Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 326 1 ».S. To Adopt A •I More Realistic I Attitude fleygcmd Not Present ■At Cabinet Meeting B Vichy, Aug. 12. EYGAND, it is now announced, did not attend yesterday afternoon’s Cabinet meetHe left for Algiers before it started. W ASHINGTON MESSAGE SAYS THAT AMERICAN ■ELATION'S WITH VICHY
    s.—Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 132 1 —Reuter. I German London, August 11. G-. have fi red on and killi Who refused to let Bri- 41 sweep the streets of fttre Daily Mail’s” special S- Alexandria quoting a T 1 a liens were specially paraded v, a h s T do
    —Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 30 1 ‘oosevHf irom I'resident kr “Potomac.”—Keu- Forthp UaM,In Rton, Aug. 12. <nip. d Nta^. < On<l SUCCessive day the 4 Nav Department has hoosevc], 10 1 from President kr “Potomac.”—Reu-
    ‘oosevHf irom I'resident kr ’ “Potomac.”—Keu-  -  30 words
  • 149 1 E.O.W. London, August ii. famous aviator James Mollison, now employed in the Air Transport Auxiliary, has just returned to England after a remarkable flight to French Equatorial Africa He had ferried a “Cunliffe Owen Flying Wing.T the new unorthodox type of civil aircraft to the
    E.O.W.  -  149 words
  • 65 1 .—Reuter. Effort To Reach Goal Of £200.000 Shanghai. August 10. Britoixs and Allied nationals in China are making an extra effort to reach the goal of £200.000 by August 15 in contributions to the voluntary war contribution fund and thus permit a remittance to be made to
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 68 1 —Reuter. Ankara, Aug. 12. TT is disclosed in knkara that a J German Junkers 88 bomber made a forced landing on the Turkish seashore near Fetsiye 1\ t Saturday owing to lack of petrol. The crew of three, jettisoned papers, gunsights and other
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 88 1 —Reuter. List Of Casualties Announced London. August 11. Out of a complement of 1.450 one officer and 35 ratings were casualties in the destroyer H.M.S. “Fearless” sunk on July 23. One Officer and 15 ratings are missing and presumed killed, nine ratings died of wounds, and eleven ratings
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 788 1 LONDON, AUG. 12. YJILITARY ANALYSTS HERE EXPECT THAT SOME DEFINITE RESULT MUST EMERGE ALONG THE WHOLE WIDE RUSSIAN BATTLEFRONT IN DAYS RATHER TH AN WEEKS. The latest Russian communique suggests that the Germans are still pressing very strongly all along
    —Reuter.  -  788 words
  • 46 1 Reuter. London, August 11. A SECOND All-Ainerican Eagle Squadron has been formed bi the K.A.F., states the Air Ministry News Service and has already had its first encounter with the enemy. As a result the squadron claims one Junkers 88 as "probably destroyed.”—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 162 1 —Reuter. Vichy, August 11. The discussions between Vichy ministers which followed closely upon each other since Saturday were continued this morning, states the Vichy News Agency. They included an interview today between General Huntziger, Minister for War, and General W’eygand, Marshal Petain’s Delegate General in North
    —Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 224 1 Big Developments In Far East Soon Tokio, Aug. 12. THE British Ambassador, Sir Robert Craigie, called at the Foreign Office yesterday afternoon. With both the British and American Ambassadors active in Tokio, important developments are expected very shortly. A pact of assistance between the
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  • 87 1 —Reuter Landon, Aug 12. jySSTRUCTION of the railway bridge of Che movody, a district on the right bank of the Danube, teas reported- in this morning's first Soviet com mu nyque. This great bridge was of particular importance because across it runs the railway line joining
    —Reuter  -  87 words
  • 452 1 THE NEXT MOVE —Reuter. London, Aug. 12. rpilE inflammable situation in the Far East forms the theme of today’s leaders in the “Daily Telegraph’’ and “Daily Mail,” the latter describing the situation as: “nearly at flash point.” The “Daily Telegraph” says: “The Japanese militarists
    ”—Reuter.  -  452 words
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    • 25 1 fo l HE 1 i I V fl n t n maLfl A M 5 ntflß 25 VERRS F JJ F JvinG EXCELLEnCE T *****2
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    • 265 1 i~ T 16 HOURS ENERGY 8 HOURS SOUND REST Agents: G. H. SLOT^ &~Co., Ltd. SCIENCE WINS is a well established fact that mil lions of dollars are expended annually in repairing the damage done by Termites or White Ants as they arc commonly called. In a recent press survey,
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  • 299 2 Japan To Be Put On Total Wartime Economic 4 NEW ORDINANCES DRAFTED Government To Be Given Wider Powers Tokiu, Aug. 11. The draft of four imperial ordinances designed to gear Japan right up to a total wartime economic footing was approved by the National Mobilisation Investigatory Committee at a meeting
    only with industrial mobilisation.—Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 158 2 I. —Reuter R.A.F. Meet W ith No Opposition London. Aug 10. An attack on German shipping and sweeps over Northern France are reported in an Mr Ministry communique issued cn Sunday. It states "RA.F. fighters esconed Blenheim /bombers in an attack or enemy shipping off’ the French
    I.—Reuter  -  158 words
  • 74 2 d.—8.0.W. Rugby. August 11 Today, August 11, is the anniversary of one of the biggest Nazi sir .attacks launched in Britain. About four hundred enemy aircraft participated. Sixty were destroyed and 25 R.A.F. planes were shot down. Yesterday’ British aircraft attacked enemy shipping and
    d.—8.0.W.  -  74 words
  • 79 2 —Reuter. Economic Adviser To Hongkong Gov eminent Hong Kong, August. 11. Mr. Cyril Rogers has been appointed Economic Adviser to the Government of Hong Kong in connection with problems immediately arising from the freeizng of Chinese and Japanese as- i sets and the inclusion nf the Colony
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 93 2 —B.<O.W Rugby, dugust to Ther: -is no shortage of food in Britain and no signs nf malnutrition, and there is every lope of increase-; <up plies o] certain foodstuffs especially for children. 7 his was stated yesterday by the Food Minister who, however, dcclartd
    —B.<O.W  -  93 words
  • 24 2 —Reuter. Ankara. Aug. 11 The express from Istanbul to Erzertun today car.ied many Germans on their way to Iran.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 652 2 Increasing German Threat To Odessa Aug. 11. FT is authoritatively stated in London that the Germans appear to have made considera hie progress in the Ukraine. From information available, it would certainly seem that the threat to Odessa is increasing. There is nothing to indicat e
    —Reuter  -  652 words
  • 507 2 Counter-Measures For Each Step Japan Takes JAPANESE MINISTER AT WASHINGTON RETURNS Tokio, Aug. 11. r pHE United States is fully prepared with counter-measures L to be applied one by one for each step Japan takes in future, according to Mr. Kaname Wakasugi, Japanese Minister at
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  • 211 2 Sh ipbuilding In Canada —Reuter filf '‘ROGRaJ y| £ANADA i s plan J eluding the ecnsti troyers and the b J Year of a inijli o'‘ 0 shipping. This i s J London by M r&lt; An J Canadian Minister fl chant services. I Canada is p i a n
    —Reuter  -  211 words
  • 57 2 GIFT FOR Received From J Of Empirtl DnJ The Ministry of Aiitnftl has received over £11)0 1 end of June as a The peak month wa«ta«l £2,000.000 was received. Almost every’ town in.Br.xl country in the British Sup J many foreign countries .a control, have comr.te. a total. A high
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  • 54 2 —Reuter. Aruyal Atjaspeil Lodge I Jasper. (Alberta; Av The Duke of Kent arrtd Point Cabin. Jasper Park 4 short rest. This cabin at.-I which was occupied by iwj Queen during their tour it way i.lie Duke frequently to speak to people aloq'J»’ will leave for Edmontos day’
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 100 2 —Reuter. Presence Of German Nationals London, August 11. It is learnt here that the Soviet Government has bet?n addressing representations 1o the Iranian Government about the presence in Iran of German nationals and the potential dangers of their presence. The Soviet has also called attention to
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 52 2 —Reuter German Plane Makes Forced Landing Cairo. August 10. It L- nov. revealed that a German p’ane made a forced landing near Lake Borollos about 50 miles east of Alexandria dating an. attempted raid on. the Nile last w«ek. Four occupants were taker, prisoner. Two were wnu
    —Reuter  -  52 words
  • 69 2 Reuter. Sydney, August 11. Today there has been the largest daily number of applicants to join the Australian Imperial Forces since recruiting was resumed several months ago. The recruiting staffs attributed the rush to the gravity of the Pacific situation for many applicants said,
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 363 2 Incident Outside Synagogue Zurich. August 11. While Admiral Darlan continued his efforts on Sunday to persuade his colleagues to accept the policy of full surrender, a bomb exploded in front of the Vichy Synagogue, according to the Vichy correspondent of “La Suisse”. Official Vichy circles called
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  • 318 2 JU -Reuter Rugby, August 11. The worsening food situation has led to riots in several districts, according to messages reaching Oslo and quoted in London. In several districts there has been no meat at all since last autumn. Potatoes are lacking in some places
    JU -Reuter  -  318 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 New Springtide Hotel «BOX® No M TANJOIWS BUNGAH HFN4MI THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOVR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR GOME AND SPEND AN EVENING HERE MODERN MODELS in WRIST WATCHES Guaranteed To Ensure Accurate Time-keeping For A Life-Time.
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  • 594 3 l n l Douglas Bomber I T'ested I vjat j o n experts were astonished when Douglas Air- unveiled its new flying battleship, the B-19, and l^ 1 xo-ton gi Jint b° ro^er out itg hangar for the first r th f &lt; Lon Jones
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  • 69 3 ‘■Uh LL llisOn the well-known Bri*ncen fc nQ actor, participated in a Bren.,, 1 was broadcast by the tai rrom a German internkodij. d was introduced as the cam, ~r a ger, and director of the f theatre. H Alison Peecb after the concert. Mr. who
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  • 501 3 QIDE by side with the offensive in the field Hitler has begun a new offensive in France. It is clever and is being skilfully carried out. It is an offensive that we cannot afford to ignore. For several weeks past Germans, speaking French quite well,
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  • 531 3 "What good English you Norwegian airmen speak!” a young girl said shyly to an R.A.A.F. man on a London park bench the other night. It is one of the reasons why Australian airmen serving abroad are delighted at the news that they will in future wear
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  • 964 3 Whenever Europe, at the command of a tyrant master, shuts its doors to Britain, the finest and freest of her intellects contrived to yet out of continental prison houses to the island where men still were free. At times such as these, London becomes the capital
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  • 212 3 REAT bravery in several London I raids stands to the credit of Thomas Charles Graves, a J 6 year-old A.F.S. man. j He has been bombed out cf his fire station fnur times—and twice out of his heme. The other day, at Middlesex j Sessions,
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  • 368 3 MODERN AMERICAN FIGHTER PLANES f |NE of the answers to Japan’s new strategic moves in In- do-China is not in theory nor on paper. Jt is in the air—squadrons of high speed American fightei planes. They are flying up the Burmah Road which once carried
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  • 107 3 IMPORTANCE OF N.I. AMERICAN TRADE Batavia. United States trade with the Netherlands Indies will be discussec shortly when Mr. E. C. Zimmerman, the N.I, Trade Commissioner in New York, arrives on a short visit tc BataviaMr. Zimmerman, it is stated. wli‘ discuss problems concerned, with N.I. imports from America, including
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  • 708 4 Rationing Of Foods Probable IN the event of Malaya being directly involved in actual warfare, it would become desirable to begin rationing rice and other foods merely as a precaution to ensure that the heavy stocks already held in reserve will last longer. This was
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  • 255 4 Bill Aims At New Scale Of .Fines To put a stop to the “infliction of fines out of all proportion to the gravity of the offence” of evad ng customs duties is the aim of a Bill to amend the Trade and Customs Enactment in Johore, which
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  • 29 4 Beauty, a London dog. receives the P.D.S.A. Pioneer Medal for his service» in finding animals buried during air raida Presentation was made by Patricia Burke, the actress.
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  • 187 4 Mr. Athol Foster, Singapore state cricketer and outstanding Rugby player for the Singapore Cricket Club, who left Singapore soon after the outbreak of war and returned to New Zealand to join the Air Force, has been killed in an air crash in Auckland. Mr Foster,
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  • 406 4 ‘*THE story of Thailand today is the story of a nation wait1 ing to be invaded,” declared Mr. Frank Gervasi, associate editor of the American Magazine, Collier’s Weekly, when he arrived in Singapore after spending ten days in Bangkok.
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  • 294 4 Found Guilty Of Housebreaking Seremban. After a hearing lasting two days, Mr. Justice W. K. Horne at a special session of the Negri Sembilan Assizes found five privates of the A.I.F. guilty on a charge of housebreaking with intent to commit theft at the 4th mile, Coast
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  • 145 4 Miss Jeanne 'Aeria And Corporal Scully The wedding took place at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, of Miss Jeanne Marie Aeria, of the Statistics Dept, Singapore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Aeria, and Corporal Scully of the Royal Air Force, Seletar, son of
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  • 131 4 BAN SOUGHT QPITTING in public streets, places and vehicles may be forbidden in Johpre. A Bill to be introduced in the Johore Council of State seeks to amend the Small Offences Enactment by the inclusion of a clause providing a penalty up to $2 5 for spitting
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  • 280 4 No Permit For Removal Of Ship’s Cargo Asahiko Yamada, described as manager of the Nippon Yusen Kaishu (Japanese shipping line) in Singapore, pleaded guilty in the Fourth Court to a charge of removing 544 cases of dutiable fire-crackers from the S.S. Tottori Maru without permit
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  • 930 4 Indictment By id Military Council Chinese defenders have, reported more than Japan since the war began. Those employ ed against smaller troops in guerilla districts and not reported by victim J than double the figure, according to e ‘MILITARY AFFxipl j the Military Training Board of the
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  • 45 4 CHIII'I’ 1 Th® students of the F^. e Kota Tinggi. treS $lB6 03 for the relief 1 tish children. This am&lt;^‘ asUr erS fji warded to the hon e arHia rlif e 'j Malaya Patriotic paid the Lord Mayors Fund.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 150 4 (I^xll pnps? 1 you can learn from EM! Nature, which feeds so many strong, bit? animals, offers many treasures of health and energy to you too. In Blue Band these treasures are to be found in an economical and tasty form. The most nourishing and easiest digestible vegetable fats are
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 683 5 Found Buried In Garden Of Quarters Taiping. An open verdict was returned by Tengku Syed Abdullah, the Taiping Second Magistrate, at the conclusion of the inquiry info the death of Nagamuttu, a locomotive driver who was found Juried in the garden of his Railway quarters
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  • 90 5 Sends Greetings To Sultan Of Perak Kuala Kangsar. Raja Razman. Secretary to His Highness the Sultan of Perak and Dato Stia Bi-iaya di-Raja, Territorial Chief. Kuala Kangsar, were in Singapore over the week end They conveyed a message of welcome from His Highness the Sultan to
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  • 447 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. J. S. A. Lewis has been appointed to be Secretary to the Board of Licensing Justices. Penang. Corporal L. C. Smith has been granted a Commission as Temporarv Second-Lieutenant. S.S.V F. The promotion of Sub-Lieutenant T. G. Adams, S.S. R.N.V.R., to the rank of Acting Lieutenant, has
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 169 5 atre 7he M hole Town Is Waiting M //fix 4 r rived by' Air Mail Today &lt;&lt;***T R 1 J PENANG’S MOST LUXURIOUS MR-CONDITIONED THEATRE I— pns TODAY AT 3; 6.15 9.30 p.m. H pr! jcES (INCLUDING ENT. DUTY): i^ EE -1 60 CTS&lt; 2nd CLASS 50 CTS. 3rd 20
      169 words
    • 282 5 I. 1 1 1 I HHH F RIR-CODDITIOneD NS T D CSI i -Last 3 Snows lodav OPENS TO-DAY THREE SHOWS m 0 FUN! EXCITEMENT! ROMANCE! P A 0 i o 1 LTk AN OUTSTANDING CHINESE rrank Morgan s Greatest Screen Laugh Kiot I picture THE STORY OF A BROADWAY
      282 words
    • 382 5 Fashion Forecast GORGFO'S COLOURS OF THE SCI 1 H SEAS I ON THE STAGE 45 Minutes Of Glamour, .l-titi. Music and Laughter c. s. see's Master Creation “g|l i “SARONG FASHION PARADE" -iirwt Now on V orl&lt;i lour! New Different &lt; That something yoiTve never seen before I Ml LU
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  • 462 6 V EVER was a truer word 1 ■L spoken than when Her Ma- i jesty the Queen tcld Americans, on Sunday 7 night that hardship had only 7 steeled British hearts. London has experienced nearly two years of suspense and bloodshed, of constant aerial warfare. The Empire’s
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  • 168 6 —Reuter. Two Cliaplajis Taken Prisoner By Enemy London, August 11. Two holders of the Military Cross and two Army Chaplains—the latter taken prisoners—are included in the War Office casualty l:st No. 201 published today. Major R.G. Cook M.L., Royal Artillery, who died of wounds was
    —Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 156 6 —Reuter. Cargo Of Oil Seized By Japanese Shanghai, August 9 With a cargo of 2.000 barrels of od which have been confiscated, the Amen can tanker “Meiyo” owned by ,h Socony Company of New York has b?en intercepted by the Japanese Navy at a Yangtse river port
    —Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 119 6 &lt;To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette"). Sir, For Saturday’s Malaya Cup Final at Kuala Lumpur, don’t you think it would be a generous gesture on the part of the F.M.S. Railways if single-fare-for-double-journey tickets were issued to enable Penang supporters to make the trip? I know the Railways
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    • 155 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, With tailoring charges shooting up like anything, good clothes will soon disappear. That is quite all right by me, but while it is still possible to make clothes, don’t you think, Sir, that something should be done to prevent profiteering by
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  • 414 6 New Found Morale T}R. VICTOR PURCELL, Direc-tor-General of Information and Publicity, Malaya, can always be. depended on for a sane, sensible interpretation of the war situation. There wasn’t much that he had to tell us in his broadcast from Singapore on Sunday night, but how comforting it
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  • 722 6 Tuesday, Aug 12. TMPORTANT developments in the Far East are expected shortly according to a Tokio message which says that the British Ambassador, Sir Robert Craigie, called at the Japanese Foreign Office yesterday afternoon. ER way Japan moves, she will have stiff opposition to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 In offering you Wines from the YALUMBA VINEYARDS of SOUTH AUSTRALIA We are offering von Australia’s Best. A glass or two of good Wine, taken regularly, is one of the finest Tonics extant. CARTE DOR HOCK FOUR CROWN CLARET FOUR CROWN PORT SPARKLING HOCK, YALUMBA CHAMPAGNE, ETC. Sole Agents CALDBECK.
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    • 34 6 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS Always Specify. DEL MONTE PRODUCTS are known the world over. o OBTAINABLE AT All the leading dealers. o SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 Around The Town REX CINEMA: “That Night In Rio” with Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda and Don Ameche. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.” 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “Henry Goes Arizona.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Flying G-Men.” (Serial). 3.00
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  • 1275 7 Ra ce Horse Owner’s Claim For $15,000 Damages SEQUEL TO MOTOR ACCIDENT Alleges Injuries Lessened Earning Capacity A SUM of $4,585 as special damages being expenses incurred while in hospital, etc.,and $lO,OOO as general damages was claimed in the Supreme Court this morning in a case in which Teoh Cheow
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  • 110 7 ■•BROOCHES and tie-pins and ca r and nwUH-eycle badges are ■he ns manufaetiu ed by a Kuala Kflrm, the total nett proceeds V .u nf these signs being inf Or war funds. K attractively designed ■«hid metal products and should ■on with the Malayan pubhc, esKivasthe
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  • 142 7 ■leCtmti ilmg &lt;.'• t.'niUee of fin* M;--Miners' bund' r Fund acknowthe i' ll''•'i'-~ further donations Fund;— acknow* Hedged $885,160.19 HrD. T. Waring 1,000.00 Foo Nyit Tse ■/Bros. Ltd. 1,000.00 Hr. V» wig Kwai 750.00 Hr. W ung Keng 500.00 Hr. Cheong Hir. 500.00 Estate of Yap
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  • 122 7 F/ er ‘Ce of five months’ rigorous imto be followed by 12 months' ■"Supervision was imposed by Mr. t -idge in the Third Court this f ln g on Ong Hock Lye who was L? e committing theft of one valued at $l5, at
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  • 409 7 U.S. Journalist Here se AIS m re than Ule ar I» the &gt;»* democracy. America Statu,. J f civi ’isation. The a PUfi o -.nti* ,K rt&gt; S gloriously and lorfc hirk in tile New S embolic, not of liberty of hberty, but of
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  • 124 7 Anti-profiteering committees are being formed in the Settlements of the Colony and the Malay States. Members of the public who wish to make complaints and reports regarding profiteering are invited to get in touch with any member of the Committee for their Settlement or State, states
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  • 104 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,534,200.67, made up of Penang $976,691.90 and Perak $557,508.77. Today’s list includes a further contribution of $l5O from “Loyal British Subjects, Kedah”. Previously acknowledged $976,444.90 Clerical Staff of Malakoff Estate 17.00 Loyal British Subjects. Kedah 150.00 Labour
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  • 57 7 Arrival In Penang On Thursday His Highr.ess the Maharajah of Patiala will visit the Sikh Gurdwara at Brick Kiln Road, Penang, at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 14. At 5.15 p.m. the same cay, a tea party in honour cf the Maharajah will be given at the
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  • 280 7 Inquest Into Death Of Young Woman Appearing as witness at an inquiry held in the Coroner's Court yesterday into the death of his 21-year-old wife, Lee Choon Sim, Soon M’ng Seng said that he found his wife hanging in the front hall of their house in Pattis
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  • 104 7 Appearing before Mr. B. F. Bridge in the Third Court this morning, a Chinese, Tan Hock Lye, age 20, was charged with having in his possession one “Bosch” bicycle lamp, of the possession of Which he had failed to give satisfactory account. He pleaded guilty’ to
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  • 261 7 No Increase In Quota: Official Decision Singapore. Government has decided that there is to be no increase in the quota of Chinese immigrants to Malaya, and this decision has been communicated to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. In a petition submitted to the Colonial Secretary, the
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  • 349 7 Many Arrive In Bangkok BUSINESSES CLOSE DUE TO FREEZING ORDER Singapore. JAPANESE nationals evacuating from Singapore and the Federated Malay States arrived in Bangkok yesterday by train, and more are expected via the International Express during the coming weeks. Evacuees will, it is reported, either
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  • 94 7 Presentation At Kuala Lumpur At the meeting of the Federal Council to be held on August 19, His Excellency the High Commissioner will present the badge of the C.B.E. awarded to the Hon. Mr. S. B. Palmer, the badge of the 0.8. E. awarded to Major W.
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  • 230 7 Woman’s Test of New Treatment for Indigestion A new treatment for the jelief of digestive disorders is r..w c with amazingly successful -o. The remedy is known as Char —c, and one woman writes about it as follows: “I have been a great sufferer from
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 Malay Industrial Fair Kulim. In Aid Of The Malaya Patriotic Fund UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF H.H. THE REGENT AND THE HON’ABLE THE BRITISH ADVISER, KEDAH Will be held at Kulim from 23-8-41 to 25-8-41 OPENING CEREMONY AT 10 A.M. ON SATURDAY 23-8-41 You Will See Past industries come back to
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  • 99 8 Experts Oppose War Plan The Chamber of Shipping i§ paying close attention to the Ministry of Ship ping s proposal that the free board of open shelter deck vessel s shall be reduced in order to provide additional cargo carrying space. Practical shippers as a whole
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    • 458 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 12th August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/6 2/9 5/0 Austral Amal 6/9 7/0c £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0 $1 Ayer Weng .70 .75 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
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    • 230 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal 'Malay 1.55 1.60 Ayer Hitam .824 .874 Ayer Molek 1.124 1.174 Ayer Panas 1.074 1-124 Bassett .37 .40 Batu Lintang 1.00 1.02$ Benford .85 .88 Benta .924 .974 Borelli 1.27$ 1-324 Broga .55 .58 Brunei United .55 .60
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    • 350 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.674 1.724 $2 Alex. Brick 74% Pref 2.07$ 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chaptered Bank £B4 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref. 19/6 20/3 $5 P.
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    • 109 8 mining Dividend Boo’js close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus Austral Amal 3d. and 14 Bonus Batu Selangor 5% 12/16.8.41 20 841 Kampong Kamunting 3d. Bonus 9d 12/22.8.41 22 841 9d 20.8.41 27.8.41 o lUral Int- (12c 12.8.41 15.8.41 T Ut 3 ier J l
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  • 598 8 Reserves Fast Diminish] ng? A severe shortage of tin played an important part in the ultimate defeat oj. Germany in the last v ar. It is claimed that. Germany is now rapidly running short of the metal. What is the position of Germany in regard to stocks
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  • 176 8 A fairly substantial increase in profits is shown in the 1940 accounts of the Consolidated Diamond Mine s of SouthWest Africa, Ltd. Mining profits, invest ment income and sundry profits totalled £255.909 last year, a rise of £57,046 on 1939. All Preference dividend arrears were
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  • 47 8 Rubber crop returns for the month of July. lbs. Aior Gajah 17.600 Australasia 23 200 Ayer Panas 73.000 Bukit Kubu 18.500 GleneaI V 55.000 Jalan Kebun 12,100 Kluang 51,200 Pajam 197.000 Port Swettenham 8.100 Talisman 11.000 Tambalak 16,000 Teluk Anson 79,455 Ulu Benut 30,500
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  • 836 8 Increased Malayan Ocean Shipments For July Stanton Nelson Co., Limited Singapore, August 7. The four working days comprised in the past week have not been remarkable for any improvement in the volume of trading, or for news regarding the attitude of the Home Government to the question
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  • 131 8 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 1550th Auction. 7th August. 1941 lbs. tons. Catalogued 2,428,253 1,084.04 Offered 2.293,415 1,023.84 Sold 1,720,416 768.04 London—Spot 13 l/2d. New York—23 cents. PRICES REALISED RIBBED SMOKED SHEET cts per lb. Standard Quality 38 3/8 —38 1/2 &lt;2 lots—3B 5/8) Good
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  • 109 8 SHAR E MARKET NOTES The share mai-v--nued to sa g wi r in ai J there wnc 1 n*org was however n any section. n Among the Doii ar I kong Fatts, subtly eased Talams, and Telok r with sellers scarce mained firm at a 1 other hand. I
    109 words
  • 144 8 BRITAIN’S GAIN WAR BALANCES U.S. Help A Big "(1 Drawing up what he dfj rough balance sheet” in Co 2j the war, Mr. Thoma. LeTj M.P. for the Eiland at Halifax, cited causes J with Britain’s achievements “Germany,” he said, ly for seven years for this wl and France did
    144 words
  • 29 8 MALAYSIA Profit for 1940 £8.303 D I £350 (£5O) N.D.C.; to taxi»] (£5OO &gt; to replanting rerd (£5.000). dividend 10 per cat cent.) directors’ extra remunaa (£2l6'. forward. £6.099 (15X|
    29 words
  • 121 8 Foreign imports of rubber into Malaya during the first half year 194. total imparts and average monthly prices, Grade I Rubber (R. S. SJatM are as follows: H (Weights in Dry Tons 2,240 lbs. English) I !941 Total Imports I Rubber Latex Wet (Concen- I (Grade II)
    121 words
  • 100 8 Yesterday’s Close TIN: LONDON “Spot” £257. 0. 0. “Forward” £259 15. 0 SINGAPORE 4132 11 “Spot” $132.75 Business done PENANG »1* 1 “Spot” $132 75 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 9;16d. “Forward” Unchanged Tone Steady SINGAPORE “Spot” 3 8 i'2c PENANG “Spot” 38 lj2o COPRA: PENANG: nsaCti oH Sundried
    100 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 BANKS aggi—— w i I Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged I jyith us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals. &lt; I I Further particulars will be '&lt; I supplied on application. 9 s THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD.
      187 words

  • 281 9 WHATEVER may be said of the Papuans or the natives who inhabit the mountainous territories of New Guinea there is one good point they have demonstrated recently—loyalty, stated a traveller who arrived from there recently. Here is the tale this traveller related: It was only recently that
    281 words
  • 355 9 Sydney. to criticisms of military camp life and training and to suggestions that the army uniform should be “glamourised,” Major Gen. Miles, G.0.C., Eastern Command, recently said that some criticisms of camp life were so devoid of fact that they created wrong public
    355 words
  • 82 9 AUSTRALIAN NEWS Delhi, Aug. 5. During July eight industrial disputes, involving altogether 23,088 workers, were in progress Four of these strikes were in Bombay, two in Bengal and two in the Central Provinces, affecting respectively 2.638, 1.600 and 18,850 workers. The Bengal strikes were
    82 words
  • 263 9 Melbourne, July 31. giSTER SHIRLEY BECHERVAISE of Geelong, a nurse trained at Alfred Hospital, has been awarded the Royal Red Cross for services at Dunkirk. Against Election:—Suggestions of 3 general election at present are regarded as a menace by the Prime Minister (Mr. Menzies) and “insanity” by
    263 words
  • 118 9 Make 80 Scarves For Forces SCHOOLBOYS are making scarves for soldiers from wool they gathered from the fields and hedgerows in the Fylde district cf Lancashire. The boys scour the wool, “tease” it—separate I the fibres by hand —“card” it, and spin it Their teacher learned to spin
    118 words
  • 272 9 TUESDAY, 12TH AUGUST, 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regq. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weame’s Air August 12th Inst. Singapore -10 .05 Service 1 p.m. 12.45 p.m. AFRICA All destinations .50 »25 8.0.A.C. Thurs. 14th Inst
    272 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 3245 9 RANGOON Bombay ■BE I f I 601 mc/s «9.94 m) VUB2 7.24 mc/s (41.44 m.) Bl waL W &gt; j «en YO 248 mc/s &lt;B6 m) VUB2 9.55 mc/s &lt;31.4 m.) R f W J ’c-amrn?’^/^^, s^ ***** &lt; Rf&gt; cord?d F.o- &lt;9 50 a m.—12.20 pan.; 2.20 fc^H 116
      3,245 words
    • 619 9 RANGOON XYO 3 48 mc/s (86 m.) XYO 6.01 mc/s (49 94.) 6 50 p.m. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.20 Burmese News and Market Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Programme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded PlO- 11.05 Dance Programme. 11.10 Close down. SAN FRANCISCO (TREASURE ISLAND) KGEI 9.67
      619 words

  • 271 10 Moscow, Aug. 10. "OEPRESENTATH ES of all Slav nations—Poles, Czechs, Serbians, (mats, Slovenese, Macedonians and Montenegrins—spoke at a meeting held in Moscow this afternoon. —Reuter. The meeting was opened by the well- 1 known Russian writer, M. Alexei Tolstoy. M. Tolstoy declared the
    ”—Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 79 10 —Reuter. Melbourne, August 11. “While we desire peace in the Pacific, we are not disposed to run away from the geographically plain fact that Singapore is ’part of the Australia frontier,” said Mr. Menzies, the Australian Prime Minister before today’s emergency meeting of the Cabinet.
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 118 10 proaching Shanghai from Guam.—Reuter. Three Killed And 12 Seriously Injured Shanghai, August 8 Three Chinese were killed and twelve seriously injured and a number of others slightly as a result of a violent typhoon which Just missed Shanghai tonight. The typhoon changed direction at the last minute
    proaching Shanghai from Guam.—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 151 10 —Reuter. Placed Under Government Priority Control Washington, Aug. 9 The Office of Production and Management today placed steel in all forms under full Government priority control. The Director has issued the control order relating to alloy of steel owing to the growing shortage of certain types of
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 95 10 —Reuter. Attack On Defences At Tobruk Cairo, August 11. A British G.H.Q. communique announces: “During Saturday night, Italian troops delivered an attack against one of our posts on the perimeter defences of Tobruk. The attackers were allowed to approach to within three hundred yards w hen
    ”—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 58 10 —Reuter Tour Of Shipyards In V ancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, Aug. 8. The Duke of Kent inspected on Saturday the new Boeing Aircraft factory and toured shipyards in Vancouver where hundreds of workmen are rushing through war orders. He will visit the local flying training school before
    —Reuter  -  58 words
  • 1034 10 VICHY OFFICIALS J DAY-LONG MEETINGS] Bizerta May Be Giv(.J Up To Nazis I London Aug nH The political tension in Vichy remains high, says the‘‘l) graph” which reports day-long constant conferences k Marshal Petain, Admiral Darlan, General Weygand and r Huntziger. It is
    nai *  -  1,034 words
  • 216 10 THAILAND WILL NOT YIELD ONE INCH OF TERRITORY Bangkok, Aug. 11 Every Thai will fight to the last drop of hfe blood and Thai forces will not yield one inch of territory. fiiey will use every possible means of annihilating the enemy and adopt all tactics,
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 118 10 —Reuter. Invasion By Air Already Begun, Says F. M. Smuts Johannesburg, Aug. 9 Field-Marshal Smuts said on Saturday that he was not sure that an invasion by land forces is necessary. The invasion—by air—had already begun in his opinion. This would continue on an increasing scale.
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 102 10 '—Reuter. Isolationist Speech At Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio, August 8. Addressing an “America First” rally here tonight Col. Lindbergh complained, first, “that the nation is operating under a policy of Government by subterfuge which lead to war. While the American people have been premised peace Col. Lindbergh asserted the
    '—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 86 10 —Reuter. 'Two Americans Still Missing Washington, August 9 The United States has asked Germany for immediate and full information of the whereabouts of two Americans miss ing since the sinking of the “Zamzam”. They are Mr. Francis Vicovari, attached to the Anglo American ambulance unit and
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 107 10 —Reuter. Instructions To Be Given Next Friday London, August 9 Important instructions for the ‘V” army throughout German-occupied Europe will be given by Colonel Britton from the 8.8. C. in London next Friday. Col. Britton announced this in a broadcast early this morning when
    —Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 209 10 .—Reuter. NAZI EXPERTS TO LEAVE TURKEY Ankara, Aug. 11 Five German commercial experts, who arrived in Istanbul recently, received a telegram yesterday instructing them to go to Bucharest as the time was unpropitious for putting pressure on Turkey to conclude an agreement and that negotiations can
    .—Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 62 10 —Reuter. To Be Introduced Into France London, Aug. 9. The Government spokesman today told Press representatives that a corporative system will be introduced into France, says a Vichy despatch quoted by the German Official Wireless. The relations of Employers Association and Trade Unions will be similar to the
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 154 10 Ottawa, August 11. Air supremacy wherever the enemy may be encountered is an essential prelude to an ultimate victory and the Rioyal Canadian Air Force, through the Commonwealth plan, will be called on for an ever increasing proportion of the total Empire air strength, declared
    154 words
  • 679 10 STUBBORN BATTLES IN UMAN AND SOLSTI AREAS Rugby, Aug. 11 A Russian communique issued early touay mentions two places for the first time —Solsti on the railway between Leningrad and Vitebsk, lying 65 miles north east of Pskov and due west of Lake Ilmen;
    —Reuter.  -  679 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 the ben line iu. FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. "Turns phii7p j LINE (incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 201 11 $2OO Purse Deposited With North Malayan Newspapers 4 CCEPTING the challenge for a return contest issued to him recently by the Hebrew boxer, Josh Joshua, Nai Phol, who has created a favourable impression here since his arrival from Thailand, will meet the former
    201 words
  • 72 11 Suppiah To Skipp er Rest Team I ipon. &lt;-. Rest Match for the F E r ~.-v will begin at 2 p.m. on Les?) !r iiiucc from 10.30 a.m. P^ B ;have won the Trophy! p' v F’lropeans' once, will be rev sUPPIAH (CaptJ S N G EAM HOCK M.
    72 words
  • 2625 11  -  the horse which tried TO KILL ME (Uy STEVE BONOCHlE) longer 1 have known horses, and j ie nl oie I have studied them, the leaier has become my admiration for ■eir minds. ■1 am not one of those people who helve that a horse
    2,625 words
  • 244 11 Nibong Tebal. In what is believed to be the key match of the Province soccer league, the Nibong Tebal Recreation Club beat the Province Wellesley Public Works Department by one goal to nil on the Caledonia Estate padang here this evening before a very large gathering. The
    244 words
  • 684 11 Match Fixed For Sunday Following are Penang Junior Badminton fixtures tor Saturday and Sunday: SATURDAY 3.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.—Junior InterTeam Tournament A.C.S. Union vs Emerald B.P. Umpire in charge: Messrs. Khoo Ewe Chan and Khor Kok Choo. A.C.S. Union players: Moi Thin Wcng, H. P.
    684 words
  • 923 11 A feature of the Penaag August Meeting was the success of Trainer Van Breukelen who saddled 11 winners—4 on the first day. 3 on the second -and 4 on the third. Mrs. S. N. Yeap heads the
    923 words
  • 62 11 The P.R.C. Ladies will be holding a practice on the Francis Light School field tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. It is hoped that all the players will do their best to turn up, especially the beginners who are requested not to fail to be there. There wall
    62 words
  • 53 11 Sungei Patani A friendly game of volley ball, was played between the Sin Min School Union team and the Eleyen Headquarters team on the Sin Min School ground on Sunday evening. The Sin Min School Union team won by 3 —2. Mr. Yeoh Yeong Hooi
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 210 11 WAKE UPYOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel—And You’ll Jump out of Bed in the Morning Full of Vim. The liver should pout out two pounds ol liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels. Wind bloats up
      210 words

    —Reuter.  -  593 words
  • 146 12 In the Penang Third Court yesterday, two Malays, Mare bin Che Mat and Ahmat bin Hassan, were charged before Mr. B. F. Bridge with gaming on the field of the New Race Course at Batu Gantong on Sunday. Inspector Kay Kim Seng stated that at 11.40
    146 words
  • 128 12 Reuter. Survivors Arrive At Argentine Port Rosario (Argentina), Aug. 11. Sixteen survivors of the British freighter St. Anselm, which was torpedoed and sunk by a German U-boat off th' African coast 500 miles south of the Canaries have arrived here aboard the Spanish steamer “Tom.”
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 175 12 —Reuter. Chungking, Aug. 12. Chungking has endured the most intensive bombing it has ever known. In a raid starting on Friday morning, it is estimated the Japanese used 400 aircraft and dropped 3,000 bombs over China’s wartime capital. The attack lasted four days and nights in succession
    —Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 40 12 —Reuter. London, Aug. 10. An Admiralty communique, says "the Board of the Admiralty regrets to announce that H.M.S. "Defender” (LleutCommander G. L. Farnfield, R.N.) nas been sunk. There was no loss of life in the “Defender.” —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 265 12 Phui San’s Hat-Trick For Juveniles The Green Hall Juveniles trounced the Commercial Day School to the tune of six goals to nil in a friendly soccer match played on the Hutchings School l ground yesterday. A hat-trick performed by Chee Phui San in the second period of
    265 words
  • 301 12 Precautionary Measures In Manchukuo —Reuter. Hsingking, August 12. |~TAR EASTERN interest today F seems centred on the South Pacific rather than here and it cannot be said that there is any outstanding change in RussoJapanese relations, at least not as viewed from the confines of
    .—Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 218 12 (By Alaric Jacob, Reuter s special correspondent). Cairo, Aug. 12. The situation at Tobruk has achieved the paiadox of being at once extremely and entirely stable, declared an English captain who has just returned from there with others of Tobruk’s garrison for a spell of leave.
    ”—Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 60 12 Generosity Of Seh Clieali Kongsi An official communique issued yesterday states: “His Excellency the Governor and His Excellency the General Officer Commanding Troops, Malaya, wish to acknowledge publicly the generosity of the trustees of Seh Cheah Kongsi of Penang, who have waived their claim to compensation
    60 words
  • 822 12 Failed To Disclose Stores Of Scrap Iron Ipoh. JJE must treat the case with certain amount of seriousness in view of the fact that a war was going on and he would therefore impose a proper fine as to show others of
    822 words
  • 745 12 —Reuter. (By Alexander Werth, Reuter’s special correspondent J. Moscow, Aug. 11. It is almost necessary to see to believe how the normal trend of life continues under war conditions in Moscow. For the hard-working Russians, there is little oppoi tunity for amusements and recreation
    .—Reuter.  -  745 words
  • 334 12 —Reuter. Protest Lodged By Vichy London, Aug. 11. The French Government has instructed the French Ambassador in Madrid M. Pietri to lodge a protest with the British Ambassador, Sir Samuel Hoare, regarding the detention of General Dentz, former High Commissioner of Syria and 35 Officers of
    ’—Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 116 12 Penang Youngsters Beal S.P. Dramatic Association Sungei Patani. In an interesting game of basketball, the Youngster basketball team cf Penang beat the Dramatic Assocation basketball team of Sungei Patani by 40 points to 25 on the Sin Min School ground on Saturday. Mr. Tan Slew Seok refereed and the
    116 words
  • 30 12 TUESDAY, AUGI'ST TIN: Penang Singapore ItUBBER: 1» Penang Spct jJ Singapore Spot COPRA: Sundried Black Pepper TAPIOCA: Medium $11.5*1 Fair Seed HILE: j Rangoon Parboiled n Rangoon Parboile &gt;■
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 379 12 Local Monthly 'Ji Quarter tj »3«? aUNDA? Local Quarterly ’jq J Half-Yearly jl 1 lij) W I too H XABBIF under: 38 Cent® npp ntnmuuu charge J rtll l e charged at nsertion up fo one Ji cent* per fine Q I Gland Gist J Restores fgl In 24 Heun
      379 words