Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 651 1 TWO VESSELS SUNK, ANOTHER ON FIRE Success Of Soviet Bombers I Moscow, Aug. 22. FLEET of German transports with reinforcements for the Ukraine have been routed by Soviet bombers in the Black Sea, according to the official Soviet News I Agency. At least
    !.—Reuter.  -  651 words
  • 105 1 ,—Reuter. London, August 23. “XV 7 E have a rendezvous together over Berlin.” says Sir Charles Portal, Chief of Air Staff, in replying on behalf of th«* K.A.F. to recent greetings from Soviet airmen. Writing to the Russian press. Sir Charles says: “We both fight for
    ,—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 152 1 IF GERMANY LOST THE WAR U.S. And ’Classic Errors' Hyde Park. New York, August 22. he thinks we would not lose if Germany won, Pre *ident Roosevelt remarked drily when a reporter drew his attention to a statement by Representative Fish in a s P‘rch at Philadelphia when Mr. Fish
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 110 1 Reuter Test Case Says Tokio Tokyo. August 22 In semi-editcrials identically worded in! parts the newspapers “Hochi,” “Kckumin’l and ‘‘Miyake*’ this morning deal with the; cispatch of United States’ oil to Vladivos-I tok. Though adnuttirg that the United States’ primary' purpose is to push aid to
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 40 1 .> Reuter. Major-General A. R. Chaffee, who was the first commander of the United States Army’s new armoured force, died at the age of 57 after a breakdown during the Army’s intensive drive to organise special mechanised units.Reuter.
    .> Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 433 1 ROOSEVELT ANSWERS CRITICS Hyde Park, New York, Aug. 23. ERIC AN defence production is, on an average up to estimates, though it has never been completely satisfactory, President Roosevelt yesterday told a press conference. n.—Reuter. Referring to Senator Byrd’s statement earlier this week asserting that
    n.—Reuter.  -  433 words
  • 262 1 MINISTER CALLS ON MR. CORDELL HULL Washington, Aug. 23. 441 RAN will resist aggression from ary source even though the odds are ten to one,” declared Mohammed Chayesteh. Iranian Minister here, after a conference with Mr. Cordell Hull. United States Secretary of State yesterday. The‘Minister
    —Reuter.  -  262 words
  • 297 1 ESKIMO WHO THOUGHT HE WAS ’JESUS’ .—Reuter Belcher Island, Hudson Bay, Aug. 22. of the strangest murder trials in history has just concluded in a white man’s court consisting of a huge tent on this barren island in Hudson Bay. The chief characters in
    .—Reuter  -  297 words
  • 99 1 .—Reuter. London, Aug. 23. “A very small number of enemy aircraft, flying singly, have been seen in the neighbourhood of the East coast of England during the day and one of them was shot down into the sea by our fighters. No bombs have
    .—Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 196 1 .—Reuter. Chased Across North Sea By Two Fighter Pilots London, Aug. 22. A Htinkel 111 which was trying to escape towards the Dutch coast this morning, was chased out across the North Sea and then shot down sixty miles off the English coast by
    .—Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 116 1 Reutef. Situation Daily Growing Worse Zurich, Aug. 22. The Italians are taking steps to restore order in Croatia following the failure of the Quisling Government to control the situation which is daily growing more and more confused, reports the Budapest correspondent, of the “Basler Nachrichten.” Despite the
    Reutef.  -  116 words
  • 108 1 the materials mobilisation plan.—Route?. Programme For Third Quarter Revised Boston, Massachusetts, Aug. 22 The Japanese Cabinet today approved mobilisation programme” for the third quartei* of the current fiscal year 'me alterations follow the freezing of Japanese assets in Britain, the United States and elsewhere. The four main
    the materials mobilisation plan.—Route?. ’  -  108 words
  • 189 1 —Reuter. Suggestion By Famous Authors London, August 22 Mr. George Bernard Shaw in a letter to Mr. B. B. Ray Chaudhuri, joint secretary with Mr. p. B. Seal of the London Tagore Society, says. “I think Sir William Rcthenstein painted a portrait of Tagore. It should be hung
    .—Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 224 1 Lomion. August 22. 'T’HOUGH outnumbered by two to one, a South African squadron of Ame-rican-built Tomahawks fought anti beat off formations of Axis planes attempting to attack British shipping off the Coast of Cyreiiaiea, says the Air Ministry News Service l«%st night. ’—Reuter
    ’—Reuter  -  224 words
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  • 87 2 —Reuter. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT SIGNS ORDER Violators May Be “Attacked By U.S. Armed Forces” Hyde Park, New York, Aug) 23. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has signed an order pro- M hibiting unsupervised navigation in Manila Bay and warning violators that they would be subject to “attack by
    .—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 190 2 s. —Reuter Fastest Of Type In World London, August 21. The “Covenanters” Britain’s latest and fastest cruiser tanks are probably the best designed tanks of their type in the world. Britain’s armoured divisions are now equipped with many of this type as well as every description of
    s.—Reuter  -  190 words
  • 117 2 Reuter. Parliament Meeting For Further Discussions Canberra, August 22.. The most intense interest is being displayed throughout Australia in the House of Representatives discussions. After the session yesterday evening, the Cabinet met and discussed the position and at 11.30 p.m. Mr. Menzies dramatically summoned the
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 38 2 ).—B.OAV. Rugby, Aug. 22. The Minister of Aircraft Production has received a further sum of £6.850 from the East India Fund for the purchase of fighter aircraft, bringing the total of contributions to £508,500.—8.0AV.
    ).—B.OAV.  -  38 words
  • 628 2 Fighting Proceeding Along Entire Front Rugby, Aug. 22 Apart from the official communiques issued by the Soviet and Nazi High Commands, there 'are no details available relating to the fighting on the Russian front. Competent commentators express the view that there has been no decisive change
    5.—Reuter,  -  628 words
  • 186 2 —Reuter. London, Aug. 22 Lord Halifax, who arrived at a British airport in a bomber this morning, is paying his first visit to Britain since he succeeded Lord Lothian as ’Ambassador in Washington at the beginning of the year. Arrangements were made some Ame ago
    —Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 376 2 Prolongation Of Political Deadlock In India Bombay, Aug. 22 The political deadlock in India continues, the two major political parties, the National Congress and the Moslem League, having so far refused to accept the Viceroy’s offer for their participation in the Government. —Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  376 words
  • 284 2 i Men Who Have Fought In Crete And Libya Rangoon, August 22. wrHEN the G.0.C., General McLeod, referred recently to the east with which reinforcements could be switched into Burma, few appreciated the wide area from which such reinforcements could be drawn. —Reuter. Incredible
    ”—Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 289 2 —Reuter. Germans Use MachineGuns To Shoot It Down London, Aug. 22 How Germans tried to shoot down with machine-gun fire the French flag hoisted over the old citadel at Saverne in Alsace is told in a despatch from the French frontier to the Independence FTen<h
    .—Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 115 2 s.—Reuter. Wharf Coolies Fired On By Police Shanghai, Aug. 22. One striker was killed and five were seriously injured when a clash occurred yesterday afternoon between Chinese wharf coolies and the Municipal Police on the ‘British-owned Shanghai-Hongkew wharf in Warside, the Municipal Council area in Eastern Shanghai under
    s.—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 84 2 .—Reuter Number Of Persons Jump Into The Hudson New York, Aug. 22 The Finnish motorship. Augora, 2,600 tons, which had been in New York since her arrival on July 28 from Curacao caught fire early this morning at her anchorage in the Hudson River iust above
    .—Reuter  -  84 words
  • 86 2 cun —Reuter. Only Slight Damage Done Cairo, Aug. 22. A Middle East communique states: “Libya: In the Tobruk sector, our artillery dispersed small parties of enemy infantry. During the day the enemy made two dive-bomber attacks, inflicting no casualties and no damage. “In the frontier area,
    cun —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 76 2 ;.—Reuter. Elevated To Rank Of Embassy Tokyo, August 22. The status cf the Thai Legation in Tokyo has been elevated to that of an Embassy, according to a communication under the date of August 21 reaching the Japanese Foreign Office from the Thai Government. This is
    ;.—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 104 2 .—Reuter. Demilitarisation The Immediate Problem Saigon, August 22. With speeches by Mr. Yano, M. Deiens and Luang Siddhi Sayamkar, respective heads of the Japanese, French and Thai delegations, professing mutual goodwill and the desire to cooperate, the joint frontier delimitation commenced its formal sessions at the Saigon
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 65 2 .—Reuter. Mr. Roosevelt Urges Further Negotiation* Washington, August a President Roosevelt ha.', called w -s C. 1.0. Union representative for sion of the ship-building strike in Ke® New Jersey yards. Tire President requested that thev fa further negotiations with the shin-.a-management and, if possible, end deadlock
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 98 2 —Reuter. Bringing Cos! Of Living Down Cairo. August 2 The Board of Trade regulation isas yesterday permitting trade with Sjiia s expected to help to bring down thee® of living there. One of the reasons for the pre® high costs in Syria is the fact that
    —Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 54 2 —Reuter. Appointed Director Of Economic Defence Board The Vice-President. Mr. Wallace, anounced the appointment of Mr. M'J Perkins, aS executive Director of E® nomic Defence Board. He be the chief executive officer of Board appointed l«y President to co-ordinate the economic side of fence, including supplies to
    ;.—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 391 2 Reply To British Note Not I >ikeh To Be Favourable London, Aug. 22 It is learned here that the Iranian Government’s reply tish memorandum of August 16 was handed to the Britts i ister in Teheran and has now been received in London w e
    —Reuter  -  391 words
  • 149 2 I 'I Visit By p.. I n r i dice I wi-nhard I Prince Bernbarq of lh I visited an R.A.F. aerodrome Tvhere Dutch fighter piLu mg, the Prince driving n h lr J which he was piloting OWn He took on as the l
    . I 'I  -  149 words
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    • 118 2 deceptive cleanliness MAY SCREEN EXISTING DECAY ®A front ©f gleamisg wMte enamel may hide from f you and others a process of decay, until toothache sounds > note of warning. Tek toothbrushes p i Tk designed by dental surgeons, fit into the arch behind the teeth, removing those minute particles
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  • 325 3 Ls.SJB/UT/ES OF “AVOWED If AR" NOW ARISES in the Sunday Times, after President Roosevelt’s I ration of a state of “unlimited national emergency,” I Stator” said: President Roosevelt has told the American people that at «ts and as a matter of self -defence they
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  • 321 3 Utafne Measures At Work H London, Aug. 20. WTHE United States of America have taken the following economic deHence measures:— 1 With the passage of the De■*nce Act, the export of military maBenals including tin, rubber and fer■o alloys is forbidden. To this prohibi-i Bon, iron
    321 words
  • 42 3 A n u London, Aug. 20. 1.-qqj r ceSH for producing bulletver. ti,/ U! r vehicles has &aij L 2 ered in Australia, Mr. F, S. Ut tion Director, announced, kve a iL f)lders totalling £40,000,000 been placed.
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  • 121 3 Montreal, P. Q. Since the outbreak of war, Canadians—for 12 consecutive years rated as the world’s greatest telephone talkers—have been doing more calling than ever before, according to figures just released by the statistical department of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. These figures bring the
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  • 29 3 Ottawa. When the war began, strength of the Canadian Navy was 13 ships and 3,600 men. Its strength is now 200 vessels and 17,500 men.
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  • 210 3 Scheme For Post-War Supplies To Distressed Areas London, Aug. 20. THE American Government has begun to accumulate a huge relief stock of foodstuffs to be rushed to Europe, China and other distressed areas directly the war is over, says Sonia Tomara, writing from Washington to the
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  • 132 3 They Prefer To Help The Democracies London, Aug. 20. A remarkable demonstration of the attachment of Mexican workers to the democratic cause is reported by the Daily Telegraph’s Mexico City correspondent. An offer made by Japanese importers to the committee of the Mexican Textile Workers’
    132 words
  • 43 3 These girls arc doing a new sort of spring cleaning—cleaning up after Hitler. Islington Borough Council employs them for stacking and sorting the bricks from bombed buildings. '‘Grand workers," says their boss. “Only trouble is, wc can’t cuss now."
    43 words
  • 191 3 NEWS FROM INDIA. Bombay, Aug. 19. FYELIVERING his address at the Convocation of the Bombay University, Sir Maurice Gwyer, Chief Justice of India, said: “This war is no ordinary war. It is a conflict not only between material resources but between two conceptions of
    191 words
  • 228 3 What Camel-Owner Said Of Indian Soldier rpHE following little story has reached India from a correspondent in the Sudan:— An army truck driven by an Indian soldier, was travelling across a bridge in Port Sudan. There was a slight traffic jam, and the driver did
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  • 1137 3  -  By ty OLGA TN the Yediz Palace in Istanbul the world’s women met six years ago on a lovely April day to talk about women’s rights, those they had won and those they still meant to win in their respective countries. When each had their say
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  • 679 4 German Brutality In France Singapore. YOUNG Lieut. “X”. of the Free French Army, who is now in Singapore awaiting transport to the Middle East, may be described as the epitome of the true Frenchman of today—the Frenchman who is impatiently waiting for the day when
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  • 351 4 To Be Opened Today In Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur. The United Services Canteen which has i been built under the sponsorship of the Kuala Lumpur branch cf the Ex-Services j Association cf Malaya, will be opened by Brigadier General K. B 8. Crawford at 6 p.m. today.
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  • 56 4 Singapore A decree nisi granted to E. J. Burn on January 30 was made absolute in the High Court on Wednesday by Mr. Justice Worley. Burn had divorced his wife, Amelia Clarke Wilson Bum. on the ground of adultery, citing W. A Cash as co-respondent. Mr.
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  • 663 4 Sir Iven Confident Australian l\'eivs Cable Melbourne, Aug. 20. Mj'AJOR General Sir Iven Mackay. LVI upon arrival at Darwin, expressed confidence in the future of British arms in the Middle East. The morale of Australian troops in the Middle East and Malaya was high, he
    663 words
  • 628 4 European Convicted On A ppeal Singapore. SETTING aside a police court acquittal on a charge of failing to stop after an accident, Mr. Justice Aitken, in a Judgment delivered in the High Court on Thursday ordered a conviction on the charge and fined H. Harley
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  • 1183 4 Maharajah Proud Of Part Indian Tro ops Are Playing Her e GUEST OF K.L. Luihn. OTIS Highness the Maharajah of Patiala, who h P r 1A completed a tour of the various military 3 Malaya where Sikh contingents are stationed, was the” 111 honour at a luncheon held by the
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    • 182 4 S Yes! thats HrjSfcfl BW. -4 ECZ EMA r W J -you must use Mr CUTICURA OINTMENT 1 f 1 S the best heater Jm* 1 ■bL 7 I Apply Cuticura Ointment to your Eczema. Al the very first touch you feel its marvellous soothing effect. Within five minutes that
      182 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 56 4 M I What a War Wilkinson -s. I r ---S''' V wiujkuWfY A > W IJ®* :.Jr' i Rr flfl x W Ifl 'flHI I iAiWwA 'Th n la>‘ sir. ihat all unattended cars must be la l.pfl. ritrmny you read about irhat happened in Prlgium, AU in a Day's
      56 words

  • 364 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Macaulay, of Kuala Lumpur, left on Wednesday night for Australia and New Zealand on leave. sjs Mr. J. C. James has been granted a I commission as Temporary Second I Lieutenant in the Federated Malay i States Volunteer Force. Mr. Arthur Sleep, the
    364 words
  • 144 5 Telok Anson A second dispersal scheme will be tried at Telok Anson on Saturday or Sunday, affecting the shophouse area of the town in particular. The purpose of the scheme is to find out how quickly the shophouse area can be dispersed and therefore the
    144 words
  • 191 5 List Of Further Donations Amount previously acknowledged $521.95 Capt. Md. Noor bin Mohamed 5.00 S. L. “Da’more” 1.50 Muth-Hibel Ahzau Football Club 11.60 A nwunl collected by Mr. Haji Abdul Hamid, Bayan Lepas:— Mr. Haji Abdul Hamid b. Haji* Hassan 10.00 Messrs. Haji Taha and Ashaan
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    • 34 5 LOON CHEONG Co., Building Contractors, Furniture Makers, Painters, Polishers, Signboard Writers, And Teak Wood Merchants. Stockists:-Mirrors Plate Glass all sizes. 23 Farquhar Street, Penang. Perak Branch FOO LOON, No. 84 Brewster Road, Ip uh
      34 words
    • 111 5 FOR YOUR WEEK-END PLEASURE THERE’S NO PLACE BETTER THAN THE WEMBLEY CABARET < The Most Frequently Patronised Rendezvous) Tonight Extension ’Til I a.m. Tonight We Again Present To You The Wonder Boy JESSO in the NEGRO TAF SPOT DANCES ’SPOT DANCES Prizes Awarded By Kind Courtesy of MESSRS. MILLER A:
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    • 292 5 mt wv mv «hv jhv «ar «w «mv mb mt mv «hf «wv jwr GEORGE Britain’s No. 1 Comedian returns with a big load of laughs! AIfETIUJQ 4 SHOWS TO-DAY y U EEn 11 AM, 3.30, 6.15 (AIR-CONDITIONED) 9.30 P.M. x THE WHOLE TOWN IS a. LAUGHING THEY GOT THAT
      292 words

  • 42 6 ENGAGEMENT The engag.nient is announced of Mr. Ooi Gin Lcang, well known sportsman of the Police Office, only grand-son of the late Mr. Ooi Aik Khoon, and Miss Quah Soo Har, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Quah Cherg Chuan.
    42 words
  • 459 6 WriTH Lord Beaverbrook work- ing overtime in Washington, the world can expect almost anything. The report yesterday that British and American production of war supplies is to be made an integral whole does not, therefore, come as a surprise; it is in fact a logical outcome
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  • 128 6 MAJESTIC CINEMA: "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (Chinese picture). 3, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “If I Had My Way” with Bing Crosby and Gloria Jean. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’» CINEMA. George Formby in "Spare A Copper.” 11 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m.
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  • 99 6 —Reuter. Obtaining Kaw Materials To Feed U.S. Machines Manila, Aug. 22. “The present conflict turns cn points in international economy. America. Britain. China. Russia must have ail materials necessary for defence and victory. Conversely, aggressors must be denied access to supplies from which to forge weapons
    .—Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 107 6 BOW. No Reports Of Effective Bombing London, August 22 With a few German planes operating, raids cn Britain during the night continued on a very small scale. Activity was confined to the Eastern side of the country and enemy aircraft did not penetrate very far
    BOW.  -  107 words
  • 89 6 —Reuter. Border Commission Now In Hsinking Tokyo, Aug. 21. The Manchukuo members of the Mixed Border Commission having completed yesterday the demarcation of Manchukuo —Outer Mongolia border in the Nqmdnha’i area, headed by Mr. Nobusada Shimoura, Chief of the Political Affairs Bureau of the Foreign Ministry, have
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 174 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, Will you kindly allow me to quote the following passages from the Holy Quran which seem to be a kind of prophecy on present world conditions. May God save us from aggressors and aggression? 97. Are the residents of
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  • 35 6 Reuter. Cairo, August 22. A Ministry of the Interior communique announcing an air raid on Alexandria last n’ght states that bombs ere dropped, causing three killed, six injured and slightly damaged.—
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 435 6 Cup Final Comedy COCCER Cup Finals jn Kuala Lumpur have always been and will, I believe, continue to be heralded with pomp and ceremony and not without a certain amount of seriousness. Last Saturday’s Final, however, provided two humourous incidents worth recording. While the game was in
    435 words
  • 681 6 Saturday, Aug. 23. 4 FLEET of German transports with reinforcements for the Ukraine has been routed by Russian bombers in the Black Sea, according to the official Soviet News Agency. GPWO transports were sunk, a third was set on fire, several others were hit
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 113 6 A large shipment received OF ‘SWAN’ BITT&S beeir Australia’s Finest Beer IN QUART BOTTLES ONLY Pritchard Co., ktd. PENANG. DOCTORS CHOOSE HLMAMSED TRIFOOD lOI> tfiMIHEIR OWA “'JBIBIES x i > Tk; sKft 3S '> ’7 i >$ p sx V IWU j > Jf W&sswt’ v /rt u4t W waleal
      113 words
    • 39 6 F~j A I :WAi JSL@ i I J *sr Scotch I I 11 J MIMms!JMI i LvJniral oi »rali ■■asSnsili i Bole Agent* I Mr I Penang, Perak Kedah Henry Waugh Co. Ltd. I I FENANO IPOB I i
      39 words

  • 200 7 examination ADJOURNED Chinese bankrupt while under exa- by the Assistant Official AsJW Pe nan yesterday- in the SuCourt in his public examination, stiff and ill and had to be S out Of the witness box. giving his name K K Chewurkrupt said he was 46,
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  • 208 7 Further Evidence To Be Called Singapore. Further evidence is to be called in th case in which N. Murugasu, former secretary to the Principal of the Medical College, is under sentence of 24 months' rigorous imprisonmept on charges of criminal breach of trust involving a total
    208 words
  • 132 7 Bukit Mertajam. elderly Chinese woman, Tan Gaik '-'as sentenced to pay a fine of r in default to serve one month’s ■P e imprisonment and one day’s ®P‘C imprisonment on each of two es when she was found guilty by R- F. Earl in the
    132 words
  • 75 7 Negotiations Reach Neeni Padlock »ae nS oVer the deman d s of fitters employed in five Chies in Penang for an inlet nad come to a deadi* nieptir ioy ei convened by both emhMkls 8 u kers to discuss the kadon, the laboure s had
    75 words
  • 64 7 him rSi n of the f amous Ffitth Mora will be preNew" w G 7 and Nooran. Opera at 'file cas* f ark toni ?ht. Sh, M-' nC Udes Inche Yeam > Mi ss p, r Sa P>ah, Inche A. Rahman, Misse? M nCh t
    64 words
  • 2384 7 QUESTION RAISED IN SUPREME COURT CASE Contention That Measure Is Not Necessary Is newsprint which is used “exclusively for the purpose of publishing news and other matters usually published in newspapers insurable compulsorily under the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Ordinance 1941 This i
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  • 38 7 GUNNERS OF THE VOLUNTEE R FORCES take their place with regular units in the defence of Malay a. Efficiency and accuracy have been well demonstrated in all tasks. Flctur e shows gun being prepared for action.
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  • 257 7 r piIERE will be an Evacuation Exercise for the East Coast Evacuation Area of Singapore on Sunday morning, Aug. 24. The East Coast Evacuation Area is the area lying to the south and south-east of Kaliang Road, Geylang Road and Changi Road, bounded
    257 words
  • 57 7 An affray broke out between two Punjabi passengers travelling on board an ocean-going steamer, which was lying in the roads off the Penang Harbour yesterday. One of the passengers sustained injuries on the head and was taken to the General Hospital. The police were notified of the
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  • 47 7 Singapore, Friday. Rear-Admiral J. E. Spooner, D. 5.0.. the new Rear-Admiral, Malaya, and Admiral Superintendent of the dockyard, arrived here today. To-morrow morning. he will take over from RearAdmiral T. B. Drew, who is going away, having completed his term in the appointment.
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  • 159 7 A Correction With reference to our report yesterday of the case in which Lance-ser-geant L. R. Laker was charged before the First Magistrate with driving a car without a licence, it was erroneously stated that the defendant had pleaded guilty. The fact was that counsel for the
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  • 361 7 A vegetable show for Malays who grow their ow n vegetables will be held on Friday, September 19, 1941, at Bayan Malay School, Penang. This should afford the public an opportunity to see for itself what the Malay community
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  • 25 7 Previously acknowledged $977,5'40.88 In memory of Bernard Lucy from R. Pedder 10.00 Straits Settlements Police, Penang <fe P. Wellesley Contingent 41.37 $977,592.25
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  • 190 7 Sentence of three months’ rigorous imprisonment was imposed by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court yesterday afternoon on a Chinese, Lim Ah Tian alias Chooi Chin, who was charged with attempting to commit extortion at Noordin Street on July 26 this year. The complainant
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 93 7 MILLIONS ire doing it I the 6 Steradent' ivuy This new way of cleaning false teeth is so easy and effective. Merely leave them in Steradent solution overnight or while you dress. It removes film and stains, leavthem sterilized. Steradent is obtainable from all chemists. NOW TO IM) IT Half
      93 words

  • 137 8 Ottawa 'The report, from London, England oi the success of Britain's radio device in detecting the approach of enemy bombers is of special interest at the Air Ministry in Ottawa, where Canadians to man the device have been organised. So far 1,000 young men have been
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  • 70 8 Penang. August 22. 1941 ißy Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING I udon Demand 2/4 3/32 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88 82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 11 11/16 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand
    70 words
    • 457 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 22nd August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 6/10* 7/l*c £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitani 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .62* .67* £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0
      457 words
    • 227 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Aliefiby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 ,80 Amal Malay 1.57* 1.62 J Ayer Hitam .80 .85 Ayer Molek 1.07* I.l2*ex Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett .37* .40 Batu Lintang 1.05 1.07* Bedford .87* .92* Benta .92* .97* Borelli 1.27* 1.32* Broga .55 .58 Brunei United .55
      227 words
    • 353 8 Issue Buyers Seil«re A£l Austral N.Z. UTG 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.67* 1.72* $2 Alex. Brick 7*% PreX 2.07* 2.12* $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chattered Bank £B* £9 £1 Con. T. s. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref. 19/6 20/3 $5
      353 words
    • 100 8 MINING Dividend Book; close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus 2.9.41 12.9.41 Austral Amal 3d. and 1* Bonus Kramat 9d. 20.8.41 27.8.41 K. Kampar 12*% =l/3 25.8.41 8.9.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int. &5% Int. both uT. 11/133.41 11.9.41 Thabawleik 1/6 and 1/6 Bonus 25.8.4» 5.9.41
      100 words
  • 3727 8 Ever Increasing Supplies From India FACTORIES IN FULL BLAST Indian Ordnance Factories being assisted by 250 trade workshops and 23 railway workshops and these auxiliary establishments have undertaken the production of 700 different items of munitions supply involving the production of 20,000,000 individual articles. Fifty-four firms
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  • 176 8 The share market prices in all sections were weU and in some cases were marked nUI M, Among Dollar Tin Jelebu, Mambau, and Taiping better prices with a little busies at There were no changes in Batu Rahman and Sungei Luas Rantau, and Ulu Klanr J at
    176 words
  • 45 8 Ottawa There are 1,808 puohcations issued m Canada. Of this number, 112 are daife 984 are weeklies: and 462 are monthly There are 64 foreign, language publications, four of which are dailies. Foreign publications in Canada are printed in 1« languages.
    45 words
  • 118 8 Yesterday's Close Pre’' oust TIN: LONDON “Spot” £256. 5. 0. J®' J "Forward” £259. 15. 0. 259SINGAPORE f 4134.00 “Spot" $134 50 Business dona PENANG: 5134-00 “Spot” $134.50 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” "Forward” Tone Quiet. Q uie t Unchanged SINGAPORE: 3gc "Spot” 38 l<2c PENANG je 3Sc "Spot” 38
    118 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 78 8 BANKS t— 1 1 1 i. Advances against goods i and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged With uh. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals, M, I T will be J (cation* a 4 THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India)
      78 words

  • 95 9 Ottawa. Canada’s soldiers may soon be wearing a new type of footgear, replacing the present boot and anklet combination of the modern battledress. An announcement from the army’s Public Relations Office said tests are being made of a new boot which has a bellows-type tongue
    95 words
  • 979 9 <1 ST. GEORGE THE J MARTYR j Saint Bartholomew, a. 11 TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 am Mattins and Litany s 8.00 am. Holy Communion 9.15 am Mattins (Tamil) 10.30 am. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 pm Sunday School in rhe Parsonage 6.00 pm Evensong and Sermon
    979 words
  • 317 9 SATURDAY. 23RD AUGUST 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. 1 INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, K. Lumpur v Wearne’s Air August 23rd mst. Singapore k .10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. I AFRICA I K All destination»
    317 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1287 9 TA HAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS J Wizzt BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English B B. Q A# (Local Times) 5.05 Sing Post—An Analyse of 7.20 a.m. f2 G ,rm comnien?an nCla Transmission 6 11.20 am’ js t Transmission 1 1.50 pm. Kiv for American Expansion.; 6.20 pm. “jO Hlghwaj iw
      1,287 words
    • 606 9 4.50 p.m. Running CommenUrv on the of 0,0 Singapore Races. 5.10 Gentle Kronching Partv. 5.55 Running Commentary on the Bth Race of the Singapore Races. 6.05 News in Hindnstsni 6.20 Tamil music by M. Moideen Partv. 6.40 News in Tamil. 7.00 European music on gramophone records. 7.15 News in Dutch.
      606 words

  • 316 10 Mr. Roosevelt Condemns Action Of Obstructionists Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 22 In a message to the National Convention of Young Democratic Clubs of America, President Roosevelt said, he thought the Democrats of the Congress who have joined “obstructionists” of the American preparedness programme are in
    —Reuter.  -  316 words
  • 119 10 i.—Reuter. I U.S. Not Recognising Japanese Annexation Washington, Aug. 21. That the United States would view with concern and refuse to recognise any formal Japanese annexation of additional Pacific Islands was indicated by Mr. Cordell Hull at a Press conference today. It Is pointed out here that the
    i.—Reuter. I  -  119 words
  • 186 10 —Reuter. Vichy, Aug. 22 More than 1.000,000 Soviet troops, it is estimated, are engagaged in the defence of Leningrad, says the despatch to the Vichy News Agency from the Soviet frontier. The big (battle which is imminent before the Sonet port may become the
    .—Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 137 10 —Reuter. (Elections In Australia Believed Likely Canberra, August 22 Mr. Menzies’ letter to the Labour Leader, Mr. Curtin, offering a National Government with equal Cabinet representation is believed in Latvur circles here to be the prelude to an election. In his letter Mr. Menzies
    .—Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 930 10 Ranks Still Closed After 9 Weeks Of Fighting London, Aug. 22 The defence of Russia is the main topic of comment in London editorials which generally express the view that the Soviet military machine is now facing its severest test. “The Times” in an
    ■—Reuter.  -  930 words
  • 138 10 —BOW. Marshal Budenny’s Army Withdrawn Ankara, August 22 It is strongly rumoured here that the bulk of the army of Marshal Budenny, Soviet Commander in Ukraine, has safely crossed the Dnieper.—Reuter RUSSIAN COMMUNIQUE Rugby, Aug. 22 A Russian midnight communique states, “In the course of August
    —BOW.  -  138 words
  • 105 10 <—Reuter. Peasant Leader Calls Halt Co War With Russia Ankara, August 22 Dr. Jules Maniu, leader of the Rumanian National Peasant Party, has sent a note to General Antonescu, the RumanL an “Conductor” asking him to call off the war against the Soviet “now that
    <—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 158 10 Disproved In First Two Months Of War Moscow, Aug. 22. Three initial .points In German propaganda had been disproved by the firsts two months of war: first, that the Red Army was not a serious opponent; secondly, that Soviet industry was incapable of standing the strain and thirdly,
    158 words
  • 31 10 I. —Reuter, Shanghai, August 22. China yesterday severed relations with Denmark following Denmark’s recognition of the Japanese I controlled Nanking Government and Manchukuo, according to local Chinese reports.—Reuter,
    I.—Reuter,  -  31 words
  • 122 10 r. Reuter. Being Repaired In U.S. Shipyard New York, August 21. The aircraft carrier “Illustrious” which is in an American shipyard for repairs, will be commanded by Lord Louis Mountbatten, says the British Press Service. Yesterday’s announcement from London did not disclose the whereabouts of the “Illustrious". It will
    r.—Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 63 10 —Reuter. Arriving In Shanghai On French Steamer Shanghai, Aug. 22. Approximately 480 German, Italian and Japanese evacuees from Manila are expected to arrive in shanghai this morning aboard the French liner “Marechai Joffre”. Although steamship company officials are reticent it is understood most German and Italian
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 72 10 .—Reuter. Fighting On Russian Front London. Aug. 22. Two of the S A. group leaders, including Heinz Knickmann, one of the oldest Nazi Party members were wounded while fighting on Russian front, it was reported by the German radio. Rome radio announced earlier that Arthur
    .—Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 49 10 Reuter. Wellington, August 22 Mr. Nash has announced that if it is necessary to extend the Empire Air Training Scheme beyond April 1943 New Zealand will continue to participate. It is probable that Mr. Fraser will investigate into the matter when visiting Canada.—
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 326 10 Speculation Over German Troop Movements Ankara, August 9 2 rpHE Turkish Ambassador in Berlin recently saw H‘*t7 the 4 latter’s field headquarters, according to reports &lt; h This has evoked considerable interest in view of tijf here the background. actors These tare, firstly, German troop
    >.—Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 636 10 MR. MACKENZIE KING INTERVIEWED IN LONDON London, Aug. 21 Mr. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, saw Lord Cranborne, Secretary of State for the Dominions, at the Dominions Office this afternoon. He also called on Mr. Angus Macdonald, the Canadian Minister of Defence at
    —Reuter.  -  636 words
  • 124 10 ’—Reuter. Canberra, August Mr. Menzies has sent the Mr. Curtin, a letter National Government with equal Z representation. The Pri me would be selected by Parliament.?! jection of this proposal is recardnt certain. In a leader, the “Melbourne w. says, all parties are agreed
    ’—Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 236 10 —8.0. W. Mr. Attlee’s Broadcast To Latin America Rugby, Aug Mr. Clement Attlee. Lord Privy Sei 1 an early morning broadcast to Lata is rican countries said “I who spakajK am a member of the War Cabinet, ie only leader of the British Labourite*a party of
    —8.0. W.  -  236 words
  • 124 10 —Reuter. Mine Sweeper Christel In Toronto Toronto, A’JpS Another trim mine christened on Thursday nig* mony linked with the official the British Empire Building dian National Exhibition. Sheila, daughter of the Minister. Mr. Ramsay; christened the vessel H.M” 0 Vice Admiral A. S. Evans. British Admiralty Canada,
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 45 10 —Reuter. 120 Volling e To Manila j Shangbs' One hundred and s ese volunteers have to Manila by frai ning by Government for air experts, according 01 ports. L fhpir course After completing th return to China and Jo- Force.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 .THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particular* regarding Freight, and other information please apply io SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 614 645 PENANG. ~~BURNSPHILP~ LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD €O., LTD., Agents Penang Telephone No.
      51 words

  • 815 11 ACCEPT ANCES FOR TODAY J Horses Class i Furs B aRPO Pl a MS 6y 8.10 Mrs. S. N. YeapVan Breukelen cjlO l&lt;l 'J’sy 8.08 Mrs. S. N. YeapVan Breukelen 4y 8.07 “Seagate Stable” Fenn 5y 8.07 Mr. M. van Breukelen Owner 7y 8.01 “Rummy Kongsi”
    815 words
  • 60 11 foi today are as f &gt;ok cup com. ica r Uns versus Ramblers Q pen champion6 T °*n Hall. Y-M C a «Mh... VerSUS KuaU Assn," 8 Ln On at (•spit-,versus Central Sult 7;in Jong Rambutan. r- I na l between l,)in 8 C.R.C. at Kuala AUGUST
    60 words
  • 61 11 Nibong Tebal R.C. Champions Butterworth. The Elephants gave a walk-over to the Nibong Tebal Recreation Club in the Province Soccer League. The Nibong Tebal Recreation Club thus become the League champions for the year, winning all five games. Today, the Butterworth Recreation Club will meet the Bukit
    61 words
  • 29 11 Ail members of the Penang Recreation Club are invited to take part in a hockey practice on the Esplanade at 5.15 p.m. n Tuesday, August 26.
    29 words
  • 204 11 THE BIDING BOY’ “TIC TA&lt;T fr EPSOM JEEP” "MAN-ON-THE “EUREKA” "THE MAJOB" Penan&lt; Penan* Ipoh SPOT” Ipob K. Lumper Singapore RACE 1 I Harpe Crossbow Crossbow Crossbow Cimon Hkrpo Viola II Viola II Viola II Smoke Dreams Crossbow Viola II RACE 2 Edna Star J Ranscombe
    204 words
  • 280 11 Easy Win For O.X.A. Playing the first hockey match of the season on the Hutchings School ground yesterday afternoon, the Old Xaverians’ Association defeated the Government Commercial Day School by four goals to nil. The game was rather scrappy. The exchanges were about even in the first
    280 words
  • 280 11 Field Ambulance Worker Fined An English-educated Chinese youth. 22-year-old Chia Poli New, appeared in the Singapore third court on Wednesday in one of the first cases of its kind when he pleaded guilty to three charges of absenting himself from duty while employed in an essential
    280 words
  • 392 11 P. F. A. CUP-TIE TX a P.F.A. Cup-tie on the Western Road ground yesterday, the Police Sports Club defeated the Cheng Wah Club by the narrow margin of two goals to one. The winners, after an even first half, practically monopolised
    392 words
  • 171 11 Last-Minute Effort Fails London, Aug. 22. A LAST-MINUTE effort to reacN a football armistice failed when 16 clubs in membership of the London Footbail War League rejected the Football League’s proposal for ending the dispute over the fixture problem. —Reuter. When the Football League arranged the season’s
    ..—Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 231 11 Ruined By Lorry Traffic Ipoh. At Thursday’s meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board held in the Chairman’s Office, Mr. C. H. Laßrooy intimated that the Directors of the Y.M.C.A. would be holding a meeting to discuss what action should be taken to claim damages for their
    231 words
  • 238 11 Visitors Trounced By Collegians Playing er the College ground at Alor Star on Wednesday, the Government English School, Muar, went down to the Sultan Abdul Hamid College by 7 goals to 1. The game which was played on a quagmire, was not as one-sided
    238 words
  • 208 11 Singapore. Sentence of 13 weeks’ rigorous imprisonment was passed on Thomas McGrath, a 23-year- private of th? Loyal Regiment, in the Singapore Fifth Court «on Wednesday when he pleaded guilty to three charges of theft, Court Inspector P. Ball, who prosecuted, alleged that on August 6, Pte.
    208 words
  • 416 11 S pore Tourists THRILLING GAME AT ALOR STAR Alor Star, Aug. 22. On a muddy ground and in the presence of a large crowd among whom were His Highness the Regent of Kedah and the Hon. the British Adviser and Mrs. Hall, the Kedah “Malay” Cup team
    416 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 PERFUME V r Here is the sheer essence of gaiety and romance a joyous, thrilling spirit enslaved solely for the sake of neauty Evening in Paris Perfume has enraptured —and captured more 1 hearts than any other perfume if» the wor|d l Representatives: Messrs. I H i Grafton Laboratories, Ltd.
      90 words

  • 290 12 REMEMBER ME ALSO CAPTURES PUBLIC'S FANCY Going Slightly Yielding (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. TTARPO (Sibbritt) and Viola II (Bagby), doing two of the fastest gallops down the home straight on the second track at Bukit Timah this morning, indicated that
    290 words
  • 78 12 Ladies’ Championship In the semi-final of this competition Mrs. C. P. Allen beat Miss M. Hadley and Mrs. M. W. Hunt beat Mrs. C. D. D. Hogan. The following planters. Inspectors in the Special Police in Kedah, have bsen appointed Deputy Assistant Commissioners: —Inspectors R. A.
    78 words
  • 129 12 “Dead Can Conquer” A leading article in the Basle National Zeitung comes to the conclusion that “Hitler’s opponent is not Churchill but all British history, or, if one man must be singled out, then it is rather one who died long ago, Cromwell.” The
    129 words
  • 234 12 There will be very little, if any, competitive lawn tennis in England during the summer, but there has been a certain amount of agitation in some quarters for more encouragement for our juniors. These youngsters, on whom the responsibility for British lawn tennis prestige
    234 words
  • 197 12 To Leave .For London Soon Batavia. According to the Sourabaya Handelsblad, the oldest officer in command of the Marines in the N. 1., also commander of the naval barracks of Goebeng at Sourabaya, has received orders to leave for London in the near future. The
    197 words
  • 575 12 Was Almost “Stranded” In United States Lady Sylvia Brooke, the Ranee of Sarawak, returned to Singapore on Thursday by the Anzac Clipper—her first step on British soil after nearly two years—with tales of how she was almost “stranded” in America and worked in several ways to
    575 words
  • 524 12 Library Notice The following publications were issued or received by the dept, of Statistics, S.S. F.M.S., during the period August 1-15, 1941, inclusive and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by I members of the public resident
    524 words
  • 169 12 An attractive programme has been drawn up in connection with the ninth annual meeting of the Sultan Abdul Hamid College Old Boys’ Association which is to be held at Alor Star next week. In addition to the annual reunion dinner which will be held in
    169 words
  • 752 12 Extracts And Comments CANTON IN ENGLISH August 14 German U-boat operations in the Atlantic continue unabated. A heavy foil of enemy shipping has already been bagged, while a vigilant watch ‘is being kept on-all British convoys. OUT recently a division of Canadian troops arrived safely
    752 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 56 12 MAKE LIFE Worth Living WIBULLAH SAHEB, No. 32, BANDRA BOMBAY. CUT HERE I Paste on Poet-card or post in an open envelope »o-day. I Dear Yogi, Kindly phow me the way how to overj come the obstacles and send the netructive illustrated booklet The Mastei Power tree without obligation 1
      56 words
    • 222 12 «VNANO a Local Month !y UiT’ a Quarterly IJ.oq H'lf-Yearly lion »0C SUNDAY Local Quarterly s? aj fMj o aw «iSr under VBu isoqJJJi 2f cent® ner lino ntnimum charge O f i Moment?’ M will be charged at thS p &gt;? inemion one t nc T H cent* per
      222 words