Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 August 1941

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 2048 1 lr. Churchill On ‘Symbolic Meeting’ In Atlantic "JAPANESE THREATS TO SINGAPORE MUST STOP" London, August 25. |R. (HI R( HILL broadcast last night on his “symbolic*? meeting with President Roosevelt. P He declared first, that no barrier must be allowed
    ’—Reuter.  -  2,048 words
  • 256 1 Attempt *o Reach "Fair Sel’tiement 9 J .omlm. A ugusWls. VI R. WINSTGp. Al. in liis work l»< night, revealed tiaf the States are “labouring with iMM* ito patience to hulve at a amicable settiemnt which ti Japan th.- tumost reassurance for her legitimate rights." Every
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    REUTER.  -  71 words
    Reulei.  -  622 words
  • 97 1 ;.—Reuter. Battle Of Dnieper River Begins Moscow, Aug. 25. The battle of the Dnieper river along which Marshal Budenny has disposed, his army to defend the great Don basin has begun. A Moscow communique reports ‘‘Particularly stubborn fighting" in the Dniepro-Fetrovsk sector which is mentioned for the first
    ;.—Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 53 1 —K-euter To Transfer Head Office To Singapore Shanghai, August 24. The American-owned “Shanghai j Evening Post’’ learns that the Texas Oil Company, one of the three largest oil concerns in this part of the world, |is transferring its head office from shanghai to Singapore some
    —K-euter  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 krj RS ENERGY J I EorRS SOUND REST O/f I (j H SLOT Co., Ltd.
      15 words
    • 60 1 s lr Z J WWI h J I i I i i L lid Guard against night chills,.,, 1111l CREAM COTTON BLANKETS. Hard wearing, exceptionally good washing soft texture, cotton. Warm and cosy. Just the thing for the tropics. Whipped ends. BRITISH MANUFACTURE. SIZE 60 x INCHES. $5.95 UltHTtfllliflYS Phone
      60 words

  • 653 2 —Reuter. NAZI INFANTRY DIVISION ROUTED Enemy Being Given No Respite Moscow, Aug. 24. Soviet troops commanded by General Koniev continue to deal heavy blows at the enemy, reports the official Soviet News Agency from the Central sector of the front. They routed a German
    —Reuter.  -  653 words
  • 198 2 —Reuter. U.S. NAVY TO TAKE OVER New York. August 24 President Roosevelt has directed the Navy to “take possession of and operate’ the strike-bound Kearney New Jersey Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Com- pany. A White House statement said that toe strike “jeopardises the construction of
    —Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 143 2 —Reuter. London. August 24. Infuriated by the failure to enlist Belgian volunteers in the war against Russia, the Germans have resorted to mass arrests in Belgium, says the Moscow radio. Lists of all men of military age at Mons and other towns were drawn up and
    —Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 246 2 Reuter. Tokyo, Aug. 24 An unusually blu-t criticism is made against Prince Konoe and printed in the Sunday morning edtion of the newspaper. “Hochi,” by M. Yoshitaro Shimizu, the popular politica commentator, who says that the Prernir is too much swayed by conflicting influeices at
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 447 2 IMPROVEMENT’S SUGGESTED BY AMERICAN EXPERTS Chungking, August 24. Concrete proposals for the improvement of Burma road transportation have been submitted by American transport experts to General Chiang Kai-shek. —Reuter. They include a 24-hour day working schedule for the Chinese customs station on the Sino-Burmese border and
    —Reuter.  -  447 words
  • 704 2 Cairo, Aug. 23 The situation in Iran continues to be one of gravity and the Iran Government’s reply which is now under consideration in London, it is understood here, does not alleviate the situation. On one point, however, the Iran Government
    Reuter.  -  704 words
  • 47 2 —Reuter 600 Germans Leaving Tran Tokyo, Aug. 23 Tlie correspondent of the “Yomiuri” in Berlin reports that the German Government has decided to withdraw 600 German residents in Iran in view of the strained situation in the Near East according to a semi-official Japanese report.—Reuter
    —Reuter  -  47 words
  • 84 2 Melbourne, August 24. Australia must increase her fighting forces to 600,000 men in the next eighteen months, said the Prime Minister. Mr. Menzies, in a speech here today. Munition workers must be increased to 150,000. SinaH arms manufacture would be thirty times the
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  • 190 2 Reuter. Americans Still Having Difficulties Tokyo. .August 24 Government circles ccntinue to insist that there is no discrimination against Americans wishing to leave Japan, although at least two Americans are reported to have had difficulty in obtaining permits. Ne v regulations controlling the departure of aliens
    Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 436 2 London. Aug. 1 A dramatic review of a huge convoy in mid-Atlanfic hv r chill from the deck of the battleship “Prince of way Home after the meeting with President Roose w 1 cribed by a woman who arrived in London today. •—Reuter- Every
    •—Reuter-  -  436 words
  • 28 2 —Reuter. Vorfc J Zonyue or in Zhis hemisphere sme lh«Z Zand r declmed Chamnun Co„ M fhe lorei(jn Rduti ons (Z tee. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 104 2 Reuter. The output of Army t an t UgU l at 61,000,000,000 in 1942 t a plan made public tn<i Q UUUcly QI H-J of Production and cording to a Washington 1 the “New York Tinies" The ergwisa is stated, is being lent to I
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 136 2 AFGHAN KING'S TO NATION .—Reutei I'd Stand I iiited Id Present Crisis Peshawar, Augasa A call to the nation to ".and in the present world cri-i.- ra by Zahir Shah. King of Afzhai speaking at the National Inced at Kabul on Saturday. Afghans had never accepted r| others md they
    .—Reutei  -  136 words
  • 38 2 NEW POLISH FOREIGN MINISTER —Reuter London. Ail The Polish Ambassador in Londq Edward Raczynski, lias "j Acting Polish Foreign Miuistef-• a Skorskis’ Cabinet, in succession j Zaleski, who resigned after over signa.are cf the Polish of July 13.—Reuter
    —Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 Sains in Back one in 3 Hours If you suffer terrible eharp pains or dull wearing down aches in back or sides, you can’t get rid of these with ordinary medicines because you must kill the germs in your kidneys. Other symptoms of Kidney and Bladder Disorders are Scanty, Frequent
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  • 2026 3 Claim I or Compensation By Dependants Ipoh. Ihe accident at a tin-mine near Lahat in which no fewer than 1 Chinese women labourers lost their lives, being buried in a Wslide which occurred on May 26, was recalled on Saturday
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  • 442 3 SOCIAL PERSONAL His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr. Arthur Sleep, M.C.S., to act. as Financial Secretary, S.S. His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr. G. C. Allen to act as Controller of Posts. Malacca. sK The resignation of his Commission in the S.S.V.F. by Temporary SecondLieutenant P. Giver-Wilson has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 FUN FROLIC PARK MONDAY. 25TH AUGUST. 1941. CANTONESE OPER A “WONG KONG KWm YEONG Part 1 Featuring Liew Kum Teng. Au Slew Kee. Tang Siew Chow Seats: 50, 25 and 15 cents TEOCHEW OPERA Showing Tonight “TAI HONG KONG' Pan 5. LIBERTY TALKIES Special Twin Projectors installed A Thrilling Mandarin
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 128 3 b E X MAJESTIC I aRNER BROS.' MOST SPINE-TINGLING MYSTERY HIT! > S||< >\\ S TODA.Y 6 13 <u p M ='fj| the finest Egyptian picture EVI.R BROUGHT TO MALAYA! I Ilk k EGYPT’S FAMOUS RADIO STAR 9 <A *1 IN HIS greatest picture F BlkSn g jf abdvl wahab
      128 words
    • 214 3 WESTERN fcLBCTHM SOW.l' VVHp LAST NIGIIt TO-NIGHT 8 P.M. £3O P.M. i The year’s forenpst Mythological Musical Producticm shining with the selected stars >f South India “BHAKTHI” (or “LIFE OF VMBARISH’) w?h V. N. SUPPIAH NAIDU. R. AN AMHARAMIAH. K. HRANYA ETG TO-MOIROW A Talkie “PRISONER OF BLUE MOUNTAIN”
      214 words
    • 160 3 THREE SHOWS TO-DAY Dr. Kildare's Newest Adventure! Superstition! Intolerance! Bigotry! THESE WERE THE ENEMIES DR. KILDARE HAD TO FIGHT! xv IJ I L I /kJ I r < A 1 bLjJT u .XUm! „-LEW AYRES-LIONEL BARRYMORE s .MfWabf LAR A|Nf DAY SAMUH 5 HINDS GFNt r IOCKHARF-NAT PENDLETON. EMMA DUNN
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  • 441 4 ol the concomitants of independence is the strength to maintain it and with typically keen and shrewd assessment of the conditions around them, the leaders of the United States are ensuring that in the matter of defence, there is every safeguard provided which ingenuity can think of
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  • 130 4 MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Happy Days” (Malay picture). 3, 6.15 and 9-30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “Dr. Kildare goes Home” with Lew Ayres, Lionel Barrymore and Larraine Day. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: Miss Chan Wan Seong in “Condemned Husband" (Chinese picture). 3, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. REX
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  • 214 4 Reuter. 135 Japanese Aircraft Take Part In Raid Chungking, August 23. Japanese are intensifying the aerial offensive in Szechuen Province, bombing Chungking and Chengtu. After yesterday's raid in which 135 Japanese aircraft participated, it is learned that at least 108 took part in today's raid. After 27
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 99 4 —Reuter Recognition Withdrawn By Government Mexico City. August 24. The Mexican Government has withdrawn recognition of German Consuls in Mexico. It is officially stated that this step has been taken following the German action in ordering the closure of Mexican Consulates in France. This refers to
    —Reuter  -  99 words
    • 153 4 (To the Editor, "Pinang Gazette”). Sir, ‘‘Alpha’’ in his little note a few days ago under the apt caption “O tempora, O mores!,” draws attention to the great difference between the Chinese girl of today and her sister of a decade ago. May I ask
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  • 73 4 .—Reuter. Equal Rights With Nazi Workers Madrid, July 24. An agreement si>ecifying equal rights with German workers lor Spaniards sent tc Germany has been signed today at the Spanish Foreign. Ministry between Senor Garcia, head of the Eurspean section, and the Ministerial Councillor at the German
    .—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 667 4 Monday, August 25. point of interest in Mr. Churchill’s broadcast last night, as far as Malaya is concerned, is his revelation that the United States are “labouring with infinite patience to j arrive at a fair and amicable settle--1 ment which will give the
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  • 352 4 More Haste, Less Economy AT a Rotary Club address last week, the speaker gave some facts which may be instrumental in saving more petrol than the present rationing scheme. And it is all so simple too. You just take your time in driving, enjoy the scenery you
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 A large shipment received OF ‘SWAN’ BITTER Australia’s Finest Beer j IN QUART BOTTLES ONLY I Pritchard CL PENANG. "TocrORS CHOOSE HIMVVISED TRITOOD FOR THEIR I OW-\ WSBABIES I '«F 5 4 w y 3. jM V .> f T ln Wntota JF tl* medical etiqtutti, tht j < -W?S
      131 words
    • 61 4 LINGHAM’S HIGH CLASS CHILLY SAUCE l >vi" I H I«M *C. I I ‘-'NGham s° w !*> AL r L t n A Mild Piquant Relish and Appetizer of Delightful Flavour For Roast and Cold Meat, Steaks Cutlets, Chops, Fish, Oyster Cocktails, Gravies, Game. Soup, Salad, Cheese etc. Sole Distributors
      61 words
    • 26 4 s G-■ TI«JCKi t JtOiTc’wui. For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121. e A eAJTMJ» Tri( (SOW
      26 words

  • 236 5 CINEMAS 1.,. bell again in the Dr. Kil- in which “Dr. Kildare ■'’'•’at th* Odeon tGdayfor veteran Lionel BarryK“c 1,1 11,0 £>• 0 tak y< T. g ILf Ayres) under his aptcr Kildare becomes a tuian' also manages to lead Kve, pretty Nurse Mary La- ~r
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  • 125 5 [oung Chinese Fined of !t or ten days’ rigorous ■onment was imposed by the DisIdudge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the let Court this morning on Ooi Loh ''■ho had pleaded guilty at a preI hearing to a charge of having lifted theft of a bicycle
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  • 464 5 peliininary Inquiry Into ICJiai-ges Against Chinese B preliminary inquiry into two charges, of selling, and of Possession of counterfeit Thai bank notes, against Liew Kang, commenced this morning before Mr. Lim Koon E. ln the Third Court. K 01 Sc uily conducted the case
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  • 64 5 Singapore, Today. Before the commencement of the Legislative Council meeting this morning. His Excellency the Governor presented the recipients of birthday honours with their insignias. The presentations were made to the following: The Venerable Archdeacon Graham White (0.8. E. Capt. E. S. Lilley (M.8.E.); Miss
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  • 506 5 REVISION OF PRESENT SYSTEM Coupons To Be Mode Non-T ransf erable TN a broadcast from Singapore last night, Mr. H. C. R. Ren- die, Oil Controller, announced that as from September 1, there will be a reduction in the basic ration of
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  • 145 5 Postponed For Two Weeks Before the District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the District Court this morning, the case was mentioned in which Gee Kok Weng. interpreter and translator attached to the Chinese Protectorate, Penang, appeared in answer to a summons. The tentative charge against the
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  • 33 5 i. Reuter. Calcutta, Aug. 23 “Indian troops in Malaya are quite happy and are in good spirits,” said the Maharajah of Patiala who arrived here by air from Malaya.—Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 502 5 SENSATIONALISM OF WRITERS DEPLORED Deploring the sensationalism of some writers whe, he said, always tried to magnify China’s difficulties, Prof. G. Barman, an American evangelist who had toured China for many years before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, told the “Pinang Gazette”
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  • 53 5 A further contribution of $81.09 from Sir John Campbell has raised the Penang total of the War Fund to $977,676.34. The total in Perak remains at $560,068.43 and the aggregate for North Malaya, is $1,537,744.77. Previously Acknowledged $977,592.25 Sir John Campbell, Bart., DS O.
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  • 66 5 Bail in the sum of $250 was allowed’, an Indian Mohamedan, Abdul Rahman, who claimed trial before the District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the District Court this morning to a charge of committing theft of a tin suit case valued at $5 at 5.30 p.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 igg Sllfeto: tW liw “M||||||| E to?®' I v J i I r fl MM I V w- fl fl Ml B MkWA ukia" p’CnLlj wT TUReZurfiZrZoflZ Goou morning Yes sir Have I felt the effects of "To what do I attribute my Goodbye sorry I have ■> Show him
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  • 1157 6 COUNTER-ATTACK IN CENTRAL SECTOR Heavy Fighting Continues: Germans Rush Up Reserves Moscow, Aug. 24 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuter’s correspondent in Moscow). Nine villages have been retaken by the Russians in a counterattack under General Koniev in the past 48 hours in the central section of the
    Reuter.  -  1,157 words
  • 235 6 London, Aug. 24. A thrilling battle in the Atlantic which ended in his merchantship sinking a U-boat was told by the Captain on arrival at a port in Britain. “It was dark,” he said, “when the Chief Officer reported sighting ‘some black object’ close.” .—Reuter. The
    .—Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 41 6 —Reuter London. Aug. 23 Ihe King has appointed General sir Archituld Wavell as Aide-de-Camp General on the completion of Sir Charles Bonham Carter’s tenure of that office. The appointment implies no change in General Wa veil’s present duties.—Reuter 1
    —Reuter  -  41 words
  • 337 6 Reuter. Third Accident In Week Vichy, August 23 Thirty miners were injured yesterday afternoon when a special miners’ train ran off the rails just before entering Valdonne tunnel near Marseilles between Gressque and St. Savourin, states the Vichy 7 News Agency. A numbei- of waggons overturned.
    Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 71 6 —Reuter, Le Havre Ostend And Dunkirk Attacked London, Aug. 24. An official communique states:— Aircraft of the Bomber Command on Friday night resumed their attack on Western Germany, focussing their attach on the industrial town of Mannheim. The harbour at Le Havre and docks at Ostend
    —Reuter,  -  71 words
  • 311 6 —Reuter. Ready To Fight Beside British New York, August 24. United States soldiers, fliers and airmen in Iceland are ready to fight beside the British if called upon to do so, says the “New York Herald Tribune” correspondent who has just returned from a visit to
    —Reuter.  -  311 words
  • 56 6 .—Reuter. London, Aug. 23 King Leopold has refused to become a “Belgian Laval,” according to Geneva reports quoted by the Moscow Radio. In attempts to quell the rising tide of resistance in Belgium, the Germans have twice proposed that King Leopold should return to the
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 69 6 Penang August 23, 1941 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING -tendon Demand 2/4 3/39 Aew York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 11 11/16 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8
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  • 109 6 Saturday’s Close Previously TIN: J LONDON “Spot” £256. 5. 0. “Forward” y 259. 15. 0 SINGAPORE “Spot” 135.00 $134.50 Business done PENANG: “Spot” $135.00 $134.50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” “Forward” Tone Quiet, Unchanged SINGAPORE “Spot” 38 1,20 38 s|Bc PENANG “Spot” 38 l|2o 38 s|Bc COPRA PENANG: Sundried $2.90
    109 words
  • 156 6 —Reuter. Pol ice Raids In Champs Elysee Quarter Vichy, August 24. One thousand arrests were made last Friday night in Police raids in the neighbourhood cf Champs Elysee. Today’s Official Journal publishes the text of a drastic new law providing for imprisonment. with hard labour and
    —Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 470 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers and Ipoh sections) at noon 25th August Issue Buyers Seilers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Ainal 7/0 7/3c £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .65 .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1 Batu Selangor 1.32
      470 words
    • 216 6 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.574 1.624 Ayer Hitam .80 .85 Ayer Molek 1.10 1.15 ex Ayer Panas 105 1.10 Bassett .37 .40 Batu Lintang 1.05 1.10 Bedford 90 .95 Benta .924 -974 Borelli 1.274 1.324 Broga 55 .58 Brunei United .55
      216 words
    • 327 6 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.674 1.723 $2 Alex. Brick 74% Pref 2.074 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B4 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S 7% Pref 19/6 20/3 $5
      327 words
    • 123 6 L/1O 1 V/L LLlvl.ljl MINING Dividend 2 9.41 12 6<! Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonu* Austral Amal 3d. and 14 Bonus g4l 7 Kramat 9d. 25.8.4 1 K Kampar 124%= 1/3 9.* 1 18 u! Raub Gold 3d. 2nd Int. 43.8.41 11 Southern Kinta 10%
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 BANKS v V ®El»xrr g^S f Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged I With us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. "i r rpu wi jinw?i ji 11 Mill I Further particulars will be j| I supplied on application.
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  • 655 7 Lining Indian Youths In English I ndustrial Methods /HE “BEVIN BOYS' JR /By An Indian Correspondent) ■.I >t the 'ir has sprung closer industrial co-operation India and England in a number of ways, par- j-jy in the production of armaments and munitions, ■feis developing a considerable scheme for training workthe
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  • 171 7 News From India Bombay, Aug. 20. JN response to the Governor of Bombay’s appeal for another 20,000 A. R.P. volunteers, a large number of applications have been received Bombay’s Gifts to Air Ministry Bombay, Aug. 2v. The Air Minister, in acknowledging Bombay’s latest gift, says:
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  • 310 7 TTITLER’S home front difficulties are described in a dispatch by the Berlin correspondent of a Swiss newspaper headed “How the Berliner Dives.” Except for the upper classes, who in spite of war taxation have still enough money left to buy everything which the blockade permits, the
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  • 988 7  -  Jungle Code To Sanction Pillage An d Extermi n ation BY DR. A. J. ARBERRY Formerly Professor of Classics at Egyptian UnAversity, Cairo. A S far back as 1933, when the Nazis had just seized power in Germany, Goering, in his capacity as Minister for
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  • 370 7 Australian News Table rpHE death has occuijred of Viscount stonehaven, Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Australia, 1925-1936 He gained the D.S.O. as an intelligence officer in 1914-15, and held the offices of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Minister for Transport and First Commissioner for Works in the British
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  • 582 7 Havoc In Berlin: Hamburg A City Of Ruins "W/HILE Germany is paying a heavy price in men and equipment for its victories in Russia, the condition of the home front, writes W. E. Lucas in the American newspaper Christian Science Monitor on J
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  • 161 7 Moncton, N.E. THE lure of buried treasure still beckons to adventurous persons, and the latest is an effort to retrieve what is said to be a fortune in gold sunk with the hulls of three French frigates in the Richibucto river off the town of that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 119 7 deceptive cleanliness MAY SCREEN EXISTING OECAY ®A st gieamiaic? wait» entxtne«« may hid» iroa*. you and others a proce«* of decay, until toothache sounds a f* J note of -vaming. Tek toothbrushes r designed by dental surgeons, fit into > the arch behind the teeth, removing jF those minute particles
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 41 8 Calcutta, August 20. Forty Indians, who arrived today from Japan, described the shortage of foodstuffs in Japan. Bread and rice have been rationed. Butter and ghee are available only in very limited quantities* and at high prices
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  • 294 8 Singapore Programme Highlights Today. 7.15 p.m.; Education in Malaya Today And Tomorrow, talk. 9.20 London relay, news from heme with Howard Marshall. 9.35 London relay. The Stones Cry Out. 10.20 London relay. Inside Nazi Europe Tomorrow. 1 p.m.. announcements ini eluding scratchings for Wednesday’s Singapore races. 7.15 First
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  • 143 8 Alleged to have "spread a report relating to matters connected with the war wihch was calculated to create unnecessary alarm and despondency otherwise than in performance of a duty,” William David Drennan, 43-year-old Australian, appeared on a summons under the Defence Regulations, in the Singapore
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  • 261 8 Was Absent From Duty A Singapore depit police recruit. Chan Yoke Han, 23, was sentenced to nine months’ rigorow imprisonment in the Singapore Criminal District Court for absenting himsel from duty with the intention of not returning. Chan, who was sad to have disap peared from the
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  • 77 8 Named After .Towns And Gties Ottawa. Four more fighting units were officially added to Canada’s rapidiy-increas-tng naval forces recently when one minesweeper was launched, and three others were officially christened. Named after Canadian towns and cities, the fighting craft will be officially “adopted” by the municipalities
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  • 278 8 MONDAY, 25TH AUGUST. 1941 I Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn, INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoii, K. Lumpur Wearne’s Air August 25th. inst Singapore .10 .05 Service i p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations .50 ,26 8.0.A.C Thurs. 28th
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  • 758 8 Keenness And Results NEARLY 200,000 boys now belong to the Air Training Corps. This means that Great Britain has gathered up from public schools, elementary schools, shops and tradesmen’s tricycles, i that number of classroom airmen to be tomorrow’s Royal Air Force personnel, i writes Richard
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  • 64 8 Rangoon, August 90. Burma is to raise a third militia for her defence services. Recruitment is open to all domiciled races in the country. A selected number of men will be sent for two months to the Officer Cadet Training Unit, which will be placed on the
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  • 572 8 Extracts Comments I bbrun I J gainst American 1 Europe t he 1 mistake. ’T’HE American n ia p- I I' a s „X y al “4. n United States h as tiomsm. and, bv and °ne(l v now in favour of n shooting wari if tha
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  • 424 8 CANADA’S EFFORT Ottawa. r pHERE are mure than 2,300 local, salvage committees in operation across Canada, and there is a steady stream of additional applications arriving daily at the National Salvage Campaign headquarters here. Formerly Canada imported millions of dollars worth of bones, paper, rags, and scrap
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  • 91 8 Ottawa. Air-minded Canadian youths have deluged national headquarters of the Cadet League of Canada here with requests for information on the new organisation for boys between the ages of 12 and 18 eager to» obtain prettminarj' training for an aviation career. Within two days over 2,000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 24 8 ALLSOPP’S BEEP NEW 7 SHIPMENT RECEIVED QUARTS PINTS x Sole Importers I SALPBECK. MACGJMEGO» < (Incorporated under the Compani**' Ordinances of (Incorporated in Shansdud > SINGAFOBE
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 762 8 HWIQ I > TO DAV; B. B. C. A.M. 6.05 News Analysis' 620 Listening Post —An Analysis of German. Propaganda 6.25 War Commentary 6.35 French News. 650 Service from Northern irelaaa. Address by Rev A. W Neill. 7.20 News. 7.30 Listening Pott. 7.35 London Calling. 7.50 Britain Speaks—Frank Owen. i
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    • 513 8 SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING News In English B. b t>, (Jjuoai Times) 7.20 a.m. 8.20 aan. I*assmisslun 6 L 1.20 a.m. rransmission 1 1.50 p.m. 6.20 p.m. lYansmls&lou 3 B_2o p.m. 10.20 p.m. Transmission 3 11.20 pm. Transmission 4 1.20 am. 4-50 aju. BOMBAY «DBS 955 mc/s (3L4 mA 11.10 p.mVUB3
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  • 798 9 Ipoh. .V iht close of yesterday s play, leoh Seng Khoon, last ar ''Perak Singles Open Champion, entered the quarter-finals d judging from his recent form, should retain his title again s year. I an easj passage over udiali m hu first match but was
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  • 703 9 FIRST DEFEAT OF TOUR Singapore Malay Football Association, in their second match here yesterday on the Western Road ground, sustained their first defeat in the course of their up-country tour when they went down to the Penang Football Association, the margin being
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  • 59 9 Leicesters Beat H.Q. XI Sungei Patani, Aug. 24 The Leicesters defeated the Headquarters Eleven by 5 goals to nil at soccer on the Public Padang here on Friday evening before a large crowd. Simpson scored two goals for the Leicesters in the first half. In the
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  • 34 9 Annual Meeting Next Friday Ipoh. The annual general meeting of the? Perak Asiatics Rugby Football Club will be held on Friday, August 29. at 5.30 p.m. at the Y.M.C.A. I 4
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  • 101 9 I.—Reuter. American Derby Chicago, August 24. Whirlaw.ay, the American wonder horse, by winning the American Derby, has added yet another famous race to his long chain of triumphs which includes the big treble —Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes- this latter feat having been achieved by
    I.—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 282 9 —Reuter. Mazarin Proves A Real Stayer London, August 23. Mazarin, son of Mieuxce, the French Derby and Grand Prix winner proved himself the mast genuine stayer engaged in the St.’ Leger by winning the third successive St. Leger trial today and will undoubtedly challenge Owen Tudor for
    —Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 132 9 2nd Selangor Battalion Win By Innings Kuala Lumpur, August 24. The F.M.S.V.F. Second Selangor Battalion scored an innings victory over a Malayan Police XI in a cricket match on the Padang during the week-end. Originally the match was fixed between die Federated Malay States Volunteers and
    132 words
  • 138 9 .—Reuter 1939 Ryder Cup Team Leading Detroit, Aug. 24 Craig Wood and Lawson Little defeated Ralph Gulhal and Snead 7/6 in a two-ball foursome in the challenge match between Bobby Jones’ team and the United States 1939 Ryder Cup team. This put Jones’ challengers a game ahead,
    .—Reuter  -  138 words
  • 97 9 Gezira Club Beat South Africans Cairo, Aug. 24 The scoring of a century by the Englann cricketer. Walter Hammond, which included three sixes and ten fours, gave the Gezira Club victory over the First South African Infantry Brigade. Batting fourth, Hammond was last out, being caught and
    97 words
  • 272 9 MAYFIELD BEAT MERRILADS The Mayfield B.P. scored a convincing victory over the Merrilads B.P. by five games td nil in the inter-team tournament of the Penang Junior Badminton championships at the Free School hall yesterday. In the other inter-team match the Limstead B.P. were just able to
    272 words
  • 79 9 .—Reuter. New York. August 23. Because Joe Louis is not satisfied with his condition. his world championship fight with Lou Nova originally arranged for September 19 has been postponed until September 29, states the promoter Mike Jacobs, who says the fight will now be staged at the
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 49 9 O.X.A vs Malay Fortress On the Westlands ground at 5.20 pan. today. Players to meet at the field. 0.X.A.: Heng Thuan; Lim Cheng Hoe, Tung Sin Huat; T. S. Huat, Chee Chin Cheok, A. Muthu; A. Ramasamy, C. Danker, Jan, Read. Boh Eye. Reserves' N Danker, Thoon Tuck
    49 words
  • 266 9 Ipoh. a further step to encourage local boxing since its revival this year, the Perak Amateur Boxing Association has arranged an interesting amateur boxing promotion for Thursday, August 28, when ten bouts in all will be fought out at the Jubilee Park Arena.
    266 words
  • 174 9 Proposal By Selangor Association The Hon. Secretary of the Selangor Hockey Association has written to the Hon. Secretaries. Penang, Singapore. Negri Sembilan. Perak and Malacca Hockey Association as follows: “I have to advise you that my Committee have given careful consideration to the status of
    174 words
  • 43 9 Ipoh. Perak will ope u their hockey season early in September and a State Trial has been arranged to be played on the Ipoh Club grounds on Saturday, September 6. The game will be a North vs South affair.
    43 words
  • 50 9 —Reuter. Buenos Aires, August 23 The German Ambassador complained to the Argentine Foreign Office regarding police measures ordered against German citizens. He was told the Foreign Office was unable to intervene as the proceeding was carried out in accordance with Argentine law with full legal securities.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 103 9 England-Australia Match (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, August 24. Lieut. Ben Barnett, Australian test stumper who arrived with the latest A.I.F. reinforcements, was seen in action on the local padang today. Playing for Australia, he stumped one and caught two England batsmen in the first imings
    103 words
  • 76 9 —Reuter. R.A.F. Wins Last Match London. August 23. Eight Internationals played in the fourth and final 'Test Match” between the Royal Air Force and the Army which the Air Force won by seven wickets at Liverpool. The Army scored 151 for six wickets and declared, Peter
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 112 9 London, August 23. The easy victories of the Glasgow Rangers’ two again the features of the Scottish football programme and Rangers’ enthusiasts already have visions of these teams winning their respective leagues and providing the curious position of meeting each other for the Scottish Championship. The following
    112 words
  • 135 9 —8.0. W Director-General Of Territorial Resigns Rugby, August 24. The War Office announces that Lieut.-General Sir John Brown, Direc-tor-General of the Territorial Army and Inspector-General of Army Welfare, is retiring under the age limit regulations. General Brown was concerned in raising the territorial army up to
    —8.0. W  -  135 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 tanner sailings in September f o r United States of America particulars apply Io SIME- DARBY A 10. LTD. (n 4MERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LID.. 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421—£. iURNSPHILp' LINE (incorporated in Australia) fm particulars regarding Freight. Passage, drill other in formation please apply to ISTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents
      54 words
    • 64 9 VA-sJ I By Aooointment To H. M, The King of SiAir. h.m. The Sultan of kcpa»« Amv H.H.The Sultan ct Petax OMEGA WATCHES manufactured by the same craftsmen who MADE AND REGULATED THE WORLD’S MOST PRECISE CHRONOMETERS, HOLDERS OF THE WORLD i PRECISION RECORD OF ACCURACY SINCE 1933. SOLE AGENTS
      64 words

  • 1240 10 Leading The World Out Of Miseries London, Aug. 25. IN his broadcast to the world last night, Mr. Winston Churchill at the outset told his listeners of his meeting with “our great friend, the President of the United States.” 'lt was a meeting, Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  1,240 words
  • 71 10 Sydney, August 24. Ihe first I’itch cf German prisoners landed at Sydney have been taken to internment camps in the country. The rank file were docile—“just like lambs” said a guard—but a group of officers was sullen and fanatical.—Reuter. His Excellency the Governor has provisionally
    71 words
  • 48 10 MONDAY, AUGUST 25 TIN: Penang $135.00 Singapore $135 qq RUBBER: Penang Spot 35 i/2c Singapore Spot 33 i/2 c C OPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $ll.OO seners Fair Seed $10.20 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1. $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    48 words
  • 158 10 —Reuter. London, August 22. A voice delivering an anti-Nazi-speech In German broke Into tonight’s musical programme broadcast by the Deutschland Sender Station. Listeners in London were unable to hear all the speaker said but the following sentences could be made out: “Against Hitler stands
    —Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 413 10 Dr. Teoh Cheng Toe New President The ninth annual general meeting of the Penang Medical Practitioners’ Society was held on Saturday evening followed by the annual dinner at the Swiss Cafe the same night. Dr. Lim Chwee Leong, the out-going president, took the chair and the
    413 words
  • 125 10 Reuter. Enemy Shipping Attacked London, Aug. 23. British fighters yesterday carried out a series of offensive patrols over the Channel and Northern France. In the course of these operations, says an Air Ministry communique, enemy shipping was attacked with cannon and machinegun fire and a number
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 55 10 —Reuter. Shanghai, Aug. 24 The second Japanese civilian within a week to be shot critically was wounded yesterday night in the Yangtzepoo District of the Japanese occupied part of the Internatnonal Settlement. The four Chinese gunmen escaped. The latest shooting is the fourth armed attack on
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 92 10 Trengganu Beaten In All Five Matches Singapore. Winning all five matches against Trengganu, Johore retained the Iskandar Cup for the fifth year in succession yesterday at the International Clu-?, Johore Bharu. Results were as follows: Yon bin Mian beat Mohd biA Ismail 6-1, 6-0. Daud beat
    92 words
  • 318 10 School Boy Sans Ame In Pink Of Condition FAST WORK AT BUKIT TIMAH (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. gallops formed the bulk of this morning’s training at Bukit Timah in preparation for Wednesday. The second track was used and the going was good. Avant Tout and Balmoral were earliest
    318 words
  • 262 10 Chua Sek Poh ins Handicap Prize In the second qualifying round of the Club championship played over the week-end Chua Sek Poh won the Handicap Prize with a score of 85 less 18—67. The winner of the Optional Ball Sweep on the first nine holes was
    262 words
  • 158 10 —Reuter. Goods By Burma Road Exempted London, Aug. 24. The Board of Trade have made an order prohibiting from Monday the export of any goods, except under licence, to China, Japanese Pacific Islands and Macao. Tne order does not apply to goods exported through Rangoon for
    —Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 72 10 Weights For Remaining Race The following are the weights for the remaining race on the Second Day of the Singapore Gold Cup Meeting on Wednesday. HORSES, CLASS 1. DIV. 3—7 FURLONGS. CON FIDENCE 9.00 CROSSBOW 8.11 CIMON RUMINATION 8 07 VIOLA II 8.06 DEMOCRACY 8 05
    72 words
  • 172 10 RACE 1. HORSES—CLASS I—DIV. 3—6 FURS. 1. MERCURY $49 $ll 2. CROSSBOW $9 3. HARPO $8 RACE 2. HORSES—CLASS 2—DIV. I—6 FURS. 1. RANSCOMBE $2B $lO 2. LINED UP $9 3. DEADLOCK $l4 RACE 3. HORSES—CLASS 3—DIV. 2—7 FURS. 1. LE TOUQUET $54 $l5 KALILI $l2 3.
    172 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 177 10 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Munici pal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, the 26th instant. (By Order), T. W. DOUGLAS, Secretary’ to the Municipal Commissioners. MAMBAU TIN LIMITED (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Notice is hereby given that the Twenty-first Annual
      177 words
    • 381 10 Ute or eutacnDUon .<* P Sundav Sa^S 01 wonuuj D )i'm’ Hl Quarterly 7 sft W H-If-Year It :i) t »0C Vterly KU BUNDAT gaSX tolu aj> W Quarterly D r J’M» Half-Yearly 3jn *‘J£ Yearly ,5? JOJ **H Tts* ‘•nitvett jj-3 s^ ;r Birt'M. MarrlMfeg na<*i,. laments. An.
      381 words