Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 September 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 419 1 SUBJECT NOT REVEALED BUT WILL BE OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE’ Greer Incident Developing Into Serious Diplomatic Issue AV ashington, September 8. DRESIDENT R SEAELT will make a radio address of “major importance” froin the AV kite House tomorrow (Ttiesdaj) at 2 a.m. GMT. The PnM'hut > Secretary,
    —Reuter.  -  419 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 6. It is stated that the German report declaring that the Iran Premier had tender ed in his resignation because of the “unacceptable” nature cf the Anglo-Russian proposals and that his illness was of a “diplomatic” nature is unfounded.—
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 87 1 TOKIO WISH TO AVOID INCIDENT Shanghai, Sept. 8. The arrival of two American tankers at Vladivostok with oil for Russia has not so far been reported in any Japanese newspaper as a result of action taken by Japanese censorship, according to foreign reports reaching
    87 words
  • 67 1 —Reuter. Three Enemy Posts Destroyed Cairo, September 7. A Middle East communique Issued at Cairo today says: “At Tobruk there is intermittent enemy shell fire during most of the day. Our own artillery bombardcu three of the enemy positions, completely destroying three small posts. “In the
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 136 1 —Reuter. Hyde Park, New York, Sept. 8. r FHE death is announced of Mrs. Sara Roosevelt, mother A of President Roosevelt. The President and his wife spent Saturday night at his mother’s bedside and were with her when she died at 11.15 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 306 1 —Reuter. Montreal, Sept. 8. Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, gave an interview on his return here from England. He expressed confidence that his stay in Britain has been made at a “very opportune time." He was glad he made the trip when he
    —Reuter.  -  306 words
  • 775 1 .—Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 8. Indications here today arc that the Germans are nowhere I near the south-eastern ap- proaches to Leningrad, still less zvithin the approaches, ll’ithout the capture of these, it pointed out, there is no danger of the city being isolated, even though some
    .—Reuter.  -  775 words
  • 82 1 —Reuter. “Fidelity” To Axis Reiterated Vichy. Sept. 6. j Bulgaria’s “fidelity” to the Axis was! reiterated in a communique published by j the Bulgarian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Commission yesterday after hearing a statement ty the Foreign Minister, M. Popcv. According to a Sofia dispatch to the Vichy News
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 151 1 TRADE TALKS )f chrome.—ltou- Ankara, Sept. 8. INI. Numan Men emend j oglu, petiry-General to the Turkish [W. Office, is ill and is not feed to be able to conduct We negotiations with Dr. feus, German trade chief, and mission. Pis thought that M.
    ,)f- chrome.—ltou-  -  151 words
  • 100 1 —Reuter. Miom rea Cleared H Japanese Troops L r Chungking, September 6 L area is now completely L. “-Panes? troops following the L cu Pation < f Mainoi and Uikow I.*" according to Chinese L?, r ries reaching here from the I Foochow on Wednesday 111.. :nese
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 78 1 “Reuter. r > Hughes’ Plea I nity I, t Melbourne, September 7 I the Russians are ’cently, but Russia can- f he Germans in GerL u,' Germany to her knees," I► 5 8nes, Minister of the J-:,?. >ech We today. ■v H suffice. This w,ar
    “Reuter.  -  78 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 16 HOURS ENERGY S HOURS SOUND REST iwf IMjjl Atents; G. H. SLOT &~Co., Ltd.
      15 words
    • 167 1 mmMiiiinim The following have recently been unpacked and are now on show in the LADIES AND CHILDRENS’ 'departments on the FIRST FLOOR. LADIES COSY WOOL DRESSING GOWNS. Saxe, Almond Green, Rose Beige, flame. s.zk -w. §22.50 LADIES WOOL DRESSING JACKETS. Lovely paste! shades. §3.50, §3.95, §4.50 LADIES WOOL JUMPERS CARDIGANS.
      167 words

  • 279 2 VAIN BID TO ACHIEVE SUPReMaJ IN AIR C 7,200 Planes Destroyed In Fi /S( I Months Of War I Moscow, Sept 7 I has flung almost the whole of the Luftwaffe—four Air F| eets and vT corp*—against the Soviet Union,” declares Air Major
    279 words
  • 155 2 ’’—Reuter WILL JAP AN TAK E ACTION London. September 7 The problem of supplies is now like:* to be only one item in the vast ageo ri of the British und America missions to Moscow, according to the diplomatic correspondent of the Observer whole
    ’’—Reuter  -  155 words
  • 123 2 —Reuter. Message Affirming ugoslav’s Stand King Peter of ugo si avia who was 18 on Saturday, was present at a Thanksgiving Mass at London’s Greek Orthodox Church which celebrated the coming of age of the young monarch, says a Reuter’s message from London. Representatives of
    —Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 613 2 Australia’s Relentless Will To Beat Hitler Sydney, September The Commonwealth Prime Minister, Mr. ladden, in a broadcast reviewing the two years of war, said that Australia had one message for her enemies, namely io wage war tin i e. were beaten to the
    —Reuter.  -  613 words
  • 67 2 -Reuter. Frrsh Divisions Promised By Mussolini Zurich. September 6 Mechanised troaps which Mussolini reviewed this morning at an unknown locality in Central Italy are understood to be fresh divisions destined, for an Eastern front, according to a Rome dispatch. Mussolini is reported to have agreed
    -Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 426 2 Reuter. Services In All Churches London. September 7 CLurch leaders cf all denominations j ’ook part, today in special services to mark the day of national prayer to which the King has summoned the nation. and at church parades Throughout. the country all branches of the
    Reuter.  -  426 words
  • 432 2 Reuter Several Points Issue Teheran, September 7. The Iran t ahi net is today considering the Anglo-Russia» note handed to Government yesterday. It is believed an announcement on the subject may be made hy the Iran Parliament tomori row. At hough the Iran Government has already
    Reuter  -  432 words
  • 27 2 .—Reuter. Zurich, Sept. 6. Nev. decisions may be taken concerning Franco-German te’aticr.s before the end of September, writes the Vichy correspondent of “La Suisse. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 447 2 Rugby, September 7, While no important change in the Leningrad sector appears: have occurred in the past 24 hours, it is considered clear I authoritative circles in London that the Germans continue make the most strenuous efforts to encircle the city from south. The Russians,
    447 words
  • 390 2 Heavy Toll Of German Planes And Tanks Rugby, September 7. Agency messages from Moscow state, that Russian counterattacks are hammering the German defences. A dispatch from the front to the Red Army newspaper, “Red Star.” states, that one squadron of Russian aircraft destroyed this week 42 enemy
    —B.O W.  -  390 words
  • 13 2 Reupif 0\ («‘"Jr» p 35 I j siderea lost M
    ; Reupif  -  13 words
  • 265 2 Reuter London, Sept. 6. An Admiralty communique states “One cf our submarines in Central Mediterranean has carried out a successful attack on a southbound enemy convoy between Taranto and Benghazi. A ship of the Ramb class was tornedoed and sunk.
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 nr if 1 jB/ c u r n 9 ?x \jC yL Sgsi That always ruins them.. 1 Use VIM and I j||,' tTX keep them Iffih'' k. smooth/ jMA Vr WEii w hi ktt on vU dWt h ,d “»7’ eiea^ sM0 Q IJIM NEVER scours Bl __>»■ more
      51 words

  • 270 3 laired Grows In Occupied Zones 'lory of how the Chinese ffiUas in North China have put 'Japanese military in such a '«instate that they would not to declare martial law on '"lightest pretext in such big like Peiping, Tientsin and ton wax related to the
    270 words
  • 1456 3 What Christian Ideal Of Democracy Stands For F have entered the third year of war—the most dis- astrous war the world has known. We can cast our minds back twelve months. Things were difficult then. If today the position is still difficult and the
    1,456 words
  • 404 3 Penang And Province Wellesley WOOL AND MATERIAL ACCOUNT Previously acknowledged $40.184.93 TOKENS OF REMEMBRANCE: In Memory of Lieut.-Comm Derrick From L. A. T. Robb. 15.33 From D. Mackinnon. lu.oo From V. Ifomor Collins 5.001 In Memory jf Dr. Bruce Cross From V. Homer Collins. 5
    404 words
  • 276 3 Mr. A. Gkncross has been appointed to be Controller of Companies, states the Gazette, The Chinese community of Malacca entertained Mr. R. P. Bingham, Protector of Chinese, Malacca, who is leaving to take up an appointment in Johore, to a farewell tea on Thursday. -TThe Acting Resident
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 66 3 h British Comedy-Thriller li, Town! REX fonighl Last Night V 6.1 a 9.30 p.m. GORDON harker •< >•- W* uith Joli' l Lodge Sally Gray. In A New Comedy-Thriller “LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR” SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION [HE MARCH OF TIME’ Presents Another Headline Story “CRISIS IN THE PACIFIC” HELD over matinee today
      66 words
    • 97 3 MAJESTIC 2 SHOWS TODAY 3.00 8.00 P.M. Return Screening At Reduced Prices Of Republic’s Spectacular A BreathTaking Adventure Serial The Whole Serial In One Complete Screening “THE LONE RANGER RIDES AG AIN” Dunean Renaldo, Bob Livingston ?n the new Republic serial “The Lots Ranger Rides Again." A Republic Serial in
      97 words
      113 words
    • 162 3 FUN FROLIC PARK MONDAY. Bth SEPTEMBER. 1941 MAIN GATE 10 cts. CANTONESE OPERA: Night Show: ‘TAI SEO YOON OON” Featuring Liew Kum Teng, Tang Siew Chow including 2 New Stars. Hor Kim Chow Chan Wye Mun appearing Tonight. LCW SAI THO GUAN TEOCHEW OPERA OPENING TONIGHT PAT MEE TOll’’ Pari
      162 words
    • 191 3 Rj R-_c on pj n e OPENS TO-DAY THREE SHOWS Metro's Scrappiest, Happiest Fun Show! One Sailor .30 Old Maids A Million Laughs! T’ OLD MA,D S HOME B As a play it ran a full fun season on Broadway' Heart catching nd venture alive with young romance' Wfl %CAPTAIN
      191 words
    • 93 3 AU Shows packed out since opening I Owing to Other Bookings, Season. Definitely Ends Today BbbbeskesZzzeßeqbbßß Last 3 Shows Today 2.30 p.m.. 6.00 9.30 The Mammoth Mythological Tamil Picture V •’Ma n i k avasagar” Starring M. M. UnandapanJ Desfgar, P. B. Kangacharj, S. S. Coco, C. V. V. Pa.nthuhi.
      93 words

  • 520 4 /~INCE again an Empire-wide response has attended the King's summons to observe a i Day of National Prayer; and it 1 I must have meant to many the reI collection of the first Day of I Prayer last year. At that time, i after dire tribulation came
    520 words
  • 127 4 HEX CINEMA; “Lightning Conductor’’ with Gordon Harker and Sally Gray. 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. VINDSOR CINEMA: "Bhakta Chetha" (Tamil talkie). 6.00 and 9.15 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: "The Lone Rangers Rides Again.” 3, and 8 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: "The Captain is a Lady" with Charles Coburn and Virginia
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  • 70 4 —Reuter. Vichy, September 7. General Dentz, former Commander-in-Chief of the Vichy forces in Syria will bo given an important post in close association with Admiral Darlan, 'it is believed in well-informed circles in Vichy, according to the Vichy news agancy. The
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 47 4 i.—Reuter. Beirut, Sept. 7. The Japanese Consulate-General here, which has jurisdiction over Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, will close on Monday owing»to the existing circumstances. Consul-General Saita and the ViceConsul are leaving Beirut. Other Japanese officials and civilians have already left for Japan.—Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 29 4 —Reuter. Damascus, Sept. 7. The Free French leader, General Catroux, hag proceeded to Aleppo for consultations with the leading personalties concerning the future of the Syrian regime.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
    • 202 4 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir. In these days of persistent Nazi ntrigues in France, any light shed n Vichy events is illuminating. The j following article from a political nagazine may thus be of interest to our readers: 8 »How much truth is there in the
      202 words
  • 456 4 Monday, Sept. 8. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT’S eagerly-awaited broadcast fixed for toda} has been postponed to Thursday owing to the death of the President’s mother, (see obituary below). 4» the weekend, the battle of Leningrad continued unabated. The issue remains in balance: Soviet communiques are reticent
    456 words
  • 263 4 OBITUARY: MRS. SjARA ROOSEVELT ,—Reuter. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT’S mother, Mrs. Sara Roosevelt, who died on Saturday night, was the wife of James Roosevelt, fourth cousin of President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1938, she met the King and Queen during their stay at the Hyde Park residence of the
    ,—Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 365 4 The Gold Cup X NOTHER Gold Cup race hat been run, won or lost, whichever way one looks at it, and local followers of the “Sport of Kings’’ arc able to breathe freely again. Il has been, a tense afternoon on Satur day and one’s newly-restored equili
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 I I ALWAYS I Good Clothes I AND I Good Service. I, < < R This is a Service, second issiiP to none in the Country, whether clothes for local B wear or for your leave a *g we offer you only of the \g B best, not in the
      219 words
    • 40 4 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER L' BMANP ,/JJ THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable In the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. 4T-' < i.'.'ftLi.Ufi’t
      40 words
    • 30 4 > B K nt t AS I rauM naBMHiBi j sis famtow For your convenience send you: tms to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Steel, Penang, Phone 4121. Z >*/ /P I
      30 words

  • 203 5 AUSTRALIA'S POLICY MEANS NO BREAK IN UNITY OF EMPIRE Singapore. Sir Frederic Eggleston, Australian Ambassador to Chungking, arrived here yesterday by plane and in an interview with the Press said: “The policy of my appointment is gradually to extend diplomatic representation of Australia to countries
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  • 286 5 BETTI NG HOUSE CHARGE Accused Says He Was Only Collector siew Yin and Hoo Kean were Evicted on their plea of guilty by Mr. Lr Koon Teck in the Third Court this giorning on a charge of assisting in the Management of a common betting house at No. 47, Seek
    286 words
  • 895 5 Men, women and children of all nationalities in Malaya attended churches and temples yesterday, which was chosen by His Majesty the King as the National Day of Prayer. Military services in connection with the National Day of iPrajer yesterday were held
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  • 283 5 Chinese Exporters Benefit By “Since the freezing orders against the I Japanese, Chinese silk supplies to the United States, and North America par- ticularly, are increasing by leaps and bounds” stated Mr. Yu Ka-kin, a proI minent Shanghai merchant, in an interview with the “Pinang Gazette”
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  • 113 5 A young Chinese woman, who arrived in Penang from Ipoh last night, was found dead in the bathroom of a Chinese hotel in China Street at about 12.30 this afternoon. The girl registered in the name of Seah Ah Ngoo, aged 30 years. She
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  • 122 5 A distressing tragedy occurred at Tanjong Bungah near the Penang Swimming Club during the week-end, whan a European boy, Michael John Bassett, aged 6 1)2 years, fell out of a car in which he was travelling and died a few hours later. The
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  • 48 5 A traffic light signal booth, similar to the one installed at the junction < f Anson Road and Burmah Road, was put into operation at the junction of Anson Read and Macalister Road yesterday. This signal is operated by a police constable inside the booth.
    48 words
  • 469 5 NEW DEPUTY REGISTRAR WELCOMED rFRIBUTES were paid to the retiring Registrar, Mr. Tan Hock Aun, and a welcome extended to the new Deputy Registrar, Mr. J. R. Prentis, in the Supreme Court this morning. When Mr. Justice Carey came on the bench, His Lordship
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  • 374 5 PART PRAYED IN HOSTILITIES IN IRAQ A CTING Flying Officer Frank Geoffrey Woolley, D.F.C., son of Group Captain F. Woolley, D.F.C., of the Royal Air Force in Singapore, was wounded by a bullet in the leg as the result of air operations in Iran
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  • 440 5 7he June issue of ‘‘British Malaya” records bereavements sustained by Malayans in the death, on active service, of .their near relatives: “The greatest sympathy will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hadow, by their many friends, both here and in Malaya, in the
    440 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 Briny out the flarmr withI |g|l "Wil Harper, Gilfillan 4 Co. Ltd. Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur 9 M y jjlliii OiM MMIII IBBir jwifci HSis’W Reporter from the Daily Goou morning Yes sir Have I felt the effects of ,f To what do I attribute my tf Goodbye sorry I
      118 words

  • 1291 6 HEAVY CASUALTIES AND BAD WEATHER Strong Armoured And Motorised Units Thrown hi London, Sept. 6. Official opinion in London on the results of the Russian campaign for the week August 29 to September 5 is that as a result of heavy fighting, particularly in
    I.—Reuter.  -  1,291 words
  • 329 6 Reuter. ATT ACK MADE IN DAYLIGHT London, Sept. 6. A Flying Fortress bomber attacked enemy shipping at Oslo from high Altitude during daylight on Saturday. The attack on Oslo harbour. 470 miles from the nearest point of the British coast is the longest flight which Fortress
    Reuter.  -  329 words
  • 60 6 —Reuter. Compulsory Service Between Ages Of 16 And 60 Malta. Sepi. 6. All manpower between the ages of 16 and 60 is subject to compulsory service and rules for registration, which have just been issued, is the first step in calling up for national labour service of all
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 32 6 Reuter. Nicosia, September 6. Cyprus had its first night raid early on Saturday morning when bombs were dropped in the open country. No damage or casualties were reported.—
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 127 6 Saturday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON Spot £256 0. 0 “Forward” p 259 0 n SINGAPORE Spot $137.12% $136.87% Business done PENANG “Spot” $137 12% $136.87% RUBBER; LONDON Spot 13 58d. Forwftrd 13 5,8 d. Tone Dull SINGAPORE t Spot 38 s'Bc 38 s Bc PENANG Spot 38 58c
    127 words
  • 328 6 .—Reuter. Policy In Far East Unchanged Chungking, Sept. 6. The I nited States Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, has assured Dr. Hu-shih, Chinese Ambassador in Washington, that he need feel no anxiety over Ameri-can-Japanese exploratory discussion, according to a Chinese semi-official despatch. Following the
    .—Reuter.  -  328 words
  • 137 6 —Reuter. Towns On Left Bank Well Defended Moscow, September 6. (From Alexander Werth. Reuter’s special Correspondent in Moscow). Among the best proofs that the Germans have not succeeded in crossing the Lower Dnieper after capturing Dniepropetrovsk nearly a fortnight ago, is that Zaorozhie, an industrial
    —Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 68 6 —Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 6. The inhabitants of Kiev are carrying on the normal life, says the Moscow radio. Women gather as usual at market places where collective farmers from surrounding districts come daily with produce. Meanwhile every house in the city has been transformed into a
    ”—Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 127 6 .”—Reuter. London, Sept. 6. Tank production in the United Kingdom during August established a record, according to Lord Beaverbrook’s official statement. Compared with last March the output was doubled. Tn announcing the new record tanks outpm Lord Beaverbrook, Minister for Supply, sent the following telegram
    .”—Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 488 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association and Ipoh sections) at noon Bth September, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 7/4J 7/7|c £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/3 19/3 Si Ayer Weng 75 .80 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1 Batu
      488 words
    • 223 6 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.07* 1.12 J Alor Gajah .82A .87* Amal Malay 1.57 A I.62|ex Ayer Hitam .37* .92i Ayer Molek 1.15 1.20 Ayer Panas 1.07 J 1.12|c Bassett .42 A .45 Batu Lintang 1.12* 1.15 Bedford -97 i 1.02* Benta 1.02| 1.07 i Borclli 1.35 1.40 Broga
      223 words
    • 346 6 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brie» Ord. 1.75 1.80 S 2 Alex. Brick Pref 2.07* 2.12* $5 B. M T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £9* £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5
      346 words
    • 213 6 i nooks close MINING Dividend -041 Austral Amal 3d. and 14 Bonus 22J Hong Fstt 3rd Int. n jd Ipoh Tin 3/- Int. loc# 23' Kramat Pulais 12*% Final 24% int. both LT jd ***** I Kundang 10% 10-j Mambaus 124% final L— 20-| Malayan Tin
      213 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 j; a n k s 11 —4=j L_ j|_J fei iIOBI SAVINGS tyou to 1 dollar saved la an extra dollar earned, ft Bavlnga Account la the best inducement to save, a, To have a Savings Account and to see thia accsunt grow from time to time la to be
      155 words

  • 696 7 Greece Stirs —Dutch Stage Trick —Norway Loses Factories-Polish Slaves THE Italian troops, which have taken over the task of policing Greece, are going to have a difficult time. Until the Italians took over, huge forces of spies and secret police had been sent in to counteract the widespread anti-Nazi demonstrations.
    696 words
  • 70 7 New York. Mr. Daniel Beard, co-foundev of the Boy Scout movement, in America, died at his home at Suffern, New York, aged 89. His “Boy Pioneers;" formed in 1905, gave Baden-Powell many of his ideas for the Boy Scouts, organised in England three years
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  • 247 7 A WARNING that German spies in Dublin may be tapping wires carrying ’phone messages between Ulster and London was given in the Ulster Parliament by Mr. T. Henderson, when he supported a demand for a secret session to discuss the matter. ’Phone messages
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  • 93 7 Captured British seamen suffered so severely from thirst aboard a German raider in the Indian Ocean that some of them licked the condensation off steam pipes in the hold. This story was told by Richard Tilney, a Hull seaman, who was captured in July and
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  • 62 7 London. In the pocket of an unknown man found drowned in the Thames recently was one playing card —the nine of diamons, “the Curse of Scotland.” In 1692 King William signed the order for the massacre of the MacDonalds in Glencoe. The order, legend avers, was
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  • 38 7 The markings might be theirs. A Sergeant-Pilot., D.F.M., with a dozen Nazi planes to his credit, shows A T C. boys his scoreboard during one of their periodical visits 'to a fighter station
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  • 387 7 PLOTTED MURDER London. r jpVVO boys described by a doctor as suffering from “what might be called Hitlerian insanity,” pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey recently to charges of attempted murder. They were stated to regard themselves as pro-Nazis and great admirers of Hitler. The boys,
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  • 32 7 Charles Tett, a 24-year-old stretcherbearer who won the George Medal for bravery in a London blitz, is soon to become a missionary at a Nigerian leper colony.
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  • 144 7 London. TT'HE fact that girls’ stockings are A now two coupons a pair has altered the professorial attitude towards bare-legged students at Leeds University. The authorities so far have frowned at the idea of girls attending classes without stockings. Recently an official notice, signed by the
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  • 208 7 'l l ATS with the democratic line —a little tilt to the left—have been designed in London for American women. That is the description Aage Thaarup gives to his new models, part of a collection of London millinery models being sent to New York. This is
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  • 194 7 I lEUT.-COLONEL Claude Beddingtun, whu was killed by Nazi machineguns. left £lO,OOO to his woman secretary and nothing to his widow. The secretary is Miss Margaret Clay Adams, aged 27, of Gloucester-place, W. She had been working for Colonel Beddington for some years. Mrs.
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  • 767 7 says Capt. A. O. Pollard TVfHEN our comparatively small Imperial force was trudging back to its points of re-embarkation in Greece, our rearguards not only held up the Hun hordes, but took prisoners. And these captives all told the one tale: “We can’t stand your
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  • 657 7  -  J NITED States troops have just carried out big manoeuvres on the Mexican Gulf—in the form of defence against a “Nazi invasion”. Ry HOWARD DRAYTON Elliott Roosevelt, son of the President, declared last September: I have reliable information that German sympathisers in Mexico and Brazil have
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  • 137 7 “I would rather go into the gUctrei room undei’ close arrest than enter church.” That is what Grenadier Guardsman Ernest J. Whitehead is alleged have replied when his commanding officer ordered him while on church parade, to enter the Guards’ chapel. Whitehead appeared before a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 NOW EMO BITTER ALE I i The Best That Australia I Produces I Sole Importers CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies' Ordinances of Hongkong) (Incorporated in Shanghai) PENANG SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR I
      34 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 156 8 100,000 Anuualiy From Quebec Factory Ottawa Canadian-made 501' pound aerial bombs will soon be falling upon Royal Air Force objectives in Germany. Announcement was made recently by the Department of Munitions and Supply that production of these bombs ha« been under way for some time
    156 words
  • 303 8 MONDAY BTH SEPTEMBER 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Air September Sth last. Singapore .10 05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 pun. AFRICA All destinations .50 .25 8.0. AC Thurs. 11th
    303 words
  • 449 8 1 HAD never heard of Julian Duguid until, picking up “I Am Persuaded.” I soon decided that it was the most fascinating record of a spiritual adventure I had read, writes Hanmen 1 Swaffer in the “Daily Herald.’ Although his is a book which may
    449 words
  • 1325 8  -  by W. J. BENTLEV I tell you, it was just like one of those HniiywooJ air filma,” coughed the R.A.F. lad, unshaven, tired out. as he stretched hiniself cn the deck of the !aun'‘.“x and sipped black coffee "You know, the sort of illin where
    1,325 words
  • 89 8 Churchill, Manitoba. Canadian Government officials and Others who, in the course of their regular activities, travel by boat, dogsled and airplane into the farthest reaches of the Canadian Arctic will act as census enumerMors this year and collect vital statistics of the native and white pppulation
    89 words
  • 262 8 Glasgow Hundreds of people saw a m dive fully clothed from the George V. Bridge here and swim t c tb rescue of a steamer which had broker from her moorings and was driftiv helplessly with no one on board, He was Henry Newby,
    262 words
  • 304 8 A I SVELVE-Y EAR-OLD Boy Scout died w’hen making an heroic attempt to save a seven-year-old girl whe was trapped in a hole in Newcastle, He was Ernest Smith, son of an elec trician. The girl was Irene Page, daughtef of a coal merchant. M
    304 words
  • 78 8 Kitwanga Co!u^ b tJ The celebrated “Totem Dog J wanga" known to thousan d R J lers to Jasper and the S J country of Western CanaJ had his annual tussle iJ The dog is Kitwanga s dian totem erected on U. J the vlliage to
    78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 NOt HOME IS COMPLETE WHUOIT ■>.' WOD CUTLERY. Pla Wiia-twiiliiifUFT’lß 1A Fine and n H|| Varied Selection of Distinctive Cutlery' fwn> «aw. 3j!i M» K l < P. H. HENDR) I JI.WEJJ.EB, K K. Lumpur. w PENANG. iii M“
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1420 8 it until a v SHORTWAVE SI A 1 lONS •UA f BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English f’.om 6.10 to 11.50 piu. on: B. B C. GSV 17.81 m/cs* (16.84 id, (Local GSF 15.14 in/cs (19.81 m< HR tJ?' GSD 11.75 m/cs (25.53 m.) «-2J s LtAUSmiSSIOD U.S) ADJ.
      1,420 words
    • 340 8 Schnabel and the London Symphony Orchestra. conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. 12.30 pan. “Empire Forces Off Duty In Britain’’: a Feature programme recorded in London compiled from songs and interviews with Empire forces off duty in Britain. 1.00 Singapore Calling 1.05 “From Our Mail Bag”—New Record.-. 1.30 Warning to Mariners.
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  • 243 9 Tk Ipoh. M It served the interests of Malayan Hockey best wig the best talent available in the State team and question of considering deserving military players IM honours during the forthcoming season be left P to the discretion of the Selection Committee
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  • 163 9 Old Georgians Beat Scratch XI Taiping. A sc: aten team comprising mainly F.anicals players lost by three goals to nil to the Old Georgians in a hockey «natch on the Esplanade on Friday evening. Play was scrappy for the most part. The Old Georgians opened scoring
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  • 119 9 H.M.S. Nameless Beat Butterworth Indians Butterworth The H.M.S. Nameless beat the Butterworth Indians oy Jour goals to three in a frjendly game of scocer played here on Friday on the Padafig. At half-time, the visitors led by three goals tc one. Mr Mohamed Osman refereed the game Muslim R.C.
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  • 563 9 Sun Castle Wins By A Head Manchester, Sept. 6. RECORD crowd, including hundreds of Lancashire war workers snatching a brief respite from the labours, saw Sun Castle owned by Lord Portal who has an important job at the Ministry of Supply, win the St. Leger,
    —Reuter.  -  563 words
  • 53 9 Half-Yearly Meeting On Thursday Kuala Kangsar. The half-yearly general meeting of the Ellerton Club, Kuala Kangsar, will be held in the club’s premises at 5.15 p.m. on Thursday, September 18. Tea will be served at 5.45 p.m. The presentation of the prizes for the various tournaments will take
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  • 100 9 Under the patronage of Mr. A. E. Coope, M.C.S. District Officer, Province Wellesley, the Kuala Prai Vernacular School held its annual parents’ day sports on the School ground at 2.30 yesterday afternoon. A large gathering of parents and wellwishers of the School were present, among whom
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  • 144 9 Penang will lose a tennis player in the person of Goon Kok Ying when h$ goes on transfer to Teluk Anson this week accompanied by his wife and children. Goon Kok Ying, was Penang Singles Cltampion for five years from 1933 to 1937, which is a
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  • 74 9 Alleged Grievous Hurt To Constable Ipoh. The preliminary inquiry in which an R.A.S.C. man was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to a police constable, was again mentioned before Che Samsudin b. Nain, Ipoh Second Magistrate, on Saturday, when the accused, Lim Leong Tek, was further
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  • 533 9 BOTTLES THROWN: POLICE DREW BATONS London, Sept. 6. r J HE rebel London Football Clubs and affiliated nearby neighbours, who are fighting for recognition following expulsion from the Football League, had the better of exchanges in today’s programme, six matches aggregating a total attendance of 47,000
    .—Reuter.  -  533 words
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  • 44 9 P.W.D.A.A. vs Kedah Hall Party Today on the Hutchings School ground at 5.15 p.m. P.W.D.A.A.;—C. Bulow; Kernail Singh and J. F. Scully; A. C. David, Hayali Meah and G. Rappa; B. Lesslar, J. D Scully, C. Robmson, C. R. Pestana and R Aeria.
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  • 350 9 Junior Badminton Finals JDEATING the Hu Yew Seah by four matches to one, the Limstead Badminton Party won the Penang Junior Interteam final yesterday at the Free School Hall. Earlier in the day, the junior doubles final was played, resulting in an easy win for Beh
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  • 367 9 Mr. Woods Re-Elected President Ipoh. The annual general meeting of the Perak Badminton Association was held on Saturday afternoon at the Ipoh Town Hall with Mr. J. L. Woods, the President in the chair. It was decided at the meeting to 1 elect Towkay Foong Seong, the
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  • 202 9 Sultan Gives Away Prizes Kuala Kangsar. ine finals in the annual Perak Malay > inter-School badminton and football i competitions were played off in Kual? Kangsar on Saturday. In the badminton final, between. Ipoh and Taiping, the latter won the dcubies by three games to nil while
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  • 151 9 Boy Succumbs To Injuries Ipoh. A fatal niotor-iiccident occurred just outside the Old Chinese Maternity Hospital at Chamberlain Road on Saturday evening, when a Chinese hoy, Yew Chee Lam, was knocked over by a car while attempting to cross the road. The ear was driven by a
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  • 143 9 .—Reuter. Denis Compton’s 114 For Army London, September 6 London cricket had a dying fling with attractive matches. Interest between Army and Lords Eleven at Lords centred in the appearance of Squadron Leader Bil Edrich who, just awarded the D.F.C., is the first Test cricketer to
    .—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 59 9 London, Sept. 6. The Rugky League season opened with Yorkshire and Lancashire Clubs in a combined competition. Results: Bradford Northern. 29. Castleford 21. Bramley 7, Dewsbury 29. •Batley 9, Leeds 9. Featherstone 17, Keighley 5. Halifax 18, Oldham 13. Hunslet 8, Huddersfield 2. St. Helens 23, York
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  • 76 9 Taiping. Over 20 Asiatic players, mostly members of the Old Edwardians Rugger team turned out for a rugger practice runabout on the King Edward School padang on Friday. The Old Edwardians are likely to field a str ng team again this year with the services of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 128 9 Wjcb m »1 *“*2sFb A j? j- *2 pSteamer sailings in September for United States of America r full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY U). LTD. Lgriits AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD., 1 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421—2. L Iburns philF” LINE I (incorporated in Australia) I (or particulars regarding Freight,
      128 words

  • 143 10 Discussion At S.R.A. Meeting A MEETING of the Straits Racing Association was held at Singapore yesterday, with the Hon. Mr. R. Williamson, President of the Singapore Turf Club, in the chair. The Penang delegates were: Mr. C. D. D. Hogan (President, Penang Turf »Club), Mr. J.
    143 words
  • 198 10 T. B. de Cruz And Yap Yeon Fah Tie The eighth stage in this competition was entered into over the week-end and resulted in a tie for the winning place b wteT.B.eena between T. B. de Cruz and Yap Yoen Fah with scores of 71 nett.
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  • 35 10 In memory of LtjCornu ndr. Derrick from Mr. Arthur Mourin 510.00 In memory of Dr. Bruce Cross from Dr. and Mrs. Lupprian $20.00 Mr. Paul J. Daniel (subscription for current month) 3.00
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  • 72 10 .—Reuter. Berlin, Sept. 8. It is learned from the Vatican City that the shortage of women’s stockings in Italy has caused a minor revolution in Catholic tradition. Yesterday, the Vatican authorities permitted women to enter St. Peter’s stockingless. The decision which is based on the almost
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 189 10 I Further Rules For Control Of Paper Section 2 (1) of the Control of Paper (No. 2) Order, now operative in the Straits Settlements, reads as follows “No person in the Colony shall, after September 30, 1941, print or order any form, bill-head, voucher or
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  • 50 10 Raced In Gold Cup For Mr. Palmer rpHE “Pinang Gazette” understands that Cimon ran in the Gold Cup race at Singapore in the name and under the colours of the Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer, of Bruas, Perak. The price paid is stated to be $lO.OOO
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  • 82 10 Tennis —Reuter. ONE-SIDED FINAL Forest Hills, Sept. 8. TWIGGS won the American lawn tennis men's singles championship, beating Kovacs 5’7, 6|3, 6|3. Kovacs went completely to pieces at the beginning of the second set and never regained his form in face of the determined, methodical Riggs,
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 71 10 September Monthly Medal —Stroke Played at Glugor on Saturday and Sunday, 6 and 7 September. D. A. Coupar 424-41=83-18=65 T. E. Hastie 38 =4o=7B 6=72 Rhys Williams 414-43=84 8=76 W. H. Brodie 43 -42=85- 8=77 R. Me L. More 64 f-42=88- 10=78 B. F. Bridge 49-4-45=94—13=81
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  • 19 10 Statistics for the month of August, 1941: Output 684.46 piculs; Yardage 150,000 cubic yards; Hours run 673.
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  • 154 10 .—Reuter. Madrid, Sept. 8. fTVIE Berlin correspondent of “Ffe” sends a graphic descrip- tion of Hitler's headquarters about which silence has hitherto been maintained. The headquarters are no l ™ger the train scen in newsreels. “Difficulties of railway commu nications necessitated a change to a
    .—Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 449 10 (By Patrick Crosse, Reuter’s Special Correspondent with the Allied Forces in Iran). Teheran, Sept. 6. With the fate-of their country already half decided by British and Russian penetration, the people of Teheran are quietly, apparently almost unconcernedly, awaiting final terms of occupation. The German
    .—Reuter.  -  449 words
  • 609 10 “U-BOAT FIRED TORPEDO IN SELF-DEFENCE’ Berlin, Sept. 6. AN official German statement on th e Greer incident say’s the German submarine was attacked and fired “in justifiable self-defence.” It also accuses President Roosevelt of ordering American destroyer;» to report the location of the. German submarines
    Reuter.  -  609 words
  • 81 10 “In Memory Of Dr. Bruce Cross” The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,540,493.06 made up of Penang $979,879.21 and Perak $560,613.85. Previously acknowledged $979,808.88 In memory of Dr. Bruce Cross: Mr. Mrs. G.D. Taylor 10.00 Mr. Mrs. C. A. Panicker 10.33 Dr. Mrs.
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  • 93 10 Further Contributions By Kedah Chinese Alor Star. The following are further contributions made by the local Chinese towards the“ Buy A Bomber” Fund, the total to date having reached $1,660: Estate of Mr. Lee Khay Beng $200.00 Hockkien Hoay Kuan Association 100.00 Mr. Ng Po Keat 50.00 Cheong
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  • 21 10 Statistics for the month of August: Output 541 piculs; Yardage 189,000 cubic yards; Hours run 571; Hydraulicing 22 piculs.
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  • 46 10 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. TIN: Pen ang $137.374 Singapore $137.37* RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5/8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundried $2.95 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $10.60 sellers Fair Seed $9.00 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1. $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
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  • 679 10 Cairo, September 7. Widespread successful R.A.F. raids in Libya and the destruction of a number of enemy aircrafts on the ground are announced in an R.A.F. Middle East communique issued this afternoon. The communiuqe says: “Libya: Heavy bombers of the RA.F. attacked shipping alongside the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 W jar «ar jaw aav Wtav aar w jaw aar aav wav wav war wav war war awr aaar ww r I A.R.P. PENANG P. W. I I I I SUPPLY OF STEEL HELMETS FOR FIRE-FIGHTING I SQUADS ETC. OF BUSINESS HOUSES I I collate the demands of business houses
      209 words
    • 21 10 NOTICE JUST UNPACKED Huge Consignment of Ladies’ Cotton and Silk House Coats from AMERICA. Latest Designs and Colourings. B.H.T. DOULATRAM CO.
      21 words
    • 458 10 I b,. I Phone 1477 a 1479 Pma.l Tetes-rtnu: Sunday I De'-ivery pm- I Monthly Quarterly 7 50 I dill -Yearly .j-W Delivery M is B 'is I lit ...I rnere Birth*. Marriages. Deaths edgments. Announces. -,t. riU l-e charged at the rate of r usertion up to one meh
      458 words