Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 574 1 No Opposition Met In Rapid Soviet Advance INTENSE DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITY CENTRES ROUND TURKEY I London. August 28. IMPORT AN I developments are reported from Iran. It is stated that the Iranian Cabinet resigned yesterday and a peaceful settlement of the conflict lis believed
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  • 28 1 I' The Ja F °ocbow, Aug. 28. n °ccupation fore/* is pthin j totally withdrawn **nsj Ve f° r a ti impending router 1 unnais Province.
    I'  -  28 words
  • 83 1 —Reuter. U.S. First And Japan Second London, August 27. The United States took first place in exports to the Netherlands East Indies in 1940 according to the chairman of the council of the British Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands East Indies, today. Japan retained
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 155 1 *r*.. I WVUXU r I tench would giadty plax> them at Americas disposal. Meu- v London, August 27. 3re rH J the Portion of West Africa ports continues here, so that f «e fren ,r ln that General De Gaulle had offered to
    ■ . ’ *r*.. I WVUXU r I * tench would giadty plax> them at Americas disposal. Meu-  -  155 words
  • 262 1 OIL FOR RUSSIA —Reuter Tokio, August 28. I T is reported here that the Jap- anese Government lias po'ntd out to Washington the I roximity to Japan of shipment routes to Vladivostok and the fact that United States assistance to Russia is taking the
    —Reuter  -  262 words
  • 324 1 Double Shooting At Versailles London, August 28. PIERRE LAVAL and Marcel Deat were shot at and woundthough not seriously —at ersailles jesteidax afteinoon. says the Vichy News Agency. The assailant was a young man, Paul Colette, aged 29. Brought before an examining magistrate, alette
    -Reuter.  -  324 words
  • 756 1 ENORMOUS LICKING' IN VAIN DRIVE TO KIEV (By Alexander Werth, Reuter’s special correspondent in Moscow) Moscow, Aug. 28. OOTH on account of the number of men and equipment needed, it will be difficult for the Germans to bring up adequate forces over long distances to
    Reuter  -  756 words
  • 246 1 .—Reuter Cairo, Aug. 28. An R.A.F. Middle East communique states: Libya: Several targets in Cyrenaica, Tripoli and Tania were attacked on the night of August 25-26. The Tripoli harbour and dumps near the town were again heavily bombed. A particularly violent explosion was seen to hurl
    .—Reuter  -  246 words
  • 71 1 —Reuter. New York, Aug. 27. The operation of all American tankers has been brought under Government direction through the creation of a Tanker Control Board, it is announced today. The Board will co-ordinate their allocation and utilization. An official stated that there is
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 l.'S ENERGY HOI’RS SOUND REST I I I Bwf I iH Agents: G. H. SLOT A C-0., Ltd.
      18 words
    • 67 1 i j A 3 DESTROY I WHITE ANTSj t Scientifically, I 1 US E u PRICES. JwflUb. (LARGE tor goduwns, factories, coolie- lines, etc. $22.50 A SMALL for indi- vidua! householders 7.50 5.50 ‘1 FIELD for rubber T plantations and all Al j trees. T 8 50 11.50 T j
      67 words

  • 187 2 Germans Silent About Russian Counter Offensive ,—Reutei. GREAT IMPORTANCE ATTACHED TO ATTACK Nazi Blitz Tactics Fail To Yield Results London. August 2». There is no further Gennan news of fighting in the Leningrad area nor, more significant still, is there any more information available on the subject ol the Russian
    ,—Reutei.  -  187 words
  • 309 2 —Reuter.. London, Aug. 27 A German communique claims the capture of the railway junction of Velikiye, north-east of Nevel, in the Pskov fegion. With no definite news of the results uf the Russian counter-attack in the Gomel area, the position is regarded in authoritative quarters
    . —Reuter..  -  309 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter Revenue Exceeds Expectations Tokyo. April 26. Tht G< vvrmneiu resume and exjienditure account for the year ending July 31 published today giver tin revenue for year as 6.445.000.1 >OO ven and the expenditure as 5.860.001>.<>00 yen. A tax revenue oi 2.916.0<M00© represent.-, an incretwe cl 792.000.000 yen
    —Reuter  -  70 words
  • 101 2 .—Reuter Talks On Measures To Combat Terrorism Berlin. Aug. 26 Four Vichy Minksters and a numbei er high Vichy Officials have arrived in Paris, according' to a message received here. Paris newspapers suggest the, obiect is a discussion with local French authorities the question of combating
    .—Reuter  -  101 words
  • 127 2 sory Civil defence woik.— Renter. Batavici, Auy. 27. It is officially announced today that the necessary steps foiputting into effect the law for native conscription recently passed by the Netherlands East Indies Convention have been carried out so smoothly and rapidly that
    sory Civil defence woik.— Renter.  -  127 words
  • 67 2 -Reuter Malayan Chinese Demand Recalled Shanghai, August 27. The Chungking Government has dismissed Mr. Chen Yi and Mr. Che Yinglieh. Chairman and Chief Secretary respectively of the Fukien Government, according to local Chinese press reports from Chungking. General Liu Chien-hsu is succeeding Mr. Chen Yi It will
    . -Reuter  -  67 words
  • 23 2 —Reuter. Bombay. Aug. 27. rwelve hundred Italian prisoners, inc.iding one general and over 500 officers have arrived. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 615 2 DAYLIGHT OFFENSIVE OVER CHANNEL NORTHERN FRANCE London. Aug. 27 An Air Ministry communique states: “Tuesday night’s operations by aircraft of the Bomber Command were somewhat on a larger scale than lately. Industrial quarters at Cologne were heavily bombed and a successful raid was made
    —Reuter  -  615 words
  • 573 2 Advance Of Troops Contiiniing Methodically Simla, Aug. 27 I'he advance of British and Indian troops is continuing methodically in South and Western Iran, states a communique. Indian troops cleared the Abadan area of Iranian forces in the vicinity of the oil installations. Two
    .-—Reuter.  -  573 words
  • 99 2 Consulate Genera) in Marseilles.—Reuter. Io Marry Mrs. Dalniaiue h» Batavia London. August 27. Ihe engagement was announced in' London today of Mr. Harold Braham an official of the Consuls) Service in China] and Mrs. Cicely Norton Dalmaine of Westcott, Surrey. The marriage will take place lute in
    Consulate Genera) in Marseilles.—Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 376 2 —Reuter StKDIMi com FOREST BOMRFj ’By Reuters M aboaid the Ark Rcval/" We are returning to Gi J most interesting trip wn/i' c i and two unusual feature 1 The usual feature is n ships, despite their superior 1 demonstrated anew tin attempt to engage
    —Reuter  -  376 words
  • 30 2 .—Reuter. The Govermnuu W noui.ctd that C.WJG o f supplies no ■>'ur. ana available :hi crcchor. 0: i’nd olfii't b'j’.ri inent. —Reuter. M
    .—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 185 2 .—8.0. W Practising Invasion At Le Touquet Rugby, Augu: t 27. All French and Belgian coastal watering places to which English holiday makers crowded in pre-war Augusts, still get English visitors daily. The beaches, promenades, pensions and casions have been visited specially this August by
    .—8.0. W  -  185 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. elcome Extended By Organisations In Burma Shanghai. Aug. 27 Over 30 Indian. Burmese and Chinese public organisations in Rangoon have sent a joint wire to the Chinese Government in Chungking extending a warm welcome to the proposed Chinese goodwill mission to Burma, according tc the local
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 30 2 .—Reuter. London. Aug. 26. "Three people were injured and slight damage was done in an air raid on Alexandria on Monday night." according to an official communique.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 329 2 Field-Marshal Smuts Ou I ui oll l Stupendous War Effort I Maritzburg, Ais- Field Marshal Smuts, the Union Prime Minister, Congress of the United Party, said that in spite ol ta ferences and division, the country’s military effort hat 1 pendous. H The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 V)O/V< SUMACH J' j AsepSO will relieve it! Doctors everywhere recommend 7 Asepso tor all skin diseases —it con- t tains a very active antiseptic, 3 xßnF' jMt Biniodidc otMercury, which quickly CyA v restores the skin to its proper healthy condition. Asepso gives immediate (gp." /A~d y WeL relief
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  • 415 3 I f FRANCES with which the IT of Vichy have sold r Axis is clearly reveaU I f their policies in ■jht 2. r ond Indo-China. U ftS K r nc of the oldest estaof the French Em- f rom the 1860’s, earlier \'n..h 1879, or
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  • 156 3 I .le wilding of air-raid shelters is I begin at once in Indian towns busied as vulnerable. The numbers k tyres of shelter to be built will r decided by the Provincial Govem-f-4 to suit iocal conditions. The bwiment of India have, however,
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  • 23 3 A cruiser tank splashing into a river during large scale exercises by vyell-known cavalry regiments in the Eastern Command.
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  • 771 3 UNDER NAZI RULE RUTHLESS persecution of priests has begun with the descent of German culture on Jugoslavia. A considerable number of orthodox Serbian priests have been hanged because they are alleged to have ’ed the resistance to the Germans. Others have
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  • 226 3 “"ar L 4t The Door 1 Of India” Says Muslim Leader k, Simla, Aug. 25. L*’ j of broadcast this LT"' Major General G. N. Chief of the 'hired that there had v'.d'-r.'e-; of an increase L 'f" definitely designed > r ibty and
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  • 57 3 London, August 20. In Mr. Churchill’s dramatic journey through eight miles of a homewardbound convoy in the Atlantic, the “Daily Empress” sees a demonstration of the improvement in Great Britain’s communications. The paper exclaims: “Eight miles of food and munitions, yet that was only one section of
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  • 897 3 German Influence. Russian Policy, Oil. Communications Discussed The following special cable giving the background to the present internal situation in Iran has been received from the British Ministry of Inf or ovation in Condon: London, Aug. 26. is not the first time that Iran
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  • 183 3 From Collection Of Lord Hare wood A world-famous Rubens from the i Earl of Harewood’s collection has I been secretly transported across the Atlantic, and has been acquired by the Boston Museum of Fine Art. The painting is entitled “Queen Thomyris with the Head of
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  • 41 3 Dcner. Colo., A new ilisati >n 3 owing from the coraa-' the American Nations was predicted ut the dosing plenary session of the 32nd annual Rotary Internal oral Convention by Enrique Gil of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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  • 644 4 Leaflets Distributed By Wardens upHOUSANDS of leaflets written in several languages and entitled, “What to do if war conies to Singapore,” were distributed during the week-end, and will be distributed throughout the coming week to all residents of Singapore’s coastal areas
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  • 199 4 ‘GRAVE CONCERN’ AT M.B.C.’S MOVE Declaring that it “view’s with I grave concern” the intention of rhe Malaya Broadcasting Corporation to bring to Malaya musicians from Britain, the European Association of Malaya is to ask the Colonial Secretary, Mr. S. W. Jones, what proportion of
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  • 96 4 European Association Resolution The European Association of Malaya is “far from satisfied with the present state of labour conditions in this country and is agreed that strong recommendations should be made as soon as an opportune occasion arises.” This resolution was made at a committee meeting
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  • 620 4 Million And A Half Spent On A.R.P. A SUM of $1,506,409.60 has been spent on air raid precau- tions in the Colony, it is stated in the report of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. A greater part of this expenditure was for evacuation camps
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  • 230 4 Further List Of Donation# Following is a list of further donations to the Kulim Industrial Fair in aid cf -he Malaya Patriotic Fund ‘Brought forward $6.306.18 Lim Lean Teng 300.00 Mr. B H. Symes 100.00 Hassan Mahamed A- Sons 500 Ng Neow Teng 10.00 Vasugi Brothers
    230 words
  • 392 4 RESULTS OF MEo|f,.l 1; COLLEGE EX/I,M/.M.|'r /Ov ''l FIVE Students have qualified as doctors and I surgeon at the August professional examinati n,al I College of Medicine. ll the I The new doctors, one of whom is a European woman, who have been awarded the
    392 words
  • 253 4 Mr. C. Animugaro Entertained Mr. C. Arumugam, Head Postmaster, Kua.’a Lumpur who is retiring from Government Service and leaving for Ceylon on Friday was entertained to a farewell dinner at the Colonial Restaurant today. Mix M. W. Navaratnam, in the course of his speech, said: “Air. Arumugam
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  • 446 4 Brig -Gen. CraM Performs Onenl» I3UH.T under the snE D pous orshi D M the Kuala l.n mp lr b the Ex-Services 4 hOl Malaya, the United S Pn^ n teen in Victory Avenue ally opened on Saturday by *l Crawford in the preset J acting Brifsh
    446 words
  • 219 4 Anti-Jewish Because of the a... an} a the iruf F h/ >hce J* ecctfdM made sweeping cnang D lW h “Vrij Nederland,” the ‘‘y paper t “shed in fThe new police 2 nd order police, co pa'tA coflUC odJ mlnru police. at one central ba.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 113 4 a, 3 AS a. -T A A a 3. S AAA A A A A A A A A AAA A A AA A A A A .A A AAA A A A A»• AAA i What a War’ 1 rr by Gilbi-u A I>| l|fc 'I 'd l r
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  • 306 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. H. C. Allen, of Kuala Muda Estate, Sungei Patani, is spending his leave at Allenhayes. Berkhamsteaa. Mrs. Anthony Brooke, wife of the nephew of the Rajah of Sarawak, has arrived in Singapore en route to Australia with her son. Mr. A. E. Coope. M.C.S., will give a
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  • 122 5 Joint Effort by Ceylon Associations Taiping. The Ceylon Association of Taiping and the Ceylon Association of Perak, Ipoh have decided to stage under their joint auspices a concert in aid of the War Fund. This concert is to be a variety entertainment that would
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  • 345 5 Ipoh. The Chinese community in Ipoh are responding well Io the appeal by Mr. P. B. Marriott, Director of Passive Defence Services, Ipoh and Menglembu, for more fire-fighters and fire-watch-ers. At a meeting held at the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce on Tues- day
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  • 239 5 Appeal By Sultan Of Perak Kuala Kangsai. An appeal to everyone to contribute Io the war effort in order to ensure the victory of the Allies, was made by His Highness the Sultan of Perak to a large gathering of Malays present at the
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  • 235 5 The annual ‘Sathurthi" festival of the Sri Ganeshar Temple, Kuala Kangsar commenced on the 18th instant with daily special offerings and poojahas. The ceremonies came to a close yesterday with the Oonjal. A holiday from 11.00 a.m. was given to all Hindus by the various
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 503 5 R E X MAJESTIC 0 11S Today With OPENS TODAY Shows At 3; 6.15 at 3 ,6.15 9.30 p.m, V 0 ’HI Ik 1)1 Th® Thrilling Malay Detective 0. '••)<! Story Packed With Action and Excitement From Beginning To T pi LAUGH HU Ol THE End I N JURY I
      503 words
    • 168 5 THREE SHOWS TO-DAY THRILLS! EXCITEMENT! SUSPENSE! It’s indeed the Funniest Picture in Town! CLAAK MfQY GfiBLEJLRmfIRR '7"‘ I hil ari -YA n.esf i nvr a,! The f Un Ninot «hG > :O,W dyss i c I Hear that sizzle 7 Nkr*- i Their “Boom Town IF K j—Jf 1 romance
      168 words
    • 304 5 .«RT J 0 W» «ar MOT MV «MT MV MV MF «M M» MV «M Aggr M» M 9 MV MV M MW 4MV MM MM MM M 0 MM «M MM M* M» M I Hullo, Penang.. .Here’s Really Good News!] M» MM MM mm MM mm MSV M»
      304 words

  • 531 6 /AVER the past few days, attention has been diverted from the Russian front to the joint Anglo-Soviet intervention in Iran. It would be a mistake, however, to attach too much importance to the one at the expense of the other. Whatever may be happening elsewhere, the battle
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  • 132 6 REX CINEMA: “That Uncertain Feeling’’ with Merle Oberon and Melvyn Douglas. 3. 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Hatim Tai-Ki Beti” (Hindustani picture). 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Pah Wong So” < Malay picture). 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “Comrade X” with Hedy Lamarr
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  • 154 6 Tokyo, August 27. The “Miyako Shimbun” has reported that the oil shipments which have already left United States ports included 2,700,000 gallons from San Francisco on August 15 and 3,900,000 gallons from Los Angeles on August 16. 3,792 barrels from San Francisco on August 16
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  • 73 6 —Reuter. Increase Of 46.000,000 Disclosed Simla, August 27. The preliminary census returns of India s population taken early this year discloses an increase by 46,000,000 above the figures of 1931 and possibly the actual increase is approximately 60 000 000. Although generally unofficially assumed, India’s population numbered
    ■—Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 188 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I am a great admirer of teachers and find any stories of their life and career most interesting. Thus, I saw “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” and “Cheers for Miss Bishop.” They were both grand. Now, I wonder, how many Messrs. Chips
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  • 648 6 Thursday, August 28. HILE Russian forces are advancing southward from the Caucasus and British troops in a north-westerly direction from Iraq arc meeting very little opposition I from the Shah's armies and remarkable cordiality from the civilian po- pulation, the Teheran authorities are beginning
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  • 358 6 Patriotism Before Convenience QO my Pet Gossip was right after all. There are to be less petrol coupons in future and, worse still, they are to be issued in booklets. To most motorists, the first is a mere trifle; to many, the second is a major disaster.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 273 6 f,VSS fe'H&f IV' &T i <»<-,‘ few AT is easy to take snap* you’ll be proud > A J 1 v fy/' f to show—snaps full oi detail, crisp and '<\° 2/** \fe Z clear-—if you always load up with Kodak —'3■' j I *Verichrome’ film. These f eatures make
      273 words
    • 22 6 ■m%w-’-vww m a_ p 0 J«r o o SB R KM I c s R H X AVAILABLE AT ALL GARAGES ■■■■■■".■■WaW-W.
      22 words
    • 39 6 Binoculars Overhauled The cleaning, overhaul and repair of all optical instruments undertaken at iloderate rates. Best cash prices given for second-hand binoculars in anv condition. E. IVOR PARRISH, Consulting Opticians, 14 Beach Street, PENANG. DEPOT FOR ALL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS
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  • 522 7 $36,000 CLAIM AGAINST MOTHER-IN-LAW JN the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Carey delivered judgment in the suit in which Oh Chin Soo, Record Clerk at the Penang Prisons, sued his mother-in-law, Gan Cheow Ee, a daughter of the late Penang
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  • 124 7 Chinese On Three Charges As the sequel to a tarring incident at a sundry goods’ shop in Penang Road on the night of July 23, Ong Chin Hoay was produced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on three charges. The charges
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  • 58 7 A military lorry while P roc along Jelutong Road towards Gtagoe behind a trolley bus at about 6 OCIOCK yesterday afternoon crashed into threar of the bus at the last request stop sign before reaching the bus terSlight damage was done to the back of
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  • 32 7 a d w Holmes, President teresting paper entitled teresimK e r the course of BerchesgartenJ J u ng the president the afternoon after wnic proposed a vote of thanks t
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  • 159 7 Lal House Plates On Sale I «tv? their support to the I u\ eantpaiS ll Rek i Councillor. Penang, and were the first tO P/u the attractive metal Plates which are now L' l, .1 a dollar each in aid Kt i/»rd Mayor’s Air Raid U the
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  • 166 7 I About 250 fitters employed in I iveleading Chinese foundries in I Penang have gone on strike I following the dispute over the I herease in wages. I The request for the increase, which ■nned according to the scale of salary ■aid to each
    166 words
  • 80 7 fnyers For Allied Victory To Be Offered of the birthday of ‘Kramat J of Singapore, an interesting and ne d programme of celebrations has s drawn up by the devotees and bjang held at N 20 Nannln Street, ceremonies will start from en ding with the
    80 words
  • 127 7 U, ul I rges Formation Of Ch inese Library A Ver teac hers at Hui Un Mr. Yeh Teh-ming, c °iisul, Penang, suggested i Wer^f 011 a I>ul3lic Chinese Library itt cnc °urage reading among oc ’<fu< d j! was c^le celebration of r rt!l^a y by
    127 words
  • 269 7 Licence Needed Under New Order From Sept. 1, no person in the Colony may import petrol except under and in accordance with a licence issued by Mr. H. C. R. Rendle, the Competent Authority for oil, fuel and lubricants, states an order under the Defence
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  • 76 7 The Singapore station is broadcasting an All-In Bee between a team from the Nursing Section of the Medical Auxiliary Service and a team from the Singapore Bomb Disposal Section, Royal Engineers (Volunteers) at 8.40 p. m. today. The Yang Mulia, Raja Petra, the grandson of the
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  • 343 7 CAR STICKERS AND STAMPS TO BE SOLD Under the distinguished patronage of H.E. the Governor, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, and the heads of the three services the “Buy A Bomber’’ Fund is being launched in Malaya, and it is to
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  • 72 7 HPHE “Pinang Gazette" understands that all-Ma-layan Passive Defence Exercises will be held in September, in the course of which lighting restrictions will be enforced. The dates are not yet settled but the period, it is understood, will be lengthy, and householders are asked to prepare
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  • 111 7 Inquiry Into Charge Against Woman Hearing was commenced this morning, before Mr. A. W. Bellamy in the Police Court, of the preliminary inquiry into a charge of murder against a Eurasian woman, Johannah Rowell, who was alleged to have caused the death of a five yearold
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  • 204 7 E.P.B. “Comrade X” AT The Odeon I will leave the women to go wild over Clark Gable, while I wax enthusiastic over Miss Hedy Lamarr, whose latest picture “Comrade X” drew crowded houses to the Odeon yesterday, when it was released for general screening.
    E.P.B.  -  204 words
  • 26 7 Bryan Lew-is will give one of his well-know-n dissertations on “This And That” from the Singapore broadcasting station at 8 p.m. today.
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  • 129 7 Protest Against Censorship Order Kuala Lumpur. As a protest against the order recently served on the Editor by the Federal Secretary directing that the “Indian” should be submitted to the Press Censor before printing and publication, the Board of Directors of the Indian Limited, has
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  • 237 7 Sentence Deferred On Indian A N INDIAN by the name of Alexander Vincent was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning with committing theft in respect of an electric table fan, valued at $2O, from the Methodist Church in Butmah Road
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  • 25 7 Closing Of Local Consulate The American Consulate at Penang will be closed on Monday, September 1. 1941, in observance of “Labour Day.”
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  • 363 7 Sentences of 18 months’ and 14 months’ rigorous imprisonment were respectively passed by the Penang District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the District Court yesterday on Lee Hui Chye and Lim Ah Yong, who were convicted on a charge of committing robbery. The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 348 7 KEPT AWAKE BY BACKACHE SHE WAS ALWAYS TIRED Only those who have experienced backache will appreciate this woman’s delight at now being able to write the following letter: “I was always feeling tired, never had any energy, and could get no sleep at night, for the pain in my back.
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  • 171 8 1 Access To Secure Magnesium ottgwa. Announcement was made recently of a process to secure magnesium from brucitic limestone deposits in the Gatineau district of the Province of Quebec, and plans have been made lor the construction of a refining plant not far from Ottawa. It is
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  • 68 8 Penang. August 27, 1941. <liy Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING 2-1 3/32 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 I Batavia Demand 118.82 Calcutta Bomba’. Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 11 11/16 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2 10 7/8
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    • 456 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 28th August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Amput Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 7/0 7/3c All Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .67$ 721 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
      456 words
    • 234 8 Issue Buy ers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Aior Gajah 75 .80 Amal Malay 1.57$ 1.62$ Ayer Hitam .85 .90 Ayer Molek LIO 1.15 ex Ayer Panas 1.02 J 1.07$ Bassett .39 .41 Batu Lintang 1.07$ 1.10 Bedford 90 .95 Benta .92$ .97$ Borelli 1.27 J 1.32$ Bioga .56 .60
      234 words
    • 358 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.67$ 1,72$ $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/6 20/3 $5
      358 words
    • 129 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus 2.9.41 12.9.41 Austral Amal 3d. and 1$ Bonus K Kampar 125% =l/3 25.8.41 3.9.41 Mambau 125% Final 3.9.41 10.9.41 Raub Gold 3d. 2nd Int. 12.9.41 18.9.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int. &5% Int. both L.T. 11/13.8.41
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  • 169 8 Penang, Wednesday There was great activity in the tin and rubber sections of the share market while the industrial market was steady. The lessening tension in the Far Eastern position was responsible for this state of affairs. Amongst dollar tin siiares, Batu Selangor, Hong Fatt, Kuchai, Mambau,
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  • 164 8 Programme Of Mapping And Examination Ottawa. A programme of field work which will comprise the mapping and examination of many thousands ol square miles of mineral areas throughout the Dominion is being undertaken this year by the Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa. A total of
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  • 171 8 Successful Firing Trials Ottawa A Canadian plant ha* just produced thi first naval gun mounting ever made in this country. Its firing trials have been successfully completed. It is a twin anti-aircraft machine gun mounting. Regular deliveries to the British Admiralty will 'begin this month,
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  • 206 8 Success Of Project Toronto Three hundred thousand pounds of Canada’s fruits will be sent to Britain in the form of jam by the Canadian Red Cross Society during the season of 1941. Red Cross branches and the Women’s Institutes in fruit-growing districts all over Canada are
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  • 1129 8 How To Judge A Car’s Value The selection oi a second-hand car is in many ways an even more difficult tgsk than the choice of a new vehicle. It is merely a question of age. Which is the better bargain, an old car of quality, or a
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  • 130 8 Ottawa More than 35,600.096 separate parts will go into the September produc’ion of Canadian-made fuses and other similar components of shells to be rained upon the enemy, it was announced recently by the Department of Munitions and Supply. Representing a sharp increase over April output involving
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  • 96 8 The Singapore Ch I Rubber Association I August, 1941 552l M Catalogued t I Offered 80,(1 1.5U14P London—Spot 13 New York-Spot PRICES HEALED I ribbed smoked SHEET I Standard Quaiiu l£| Good Average Quaiit- J Fair Average Quality 37 1 3$ I Off Quality 3G 1 Mil
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  • 107 8 Ottati I Officers Training Centres have J established at Brockvilie Ontario- J Victoria. British Columbia, for the Jf tion, training and suppiv of *J officers throughout the present watl Before becoming eligible for rtnl inendation for a commission in tJ Active Army, the prospective e -opcvuM. omcer
    107 words
  • 38 8 1. —Reuter. London. Aug. I Professor Castnir Bartel, aged 59. Im Prime Minister of Poland, has been ste by the Gestapo in Lvow. acccrdur news received by the Polish Govtraneit in London. —Reuter.
    1.—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 113 8 Yesterday’s Close Prevoibh TIN: LONDON •‘Spot” e 256. 10. 0 G»’- 0- "Forward” £259. 15. 0 SINGAPORE "Spot” $136.50 1 Business done PENANG: ••Spot” $136.50 RUBBER: LONDON "Spot” “Forward” Q U j e f, Tone Unchanged. P harged Quiet SINGAPORE "Spot” 38 1 40 PENANG: “Spot” COPRA: PENANG:
    113 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 BANKS yAi TMfefepy. 's~ t y 1 ■> wi®YC_l Advances agnlnsi goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged svith us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. lb !Sf y 1 !L << -a ■n e i I k LTTwI ttaimiaffijlllOail 1 Further
      170 words
    • 93 8 Blood is tho Stream of Life." h IMPURE BLOOD is the root cause of Skin x I Diseases, Boils, Eczema, Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Painful Joints, Rheumatic com- I plaints. Unless the blood is cleansed of impurities and poisons, the arteries I and internal organs are damaged, causing I premature old
      93 words

  • 181 9 Officials For Pro-British Week At a meeting of the publicity subcommittee presided by Dr, Lim Boon Kheng of the Pro-British Week organised by the Singapore China Relief Fund Committee, the following office bearers were elected: Chairman: —Dr. Lim Boon Kheng. Vice-Chairmen Mr. Ching Kep Sun and
    181 words
  • 279 9 THURSDAY. 28TH AUGUST. 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each ordinary Regn. i INTERNAL. MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weame’s Air August 28th inst. Singapore .10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA AH destinations fiO Jft b.O A.C. Thurs
    279 words
  • 549 9 Tributes To Dr. Tagore Santiniketan “A Legacy To The Nation”-. One Of India’s Greatest Sons New Delhi, Aug. 15. HPHE Indian press is filled with columns of tributes to Tagore and his work, from al! parts of the world. A LETTER FROM INDIA Hearing of Dr. Tagore’s death, Mi Gandhi
    549 words
  • 71 9 Lieut.-Gen. V. A. H. Sturdee, Chief of the Australian General Staff, and Air Chief Marsha! Sir Charles Stewart Burnett, Chief of Air Staff, R.A.A.F.. are now in Malaya. They arrived hy air from Australia. They are having talks with the heads of the fighting Services in
    71 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 r 'J k X JB M Brush Bloodstained danger for teeth That tiny trace of blood on use Cribbs S.R.—the finest your toothbrush is like a way both to help cure and red flag. It warns you that prevent gum diseases. In there’s danger ahead —the dental surgeries you will
      155 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2059 9 RANGOON |Bi Wi W Sial «Hi XYO 601 mc /s (49.94 mj *W® W I 1 B I HH c XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m.) ■SB WtiHK V V k V 6 50 p m Indian Session (Recorded ProBgl .gramme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded i Programme). 8-20 Burmese News and
      2,059 words
    • 503 9 KWEIYANG XPSA (49.0 metres) 4.50 a.m. National Anthem —News for the press in Chinese. 5.50 p.m. Flag song—Band music—announcement of programmes. 6.00 News commentary in Chinese. 6.15 European music. 6.20 News in Japanese. 6.40 European Music. 6.45 Educational talks to children. 7.05 News commentary in Chinese (Cantonese). 7.20 Women’s group
      503 words
    • 178 9 PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc|s (49.3 m) ix 5.30 Indian Frograflune 5.40 News in Tamil 5.55 Malay Programme 6.05 News in Malay 6.20 H.B.C. News (Rebroadcast) 635 8.8. C. Talk (Rebroadcast)’ 6.50 Chinese Programme 6.55 News in Hokkien fc Cantonese 7.20 News in Thai. 7.35 Light Music. 820 BJ3.C. News (Retroadcast)
      178 words

  • 387 10 REJECTION OF LABOUR PARTY’S DEMAND Canberra, Aug. 27. ipOLLOWING a meeting of the parties supporting the Government, Mr. Menzies has sent a letter to Mr. Curtin confirming the decision to reject Labour’s demand that the Government should resign and make way for a Labour administration.
    .—Reuter.  -  387 words
  • 29 10 —Reuter. London, August 26 The Berlin Government lias informed the Mexican Charge d’Affaires of the] decision to withdraw quarters from Mexico Consuls in Germany.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 278 10 —8.0. W London, August 27. According to a Moscow Radio broadcast to Franco, General Rundstedt, Commander of German Armies in the South, has been killed —it Is rumoured murdered by German officers and that arrests have taken place. General Von Rundstedt, Commander of the
    —8.0. W  -  278 words
  • 62 10 —SOW. 2,000 Mothers Children Leaving This Week Rugby, August 27. More than 2,000 mothers and children will leave London this week in organised parties under the Ministry of Health evacuation scheme. This total is made up of 1,350 mothers with children and 780 school children and compares
    —SOW.  -  62 words
  • 364 10 Soviet Troops Continue Advance Into TABRIZ, ARBEDU uJ OILMAN OCCUPIED I Germans To Evacuate I Women And Child ren I London, Any The advance of Soviet troops in Iran is continuing >. K plan, says Moscow radio. it reports the entry of Soviet troops into Tabriz, an H commercial city
    .—Reuter.  -  364 words
  • 542 10 WILL BE AN “INIMICAL ACT” WARNS MOSCOW Moscow, Au#. 27 The Soviet Government had told Japan that it would regard any attempt to hinder trade with the United States via the Far Eastern Soviet ports as an act inimical to the Soviet
    •—Reuter.  -  542 words
  • 181 10 .—Reuter. Argentine To Take Action Against Air Line Buenos Aires, Aug. 27. Official action Is expected against the German Condor Air Line which Is alleged to have violated regulations prohibiting the transport of passengers from Argentine without the consent of the police when a plane bound for
    .—Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 94 10 Reuter- -No Blockade Intended By Japanese Shanghai, Aug. 27. 'Contrary to current rumours, the Japanese have no intention of blockading the French Concession,” declared Colonel Akiyama, Japanese spokesman, at a press conference here yesterday. Neither was there any truth in reports that the Japanese intend to
    Reuter-  -  94 words
  • 91 10 Reuter. XX ork Resumed With U.S. Navy As ’’Boss’* Kearney, New Jersey, Aug. 26. The vast yards .belonging to the Federal Shipbuilding and Navy Dock Company, which have been inactive for the last 19 days due jo the Committee of Industrial Organisations’ strikes, reared into'
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 375 10 .—Reuter. “UNFRIENDLY ACT TO JAPAN” Tokyo, Aug. 27. While rhe Board of Information declined to comment on President Roosevelt’s appointment of a Military Mission to Chungking, sources close to the Foreign Office have declared that the action was an “unfriendly act toward Japan,” according to
    .—Reuter.  -  375 words
  • 801 10 MR. CHURCHILL’S PLAIN XX ARNING WELCOMED London, Aug. 27 Ihe limes” in an editorial says, Mr. Churchill’s plain warning to the Japanese Government, ‘‘This has got to stop,” has been welcomed everywhere throughout the Far East except of course in Japan. Following as it
    .—Reuter.  -  801 words
  • 138 10 REPORTED MISUSE OF LEASE LEND FUNDS —Reuter, Lies Refuted By Mr. Roosevelt Washington, August 27 President Roosevelt at a press conference today said that reports about misuse of Lease and Lend funds originated in the fact that long before the Lease and Lend programme began, the British had contracts for
    —Reuter,  -  138 words
  • 148 10 —Reuter. New York, Sections of two underground r&ji and a part of the Long Island ’aili as well as roads and pavements e in during a terrific thunderstorm! 2.13 inches of rain fell in an hour a half. New York City and Brooklyn flooded
    —Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 87 10 Reuter. I Resolution By Souibd Rhodesian Parliamffl Salisbury, Southern RhodesJ Sympathy with rhe people of tttS Union was expressed in a ed by the southern Rhodesian on the motion of the Prime Godfrey Huggins. I It said: "We send our r 'ood wsaoj sympathy to the
    Reuter. I  -  87 words
  • 76 10 -Reuter. Appeal Rejected B'| British Labour Lcndon. An appeal for the land’s position in the addressed to the British ment by the rtnnish Party has drawn the .fl National Council of L: x u k gfl land continues to be will share disastrous catastrophe in which r. to
    -Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 57 10 IF RUSSIAN LANDS NEAR German Soldier Hitler Is Tlie American “Hitler, when vls:tinb h is last asked a soldier uh- rear a Russian shell lande soldier answered: I M rer stood beside tn?The American liie boo* v.Tites: "As r- pori-a on Berlin time’ by me 3 Turner ‘we shall ma.that
    57 words
  • 15 10 —Reuter. Cair°> 'V’. n m artiflen- Some exchange 1 ntier is
    —Reuter.  -  15 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 .THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight? tmd other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 X 645 PENANG. LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particular’ regarding Freight, Pa««*age. and other information please apply to 801 STE W CO.. LTD., Agents Penang
      53 words

  • 1976 11 Led From Start To Finish HOBBS SADDLES TWO WINNERS (I ROM OI K OWN CORRESPONDENT) Singapore, Aug. 27 fhi noiiiki 3S I'olding for he second day of the Singapore L llip Meeting- I here was bright sunshine and the attendfor a week-day. Good
    1,976 words
  • 340 11 Boxing One of tlie strongest boxing cards to be presented locally for a long time will be the double main event between Rush Milling and Gunboat Smith in one contest and Speedy Hassan and Nai Phol in the other at the New World tonight.
    340 words
  • 214 11 Perak In Favour Of Reintroductiou Ipoh. A suggestion by the Selangor Rugby Football Club that the “Malaya” Cup Rugby Competition should be reintroduced was unanimously supported by the members of the Perak Rugby Football Club at their eigthth annual general meeting held at the Ipoh Club last
    214 words
  • 141 11 .—Reuter. Stewart Alexander Still Leading Omaha. Nebraska, Aug. 27. Scoring- Lccame much more difficult in the American Amateur Golf Championship owing to Ihe high wind, and though Stewart Alexander increased his first round score by ten strokes for an aggregate of 144, he led the field
    .—Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 487 11 Penang In Favour Of Inclusion In State Team The proposal by the Selangor Hockey Association that it would serve the interests of Malayan ho c key best if military players were not considered for State honours during the forthcoming season was considered at the August bi-annual general
    487 words
  • 62 11 Sultan To Distribute Prizes Ipoh. His Highness, the Sultan of Perak, lias kindly consented to give away the prizes and trophies at the conclusion of the Perak Open Badminton Championships on Sunday, August 31. The championships will commence at 2 p.m. on Saturday, while play on Sunday
    62 words
  • 65 11 Colts Beat Fort Cornwallis In a hockey match played yesterday on the Esplanade, the Penang Colts "A” defeated the Fort Cornwallis by three goals to one. In the first half, the Colts led by one goal, scored by Carrier. On the resumption, Bracken and Thomas each added one goal.
    65 words
  • 62 11 Members are reminded that the Monthly Medal (Stableford) competition for August is due to be played over Saturday will close on Tuesday, 9th September, and Sunday the 30th and 31st. Entries are now open for the Duffer's Cup, limited to handicaps of over 12, and The
    62 words
  • 58 11 The death took place yesterday morning of Mrs. Khor Kok Tee (nee Ch’ng Swan Liew) wife of Mr. Khor Kok Tee of the P.W.D.. Butterworth at No. 13, Malay Street, Penang after a short illness. She leaves besides her husband, two sons and a
    58 words
  • 29 11 The Penang Sports Club Rugiby Section will sfoart the season with a practice match on September 6 at Western Road, Teams will be published later
    29 words
  • 160 11 (From Our Own CotTesnondeiit) Kuala Lumpur, August 27 The Singapore Malay Football Association who arc touring the country, suffered their second defeat at the hands of the Selangor State XI to the time of tliree goals to one at soccer at the stadium this afternoon.
    160 words
  • 46 11 Liirasiai.s vs Marine Dept. Sports Chib a the Esplanade on Friday at 5.15 p.m. Eurasians: J Langan; Ritchie, R. CcriH iius; Di N. H. Pereira, G. S. Windsor. J Read; S. Cornelius, K. Lembruggen, Jan, M. Pestana, S. D’Orville. Eurasians will play in white.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 A 1 I*IDEFY NATURE 1! for Constipation leads Ito endless trouble Nature has decreed III.H the Bowel- shall operate regu!arly-—-at least once a day. Defiance or neglect of this lav leads to many kinds of suffering, including Headaihvs, Bad Breath, Biliousness, Indigestion, I’impics, etc. j I Constipation also makes you
      136 words

  • 340 12 SWEET COLETTE AT HER BEST (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. T>ALMORAL and Pharaoh’s F oily opened this mornings’ 'training, which consisted m ainly of fast work. With a good gallop over three, the pair raced level but Pharaoh’s! Folly appeared to
    340 words
  • 136 12 Reuter. Washingtor, Aug. 28. The Japanese Ambassador, Admiral Nomura, visited Mr. Cordell Hull yesterday. The purpose of the visit is not disclosed. MR. CORDELL HULL AT A PRESS CONFERENCE MADE PLAIN THAT THE UNITED STATES ADHERED TO ITS FREEDOM OF SEAS POLICY
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 26 12 .—Reuter. Canberra, August 27. The Labour Party meeting has been postponed until tomorow. It is officially stated that Parliament will meet tomorrow .—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 584 12 Cow Gate Cup Soccer T'HE Chinese Recreation Club “B” qualified for the final in the Cow Gate Competition, when they defeated the Malay Coronation Youngsters by the convincing margin of five goals to one, on the Westlands School ground yesterday. The winners displayed
    584 words
  • 48 12 THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 TIN: Penan g $136.50 Singapore $136.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 i/2 c Singapore Spot 38 i,9 c COPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $lO.BO sellers Fair Seed $lO.OO sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1. $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    48 words
  • 385 12 The following are the weights for the third day of the Singapore Gold Cup meeting on Saturday:— HORSES—CLASS I—DIV. I—7 FURS. NATIONAL 9.04 DERBY 8.13 DEPOT 8 06 FASTSTEF 8.02 MYSTIC MUSIC 8.01 EELGRASS 8 01 BRIDGE LAW 8.01 KAI TERE 8.01 BOOKLAW
    385 words
  • 567 12 Shah’s Offer Being Considered By British Government London, Aug. 28. 'T’HE Shah has informed Sir Reader Bullard, the British Minister in Teheran, that A the Iranian Government is willing to expel all Germans, except a few indispensable technicians, within a week and even those
    ..—Reuter.  -  567 words
    REUTER.  -  26 words
  • 50 12 .—Reuter. Children Freni West And Central Germany Jerusalem, August 27. Owing to British air raids, 400.000 German children have been evacuated from West and Central Germany to Czechoslovakia, according to official foreign circles here. It is added that the children are confined to those having well-to-do parents.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 496 12 German Threat To Shoot Hostages Zurich, August 2p. “JIHE situation in the occupied zonc \of France has grown dramatically acute in the last few weeks” says the newspaper ‘’.National Zeitung.” Anti-German demonstrations, wt. o f sabotage against traffic and rail way accidents, murder of a
    ’—Reuter.  -  496 words
  • 655 12 .—Reuter. /By Gerald Horihy, Reuter’s political corresp on den t). London. Aug. 28. There has been much discussion 1 in political circles on the question of Dominion participation in the direction of the war. Point has been lent to this discussion i by the recent
    .—Reuter.  -  655 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 263 12 ‘■«m Dace) ai D Phone it’,7 <4l*o, Montm, Quarterly N H'lf-Yearl, I Year iJoS ‘«a BUNDAY r. J*' 1 Local 7 Q ‘«trn 1 B&k QuurWly p M| Half-Year!» nJ »1.10 ’J® Bcq I »00 r va ‘n«w.v T PJI The CLABSIFItD under: v 31 cenu Mr Ud mtnimain charw
      263 words