Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 20 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE ESTAB. 1833 UAH.V No. 141. Vol. XCIX. SATURDAY. JUNE 11. 1941. PRICE 10 CENT. 6
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  • 237 1 BRITISH WARSHIPS SHELLING COASTAL REGION Land Troops Advance Several Kilometres ONE FORCE REACHES SIDON OUTSKIRTS Cairo, lune 14. ACCORDI NG to an authoritative mil tarv spokesman, the Syrian situation shows little hanq-e sine, yesterday. Increased pressure of British and de Gaullist troops in
    —Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 59 1 —Reuter. London, June 14. ROADCASTING last night, the Food Controller. Lord Woolton, declared that, despite the battle of the Atlantic, Britain’s food situation is sound. Stocks of food were such th.-t the CGuntr. was as well oft aftr--21 months of war as it was ait nine
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 37 1 .—Reuter. Washington, June 13 President Roosevelt, who is reported to be suffering from a slight sore throat, has cancelled all engagements, including the regular Friday Cabinet meeting and press conference. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
    MV '-UUL —Reuter.  -  861 words
  • 56 1 s. —Reuter. Measures To Conserve Export Surplus Melbourne, June 13. The Government is instituting a series of measures to conserve the Commonwealth’s meat export surplus. One of the chief methods will be canning and to facilitate this the Government is contemplating the removing of import duty on tin
    s.—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 289 1 London, June ig rjMIE British Air Ministry has arnounced the appointment of the Coastal Air Defence Chief, Air Chief Marshal Sir Frederick William Bowhill, to the command of the British end of deliveries of American-built aircraft to Britain by air
    .—Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 304 1 ‘ROBIN MOOR' SINKING —Reuter. New York, June 13. EXACTS about the sinking of the American ship “Robin Moor” were beyond dispute, said the Under Secretary of State, Mr. Sumner Welles, yesterday at a Press conference. The evidence of survivors was very clear, he
    .—Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 119 1 Reuter. Bill Passed By U.S. Senate Washington. June 13. The Senate by 46 votes to 25 approved I legislation authorising the President to seize defence plants in case o existing of a threatened failure of pro- I duct’on and where the managemen of labour fail to utilise
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 104 1 .—Reuter. New Post At Ministry Of Aircraft Production London, June 13. S r Charles Craven becomes Controller at the Ministry of Aircraft Production, according to the Ministry of Aircraft Production announcement which states that at the request L Prime Minister and the Minister o Aircraft Production, the
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 138 1 ’—Reuter. four Junkers Down Off Syrian Coast Cairo, June 11. A USTRALIAN Air F'crce machine* have been in op« ration agahist eneihy planes off the coast of Syria yestyrday. A »pecial communique issued from the R.A.F. Middle East Command staLs: “On Friday afternoon Austrafan Air Force
    ’—Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 138 1 Washington, June 14. ROOSEVELT renewed the pledge of “Full material assistance to Great Britain and her Allies” in a mHsage to King George congratulating him on his birthday anl expressing his sincere wishes for his well being and for th? welfare
    —Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. London, June 13 The Idybird was struck by two heavy shells ad was “burning like hell” when she wendown fighting.. The iwspapers recall the Ladybird s adventus in China and says that she had often ned her way into the shallow waters of re Libyan
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
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  • 528 2 LAST SEEN' RUNNING AJFAY AT GREATLY REDUCED SPEED Big R. A. F. Attack On The Ruhr London, June 13. Fis officially announced that a Geiman pocket battleship was hit by an aerial torpedo off Norway. The pocket battleship was later observed to
    !—8.0.W.  -  528 words
  • 471 2 ’—Reuter. Ankara, June 13. The chief result of the assumption of the Premiership by M. Stalin has been the intensification of the armaments drive in Russia with special efforts to enlarge and modernise the Air Force, according to reports received here. Well-informed Turkish quarters here
    ’—Reuter.  -  471 words
  • 225 2 —Reuter. Act'on To Be Taken Against Communists Manchester, June 13. Firm action against what the Regional Port Director. Mr. Gibson Jarvie, described as the “Communist element In imported dock labour” was threatened today as the majority of dockers resumed work following a one-day lockout in
    ’—Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 36 2 .—Reuter. Ready To Be Used In Any Field Ottawa, June 13. Canadian troops are ready to be used in any field decided by the High Command, declared the Prime Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, today.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 1121 2 No British Desire For Bloodshed REPLY TO VICHY NOTE London, June 13. British Government ha- told Vichy that the “responl sibility for the consequences of the assistance which the French authorities in Syria were instructed to render to the enemies of His
    —Reuter  -  1,121 words
  • 163 2 .—Reuter. Cairo, Jwne 13. G.H.Q. communique states that in Abyssinia the advance of a Belgian contingent is progressing in the Gambela area and patriot forces have entered Shoa Gimira in the Maji area. Further south operations are successfully continuing towards Jimma. Following the capture
    .—Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 83 2 Final Instructions Sent To Mr. Yoshizawa Tokyo, June 13. Final instructions to M Yoshizavc head of the apanese delegation to Batavia, whose negotiations for an economic agreement with the Dutch East Indies have reached a deadlock, will be sent to him tonight. The terms were approved at a
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  • 91 2 .—Reuter. i Nomination Of Mr. Stone Confirmed Washington, June 13. President Roosevelt his nominated Mr. Harlan F. Stone of New York to succeed Mr. Charles Even Hughes as Chief Justice of the Un ted States’ Supreme Court. The /lomination was confirmed by the Senate in
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 26 2 i.—Reuter. London. June IS. More than six thousand business concerns in Unoccupied France are collaborating with the enemy, states the Leopoldville radio.—Reuter.
    i.—Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 289 2 >. —Reuter. Cairo, June 13. forces had by yesterdaj evening made further in all sectors of their penetratiA in Syria although temporarily layed in certain sectors by the sista nee of Vichy troops, states 1 G.H.Q. communique. That the Allied forces desire to Jnimi..e bloodshed
    >.—Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 130 2 —Reuter. -Prince Bernhard New York. June 13. The German people have gone so far wrong under the Nazi regime that it is virtually impossible for the old German culture and learning to be reborn, declared Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in an interview with the New
    —Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 135 2 Reuter. London, June 13. Britain’s weekly cheese ration will be increased from one to two ounces on June 30 and the butter ration will be reduced from four to two ounces. The preserves ration will be raised from eight ounces to one pound per month in August.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  135 words
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    • 80 2 1 In offering you Wines from the >AI l MBA VINEYARDS of SOOTH AUSTRALIA i We are offering you Australia’s Best. A glass or two of good Wine, taken regularly, is one of the finest Tonics extant. CARTE D’OR HOCK FOUR CROWN CLARE! FOUR CROWN PORT SPARKLING HOCK, YALUMBA CHAMPAGNE.
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  • 6 3 to b r b,
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  • 912 3  -  UNCENSORED by Leland Stowe Leland Stance is one of America’s best foreign correspondents. This is one of ihs series of uncensored despatches, written after 18 months in the crucial sectors of the tear really saved nay life on the home
    912 words
  • 274 3 4 SCENE "like a Hugger scrum” was described by Major,' L. A. Atkins at the Liverpool court martial when evidence was given denying that conscientious objectors in the Pioneer Corps were struck, kicked, or assaulted bj N.C.O.s. Tho major said he saw the scrum
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  • 611 3  -  FREE WORLD FRIENDS UJJES CONTINENT LN CHAINS. N AZI VICTIMS Sy PHILIP GIfEDALLA WTAIiS in the last on ▼V bj weight. Thai. h. that the heavier of wins of necessity. For if thi* true, the name of Primo Camera vnuld be more honourably remembered in rhe
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    • 152 3 M i^OiS i’l be compiacunt about inis. Great Britain needs money—needs it urgently. S •Wk ft is up t 0 eve Vyb°dy n ot in the fighting forces W. InßkV s h e gets it. And that means you. If U you can l ay youi hands ur< <xk thousand
      152 words

  • 1091 4  -  Women Who Hove Made History In This War By Gladys Haw W7ILL some historian, writing of the World War for the lone New Zealander of wh om Macaulay wrote so eoouentlv refer to the tremendous feminine effort mad women politicians, political sirens, spies, organisers and
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  • 276 4 Formation Of Central Provident Fund Kuala Lumpur Reference to the recent estate labour strikes in Selangor was made by Mr. M. X. P. d'Cruz presiding at the fourth annual general meeting of the Estate .Asiatic Staffs’ Association, Batang Berjuntai, held recently. “We have just passed through very
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  • 938 4 Notice Regarding Claims For Pre-Orders THF Controller of Restricted Imports, in a notice to importers on Empire restricted goods draws attention to the notice to importers dated May 30, IfHl, regarding claims for pre-orders for Empire restricted goods Importers are requested to submit to the Restricted imports
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  • 163 4 Two Years’ Sentence Malacca.. Chin Mui, a 38-year-old Kheh, hras sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Horne in the Malacca Assizes when he pleEded guilty to a charge of possession of 19 forged Straits Settlements $1 currency notes with intent to use them
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  • 168 4 Husbands Petition Police Singapore “TTUSBANDS *nd mothers have Itev.* sending petitions to the pollen complaining of rhe squandering <>* household money on the part of their wives and children by gambling 1, away,” said Inspector T. C. Cheah, of the Gambling Suppression Branch, to the Singapore Third
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  • 177 4 $lOO Fine Imposed Ou Lorry-Driver A lorry-driver, Lim Hye Teng, who overtook another lorry at a bend in Thomson Road and forced an oncoming motor-car containing Vice-Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, Commander-in-Chief, China Station, and Sub-Lieut. G. R. B. Don-Fox, aide-de-camp to the Governor, to run
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  • 245 4 Det.-Inspector’s Story Of Purchase Kuala Lumpur. A number of petrol ration coupons which were alleged to be among those stolen, recently from the rationing office were produced in a case in the police cour* before Che Ahmad, the Third Magistrate. Kuala Lumpur. The accused
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 Ar; exquisite perfume that lingers in the memory lipstick sc fragrant and exciting face powder that protects And adds to your ski? No wonder Svering in Paris Toilet Preparations i «re the «mart women. Representatives:— Messrs. Grafton Laboratories, Ltd at, ~x 37A. Beach Street, Penang. H.MB* AVOID BLEMISHED Sjtca SKIN
      225 words
    • 18 4 A.P in a Day s Work- —by hid Simes ■’Ovj 2O»j"' mimD 'ja Wwl sj V- t Wi
      18 words
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  • 391 5 Two Presentations For Charity At the first showing of Jferofue K. Jerome s Ihe Passing of The Third FUor Back.” the Georgetown Abbey Players’ production under the direction of Mr. I- E. 1 mark at the AngJO-Chinese Middle School Hall,
    391 words
  • 95 5 The death occurred on Thursday of Mrs. Soong Pak Lian, nee Goh Cheng Lun, aged 47, after a short illness aNo. 226 Macalister Road. Deceased leaves Messrs. Soong Aik Khiam, Soong Aik Chye, Soong Aik Chooi, Soon Aik Chuan, Soong Aik Siew, five daughters,
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  • 168 5 Printing Materials Also Found One thousand eight hundred lottery tickets of an allegedly non-existent Singapore association were seized by the Penang Detective Police yesterday following the arrest of a Chinese in China Street. The man. it is rpnorted. is a compositor employed in a
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  • 227 5 Mr. G L. Howe, the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, has gone to Singapore on business. Mr. R. L. Parker, lately of the Lagan Serai Co. Ltd., is now serving as a Lieutenant in the Army at Home. Mr. F. W. Petru Hay, late of Fcnang Rubber Estates,
    227 words
  • 105 5 Singapore. The appeal of V. P. Baker, who was sentenced to three years’ rigorous imprisonment on charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts involving about $17,000 when he was assistant cashier at John Little and Co., Singapore, was dismissed by the Court of
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    • 351 5 R E X MAJESTIC V.JO p.m. Warner Bros.’ Sparkling Comedy Hit! £-4 ST 4* SHOWS TOD 4> TWICE AS HECTIC TWICE AS HILARIOUS AS ANY OTHER 3,00. 6'15 COMEDY HIT. j r 9 V and 9..5D p.?n. 1:j A aio ern Version Of The Famous S HHH >: Malay Drama
      351 words
    • 144 5 I ODj& O N fiiß-conDmoncD LAST FOUR SHOWS TO-DAY 11.30 AM, 3.00, 6.15 9.30 P.M. iU. LAUGHS! ALL MUSIC! ALL GIRLS! DON’T MISS VoUR CHANC E TO SEE THE MARX BROTHERS And have a Good Laugh in their Fun-Show! I “GO WEST” With John Carroll and Diana Lewis SUPPORTED BY
      144 words
    • 289 5 TS* j■-*' 1 —i I NDO BTIEDLY THE BEST WEEK EN» ENTERTAINMENT IN TOWN I lou cannot simply judge a picture Sj j Kft title Fol» mu«f ?ce it t»t> kn.ov its greatness JCerodnly 6,844 people ui>- have sees? it can’t go wrong V I■■ ia > or- -> —win—
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  • 393 6 IX his epeech on Thursday' at J the first meeting held in London of representatives of the Empire and Allied Governments, Mr Winston Churchill put first things first when he declared emphatically that the war must be carried on “until Hitlerism is ..lasted from the surface of
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  • 131 6 OBEON CINEMA: ‘Go West” with John Carroll and Diana Lewis. 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: Dasima” (Malay picture). 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. QUEENS CINEMA: Arizona” with Jean Arthur and William Holden. 11 a.m., 3.30, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA: Honeymoon For
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  • 361 6 President And Playwright A PRESIDENT and a playwright put their heads together to frame what may prove to be one of the great speeches of history, the recent Fireside Chat by President Roosevelt to the American people. The playwright is Robert E. Sherwood, author of Idiot’s Delight.
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  • 750 6 Saturday', June 1 1. TNCREASED pressure of British and Free French troops in all sectors in Syria during the last 24 hours is reported in a Vichy communique which admits that the Allies are advancing several kilometres to the outskirts of Sidon. s|c F
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    • 190 6 I» "g? You’re right the tonic effect of sood Qlotfes is a greater asset than ever! THAT’S the REASON the discovering man choose Pritchard’s Tailoring— 4 Perfect Cut tinish,—the Ag@sr.'\ most exclusive V materials, and wk j above all indi- vidua! care and I attention by a i European Cut-
      190 words
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  • 452 7 WEAVING WORKS NOW PUT ON COMMERCIAL WORK I -lie lot. si pic,cry added to Selangor’s growing industrial life is ■<.’ x,„„ caring IVorks, Limited, which I,as been in existence for some time but has only recently been working on a commercial scale. Situated at the 4th
    452 words
  • 97 7 A ver.' pleasant tea-party was held on the grounds of the Kampong Java Malay School yesterday evening to celebrate the success of the twenty two Malay ladies in the recent St. John Ambulance examination. This group of Malay ladies were the hosts and among
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  • 386 7 The news that His Majesty the King has bestowed the K.B.E. upon His Highness Tunku Badlishah, Regent of Kedah, has been received with great gratification in Kedah where His Highness' devotion to duty is universally recognised and appreciated. Born in Alor Star on
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  • 207 7 SERVICE TO START FROM JONE 22 The Director-General, Posts Telegraphs, Malaya, advises that, commencing from 8 a.m. on Sunday the 22nd instant, telephone communication with exchanges in Kelantan and the northern portion of Trengganu will become available. For the present, telephone communication with Trengganu
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  • 257 7 Scholarships For Needy Proposed Parents of Indian (Tamil) children attending the Anglo-Chinese School, Nibong Tebal, received information as early as March this year that “Special Classes’’ have been provided for for teaching Tamil in the High School, Bukit Mertajam. They decided at a meeting
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  • 139 7 A contribution of $5OO from Messrs. A. R. Burkill Sons Ltd., Shanghai, is a feature of the War Fund list today. The Penang total is now $969,513.41 and with the Perak collection standing at $551,826.80 the North Malayan aggregate is $1,521,340.21. c Previously acknowledged 968,792.06
    139 words
  • 90 7 NOT EXPECTED BEFORE MONDAY C.-In-C. Inspecting Defence Work Of Island |N a message from Batavia, Reuter reports that the Dutch Indies calmly await Japan’s reply to the final Dutch answer in connection with the trade talks between the two countries. Well-informed circles here are of
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  • 69 7 Taiping. Sentence was deferred until June 17 on a Malay youth, Mat Osman, who pleaded guilty before Raja Salim, the Taiping Magistrate, yesterday to a charge of the theft of some art’des of clothing from two compatriots, named Ponggot and Mohd. Hanif at a local theatre hall
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  • 75 7 Two Indian soldiers occupying a room in a hotel in Argyll Road had their uniforms and money amounting to $l5 stolen in the early hours of this morning. At the time of the theft, the soldiers had left the room for a while. On their
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  • 193 7 Salvation Army Innovation TV'HEN new Australian reinforcements arrived in Singapore early this week, they inun dated Salvation Army officers who had come to replenish t heir stocks of cigarettes, sweets and magazines before they en trained for other points in Malaya with cables for
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  • 232 7 Singapore. An award of $1,937 granted to a former boxing promoter, C.M. Houghton, by Nir. Justice aßeckett Terrell recently, was the subject of an appeal which began before the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, Mr. Justice Manning and Mr. Justice Aitken in the Court of
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  • 42 7 Informal Literary Discussion Should Asiatic youths live, love and learn by Western standards? This subject will be discussed at the informal literary meeting of the Aspirants' Association to be held on Sunday night. Mr. Tan Ah King will preside.
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  • 68 7 There are two murder cases listed for hearing at the next Perak Assizes which will commence its sitting in Ipoh on Monday 16. In all there are fourteen criminal cases for hearing, three cases of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, one case of attempted murder, one case of
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    • 102 7 Another British Triumph A If i I lIW kll/A X. 11 x I; f 1 X f Here she comes, with her rich gift nS’CSS f rom the green pastures of Canada Factory packed with its fresh whole- jswWHMMi some nutrition intact—Cow Gate Milk Food —“the Best from the 'j.
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  • 363 8 Reserve Against Post- ar Slump ing of Thabawleik Tin Dredging Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, Taiping, on Friday, June 27 at 11 am. During the year under review the price of tin showed a further increase which is reflected in the
    363 words
    • 464 8 Issued by the and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 13th June, 1941 issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/0 5/0 Austral AmaJ 7/1$ 7/4$ £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 17/9 $1 Ayer Weng -67$ -70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 14/3 $1 Batu Selangor 1-40 1.424
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    • 230 8 Issue Buyers Bellers Allenby 1-05 1.10 Alor Gajah .80 -85 Amal Malay 1.55 1-60 Ayer Hitam -82$ .87$ex Ayfcr Molek 1.07$ 1.12$ Ayer Panas 1.02$ 1.07$ Bassett .42$ ,45ex Batu Lintang 100 I.o2sex Bedford -85 88 Bcnta -92$ .97$ Borelli 1.32$ 1.3?$ Broga -57 ,59ex Brunei United .55 .57$
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    • 349 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N. Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.77$ 1.82$ $2 Alex. Brick 75% Pref 2.07$ 2.12$ $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £Bs £9 £1 Con. T. 8. Ord 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
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    • 239 8 MINING Dividend Books close Payable Burma-Malay 6d. 27th div. 24.6.41 30.6 41 Hitam 10% 2nd int. 16.6.41 216 41 Kamunting 5% Int. I.C. 964 j 27 p 4; KatU 6d 28th div 12.6.41 19 641 Kramat Pulal 25% lx. 18 3 41 Malayan Tin 19% Int
      239 words
    • 405 8 £34,460 Profit The twenty-fifth ordinary general meeting of Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, Taiping, on Friday, June 27, at 10.45 a.m. Out of a profit of £34,460.11.7 for the year ended Dec. 31, 1940. dividends have absorbed
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    • 435 8 Profitable ear The second ordinary general meeting of Austral Amalgamated Tin. Ltd., will be held at the registi red office of the Company. Taiping in Friday, June 27 at 11.30 a.m. During the year under review the price of tin showed a further increase and the quota
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    • 469 8 Directors’ Report The fourteenth ordinary general meeting of Pungah Tin Dredging Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, Taiping, on Friday, June at 11.15 a.m. The outstanding features of the year ended Dec. 31, 1940, are the high quota and high price which
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    • 42 8 The output of tin ore from the properti of the Bangrin Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd., for the month of May 1941 was 751.b5 piculs. The number of hours worked during the same period was 1,416 and the yardage treated 306.834
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    • 25 8 With reference to our publication of June 9 we would point out that the output for Rawang Concessions Limited should read 860 piculs.
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    • 14 8 Monthly output for May:—Piculs 517.00 Yardage worked 94,200, Hours run 481.
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    • 549 8 AUSTRAL MA LAY TIN Increased Revenue The twenty-second ordinaiv meeting of Austral Malay Tin I m ge^,eral held at the registered pany. Taiping, on Friday, June 27 a.m. the Un industr v «Wed a r erv profitable year-certainly the most table since restriction was introduced' brought about by a high
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  • 133 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £260. 15. 0. £264. 0. 0. “Forward” £2 62. 15. 0 £265. 15. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” $137.37% 139 00 Business done 25 tons 25 tons PENANG “Spot” 371/, $139.00 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 j 2d 13 716 d. “Forward” 13 7 13
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 BANKS I 1 Advances against goods and produce at low rates of Interest may be arranged J with us. J We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals* 'Sj'XtiS Further particulars will be supplied on application. The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., (Incorporated in British India) DO YOU KN
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  • 1139 9 ST, GEORGE THE MARTYR FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 aun, Mattins and Litany 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 10.30 a.m. Mattins and Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 p.m. Sunday School in the Parsonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Psalms 4, 8. Hymns 12, 317, 106.
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  • 145 9 Melbourne, June 11. r pHE Prime Minister (Mr Menzies) is expected to indicate a great marshalling of the nation’* manpower for vital war production, in the greatest wireless hook-up in Australia’s history on Tuesday. Mr. Menzies predicted that the heroic defence of Tobruk might be the turning
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  • 213 9 SATURDAY. JUNE 14, 1941. Postage Latest Time oi Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per tg oz. each Ordinary Regn. AIR .••lAL.S SPECLAL ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE REVISED TIMES OF CLOSING AIK ALATLS AND REVISED CHARGES Sat. 14th inst. Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weames Air Singapore 16
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 107 9 BRUSH YOUR TEETH THE SAFE ©WAY ,(£>"■s' YGUfi SXHf MOST cm J LOST ITS SHMM saeoca e great deal to f»our Sie- and you must it with &e «err»- Behind qrieao white ot your teeth demgerow naay setting without yow knowing of it To overcome tiw pent Tek Short-Head toothbrush
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1350 9 to-day SHORTWAVE STATIONS R broadcasting A.M. News In English 6.05 News. i 6.20 2on? ion 0f the Hour Air Com-! (LOCal 7 20 in a C m «.35 Stad?' N O Ver Stewart M?> S .7.20 News. r m offlcers and men Transmission 2 8.20 p.m. 7.30 Listening Post 10.20
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  • 682 10 Spate Of Belligerent Comment Over “Robin Moor’* New York, June 13 The sinking of the Lnited States steamer “Robin Moor’’ by a German torpedo in the South Atlantic has aroused a flood of belligerent comment in the New \ork Press and Radio. Opinion, it is
    .—Reuter.  -  682 words
  • 340 10 .—Reuter, INDUSTRIAL TARGETS BLASTED Washington, June 13 The heaviest attack yet directed against the Ruhr was carried out on Thursday night by a very large force of R.A.F. bombers, it is learned in London. A great weight of bombs were dropped on industrial targets
    .—Reuter,  -  340 words
  • 949 10 TOWN SURROUNDED BY ALLIES Desire To Avoid Bloodshed: Free French At Kisweh Cairo, June 13 It is understood thal the Allies have practically surrounded Damascus, but parleys are taking place with a view to avoiding bloodshed which have delayed the Allied entry. The Free French
    Reuter.  -  949 words
  • 242 10 .—Reuter Important Enemy Centre Chungking, June 13. Chinese forces in West Suiyuan are moving forward in three columns across the Mongolian Desert converg ing on Faotou, an important Japanese stronghold and trade centre on the North bank oi the Yellow River, according to a Chinese
    .—Reuter  -  242 words
  • 146 10 .—Reuter Restrictions In Eastern States Inevitable Washington, June 13 Ferrol restrictions for the Eastern States of the United States appear inevitable, the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Ickes, told the Press yesterday. He hoped to have a plan for civilian conser vation of oil ready
    .—Reuter  -  146 words
  • 160 10 —Reuter. Portugal’s Protest To I nited States Washington, June 13 The text of Portugal’s protest to the point made by President Roosevelt concerning the strategic importance of Azores and Cape Verde Islands, if in unfriendly hands, was released on Thursday. It does not declare that President Roosevelt’s references
    —Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 289 10 .—Reuter. Two Columns Cross The Omo London, June 13 The {position of the Italians in Jimma —one of the last two pockets of serious Italian resistance in Abyssinia—was described in London today as “Far from happy,” as they are being steadily encircled. In the
    .—Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 480 10 Resistance Crushed At Head Of Jordan Valley (By Desmond Reuter’s special correspondent). Merdj Ayoum (Syria), June 11 (delayed). Merdj Ayoum, headquarters of the Syrian frontier posts, was taken without a shot being fired British and Imperial forces in sharp fighting had crushed
    I,—Reuter.  -  480 words
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    • 53 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No* 644 A 645 PENANG* BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight» Passage, and other information please apply io BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang
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  • 677 11 HOUSES PONIES IN TRAINING AT K. LUMPUR Following is a list of horses and ponies in training for the Selangor race meeting: R. N. HOBBS j. Lisadin —Mr. H. T. Piner 2. Empress—Mr. Lee Kok choon 3 Pymble do 4. Measure—Mr. Lee Nam 5. Hybla —do— R. Canton —“Mr. N.
    677 words
  • 1029 11 HANDICAPS FOR FIRST DAY Horses—Class 2—Div. I—sl Furlongs o 1 2 RANSCOMBE 4v 9on “Mr Wone" 1 2 2 4 TTiTTwmA y UU Mr Won van Breukelen 04 0 rC'VFTTiFNnr 4y 8-12 Messrs L T oon Poon Oon Breukelen 1 r 5V 812 MeSSrS L
    1,029 words
  • 462 11 The Penang Chinese Football Association spoilt their chances for the Senior League honours this season when they went down to the Indian Recreation Club by one goal to nil before a large crowd on the Victoria Green yesterday. The solitary goal of the
    462 words
  • 79 11 Singapore, June 13. In their first “Malaya” Cup match, Singapore beat Johore by 5 goals to nil this evening on the Anson Road Stadium. Tee Siang opened the score in the seventeenth minute and Lai Chuan added another goal five minutes later. Two minutes
    79 words
  • 158 11 School Staff Beaten By A.C.S. Union In conjunction with the celebration of the A.C.S. Golden Jubilee, a tennis match v as held between the members of the staff of the School and the A.C.S. Union. The Union was well represented by a number of good
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  • 256 11 3-1 Victory In Soccer Friendly In a friendly game of soccer on the Western Road ground yesterday evening the Glugor Sergeants’ Mess beat the Penang Sports Club by three goals to one. The game w r as evenly contested. At the start, Oldridge saved a shot
    256 words
  • 53 11 LA. vs P.S,C. Match Cancel-.ed The cricket match between the Indian Association and the Penang Sports Club “A” on the Western Road ground at 2.30 p.m. today has been cancelled, the former being unable to raise a team. The Penang Sports Club “A” will, instead, meet a team captained
    53 words
    248 words
  • 87 11 —P.euter. I/ondon June 12. Tne toil' are probable starters for the Derby: MR. T R Gomez ROYAL ACADEMYNo Jockey CUJSRDLEY Jones Bartlam DEVON! K Pernman SELIM HASSAN Beary SOLI UM C. Richards VALDAVIANHerbert STARWORTTayIor FlROZEDlNStephenson ANNATCM S. Wragg Hany Wragg OWE! Nevett SUN CAS'iT EBeasley ORTH(
    —P.euter.  -  87 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 THE RULES OF HEALTH fire /civ and simple clears my HEAD! SB «I f 818 morning glass of Andrews 1 r How it sweeps away sleepiness Its f bubbling tonic action brings to your whole svstem that deep down Inner Cleanliness which leaves you clear headed and alert, ready for
      238 words

    448 words
  • 124 12 Lomorrow’s Boxing At New World Speedy Pancho, the former Penang flyweight champion, who has thrilled many a boxing crowd in the country in rhe past, will again make an appearance in the 10. ui ring, when he meets Little Herman. of Singapore, in. the main
    124 words
  • 208 12 Penang Boxers Win Both Main Events At the Fun Frolic open-air arena last night, Penang boxers beat Selangor boxers in both the main events. In the first main, Jayaraj, of Penang, weighing 8.9 easily outpointed Boy Ahmad (9.1 I _>) of Selangor, over
    208 words
  • 169 12 Ihls afternoon at 4 p.m. onlv two events c the competition will be swum at the (hint Swimming Club. Tanjong Bungah. These are: 50m. Free Style “A” Final—Competitors: Lim Teong Hai, Geh Chong Keat, Ng ling Hock. Kuan Huah Oong, Ng Boon Khai, Lim Teong Kooi. lOOin
    169 words
  • 113 12 Batsman “Ploughed Out” After Hitting A Four —Reuter. Narborough, Leicestershire, June 13 New methods of dismissing a batsman operated in a match here between Narboorugh and the local hospital when the score book revealed “Fox ploughed out, bowled Winter, 9.” A part of the
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 361 12 Reuter. Preparations To Meet Attack Nicosia, June 13. (By Patrick Crosse, Reuter’s Special correspondent in Cyprus). Since the evacuation of Crete, an attack on Cyprus has been expected any moment and preparations fcr defence are continuing day and night. Nowhere Is the British advance in Syria being watched
    Reuter.  -  361 words
  • 293 12 Ipoh. What are Perak’s chances against Selangor in today’s Cup match For many years now Perak has taken a back seat, in the “Malaya’’ Cup competition—the last time she entered the final and actually won the coveted trophy was in 1931—but
    293 words
  • 121 12 Alor Star. The great majority of ricemill labourers in Kedah, whose move for a day of rest each week was recently approved by rhe Protector of Chinese, took their first day off yesterday, Friday, a public holiday in Kedah. These labourers were to have enjoyed
    121 words
  • 172 12 Kedah vs Penang Arrangements have been made for a Soccer Match between the State of Penang and the State of Kedah to be played on Friday, June 20, 1911 at 5.15 p. m. on th Victoria Green in aid of the St. Nicholas Home for blind and crippled
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  • 77 12 .—Reuter. 25,000,000 Fine By Spanish Tribunal Madrid. June 13. The Communist, Senorita Dolores Ibarrui Gomez whose impassioned speeches during the civil war made her known throughout the world as La Pasionaria, has been condemned to a 25.000.000 pesso fine, which is equivalent to a loss of all her
    .—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 117 12 H.K. SINGAPORE R.A. CENTENARY Hongkong, June 13. The Centenary celebrations of Hongkong’s and Singapore’s Royal Artillery were held here on Thursday on the same lines as Singapore.—Reuter. News has been received that Mr. A. C. J. Weerekoon, who passed the recent Ceylon Civil Service examination, has been posted to Trincomalee,
    117 words
  • 357 12 —Reuter. 15,000 French 30,000 Native Troops London, June 13. British and Free French forces in Syria are opposed by 45.000 Vichy troops of whom 30.000 are natives, according to an estimate given by General De Gaulle’s Chief of Staff, General Petit, in an interview
    —Reuter.  -  357 words
  • 126 12 —Reuter. To Be Converted Into Regular Army Simla, June 13 The first step to convert Indian territorial units into regular Army Is announced. In accordance with the assurance given bv the C.-in-C. at yesterday’s session of the Council of State, an expansion scheme giving wider provincial representation
    .—Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 60 12 .—Reuter. Well-Known French Lawyer Shot Dead Shanghai, June 13 One of the leading French citizens, a well-known lawyer, M. Auxion Ruffe, was shot dead this morning, when tw 7 o Chinese gunmen invaded his flat in the French Concession, firing four shots, three of which lodged in his
    .—Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 92 12 —Reuter. Full Shift Resumed At Five Factories New York, June 13 The full shift was resumed yesterday morning nt five factories cf the vast Cleveland Ohio w 7 orks of the Aluminum Company of America, following a settlement of the strike. The Company's spokesman stated that
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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      90 words
    • 321 12 PawJJ&Wflt Heid once) 3)1 gbone I<H t I««firth Telegram»: “GMette” nf fißbscFiptlon for Plnan, tnd Sunday GawtJ PINANG GAZETTI Local 3.g. k Delivery Montnh ’’.fi-g Quarwrly 7.50 j.c< Half-Year’? 13.00 -a er Y«arlv 30.00 Jifif. SUNDAY GAZETTI Local S.S.i Deliver? Quarterly »1.21 n. <o Half-Yearly 2.1 U ’j'S Year'v
      321 words