Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 240 1 London, June 25. rpHE Finnish Legation in London issued at midnight on Wed- nesday a dramatic statement in which he said that Russian violation of their territory and bombing of their towns and villages had forced the Fin as from now on to defend themselves.
    .—Reuter.  -  240 words
    to ensure .—Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 69 1 —Reuter. Dt tcrioration Of ForceIn Syria Zurich, June 25. Herr Otto Abetz, German Ambassador to France, has arrived in Berlin, according to the Berlin correspondent of the “Die Tat.” The aim of his visit, it is reported, is to inform the German Government in accordance with
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 1041 1 TERRIFIC CHARGE BY SOVIET CAVALRY Moscow, June 25. I lOW Soviet cavalry drove back German and Rumanian troops which crossed the River Prutn into Bessarabia from Fakiu—midway between Jassy*and Galatz—is described in a dispatch from Tiraspol from a special correspondent of
    —Reuter.  -  1,041 words
  • 46 1 ill liin Parade ground J ll N I U n for mero bers of a yy A AC C Worthing, Sus WW’A’H’F O sex, corps of J union W.A.A.f.S 411 the girls are be tween the s ges of 14 and 17 J rears
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  • 71 1 —Reuter. SIX ENEMY FIGHTERS DESTROYED Loudon, June 26. The German airfield at Longuenesse, near Stonier, was bombed and hangars and buildings hit in the second of the R.A.F.’s doubk sweep over Northern France yesterday. Full details of the R.A.F. offensive sweep over Northern France yesterday
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 129 1 ciiwy i —Reuter Careful Watch Over Entry Of Aliens Washington, June 24. The establishment of a new immigration policy was announced by the State Department today. All immigration visas will be centralised in Washington with emphasis on the suitability of immigrants to the National Defence
    ciiwy i —Reuter  -  129 words
  • 37 1 —Reuter. Three Italian Planes Destroyed Malta, June 26. Three Italian fighters were shot down in an air battle over Malta on Wednesday, and one Italian bomber was severely damaged, states an official communique.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 41 1 Reuter. Lisbon, June 25. The former Belgian Prime Minister M. Van Zeeland, has arrived from New Ydrk here en route to London. He will have talks with the Belgian Government, and Belgian political personalities at present in England.—
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 299 1 —Reuter. IMPORTS FROM F\R E tST’ VOW STOPPED Shanghai June 26. v\ <O» rhe. Midden stoppage of Nazi imports from the Far East v£& ttie < Frans-Siberian Railway i- a result' of the Soviet-German, hostilities. I German war economy is believed to have suffered
    —Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 106 1 Production Of 500 Machines Per Month T H f mtonce plant corporation IT WOULD BLILD $47.060,006 BOMBER FACTORY AT YPSIL- MOTO^COMPINY™ BF LEASED AND OPERATED BY THE FORD —R ute;J| It is understood that the factory- is to be an important part of the United
    .—R ute;J|  -  106 words
  • 58 1 —Reuter London, June 2s. The British Mission to Moscow to which Mr. Churchill referred in the Commons on Tuesday will consist of representatives of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, and wi/7 also include economic experts, learns Renter's diplomatic correspondent. The Mission will
    —Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 GENT’S HAIR BRUSHES In Zip Cases. g WtSW i ,:4 I'. 11. HENDRY! JEWELLER. K. I umpur. PENANG. S’pore. 1
      20 words
    • 59 1 GOIJJ STUD SETS In Attractive Pres-entation Cases. !i X tf W" i p. h. in xi>m I JEWELLER '.'.Vi .«ti Bishop Street, I’enaog. DESTROY PRICES WHITE ANTS Sets»- Rfefl! ItLARGE for godowiih USE factories, ceolieUnes, etc. $22.50 SMALL for individua! 5 ’LEIaD for rubber I STOCKISTS is.s» jrf'THE GEORGE TOWN
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  • 451 2 REPORTED AGREEMENT OF PROPOSAL Efforts To Safeguard Automony And Stay Out Of Conflict Berlin, June 25. VOLLOWING a special session of the Swedish Riks- dag, an official communique has been published, announcing the Swedish agreement to allow German troops to pass from Norway to
    —Reuter  -  451 words
  • 76 2 —Benter. New York. June 25« The German passenger liner, Elbe, 9,900 tons, has probably been sunk hy an aeroplane of the British Fleet Air Arm. according to American maritime sources. The position was abo’cir I 900 miles north-west of Cape Verde Islands.
    —Benter.  -  76 words
  • 300 2 .—Reuter. London, June 25. Large forces of R.A.F. bombers strongly escorted by fighters headed towards the French coast this morning. They art believed to have carried out nne of the most intensive daylight raid.» over Northern France. The bombers had a fighter screen of
    .—Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 225 2 LX VX C*X V X. —Reutei Enemy AV arships In Harbour Bombed Cairo, June 25. The British Fleet Air Arm bombed enemy destroyers in the harbour n f Beirut on Tuesday and also started fires in attacks at Tripoli and North Africa. Benghazi was
    LX VX C*X V X. —Reutei  -  225 words
  • 149 2 —Reuter. Lisbon, June 24. It is reported that the missing second boat with 40 survivors from the torpedoed Portuguese ship “Ganda” have readied Huelva, Spain. Twenty-three survivors, most of them injured, were landed at Lisbon on Sunaay by a trawler. Two persons were killed The “Ganda” was
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 66 2 .—Reuter. Troops Withdrawn From Aviation Factory Washington, June 24. The War Department announces that troops have been withdrawn from the North American Aviation Factory at Inglewood, California, where the strike holding up big defence orders was settled recently. Following Jie failure of mediation efforts, Mr. Roosevelt had sent
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 314 2 —Reuter. Rioting Outside Britisß Embassy London, June 25. ’T’HE rioting which occurred outside the British Embassy at Madrid yesterday is now revealed as carefully stage-managed by the Nazis who saw to it that German photographers and a German film unit were on the spot before the
    —Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 221 2 —Reuter. Successful Attacks Claimed By Germans Berlin, June 25 The predominance of aerial warfare at this stage of the German campaign against Russia emerges from today's semiofficial German reports of the fighting which mention air attacks on Russian communications and air support for ground forces.
    —Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 111 2 —Reuter. Appointment Of Older A.I.F. Officers Canberra, June 25. The strengthening of Australia’s Home defence by the appointment of several older A. I. F. Officers with Middle East experience is being planned by Mr. Spender, the Commonwealth Army Minister. What is more it will also provide opportunity
    —Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 765 2 London, June 25. r pHE Russian submarine flotilla in the Black Sea has recent--1 ly been reinforced by Admiral Kuznetsov, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, according to news reaching Ankara says the Independent French News Agency. There were discussions regarding priority between the defences
    —Reuter.  -  765 words
  • 57 2 Champion Of Freedom Medal F or R oosevelt P R h T’>t ENT ro^kv Eit has been awarded the a”* fL’V" Kosal Socie '.I! Arts, f C r the year 194 J in of nltlon hls pre en h vices to humanity as a f T and resolute ehamptou ideals
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  • 222 2 ..—Reuter. a u st °ckholm, j UnP 55 A heavy a,r attack on Len.„„,7 reported from Finnish sources acr mg to which it is- believed German s bomber, caused extensive It is also reported from FinlaM that the Russian defences at Range at the western
    ..—Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 60 2 .—Reuter. Gilt-Edged riecord All-Round Advance London, June 25. The Stock Exchange is generally firm, but business was quiet. Giltedged recorded an all ’.ound advance and industrials also tended h gher with further investment demand for heavies. Among foreign bonds, Japanese were strong and generally £2 higher, while Chinese
    .—Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 21 2 —Reuter. London, June 25. Empress A lanen of Ethiopia and Princess Tsahai visited the Queen on Tuesday morning.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 606 2 Allied Success In Syria —Reuter- London, June 25. "I7ICHY troops are still holding Palmyra although the Allies! troops have most surrounded the town, it is learned in authoritative circles in London today. It is jiointed out that the fortifications of Pabnjra are fairly strong and
    —Reuter-  -  606 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 THE REASON T Innumerable complaints arise from impurities in the blood, and so long as the impurities reI main, permanent relief cannot be obtained. Clarkes Blood Mixture, by cleansing the I g blood, is invaluable in the treatment of fii rheumatic complaints, lumbago, painful I i joints, neuritis, glandular swellings,
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  • 374 3 L C-il’le U a scheme instituted in -ra’.a after the outbreak of V 1 inr men are completing a lAf technical training at the a month to fit them for t.J W ork in the fighting ser- employment in munitions MORE guns ordnance factory is to be
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  • 23 3 The Empress of Abyssinia with some of her family. (Picture taken at their home in England).
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  • 509 3 ig Anglo-American Plan yearing Completion FH-AM ERIC AN plan for the greatest mass transfer of merchant l ,r wn one ocean to another tn world history is now approaching Isays Richard Hughes, Daily Telegraph travelling reporter Id I States, in a message from Washington. F
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  • 1082 3  -  Grenadier Guards Take To Tommy-Guns Ry RICHARD CAPELL OLD soldiers might well be astonished at the variety of activities that now constitute the training of a rifle battalion. Something of their nature has been revealed to me in the past few days.
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  • 738 3  -  A PERSONAL REMINISCENCE OF 1912 BY MAJOR L K. LEESON 'T’HIS is the story of the evolu- tion of the A. A. gun. In the summer of 1912 German Zeppelins flew once or twice over the East Coast of England, and one was reported to have hovered
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  • 156 3 One Million Now Registered With the call-up of women born in 1918- the ”23” girls-—who registered recently for national service, a million women are nov’ registered in Britain for war work. Many of tho»e who ar« now called up will join the army uf women already
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  • 57 3 Britain’s new Hurricane —the Hurricane II. —has spread its wings. It is faster and more heavily armed than its famous predecessor. Thus our mighty fighter fleet now consists of: Spitfire 111., Hurricane 11.. Tornado, Whirlwind, and Defiant. I Another new arrival is the Napier Sabre wonder engine.
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    • 143 3 /rour bathroom\ I is a joy to see. Come on. what's j our secret St. Ww smooth cleansing with VIM!^ 'St No harsh scouring 11 allowed- That’s no I secret, but Just£ sense! feg of aay kkwl i: io JC'aJ-hc», cd'.aoi: it griarfs fee dot off. And 'hot* scratch«i are
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  • 1053 4 ‘Threatened With Poliee Prosecution” npHE Johore Government is to institute a special inquiry I j ntG allegations made by a member of its Council of State, Dr. N. Mootatamby, that following a speech he had |made at the last meeting of the Council “a
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  • 217 4 A NEW method of notifying fatal war casualties so that the news will be broken gently by friends has been prepared by the Defence authorities, and will be announced soon, says a Melbourne message to the Sydney Morning Herald. The object is
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  • 594 4 INQUESTS NOT ENOUGH 4 RESOLUTION requesting an inquiry into the recent strikes on Selangor estates was passed at the annual meeting of the Selangor Indian Association. Speaking from the chair, Mr. K. K. Benjamin, in the course of his opening remarks, said: “I am
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  • 303 4 Father To "Deal With Son” That a youthful offender’s father was prepared “to deal with his son adequately and give him what he deserves, in the presence of an officer of the court,” was the statement made by counsel in the Singapore Fifth Court pleading
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  • 473 4 Tour Of Netherlands Indies ‘WHE Japanese would be absolutely crazy if they A anything against the Netherlands Indies now,” John Stuart Martin, correspon dent for the American zines Time and Life, who has just returned from a lio-ht tour of this territory. s !n “A year ago
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  • 116 4 The discovert' of a human skeleton, lying under a tree, in the vicinity of Tanglin Barracks, by Cnl. G. Backhuist, of the R.A.M.C., on June 10, had a sequel in the Singapore Coroner’s court. The skeleton was lying about 30 feet from a drain in the
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  • 917 4 Duty Of Ca r Owner TO SEE VEHICLE LN GOOD ORDER A RULING is that it is the owner’s duh to see that a car is in good or( as prescribed by law wh en he permits another person to drive it wa, given in the Supreme Court. KuxJ a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 PERSONAL movies are SO FASCINATING! t Simple to make, fascinating to watch and show to your friends, priceless in years to come sK nevertheless home movies are V 5 really inexpensive if you use a J Cine -“Kodak” Eight. This 'i ‘world’s cheapest-to-run’ cine <* camera makes brilliant movies aS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 I What a War! Wilkinson 5 S ■< ff 7 < VN3!: 1 s ,V Personally, sir, 1 think the war's been rather *a v blessing. They used to play merry hell here week-ends." -r* x- All in a Day's Work— —by Rick Ehnes ''Al/// ——>/ *1 i ihi u
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  • 169 5 Boys’ Hostel To Be Handed Over To Salvation Army Ipoh. An appeal to all Rotarians to make a special effort to be present at the I business meeting of the Club was taade by Rotarian J. L. Hope at the Weekly tiffin meeting of the Ipoh Rotary
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  • 519 5 Tribute To Malayans’ Hospitality Ipoh. “The hospitality of the Malayan peo- pie is helping us a great deal in relic. Ing the monotony of waiting for the last battle. Speaking of the last battle. reminds me of that stirring song— Australia Will Be There—and when
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  • 683 5 Transport Board Official's Evidence At Trial Of Driver Ipoh. Evidence to the effect that the steering of the car was in a dangerous condition making it risky to drive such a car on the road, was given by Mr. V. G. Butt, Transport Board
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  • 482 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. R. E. Prentis was ad- mitted to the Singapore hospital over the week-end for an operation. Cable news has been received from England by Mr. S. Eliathamby, Hospital Assistant, Disti ict Hospital, Kajang, that his nephew Mr. T. V. Perumainar has passed his final examination in en-
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  • 107 5 Sentence Deferred On Chinese Tai ping. As a sequel to the daring daylight snatch theft reported yesterday, a young Chinese, Cheng Seng was pro- i duced before the Taiping Magistrate, Raja Salim and charged with the tffieft of a ring valued at $45, the property
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  • 79 5 Ipoh. The Celestial Dance Hall will hold a "‘Patriotic Night” on Friday, June 27, the gross proceeds of which will go to the Patriotic Fund and the funds for entertaining Australian and British troops. There will be dancing from S p.m. till midnight with
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  • 383 5 Electrocuted By I Radio Set Wire 1 I Balik Puiau. How a Malay named Jaffar living :n Bay-an Lepas came by his death on the evening of May 29 while holding the earth wire of a radio set, was rold yesterday at the Court House.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 226 5 PENANG’S most luxurious j’ AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE Last 3 Shows Today At *3: 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WARNER BROS.’ HUGE STAGE SENSATION. NOW THE SCREEN’S BIGGEST COMEDY HIT I 1 f,.:»-' I"*' 1 <«»* ,a- yJMk f 4 Directed te-(,l()R(.l Kf\(. ?Onsi K 4nd hk<> K w <’ L»A.<> 1 >i'f'
      226 words
    • 173 5 lUIA TITQTir opens to-day IVIAJDiJ IIV 3. 6.15 9.30 P.M. SOMETHING NEW IN SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT! SOO Warring Elephants 100 Spectacular War Scene#!! 2 Years In The Making Amidst Prae 1 Darkest Jungle!!! to "THE KINO CFIHE VHITE ElEflfflNT” WITH RENU KRITAYAKOKN PAILIN NFLSEN A GREAT CAST Prices: Matinee 15, 25
      173 words
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    • 79 5 HL! 14 OPENS TOD ti HUH .3 SHGHS DAILY AT 3: 6.75 <K 9.30 P. V. Joseph Cojnrad’s Stirrirg Epic vividly brought to the «cre?n Hi u fit iin j ly jlllpVg A PctQniovn! Picture with I SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE g I .nd Jerome Cowon Oireded by JOHN CROMWEII Bated
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  • 362 6 N their campaign in Russia, the Germans are naturally relying greatly on their bombers to clear the way for advancing land troops. A discussion of Luftwaffe’s strength may therefore be of especial value at the present time because it helps to clarify the situation and to enable the
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  • 84 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Victory’* with Federic March and Betty Field. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA: “George Margaret.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: No Show Today. ODEON CINEMA: “Tall, Dark and Handsome.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC' CINEMA: “The King of the White Elephant”
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  • 482 6 Malay Mail. :/GERMANY’S record of conquest and the profuse assurances that Britain would last only a few weeks after the tragic collapse of France convinced Japanese leaders after many months that there might, afte r all. be something to be gained from joining the Axis Tripartite Pact and
    Malay Mail.  -  482 words
    • 135 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, I do not agree with ‘Pax’ regarding the behaviour of Air Raid Wardens. My own experience is that they have showm nothing but courtesy and good manners. There are always people who resent instructions however politely they may be
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  • 59 6 —Reuter. Tokyo, June °5. German women and children are to leave Batavia, according to the Domei Agency, which says that at the request of the German Government, the Government is sending the liner, Asmara Maru, toi pick up a party of about four hundred. The
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 739 6 Thursday, June 26. A CCORDING to Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent, the British mission to Moscow to which Mr. Churchill referred in the Commons on Tuesday, will consist of representatives of the Royal Navy, Army and Air Force, and will also include economic experts. The mission
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  • 349 6 A.R.P. Band rPHE Penang public loves novelty, A so it was not surprising that the A.R.P. Wardens’ band performance at the Esplanade yesterday evening should have drawn a record crow'd despite the counter-attraction by the Municipal Band at the Gardens. There was hardly any parking space and
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  • 68 6 In these times of national uncertainty it is advisable to be prepared for as many contingencies as possible. All those whose unaided vision j s defective would be well advised to obtain ,a spare pair of glasses. Your present correction can be accurately duplicated within a few days.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 ftwiOr <wfflHHll i HSr X X J ir w9H Bp V £S B a -fc® E »_3 S K «■■■■fcßH» lBU*lKßtlK*«lß3l£&3£S9l9Biill ANNOUNCING Follow-on Trufood I V The march of science brings many blessings. Until no* I weaning Baby from the Dottie to more advanced food has beet I a most
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    • 27 6 "BULLFINCHBUTTER Australia’s Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRANO OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG, .V.VAW.
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  • 1188 7 EX SCHOOL MASTER’S DEFENCE IN HIGH COURT SUIT Claims Loan Was For Plaintiff’s Brother CENSATIONAL evidence as t o alleged book-making and how it was carried on was given in the Supreme Court this morning before Mr. Justice C. W. V. Carey in a
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  • 83 7 pARKING space at the Esplanade was at a premium yesterday evening when the band of the A.R.P. Wardens Corps gave its first performance in public under the baton of Mr. J. Montano. Composed mostly of Li Tek Seah players who made an impressive sight
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  • 30 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at made up of Penang $970,143.90 and Perak $552,903.53. Previously acknowledged $970,093.90 Marine Dept. Sports Club 50.00 $970,143.90
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  • 136 7 Amusing Dialogue In “George And Margaret” If you like witty dialogue and polished acting, you cannot do better than iee “George and Margaret,” the screen adaptation of the famous London stage success. The plot revolves round the impending visit of a couple of relatives, pukka
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  • 78 7 Bail of $3,000 each in two sureties was allowed by Mr. Liin Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning to two Chinese, Hoo Aik Bin and Ong Ah Hai, who were charged with assisting in carrying on a public lottery, namely the "Sin Seong Kong
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  • 482 7 Film Director On Progress Of Industry In China lIOW Chinese motion pictures had been playing a great part 1 in infusing enthusiasm into oversea Chinese to serve their fatherland and how they had also aroused national patriotism among the Chinese people as a whole was told
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  • 162 7 Patriotic Fund’s Gift Of £5,000 Recently the Malaya Patriotic Fund made grants to various overseas war funds amounting to £30,000. Included was one of £5.000 to the Malta Air Raid Relief Fund. In advising the Governor of Malta of the grant, the Governor of the Straits
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  • 31 7 A talk on “Rubber—Past, Present and Future” was given to Penang Rotarians yesterday by Mr. Heah Joo Seang. The talk will be published in a later issue.
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  • 131 7 Shipments To Be Speeded Up: American Official Arrives -nr- l pi. Singapore XV itn a view to facilitating shipment of rubber, tin and other raw commodities from Malaya to the U. S. A. for production of essential defence materials, Capt. Clifton H. Getchell, representative
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  • 26 7 The Competent Authority for oil, fuel and lubricants, S.S. and advises that the basic petrol ration for Juy will remain unchanged.
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  • 147 7 THAILAND REAFFIRMS HER FAITH IN DEMOCRATIC IDEALS Celebration Of National Day wmi?XT J Bangkok, June 25. emocracy is locked in mortal combat in Europe Thailand reaffirmed her faith in democratic ideals by a ree- aj nation-wide celebration of the ninth birthday of the emocratic constitution which she won with a
    —Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 214 7 Chinese Fined, To Pay Compensation Appearing before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning, Lim Peng Cheang was charged with committing criminal breach of trust in respect of two bedsteads, four chairs and one table at a house in Malacca Street, between
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  • 58 7 An Indian, Retnam, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck this morning in the Third Court on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Cyril Perera by means of a knife at Mandalay Road on the night of June 24. He claimed trial and the case was
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  • 151 7 Sequel To Collision Between Cars A young Chinese girl, Dorothy Lee appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Third Court yesterday charged with driving her car in a negligent manner, colliding with another car and driving a car with inefficient rakes at the
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  • 75 7 T y on the Esplanade from 6 pm. to 7.30 p.m. Teddy Neal Hume Suite From Meadow To Mayfair 1 Coates 1. In The Country (Rustic Dance) 2. A Song- By The Way (Romance) 3 Evening In Town (Valse) Cornet Solo Love’s Old Sweet Song Molloy Overture Banditenstreiche
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  • 216 7 A collision involving a Municipal trot bus and a motor lorry occurred at t junction of Chulia Street and Bea Street at 3.30 yesterday afternoon. I mage was done to both the vehicles, t no one was injured. The bus was proceeding along Chu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 A limited supply of PEEK FREANS i BISCUITS i II 1 in attractive, “Medium” D Special Tins is now V > available at all h PF 61 12 z 0/ S/nc&s f I Splendid—how happy everyone Is p x —For only Cow Gate is good enough K.. for our Baby
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    • 467 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at Noon 26th June, 1941 Issue Buyers Seller.? 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 7/li 7/4J £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Aver Hitam 17/3 17/9c $1 Ayer Weng .67 i 72* £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 14/3
      467 words
    • 230 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.025 1.075 A lor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.525 1.575 Ayer Hitam .82* .875 Ayer Molek 1.075 1.125 Ayer Panas 1.025 1.075 Bassett .40 .425 ex Batu Lintang 1.00 I.o2|ex Bedford .87 .90 Benta .925 .975 Borelll 1.375 1.425 Brega .57 59ex Brunei United
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    • 338 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N. Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.775 1825 $2 Alex Brick 75% Pref 2.075 2.125 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B5 £3 £i Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/« £1 Con. T. s. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
      338 words
    • 124 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Ayer Hitam 75% int. l.t 8 .7.41 (in London) Burma Malay 6d. 27th div. 24.6.41 30 641 Gopeng Consol. 3j% <to England) Kamunting 5% Int. IX 9.6.41 27 641 Kepong Dredging 25% int. l.t. 71A1 (to London) Klang River 75%
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  • 1291 8 Broadcast Talk By Mr. P.A.B. Mckerron qpHE dangers of heedless or unthinking talk and the importance of keeping secret the movements of ships was stressed by Mr. P. A. B. McKerron in the course of a broadcast on “Malaya and the
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  • 773 8 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate Limited The 34th annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Ay=r Hitam Planting Syndicate Limited was held in Messrs. Whittall Co.’s Offices, Kuala Lumpur recently. Mr. F. A. Wardell presided and the following ;lso were present:— Messrs. A. W. Delamore and
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  • 68 8 Penang, June 25, 1941. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York, Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 12 1/4 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8
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  • 124 8 The Singapore Chambei O f < Rubber Association 1543- f > A June, 1941 lbs Catalogued Ro? <>»«<• IX send 112 l bu. 24 London—Spo t 13 5/8d ***** New York—Spot 21 1/4 Pt PRICES REALISE RIBBED SMOKED SHEET Per Standard Quality 39 Good Average Quality 38
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  • 104 8 Returns for the oiiorter a 31 1941. 9 r ended Output Estimated of Tin Ore Mine Profit Tons Tronoh Mines, 393 Southern Tronoh Tin 255 32 -m Sungei Besi Mines 262 95 no? Idris Hydraulic tin 50 Kepong Dredging 117 10 Pelepah Tin 158 i 16
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  • 172 8 Circumstances have not been for the great insurance institutions. ie Pearl emerges from the difficulties t ”40 with considerable credit. The fall in total income—from 04b to £19,931,244, was quite rt m 'y small, and handsome sun ust in accrue in the industrial a d I branches. Each
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  • 36 8 Cable advice has been received from thi Secretaries to the effect that a divided of 11% in respect of the financial yeft ending Dec. 31, 1940, has been declard payable on July 25, 1941.
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  • 21 8 The rubber crop of the Estate for month of May was 50,000 lbs. Total < one month 50,000 lbs.
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  • 129 8 Yesterday’s Close Previov TIN: 1 LONDON '“Spot” *260.. 10. 0“Forward” £263. 0. 0. SINGAPORE I “Spot” $137.87*6 $137.25 Business done Buyers, No Sellers 50 tons I PENANG: “Spot” $137.87% 5 137 25 I RUBBER: I LONDON I “Spot” I “Forward” 4 I Tone Quiet, Unchanged SINGAPORE I “Spot”
    129 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 BANKS I Eq "T T 1 i 1 JIt i, kiM MS gig aO 1 1 SAVINGS ///'<?/ S&ZtfJ yOU LO •4# ‘&e Cf?, 1-TLau v< c -.rnftd «vtoufii i> m* t*s .ducement to save (v nave a daviage Account and to see this a« cean' gr<-r from imp
      153 words

  • 308 9 I Gunner Sentenced To Gaol Gunner Alfred James Elliott who I broke into a refreshment hut in a I Changi military .area on three occasions, was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore criminal district court. Elliott pleaded guilty to three charges of breaking
    308 words
  • 164 9 Professor Patrick Abercrombie, famous planner of cities and countrysides, is to be asked to help in laying out a new London. Lord Reith, Minister of Works and Buildings, has asked both the L.C.C. and the City Corporation to get to work on provisional schemes. The
    164 words
  • 179 9 Three Years For Abetment Yap Kim Kee, a young Chinese who abetted two others in committing an armed robbery was sentenced to three years’ r gorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Assizes. The story for the prosecudon, conducted by Mr. E. N. Griffith-Jones, the
    179 words
  • 72 9 An ex-Guards officer, 20-year-old Hugh Stewart, of Eaton-place, S.W., stated to have an allowance of £BOO a year, was told by Mr. Ronald Powell, the magistrate at Westminster Police Court, that his trouble was he had too much money and did not know how to spend
    72 words
  • 1006 9  -  Pity The Poor Phraser! By ERNEST NEWMAN A correspondent, who is evidently a practising musician, writes me rather crossly with regard to my article of a couple of weeks ago on phrasing. If what the listener hears, he says, sometimes ansvzers so imperfectly to what the
    1,006 words
  • 381 9 THURSDAY, JUNE 2€, 1941, Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription per oz. each AIR MAILS SPECIAL ATTENTION IS times of closing air mails and revised CKABGES Thurs. 26th lust. Ipoh, K. Lumpur i Weaines Air 4 Singapore W Service 1-00 P™- 12« PAUSTRALASIA 27th .50 25 8.0.A.C.-Qantas
    381 words
  • 291 9 Storing Up Surplus In Australia Sir Ronald Cross, newly appointed British High Commissioner to Australia, interviewed on his arrival in New York, declared it should be possible, up to a certain point, to store a great deal of Australia’s surplus produce un.til the end of the
    291 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2186 9 1 VirpnTfl RANGOON A XYO 6.01 <49.9* SgSJ I WKI W S M XYO 348 mc/s B5 m .Ir W W HL- w 6.50 P- m Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.20 Burmese News F; and Market Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Programme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded a
      2,186 words
    • 354 9 KUALA LUMPUR ZGB4 5.00 mc/s (60.00 m.) 8.26 a.m. News Bulletin (Relayed from London). 6.15 p.m. News in Tamil Indian Music. 645 News in Malay Malay Music. 7.15 News in Cantonese Chinese Music. 7.45 —8.15 News in Hokkien Hakxa on alternate days with Chinese Music. 8.20 Full News Bulletin (Relayed
      354 words

  • 503 10 Iritain And Russia Facing Same Ruthless Foe London, June 24 b rulers of Russia, like other states, accepted promises of friendpip and non-aggression from Hitler, believing that appeasement Lould bring peace, and by entering two years ago upon that nurse of collaboration, freed Hitler from
    503 words
  • 289 10 Chinese Guerillas Capture Food And War Supplies —Reuter. Shanghai, June 24. < Over 100 Japanese soldiers were killed or wounded, when a Japanese troop train 1 on the Taoching railway in Shansi Pro-' vince hit a mine, according to a Chinese Press report. Several coaches were
    —Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 1144 10 FIERCE FIGHTING ALL ALONG EASTERN FRONT Nazi Claim Of 75-mile Penetration Not Confirmed London,June 25 Fierce battles between German and Russian tanks and infantry is raging all along the 1,500 mile Russo-German war front, while Soviet and German bombers are setting aflame Baltic and
    —Reuter  -  1,144 words
  • 270 10 >. —Reuter. British Holdings As Security New York, June 25. All Britain’s direct investments in the United States and part of the British holdings in marketable United States securities will soon be deposited with the Reconstruction of Finance Corporation as collateral for the
    >.—Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 82 10 Reuter. No Important Decision Reached Madrid. June 26. A communique issued after two days meeting of the Spanish Cabinet contained no important decision as a result of the outbreak of war between Germany and Russia. The Foreign Minister, Senor Suner, is stated to have informed the meeting
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 66 10 it lor overs —Reuter. Men Of 18. 19 And 41 Involved Wellington, June 24. A further territorial call-up involves 18-year-olds and those who have become 19 or 41 since the last territorial Gazette. A similar call-up will be made again in about a month, bringing in
    it lor overs —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 372 10 Big Investment In Victory Over Fascism Moscow, June 25 (By Maurice Lovell, Reuter’s special corresjxjndent in Moscow Tne manner in which people of the Soviet Union can be expected to wage the war along traditional lines, stubborn and total resistance to any
    '—Reuter.  -  372 words
  • 77 10 electing —Reuter. Protest Made Regarding Treatment London, June 25. The treatment of British prisoners of war was the subject of a question in the House of Commons when the War Secretary’ stated, in spite of improvements there *Ls little doubt standard accommodation at Stalag 21 is
    electing —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 80 10 l —Reuter. To Be Set Up By Allied Powers In London London, June 25. Asked in the House of Commons regarding action taken by Allied powers to set up appeal courts under Allied Powers Maritime Courts Act, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry’ of Shipping replied that
    l—Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 43 10 .—Reuter. London, June 25. The President of the Board of Trade stated in the House of Commons that the aggregate amount received in premiums for war damage insurance under private chattel and business schemes up to June 15 was £l2.B47,soo.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 133 10 .—Reuter. Falangists Shout “Death To Soviet*’ Madrid, June 24. Big Falangist and student demonstrations, supporting the German attack or. Russia, took place in Madrid streets and throughout the provinces cn Tuesday. A long procession of some thousands went to the German Embassy, outside which they halted shcuting
    .—Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 60 10 Drltaiu s —Reuter Securing Volunteers For Air Force Ontario, June 24. Prince Bernhard, who Is visiting units of the Dutch Army at Stratford, declared on Tuesday that one of his reasons fo*. crossing the Atlantic was to secure teers for the Air Force —"Men vho v.ii train to
    Drltaiu s —Reuter  -  60 words
  • 36 10 —Reuter. London, June 24. The Japanese Ambassador to Moscow has been ordered by his Government to a Jaoanese women and children ,o Russia for Japan immediately, accord g to the Swiss radio.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 415 10 —Reuter. London,June 25 Bomb flashes cast a glare into the sky along 20 miles of the French coastline when early today R.A.F. bombers swept out of a clear starlit sky to deliver, what appeared to observers on this side to be one of
    —Reuter.  -  415 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 THE BEN LINE i.. FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to 4NDILANDS. BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. burns ™n.p LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage. and other information please apply to OUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang
      53 words

  • 1647 11 DOUBLES FOR CARMANA AND YOUNG GINGER Major Fox And Orchard Two Winners Each Moderate dividends were again paid at yesterday’s races at Kuala Lumpur, the higheZ being S4l paid bv Irish Jig in Race 2. Two horses scored doubles, Carmana again winning the
    1,647 words
  • 265 11 For Sunday z fi re Junior and Novices Stores for Sunday:— DOUBLES final Loh Kim Long and Khoo Khay How vs Sim Eng Th ye and Phor Peng Keat. L'lOR matches [-Ong Eng San vs H. P. I Boey. I Victor Teh vs Teoh Khoon Ewe. Li/m
    265 words
  • 114 11 M Of Latest Do -ations polling Committee of the liners' Bomber Fund ackpirther donations to the fears of which are giver, lelow; acknowledged $795,455. 17. ten S5OO, Mr. Choong Sin pir. Loke Choong Fook teg Khee Hoong $lOO, M hong $lOO, Mr. Lee Shin teng Tian
    114 words
  • 69 11 VI For Today’s Against Perlis Bi Football Association will B- Football Association in a a aid of the War Fund on r «en today, under the paResident Councillor, ftte British Adviser, Perlis. oav? been selected to re ■tear.g p, Aball Association Wong Kam Poh. Pte. Danker,
    69 words
  • 55 11 “Reuter r «apons Being M (>n Ships I Auckland, June 25. f r forecast the termina-t-'cks on merchantmen ptapons being installed I ained gunners now* I 't the "el lerly” swordI rleet ir Arm had n -bly against I tor io, aiul a properly must ctift carriers,” a!
    “Reuter  -  55 words
  • 140 11 Yerby winner rode Easy Chair. —ReuAT* The Surraghs, Eire, June 25. HPHE Irish Derby for which there were ten runners, was won today (Wednesday) by Mr. John Dillon’s Soloriens, ridden by G. Wells with Sir Percy Loraine’s Kharo second and Mr. H. Hartigan’s Etoile de Lyons
    Yerby winner rode Easy Chair.—Reu- AT*  -  140 words
  • 47 11 The Penang Swimming Club defeated the Aliens Dept. (Immigration) yesterday evening in their own pool at Tanjong Bungah. The Aliens Dept, team made their first ap[»earance in this game. But for a last mipute score, they would have lost by seven goals. Mr. McLeod was referee.
    47 words
  • 461 11 First Division Soccer rpHE Indian Recreation Club were lucky to share points with the Police Sports Club in their first division league football match on the Victoria Green last evening, each side scoring 2 goals. The Police were the first to take
    461 words
  • 700 11 Warsaw And Danzig Bombed By Soviet Planes Ankara, June 25 Reports have spoken of the massing of Axis “invasion” fleet at Constanza and elsewhere along the western shores of the Black Sea in preparation for an attack on Batum, the great oil txj r
    .—Reuter.  -  700 words
  • 134 11 ■.—Reuter. Evacuation Of Syrian Troops? Ankara, June 25. An aeroplane from Vichy, carrying M. Benois Mechin and five other officials of the Vichy Government are now 24 hours overdue here. Nothing definite is known as to the reason for M. Mechin’s visit, but it is
    ■.—Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 210 11 Dr. C. P. Allen Wins Chung Ah Ming Cup The final of the Second Annual Competition for this trophy was played between. Dr. C. P. Allen, conceding 5 strokes, and Dr. R. D. Gress and resulted in the former emerging the winner for the year oy
    210 words
  • 55 11 Taiping. The Taiping Police have given a walk-over to the Sanicals in their League soccer fixture which was scheduled to have been played on the Esplanade on Tuesday. The Sanicals are now in the lead with 16 points while the Indo-Ceylonese have 15 points. The latter however,
    55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 258 11 z Chicken stew is just chicken stew; it cannot be better just because it is prepared at home. On the other hand, tinned chicken stew cannot be inferior just because it is poured out of a tin and not direct from a pot, so long as it tastes home-made and
      258 words

  • 352 12 Easter Parade, Jest On, Silverlaw And Tin Pocket Very Fit (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. HORSES entered for the last day of the Selangor Summer Meeting were out in full f orce this morning doing track work. The going remains
    352 words
  • 47 12 —Reuter. English Scottish Cup Winners To Meet London, June 25. The winners of the Scottish and English Football War Cups, Glasgow Rangers and Preston North and respectively are to meet at Ibrox Park, Glasgow», on a date yet to be arranged in aid of charity.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 131 12 .—Reuter. Measures To Prevent Profiteering London, June 25. A determined drive to prevent profiteering in Fish was announced by the Food Minister, Lord Woolton, in the House of Lords. Britain gets no more than 25 per cent of her fish supplies since the Admiralty has requisitioned 75 per
    .—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 210 12 —Reuter. Arms Expert Confirms Prisoner’s Evidence Nairobi, June 24 The question whether the bullets found by the n lice at a farm where Sir Delves Eroughton practised with a revolver and the bullets fired at Lord Erroll were from the same or different weapons was discussed at
    —Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 170 12 .—Reuter. European Situation Discussed Tokyo, June 25. Following the conference of the Cabinet and defence chiefs the Japanese Cabinet met in an emergency session for an hour. According to the Domei News Agency, Mr. Matsuoka reported on the new European situation and Lieut.-General Tojo gave an explanation
    .—Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 448 12 NO NEUTRALITY PROCLAMATION TO BE MADE Washington, June 25. President Roosevelt does not intend to issue a “Neutrality Proclamation” of the Russo-German war, according to an announcement by Mr. Sumner Welles, Under-Secretary of State today. > oi corp< .—Reuter. United States ships
    > oi corp< .—Reuter.  -  448 words
  • 903 12 Handicaps For Saturday Horses—Class 4—9 Furlongs 2 1 3 GOLDEN ARROW 6y 9.07 “Mr. Hercules”van Breukelen 04 0 CHATTERBOX 5y 9.03 “Poker Kongsi’’ Maj. Fox 32 0 INVENTION 4y 8.13 “Bintang Stable” Duval 0 3 1 CONSTANT LIGHT 6y 8.12 Major T. L. Fox Owner 0 0
    903 words
  • 71 12 —Reuter. Nottingham, June 25. The North Midland army area crosscountry championship, held at Wollaton Park, was won by the Royal Artillery over a five-mile course. Two hundred competitors, representing 32 teams, took part; the first man home being Battery Sergeant-Major A. L.D. Cutt of the
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 47 12 THURSDAY, JUNE 26. TIN: Penang $137.50 Business done 25 tons Singapore $137.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38j|c Singapore Spot 38gc COPRA: Sundried $2.80 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $9.25 nominal Fair Seed $8.75 nominal RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $9.94 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.52
    47 words
  • 230 12 HARD FIGHTING BEFORE FALL OF MERDJ AYO IM London, June 25. Vichy Generals in Syria have been superceded by A orders of the Vichy Government, states the Istanbul correspondent of the Independent French News Agency. The exodus from Syria continues, adds the correspondent and
    7 —Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 93 12 —Reuter. Welsh Beat Cold Streams By 134 Runs London, June 25. Guardsmen contested in a cricket match at Lords today, when the Welsh Guards beat the Cold Stream Guards by 134 runs. The Welsh Guards, under the captaincy of Maurice Turnbull, former England test player, scored 262
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 199 12 Reuter Position Undermined By Russo-German Vi ar Singapore. June 25. Either membership of the Axis or the understanding with Russia must go in fact if not formally,” declared the “Straits Times’’, commenting on what it describes as “Japan’s dilemma”. “The Axis and the Soviet are at war. Consequently
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 152 12 Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days Do your feet itch, smart and burn so badly that they nearly drive you crazy’ Does the skin crack, peel or bleed? The real cause of these skin troubles is a germ that has spread throughout the world, and Is called various names such
      152 words
    • 315 12 i Office) 21a p PT o 3 -5.4 Montaiy "nip Quarterly W.C( H'Jf-Yearly I I*’* 1801 18.00 SUNDAY 9A 2rrTl Local 3.8.4 Quarterly m Hut-rsS!, ’aS Yearl» esder: are will be charged as t “.r meenion up to oce m o2 J 7« cents per line. 3 1 POSITION VAU
      315 words