Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 156 1 DARLaN in DISFAVOUR? 'Wait And See* Policy Denounced By Nazis Zurich, Aug. 1. Gernwn-controlled P aris press has opened a fresh violent campaign against Admiral Darlan ard the. Vichy Government on the g round that since the beginning of the Russ’an campaign, they
    ..— Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 286 1 ’’-Reuter. Loadcast By U.S. I Vice-President I Burlington» (Iowa) Aug. 1. li'T’Ht: United States must show I complete willingness to tight If n-eessary, it there is to be any Kuince for peace, 0 declared the U.S. K?Pr< Jdi nt, Mr. Henry Wallace, L broadcast speech at the
    ’’-Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 65 1 i. —Reuter. To Observe fir Defence Methods Chungking, July 31. u, ,ciall y revealed that the irTr in Chungking studying 1 be given an opportunity -ence methods in actual •"rations. Wednesday a i r raid, the )e^.? e ss On remained at the Air an d
    i.—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 95 1 I. Reuter. Chungking, July si. to reports reaching here, Japan had originally planned to withdraw troops from China for operations in the South-East and in Manchuria. Japan is probably withdrawing 100,000 troops at present and there ara withdrawals from Central China, although definite figures
    I.—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 560 1 London, August 1. THL results of the first five weeks of the Kw»o-German conflict are summed up by “Pravda,’’ the organ of the Communist Party, as follows: Hitler s plans for the “light Ing” capture of Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev have
    ”■—Bonier  -  560 words
  • 177 1 n Cairo, August i. u lW formed a new Cabinet consisting of five <n independents and five Saadis ts thus giving the ir,)n 9 majority in Parliament. ■-o.c'it was constituted yesterday afternoon as Reuter. r Xi/ G l; uister of Interior: eirry Pasha. t Or «iei ?2*
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 160 1 —Reuter. Moscow, August 1. 4 STIRRING appeal to the people of German-occupied territory to exterminate Germans has been made according to a dispatch to the Soviet Official News Agency from the front. The message reads: “Marshal Budenny, Commander-in-Chlef of the Soutli-Eastern front, and M. Khrouch.
    ’—Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 187 1 .—Reuter Finnish Excuse Rejected London. August 1. BRITAIN’S reply to the Finnish ’hide rnemoiie' intimating the suspension of Finnish relations in London was handed to the Finnish Minister. M. Grippenberg, this morning by Sir Alexander Cadogan. Permanent Undersecretary -it the British Foreign i Office, I Rejecting I-inland’s
    .—Reuter  -  187 words
  • 106 1 i. —Reuter. Special Hoard Created B* President Kuosevelt Washington. July 31. President Roosevelt has created a Board to guide general activities of Federal Agencies in economic defence with the Vice-President, Mr. Wallace, as its head Other members are the Secretaries of State, Treasury. War, Navy, Agriculture, Commerce
    i.—Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 153 1 "Tutura” Incident Now "Closed" Washington. Aug: 1 1,1 R» SUMNER WELLES >tat e d last night th: t the Ur.ited States has accepted the official apologies of the Japanese Government regarding the bombing of th** gunboat “Tutu* ra” and the incident is regarded, a- closed. Mr.
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  • 57 1 —Reuter Cairo, July 31. Baron de Bendist, the newly appointed Free French delegate in the. Near East, officially took up duties at his office yesterday, according to the independent Free French News Agency’. He marked the occasion by giving a reception at which
    —Reuter  -  57 words
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    • 12 1 Lrrj7'4 •|J 11 l> S L Sv' t n ?*"*"■>» I JJvMvmo txctnencE
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    • 78 1 16 HOURS ENERGY 8 HOURS SOUND REST Ageaite: G. H. SLOT L Co.. Ltd 8 DIG Sx for vSx VICTORY! .GROW YOUR OWN, MALAYAN VEGETABLES FROM “MADJUS” SEEDS. and HELP THE WAR BY CONSERVLXG SHIPPING SPACE Chinese Cabbage i /etrnct Chinese Cabbage Mustard Ladisli Indian Maize Chinese Small Mustard nuumbei
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  • 165 2 MR. WELLES ON BOMBING OF AMERICAN GUNBOAT Incident Not Closed Washington, Aug. 1. Declaring that the Japanese apologies for the bombing of the United States river gunboat “Tutuila” were insufficient to close the incident, Mr. Sumner Welles told pressmen yesterday that the United
    I.—Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 251 2 L—B.O.W. Rugby, July 31. Help for Britain is not confined to provision of munitions and other comfnodities but now extends over the whole field of economic warfare against the Axis powers. Five aspects of this activity have been described by an authoritative spokesman in
    L—B.O.W.  -  251 words
  • 65 2 8.0. W. Cases Being Reviewed Ry Advisory Committee Rugby, July '3l. Replying to a Commons question, the Home Secretary said the cases of Com- munist ex-Deputies to the Czechoslovak Parliament, who were detained in British internment camps, were being reviewed ty the Advisory Committee. The Committee’s report
    8.0. W.  -  65 words
  • 109 2 .—Reuter. Tokyo, July 81. C INE hundred Curtiss Single seater fighter monepkmes will be used for the defence of the Burma, road and group of American pilots are expected to arrive at Rangoon soon, states a Japanese report from Nanking. The United States Ambassador, Mr.
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 100 2 .—Reuter. London. July 31. The “India and Burma (Postponement of Elections) Bill wa s introduced in th l House of Lords today and read for the first time. The intention of the bill is to give powers to extend beyond the normal period oi five years
    .—Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 335 2 London, July 31. battle of Smolensk is being waged on such a gigantic scale that it cannot continue indefinitely and that a decision is to be expected within the next week or two is the view taken in authoritative quarters here
    Reuter.  -  335 words
  • 1583 2 RtUtef- London, Julj’ 31. farthing damages were awarded to Captain A. H. M. Ramsay, the interned M.P. for Peebles, againsWhe New York Tinies Limited and the “New York Times” by Mr. Justice Atkinson in the King’s Bench Division
    ’ RtUtef-  -  1,583 words
  • 422 2 Norwegi an p,B Raided I rr, B I 8.4 is.o?B found m th- port and the V concentrat- -1 0 the Ai.ti-an ciot! the and were encountered but hit. a wareiicn-re lir .d ar seen to be n fi re and *g2B dam wo "Al
    !,— .  -  422 words
  • 76 2 .—Reuter. Position Still Not Satisfactory London, July 31. The Iranian Government has replied to the British representations regarding the presence of undesirable Nazi agents in Iran. Reuter's diplomatic correspondent learns, however, that the position is still unsatisfactory. Iran's reply cannot be regarded as a complete answer
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 220 2 i. —Reuter. £1,3994)00,000 Already Paid London, July 31. Revealing in the House of Commons today' that pensions and allowances paid to those injured or bereaved in the war of 1914-1918 already absorbed £1.399,000.000, Sir Walter Womersley, Minister for Pens'ons, said that the amount was
    i.—Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 169 2 —Reuter. Initiative Wrested From Enemy Cairo, July 31. During yesterday afternoon, the enemy’ attacked one of our forward observation points outside the perimeter I south-east of Tobruk. They were j driven off by anti-aircraft fire, leaving a wounded man in our hands. During the
    !.—Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 39 2 .—Reuter. London, July 30 There has been no change of policy of the British Government with regard to Palestine said Mr. Churchill in the House of Common s today in answer to a ques tion.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 WB|y 1 MBB I Tur cook J sparkling sweets B-KJT I I; IW serve E \L- .«adl CHIVERS JELLIES The most popular jellies safe 1 1 P tnostttcr.etlv.wht* /or over half a century «.rved ehb my. f The rich fruity flavours so characteristic of Chivers’ Jellies have won for them
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  • 995 3 L|)Slitution Of Guesswork For Proof By Hilaire Belloc I r;’j\ m may thoroughly say that the worst intellectual F ;< r time is the mi-ring up of hypotheses and fact'. I. of guesswork for proof. It is a habit which has dm,\c universal
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  • 371 3 BLITZ IN ART Busy war workers moved quickly and silently from picture to picture, gallery to gallery, at Burlington House recently—private view day of the Royal Academy Exhibition. Unlike a year ago, when it was still fashionable to pass on tit-bits of secret war news, there was
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  • 1488 3 What British Soldiers Sing A nation’s character expresses itself in its songs. The French soldier sings of the day he will see his beloved again, trie German sings of a glorious warrior’s death, the. American about his farm way back; but the British soldier hides his
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  • 136 3 London. QIB WALTER WOMERSLEY, Minister of Pensions, visualised the time when orphans of the blitz would be wards of his department and the Minister the stepfather of them all. He said the policy as far as possible was to keep children in homes
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  • 389 3 VTERCHANT seamen are now getting a new deal. Officers, r engineers, and deckhands are to be given a guaranteed wage, whether they are at sea or on shore waiting for ships. The old custom of signing on for i voyage will go.
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  • 206 3 With an income-tax at a basic rate of ten shillings in the pound (50 cents in tho dollar), besides a higher cost of living, one could quite reasonably expect the people of Britain to have slacked off in their response to charitable appeals. Instead, they
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 Id -offering you Wines from the YALUMBA VINEYARDS of SOUTH AUSTRALIA We are offering you Australia's Best. A glass or two of good Wine, taken regularly, is one of the finest Tonics extant. CARTE D'OR HOCK FOUR CROW~> CLARET FOUR CROWN PORT SPARKLING HOCK. YALUMBA CHAMPAGNE. ETC. Sole Agentf CALDBECK,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 36 3 iWiitt i W/ r\/ jt Wls w I know ifs better than that—it couldn't be worse. But why not unveil it? (Renewed are cominff irom alt paretes for a ie -lc■ ion nt war aims o?
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  • 1375 4 DETAIL OF BATTLE OF MEZZE Epic Fight Which Drew p. Troops Out OVER a thousand officers and men of an Indian Infantry Brigade, who took part in the terrific fight at Mezze, outside Damascus, on J tine ISth to 20th. have heen released under the terms
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  • 218 4 Melbourne, July 29. Child Endowment: The first pay ment under the new Child Endowment scheme was made today. 31 Shortage of Labour on Dairy’ Faxms: As the result of the drain on man power, the shortage of labour on dairy farms has become considerably more acute. Horsemen”
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  • 518 4 STATEMENT IN JOHORE COUNCIL "Members will be glad to learn that after the fullest independent inquiry by myself and the Commissioner cf Police, no truth whatever in such a charge has been revealed.” said Ungku Aziz, Mentri Besar. at a meeting of the Johore
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  • 248 4 Court Interpreters Puzzled Singapore. Mah Tung Cneng. a lame, bearded Chinese who faced a charge in the Singapore Second Court of Legging for alms, puzzled a staff of interpreters with an “out-of-the-way dialect.” “This man comas from the province cf Kiangsu and speaks an out-of-way dialect which.
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  • 362 4 Chief Justice’s Jndg mf||| Concerning Motorists 4 JUDGMENT of interest to motorists was deliv Singapore High Court on Tuesday by the Chief^ 1 Sir Percy McElwaine. It con cerned an appeal in Kwoh Cheong, owner of a moto r-cycle, had been finj 11 in
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  • 244 4 “Time Inopportune And Unpropitious*’ Stating thar he felt the present time was inopportune and unpropitious to pass legislation “most likely to have far-reaching consequences,” Inche Onn bin successfully' moved withdrawal of a Bill to declare what persons are Johore subjects and to provide for the
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  • 214 4 Cabaret Girl l] ictini 1 inJ Admitting that he house of a cabaret hostA Ivy Katherine Park, while J away on holiday, and stole J ty worth $374.50, yj Hussan, a young Malay fenced to 12 months’ rigorj prisonment in the J Criminal District Court It
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  • 245 4 Tragetlv At Bail* Operations A middle-aged Indian I Abdullah, excavating a cablett® a building site, was killed on one side of the trench vO-W* covered him stated a ■at an inquiry before Mr. u the Singapore Coroner The accident occurred 01 when Abdullah and labourers were
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 207 5 The Resident Councillor and Mrs. Goodman will leave Penang from Victoria Pier at 8.15 a.m. tomorrow. 4: Capt. the Hon. Sheikh Abdullah bin j Yahaya Al-Srishee has been appointed a I member of the Executive Council. Johore. MR F. Davidson, Divisional Superintendent, Carey Island, Port Swettenham, is
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  • 401 5 Opportunity Afforded To Join Field Ambulance When one talks of heroes of battles one imagines soldiers fighting with the latest equipment Bren gun s, and quick firing automatics—but today there are thousands of men, young and old. who go into battle unarmed. These are the
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  • 657 5 Addressing the members of ti e English School Teachers’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan S :iety at their fourteenth annual general meeting at the Westlan s School Hall, at 4.30 yesterday, Mr. G. Hawkins, Director o' Co-operation, North, expressed the hope that English School in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 125 5 i YOU’. '\C WILL BE WELL SPENT IF YOU CHOOSE p/h uevklei cabaret THE PLEASURE RENDEZVOUS) < GALA NON-STOP DANCE f IONYS HAWAIIAN fF TODAY RHYTHMICS XjQMGHT SPECI NON-STOP ih\h’\ S DANCE «..J;™!? XX 9.30 P.M.’TIL 8 FOR SI AIIDNICHT N (itch f Avert. for Tomorrow’s Big Night» A Vaudeville
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    • 265 5 THE NEW WORLD FRIDAY. Ist AUGUST, 1941. CHENG LIN CANTONESE OPERA Tonight At 8 p.m. “CHOONG MO YlN’’ Part 21. With Sun Choong Mun, Loh Pun Chiew, Sin Yin Loong. GRAND NOOKAN OPERA TONIGHT AT 9.00 P.M. “BIDADARI DARI JELUTONG” With Miss Quinee, Rahman, Sapiah, Duphin, Fatimah, Aminah, Sooin, Sahad,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 187 5 1M l£CTir 3 SHOWS TO-DAY H/UtijOV 3, 6.15 9.30 P.M. I xnvi AGREES IT’S THE MOST THRILLING MALAY I r \l MYSTERY DRAMA EVER SCREENED! I j Rd. Mochtar I I Famous star of I “C-AGAK ITAM” I Dewi Radiah 1’ E. T. Effendie -tfMfr’ Rd- Kosaish II BJUtt Moesa
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  • 438 6 T H S. signing of the RussoPolish agreement in London on Tuesday is significant in at least two respects. First, it declares null and void the SovietNazi pact of 1939: secondly, it makes possible, through the release ot Polish prisoners in Russia, the formation
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  • 107 6 WINDSOR CINEMA: “Poli Panchali”—“Yes, Yes,” “Vayadi.” 5.30 and 9.00 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “Forty Thousand Horsemen” with Miss Betty Bryant and Grant Taylor. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Garoeda Mas” (Malay picture). 3, 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: "Escape to Glory.” 3, 6.15 and
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  • 348 6 Malay Mail. •THE Soviet forces arc still fight--1 ing bitterly. They have inflicted tremendous losses on the enemy, both in men and materials, and there is still no evidence that they are anywhere near exhaustion as the campaign approaches the end of its sixth week. The stubberness of
    Malay Mail.  -  348 words
    • 242 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”’). Sir, With reference to Mr. B. C. Wong’s comments on the above subject in the “Pinang Gazette” dated 30.7.41, we have to> point out that though Mr. Chew Choo Soot is the F.M.S. Champion, he was only placed fourth in the
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  • 662 6 Friday, August 1. "OOL’ND to the effect is the stir--1 ring appeal made by Marshal Budenny, C.-1.-C. of the SouthEastern front, to the people of Ger-man-occupied territory to take up arms and exterminate the invaders. everything” is the order of the day. It comes
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  • 377 6 Nearest To Co-Education T>ENANG school boys and girls will perhaps like to hear what a K.L. student has to say with regard to their first joint debate held at the Hutchings School last Friday. This student, who is a pupil of the Victoria Institution, writes l “Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 PENANG RACES j August 4lh, 9th. J u Kageg o e r CAN LUNCH AT THE RACECOURSE J I 1 'I EACH DAY J I H i < Special Menu I RESERVE YOUR TABLE V 1 J FROM THE CATERERS Pritchard Co., Ltd. i lj PENANG PHONE 335. DOCTORS CHOOSE
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    • 27 6 7.W.V.V.'.W>V "BULLFINCH" BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd. PENANG.
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    • 32 6 El. tjW N. aWI >29 UHJOIKi For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121, KyTParMwi w I'tiMtu, R r yr£s I I’-ro a Io
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  • 418 7 T4W/L ON TRIAL AT LOCAL ASSIZES I MAN removed my anklet and put in into his pocket. He ”A then veiled his face and ran away,” said a six-year-old 1 jrirl, Kanamah, when giving evidence at the Penang this morning during th e trial of Anggamuthu,
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  • 339 7 No One To Blame, Says Coroner he story of how a Chinese while eting a brickmaking machine in 1 Ban Soon Seng Brickworks in >ei Dua, Province Wellesley, on the i ung of June 21 had his left thigh I utated was related to Mr. A.
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  • 203 7 “Leopard Men’* At Rex A welcome dhange from war dramas and light comedies is provided film goers in an exceptionally interesting film dealing with the Dark Continent now’ showing at Rex. Presenting a factual and detailed record of the most dreaded savages that the Congo
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  • 475 7 Full Statement Of Position By Ministry A COMPLETE statement of the position regarding the sending of gifts of food to the United Kingdom from abroad has again been issued by the Ministry of Food, particular attention being drawn to paragraph seven relating to rationed
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  • 28 7 A wonderful opportunity to do their bit in the great band of fellowship of the Red Cross. 184-23 Carrying through rubber during recent exercises.
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  • 223 7 the occasion of her impending departure from Malaya on retirement, Mrs. A. M. Goodman, Hon. Organiser of the Women’s Section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund was entertained to tea by all honorary workers of the Sewing Depot at the Red Cross Depot, Runnymede Hotel,
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  • 56 7 A Chinese cyclist and a car were involved in a collision in Burmah Road near the junction of Phuah. Hin Leong Road this morning. The cyclist escaped injuries, but his bicycle was slightly damaged. A report was later made at the Hutton Lane Police Station.
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  • 64 7 His Excellency the Governor and Lady Thomas are expected to arrive in Penang on Sunday morning on a short visit. They will be in residence at Bel Retiro, Penang Hill. Sir Shenton and Lady Thomas have accepted an invitation to an official lunch at the Penang
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  • 215 7 Alor Star. The move by rice mill employees in Kedah for a rest day each week, which was opposed by a large majority of the rice millers, has been settled, and the employees will be getting a day off every week commencing from the latter
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  • 210 7 Eleven In Court Following Raid Eleven Chinese including two women were charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Couxl this morning with gaming in a common gaming house at China Street on July 31. They were Choo Swee Boey, Chua Teong Chooi, Siew Say Yeo,
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  • 115 7 Consul-General Refutes Report Of Agreement Singapore, Aug. 1. A STATEMENT that Thailand will not grant bases to any nation was made in Singapore by the Thai Consul-General, Luang Vudhisara Netinati, said the 8.8. C. on Wednesday night, quoting a message from Singapore, reports the
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  • 316 7 All Malayan Fruits On Show The Education, Medical and Gardens Departments, the Rural Board and the local canning industry will co-operate with the organisers of a four days’ “Grow More Food Exhibition” to be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall in October under the patronage of
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  • 66 7 In appreciation of his long and meritorious services the close Chinese friends in Penang of the Hon’ble Mr. A. M. Goodman have on the eve of his departure endowed a scholarship in the Penang Free School, the A. M. Goodman Scholarship, to perpetuate his name, which
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  • 124 7 Swimming Club’s Gift Of $l,OOO A generous donation of $l,OOO from the Penang Swimming Club has helped the War Fund in North Malaya to make a substantial advance after a poor week. The total stands at $1,530,747.83 made up of Penang $975,239.27 and Perak $555,508.56.
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  • 16 7 Latest contributions to the I.S.P. Fighter Fund have raised the total to $29,957.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don’t have to take nasty-testing oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science 1 gives us LAXOBAC—the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac testes g just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your bowels
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  • 57 8 Oulput l or Month Of July Dredge Takuapa No. 1, 684 hours, 240,000 cubic yards, 454 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No. 2 696 hours, 210,000 cubic yards, 210 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No. 3, 544 hours, 108,000, cubic yards, 437 piculs. Estimated value of output- and revenue from tin
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  • 67 8 Penang, July 31, 1941 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York, Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 ■Batavia Demand 88.82 Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 j/g Hongkong Demand 53 9/jg Shanghai Demand not quoted Japan Demand 193 1/3 New Zealand Demand 7 '8 Australia
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    • 470 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon Ist August, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/9 3/0 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/li 7/4ic £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/Q 17/6 $1 Ayer Weng .75 .80 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
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    • 236 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.575 1.625 Ayer Hitam .85 .90 Ayer Molek 1.10 1.15 Ayer Panas 1.075 1.125 Bassett .40 .42| Batu Lin tang 1.04 1.07 Bedford .875 .925 ex Benta .95 1.00 Borelll 1.30 1.36 ex -57 J .60 Brunei
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    • 358 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N. Z. Ord 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.675 1.725 $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.075 2.12 lx $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Dani £Bj £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/3 16/9x £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/6
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    • 136 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Austral Malay 9d. and 9d. Bonus Austral Amal 3d. and 11 Bonus Batu Selangor 12/16.8.41 20.8.41 Kampong K Mounting 3d. Bonus 9d. 12/22.8.41 22.8 41 Petaling Tin 25% Int. 28.7 Al 9.8.41 Punguh 9d. and Bonus 3d. 28/7-8.8.41 88 41 Taiping
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  • 843 8 Chairman On Rising Costs The annual meeting of Nyalas Rubber Estates Ltd. was held in Singapore yesterday, and in proposing the adoption of the report and accounts Mr. Lee Chim Tuan, the chairman, said: The profit for the year of $104,550.27 is greater by some $23,500 than
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  • 64 8 Ipoh. Major G. St. John Orde Brown, Labour Adviser to the Secretary of State for Colonies, left Ipoh yesterday. During his brief stay here he visited a number of European and Chinese owmed mines and rubber estates in Kinta and on Wednesday afternoon he
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  • 751 8 Purloined Diamond Bracelets From Hotel Bathroom Ipoh, A warning that he would be sent back to Java the next time he came up was issued to a Javanese youth, Masgansah bin Ali (24), a former “boy” to a jockey. Sentence of one year’s rigorous imprisonment
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  • 84 8 ’’Goodwill Badge For Raja Muda Ipoh. A deputation of prominent Chinese headed by Messrs. Cheong Chee, Lau Pak Khuan, Ong l Chin Seong, Chew Sinn On and Wong Kwai called on Y.T.M. the Raja Muda of Perak at the Astana yesterday afternoon and presented to him
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  • 447 8 Replacing Losses By Enemy Action It was officially announced recently mat the Ministry of Supply is prepared to consider the release of rubber from the Government reserve to replace losses due to enemy action. This covers losses sustained in transit, and of rubber destroyed in
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  • 97 8 Yesterday’s Close TIN: LONDON “Spot” £256. 15. 0. u i “Forward” £259. 15. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot’ $134.50 Business done PENANG s)3S .fr, “Spot” $134.50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 l|2d. “Forward” 13 l|2d. r’nch Tone Steady Quiet SINGAPORE ss i> “Spot” 38 s'Bc PENANG “Spot” 38 s|Bc COPRA: PENANG:
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  • 91 8 The Share Market h l 8 whole well malnt-toed U. t ly speaking the upwarp tinues. Tin shares' but tions are well maintained quotations are not much Pungahs have again eased J'. and Takuapas are avaiiab^ but otherwise there has tX? in prices. Rubber shares continue quiet
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  • 337 8 Big Increase In Production The Shell Union OU subsidiaries report for the j’ear" net operating income of operating income for 1939 amotj:, $13,079,924. The company adhere practice of writing off in fmi drilling cost, the amount charged i| the 1940 earnings being $12,257,71’ After the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 BAN K S -A K' s^ > o OIJR SERVICES \RE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abres»» with the progress of economic development s, no business umcern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. INDIAN OVERSEAS
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  • 290 9 Although not on the same level of importance for American economy as metal ores, imports from India of lamb, kid, sheep, and goatskin furs are by no means negligible. The undressed furs imported under this classification are processed in the United States and are used
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  • 106 9 Mr. W. G. Porter, the Coroner, recorded a verdict of misadventure at an inquiry held into the death ot a 56-year-old Chinese, Ng Kee Kak, who died 11 days after he had been scalded on the left shoulder while frying fish. Evidence showed that on July
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  • News From India
    • 68 9 Madras, July 29 The Government of the Nizam today announces its decision to invest a further sum of £560,000 in the Government of India’s 3 per cent. Defence Bonds. It is recalled that his Exalted Highness’ Government has already invested the equivalent of £750,000 jn interest free
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    • 52 9 Patna, July 29. Bihar has now sent to London through the Viceroy’s War Purposes Fund money for the purchase of a fifth fighter plane for the R.A.F In addition, Bihar has made a generous donation of nearly £5,000 to be spent on comforts and amenities for the
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    • 73 9 Madras, July 29 Orders for war supplies amounting to over half a million pounds have been placed in South India during the last month, according to a statement issued by the Controller of Supplies for South India to the Madras War Supply Advisory Committee today.
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    • 51 9 Delhi, July 29. The Governor of Madras' War Fund has now reached over one million pounds, the approximate amount being equal to £1,070,000. The Governor of Sind’s War Fund exceeds £340,000. An Indian resident in Bangkok nas made a gift of Rs 500 to the Viceroy’s War
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    • 39 9 Delhi, July 39. Lance Naik Mohd. Sharif and Lance Naik Duleep Singh, of a Punjab Regiment, have been awarded the Indian Distinguished Service Medal for bravery and initiative shown during the operations in Italian East Africa
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    • 64 9 Nagpur, July 29. The Viceroy in the course of his journey to Madras stopped at Nagpur and inspected the Civic Guards. Afterwards His Excellency sent a letter to the Commanding Officer expressing his appreciation of the manner in which the Civic Guards lined the route from Nagpur
      64 words
    • 58 9 Delhi, July 29. The “V” for Victory campaign tit spreading rapidly throughout India Thf* latest demonstration was the appearance of the sign at the entrance of the Travancorp Legislative Assembly this evening. In Kapurthala State in the Punjab. State Ministers are in future displaying the
      58 words
    • 60 9 Hyderabad, July 29. The> Nizam’s Government is examining a scheme for the development of hydro-electric power in Hyderabad State. There are four schemes, which include an irrigation, project for the irrigation of nearly 2)4 million acres of land to yield a net revenue of £1,800,000. The total
      60 words
    • 109 9 Madras, July 29. The total number of lives lost in the recent cyclone and floods in Malabar is officially reported to be 182. The death roll would have been much higher but for the prompt relief given. The Collector of Malabar is making suitable rewards
      109 words
  • 311 9 FRIDAY, IST AUGUST, 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Lamp r Wearae’s Air August Ist test. S-ngapore .10 ns Service 1 p, m 12.45 pJn AFRICA All destinations so ,25 8.0.A.C. gat. 2nd tart.
    311 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2931 9 M down. 10.50 Time signal. Classical con-,’ •;■< wff cert. 11.30 Orchestra Napolitain. 11.50; D2AII VUivyiY M JHBk W I fl I Songs. HSPS 11.715 mc/s (25.6 ni.) H lr®Fs i flEBf W I m I .fIM 12.20 p.m. Lunch variety. 1.10 The 6.50 p.m. National Song and Opening news.
      2,931 words
    • 467 9 MANILA KZRM 9.57 mc/s (31.35 m.) 5.50 aan. News in English. 12.10 p.m. News in English. 5.10 Stocks 5.50 Local Market Reports. 5.55 News in English. 8.05 News in English KZIB 9.50 mc/s (31.58 in.) 6.04 mc/s (49.67 m.) 6.50 am. News in English.' 8.50—10 30 Manila Stock Exchange Quotations
      467 words

  • 370 10 Business hi Occupied Areas Hampered Shanghai, July 31 Japanese “protection of British and American firms at Tsingtao and other occupied areas is seriously hampering business, the “Shanghai Evening Post learns. —Reuter In Swatow, the offices of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank are reported to
    —Reuter  -  370 words
  • 77 10 —Reuter. Dropped By R.A.F. Over Muenster Zurich, July 31. The Berlin correspondent of the “Dietaf* says that meat coupons were also dropped by British .planes over Muenster. People walking in the streets early in the morning picked up coupons “with fitting enthusiasm”. Several arrests have been made since
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 48 10 .—Reuter. Approved By I .S. House Committee Washington, July 30 By 15 votes to 7 the Military Committee of the House of Representatives approved legislation extending beyond the previously stipulated one year military service of se lectees. National Guardsmen, Reserve Officers and the enlisted personnel.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 87 10 r.—Reuter. Question Still Being Considered London, July 30 The Under-Secretarv of State for the Colonies was questioned in the House of Commons today regarding the position in respect to discussions for changes in the constitution of Ceylon. It was stated that the Secretary of State is
    r.—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 70 10 Reuter. 1 £> Men For Home Defence Sydney, July 31. As a result of the extended militia training Australia will always have about 150,000 men permanently under arms for home defence, stated Mr. P. c. Spender, Minister of the Army, here today. Mr. Spender said that
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 620 10 ENVOY'S MESSAGE q ADMIRATION Question Of Supp|j ei To Be Taken Up Moscow, Ju|v M. Stalin handed a message for President Roosevelt to M r i Hopkins at their meeting yesterday when the question oU ply was discussed and Mr. Hopkins
    —Reuter.  -  620 words
  • 629 10 Applying Axis Technique Over Indo-China British newspapers profess to see little sign that the Foreign Secretary’s hopes that “those responsible for the destinies of the Japanese Empire will reflect while there is yet time where their present policy is leading them,” will be
    .—Reuter.  -  629 words
  • 50 10 1-—Reuter. 162 Join British Air Transport Service London, July 30 It was revealed in Parliament today that 162 American pilots have been recruited into the British Air Transoort Auxiliary Sen-ice. They are on yearly contract and their salary is £1,937.17.9 a year free of United Kingdom Income Tax.—Reuter.
    1-—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 271 10 .—Reuter. ITALIAN PARTY WIPED OUT Tobruk, July 31 Tobruk garrison patrols were very active on Monday night. One routed a large party of Italians over two miles from British lines. This new s was given by a British G.H.Q. communique which states: “During the night
    .—Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 53 10 Killed In Fighting On Eastern Front Berlin July 31 The death of Lieut. Hans George Keitel. youngest son of Field Marshal Keitel, Chief of the German General Staff, is announced by the German News Agency. Lieutenant Keitel who served with the artillery regiment was killed in fighting on
    53 words
  • 57 10 .—Reuter. Sydney, July 31. Sir Frederick Stewart, the Commonwealth Minister lor External Affairs, announced today that he is negotiating with Mr. Tatsuo Kawai, Japanese Minister to Australia, to secure treatment for Australian nationals in Japan equivalent to that accorded to Japanese in Australia. He said the Australian
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 100 10 —Reuter. Construction Work Almost Completed Ottawa, July 31. Mr, Howe said approximately 85 per cent of the construction *work on Can ada’s programme has been completed. The building of explosives plants are now already finished and with one exception the construction of chemical units should be
    -—Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 137 10 Mr. Eden CalF For Report London. M In the House of Commons :xr John Wardlaw Milne asked Mr. Esther he was aware that the eniofll ing down, at the instance of Japaaa thorities, of the only British ne® cies in Hankow namely. and the “Central
    137 words
  • 94 10 —Reuter. Permission Rf^ ll For Cargo A licence permit withdraw funds need 1 11 in erder tc return to granted, but the comm-■.■ fled that Tatutas large silk W not be landed. j The “Tatuta M permission to disch but fearing seizure unae order, passengers
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 35 10 —Reuter. $16,347,340 manufacturers t0 give This is a new m ce d po*-. Administration > a tablishing the relations with Ca Contracts have i>r. plies Limited. Otte training planes a->d gloves. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 105 10 —Reuter. Evacuation By French Ships Vichy, July 31. French troops repatriated from Syria will have North Africa as their first destination, states the Vichy News Agency. Since hostilities in Syria ceased, troops have been grouping in the North West zone formed by the parrallelogram
    ;.—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 69 10 .—Reuter. 3-4 Per Cent Rise In Last Three Months Washington, July 31. A rise of 3.4 per cent cost of living in the United States during the last three months is said by a Government statistical! here to have been one of the reasons for
    .—Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 54 10 —Reuter. London. July 31. It is learned that R.A.F. bombers last Might attacked targets in Western Germany. The qffieial German News Agency reports, “Minor forces of the enemy Air Force flew over Reich territory last night, dropping bombs at various places in Western Germany. The
    ’—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 283 10 To Be Reorganised For Service Elsewhere —Reuter. Shanghai, July 31. Japanese troops in Northern Kiangsi province and both banks of the Yangtse river, it is said, are being withdrawn in considerable numbers. They are all reported to be evacuating to Shanghai prior to returning to
    —Reuter.  -  283 words
  • 44 10 L—Reuter- London. July 31. There was very little enemy activity over Britain last night, states an Air Ministry communique issued this morning. Bombs fell at points in the East and South-West causing slight damage. No casualties have been reported.— Reuter-
    L—Reuter-  -  44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 Steamer sailings in August for United States o f America For full particulars apply to SIME, DARBY 1.0. LTD. Agents AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD.. 21 Beach Street Telephone 1421—2, LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang Telephone
      52 words

  • 1094 11 prospects of runners ANALYSED (jood Dividends Expected From Pony Events (By Tic-Tac) \NY rejections are forced on one when attempting to jlYd, ct winners for the first day of the Penang Turf Club q U nimei Meeting, opening tomorrow, and to be followed up
    1,094 words
  • 940 11 1 1..* c Acceptances For Tomorrow RACE 1 2.30 p.m. Ponies —Class 2 —lHv. 2 —s| Furlongs 0 3 1 MARNELL 8y 9.07 Mr. Alan Loke Major Fox 0 0 0 PRATIQUE 5y 9.07 Mr. A. van Tooren Sullivan 0 10 WARPHAN 4y 9.04 Messrs. C.
    940 words
  • 1161 11 Match In Preparation For “Malaya” Cup Final Splendid goal-keeping by Johns for the Penang Fortress Football Association, 1941 Senior League Champions, was the only feature of their match against the Rest on the Western Road ground yesterday which resulted in the latter winning# by the comfortable
    1,161 words
  • 297 11 Hemchit Wins On Foul There was a sensational end to the Neil Hemchit-Nai Phol fight at the New World last night, when the Thai boxer. Nai Phol, was disqualified fox- hitting very low in the second round. The start itself was sensational enough. Nai
    297 words
  • 56 11 Sugar export from Malaya to Thailand, will be placed under quota with effect from today, according to a communique by the Food Controller, Malaya, yesterday evening. It will be necessary for exporters to Thailand to apply to the Assistant Registrar, Imports and Exports, Penang, as soon as
    56 words
  • 158 11 Fixtures For Next Week The following are Penang Teachers’ Association Tennis Tournament fixtures for next week:— Tuesday, August 5 at F.L.S. Court. 5 p.m.—Open Doubles Final: Cheah Teong Lip Ng Kok Seng vs. Hooi Yip Seng Teoh Chooi Hor. Umpire: Tan Cheng Guan. Wednesday, August 6 at
    158 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 13 11 ALL PESTS A BRITISH EMPIRE PRODUCT Asiatic Petroleum Co. fB.BJ Ltd. Warins 81
      13 words
    • 73 11 r -I /Idl Im PEPSODENT tooth paste ftu WI,H ,R,UM 4BR If y° u want y° ur teeth to sparkle and gleam with all their natural radiance •.«’’sis» on PEPSODENT with IRIUM v «niazing hew quickly Pepsodent chases away Surface- x M Stains to reveal the true brilliance of your
      73 words

  • 231 12 Mediation Bob-a-Nob Very Fit (Ry “TIC-TAC”) ALL outstation horses have now arrived for the Penang Meeting opening here tomorrow. Training started later than usual today, so quite a number were exercised on the ring, near the stables, while many too, preferred the Bukit. Except
    231 words
  • 194 12 ’—Reuter. People Evacuated From «‘‘•terr Districts London, July 31. The sudden and secret evacuations of Norwegians from western districts of Norway have created so much alarm and confusion that even quislings are begin ning to protest, states the Norwegian Telegraph Agency. The quisling “Countv Leader” fcr Bergen
    ’—Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 162 12 .—Reuter. Attempt To Evade British Blockade London, July 31 A steady toll is being taken of ships trading in and out of Marseilles and endeavouring to evade the British blockade, but it is possible that there are some still not accounted for,” stated the
    .—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 163 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Heavy rain this morning prevented the Malayan Tennis Championship starting until 11.30 a.m. on the Selangor Club courts. The ground, however, looks firm. At the time of writing only one tie in the ladies’ doubles had been completed. Miss Nellie Chia
    163 words
  • 121 12 .—Reuter. TVhat Latest Gallup Poll Reveals New York, July 31. “COME people say now that Germany is fighting Russia as well as Britain, it is not so necessary for tills country to help Britain; Do you agree or disagree?” This is the question put in a
    .—Reuter.  -  121 words
    790 words
    REUTER.  -  152 words
  • 22 12 The Competent Authority for Oil, Fuel and Lubricants advises that the basic petrol ration for August will remain unchanged.
    22 words
  • 153 12 d—Reutei. TOKIO CONCERN i OVER U.S. GUNBOAT INCIDENT Tokyo, July 31. THE first formation of Japanese naval’air planes arrived in Southern Indo-China yesterday. Flying over the Mekong river they landed at the new air base established at Saigon. The sending of the planes follows the
    d—Reutei.  -  153 words
  • 48 12 .—Reuter London, July 31 Major Sir Herbert Paul Latham, Member of Parliament for the Scarborough and Whitby Divisions of Yorkshire, has been placed under arrest to be tried by court martial in respect of alleged offences under the military law. —Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  48 words
  • 552 12 Big Rally Of Rovers And Scouts “You have the Scout Laws and if you all live up to them, you will no doubt turn out to be good men and good citizens” the Hon Mr. A. M. Goodman, the Resident Councillor, Penang, told the boy
    552 words
  • 52 12 P.S.G vs East Surrey XI At Western Road today at 5.15 p.m. P.S.C. —W. Hannay; R.J. S. Franks J. T. Horsburgh; W. G. S. Wilson, D. Mclntosh, R. Laird; J. Wilson, T. M. Clark, D. W. Tyer, J. F. Keay, H. o. Thomas. Reserves—F. Brewer, W. Rintoul. Referee —A.
    52 words
    48 words
  • 224 12 Draw For Cheah Tat Jin Cup Tlie following is the draw in this competition. Bogey, to be played on Sunday, August 3. Players must arrange their own times of starting. L. C. Finch v. F. A. de Cruz. J. W. Webb v. A. Cockbum. J. K.
    224 words
  • 30 12 The Sfc George's School, Balik Palau, will hold their Annual Athletic Sports, on Thursday August 7, 1941, from 4 p.m at the Balik Pulau Recreation Ground.
    30 words
  • 134 12 Results Of Opening Ties Kuala Lumpur. July 31. The All-Malayan Indian tennis tournament was given a good start this afternoon when six ties were played off on the Selangor Indian Association courts in fine weather. Among the spectators was Mr. S. Dutt, Agent of the Government of
    134 words
  • 46 12 FRIDAY. AUGUST 1 TIN: Penang $134.75 Business done S&ngjapore $134.7p RUBBER: Penang Spot 38 5/8c Singapore Spot 38 5/8c COPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Mediiun Nominal Fair Seed Nominal XICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $lO 36 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.94
    46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 20 12 BANK HOLIDAYS The Exchange Banks will be closed, on 2nd and 4th August, which have been proclaimed Public Bank Holidays.
      20 words
    • 311 12 I gbcc) an 3 Phon* 1477 J Mew Rate, os Sunday Delivery Monthly 87 io Si Quarterly 60 s J H' If-Yearly J Yearly so.qo SUNDAY GAZm.. S’ Delivery u Quarterly t i.'« Half-Yearly 3 V ’Jg Yearly m jjg < The and mlElmiirn There era .ppraitarei, Birlha, Marriage?, ledgmentfl.
      311 words