Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 367 1 TROOPS, BARGES BUSY Moscow, August 27. TNTENSE German troop preparations are continuing in BulA garia, according to an Istanbul message to the official Soviet News Agency. Over 10,000 troops, mostly parachutists- are reported to be concentrated in Salonika. More troops and reinforcements for the German
    —Reuter.  -  367 words
  • 88 1 —Reuter. Lcnrfon, Aug 27. R.A.F. crossed the 1 Channel again shortly after ma '-ij' an< 3 C ie French coast ifor. F v.logne to Calais was lit u, r gi-aircraft fire and what r be explosions of big 'wnbs. From the Kent coast,
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 66 1 .—Reuter. Buenos Aires, Aug. 26. The chief German Gestapo Agent in Argentina, Godofred Sanstede, fled by air yesterday to Brazil a few hours before he should have appeared before the jute investigating into anti-Argen-tir.e activities. i The Brazilian Foreign Minister was infomed by telephone of
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 113 1 Indo- Ceylonese Talks To Be Resumed —8.0. W. London, August 26. The following communique was issued JUterday in Ceylon: “At the request of the Government of Ceylon, the Govmment of India has agreed to the rewmrtion of informal conversations "dch came to a close in November The meeting will take
    —8.0. W.  -  113 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. Melbourne, August 26 It is officially announced that the number of munitions workers, since the outbreak of war. has increased by 2,000 percentum. £34,000,000 of capital expenditure has been approved. A machine tool and precision tocl industry has been created, rifle output will probably quadrupled
    ■.—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 104 1 —Reuter. World’s Largest Factory Begins Operations Elwood, Illinois, August 25 What is considered to be the worlds largest factory, making aerial bombs, begins operations here this week-end, A steady stream of bombs roll off the assembly line which is a mile long. The work on the factory began
    —Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 541 1 U.S. MILITARY MISSION FOR CHINA ,—Reuter. "TH£p a n gton, August 27. 1 ‘-tC is no doubt that a camhrcrV' 0 as €en organised to 7 f'f r,u s J distortions, halfVbota and efforts to ty. 1/K: U.S. programme of aid tfr/'f 'L' °I
    ,—Reuter.  -  541 words
  • 301 1 —Reuter. Ao Pessimism Or Anxiety* Loaion, August 27. I ORD BEAVERBROOK, Minister ot Supplies, who recently returned from the United States, said yesterday that production in America was Ln full string and increasing jand ho felt “no pessinai«nn or anxiety about it ail." He said
    —Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 94 1 Reception Of Funds In Argentine Buenos Aires, August 26. The German Embassy is seemingly implicated in the reception of certain sums from public subscriptions in the Argentine intended for local benevolent and cultural purposes. The Attorney-General has been asked to submit the question of procedure to be
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  • 96 1 —Reuter. Oklahoma City, Aug. 26. f INDBERGH has been refzised permission to use the Municipal auditorium for a speech which he was to make on Friday under the auspices of the “American First” Committee. The decision to refuse him the use of the auditorium
    —Reuter.  -  96 words
    REUTER.  -  129 words
  • 477 1 —Hr. t-*r. (Bif General Sir Hubert Gough, Reuter’s military commentator). London, Aug. 27. The position on the Russian front remains critical, although no decisive changes have occurred. Three great German offensives, after gaining much ground ir several pH have been halted without achieving their
    —Hr. t-*r.  -  477 words
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    • 13 1 HOUKS ENERGY g hours sound rest ®W Agents. G. H. SLOT Co.. Ltd.
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    • 29 1 The latest war news and full results of today’s races at Singapore will be published in our Evening Edition out on sale in the streets shortly after 6.30 p.m.
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    • 115 1 r 4F j|F jgr jgr rSYVprlv S'w: BRITISH MODEL AEROPLANES THAT Fly 1 “FROG” SCALE I MODEL AEROPLANE fij **g* "Q An amazing scientific toy. ‘‘Frog” rises off the ground I after a run of three feet and has a normal flying speed f of 650 feet per minute, to
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  • 162 2 —Reuter. MILITARY CALLED OUT TO QUELL DISORDERS Protest Against Policy Of Collaboration With Nazis Lisbon. August 26. News of the renewal of anti-German riots in both France and Belgium, where the military were called out to quell the disorders, has reached here
    —Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 244 2 Reuter. SURPRISE AT RAPIDITY OF MOVE IN IRAN Ankara, Aug. 26 Although Britain and Russia kept the l urks fully informed of all developments with regard to Iran, the news that troops had crossed the border created some surprise as it was not expected to
    .- Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 365 2 Moscow. Aug. 26 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuter's correspondent). I he Soviet admission that the Red Army, after the fiercest fighting, was obliged to withdraw from Novgorod means that the struggle will not be continued in the immediate neighbourhood of that city.
    8.0. W.  -  365 words
  • 51 2 the Labour Party. —Ren ter. MR. MENZIES NOT TO RESIGN Canberra» Aug. 26 Following a five hour meet ing, the Cabinet officially stated that it could be tak= en quite definitely that the Menzies Governnient would not resign to hand over to the Labour Party. —Ren
    the Labour Party.—Ren ter.  -  51 words
  • 94 2 —BO.W. 1.350 Eiieniy Aircraft Shot Down Rugby August. 26. Recent official figures stating that on al! Trents since, war began A.-A. gunfire had been r&ponsible for the destruction. of 1,350 eneny aircraft indicates the success of gunners in the performance of their double :ask. The object
    —BO.W.  -  94 words
  • 105 2 .—Reuter Indian Council Members Called On To Resign Bombay, Aug. 26 Following its demand for the resignation of the three Premiers from the National Defence Council, the Workin? Committee lof the Moslem League passed a resolution calling on Sir Sultan Ahmed, a member designate of the Viceroy’s
    .—Reuter  -  105 words
  • 72 2 —Reuter Only 7 Ships Of 11.094 ions Sunk Lond-tn, August 26. In the German attack on <* British convoy reported in messages from Lisbon, x is ascertained that- six: merchant vessels and one tug were sunk the tonrace totalling 11,0.94 tens. I; is pointed out in authoritative
    .■—Reuter  -  72 words
  • 335 2 London, Aug. 26 (By Reuter’s air correspondent). Heavy handed R.A.F. action in Iran is no doubt being avoided in favour of a kid glove approach which masks the punch if this is required. This method follows that which was initially adopted in two
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  • 1152 2 British Make Three-Point Entry Into Iran SiExia, Aug. 26 British and Indian troops entered Iran at three points early this morning, states the text of the first communique on the operations at Iran. Naval and air co-operation enabled the landing of forces at Abadan and
    BOW I  -  1,152 words
  • 144 2 R.A.F. RAID MANNHEIM KARLSRUHE i.—Reuter. t. London it is learned rhaKarlsruhe, both grentSi Ip at chomin-i engineering centres wer a objectives of the British h Printiw night. Mannheim is a so r ?btrsl M a great network of ra'i?/ Rhine River port AS S an ‘*-i R.A.F. bombers last niphr
    i.—Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 104 2 Reuter. two Japanese Shot |g ax side District iWo Japanese, one in the emoim the Japanese Army, were shot vers evening in the wayside distner h Eastern district cf ;!< i E t errr Settlement controlled by th? Jars» by four Chinese gunmen believed to k
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 130 2 M Claims Made IL Ifrw Radio London, Aug. id An Italian communique traada from the Rome. radio gives I a battle in the Gondar sectoring sinia on August 24 in which tiieytj that some thousands of troops gaged. J Regarding this engagement the j munique states:
    – M  -  130 words
  • 66 2 —Reuter. Mr. Duff Cooper Warns Japan New York, Aug. 26 Mr. Duff Cooper, addressing the Commonwealth Club at San Francisco, warned Japan that it would be virtual suicide for her to enter the war and said that she was a year to n late to have
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 38 2 Reuter. Banned By Norwep’ l l Sailors London, AUgtfJ An official Norwegian 1 Jj que states that the foriner estroyer, Bath, m 3US k Norwegian Navy, has fJ possible steps are vise the next of kin o.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 33 2 Cair British patrols at I pite c ntin’ied cnoniy a ;3f 3® fire, states a oommuniqJ G.H.Q. One the day did oid.v mifrontier arc-’ ere artillery and seme pa-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 /7 <>-•■• 7<sSZ"'' fe ssE g \?^::i’ I h| l|, Hi. •U ,,M U .(<1 *L' '‘’*»l.*” *<| |H. ,n,,U f I,U *.*,l I (,H <)V r “’“•m’ 1 1,1"' 1 ,,1H W BRAND 4 naH S 4Ti s* s va^^-l y 7 (SKS? *q2JS^ BY APPOINTUBMT Brands Essence of
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  • 677 3 Bombay, Aug. 24. T today ’> meeting of the W c.rking Committee of the All A India Muslim League, which is attended by Sir Sikandar A-1 Khan, the Prime Minister of the Punjab, the question relations between the four Prime Ministers who had eoted seats
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  • 249 3 Australian Press Grows Restless editorial comment on the Pacific situation during the week provided abundant evidence of growing restlessness at the continued absence of what the Press calls a “joint declaration” by Great Britain and the United States defining precisely the point beyond which Japan may not
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  • 200 3 R.A.F. Offensive Base Now London, Aug. 25. nPHE recent message sent by Sir Archibald Sinclair to the Commander of the Royal Air Force in the Mediterranean shows that Malta is playing a new role as an offensive base for the Royal Air Force. The R.A.F. attacks
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  • 1733 3  -  By Douqlas Reed A chapter from “A prophet At Home,” the new boolc by the famous author of ‘lnsan ty Ftsifr.” W r E are hi the midst of the war of 1939-19 something. No man or woman who goes about Britain w.tii
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  • 508 3 Melbourne, Aug. 24. A SUGGESTION by Major Cameron, former Minister for z the Navy, that the Commander-in-Chief of Australia’s home forces (Major General Sir Iven Mackay) be asked to discuss with Parliament fully and frankly the implications of his important statements concerning the A.I.F. and the
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  • 542 4 Inquiry Into Matter Singapore. MALAYA will probably soon be j well provided with convalescent homes for officers, nurses and other f ranks of the British and Australian troops stationed here. How soon these convalescent homes will be established will depend on how long inquiries into
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  • 191 4 IMPORTANT CHANGES TMPORTANT changes in the proce- dure covering the banishment of undesirables from, the Colony are made in the Banishment (Amendment) Bill introduced in the Legislative Council on Monday. The amendments bring the Colony aw more closely into line with the F.M.S. “The present law is neither
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  • 85 4 Time To Be Advanced 10 Mins. Next Week From Sept. 1, Malayan clocks will be advanced another 10 minutes, making this country Viz hours in advance of Greenidich Mean Time. The Daylight Saving Bill providing for this was passed in the Legislative Council, and it is
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  • 131 4 At Docks I MPOSING an obligation to insure i goods held by sellers, an amendment to the War Risks Goods Insurance Bill was passed on Monday in the Legislative Council. At the present time, owing partly to the difficulties of shipping, said Mr. C. G. Howell
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  • 257 4 Seremban In honour of the birthday of H.H. the Yang Di-Pertuan Besar, which occurred on Monday, the following three residents of Negri Sembilan have been appointed Jus4ces of rhe Peace for the state: Mr. W. G. Howse, managing director of the firm of Mansergh and Taylor, Ltd.,
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  • 77 4 More than ten bills became law on Monday when passed at the Legislative Council meeting. Brought into force were the Police Force Bill, the Defence (Annual Supplements) Bill, the Importation of Textiles (Quotas) (Amendment) Bill, the Indecent Advertisements Bill, the Pensions (Wax Service) Bill, the Malay Regiment
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  • 607 4 WOMAN BOUND OVER Singapore. a ILEGFD to have falsely represented w the proprietor of a provision shop that she was the wife of an army captail and dishonestly induced the proprietor to deliver her provisions worth $75.90, Mrs. Patricia Weston, 31, pleaded guilty to
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  • 256 4 A EUROPEAN syndicate plans to construct^ in Singapore producing almost enough strawb<»d meet Malaya’s requirements. ftar(l l Discussions will soon take place between the 4J and the Department of Supply and the Controller of's Collection on the supply of waste paper collected
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  • 360 4 Unity Urged With Resolve To Serve rpHE Agent is one of the community and it is his duty and privilege to serve them,” said Mr. Subimal Dutt, 1.C.5., Agent of the Government of India in Malaya, at a function held in his honour by the
    360 words
  • 262 4 MALAYA AND PHILIPPINES Importance If J F h °idd know more Philippine Islands should know more about MajH is the considered opinion ofTW informed traveller who arrfnH Singapore last week after jH to the islands aurin? whkhfeHi talks with both eovernnvnt and prominent Chilians in Expanding on this line. present,
    262 words
  • 139 4 INQUIRY INTO PAYMENTS ON A. R.P. Commission Hong W a commission of LW ments on air rai P- j tracts is now sittingmost of the camera. Ju j Its chairman is 1 F. Cressal and t!^ r J members, Mr. L. Mr. S. Hampden J The Commission 15 1 the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 NoAslhma Years Two years ago J- Richards, Hamilton, Ont., Canada, was in bed with Asthma. Had lost 40 pounds weight, suffered coughing, choking and strangling every night—couldn't sleep—expected to die. Mendaco stopped spasms first night and he has had none since—in OVER TWO YEARS. Menoaco is so successful it is
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 210 5 *i. OVFI A flX ral took place of Master fl". CTza, third son of Mr. and fl 2" uza from their resi- lac a’.isteT Road at 5.45 fl p la V f 1 interment at the Cemetery. aged 10 years, was a flits h» e
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  • 312 5 Inquest Into Death Of Aged Malay Kuala Kangsar. The story 7 of how a 60-year-old Malay padi planter lost his life as a result of being accidentally shot by his nephew who mistook him for a deer was related at an inquest held in the Police
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  • 466 5 Built By Sultan Of Perak Kuala Kangsar. Built by His Highness the Sultan of Perak, the new mosque at Temengor, an isolated kampong near the Perak-Thailand Border was declared open by Y. A. M. Raja Di-Hilir, on Friday morning before a large gathering of over
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  • 169 5 List Of Donors The following are the donors to the Refreshment Stall which is to be installed at the New World Park on September 3, in aid of the L,rd Mayor’s Fund, organised by the China Relief Fund Ladies’ Committee and the members of
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  • 290 5 Decision At Municipal Meeting The premises of the Burmah Road Sanatarium and the Mission Clinic run at Chulia Street by the Malayan Union of Seventh Day Adventists are to be assessed in future, and not to be let off from assessment on the ground of being
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  • 509 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. R. H. Wilson, Chairman of th© j Penang Harbour Board, has returned to Penang from long leave accompanied b/ Mrs. Wilson. sR Mrs. H. L. Wagner who hac been an I inmate of the Penang General Hospital for several weeks, is now better and has returned home.
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  • 90 5 Taiping. The Taiping China Relief Fund has received a communication from the Chinese Ministry of Information, revealing that Major Dara Singh, the Taiping Sikh who left here about three years back and is now serving in the Chinese Transport Section on the Burma Road,
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  • 80 5 PERAK PATRIOTIC FUND The tollowing is the latest list of subscriptions:— Amount previously acknowledged $477.998.52 Part Donations pro ceeds of Auction at Social Evening held at Ipoh Golf Club on 19th July 1941. 245.00 Staff of Detective Branch. Perak. 40.00 Sungei Wangi Estate, Sitiawan for July 1941. 59.66 K. S.
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  • 405 5 Arrested Following Many Complaints Ipoh. Having regard to the fact that the accused had been arrested because of complaints by his customers and moreover had been working around with the control prices, Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, Ipoh First Magistrate, yesterday, ordered Velladorai. a butcher at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 111 5 BOXING NEW W ORLD Tomorrow al 9.30 p.m. DOUBLE MAIN EVENT 4 Star Fighters in Action GUNBOAT SMITH VS. RUSH MILLING 12 HECTIC ROUNDS SPEEDY HASSAN (Light Weight Champion of Penang) VS. NAI PHOL 12 SENSATIONAL ROUNDS Seats Including Tax $2, $1.60. #l.OO and 50 cts. Main Gate: Gents 20
      111 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 178 5 Irex 5 B •> Icdav H 9.30 p.m, 0« ,io presents a rtha Scott d licl h mQßbhl I"’ Wi ~fl feiL iltwß I'B tQgBV I ii I W»-S-CHEERS for »fISS BISHOP” dth «ILMAM GARGAN, h t i i^BomorroH Hit of The Century )n C 1941 contribution to j your
      178 words
    • 96 5 MAJESTIC 4 SHOWS TODAY 1, 3.30, 6.30 9.30 An outstanding Chinese Dramatic Production Hailed by Critics As One Of the most entertaining pictures of the year “THE STORM” Stirring Drama Thrilling Romance' A Picture That You Will See And Enjoy NEXT iCHANGE A thrilling Malay detective story packed with action
      96 words
    • 162 5 f I’^*: MIDNIGHT PRESCRF.iTNG ON flfl AjW IK Ij' SATURDAY AT 12.30 fCCLOCK phohi! A. TA NHL Last mght Tonight “BHAKTA 6.15 9.30 p.m. A TAMIL SOCIAL THRILLER VII IL I. I.IA “Prisoner Of Blue Pw Si 7™, B Jaiiakl jYJ'O II lit Subbulaxmi, Master Tiirumalai and others.' (or NEELAMALAI-KYDHL)
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  • 494 6 T HE British and Russian forces are making good progress in Iran but too much expectation must not be built around the campaign. Iranian opposition should be easy enough to overcome and it can no doubt lie disposed of in a matter of days but against such
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  • 133 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA: ‘‘Jessie’ James” ’with Tyrone Power and Nancy Kelly. 3, »6 .15 and 9.30 p. m. REX CINEMA: “Cheers fcr Miss Bishop” with Martha Scott and William Gargan. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Prisoner of Blue Mountain” (Tamil picture). 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC
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  • 222 6 —Reuter. 20 Tons Of Bombs Dropped On Tripoli Cairo, August 25. British aircraft are still busy in the Middle East. A large force of the R.A F. heavy bomoers dropped nearly 20 tons of bombs cn docks and supply and petrol dumps in Tripoli during
    ..—Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 70 6 —8.0. W. Importance Of AngloRussian Friendship Rugby August, 26. The exhibition organised by the Society for Cultural Relations, with the U.S.S.R. was opened by Mme Maisky yesterday. Speaking at the ceremony Mme Maisky said, “Friendship and mutual understanding between peoples of Soviet Russia and Britain is
    —8.0. W.  -  70 words
    • 224 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I think it is about time that something were done to relieve the shortage of copper coins. “Alpha” mentioned some of the inconveniences caused to the public and I will not only endorse what he has written but elaborate
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  • 713 6 Wednesday, Aug. 27. DERLIN messages published in the Swiss press regarding the Allied entry into Iran indicates that Germany is unable to offer direct help but proposes to make up for this by exerting fresh pressure on Turkey. HFURKEY is bound to Iran by
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  • 246 6 Central Manpower Commission rpHE Hon. Mr. F. D. Bisseker was quite right when he pointed out in his Council speech on Monday that -it was “only natural that various Unit Commanders should individually be ’fighting for and competing with each other to secure the manpower they require.”
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 \i/z I I 1 I 1 I <wrr 1 I/C OJ I wTis IMPORTANT news--- I Your “GIFT” I Food Parcel I I I A T otr is the tune to send your order. To ensure delivery November —December. I POPULAR “GIFT” PARCELS COMPRISING I Tea, Butter, Sugar, Jams, Biscuits,
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    • 20 6 For your convenience send your tvrej to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121 rou/toit. ■**< iajthk tym com»
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  • 175 7 I rttent visit to Malaya of F‘". officers, Colonel Sura >^ |lt .Lieut. Dawee, is the I n- a message received by KmmandeT-in-Chief- Far I cir Robert Bronke-Popham, prime Minister of ThaiI. In kis follows. If, i, »ith deep gratification Pi tew tornl
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  • 165 7 ■tfterday's fortnightly meeting of I City Fathers was very brief and lover in about ten minutes. Only tn l business was transacted, and It were no speeches on the motion ■idjournir.ent. Ki President stated he had received Ijotice of questions to be asked by Lcssioners
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  • 303 7 I Nearly §20,000 I Raised i2C,000 was netted by the Fair in aid of the Malaya Fund which was held .at on Saturday, Sunday and MonV' The fair was a great success and marked by the ready cooperation communities towards making it ■®cesB, Record crowds
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  • 829 7 Failure Of Husband To Pay Maintenance Alleged A PPEARING before Mr. A. W. Bellamy in the Police Court this morning, Chung See Seng, a lady teacher in a < hinese School, to whom the Court had made a maintenance order of $l5 a month
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  • 62 7 Loh Lai claimed trial before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning to a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to one Chaw Chor by pouring hot water over his body at 5.00 p.m. at Sek Chuan Lane on August 25. The case was
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  • 35 7 New Law In Force On September 1 Singapore, Aug. 26 A Gazette notification tonight states that the Bill enforcing a further ten minutes’ daylight saving becomes operative on September 1.
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  • 114 7 The preliminary inquiry into two charges of selling, and possession of counterfeit Thai bank notes against Liew Teow Kang was resumed this morning before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in thd Third Court when evidence was given by G. H. Smith, a Thai subject. G. H. Smith stated
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  • 21 7 Previously acknowledged $978,002.39 In memory of Mr. Lamb from Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Allan 5.00 Tctal $978,007.39
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  • 620 7 MUNICIPAL TRANSPORT DRIVERS CONDUCTORS Working Hours And Salaries To Be Revised Following the petition of the Municipal labourers, the Municipal transport drivers and conductors also sent a petition to the Municipal Commissioners and as a result have obtained a number of concessions. The present system of compensating a man for
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  • 92 7 RECENTLY a forced io cents Malayan ca'rency note was found in crculation in which the portait of the King’s head appeirs on the right hand side '’f the note instead of the lef hand side, as on genuine ic cents notes, and the zverditg and
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  • 271 7 ..—E.P.B. Good Film At Rex Cinema Two great pictures came to my mind as I witnessed “Cheers F>r Miss Bishop", the current attraction at the Rex and they were “Victoria the Great”’ and “Mr. Chips.” All three films have a good deal in common— i tender,
    ..—E.P.B.  -  271 words
  • 796 7 Man’s Evidence At Trial Of Tivo Ch inese rpHE story that on June 8 in Perak Road, the first accused. whom he had known for five or six years and who was accompanied by the second accused, asked him to rob a man
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  • 131 7 Re-Union Dinner On September 20 The annual re-union dinner of the Bukit Mertajam High School Old Boys will be held at the Violet Cafe, Wembley Park. Penang, on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. All the Old boy’s are requested to communicate with their
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  • 96 7 .—Reuter. Bombay, August 26. The Maharaja of Patiala, interviewed on his return from Malaya, said the presence eveiyvvhere of men of the fighting services from the Empire was most heartening. He was sure no nation in the world would be so rash as to provoke
    .—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 92 7 Issue To Start On Thursday The issue of Petrol coupons for September (in books under the new system) will commence on Thursday, August 28. In Penang Island issues will be made as usual from the Municipal Secretary’s Office for private cars and motor cycles and from the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 Ladies Latest Leather Hand Bags GET IT AT EASTERN BAZAAR (The Blue Shop) 8 BISHOP STREET, Phone PENANG. P. O. Box 1396 316 ojShu&sf Splendid—how happy everyone Is k —For only Cow Gate is good enough for ou»’Baby and your Baby and everybody else’s Baby. A little dearer Yes —but
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  • 206 8 Penang, Tuesday. The steadier tendency in the share market was maintained and tin shares, in particular, "’ere in good demand in a great many cases, at higher levels. Hong Fatt, Kuchai, Mambau, Puteh, Sungei Luas, Taiping Consol, and Ulu Klang were in good request and prices were
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  • 51 8 Toronto. With the commencement of additional services, Frans-Canada Air Lines are flying close to 20,000 miles daily in scheduled service. At the end of 1939 the national air service nad a daily mileage of 9,044, and at the close of 1940 the daily mileage had risen to
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    • 467 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 27th August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampit Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 7/0 7/3c £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .65 .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
      467 words
    • 232 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.574 1.62 J Ayer Hitam .80 .85 Ayer Molek 1.10 1.15 ex Ayer Panas LO5 1.10 Bassett .39 .41 Batu Linrang 1.07 J 1.10 Bedford -90 .95 Benta .924 .975 Borelli 1.275 1.32 j Broga 55 .58
      232 words
    • 356 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 AleX Brick Ord. 1.67$ 1.72$ $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S 7% Pref 19/6 20/3 $5
      356 words
    • 143 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus 2.9.41 12.9.41 Austral Amal 3d. and 1$ Bonus K Kampar 125% 3= 1/3 25.8.41 3.9.41 Mambau 125% Final 3.9.41 10.9.41 Raub Gold 3d. 2nd Int. 12.9.41 18.9.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int. &5% Int. both L.T.
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  • 370 8 101 NAZIS DOWN OFF LENINGRAD Moscow, August 27. rpHE following is the text of the Soviet midnight communiqueissued by the Soviet Information Bureau “During August? 26. our troops stubbornly fought the enemy along the whole ffint. According to precise data now available,
    .—Reuter.  -  370 words
  • 116 8 .—Reuter. Washington, August 26. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Peter Frazer, accompanied by’ Mr. Frank Langstone, the New Zealand Minister of Lands, who has been in the United States for several months negotiating defence supplies, called yesterday on Mr. Cordell Hull, the
    .—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 194 8 .—Reuter. Cairo. Aug. 27. The R.A.F. communique concerning events in Iran was issued from British headquarters here (yesterday) afternoon. It states that in addition to dropping leaflets over* Teheran and other Iranian towns and protecting advancing British troops, three Hawkers type aircraft were
    .—Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 103 8 .—Reuter. Berlin, August 26. A SPECIAL nnouncement by the High Command from the Fuehrer’s headquarters states. “Fast units of General Kleist's Panzt r Army” took by assault the bridgehead and town of Dnieper Petrovsk after heavy fighting. The enemy has thus lost his last
    .—Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 390 8 The results of the year’s working show a profit of $69.851.16, to which has to be added the balance of profit brought forward from last year, $28,488.48, Making a total credit balance in Profit and Loas A'c of $98.339.64. The directors recommend that this amount
    390 words
  • 862 8 Quota Increase Retlecti Urgency Oi Demand Stanton Nelson Co., Limited Singapore, August 21 An event which a iew brief monrh ago would have stirred the market to its depths has today caused scarcely a ripple on the surface. The fixing of the exportable quota at 120% for
    862 words
  • 102 8 Yesterdav’s Close ll5, TIN: LONDON 0 “Spot” £256. 0. 0. w 0 “Forward” £259. 15. 6 SINGAPORE $1 5 oc “Spot” $137.50 Business done PENANG: 5135 .00 “Spot” $137.50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” “Forward” Q U iet. Tone Unchanged unchanged Quiet SINGAPORE: 38 5 8c "Spot” 38 1 2c
    102 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 85 8 BANKS FA Tt iljfl|X~.3^‘^ < ■—«®_zTn -—•—tA dpM/2.. < Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged jvith us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals, if Further particulars will be supplied on application. t i i THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD.
      85 words

  • 189 9 Singapore The treatment of rice to a liming process, which will prevent large-scale devastation by weevils, is proceeding apace at the Singapore Government rice mill. Found most successful as a process was “discovered” by the manager of an up-country Government mill, who spent many years experimenting
    189 words
  • 333 9 BY JOHN GORDON FRESH home from the Battle of the Atlantic I had my first taste of a corvette. Have you ever heard of these amaz’ng new little ships—rather like destroyers seen through the wrong end of a telescope—that are playing an almost vital
    333 words
  • 99 9 Indication Of Public Interest London, Aug. 23. The result of the latest Gallup Poll deals with the attitude of the American public toward the production of war materials. The result shows how democratic public opinion in rhe United States wants to force the pace. The question asked was
    99 words
  • 300 9 j Arrival Of FlyingBoats From U.S. VICE-ADMIRAL C. E L. Helfrich, C.-in-C. of the NJ. Navy and Director of the Naval Department, gave an insight into the strengthening of the N.I. maritime defences in the Volksraad in Batavia last week. Since May last year, he
    300 words
  • 97 9 Sydney. A letter written by a soldier who was in a Dubbo camp has been received in a novel manner by a young Dubbo woman. While crossing the Indian Ocean in a convoy, the soldier wrote a letter to a Dubbo friend and placed it in
    97 words
  • 302 9 WEDNESDAY, 27TH AUGUST. 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each ordinary g INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipon, K. Lumpur Weame'a Air August 27th mat Singapore 1« Service 1 p.m 12.45 p.m. AIRICA 11= All destinations 50 B O A.C Thurs. 28th
    302 words
  • 357 9 Veterans Help Drive For Recruits Ottawa. Hon. J.L Ralston, Canadian Minister of National Defence, recently called for 32,000 recruits for the Canadian Army. The threatening world situation made the call urgent, Colonel Ralston stated. To date, over 10,000 young Canadians have volunteered for active
    357 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 <JDiamO»mO> 1 r --Ax wvF "7/ ---y/ 41. I FURNITJRE ’‘TUBECRAFT’* Hables, Chairs Stools. Bedsteads. Cots. Revolving Office Chairs. Shop and Hospital equipment are nade in eithei Chromium or Steve Enamel finish Special designs made to order for sufficient quantities MM
      41 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1271 9 kl■ ,Af,.\V t SHORTWAVE STATIONS fO-DA I BROADCASTING g B, C. News Sn English (Local Times) >' e n<7 post A ll -AnaiysLs 7.20 a.m. propacairfia 8.20 aan. ol Transmission 0 11.20 aan. IW IO S~ Transmission 1 1.50 p.m. french American Promenade 6.20 p.m. rr&iMml.ssiori 3 5,20 p.m. Concert
      1,271 words
    • 812 9 RANGOON XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m.) XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 m.) 6.50 p.m. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.20 Burmese News and Market Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Programme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded Programme. 11.05 Dance Programme. 11.20 Close down. SAN FRANCISCO i TREASURE ISLAND) KGEI 9.67 mc/s
      812 words
    • 638 9 KWEIYANG XPSA (49.0 metres) 4.50 a.m. National Anthem—News for the press in Chineses 5.50 p.m. Flag song—Band music—Announcement of programmes. 6.00 News commentary in Chinese. 6-15 European music. 6.20 News in Japanese. 6.40 European Music. 6.45 Educational talks to children. 7.05 News commentary in Chinese (Cantonese). 7.20 Lecture on general
      638 words

  • 1001 10 BRITISH PRESS APPROVES MOVE IN IRAN London, Aug. 26 Britain and Russia in entering Iran took the only course that remained open to them since Iranian authorities either would not or could not recognise the danger to their country from Nazi agents inside
    .—Reuter.  -  1,001 words
  • 958 10 Russians Admit Evacuation Of Novgorod Moscow, Aug. 25 The following is the text of a Soviet midnight communique issued by the Soviet Information Bureau: “During August 25 our troops stubbornly fought the enemy along the whole front. After tenacious fighting our troops left
    —Reuter.  -  958 words
  • 87 10 Reuter. Baltimore, August 26 Mr. Peter Fraser, New Zealand Premier, arrived here in a British flying boat.. He left almost, immediately for Washington, saying he expected to confer with President Roosevelt at the White House today. Mr, Peter Frazer in an interview with
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 79 10 —Reuter. Bombs Dropped On South Wahis August 26 “The only enemy activity- last night occurred before midnight and was on a very small scale,” says this morning’s Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique. “Bombs were dropped at. two points on the coast of South
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 106 10 —Reuter. Letter From Labour Party Canberra, Aug. 26 The Labour caucus has rejected the proposal for a National Government and has demanded the resignation of Mr. Menzies Government making way for a Labour Administration. The decision of the Labour caucus against a National Government and
    —Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 166 10 .—Reuter. Satisfaction Expressed By Dr. Quo Tai-Chi Chungking, August 25. Satisfaction at Mr Churchill’s broadcast was expressed by Dr. Quo Tai Chi, Chinese Foreign Minister, at a press conference here this afternoon. He said the broadcast defined clearly the limits beyond which Japan might not go without
    .—Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 93 10 —'Reuter. Japanese 8-Coliimn Drive Repulsed Chungking. August 26 A Japanese eight-column drive in an attempt to clear up forces holding out in Chiwanshan. south-east of Shansi on the south tank of the Fen river has been repulsed, declared a Chinese military spokesman. He added there has been
    —'Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 63 10 Reuter. j Reprisals To Be Taken By Vichy Shanghai, August 25. The pro-Vichy "Journal de Shanghai” gives prominence to the Havas report concerning reprisals in France against families of De Gaullists in which it is stated that the "Government is not prepared to permit the transfer
    Reuter. j  -  63 words
  • 54 10 .—Reuter. London, Aug. 25. Operations by British bombers were still restricted by bad weather on Sunday night, states an Air Ministry communique. Communications and industrial objectives in Dusseldorf were sharply attacked. Three bombers are missing. An aircraft of the Coastal Command Is missing from patrol over the North
    .—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 32 10 —Reuter. London, August 25 The Board of Trade has made an order prohibiting all import of goods to Iran except under a licence as from August 26.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 22 10 —Reuter. Washington, Atigust 26 President Roosevelt has nominated Mr. Francis Biddle, Solicitor-General, to be Attcrney-General of the United States
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 24 10 —Reuter. London, August 25 The Duchess of Gloucester will not for the next few months be undertaking any public engagements.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 967 10 Iranian Troops Offer (J Slight Resistance London Ann I The resistance met by the British forces in Iran ha' j slight, it is learned authoritatively in London fi' hten 1 opposition at Ababan and it is understood that has been met with everywhere. It
    -Reuter.  -  967 words
  • 74 10 —Reuter. Roosevelt To Broadol On Monday I President Roosevelt s brca I Monday will be the climax minute Labour Day programme -'•’j by the Office for Emergency Mr. Bevin will broadcast f"® -J as part of the programme, be carried by loth N.B.C. I a nation-wide broadcast. 1
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 67 10 DUKE OF K ENT Reuter. Informal Dinner Bv Roosevelts tv I An informal dinner j day night in honour of jy to which the President hgr d j velt invited high ranki u rican officials. Places were set tor a Rona j(j ft the British Minister on bell. Lord and
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 58 10 —Reuter. ARGENTINE Purchase .Agree" 17 I Signed Bv (-'■'"’"l Buenos Air J ien tod» 1 Sixteen Italian mer Ar genti!< up to masthead the fm igng d bj the purchase agreement Argentine Governmen. Office.' v.ho Italian officers and AiJ uermitted temporan y. h Arge tine
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 41 10 CHINA I■ Chungß ll Th. Government n dr ;r«W nations Of foreign assets i of A spokesman cf th W declared that a l l nationals with ft ee aS may arrange «><» assets with the Centra»
    41 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 Steamer sailings in September for I nited Stales of America For full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY cO. LTD. Agents AMERICAN' PRESIDENT LINES. LTD., 21 Bearh Street Telephone 1421 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia} for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 15 11 Ipra"" ■>'-fa--K E.»*! ‘T‘\ E'»’ j <i <r Iflß/ES I’L iw> i« i"'CIK/GK Er- 1»
    15 words
  • 65 11 VICTORY POLICE L In P.W. [ne Soccer Butterworth. seated a big surprise I League when they beat Eks Department by two K t he Padang here on I opened the scoring but two goals in sucEby odd goal at the inLe ends, however, both Ex turn without any E half,
    65 words
  • 126 11 CUP TENNIS KANGSAR Idiinese Beat bin; C.R.C I Kuala Kangsar. Itese Recreation dub fcqr Chinese Recreation Igunes to nil in the final la competition for the played on the A-stam. Ife reek-end. jt£2im were definitely rdt. and at no tiuic were k The Taiping side dis■j supporters by giving ■fusion
    126 words
  • 82 11 School ground toL Association:— I?;- Singh. J. f. Scully; KX h> J D ScW; I ~d' G. Rohinson. C. R. [CVOO, f S Teik Lee. holts “V’ vs F Cornwallis f? 0 5.15 today. L G' Jerkins and J. t,. Lhomasz and G. F/ B. La
    82 words
  • 57 11 kde? t?ra a > Aug. 26. k Ncrth v. he Seld of 150 of the original en- ■'rme 64 u£ the American Bu rke 68 F «curse rn klng 72 which k Plan? rTn VLnes k T each Gremer r 2 Marvin r*«iton VOUrite Johacy J x-ith
    57 words
  • 15 11 PRACTICE FOR TEAM ?t? 1 ‘—A.»] 2j nese Recreation membe rs of the at 5.15
    15 words
  • 1564 11 Europeans And Rest Renew Rivalry local sporting event this week-end is the 7 annual cricket “Test” on the Western Road ground, where the Europeans ants the Rest will renew their rivalry for. the Cup presented by Messrs. B. P. de Silva, well-knuwn jewellers in Malaya.
    1,564 words
  • 491 11 r PHE Malay Football Association, Singapore, played their third and last match hero on the Western Road .ground yesterday when they scored a comfortable victory by two goals to nil over the Penang Fortress Football Association, local first division league champions. The match failed
    491 words
  • 885 11 Additions And Alterations To Rules AT a special general meeting of the Penang Turf Club held yesterday afternoon- at the Chartered Bank Chambers, Union Street, at 5 p.m. a number of additions, alterations and deletions to the Club rules were passed unanimously. Mr. C.
    885 words
  • 76 11 —Reuter. Former British Davis Cup Player London, August 26. Theodore Michel Mavrogordato, the former British Davis Cup player and Vice-President of the English Lawn Tennis Association has died, aged 58. Mavrogordato was a clever doubles exponent. He first became prominent in 1904 when he won an
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 58 11 Lincoln Leong Wins Bogev Competition Ipoh. The Perak Turf Club Golf Club tegey competition for the Perak Turf Club Clip played ov?r the week-end resulted as fellows Winner Lincoln Leong—all souare Runners-up: Lauriston. Swee Kang and Mun Siew —2 down Ball Sw a ep: first nine.
    58 words
  • 291 11 50 Miles Open Rioad Race Ipoh. The Perak Cycling Club are making arrangements to hold a Quadrangular Cycling Championship betw’een Perak, Penang, Selangor and Singapore in Ipoh on October 18 and 19. The 50 miles Open Road Race Championship for the Guruchan Singh Chai Lye Challenge Cup
    291 words
  • 49 11 Practice On Esplanade Tomorrow The P.R.C. women's hockey practice which had been arranged to be held on the Francis Light School ground this evening has been cancelled. As usual a practice will be Held tomorrow on the Esplanade. All interested in the game will be welcome.
    49 words
  • 53 11 COW GATE CUP-TIE P.O.R.C. vs Fortress "B" At the Dato Kramat padang today at p.m. sharp. P.0.R.C.: L. J. Lesslar; E. Ariffin, R. Tangaiah; Foo Yeow Theng, C. Bee, A. Noor; P. Ratnam, Kee Yong Song, Lim Ewe Chye, C. H Forest, Tan Chin Lee, I» Stewart. M. Noor. Linesman:
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 54 11 liiil loot! Powde» SsSwwi} Qjjtf PgpSoQgnt EXCLUSIVE CREATIONS IN MODERN JEWELLERY i The combined skill of the artist and the craftsman produces that happy combination of beauty and I utility that distinguishes all IH ENDR Y S products. P. H. HENDRY. 7 1 .JEWELLER, NO. 30, BISHOP STREET K. Lumpur.
      54 words

  • 230 12 Lord Gray May Create Surprise In First Race GOING HEAVY (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. TV T ITH large fields and heavy going, picking out winners will be just as difficult as it was last Saturday, and all punters who watched this morning’s training
    230 words
  • 1333 12 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY Race 1: Horses Class 3 Div. 3-6 Furs—2.3o pun. 1. 00 0 QUEBEC 5y 9C4 “Seagate -table ...Orchard 2. 000 ON APPROVAL Gy 9.02 Mr. A. van Tooren Orchard 3. 0 0 0 SHAMROCK 5y 8.13 “Rengit Stable 4 40 0 VINTAGE 4y
    1,333 words
  • 134 12 —Reuter. St. Leger Call-over London, August 26. Recent impressive form found Mazarin established favourite in today’s Saint Leger call-over when 9|2 was offered after 5 1 had been taken. The previous week's favourite, Owen Tudor, remained at 11|2 and little business was done. The day’s movement mainly
    —Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 182 12 —Reuter. New Season Opening On Saturday London, August 25. With the breach between the Football League and the clubs affiliatcu to the new London league still not healed, a spirit of rivalry pervades the opening of the English football season on Saturday. Londoners and a few near
    —Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 90 12 Priority For R.A.F. The RAF. is to have priority deliveries of what is claimed to be the world’s finest bomber, the 8.24, Major Reuben Fleet, President of Consolidated Aircraft Company, announced. “The ’plane has undreamed-of military potentialities,” he declared. He added that secret tests were being
    90 words
  • 45 12 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 TIN: Penang $136.50 Singapore $136.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 l/2c Singapore Spot 38 l/2c COPRA: Sundries $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $lO.BO sellers Fair Seed SIOXK) sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1. $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 3 9.94
    45 words
  • 140 12 Reuter. Lt.-General Platt Appointed Simla, August 26. The creation of a new Military Command for East Africa in view, it is explained, of the virtual termination of operations in that theatre of war and in order to enable the Commander-in-Chief of the Middle East to
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 234 12 Art Student On Plight Of Parisians An American student who was in Paris after the city had Callen into German hands and who passed through Penang yesterday on his way back to the United States after staying with i relative in Shanghai for nearly a
    234 words
  • 120 12 For the second time, the Legislative Council on Monday postponed passage of the bill providing for a scheme to be made authorising the payment of allowances and pensions to persons engaged in civil defence. Speaking of the Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) bill, the Attorney-General Mr.
    120 words
  • 208 12 i'AWNERS of illicit wireless receivers in Norway, Italy, France and French IndoChina—where possession of sets means death or imprisonment if discovered—have smuggled letters out of their countries to the Department of Information in Australia, praising her short-wave broadcasts As Frenchmen in Indo-China await the comjng
    208 words
  • 97 12 It is hereby notified for general information that the Controller of Rubber, Malaya, has fixed the rate of release for the 4th Quarter, 1941 at 117%% of one quarter of the Standard Production of all holdings in Malaya. It is also notified that arrangements are being made to
    97 words
  • 205 12 i'AWNERS of illicit wireless receivers in Norway, Italy, France and French IndoChina—where possession of sets means death or imprisonment if discovered—have smuggled letters out of their countries to the Department of Information in Australia, praising her short-wave broadcasts As Frenchmen in Indo-China await the comjng of
    205 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      22 words
    • 292 12 Monthly Quarterly «’tt-Yeariy 9 ft US i<*»rt«ly J Viß' l 'asefficn ’«v3» centa cer tine ~08 WiCEj federated J STATES mil NOTICE. I I As from the 3rd SeptwJ Train Service between ThJ Malaya will he revised ajfl SOUTHWARD BOUND; 1 Leave Bangkok 4 p. B J Arrive Prai 6.51
      292 words