Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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    Ria TEH  -  286 words
  • 1124 1 biierica Will Not Yield To Reich I Intimidation And Threats Washington, June 20. Resident roosevelt, in a dramatic message toCongiess, stigmatised the I sinking of the “Robin Moor” as the act of an international outlaw. The United State does not propose to
    .”—Reuter.  -  1,124 words
  • 32 1 —B O W. Rugby, June 20. 1 r ~General Ingles, of the New Army, who took part in the Crete, was received in au•by the King at Buckingham O W.
    —B O W.  -  32 words
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. Fight To Last Man If U.S. Goes To War Toky<« June Whuie-heurted support by rhr Philipi hies, should the United States enter the war was pledged by the President, Mr. Manuel Quezon, in a broadcast speech 0» Thursday on. the occasion of “Loyalty Day, says
    Reuter.  -  90 words
    i.—Reuter  -  117 words
  • 92 1 .—Reuter. Purchasing Board Established Dublin, June I°. Mr. Lemass, Supplies Minister, stated ir. the Dail today that a Central Tea Purchasing Board had been established which was endeavouring to purchase tea direct from India. The Board had already purchased a quantity of tea in America and shipment
    .—Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 104 1 —8.0. W. French Workers Ranged Against Vichy Rugby, June 19 Workers of France are looking to a j final British victory. This was stated j by M. Rene Rous when he brought fraternal greetings from Trade Unions of Free France to the annual Conference of
    —8.0. W.  -  104 words
  • 107 1 —Reuter Application For Naturalisation BangKo. Jun- :'J. There are also Japanese among several thousands of aliens, who have j applied for naturalisation as Thais, following the recent exclusion of foreigners from certain areas in Th.J- land, says the “Sieng Thai.” The paper declares that this is rather
    —Reuter  -  107 words
  • 131 1 B O W High fribute Paid By Wrs, Winaiit Rugby, June 19 Ir. John Wi ’r-nt, wife of the American Ambassador the of honour at a Pon.m 1 Club lunch today ar which Princess Marie Lou>. c. President o' the Club nresided. In an address >o
    B O W  -  131 words
  • 154 1 —P.O W S’orv Of Two Air Gunners’ Escape Rugby. June 19 The story' of two air gunners who stucl to their Sunderland though she was on fire and sinking fast l- already among the annals c.f gallant deeds performed in the last days of
    —P.O W  -  154 words
  • 64 1 ,—Reuter. Deputy Commissioners To Be Appointed London, June 20. “Important development” in the work of Regional Defence Commissioners was’ announced tonight by the Home Secret ary, Mr. Herbert Morrison. Wherever necessary—and it would, he in most cases —the Commissioners would have an additional Deputy Commissioner as this had
    ,—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 384 1 Allies Gain Fresh Ground Around Damascus Cairo, June 20. Conditions in Libya have how. for the most part, again stabilised, with the Germans not making any attempt to follow up the Allied withdrawal to the original positions. Duststorms are raging in the Tobruk and Solium area.
    —Reuter.  -  384 words
  • 51 1 —8.0. W. London, June 20. A German bomber was shot down into the sea early this morning by H. M. trawler “Capstone.” The enemy was sighted at close range and was promptly destroyed. Its type could not be identified. The “Capstone” suffered neither casualty nor
    —8.0. W.  -  51 words
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  • 174 2 Forthcoming Decisive Events MORE GERMAN REINFORCEMENTS Reported Movements Of Nazi Blitz Chief —Reuter. Military marches and patriotic poems were broadcast all day on the Rumanian wireless while the press, according to this source, is making clear allusions to “forthcoming decisive events.”—Reuter. London, June
    —Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 120 2 L—Reuter. Important Message Washington, June 20. President Roosevelt is drafting a message on at least “a phase of foreign affairs” to be submitted to Congress later todav, the Secretary, Mr Early, announced. He declined to disclose the exact subject, but asserted, “I don’t think it will appear
    L—Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 267 2 —Reuter. Blenheim Safely Home After Hitting Sea London. June 26. How a Coastal Command Blenheim aircraft scored direct hits on a supply ship and came safely home after the .plane had hit the sea was ielated by the pilot today. The attack was made on Thursday
    —Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 27 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, June 20. It is learned in London that two enemy aircraft were destroyed by our fighters over the Channel today—B.O.W.
    —8.0. W.  -  27 words
  • 104 2 Reuter. Five Survivors Arrive At Oporto Liston, June 2G. The Portuguese vessel nas arrived at Leixoes (the port ci Oporto) with five survivors of the French ship, DjurJjuras. The survivors, who were .sicked up from a small boat, stated that thirty-three cf their companions perished when their
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 37 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, June 20. Prince Olaf of Norway made a tour of the Tyne today. He visited Norwegian ships on the river and conversed with the officers and crew. —8.0. W
    —8.0. W.  -  37 words
  • 94 2 —8.0. W. £1,300 Given To Colony’s Bomber Fund Rugoy. June 20. The Syrian and Lebanese community of Trinidad have given i 11,300 to the Colony’s Bomber Fund. This further evidence of the support of Britain follows the recent announcements that the Syrian community of Freetown. Sierra Leone,
    —8.0. W.  -  94 words
  • 162 2 London, June 20. AN ADA is certainly getting into her stride.” declared Mr. James MacKinnon, Minister of Trade and Commerce, in a cable received by the High Commissioner for Canada in London. —Reuter. The cable refers particularly tc experts of Canadian products during May and
    "—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 211 2 —Reuter. Medical Evidence Continued Nairobi, June 20. Medical evidence was continued when the trial of Sir Delves Broughton on the charge fcf muraering Lord Erroll was resumed here today. A further demonstraticn was given with Lord Erroll’s car with a view to proving the difficulty of moving
    —Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 95 2 —Reuter. Sydney, June 19. New Zealand’s Labour Government is composed of men who, all their lives, have been implacable foes of war, but they now realised they have been Tving in a fool’s paradise and would sacrifice everything rather than submit to the tyranny of that
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 309 2 —Reuter FIGURES FOR MJT London, June 20. IVINETY-EIGHT British, Allied and neutral ’vessels representing 461,326 to n s were lost during the month of May, including losses suffered in the Eastern Mediterranean during the military operations. The figures included 73 1 British ships (355,000
    —Reuter  -  309 words
  • 81 2 —Reuter. Accused Of Ambush On Oustaclii Convoy London, June 2D. Four Serbians have been executed in Yugoslavia, according to a Zagreb message to the Official Ital an News Agency’. They were accused of having ambushed an Oustachi (terrorist organisation) food convoy. Although none of the Oustachies
    ’—Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 257 2 FIGHTING CONTINUING o\ ALL SYRIAN FRONTS CAIRO, JUNE 20. flighting is continuing on all fronts lx syrh r AND IN THE COASTAL SECTOR THE AUSTRALIAIN TROOPS ARE SLOWLY ADVANCING IN FACE OF STIFF OPPOSITION. Announcing this, today’s communique from British Headquarters in the
    Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 86 2 —B.O.W. Contribution For Relief Of Greeks Rugby, June 20. M. Simapoulos, the Greek Minister in London, at the luncheon of the intem ii tional Committee of th League of Nations Union and New Europe Circle, said that Lord Ceeil had sent him the gold i
    '—B.O.W.  -  86 words
  • 68 2 —Reuter. Washington, June ‘l9. The House of Representatives’ Ways and Means Committee today decided tentatively to recommend drastic increases of surtaxes on individual incomes and the tightening-up of Corporation and Excess Profits Taxes in order to raise the estimated $2.480.000,000 additional revenue. The new
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 973 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, June 20. (By Fergus J. Ferguson, Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent). AIR RONALD CAMPBELL, former British Minister in Yugoslavia, who arrived in England last night after being detained in Italy for nearly five weeks, saw Mr.
    —8.0. W.  -  973 words
  • 97 2 —Reuter. The Ankara radio, commenting on the Turco-German pact today, raid mat :.te basic principles oi Turkish policy had always been peace within ant peace w-.h other countries. “Turkey is howe r determined to meet with re.e t e ar attack against her indeper.t
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 152 2 1.—8.0. W. Fighter Squadron cele'--: "u i Iversary of its arrival in R "ti ago today. Dur ng the ye- counted for over 50 enemy r hi:> The squadron did not g.-? -nto action. in its own Canadian built Hurricanes, until August 24 last
    1.—8.0. W.  -  152 words
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    • 202 2 AVOID BLEMISHED I A.mif S Gif IN I a IXI V this 2'PURPOSE SOAP jlr'- \c\ J the skin f ,s ‘ream. aEB I 1 Ant t septic J 1 an( ipp l eas f C oeZi’et. J i I wfy > :^UI Lit dry harsh and rough 1 —is
      202 words
    • 69 2 HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF’. As in the case of their Roast Chicken oul only recenty, “Mapro’s” latest tinned dishes, ROAST DUCK and CHICKEN STEW, are selling like hot cakes even before the labels are ready I There must be a reason. Find it out f"’ yourself; buy a few tins to-day
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  • 385 3 Searchlight On A COMMUNIST policy since October. C 1939, if successful, could br ing nothing but slavery and ruin I to the people.” Who says that? Mr. Victor GoliqflCZ» "coming from V.G., this must ke a lot of people sit up (writes vfourice Weff in the "Daily there
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  • 131 3 Much of the glamour that used to be attached to the French Foreign Legion —which, by the way, is still upholding its fine traditions in Africa fighting against the Italians —has passed to the Free French fighting under General de Gaulle. Numbers of
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  • 49 3 Anti-aircraft officer—M.t'., and survivor of Dunkirk—fraternise.’ with girl munition workers turning out A.A. guns in a northern Ministry of Supply factory. After touring the plant he congratulated them on their efforts, wound up his visit with a mug of tea in the canteen.
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  • 303 3 pRE-WAR gossip writers would call I■* her “a well-known London hostess.” A psychological novelist would make three words the theme of her life: Money No Object. She and her elder brother were both born to luxury I 1 True, their grandfather had once been a
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  • 190 3 FRENCH COMIC PAPER -AID TO MORALE COPIES of a French comic paper recently brought to London from Paris show how this publication is doing its best to help keep up the hearts of the French. Every drawing and every joke is a reference to the difficulties under which Parisians labour,
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  • 330 3 Let Boys Fly London. PIMID parents with sons between 16 and 18 eager to join the new Au Training Corps have written to the Air Ministry about thmr fears for their boys. Mr. John F. Wolfenden, Director of Pre-Entry Training to the Ministry, said in Glasgow
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  • 64 3 A New Zealand airman who is a prisoner of war in Germany is reported to be the winner of a house in Wellington valued at 12,500, which was offered as first prize in a patriotic competition. His sister bought the ticket, using the pseudonym
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  • 567 3 fITHE trial cf M. Reynaud and others still seems a long way off. They are being held at the instigation of the Germans. Some of those who were with the principal actors in the drama of the downfall of France are now in England.
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  • 834 3 says NORWAY’S FOREIGN MINISTER. Mr. Trygve lie. in an interr icu with G. Ward Price* UNDER THE GERMAN HEEL 4 MONG the 3,000,000 Nor- wegians there are not 20,000 who do not hate the Ger mans with all their hearts,” said Mr. Trygve Lie,
    834 words
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    • 169 3 Z' GLEAMIHG -W TEETH w I Wjllß nftea W* OECAY 30 a Oaty r«k tooth- ie th© on!* qsAwbtto ©a® tooUibrash, built and pat'env !he ©1 ed this way thouah ccun*- xaw sj-rmmna’ ieetir 'ess nttpmpts hav» Tlbr® w, lit-» onrscit behind, and made to copy it. in anew ef
      169 words

  • 488 4 Hitler’s Underground Offer To Britain HI BEVERLEY BAXTER. MT <PHE discovery that ex-King Carol of Rumania has a docu- ment in which Hitler promised to assist Rumania m recovering Bessarabia front Russia after the war may be the beginning of some
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  • 186 4 Man Says H<- as Pushed Off Cycle Singapore. How he was knocked off his bicycle by a Malay who allegedly intended to rob him of the money he was carrying was related in the Singapore third court by a Chinese stallholder who manages a stall in the
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  • 228 4 REVISED SCHEDULES PLANNED Because of the requisitioning of seven of their vessels by the United States Maritime Corr mission» upon the completion or their present voyages, the American President Lines are working on revised schedule for their remaining vessels. The new schedules will be announced later.
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  • 152 4 Singapore. An incident “which nearly led to a riot,” was described in the Singapore second court when Ismail bin Masjuki, a 22-year-old Malay Sapper, appeared on a charge of disorderly behaviour. Ismail, who pleaded guilty, was fined $5. Court Inspector C. Such alleged that at
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  • 725 4 2Vews \From India Chandemagore, June IS. QIR GEORGE CUNNINGHA.M, Governor of the North-West Frontier Province, spoke to a tribal jirga m Thai today on the subject of rhe war. Expressing confidence in the ultimate victory of Great Britain, His Excellency said that it was the duty
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  • 873 4 A iter Victory AN INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION 'T'HE formation of an international federation, in which Germany and Italy must be included, and the control of money by the state were the two most important steps which should be taken for the reconstruction of the world
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  • 56 4 Melbourne, June 19. The Minister for Air (Mr. McEwen) has announced a big home expansion of the R.A.A.F., including the possibility of building further types of aircraft and further supplies from the U.S.A. Though there are fewer entries for the Sydney Sheep Show, the quality is equal
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  • 788 4 Penang P.W. n j (s Considered r pHE annual report uf rhe All-Vt i an Estate Asiatic Staffs tion. to be presented to the »n/ meeting to be held at the Eastern fi? on Sunday, June 29, prints a tabu! statement showing that member has
    788 words
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    • 135 4 pi. lb FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE jMMIW OF NATURE! I The <-3 me vegetable elements, to animals 1 owe their vigour and endurance, give health and energy digestible Fats are used in the manufacture ef j Blue Band. That’s Blue Band n heatlhgiving S i Moreover Blue Hand is rich in
      135 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 All in a Day's —by Rick Elmet 'AIE/ee TXKifsiG WHAT ARe\ 3 604 21 I Tt> BE j CMgiSTte-MEO GoinjG To I H'.S zxi_e-C x y*—L. caul- T T M < NZI F V I f A'' g I Jr < “See that bloke in goal? he’s a wizard!
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  • 580 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mt. R. J Bleakley, Cadet, Malayan Service, har been appointed to k as Assistant Protector of Chinese. Sei ingor. sjc 4* *X Mr. J. L. F. Fenwick, District Engineer, Federated Malay States Railways has been appointed to act as ->.i .District Engineer. F.M.S. Railways. Th- Secretary of
    580 words
  • 291 5 All Branches Of Civil Defences On Duty Taiping. The Passive Defence exercises in Larut and Matang on Thursday night attained conspicuous success, during which all branches of the passive defence services co-operated well in dealing with a number of “incidents.” As early as 6 a.m. on
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  • 254 5 Original Charge Of Murder Reduced Ipoh. Mohd. Nazir bin Derorf, a Malay youth, who on May 28 last stood trial on a charge of murder of his brother-in-law, Samad bin Haji Mahamud, on February 10 last at Lower Perak, was yesterday sentenced to two years’
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  • 77 5 Bail Of S5O Estreated Taiping. The bailor in the case in which, a Chinese, Wong Ah Hong is charged with causing hurt to his wife, Chan All Mooi with a screw-driver at Kampong Haji on June 19, had his bail of $5O estreated yesterday when the
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  • 128 5 “Gold Drive” Planned In Ipob Ipoh. The Perak Chinese will commemorate the “Double Seventh” (July 7) which marks the fourth anniversary of the undeclared war in China, by making a fresh effort to raise funds for the distressed in China. It is planned to hold a
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  • 61 5 Ipoh. The Perak Battalion hockey ,and soccer teams will be travelling down to Kuala Lumpur this week-end to engage the Selangor Battalion in friendly matches. The hockey match will be played on the Selangor Club padang on Sunday morning at 8 o’clock and the football
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  • 62 5 Taiping. Arrested on a warrant on June 18, Nadason Muthu, a young Tamil was produced in the Taiping Magistrate’s Court, before Raja Salim yesterday and charged with enticing away tho wife of Muthusamy, named Mary Muthu at Pilmoor Estate, Kiang on June 11. The case was
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  • 95 5 Miss Winnie Khong—Mr. Yeoh Ghim Seng Ipoh. Two well-known Chinese families of Ipoh will be united by the marriage which will take place at Cambridge, England, on Monday June 23, of MiSs Winnie Khong, second daughter of the Hon. Dr. K. T. Khong, M.8.E.,
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  • 14 5 ’The total of the I.S.P. Fighter Fund now stands at $28,802.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 118 5 EY LAST 4 SHOWS TODAY A 4t 3; 6.75 9.30 p.m. THE MOST EXPLOSIVE HILARIOUS COMEDY OF 1941. I Caroles in tontedy 11 —and WHAT a comedy! •V. I Th* daringly delightful Uory of «jSak■' o bride wno couldn't »tay mad! ,”BSk JUx/. I Kflflfl GENE «AYMOKD hck carson-philip merivale
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  • 373 6 X?o warning to Germany would be plainer than President Roosevelt’s message to Congress' vesterday. Describing the Nazis' as international outlaws and pirates, Mr. Roosevelt declares in ringing tones that America is not yielding nor will &he ever yield to Hitler’s attempts at world domination. America, he
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  • 142 6 WINDSOR CINEMA: “Rajayogam” (Tamil pier are) 6 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA: “A Little Bit of Heaven” with Gloria Jean and Robert Stack. 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Sea Hawk” with Errol Flynn and Brenda Marshall. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Crooks
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  • 310 6 —Malay Mail. r PHERE has been a great deal of adverse criticism of British propaganda, and much of that criticism has been fully justified. Some of the efforts which have been made to influnece neutral opinion have been painfully unimaginative; they have been condemned for a “superior” note
    —Malay Mail.  -  310 words
    • 270 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette.). Sir, The above system of shorthand has been given a trial in the Government Commercial Day School since 1938 and yet there are some people who are of the opinion that it is not recognized by Government. What Gregg Shorthand has achieved, both
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  • 349 6 Lucky 13 TNTEREST in the Louis-Conn A world title fight was so intense on Thursday that sporting instincts in the office would not be satisfied until a sweep had been held on the number of rounds Conn would last out. As it turned out, No. 13 won
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  • 836 6 London, June 21. jLMRST reaction to President Roosevelt’s message to Congress on the “Robin Moor" sinking is that in no statement of policy or fireside chat to the nation has the President of the United States attacked German) and her methods so bitterly. "IVTOST
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 Send your order early. Your ‘Gift Food Parcel” Parcel No. 1 H i 2 lb. Finest Orange Pekoe Tea j J 1 large tin Creamery Butler tpJivV complete with postage I Parcel No. 2 2 lb. Finest Orange Pekoe Tea I small tin Creamery Butler 1 lb. Finest Cube Sugar
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  • 513 7 The first choral concert to be staged by the local Chinese in aid of the China Relief Fund proved an unqualified sucfess at the Town Hall last night. The concert was held under the aus pices of the Penang Chinese Christian Concert Committee and
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  • 133 7 Over 1.000 Workers I On Duty Kr one thousand members of the M&ve Defence Services in Alor Star in the All-Malayan A.R.P, on Wednesday and Thursday. M Special Police, Auxiliary- Fire Ser(M Medical Auxiliary Service, and Squads were on duty and were set and dealt
    133 words
  • 90 7 piebrate the victory a.t soccer f «fie South China A. A. the h 1 of the M.F.A., Mr. C/ M. t J P-, will give an “At Home,” I P-ti. today at the Penang MaF°ciation to players and supI To commemorate the occafhjup photograph of
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  • 52 7 1, new books have been rc- ,Clian g Library: 1 Axel Heyst; The Amaz■L- L ir FhfiiP Gibbs; FareI square, by Betty Miller; ■L, Heart by Joan Kennedy; by Pamela Hinkson; Last I Margaret Ferguson; Simple Things, by Rayle s Scorched Earth, ty EdH Heart River,
    52 words
  • 781 7 Draft Budget For 1942 Passed At a meeting of the Penang Rural Board yesterday the draft 1942 budget was passed, subject to the reduction of two items in connection with coolie lines at Batu Ferringhi and Glugor. Mr. J. Falconer, (Collector of Land Revenue) who
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  • 82 7 Singapore. To deal with rumour-mongers, regulations were gazetted yesterday making it an offence to make any statement or spread any report “relating to matters connected with the war which is calculated to create unnecessary alarm or despondency.” It shall, however, not be an offence to “repeat with
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  • 58 7 “The Sea Hawk”, enacting the adventures of the British fleet during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, is showing at the Majestic. The picture stars dashing Flynn, and features Brenda Marshall, Claude Rains, Flora Robson, Donald Crisp and Alan Hale. “The Sea Hawk” is one of
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  • 738 7 OVER 100 MILLION GANTANGS FOR SEASON Alor Star. That the padi crop harvested in Kedah during the last season amounted to 1011 million gantangs thereby constituting a record was disclosed by H.H. Tunku Yacob, Principal Agricultural Officer, Kedah, in a speech made at the padi
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  • 335 7 Penang Rotarians spent an evening with the blind and crippled children of St. Nicholas’ Home at Began Jermal Road yesterday, when they held their Tea Meeting there. The turn-out was fairly good considering there was a charity football match between Penang and Kedah—in aid of
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  • 221 7 Police Recover Part Of Bootv More than 83,000 worth of jewellery and cash amounting to about SI,OOO were stolen from No. 26, Sri Bahari Road in the early hours of yesterday morning. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Yeap
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  • 100 7 Large Crowds At Sungei Patani Enormous crowds visited the “Fight for Freedom” Exhibition at Sungei Patani on June 19, including schoolchildren, 400 recruits from the Kedah Volunteer Forces and several sections of the Indian Army Service Corps and other units. The exhibition is being held at
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  • 69 7 Tour Of Northern Territory Mr. L. M. Smart who recently returned from leave and has resumed duties as General Manager, F.M.S. Railways, is in Penang at the moment on inspection duty. Mr. Smart arrived here few days ago on one of his periodical visits of
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  • 33 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,522,839.53, made up of Penang $970,081.10 and. Perak $552,758.43. Previously acknowledged $970,049.10 Mr. J. H. Read's swimming prizes 32.00 $970,081.10
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  • 174 7 New Collector Of Land Revenue MR. WILLIAM CECIL TAYLOR, who has arrived in Penang to take up duties as Collector of Land Revenue, Penang, vice Mr. J. Falconer, who is proceeding on leave, is no newcomer to this Settlement. For a number of years
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  • 28 7 Today’s First Division match between the Marine Department Sports Club and the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club on the Dato Kramat ground today has been postponed.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 134 7 BOSTON CAFE 477, PENANG ROAD. (JUNCTION OF PENANG ROAD AND PRANGIN ROAD.) LATEST BEST RESTAURANT IN TOWN FIRST CLASS CUSINE by Well-known Chef I Chinese and European Meals available at all Hours. AU Kinds of Cold Drinks available. GOOD SERVICE GUARANTEED I PRICES VERY MODERATE Another British Triumph yjri-.-fgS -N
      134 words

  • 39 8 Today on the Esplanade on 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March Old Comrades Teike Overture Merry Wives Of Windsor Nicolai Selection The Rose Myddleton Waltz Beautiful Danube Strauss Selection Tommies’ Tunes Field Patrol Britain’s Ist Line Williams
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    • 456 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 20th June, 1941 Lsgue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 3/6 5/0 Austral Ainal 7/1$ 7/4$ £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 17/9 $1 Ayer Weng .67$ .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 14/3
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    • 235 8 Issue Buyers Bell *rs Allenby 1.02$ 1.07$ Alor Gajah .75 .80 Amal Malay 1.55 1.60 Ayer Hitam .30 .i'Oex Molek 1.07$ 1.12$ Ayer Panas 1.02$ 1.0? j Bassett .40 .42$ ex Batu Lintang 1.00 1.02 lex Bedford .87 .90 Benta .92$ .97$ Borelll 1.37$ 1.42$ Broga .57 .59ex Brunel
      235 words
    • 343 8 Issue Buyers Sellers a£l Austral N. Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.77$ 1.82$ $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.76 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. 8. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
      343 words
    • 119 8 MINING Dividend Books Clow Burma-Malay 6d. 27th div. 24 641 2 ld 216 41 Kamunting 5% In;. U. 9641 Kirfta Tin Mines 5% int l.t. J 6 41 Malayan Tin Llk u (in Pangnga River 4% int. l.t 96<1 0016 3d 41 S' u 7th Tekkg,
      119 words
  • 1502 8 Value Of Output Nearly Doubled In The Past Two Years value of one mineral alone (tin ore) in Malaya so overA shadows that of all others combined as almost to hide the progress in these other industries, states Sir Lewis Leigh Fermor, discussing
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  • 1408 8 Hampered In Past Govt. Policy?* striking differences between the European and nat e markets in Britain’s trade with the Netherlands E< st Indies are emphasised by Mr. L. H. Cripps, chairman ci the British Chamber of Cofnmerce for N.E.L, in the Asiatic review. Mr. Cripps states:
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  • 142 8 Yest ;r.’ n v’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £261. 10. 0. £263. 0- “Forward” £263. 15. 0. £265. 0. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” $138.00 137 50 business done Buvers, No Sellers on? PENANG “Spot” $138.00 5137 50 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 58d “Forward” 13 12d Tone Steady SINGAPORE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 133 8 BANKS •T*"-" ~1 '*r> 773"] |LJ f -iSshi losrio ■SM SAVINGS <( A sUe/lp 2/ou io v > y&nfa&M dollar saved la an extra dollar 1 earned. a flaring» account i> the best inducement to save To have a Saving» account and to »ee thia account grow from time to
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  • 1058 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 2ND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 a.m. Mattins and Litany 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m. Mattins (Tamil) 10.39 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 p.m. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Psalms 15, 16. Hymns 694, 675, 735, 595.
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  • 183 9 Sequel To Bloody Clash With 'Police Shanghai. As an aftermath of a bloody clash between officers of the Shanghai Municipal Police and strikers in the Wetmore Road plant of the Ev.’o Cotton Mills, 31 Chinese arrested at the conclusion of the free for all were given
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  • 437 9 SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1941 Postage Time t Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang Destination Letters Postcara. ordinary Regno per oz. e& eh air mails atnrrriT ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE REVISED AIH MAD S ANI> REVISED CHARGES Correspondence for connection with the C Pt> vice must be posted at
    437 words
  • 223 9 Chinese Woodwork Painter’s Complaint Singapore. Alleged to have been the victim of a brutal attack by several Chinese for no apparent reason, Tan Boon Han, a woodwork painter told the second magistrate. Mr. Conrad Oldham, how he was set upon, and punched, kicked and stabbed in
    223 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2218 9 SAIGON W; ft wB 13 K H S 11.780 mc/s (25.46 mJ W IW 6.116 mc/s (49.05 in.) 7.20 a.m. News in French. 12.20 p.m. News in French—Rice quotations. 12.40 A concert of light music. 4 4 0 News in French. 6.05 English programme—News in English. 6.20 Topical "’T’r'fe AA/
      2,218 words

  • 425 10 Plans Mapped Out To Run Gauntlet Of I -Boat And Plane Rugby, June IS Conferences vital to the Battle of the Atlantic are day by day taking place between Senior Naval Officers and Masters of Merchant ships. A description of one of these “Convoy Conferences”
    —8.0. W.  -  425 words
  • 134 10 —Reuter. Steps To Be Taken To Prevent Evasion Washington, June 20. A warning that any attempt to evade the recent order freezing foreign funds through persons in other American Republics or elsewhere would bring swift counter-action by the United States Government was given on
    —Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 61 10 .—Reuter. Men Born In 1907 And Onwards Called Up Berlin. June 20. Notices have been posted in Finland today stating that al! men born in the year 1897 and onwards belonging to the Reserve or Landstrum must report to the authorities, according to a Helsinki dispatch to the
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 95 10 —Reuter. Obligations Refer To Pact With Britain Ankara, June 20. In a statement to Reuter’s yesterday, the Foreign Minister, M. SarajogloU, confirmed that the preamble to the TurcoGerman Treaty safeguarding Turkey’s existing treaty obligations referred specifically to Turkey’s Treaty with Britain.— Reuter. ITAJLO-TITRKISH ECONOMIC PACT? Vichy,
    —Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 61 10 .—Reuter. Flutter Caused Among Berlin Philatelists Berlin, June 20 Quite a flutter was caused among philatelists when a red Mauritius was discovered at a forced sale of stamps at a Berlin County Court, states the Official German News Agency. There are only eleven specimens of this
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 26 10 Reuter Ankara, June 20. Twenty students from the Tcrklsh Military Academy accompanied by one officer left here last night for London.—
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 758 10 Mask For Another Invasion Attempt On Great BritJ New York, June jl Reports of a Russo-German “crisis” were generally viewed J tically by United States Radio commentators last night Opinions varied widely, but there was a strong reluctance to J elude that
    Reuter.  -  758 words
  • 285 10 .—Reuter. Wide Powers Given To Commission Buenos Aires» June 20. A Commission to investigate subversive activities in Argentina ig to be appointed. This was decided in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies Lw a majority of 95 votes to 1 after a two-day debate. The
    .—Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 248 10 —8.0. W. All United In Hatred Of Nazism Ottawa, June 19 “No Indian leader would do anything to ensure a Nazi victory,” declared Sir Firoz Khan Noon, Indian High Commissioner, in London, speaking to the National Council for Education in Canada. “It does not matter what is
    —8.0. W.  -  248 words
  • 67 10 —Reuter. Skeleton Of The Great Tamerlaine Moscow, June 20. The skeleton of the great fourteenth century warrior, Tamerlaine, founder of the Central Asian Empire stretching from Syria to India, has been discovered at Samarkand in the burial monument where the skeletons of his sons were also found
    —Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 72 10 —Reuter. W illing To Bear All Sacrifices Oka, Quebec, June 20. “We, French Canadians, are treated better under the British Crown than we would have been under our Mother Country, France,” declared the Premier of Quebec, M. Godbout, in a speech here. ‘‘We are British as
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 51 10 .—Reuter. Washington, June 19. Northern soft coal producers and United Mine Workers Union have signed a two-year wage agreement which provides that miners in Appalachian Coal Fields shall have holidays with pay and wage increases. The agreement is the result of negotiations begun last March.
    .—Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 65 10 —Reuter. Broadcast By General Antonescu London, June 20. The tension among the Rumanian, public is reflected in a broadcast by General Antonescu as reported by the Swiss Radio today. The General’s broadcast was, it is stated, an appeal to the population to remain cairn and exercise self-control
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 28 10 —Reuter. Rio de Janeiro, June 20. The German steamer “Hermes”, which left Rio on Thursday to run the British blockade has returned to port.
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 29 10 —Reuter. Ottawa, June 20. Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands Lave returned to Ottawa after a visit to the United States.— Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 84 10 —Reuter. Prices Maintained And Undertone Firm London, June 19 The Stock Exchange was quieter. Russian uncertainties exercising a restram inr influence, but prices were generally ™££ned and the undertone remainAmong Industrials, iron and steels continue upward and Cable and Wireless Ordinary were strong being ouoted at 62» S?
    —Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 171 10 —Reuter. Defence Efforts Must Not Be Hampered Washington, June 19. A call to the United States’ $12,000,000,000 oil industry to unite with the Government in order that “our efforts to defend democracy may not be hampered by any breakdown in the flow of essential petroleum
    —Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 39 10 —Reuter. Washington, June 19 The Government has ordered a curtailment of the consumption of rubber in order to build up a stock for use in the defence programme.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 164 10 .—BXJ.W. ork Begun On Hutment Camps Rugby, June -9. Work has begun on some of the hutment camps which the Ministry of Works is to erect on sites round the fields of certain towns liable to enemy attack as temporary rest centres for bombed out civilians. Made
    .—BXJ.W.  -  164 words
  • 379 10 Strong Force Makes Sweep Of Northern France London, June 20 The R.A.F. attacked objectives in Western Germany on Thursdav night. British bombers attacked industrial targets in Cologne and Dusseldorf during last night, states an Air Ministry communique. Two British aircraft are missing. R.A.F. bombers
    "—Reuter.  -  379 words
  • 93 10 Reuter. Enquiries To Be Made From U.S, London, June 19. Special building material being manufactured in the United States from surplus cotton was mentioned in the House of Commons by a questioner who suggested that Britain might acquire some under the Lease and Lend Act to
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 163 10 —Reuter. Revelation- by Dui] Premier Describing the remarkable pd sistance in the Netherlands toci speech at Sheffield, "he Neel Prime Miniser. Dr. P S Gel said that as seafaring people fl therlands were indicating the;:| tion that the sea wou I German grave. I When a
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 58 10 U.S. Suprt ni£ Judge's 'k» United States Suprei Mr. Felix FYankfurther, '•■“J Roosevelt's closest N 1 it was fallacious I settles anything”- Giving a warning J 1? J evasions of though fl addressing women I College adjacent t Ha' J said "The civil war set J
    58 words
  • 67 10 Encouraged Practical Mq Questioned in the Ht“- 1 about the developmen- J United States and der J lonial products. 'jecial the Colonies. Mr. 4 lonial exports to ur? .sed| United States was e ticable means. -4 The possibility of I a number of con m he
    67 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 51 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 640 PENANG. TuRNFPHILr” LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD., Agents Penang Telephone No.
      51 words

  • 176 11 a vyji_j IME RIDING BOY’ I “TIC TAC” i -'FPSOiw “J* n e i K.L. Racing “THE MA JOR” 4 T Ipoh K. Lumpur Correspondent Singapore “r 8 SngorU FtV* Carmtop Star Lock Selangor II Star Lock Merrv Widow Treasure -> i i Sir Patrick Benedict
    176 words
  • 100 11 Today's Game S. diina A.A. vF.I owd is anticipated at ,vs football match on the jreer. h. t ween the South China Association and the Combined this being the second last. infer: anon to hand is that the will include in their ra! of the
    100 words
  • 131 11 tlangor tennis rainpionships Kuala Lumpur, June 20. Lt:'.’ Tennis Chambrought to ,a success--3 afternoon when the Women’s Singles, Men’s L ys’ Singles were played .or Club courts. Singles final, M’ss N. i Mrs. B. G. Chalmers .ss Sutton displayed to her opponent tup a plucky show,
    131 words
  • 105 11 :i y beat the Penang g «is to 2 in a friend- red on the Western "ere fairly even -:aiae. Evans scored I he Navy after five icther goal was addafter he had passed full-backs. Wood Snorts Club with •■il, Evans added anNavy. At half time
    105 words
  • 29 11 s G.T.S. represent the I G.T.S. on the West|T, p rii sharp:— I Tung Ghim Huat, I '’uthu, Chin Cheok, L f,ln y- Read, Jan, G. Um, Boon
    29 words
  • 1099 11 Race 1: Horses Class 4 Div. 4 —6 Furs. —2.30 p.m. I. 10 0 THE WARRIOR 12y 9.04 Miss C. R. Noordin O’Neill 2 30 0 GOLDEN BRONZE 5y 9.02 Mrs. H. C. Reilly Fenn 3. 0 3 2 STAR LOCK lOy 8.13
    1,099 words
  • 100 11 R.A.F. Beat Johore By 4 Goals To 1 Singapore, June 20. The R.A.F. beat Johore by 4 goals to 1 In the “Malaya” Cup match on the Anson Road Stadium this evening. The game started sensationally, Johore scor ng in the third minute through Ismail. Continuing to
    100 words
  • 127 11 I’o Be Held On July 31 The Perlis Second Cycle Carnival will be held at Kangar on Thursday, July 31, 1941, from 10 a.m. in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. Ten events will be held details of which appeared in the “Straits Echo” of April
    127 words
  • 1183 11 Penang defeated Kedah by the convincing margin of four goals to one in a fast and thrilling inter-State soccer match in aid of the St. Nicholas Home Fund before a fairly large crowd on the Victoria Green yesterday. Kedah were superior in
    1,183 words
  • 673 11 Nelson House Annex Shield Scoring a total of 154 points, Nelson House annexed the challenge shield presented by Mrs. K. Mohamed Ariff at the annual athletic sports meet of the Hutchings School on the School Ground at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Four houses competed for the trophy,
    673 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 235 11 r la the famous tonic for. feMk JgT’A. dogs of all breeds. Ensures tip-top condition A? all the ,-car round. Used by leading Kennels all SLjpjaSjl over the world. lO5 years* reputation -SW Essential in all cases of ojt. TP xSW eczema, mange, worms, etc. ALSO BENBOW’S DOG SOAP rWMBf
      235 words

  • 334 12 CARMANA A HOT FAVOURITE Going Holding For Today (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Today. AFTER watching today’s runners on the track this morning I have no cause to alter my earlier selections. The going is holding. My best bets for the afternoon are Moonwin
    334 words
  • 361 12 Literary Intelligence There are occasions when a volume of short stories —good short stories —are j more refreshing than a full length novel, j particularly when variety is their keynote. Such a volume by Lord Gorell will be coming from John Murray under the title of
    361 words
  • 23 12 —Reuter. London, June 20. The R.A.F. attacked objectives in Western Germany on Thursday night, it is learned in London. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 121 12 Man Fined For Offence During A.R.P. Practice Tai ping. For failing to find shelter during an air raid warning on Thursday night, the second night of the black-out practices in the District, a Punjabi Mohammedan, Guallam Dusti was prosecuted in the Taiping Magistrate’s Court, yesterdayunder the
    121 words
  • 155 12 (By “Buddy” Tan) Only one event will be swum this afternoon at the Chinese Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungah, at 5.30 p.m. sharp. Ten swimmers in the junior division will swim 200 m. Breast Stroke in two heats. Chin Weng Chee, Lon Kwong Khoon, Tan Khim Beng, Lira
    155 words
  • 34 12 —Reuter. Cairo, June 20. President Roosevelt’s representative fcr expedit on and delivery of Lease and Lend .material, Mr. Harriman, arrived in Cairo by air on a short visit from the United States.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 99 12 Boston. June 20. The British Ambassador, Lord Halifax, declared in an interview that if Hitler “goes prancing into Russia” after failing to bring the British campaign to a decisive stase. a break in the mcrale of German Armies would occur through worry regarding
    99 words
  • 66 12 —Reuter. Armed Forces vs Civi) Defence London, June 20. Famous athletes will appear in the armed forces versus civil defence athletic contest being held at Epsom in July. The forces will be particularly strong, having the services of Sydney Wcoderscn, world mile record holder, Lieutenant Alan
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 91 12 .—8.0. W. London, June 19. An Air Ministry communique states. "R.A.F. bembers escorted by strong forces of fighters again raided Northern France by daylight yesterday. Very little opposition was encountered from enemy fighters, one of which was destroyed. Docks at Le Harve were attacked by aircraft of
    .—8.0. W.  -  91 words
  • 50 12 —Reuter. New York, June 20. To the latest Gallup poll on the question, “Should the vote of the people be required L’cfore Congre.*-' can send men to fight overseas”? 5G per cent of the people asked, replied Yes, 44 No and 6 per cent had no opinion.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 333 12 Couple Said Only Heirs i To Property Should Uncle Die i Shanghai. I JEALOUSY and greed were ag£.ir. the I motives behind a murder, it was disclosed in the F f rst Special District Court as a Chinese couple—3s-year-old Tong Kong-sung and 26-year-old Tong Zee-sz,
    333 words
  • 239 12 Amount previously acknowledged $2,459.07 Drafts for £223 sent iz* England 1,901. S 3 J Balance in hand $557.24 “Cobber” and “Judv" (2nd contribution' 10.00 “Lady Funniosity” (iT r Rhys Williams) 10.00 “Cheh Puteh” and “Sally” iMiss Darville) 10.00 “Rocco” 10.00 I Collected
    239 words
  • 79 12 .—Reuter. Cairo, June 20. The invasion of Egypt has taken plac? —by swarms cf locusts from the Ei-siern Desert. Stretching in some cases feur kilometres In length these swamis are attacking Aswan and Kena Provinces in Upper Egypt. The Ministry of Agriculture has despatched partie
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 98 12 Charge Against Two Tamils Bail of $2OO was allowed to Vetha Muthu who was charged before Mr. Lim Koon Teck yesterday morning with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Wanna Sanna at King Street on June 13. The charge was explained to Vetha Muthu and the
    98 words
  • 31 12 —Reuter. New’ York, June 19. The recruiting of volunteers for air raid warden duties in New York city begins today. Men and women over 18 are eligible.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 50 12 .—Reuter. Failed To Offer For Sale 26.822 U.S. Dollars London, June 20 A fine of £15.000 was imposed on Robert Hogg, a Scottish potato fanner of Dalkeith. Midlothian, at Bow Street today for failing to offer for sale to the Treasury 26.822 American, dollars worth £6,655. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 29 12 SELLER’S LOTOS HONEY for all Eye TROUBLES even Cataract Safe, Sure World-wide reputed and tested. At all Chemists. Literature free Beware of imitation—insist on SELLERS. BOON PHARMACY PENANG IPOH
      29 words
    • 524 12 NOTICES ST. GEORGE’S CLUB FAREWELL PARTY TO THE REV. H. J. PAINE A farewell supper-party and playreading will be given to the Rev. H. J. i Paine on Wednesday next, the 25th, at Mrs. Himeley’s residence, Ayer Rajah House, Ayer Rajah Road, at 7.30 p.m. The play chosen for the
      524 words
    • 633 12 NOTICES UNITED PLANTATIONS, < LIMITED (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Notice is HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-Fourth Ordinary General Meet-1 ing of United Plantations, Limited, will be held at the Offices of the Secretaries, 96, Ampang Road, Kuala Lumpur, on g Monday, the 30th day of June, 1941, at L 10
      633 words
    • 578 12 (Head Office) lit Penan* Pz*. Phone 147? A 147» with Telegram»: “Geeette’ P*sias ttate* of gubecrlptlon for Plnar» >». and Bunday Qa*e*> PZNANG GAZATTI Local 38* Delivery PAIA Montnly »"40 IS.Cf Hr» Quarterly "50 ».C< Hilf-Yearlv II.UO i»4X Vtarlv 80.60 M.CC SUNDAY GAZIN 7* Local 3.S .U Delivery F-M a
      578 words