Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 799 1 Will Be Eliminated If Found” ROOSEVELT’S STATEMENT ON “GREER” INCIDENT I Washington. September 6. R" EFERKING to the ’’Greer” incident yesterday, President Roosevelt said that the American destroyer was attacked more than once. He added that step!* had been taken to track
    k.—Reuter.  -  799 words
  • 72 1 p j s f anberra, Sept. 5. I that Sir Karie j Mini stj tl,e Commonwealth r f r t-'oinmerce, has been to London tn ft th t <r t,le ,ls ral an Cabinet ki s Us! »ion of specific mat- Hh i t J le
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  • 591 1 IN IRAN Reucer. Moscow, sept. ♦>. I KRMAJN agents in the Iranian town of Pekhlevi fled precipitately when they learnt .1 of the ap proach of Russian troops. They left b-hind important documents, snap ‘.hots and mo\ e cameras, steel hel- mets, Nazi
    Reucer.  -  591 words
  • 362 1 Ankara. Sept. 6. rpHE interview which Admiral Raeder, Germany’s Navy Chief, had with King Boris of BuF I garia is regarded here as heralding new joint action against Russia by Germany and Bulgaria. Well-informed circles believed that the Nazis and
    .—Reuter.  -  362 words
  • 360 1 Washington, Sept. s. JT JNDER streamer headlines such as: “Fear of United States Shooting War in Submarine Attack” yesterday afternoon's papers splash photographs of the “Greer” and her captain with such captions as: “Warship that fought off t Submarine'’ and “Fear of further submarine attacks on
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  • 217 1 London, Sept. 6. JUST now, a very dark night has descended on mankind,’’ said M. Maisky, Ambassador to the Soviet Union, speaking last night at a meeting held in London in commemoration of the great Indian poet, Dr. Rabindranath Tagore “And in this darkness, the
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  • 55 1 —Reuter Moscow, Sept. 6. AT EST nezes from the Russian front is' contained in a Soviet midnight communique which ann°unces: “During yesterday —.S'- pt. j- there was fighting along the whole front.’' A supplement to this communique says that tzvo Gerown battalions were '‘completely annihilated
    —Reuter  -  55 words
  • 513 1 1 London, September 5. “fF the Finns follow Marshal Mannerheim and continue war, whether or 1 not Russia is willing to reach ar agreement with them, then they should recognise they have taken up a new position,” declares the. “Manchester Guardian” commenting on Marshal Mnnnerheim*s
    —Reuter.  -  513 words
  • 94 1 .—Reuter. No Turkish Shelter For Germans Teheran, Sept. 4. The Iran Prune Miniwt-er, Ali Foroughi, had a heart attack after banding the Goveriunent's reply t»> the Anglo-Kuv<sian proposals to Allied representatives. Thiw fact is confirmed by the semi-official Iran News Agency wLich reports that tlwe Prime Minister is
    .—Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 114 1 ’—Reuter. Mr. Baruch’s Defence Production Plan London, Sent. 5. Nir. Berpard Baruch who was heau o:the War Industries Board during the iast World. War has submitted a defence oroduction plan to President Roosevelt calling for one-man direction and ceiling on ab prices. Commenting o;i the allocation of supplies
    ’—Reuter.  -  114 words
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  • 292 2 AMBASSADOR TO BANGKOK ON TIES BETWEEN PEOPLES Tokyo, Sept. 6. Mr. T. Subokami, the first Japanese Ambassador to Thailand. in his first interview, said the Japanese Government s policy towards Thailand was one of the utmost respect for its independence, and aimed at
    ’• Rente)-.  -  292 words
  • 189 2 Reuter. EIGHT CAPTURED SHIPS SALVAGED Simla, September 5. The situation in Iran is quiet, it is officially stated. In the Kermanshih area, some bands under a rebel has been dispersed. Some ma<’hine-icans and considerable quantities of rifles 7 have been handed over and additional rifles
    – Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 70 2 -Remer German- Setting Parent* Of ninuteer* Free Versailr-s Sept 4. Ftench voluulvcrt- tui tilt* Leglvii loniT ci to fight Russia were informed yesterday according to the Vichy News Agency, tint the Fuehrer has decided that all parents oi Legionaries who are at present prisoners of
    -Remer  -  70 words
  • 130 2 Reuter. When Commons Meet After Recess London, September 4. When the Parliament resumes after the short Summer recess, the Prime Minister intends to make a full statement to the House 01 Commons on the war situation. He will deal among other matters with his
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 76 2 '—Reuter. Cairo, September 4. "There was an air raid last night in Cairo and the Suez Canal areas.” states the Ministry 01 Interior. B-inb dropped on a suburb of Cairo killed one and injured 21 but caused very ."light- damage. Sbghr damage
    '—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 74 2 Reuter. Batavia, Sept. 5. That United States shipments of war materials and other products to the N.E.L in the last six months is five times as great as before and may be expected that they will still be doubled in the coming months
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 218 2 —Reuter. League Committee’s Statement London, September 5. Pe.uple who thought fixture troubljs and the London clubs’ breakaway from the Football League would lie forgotten with last week’s successful opening 01 the English season, were surprised by the issue of the Management Committee’s 1,000-word statement on
    —Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 318 2 Reuter. Importance Stressed By Brazilian W ar Minister Rio de Janeiro September 4. The importance of Pan-American unity on the face of dangers arising Irom the present war was stressed in speeches made at a banquet given by the Minlsu r if AA ar to tne Military DelegationS(,of
    Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 74 2 B O.W, Last Year’s Record CarryOver Exceeded Rugby, Sept. 4. The Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa estimates that the total cany over of Canadian wheat in ali Canadian and U.S. positions at July 31. 1941. amounted to 480,083,691 bushels. The total is by far the largest amount
    B O.W,  -  74 words
  • 55 2 —Reuter. Tokyo. September 5 The Education Ministry in conjunction with the War Ministry announced an enlarged plan for military training makirg it compulsory lor students in Universities and Colleges. A closer cooperation will be maintained between the army and schools with the army affording aid
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 811 2 Important Russian Success In Central Sector London. September 5. (By Annalist). Leningrad and Odessa, two of the three cities in Russia which (he Germans are striving ro capture, leapt into the Eastern Front hattie picture today. About the third city, Kiev, there is no
    '—Reuter  -  811 words
  • 167 2 Reuter. Large Iroop Transpo,. And Tanker Sunk London Stntet k A British submarine operating close to the str 5 sina carried out a successful attack on an enemv states an Admiralty communique. “Oir ,'f orcc cruisers, a ship of the 10,000-ton class arnwd v h ent;n
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 172 2 —Reiner. Military Equipment For Troops In Canada President Roosevelt hts authorised the first Lease-Lend aid to the Polish Gov i ernment permitting military equipment to' go to Polish troops now training in Canada for action overseas. The White House announcement said, j I under the President’s
    ’—Reiner.  -  172 words
  • 163 2 SH IPPING LOSSES PAST TWO MONTHS i. -Reuter I Gt rinaii- lilmii British I'onnagr Siml An admission that less Bnisr 7 had been sunk by U-boau in th e L months was made m a Gennar Command radio supplement lust I It read: Compared with the partai favourable months oi
    i. -Reuter I  -  163 words
  • 757 2 Conditions Of Monolonv: t ink Fire Dav And \iglil Tobruk, St ptember 5 (By Alaric Jacob, Reuter’s special correspondent). British troops in the front line oi the Tobruk salien’. the Germans pushed in during last spring and then wn pushed back, are fighting under conditions as
    i,—Reuter  -  757 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 ■EI3 An exquisite perfume that Z lingers in the memory Jr j lipstick sc fragrant and exciting protects ,o skm. Me Pans Toiiet D reparat ons •re the ultimate cho’ce O 1 a Representatives:— Grafton Laboratories. Ltd. 37A, Beach Street, Penang. b. urn NOH AVAILABLE EMU BITTER ALE Ihe Best
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  • 858 3  -  Seen Ihis Man ,T BY JAMES GREGORY this man! In fact, you can’t miss him. Only f° L Kl do that—and they’ve wasted their bullets. ■is insouciant smile on the movies, stepping forc little group in an aeroplane hangar, tall and ‘receive a
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  • 102 3 A NEW dwe-bomber, named f*' Vengeance by the British Air Ministry, is being built by Vultee Aircraft, it teas announced recently. Although its specifications remain a military secret, it is said to exceed in performance any known ’plane of similar type. is the first machine
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  • 205 3 ALTHOUGH many people in Britain have seen the giant four-en-gined Short Stirling bomber overhead, looking like a much-magnified Wellington, its details were disclosed for the first time by the aeronautical 1 correspondent of The Times only ly"It is not only the R.A.F.’s biggest, but it
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  • 108 3 New York. Madeleine Carroll and Stirling Hayden, who recently appeared in a picture with her, are safe at Saltcay Island, in the Bahamas, after being marooned all night by the tide in a cave on a nearby island. They were picked up by Captain Charles
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  • 576 3 By Stanley Jackson L nraged iX azis Order A CCORDING to informax tion reaching me through neutral channels the Fascists and their Nazi masters are making it difficult for the Pope to exert any strong influence on the progress of the war. Vatican City’s powerful t.wo-way radio
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  • 934 3 Hitler's moon is waxing again, and here, cutting uut “catseyes and carrots,’’ A. B. AUSI’IN te. tain’s night fighters. HE is the black hunter, black from nose to tail, black from wing-tip to wing-tip, jet black in all but one place. Under his night fighter’s
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    • 200 3 THE RULES OF HEALTH are few and simple J ->■ Hit SF a Bp /Andrews gives you complete Inner Cleanliness. Andrews is far more than a laxative. It cleans «Mk > the system through and through, makes you feel 7 5 alive and alert, invigorated from top to toe. The
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  • 1337 3 bv the man who knows most about it NAVY SECRETARY KNOX in an interview ze'ith Fletcher Pratt BEFORE the present war, Americans were assured that in gun power and armour their battleships stood first among the world’s fleets; that they were adequately supported by
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  • 1150 4 Call To Malayans For Greater Effort \4LWBhK' of various communities in Singapore, interviewed at the beM ginning of the third year of war, were unanimous in the opinion tl at M»Jw. simuld—and will-do more to further the country s war effort. I'liev Lmitted that they were
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  • 109 4 r po the four external services which AH-India Radio was already running, a French service has been added from Aug. 15. This is given from the Bombay studios of All-India Radio from 11 to 11.30 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) every day. Among A.l.R.’s other external broadcasts
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  • 411 4 Released Officers Relate Experiences PROBABLY bo prisoners of war have ever covered so much ground in so short a time oi seen so much enemy occupied territory as the party of British and Indian officers and British N.C.O.s released at Beirut on Aug. 15. writes an
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  • 427 4 MidDICAL Auxiliary Service, which has been organised on lines indicated by experience gained by British organisations during the past 12 months and adapted as far as possible to local needs, has rapidly increased in efficiency since its formation and stands ready to give a
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  • 212 4 The defence of Tobruk will be re- garded as one of the classics of the war. Last January it was captured from the Italians in a three-day battle. Since the retirement from Cyrenaica it has been besieged by Germans and Italians, and
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  • 72 4 Pleading guilty at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice Worley to a. series of charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts, a clerk and bili collector formerly employed by Phoenix Aerated Water Works, Fong Lai Siak, was sentenced’ to 12 months’
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  • 440 4 Increase In I r|) 01l Population pjRTHER Provincial figures of the 1941 Man c” 1 S 1 now available and they show a rpmari-nui enstti the urban population. markable i ncr J In the last Census there were only about 36 dia which had populations of over
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  • 168 4 First Australian Built Bomber Breaking all previous flight records in Australia, the first Bristol Beaufort torpedo-bomber to be assembled in the Commonwealth recently flsw from Melbourne to Brisbane (850 mDes), in 3 hrs. 12 mins. Captain T. R. Young, a former Queensland Airline pilot, who now is
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  • 419 4 Fadden Broadcast AUSTRALIAN NEWs C4| Melbourne, Eaddeii uiij broadest as Prime J on Sunday night. Topped The Score The Australian fighter Great Britain topped the seori gust with 18 enemy planes for the loss of five! pilots. Lieut, On Bridge Lieut. Alfred Palmer, of Syj been awarded the Distinguished Cross
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  • 32 4 Mrs. Kama i a^ orl e r Indian CcngU r o on t: c i-i, rough SinS a P'‘\ lv Sb e u way hack to W United SUtw
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    • 211 4 aiiapotf noap ••%Z■ J coarse red WIMi i >kin smooth I and supple ■I: S,u V -A' -wPnr -r z > v f Ift N. 9r > n i \W ..and avoid BLEMISHED f SKIN ,nf; purif,es sweetens the Because Ci:w.ur;i is a MEDICINAL X. pores y av.! TOILLT Soup,
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    • 46 4 Pwhat a War’ShS”': t }on f 'ju imagine what it s like f<u me here, lady, after beini: neentx rears in Piccadilly i w w w A Uin cr Day's V/oik —by Bick F -imes ;v i SE.VE.K 6E GOLDEN -M?f?f=STE-C> HOARpiMG > v A ;V -rk\
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  • 133 5 IPOII PRACTICE TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH I poll. *er: lood that the first exercise involving the oi the civil population of Ipoh will only be held Hik in October and not immediately following the -n \.R.P. exercises on September 15 and 16 I" the
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  • 94 5 '''""al Talks To Be l hi November ''‘-.Malayan Urban Co- “'-e to be held this der the auspices of Co-operative Union, <1 21. lias been posti '5 and Sunday, Nov. 1 'f tb-e replies from rather late, it has ary to postpone and as the Bulan ’’ear
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  • 162 5 Entertainment For Troops About half a company of Australian troops, stationed in Malaya, are in need Gt two wireless sets for their entertainment. and Air. Arthur H. Miles will be grateful to those who will come forward with the loan of two sets, new or
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  • 54 5 Used Inaccurate Dachings” Ipoh. Produced before Che Samsudin bin Nain, Second Magistrate, Ipoh, three Chinese shop-keepers, Ng Lai Cheok, Wong Teong and Liew Fook were each fined $75 for using inaccurate “dachings” for trade The dachings were ordered to be confiscated. The Inspector of Weights
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  • 92 5 Lim Ail Huai pleaded guilty before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Third Court yesterday on a charge of committing theft of twelve sarongs at Kampong Kolam yesterday morning. Tire prosecution officer stated that at 9.30 a.m. that morning, the complainant saw the accused
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  • 303 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Major F. B. Gough, formerly of Kajang. is now living in Lamuria, Kenya Colony. -fc Mr. B. P. Walker-Taylor has been appointed Supply Officer Kedah, in place of Mr. F. E. G. Caswell. 4- 4= -fc Rev. Fr. Bonauiy of Sungei Patani will be proceeding to Singapore on
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  • 123 5 Tonight on the Esplanade from 8.30 p.m. to 10.39 p.m. March Punjaub Payne Overture 1812 Tschaikowsky Selection For The Forces Somers (An Empire Medley) Episode Humoresque The Two Gendarmes Douglas (Founded on the Gendarmes’ Duet in Offenbach’s “Genevieve de Brabant”) Selection Tommies’ Tunes (1914-1918) Field Two Hot
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  • 53 5 Tokens Of Rememrance In memory of the Admiral E. C. Martin $lO.OO In memory of Lt Conimdi. Derrick and Dr. Bruce Cross Major and Mrs. O. B. Haines 25.00 In memory of Dr.. Bruce Cross Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rickeard 10.0 U Mr. L. T. A.
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  • 53 5 To De Safeguarded Swedish Consuls /4 message from the Secretary of State for the Colonies states that the Swedish Government has undertaken to safeguard Finnish interests in the British Empire. The Consul for Sweden in Singapore and the Vice-Consul for Sweden in Penang will therefore safeguard
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    • 23 5 Something n e w again! Something fine ol course! Mapros Stewed Duck (Advertisement of the Aspirant Agencies, 55 Burmah Road, Penang. Phone 3388.)
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    • 30 5 SELLER'S LOTUS BONEY for ah Eye TROUBLES e;en Cataract safe, Sure World-wide reputed and tested. At all Chemists. Liceratiue free Beware of imitation—insist on SELLERS BOON PBARMACI PENANG A IPOH
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    • 32 5 NIX ON THE GOLDILOCKS,GRANNY "OS® I WANNA HEAR THE PHILADELPHIA STOP/ («nd wail trii you hoar about tho groat M-G-M cost, hoodod by 1 CAKY GIANT, KATHARINE HEPBUIR. and JAMIS STEWAKT f
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    • 35 5 I LOON CHEONG Co., Building Contractors, Furniture Makers* Painters, Polishers. Signboard Writers, And Teak Wood Merchants. StOckistsi-Mirrors Plate Glass all sizes, 23 Farquhar Street, Penang. i' Perak Branch:-* FOO LOON, No. 84 Brewster Bead, Ipoh.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 86 5 rV \ri< Bette Davis Picture Is A Great Event hi A Theatre. Bui IBE GREAI LIE Is No Exception. D "P Y 3 SHOWS TODAY AT IL-*/ 3 p-in-j 6.15 9.30 p.m. t-yi'I’YTHING BETTE HAS EVER DONE EVEN THE LETTER. I B f 898 irpPORTEI' LATEST PATHE GAZETTE BRITISH MOVIETONE
      86 words
    • 65 5 MAJESTIC OPENS TODAY 3.00 8.00 p.m. Return Screening At Reduced Prices Of Republic’s Spectacular BreathTaking Adventure Serial The Whole Serial In One Complete Screening “THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN Duncan Renaldo, Bob Livingston the new Republic aerial "The Lot.a Ranger Rides Again/’ MATINEES TODAY TOMORROW’ AT 11.30 A.M. Barbara Stanwyck
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    • 212 5 pi R«con d i T|q j 3 SHOWS: TO-DAY TO-MORROW 3.30 P.M., 6.15 AND 9.30 P.M. JANE AUSTEN'S Romantic Comedy is the Screens Laugh Riot of the Year! BACHELORS! BEWARE OF THE FIVE BENNET BEAUTIES, ALL H L N TLX G FO R HUSB AN DS I iSTuJmR. CHIPS’ WIFE’
      212 words
    • 302 5 Last 4 Shows Today 1.15, 3.30, 6.15 9.30 p.m. Paramount’s Greatest Aviation Classic Ever Filmed “I WANTED WINGS” Starring Bay Milland William Holden M ayne> Morris Brbui Donlevy. AGo the Latest British Paramount News with scenes of British Destroyer sinking Nazi U-Boats in the Atlantic Plans at M. Grand Co.,
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  • 417 6 CLEARER AND NEARER VV/TiATEVER the outcome of the U-boat attack on the American destroyer “Greer”, the basic issue, like that of the “Robin Mcor” incident, remains. It is the same issue involved in President Roosevelt's freezing of Axis funds in the United States and closing of German consulates. It is
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  • 134 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA: “I Wanted Wings” with Ray Milland and Constance Moore. 1.15, 3.30, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. KEN CINEMA: Bette Davis in “The Great Lie” with George Brent and Mary Astor. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: "Bhakta Chetha” (Tamil talkie). 6.00 and 9.15 p.m. MAJESTIC
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  • 157 6 —Reuter. Arrived In New York To Recuperate New York, September 5 Soldiers and sailors were very heartened to hear how well Russians were still holding out when they arrived in New York yesterday on the “Empress of Asia.” Most of those on board were wounded from Crete
    —Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 137 6 Factory Expansion hi India Simla. September 5. One of the most important factory expansion projects recommended by the Chatfield Committee will be practically completed with the installation ■and putting into use of the new open hearth furnace at the new steelworks of the Metal and Steel Factory. The
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    • 130 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir. I note from your issue today that the Gold Cup race will be the seventh race. I hope this does not mean that there will be no running commentary on the Malayan Derby? Usually the race broadcasts are on the
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    • 125 6 Sir. (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). In his column on Monday “Alpha” described the Jubilee Home as representing community service of the highest order. It is a view with which I entirely agree. If you take a stroll along the principal streets in town, you will notice.
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  • 355 6 Motoring Martyrs JPOR the motorists amongst us (1 hope their name is not legion) who are still grousing at the imposition of petrol rationing and the little cut in quotas which started this month, here is an item from an Australian news cable, which should make them
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  • 707 6 Saturday, Sept. 6. METOKLI) attention at the moment is focussed on news from America of the U-boat attack on the L .S. destroyer “Greer.” OPHE incident, as might be expected, caused a sensation, especialj ly as it has been generally realised i that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 228 6 I I ALWAYS I Good Clothes I AND I Good Service. f <. gS This is a Service, second B to none in the Country, sa whether clothes for local llg wear or for your leave I we offer you only of the 1L IB H best, not in the
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  • 562 7 MALAYA'S LATEST REINFORCEMENTS Scottish Unit Which W cut Through Dunkirk Some thousands of Gurkha troops have arrived in Malaya. Several battalions of them were among reinforcements which landed at a port in Malaya on Wednesday. A famous Scottish yeomanry regiment who at one time
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  • 221 7 Charles Baron, Gen. de r ulle's representative in the Far r\t who has returned from a to the Netherlands Indies, told p ree Press reporter that the Free french movement was receiving support in the Indies, 'je extent of the support, he said, d
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  • 35 7 A soldier is reported to have shot a: a villager in Glugor and to have Hired another yesterday. The accused as been arrested and is being charged jlheßayan Lepas Court.
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  • 243 7 Cheating Over Lost Jewellery purged with cheating, Lee Kong F- was convicted and fined $5O by gC. Redman, the First Magisp vrala Lumpur. ’.ne case for the pr osecution was that totttcused went to the complainant, a tamed Haw Yuk, who had los ptMSlace on Aug. 1, and
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  • 322 7 fm.s. appoints six regional OFFICERS OIAIRJtAN OF THE F.M.S. TRANSPORT BOARD HAS PUBipp,. 11 GAZETTE notification appointing six regional bj) liS UNDERTAKE THE DUTIES OF REQUISITIONING Nt ROL of TRANSPORT DURING AN EMERGENCY. c lrans P ol ’t officers will dilfcc tion of the chairman
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  • 230 7 THREE YEARS SENTENCE PASSED A Chinese named Chuan Seong, convicted of counterfeiting coins and possession of instruments for coining, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment at the Selangor Assizes. Another Chinese who appeared in the case, charged with possession of materials for counterfeiting and
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  • 197 7 Made Compulsory In Colony The Colony’s compulsory fire-watch-ing and fire-prevention schemes are ready. Regulations, published in a supplement to the Government Gazette, place the onus on landlords and occupieis of business premises and houses in specified areas to ensure adequate flic watching and fighting arrangements. The occupiers of
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  • 62 7 Special Service Of Intercession Sunday having been proclaimed a Day of National Prayer, a special Service of Intercession will be held in St. George’s Church at 10 o’clock. At this Service there will be detachments of Navy, Military and S.S.V.F. The other Services will be as usual
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  • 244 7 LATEST DONATIONS TO WAR FUND The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,540,422.73 made up of Penang $079,808.88 and Perak $560,613.85. Previously acknowledged $979,414.59 In memory of Dr. Bruce Cross from Mr. and Mrs. E. J. C. Currie 10.00 Mi. and Mrs. Anthony
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  • 117 7 Japanese Rear Guard Engaged Chungking, Sept. 5. The withdrawal of Japanese troops from Foochow was completed at 4 am. cn Wednesday and by 12.10 p.m. Chinese militia, numbering about one thousand, had occupied the port, says a Foochow dispatch. It is reported that on Tuesday night, advance
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  • 460 7 Alleged Breach Of Over $l,lOO Singapore. A Chinese woman Ee Tieow Leng alias Suay Nia, who was stated at one time to have managed tontines involving several thousands of dollars, claimed trial in the Singapore District Court on a charge that between Aug. 1, 1938, and
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  • 69 7 Three exhibitions for boarders of £6O a year each are open to boys over 12 and under 16 years of age. The exhibitions are tenable for three years (minimum) and winners must enter the School Ist Term, 1942. Entry forms should reach the Headmaster The King’s
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  • 564 7 Alleges She Left Because She as Threatened Allegations that her husband had assaulted her and had threatened her with a knife, saying that if she stayed in the house that night he would kill her. were made by the accused. Bans Kaur, a 16-year-old Sikh
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  • 40 7 The export of chickens from the State of Kedah has been prohibited. The prohibition, however, does not apply to chickens for breeding purposes which may be exported under licence from the Under Secretary to Government.
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  • 574 8 Importance To UJS. And Britain London, July 22. I’he London Metal Market has been fairly quiet this week but, with continued selling on the part of smelters, prices have ruled firm. Spot has averaged £258 per ton over the week, and although this price is lower than the
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  • 114 8 Yesterday's Close Prev’ously LONDON “Forward £2sti £256 <>• SINGAPORE 1 £259 51 Business done $136.87% $137.50 PENANG: $136.87% $137 50 Rl BBER; LONDON “Spot” “Forward” 5 8d 13 s i Bd Tone 13 5 Bd. 13 5 8 d. Dul l Business very small SINGAPORE “Spot” >Bt 38
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    • 457 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. sth September, 1941 Issue Buyers fellers 4/0 Ampgt Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 7/44 7/7 ic £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/oex > 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .70 .75 £1 Bangrin Un
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    • 236 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.074 1.124 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay l.C2| 1.674 c Ayer Hitam .85 .90 Ayer Moleh 1.15 1.20 Ayer Panas 1.074 1.124 c Bassett .40 .424 Batu Lintang 1.124 1.15 Bedford .974 1.024 Benta 1.00 1.05 Borelll 1.35 1.40 Broga .60 .624 Brunei United
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    • 355 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex. Brick Ord 1.724 1.774 $2 Alex. Brick 74% Pref 2.074 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7 50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £9 £94 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
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    • 185 8 MINING. Dividend Books close Payable Austral Amai and 14 Bonus 15.9.41 26.9.41 Hong Fatt 8% 3rd Int. 10/20.9.41 22.9.41 Ipoh Tin Int. 26.8.41 24.9.41 (In London) Kundang 10% 10.9.41 17.9.41 Mambaus 124% final 3.9.41 10.9.41 Raub Gold 3d. 2nd Int. 12.9.41 18.9.41 Talams 5% 3rd Int.
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  • 1527 8 Value To Engineering Trade The operating temperatures of many industrial and engineering processes have increased continuously, and in the last decade particularly there have been rapid advances. In many eases this process has reached the point where traditional materials of construction can no longer be used. Steel, for
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  • 68 8 Penang September 5. 1941. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING tendon Demand 2/4 3/33 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta. Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand H Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8 Australia
    68 words
  • 170 8 The general tone of rn iab Friday was distinctly brighter t" are Market in the rubber section been an almost alround tnere has rubber shares, recia i*on pick up anything r. re ady the market while Tii 1' offeri ng steady around previous "i irp were steady
    170 words
  • 35 8 Batavia, Sept. The French Consulate-General in Be* via will be closed shortly, it is learnedt day. The acting Consul General v Gassouine, is leaving for another the Pacific area—Reuter.
    35 words
  • 45 8 Full report foi half-year to Decani» 31, 1940. shows net profit. R 5.33, (same period, 1939, R- 38,14,477). 1, pension funds, Rs. 69,800 (Rs.72Js); dividend 12 per cent, per annum, tax fee (same); forward, R 5.38,60,603 (Rs. 391 567 brought in).
    45 words
  • 94 8 R.A.F. XI Heal Sport* Club An R.A.F. XI defeated the Peng Sports Club bv three goals to nil it J friendly soccer match on the W-l Read ground yesterday. I Land Office Beat I Statistics In a friendly soccer match played a D-ato Kramat ground, the Lan; OM defeated
    94 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 BANKS —1.,, EX X' p ~j BMCTRigj.__. fef 1; 11 *’sSs 1 > I SAVINGS c/ou io' dollar saved 1* an extra dollar earned. Savings Account Is the best Inducement to save. K To have a Savings Account and to see this acceunt grow from time to time is to
      129 words
    • 54 8 MAKE LIFE Worth Living I I fUf n I Wl I fill p w Pm '■<!’ sir i 1 1 sjs'l No. 32, Paste ou Poet B Dear \ogi- Kmdly “tnd «end tie 0 come the obBtac. L 9 jlw ll, I illustrated J. M free Without oblige M Name
      54 words

  • 913 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 18m SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Day Of National Prayer, 7.15 am. Mattins and Litany. 8.00 am. Holy Communion 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil; 10.00 am. Special Service. 4.15 pm. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon MONDAY 7.00 a.m. Mattins 4.00 p.m.
    913 words
  • 216 9 Murder Mystery Unsolved A verdict of murder against some person unknown was recorded by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter at an inquiry into the mysterious circumstances of the death of an Indian watchman, Fazal Rahman, whose body was found lying On his charpoy on
    216 words
  • 330 9 j/ SATURDAY, «TH SEPTEMBER 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Wearne’s Air September 6th inst. Singapore 10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.mAFRICA All destinations .50 .25 B O.A C. Sat.
    330 words
  • 301 9 Chinese Open Big Drive /ANE thousand Singapore Chinese, representing numerous local associations and guilds, provided an enthusiastic opening on Monday to the Aid-to-Britain Campaign, organised by the Federation of China Relief Fund Committees to help the Lord Mayor’s Air Raid Distress Fund. Gathered at a mass meeting in
    301 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      61 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1286 9 T() DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS I broadcasting OH News In English m/cs (16-84 m. I B. B o< S (25 53 m) (LOcai lUue&> M in -> ,26&3 7.20 a.m. B.2oamgM Transmission 8 11,20 a.m. H post/—An analysis of Transmission. 1 1.50 p.m. U 5 l) rcpa;aiuia. 6.20 p.m. M Transmission
      1,286 words
    • 357 9 Running Commentary on the 6th Race of the Singapore Meeting relayed from the Bukit Timah Course, together with results of preceding events and a description of tiie Gold Cup Race. (Details as to timing is given in the Press). 5.05 p.m. Week-end Dance Rhythm— Selections of Mandarin Dance Songs and
      357 words

  • 192 10 Roosevelt Informed Of U-Boat Incident New York, Sept. 5. President Roosevelt was informed promptly of the attack on the United States destroyer “Greer” yesterday. The attacker is assumed in Washington to be German, writes the Washington correspondent of the “New York
    192 words
  • 201 10 w cm 8.0. w. M. Herriot’s Protest Against Policy Rugby, Sept. 4. I The unflinching opposition to the men of Vichy of the French people is illustrated by an article in an American magazine written by M. Herriot, who besides being Mayor of Lyons for
    ■ w cm 8.0. w.  -  201 words
  • 46 10 WAS vvv/l Al Reuter, Bangkok, Sept. 5. We have done nothing cf the kind, a member of the cabinet told Reuter when his attention was drawn to the Tokyo report that Thailand has decided to enter an economic agreement with Japan Rente*
    WAS vvv/l Al Reuter,  -  46 words
  • 273 10 —Reuter. BIG E!\EMY EFFORT BUT POOR RESULTS London, Sept. 5. (By Alaric Jacob, Reuter’s special correspondent in Tobruk.) The shelling of Tobruk is becoming heavier, but thanks to the deep wadis dissecting the territory in every direction and rock dugouts affording excellent cover, casualties remain absurdly
    —Reuter.  -  273 words
  • 53 10 —Reuter. Melbourne, Sept. 4. The Australian Trades Union Congress applauds the British Trades Union Congress on their decision to set up an AngloSoviet Trades Union Council as “the finest incident in the history of the Union movement” and hopes it will be the forerunner of an International
    ..—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 22 10 r.—Reuter. Seattle, September 4 The Soviet military mission to the United States landed at Sitka from Koiak yesterday.—Reuter.
    r.—Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 1195 10 GERMANS HURL MASS OF TROOPS AND PLANES INTO FRAY Enemy Hurled Back 30 Miles In Central Sector London, September 4. The most complete reserve on the progress of the fighting on the eastern front which continues to be maintained by the German and Soviet
    —8.0. W.  -  1,195 words
  • 87 10 —Reuter. Berlin Denies Knowledge Of Affair Washington, Sept. 5. "Quickly the long awaited news of any occurrence tending to draw the United States closer to the war has spread to the four comers of the world,” writes the Washington correspondent of the “Associated Press”, commenting on the
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 33 10 .—Reuter. Washington, Sept. 4. The United States Maritime Commission has announced that it is advised that the United States oil tanker arrived in Vladivostok with fuel for Russia. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 80 10 —Reuter. Chungking View Of Washington Talks Shanghai. September 5. No fundamental solution of Pacific problems, arising from such an important problem as Sino-Japanese hostilities, could ever be reached without China’s participation in the current Japanese-American negotiations in Washington, according to local Chinese Press reports quoting informed
    —Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 123 10 —Reuter. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru’s Confidence In Victory Allahabad, September 4 “What makes me confident about success lor England is the spirit of courage and sacrifice which is animating her people young and old. men and women." said Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, Indian liberal leader, in a
    ”—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 47 10 Reuter. From Demilitarised Frontier Zone Tokyo, September 4 According to a Saigon telegram Thailand has notified the Japanese member of the Border Demarcation Committee that the withdrawal of Thai troops, from the zone on the Indo-China frontier to be demilitarised, has been completed.—
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 41 10 —Reuter. Berlin, Septemt vr 5 Soviet planes raided Berlin on Thursday night, reports the official German News Agency. The Agency states only a small number of aircraft were engaged and two of them were shot down.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 472 10 ALL GERMAN ATTEMPTS TO cda! DNIEPER FOILED RO I M. Lozovsky, the Soviet spokesman, today° man claim of the capture of Briansk, which i the “Radio Victory.” UCh he Asked by Reuter whether other German attempts h made to cross the Dnieper by pontoon
    ’—Reuter,  -  472 words
  • 121 10 —8.0. W. Remarkable Progress Made Rugby, September 4 Reports received in London show that a welcome addition to wartime Empire supplies is the remarkable progress in tiie linen flax industry in New Zealand. Before the war no linen flax was grown in the Dominion, but
    —8.0. W.  -  121 words
  • 427 10 Three Large Ships Hit And Disabled Cairo, September 4. A successful attack by Fleet Air Arm aircraft on an enemy convoy is recorded in an R.A.F. communique. It says the convoy consisted of five merchant ships with an escort of seven destroyers, and
    —Reuter  -  427 words
  • 150 10 Reuter. First Stage Of Jounl Back 1 o F rance J Beirut, General Deutz accotnpanW officers of his General Staff £ixl Jerusalem on the first staged 1 l journey back to France. A guard. J was mounted at the quayside andpflj arms before General Deutz berfj i
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 54 10 MR. F. W. ARRIVES IN D.E.I. Reuter. Australian Mini*' To Chungking Batavis, S$ The first Australian Minister king, Mr. Fredrick b at present in the IM* today paid a visit to the a*» ties at Bandoeng. In a Press interview that his nomination was series of appointments Australia’s sincere cej
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 70 10 —Reuter. Bullet Still To Be Extracted London, SeP te ®)J „i nut of danger M. Lax 31 is state of convalescence. by the doctor atte^ I ‘J ftris radio, ing according to th nigbt M. Laval had a healisJ wound in the rlght Though the
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 36 10 SOVIET- POLISH RELATIONS -2. C V 7 Sept resußiP 1 011 and A Pl a r tween the the relations betwee 11 w ti* pa Governments is u o f 0 s 3 Moscow this mor
    -2. C V 7  -  36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 the ben line FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS. BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 64i> PENANG. TurSTTHlp”' LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTE.AD CO., LTD., Agents Penang T elephone
      52 words

  • 792 11 HOW GATE CUP FOR O.X.A. C.R.C. 'B' Defeated By 2-0 JAN'S BRILLIANT DISPLAY r PHE Old Xaverians’ Association won the Cow Gate Cup when they defeated the Chinese Recreation Club “B” in the final of the competition before a large crowd on the Westlands School ground yesterday by two goals
    792 words
  • 142 11 Badmintion Finals h’l RES FOR miORROW or Open and Tournaments will r, morrow at the Free Junior Men’s Hail- 1 n the Beh Leong and Cheah I i Hock Soon will and the InterHu Yew Seah 2.00 p.m. tn Hu Yew Seah I. the A 'S. Union team the Limstead
    142 words
  • 201 11 irr.ams nl l or Wee Lim Leong Cup :!.•aii.-; ices ot the Dato Kra■p A.R.P. an inter-sector badLr:: nt ill be held shortk W. t Girn Leong Challenge r i g presided over by Mr. I O.C. Socials and RecreaIbli"' nt attended: Messis, iLi Tan Teik Lim,
    201 words
  • 179 11 Another Victory For O.X.A. The Old Xaverians’ Association beat the Sepoy Lines Recreation. Club by one goal to nil at hockey cn the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. Play was inclined to be scrappy owing to the uneven nature of the ground. Nevertheless both sides gave of their best, the
    179 words
  • 436 11 Medical Dept. Thrift And Loan Presiding at the half-yearly general meeting of the Penang Government Medical Department Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., held at the General Hospital at 4.45 p.m. yesterday, Dr. L. W. Evans, the new Chief Medical Officer, congratulated the Society on the splendid
    436 words
  • 331 11 More than $6OO worth of jewellery was stolen from a Chinese residence in Bishop Street in the early hours of yesterday morning, when the premises was burgled. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lim Say Chuan and members of their family. The discovery
    331 words
  • 169 11 CHATEAU LAROSE TIPPED TO WIN London, Sept. 1. Tile following are the probable starters and jockeys for the St. Leger:— BAKHTa WAR Ham- Wragg CHATEAU LAROSE Jones DANCING TIME Beary DEVONIAN Perryman FELOUS Carey FIROZEDIN Stephenson MAZARIN Bartlam ORTHODOX D. Smith OWEN TUDOR Nevett PTOLEMY E.
    169 words
  • 1908 11  -  How Gordon Richards Learned The Game By Steve Donoghue I THINK it is duty of everyone J concerned with racing to do what they can to encourage young talent. If a senior jockey can do something to give a helping hand to lads riding in the stables
    1,908 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 119 11 (KEEP LoJ THEIR MOUTHS SME Dental experts designed the famous ShortHead" brush with special TEK junior for children. Only genuine Tek Brushes, by virtue of their short heads, fit behind the aich of the teeth, where scientifically designed bristles, remove remains of food from hidden nooks and crannies. Beware of
      119 words

  • 317 12 MYSTIC MUSIC AND CIMON ALSO'IN DEMAND Good Going This Morning (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. ILL a woman owner tor the second year in succession win n the Singapore Gold Cup at Bukit Timah today, the final day* of Malaya
    317 words
  • 1228 12 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY Race 1: Horses Class 1 Div. 2 —Miles —2.15 p.m. 1. 0 0 0 LOVERS FATE 5y 9.00 “Mr. Eddie’’ Van Breukelen 2. 0 0 4 RUMINATION 5y 8.13 Mrs. S. N. Yeap van Breukrten 3. 2 4 0 YULE CALL by 8.07
    1,228 words
  • 229 12 ‘THF RrnrVG ROf' “TIC TAO” EPSOM JEEP” “MAN-ON-THE EUREKA” "THE MAJOR” Penang Ipoh I SPOT” Ipoh K. Lumpur Singapore Lover’s Fate i Lover’s Fate Rumination Rumination j Rumination Lover’s Fate RACE 1 Democracy Rumination Yule Call Yule Call Yule Call Democracy PAfl? 9 Chiltern Winchcliff Winchcliff
    229 words
  • 61 12 L .S. Tennis .—Reuter. Forest Hills, Sept. 5. Helen Jacobs reached the semi-final of the women’s singles in the American lawn tennis championships here today by- beating Miss Dorothy Bundy 6 3, 11|9. The Swedish player, Carl Schroeder, beat the Diminutive American “bitsy” Grant 6 8.
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 134 12 .—Reuter. Two Enemy Pursuers Eluded London, Sept. 5. Returning over the North Sea or. Thursday after successfully bombing Rotterdam form Gremo height, one cf Britain's Giant American-built Flying Fortresses was pursued by two enemy fighters. The captain of another British aircraft who watched the proceedings says
    .—Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 335 12 rpHE Fifth Column has had a tryout in large-scale invasion rises wh’.ch have been taking place “Somewhere in England ant- it failed. A number of “German” agents pro vided with false papers ranged at large over the whole area. This is how they
    335 words
  • 194 12 —Reuter. Anniversary Of South Africa’s Entry Cairo, September 5. Ted,ay is the anniversary of South Africa’s entry into the war. H tvr.ig cleaned up East Africa, the forces are now lined up ready to drive the axis from the last African foothold. On the occasion of
    ’—Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 97 12 —Reuter. Hour’s Pay I o Help British orkers’ Children New York, September 5 In co-operation with the British and American Ambulance Corns, a drive has been launched by the New Jersey State Council of the Congress of Industrial Organisation amongst 250,000 members of that organisation in
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 96 12 The following are Inter-Community soccer fixtures:—• 1. Europeans vs Chinese “B” —P.S.C. ground on September 10. 2. Chinese “A” vs Indians—S.X.l. ground on September 12. 3. Winner of (1) vs Malays—P.S.C. ground on September 13. 4. Winner of (2) vs Eurasians—P.S.C. ground on September 17 5. Winner
    96 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 358 12 TEMPLES AND DAY OF PRAYER A special service will be held in the Kek Lok See Chinese Temple, Ayer I tain, tomorrow at 12 noon on the occasion of the Day of National Prayer A special service will also be held in the Kong Hock Kong Temple in Pitt Street.
      358 words
    • 215 12 0! kS Monthly ea?ly 17 N.Ofl BUNDa? J 1 Local '■‘‘Wn 1 Quarterly a I»" 5 'U under:— U ’•«oM jSe’ e i will ce charged -a hinsertion u O f L cento Ur np I wanted"'’ I Wanted whokZfiT I stockists for cloth an,i Kates ve ry =oniMi F/ICzIYC/ESJ
      215 words