Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 587 1 Severe Losses Inflicted On Rumanians FIERCE FIGHTING IN BESSARABIA Ankara, June 24. j HE Ankara correspondent of the National Broadcasting Corporation, Martin Agronsky, says the Rumanians state that the Russians are not remaining on the defensive at any point along the front, but have
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  • 132 1 Rugby, June 24. The idea widely put out by Dr. Goebbels that Britain is on the verge of starvation was ridiculed by an American girl, Miss Jacqueline Cochrane, the first woman pilot to bring a bomber across the Atlantic, soon after her
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  • 100 1 Protest At Soviet Bombing London, June 23. The Helsinki radio reports that the Finnish High Command has ordered protective measures to be taken in all towns and densely populated areas against air raids. More than 10,000 Finnish children have arrived in Sweden. An aii- alarm was
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  • 463 1 Madrid, June 23. The Spanish Foreign Office spokesman this afternoon made the i first official Spanish comment on the Russo-German war. He told a' press conference: “I can express to you the satisfaction with which the Spanish Government— the final interpreter of the feelings j
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  • 25 1 Chungking, June 28. Thirty-six Japanese aircraft, in two waves, raided Szechuan today. The first wave bombed Chengtu, capital of Szechuen.—Reuter.
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  • 397 1 Luftwaffe Loses 75 Fighters In Last Three Days London, June 23. Ihe R.A.F. hate given speedy action to Mr. Churchill’s promise to Russia of fierce day- and night bombing of the Germans on Monday and withi n a f ew hours of the
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  • 226 1 Loudon, June 23. R.A.F. fighter squadrons carried out another offensive operation over Northern France this afternoon accompanied by Blenheim bombers. Less opposition was encountered from German fighters. Seven enemy fighters have so far been reported destroyed. Two British fighters
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  • 70 1 Washington, June 23 The State Department is drafting legislation tightening up restrictions on the dissemination of foreign propaganda in the United States. This was revealed on Sunday by Mr. Cordell Hull, the Secretary of State, in a letter to Senator Mead of New York, who had
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  • 251 1 It is a well established fact that millions of dollars ire expended annually in repairing the damage done by Termites or White Ants as they are commonly called. In a recent press survey, it was shown that on the estimates of the Kuala Lumpur Works and Buildings Department,
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  • 611 2 SUCCESSES IN SYRIA London, June 23. A LLIED forces captured Mezze, an airport near Damascus and also Khiem Fort in the Merdj Ayoum sector. Vichy forces are still stubborn]y defending’ various points round Merdj Ayoum where wire entanglements have been erected to the
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  • 18 2 Washington, June 23. The Government has forbidden all Italians to leave America. —Reuter.
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  • 59 2 Chungking. June 22. The Chinese Army can hold out against Japan for at least three to five years, declared General Pai Chung-hsi, Chief of the General Staff. speaking before the National Finance Conference here today. He urged close cooperation with the
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  • 85 2 London, June 24. Bombers last night attacked harbour installations in the Thames estuary, aerodromes in North Scotland and military targets on the English South-East coast. Referring to the British offensive in which thirty German planes were shot down at the cost of two British planes, the
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  • 143 2 London, June 23. The German supply ship. Babitonga, which has been taking refuge in Brazilian waters since the outbreak of the war and cleared from Santos on April 24 for Vladivostock, has been intercepted in the Atlantic by British patrols. An Admiralty
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  • 168 2 Reasons For Absurd German Claim* London, June 24. Having on a number of occasions given figures of total British tanks destroyed in the battle near Solium on June 15 to 17 each figure being greater than the previous, the total which the Germans eventually claim is now 237.
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  • 43 2 London, June 23. M. Maisky, the Soviet Ambassador in London, called at the Foreign Office todajand discussed the new position with Mr Eden. The American Ambassador, Mr. Winant. called on the Soviet Ambassador, M. Maisky today.—Reuter.
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  • 504 2 VERY MEANING OF "HONOUR*' UNKNOWN TO REICH GOVT. Dire Warning Of Murderous Intent Behind Non-Aggression Pacts Washington, June 23. The United States Government formally condemned Germany’s “treacherous attack’’ on the Soviet Union. This formal declaration of policy was read by Mr. Sumnei Welles at
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  • 47 2 Nairobi, June 23. Italian prisoners taken at Jimma. Abyssinia, are officially estimated at about eight thousand. These include one corps commander, General Tissi, who had already lost the majority of his command, two divisional commanders and eight b riya aiers.—Re u ter.
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  • 365 2 London, Jur. 23 Despite reports to the contra: is at present no change in An p-- s; relations and the British Mini* staff still remain in Helsinki fteut--diplomatic correspondent learn thoritative circles in London While it is true that the all many are the foes
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  • 70 2 Riksdag To Hold Secret Session London J Approving Mr. Churchill s newspaper "Batavia Nieuwsblad by the Batavia radio, says: A Stalin is fighting for a than that of the Allies, he is h mortal enemy. Every German ed by a Russian bullet is one t every
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  • 940 2 ‘RUSSIA FULLY EQUIPPED TO DESTROY HER FOES’ Moscow, June 23. J) BROADCASTS in English and Russian today contained no war news whatsoever. They consisted mainly of patriotic speeches, reports of workers’ meeting and similar items. The announcer, describing scenes in Moscow after the news of
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  • 221 2 LtOndon, J unt 23. Last night, planes of the Bomber Command again attacked objectives in North-West Germany, this being the twelfth successive night raid by the R-A.F. on targets in Germany. The port of Bremen and the naval base of Wilhelmshaven were
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  • 821 3 American Observer On Power Of Hitler qNE man runs the show in Nazi Germany. That man is U Reichsfuhrer Hitler, says Joseph C. Harsch, in an article on Germany today. He is Berlin correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor. Many amusing stories have been
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  • 531 3 z vi?vr Oxford. {JENTRAL heating of cities, just as separate i blocks of fiats are now heated, is one of the proposals of Mr. D. E. E. Gibson, the architect, who is planning the new Coventry. At a conference of the Garden City and Town
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  • 79 3 J'HE Corporation of the City of London may buy all the land on which the city stands—an area of 67S acres, with a rateable value of £8,300,000. It is the richest square mile in the world. This vast scheme is one of many which the Corporation
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  • 192 3 "Au Astonishing Performance’" ryHE expulsion from Russia recently of the Moscow correspondent of the News Chronicle, Mr. John Scott, followed the publication by the News Chronicle of a series of articles which were sent by air-mail via Stockholm, in which Mr. Scott discussed conditions inside Russia,
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  • 93 3 Every soldier in the front lines will get iced water from his own refrigerator if the invention of Mr. A. J. Hunting, of Brisbane, is adopted by the Army. All the soldier will have to do is to put a few crystals in his army water
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  • 35 3 Councillor A. J. Blake, deputy chief warden for Hornsey, appealing for more allotment holders at a gardening exhibition. Mr. Blake is as yet without a uniform—he is too big for stock sizes.
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  • 28 3 Decoration is the British Empire Medal, wear<~ Mrs. Freda 7Dykins, Lancashire ambulance driver. She was presented with it by the King at Buckingham Palace.
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  • 126 3 A new Zealander who holds the Distinguished Flying Cross and who was lent by the Coastal Command, has just brought a Flying Fortress across the Atlantic. He said, “The job of ferrying American planes from Canada has reduced the 2,000-miles journey to one of no more
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  • 506 3 GROWING HOSTILITY IN PARIS PARIS. Matters here are reaching breaking point, so far THE GERMANS HAVE PRETENDED NOT TO NOTICE THE HOSTILITY DAILY’ GROWING STRONGER AND MORE BITTER. Their policy has been to placate us/ to try to cajole us by talk of collaboration and
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  • 1238 3  -  By By Lord Strabolgi f INHERE are only three ways in which one country can defeat another in war. Two are ancient and one modern. There is invasion and conquest, with no difference in principle whether the invasion takes place over land frontiers or
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    • 65 3 7 ju&i OStOj dry rot are such menace to wooden structures of ail types. this country. Be wise and apply a first protection —coat on all wooden buildings, frame work, cupboards, gates, kennels etc. Obtainable in v;ith Light, Medium, and RUST1K0L Sold at all leading stores. The 100% BRITISH and
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  • 485 4 Dr. Sandosham On Hookworm Infection Among Labourers Singapore. monkeys of the Singapore Botanic Gardens came under the suspicion of the health authorities owing to the spread of hookworm infection among a number of Tamil labourers employed in the Gardens, the biology department of the College of
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  • 185 4 Bov Bound Over s-ixt-evn-year old Chin Thiam Cheor.who described himself a< salesman, cie. and delivery boy for a medicine shop in Oros, Street, appeared in the Singapore third court or. a charge of stealing 3,00 bottles of a certain Chinese medicine from hi s employer.
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  • 74 4 Vyapury. an Indian head labourer. sentenced to a total term oi 16 months rigorous imprisonment in th? Sir.ra-tre district court when he was convicted on two charges of committing an act of gross indecency The offence involved two other Indian» and was alleged to have taken place
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  • 104 4 4 REPORT published in Singapore that Government was considering increasing the quota of Chinese immigrants from 500 males and females a month to 2,000 each a month, is denied in official quarters “I know of no authority for the report.” said a high Chinese Secretariat officer.
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  • 282 4 Minister's Blunt Speech Sydney. in characteristic speech at a patriotic rally Mr. Hughes, Navy’ Minister, said: —"We have not only to fight, but we have to fight like hell. We have to go into this struggle right up to our necks if we
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  • 411 4 “T HAVE received instructions from the Deputy Public 1 Prosecutor to withdraw the charges against the accused. The D.P.P. has no objection to an acquittal,” said Chief Inspector Poulain in the Singapore criminal district court when the case against Malavariath. a P.W.D. employee, was mentioned
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  • 95 4 ‘Friday seems to be their gambling day.” remarked Mr. W. D. Carew, third magistrate, when he fined 19 Chinese women $15 each or. in default, two weeks simple imprisonment, for gaming in a common gaming house in Lcrong 23 ofl Gey lang Road on Friday
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  • 183 4 An Army chaplain told a Liverpool court-martial recently of “disgraceful talk” by a conscientious objector. He said he told the objector. Private A. Foster, that if he were a younger man he would hit him. The chaplain, the Rev. G. E. Durham, said Foster described himself
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  • 437 4 ‘'Apparatus Must Be Made Safer"— Coroner 46 T N of the fact that there have been two deaths m similar circumstances, I invite your co* operation with the Inspector of Machinery in making your soda fountain apparatus more safe.” said Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore coroner,
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  • 586 4 ATTACK LED BY AUSSIE PILOT London. < DARING daylight dive-bombing attack at chimney ievei A against the Den Helder U-boat base in Holland described by Squadron-Leader H. I. Edwards, of Af-tenB Australia, in a broadcast. I Despite fierce anti-aircraf t fire, the British planes .<£$.■
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  • 378 4 Woman Braves Sea Rivers AID SETTLE^ 150 Darwin, I A N epic story of the courage x fortitude of a woman jl hind the death of an Amh-.-im pastoralist. I When a flying doctor failed -«J the dying man she paddled Suongl miles of swollen rivers and 15 open sea,
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  • 93 4 Three Americans and a Briton sa# from Shanghai on June 2' or. s* 05 attempt to cross the Pacific ir. a > t! ketch, the Cynjo. The first at'--’ was frustrated when the vessel driven on the rocks at Wocsu a storm on
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  • 121 4 j Mr. Daisuke Saito, .T-yt of Japan's Department of < and Industry, and a member nomic mission to the Net?dies, has arrived in Singare: pan by the N.Y K. passer.. Anyo Maru on his return t. Mr. Saito, who had to the Netherlands
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    • 138 4 IPtanl NATURE TAKES CARE OF AND BEAST Vegetable matter, which is the daily food or *1 big strong animals, forms the ingredients which make Blue Band so healthgiving and nourishing. The best and most easily digestible vegetable fats which are found in the rich natural vegetable resources of the N.E.I.
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  • 245 5 Stated To Have Been Caught Red-handed ipoh. Good work by two A.R.P. (Mines) Wardens, under SectionWarden Voon Thian Soo, the Gopeng miner, resulted in the jirest of two men who are alleged to have attempted to rob the ills of some Gopeng market stalls at
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  • 35 5 vhich Khoo Chin Hin was he District Court before Mr. t age with committing houscnight in order to commit residence of Dr. Brandon ’ttween Sept. 17 and 18 was fixed on June 25
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  • 183 5 Chinese Cyclist Dies On Spot Parit Buntar. A motor collision involving a saloon car and a Chinese cyclist occurred at the junction of Simpang Tiga, one and a half miles away from Parit Buntar on Sunday morning. The cyclist was removed dead to the District Hospital
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  • 77 5 Taiping. Wan Sang, a middle-aged Chinese faced the Taiping Magistrate, Raja Salim yesterday when a charge Oi committing rape on a girl, Chan An Ying at Coronation Road on June 20 was explained to him. Inspector Gani prosecuting said that the girl was only 13 year
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  • 235 5 A Personal Tribute By A Brother Officer The following personal tribute by a brother officer to Captain P. D. R. Kindersley, brother of Mr. H. F. R. Kindersley of Sengat Estate, Kampong Kapayang, Ipoh, is taken from the “Times” of March 28, 1941.
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  • 136 5 Set Upon By Unknown Person Kuala Kangsar. A Hylam coffee-stall-keeper has been admitted into the District Hospital, Kuala Kangsar, with injuries to his head as a result of being set upon from behind by an unknown person at 10.30 p.m. on Saturday. The man was returning
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  • 693 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. J. Noall, of Sungei Besi Mines, accompanied by Mrs. Noall will be leaving Kuala. Lumpur tonight on furlough to Australia for six months. Dr. Norman Black, who was in partnership with Dr. Peter Fowlie in Singapore, has passed his medical examination for the Army, and hopes to
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  • 92 5 Election Of Office" Bearers ipoh At the annual genera! meeting of the Perak Chinese Philanthropic Society held at the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce on Sunday, the following were elected office-bearers. President: Mr. Ng Tuck Onn; vicepresident: Mr. Lam Thoong Theng. Honorary' secretary: Mr. Choong Eng Hoe;
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  • 66 5 Ipoh. The death occurred suddenly at Colombo on June 5. of Mr. Stuart Young, attached to the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The late Mr. Young had been in indifferent health for some months and was about to sail for borne. Prior to'his
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  • 31 5 Taiping. The annua- genera! meeting of the Taiping Ceylon Association will he held on July 5at 6 pm. The meeting will be preceded by an “At
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  • 275 5 Musical Treat For Krian Residen is Parit Pu'.'t'i Dr William Lovelock, visiting examiner of the Trinity College of Music, London, gave a pianofort r-?- Krian Club, Parit Buntar on Friday last. A representative gainc.. of Europeans of the District and A atics including a number of
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  • 161 5 Studying At Hong Kong University Four Taiping students who are studying in the Hong Kcng University have returned to Taiping for their holidays. They are Misses Latifah Bee Ghows and Lean Siok Keng and Masters Foong Wah Hun and Thum Kim Wai. Miss Ghows is the eldest
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    • 8 5 THsso METAL POLISH ?ora jSfljpujS real POLISH M
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    • 51 5 Next Change Friday,- June 27 THE YEAR’S GAYEST MOST TUNEFUL 00MFDY’ I” f i I tmi GAY «-< lllljLf FAST and b< |h W TUNEFUL! ft &feB S exciting, tool J UivUH 3 yiw" i ntiif* n»UBt‘W i Mmiujv 1 SV.V Jt^^tr-vuv* 0 Directed by fk' v b H. BRUCE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 167 5 I GALA LOCAL PREMIERE I iODAY (For One Day Only) Screening At MAJESTIC This Week-End! I It 3.00, 615 9.30 p.m. Fi' PENANG S MOST luxurious THEATRE T picture WITH AN all-native cast THAT SPEAKo FAULTLESS ENGLISH. Tt* 500 Warring Elephants! H )f£ 100 Spectacular War Scenes!! e2 Year» In
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    • 99 5 MAJESTIC VO SHOW TODAY Owing to the Half-Yearly Cleansing of the Theatre. THURSDAY—26th JISE The First All-English Dialogue FullLength Feature Produced in Thailand 4 The King Of The White Elephant’’ Starring Renu Kr’tayakorn Pailin Nilsen and Thousands of others wfth 500 Warring Elephants Thrilling Amazing The Wonder Picture of the
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  • 189 6 r HE German fondness for exaggeration finds a new outlet in reports of the progress of the war in Russia. Wi l the Soviets admit that the invader has penetrated nine miles of their territory, the Germans would have us believe that their forces have already’
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  • 207 6 CHIPPING losses still remain and the latest figures (for May) reveal a disquieting situation. It is obvious from these month-to-month records that the Battle of the Atlantic will be longdrawn and bitter. But considerable as the losses are, it would be misleading to regard them against
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  • 112 6 ODEON CINEMA: Will Hay in "Where's That Fire.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: No Show Today. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Jane Steps Out” with Diana Churchill and Jean Muir. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p m. REX CINEMA: ‘‘The King of the White Elephant” (Thai picture). 3.
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  • 439 6 as he had provided! for all possible eventualities, however. Stalin had quite failed to see that Hitler might, as other thieves have done before him, turn upon his partner in crime. 1 hat. however, is what has happened, and Russia finds herself forced to fight, not against a
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    • 220 6 iTo the Editor, “Pinang Gazette.”) For a long time I have been observing the "stampede” for tickets at some of the local picture-houses during week-end and midnight matinees and I have often wondered why no one seemed to make any attempt to check this unruly rush. I
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  • 611 6 oil fields of the Caucasus are vital to the entire economic structure of the Soviet Union. Their security is a primary military consideration and may effectively dictate Soviet policy toward events in the Near and .Middle East. Transportation facilities are being expanded
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  • 268 6 W ithout Comment "PERMAXY and Russia are comrades. They will never go to war against each other. Together 1 they will march forward’ hitler in August when hazi-Soviet Pact was signed. “Bolshevist Moscow desires to stab Xational Socialist Germany in the back while she is engaged in
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    • 260 6 V.W.V.SWP.V.WW-W-V.W-P llQMiSiisSB9E«l»8 MmSHK <Z X BBsMsagiWM f '<. --i VAWfWMW.V.WiWA’iWl > I af7 fcEiliBr \T r B 4BESI ttu. weH8»«Hf>««ii8aiB3Pi*«*s«*B*aai ANNOUNCING Follow*on Triihod M lO tv 14 V Ihe march ot science brings many blessings. Until weaning Bab from the bottle to more advanced f >od has beei a most
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    • 62 6 LINGHAM’S high class CHILLY SAVCE O |iJj IM ll I ;|ti I JldJl /zx 7 vSk A i 0CLTsTl C£ s S -«A A Mild Piquant Relish and Appetizer of Delightful Flavour For Roast and Cold Meat, Steaks Cutlets Chops Fish, Oyster Cocktails Gravies Game, Soup, Salad. Cheese etc. Sole
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  • 71 7 A tarring outrage was committed in a Chinese druggist’s shop in Carnarvon Street yesterday. When the doors of the shop were opened in the morning a number of Chinese rushed in and spilled tar all over the premises. After having soiled the counter and the showcases, the
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  • 350 7 IN honour of Mr. Kee Hup Hor and Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Md. Syed, who were recently made Justices of the Peace for the Settlement of Penang, invitations have been issued by the Headmaster and staff of the AngloChinese School, Nibong Tebal, to a
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  • 308 7 When told of the Russo-German war, a Polish engineer, Mr. Harman Schotz, who was passing through Penang on his way to India yesterday morning, expressed little surprise, saying that the people in Europe had been expecting the clash for a
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  • 483 7 Retired Sydney Businessman In Penang all the countries I have visited in the East, I’ve been greatly impressed by the quiet determination of everyone to see the war through—in India, in Ceylon and in China, the people are strongly in favour of a British victory
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  • 50 7 An accident involving a car and a boy cyclist occurred at the junction of Pfft Street and Church Street yesterda?haef”‘ sustained bruises and abrasions on his body and was removed to the General Hospital for treatTreport was later made at the Beach Street Police Station.
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  • 188 7 KEDAH DOCTOR’S LUCKY ESCAPE Alor Star. I A well-known local Chinese resident who spent the weekI e nd in Penang returned with a story of a lucky escape from I death from the bite of a sea-snake while he was swimming in Pe sea. He
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  • 162 7 Mains Damaged By Fallen Tree Balik Pulau. Telephonic communications and electric supply to the rural areas in Balik Pulau district were totally cut off on Sunday at about two o’clock. Several big trees were up-rooted along the hill pass through which the telephone lines
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  • 165 7 TELEPHONE LINK WITH KELANTAN TRENGGANU New Service In Operation THE north-east coast of Malaya is isolated no longer from the west and south in the way of rapid communication. On Sunday a telephone service to Kelantan and the northern portion of Trengganu was opened, but, being a holiday, there were
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  • 79 7 FURTHER £25,000 SENT TO LONDON London, June 25. The Malaya Patriotic Fund has sent a further £25,000 to London for distribution to four organisations. The Fund has also sent direct to Malta £5,000 for the Malta Air Raid Relief Fund. In addition, the Johore I Romen’s Section
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  • 124 7 Kuala Lumpur. A party was given on Saturday, June 21, at Rantau Panjang Estate by Baron F. de Langlade, General de Gaulle’s representative in Malaya, in aid of .the Free French Fund and the Belgian Government Fund. The Belgian artist, Mr. Le Mayeur,
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  • 203 7 “My Sympathies Are With Plaintiff’ Judge G61VTY Sympa^’ €s are l ar e Iy w ’th the plaintiff, but I canknot allow that to interfere with the legal aspect. From the moral aspect I consider th at the defendant has treated the plaintiff very badly
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  • 70 7 Butterworth. Awang bin Long, a young Malay, was produced before Mr. R.C. Hoffman in the Police Court yesterday morning on a charge of retaining stolen property, a bicycle belonging to Loh Chong Tong valued at $35 on June 4. He was convicted and sentenced to
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  • 91 7 Head Strikes Concrete Floor: Dies Instantly JpALLING down a flight of stairs in a kongsi house, No. 67, Cintra Street, at about 1.30 yesterday afternoon, a Chinese woman aged 43 years died instantaneously. She is believed to have missed her step and toppled over. Her
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  • 29 7 Rotarian Heah Joo Seang will address the Penang Rotary Club at its Luncheon meeting at the E. O. Hotel tomorrow on “Rubber, its Past, Present and Future.”
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  • 92 7 Sentence Deferred On Chinese Woman A Chinese nonya, Khoo Ho Lian, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court today on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to her daughter-in-law, Law Gaik Cheng in front of her house at Carnarvon Street at 4.55 p.m.
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  • 62 7 Govt. Monopoly Likely Washington, June 23 High United States Government circles forecast the establishment of Government monopolies on the importation of chromium, tungsten, tin and other strategic materials, following the virtual monopoly on rubber importations created on Saturday. France is an important supplier to the United
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  • 41 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,522,858.53, made up of Penang $970,093.90 and Perak $552,765.43. Previously acknowledged $970,081.10 Some pupils of St. George’s Girls’ School, Penang 2.80 Sheikh Abdul Hamid Bajunid, Perlis 10.00 $970,093.90
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  • 164 7 At tne Shanghai Hotel, Kelawei Road at noon yestercTay, Mis s June Tan Guay Choo, second daughter of the late Mr. and Mi's. Tan Eng Pah of Kedah, wa s married to Mr. Samuel Wong-Koay Kwang Yeo, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Nguk Chong.
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  • 135 7 Dispute Over Dead Wife’s Jewellery “I am afraid if this case goes oi to the bitter end it will occupy you lordship’s time for a considerable period,” said Mr. B. E. Ross in th Supreme Court today when opening s suit in which the “old son-in-law” (th>
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  • 82 7 Member Of Unlawful Society I Lee Yap Wah was bound over in the sum of $100 for one year in one surety by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning when she was convicted of being a member of an unlawful society, “The
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  • 85 7 Sentence of six months’ rigorous imprisonment, to be followed by six months’ police supervision, was imposed by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on Tan Ah Hai who pleaded guilty to a charge of committing theft of a wrist watch
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    • 117 7 r.e-j \%a J £*d ES i 3 h'" I" TjS I. wsf 1 F 4 I If i J L i j h&n- -H **A Reporter from the Daily “Good morning Yes sir “Have I felt the effects of “To what do I attribute my “Goodbye sorry I have Show
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    • 202 7 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours It is no longer necessary to suffer from loss of vigour and manhood, weak memory and body, nervousness, impure blood, sickly skin, depression, and poor sleep, because an American Doctor has discovered a quick, easy way to end these troubles. This discovery
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  • 93 8 Formation Announced By U.S. War Secretary Washington, June 21. The Secretary for war, Mr. Stimson, announced today the formation of a "Single United Organisation” which will be known as “the Army Air Force.” Hitherto what has been known as G. H. Q. Airforce has been responsible for
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    • 499 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections} at noon 24th June, 1941 Issue Buyers SeUers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 3/6 5 0 Austral Amal 7/14 7/4* £1 Austral Malay 33 6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 17/9 $1 Ayer Wens .674 -70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6
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    • 124 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Burma Malay 6d. 27th div. 24.6.41 30.6.41 Gcpeng Consol. 3J% 1-tax 7.7.41 (in England) Kgmunting 5% Int. l.t. 9.6.41 27 6.41 Kinta Tin Mines 5% int. l.t 26.6.41 (in London) Pangnga River 4% Int. l.t. 9.6.41 27.6.41 Raub Gold 3d. 1st.
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    • 225 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.024 1.074 A lor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.524 1.574 Ayer Hitam -824 .874 Ayer Molek 1.074 1.124 Ayer Panao 1.024 1.074 Bassett .424ex Batu Lintang 1-00 1.024ex Bedford -87 -90 Bent a -924 .974 Borelli 1-374 1-424 Broga .59ex Brunei United 55 .574
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    • 332 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£1 Austral N. Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord L77j 1.82j $2 Alex Brick 74% PreX 2.074 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £84 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/€ £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
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  • 856 8 Big Rise In London Funds India’s economic life in 1940 nas been t («impounded of a great variety of exp?- rience, but in general economic conditions have failed to improve to the extent that seemed likely at the outset of the year. This has been mainly
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  • 50 8 London. June 21. The Netherlands East Indies Navy will be considerably reinforced, states a Batavia message 13.5OO.OOO guilders having been earmarked for Naval work already begun. The major portion of it will be spent on the work on the Naval Base at Sourabaya. —Reuter .>*g
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  • 1181 8 PROFIT OF $533,000 FOR YEAR The fifth ordinary general meeting of Taiping Consolidated Limited was held yesterday at 12 noon at the registered office of the Company. 33, Beach Street, with Mr. H. A Coates in the chair in the absence of the Chairman. Mr. H.
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  • 123 8 Election Of OfficeBearers At tile third annual general meeting of the Chinese Old Age Thrift and Aid Association held on Saturday the following were elected Board of ManageI ment for the year 1941 1942. President Dr. Huck Chye J.P., M C H. (re-elected.) Vice-President
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  • 63 8 The Commanding Officer. Local Defence Corps, with thanks the generous gift of $80 by Messrs. B.H.T. Doulatram Co., Penang towards the cost of erecting a machine gun mounting on one of the M/ Cycle sidecars; also the generous offer by Mr. Khoo Soon Chee to supply Motor
    63 words
  • 375 8 Lightweight Models Tah U eight Of 30 Men Birmingham, Engia. DESPITE a continued demand certain overseas countries the large, heavier type of i' bicycle, there is no longer any rea justify this preference according B. S. A. company, leading bicycle and motor-cycle manufac
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  • 50 8 Statement By Mr. Viang Ching-we? Tckyc. June 2. Foreign .powers which f.-.uec -r- fnendshiup to Nanking could Nanking to accord full respect tneir legitimate rights in Occupy C.t dared Mr. Wang Chmg-we Pre-Tent the Nanking Government u with foreign correspondents according to a Japanese report reu
    50 words
  • 60 8 Penang, June 23. 194i (By Courtesy of the Charts: Banr. SELLING London Demand 2 j 032 New York, Demand 16 Montreal Demand Batavia Demand 88.S’-’ i Calcutta Bombay) Rangoon Demand J" Hcngkcng Demand Shanghai Demand Japan Demand New Zealand Dem ana 1« r- JiD I Australia BUYING j
    60 words
  • 109 8 Yesterdav s Close Pro TIN: LONDON “Spot” £261. 5 “Forward” £263. 15. 0 SINGAPORE “Spot” $138.374 Business done Buyers, No Sellers 25 ton PENANG “Spot” 37 u. $138 37 RUBBER LONDON “Spot” “Forward- 1 Tone Quiet, Unchanged Stead} SINGAPORE “Spot” 39c 39 38c PENANG ’‘Spot” 39c 39 38c
    109 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 (BANKS j ■m i[_ juZS r\!■ < 3’ W 4fcr <’ IIFi.. SAVINGS tyou fo A dollar saved la an extra dollar earned. j. a Savings Account la tne best inducement to eave. To have a Saving® Account and to ace this account grew, from time to time is to
      288 words

  • 415 9 BUCKBOARD buggy bumping along over terrible country in Western Australia in 1911 was the inspiration for the modern tank. As he went forward like a ship in a heavy sea, the driver, Mr. L. E. de Mole, now of Cremorre, Sydney, began to think out
    415 words
  • 1441 9  -  Hester Lyi*ch Piozzi. By James L. Clifford. (Oxford University Press. 18s.) The World of Books By DESMOND MacCARTHY Here assembled from every available source and arranged with judicious industry are all the facts concerning the Thrales. It is, of course, their connection with Dr. Johnson that made them
    1,441 words
  • 433 9 TUESDAY, JUNE 24 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang □er oz- e&cL Ordinary RegnMAILS SPECIAL ATTENTION 18 DRAWN TO THE REVISED TIMES OF CLOSING AIR MAILS AND REVISED CHARGES PAN-AMERICAN CLIPPER Correspondence for connection with the Pan-American Clipper Service must be posted
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2045 9 1 y Ife i 11 RANGOON i V I XYO 601 mc/s (49.94 mJ (SgiSB R w A IW I crt XYO 3 48 mC/& (88 m > b pm. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.05 English Session (Recorde« Programme). 8.20 Burmese News and Market Quotations. 985 Recorded Pro- gramme. 10.00
      2,045 words
    • 521 9 PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (48.3 mJ PJd. 5.30 Indian Programme. 5.40 News in Tamil 5.55 Malay programme. 8.05 News in Malay. Q.20 B.B.O. News (Rebroadcast» 6.35 BB.C. Talk (Rebroadcast) 6.50 Chinese programme 6.55 News in Hokkien Cantonese 7.20 News in Thai /.35 Classical Music. 8.20 B-B.C. Nows (Rebroadcast) 8.50 B.B.C.
      521 words

  • 428 10 Grave Turn Of Situation Confronting Japan qn r. Tokio, June 22 todays outbreak of hostilities between Germany and the Soviet is seen by the Japanese newspaper “Asahi” as “another indication that the European war is gradually shifting from blitzkrieg tactics to a war
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  • 1250 10 LUFTWAFFE LOSES 65 PLANES IN ATTACK ON SOVIET AERODROMES Insignificant Gains In First Day’s Fighting Moscow, June 23 The claim to have repulsed the German troops after fierce fighting is made in a communique issued by the Chief Command of the Red Army for June
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  • 763 10 Hitler Opens Eyes Of The World London. June 23 London papers this morning follow Mr. Churchill's lead, the general viewpoint being that Britain has promised Russia technical and economic assistance and the fact that Hitler once more broke a treaty signed only 22 months ago
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  • 652 10 TIME TO ACT NOW: THREaI OF NAZISM I New York, June 23 R “This is the moment for the United States to throw into the on the Western front every bomber, every fighter and every pur R suit plane that can possibly be
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  • 117 10 World Domination Germany Feared New York. J'U "High United States Governmeh cles hope the German attack on may lead Japan not only to brea! Axis ties in the near future, b’X face about and oppose Gennto the Washington correspondent of zi York Times" today. “While
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  • 429 10 First Class Or Luggage Van To New Europe Stockholm, June 23. While deploring the nearness of war Swedish opinion cannot help being against Russia, whose gradual approach via the Baltic and Finland including the Aaland Islands, has caused uneasiness. The newspaper. “Afton Bladet” declares
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 81 10 Steamer sailings in July for United States o f America For full particulars apply to SBIE, DARBY CO. LTD. Agents AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD., 21 Beach Street Telephone 1411—2. THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILAMIS. BUTTERY
      81 words

  • 267 11 Kuala Kangsar. War Fund American Tennis Lment, sponsored by His High- the Sultan of Perak and played Iskandriah courts on Sunday 4 a n unqualified success. $u m ci 8380 representing entrance afl d donations were received by -K. Dato Stia Bi-jaya di-Raja was
    267 words
  • 107 11 irise B.P. Beat Indian Youth B.P. i friendly badminton match the Youth lost to the Sunrise B.P. at ffmer's court, by seven games to nil. 5w are the results (Sunrise playlentioned first): SINGLES ong Cheng Aun beat R- Mehta 15-8. e Kok Lim beat A. Ghouse 15 Teik Seng
    107 words
  • 146 11 I. theah Inn Kiong As S.C.B.A. Nominee special general meeting of the ■> Chinese British (Penang) As■b held at the Chinese Chamber ■amerce yesterday, Mr. Cheah ■iong was unanimously re-elected ■socialion’s nominee on the Chin■visory Board. Chwee Leong, the President, the chair. tht Hon. Secretary, Mr. Cheah
    146 words
  • 41 11 Esplanade from 6 pm. wn. 3 -h Of The Gladiators H Fucik 9 Ku .sian Folk Songs Higgs H. Saucy Swayne H. Marinarella Fucik H Stop Press Wood 9 O Sole Mio Capua J Adolf Mills Save The King
    41 words
  • 906 11 j acceptances for tomorrow RACE 2.30 p.m. e > 3 22 R s £J£t^ lass 4^ Di 9^4— 5J Furlongs ■*h arrior l2y 843 Mli c B ns —“S 0 0 3 SELANGOR I) ?y W“’ 1 0 4 0 HUE AND CRY Z g02 C
    906 words
  • 79 11 Home Rails Industrials Improve London, June 23. The Stock Exchange was generally steady. Gilt-edged were a shade lower with operators inclined to await concrete developments of the Russian war situation, but elsewhere prices held w-th some improvements among home rails and industrials. Iron and steels were supported and
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  • 70 11 R.A.F. Attack Admitted By Italians London, June 23. British planes carried out a further attack on Benghazi, according to an Italian communique, but no details are given. It is stated that the air forces of the Axis powers continued their attacks on Tobruk agair;t utility installations,
    70 words
  • 352 11 Marines Beaten In Second Division j The Penang Fortress scored a convincI ing victory over the Marines Department Sports Club in a second divisicn league fcotball match on the Dato Kramat ground yesterday by five goals to two. Che Ani opened the scoring for the
    352 words
  • 143 11 Less Danger Of Attack On Australia Sydney. June 22. The new development of Germany's attack on Russia may prove to be the turning {Joint in the Middle East, said Mr. W. M. Hughes, Attorney General and Minister of the Navy. Germany, he declared, must now’ fight on
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  • 274 11 2n a fast and interesting game of football played at the Sultan Abdul Hamid College, Alor Star, on Friday, the East Surrey Regiment defeated the College by 5 goals to 2. The College started well and should have scored on several occasions but their shooting was
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  • 570 11 TOURISTS’ LAST GAME IN PENANG r PHE South China A. A. defeated the Chinese Recreation Club by two goals to nil in a soccer match in aid of the China Distress Relief and the Penang Chinese Spitfire Funds before a poor
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  • 106 11 Penang F.A. To Meet Perlis F.A. A Charity Football Match in aid of the War Fund under the patronage of the Resident Councillor, Penang and the British Adviser, Perlis, will be played between the Penang F.A. and the Perlis F.A., on Thursday, June 26 at the C.R.C.
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  • 164 11 F. Ogden W ins Men’s Monthly Medal Over the week-end the Mtn’s Monthly Medal (Stroke) Competition was played and resulted in a win for F. Ogden with a score of 82 less 14=68. In the Optional Ball Sweep F. Ogden with 40 —7 33 tied with
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  • 87 11 Commimi** I e?d?r’s Call To U. S. Wo rk ers New York. June 23. The leader oi the Communist Party oi the United States describe the German assault on Russia as an assault upon peoples of the United States and the world as well. Mr. William
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  • 81 11 Proof Of German Desire To Conquer World Ottawa, June 22 Germany's attack on Russia is regarded in official and unofficial circles as now proof that Germany’s desire is to conquer the whole world. The latest German aggression is considered as a testimonial to the splendid defence of Britain
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  • 62 11 Determination To Work Hard Moscow, June 23. Russian metal workers have announced their great determination to work hard to supply the Red Army against the provocative attack of “base Fascism’’, according to the Tass Official News Agency. “We assure the Government we are united and rallied as
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  • 236 11 Kedah-Perak Game On Saturday Alor Star. The team to meet Perak at Alor Star this Saturday for the “Malaya” Cup match will not be the same as the one that played with Penang last month There are several alterations. San Kok Hin is not likely to play
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  • 48 11 (poh. Two more matches in the Y.M.C.A. open tennis tournament were played during the week-end. Lope Abdul Aziz, the Perak champion, had an easy passage over Chong Yin Hun, winning 6—1, 6 —0. In the other match. R. A. Parthan beat A. Rahim, 6—4, 6—2.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 154 11 i, GLEAiWS TEETH way V often fefe BtCIT Onty Tek Short-Head tooth- Tek is the only genufe* brush can reach those nooks toothbrush, built and <md crannies, at the back oi ed this way, though count- row of gleaming teeth. less attempts have been Here in the arch behind» and
      154 words

  • 368 12 ROISTERER LOOKS A "CERT" Madam's Impressive Gallop (From Our Own Corre«pondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. going today is good and is likely to remain the same tomorrow, unless heavy rain falls. Most of the candidates appearing tomorrow were seen at slow exercise, quite a few attracted
    368 words
  • 106 12 London. June 23 The store of how the world-wide news organisation of Reuters was built up b) original Baron Reuter and how the Agency 1 distributes the world's news today is being told in a special broadcast by the B.B.C.
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  • 571 12 Library Notice The following publications were issued or received by the Dept, of Statis- tics, S.S. F.M.S., during the period, June 3-15, 1941, inclusive and are avail- able tor public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by members of the public
    571 words
  • 59 12 Washington, June 23. All necessary steps to prevent any Italian national from leaving the United States, pending further instructions, have been ordered. The Department of Justice announces that it has issued instructions to this effect to Immigration and Border Patrol Officers. This action duplicates the
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  • 125 12 “The Only Good Hitler Has Done” Wellington, June 23. “Hitler has done more for Englishspeaking unity than anyone or anything. It is the only good thing he has done”, declared Sr Evelyn Wrench, founder of the English-Speaking Union, commenting on his recent visit to America. He said
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  • 45 12 Ottawa, June 23. Canada's Victory Loan 1949 closed on Saturday with a total subscription of $710,009,000. which breaks the record for all Great War victory loans. The objective of the loan was $600.900 000. according to Mr. Ilsley, Minister of Finance. Reuter.
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  • 215 12 Syrian Front Now Threatening Modern Air Base At Palmyra Cairo, June 23. 4 LLIED troops which went through Damascus have occupied positions at Berze, four or five miles north of the town, from which they are now exploiting further northwards, according to military circles. British
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  • 277 12 Germany Now The Foremost Enemy London, June 23. “The Polish-Russian question, which might have shadowed the outlook of many friends cf ours in the west and caused obnoxious frictions and clashes, I believe, may disappear from international politics.” This statement was made
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  • 35 12 Berlin, June 23. The .port of Alexandria was again heavily attacked last night by a “strong force of German bombers with very good results,” according to the Official German News Agency—Reuter.
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  • 101 12 Lisbon, June 23. The torpedoing of the Portuguese merchant ship “Ganda,” reported yesterday, when 26 survivors out of a total of 16 passengers and 50 crew were landed in Lisbon, has excited public opinion here. The “Ganda,” it is stated, was carrying goods only between
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  • 53 12 Rugby, June 22. The announcement from No 10 Downing Street states that owing to the foreign situation, the debate on shipping which had been arranged for the next setting of the House of Commons will be postponed. A statement will be made on recent developments
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  • 35 12 Jack Hyams Beat Ernie Woodman London, June 24 Jack Hyams beat Ernie Woodman of Battersea, on points in the final eliminating contest for the Southern Area Cruiserweight Championship at High Wycombe last night. —Reuter.
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  • 116 12 W’orcester, June 23. His Majesty the King gained his sixth turf success of the season when Longships, starting odds-on favourite, won the Worcester Three-Year-Old plate ever a mile and a quarter course. Longships. secring his first victorv. beat Lord Hirst’s Solium by cne length with
    116 words
  • 50 12 TUESDAY. JUNE 24. TIN: Penang *137.25 Business dene 50 tons Singapore $137.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 38gc Singapore Spot 38^ c COPIt A: Sundried §2.77j buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Mediu n $9.10 nominal Seed $8.60 nomina, RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $9 94 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9’52
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  • 197 12 Enemy Destrover Sunk Cairo, June 23. An enemy destroyer is believed to have been sunk in the harbour of Beirut yesterday, states an R.AJF. Middle East communique. It says R.A.F bombers attacked enemy shipping in the harbour of Beirut and one destroyer received a direct hit
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  • 48 12 Nibong Tebal. The twelfth annual sports of the Anglo-Chinese School, Nibong Tebal will be held on the Caledonia Padang, Nibong Tebal on Saturday June 28 at 3 p.m. Mrs. D. Almond will give away the trophies and prizes at the conclusion of the sports.
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  • 36 12 Chungking, June 23. The Chinese Currency Stabilisation i Board is collecting information about economic conditions throughout China. It is learned that members of the Board will shortly leave Chungking for the Provinces —Reuter.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 148 12 z Chicken stew is just chicken stew; it cannot be better just because it is prepared at home. On the other hand tinned chicken stew cannot be inferior just because it is poured out of a t n and not direct from a pot, so long as it tastes home-made
      148 words
    • 521 12 Office/ 218 Penang Rea pPhone 1477 t 1478 with Telegram*: ‘Gaaette" Pen*c 1 Rate* of •utfScnptlon for Pln*ng Gam and Sunday Ga*ett. P1NANG GAZETT1 Local 38t Delivery FMS Pareto» Monthly 82.80 83.00 I Quarterly ’.50 8.00 H If-Yearly 18.vO 18XC Yearly 30.00 M.'X) qr.1 SUNDAY GAZXTT1 Local S.5. L I
      521 words