Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 766 1 SI UPRISE ATTACK WITH 11 E AVY INFANTRY WEAPONS Moscow Mobilises Eleven Military Commands S' Berlin, June 23. The German attack on Russia was started from East Prussia without artillery preoaration to give the Russians a surprise, states the Official German News Agency.
    .—Reuter.; Reuter  -  766 words
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 48 1 —Reute. Cairo, June 21 Alexandria had t’.Vo air attacks on Friday night, announces the Ministry of In.terior. Enemy aircraft dropped a few incendiary bombs as well as high explosives. Four persons were killed and a small number injured. There was some damage to property.—Route.
    /.—Reute.  -  48 words
  • 43 1 .—Reuter. New York, June An appeal to motorists not to buy more tyres than they need immediately has been made by the Price Administrator who said that the top nrice for tyres would he announced in a few days.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 49 1 —Reuter. London, June 21. The Netherlands East Indies Navy will be considerably rein£crced, states a Batavia message 13.500.000 Guilders having been, earmarked for Naval work already begun. ►The major portion of it will be spent on the work on th? Naavl Base at Sourafcaya
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 133 1 Reuter. Tokyo, June 23. Japanese military experts estimate that more than one hundred divisions are engaged on both sides in the war between Germany and Russia They suggest that Soviet forces will avoid fighting near the border, but will engage the Nazis in the
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 487 1 Russians Have Profited By AVar With Finland (By J- crnnit Vforgan, Reuter's former correspondent n Binland "W/ITH the Russo-Finnish conflict in mind, there is fairly widespr-- < pinion that Germar Pa, ■-i Divisions will ‘go through P.dthJia like r knife through nutter’ and that chv
    ; Reute’’  -  487 words
  • 239 1 < AIRO. J l NE ’’2. -VIORE LOCAL GAIISB CVERYWHEKI THE SYRIAN FRONT ARE RECORDED IN TODAY”'* GRQ COM AH NIQUE. -Reuter The communique states LIBYA No change in the situation. ABYSSINIA: Fatriot Forces led by British Officers have captured the town ol Jimma.
    -Reuter  -  239 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. i W ith Offence kjjahist U.S. Kos Angeles, Jui.e 21. Hare. on of the two Japanese arrested here last week, on a charge of cons.'iracy to commit an offence against. united States by ootaininr confidentieJ reports, has been released on the unde~standr.v that he voluntarily
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 349 1 .—Renter. Even "Appeasing Stalin Could Not Subnr*’ Washington, June 22. The amazing and fascinating change I in the war is the only topic here. The j w’ar on Russia has come as a distinct 1 shock to Washington, where the belief that Stalin “would retreat to
    .—Renter.  -  349 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 ps- I SIAMESE SILVER JEWELLERY' Inexpensive Articles Suitable for Presentation. I’.II.HENDKY JEWELLER PEN ANC.
      14 words
    • 131 1 HENDRY’S Displaying A Large Selection of 3ft. BISHOP ST., >-7 j 'ill/ the j /N TRAVEL KIT. H •< Whitelaw” < -a, Trunkett I 11 INCHES I I A useful luind-tnink size between it suit cast* and a trunk. Strong piywocd foundation, covered i brown painted canvas, nickel locks, wood
      131 words

    —Reuter  -  1,389 words
  • 276 2 —Reuter. Swedish Cabinet Meets Stockholm. June 22. A meeting; of Swedish Cabinet Cnunc-il has been called. The King arrived at the Royal Palace from his country residence this morning at 10.15 where he recelvedl the Foreign Minister, M. Guenther ,and the Premier, M. Hansson fifteen minutes
    ”—Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 95 2 s. —Reuter. Comment By Minister At Washington Washington, June 22. "Finland’s only enemy is hunger. We Finns are only pro-Finnish and we will not fight for other interests. This statement was made today by the Finland Minister to the United States, M. Procope, commenting on the
    s.—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 814 2 Discussion On Hitler’s Chances Of Success .—Reuter. (By General Sir Hubert Gough, .Renter’.'? military commentator). Hitler lias again selected Sunday for another of his trencher-' ous scoops at a neighbour with which he has been at considerable pains to sign pacts of non-aggres-sioij and even
    .—Reuter.  -  814 words
  • 35 2 .—Reuter. London, June 22. THE Italians in Abyssinia have evacuated the town of Jimma which has been handed over to the British. This is announced ir today’s Italian High Command communique.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 218 2 —Reuter. London, Juno 21. THE 1911 record daylight "bag” of German aircraft officially increased late on Sunday night to 28. Further reports, according to the Air Ministry show that ah but tv ■> "ero destroyed when the R.a.F. h’t a.< d ?ver Northern France During
    —Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 649 2 REPORTED ACTION IN EAST PRUSSIA Britain And Allies Will Not Sit Back London, June 22. A GERMAN High Command communique today announced that “fighting broke out on the Soviet border in the early hours of today.” It claims that the attempt to fly over East
    649 words
  • 610 2 World Reactions ..—Reuter. New York June 22 News of the Russo-German nostiij snread “like wildfire”, stagqerm those who always maintaince .r.v many and Russia would on, each other’s throats. The news breaking in the mid.< York’s Saturday night life, it st: -y- n clubs and
    ..—Reuter.  -  610 words
  • 50 2 .—Reuter. London And Washington ill Not Be Influenced Hitler’s pretension that he was undertaking an anti-Bolshevist campaign was ridiculed by the Columbia Broadcast comint ntators. This, they declared, was intended to influence “appeasers,” but it was certain that neither London nor Washington would he diverted by succi —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 210 2 r.—Reuter. Despite Flood Of Rumours Abroad Moscow, June 21. The week-long silence in Moscow concerning relations with Germanv is still unbroken. Neither ihe press nor radio mentions the flood of rumours circulaThe last reference to tho international situation was made a week ago when a government declaration
    r.—Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 146 2 —Reuter. Fascist Organisations Also To Be Closed Mr. Sumner Welles announcing the closure order also said that U.S. Embassies in Berlin and Rome have been instiucted to arrange the return of all American Consular Offiicals, from Germany' and Italy. At the same time, he declared,
    ’■—Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 129 2 —Reuter. Cairo, June 22 The occupat ion of Damascus is likely to prove the turning point in the Syrian campaign. From Damascus, the Allied forces can strike in two directions. They can turn westwards towards Beirut. This road is difficult and easily
    —Reuter.  -  129 words

  • 239 3 News Barrier Posts Sawn Melbourne, June 19. vK rIER posts at three starting 1 -Caees at Mornington were almost to ground level on WedLay, in an attempt to interfere the racing. 4 T b,. Minister for Commerce (Sir Page) has announced additional of about £2,000,000
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  • 173 3 Poish labourers are being put up auction and bought and sold in the üblic market like slaves, according reliable information reaching Lon' reminiscent of the Middle Igt' are taking place daily in Graz. Gagenfurt, Wolfsberg, and other arts of Austria to which the labourf-
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  • 2245 3 In all countries groaning under the Nazi heel, secret forces practising shadow sabotage are constantly at work for the overthrow of' Hitler and his monstrous regime. In this article, the writer, A. W. Halliwell. from material supplied by official Czech Government sources
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  • 315 3 Sydney. Heavy reinforcements of protective squadron.-, V L M(^ gh p.. t v rf 11 Anny co-operation aircraft for A.LF. m Middle East were recently by the Minister for Air, Mr. < The planes, he said, would be Hurricanes and the Utest tap
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  • 1171 3 Roosevelt Busy Analysing Methods For Defeating Axis TJEHIND the scenes the deep struggle between the U.S. 1 President’s advisers to g-et his ear for their methods of defeating the Axis goes on unabated, writes the Washing-ton correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald. This remains
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  • 62 3 E'ORTY years ago many New Zeabinders had 32 teeth but now the average for people with sound teeth is only 28. Thus as New Zealanders have lost four teeth, their jaws seem to have become much smaller. This statement was made by leading New Zealand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 129 3 UNWANTED AT 25i irs 4 SHAM£ rwr WOUI SALLY- i CAN'T BE I NO MAN SEEMS MORE THAN 25 ANU QUITE ?/v i attractive TwWr personal 1 PERSONAL J p SO REFRESHED I after MY BATH WITH HU LIFEBUOY TOILET A SOAP-ITS WONDERFUL I [lather really does flllaSMmßiiiK t K
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 39 3 gkorge whitelaws cartoon o 'i Vi «v t v 1H oB V i LiMfw "WWI w W w Hill nr 1 1 ir 1 wmww—wmeaKbt*ww*iimw«iiiiiinii>w Mil*»wwlw.ißlwi«i i And, then we get into firemans clottics and put 'em out, see?
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  • 964 4 Peace Of Monastery After Stormy Career Bangkok. AN ex-Premier and outstanding public figure of Thailand will shortly leave his palatial mansion in Bangkok, don the yellow robes of Buddhist priesthood, and enter a nearby monastery as a temporary inmate. He is the 52-year-old Colonel
    —Reuter.  -  964 words
  • 132 4 It Is not often, that a British exporter turns down a good order, but here is the story of one who did. When those two Italian submarines took refuge in Tangier after being damaged by British gunfire, the: Italians tried every ruse to get hold of supplies of
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  • 263 4 TVTEARLY 200 of London’s poorest children are helping to produce clothes which will be a perfect fit for boys and giris all over the world. They stood patiently while experts measured hips, chest, arms, and height to obtain statistics which will enable
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  • 259 4 GUNS FROM V.S. K’DWARD GUNN, a young American who travelled 7,000 miles to join the K.A.F., has spent his twenty-first birthday interned in London. But he didn’t mind. The Air Ministry has told him he will be in the R.A.F. in a few days.
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  • 46 4 Mario Appellius, Rome Radio’s pet talker, finished up his little pep talk to his countrymen the other night with this beautiful thought*.—• “A good night to all who are listening to me, but a very bad night to the English. May God punish Britain.’
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  • 164 4 My Duty To Suppress A Mutiny’ ACCVSED CAPTAIN “T THOUGHT it my duty to suppress a mutiny, and if I am wrong I will accept my punishment,” stated Captain Frank Kenneth Wright. Pioneer Corps, at a Liverpool courtmartial recently. He was found not guilty of assaulting two conscientious objectors—Privates Worth
    164 words
  • 197 4 •’Do. Not Know Final Defeat” At the “Y’s” Man’s Club luncheon meeting in Singapore Capt. H W K. Sandy spoken of the rise of Modern China. Capt. Sandy has had many years of experience and travel in China, and he referred to some of the
    197 words
  • 236 4 EUROPEAN MOTORI ST FINED $100 Woman Thrown "m 11 Car In Collision Singapore Alleged to 7“ c t“X Xrer n ßoad r and Holland 1 forced that car violently or. Wthe verge so that Its nea. y,ro tt a ed and the driver’s wife r out, J. R- Wilson, a
    236 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 I—m i -wx.-xl-a» -WfcMMii* I- «hnf. j JU I—IT~I miei LF* M—'•y y- y; kjafc v rwKSL. X-*. X- X y. V* a kMeSEft-w.”'■■-*S r jf*v< >X N ifc ft ■4B life > ‘A-. w .«t. -ASp-"- v A-a #a. BlF';#* XlJiL’’ wH Xa x -u fe p»»—. aaax'8
      87 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 68 4 AH in a Day's «Vork— —by Rick Eime;. z jo*n* z have 3 2a 5 IA iky B~kje handled 1 PbcK'E.-r knife- t f Jr xwiTVA B.J on rr? k Xv<<A What a War I I IK' GHbert Wilkinson < 5 I fe?3 x-ri Jdktfk J v%a f V\W s
      68 words

  • 545 5 Gil t Of Perak Branch Of A.A.M. Ipoh. Over 1,5(0 members of the Ipoh and Menglembu Passive defence Services, turned out in a full dress parade at the I'.M.S.V.r. headquarters on Saturday afternoon when His Highness the Sultan of Perak formally r'-esen ted
    545 words
  • 504 5 Appeal In Lower Perak Telok Anson. In response to the urgent request of Dr. J. I. Baeza, State Medical and Health Officer, Perak, and in order to discuss the possibilities of recruiting volunteei 'ood donor for the Lower Perak District, a meeting of the Board of
    504 words
  • 386 5 Grand-daughter Of Mr. Sarwar Weds A Muslim wedding, up it ng two wellknown and wealthy famil es in Malaya took place in Penang during the week end, when Miss Bismillah Begum grand-daughter of Mr. H. G. Sarwar M.C.S. (retired) was married to Dr Abdul Karim, eldest son
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  • 636 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. J. C. McEvett has been appoint- ed to act as Chief Inspector of Chinese Schools, F.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McGowan of i Kuala Lumpur and family are shortly proceeding on overseas leave, Inspector Haji Kader who was on relief work at the Taiping Police Station
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  • 198 5 Penang And Province Wellesley WOOL AND MATERIAL ACCOUNT Amount previously acknowledged $36,199.12 Monthly contributions Mrs. J. Cooper (3 months) 6.00 Mrs. Gunstensen (4 months) 12.00 Mrs. Gachnang 5.00 Penang Chinese Women’s League 33.00 $36,255.12 Gifts in kind: Our grateful thanks are due to the following:—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 CANTONESE VVAYANG Tonight At 7.30 p.m. “LORE KWOK FONG SEONG”. “HEONG HON SOOI THONG SAENG”. With Sun Seong Mun, Loh Pun Chiew Sin Yin Loong. SIN 800 TAI SHANGHAI WAYANG LAST FEW NIGHTS Tonight At 8 p.m. 1 “THA CHU ROW”. 2. “BE JIN CHAY KUAN” 3. ‘‘BENG KHIO LU”.
      135 words
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    • 122 5 Kidneys Iv j Clean Out A s Your body cleans ou‘ ■■xee> T > poisonous wastes in your bleed m'• •■>' lion tiny dCicai Kidney tubes i Poisons in the Kidneys or B’ ,<i<b mokt I you suffer from Getting Up Nig:’ X’ I busness, Leg Pains, Circles Und Backache,
      122 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 92 5 T Last 3 Shews Todav 1 3: 6*15 9.30 pan. RKO-RADIO'S BIG LAUGH MYSTERY WITH MUSIC. 5 SONG HITS* I IS||P*w ■F* W| A wniffm ourk PETER > BORIS BELA *f> J W& .LORRE KARLOFF LUGOSI f Mw PARRISH Dennis O’Keefe, Alina 'SmSr-’' .lift iruger and KAY IKYSER’S BAND \Jsßb
      92 words
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    • 91 5 LAST THREE SHOWS TO-DAY Roaring Adventure! Thrilling Romance/ VICTOR McLAGLEN AS KING OF THE DIAMOND SMUGGLERS IN A chapter of men, millions and murderin the great African diamond rush! u Diamond Frontier WITH JOHN I.ODER IND ANNE NAGEL Opens To-morrow Tuesday, June 24 A RIOT OF LAUGHTER FROM 20th CENTURY-FOX
      91 words
    • 86 5 i I 1 1 1 5 51 '1 r Ji A A.’HOII >' U p.m.» 3.30. A* 9.30 p.m. -w II IT PHP L C M/’ ’PAK BENG 'U** 1 With Full English S-ioT STARRING MISS lOLET > A Picture That’ll Touch f'>e« With TOMORROW —3; 6.1 >v 9-36 1'
      86 words

  • 391 6 r A IIE German attack on Russia shows once and lor all that there can be no final settlement of Nazi-Soviet relations except by war. Both countries were signatories to a non-aggression pact, but what are pacts to Hitler but things made at his own will
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  • 130 6 ODEON CINEMA: “Diamond Frontier” with Victon McLaglen, John Loder and Anne Nagel. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Sea Hawk” with Errol Flynn and Brenda Marshall. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “What Price Love” (Chinese picture). 1, 3.30,6.30 and 9.30 p.m. HEX CINEMA: “Kay
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  • 408 6 \\E of the main objects of Singapore’s black-out last week was I to provide a test of the efficiency of the civil defence organisations, and j we are certain that the evidence it i furnished will go a long way to prove i the desirability of a thorough
    408 words
    • 64 6 (To the Editor. “Pinang Gazette”). Sir, What a cock-eyed war this is. There is France turning against her former ally, Britain, and there are Russia and Germany, presumably the best of friends, now at war with each other! Whatever is going to happen next Will the overrun countries
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  • 57 6 .—Reuter. Madrid, June 21. Marshal Badoglio arrived in Spain by air yesterday afternoon from Rome. He landed at Barajas aerodrome, near Madrid, and left almost immediately in another plane for Tangier.—Reuter. It is now learned it was not Marshal Badoglio who arrived in Spain on
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 81 6 I. Reuter. Report About Entering War Cabinet Denied London, June 21 A statement appearing in the morning newspaper that General MacNaughton, Commander-in Chief of the Canadian Forces in England, might enter the War Cabinet as Minister of Defence is flatly denied in an official statement just issued. There
    I.— Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 299 6 Diplomatic Service SELECTION and examination of j candidates for the British Dip- j Jomatic Service, changes in which were announced by Mr. Anthony Eden last week, has followed welldefined tradition for many years. 4 he service is recruited from an exclusive selection of candidates, whose qualification for
    299 words
  • 1179 6 W ORLD speculations as to the strength and striking power of the Soviet Air Force will at last be brought to an end as her machines go into action against the Luftwaffe and Russia’s real strength will be revealed in actual battle. .—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  1,179 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 Send your order early. Your ‘Cift Food Parcel’ Parcel No. 1 2 lb. Finest Orange Pekoe Tea I 1 large tin Creamery Butter v complete with postage Parcel No. 2 2 lb. Finest Orange Pekoe Tea 1 small tin Creamery Butter C os2 1 lb. Finest Cube Sugar vO complete
      170 words
    • 36 6 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER pdiontq THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable In the markets YND need no further Recommendation. Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co. t Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and liuala Lumpur.
      36 words
    • 20 6 fil HE I29.TIMJOIC For your convenience send your tvrea to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Strpet Penang, Phone 4121 as
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  • 364 7 /V TO JEN TONIGHT K. C. K. I a HARMLESS band leader goiiijj I **to an ancient castle to play at an I heiress’ coming-of-age party must I expect any amount of trouble and I when that band leader is Kay Kyser I 3 nd
    K. C. K.  -  364 words
  • 119 7 Chinese Schoolgirl Pleads Guilty A Chinese schoolgirl, Lee Yap Wah, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning on a charge of being a member of an unlawful society, "Penang All Trade Workers’ General Labour Union” on June 22. She pleaded guilty
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  • 861 7 Increased Cost Of Living As Reason MEETING OF JUNIOR CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATION Indebtedness among Government servants, which was attributed chiefly to the increased cost of living, the need for the cost of living allowance being granted to those Government servants drawing over 565 per month and
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  • 49 7 The case in which Khoo Chin Hin was charged in the District Court before Mr. B. F. Bridge with committing housebreaking by night in order to commit theft at the residence of Dr. Brandon Bravo between Sept. 17 and 18 was fixed for hearing on June 25.
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  • 1839 7 Broadcast By Dr. Victor Purcell THAT war clouds had for the time being rolled aside from Malaya and that Ihe country had entered on a period of cairn was revealed by Dr. Victor Purcell, Director-General, Department of Information and Publicity, in a broadcast
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  • 134 7 Believed To Hove Been Drugged YYTAKING up early this morning in a room in a Chinese hotel in Penang, a Chinese woman discovered that she had been robbed of her{ jewellery' amounting tn nearly sioo. She went to the hotel the previous night on
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  • 266 7 American Missionary Passes Through Penang 4 FTER having been active in many medical and relief services during his 20 years’ residence in China, Dr. Frank D. Collin, an American Missionary, who was on his way back to the United States told the “Pinang Gazette" shipping reporter,
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  • 134 7 Case Against Three Withdrawn Five men, Wong Soon Hing, Tan Khye Choon, Khoo Keng Wah, Khu Fong and Shajie bin Abdullah, were charged before the District Judge, Mr. B. F. Bridge, in the District Court this morning with producing an export declaration to temporary Revenue Officer 119
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  • 97 7 Four Months For Chinese Appearing before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court today, Teo Gho-ng’ Weng was charged with committing theft of 90 eggs, 19 apples, 20 chikoos and one basket at the Central Market, at 4.30 a.m. on June 23. The accused pleaded
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  • 333 7 Narrow Escape For Five Occupants Five local sportsmen had a noon when a big angsana tree them across Sepoy Lines Road, Sports Club ground. They were C. Danker, Jan, and Jalleh. The five men were in a Morris car which had turned into Sepoy
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  • 79 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,522,846.53 made up of Penang $970,081.10 and Perak $552,765.43. There were no contributions to the Penang collection over the week-end. PERAK Only one donation, a sum of $7.00 from the labour force of Lowin Estate, was received
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  • 197 7 from today (June 23) no permits to export will be granted for the export of rubber to the United States of America consigned to any party other than the Rubber Reserve Company or its nominees, except in fulfilment of a contract concluded before
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  • 118 7 For selling 10 eggs at 34 cents which was two cents above the maximum price, a Chinese, Tjeng Phek Leng was summoned before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Court this morning. The complainant, Miss Constance Medwyin, stated that on May 9, she purchased
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  • 198 7 One Night Balik Pulau. A daring burglary took place early yesterday morning at the village of Balik Pulau when four houses in a row were entered. Cash and cigarettes were removed without the occupants any the wiser until dawn when they saw’ their cash boxes
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  • 82 7 Club-Keeper Sent To Gaol Alor Star. Hashim bin Awang, keeper of the Abdul Hamid Sports Club, was yesterday sentenced by H.H. Tunku Abdullah in the Magistrate’s Court to four months’ hard labour on three counts of cheating, over the yearly subscription of new members to the Club.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 (Wura I 4 A AU-d p) 7 ?MLCU?A After his evening bath, give baby a dainty all ever dusting of Cuticura Talcum. Then you can rest assured he will sleep free from chafing and irritation. STOPS ALL l CHAFING "SMILER.* THE CLIMBER. jri 7TS > W Bi KT THE BASE.
      149 words

  • 69 8 Penang. June 21, 1941. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING ■London Demand 2/4 3/32 i New York, Demand 47.16 ,Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Bombay) J Rangoon Demand 156 1/8 Hongkong Demand 53 9/16 Shanghai Demand 12 3/8 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10
    69 words
  • 31 8 Profit £9,482 (£4,856) To taxation reserve £2,000 (£1,500). general reserve £1,500 (nil) depreciation £l.OOO, Dividend ?1 24 per cent (1 7/8 oer cent), forward £515 (£257).
    31 words
  • 111 8 8.0. W. “Heavy Raid On Cologne And Dusseldorf 5 Rugby, June 22. 1 r Ministry communique says: “The pmstained offensive of the R.A against iCtermaay's heavy industries v -.s continu--3d last night by strong forces of Bomber Command aircraft which attacked objectives at Cologne and Dusseldorf. “Attacks
    8.0. W.  -  111 words
    • 459 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at Noon 23rd June, 1941 Issue JBuyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 7/14 7/41 £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 17/9 $1 Ayer Weng .671 .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 14/3 $1
      459 words
    • 235 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.024 1.071 A lor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.521 1.571 Ayer Hitam .821 .871 Ayer Molek 1.071 1.124 Ayer Panas 1.021 1.071 Bassett .40 .421 ex Batu Lintang 1.00 1.024 ex Bedford .87 .90 Ben-ta .924 .971 Borelli 1.371 1.424 Broga .57 ,59ex Brunei
      235 words
    • 338 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N. Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.771 1-821 $2 Alex Brick 71% Pref 2.071 2.124 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B4 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
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    • 77 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Burma Malay 6d. 27th div. 24 6 41 qaaai Kamunting 5% mt. Lt. Kinta Tin Mines 5% int. Lt. r 26 641 sr is Tekka Taiping 6d 11 1/01x1011 > u 25.6.41 (in England) RUBBER Riverview 15% Final Sei GENERAL 24.6.41
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  • 290 8 Annual Report The annual general meeting of Ulu Pandan 'S'pore) Rubber Estates Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, N. T. S. Building, Singapore, on Thursday, June 26, at IL3O a.m. The net profit for the year ended April 3<), 1941, amounts
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  • 63 8 Presiding at the annual meeting of the Buloh River Rubber Estates, Mr. E F. Skinner (the chairman) said that prospects for the current year appeared promising. The export release was higher and increased revenue from sales was anticipated if current prices for rubbei v. re maintained. Expenditure,
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  • 381 8 Good Attendance At Literary Meeting Taiping. There was a good attendance at the literary meeting of the Taiping Ceylon I Association held on Friday evening, including a few non-members. Mr. S. Selvanagani first of all gave a brief introduction to Macaulay’s works and of his life. The
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  • 326 8 Proposals At Meeting Of Perak Union Ipoh. A proposal to form an All-Malayan Sikh Association in Ipoh, was made by Dr. Puran Singh, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Perak Sikh's Athletic Union —tea being also served—at the Ipoh Town Hall on Saturday evening. Making
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  • 225 8 Washington, Ju n 3 Federal Loan Administrator, Mr. j Jones, announced today that as f~Z Monday the Rubber Resei/e Compar Government corporation, will becom t sole buyer of crude rubber exported the Far East to the United States t-.' explained that this action had
    225 words
  • 147 8 Schoolboys Help In Arrest A party of public-spirited sc u -I of the St. Michael’s Institut h ed in the arrest of two 1 y_-ai 4 Chinese youths, wh were al ged have been seen threatening an tl of bodily injury, in order t< e money
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  • 81 8 Mishap On ay Back From Fire Taiping. The Taiping Fire Brigade was celled out at 2.15 p.m. on Saturday to the residential area in Tate Road to attend to a small patch of lallang which had caught fire. The brigade returned almost immediately after. On the
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  • 110 8 Saturday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” *261. 10- “Forward” £263. 15. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” 5138.00 Business done 25 tons Buyers, No Sellers PENANG “Spot” $138.37 $l3B. v' 1 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” “Forward” Tone SINGAPORE “Spot” 39 3'Bo 39 1 3 PENANG “Spot” 39 3 8c 39 'i e
    110 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 BANKS ft |w”r-i it.: I r Jf j n[Bg«g©J_ TOTISMBHW "1 r 4 H 7W t wwBI wy M i Tl' SAVINGS sUetfi fyou fo dollar 6'’>®d in ar. -axtra dollar earned. a ""taring» Account la the best Inducement to eave. Tu uAVe a Savings Aixvuui. auu to see this
      127 words

  • 45 9 France is sending about one hundred champions of various sports on a North African tour to mark “the close solidarity between France and her African possessions.” M. Jean Borotra, Commissar of Physical Education and Sport will be there, too.
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  • 94 9 Frenchmen in London are constantly repeating to their British friends, “Watch Africa.” Everything is being done in North Africa to betray the French Empire and, they say, to betray Great Britain. M. de Brinon, ambassador in Paris of Vichy, said in an interview
    94 words
  • 402 9 MONDAY JUNE 23, 1941. Postage Latest ‘Time 0« Destination Letters Postcard,- Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. HR MAIL& SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE REVISED LIMES OF CLOSING AIR MAILS AND REVISED CHARGES Correspondence for connection with the Pan-American Clipper Service must be posted
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  • 1018 9  -  Bach And His “Time” •x ERNEST NEWMAN A recent number of the “Monthly Musical Record” contains the text of i a lecture—“ Bach, Then and Now” given by Dr. Alfred Einstein in connection with a Bach Festival held at an American School of Music. It is
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  • 216 9 A detective told a story at Romford, Essex, of a woman risking' injury to save her husband from intruders during the night. At 1.30 a.m., said the detective, there was a knock at the front door of Giuseppe Victor Antonio MigJiorini’s house in
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 3296 9 PENANG BOMBAY IiMS H W ZHJ 6.08 mc/S (49.3 mJ VUB2 7.24 mc/s (41.44 m.) W A (> I VUJL.2 91.55 mc/s (31.4 mJ 5-30 Indian Programme. (9.50 a.m. 12.20 p.m.; 2.20 5 News in Tamil 5.55 Malay Programme. 7U82 4.88 mc/s (61.48 m.) 6.05 News in Malay. VUB2 3.36.
      3,296 words
    • 148 9 RANGOON XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 mJ XYO 3.48 :mc/s (86 m.) 6.50 p.m. Indian Session (Recorded Pro gramme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded Programme). 6.21) Burmese News and Market 'Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Programme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded Programme 11.05 Danas Programme. 11.20 Close down. SAN FRANCISCO (TREASURE ISLAND) KGEI 9.67 mc/s
      148 words

  • 837 10 Rumanians Move Into Bessarabia: Bukovina Invaded By Nazis Rome, June 22 The Rome radio announced that the Italian Government had notified the Government of the U.S.S.R. that “Italy considers herself at war with Russia from 5 a.m. on Sunday.” Rumanian troops crossed the River Pruth
    .—Reuter,  -  837 words
  • 3518 10 Attack Starts On 1.500 Mile Front With Aid Of Finns Rumanians HITLER ANNOUNCES “GREA TEST MARCH OF ALL TIME” London, June 22. announced in a proclamation over the radio, at 3.30 a.m. today that the German Army had begun to march against Soviet Russia assisted by
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 X THE BEN LINE A s FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. 'burnsphilp LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 333 11 H: London, June 2 ra l Catroux who was recentappointed Free French Cornin the Levant, Centered Damascus, accordLfo a Cairo dispatch to indecent French agency. Leral d® Gaulle sent him the folL telegram, “I send my most L[ s nd sincere compliments on the L
    H: • –  -  333 words
  • 372 11 Men’s Doubles Reach Final Stages Both the semi-finals in the men’s doubles of the Penang Novices Badminton Tournament were played off in the Penang Dree School Hall yesterday. In both matches, it went into three sets In the first match Sim Eng Thye and Poh Peng
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  • 146 11 Brilliant Batting By Todd Kuala Lumpur. The annual Europeans vs The Res* cricket played on the Padang over the week-end resulted in a draw, the Europeans playing out time. Batting first the Rest totalled 118 which included 38 by Rayatilika and 34 by Hassan.
    146 words
  • 102 11 Eas Win For Sporting Youngsters In a friendly soccer match yesterday, the Sporting Youngsters defeated the Cor'nthus XI by the margin of three goals to nil. For the vlnners, Sow Lai,and William were outstanding. Harry Dass opened the scoring and shortly after William netted the second goal. The interval
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  • 45 11 O.X.A. vs E.S.C. The following will represent the O.X A against the E.S.C. on the Esplanade tO Heng Thuan; Cheng Hoe, Ghim Huat; N Danker, C. Danker, A. Muthu; A. Ramasamy, J- Read, Jan, Ch-n Cheok, Boh E Reserves: G. Lim Thoon Tuck, Pannichor.
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  • 221 11 First Of Four Games London, June 21. There was a Test Match flavour about the cricket at Lords where 10,000 watched the first of four matches between the Army and the Royal Air Force in aid of Army charities. A. B. Sellers, the
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  • 349 11 London, June 21 General Wave!!.- Comander-in-Chief of British Forces in the Middle East, has demanded the Governor of Djibouti, French Somaliland. that be should make quite clear where he stands. It i learned in London that General Wavel 1 has informed
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  • 150 11 Last Game For Tourists The soccer match in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund and the Penang Chinese Spitfire Funds on the Victoria Green yesterday between the South China A.A. and the Chinese Recreation Club was postponed to today. This will be the
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  • 365 11 Results Of Yesterday’s Competitions (By “Buddy” Tan) The juniors swam a fine race yesterday morning at the Chinese Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah. The 200 m. Breast Stroke had been Penang’s event in Malayan aquatic competitions for is many years as Kee Soon Bee was available. With him
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  • 42 11 —Reuter. London, June 22. Matches in the second round of the Scottish Summer Cup resulted as follows: Hamilton 1, Rangers 3. Hibernian 1, Clyde 2. St. Mirren 2, Hearts 3. Third Lanark Dumbarton 1.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 365 11 Game With Old Xaverians Abandoned The cricket match between the Old Xaverians’ Association and the Penang Sports Club played yesterday on the Western Road Ground was abandoned after the lunch interval at the stage when the O.X.A. had scored 15 runs without loss in
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  • 145 11 Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Local boxing followers were treated last night at Bukit Bintang Amusement Park to one of the best fights in the Kuala Lumpur ring. Luis Yeo Blanco, the Filipino Chinese, got the better of Tommy Carrie, the Singapore Eurasian, in a fight which
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  • 157 11 Puran Singh Wins Singles Title Ipoh. Providing an xciting final in th men’s singles event of the fourth Perak Sikhs Badminton Championship whic! were concluded at the Town Hall yesterday Puran Singh, by disposing of Harcharan Singh, singles champion foi the last two years, annexed the challenge
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  • 162 11 Perlis To Meet Penang At a meeting of the Selection Committee of the Perlis F.A. the foliowin; have been selected to play for Perlis or the C.R.C. ground on Thursday, June 26 Che Kassim (Guru-guru), Yatiir (Police F.T.), Abdullah (Coronat on F.C.), Bakar Hashim
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  • 153 11 Open Cliatnpior.sliip To Be Held Telok Anson. The first badminton championship meeting, open to Indo-Ceylonese in Malaya, will be held in Telok Anson commencing from Saturday, July 12. The championship consists of two events (Men’s Singles and Men's Doubles) and will be played on the Nondescripts
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  • 177 11 Mr. Rappard's Snowy Owl OWL, owned by Mr. A. J. R. Rappard of Medan, and trained by M. van Breukelen, has died from natural causes while at Cameron High lands. Snowy Owl, it is understood, was having a short spell prior to being sent to
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  • 128 11 Standing Committee To Hear Representations A Standing Committee has been appointed to consider the working of the War Taxation Enactment 1941 and to make recommendations as regards Wm Taxation in 1942. The Committee consists of: The Hon. Mr. E. D. Shearn, The Hon. Mr. J.D.
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  • 393 11 S2OO Donation To War Fund A sum of $2OO was unanimously voted for donation towards the War Fund at the twenty-fifth annual general meeting of the Municipal Recreation Club held at their Club house at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday. Mr. J.R. Danson, the Acting President, was
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  • 109 11 Sungei Patani. Twenty-two Chinese labourers, travelling in a motor lorry, were involved in a serious motor accident at 10 o’clock on Friday morning, when the lorry turned a somersault, killing two of the passengers on the spot. The accident occurred near Sungei Patani. Another of
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  • 2241 12 Fourth Great Turning Point Of War IRREVOCABLE AIM TO SMASH HITLER AND EVERY VESTIGE OF NAZISM Louden, June 22. Broadcasting to the nation tonight, Mr. Churchill said: “The German attack on Russia is the fourth great turning point of the war. Germany’s act comes
    —Reuter,  -  2,241 words
  • 159 12 F. Ogden Wins Men’s Monthly Medal (Stroke) Over the week-end the Men’s Monthly Medal (Stroke) Competition was played and resulted in a win for F. Ogden with a score of 82 less 14=68. In the Optional Ball Sweep F. Ogden with 40—7=33 tied with Teoh Chin
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  • 48 12 MONDAY, JUNE 23 TIN: Penang $138,374 Business done Buyers no sellers Singapore $138.37A RUBBER: Penang Spot 39c Singapore Spot 39c COPRA: Sundried $2.77| buyers Blyck Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.80 nominal Fair Seed $8.30 nominal RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $9.94 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.52
    48 words
  • 890 12 Horses —Class 2 —9 Furlongs 2 1 3 SAMORY 4v 9.07 “Madam Chan” Van Breukelen 4 o’o DISTINGUISHED 5y 9.04 Messrs. C. Y. Choy &C. Y. Chong Hobbs 0 4 1 ROISTERER 4y 9.02 Mrs. Foo Meow Chin Hobbs 13 2 MEASURE 10y
    890 words
  • 268 12 Roisterer Contango Very Fit (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. ALTHOUGH slow work gene rally was done, several interesting spins were witnessed at the track this morning, most impressive being Hazmore, Edie’s Choice, Rosalie, Roisterer, Contango, First Lady and Clarissa The Flea. Hazmore is
    268 words
  • 41 12 IPOH AIR RAID SIREN PRA CTICE There will be siren practlC-air-raid siren situated at Engineers Ltd., Lahat R>' tween the hours of 12 mid-d a i p.m. on Wednesday, June 2? J No action whatever by the -1 Wardens is required.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 354 12 'Head Office) 316 Penang Read, p 4 t B Phone 1477 1478 w’ Telegram*: “Oaaette” PeE #Og S-atea at luijscrtptlcn for Pina. B and Sunday Gaaette. PINANG GAZETTi B Local 3.8 L Delivery F.M.e. B Monthly 13.10 I3.CC L“B Quarterly 7.50 8.00 B' H' If -Yearly If.oo 18 04. “Ijfl
      354 words