Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 697 1 Big Changes In U.S. Policy Likely r <( Washington, Sept. 10.pilr' former Danish ship “Sessa” which the U.S. Maritime Commission took over and which was flying the Panamian flag, has been sunk 300 miles southwest of Iceland, the State Department announces. There is reason to believe
    3 J v. v —Reuter.  -  697 words
  • 1699 1 Britain Prepared To Make Sacrifices London, Sept. 10. •x 0 time will be lost in helping Russia,” said the Premier, Mr. Churchill, yesterday in his A review of the wait situation. “Many very important emergency decisions are being taken and large supplies
    ’’—Reuter.  -  1,699 words
  • 103 1 London, Sept. 10. The sinking of a German destroyer and probably also an armed trawler off Murmansk is announced in an Admiralty communique which states: “Light forces under the command of Rear-Admiral F. L. Xian have been operating against German convoys supplying their troops on
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  • 163 1 Moscow, Sept. io. IIAfARSHAL Timoshenko’s offensive is continuing following the victory at Yelnia, said M. Lozovsky who added he had no information about the German claim to have captured Schlusselburg.—Reuter. .—Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 10. The Germans «'ire still retreating in the central sector of
    .—Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 70 1 —Reuter. London, Sept. 9 An Air Ministry communique says that last night only a very small number of :nemy aircraft, operating singly, flew over ‘he coastal districts in East and SouthVest England and one was destroyed. 3ombs, which were dropped at a few widely separated points,
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
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  • 217 2 E-boat Damaged And Armed Trawler Set On Fire London. Sept. 9. 'jPHT. torpedoing of two German supply ships b\ a British patrol in the English Channel last night is described in an Admiralty communique today. Iwo ship." with a strong escort were intercepted, and
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 68 2 LEASE LEND GOOPS FOR CHINA Reuter. Transit Dues Abolished By Burma Rangoon. Sept. 9 All transit dues on goods consigned to China under the Lease and Lend Act will be abol. >hed a. from September 3. it is officially announced In order that the revenues of Burma s. not suffer.
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 303 2 Meeting Force With Force On High Seas? Vrw York, Sept Q. nRES/DES'7 ROOSEVELT'S f< id cast is the subT of much discussion and forecast Erow IVashim/ton it i that President Roosevelt vill announce that henceforth the policy the United States will be to
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 53 2 Reuter. Montreal. Sept. 9 The conference oi the International Labour Organisation is to open in New York on October 27. Delegations will bo sen' bv Britain, Canada. Australia. New Zealand, India, South Africa. the United States. Belgium. Czechoslovakia. Greece. Mexico, the Netherlands, Norv ay. Poland
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 51 2 —Reuter. Yppointcd Special Enxoy To lihlo*China Tokyo. September 9. The Cabinet has approved the appointment of Mr. Yoshizawa, until recen’lv chief Japanese delegate to the N.E.L. is Special Ambassador Plen’.ootentiary to Indo-China. It is understood that toe appointment envisages more intense efforts at economic cooperation between Japan and
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 797 2 MR. DUFF COOPER IN SINGAPORE Believes Situation In Pacific Has Improved Singapore, Sept. 9 “There is no truth whatever in that, said Mr. Duff Cooper, at an interview tonight at Government House when asked if the rumour that he was conveying a personal
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  • 163 2 Reuter. LEGATIONS TO BE CLOSED Teheran, Sept. 3 The Iranian Premier has announc- i ed to a special session of the Iranian Parliament that the Government has accepted ail AngloRussian demands, although certain details are still being dis- j cussed. The terms include the
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 222 2 —Reuter. Big ,Locomotive Workshops Nearlv a hundred R.A.F. bomber.' on Monday night attacked Kassel in Western Germany withou loss, h is learned in London. It is p nted out that Kassel is the headquarters of the extensive Hencosel locomot :ve workshops described as of
    —Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 276 2 ENCOURAGING PROGRESS IN BATTLE OF ATLANTIC London, Sept. 9 An encouraging account of the progress of the Battle of the Atlantic was one of the main points made by Mr. Churchill in his review of the war situation upon the resumption of Parliament after the
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  • 61 2 .—Reuter. I 011(1 l\ U Lx pected To Lrave Japan A British ■-vac\a’ Septf W| to arrive in I Though there 'n r- 22 The vessel^said I seem, to preclude the wsihiiitr J carrying Americans or other n'uwJ The ship Is believed to j J Butterfield
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 96 2 Reuter. Battle In North Noruay XV aters Berlin, September 9. The German artillery training ship, “Bremse'. of 1,400“ tons has been sun.t in Northern Norwegian waters by Britw.i naval forces. This is admitted L. a German High Command communique which adds: “The "Bremse” had a surprise encounter
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 39 2 Reuter. Melbourne, Sept 9. Some of the American fighters, Sy-ing-boats and bombers ordered by Australia from United States are already in service. The fighiers include new types .which can also Ha used as divebombers-. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 54 2 JAPANESE SHIP TO SENT TO MALAYA Reul er. W, Sept. J I Japanese ship will be J /0 A/dfoua to J nationals, sai/s a I rrf#n J announcement The Dome/ Agency ouer seven hundred Japj residing in Alalaya. J /n o Japanese ships uill patched to India, the .Vcor J
    Reul er.  -  54 words
  • 143 2 Made TimeOji German Ini'ision In a broadcast to the people J Radio Oranje. a colonial expend Netherlands Government in Lird vealed that on Ma; 10 last yeartJ German'.' invaded Holland, the Minister a' The Hag :e presentedil to the Dutch Foreign Minister coll exorbitant demand' which Hoilai
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  • 410 2 RUSSIAN SUCCESS K CENTRAL SECTOR I Moscow, Sepl-i Soviet troops have recaptured Yelnia. but this is only of ary interest compared with the fact that eight German Ji'is have been smashed during the struggle art und the town. J Yelnia, lying fifty miles south-east
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  • 23 2 I /'„tnnel p D 1 Lieutenant-c oi fnant -Col on succeeded I Hartmann U' re^fk utet British l-eg alic I
    I  -  23 words
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    • 43 2 mm served j HOL 'G aStY h '”''l, TERs «’RE SAdjj/l r °n) the j I Hltfr-AiC 5 < (J CO. LTD a,r woRKS MADE by BRANDS ORItIKATCrti 01 THE WORLD FAMOUS fcW» Al SAUCE BY APPOINTMHff f AND IHItKIH ESSENCE EASTERN AGENCIES LTD.
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  • 112 3 Long Beach, L. I. to obtain the Republican V nomination in this congres- .-rict for Mrs. Robert L. Balate Representative, nrnched by a newly-formed r- ss Club here, it. is Stanley Ross, tempora- f>c-- -aid members of th? formed organisation did not nrc-.nt incumbent.
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  • 194 3 Back Fi'oni Goodwill Tour Of S. America New York. Drpr... Gallagher, “short pants am-* u sBa do! has arrived here aboard the ~„r the American Republics from a goodwill visit to Brazil, rere a- a representative of American i KI! th, met Getulio Vargas, Precdert
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  • 85 3 Tokio. The fate 5 000 employees of JaT ten m Lion picture companies It 20,000 workers in the 2,466 movie including usherettes, is be f'-i hinging on the Government R for dr:, tic consolidation of the Ron picture industry. pll-in formed quarters say that f
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  • 704 3 A Navy In The Making JUST over twelve months ago the Burma Government formed a Burma Royal Naval V olunteer Reserve, and in the short space of time that it has been in being the officers and men have been trained to carry out all
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  • 481 3 London, Sept. 6. factor which ultimately decides wars is morale. The most power l armaments are valueless if there no longer exists the national tn use them. What is the state o f the morale of Germany at the openp
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  • 126 3 Rs 50,00,000 Sent To Reserve Bank Colombo. Silver coins, mostly of the demonetised silver Victoria Rupee denomination, worth Rs. 50,00.000 are being sent to the Reserve Bank of Ind a, Bombay, from the Ceylon Treasury. This is in accordance with the provisions of the
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  • 195 3 New York. rivets which may be a factor in speeding American aircraft production and simplifying design arc described in the mid-summer issue of the du Pont Magazine. The article describing the product of tiro years of experimental work by E. I. du Pont de Nemours
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  • 185 3 New York. The Communist Party today has an opportunity to build a united front in New’ York State around a programme calling for “smashing Hitlerism here and abroad,” according to Israel Amter, New York State Chairman of the Party, quoted in the
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  • 51 3 Kobe, Sept. 3. Arriving last evening via Shanghai aboard the Taiyo Maru, the third group of Japanese evacuees from the Philippines reported that 3,500 more Japanese are waiting in Manila for evacuation boats. They added that Japanese with fixed businesses still intend to remain to the
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  • 1690 3 CN LOWING tributes to tim excelJ lence of China’s A.K.P. system, including warning arrangements, were paid by Captain Tun Hla Oung, Executive Officer, A.R.P., Rangoon, in a broadcast talk from the Burma State Broadcasting St udio recently. i The text of the talk entitled “A
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    • 107 3 PROTECT VOUR EH i U 'lHi' '<!\\ X'' II B Bw B I fie IQLj TUOW, more than ever I SB M before, is it essential to r-'"' protect the engine of your W motor car against the W ravages of corro s i o n, I v against cylinder
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  • 595 4 "Australia Willing To Supply Food And Materials" 4 HSTR A LIAS willingness to invest capital where that meant rendering a good turn, such as assisting in the reconstruction of China, and to supply all the food hina mav need—“and. on very good terms, too”—was
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  • 107 4 Ten bulky volumes containing nearb 205,000 signatures and weighing 21 < katties have been sent to Rangoon by the Singapore Chinese newspaper "Nanyang Siang Pau,’ io be conveyed via the Burma Road to General Chiang Kai-shek. Packed in a teak case, the volumes stand three
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  • 504 4 BROADCASTING on the Na nona] Dav of Prayer, the Prime Minister (Mr. Fadden) appealed to everyone to back up those who were fight ing for us. Tn Australia, with its population of 7.000,000 people, he said, one in every four men of fighting age was
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  • 223 4 Light Control Rules Shaded lights which may be used Ui railway carriages in Malay’s must be extinguished immediately when air raid warnings are sounded, sate regulations controlling the use of lights by the F.M.S. Railways which have been gazetted in the Straits Settlement.® as having come
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  • 517 4 Burma Premier's Stirrin g Call To Territorials News From India Rangoon, Sept. A CALL to sacrifice in the defence of the motherland was made by the Premier of Burma, addressing the Territorial Battalion of the Burma Rilles. It was their duty, lie observed, to do everything possible for the defence
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  • 305 4 Warm Welcome For p rp J Frenchman ■'THE warm welcome which you, the real Fr I have afforded me in Singapore has confine’L m I new French citizenship— a citizenship to which mein a| prouder to belong than the old French citizensh’ have lost,” said M.
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  • 159 4 Shirts And Shorts Suggested Laying emphasis on comfort and wartime economy, a number of prominent Singapore Chinese will shortly make a formal request to the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce to urge employees of Chinese mercantile firms to discard coats, neckties and long trousers
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    • 146 4 it C IflJgß |i||l Wwil l < fSSBS! r *'''^'\r z jiH'' Enjoy the alluring perfume of IBm P f „>MII h.v t oilet Csoab ■MB?' Film stars choose a toilet soap with great care. T hey are world famous for their beauty and they IlillS iljrflß I must keep
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  • 70 5 £2.200 Remitted To Britain The Government of Sarawak has paid to His Majesty’s Government £2.200, being the first instalment of the Sarawak Tax collection in 1941. Sir Shenton Thomas, as British Agent for North Borneo and Sarawak, has conveyed to His Highness the Rajah the grateful
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  • 364 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. Vera Douglas-Hamilton, late of Singapore* and now at 8, Mallon Park, Bexhill, has re-joined the Red Cross Nursing Service. Mr. Hayden W. Shively, for ten years managing director of Goodyear Orient Ltd., Singapore, has just been made assistant manager of Government Sales and Aeronautics, with headquarters at
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  • 935 5 Dr. Ong Chong Keng Advocates F.M.S. System That the A.A.M., Penang, and the Traffic Branch of the Penang Police preferred the “Stop, Look and Go” sign, to the “Stop, Major Road Ahead” sign was disclosed al a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners
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  • 308 5 No Reason Assigned:.Legal View Sought Have heads of Municipal Departments power to dismiss employees in their departments without assigning any reason I hat was a question asked by Dr. J. I Smith at yesterday’s meeting of the Commissioners Dr. Smith said he
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  • 428 5 KIDNAPPING CHARGE DISMISSED "In view of the fact that I have no doubt that the girl consented and that j her age was over 12 years and T am doubtful if there was any enticement and am satisfied that there was no i forceful taking er
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    • 173 5 B ggi tp E TOOTH paste a n d POWDER f CONTAIN y FOR greater CLEANSING POWER Oil inesM TONIGHT (j /s/ \h;ht b AT TIIE >B\ WORLD s loth SEPT., 1941. ij\ x s roXESE OPER ow® tonight at 8 P.M. oi TH I T SI WEI" lenc^^H tin
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    • 139 5 Asthma Cause Killed in 24 Hours Thanks to the discovery ot an American physician, it now is possible to get rid of those terrible spells of choking, gasping, coughing and w heezing Asthma by killing the true cause v hich is Germs in the blood. No more burning of powders,
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    • 25 5 I Ladies Latest Leather Hand Basts GET IT AT EASTERN BAZAAR (The Blue Shop) BISHOP STREET, Phone PENANG.. P. O Box I 1396 31« I
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    • 106 5 J PENANG’S MOST LUXURIOUS I air-conditioned THEATRE I LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY I At 3 p.m.9 6*15 9.30 p.m. I < Great Picture That All Football and I Rugby Players and Fans Must See! I Ibe Greatest Stars In Rugby History I In Action! I KNUTE ROCKNE I fc?O ■W
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    • 122 5 mi A irCTTf OPENS TO-DAY IVIAJEid 1 iv 3, 6.15 9.30 P.M. AT REDUCED PRICES OF ADMIS SION PARAMOUNT’S LUSTY ACTION-ROMANCE DRAMA RUSTLERS DECLARE “TOTAL WAR AGAINST TEXAS RANGERS! ii* A Poromount Future with Z .lohn Howard Ellen Drew Akim Tamiroff Robson Broderick Crawford Charley Grapewin Deeded by Ho> Onyi
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    • 276 5 Last 3 Shows Today 3 p.m., 6.15 9.30 111 llcldl v Lrj B, A M ft wi f M 11 fl i I afaMwM Acclaimed More Entertaining Than “Harta Berdarah" or any other Malay pictures seen before "BAY AR DENGAN JIWA” Starring Nyi ', Ratu Djoewarah, Nyi Raden Fatimah, M.
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  • 532 6 rPHE Allied landing at Svalbard does not appear to have been on a large scale, no enemy opposition being encountered, but it is no less important on that account. Thanks to this timely action, the Germans have been denied the rich coal mines of Spitsbergen but more
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  • 127 6 WINDSOR CINEMA: “Bhakta Chetha’’ (Tamil talkie). 6.00 and 9.15 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Texas Rangers Ride Again." 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: "Philadelphia Story" with Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn and James Stewart. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Bayar Dengan Jiwa” (Malay picture). 3, 6.15
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  • 69 6 —Reuter. British Submarine's Success London, September 9. An Italian destroyer was torpedoed and sunk in the Aegean just outside Turkish territorial waters last Friday by a British submarine, stated the National Broadcasting Company’s commentator, Martin Agronsky, broadcasting from Ankara, and quoting reliable quarters. The Rumanian
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 74 6 Capital Of lew Guinea Transferred To Lae Canberra, Sept. 9. Because the Tarvur-Vur volcano is still active, the administrative headquarters of New Guinea are being transferred from Rabaul, the “Pacific Pompeii,” on the island of New Britain to Lae on the mainland of New Guinea. This
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    • 145 6 (To the Editor. “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, 1 am glad “Horace Humus” has added his voice to the “’Dig For Victory” cry. But is it loud enough for Penang’s deaf ears? We don’t seem to realise how vitally concerned we are in this war. Moreover, it’s going to be
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    • 41 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, “HORACE HUMUS” talks of growing vegetables instead of grass. It’s all very well but what practical encouragement has the Government given the people? Yours etc., P. G. WU. Penang, September 9, 1941.
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  • 347 6 On Malayan Fish MALAYAN Fish and How To| Cook Them,” compiled by D. W. Le Mare, Asst. Director of’ Fisheries, has been issued by the Department of Information, and Publicity. European housewives will find the publication of great assistance, as it not only introduces to them the
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  • 717 6 NEWS from Russia today -is distinctly better. According to a Nazi war correspondent, Rumanian troops have been brought to a standstill by the strength of the Odessa defences. Also, it is reported, the Germans are still retreating in the central sector of the RussoGerman
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 V ll YOUR i Xmaj i i 'Gift i I Parcel i I F I I NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND, t TO ENSURE DELIVERY BY j XMAS I I\ I A I “Popular” J i Parcel 1 lb. Xmas Plum Pudding J 1 lb. Finest Ceylon Tea 1
      203 words
    • 30 6 "BULLFINCH" BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya I i THE BRAND OF PURITY Jbtaina! at all High Class I’rovision Dealer» Ovm Ai/r Henry Wuugh Go.. Ltd. PKNANU, ■■■■■■.■■■.■■■.■■■.WA
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    • 22 6 SJ9 TIIJOK For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121. W PJ th r
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  • 191 7 Mr. Jules Martin s Complaint At yesterday’s Municipal meeting, Mr. Jules Martin made a complaint about people living around the Macalister Road area and the upper part of Perak Road who kept ‘’members of the canine fraternity” apparently for the main purpose of keeping peace-loving
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  • 58 7 A Tamil woman, believed to be the wife of a motor-car driver, wae knocked down, it is reported, by a hit-and-run motorist in Ix>gan Road last night during the shower of rain. When the victim was discovered, she was found to be seriously injured about
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  • 590 7 MR. F.J.M. JORGE APPOINTED ASSISTANT ENGINEER Rejecting a candidate from Australia and another from England, the Penang Municipal Commissioners have decided to appoint Mr. F. J. M. Jorge, Engineering Assistant in the Municipal Engineer’s Department as an Assistant Engineer on the Class *‘D” of the
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  • 287 7 DR. LINEHAN REPLIES TO CRITICS “AUR educational system is far from being perfect but it is not the stagnant and reactionary force that some of our critics would have us believe,” was the challenging declaration of the Director of Education, Dr. W. Linehan, in the
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  • 338 7 Further Specialised Training For Selected Men The Royal Army Medical Corps needs young Chinese to join up now to bring medical units in Malaya to full strength. Recently the corps appealed to the Eurasian population for recruits for No. 1
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  • 47 7 In view of building control under the Defence Regulations, the Penang Municipal Commissioners have decided to postpone further action for a further period of six months in connection with (a) Kadersah Square Improvement Scheme, Area 3 and (b) the Armenian StreetAcheen Street Improvement Scheme.
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  • 77 7 Commencing this afternoon and ending on Sunday morning, a spiritual Retreat is being held for the students, Old Boys and teachers of St. Xavier’s Institution. The Rev. Father Carroll, Redemptorist priest from Singapore, will conduct the retreat. Lectures will be held daily at 8 a.m. 11 a.m.
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  • 191 7 15-Year-01d Accused For Reformatory All the three accused were convicted by the Penang District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the District Court this morning when the case was concluded in which Ismail bin Adbul Rahman, Hassan bin Che Mat and Maurice were tried on, a charge
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  • 39 7 Mr. W. P. D. Parsons, advocate and solicitor, Butterworth, will deliver a lecture on “Winston Churchill” at the Bukit Mertajam Recreation Club today at 8.30 p.m. Dr. S. V. Murthy will preside. All are cordially invited.
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  • 17 7 Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Phillips, Bedong, In memory of Dr. Bruce Cross $lO.OO
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  • 70 7 A further step in th< scheme to defend Malaya- against possible attack is notified in the Gazette, in which all land within joo yards of highwatcr mark on the China Sea coast in Pahang, and all river mouths giving on to the China Sea, up to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 J 1 Wsw Iki Ofc?' r' i i Ii\DIVIDUALITY Your suit, fashioned by Rice, Davids meets the most exacting criticism without the loss of marks. Its cut shows experienced craft manship its finish is above reproach its workmanship is so carefully done that your suit not only lasts longer but
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  • 478 8 Library Notice The following publications were issued or received by the dept, of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S. during the period August 16 31 t 1941, inclusive and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by members of the
    478 words
  • 137 8 Yesterday’s Close Prev’ously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £257. 15. 0. £257. 0. 0. “Forward” £260. 5. 0. £259. 15. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” $137.50 $137.37% Business done PENANG “Spot” $137.50 $137.37% RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 s[Bd. 23 5 8( j “Forward” 13 s; Bd. 13 s j Bd Tone Dull
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    • 458 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 10th September, 1941 X Issue Buyers Sellers 4 0 Ampat Tin 2/7* 2/10* 5/0 Austral Amal 7/3 7/6c £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/6 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .72* .77* £1 Bgngrin Tin 13/0
      458 words
    • 234 8 Issue Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 1.07* 1.12* Alor Gajah -85 .90 Amal Malay 1.57* I.62*ex AVer Hitam .97* 1.02* Ayer Molek 1.17* 1.22* Ayer Panas 1.10 1.15 c Bassett -45 .50 E;tu Lintang 1.15 1.20 Bedford -97* 1.02* Benta 1.02* 1.07* Borelli 1-35 1.40 Bioga -62* .65 Brunei United
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    • 363 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex. Brick 7*% Pref 2.07* 2.12* $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £9* £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5
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    • 199 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Amal 3d. and 1* Bonus 15.9.41 26.9.41 Hong Fatt 8% 3rd Int. 10/20.9.41 22.9.41 Ipoh Tin 3/- Int. 26.8.41 24.9.41 (In London) Kramat Pulals 12*% Final 2*% Int. 29.9.41 both L.T. (in London) Kundang 10% 10.9.41 17.9.41 Malayan Tin 10%
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  • 214 8 Penang, Tuesday. The Share market remained practically the ’same as yesterday with no outstanding features to report but a steady undertone was noticeable. Prices for Tin shares were, on the whole, unchanged but rubbers were remarkably firm and active with buyers of several counters that were offered
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  • 637 8 City-Man's Bookshelf By Friedrich A. Hayek—Macmillan: 21s Professor Hayek is one of the group cf scholars who attained world-wide fame in Vienna and, since the blighting influence of Nazism arrived there, have enriched the intellectual life of countries like England and America whose privilege it
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  • 958 8 INCREASED JULY PRODUCTION Stanton Nelson Co., Limited Singapore. September 4. A certain amount of buying interest, more especially for the higher grades, at prices slightly over the U.S. Reserve limits, has maintained, in Singapore, what in normal times would be considered a firm market. But this interest,
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  • 128 8 The Singapore Chamber cf Commerce Rubber Association 1554th Auction, 3rd September. 1941. lbs. ton.' Catalogued 2.861.247—1,277.34 Offered 2.686.443—1.199.3 C Sold 1,7 48.638 780.64 London —Spot 13 5/Bd. New York Spot 22 1 2 cents PRICES REALISED CENTS PER LB. RIBBED SMOKED SHEET Standard Quality 38 1'2—38 5/8
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  • 27 8 Profit for 1940 £9.315 (£4,550). To replanting and renovation reserve (£800) final dividend 4 per cent.. per cent. (5 per cen’ forward w, (£3,965 >
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    • 130 8 BANKS a—g—— 1 1 1 —q r ju. uLj t~~ gaiiie |[Z esg~— 'q SAVINGS ty&u fo' S&nAfam, dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned, A Savings Account Is the best Inducement to save, a To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time
      130 words
    • 44 8 2 y) 4 *lt a faik 1 nv p p ruS-.e IMF UWf should change i< ’Fon«-.Thi S y not only P ■K' HEHRf WAUGH Z.te..:S«..S.ng3P’7 u ipoh an<* t Penang, uu k GENOZO Ke;J. O»de a A CTF tooth paste teotous bnad n0
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  • 356 9 IS oman Warden Sacked M/tfRS. IRIS ENGLAND, Kennington district warden (only one other woman in Britain holds such a post), says she has been sacked "just because a few men don’t like being bossed by a woman.” And she is refusing to give up her job or
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  • 771 9 “Still Inadequate,” Says Councillor Kuala Lumpur. AT a meeting of the Selangor State Council on Monday. Mr. K. K. Benjamin again raised the question of granting adequate allowances to members of the Government clerical service in view of the present high cost of living. Mr. Benjamin
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  • 505 9 Formulated by the Rotary Club of Rangoon, a scheme for post-war world reconstruction stresses the importance of tne freedom of the individual and the present and future needs of the peoples of the world. The scheme has been printed and circulated to members
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  • 27 9 Mr. George Wiseman (Malacca) has been nominated an unofficial member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements for a further period of three years.
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  • 343 9 Councillor’s Suggestion J.P.s TO WITH SMALL* CASES I Kuala Lumpur. r pHE creation of a «separate court presided over by Justices of the Peace to dt‘al with small cases was suggested by Mr. K.K. Benjamin in I the Selangor Stole Council, when he referred to congestion in
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  • 514 9  -  BY MONSIGNOR RONALD KN ON Temptation does not usually in the I New- Testament mean the impulse to do something wrong. It is rather what we mean by "a trial." A trial i is something unpleasant which is allowed by Providence to befall us, in
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  • 709 9 Pen. Picture Oi Australia's New Leader I ESS than twelve months ago Arthur William Fadden was a private member of the House of Representatives. Today with brief but significant experience in two portfolios, he is Prime Minister of Australia. Searching for the reasons for Mr. Fadden's
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  • 309 9 WEDNESDAY. 10TH SEPTEMBER 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per Va oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Air September, 10th inst. Singapore 10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations .50 .25 8.0 A C.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 600 9 H A DIO J to-day B. B. C. i 15.14 m/cs (19.81 ml GSD 1175 m/cs (25.53 nx.) 01. i ~s News. Listening Post—An analysis ofi German propaganda. war Commentary. (45 French News. 700 To be announced. -30 News. -40 Listening Post -45 London Calling. »141 Britain Speaks. »',5 -Front
      600 words
    • 299 9 SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING News In English B B. O. (Local Times) 7.20 a.m. 8.20 a.m. Transmission 8 11'20 a.m. Transmission 1 1.50 p.m. 6.20 p.m. Transmission 2 8.20 p.m. 10.20 p.m, Transmission 3 11.20 p.m. Transmission 4 1.20 a.m. 4.50 a.m. BOMBAY VUB3 9.55 me/8 (31.4 ml 11.10 p.m. VTTB2
      299 words
    • 38 9 AU in a Day s Worn— —by Bick Elmes JT. •-K heAR„-e M-.l r-5 < (J b! Power station r. !;i THE TMFT Hl I MuEu'.e aftec? my I LI 1 II u CAFF.' |J|il I fa > L 1
      38 words

  • 595 10 l ighting Extremely Heavy: Long Resistance Feasible Moscow, Sept. 9 (By Alexander Werth, Reuter’s Special Correspondent in Moscow). In the Leningrad area fighting is extremely heavy but it is certain the Germans have not anywhere like encircled it. They have approached fairly close only from the
    I.—Reuter.  -  595 words
  • 86 10 .—Reuter. In rt her Withdrawals Expected Shanghai, September 9 Further withdrawals of Japanese troops irom Chinese ports and cities are expected Iby Chinese authorities, according to I Chinese press reports. Following the recent evacuation of the South China port of Foochow, they are now
    .—Reuter.  -  86 words
    ’—Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 87 10 —Reuter. Anti-Aircraft Vessel Blown 1 p London, Sept. 9 On Monday merning an R.A.F. fighter attacked an enemy anti-aircraft vessel off the coast of Belgium. The vessel was severely damaged and afterwards blew m, says an Air Ministry communique. “This afternoon (Monday), Blenheim of the coastal
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 85 10 i.—Reuter. Maharaja of Jaipur's Confidence Jaipur Sept. 9. Unshaken belief that India will rise to the occasion and play her part worthy at the present- juncture in augmenting still further the resources of the Empire was expressed by the Maharaja of Jaipur addressing officials of
    i.—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 1387 10 ENEMY DUPED BY COMPLETE SECRECY First Operation Of Canadians Outside Britain After A Year London, Sept. 9 (By a Canadian eye-witness). Canadian troops supported by British and Norwegian detachments occupied Spitzbergen in a daring expedition from Britain. This was the first operation by Canadian troops
    1,387 words
  • 93 10 —Reuter. Wos/iinpfon, Sept 9 Steel Seafarer, was sunk be ni aeroplane bomb in the Red Sea on Sunday. The State Depart Jnent announced that this in formation had been sent m by the America Minister in Cario. The Department said that the
    .—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 282 10 .—Reuter. Fleel Air Arm Hit Two Shij )S Cairo, Sept.!. Another successful attack on a conw in the Mediterranean is described in j Middle East R.A.F. communique, It states: “Aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm made successful attack on a convoy of three medium-sized merchant vessels
    .—Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 34 10 Reuter. Vichy, Sep'j M. Laval, whose condition improving, was on Monday taing nsl pltal by the Versailles exan trate. who took depositions W J and M. Deat cn the sho
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 123 10 —Reuter. CANADIAN LABOUR’S FIRST TASK Hamilton Ontario, Sept. 9. “It is more important to defeat Hitler and his gangsters than to bring the tyrannical reactionary employer in Canada to his knees,” declered Mr. A.R. Morsher in a prepared address at the opening session of the Second
    ’—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 75 10 Reuter. Over £7,500 Collected At Johannesburg Johannesburg, September 9. Thousands of people attended the meeting convened by friends of the Soviet Union here on Monday. Over £7,500 were collected for medical aid for the Soviet A message was read from M. Kalinin, President of the Soviet
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 39 10 —Reuter Washington, Sept. 9 Military chiefs are predicting that Germans will retreat on the Eastern Front in order to consolidate their winter defences according to Paul Mallon, writing in the New York journal, “The American,” today.
    —Reuter  -  39 words
  • 359 10 Bumper Harvest Due To Co-Operative Effort ■—Reuter. London Sept. 9. “Despite the weather, it is safe to say that the final weight of crops grown this year will easily create a record for a century,” said Mr. R. s. Hudson, Minister of Agriculture, in an
    ■—Reuter.  -  359 words
  • 52 10 -Reuter. New York, Sept. 9 The “Greer- incident” was Hitler’s deliberate choice in order to get Japan to stop American oil shipments to Vladivostok, is the view of William Simms, the well-known commentator of foreign affairs, writing in the “New York World
    -Reuter.  -  52 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 Steamer sailings in September for I nited States of America For full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY 10. LTD. Agents AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD.. 21 Be.vh Street Telephone 1481—8. LINE (Sneorporatcd in Australia) for particulars regard tug Freight, Passage, and other information please apph to BOL'STEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang
      53 words

  • 1115 11 Handicaps For First Day vidss I—Div. I—s|1 —5| Furs. Straight gA y pRAGON 6y 9.0» Mrs. S. N. Yeap van Breukelen XATI° naL 6y 907 Mr Ong Peng Hock van Breukelen 6y 8.13 Mrs. S. N. Yeap van Breukelen J pOOKLAW 5y 8.08 Mrs. S. N. Y’eap
    1,115 words
  • 60 11 Immigration Dept, vs Govt. Trade School On the Esplanade today at 5.15 p.m. Immigration Dept.: Ooi Siang San; Bahrein, Mansur; Bapu b. C. Mat, Sadhu Singh, K. E. Kai; Abdul Rahim, Soo Hye, Tan Hong Beng, H. Ishak, Teong Huat. Reserves: Cheah Phee Yarm, Khoo Tiang Chye. Umpire:
    60 words
  • 667 11 C.R.C. Beaten In P.F.AJ Cup Semi-Final After Early Lead TAESPITE the. prevailing conditions which were not in any way conducive to good soc cer the semi-final of the P.F.A. Cup competition between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Indian Recreation Club on the Western Road ground
    667 words
  • 328 11 Narrow Win For Indians The Indian Association narrowly defeated the Commercial Day School by one goal to nil in a hockey match on the Hutchings School ground yesterday evening. The game was uninteresting and scrappy throughout. The exchanges were fairly even. The Indians had only eight
    328 words
  • 703 11 Horses And Ponies In T raining The following is the full list of horses, and ponies in training for the Perak Turf Club September Meeting:— M. VAN BREUKELEN 1. Counsel—Ong Huck Lim 2. Bold Heiress —do—3. National—Ong Peng Hock 4. Booklaw —Mrs, S. N. Yeap 5. Bridge
    703 words
  • 149 11 The following are the latest amendments to the S.R.A. Classification list of Horses and Ponies: HORSES Transfers:— From Class 2to Class I—Antrum, Dark Encounter. Deadlock. Lined Up, Ranscombe. From Class 1 to Class 2—Carloca, Double Esso, Kentucky. From Class 3 to Class 2—Cumberland,
    149 words
  • 34 11 There will be the usual P.R.C. ladies’ hockey practice on the Esplanade a< 5.15 p.m. sharp tomorrow. All interested are invited to turn up. There will be no practice today.
    34 words
  • 87 11 Ipoh. The Perak Cycling Club 25 miles cycle race for novices will be held on Sunday, September 14, commencing at 7 a.m. Intending competitors are reminded that entries close by the last past on September 10. The entrance fee is $l. Only those who have not won
    87 words
  • 139 11 ESTATE LABOURERS SEND $lOO The IV Fund in N< th Malaya stands at 51.540,815.83, made up of Penan,.. $98(1,316.98 and Perak $560,784.85. A donation of $2O in memory of Dr. Bruce Cross by Mr. and Mrs IV. Murray Thomson was for the Patriotic
    139 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 IWa Vll ISk 1 1 -fl if Z J A furnitjre •TUBECRAFT" tables. Chairs. Stools. Bedsteads. Cots. Revolving Office Chairs, Shop and Hospital equipment are made in eithei Chromium or Stove Enamel finish. Special designs made to order for sufficient auantities BUY’ A TICKET AND HELP TO PAVE THE WAY
      133 words

  • 3098 12 HOPE OF GREATER HELP EXPRESSED London, September 10. In the course of his war review in the Commons yesterday, Mr. 'Churchill, referring to the battle of the Atlantic, acknowledged the help which America had been giving and expressed the wish it might
    —Reuter.  -  3,098 words
  • 316 12 Blue And White Very Fit (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Today. A LTHOUGH the races start in three days’ time, there was very little activity on the course this morning when official training for the Perak Turf Club autumn meeting began. A few candidates from
    316 words
  • 141 12 Division H To Celebrate Second Anniversary Members of Division II St. John Ambulance Brigade (Medical Auxiliary Service Div. ID will celebrate their second anniversary with a week-end at Shamrock, Tanjong Eungah, on Sept. 20/21. The bungalow has been kindly lent to the members by Mr. Ooi Hong
    141 words
  • 92 12 Leave For Water Engineer Refused The application of Mr. A. P. H. Holmes, Water Engineer, Penang, for permission to proceed on leave to Australia at the end of 1941, i.e., after approximately two years and two months since h s s return from his last leave, has
    92 words
  • 210 12 $5OO FROM CHEAH KONGSI Following is a further list of subscribers to the Penang Chinese Spitfire Fund:—• Amount previously announced $27,141.83 Cheah Kongsi 500.00 Sago Dealers Assn. 300.00 Hui Ann Assn. 50.00 It Bun Kok Club 40.00 Penang Liquor Traders Assn. 25.<X) Ta Kam Hong 20.00
    210 words
  • 101 12 At yesterday’s meeting of the Penang Municipal Commission, Mr. J. Black. President. ?aid there was vacancy on the Committee cf the Silver Jubilee. Fund. They had three Commissioners on that Committee: Dr. J. E. Smith, Dr. Ong Huck Chye and Mr. G. Martin. The vacancy was
    101 words
  • 67 12 U.S. —WEST AFRICA AIR SERVICE PLANNED .—Reuter. Delivery Of Planes To Middle East Washington, Sept. 9 The Aeronautics Board has secretlj heard an application by Pan-American Airways for authority to operate an air 1 service between the United States and West Africa. No decision, has yet been announced. The company
    .—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 46 12 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. TIN: Penang $137.871 Singapore $137.874 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5/8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundried $2.95 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $lO.OO sellers Fftir Seed $9.00 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 S 9.94
    46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 «“•d Offlcei an, p pion* 1477 ntg» J i» Moncnn M pm a Quarter 1} 13.% -I 1 Quarterly U‘7’ H Year I v «00 ,oc CLA K under:— l minimum c n 1 lledgmeuts, I be charge at i e fl insertion up to one tach' °l 2» ’•enU
      218 words