Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 184 1 REUTER. japan now on the DEFENSIVE Failure Of Reported Talks With U.S. Shanghai, Aug. 22. N attempt by Tokyo and Washington to negotiate a ‘‘modus vivendi” to bring about a temporary relaxation of the present tension in J apanese-American regions has ended in failure,
    REUTER.  -  184 words
  • 152 1 —Reuler. London, Aug. 21. Dutch Boy Scouts are defying the Nazi ban making them members of an illegal organisation and are holding meetings and camps, states the “Vrij Nederland" the Free Dutch newspaper published in London. Boys and their parents have been warned by the
    —Reuler.  -  152 words
  • 234 1 Moscow, August 28. “TTITLER cannot win." declared M. Lozovsky. Chief of the Soviet Information Bureau, at a press conference here. He declared: “Wo know tnc strength of the enemy and his capabilities but there is no alarm or pessimism in our ranks.
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  • 778 1 —Reuter. London, August 22. AS Hitler’s third offensive moves to its climax, great battles were raging the whole of; yesterday in the three main areas of the 1,500-mile front in Russia. Following the dramatic call by Marshal Voroshilov to the
    "—Reuter.  -  778 words
  • 83 1 —Reuter. Canberra, August 21. Munition workers in Australia are I now estimated to number 200 000 which is 50.000 more than the Governmait expected a year ago. Announcing this, Mr. Mcßride, Minister of Munitions, said that the num--1 ber employed on the Government payroll is expected
    .—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 146 1 —Reuter. I Tokyo, August 22. Germany now resigned I to a long war is the gist of a dispatch from the Berlin correspondent to the “Asahi” zvho says: “The Geiman people’s views of the. European war seem to have undergone a change since the
    —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 129 1 To Be Held In Milon Shortly London, August 21. An Inter-Allied conference is to I h»ld in in the near fwassumed that the h rchil'. it Aight-point deo iti r ijage the attention the :>>.?"*■ -f presentatives of Hied Governments. he first meeting of this kind was I
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  • 150 1 'Reuter. Washington, August 21. VJres intended to show that Britain l,n ar -'Pk oil tanker fleet, which Jc.’ig circulated in the United S| apparently in a deliberate Fto confuse the public are “wholly l false," stated Mr. Ralph United Deputy Petroleum uljr x plying to unofficial
    'Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 74 1 —Reuter. Chungking, Aug. 21. Japanese aircraft operating from bases in Northern Indo-China have intensified their activities over Southwest China in the past few days. In addition to bombing Kunming—the terminus of the Bui ma Road—and points along the road itself 31 Japanese
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 201 1 OUTPUT OF BOTH COUNTRIES TO BE COMBINED Washington, Aug. 22. THE “clear gains” to which President Roosevelt refers in his message to Congress on the meeting with Mr. Churchill are already in evidence. Conversations on the high seas combined with Lord Beaverbrook’s activities here since and
    —Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 111 1 —Router. jrq t August 22. t'lent Roosevelt to Congress to ap- 1071 war against 9 made in the nr °f America’s fyer* v,? weeklies. Vo/.-. nce > magazine ,l "te and complete” V», If the United d Britain launch a combined assault. America, it
    —Router.  -  111 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 Rianna >*pUTTER a >nmfl l m 5 rv'ck 25 VSftRS tXCULEnCE
      11 words
    • 115 1 16 HOURS ENERGY 8 HOURS SOUND REST Agents: G. 11. SLXrF &*Co., Ltd. VKICK ACTION M -r—» |ilgla] J I I BE PREPARE I A.R.P. LAMP SHADES Blued gauze cylinder and base, insulated non-heating L j vulcanite adaptor top ring. Cylinder easily removed leaving top as ordinary bright reflector. Cts.
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  • 646 2 ATTACK ON MILITARY INDUSTRIAL AREAS Moscow, Aug. 21. COVIET aircraft raided Berlin area last night (Wednesday) when incendiary and higjh explosive bombs were dropped on military and industrial objectives says the Moscow radio. Explosions and fires were observed. All Soviet planes returned to their bases.
    —Reuter  -  646 words
  • 98 2 Reuter. Ankara, August. 21 By John Wallis) Reports from a very reliable source give rhe first indications since the Nazi invasion of Soviet Russia of axis troop movements in Southern Bulgaria. In addition, Italain troops at Plovdiv with Italian staff officers are reported to have
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 105 2 —Reuter. Roosevelt Asks Both Sides To Resume Work Jersey City, Aug. 20. President Rooftevelt has »sked both sides of the strike in the Federal Shipbuilding Company’s yards here to resume work. < He urged them to put the “importance of national defence before their .points 01 difference.” .It
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 45 2 —Reuter. Washington, August 20. The Agriculture Department has announced the purchase of 1.329,000 pounds cf American cheese, 5,580 cases of eggs and 2,104,000 pounds of dried pears of which the bulk, it is understood will be exported to Britain.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 105 2 —Reuter. Berne. August 21. Berlin expects British action in Iran soon, says the Berlin correspondent of the newspaper. “La Suisse.” “Not a word is breathed as to wliat Germany's reaction would be,” the correspondent says, but emphasis is laid on the statement from Teheran
    ’—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 207 2 8.0. W. Rugby, August 24 j Nazi efforts to subvert the youth in occupied territories is epitomised in i statements by one of their own Quislings— l Secretary of th? Educational ana Science j Department cl Dutch-Nazi regime act-j ing under the supervision of
    8.0. W.  -  207 words
  • 172 2 .--Reuter To Command R.A.A.F. Station In England Canberra, Aug. 20 The appointment of the former Commonwealth Minister of Customs, WingCommande. T. W. White tc the command of the Australian Air Force station shortly tc be fonn-Ni n England, had been announced by the Air Minister, Mr. McEwen. The
    .--Reuter  -  172 words
  • 114 2 Reuter. Supply Of American Oil For Russia Tckye, August 21 A sharp Japanese reaction to reports of American oil for Russia appears in the “Kokumin Shimbun.” today. It says that Japan absolutely cannot remain indifferent to the passage of ships with war supplies through waters
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 53 2 —Reuter. Rome, August 21. Reports of discontent in Italy have been denied today by the Rome Radio. “These rumour” the announcer stated “evoke hilarity amongst the Italian population who face the present situation with serene and unlimited confidence. in the victory of Italy and
    ’—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 68 2 Gestapo Index Of 3.000 Names Discovered Buenos Aires, August 20. A Gestapo index containing names of 3,000 -vrominent. anti-Nazi Argentines has been discovered by the Chamber of Commerce investigation Committee in one of the 83 parcels brought to Argentina recently by the Japanese vessel “Mana Maru.”
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  • 36 2 Reuter. Cairo, August 21. The Suez Canal area had another air raid last night. A communique states that two were killed and 28 injured and slight damage was dene to property.—
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 386 2 London. Aug. 21. r |MIE Manchester Guardian/ in a leader on the rumours of the possibility of trade licensing between Britain and Japan, states; “If when the freezing of Japanese assets was announced it was intended to allow a certain amount
    '—Reuter.  -  386 words
  • 51 2 —Reuter. Two More Contingents Arrive In Canada London, Aug. 21 It 1s learned that two more contingents of the Royal Australian 'Air Force arrived in Canada in connection with the Empire Air Training Plan, one being the largest air force embarkation from Australia since the outbreak of
    '.—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 511 2 Thai Minister’s Broadcast FIRM RESOLVE OF PEOPLE TO RESIST AGGRESSION Bangkok, Aug. 21 Thais will adhere to their traditional motto, “To die as free men than live as slaves.” This is one of the three guarantees on which the security of Thailand is firmly
    —Reuter.  -  511 words
  • 223 2 —Reuter. y-i». j, r s ove|| Captain Elliot the United Sta rP /p a press conference her. was here on a mi^ !n da >’ th. the United Stares nconnec teu pects to be here until the 8 week. Middle cf, Asked whether the Ch
    —Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 126 2 -Reuter. Huge Transactions Dwi Past ear Ankara. Ajj Mr. Horwill, United Xr;r M mercial Corporation represest© Baghdad, has arrived to disosa port questions with the UniWl dom Coporation here. During the past year tion has bought 22,000.01» .'it pounds worth of goods m’Ai including £7.800,000 worth
    -Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 117 2 Reuter. Itinerary Ot .S. Announced Rugby. According to the Washing™ message from the United S•• partment has announced cf the Duke of Kent's visit States. The Duke, who has eral weeks t curing Canada, the Laguaridia Airfield, in plane on Saturday afternoodirect to Hyde Park as i
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 40 2 —Reuter Londot The Po^ mast?r and that letters. nriniU posted in Lond* R an about July 9'o l j posted printed papers and and dia between April 8 wf re ion between April enemy action.—
    ,—Reuter  -  40 words
  • 21 2 -Reuter. OVER A 35-n>inu(e in Reykjavik thia bcin 1 ollt but fighters clia bombs were dropp
    -Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 HAV£ ENGLISH JAM XuTV' FOR TEA TO-DAY Wy Tou on taste the true flavour cf fresh fruit tt Its best in this delicious jam— the fruit used n actually grown In Chivers own orchards. You’ll be proud ta give your family and guesu ebb feigh quality jam. INSIST ON CHIVERS
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  • 378 3 NE WS n. r ijU S anti aircraft guns U fiTK ••<•<• iiiMg” higher than hBV Senator Mcßride, sf U nltions when anjflnlktt r "0.-nth that the 100th tfUn<in£ of Australian nmnupjcf-' 1 4 4 n delivered to the ptur* Arm.' weapons are
    378 words
  • 151 3 Resistance i-f Norwegian phantom destroyer Pher, according to reports, has again 1 Norwegian patriots to con* tCe ?be r resistance against Quisling 1 ra '<i on a fjord north of Tromso oct far from the Lofoten Islands, the evening Standard correstodent from Stockholm. e exploit.*.-
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  • 705 3 EXPERIENCE OF ENGLISH LECTURER IN SYDNEY SIR Evelyn Wrench, the noted English lecturer, who is on a tour of Australia, was “kidnapped” from his hotel in Sydney one night recently. He said, just after his experience, that he believed that two men who drove him
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  • 244 3 on Lord Tren-t ent striking speech on I Wa s< utator” writes in the Qa y Time > ave years ago Lord Tren1 "hg the first people in visualise how much the do, not merely as the i/J"; n Army or a Navy, but
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  • 214 3 Hitch In Proposed Far East Line Reports appearing in the leading Chinese dailies in Shanghai indicate that the plan to put several ships on regular runs between Shanghai and Vladivostok has been dropped by the interested parties. It is asserted that no ships will arrive at Shanghai
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  • 221 3 t)ffer I7 o Roosevelt i Gandhi G.R.S, Void ya Anand Swami, a Himalayan wants to turn President Roosevelt, Gandhi and George Bernard Shaiv into Peter Pans. They arc included amongst a number of the world's greatest metn and women whom the Yogi has invited to visit his
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  • 227 3 Eager Response To Help Londoners Churchill. Manitoba. r rHE Hudson’s Bay Company post A manager at this northern inland ocean port 700 miles north of Winni- i peg, recently forwarded to the Lord Mayor's fund for embattled Lond'n $l,OOO donated by the traders, trappers, and missionaries
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  • 3575 3  -  CONCLUDING ARTICLE Ry Mark Ethridge Vice-President and General Manager of “The Courier-Jour-nal 1 and "The Louisville Times.” TT is important for us to keep in mind, in consideration of the economic consequences of Hitler’s victory, that Hitler is doing these things now because they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 I* TOOTH PASTE I irt IRIUM OL AI Of all Tooth Pastes and Powders I ONLY PEPSODENT CONTAINS IRIUM to reveal natonl brilliance of teeth. This famous scientific ingredient in Papeagaat Taatti Paata aa4 Tavtfc Paw4ar wWna I has double-quick action—it speedily removes ugly Surface-Stains and snakes your teeth sparkle
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 518 4 Impressions Of Major Orde Browne HILE there is a “limited need” for additional labour in some parts of Malaya, this matter “certainly ought to be approached with caution,” said Major G. St. John Orde Browne, Labour Adviser to th e. Secretary
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  • 197 4 Sir Shenton Voices Appreciation Kuala Lumpur. His Excellency the High Commissioner (Sir Shenton Thomas' paid an mt. rmal visit to the Selangor Defence Corps on Tuesday and saw them in training. His Excellency arrived at the headquarters of the Corps al 5.30 p.m. while the men
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  • 147 4 Resolution I o Poet Family A meeting of the Indians on the passing away of Dr. Rabindranath Tagore was held at the Bentong Indian Associ tion premises on August 15. to pay homage to the ]ate poet. There was a very large gathering and Dr. Samuel
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  • 306 4 Batavia TJLANS for the emergency evacuaA tion of the civil population from certain areas in the Indies were discussed by Dr. Levelt, the Government spokesman for General Affairs, speaking in the Volksraad in Batavia. Dr. Levelt said that for evacuation the territories of the Netherlands
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  • 494 4 Singapore THE possibility ol having stronger Australian representation tn Mftlaya has been discussed "very fully” between Senator H. S. Foil, the Australian Minister of the Interior and Minister of Information, and local authorities, and immediately upon his return. Senator Foil is going
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  • 466 4 JAPAN BURMA ROAD Four Alternatives To Plug Leak’* “T AM now in Rangoon, Burma. I journeyed here from Bangkok, Thailand, over a route the Japanese Army may some day follow should it ever attempt to invade Burma, seize its oil fields and sever the Burma Road to China, writes A.
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  • 1888 4 A Methods Of Overcome Present Shortage Vf ETHODS of overcoming th e present shortage ITr malarial overseers were discussed at the' the Malaria Advisory Board, F.M.S., in Kuah I The Army Headquarters Liaison Offi- 1 cer enquires -whether there is any central authority which could undertake to train
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 !Sb V J If r S B JfS BB Sg&r i sMftliir aSSB 3B BE B St Bf «F B BS jB b-blb By b saS&sr s B aBbB eLS&r BBS BBS Ss&r Jr s' Izxlgwi < l f if BJi Lft Cut down maintenance costs. Prevent li| corrosion in
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 56 4 1 Gilbert What a W r AR! wtikmson? t x'W’t "«St? A t vS i Wrx i jtiBBB Zip'-*' JI -C7 x Ji 9 .4 Jr Olt CMi 1 come the ueid with old Jtt.i, <■ «oh. was mechanised before you »> were born'’' J 4444*•>4+ “i*4 4« 4*e ta
      56 words

  • 793 5 Ipoh. Remarking that the judge and the assessors had visited, the scene of the crime and must have been satisfied that it was possible for the witnesses to see and recognise the assailant; and that a mis-statement in a summing up might be cured by
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  • 317 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The death occurred on Tuesdaynight of Mr. A. B. Lucy, of the research branch of the Malayan Agricultural Service, at the Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur. The Hon. Mr. H. Weisberg, the Financial Secretary, has left Singapore by plane for Australia on four months’ leave. In his absence Mr.
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  • 261 5 Candidates From King i Edward VII School At an examination conducted at Taiping by Doctors D. F. Irvine, Lim Swee Aun and W. A. Balhetchet under the auspices! of the St. John Ambulance Association,; the following candidates from the King Edward VII School. Taiping, were successful in
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  • 534 5 Complaint To Kinta Sanitary Board Ipoh. At the monthly meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board held < in the Chairman’s Office yesterday, Mr. J. A. Thivy drew the attention of the Board to some complaints made to him of overcharging above prices fixed by the
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  • 187 5 Judgment Reserved Ipoh. The F.M.S. Court of Appeal presided over by Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice of the S.S and assisted by the Hon. Mr. Justice Aitken, Appellate Judge, and the Hon. Mr. Justice Cussen reserved their judgment yesterday in the appeal of Haji Sulaiman bin Haji
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  • 132 5 Appeal Unsuccessful Ipoh. Mohd Ali bin Pandak, a young Malay unsuccessfully appealed in the F.M.S Court of Appeal yesterday against a death sentence passed on him by the Perak Judge when appellant was found guilty of the murder of his wife, Piah binti Haji Mat,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 347 5 ON PICTURE SO BOLDLY CONCEIVED, I u'K FULLY acted and told, of such notable I sO p 0 .'i ioN BY FOUR SPECIALLY SELECTED STARS I 1 pisTi ever CAST TN ONE PICTURE I 3 SHOWS TODAY AT Dr K 3 615 9 30 PMIK I SHOWS TOMORROW AT 11
      347 words
    • 387 5 MAJESTIC /bDEO If _fliß-conDiTion€D 3 SHOWS TODAY 3. 6.30 9.30 p.m.. THREE SHOWS TO-DAY THE FAMOUS CHINESE HISTORI- r» r i .ii «in n CAL CLASSIC NOW THE SCREEN’S OC /1 UpPV dUCI HCUT th(? SOUQS SltllQ Dy MOS ™u™ ING Bing Crosby and Gloria Jean RnrnHHPP rN HEART WARMING.
      387 words
    • 130 5 The Whole Tnun Is Already Laughing! I QUEEN’S i I (AIR-CONDITIONED) J I Tomorrau 11 a.m. 9 3.30. 6.15 9.30 I 80 minutes of joyful entertain- 1 I ment with George as a Police 1 (War Reservist frolicking his I way through a feast of Fun— Thrills Music! I i
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  • 43 6 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced between Mr. R. Mclntosh Whyte, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mclntosh Whyte of Sanderstead, Surrey, and Miss Joan M. Francis youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Francis of Tadworth, Surrey.
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  • 460 6 S each week passes, there is r growing evidence of the success of the “V” campaign. Last Friday, in his instructions to the unseen army of Europe, Colonel Britton, the 8.8.C.’s mystery speaker, launched a new campaign against the Nazis: he urged his millions of
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  • 113 6 Reuter. Australian Labour Party’s Request Canberra. August 21. In the course of a statement, the Labo'u 1 Leader. Mr. Curtin, stated that the Australian Labour Party urges the British Government to provide the requisite means where! •j Australia’s viewpoint can be placed (before the War Cabinet by
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 66 6 —Reuter. Attacked By R.A.F. Off Norway Coast London, Aug. 21 The Air Ministry communique states: While on patrol over the Southern Coast of Norway last night, a Hudson aircraft of the Coastal Command bombed an enemy supply ship from low 7 level, scoring a direct hit
    ”—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 89 6 —Reuter. To Operate With R.A.F. In Week’s Time London, Aug. 21 In a week or so, the first fighter squadron of the Norwegian Air Force in Britain will be ready to operate with the R.A.F. Equipped with Hurricanes, its pilots and ground crews have come from all
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 135 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I shall be glad if you will kindly enquire through the services of your valued paper, the best way. to get a parcel of food-stuffs to a B.E.F. prisoner of war in a camp in Germany. I had a
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    • 97 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). So it has come at last —a growing demand by the Dominions for closer contact with the War Cabinet in London. No one will deny their right to it and the British press reactions seem generally favourable. Let us
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  • 38 6 —Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 21. A British G H.Q. communique states that in the Tobruk area heavy dust storms continue to limit our patrol activities and that there is no change in the frontier area.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 645 6 Friday, August 22. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT in a special message to Congress re- garding his meeting at sea with Mr. Churchill says the declaration of i principles agreed upon was so clearcut that it would be difficult to op- pose “without automatically admitting willingness to
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  • 390 6 Chinese Girls And Domestic Science GPHIS should really be in the Ladies’ Gossip column but it might be quite refreshing to have it here for a change. An interesting new arrival in Penang is Mrs. J.H. Ho, charming wife of the well-known tennis player. A lecturer in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 A large shipment received OF 4 tr BITTED ■J- Australia’s Finest Beer IN QUART BOTTLES ONLY I Pritchard Q., Ltd. I PENANG. DOCTORS CHOOSE HUMANISED WOOD ron i|Wninß ownWSbabies z x• I s&sk&- </ /Jite ~fIH SrlRB W W JF v > >*>&&& VF m ..> Jr mrd*cal etiqurttf* ?A>
      115 words
    • 38 6 "BULLFINCH" BUTTER The Brand well-known thronfhovt the whole of Malaya for it.* E'xcei* ience and Purity. THE BUTTER FOR EVERYBODY Obtainable <t all the Leading Provision Stores SMe A gent o Henry Waugh Co. e L*d PENANG. WAW.VAVW
      38 words
    • 39 6 U ift *IL F iiJftu Hr 11 I ASI <«»»»»1 For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121. 'iSuwll ,N tout mi. K T B r to /< <KI T ,rs< c
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 Around The Town MAJESTIC CINEMA: “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” (Chinese picture). 3,6.3 b and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “If I Had My Way” with Bing Crosby and Gloria Jean. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: George Formby in “Spare A Copper.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX
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  • 147 7 I Bangkok. August TZ. L,». «p• Far EXrf.». Bangkok raI fllrial conini» ntator last that any potenf violating Thai terL/UuJd meet with a disasP? especially as Thailand KU the support of the I- 4dp. FL, m the talk, he malnI am possible attack
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  • 195 7 Ldy befell a party of Chinese Luys who went for a swim at the Lervoir on the hill near the BoL Gardens yesterday afternoon, [one of the boys was drowned, [unfortunate boy, Teng Bah Bah 115. living in Hospital Road, went Lith four other
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  • 27 7 n Ihe Air Again I Tonight k Gordon Highlanders’ Concert Party P'f another broadcast programme s n Ppore station today from 10 8 p.m.
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  • 404 7 •tSHENTON THOMAS APPEALS FOR more volunteers (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) K. Lumpur, Aug. 21 fy for more volunteers in the passive defence services in a unipur was made by His Excellency the High CommisOd] a parade of well over 2,000 men and women
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  • 2206 7 Full Text Of Senator FoWs Broadcast In Singapore I have had long conversations with Air Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, with Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, Major-General Gordon Bennett and others, and if I had needed any reassurance of the determination to defend Malaya—>hould
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  • 311 7 Race Horse Owner Awarded $6,856 Damages SEQUEL TO MOTOR ACCIDENT Defendant Givtes Notice Of Appeal JUDGMENT was delivered in the Supreme Court this morning by Mr. Justice Carey in the case in which Teoh Cheow Ghee, a local race-horse owner claimed' $4,585 as special damages and $lO,OOO as genera I
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  • 164 7 JN common with their countrym cn in other parts of Malaya, Japanese nationals in Penang are also evacuating in a continuous stream by the International Express for Bangkok. Five of them comprising and women were seen leaving this morning for Prai to catch the
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  • 780 7 Judgment Reserved In Suit Over Jewellery After a six-day hearing, judgment was reserved in the Supreme Court yesterday in the suit in which Oh Chin Soo, Record Clerk at the Penang Prisons, is suing his mother-in-law, Gan Cheow Ee, a daughter of the late Penang millionaire,
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  • 126 7 Two Indians, Chinatamby and Muthu, were produced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on a charge of committing theft in respect of four hand-cart wheels, valued at $2O, the property of the Windsor Cinema Hall, on August 18. Both the accused
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  • 135 7 MOTOR ACCIDENT r pHE case was compounded in the District Court before Mr. B. F. Bridge this morning in which an European soldier L. R. Laker was charged on three counts of causing hurt to three persons, W. Wood, J. Dohrey and J. Foley
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 A!so medicines. Now we don’t have to take r.asty-tasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives '"us LAXOBAC—the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your bowels to act with clockwork regularity. If you must take
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  • 93 8 PACIFIC ATLANTIC COAST DEFENCES Film In The Making Ottawa. National Film Board officials announced recently that co-operation of Canadian and United States authorities had been assured in the making of a film dealing with hemisphere defence, and designed to depict essential points which must have .protection against potential foes. About
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  • 72 8 Penang. August 21, 1941. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88 82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/ig Shanghai Demand 11 11/16 Japan Demand !9 3 jy 2 New Zealand
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    • 456 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 22nd August, 1941 Issue Buyers Seller» 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/» 5/0 Austral Amal 6/104 7/14« £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .621 .674 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
      456 words
    • 230 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.57 J 1.624 Ayer Hitam .80 .85 Ayer Molek 1.074 I.l2jex Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett .37* .40 Batu Lintang 1.05 1.074 Bedford .874 .924 Benta .924 .974 Borelli 1.274 1.324 Broga .55 .58 Brunel United .55
      230 words
    • 360 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.674 1.72 j $2 Alex. Brick I*% Pre! 2.074 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chaptered Bank £64 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% PreX. 19/6 20/3
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    • 102 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus 2.9.41 12.9.41 Austral Zonal 3d. and 14 Bonus Kramat 9d. 20.8.41 27.8.41 K. Kampar 124%= 1/3 25.8.41 3.9.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int. 5% Int. both L.T. 11/13.8.4] 11.9.41 Thabawleik 1/6 and 1/6 Bonus 25.8.41 5.941
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  • 633 8 Some Results Of Recent Research Some interesting new alloys which may have important industrial uses have emerged from the systematic study of tinrich alloys which has been carried out over a pericd of years by the Tin Research Institute. It is stated in t he Institutes Report
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  • 165 8 Penang, Thursday. The steadier tone in the share market maintained its firmness, especially in the Rubber section, where buyers were prominent, bidding for shares at increased prices. Dollar Tin shares were quietly steady with no particular features, and prices were more or less unchanged. The Australian issues
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  • 1064 8 U.S. Makes Plans For Saving Tin In Non-Essential Uses Potential methods of reducing tin consumption in the United States in the event of an emergency are engaging the attention of the Office of Production Management in Washington. Whilst it is emphasised that there is at present
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  • 322 8 Units For Canadian Corps Ottawa. Compactly complete mobile dental clinics have been authorised by National Defence Headquarters for the Canadian Dental Corps. The mobile clinics are self-contained units for all the work the Dental Corps can do in the field. Built on a standard Army truck chassis,
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  • 508 8 Ann,lal Kepo n a j amount brought fnr T J l2s. 7d. m akT ar<l Id., out of which the'? 361 transferred to taxation replanting reserve £3.o(i pay a dividend of i i .J ar,(l Stock, less income T ax £7.924 3.,. IOd J*.,* ward £16,593 ss.
    508 words
  • 116 8 Yesterdav’s Close Pre' TIN: LONDON “Spot” £256. 10. 0. i’ J® o' “Forward” £259. 10. 0. 25 SINGAPORE t Sl33w “Spot” $134.00 _LBusiness done PENANG “Spot” $134.00 RUBBERr LONDON “Spot” “Forward” r ncha nge4 Tone Unchanged. g t ?adv Quiet SINGAPORE s 5 k “Spot” 38 l’2o PENANG:
    116 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 135 8 BANKS > I 'Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged I with us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. 7 z il Further particulars will be supplied on application. e INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India) 21. CHINA
      135 words

  • 184 9 Agricultural ißesearch Officer Kuala Lumpur We regret to record the death cf Mr. A. B. Lucy, of the research branch of the Malayan Agricultural Service, which occurred at the Bungsar H/ospital on Tuesday night. He was on his first agreement with the Government and was
    184 words
  • 259 9 FRIDAY. AUGUST 22ND 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SKRVTCF. Ipoh, K. Lumpur Wearne’s Air August 22nd inst. Singapore .18 .05 Service 1 p.m 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations 50 8.0.A.C. SAL 23rd inst 5
    259 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1983 9 trWTTmW TO-MORROW B B I IXXB«“A4hJh*dO B. B. C. a.m t 6.05 News .*r fi -20 Listening Post—An Analvsis of fl TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS e. 25 BROADCASTING 635 French News. r> 6.50 Highway for American Expansion R B I- *T 720 News. < Aews !n English 730 Listening Post. i
      1,983 words
    • 82 9 SAN FRANCISCO (TREASURE ISLAND) KGEI 9.67 mc/s (31.02 m.) 12.05 ajn. Pianist. 12.20 News 1.20 News in English. 1,35 Donee Orchestra. 1.50 Dance Orchestra. 2.20 Dance Orchestra. 2.50 Dance Orchestra. 3.20 Chinese Hour. 7.20 p.m. The Melcdeers. 7.50 News in English. 8.05 Dance Reflections. 8.20 Unlimited Horizons. 8.35 Famous Tunes.
      82 words

  • 455 10 Opposition From Labour Party Canberra, Aug. 21 The possibility of Mr. Menzies going to London as Prime Minister has been removed following a decision reached at a meeting of the Labour Party Opposition against his leaving Australia. Labour’s decision was announced by their
    Reuter.  -  455 words
  • 152 10 —Reuter. Presence Still Not Admitted Peshawar, August 21. Whib! the official Iranian reply to the latest Anglo-Russian demarche is unknown, it is rumoured here that Iran still refuses to admit any potential danger from the presence of Germans in the country. The Iranian Press and Radio continue
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 74 10 l— Reuter. Only 10 Days’ Supply In Eastern States Washington, Aug. 20. There is only about ten days’ supply of petrol in the Eastern States, declared Mr. Ralph Davies, United States Deputy Petroleum Co-ordinator, today. The long predicted oil shortage in the East laid finally arrived.
    l—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 983 10 MARSHAL VOROSHILOV APPEAL TO CITIZEN! TO FIGHT TO LAST Formation Of Militia To Help Troops Moscow, Aug oi Marshal Voroshilov has appealed to all citizens of the 1 district to defend the city to the last. Announcing that new detachments of the National Militia wji
    Dniepci ” -Reuter.  -  983 words
  • 283 10 Need For A.R.P. Measures 4 Bangkok, Aug: 21. /CONDEMNING in advance any attempts to sensationalise the purely precautionary advice the Bangkok radio re-en-dorsed the A.R.P. League instructions and counselled Thais to prepare themselves against any possible eventuality, while the country is still at
    Ml U V ..—Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 143 10 .—Reuter. U.S. Treasury Working Out Plan Washington, August 20. It is learned authoritatively that the United States Treasury Department is co-operating with British officials to relieve Britain’s dollar position and is working on a plan, whereby the United States Government would assume outstanding payments under the
    .—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 108 10 Reuter. New Army To Be Raised London Aug. 21. Hitler is forming a new cclonial army to carry out his project for France-German "condominium” in Africa, according to Vichy sources, says the independent French News Agency. The army will be equipped on the basis of experiences in
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 96 10 8.0. W. Former Governor-General Of Australia London, Aug. 20. The sudden death of Lord Stoneiiaven is announced today. As Sir John Lawrence Baird he entered the House of Commons in 1910, after having experience as Political Officer ?n British East Africa and serving in the Paris Embaa.y.
    8.0. W.  -  96 words
  • 73 10 —Reuter. BRITISH RAIDS ON GERMANY Madrid, August 21. "The day shall come when Britain shall pay very dearly for her nightly raids upon German civil population districts,” Goebbels said in an interview with the special correspondent of the Madrid "Journal Informaciones.” Goebels added that German aviation had
    ’—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 240 10 .—Reuter. To Keep Soldiers Informed Of Events London, August 21. "Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die’’ will no longer apply to British soldiers. The Balaclava attitude epitomised in Tennyson’s lines was swept away by a War Office announcement yesterday
    .—Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 84 10 .—Reuter. London, Aug. 21. After another day undisturbed by enemy air activity over Britain, a single enemy raider dropped high explosive bombs on an East Anglian town last night. No casualties are reported.— An official communique states. “Enemy activity was again on a small scale
    .—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 29 10 Reuter. Bombay, Aug. 20. A sum of £150,000 has so far been remitted to the Ministry of Aircraft Production from the Bombay War Gifts Fund.—
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 36 10 .—Reuter. Simla, Aug. 20 Twenty-eight million yards of various kinds of textile goods were ordered in July from Indian mills for the Eastern Group countries and also lor India’s own defence services.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 275 10 —Reuter. MR. MACKENZIE KING IN LONDON London, Aug. 21 Mr. Mackenzie King arrived in London this morning and was met by Lord Cranboume, the Dominions Secretary, Sir Archibald Sinclair, the Air Minister, and Commander Thompson, who represented Mr. Churchill. Representatives of the Canada Government
    —Reuter.  -  275 words
  • 87 10 —Reuter. Village Burned Down By Germans Stockholm, August 20. A further example of German savage treatment of Poles is reported by the Berlin correspondent of the "Dagens Nyheter.” Quoting a report from a German Commander in Sermia he states a "Ccmmuhist” (band fired on the German
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 26 10 —Reuter. Bombay, August 21. Vallabhai Patel, chief lieutenant of Mr. Gandhi, has been released from the Poona gaol on medical grounds.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 386 10 New York, Aug. 21 The Western Hemisphere portion of the Atlantic is being slowly but surely cleared of German submarines and surface raiders/* writes Joseph Driscoll, the “New York Herald Tribune” correspondent at s ea with the United States Atlanic Fleet of neutrality
    —Reuter.  -  386 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 Steamer sailings in September for United States o f America For full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY U). LTD. Agents AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD., 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421—5. ”TjURNSPHH-P LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight* Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang
      53 words

  • 823 11 )l( ,„<•<>.< For Tomorrow) v n o- are the acceptances for tomorrow, the Singapore Gold Cup Meeting:— I RACE 1 2.30 p.m. I Horses Class I Div. 3-6 furs. 5y 9.00 “Newmarket Stable” Marland 6y 8.10 Mrs. S. N. YeapVan Breukelen 5y 8.08 Mrs. S. N.
    823 words
    46 words
  • 254 11 Contestants Like Wild Cats Melbourne. DON McLaughlin (10.7) beat Terry O’Reilly (10.3%) by a t.k.o. in the tenth round, after one of the most stirring fights seen at the Melbourne Stadium for many years, writes a correspondent in the Sunday Sun of Aug. 3. The fight
    254 words
  • 87 11 Ladies August Medal Competition The Ladies Medal competition for August was played yesterday. Although weather conditions and rhe course were almost ideal lor play only a few cards were returned. Mrs. (Dr.) M. G Brooie pulled some really good shots “out of the bag” to win
    87 words
  • 92 11 Champions Trounced By The Rest Alor Star. The 1/ulim Police, champions in the Hall Cup Soccer Comoeti'.on thi r year. w 7 ere badly beaten by the Rest in a, friendly game played here on Tuesday, the score being —l against them The Rest composed of teams
    92 words
  • 73 11 Perak Ch inese A.D.A. Effort Ipoh. The recent charity performance at the Chinese Assembly hall given by the Perak Chinese Amateur Dramatic Association fetched a large sum of about $B,OOO for the. China Distress Relief Fund. There wag only one show but the hall was
    73 words
  • 52 11 The Pe.nnng Recreation Club ladies’ hockey team had another practice game on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon. More members turned out at yesterday’s practice. The players were coached by some of the regular players of the P.R.C. hockey team. The standard of play at the practice had
    52 words
  • 75 11 Reuter. Match Lasts Four Hours Brookline. Massachusetts, Aug. 21 The longest marathon match in the history of American National Lawn Tennis Championships was played yesterday when Bryan Grant, the small but tenacious Davis Cup player, and Russel Bobbit of Atlanta beat Edwin Amark and Robin Hippinstiel of California
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 226 11 Fixtures For Next Week Monday. August 25. Men’s Doubles: —4 Wilton and Dickso.a vs —15.1 Montresor and Wright. Men’s Doubles: —l5 Davin and Jarnos vs —15.3 Mallett and Pcpperdine. Mixed Doubles: —4O Mrs. Baughan and Morris vs —15.2 Mrs. Irving and Stark Mixed Doubles: —15.5 Mr.
    226 words
  • 179 11 From Party At Faiping Nurses Hostel Taiping. A sum of $7lO was collected for the Perak Patriotic Fund at a bridge an I mahjong party organised bj’ Misses A. M. McDougall and Choong Ah Ying at the Taiping Nurses’ Hostel on August 13. There were
    179 words
  • 260 11 Inauguration Of Evening Classes Bukit Mertajam. Bukit Mertajam went a step further in the field of Tamil education, when the Primary Tamil Evening Classes for ?»oys and girls at’endinj the English Schools in the morning was officially declared open by Mrs Murthy, wife of Dr.
    260 words
  • 428 11 'CLEAR VICTORY OVER MUSLIMS IN a P.F.A. Cup-tie gd. the Western Road ground yesterday, the Chinese Recreation Club eliminated the Muslim Recreation Club by three goals to nil. The winners qualified to meet the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club in the semi-final which will be
    428 words
  • 282 11 U.S. TRACK AjND FIELD ATHLETES TEAM of United States track and field athletes will compete in South America in September, it was announced by Secretary-Treasurer Daniel J. Ferris of the A.A.U. upon receipt of a query from Stanislav! Petkiewicz, one-time Polish distance star who is
    282 words
  • 56 11 —Reuter. Special “V” Emblems To Be Distributed London, August 20. Pnecial “V” emblems will be distributed among spectators at the minor “Allied Olympics” athletic meeting Icing held in London on Saturday. The services, civil defence and civilians are represented among the entries which have been received from Belgians,
    ..—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 98 11 Selection Of Rest Team On Monday The "Pinang Gazette” understands that the selection of the Rest team to meet the Europeans in the annual B.P. de Silva Cup cricket match will take place on Monday at 5.15 p.m. at thek premises of Messrs. B. P.
    98 words
  • 352 11 In view of the fact that Miss Boey Ah Kheng and Cheah Thean Kiu do no intend to further compete in the MixedDoubles Championship and that Miss Wong Bvng Choo and Moi Thin Weng did not turn up for their match fixed on Sunday last,
    352 words
  • 37 11 G.C.D.S. vs O.X.A. On the Hutchings School ground today at 5.15 p.m. G.C.D.S.: J. Robless; Boh Eye, Raja Gopai; Eng Saye, Teik Slew, Cheng Keat; Chin Doon, Thean Chye, Mun Hee. Z. Ariffin and Oon Chye.
    37 words
  • 528 11 COW GATE CUP SOCCER 4-2 Win For Youngsters Playing on the Westlands ground yesterday the Malay Coronation Youngsters defeated the Indians “B” by four goals to two in the Cow Gate Cup Competition. On the whole, the play was quite fast. Ramasamy and Kolandi, the Indians’ full-backs, played a steady
    528 words
  • 139 11 ••y XI Beat Novices Youngsters The “V” XI defeated the Novices Sporting Youngsters by 4 goals to 3. For the “V” XI Chin Let Choy was brilliant in goal. In the forward line Shaik Hussain and Teh Ean Thoou played a good game. They were responsible for the four
    139 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 340 12 HARPO SHOULD WIN ON TRACK FORM Artful Sailor Tipped For Tomorrow (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. /ARCHARD'S and Hobhs’ horses were exercised for the first time at today’s training on the second track. The going was slightly yielding. Orchard’s, Balmoral (Dawson) and Pharaoh’s
    340 words
  • 150 12 Boustead Co. Report Penang, Aug. 20. The market .still remains quiet with very little business passing and the Reserve Company’s and Ministry’s limits remain unchanged. At our auction this morning bidding! was steady and Standard Sheet was in good demand. Compared with last week Crepes were
    150 words
  • 122 12 Central Kedah Branch A popular entertainment was held at Sungei Patani Club, on July 30. consisting of a One Club Golf Competition, Obstacle Golf. Clock Golf and Seven up Billiards, reports the Central Kedah Branch ladies’ committee of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. This brought in the sum
    122 words
  • 416 12 —Reuter. London, August 22. THE Germans yesterday claimed that Narva, Novogorod and Kherson were taken. The Russian communique speaks only of stubborn fighting at Odessa. Gemel and Novogorod. The loss of Kherson was a foregone conclusion with Germans overrunning the lower reaches of the west bank
    .—Reuter.  -  416 words
  • 43 12 Mrs. Esther Fairburn will give the second talk in the series “War Time Cook." from the Singapore broadcasting station at 12.45 p.m., and Mr. G. H. Addison wJI give a further talk on “Vegetable Growing" at 7.15 p.m. today.
    43 words
  • 560 12 London, August 22. Many hundreds of R.A.F. fighters participated in yesterday’s daylight operations on the other side of the Channel. Blenheim aircraft of the Bomber Command yesterday carried out altogether three attacks on enemy-cccupied territory, states an Air Ministry communique. In
    .—Reuter.  -  560 words
  • 187 12 Three Leaving For Hong Kong Messrs. Tan Ewe Aik, Tan Yok Lin and Yong Kong Weng of the AngloChinese High School, Penang, are leaving tonight by the mail train for Singapore, from where they will take a boat for Hongkong. All of them
    187 words
  • 59 12 Voluntary Working Party ‘The Work Room at Kingsley, Mac Alister Read will .je closed as from Monday, August 25. Work will continue as usual at No. 11, Scotland Road, the residence of Mr. Paul storr. Pai cels may be delivered either at that address or
    59 words
  • 45 12 FRIDAY, AUGUST 22. TIN; Penang $134.50 Singapore $134.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 l/2c Singapore Spot 38 l/2c COPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $11.75 sellers Fair Seed $10.75 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1. $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 9.94
    45 words
  • 492 12 ANOTHER GLORIA JEAN HIT AT ODEON Little Gloria Jean is as irresistible as ever in her latest film, “If I Had My Way now showing at the Odeon. Gloria has as her “leading man” crooner Bing Crosby, and together the pair turn out a first-exass film, full
    492 words
  • 340 12 Washington, August 22. Ire sident Roosevelt s message reporting on his epoch-making meeting at sea with Mr. Churchill, said the declaration of principles agreed upon there, were so clear-cut that they ivould be difficult to oppose without automatically admitting willingness to accept a compromise.” .—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  340 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 21 12 NOTICE JUST UNPACKED Huge Consignment of Ladies’ Cotton and Silk House Coats from AMERICA. Latest Designs and Colourings. B.H.T. DOULATRAM CO.
      21 words
    • 410 12 Rundav r PaNANQ Local Dell?»*. Miontnij p? 4| Quarterly "g W S'lf-Yearly SUNDAY Quafterlv > Half-Yearly 3 g »lk Yean, J» 100 f DTaRn «^T B4I) The 'LABSIFiID under:— v 1 ’<ll cents ver line n--nimmim charge O f Fbete a-s '«lltments*' will be it r.t 4 tasertion up to
      410 words