Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 478 1 ■creasing tempo [OF R A F. RAIDS Lrliners Can’t Take It’ I v j titer’s hr Commentator) I London, August 13. I[GH Cologne has been raided almost a hundred times the war, today’s daylight attack by Blenheims—- j ;i s pos>il
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 44 1 K 04' ‘Reuter n p w a *hington. Aug. 13. pHMhi x T ROOSEVELT’S ffit h, t 1 °toinac’' has now been Th davs rß m\?,’ r /7"‘ the Xa v TM>artth r« e4*ipt Of a message Itii» t was Saturday morn•—tteuter.
    K ? 04' ‘Reuter  -  44 words
  • 232 1 Reuter. Vichy. Aug. 13. A SEMI-OFFICIAL statement explaining the significance of Admiral Dalian’s nrw post as Minister for National Defence, says: “While keeping Ills offices of Vice-Premier, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Secretary of State for Navy, Admiral Darlan no-w takes
    Reuter.  -  232 words
  • 1208 1 Vichy, Aug. 13. Marshal Petain, broadcasting to the French nation last night, summed up in twelve points the immediate programme drawn up by his government. The Marshal declared that Fiance can only governed from Paris to which he will return as soon as circumstances
    —8.0. W.  -  1,208 words
  • 105 1 Sydney, Aug. 13. Referring to his coming visit to London, Mr. R. G. Menzies. Australian Premier, said: “Wherever goes the administration, the Australian war effort will continue in Australia.” Mr. Menzies explained that questions of great moment had been before the Cabinet and
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  • 120 1 —Reuter No Fresh Developments Teheran, August 13. There are no fresh developments in Iran as a result of the present international situation. The newspapers emphasise Iran’s neutrality in all circumstances. They also strongly deny recent foreign press and radio reports on the subject of German experts
    —Reuter  -  120 words
  • 477 1 Joint AngloSoviet Note To Turkey .—BOW London, Aug. 13. I’HE joint Anglo- Kuss’an demarche to T.urkey has been warmly received tn Ankara, British Official Wireless. It is announced in London that on August 10, the British and Soviet Ambassadors called at the Turkish Foreign Office in Ankara and each presented
    .—BOW  -  477 words
  • 98 1 —Reuter. ’Patent Absurdity’ Says Mr. Cordell Hull London, Aug. 13. TT is officially stated in London that there is no truth whatso ever in the statement emanating from America and attributed to an isolationist senator that Lord Beaverbrook has notified the authorities in the United States
    —Reuter.  -  98 words
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    • 3 1 11J Hid in
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    • 66 1 1« HOURS ENERGY 8 HOURS SOUND REST I Agents: G. H. SLOIT& Co., Ltd. essential during these humid days--ALUMINIUM DRYING TINS. or keeping ci gar s, cheroots cigarettes in perfect condition; for preserving sensiJit** camera lenses, silk stockings, gloves, SCREW TOPS, PERFECTLY AIRTIGHT. Height 6| inches. Diameter 7 inches. COMPLETE
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  • 1302 2 Lord Willingdon's Fine Record Of Service To Nation London, Aug. 12. Lord Willingdon, known as ‘‘the man who cannot retire.’’ died on Tuesday afternoon. He had been ill with pneumonia. One of the few commoners to h ave achieved the distinction of a Marquessate,
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  • 388 2 London, August 12. The R.A.F. bombed Cologne in daylight on Tuesday. It is understood that several squadrons of Blenheim bombers made possibly the strongest daylight attack on Germany on Tuesday when they bombed targets at Cologne R.A.F. machines have been passing over the South-East
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  • 649 2 STATEMENT BY HEAD OF BOUNDARY COMMISSION Saigon, Aug. 12 “Thailand would need and welcome assistance if she was attacked,” stated Colonel Sarablaga, head of the Thai delegation to the .Boundary Commission today. Emphasising that Thailand had not yet received any demands from any quarter,
    —8.0. W.  -  649 words
  • 272 2 Changes Likely To Be Mad e Vichy Cabinet STATEMENT BY GERMAN RADIO Wider Powers For Admiral Darlan Results Of Recent Discussions To Be Published London, August 12. The German radio reports from Vichy French Cabinet changes, giving Admiral Darlan the post of Minister of Home Defence, General Huntziger a change
    ’’—Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter. New York, August 12. Production for the R.A.F. of the first of a large number of Kitty Hawk fighters is announced by Mr. f 'iy Vaughan, President of the Curtiss Wright Corporation. The Kitty Hawk develops 110 more horse power and 25 per
    .—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 62 2 Reuter. Landed On Island By Axis Ships Bangkok, August 12. The two Thai customs officers, whose whereabouts were unknown since the disappearance of two Axis cargo vessels, have now returned to Bangkok. They reported to their superiors that they were landed on an island in
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 87 2 Reuter. S|XI "Ml have "’<■ ii lotai K ,>ps n'ltomeil nhout 220,000 the rate of Th.,- Eir st a.nd < Wv> 3iMshaVeb '■me ana patt other t rMps .he hugest convoy vetM The rest of this Armoured Divisional dunng the next f ew J Fon.u, w Canada
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 33 2 t me Free F —Reuter Syria and Lebanon are J tourist traffic, states the Headquarters. Persons sĕtJ homes and intending invited to visit the Free Fra» ters at Cairo.—Reuter
    t me Free F —Reuter  -  33 words
  • 605 2 BREAK-THROUGH EFFEffI BY FEW ARMOUREDI VEHICLES I Rugby, Aifl The German thrust towards Odessa is still being puradl there is no sign of any slackening in the German oferl that zone. The general line of thrust is apparently fell direction of Uman towards
    -Relit*-  -  605 words
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  • 416 3 London. M fl soon I* helping to bring down Ger- r> rs «he Ivy Wilson (“BiUy” to the -oldier in the Royal Artillery. -.go sh< was a Post Office clerk. Then \TS. seemed to have no outstand- Jsfl .C from a tall, pleasing
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  • 372 3 OppoM-d I o Personal I Immortality ‘THE Oxford Dictionary does a WToiif to Buddhism when it de- j &)ps Nirvana ,as ‘Mowing out; ex- I tinction; of individual existence said Dr. p. Vajiranana Thero, in the I course of a lecture on “The Buddhist I Doctrine
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  • 253 3 Melbourne, Aug. 10. TT is reported from Melbourne that Japanese residents are proceeding to Japan next week. Australian I The Finnish barque “Pamir” has been seized in Wellington Harbour by the New Zealand Government. H The first Australian-designed fast dive-bomber will take the air in September. The
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  • 135 3 Simla. An indigenous air foam solution for oil and patrol fire fighting purposes has been produced by the Director of Scientific and Industrial Research at the instance of the Supply Department. Trials conducted with the solution are reported to have been
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  • 419 3 1 of the A.1.F., after their .I return from abroad, will bo paid up to £4/2/6 a week until suitj 'able employment is found for them is one of the many benefits m a new f army scheme announced by the
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  • 1918 3 AUSTRALIAN PRESS AND PUBLIC SURV EY rpHE Melbourne ‘‘Herald” on July 23 reiterated its demand that Australia should appoint a Minister to the Netherlands East Indies, and said that the need for strong diplomatic representation in this “potential i theatre of war” was emphasised i by the British
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  • 56 3 NINE YEAR OLD ANN STEPHENS takes Lord South NINE YEAR OLD ANN STEPHENS takes Lord Southwood to see herself in a film She played “Alic* k in Wonder land” lin a. series of H.M.Vrecordings in aid of the Hospital for Sick Children, Groat Ormond-street. London of which Lord Southwood is
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  • 207 3 Calcutta, Aug. 8. i JPHE East India Fund has remitted a further amount of about £1,506 to the Aii' Ministry for the purchase of fighter aizeraft. The total so far rebutted by the Fund is about £500,000 representing roughly the cost of <4 fighter planes. TRIBUTES TO
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  • 482 4 Former Professor At Paris University TIATHER than continue teaching in one of the finest universities in the world, the Paris University, under the control Of Germans and with a member of i the Gestapo listening to every lecture. Professor Alexandre Koyre, professor of philosophy
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  • 85 4 The Paper Controller, Mr. M. V. de) Tufo, told the Free Press that information in his possession indicated that the price of newsprint in Singapore WM unduly high although he had no speci fic instances of suspected profiteering. Mr. del Tufo said that about $7
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  • 223 4 MISS IASANTfII RAMA RAD A lndian girl who has been schooling in London for ten years, 18-year-old Miss Vasanthi Rama Rau, who is in Singapore with her father, Sir B. Rama Rau, former High Commissioner for India in South Africa, told reporters onTuesday that she believed
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  • 372 4 INDIA’S war effort has produced a I great impression on the European community of South Africa, particular- l ly the British section,” said Sir Benegal Rama Rau, former High Commissioner for India in South Africa who is spend- I ing a holiday in Singapore. Accompanied
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  • 23 4 1., this picture you see what was a weli-knownr London restaurant on the corner of Leicc®-ter-square. Then a bomb hit it.
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  • 300 4 Two Queens Scholars Leaving S h ortly a LTHOUGH two of the Colony’s Queen’s Scholars, Mr. Wilbur Boswell and Mr. Oliver Phipps, will shortly sail for England to study law, no arrangements have been made yet for other Queen’s scholars so far prevented from going
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  • 125 4 Allowances May Be Reduced TN Singapore, it is reported that a cut of 20 per cent, in petrol allowances is planned. The whole question of petrol rationing in the F.M.S. will be reviewed in connection with the allowance from September 1 It is expected that an
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  • 297 4 oar Correspondent 1 In Spore THE considerable difficulties which the Luftwaffe is experiencing in Libya were described by Mr. O. D. > Gallagher, war correspondent of the i London Daily Express, when he ar- rived In Singapore from the Middle East. Mr. Gallagher is the
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  • 362 4 Maharajah’s Address At Function Singapore. “I was in the police for six years and I know how difficult is their work,” said the Maharajah of Patiala when fie addressed the Sikh police contingent at a function at Pearl's Hill barracks in his honour on Sunday. The
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  • 209 4 Immigration Laws Tightened Up Batavia. As part of the defence organisation in the Netherlands Indies, the immigration laws have recently been tightened up and aliens are no longer allov/ed to move freely through the country without reporting t’neir movements. On arrival at a Netherlands
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  • 184 4 Identity Profiteering Alleged r |XF wori X'- ’IV'X.' ln ’> f Singapore. The attent lcn W| beer, drawn to ?ric of the makers denial tor J, A cc. it is almost as more and are adXy 4 the;r children t 0 h o X’® A number of !choo X®
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    • 84 4 I Ihaax e- Ivl t 1 FA ST E S J T= Sti >ii 1 Jg s R?oM Ixl UjO SSSS Bhffl ww* SB 'X ,.X ....x x.- "X x__ xXX%, H£ VW X W®W Xvferfir BEEF CHICKEN CHICKEN AND HAM CHICKEN AND TONGUE CHICKEN, HAM TONGUE GAME AND HAM
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    • 41 4 I What a War! i Bv Gilbert Wilkinson J J pl k\ V 'V' x _x\\\ v x X ‘"X N—\ x_.-—x-- -X Lx -xgF c v O/i, good Look, officer —he appeart J to have remembered the uay note.* 9
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  • 489 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL An official post office announcement states that westbound surface mails despatched from Singapore on May 14 and May 19 were delivered in London on August 4. Mrs. Lee Choon Guan and Mr. Lim Chong Pang with his family left Singapore for Cameron Highlands on Monday on holiday and.
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    • 126 5 FUN FROLIC PARK WEDNESDAY, 13th AUGUST, 1941. CANTONESE OPERA: Night Show: "GOED NAN KWAI KOW GOOI CHONG’ Part 3. LIBERTY TALKIES “YIT TAI YEW MOT” A Thrilling Mandarin Talkie. Ist Run. THE WATERLILY REVUE “CHENG PHAI YAM SUI SENG” SUPPORTED BY Dancing Singing Swinging Hula-Hula Acrobatics Magic and comic sketches,
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    • 230 5 ,W; ||R BEFORE the show downstairs seats f SOLD ALL OUT! I early to avoid the rush! k on sale at 1 p.m. for the W Matinee Performance W )STS STRICTLY SUSPENDED X/ PENANG’S MOST LUXURIOUS air-conditioned theatre TO-DAY AT 3 P.M., gjS AND 9.30 P.M. ■l—o’S G *\!®t IB
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    • 386 5 ACCLAIMED BY PRESS PUBLIC INCLUDING MISS I BETTY BRYANT, THE SENSATIONAL STAR OF I I “40 THOUSAND HORSEMEN” AS “THE WONDER J SHOW OF THE DECADE”! I Stupendous success everywhere Singapore, Malacca, I I Seremban, Teluk Anson and now Ruby Theatre, Ipoh— I Night after night Crowds stormed the Box
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  • 512 6 TJ7HAT lies behind the present; struggle in Vichy between Admiral Darlan and General Weygand It may be, to ail out- j ward appearances, for the use of the French Meet and of French bases in the Mediterranean and North Africa. That is true, but it is
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  • 136 6 WINDSOR CINEMA: “The Girl’s Apartment’’ (Man- 1 darin Talkie). 3, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. f ODEON CINEMA: ‘•Henry Goes Arizona.’’ 3. 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “The Ghost Breakers” with Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. JUEEN’S CINEMA: “Tong Pek Hor” (Chiense
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  • 193 6 Bcutu Locomotive Crashes Into German Troop Train London, August 12 How a party cf guerilla soldiers wrecked a German troop train by sending a locomotive full speed ahead down a track into collision with a German train is described in a supplementary Soviet communique which reports that sixteen
    Bcutu  -  193 words
    • 205 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, I do not wish to be an alarmist but as one who takes a realistic attitude with regard to the possibility of war in Malaya, may I, through the hospitality of your columns, ask what further arrangements have been made
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  • 692 6 Wednesday, Aug. 13. TV’HAT significance lies be- hind the appointment of Admiral Darlan as French Minister for National Defence? The post was formerly held by General Weygand and it goes now to a servant of the Nazis. A rjARLAN is too puffed up with
    692 words
  • 265 6 All-Star Show I HOPE I am not premature in mentioning this but my Secret Service minions report that arrangements are in hand for the presentation of an all-star show on the lines of the remarkably successful Lady Precious Stream” which was staged by local Chinese celebrities some
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    • 121 6 Gprime Jlustralian ZMeat Poultry SIRLOIN WITHOUT BONE) I WING RIB FILLET STEAK TOPSIDE. SILVERSIDE. Turkeys. Ducks and Chickens. ALL KINDS CHEESE CHEDDAR, GORGONZOLA, KRAFT EDAM, GOUDA, ROGUEFORT. Pritchard’s PHONE 335 jiwwnjiimiiw irrw'"— -w -umwiwirw tr— i *«mk DOCTORS CHOOSE HUMANISED TRUFOOD ion «aU' niiiß ovnWSbabies <■' v fe- k. <3
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    • 17 6 529.THJOK BUFjujS For your convenience send yo®fl to our Sales Depot, 11 Ligh'fl Penang, Phone 4121. I
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  • 34 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH COOPER— on 13th. August, 1941, afttr a long illness bravely borne, MARION, beloved wife of JOHN COOPER, The Penang Harbour Board. Funeral at Western Road Cemetery at 9 a.m. 14th. August.
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  • 1617 7 ffo Basic Increase In Rates To Be Granted RECOMMENDATIONS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners held vesterday afternoon, the report of the Special Committee appointed by the Commissioners to consider any grievances of their labour force in connection with rates of
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  • 235 7 Visit To Indian Troops LTIS HIGHNESS the Maharajah of L Patiala arrived in Penang by special launch from Prai at 7.40 o’clock this moining and was met at the Victoria Jetty by Brigadier C. A. Lyon D. 5.0., Penang Fortress Commander, and a Staff Officer, and
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  • 133 7 Tamil Admits Suicide Attempt Balik Pulau. That he was foolish and thought that by taking broken glass, his sickness would be healed, was the defence made by Saman, a 19-year-old Tamil, who appeared yesterday before Mr. W. C. Taylor at the Balik Pulau Court on a charge
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  • 81 7 nlawful Society Member Case A 19-year-old Chinese girl, Lee Siew Lean alias Ho Sian Hean who had been charged with being a member of an unlawful society, the Malayan Communist Party, was this morning acquitted by Mr. B. P. Bridge in ths Third Court, when the charge
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  • 689 7 That Mr. Lim Eow Thoon should be allowed to have an additional 50 pedal ricshas for each of the next two four-monthly licensing periods and that durin g these two periods 15 pedal ricshas be given to the present riesha-owners conditional upon their withdrawing
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  • 163 7 Chinese Claims Trial “I believe there is no such association in Singapore and therefore this is a bogus lottery,’’ said Detective-Inspec-tor Kay Kim Seng in the case in which a 31 year old Chinese, Yeoh Tong Seng, was charge with assisting in the carrying on of a
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  • 538 7 Policy In Relation To Release Of Cement Answering questions by Dr. Ong Chong Keng on the release of cement at the Municipal meeting yesterday, Mr. J. A. Black, the President, said he had been informed by the Director of Engineering Stores that his policy
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  • 64 7 Succeeding Mr. Abdoolcader Singapore. Mr. Paul Sammy, a member of the local Bar, it is understood, is to be appointed Indian Member on the Legislative Council in place of Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader, C.B.E. Mr. Abdoolcader served on the Council for tour terms
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  • 275 7 Inquiry Into Death Of Fisherman Balik Pulau, Tuesday. The tragic death of an elderly Malay fisherman of Sungei Glugor was recalled this morning when, sitting as H. M. Coroner at the Police Court, Balik Pulau, Mr. W. C. Taylor held an inquiry' into the circumstances
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  • 110 7 Great success is attending the tour of an official war publicity van in the planting and mining districts of the Malay States. A Chinese miner in Perak, describing a visit to his district by the van, writes: “Our mine coolies were much entertained by the
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  • 92 7 The death occurred this morning, after a prolonged illness of Mrs. Marian Cooper, w’ife of Mr. J. Cooper of the Penang Harbour Board. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for interment at the Western Road cemetery. High Commissioner for India in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 182 7 an BATH TOWELS BED SHEETS AND PILLOW COVERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Get Them From EASTERH BAZAAR (The Blue Shop) 8 BISHOP STREET. Phoiie PENANG. P. O. Box 1396 816 □TI W I AT 6 MONTHS 1 V AT 9 MONTHS t THE FAMOUS quadruplets w J reared on cow <&.
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  • 160 8 Penang, Tuesday. The easier tendency which has been apparent during the last few days was checked on the opening of the share market this morning when there was much more buying in evidence, and shares were absorbed on any reasonable offerings, although business was not on a
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    • 458 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 13th August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 6/10J 7/lJc £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Went .70 .75 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
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    • 229 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor *Gajah .75 £0 Amal Malay 1.55 1.60 Ayer Hitam .80 .85 Ayer Molek 1.125 1.175 Ayer Panas 1.075 1.125 Bassett .37 .40 Batu Lintang 1.01 1.034 Benford -85 .88 Benta .925 .975 Borelli 1.27* 1.325 Broga .55 .58 Brunei United .55 .60
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    • 352 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. O”d 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.675 1.725 $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.075 2.125 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chattered Bank £8 5 £9 £1 Con. T. 8. Old. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref. 19/6 20/3
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    • 106 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus Austral Amal 3d. and 1$ Bonus Batu Selangor 5% 12/16.8.41 20.8.41 Kampong Kamuntiny 3d. Bonus 9d. 12/22.8.41 22.8.41 Kramat 9d. 20.8.41 27.8.41 Murai 20% Int. (.12c.) 12.8.41 15.8.41 Southern Kinta 10% Int. &5% Int. both
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  • 2418 8 Sequel To Motor Crash In Perak As a seauel to a motor accident which occurred on the road to Kuala Kangsar last year, Teoh Cheow Ghee, a local racehorseowner, sued Cheah Weng Hon, owner of the car, for $4,585 as special damages and
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  • 623 8 Programme Of S Ur f a I Prospecting I Ltd., was held at the Co m p a r &r; I office, No. 29. Beach Street I I yesterday with Mr. R P chair. h There were also in attendance v I J. G. Brown,
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  • 108 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TINLONDON “Spot" £258. 0. 0. £257. 0. J“Forward” £260. 5. 0. l- SINGAPORE: “Spot’ $132.25 Business done PENANG “Spot" $132.25 $132.75 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot" 13 91od “Forward" Unchangt Tone Steady, Inactive Unchanged SINGAPORE “Spot" 38 l|2o PENANG 38 s)Bc “Spot" 38 l|2o COPRA: PENANG: Sundried
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    • 77 8 BANKS x-*Ej. Advance» against goods and produce at low rates of Interest may be arranged ♦ub us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. II Further particulars will be i supplied on application. la MIMI II THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India) 21. China
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  • 282 9 WEDNESDAY, 13TH AUGUST. 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MU.AYAN SERVICE Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weanie’s Air August 13th tost. Singapore 10 05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations .50 ,-25 8.0.A.C. Thurs. 14th inst
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  • 510 9 Russians Disproving Myth Of Invincibility JT is now abundantly clear that the German panzer divisions have not succeeded in Russia in anything like the same degree as in other theatres of war, the military correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald points out. The Russians have demonstrated to
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  • 260 9 S.S. Appointments Promotions The following have been appointed inspectors of A.R.P. materials offered for sale. Mr. W. H. Hooper, in Singapore, and in Malacca and Penang the officers for the time being performing the duties of Director of Engineering Stores. Inspector Bhagat Singh has been seconded for service with the
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  • 341 9 Accident On Road To Tampin Seremban. In ihe Rembau .police court, before the Malay magistrate, with Inche Jalil, 0.C.P.D.. Tampin, prosecuting, and Mr. R, Cunyngham Brown defending, Ng Kim Poh, driver of an omnibus belonging to the Southern Omnibus Co., Ltd., was char .ed with driving
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  • 92 9 Seven Years For Manslaughter Johore Bahru. Seven years’ rigorous Imprisonment was the sentence passed by Mr. Justice Manning at the Johore Assizes on a Tamil rubber tapper. Doraisamy who after trial on a charge of murder was lound guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to
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    • 2652 9 E- RANGOON Bangkok I I XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m.) HSPS 11.715 mc/s (25.6 m.) iOfe I I J iw I XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94.) 6.50 p.m. National Song and Opening ■i* yjp T y 6.50 pm. Indian Session (Recorded Pro- Announcements. 6.55 Hans Pfitzner and gramme). 7.05 English Session
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    • 368 9 NIROM YDB 15.31 mc/s (19.61 mJ YDC 15.15 mc/.s (19.80 m.) PLP 11.00 mc/s (27.27 m.) PMN 10.26 mc/s (29.24 m.) YDB 9.55 mc/s (31.41 m.) YDD 6.04 mc/s (49.67 m.) 5.50 a.m. Time Signal. National Anthem. Recorded music. 6.05 Gymnastics 6.20 The news. 6.35 Recorded Music. 6.50 Time Signal.
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  • 175 10 Germany Raided By British Soviet Planes London, Aug. 12 Germany had raids in the West and in the East last night. The German News Agency announces that “weak formations of hostile aircraft dropped bombs on several places in Western Germany causing negligible damage.” It adds, “Several Soviet bombers made a
    —Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 151 10 —Reuter. Stated To Have “Kept Thousand Secrets” London, Aug. 12 Sir Reginld Poole—the solicitor who Was said to have “kept a thousand secrets’’ because of his association with important divorce cases—died in London last night. He was 76 years of age. He appeared on one
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 53 10 >i last —Reuter. London, Aug. 11. Nothing to report”, was the terse communique issued yesterday evening tjy the Ministry of Home Security. England had a bombless night. An Air Ministry communique states '“One enemy aircraft flew for a short distance over the South-West Coast last night. No
    >i last —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 151 10 —Reuter. London, August 11. The total registered unemployment in Great Britain on July 14 was: Men and boys 113.662. women and girls 105.915 and of these 30.000 men and 3,000 women were classified as unsuitable for ordinary industrial employment. These figures show a decrease on
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 86 10 —Reuter. Navy Department’s Offer Washington, Aug. 11. The Navy Department has been offered the Kearney shipyards for “immediate possession and operation” by the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company. The work at Kearney, New Jersey, is at a standstill following the strike of 18,0<X) workers which
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 56 10 —Reuter Peshawar, August 11 There has been considerable improvement in the attitude of the Sinkang Government towards British subjects following the Russo German war, according to reports received here from Jashgar. British and Afghan subjects who were arranging to leave the country have, therefore, it
    —Reuter  -  56 words
  • 454 10 ADMIRAL TOYODA RECEIVE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Sir Robert Craigie’s 'ThJ Talks” With Mr. Ishii] za fokyo, Augujj 15 The talk which Sir Robert Craigie, British Ambassador d terday with the Japanese Foreign Minister, Admiral tj was described today by the Deputy Spokesman of the
    .—Reuter.  -  454 words
  • 280 10 Mr. Curtin On Increasing Danger To Country Melbourne, Aug. 12 “The war is moving closer to Australia and it is the duty of every man not fighting in the ranks immediately to go to work,” declared Mr. Curtin, Australian Labour Leader in a statement
    ..—Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 158 10 —Reuter. Plan For Construction Submitted New York. Aug. 11. A joint plan for th? construction of a 1,820 mile oil pipeline system has been submitted to the Petrolum Defence Administrator by eleven large oil companies today. The system would be capable of delivering a quarter million
    —Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 129 10 —Reuter. To Be Equipped With American Material London, Aug. 12. As a preliminary to the formation tn Russia of the Polish Army equipped with the latest American material, the Soviet Government has accepted a militaiy mission headed by the General Szyszko Bohusz who is empowered to
    ’—Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 108 10 -—Reuter. To Be Stabilised By Chungking Chungking, August 12. The Publicity Minister, Mr. Wang Shihchieh, at a press conference yesterday afternoon stated that the Government was determined to stabilise the Chinese do*lar in the Shanghai market. He ex-pressed confidence that the Chinese Currency Stabilisation Board would be able
    -—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 283 10 Reuter. Statement By Mr. Cordell Hull Washington, Aug. 11. The failure of Congress to extend, the service of the army rank and file would have an “exceedingly bad” psychological effect alone on the international situation, declared the Secretary of State, Mr. Cordell Hull, at
    Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 93 10 —Reuter. To Be Rushed To En rope And China After V ar New York, Aug. 12 The United States Government has begun to accumulate huge stocks of foodstuffs which are to be rushed to Europe, China and other distressed areas when the war ends, according to
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 90 10 anne ooa —Reuter. £8,000.000 Raised By Stock Exchange London. Aug. 11. A sum of £8.000.000 had been raised to provide a British battleship by Stock Exchange Savings Groups. An announcement to this effect was made today. The announcement adds that the whole sum was raised on July
    anne ooa —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 35 10 r.—Reuter. Washington, August 12. As a means of helping to check inflation, President Roosevelt authorised the Federal Reserve Board to take any lawful steps necessary to control instalment credit item four.—Reuter.
    r.—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 82 10 Reuter. To Visit Calgary hi September New York, August 12. The “New York Times” Searns that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor will be crossing the United States some time in late September en route to the Duke’s ranch at Calgary. This will be the
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 174 10 —Reuter. New Ordinances To Be Enforced Shortly Tokio, August 11. The draft of four Imperial ordinances designed to gear Japan right up to a total wartime economic footing was approved by the National Mobilisation Investigatory Committee at a meeting held this afternoon at the Premier’s
    —Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 51 10 —Reuter. Men Of 19 And 20 Liable To Be Called Up Ankara, Aug. 12 The National Assembly has passed a bill allowing 19 and 20-year-old classes to be called up without formal declaration of mobilisation. Previously these classes could only be called up after mobilisation had been
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 230 10 —Reuter Cairo, Aug. 12. An Anglo-Egyptian agreement whereby the British and Egyptian Governments will each purchase half of Egypt’s entire cotton crop next season was signed yesterday afternoon. Prices will be the same as last year when Britain purchased nearly the whole crop. Submitting the
    —Reuter  -  230 words
  • 74 10 —Reuter. Full Rank Of Ambassador Tokyo, Aug. 11. Japan is to send a Special Envoy with the full rank of an Ambassador to IndoChina ‘in order to strengthen the friendy ties between the two counties.” The Vichy Government has accepted this Japanese proposal which is,
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 54 10 t.'—Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 12 There were air raids last night in the Suez Canal area and Alexandria, states an official communique. Eight were killed and thirteen injured in the canal zone where there was some damage to property. At Alexandria, four were injured and
    t.'—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 173 10 —Reuter Ship I orpedod Bi. id On Sivil J Cairo. AjJ An attack by the Fleet Air Ard a large merchant ship at Sicily and activity by the Raj 1 Africa are reported in an raj] East communque issued today It states, Cyrenaica- On Sati-J
    —Reuter  -  173 words
  • 226 10 nave No Outstanding I Change Ye! I Hsingking. Far Eastern interest today tred on the Scuth Pacific here and it cannot be said MJ any outstanding change in J relations, at least as cie.’ec J confines of Manchukuo. Here official utterances echo Tokio’s sentiments. J which followed Mr.
    nave --  -  226 words
  • 25 10 Re» 5 MR. R° o> Ln da? For the second United States NavY ceived no disP ato velt’s yacht “Potomac
    Re»5*-  -  25 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 56 10 Steamer sailings in August for United States o f America For full particular» apply to SIME. DARBY cO. LTD. Agents AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES. LTD., 81 Beach Street Telephone 1421—5. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD A CO.. LI
      56 words

  • 227 11 1 fndor Favourite L London, August 12. m»/ r dll Over on the st Leger, R int Un n September 6 attra'tk., a Victoria Club L... Practically no business, r uaier, Owen Tudor, was r out not supported. Only L n, Chateau Larose, r “Ba Hakht.
    227 words
  • 874 11 List Of Entries (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Singapore, August 12 A total of 206 Horses and Ponies have been entered for the Singapore Turf Club Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting to be held on August 23, 27 30 and September 3 6. The following are the entries:
    874 words
  • 87 11 London. Mr. A. H. Maxwell, the Tobacco Controller, who has recently returned from the United States, where he went to irrange supplies from that country, will make a statement in a day or two dealing with the tobacco situation. ‘T worked very hard in America,” he
    87 words
  • 461 11 Team Of 14 Selected T OCAL footballers and followers of the game will be interested to know that Pte. Gibbons, goalkeeper, Pte. Ashmore, left full-back, and Pte. Askew, centre-forward, will be available for the “Malaya” Cup soccer final between Penang and Singapore
    461 words
    42 words
  • 116 11 The following are the latest amendments to the S.R.A. Classification list of Horses and Ponies: HORSES Transfers From Cla s s 2to Class 1, —Confidence, Remember Me. From Class 2 to Class 3.—Grofmo, Sir Theobald. From Class 3 to Class 2.—Hot Flash.
    116 words
  • 594 11 A cceptances For Tomorrow RACE 1 3.00 p.m. Horses —Class 3 —About 5 Furlongs 0 3 2 BURRANEER fey 9.10 Mr. Lee Hong Teik Fen.i 4 3 3 STORMY NIGHT 12y 8.01 Mr?. S. B. Palmer Siliey 0 4 0 THE EMPEROR ly 7.13 Mr. Chee Soon
    594 words
  • 249 11 B.M. Estate XI Beat East Surreys In a charity soccer match, the Bukit Mertajam Estate XI playing on the home ground beat a team of the East Surreys. The Estate XI scored a few minutes after the start through Khalid. Cpl. Tippin equalised just before half time. After
    249 words
  • 128 11 Ajax, one of the outstanding performers of the Australian turf, has been bought for stud purposes by Mr. W. J. Smith of St. Aubin’s Stud, New South Wales. In 46 starts, Ajax won 36 times, was second seven times, third twice and was only once unplaced.
    128 words
  • 297 11 U.S. Golf Association Conducting Tests qpHE United States Golf Association is x conducting tests, with a view to limiting the distance qualities of balls, from Jan. 1, 1942, writes Hector Morrison in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. It is anxious that manufacturers should not produce a ball capable
    297 words
  • 72 11 Anriial Club Championship Members are i eminded that the First Qualifying Round of the Annual Club Championship is due to be played on Saturday and Sunday the 16th and 17th of Aueust. Full conditions are posted on the notice-board in the Cltib-house. In conjunction with this
    72 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 <Toiamomo> W j EM /7 FURNIT JRE •‘TUBECRAFT” tables, Chairs. Stools. BcdMeads. Cots. Revolving Office Chairs. Shop and Hospital equipment a-r rrade in eithei Chromium or Stove Enamel finish. Special designs made to order for sufficient .Tuantitles; LIGHT WORK WITH BRASSO METAL POLISH M22
      44 words

  • 256 12 Kapai Jaguar In Thrilling Race Rackarock One To Watch (From Our Own Correspondent) Taipin?, Today. p AST work was seen when training for the Taiping’ races began this morning. The track is in good condition. One of the first horses out was East Lynne,
    256 words
  • 47 12 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,534,327.95, made up of Penang $976,819.18 and Perak $557,508.77. Previously acknowledged $976 691.90 Labourers of Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd. 127.28 $976,819.18. PERAK Previcusly Acknowledged $557,508 77 Rambun Tin Mine Stall Employees (monthly) 31.70 $557,540.47
    47 words
  • 203 12 Carmen Miranda Scores Again Colourful Brazil with its exotic music and dances provides the background for 20th Century-Fox’s technicolor production, “That Night In Rio,” now showing at the Rex starring Alice Faye, Don Ameche and Camen Miranda. “That Night In Rio” has plenty of
    203 words
  • 115 12 A fire broke cut in an open field at the corner of the New Coast Road and Birch Road yesterday afternoon. The surface of the field was burnt in several patches. The tire is believed to have been caused by a lighted cigarette
    115 words
  • 82 12 TO BE PROVIDED WITH UNIFORM r pHE Penang Municipal Commissioners have agreed, with regard to the Volunteer Guard at the Municipal Offices and Town Hall, that the Municipal employees who have volunteered for this unit (which includes fire-watching, fire-protection and first-aid duties) should be provided
    82 words
  • 80 12 The Municipal Commissioners have given sanction, under paragraph 3 of the Regulations for Service of Municipal Officers, for Mr. T. W. Douglas (Municipal Secretary) to undertake the duties of Director of Passive Defence Services, Penang and Province Wellesley, during the present Director’s absence on
    80 words
  • 98 12 $2O Millions From Loans An official communique states that the following telegram has been received by H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies: “I have received with muih appreciation your telegram reporting that a total sum of $20,200,000 has
    98 words
  • 105 12 Reuter. Tokio, Aug. 13. 64TAPAN and the Soviet Ji Union are conducting their affairs in an atmosphere of quiet trust and accommodation,” writes Tuesday’s “Japan Times,” organ of the Japan Foreign Office. The paper refers to “repeated denials” by M. Lozovsky, Soviet spokesman, which
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 400 12 London, August ij. situation in Russia shows little change from yesterday. In the main German thrust towards Mos- cow both sides have, for the moment, fought themselves to a standstill —Reuter. Fox* the purpose of convenience, the whole Russian front can be divided
    .—Reuter.  -  400 words
  • 692 12 Planters Oppose New AntiMalarial Bill SECOND READING POSTPONED AT STATE COUNCIL MEETING Taiping. That the Planting Industry was not’ in favour of the amendment to Section 4 of the Principal Enactment contained in Clause 2 of the Anti-Malaria 1 (Amendment) Bill, 1941, which was' read a first time on November
    692 words
  • 137 12 I —8.0. W Melbourne, August 12. 4 T the unanimous request of the emergency Cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies, is going to London again as soon a* possible. The Cabinet’s request to Mr. Menzies to return to London is understood to be
    I —8.0. W  -  137 words
  • 352 12 R.A.F. Fleet Air Arm Active In Libya London. Aug. 13. A MIDDLE EAST communique states “Extensive raids were carr j ec j out by a j rcra f to f t he R.A.F. and Fleet Air Arm on enemy positions and aerodromes in Libya during the night of August 10-11.
    —Reuter  -  352 words
  • 31 12 Export of dry rubber from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of July, 1941: Tons. Mainland 53,344: Straits Settlements Islands 394 Brunei 129 Labuan 9 53,876
    31 words
  • 43 12 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. TIN: Penang $131.25 Singapore $131.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 l/2c Singapore Spot 38 l/2c COPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium nominal Fair Se.ri nominal ’MCE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $10.36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.94
    43 words
  • 36 12 Bl A European resid f tM 1 Road was broken int hours of yesterda) d pair of gold cuff-h lars in cash were the rooms. The_ bxug ed in the morning, notified. J
    36 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 361 12 (Bead Office) 218 p,^ ar 4 Phone 1477 J TelecratEj “rxe» Rate» oi aui»cn c P’aajgA Sunday G JS? B ’oJ OA 1s? Monthly J, *4 quarterly 750 ’’oo S m J j" -nlnlmum t "charee‘ C o' *7l ST Birth», Marriage? Death I ’edgments, Announcem’enui p P H viU
      361 words