Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 July 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 370 1 Scapegoat For Failure Of Main Nazi Plans JTHER GENERALS ALSO INCLUDED London, July 24. General von Brauchitsch, Nazi Commander-In-Chief, will be relieved of his post in the very near future, says the Moscow Radio, quoting of Zurich report, which says von Brauchitsch
    —Reuter.  -  370 words
  • 56 1 -Reuter. L. Lisbon, July 23. Rede* V,e:it Poin t. carrying the L. a r n n d plomats from the United fDr r Lisbon and was met Fr to former German AmbasFt 1 or Lad flown from P e German official Rptiv ti proceeding ReuT
    -Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 65 1 1. —Reuter. Ties Consolidated By British Assurance Chungking, July 23 Referring to the British Ambassador's communication of July 16 conveying Mr. Anthony Eden’s statement in the House of Commons, Dr. Quo Tai-chi states the Chinese Government appreciates this definite reassurance on the part of Britain which will strengthen
    1.—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 68 1 —Reuter. Undertone Remains Steady London. July 23. Cn the Stock Exchange the undertone remains steady but various sections moved irregularly. Gilt-edged were neglected but Industrials provided some good feature. Home rails improved while among diamonds, De Beers rose from 140 to 145 shillings on frank inquiry. Oils displayed
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 240 1 x POSITION TO CARRY OUT AMERICAN POLICY IN FAR EAST Washington, July 28. hast, in, 110 question,” but that recent developments in the Far in that t, UQ 0 fa Pan«-se censorship, mean new military developments tvnitrcn' U to,onfc l Frank Knox, Navy Secretary, at Press
    —Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 131 1 .—-Reuter. NEW OFFENSIVE ON BESSAR VBIAN FRONT London, July 24. Hitler’s Panzer divisions, making a supreme effort to win the battle, are stil Ifirmly held by the Red Army. The Moscow communique early today announced continued stubborn fighting in Polotsk-Nevel sector to the NorthWest
    .—-Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 263 1 -8.0. W Low-Level Attacks By British Bombers London, July 23. Enemy snipping losses for the week ended July 21 were in part due to highly successful low level attacks on shipping at Rotterdam on July 16 and the complete break-up of two enemy convoys on July
    -8.0. W  -  263 words
    —REI TEK.  -  92 words
  • 104 1 Reuter. Seeing British Life First-Hand London, July 24. An invitation has been sent by telegram to the United States Congressmen and Senators to send a representative body to England as guests of the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the British Council, to obtain a
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 108 1 —Reuter. Enemy Coastal Vessel Sunk London, July 24. Blenheim bombers were out today both in the morning and afternoon searching for enemy shipping off the coast of France and the Low Countries, states an Air Ministry communique. During these operations, one coastal vessel was sunk
    —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 61 1 -BOW. Rugby, July 23. Mrs. Winant, wife of the United States Ambassador in London, today presented thirteen model canteens the gift of friends in the U.S.A, to the Salvation Army for use in relief work in Britain. This makes a total of 71 canteens now
    -BOW.  -  61 words
  • 76 1 Reu ter. London, July 24. Commenting on the Indo-China situation, Reuter’s military correspondent, General Sir Hubert Gough, writes: “It seems that the Japanese will occupy Indo-China, in which case it is probable that Britain and America will declare war. “They are fully
    Reu ter.  -  76 words
    —Reuter.  -  593 words
  • 92 1 Success Of Russian Destroyers And Bombers Moscow, July 24. Ten enemy ships, it is now learned, were sunk when Soviet bombers attacked an enemy convoy, stated the Official Soviet News Agency. Five of the 'ships were sunk by Soviet destroyers. The cQ"voy was apparently
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  • 161 1 —Reuter. Ottawa, July 23. The Duke ui Kent is shortly visiting Canada announced the Premier. Mr. Mackenzie King.— Reuter. His Royal Highness is greatly in terested in the Commonwealth Air Training Plan and desirous of seeing for himself some of the air training 1
    .—Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 163 1 —Reuter. Shortage Of V\ orkers As Result Of Call-Up London, July 24. The invasion of Russia has greatly increased ■Sermany’s labour difficulties, according to a statement by the Ministry of Economic Warfare in London tonight. Since the beginning of the year, the Nazis hav»* been faced
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 J.'*” *r I i llers I of I REPUTE L lIEXDRY I Penang. I R LIMPIB SINGAPORE.
      17 words
    • 76 1 DISTINCTIVE IN DESIGN ARE OUR DLAMOND GEM SET BRACELETS. 1 P. H. Hendry JEWELLER, PENANG. l( DESTROY PRICES b ’WHITE ANTS Keniis. y, Scientifically. large for goaowns. V I Sf factories. ceclie- lines, etc. £22.50 $18.50 V SMALL for indi- V viduaj nouseholders 7.50 5.5 U F’ZELD for rubber i
      76 words

  • 135 2 Vitally Interested In Maintenance Of Peace In Pacific Mr. Welles Receiving Tokio Ambassador New York, July 23. MR. SUMNER WELLES is receiving the Japanese Ambassador, Admiral Nomura, at 8 p.m. G.M.T. He is an infrequent visitor to the State Department and the
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 75 2 —Reuter. SHOT DOWN BY CONVOY London, July 23. A GERMAN bomber, believed to be a Heinkel 111 was shot down on Tuesday night by combined anti-aircraft fire from a British convoy and escort vessels, says an Admiralty communique. The bomber attempted to attack the convoy, but was
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 54 2 .—Reuter. Shanghai, July 23. The second case of its kind occurred Within a fortnight of the Japanese authorities here detaining another British ship, suspecting the cargo of machinery aboard is destined for Chungking. As in the previous case, the vessel will be released after the cargo
    .—Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 36 2 —Reuter Washington, July 22. The Senate unanimously and withou debate passed and sent to the White House a bill authorising 5545.000.000 for expansion in naval, shipping, ship repair and ordnance factories—Reuter
    —Reuter  -  36 words
  • 252 2 ;.—Reuter. Egypt's Safety Assured London, July 24. “The position in the Middle East has been transformed as if by miracle,” said the Nawab of Ranpore in a statement issued yesterday and quoted by the Madras radio. “Following the suppression of the Iraq revolt, the Nazi domnion of
    ;.—Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 757 2 Complete Occupation By Troops Demanded Washington, July 23. TT is reported that Japan delivered at Saigon yesterday a 24A hour ultimatum demanding the complete occupation of Indo-China by Japanese troops. There is no indication of w hat steps Vichy is to take in connection with
    Reuter.  -  757 words
  • 836 2 Enemy Hurled Back From Outskirts Of Smolensk Moscow, July 24. </>V Alexander Werth, Reuter’s correspondent in Russia). Smolensk, key city on the Russian central front, is and always has been in Russian hands, I learn on good authority, despite the German propaganda claim, later
    —Reuter.  -  836 words
  • 78 2 —Reuter. Important Ry Premier Bangkok. Jul, TN view- of the pr tSM}lrt in the Far East ln Japanese intentions re Indo-€hiiu» ;md I subject of keen world. dilations, special taches to the Pn-mior i 4 Pibul Songgram\ nouncement of foreign Bidding farewell to 4 official delegation rocet-diite
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 121 2 JAPANESE D RIVE KIANGSU —Reuter. Shanghai, After a two-day drive, dealt a crushing blow to or Communist Army in er cs Province, and captured Yen the most important b:we> Army, about 160 miles Shanghai, the Japanese Arno Colonel Skiyama announce» Conference this afternoon. He added the object vi was to
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 327 2 —Reuter. Despite Severe Thunderstorms London, July 23. Frankfurt and Mannheim were again the main targets of the Bomber Command last night. An Air Ministry communique states: Flying through severe thunderstorms, aircraft of the Bomber Command continued the attack on enemy industries in Rhineland last night. The main
    —Reuter.  -  327 words
  • 109 2 .—Reuter. Opening At Glasgow By Duke Of Devonshire London, July 22. When the Duke of Devonshire opened the mission to the Seamen Hostel for Indian Seamen at Glasgow today a donation of £l5O from Her Majesty the Queen was announced towards the cost of the hostel
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
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    • 145 2 I Does this Climate Upset Your Liver and Digestion If so, take a course of I I I I In this tropical chmare with its heat and humidity the Over be- cornea sluggish, the bowels irregular, and the whole digestive system disorganised, with the result your head aches and you
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  • 334 3 B r itish Governments plan To Put An End To Profiteering London. rPl nent intends to put a stop to profiteering. A hill now in preparation will aim particularly at the I** f jnnecessary middlemen and speculators, pities ot u Experience of the working of the Limitation of Supplies Orders
    334 words
  • 133 3 I Tarleton, 43, salesman, senr at the central CrimK«nily for murder, will r c announced later by pGeneral. Mr. C, E. Marnnvemment will not tolerate b shment;’ he said, “and it r an y circumstances give L 1" for the l*£ al taking of L position
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  • 72 3 r W. Jowiit’s View k'illiam Jowitt, Solicitor-General, L at Sittingbourne, Kent, said Led that in six months’ time the k oil sources wou’d begin acutely ks common knowledge that Hit- expending about twice as much oil as he was getting, and that he was drawing on
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  • 255 3 London. T ORD Ebbisham, who has remained in London with his family through the blitz time, wants the Government to do something about his Mayfair neighbours who have run away, leaving others to protect their mansions from fire. Lord Ebbisham lives in Upper
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  • 320 3 Women Join In New Plan Sydney. W IDESPREAD railway concessions for both men and women serving with the armed forces have been announced by the State Premier (Mr. McKell). They will embrace interstate travel and, for the first time, include nurses and members
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  • 157 3 Canberra. -VEN members o f t h e Federal Cabinet, three of members of the War et, have records of service 1 last war. Minister for the Army (Mr. a nd the Minister for Air (Mr. had their appointments in terminated before einbarkWanding record was
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  • 59 3 f!y London. > stQl en Valued at Kin a War ehouse in The r 0 g K? n one it‘.^ r W was in* 3 t0 k place 1 lhat the ci progress, it is loaded whi/'iL Ch Waa driven dutiel o P liCe Were ri have
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  • 129 3 Sydney. Lottery-ticket buyers in Sydney seem to regard war names as unlucky. Director of the State Lotteiy, Mr. J. R. Cameron, recently examined 1000 ticket butts at random. lie discovered more than 3d "Black Cat” and 50 “Birthday” syndicates. He turned over at least a dozen
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  • 134 3 4,000 AJLP. Wardens Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s rough census for defence purposes reveals that about 2,000,000 people are living in these 3SO square miles, mostly swarming along the waterfront. There the maximum density is estimated to exceed 2,000 to the acre. The population includes 180,000 afloat,
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  • 176 3 38 Survivors Out Of 82 Rio De Janeiro. An extraordinary voyage has been made by one of the life-boats which got away from a British ship after the vessel had been sunk by a German raider off the west coast of Africa several weeks ago. Although the
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  • 1138 3 b v "Balbus” in the ’’Spectator” wholesale arming of the democracies by the U.S.A, on the Lease-Lend principle is important enough in its immediate consequences. But it could have equally important long-term consequences in the field of peace-time security. The logical statement of
    bv "Balbus” in the ’’Spectator”  -  1,138 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 308 3 THE FREEDOM OF THE SEA—AND OF THE AIR—IS AS VITAL TO vN MALAYA’S SECURITY AS TO VJ BRITAIN’S. A n How are we in Malaya this KgA Ivy peaceful and prosperous lesnd —to help in holding this freedom First: Save regularly, every dollar possible, from salaries and wages. s econc
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 632 4 Court Holds y Promoters Did Not Break Contract QUESTION OF FAHMY'S SECOND FIGHT TTOLDING that the defendants had not broken the contract, the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, on Tuesday dismissed an action by an Egyptian professional boxer, Mohamed Fahmy, in which he claimed $ll,OOO
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  • 756 4 leader Of Mission Confident Of Success In U.S. A HOPE that “in such a time of great crisis as this,” the Indian community in Malaya would prove their worth and so help in whatever way they could in the defence of the
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  • 454 4 Bringing Stable Equilibrium To The Pacij TT would be no small task to interpret Chinese ql to Australia, and Australian culture to Qiim dared Sir Frederic Eggleston after his appointnf Australian Minister to China. If that could be something would have been achieved to bringing stable
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  • 174 4 Cabaret Girl’s Complaint The case against S. A. Dawood, a young English-speaking Indian ship-chandler, who faces three counts of criminal breach of trust of money and jewellery belonging to a Singapore cabaret hostess, was adjourned to Aug. 12, 13 and 14 for further hearing, in the
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  • 752 4 Attacked Apprentice With Sailor’s Knife Singapore. A tight between Singapore Harbour Board apprentices and naval ratings of the S.S.R.N.V.R. which took place in the Board’s Tanjong Pagar dockyard, had a sequel in the Singapore Second Police Court when Ali bin Ismail, a Malay naval rating, was
    752 words
  • 159 4 Melbourne, A man has been arresteded with vagrancy after q Ue garding the doping of fore the Grand National St» The Melbourne League W are:—Carlton, Melbourne, g, Essendon; Association, ran. Port Melbourne, Williaj, Australian air travel reached a record total. Solecism (7-4 favourite) r Godfrey Watson Steeplechase
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  • 109 4 MANDO RE'S OF TRUST Kuab Convicting the accused breach of trust, Mr. T. J ditional First Magistrate, K'A»' in view of the accused s bound over Karuppiah, nix--’-T.P.CA. According to the prosecu®> cused had been in the labvarious siun s of nwne3 19 Nallathamby to Mr. C. P" the Audit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 Bljjjiit Qjou II lore the aWr perjutne —so ffigg siegef and jsaB|gBj mb > lg Film stars, world famous for 7 •i their beauty, use Lux Toilet I Soap because it safely cleanses i theit skin so gently and thoroughly—keeps it gloriously Joan Bennett, i A j T '-T 1
      128 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 377 5 Ipch. The case in which two Chinese, Foong Nam and Lai Yow were alleged to have committed an offence under the Merchandise Marks Enactment cn NovemLtr 30, 1940, was brought up for hearing before Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, Ipoh First Magistrate, yesterday. In the amended charge against
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  • 404 5 Hearing commenced before Mr. A. W. Bellamy, in the Police Court yesterday in the case in which Lai Sang Yew and Wong Mcoi Poti, were charged with dishonestly leceiving stolen property, namely 13 cases of joss-sticks valued at $389,50, 20 cases of tinned
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  • 223 5 Two To Go For Training To Singapore Ipoh. Two well-known local sportsmen, Lee Ah Loke and Wong Kok Sang, will shortly leave for Singapore to take a two-month training course for officers before being commissioned as Se cond Lieutenants in the Perak Chinese Coy.
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  • 289 5 With the opening of the renovated National Theatre in Sungei Patani tomorrow, Messrs. Keng Huat Film Company, Penang, add another cinema hall to the long chain in Malaya under their control. The cinema will be known as the Queen’s Cinema,
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  • 677 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The postal authoiiues amiou.x<:e ;.iai air mans aespateneu from Singapore un June 28 Dy Pan-American c,i»pp_, >.ere delivered in London on Juiy The Yang Mulia Raja Pet.a, me grandson or the late Suitan or Scia..gor, accompanied by the Yang lerinat Tungku Kiana of Selangor, left ior Penang ana
    677 words
  • 182 5 $5O Fine Imposed On Malay Alor Star. Mehat bin Awang, wno paid a nocturnal visit to the house of a compatriot, was yesterday found guilty of criminal trespass and fined $5O, or two months’ hard labour, by the Third Magistrate, Che Mohamed Zahir. Mohamed bin Matt
    182 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 the world is now I symbol of Victory; Victory I «B free peoples and the tl t,ns of international aygreaSWn Nearer home in Malaya, u^u stands for Variety, b with particular referQ tte so varieties of Jfu? 94 popular canned 1 QtlS rUtt{f und fruit juices, from the AGENCIES, 55
      154 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 154 5 p V < ;i/ E VIVG TODAY WITH 3 SHOWS C. At 3.00 p.m., 6.15 9.30 p.m. Most Stirring Appealing Love Stories In One The w Great*” 1 nlt hf U i passion that dares to face all hardship and rt jtorj' 01 Ml obstacles The love story of a
      154 words
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    • 89 5 A l R~conj3rrjo nep OPENS TO-DAY THREE SHOWS IT’S 81G!.... IT’S HAPPY!.... IT’S SWELL! JUDY GARLAND IN HER FIRST SOLO STARRING ROLE! THE SHOW THAT SANG AND DANCED BROADWAY’S WORRIES AWAY FOR NINE ROMANTIC MONTHS! A co^6en on sidewalks York. Stepping out! Singing out! Geo M. Cohan’s Broadway stage success
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  • 238 6 T>ERHAPS the most significant comment on the U.S. loan to Britain comes from Washington where business circles are emphatic in their view’ that Britain must be kept going”. Net only Britain but America as well is now determined to put ah she has into the fight. Not that
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  • 246 6 TT has often been said of Indian leaders that they were obsessed not with the peril to their country from external aggressors —who would regard India as a rich prize for their “New Order” —but with internal political disputes. Today this charge can no longer be
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  • 148 6 ODEON CINEMA: “Little Nellie Kelly” with Judy Garland and George Murphy. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Beau Geste” with Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and Robert Preston. 3, 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Our Fighting Navy” with Noah Berry, Hazel Terry and Esme Percy.
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  • 371 6 be demanded of the Government.—Malay Mail. JN normal times, undue interference by the Colonial Office or any other Homo Ministry would be strongly resented, and rightly so. In wartime we must smother our objections to a principle, although it is permissible to remark that the efforts at remote
    be demanded of the Government.—Malay Mail.  -  371 words
    • 107 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, As a motorist, I agree with Alpha’s comment that the “Stop at Major Road Ahead” sign at the Perak Road-Dato Kramat junction serves little purpose. I suggest that it should either be shifted to a more conspicuous position such as the centre of
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    • 137 6 'IF THE CAP FITS (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, To say I was surprised at Mr. “Soft Heart's" attitude is to put it mildly. I will not offer any comment beyond saying that if the cap fits him, let him put it on. Perhaps I should explain that when
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  • 62 6 —Reuter. London, July 23. It is understood that a commission rep resentative both of the management and labour side of British industries is being sent to make a tour of the defence industries in the United States. The question of a reciprocal invitation to the United States
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 676 6 Thursday, July 24. ATEST news about Indo-China| would seem to suggest that the V ichy authorities have again given in to Japanese demands for air and naval bases in Southern Indo-China. TN Washington, it is felt A that joint Anglo-U.S. economic action is the
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  • 410 6 What About it? rPHE “V” sign has spread to Penang, or at least to this part of Penang where Reuter news has been coming direct for umpteen years. And nobody is more aware of it (the dot-dot-dash, I mean, not the cables) than my colleague, “Eureka”. He
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 26 6 "BULLFINCH" BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. soJs Henry Waugh Co.. Ltd. PENANG,
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    • 69 6 DON’T RUB YOUR EYES. If you feel you want to rub eyes when reading or sewing, itj, practically certain you are sufferitj from eye strain. Find out at once by having youeyes properly examined A suitablt correction will relieve all feeling t! strain and will add immensely to roc pleasure
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  • 3294 7 Claims Cheques Were For innings At Gaming denial that he had received bribes was made by Gee Kok n un tii recently interpreter and translator attached to the 'knese Protectorate, Penang, in the course of his defence on a th before Mr. B. F. Bridge
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  • 12 7 A military lorry travelling from Kroh
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  • 343 7 “The financial position of the society lis satisfactory. The net profit for the year amounted to $2,811/72,” states the i committee's repoit and accounts for the year ended Dec. 31, 1940, of the i English School Teachers’ Co-operative, i Tnrift and Loan Society, Ltd., Penang, to be
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  • 106 7 Four Chinese youths were arrested by the Detective Branch following a raid on a Chinese motor garage in MacCullum Street in the early hours of this morning. The raid was led by Detective-Inspec-tor Chin Kim Weng who was accompanied by a poses of detectives. A canvas
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  • 62 7 Issue Of Concession Tickets Return concession tickets at single tariff book fare are being issued by the Federated Malay States Railways during the August Bank Holidays. The tickets will be available for the return journey after 6 a.m. on July 31 to August 3 inclusive,
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  • 259 7 Two Months For Tamil Sentence of two months’ rigorous imprisonment was imposed by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on a Tamil, Sooneh who appeared on a charge of voluntarilycausing hurt to another Tamil, Nadison, with an axe at Tek Soon Street
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  • 27 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,528,832.33 made up of Penang $973,904.02 and Perak $554,928.31. There were no contributions yesterday.
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  • 170 7 INQUIRY INTO DEATH OF CHINESE Balik Pulau. The mishap which befell an elderly cyclist, a Chinese planter of Sungei Tiram, was related before the Balik Pulau Coroner yesterday when an inquiry was held into the death of Ee Ah Ham, who died on July
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  • 132 7 Detective Catches Man In Act Alor Star. Caught by a detective in the act of stealing some meat from a paper bag kept in a motor-car, Salleh bin Samsudin was yesterday convicted on a charge of theft by Che Alohamed Zahir in the Magistrate’s Court and
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  • 272 7 K.L. EXPERIMENT YIELDS SUCCESSFUL RESULTS (BY “TIC-TAC”) AT a recent meeting of the Owners and Trainers Association held at Singapore Mr. J. A. Spencer, the Chairman, regretted that no scientific research was being conducted in Malaya with a view to prevent, if possible, dry-coatedness among
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  • 51 7 Seah Ah Yong appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on a charge of having in his possession non-government chandu at Katz Street on July 23. The charge was explained to him and the case was postponed to July 28, police bail being
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  • 154 7 Missing Fisherman’s Body Recovered Still clinfiinfi to his overturned boat, an elderly Malay fisherman was found dead in the sea off Sungei Nibong yesterday morning. The discovery was made by another Malay fisherman who had gone out in his sampan to look for the deceased,
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  • 120 7 Drivers Charged W ith Negligence Balik Pulau. The motor accident which occurred at the junction at Batu Üban village on June 4 this year, involving an M.G. car and a Fiat, had its sequel yesterday at the Bayan Lepas Court when both drivers of the vehicles were
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 'Ok twi si C 111 1 v PH Eißteu w ..«r A 1Y WOF w ..Sfek make turn CMdror. Co* Gate. Not only for its pleasant, soothing flavour, but for the T 1 feeling of contentment and the Georgetown dispensary ltd., penang. satisfaction they associate with it— atmosphere surgeon know
      72 words
    • 178 7 FEEL OLD BEFORE YOUR TIME’ TO Ever feel tired when you should feel lively Ever feel depressed when there is nothing to be gloomy about Ever feel sleepy early in the evening irritable, nervy Sometimes have pains in the back and legs, catarrh Signs of constipation. You may think you
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  • 140 8 Meeting Of Ipoh Rotary Club w Ipoh. A very interesting address on postwar conditions was delivered by Major C M. Black of the A.I.F. at the weekly tiffin meeting of the Ipoh Rotary Club held at the Hotel Majestic yesterday afterron. Rotarian President Raja Omar presided.
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  • 59 8 Edward Loh. a 19-year-old Chinese appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Third Court yesterday on a charge of causing grievous hurt to a female, Ong Noy Lan. at Kinta Lane on July 21. The charge was explained to him and the case
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    • 459 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 24th July, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 2/10$ 3/1$ 5/0 Austral Amal. 7/3 7/6 £1 Austral Malay 36/6 37/6 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/0 17/6ex $1 Ayer Weng .77$ .82$ £1 Bangrin Tin 13/0 14/0 $1
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    • 228 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenbj’ 1.07$ 1.12$ Alor Gajah .75 £0 Amal Malay 1.57$ 1.62$ Ayer Hitam .85 .90 Ayer Moiek 1.10 1.15 Aver Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett .41 .42$ Batu Lintang 1.05 1.10 Bedford .95 I.ooc Benta .95 1.00 Borelh 1.30 1.35 ex Broga .57$ .60 Brunel United 57$
      228 words
    • 351 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N. 2 Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brink Ord 1.75 1.80 $2 Alex Brick 71% Pref 2.10 2.15 c $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs £9 £1 Con T. S. Ord 16/3 16/9X £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/6
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    • 169 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Berjuntat 15% 4th Int. 23.30.7.« 80.7.41 Hongkong 10% Int. L.T. 13.41 Killinghail 15% Int. L.T. 3L7.41 Klang Rivef (No. 52) 24.7.41 29.7.41 Kuala Lumpur Tin Is. A.C. (Xo. 41 div) 25.7.41 (at Melbourne) Petaling Tin 25% Int. 28.7.41 9.8.41 Pungah 9d
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  • 407 8 Directors’ Report For Year Ended May 31 The following is the Directors’ Report for the year ended May 31, 1941. of the Nyalas Rubber Estates Limited: Accounts.—‘The net profit for the year amounts to $104,550.27 (as compared with $81,033.28 for the previous year) to which must be
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  • 245 8 ROBINSON CO., LIMITED Net Profit For Year $270,910 The following is the directors’ report for the year ended February 28, 1941 of Messrs Robinson and Company limited to ne presented at the annual general meeting of the company at Singapore on July 26: Accounts —After making adequate provision for Depreciation
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  • 69 8 Penang, July 23, 1941 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New 7 York, Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 12 1/8 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10
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  • 670 8 Putting Money Back For War Effort The income of the Canadian people in 1940 was $554 millions greater than in 1939, according to a preliminary estimate, which indicates that the income was $4,594 millions, or $402 per capita, compared with $4,040 millions and §357 in 1939. Increased
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  • 96 8 More than two years’ supply of cigarette tobacco leaf for Britain—34o,ooo,ooo lb.— lies in American store-barns under option to Great Britain, says Tobacco, the British trade journal. Through the Commodity Credit Corporation, and under the Lease and Lend Act, finance is reported to be
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  • 800 8 Sungei Buaya And Ampat Earnings Tiie accounts of two Sumatra rubier estate companies cf which Sir John May is chairman show that profits are considerably higher than in the previous twelve months. These two companies are the Sungei 'Buaya (Sumatra) Rubber Company and the Ampat (Sumatra) Rubber
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  • 402 8 CO MMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA Higher N atioi)a| Income The Commonwealth Bank announces a profit f or U December 31 last of £lo2lfinwith £970,329 for the first Smaller profits in the ge J a department and in the "r--department were more th n" jump in the note issue fits of
    402 words
  • 112 8 Yesterday’s Close rev- 5 TIN: LONDON “Spot” £258. 5. 0. i'2sy. J “Forward” ±'26l. 0. 0. la SINGAPORE “Spot” $138.12% §***** Business done PENANG: “Spot” 3138.12% RUBBER: LONDON “Soot” 13 3|Bd. “Forward” 13 7|l6d. Tone Fully Steady Quiet Lnciw SINGAPORE “Spot” 38 l|2o PENANG “Spot” 38 l]2o COPRA:
    112 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 122 8 BANKS T j I i I jwjjiMM SAVINGS 'fy&tc to y&rL&tien a dollar saved is an extra dollar earned. darings account is the best inducement to save a io nave a Savings Account and to see thia account grow from time to time la to be a contented person. A
      122 words

  • 341 9 Purported He Could Collect Debt That he presented a number of false letters purporting to be from the Commanding Officer, F.M.S.V.R., to a tailor whom he cheated was admitted by an English-speaking Chinese named Lai Ching, who pleaded guilty on Saturday morning before Mr. T.
    341 words
  • 77 9 Rangoon. The first prize of Rs- 100,000 in the last Burma State Lottery was paid out recently to U Wizaya alias U Tun Yin, a tutor at the Sagawabin Kyaung, Thayettaw Kyaungdaik, Godwin Road. U Wizaya is a native of Taungtha, Mytogyan District. U Wizaya
    77 words
  • 737 9 Coleridge Fille: A Biography of Sara Colerige. By Earl Leslie Griggs. (Oxford University Press 12s. 6d.) By STEPHEN POTTEB Sixty years ago the pioneers of the literary colony of Sussex heard with respectful amazement one of the hard-er-riding members of the Horsham Shelleys refer to his ancestor as
    737 words
  • 53 9 Nullifying Effect Of Rationing The numbers of forged coupons detected at the F.M.S. Transport Board indicate that there is a very large number in circulation each month and this is having the effect of nullifying the economy which was anticipated in the saving of petrol on the
    53 words
  • 217 9 London. A woman telephone operator is in the list of awards of the new British Empire Medal. The telephonist, Miss Rosalie Gassman, watch-room attendant in the Hornsey Women’s A.F.S., was on duty when the building was damaged by bomb. “In spite of the falling
    217 words
  • 161 9 Welfare Work Call London. “What we want, and what I hope we shall soon have, is a Ministry of Childhood,” Lady Alien of Hurtwood told a press reporter at the opening of an exhibition of the Nursery Schools Association at Charing Cross Underground Station. She indicated that
    161 words
  • 179 9 London. Plans for a further speed-up in production of ’planes, ships, tanks, guns and munitions are actively in hand. The coming months will see the largest expansion of production this or any country has known. The building industry will be called on to erect factories
    179 words
  • 137 9 Married Amid Ruins London. Two couples were married recently In the charred porch of a London church which was destroyed by incendiary bombs during London s second heavy raid in four nights. The weddings were solemnised while the ruins were still smoking and firemen were
    137 words
  • 282 9 THURSDAY, 24TH JULY, 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. INTERNAL MALAYAN SERVICE Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weame’s Air Thurs. 24th tost. Singapore «10 *O5 Service 1.00 p.m. 12.30 p.m. AFRICA Thurs. 24th inst. All destinations -50 »25 8.0.A.C.
    282 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1995 9 RANGOON ■IS I I XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 m.) KBS W XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m.) W 'W, 6.50 p.m. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 705 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.20 Burmese News and Market Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Pregramme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded OAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS n.^ci^do»” 05 Danoe Pro rMnme
      1,995 words
    • 394 9 KUALA LUMPUR ZGB4 5.00 mc/s (80.00 m.) 8.20 a.m. News Bulletin (Relayed from London). 6.15 pm. News in Tamil Indian Music. 6.45 News in Malay Malay Music. 7.15 News in Cantonese Chinese Music. 7.45 —8.15 News in Hokkien Hakka on alternate days with Chinese Music 8.20 Full News Bulletin (Relayed
      394 words

  • 688 10 Council Reforms A Bold And Wise Decision Rugby, July 23 Yesterday's statement announcing the increase of the Viceroy’s Executive Council and the formation of a National Defence Council is received by the Press with approval as marking a distinct advance towards the improvement of
    —Reuter.  -  688 words
  • 60 10 Reuter. Appointed Czech Minister To Moscow London, July 22. Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent learns that M. Flinter, the former Czechoslovak Minister in Moscow, has been appointed to represent Czechoslovakia in the Soviet Union as a result of an agreement whereby relations between the two countries have been resumed. M.
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 49 10 Cairo, July 22. There was an air raid on the Suez Canal area early this morning, the Ministry of the Interior announces A few bombs were dropped causing no casualties and only slight damage. The alarm was also sounded in other parts of the
    49 words
  • 988 10 REASON FOR RETURN OF ADMIRAL DECOUX Representations Made In Vichy By Ambassador Hanoi, July 22 No further developments of the situation are apparent this morning. It is now known that the Government returned to Hanoi as a result of certain representations made in Vichy
    .—Reuter.  -  988 words
  • 344 10 What R.A.F. Reported After Flight London, July 23. Bombers of the R.A.F. attacked targets in Western Germany last night, it was learned in London this morning. Lights in the shape of a “V” were seen ty R.A.F. pilots while ever France, Holland and Belgium
    344 words
  • 82 10 —Reuter. SHOTS FIRED AT FRONTIER Ankara, July 23 A frontier incident is reported from Andivir near Gizre where the Turkish, Iraqian and Syrian frontiers meet. A band of Armenian regulars from Syria tried to cross the Turkish frontier and told the Turks they are chasing refugees.
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 302 10 —Reuter. EQUAL ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES Washington. July 22. Mr. Sumner Welles in a speech today, which constituted the most specific prenouncement made yet by a high administration official on postwar aims of the United States Government said, the PostWar Association of Nations is strong enough to guarantee
    —Reuter.  -  302 words
  • 896 10 LARGE-SCALE FIGHTING ON MURMANSK RAILW AY No Substantial Changes In Positions Of Troops Moscow, July 23 A Russian communique states: ‘‘On July 22 our troops wereen gaged in large scale fighting in Petrozavotsk (on the Murmansk railway north-east of Lake Ladoga), Porkhov, Smolensk Zhitomir (in the Ukraine east of Novograd-Volinsk
    —Reuter.; —Reuter  -  896 words
  • 507 10 FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AND PRESENT HIGH PRICES London, July 23 The Times Tokyo Correspondent in an article published on July 22 written before the formation of the new Konoye Ministry to which Mr. Matsuoka was superseded by Admiral Toyoda says, Recent events and speeches
    -Reuter  -  507 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO, LTD, Agents Penang Telephone
      52 words

  • 72 11 rpHE Tiger Sporting AssociaA tion, Singapore, will travel to Penang to play two matches during the August Holidays. The}' will meet the Penang Football Association, Northern finalists of the “Malaya” Cup competition this year, on August 3, and, against the Penang Chinese Combined (under
    72 words
  • 278 11 Results In Handicap Tourney Telck Anson. A start has been made in the billiards handicap tournament of the Telok Anson Chinese Club, which has been divided into three divisions. Most of the matches in the first lound have been played and the results are as
    278 words
  • 69 11 Marines Defeat B.R.C. By 3-1 Butterworth. The Marine Dept. Sports Club beat the Butterworth Recreation Club by three goals to one in a soccer friendlyplayed on the Butterworth padang yesterday. Mat Noor opened scoring for the visitors and they added another through Rahmansah. The home team’s left wing
    69 words
  • 49 11 The Penang jmior. badminton fixtuies for Sunday, July 27. have been cancelled as the hall ivill net be available for sonic time. Matches will probably be played during ill Augvst Public Holiday;, i.e 3rd and 4th. Competitors are asked x o take note of future announcements.
    49 words
  • 169 11 Draw In Handicap Tourney Taiping. The 1941 Taiping C.R.C. handicap tennis tournament will commence shortly but no date has been fixed yet. The draws in the singles and doubles are as follows: SINGLES Tan Chin Teik (-30) vs. Yeoh Teng Khoo (-30). Chung Ah Kee (-30) vs.
    169 words
  • 30 11 Tlie winner s of the July Competition in Tic Tac’s Raceguide are Ong Joo Chin, of Amoy Street, Singapore, and Albert Lee, of Phuah Hin Leoim Road Penang.
    30 words
  • 33 11 Buttiiia Beats Burman On ints New York. July 23 Melio Bettina, former world lightweight champion outpointed Clarence Burman, The protege of Jack Dempsey over ten rounds. 10.000 spectators saw Bettina win comfortably.—Reuter.
    33 words
  • 536 11 First Division Soccer IN a scrappy First Division League football match on the Victoria Green yesterday afternoon, the Chinese Recreation Club beat the Penang Municipal Recreation Club by four goals to two. The Municipal Recreatiomsts were the first to attack although they played one
    536 words
  • 253 11 Saturday, July 26: Police vs M.D.S.C.— Dato Kramat —H. H. Peterson. Monday, July 28: P.M.R.C. vs P.F.F.A. —Dato Kramat—Tamby Kechil. Tuesday. July 29: P.C.F.A. vs M.D.S.C.--Dato Kramat—H. R. Pawanteh. Tuesday, July 29: Muslim R.C. vs Police S.C.—Westlands —H. H Peterson. Saturday, August 2: P.F.F.A. vs C.R.C.
    253 words
  • 183 11 MANY SENT TO PRISON BY GERMANS r pHE story of how the great majority of Norwegian athletes had refused to participate in contests ever since the Nazis had taken over their sports associations was related to a “Pinang Gazette’ reporter by Mr. J. Harriman,
    183 words
  • 75 11 —Reuter. McNeil And Riggs In Third Round Seabright, (New Jersey), July 23 America’s tennis chdmpion, Don McNeill, is among the second round winners of the Invitation Tournament, while Bobby Riggs, former American and Wimbledon champion and Frank Parker, the Davis Cup player, also survived. The beaten
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 133 11 Annual Cricket “Test” Next Month following have been selected to represent the Colony in the annual Malayan cricket “Test” against the Malay States on the Penang Sports Club ground at Western Road on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 2, 3 and 4 respectively: Lt.
    133 words
  • 67 11 O. vs P.R.C. The following will represent the Association on Sunday, July 27 at 10.30 a.m. on the S.X.I. ground. P. Foley A .J. Williams Khoo Boon Choo Cheah Boh Eye Lim Seng Khim K. A. Taylor K. Lembruggcn Tan Teik Siew C. Danker J. A. E. Read G.
    67 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 326 11 Bcstbri'Siiehri-s.S ira; |H ,-7/cr ouo v Ov/A BjM glass rods after satne yyrl ITS NAME IS Wisdom STS NYLON TUFTS MAKE BRISTLES OUT-OF-OATE THESt 7KSTS. Nylon.sanejv Bp| OTAND a Wis.lon, material with amazing resilience. It IK Z 1 0 Toothbrr. -nd a defeats the two enemies of the tooth- U-d
      326 words

  • 988 12 Possible Joint Anglo-U.S. Action Washington, July 23. nPfIK Japanese demand, probably concerning Camranh Bay, was expected here by a number of observer s, but a demand covering occupation of the whole country came as a surprise. A discussion of possible demands has already taken place
    —Reuter.  -  988 words
    —REUTER.  -  37 words
  • 28 12 Members are reminded that th a seventh stage of the Captain’s Prize competition will be played over Saturday and Sunday, July 26 and 27.
    28 words
  • 468 12 —Reuter. Moscow, July 24. THE Soviet communique issued tonight by the Soviet Information Bureau announces: “During July 23, stubborn battles against the enemy were waged in the Polotsk-NeveL Smolensk and Zhitomir directions, and on the Bessarabian sector of the front. “At one point of the
    —Reuter.  -  468 words
  • 225 12 JUMPING-OFF GROUND FOR FURTHER EXPANSION (By Fergus J. Ferguson, Reuter's diplomatic correspondent). London, July 24. rpHERE is little reason to doubt the authenticity of the news 1 that Japan has given Vichy an ultimatum about IndoChina, although no official confirmation has been
    —Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 431 12 FIRST DAY’S HANDICAPS OUT TOMORROW ‘'TIC-TAC”) r pHE Penang race tracks and the lawns round the GrandA stand have never looked as well as they do now and unless there is heavy rain the going should be good for the Penang meeting which opens on
    431 words
  • 825 12 COLONIAL OFFICE ADVISER ON PURPOSE OF VISIT Kuala Lumpur. That he was “making* full investigations into housing, overcrowding, rents, nutrition, maternity and child welfare and educational conditions” of labourers in Malaya was revealed by Major G. St. John Orde-Brown, labour adviser to the
    825 words
  • 38 12 THURSDAY. JULI SITIN': Penang ul Business done Singapore 5133,33 RUBBER: Penang Spot Singapore Spot 2c COPRA: Sundried 52,8 Non Black Pepper TAPIOCA: j Medium Fair Seed 58,85 ’MCE: .J Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 Rangoon Parboiled No.
    38 words
  • 79 12 General Palmer Gw Evidence Washington, In my opinion our peril 1» it has ever been in our i General J. M. Palmer toda;. to the Senate Military cornr port of President RooseveltMonday for the retention 0. tees for a further .period 0. vice in the army.
    79 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 63 12 V.V t W a V.W.W.W.ViWAW A f audeville Show WIL’ BE PRESENTED BY THE BLIT Z E R S (MEMBERS OF H. M. FORCES) IN AID OF THE Lord Mayor's Air Raid Fund AT THE Town Hall Penang On Friday and Saturday the Bth and 9th August, 1941 at 9.30
      63 words
    • 223 12 Mead office, aie Hei ar 0 Phone 1477 i/ x Halee of •utjseripUon for and Sundav v Moncni, U M.w’ Quarterly 750 n a! If-Yearly u.oq J Y «*riy so.oc J} w «uarterfr dalf-Yeariy a.| o V r1 «<* js ADViiRTIoIMKNr The sparge* ln Birthe Marriages, ledgmente. Announcement», 'Mention up
      223 words