15 mc/s (19.80 m.) K I V A PLP 11 mc /s (27.27 tn.) I < WI- W Kb PMN 10.26 mc/s (29.24 m.) ydb 9.55 mc/s (31.41 m.i I YDD 6.04 mc/s (49.67 m.) 6.00 am. Time
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  • 976 10 Concentration Of Large German Forces In Area Moscow, Sept. 12 (By Reuter’s special correspondent.) There is no doubt that with railways crossing Latvia and Estonia at their disposal, the Germans have been able to concentrate very large forces in the Leningrad area. Reports from the
    y-—Reuter.  -  976 words
  • 1269 10 GERMANY HAS TWO UNPLEASANT ALTERNATIVES If She Stays U.S. Navy Will Join British Navy Washington, Sept. 12 The President has thrown down the gauntlet and the next move, probably as important as any since she entered the war, must be made by Germany. In the view
    ••—Reuter.  -  1,269 words
  • 398 10 —Reuter. Batoli Of 250 Rounded Up Teheran, Sept. 11, The first batch of 250 Germans to be surrendered to Britain and Russia under the terms announced yesterday, is expected to leave Teheran in heavilyguarded trains tomorrow morning. Two hundred Germans who were handed over
    —Reuter.  -  398 words
  • 394 10 Allowing Germany Bases For Attack A strong note of protest concerning Bulgaria’s viet Union, has been handed by M. Molotov x/ Commissar, on Wednesday to the Bulgarian Minist F for transmission to his Government, states Mose/ The protest declares: “Conduct of Bulgarian affairs W 1
    394 words
  • 304 10 PREPARING FOR WORSENING OF WORLD SITUATION —Reuter. Tokio, Sept. 12 The establishment of a general defence headquarters for Japan may be viewed as further indication of preparations here for ultimate worsening cf the world situation. General Ottozo Hamada, Chief of the new headquarters, becomes virtual director
    —Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 74 10 Reuter. Chungking Pleaserf With Hongkong Decision Chungking, September 11. Chinese financial circles here are pleased with the result cf the Hongkong conference by which Chinese ana foreign banks pledged themselves to cooperate in eliminating “black bourse members of the stabilisation Board. Chinese financial circles claim <
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 284 10 Reuter. Speedy MethJ If Delivm London, Sen Reuter’s political corred learns that all possible J ing sent to Russia. TM Minister revealed yeJ the Commons that hunJ planes have already bj there but this does not r by any means the total J
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 35 10 SHANGHAI INCIDENT —Reuter. Japanese 1M From M Despite the cfi rU g Japanese Dete of the Municipal ...jjdsl morning from the hands of five J International Se u He was 34 years with the Munici. <
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 29 10 Mr. Myron special envoy, today with the dinal Magh° ne dien cd terday after an ?°pe- Tayl° r l Next week M his usual res:
    29 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particular» regarding Freight. and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. G 44 64*“> PENANG. LINE incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage. and other information please apph to BOUSTEAD CO„ LTD„ Agents Penang Telephone No.
      51 words

  • 627 11 Lot e plays well for I PROVINCE ■;p]TE playing with only 14 men throughout, the ProK’ ce Wellesley team managed to defeat the Penang XV Borrow margin of 13 points (two goals and a try) to 11 Band two tries) in a rugger match on
    627 words
  • 469 11 HOCKY: The C.R.C. “B” drew with the Commercial Day School in gcalless hockey match on the Hutchings School ground yesterday. The forwards of both sides missed many chances of scoring through poor finishing. For the School, Boh Eye was prominent in the half-’dne, while for
    469 words
  • 61 11 foil's Team To Ifcet Perak Aior Star, Sept. 12. Inter-Police football for the Memorial Cup, the jtatg police will meet the ice at Kulim today. ••oilowing' team has been to represent the Kedah Svvee Teng; L|c Omar (Kulim): Osman, Insp. M. ..j Lc Mustaffa; Sub-Insp. Baiunar. Ngah.
    61 words
  • 242 11 Entries Close On Monday s for the A.R.P. Inter-Sector K Tournament of the Dato Group for the Wee Gim Leong >Cup definitely close on 115 and teams intending to must send in their entries nth the requisite fee of two g team on that night to the
    242 words
  • 108 11 Vs Railway Institute Lumpur vin represent the at 5.15 p.m. at the wn:— Wee Chong Ghee, Khoo °°i Seang Huah, Boey |Wt.), Wong Kam Poh; k. en Khoo Ong Lee, Chong n Tan Ah Ee. Lima Cheng Ml1 Yeoh Chui Cheng. Assn, vs Regt. )und at Bagan Jermal today
    108 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 11 Gordon Richards, who had his leg o en at the Salisbury race meeting, is now taking light exercise on crutches.
    22 words
  • 86 11 Washington, Sept. 12. Chalky Wright> the Lcg Ange Jes bafd°’ kn C!tid Qut Joe y Archilbald m the eleventh O f a 15-round bout for the world featherwelgh t championship .as recognised bv the New York and Maryland authorities. he National Boxing Association regard
    86 words
  • 59 11 Sang’s XI Defeat A.C.C.S. By 7-3 Playing in a friendly game of hockey Sang’s team defeated the Anglo-Chinese Continuation. School by seven goals to three on the latter’s ground yesterday. At the interval the A.C.C.S. led by three-nil, but Sang’s team had the better of the exchanges in
    59 words
  • 2434 11  -  CAPTAIN CUTTLES DERBY By Steve Donoghue Steve tells the dramatic story of Captain Cuttie, the Derby winner which won “on three legs.” The horse had been injured,, but Steve managed to make him forget it. .and he tells how he did it. A YEAR
    2,434 words
  • 133 11 Sitiawan. A very exciting game in the Dindings Soccer League was seen on the Sitiawan Recreation Club padang on Tuesday afternoon when the Indian eleven held the Chung Hua Club team to a one-all draw 7 The game was fast and very even throughout, but both sides
    133 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 232 11 Septic germs lurk everywhere the least scratch will let J them in. But no germ can 5 get into a scratch when l you applv Cuticura Ointment. FOR CI TS SCRATCHES I the ’arnous tonic for j cogs of a breeds Ensures op-top condition a” the ear round Used o',
      232 words

  • 364 12 FOLLOW MUDLARKERS FOR BIG DIVIDENDS Crossbow Another Good Bet (By “EPSOM JEEP Ipoh, Today. T?OR a horse which has won f our races off the reel in the top class, including the coveted Gold Cup, Grand Prix is certainly well handicapped and looks one
    364 words
  • 87 12 Following are the results of the P.S.C. Comic Bowls. W. J. Burnet and Rev. R. M. Greer 52. J. H. Carline and J. R. McDougall 51. F. N. Syer and J. A. Black 43, G. C. Miller and J. C. Nauen 48. D. Sturrock and
    87 words
  • 100 12 Small Special Executive To Be Set I p London, Sept. 11. At question time in the House of Commons today, Mr. Churchill announced measures to coordinate various organisations which were hitherto responsible for political warfare. The Prime Minister said that the Foreign Secretary, the Minister of Information and
    100 words
  • 292 12 Linking Up Science With Government Rugby, September 11. Scientists from all parts of the i world—22 nationalities in all—will on I September 26 to 28 at the Royal In-1 stitution, London, contribute to a three-day conference which aims at linking up science with Government for the betterment
    292 words
  • 92 12 Zurich, September 12. The Ukraine correspondent of the Turin newspaper, “Stampa", states that Odessa is receiving regular supplies by sea. A large reinforcement of men and material arrived there recently.—Reuter. Special prayers were held yesterday at the Capitan Kling Mosque, Pitt Street after the Friday services in
    92 words
  • 232 12 'THE RIDING BOI’ "TIC TAO" "EPSOM JEEP" "MAN-ON-THE "EUREKA” "THE MAJOR” Puisne r«mn< Ipob SPOT” Ipoh K. Lumpar Slajapor» _l r R ACE 1 Authentic Selangor II Selangor II Blue and White Authentic Authentic Selangor II wymering Blue and White star Lock Selangor II Selangor II
    232 words
  • 1188 12 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY Race 1: Horses Class 4 Div. 3 —5 Furs. Straight—--2.15 p.m. I. 0 0 0 ROYAL BEAU 4y 9.04 “Bulan Stable’’ Marland 2 30 2 CREME DE MENTHE 8y 9.04 Mr. Alan LokeMajor Fox 3. 2 3 0 BLUE AND WHITE 9y
    1,188 words
  • 127 12 —Reuter. Not Exempted From National Service London, Sept. 12. Within the meaning of the British National Service Act, the Oxford gr'up is not accepted by the Government as a religious organisation. This was stated at question time in the Commons toy the Labcur Minister, Mr. Ernest Bevin,
    ”—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 86 12 —Reuter. To Be Rationed In Coming Vi inter Tokyo, September 11 Coal for the coming winter will be strictly rationed according to a new Government plan just announced, says the Japanese News Agency. According to the plan, coal will be distributed to factories and other establishments where
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 90 12 —Reuter. Departure For Active Service Bikanir, Sept. 11. At a farewell parade on the occasion of the departure of the Bijiy Battery for active service, the Maharaja of Bikanir observed that this was the third unit the Bikanir Army to go to fight for their beloved King Emperor
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 141 12 In keeping with their progressive policy, the Malayan Products Canning Co., Ltd., of Penang are adding a new item to their list of canned provisions. This time it is stewed duck. One seldom hears of stewed duck and for this reason it should be all the more
    141 words
  • 221 12 Penang, Friday. The better war news had further improved sentiment and all sections of the share market continued firm to-day and were very active and what price changes occurred were upward. Quotations in both tin and rubber shares were again marked up owing to the sustained demand
    221 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 125 12 You Can Cure PILES Physician’s discovery positively reduces and heal» piles, Dr. Van Vleck’s Ahaorptir* Pile Phou h a oomplet* cure for the vorali piiae. Tka fint application rtopa pain and Irritation almort inrtantly. Alarming Lom of blood ia arrested. Inflammation aooa dies down. The rwollen priee surely grow laea
      125 words
    • 400 12 b Phone U 77 Mcm. Of Sunday pinanq QA2rrri Local i-olUlb “Sff’ ?M*J i Quarterly «3.00 H'.lf -Yearly B.oc OKI i Quarterly fMI a Half-Yearly ’I K) I Vearl? 100 I I i j (Vatu gaient yfllj be charged at the rate nf tosert’on up t o one mS 24
      400 words