Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 438 1 SURPRISE MOVE LIKELY TO FOLLOW SEA PARLEY New York Press Expectations CHURCHILL-ROOSEVELT PROPOSAL TO STALIN New York. August 15. r PHE evening paper? splash a report that Mr. Churchill Roosevelt are planning to sugge^tffii#J: Stalin a meeting a! .Moscow between M. Stalin and his war
    Reuter.  -  438 words
  • 47 1 I' I Io isit lI.S. I Ottawa, August 15. I Mi. Howe, Minister of Aluniks, will be leaving for Washinglon during- the week-end for lonsbltations on supply problems. I Lord Beau rbrook, it is stated, li!l probably accompany him ■hen he returns to Ottawa.—
    I'  -  47 words
  • 136 1 VICHY'S S URRENDER TO GERMANS f> -ft; M for AtLlu<l< Of Full I Collaboration I Shanghai, Aug. 15. I Itet Vichy has determined on full collier». with Germany is the general Ik» of nev .pers here commenting on l.r .a'.K Frer ’li Government reshuffle. I The Bn .sh “Noon Bulletin’’
    f> -ft; M for  -  136 words
  • 104 1 Reuter. Imperor Sends Gift ’h Fruits 0 J Tokio. August 15. I PcDdinp' A rian» U I ute report on Baron F ranuma’s r. hi. non all Japanese L. dopting a very cautious ing the motives or pos”‘)ns of the assailant. L y '-"‘Ood the Emperor has
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 64 1 '—Reuter. corned By Turkish Press I Th uibul August 15. k carry mil front substance of the T nt cal declaration handed 1 nunent by the Brii Ambassadors. i ewspaper, “Yeni Sabk r Deputy Yaltchin Soviet joint declaration rks real contentment beWur, ,|C all malevolent ruthat the British
    '—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 46 1 h Aftivities Regarded Ynnoying jf. Hanava, August 15, m consulates are n Cuba. The DepartF*tation t ordered the German d« St consulate at San•■nsti] immediately and the Pt bef or Heis’nger, must leave noer 1 as h s acti*uter. become “annoying.”—
    h  -  46 words
  • 287 1 —Reuter. Stockholm, Aug. 16. An attempt to answer point by point the joint declaration by Mr. Churchill and President Roosevelt was made in Berlin political headquarters yesterday, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Swedish newspaper “Dagens Nyheter.” Regarding Point 1 declaring that thd
    .—Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 166 1 —Reuter. Swmppscptt, Aug, 16. Journalists, cameramen and radio men have been gathered for the past fortnight at Swampscott which is a few miles south of Boston and is the main yachting centre on the New England coast. The President’s special train in which he travelled
    .—Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 652 1 What Hitler’s Presence Indicates London, Aug. 16. Only Hitler and the German High Command know whether the thrust in Southern Ukraine is a feint or a full-blown offensive. Certainly it seems a fairly substantial operation and. measured in miles, indicates a considerable advance
    Reuter.  -  652 words
  • 474 1 (By Patrick Crosse, Reuter’s special correspondent with the advanced forces in the Western Desert). Cairo, Aug. 16. The strategic situation in the Western Desert hinges on two considerations—Russia and tanks. So long as the German armies and Air Force are heavily engaged in Russia, the
    .—Reuter.  -  474 words
  • 102 1 i.—Reuter. Ind‘an Trade Agent Leaves For Teheran Simla, August 14. The Gove’-nment of India’s newly-an-pointed Trade Representative to Iran, left today by land rente. His departure regarded as a gesture oi confidence in the situation in Iran, where recent developments have not diminished intent in his
    i.—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 76 1 n.—Reuter. Arr’val At Regina By A‘r Regina. (Canada) Aug. 15 The Duke of Kent’s arrival by a r at Hegira after a brief halt at Moosejaw was enthusiastically greeted by thousands cf inhabitants. The Duke drove through Regina city and visited the Government House, where he was
    n.—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 68 1 —Reuter. May Be Bought U-S. Fo- Ch-- 4nd NFL London, August 15. D sclos'ng that new orders for more than one thousand aeroplanes are to be placed in Canada, the journal The Peroplane” states that unconfirmed reports from Canada say these may be bought by the United
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 22 1 —Reuter. London, Aug. 16. It is officially announced that the Soviet-Polish military agreement was signed in Moscow yesterday afternoon.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 35 1 —Reuter. Cairo Aug. 15 j r Interior communique ourse of an air raid of area cf the night on Aug. dropped, causing 16 ca°f which proved fatal. c as done.-—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 463 1 —Reuter. Tokio, August 'l6. rp/JE violently antagonist press and semi-official reactions to the Roosevelt-Chur-chill declaration, apparently following Germany’s lead, may, according to well-informed quarters, be regarded as an indication that Japan’s decision on future policy is hopelessly irretrievable. It is generally admitted that joint declaration signifies America’s
    ’—Reuter.  -  463 words
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  • 173 2 EXTREMISTS DEMANDING POSITIVE ACTION Dissatisfied With Status Quo Tactics Of Konove Cabinet •F Chungking, Aug. 14. JAPAN’S internal crisis is approaching a most critical stage, declares the influential Chinese daily newspaper “Ta Kung Pao’’ commenting on the attempt on the life of Baron Hiranuma.
    i.—Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 278 2 .—Reuter. Success Of Patrols In Tobruk Cairo, August 15. Successful patrol activities round Tobruk are announced in a Middle East communique issued here this afternoon. A cammuniauo says: “During the night of August 13-14, a lighting patrol from Tobruk surprised the enemy pt a strong point,
    .—Reuter.  -  278 words
  • 64 2 —Reuter. Batavia, August 14. Reports received here from Holland in encate that Dr. Colijn, the former Dutch Prime Minister, who was arrested recently is not in a concentration camp tut is confined to a hotel at Valkenburg. He is watched by two guardians, but allowed to make short
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 160 2 —Rcfiter. 800.000 Tons To Be Sent Chungking. Aug. 14 The United States is sending 800,000 tons of supplies to China as part of the American aid to China programme, it is stated here. American transport experts returned here today after surveying transport on the Burma Road.
    —Rcfiter.  -  160 words
  • 226 2 —Reuter. Basis For New PostWar Work! Lisbon, August 15 •Commenting upon the Anglo-Amerie: n joint declaration, the “Joumat Do Nom< cio” says that it Is limited by the dictate s of neutrality. Nevertheless it dec’s r s clearly that the declaration stages a ba* is upon
    ■.—Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 349 2 .—Reuter. N.Z. Minister On Anglo-U.S. Statement Wellington, Aug. 15. Mr Nash, New Zealand Minister of Finance, expressed the belief that no more epoch-making document had been issued in recent times than the joint Anglo-American declaration. When Mr. Churchill informed him last week that he was going to
    .—Reuter.  -  349 words
  • 304 2 London, August 15. If ORE than three hundred R.A.F. bombers, of which twelve 1 are missing, were engaged in last night’s operations over Germany which were on a heavy scale, it is learned in London. The main attacks were on
    —Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 732 2 Commonwealth Minister’s Statement At S’pore (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Singapore, Aug. 15 “Our policy in regard to Japan and any ether country is on all fours with Great Britain’s, but certainly we have not any hesitation about where we stand,” said Senator H.
    —Reuter.  -  732 words
  • 159 2 —Reuter. Axis Comment On AngloU.S. Declaration Berlin. Aug. 15 Political circles regard it as uni asonable to expect the Churchill-Rooseveit declaration to be taken earnestly. They describe it as “old long-discarded stock from the moth-chest of vanished Versailles dialectic, bearing the Geneva hallmark which has been hauled out
    '—Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 332 2 ’—Remer. The following communique broadew radio af midday—-r? yt ht| August I WS out bornly m the Kexhe!*’* S and Smolensk dire Estonian sector af t 003 **<! the night our air fr fI M i with land !r twt a J blows on the euemv'”"'"'"' 4
    ’—Remer.  -  332 words
  • 542 2 22 KILLED IN AIR CRASH Head Of British PurchasiiiJ Commission Among Dead London. An official Air Ministry communique issued this morning s “The Air Ministry much regrets to announce that an airtf the Atlantic Ferry Command crashed yesterday evening l taking off. The passengers and crew, twenty-two in all
    Reuter  -  542 words
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    • 112 2 r I In offering you Wines from the I YALUMBA VINEYARDS of SOUTH AUSTRALIA M e are offering you Australia’s Best. A glass or two of good Wine, taken regularly, is one of the finest Tonics extant. CARTE D’OR HOCK four crow Claret FOUR CROWN PORT SPARKLING HOCK. YALUMBA CHAMPAGNE,
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  • 448 3 Between French People And Vichy Widens are insistent that if the Petain Government rer )K the war on the <ide of Germany, and the R.A.F. I fn lt hy to ashes the explosion of joy throughout France r e in the hearts of friends of freedom everywhere, r iiv-rr the
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  • 285 3 IrfOWl- thh thUn KL Mu eWn of the X» raider to the officer who stood be- i the 01,1 T. WhO5S I rporue Wale Hackston. I went rtlte with I I 3 been .ntercept1«d to knew-urgently-F'd.e message,' he ordered ■7- ’t 11 Radio
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  • 171 3 mialist On U.S. Strength HOYAL ARCH GUNNISON, an American journalist, who is to visit Malaya, forecast in a kast from Australia that the States would form a blockifamst Japan as a sequel to the ~ic action already taken in re*c for the Japanese move into t
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  • 389 3 the <onmutndlng officer wf the escort in the transport Dunera, "H h ia. st vear t<M>k ;dlens t o Australia, was addressing the man B ll wiplalnts of looting, unknown to him a Jance-corporaJ. was ng J’Hhh ,p,^ h in shor th.ind. H
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  • 1717 3  -  In uniform or everyday clothes women arc weaving a cavalcade of matchless courage. And it is no surprise revelation in a supreme test. It i< just the breed. By y MAURICE FAGENCE nPHERE has never been a day when British women have not been brave. Even
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  • 466 3 4I»QMASHING crockery is not only' bad manners, but also bad business for Japan,* declared the Sunday Graphic, in a leading article, adding:— London and Washington are not in a conciliatory mood The little yellow man has to answer—right between the eyes. Tokio may
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 THE RULES OF HEALTH i arc few and simple i iJjjfiß SK W r? E IRST thing in the morning—even before washing —think of Inner Cleanliness. For a clear skin, bright eyes and that inner sparkle which is the secret of 4 loveliness, Inner Cleanliness is far more effective than
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 45 3 —fr^— obStxwMppi 11 1 I I I I Or I Hz? I KS-' r 0? t I f 1 I Mr «/■BTTa 181 THIS'LL MAKE YOU QUISLE (Part at the settlevieni between Hitler and Vzv.a a redaction u» £2SQ.Q(P' a dai 7 azi Occupation biV
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  • 395 4 SCREEN OF LAND AND SEAPLANES BASES ■[ESTABLISHMENT by the Commonwealth of a strong screen of defence and reconnaissa nee air bases as a buffer against invasion was revealed recently by the Minister for Air, Mr. McEwen, on his return with Sir Charles Burnett, Chief ol
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  • 203 4 Trial Black-outs In Singapore Singapore. Girls of the Medical Auxiliary Service have been getting more practice recently with the trial Uackouts which have been held in conjunction with the A.R.P department. Singapcre has been divided into sections, each section having its practice on one evening. The
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  • 82 4 Chicago newspapers the other day headlined Lord Halifax. It had nothing to do with American aid to Britain. Seated in a box at a baseball match the Ambassador was handed a hot dog. A thousand spectators watched, says Associated Press. What’s inside it?” asked Lord Halifax,
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  • 320 4 PEGGY LOST HER JOBWON MEDAL HUSBAND WHEN war broke out. 18-year- old Eileen Margaret Mulligan —her friends call her Peggy—lost her job. So she joined Southwark's A.R.P. or ganisation as a telephonist. Because of that she possesses today The British Empire Medal AND A husband. Let's take the medal first.
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  • 517 4 PROVED effective in Trengganu, a new method of preparing a local fertiliser for vegetable gardens which uses principally leafy refuse such as is found in Malay kampongs has been introduced to Singapore by Dr. J. W. Scharff, Chief Health Officer. A
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  • 188 4 U.S. BRITAIN CAN STOP JAPAN Views Of Visiting Journalist While expressing the hope that “clear heads could find some amicable way out of the present tension in the Far East,” Mr. J. S. Young, representative of the National Broadcasting Company who is now in Singapore, stated in an interview that
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  • 392 4 at the expense of the sport.—Ceylon Daily News. Government Control RANGOjON TURF CLUB REFUSED LICENCE r |'’HE Government of Burma has refused to issue its annual licence to the Rangoon Turf Club. The trouble arose when the Government wrote to the Turf Club imposing the following conditions
    at the expense of the sport.—Ceylon Daily News.  -  392 words
  • 93 4 London. A man who claimed to be the brother of a millionaire in America was sentenced at Bow-street recently to four months imprisonment. He is Captain Richard Howard Gorges, aged 67. The charge was that of obtaining clothing worth £2l with a worthless cheque, and
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  • 446 4 >Lisf> Of Latest Do/iatJ Following are latest donations to the Malaya Patriot Fund, Penang: Donations received during the year ended 30th November, 1940 $161,736.83 Donations received since Ist December. 1940 and already acknowledged 31,522.89 Mahjong 16.70 Monthly payment by S. W. Spargj 10.00 Contributions from
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  • 182 4 SCHOOL NEEDS REVISION Vocational Ka t,,er Acad<® ic I smß QPEAKLNG at the S of S t. Andrews J| hall at Woodsville, Arc White declared vocaao jaß Singapore shoulc than academic. p lB He considered th rtculum lor revision so as t L t fl “unessential e J I being
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    • 154 4 VEGETABLt F00I) G,VES STRENGTH Huve you ever noticed that the biggest and strongest animals in Nature are to be 111 found amongst the plant-eaters. What 'egelable lood means to these animals, it also means to you; strength, health, energy. I hat s *hv Blue Band is so good for you—it
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    • 50 4 All in a Day's Work— Lil IJIIII H I H 11 d k J® A a fel jWwab* UJ\ What a War 5 By Gilbert VVilkinsonv J MBbßw w, <• ft jV' x .W. .AfcV.-,,. WoiW tight, Fatima! These magic j carpets are not the fun they used to be!”
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  • 255 5 Brother's Claim Dismissed I Ipoh. PBMARKI\(; that the whole case rested on the construction F the will and that the circumstances and conception of r*illdid not give him the right to come to court, the Hon. r Judice Murray- Aynsley, in the Perak Supreme
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  • 204 5 ullai Of Perak Gives U. Patronage i,ultan ot Perak frct 7( Jto S l ve his esteemed bein L’harity Fair which t ia n A. the Chinese Seck he Perak Patriotic The f(, htions B s second list of hr. as Per first Jtessrs s $15.650.
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  • 201 5 Started in Kuala Kangsar Kuala Kangsar. Through the initial efforts of Dato Stia, the Territorial Chief of Kuala Kangsar, an ambulance class purely for Malays has been started. The lectures j will be held in Malay and the lecturer will be Dr. Mohd. Din, Assistant Medical
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  • 377 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Wong Kok Sang, of Ipoh. has been granted a commission as Temporary Second Lieutenant in the F.M.S.V.F. x’: Mr. L. B. Sheldon, late of the B. F. Goodrich Company, Kuala Lumpur, .•eft for Singapore on Wednesday to take up his new appointment. Mr. E. E. G. Boyd
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  • 123 5 Taiping. A flower sale organised by the local branch of the China Relief Fund on August 13 to commemorate the breaking out of hostilities in Shanghai realised a gum of $316X10 for the benefit of the Fund, it is understood. Altogether seven parties were on the
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  • 110 5 From Chinese Muslim Mission Taiping. Mr. Cheong Chee, Chairman of th. Perak China Relief Fund, accompanied by other members of the Ipoh and Taiping branches of the Fund called on the Tengku Mentri at his residence in Kota Road on Thursday afternoon and presented to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 245 5 T<? See The Crowds Asl They Stormed n e < >& Packed The Theatre Daily At Every Show, H < mV IS XOT ENOUGH «FULL HOUSE’ AT ■p, -H“"' ev Ĕ b¥ SHOW. repeat XI big |u U N! SHOWS It DO AT 10.30 AAL. 3 P.M., l 6.15 9.30
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    • 215 5 I aiR-conpjTiqneD __i TO-DAY 1.00, 3.30, 6.15 9.30 p.m. TO-MORROW 3.30, 6.15 9.30 p.m. Thrill to the Gayest Romance of MYRNA LOY and MELVYN DOUGLAS IT’S NO CRIME FOR A GIRL TO “INVENT” A HUSBAND BIT IT’S MIGHTY EMBARRASSING WHEN HE TURNS UP! XJI MARRIED...BUT HE MADE her act the
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    • 172 5 Sensational success From far and wide cc .ne the crowds! The whole town’s talking of the “Sarong Parade” HATS OFF!.. T 0 c s SEE, that popular showman traveller of Singapore, for presenting such magnificent creations! Something new to Penangites! Have you seen ‘‘MOLLY” in the Strip-tease Act? TF’r’KTJC 4
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  • 480 6 4 XX, E £O ve them back,” Mr. T Churchill has promised Nazi blitz victims in Britain and this pledge is being kept today as hundreds of the latest and most powerful R. A. F. planes rain bombs on Berlin and other enemy! cities. That such an
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  • 143 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Datu Talim” (Phillipino Picture), together with C. S. See’s Master Creation “Sarong Fashion Parade.” 10.30 a.m., 3.30, 6.30 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA. ‘‘That Night In Rio” with Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda and Don Ameche. 10.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Dnyaneshwar” (Hindustani picture).
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  • 256 6 U.S. Need For Strong Naval Air Arm New York, August 14. “American people should demand that we keep the jump on Hitler—and jump on him first where there’s any doubt about it,” declares Colonel Knox, United States Secretary to the Navy, in an article in the
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    • 123 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, As a keen punter I was interested to read in your issue of Thursday the report of a High Court suit under the heading: $5O Horse That Won 14 Races. It is a very good record but with competition stiffer
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    • 79 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I fear that not being of Alpha’s optimistic nature, I cannot agree with him that the old-fashioned riesha is better than the trishaw. I prefer the latter mode of transport, and I have only two reasons: speed and comfort. Both on business
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  • 645 6 Saturday, Aug. 16. A THREE-POWER Conference in Moscow has been planned, according to the New York press which splashes reports that Mr. Churchill and President Roosevelt may suggest to Stalin a meeting between himself, his war chiefs and high British and American officials. ALT
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  • 434 6 O Temporal O Mores! TT used to be girls shyly peeping from behind window curtains and venturing forth once a year on Chap Goh Meh in all their powdered glory. Now what have we? There is a Chinese “Miss Singapore” who goes in for weight-lifting as pastime
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 I /z i i <R?T) i i WW i I THISIS IMPORTANT NEWS--- Year “GIFT” Food Parcel! I I I Now is the time to send your order. I To ensure delivery Not ember —December. t I POPULAR “GIFT” PARCELS 5 COMPRISING I Tea, Butter, Sugar, Jams, Biscuits, I Hot
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    • 41 6 Fl iwli i aMßfflwv l I *x- Z* SCCTCM I iPjggfjßi KSmßraMWr i Bole Agent» for I Penang, Perak Ked.%l» I Henry Waugh Co. Ltd. J I 1 FENANG IFOa JUT MT JW £BV MV MV 4MV MV «W 4MV Mk.
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  • 85 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH LYNCH. MIC HAEL BREEN. Ac’.o-, cate Solicitor S.S. F.M.S. at General Hospital Singapore at 12.30 AM. on 15th August 1S*41. Funeral on Saturday evening 16th August at 6 P.M. from Victoria Jetty, Penang to Western Road Cemetery. Penang. R.I.P. ACKNC WLEDGMENT Mr. J. Cooper wishes to thank
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  • 1105 7 All Arms Of The Services Represented I g announced briefly in the “Pinang Gazette’* yesterday, A powerful reinforcements for the A.I.F. in Malaya have rrived in Singapore. With tension in the Far East at snapping point. Singapore breathed easier yesterday when the lews got abroad
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  • 61 7 $1.535,63« The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,535,638.03, made up of Penang $977,350.88 and Perak $558,287.15. Previously acknowledged $977,270.18 Staff of Posts and Telegraphs Penang 65.70 Mrs. J. Sydney Smith 15.C0 $977,350.88 PERAK Previously acknowledged $558,086.09 Per Mr. W.O. Grut, Ulu Bernam Estate 112.50
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  • 76 7 American-bmlt Catalina ftyinf/-boats have been patrolling the Indian Ocean and. the China Seajt for severa I months no<r. They have travelled a distance equivalent to sir. times the circumference of the tcorld. Their work takes them from the civilisation of Singapore to the sparsely inhabited islands of
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  • 299 7 APPEAL TO MALAYAN CHINESE FOR SUPPORT Singapore. An appeal to Malayan Chinese urging them to support the forthcoming “One Dollar Airplane Fund” movement was made by the Kuomintang, Malaya branch, on the occasion of China’s “Air Force Day” on Thursday. The appeal, which was in the
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  • 332 7 Singapore. r pHE Volunteer Police Reserve in Singapore, which is to be soon known as the “Special Constabulary,” is to be expanded, and recruiting will begin on Wednesday for an additional 150 men. This will bring the force up to a total of
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  • 98 7 Removal Of Restrictions Singapore. It is officially announced that restrictions on Chinese family remittances from Malaya, tvhich followed of necessity on the freezing of the foreign accounts of residents of the Republic of CKina, have been removed and such remittances may now be mode. Announcing the
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  • 156 7 $3OO Donated By Mr. Lim Lean Teng Following are further' donations towards the Kulim Industrial Fair: Previously acknowledged $5,871.58, Chop Eng Tai $50.00, Chop Ban Chuan Seng 520.00, Chop Hock Seng, $15.00, Chop Sin Teik Hin $lO.OO. Cffop Hock Chuan Seng $lO.OO, Chop Lee Sun $lO.OO, Mr.
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  • 210 7 News has been received from India by Mr. Henry Dass, the Perak State and F.M.S. hockey player and Hon. Secretary of Bindings Soccer League, intimating the death of his eldest brother. Mr. S. J. Thomas, son of the late Mr. J. Samuel Mathuram, formerly
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  • 327 7 Scheme For Camps In Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur. Thff question of accommodation of refugees should war come to the icountry was among the decisions of the General Purposes Committee, brought up for confirmation at a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board. The Chairman (Mr.
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  • 40 7 Alor Star. His Highness the Maharajah of Patialia is on a visit to Alor Star today and is in residence at the Istana Mentaloon. It is understood that the Maharajah will leave Alor Star this evening
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  • 50 7 The remains of Mr. M. B. Lynch will arrive at Victoria Jetty by special launch at 6 p.m. today instead of at the Railway Jetty at 6.10 p.m. Tne funeral will take place from Victoria Jetty for interment at Western Road Cemetery at 6.15 p.m.
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  • 116 7 First Aid Examination Results The following ladies of the staff and pupils o* the Fukien Girls’ School, Penang, were successful in the First Aid Examination held at the School on August 8: Misses Shaoeng Chen. Chen Tan, Sieh Pi Yee, Chen Sian Kooi, Lin Chooi Yien,
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  • 208 7 Alor Star. The third Kedah Padiißice Exchange Scheme following on the success of th© previous two schemes, came into force yesterday. In a circular letter to all the large rice-millers throughout the State touching the third scheme, the Deputy Food Controller says:— “In view of the
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  • 130 7 At a Committee meeting of the China Distress Relief Fund at the Penang Philomathic Union, Acheen Street, at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon it was decided to change the name of the “Victory Fair” to “Charity Fair, which will be held at the Fun and
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  • 412 8 India’s Remarkable Achievement Cawnpore. Mr. M. S. A. Hydari, Representative l of India on the Eastern Group Supplj Council, recently met representatives of the Upper India Chamber of Commerce, the United Provinces Chamber of Cum merce and the Merchants’ Chamber of the United Provinces, when questions
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  • 68 8 Penang, August 15, 1941. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank./ SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 10 3/4 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8
    68 words
  • 109 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £258. 5. 0. £258. 15. 0. “Forward” £260. 5. 0. £260. 15. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot* $132.50 $132.50 Business done PENANG “Spot” $132.50 $132.50 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” “Forward” Tone Steady, Steady, Unchanged Unchanged SINGAPORE “Spot” 38 l'2o 38 s|Bc PENANG “Spot” 38 i|2o
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    • 457 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 15th August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 6/10$ 7/lsc £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .62$ .67$ £1 Bangrin tin 13/0 14/0
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    • 228 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.55 1.60 Ayer Hitam .30 -&5 Ayer Molek 1.12$ 1.17$ Ayer Panas 1.07$ 112$ Bassett .37 .40 Batu Lintang 1.01 1.03$ Bedford .85 £6 Benta .90 .95 Borelll 1.27$ 1.32$ Broga .55 .58 Brunei United .55 .60
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    • 352 8 Issue Buyers Seller» A£l Austral N.Z. O’-d 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.67$ 1.72$ $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chaptered Bank £6s £9 £1 Con. T. S. Old. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref. 19/6 20/3 $5
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    • 109 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Ausira 1 Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus 2.9.41 12.9.41 Austral Ama) 3d. and 1$ Bonus Batu Selangor 5% 12/16.8.41 20.8.41 Kampong Kamuntlny 3d. Bonus 9d 12/22.8.41 22.8.41 Kramat 9d. 20.8.41 27.8.41 K. Kamnar 125% l/3 25.8.41 3.9.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int.
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  • 1588 8 Joseph Travers Sons, Ltd. DIVIDEND OF 15 PER CENT: WIDE SELECTION OF FOODSTUFFS Mr. E. T. Dottridge On The Year’s Trading The fifty-second ordinary general' meeting of Joseph Travers and Sons. Limited, was held at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, London, E.C. Mr. E. T. Dottridge, C.B.E. (chair man of
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  • 156 8 Penang, Friday. Quiet and Dull conditions ruled in all sections of the share market, with buyers watching to pick up any cheap shares offering. Prices were mostly unchanged and the volume of business was small. In the Dollar issues, Hong Fatts, Rantaus, Taipings and Ulu Klangs could
    156 words
  • 173 8 Directers The profit for the vear 1 I viding £7,000 f or Exel &40 '1 £14,557,13.9, which net amount brought <■ R gives a total of «3.3?; 1 the directors have t 5 tar replanting 000”®““ <1 tion reserve £0.500 ai dividend of 3.’/ an jjS which
    173 words
  • 100 8 Bader To Have New W Of Artificial Legs Londcn. Aug-jsj J Wing-Commandci Douglas Rafcl legless fighier ace. is to have a»1 of artificial legs. He is nor 3 cf war after baling out of a J plane, according to a Nazi stateuesl It is thought his metal
    100 words
  • 92 8 Pictures Radioed To New York London, Mil Five pictures of the R A.P. bcob on Cologne on Tuesday taken I? otaq in Blenheims taking part w last evening from London to fa Mi time to catch editions of nrew throughout the States and copies <stW warded from
    92 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 BANKS I I loviuicete against goods ind produce al low mkb 01 Interest may be arranged ‘ith ua We also offer Godown «paces to let at low rentals. ‘f I Further particulars will -I supplied on application. j > THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India) 21, China
      73 words
    • 58 8 MAKE lil Worth Liviiil Ml rb M th*’ p.y.r-rs Y now earn F»vou” Ml fJ* I<l «IBIBUI.LAH SMOI No. 32, BA NOR A K CUT HERE i Paste on Poet-car. T env"'ope Dear Yogi, ho* 10 i Kmdly J i ome the obar.-cM ih ust rated bwk' et I tree
      58 words

  • 998 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR TExNTH SUNDAY xIFTEK TRINITY 7.15 am. Mattins and Litany. 8.00 am. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion. (Tamil) 10.30 am. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 pm. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon MONDAY 7.00 am. Mattins 7.30 am. Holy
    998 words
  • 752 9 •How London Weathers Its Worst Storm I ONDON lias weathered its worst storm. After a whole month’s moderately intensive aerial attack a tour of the capita] reveals damage which is substantial but not of much military importance. There have been vexations, though strategically inconsiderable, interruptions of communications and,
    752 words
  • 265 9 SATURDAY, 16TH AUGUST. 1941 PoQ’tag-j Latest. Time ’sf Destmattcu Inters Foatcards Superscription per oz. each Ordinary Kegu. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh. K. Lumpur Weame s Air August 16th last. Singapore 1» -0 5 1 p.m. 12.45 pjn. AFRICA x All destination .5» <25 8.0.A.C. sat. 16th Inst. 5
    265 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2217 9 PENANG HA W I ZHJ 6.03 mc/s (49.3 tn.) HA I I < I 1 w w W 5.3 A Chinese Programme News in Hokkien Cantonese 6.20 8.8. C. News (Rebroadcast) 6.35 8.8. C. Talk (Rebroadcast) 6.50 Indian Programme TA DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS ?20 News in Thai U |U-l BROADCASTING
      2,217 words

  • 813 10 New York Press Comment On Churchill-Roosevelt Meeting New York, Aug. 15 “This is the end of isolation. It is the beginning of the new era in which the United States assumes responsibilities which fall naturally to a great world power,” says the “New
    .—Reuter.  -  813 words
  • 350 10 Bangkok, Aug. 15. today faces a situation bordering on emergency, therefore, side by side with military preparedness, the Government proposes to galvanize the country’s economic efficiency,” said the Minister of Justice, Luang Thamrong Navasvat, introducing in the National Assembly this afternoon an urgent
    350 words
  • 63 10 .—Reuter. Branches In Far East Not To Be Closed Hongkong, Aug. 15. Sir Vanaaleur Graybum, Chief Manager of the Hongkong-Shanghai Banking Corporation, in an interview with Reuter, emphatically denied Japanese reports to the effect that the Hongkong-Shanghai Bank is contemplating closing its Far Eastern branches and withdrawing
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 76 10 .—Reuter. No American Offer Of Military Aid Bangkok, August 15. The Thai Foreign Office issued, a communique yesterday night denying the Japanese report that the American Minister in Bangkok during an interview with the Thai Premier offered America’s military aid if Thailand lined up with the democracies and
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 63 10 —Reuter Order Issued By Board Of Trade London, Aug. 15. The Board of Trade has made an order prohibiting, from August 15, all exports to Japan including Japanese mandated islands Chosen (Korea), Kwantung lease territory, Taiwan (Formosa) and Manchuria except under licence from the Board
    .—Reuter  -  63 words
  • 32 10 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 15. Mr. Willys Reck, present counsellor of the American Embassy in Peiping, has been selected by President Roosevelt as United States Minister to Thailand.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 31 10 .—Reuter. Washington, Aug. 14 The Senate approved by 35 votes to 19 the Bill extending military service for Selectees, National Guardsmen and Reservist by eighteen months.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 282 10 .—Reuter. Xx>ndon, August 15. It is officially announced that Josef Jakobs, a German national, was executed at the Tower of London this morning after conviction under Act on 1940 by general Court Martial. The War Office states Jakobs was a German Secret Service Agent
    .—Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 118 10 —Reuter. Ferry Pilots And Radio Officers London, Aug. 15 Victims of the Transatlantic ferry crash are as follows: Crew—Captain Stafford (British), First Officer Watson (United States), Radio Officer Coates (British), Flight Engineer Davies (United States). Passengers:—Captain Hull (United ,States), Captain Dilly (United States), Radio
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 516 10 —Reuter, London, Aug. 15. Declaring that the Roosevelt-Churchill statement will be cordially welcomed in New Zealand, Mr. Peter Fraser, Prime Minister of New Zealand, said yesterday that the document embodies in brief the principles for which the British Commonwealth and all Allies are fighting and
    —Reuter,  -  516 words
  • 365 10 Reuter. LORD BEAVERBROOK IN WASHINGTON Washington, Aug. 13 Lord Beaverbrook who described himself as the “biggest buyer of cuff you have ever seen,” told a press conference on his arrival in Washington “We have had hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of order under
    Reuter.  -  365 words
  • 63 10 Reuter. Legations To Be Raised To Embassies Tokio, August 15. The Japanese and Thai Governments have decided to elevate their respective Legations to the status of an Embassy effective from August 16, the Board of Information announced. As the first Japanese Ambassador, the Government appointed Mr. Teiji
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 37 10 —Reuter. Tokio, August 15. The Japanese Foreign Minister, Admiral Toyoda, was received in audience by the Emperor yesterday afternoon. Admiral Toyoda, it is added, was called to the throne on matters under his jurisdiction. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 44 10 London, Aug. 15 His Majesty the King has issued an order saying that September 7 being the Sunday following the second anniversary of the outbreak of the war. should be observed as a national day of prayer.
    44 words
  • 829 10 Paying Heavy Price F Or Invasion Of Russia Mose Some idea of the heavy price in blood that German 15 paid for her invasion of Soviet Russia is given bv fi losses published here today. These figures, by no^ plete, show that one tank corps,
    .—Reuter  -  829 words
  • 94 10 Reuter. Indian Military Band M ins First Prize Haifa, Aug. 15 An Indian military band won the first prize for the smartest turnout at the harvest carnival held at the Jewish settlement near here. The band led the procession at the Queuing of the carnival at
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 60 10 STOCK EXCHA NGE -Reuter. Sentiment Conti 111 Che t r f The Stock Exchange week-end profit-taking ces gen continued cheerful dustrialstended slightly higher up ing shipping. continu^ O^ ly ft with the Reuter ia Rails higher oh *e H „„d after early hesitan y i South American rall firm, but
    -Reuter.  -  60 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 ,THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. WnsphO LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang Telephone No«
      51 words

  • 832 11 I, llll\<. THRILLING WHILE IT LASTED LryEK in r he history <rf boxing in Penang has a contest l\ poised "Ufh intense interest among followers of the game nne hich took place at the New World last night n Josh Joshua, the only Hebrew boxer
    832 words
  • 280 11 Penar will meet Singapore H final of the “Malaya” Cup comV -his ycai at Kuala Lumpur, elevens to be selected from f O po*’ing players respectively:— H pit Gibbons; Wong Kam Ashmore: C. Danker, Kan V Fee Gnr. O’Brien; Teoh Choon k Lembruggen, Pte.
    280 words
  • 195 11 I S'lioolbo) s Hou ling I Feat I Ipoh. P* remarkable feat of capturing five with iivi successive balls was ■■fined by c. Stanislaus playing for I Michael'-. Institution, Ipoh last su? "’h'-n the local school beat I' George s Institute, Taiping, by 8 I?'"'
    195 words
  • 48 11 h. Ipoh. ■’«ntt p U P cric ket match bef Uro p eans and the Rest, Ki c« Wee k*end has been -uropears being unable to Kftott, F °hr players, Barrow Miller of the A.I.F. ‘'ham are unavailable at Kin match will be played
    48 words
  • 31 11 |P.S.( A 1 I Xl i aravanam uttu’s F J., Mah h Cancelled Sport- C h between the Pe-F-'-fi Xi and ■j'-’i ton.‘ n was Axed to be has unfortunately
    31 words
  • 178 11 'THE RIDING BOX’ "TIC TAC" Correspondent” "EPSOM JEEP" "MAN-ON-THE "EUREKA” "THE MAJOR* Penang Penang I "Taiping Racing Ipoh SPOT” Ipoh K. Lumpur Singapore Spring Girl Phariol Inventory Pat Burke Pat Burke Inventory Phariol RACE 1 Pat Burke Spring Girl Phariol Phariol Phariol Spring Girl Pat Burke
    178 words
  • 291 11 P.F.A. AND COW GATE CEPS Nine Teams In Each Competition Nine first division teams and a same number of second division teams are taking part in the Penang Football Association Cup and the Cow Gate Cup Competitions respectively which will commence next week. The entries for the P.F.A. Cup competition
    291 words
  • 119 11 Fo l Youngsters vs Muar G.E.S. An intci esting match is anticipated at the Penani Free School Ground when the Fort Youngsters of Penang will play a friendly s<xjcer match against the Muar Governmert English School <Johore) at 5.15 p.m. today. The following will represent rhe Fort Youngsters:
    119 words
  • 119 11 Silver Lining T.T.T. Beat Aspirants In a closely contested table-tennis match cn Thursday night, the Silver Lining Ta Je-Tennis Team beat the Aspirants’ A sociaiion by the narrow margin of four games to three. Results (Silver Lining players mentioned first) Teh Ah Bah beat Phoon Chun Yuen 3
    119 words
  • 558 11 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODAY Race 1: Ponies Class 2 Div. I—About1 —About 6 Furlongs—--3.00 p.m. 1. 4 3 1 PAT BURKE 6y 9.02 “Mac Kongsi” Magill 2 313 PHARIOL 8y 9.00 Dr. W. H. Brodie Billet! 3. 0 0 2 INVENTORY 7y 9.00 Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer
    558 words
  • 159 11 Fixtures For Next 1 Week Penang Sports Club tennis fixtures for next week are as follows: MONDAY, AUGUST 18. Men’s Doubles: —3O Watson and Mosley vs —3 Scott and Grant. Men’s Singles: —15.1 J. Wright vs —4O J. P. de C Hamilton. Ladies Singles: —30.4 Mrs. R. M.
    159 words
  • 89 11 Eight members from H.M.S. “Nameless” were entertained by members of the Bowls sections of the Penang Sports Club yesterday and the game resulted as follows: A. L. Crinter and A. T. Aird beat C. Main and W. Anderson 15—14. V. Thomas and S. V. Adams beat
    89 words
  • 180 11 H.M.S. “Nameless” Beat P.S.C. Ladies The golf match between H.M.S. “Nameless” an dthe Penang Sports Club Ladies played at Glugor on Thursday, August 14, resulted in a win for H.M.S. “Nameless” by 5M matches to 2%. Paymaster Lt. Mrs. Clark 0 Macfarland 1 Mrs. Cower. 0 Commander Ham 1
    180 words
  • 158 11 SOCCER TOUR The Singapore Malays will visit Penang next week to play three matches, the venue of all the games being the Western Road ground. 'fhe visitors will meet a Penang Combined Chinese XI on Saturday, August 23, the Penang Football Association on
    158 words
  • 81 11 Inter-Community Competition Six communities are taking part in the inter-community knockout football competition which will be played after the first week in September, the venufe of all matches being the Western Road ground. The competition is in aid of the War Fund. The draw
    81 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 270 11 Qiticura 7 4lcu> v Here isa powder that is like a balm to a hot. sensitive skm Dust it lightly on and yon are refreshed for hours afterwards. Its perfume endears it to every woman REFRESHES I PERFUMES the famous tonic for flggy PUk «jogs of all breeds. En« svres
      270 words

  • 599 12 MONAVEEN PAT BURKE LIKELY TO REPEAT SUCCESS Brazeno And Four O'Clock May Upset (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Today. work was again seen on the Taiping course this morn- ing in preparation for the final day races. The course is in the best condition possible.
    599 words
  • 337 12 MERCANTILE THRIFT LOAN SOCIETY Ipoh Appeal For More Members Ipoh. At the half-yearly general meeting of the Mercantile Co-Operative Thrift and l oan Society, Ltd., Ipoh, held at the Town Hall yesterday Mr. L. J. Fernandes, Chairman of the Committee of Management, made an earnest appeal to all members to
    337 words
  • 313 12 Mr. Churchill’s Latest Undertaking London, August 14. Mr. Churchill has always had a flair for the dramatic —his ofier of a union with France and his broadcast within a few hours of the Nazi onslaught on Russia. are but two examples—but none has roused popular enthusiasm
    313 words
  • 987 12 Several Applications Before Meeting Ipoh. A number of applications for increase of rent was allowed by the Kinta Rent Assessment Board at a meeting held at the office of the Chairman of the Kinta Sanitary Board yesterday. An application by Dr. Chong Tak Nam, J.P. (a
    987 words
  • 461 12 Importance Of RooseveltChurchill Meeting BASIS OF CHARTER OF LIBERTY DRAWN UP London, Aug. 15. (By Fergus J. Fergusson, Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent). The meeting between President Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill at some unspecified spot in the Atlantic is one of the most sensational and important developments in
    —Reuter.  -  461 words
  • 57 12 Merrilads Beat Police In Semi-Final In the semi-final of the hockey knock-out competition which was played on the Warders’ ground at Alor Star on Thursday, the Merrilads defeated the Police by 2 goals to nil The Merrilads will now meet Brigade Headquarters in the final, the date
    57 words
  • 454 12 Programme For Tomorrow ZHL. 225 m. 1333 kies. ZHP.I. 30.96 ni. 9.69 tncs. ZHP.2. 48.58 m. 6.175 m cs. ZHP.3. 41.38 m. 7.25 mjcs. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT INCLUDING DVORAK CONCERTO FOR CELLO B¥ P. CASALS AND THE CZECH PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. ‘THE WAR AS I KNOW IT”: NO, 11
    454 words
  • 481 12 Ipoh. Remarking that it was a clear case, Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, Ipoh First Magistrate, yesterday, convicted a Malay youth, Abdul Karim b Sidik, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $15.50 on July 24 while being employed as a
    481 words
  • 149 12 Ramblers Beat P. Pandak Malays Sitiawan. In the Dindingg Soccer League match played on the Sitiawan Recreation Club padang, the Ramblers defeated the Pasir Pandak Malays by the odd goal in five on Wednesday evening. The Ramblers combined better than their opponents. The score was 1-1 at
    149 words
  • 181 12 The Sultan Abdul HanndCJltp ed the tables on the t'pertirg and avenged .an earlier defeat i v.. beat their opponents i in an. interesting match College ground at Alor stai The College scored th»* the tenth minute through V" beat the goalkeeper with a Shortly afterwards the
    181 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 176 12 Suarla, r 21 I McnUily J M Yei'i; e rly 18 -°0 1 BUNDAY G’&L I Local 1 8 8| Quarterly J Half-Yearly UK, 1 Yearly 1* BQC I CLAI3IFOC> ADVwSi, **Ted 21 cents per j Einim um charge O f ”J. lecgrnents* J he charge aTthS 4 juertion up
      176 words