Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 349 1 R.A.F. Dominates Syrian Skies Cavalry’s Big Part In Allied Advance London. June 16. The possible suriender of Beirut in a few days is foreshadowed by Grant Power, National Broadcasting Corporation correspondent, in a broadcast from Cairo. He said the Foreign Legion and Senegalese are resisting the
    Router.  -  349 words
    -Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 65 1 —Reuter. B unced :hat six Danish ships St te, Government Fleet on I -cause they are in condiB non-committal as regards I to Britain of any additional I .ct:ve service.—Reuter. I WK >HTPS SEIZED l\ MEXICO Im- I -<d On New Service Mexico
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 465 1 CALL FOR FASTER AND MORE VIGOROUS ACTION London, June 16. “Vichy French in Syria, under orders from a Quisling Government, are putting up a stiff resistance” writes the “News Chronicle.” •*TO SMASH THAT RESISTANCE. WE MUST PUT FORTH ALL THE STRENGTH
    . —ROW.  -  465 words
  • 178 1 I To Be Accelerated I GO! .-GENERAL ASSERTS I M IIX OBJECTS OF POLICY I Batavia. June 16. I U A. .F. defence and the preservation of National exiaI are the three main objects of N.E.I. Government I t le Governor-General. Netherlands East Indies,
    REUTEB  -  178 words
  • 55 1 Reuter London. June 14 Full time education was ava lable on school children in Britain, compared with 93 2 per cent on December 6 last, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board cf Education stated today. He added that the number receiving no instruction had been reduced from
    . Reuter  -  55 words
  • 90 1 Mr. Duff Cooper’* Warning —Reuter. London, June 16. Mi. Duff Goopei, Minister A Information,., speaking at Guildto expect a big German effort this He referred* to Greece and Crete as ‘gloomy setbacks but added that the Germans, too. had ters. He continued. “Long may the
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 230 1 POPULATION OF BEIRUT LEAVE FOR HILLS LONDON. JUNE 15. rrHF BRITISH HAVE TAKEN SIDON. ACCORDI ING TO A VICHY COMMUNIQUE QUOTED BY THE OFFICIAL GERMAN N E AG C<7m C plie calm reign, in Beirut according to a report quoted by the Ankara Radio, although
    .—Reuter  -  230 words
  • 39 1 .—Reuter peaceful and cnnicable of Syria is still hoped for by military circles. It was also staled authoritatively that Impertaz ceratiuns against Italtari remnants in dbyssinia continue but satisfactorily, though somewhat hampered by tne rains.—Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  39 words
    REUTER  -  35 words
  • 135 1 —Reuter Raid* By Single Enemy Bombers London, June 13. While the RAF. are striking several telling blows against German inland and shipping targets by day and by n iy ht there was little enemy air activity over Britain during the week-end. Following the destruction or
    —Reuter  -  135 words
  • 89 1 “New Ord.-r” in Europe.—Reuter. Hitler zvi': st-m.Kien shortly u ft James’ Palace according to reports that ar. being put by German sources. All Tripartite Pact signal v i--j tZo w.c. as re crest, ntatic eJi f ocRussia wilt also uitena, it is stated, and
    “New Ord.-r” in Europe.—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 I Jewellery For MEN I INKS AND SETS. 11.I 1 11. HENDRY JEWELLER. h l PENANG. S'pore.
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    • 109 1 USEFUL WEDDING GIFTS SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO H. M. SERVICEMEN. P. H. HENDRY JEWELLER. K. Lumpur. PENANG. S’pore. 1 QUICK ACTION BE PREPARED! A.R.P. LAMP SHADES Blued gauze cylinder and base, insulated non-heating vulcanite adaptor top ring. Cylinder leaving top as ordinary bright reflector. MEW EllH Cts. 85 ARRIVED. PER DOZEN
      109 words

    .—REUTER.  -  187 words
  • 65 2 —Reuter. 14 Planes Shot Down Last M eek London, June 14, Over and around Britain 14 enajTiy aircraft were destroyed during* the week ending with the dawn today, seven of these being shot down last night. Of the others, three night raiders and two were shot down
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 71 2 J.—Reuter. Plan Of Australian Government Melbourne, June 11 Employers Who are forced to reduce staffs owing to the Government’s plan to curtail non-essential industries, will be asked to dismiss first men under forty years of age. The object is to release men for fighting forces,
    J.—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 82 2 —Reuter. Claims In Italian Communique London, June 14 The bombing ci Gibraltar on the night of June 12 is claimed in today’s Italian communique but no details are given. It i s also stated that Italian planes continued bombing military objectives in the Tobruk area and German
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 229 2 r— b.o.w. Italian Planes Attacked Bv Australian Squadron Rugby, June 14. Caught them sitting,” was the comment of a Flight Commander of the Royai Australian Air Force fighter patrol which yesterday attacked eight German JU 88’s with Italian markings as they were about to r.ive bomb units
    r—b.o.w.  -  229 words
  • 32 2 .—Reuter. Vichy, June 15. Marshal Petain to broadcast on Tuesday on the occasion, cf the first anniversary cf his assumption of power and request for ar. armistice. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 666 2 —Reuter. London, June 15. LAST night aircraft of the British bomber command were again over Western Germany and attacked industrial targets in the Cologne area. It is authoritatively learned that fires were started, but low clouds made it; impossible to observe the full results of
    ”—Reuter.  -  666 words
  • 41 2 >. —Reuter. Washington. June 14. A Labour division of the United States Government’s Office of Production and Management today submitted to 55 Atlantic Coast shipyards a proposal for an agreement designed to stabilise employment and avert strikes.—Reuter.
    >.—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 242 2 OVER 100 WARSHIPS REPORTED STEAMING SOUTHWARDS Chungking. June 15. QOME units of a strong Japanese naval force consisting of over a hundred warships rta t r cd to have been concentrated off the Chekiang Coast, are stated to he steaming i![i> wards. It is
    .—Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 79 2 ’—Reuter. Rep!) I’u German Panzer Dursions London. June 15. The British Army may soon be equipped with a secret weapon. It is the invention of a Cambridge graduate who is now an officer in the Royal Engineers. The nature of the weapon cannot, of course, be
    ’—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 741 2 Dispassionate Analysis By Mr. Sumner Welles Washington, J uni ia. 'O \IRA R > ui: terms cf International Law, to principles of ;n ter national morality and to humanity, American citizt'iis, including women and children, 'cere forced to take to small life boats
    ’—Reuter  -  741 words
  • 133 2 .—Reuter. Chung’king, June 15. rrWUENTY-SEVEN Japanet>e aircraft made a heavy lionibiug attack on Chungking-’s “lowier towns” on. Sunday» afternoon. Several fires were started along the Yangtse River front Japanese aircraft scattered Iwmbs over wide areas of Chungking this afternoon when raiders in three
    .—Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 54 2 Reutt-r. Parachute And I ank Exercises London. June 15. Extensive manoeuvres, including parachute and tank exercises, are at present taking place in various parts of the Soviet Union, says the Swiss Radio, Among the places where manoeuvres are held. the Moscow district, the Kiev Military Command and
    Reutt-r.  -  54 words
  • 29 2 i’. —Reuter. Foochow. June 15. Bishop Fiancisco Aguirre of the Spanish Dominican Mission.. Vicar Apostolic oi the Vicarate of Foochow, died here on Thursday.—Reuter.
    i’.—Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 123 2 .—Reuter. Some Raiders Shot Down London, June 15. “A few enemy aircraft last night dropped bombs at a small number of places in West England, states an Air M nistry communique this morning. The damage caused was slight and casualties were small. One enemy aircraft
    .—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 807 2 .—Reuter. Cairo, June 15. A British G.H.Q. communique issued today states that in Libya 1 there is nothing to report. In Abyssinia, patriot forces m conj oiderable numbers are now completing j the encirclement of Jimma while Im- perial troops
    .—Reuter.  -  807 words
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    • 253 3 •••’■<■/• dWh* »6 v'-' f s >-• jW x |fc J,< Bff B JIIMW iMWiu /iB: 3 ft H fflwflJnOr '•< < a VW B* F. -«M.», .Jss Wlf F B «F z^ A W lOIJW■. ,< .■..■■<-■■■" BWW F <: y? < -mnnnnaniTTna----a 7*hte.< p a. Z •’L WHh?
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  • 436 4 Love Finds A Way For Aussie Greek Girl Cairo. TTALE-WAY between Greece and the Middle East in the stress and hubbub of the evacuation, one Australian soldier found time to get married. The air over this particular Island i i was still smoky from bombs and gun- i fire when
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  • 219 4 New York. LIALIFAX, Nova Scotia, vitally important Canadian port, has foi months been battling with a series of epidemics. At one time, according to American doctors who have just returned, the epidemics—meningitis, diphtheria, and scarlet fever —threatened to cut the lifeline of Britain-bound supplies. Now.
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  • 596 4 Old Marriage Customs Of East Bengal IX a talk given from the Dacca Broadcasting Centre of the All India Radio. Mr. Asutosh Bhattacharyya M. A. Lecturer in Bengali Dacca University, dwelt upon the ancient marriage system of Eastern Bengal. I In the
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  • 312 4 New Delhi, June 12. MPTDEIt provincial representation in the Indian Army is provided by a I scheme announced today in Simla. Five new regiments are being formed in addition to the reconstitution of the Madras Regiment, reference to which was made by the CIC
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  • 102 4 TV/ANTED—a bo by girl fur adoption bu English pt opl>‘ in Ecuador, South American Republic on the Pacific, over 5.000 miles away. The baby must be typically English, must be a girl, and must be of an age and strength to stand
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  • 61 4 The Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka, and the Japanese iWar Minister, General Togo, recently attended a luncheon in honour of the German, Italian, and Russian Ambassadors—Major-General Ott, Signor Mario Indelli, and M. Slavutsky, in Tokio. The Premier, Prince Konoye, toasting the Tripartite Alliance, said that
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  • 340 4 r pHREE scientists, whose bravery will be a military for the duration of the war, have each been awarded f George Medal. Secret Heroes Their names, but not their were disclosed by the Londo: te as: David E. Barnes, rifle at the Ministry of Supply;
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  • 342 4 Melbourne, June 12. A USTRALIAN official war correspondent (Sergeant lan Fitchett says that the A.1.F., moving on Damascus, is encountering opposition the Merjayon area from defences pre pared in houses, crops and orchards. Australian artillery and cavalry a.'blasting a way for the infantry French and Algerians ar
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  • 488 4 HIGH PRAISE FROM BRITISH OFFICER OUR lads have a real hate on, now that the Jerries have twice bombed hospital ships and killed Australian wounded,” said an officer of a famous British regiment on his return to Cairo from Tobruk. “The Jerries know it and they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 Um too can jgACK up the Empire's Fighting Forces by subscribing to the F.M.S. War Loan. It is a Gilt Edged Investment—Registered Stock for Additional Security——and you will get back every cent, plus interest at 3% per annum tax free Proceeds of the Wai Loan are to be a gift
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 61 4 Mediterranean Championship HI! BBL J lik BflßSt] omlliv o F rV J “Hey, Benito! The fight is just starting.” i What a War! i Bv Gilbert Wilbinson «k i r» Il a aKf I a ‘I Jl I I WEMMRI I I iVfiyi you’re making aircraft, sister, don’t forget I’ll
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  • 1577 5 Celebration Of Gohlen Jubilee nem members of all communi- Penang, old pupils of the AngloILn -e School and Anglo-Chinese Girh, School, were present at :.-nner held at the Anglo-Chinese >:hool I nion, Penang Road on Saturday right on the occasion of the Golden C-;
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  • 79 5 AT KINTA SH LUMING CITE Ipoh. An unusual phenomenon occurred in Ipoh yesterday evening when hailstones fell on and around the Kinta Swimming Ciub f where extremely cold weather was experienced about 5.30 p.m. Hailstones, some as big as one-cent pieces were gathered by the dozen by members
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  • 140 5 Schoolboys Help Put Out Bush Fire Aior Star. A number of small boys in the College compound were afforded an unexpected opportunity to practise with A.R.P. stirrup pumps on Saturday when a bush fire broke out in the old Malay cemetery 'close to the teachers’ quarters. All
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  • 562 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Inspector Haji Kadir of ipoh is now t in Taiping cn relief duty. j xdr. IT, Manuei or the Revenue Svrve.v j G'fiice, Taiping, will shortly be transferred I lo the Head Office at Kuala Lumpur. X Mr. On? Eng Chye of Keng Huat Film i, Co., manager
    562 words
  • 298 5 Penang And Province Wellesley WOOL AND MATERIAL ACCOUNI Amount previous tv acknowledged $35,885.82 Monthly contributions; j Mrs. J. F. Adams 5.00 Mrs. F. Davies 3.00 Mrs. T. E. Conaghan 5 00 i Mrs. M. Meyer 3.00 Mrs. W. N. Walter 5.00 I Mrs. C. C.
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    • 79 5 MAJESTIC LAST 3 SHOW'S TOP AL 3.00; 6.15 9.30 p.m. At Reduced Prices Of Admission Republic’s First-Run Double-Feature Attraction Real Vibrant Compelling A Heart-Rending Story of Burning Love, Undying Devotion SoulStirring Sacrifice Told In Every Day Terms Of Your Own Life. “THE ZERO HOUR” With Frieda Inescourt Otto kniger Adrienne
      79 words
    • 193 5 tiowa. Mmoia! «ntave OPENING TO-NIGHT 6.00 9.30 P.M. A Hindustani Talkie “Brahmachari” with Minster V:naya_k Miss Minafcslii Thrills' Adventures* Romance' NEXT CHANGE Grand Double Feature Attraction* Miss L»ike Loa Ming fji “SCANDAL” A Mandarin Mystery Thriller! together with Miss Lee LI Wah In “THE THREE SMILES” A Alandarin Romance TONIGHT
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    • 76 5 r F'i I 1 “> *p’a 3 4 SHOWS TODAY TOMORROW AT 1 P.M., 3.30. 6.30 9.30 P.M. One of the Finest Chinese Pictures Ever Produced 4 1H€KRIZON SONGSTRESS” OR THEAN GAN KOH LOO’ With An All Star Cast. MUSIC SONG HITS LAUGHTER AND ROMANCE I Wednesday FOR ONE DAY
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  • 446 6 TV7ARTIME conditions are imposing many sacrifices anc by no means the least of them is that which requires newspapers to reduce their usual size The need to conserve paper supplies makes this imperative but pending official instructions to diminish the number of pages, the “Pinang Gazette”
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  • 130 6 VIAJESTIC CINEMA: “The Zero Hour" and ‘The Arizona Kid.’’ 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p in. •QUEEN’S CINEMA: “Horizon Songstress (Chinese picture). 1, 3.30, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. HEX CINEMA: “River’s End” with Dennis Morgan and Geo. Tobias. 3, 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: “Brahmachari” (Hindustani
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  • 226 6 Destruction resulting from this war is not confined to tangible things. Many of the theories of strategy’ have been shattered, and exploints that have offended against every principle laid down in the text books have been brilliantly successful. In the sphere of economics, too, the theorists clung tenaciously
    226 words
  • 80 6 Reuter. Successful Tour Of India, Singapore Burma Chungking, June 15. I The Chinese military mission which visited India, Singapore and Burma under the leadership of General Shang Chen, has already left Kunming by j motor en route for Chungking. Information reaching British sources here indicates that the
    Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 161 6 (To the Editor, “Pinang Gazette.”). Sir, I am afraid that despite what your columnist “Alpha” has written on the subject, nothing seems to have been done regarding the prevailing habit, among certain sections of the public in Penang, of eating dog meat or monkey flesh. I
      161 words
  • 62 6 I —Reuter. Bombs Dropped On Two Villages Nicosia, Cyprus, June 15. (Delayed in Transmission) Cyprus had its second alarm of the i war on Friday afternoon when bombs i-were dropepd on two villages in the j western end of the island. It is offij cially
    I —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 652 6 Diary o f a Foreign News Editor Monday, June 16. communique issued by the French Army in Syria admits the retirement of their forces from Sidon to positions further south. The j report adds that Vichy troops are I obstinately resisting the powerful combined efforts of the British Fleet and
    652 words
  • 416 6 Bogey Men Abroad ERM AN mothers are said to be telling fractious youngsters that if they do not behave they will be given away to Herr Churchill. It will be interesting to see whether he lasts as long in the part of child-scarer as some of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 230 6 You’re right the tonic effect of sood Qlotfes is a greater asset than ever! THAT’S the REASON WHY—i the discovering f man choose Pritchard’s Tailoring— If* j I Perfect Cut finish, —the OhapsT' I most exclusive -x? X' I materials, and j above all indi- vidual care and ||BJbL attention
      230 words
    • 37 6 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS 4/ways Speciiy. > fl nil i wii Qs DEL MONTE PRODUCTS are known the world over. OBTAINABLE AT All the leading dealers. SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Singapore, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur.
      37 words
    • 23 6 k» ««<»»«. .«I 529 TANJ BUMAMtMU», For your convenience send vour tyres to our Sales Depot. 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121. ’'Dun oio.
      23 words

  • 1470 7 ACCOMMODATION FOR 9000: EXTENSION PLANNED (By A Pinang Gazette Reporter) A MONG measures which have been taken in this country ever since the outbreak of the war in Europe to strengthen its defences generally, none is, perhaps, more urgent to those people living
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  • 123 7 IrtSS EVELYN GOH, eldest m daughter of Mr. G. H. Goh. Penang and Probe lawyer, who is now studyL pusic in the R o.val Academy L jlusic. London, is one of the L women at war on the Home wni' Liss G° h 1S
    123 words
  • 235 7 K v (Robert Montgomery in the Hr.j of Chicago” at the Odeon) is a in terms: a tough Chicgangster who is allergic to guns. K. other words, he is terrified of ■He makes a lot of money because he ■jaiways one slippery step ahead of all
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  • 81 7 Chan Choon Pak claimed trial in the District Court this morning'before Mr. 3 F. Bridge, the District Judge, on a charge of being in possession on April 22 of certain property, namely, 16 elecinc switches, one electric wall bracket, one electric ball switch, and one electric light
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  • 160 7 Alor Star. A motor-lorry and a boat were involved in a collision here during the week-end. The boat which was tied close to the river hank found itself on dry land when the tide which had carried it up there ebbed later in the
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  • 47 7 Three pupils were presented by Mrs. Taveira for the Trinity College of Music practical examinations, and all three passed. The are: Preparatory: Miss Molly Ong Siew Choo (Passed with Merit), Miss Juliet Khor Cheng In (Passed). “First Steps”: Master Khoo Eu Kiong (Passed).
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  • 104 7 Hearing was fixed for July 2, 3 and 4 in the District Court this morning before Mr. B. F. Bridge, the District Judge, in the case in which Gee Kok Weng, Chinese interpreter and translator of the Chinese Protectorate, Penang, stands charged on three counts of alleged
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  • 82 7 An elderly Chinese woman was reported to the police to be missing from her home in Cintra Street this morning. The woman, whose name was given as Lee Foong, aged 50, left the house following a quarrel with her husband the previous evening. She failed to return
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  • 150 7 Renewed attention is drawn by the postal authorities to the fact that owing to restricted load capacity, the air mail service to East Africa, South Africa and the United Kingdom previously operated by the British Overseas Airways Corporation is suspended. The public are reminded of
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  • 60 7 All shooting galleries in Penang were closed last night following the notification from the Chief Police Officer to stallowners to close their stalls before June 15 There are about 100 shooting stalls m Penang. The owners and employees have st nt a petition to the Resident
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  • 447 7 Assumes Duties As District Judge 'p/ZS of Mr. B. F. Bridge to assume duties as District Judge, Penang, will be hailed by the legal fraternity of I enang as well as by litigants but, so far as the general public of Penang is concerned,
    447 words
  • 460 7 There will be All-Malayan air defence exercises on Wednesday and Thursday, June 18 and 19. In Penang there will be a black-out on Wednesday and Thursday commencing at 7 p.m. each day. On Wednesday morning the Fire Brigade, together with the
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  • 94 7 His many friends in Malaya will be interested to know that Cadet Pilot F. L. Latham, R.A.F, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Latham of Prai, has arrived in the U.S.A, for the completion of his training. He left England recently with
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  • 223 7 “Americans have great faith in the Chinese army of today and they believe that the Chinese army will one day drive the Japanese invaders into the sea,” declared Mr. Ralph Southern, an American engineer, in an interview with the “Pinang Gazette” shipping reporter,
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  • 896 7 BROADCAST BY MR. WEISBERG CTATING that the war effort of Malaya must be as hearten- to the people at Home as it be disconcerting’ to our demies, the Financial Secretary, the Hon. Mr. H. Weisberg, broadcast last night from the Singapore Station
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  • 144 8 —Reuter. May outputs are qs under:— piculs 2 Dredge 555.06 No. 3 Dredge 296.07 J Qnmbak Dredee 745.53 1506.66 OLLAPSE OF RASHID ALI REGIME Jesuit Of Quarrels Over German Demands Jerusalem, June 14 ®How Rashid Ali's Cabinet began squabing and finally disintegrated is now refried in reliable circles
    —Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 67 8 .—Reut er In Charge Of Atlantic Air Operations London, June 14 ?lie new commander-in-chief of the .stal command R.A.F. Sir Philip Joubert, o takes charge today of aerial operations the battle of the Atlantic and has been •moted to the rank of temporary air ef marshal, was
    .—Reut er  -  67 words
    • 458 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 16th June, 1941 yfcfgyp isuycrs Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 3/3 6/0 Austral Amal 7/-i 7/4$ £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 6/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3f 17/9 $1 Ayer Weng .67A .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 14/3 $1
      458 words
    • 229 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .80 .35 Amal Malay 1.55 1.60 Ayer Hitam .82$ ,87Jex Molek 1.07$ 1.12$ Ayer Panas 1.02$ 1.07$ Bassett -40 ,42$ex Lin tang .98 l.OOex Bedford .85 .88 Benta .92$ .97$ Borelli 1.37$ 1.42$ Broga .57 ,59ex Brunel United .55 .57$ Bukit
      229 words
    • 341 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£! Austral N. Z. Oro. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.77$ 1.82$ $2 Alex. Brick 71% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. ‘7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs* £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. 8. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
      341 words
    • 215 8 MINING Dividend Bcoks Close Payable Burma-Malay 6d. 27th div. 24.6.41 30 6 41 Hitam 10% 2nd int. 16.6.41 216 41 Kamunting 5% Int. l.t. 9.6.41 27’0’41 Katu 6d. 28th div. 12.6.41 19 6 41 Krgmat Pulai 25% l.t. 18*6*41 (in London) Malayan Tin 10% Int. Lt.
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  • 515 8 Directors Recommend Per Cent Final The twenty-first annual general meeting of Sungei Tukang Rubber Co., Ltd., will be held at the registered office of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penang, on Saturday, June 28, at 11 am. The directors in their report and statement of accounts for
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  • 28 8 Export of dry rubber from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of May. Tons Mainland 49,434 Straits Settlements Islands 494 Brunei 166 Labuan 16 50,110
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  • 563 8 Library Notice The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics, S s. and F. M. S., during the period May 31» 1941 inclusive and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Applications may be made by memJjers of the
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  • 66 8 R.F.C. To Lend $9,250.000 The Reconstruction Finance Corpora tion, or America, is to lend $9,250,000 to the Perma ente Co. for the construction of a magnesium plant in San Francisco, state s a Reuter message from New York. The plant will be completed in six
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  • 51 8 Cabled advice has been received of a recommended final dividend for the year ended Dec. 31 1940, of 2/6d. per share less tax. The dividend is payable in London on July 8, to shareholders on the register at June 9 The date of the meeting is Jnly
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  • 462 8 Extraordinary General Meeting An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Bukit Ibu (Bandar) Tin, Ltd. was held at the Registered Office of the Company. Chartered Bank Cham bers, Penang, on Saturday, 14th June, 1941, at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. Lim Seng Hooi (Chairman/ presided
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  • 101 8 The following are the returns irom the dredges of the Thai Tin Syndicate Limited for the month of May 1941: Ngow, Renong 3 Dredges, 1932$ hours 276.900 cubic yards, tin ore won 439.28 piculs Takuapa 2 Dredges 673 J hours, 144,900 cubic yards, th ore won 254.74
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  • 112 8 Saturday’s Close TIN LONDON “Spot” 2o( “Forward’ .-262 ’5 C SINGAPORE “Spot” $136.25 $137 Business douo 25 tons 25 tons PENANG “Spot” $136 25 S'37 RUBBER LONDON “Spot” 13 12a “Forward” 13 7 16: Tone Stea SINGAPORE “Spot” 39 14 C y J PENANG “Spot” 39 14c COPRAI
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  • 292 8 Britain Could Fa>i| v Help Mon It is apparent, states T: that the Imperial Governm been neglecting th e “bla‘ the colonial empire, but mately be ask.d whether not be done. The principle that the 0 must be self-supporting wa* a year ago, when the
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  • 177 8 Mr. Francis N. Curzon presiding at tt. annual meeting ot the Nar.onal Muuu that as the society, in commo, ith other insurance companies, had undertaken support new Government loan, “ha, new moneys, intending polk r.dtrs we. able to combine their own interest» wit the wider national
    177 words
  • 114 8 Profits of Standard Mot e :c: the ended August 31 at. £184.317 ire 1.-'ie more than half the total for the previous year The comparable figure o £322a91' is rived at after charging direr. ces andepreciation. but before taxi non. I r is a? parent, therefore, that the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 BANKS raXZW‘*“ 4« I I Advances agnlnst goods i and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged I i j with us. u We also offer Godown j spaces to let at low rentals. ;ggj'"WW s !iny 1 Further particulars will be fJ supplied on application. |N!H V-
      161 words

  • 148 9 Great appreciation of India’s generosity has been expressed in messages of thanks received by the Viceroy from General De Gaulle and various Allied Governments for the gift of 2 lakhs of rupees. General De Gaulle says: “I am happy to note the expression of sympathy which
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  • 242 9 Singapore Programme Highlights Today. 7.15 p.m.: Talk on Fish, by W. Birtwhistel, Director of Fisheries, S.S, and F.M.S. 7.30 Singapore Music Hall. 8.45 For the Australian Forces. 9.35 London relay, “The Stones Cry’ Out.” Tomorrow. 7.15 p.m.: Talk, “Malaya Speaks.” 7.30 Successful Pupils (from the Studio). 10.20 London
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  • 164 9 8.8. C. Programme Highlights from June 16 —21. Monday, June 16. 6.50 p.m.: Services parlour game. 7.35: Quiet, Please, variety with Beatrice Lillie. 8.35: Starlight, Stanley Holloway. 9.35: The Stones Cry Out—Chelsea Royal Hospital. 9.50: Feature, “The Man Shakespeare —This England. Tuesday, June 17. 7.35 p.m.; London
    164 words
  • 152 9 That Fool Sharp. By Himself. (Richard Sharp.) (Harrap. Bs. 6d.) Richard Sharp, like Julius Caesar, wn Fui Bu -e< Sh bu 1 u !1 p idea in offering to tie the Mother Country had rejected was the ambition to make a lot of money by a
    152 words
  • 42 9 A total of one crore, 27 lakhs and 69 thousand rupees was subscribed to the Second Indian Defence Loan in the week ended last Saturday, the grand total of subscriptions now amounting to 53 crores and 2% lakhs
    42 words
  • 407 9 Chaplain Enters Blazing ’Plane London. A chaplain’s bravery in plunging into the blazing wreckage of a crashed ’plane in which machine-gun bullets were exploding is one of several similar cases of rescue work recognised in the latest list of R.A.F. awards, published recently. The chaplain, the
    407 words
  • 150 9 Talk With Judge London. The unusual procedure of a co-respondent in a divorce case being allowed, at his own request, at the close of the day’s hearing, to see the judge in his lordship’s private room was related by Mr. Justice Langton in the Divorce Court. Tile judge
    150 words
  • 294 9 Women To Have Entertainment London. Factory preparations tor dealing with the vanguard of Mr. Bevin’s first 100,000 women arms workers and arrangements for billeting them are already well in hand. Response to the call has come from wome.i of all ages, including those with several
    294 words
  • 113 9 Women’s Welfare Units For Middle East Melbourne, June 10 The Australian official war correspondent with the A.I.F. in the Middle East, Kenneth Slessor, reports that Australian troops are advancing along tie Syrian coast and that their flank has penetrated more than 30 miles from the frontier. The
    113 words
  • 111 9 The Federal Cabinet Is expected io reconsider sending women’ s welfare units to the Middle East for the A.I.F. Geelong claims that Private W. T. Harrison, who has been posted as wounded, L the youngest member of the A.I.F. He enlisted a fortnight after his fifteenth
    111 words
  • 219 9 MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1941 Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per oz. each Ordinary Regn. AIR MAILS SPECIAL. ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE REVISED OF CLOSING AIR MAILS AND REVISED CHARGES Mon. 16th inat, h Weames Air t r > xd .05 Service
    219 words
  • 991 9  -  Manhold. By Phyllis Bentley. (Gollancz. 9s. 6d.) Nothing to Report. By Carola Oman. (Hodder and Stoughton. Bs. 3d.)' v The Canyon. By Peter Viertel. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) Rehearsal, By Fredericka Faxon. (Heinemann 9s. 6d t By RALPH STRAUS For her latest “study of Yorkshire history in fiction form”
    991 words
  • 658 9 Return via Dunkirk. By Gun Busteri (Hodder and Stoughton. 55.) My First War. By Capt. Sir Basil Bartlett. (Chatto and Windus, 3s. 6d.) j These two books are first-hand accounts of the most tragic episode of this war: the encirclement the Allied Armies in Belgium and
    658 words
  • 44 9 Another tighter plane is being provided by the Ferozepore District of the Punjab, to be named “Zira”. A further gift of 5,000 rupees is being sent to the Lord Major’s Fund and 16,000 rupees have been ear-marked for other war charities.
    44 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 667 9 RADIO TO-DAY B. B. C. ei-nm tO U-50 P- m on: 6,l3 Xs’v 17 81 mc/s (16.84 m.> G<sF 15.14 mc/s <19.81 m.) gS D 11 75 mc/s (25.53 m.) !joo Questions of the Hour St, French news. ’•;n g: ’tier String Quartet. rrOfl News. I, Listening Post: German propa-
      667 words
    • 455 9 SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING News In English B B. C. (Local Times) 7.20 a.m. 8.05 a.m. Transmission 6 11.20 a.m. Transmission 1 1.50 pan. 6.20 p.m. Transmission 2 8.20 p.m. 10.20 p.m. Transmission 3 11.20 p.m. Transmission 4 1.20 a.m. 4.50 a.m.. BOMBAY VUB2 9.55 mc/s (31.4 m.) 11.10 p.m. VUB2
      455 words

  • 261 10 SERIOUS VIEW TAKEN OF GERMAN FRONTIER CONCENTRATIONS Ankara, June 14 Though the majority of well-informed persons in Turkey believe that the concentration )f huge forces on both sides of the Rus-so-German frontier is bluff in order to secure a better position in the negotiations which are
    261 words
  • 89 10 i.—Reuter. Pledge Of Support For Allied Cause London, June 14. “Czechoslovaks of America greet with admiration the joint declaration of Britain, her Dominions and the Allies that they will continue to fight until Hitlerism has been driven from Europe.” This declaration is contained in a statement ;Tjy
    i.—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 95 10 .—8.0. W. Eight Regiments Besides Cavalry Engaged London. June 14. Besides Indian cavalry' eight regiments of Indian Army are named by the War Office as having taken part in the recent operations in East Africa. They are Punjab Regiment, Sikh Regiment, Frontier Force Regiment, Frontier
    .—8.0. W.  -  95 words
  • 56 10 —Reuter. 500 Bombers A Month Proposed In U.S. Washington, June 14 One thousand million dollars is to be provided by the Federal Loan Administration to build factories for the COO bombers per month .programme. This action is being taken by Mr. Jesse Jones, the Federal Loan Administrator,
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 1168 10 COLUMN ON OUTSKIRTS OF SIDON Another Force Pushing Up Lita Valley Cairo, June 15 while endeavouring to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, the Allies’ five-pronged thrust into Syria continues to make steady progress. The left-hand column is on the outskirts of Sidon, the ancient Phoenician city.
    s.—Reuter.  -  1,168 words
  • 48 10 ‘—Reuter. Restrictions On Sterling Payments Withdrawn London, June 14 In view of the improved position, Iraq restrictions on sterling payments by residents of Iraq will be withdrawn from Monday, the Treasury announces. Residents will be free to make sterling payments anywhere in the sterling area.
    ‘—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 81 10 —Reuter. London, June 14. The French Fleet has left Toulon according to a Vichy despatch to the Official German News Agency. No confirmation of this message has been received from any other source, but it is commented in London that if it is true It
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 34 10 .—Reuter. Boston, June 14. Two new destroyers, the Fortress and the Fir ch were launched at Boston Navy Yard today. They have been constructed in less than a year.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 34 10 —Reuter. Shanghai, June ig. The Japanese officially announce that the puppet Wang Ching-nvei left for Japan yesterday for a conference with Japa n esc officials. —R eu t er.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 322 10 —Reuter. Washington, June 14. President Roosevelt today issued an executive order for the immediate freezing of all German and Italian assets in the United States. At the same time he ordered the freezing of assets of all invaded and occupied countries not covered by
    •.—Reuter.  -  322 words
  • 610 10 Gen. Le Gentilhomme Wound» But Carries On London, June 15 Free French Headquarters in London announce that General I Gentilhomme has been wounded on the Syrian front. U His arm was broken by a bomb splinter during the bombing On road by
    .—Reuter.  -  610 words
  • 403 10 —Reuter. Ribbentrop And Ciano Present Berlin, June 1J The adherence of Croatia to the Thn Power Pact was signed today at r.a in the historical palace of the Dq I says a Venice dispatch to the Offii German News Agency. Herr Von Ribbentrop, Count Ci I
    —Reuter.  -  403 words
  • 378 10 Submarines Seek Out Enemy E.O W London, June 14 The Admiralty announce that British submarines have sunk or damaged ten Italian vessels in the high seas and Central and Eastern Mediterranean harbours. An Admiralty communique states “Further successful attacks have been reported by our
    E.O W  -  378 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 134 10 z NEW YORK VIA CAPE DTTK TO ABBXVB X THOMPSON LYKES (via Panama) June 29 X DOROTHY LUCKENBACK (via Panama) July 3 PRES. MADISON (via Panama) July 4 .X HYBERT (via Panama) July 5 X HARRY LUCKENBACH (via Panama) July 10 X FEDERICK LYKES (via Panama) July 21 PRESIDENT JACKSON
      134 words

  • 659 11 Lal Io Have n»i> Pool W Penang Chinese mve their own ft suit of the by Mr. Loh Ah Mr. Tay Hooi H neral meeting -wimmiug Club, in I proper training fa- J.-een able to win Kng felt that ,-hould possess a heir own. and it is
    659 words
  • 644 11 WHEN REWARDS WERE GIVEN FOR FEATS WITH BAT AND BALL CO iar as has been discovered, the term “hat-trick” first occurs in “The Sportsman” of August 29, 1878 in a description of a splendid performance by Spofforth for the Australians v. 18 of Hastings and District;
    644 words
  • 63 11 —Reuter. London. June 14. The .following are the results of the Scottish Summer Cup matches played today:— Albion Rovers 1, Third Lanark 4. Clyde 3, Greenock Morton 1. Dumbarton 3. Motherwell 0. Glasgow Rangers 3, Falkirk 1. Hamilton Academicals 4, Airdrieoniuns 2 Hibernian 0, Celtic 1.
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 102 11 j.—Reuter. Offensive Action By Tobruk Garrison Cairo, June 14. Offensive action by the Tobruk Garrison is recorded in a British G.H.Q. communique issued on Saturday. As a result of successful operations on Friday night, British troops, says the communique, made substantial penetration into the salient held by
    j.—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 63 11 Reuter. Temperature Slightly Aliove Normal Wasihngton, June 14. President Roosevelt remained indoors at the White House today for further treatment of ■his sore throat. His condition is stated to be about the same as yesterday. His temperature is about one and half degrees above normal. His
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 77 11 Low-Scoring Cricket Game At Ipoh In a low-scoring match the Anderson School defeated the King Edward VII School. Taiping by 32 runs. The homester., collected 64 Nuruddin contributing 21, Ponnudurai and Ratnasingam bowled well for the visitors each taking three wickets for 11 and nine
    77 words
  • 224 11 The main bout at the New World Park last night between Speedy Pancho and Little Herman of Singapore, which from the start had showed signs of developing into a thrilling affair, ended abruptly in the- second round, however, Little Heiman winning on a knock-out. Until
    224 words
  • 575 11 CHEOW TEIK SCORES 105 FOR C.R.C. There was an exciting finish to the return game of cricket between the Chinese Recreation Club and the Penang Sports Club on the Western Road ground yesterday, the former winning with ten minutes to spare. The margin of
    575 words
  • 56 11 On the C.R.C. ground today at 5.15 p.m sharp. Statistics Xl: A. R. Ibrahim; Ooi Kee Lip and Tan Chow Chow; Govindasamy. Song Aik Klieam and Ng Swee Thean; Yeoh Teik Lee. Khoo Hock Seang, Ooi Kok Hin, Subbiah a nd Ooi Thiam Siew. Reserves:
    56 words
  • 359 11 I.R.C. Beaten 4-1, But Offer Stiff Opposition South China A.A. scored their second consecutive victory in Penang when they defeated the Indian Recreation Club by four goals to one in a match before a fairly large crowd on the Victoria Green
    359 words
  • 268 11 Several matches in the Penang Novices Badminton Championships and the Penang Junior Championships were piaveJ off at the Penang Free School Hall yesterday. The results are as follows: NOVICES SEMI-FINAI —SINGLES Oh Kim Leng beat S. M. Yusoff 15—3, 15—11. NOVICES DOUBLES QUARTER-FINALS Khoo Khay
    268 words
  • 53 11 —Reuter. Soviet Minister To Rumania Rome, June 14. Bucharest evening paper reported today that M. Lavrentiev, Soviet Minister to Rumania, is leaving Bucharest for Moscow in a few day’s time, according to the Official Italian News Agency. A Charge-de-Affaires, M. Kocoscov, is stated to have arrived ?n
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 351 11 A.J. Williams Scores 78 Not Out The Old Xaverians’ Association easily defeated the Indian Association by the wide margin of 185 runs in a cricket match played yesterday on the S.X.I. ground. Highlights of the match were the brilliant inn’ngs of A. J. Williams who was
    351 words
  • 365 11 Inter-School Cricket Cante The Victoria Institution of Kuala Lumpur defeated the Penang Free School by the narrow margin of one run in a cricket match played on the Penang Free School ground yesterday. The scoring of both sides was low. Batting first, the P.F.S.
    365 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 193 11 Pains in Back weiring down Iches in back or sides, you can’t get rid of these ctnes because you must kill the gernis in your kidneys. Other symptoms^ Kidney •mA TPadder Disorders are Scanty, rre auent'anc Painful Passages, Getting up Nights, Leg Pains, Lumbago, Ner s 2?fJ? Headaches, Dizziness. Gircles
      193 words

  • 657 12 8.0. W. Heavy Attacks On Enemy Aerodromes Cairo, June 15. The R.A.F. again raided the Calato aerodrome (Rhodes) during the night of June 13/14 when a number of Axis planes in the dispersal area were Set on fire, says an R.A.F. Middle East communique.
    8.0. W.  -  657 words
  • 76 12 —Reuter. Harvard, Make Clean r Sweep New London, Connecticut, June 14 Harvaid made a clean sweeo of the 79th Inter-Varsity Regatta on the Thames river here on Saturday, beating Yale in all three events. Harvard have now won 40 regattas and Yale 39. The senior four-inile race resulted
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 138 12 Mussolini Orders Freezing Of Assets Reuter. Washington, June 16. Italy’s retaliatory action in freezing American assets in Italy had been fully anticipated. Ng official comment has been made, but it is generally considered that Rome’s action is largely academic since existing Italian currency regulations already
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 27 12 Kuala Lumpur. Owing to adverse conditions there was no track work at the race-courst. this morning. There will be fast work tomorrow.
    27 words
  • 95 12 .—Reuter. Challenge Sent By Tommy Smith j Sunderland. June 15 A challenge for his British and Empire featherweight titles has been sent to Nel Tarleton on behalf of Tommy Smith, the Sunderland boxer who beat the champion this year though he lest in 1940 when Tarleton defended
    .—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 280 12 '—Reuter. London, June 15. Dr. Wellington Koo. the new Chinese Ambassador in London who is still delayed in Lisbon, awaiting the credentials from Chungking for two cf his staff, is expected to preside at a huge “Bowl cf Rice" dinner on July 17 to raise
    '—Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 128 12 Reuter. Over 900 Nazi Planes Destroyed London, June 14. “Week-end pilots” as Britain’s auxi--1 ary air force pilots are st 11 chaffingly called because of their pre-war "spare time” training have now destroyed more than 900 Nazi planes over Britain. This is a quarter of the total shot
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 168 12 .—Reuter. Vichy, June 15. Admitting a forced retirement from Sidon today (Sunday) a French Army communique from Syria says that, in an effort to alleviate the violent pressure exercised on their coastal detachments, bombing planes twice attacked British ships causing them momentarily to withdraw from
    .—Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 89 12 —Reuter. Increased Applications For Treasury Bills London, June 15. On the money market, applications for £75,000,000 Treasury Bills increased from £156 000,000 to £166,000.000 with the result that the market received only--26 per cent of its requirements against 34 per cent at an average rate of 19s. U.BBd.
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 92 12 .—Reuter. To Turn Out 1,200,000 Tons This Year New York. June 15. American shipyards are expected thus year to turn out 1.250.000 oeadweight tons of merchant shipping, according to the United States Maritime Oommission reported by the Washington correspondent oi the “New York Herald Tribune”. It is predicted
    .—Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 94 12 .—Reuter. Bitter Complaint By German Admiral London, June 14. The German Rear-Admiral Luetzow broadcasting from Germany to North America complained bitterly of the dilemma in which the German has been placed by President Roosevelt's naval patrol system. He said that if a German raider was being
    .—Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 76 12 C. P. Allen Wins June Medal The play off of the tie for the June Monthly' Medal took place on June 14 and was won by Dr. C. P. Allen with a nett score of 75. Mr. R. J. Hutton was runner-up. 1941 CHAMPIONSHIP The eighth
    76 words
  • 176 12 I.—Reuter. Banstead, Surrey, June 15. Four of Britain’s outstanding women golfers played a match in aid of war relief for air raid victims and comforts for the Services organised by the “Daily Sketch,” finishing all square. Three of the four, Miss Pamela
    I.—Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 28 12 MONDAY, JI v UN: Penang Business done Singapore RUBBER: Penang Spot Singypore Sp COPRA: Sundried Blac’s Pepper TAPIOCA: Medium Fair Seed RICE: Rangoon Parboil Rangoon parboiled
    28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1120 12 NOTICE TO IMPORTERS EMPIRE RESTRICTED GOODS Attention is invited to my Notice to Importers dated the 30th May, 1941, regarding claims for pre-orders for Empire Restricted goo s ana. Clause (c) —and importers are requested to submit to the Resti ic e s Office in the Settlement in which it
      1,120 words
    • 364 12 (He»d Office! Die Penan Phone 1477 t Telegram*: Rates of Bupscription cr afld Sunday O a™? BINANG GAZES' Local Delivery t 7;* Monthly $2 to I Quarterly < so Half-Yearly Bx'O .Yearly 30.00 n, 7 SUNDAY GAZE-41 Local p p l ll I Delivery 7," Quarterly 43 *4» Half-Yearly Yearly
      364 words