Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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    —REUTER.  -  355 words
  • 93 1 —Reuter. London, June 6. A free propaganda wave on the subject of so-called British atrocifyes in Crete has been ordered by Dr. Goebbels, according to information reaching London last night. Emphasis is to be laid on questions of treatment of German prisoners, especially parachutists, and every resource of
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 85 1 .—Reuter. (>ontin uiug Talks In Vichy Vichy, .lune fi. > ENERAL WEYGAND. who arrived at Y'ichy from North Africa on Tuesday, has postponed his return to Algiers for further talks with the Y ichy Government, it is announced here. His talks are concerned with “eventual defence of
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. $100.000.000 OrderDelayed Ingle -uod, Cstj'forur*. Jure Nun thousand Union workers emplovr.i at a big warplane factory or the North Am rican Aviation Corporation has struck work, for increased wages, thus delaying t196.0J0.000 worth of orders for the British and United States Governments.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
    —Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 141 1 —Reuter. Safeguarding Home Needs London, June 5. Local exports from Wales have been restricted. Since the beginning of this week a number of cargoes have been stopped and ships which arrived to take the supplies since last week-end are being held up. Exporters believe that
    —Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 124 1 Reuter. Chungking, June 6 VVTHILE Japan remains un- decided whether to go southward or penetrate further into China’s interior, the Chinese Army is looking towards autumn when enough American armament is expected to be received to enable it to take the initiative
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 368 1 Severance Of Relations If Darlan's Policy Is Followed London, .lune fl. Mr. ('ordell Hull statement is regarded by political observers here as a document of the first importance and a final warning to Y’ichy that if it bows to Berlin and follows the path Darlan
    ’—Reuter.  -  368 words
  • 104 1 —Reuter. Weygand Darlan At Loggerheads New York, June ft. 4 SERIOUS split between 1 General Weygand and Admiral Darlan is reported in a Berne message to the “New York Times.” The message reports that after a series of interviews throughout Wednesday night and Thursday, including one with Marshal
    —Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 21 1 —Reuter, Cairo. June 5. A British Middle East war communique says: “There is nothing of importance to report.”—Reuter,
    ”—Reuter,  -  21 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 SILVER E.P.N.S. CUPS. JEWELLER Penang.
      5 words
    • 102 1 DUMGND ENG \GEMENT RINGS. I IP. IL HENDRY .IFWELLEF. Penang. “recd” KHAKI REGULATION SHIRT IT LETS THE BODY BREATHE •in,',. .'hU! s A A X. 'Ji,. Same cellutai' mesh fabric as ihv SW EAT RAG SPORTS SHIRI. Regulation style and colour 2 breast pockets* removable shoulder straps* short sleeves. Requires
      102 words

  • 135 2 Record Army Supply Bill Washington, June 5. THE House Appropriations Committee has sent to the House the $lO 009,655 187 Army Supply Bill, the largest single appropriation since the Great War days including funds to give the United States Air Corps a total
    —R.-uter.  -  135 words
  • 138 2 —Rueter. Mr. Eden I o Make First Official Speech London, June 5. The "New York Times" in an editorial on Mr. Eden’s speech says that probably not by accident Mr. Eden instead of Mr. Churchill was chosen to make the first official declaration of war aims on
    —Rueter.  -  138 words
  • 79 2 —8.0. W. Reports Not Confirmed In London Rugby, June 5. Described as being based on "trustworthy evidence,” reports appear in the British press that German organisations in Finland are unofficially recruiting young Finns for service o’’ training in the German Army. Although the report
    —8.0. W.  -  79 words
  • 549 2 Ship Blown Out Of Water By R.A.F. Bombs London. June 5. DAYLIGHT attack on Zeebrugge was made yesterday by the R.A.F. and many bombs were seen to hurst on the mole. A ship of 500 tons was blown clean out of the water hy a
    -8.0. W.  -  549 words
  • 80 2 —Reuter Gilt-Edged And Rubber Shares Steady London, June 5. The Stock Exchange was largely colourless apart from Cape purchases of non-producers among Kaffirs. Gilt-edged ruled steady after early fractional declines, industrials were dull with stores again flower, also 8.A.T..S at 81/10 against 81/4, but Cable and Wireless Ordinary
    —Reuter  -  80 words
  • 101 2 —Reuter. Trial Of Sir Delves Broughton Resumed Nairobi. June 5. The court, including the jury, was cleared today when the trial of Sir Delves Broughton on the charge of murdering Lord Erroll was continued. The clearance was for a long legal argument regarding the admissibility of the
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 66 2 Reuter. Cairo. June 5. An official account of last night’s air raid states: "There was an air attack on Alexandria and anti-aircraft, defences were in action. High explosives and incendiary bombs were dropped on the city. This attack caused numerous casualties, more than
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 190 2 .—Reuter. Bombed Throughout Journey To Baghdad Jerusalem. June 5 The Iraq Regent, Emir Abdul lllah, I was bombed and machine-gunned repeat- edlv throughout his four-day journey to Bagdad, it is now revealed. Tne first attack occurred a few minutes after he landed on an Iraq airfield. Following
    .—Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 138 2 —Reuter. Special Publication Issued New York June 4. li e price scales of commodities in Franc, have taken up so many columns in th: Journal Official that it is now decided to issue a special publication called the Bulletin Official du Service des Prix, says the
    —Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 57 2 Reuter. Driven Off By AntiAircraft Fire Stockholm. June 5. Several German seaplanes this morning Hew ever Swedish territprv on the western cast of the Island of Gotland, it is officially announced. They wore driven off by anti-aircraft fire. The Island of Gotland lies in the Bal
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 30 2 —Reuter. Wellington. New Zealand. June 5 The Patriotic Organisations Conference decided to send £1%,000 to Britain for the relief of air raid distress.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 48 2 —Reuter. One Of America's 12 Richest Men New’ York. June r. The death is announced of Mr. Arthur Curtis James, one of America’s twelve richest men. His death from pneumonia occurred on his yacht. The James investments were once estimated at $350.000,000. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 252 2 —Reuter, Cairo, June 5. Successful raids on Benghazi harbour and Maritza aerodrome and attacks on the few positions in Abyssinia remaining in Italian hands are chronicled in today’s Middle East. R.A.F. communique. The communique states that during the night of June 3-4, heavy bombers of
    —Reuter,  -  252 words
  • 953 2 FIRM BRITISH ATTITUDE CALLED FOR Rugby, June 5. r pHE chief subject of the press comment today centres round the humiliating position into which the Vichy Government is leading France. ‘’The Times” says:—“The defence of the French Empire is the latest slogan of the Vichy Government. It
    -Reuter.  -  953 words
  • 66 2 Reuter. Legation To Be Opened At Hsingking Madrid, June 5. With the desire to “arrive at the fullest relations with those countries signifying the triumph of the New Order in the world,” Spain announces that she is opening a legation at Hsingking and will be represented
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 82 2 —Reuter. Celebrations By Eton College Boys London, June 5. The traditional dress of swallow-tail coats and silk hats was adhered to Ly Eton College boys in the Fourth of Jure Celebrations but tho clothe.- rationing maymake it the last rime until after the war Otherwise celebrations were
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 42 2 -Reuter. Vichy, June 5. Reports published abroad that six French naval bases had been set aside for joint occupation by’ French and German forces are formally’ denied in authoritative circles here, says the official French News Agency.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 33 2 Reuter. Lisbon, June 5. A decree forbidding strikes and lockouts in Holland was published in the Dutch newspapers on May 21. The penalty is prison, hard labour or dcath-
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 23 2 —Reuter. London, June 5. The death is announced of Admiral Sir Frederick Learmouth, Bydrographer of the Navy from 1919-1924—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 47 2 i E. &0. Hotel —fT DANCING every WEDNESDAY FRIDAY From 10—12 1 and Every SATURDAY From 10 1 i anisic RY i Leonardo Reyes His Band. i I PRWBCT Y wciomaom iwX i houiehoid linen U 1- BRITISH EMPIRE PRODUCT Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.) Ltd. Warlns 79
      47 words

  • 1588 3  -  My American Diary by Sir Walter Citrine W, 7 HO are the men most prominent in America’s titanic task of making herself the arsenal of democracy? First there is President Roosevelt. He, probably more than any other man in the Cnited States, is responsible for the breadth
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  • 352 3 RECENTLY the first of the Consolidated Liberator B-17 bombers, one of the heaviest and greatest bombers yet to be put into service by any country, arrived by air at a British airport. The pilots were British technicians who went to the Consolidated factories in
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  • 578 3 U.S. Leaders On All-Out Aid For Britain "VV/ r E must give the British everything we have, and by everyildng < VV mean everything needed to heat the life out of our common enemy” declared U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Harold
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  • 38 3 American transport planes sent to the British in North Africa are being converted into water carriers to assist rapid advances in desert warfare when the counter-drive against the Nazis in Libya gets under way
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  • 427 3 Anti-Submarine School tn Sydney jyjANY young Australian naval officer* and ratings, who have graduated from the Anti-submarine School in Syd tiey are now helping in the struggle against U-boats in the Atlantic ana the Mediterranean, says the Sydney Morning Herald. This school, which it is understood
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 darkling g|| TOWM sweets Bfp M ILv -V SjSßiiSw serve I CHIVERS JELLIES The most popular jellies Ckfvwr* m* 11/ moatattrtetiv* whta for over half a century thit way. /'"’X The rich fruity flavours so characteristic of Chivers* Jellies have won for them a world V?—wide popularity. What could be
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 What a War! w’a£X‘: J <■% Xr 1 J i -w «Fw h or/v a bit of fun on /hv part. sir. F icouldn 1 /.</.» voh to think i uas serious about it. J
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  • 632 4 POLICE MARKSMAN COMMENDED BY MAGISTRATE Kuala Lumpur. '"pHE accuracy with which he fired at a distance of 100 yards across the Langat River, at the legs oi an intimidator who, in spite of the repeated warnings ot Mr. Strathairn, Probationary 14. S.P
    632 words
  • 378 4 Latest Fighters Di ve- B om bers Tn reinforcin'? -er Pacific Fleet the UniTec States will bring her aircraft carriers’ complement up to war strength by equipping them with the latest, types of fighter and dive-bomber The United States ha.- a formidable number of aircraft-carrier
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  • 134 4 Daphne Kiek, 21, is the first woman conscientious objector among the 300,000 women called up in Britain for industrial service April 20. She says she refuses to be “part of the war-machine.” She told the Daily Express that she vrould help injured people in a. bombed
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  • 353 4 Two Sikhs On Trial At Singapore. Alleged to have given a European sst. and to have .promised him 25 per cent, of the profits on contracts, two Sikhs, Bakhtawa Singh and Bucktam Singh, wre on trial at the Assizes before Mr Justice Worley and a
    353 words
  • 84 4 Detroit has 10,000 potential fifth columnists. They have all been placed under surveillance. The list is growing. Those facts were disclosed recently by the city’s police commissioner, Mr. Oscar G. Olander, who said that the records of these people had been noted within five
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 4 LONDON HLlTZ—Bombed out of rhe home, mother find daughter bar- for ftafer <»reas' ;>/ Lo-ndiin.
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  • 539 4 Singapore. 4 SINGAPORE firm has the only vard in the East in which small, high-speed craft, greatly in demand by the Services and especially the Naw,** are built according to a statement made by Mr. R. Edwardes-Ker before the Rent Assessment Board. Rear-Admiral T.
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  • 661 4 European Admission Singapore. IfENRY HARLEY CLARKE, secretary of the Singapore Swimming Club, was acquitted in the Singapore second court on two charges of causing hurt by driving his car negligently. and on a third charge of failing to stop and, if required, give his name
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  • 480 4 Australia N.I. Should Form Combined Frontier Batavia I USTRALIA proved her value to the British Empire by her brilliant efforts in the period between 1914-1918; at the present time she is of further service on the battlefield as 1 well as in the organisation of her war industries,” said Mr.
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  • 78 4 Seow Eng Chuan, 51-year-old exstorekeeper employed by Joseph Travers and Sons, Ltd., was sentenced to three months’ simple imprisonment in the Singapore fifth court, where he pleaded guilty to a criminal breach of trust charge. Seow was alleged to have committed breach of trust in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 SR Australian soil is rich and fertile Nature’s foods. T yields th? best of S deer Brand Pearl Barlev is the finest sold >n Malaya. unest evei produced arm i/A /PEARL' DEER Brand Pearl Barlev is packed in 1 m 4jL4 Q! Z 7 air-tight tins. It is low nrieeri
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 190 5 ACTION TO BE TAKEN TO REDUCE INCIDENCE Singapore. Alt departments of the Municipality have been asked to prepare reports on the subject of indebtedness among their staff. These reports will be considered by the Commissioners with a view to taking whatever action they think will best
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  • 163 5 Man Says He Was Paid To Carry Samsu Balik Pulau. Charged before the Police Magistrate, Balik Pnlau, yesterday Tan Lye Wong pleaded guilty to a charge of being found in possession of dutiable liquor. He added that he -was paid about a dollar by another man to
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  • 332 5 Allegation 01’ Malicious Prosecution Ipoh. An interesting civil suit, in which Mohd. Nawi bin Haji Sillah of Batu Kurau claimed damages from Mat bin Haji Akib, a landowner of Batu Kurau, for false and malicious prosecution, was heard in the Perak Supreme Court yesterday before
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  • 492 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The Volunteer Air Force will undertake night flying at the Kuala Lumpur aerodrome on each Monday and Wednesday during the rest of June. The Controller of Rubber notifies that the estimated export of dry rubber from Malaya, Brunei and Labuan for the month of May was 49,900 tons.
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  • 151 5 Titular Feast Of Church At Niboiig Tebal The solemnity of St. Anthony de Padua. Patron of the parish in Nibong Tebal, Province Wellesley, will be celebrated on Sunday June 15. In connection with this Feast, a Triduum will be preached by Rev. Father X. Anthony Dass
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  • 55 5 Accident At Pulau Tikus A 15-year-oid Chinese cyclist wm involved in a collision with a car at Pulau Tikus village yesterday attW> noon. The cyclist, Ong Joon Choo, sustained slight injuries and was brought into the General Hospital for treatment. A report was later made at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 322 5 RP? Y 3 SHOWS TODAY 9.30 p.m. ,,O S lOMORROW AT 11.30 A.M., 3; 6.15 AND 5.30 p.M fr' .?o'? in i THE GREATEST STORY OF THE WEST BY THE WEST’S GREAT STORY-TELLER! I3ni i I W Oil. NI COLOR' J ■> GILMORE .»4 «I A J” J R Carradine
      322 words
      191 words
    • 132 5 A NEW COMEDY ROMANCE IN VIIL til. < OTA'MBIA TRADITION WITH SHEEN AND SGPHTSHC ITION 3 SHOWS TODAY 3 p.m.. 6.15 9.30 TOMORROW 4 SHOWS 11 A.M. 3.30 6.15 <1 9.3 G P.M. Columbia’s latest streamlined comedy romance with two great stars togethei for the first time ■■■■••■■•■■■■■■■to N. Rosalind
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  • 406 6 4 N inspiring sight is being witnessed in Britain today. While the common man of the fields is handling a rifle to defend his home from potential invaders dropping from the skies, the common man of the factory is putting his whole soul into the increase
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  • 291 6 Timely TT’REEDOM is a very much overA worked word nowadays but its value is not detracted for all that. Those of us, however, who may be tired of reading about freedom will find a new and refreshing aspect of it at the “Fight For Freedom” Exhibition which
    291 words
  • 746 6 Friday, June 6. AfIL CORDELL HULL, U.S. Secretary of State, has informed France that her collaboration with Germany is “inimical” to the rights of the United States and other nations. 1* In what seemed a warning that French possessions in the W estern Hemisphere
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 LETS TALK OF RAINCOATS! LIGHTWEIGHT RAINCOATS NO RUBBER z I £gsSF I 'aMttl •NOOILSILK '.U F |Bk 1 I rl CONDENSATION vl F j Easy swinging, comfortable y i ai n coats. T tea jain o us makes "Morley Burberry" I WsSE y kCWMBZ a Good Select I=, jf Jgm|
      168 words
      41 words
    • 28 6 Hirnpjuujgj i FUUlft noatß IMMI «BDi J 29 TANJONC For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone 4121. a^” ei MONEY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 120 6 Around The Town ODEON CINEMA: ‘Boys From Syracuse.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m H.VIFSTIO CINEMA: •‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion” (whole serial). 3 and Bpm «EX CINEMA; ‘‘Western Union.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA: “This Thing Called Love” with Rosalind Russell and Melvyn Douglas 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR
      120 words

  • 363 7 AMERICAN PILOTS TRAINING FLYERS c hincsc Air Force is now vastly different from the one which opposed the Japanese during the Battle of Shanghai in the spring of 1932,” said Mr. Alfred C. Yang, a former member of the C ent)al Az iation Acadcmy,
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  • 47 7 Bettv Bryant To Make Personal Appearance Singapore. Miss Betty Bryant, star of the Australian film “Forty Thousand Horseman” has arrived in Singapore from Sydney to make a personal appearance at the Fund premiere of the film on Monday at the Capitol Cinema.
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  • 55 7 Bail in the sum of $3OO was granted by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Middle Court yesterday to Ong Seong, who was charged with fermenting intoxicating liquor and being in possession of distilling apparatus at Bukit Gambier on June 4. He claimed trial and the case
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  • 60 7 Balik Pulau Lam Beng and Ang Kim Chooi, two middle-aged Chinese were yesterday charged before the police Magistrate, Balik Pulau, for theft in respect of four gallons of petrol, the property of the V7ar Department. After the charge had teen explained to the accused, the case
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  • 367 7 DOIoLE TRAGEDY AFTER COLLISION The inquiry into the deaths of a Javanese cyclist and an Indian motorist shortly' after a collision at Grove Road on the evening of May 13. was concluded when, in recording his verdict, Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, said:
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  • 115 7 M.G. AND FIAT COLLIDE AT JUNCTION Balik Pulau. A serious motor accident took place late on Wednesday evening when an M. G. car and a Fiat tourer were in collision at the three-road junction at the village of Batu Üban resulting in the M. G. landing
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  • 334 7 GERMAN STEEL HELMETS ON VIEW German steel helmets and splinterproof helmets and other paraphernalia of the war captured during the present Eurooean conflict are on show at the Fight for Freedom” Exhibition which opened to a crowded hall at the Wellesley Primary School at
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  • 47 7 Oil paintings of a comprehensive range will be exhibited for sale at the E. O Hotel on Monday and Tuesdaynight by the City- Advertising Service. Twenty per cent, of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Malaya Patriotic Fund.
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  • 182 7 —Reuter. Co-operation In War Effort Recognised London, June 5 Recognising the great co-operation of her colonies in the war effort —such as £20,000,000 in money gifts and the smooth supply of essential raw materials—Britain has urged the Governments of these colonies to develop as
    —Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 245 7 .--E. P. B. Enthusiastic crowds packed the Queen s yesterday- for the opening of I his filing Called Love,” another bright, lively and sophisticated comedy from Columbia Studios dealing with the vexed problem of modern marriages. No more competent pair than Rosalind Russell and Melvyn
    .--E. P. B.  -  245 words
  • 126 7 Agreement Reached At Meeting At a meeting held at the Cantonese Restaurant Employees' Association in Kimberley Street yesterday afternoon, representatives of Cantonese restaurant owners agreed to give their employees a holiday every Sunday, commencing from June 6. It was also agreed that new hands be
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  • 173 7 W T IIILE engaged in painting the windows of a nouse—29, Amoy Lane, at about 7.45 o’clock early this morning, a middle-aged Chinese house-pai iter fell from a height of about 25 feet to his death on the road below. The unfortunate man, Cheang
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  • 84 7 Mr. Chun Tah-hoong, of the Foreign Ministry, Chungking, Chiita, will arrive in Penang from Hong Kong some time next month to take up the appointment of eleve Chinese Consul at the local Consulate. Mr. Chun, before his appointment to the Foreign Ministry, was Professor
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  • 110 7 Fund 51,519,017 PAR IT SHOW REALISED $770 The War Fund in North Malaya increased by $BOO yesterday, due to contributions to the Perak collection, thß total cf which is now $551.394.23. There being no contributions in Penang yesterday, the total remains unchanged. at $967,722.93 and the North
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  • 71 7 A trolley bus came to grief yesterday, when it crashed into a roadside tree at the junction of Bagan Jermal and Kelawei Road. The force of the impact was apparently great for the glass panes were smashed to smithereens and the front portion
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  • 50 7 A European couple who went for a. swim at the eighth mile, Tanjong Bungah, yesterday lost their watches. The watches were placed in a > sheltered spot with the clothing. After their swim the Europeans missed their watches. A report was made at the Tanjong Tokong Police
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  • 16 7 Latest donations to the I.SJP. Fighter Fund have raised the total Io $28,080.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 154 7 Ske kotadj&u GROW/ pOL /''A. f* I O'l \< >- ■—r-CSi GY' x- a t AT MOWTM> W*®" t-A 4 y'4 Ar FWWiJ B f A jjjL the FAMOUS QUADRUPLETS MMMKj REARED ON COW «Sr GATE *t.smont W AT 2 NON THS Real talking pictures these—and what a satisfactory story
      154 words
    • 132 7 WAKEUPYOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel And You'll Jump ont of Bed in the Morning Full of Vim. The liver should pour out two pounds oi liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels. Wind bloats up
      132 words

    • 458 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 6th June, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampftt Tin 3/0 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 7/li 7/4| £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 17/9 $1 Ayer Weng -65 .70 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/6 1-1/3 $1
      458 words
    • 236 8 Igpue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1-05 l- 10ex Alor Gajah 80 Amal Malay 1-55 1-60 Ayer Hitam -90 -95 AJtter Molek 1.074 1.124 Ayer Panas 1.024 1.074 Bassett -42 i -45 c Batu Lintang 102 i 1.05 ex Bedford -65 -88 Benta -024 .97 Jex Borelli 1-30 1-35 Broga .60
      236 words
    • 338 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N, Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord 1.774 1.824 $2 Alex. Brick 7£% Pref 2.074 2.121 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B4 £9 £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16/0 16/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6
      338 words
    • 169 8 MINING Dividend Books Close Payable Hong Fatt 8% 2nd Int. 1.6 41 10 6 41 Kamunting 5% In t. I>t 9.6.41 Pangnga River 4 mt. l.t. 9.6.41 27.6 Al Raub Gold 3d. Ist Int. 20.6.41 26 641 Renong Tin 124% Final Talam Mines 5% 2nd int.
      169 words
  • 539 8 Directors’ Annual Report The thirty-second .annual general meeting of The Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd., will be held at the registered office of the company, No. 1 Weld Quay, Penang, on Tuesday, June 10, at 11 a.m. The directors in their report and statement of accounts for
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  • 48 8 Estimated rubber crops for May:— lbs. Penang Rubber 278.500 Sabrang Rubber 100,000 Straits Rubber 285,700 Rubana Rubber 120,000 Bagan Serai Rubber 88,000 Tali Ayer Rubber ./49,000 Batak Rabit Rubber 39,000 Merchiston Rubber 40,500 Mount joy Rubber 100,000 Badenoch Rubber 315,000 Paloh Plantations 70,000 Glenshiel Rubber 61,500
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  • 14 8 The output of Rambun Mines, Tanjong Rambutan, for May was 302 piculs.
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  • 486 8 Higher Prices idealised UNFAIR INCIDENCE OF E.P.T. The fourth annual ordinary general meeting of Padang Senang Rubber, Ltd., was held in London. Mr. A. P. Hadow (the chairman), after referring to the loss they had sustained through the deaths of Air. H, Percy Hoed and Mr. H.
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  • 136 8 Straw is now being used in Britain in the manufacture of paper. Mr. Julius Grant, the chemist, said at a Royal Society of Arts meeting in London that whereas six months ago a serious paper famine was prophesied, to-day that prospect had almost vanished. The principal
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  • 603 8 Stronger Liquid Position HARDSHIP OF E.P.T. The adjourned fifteenth ordinary general meeting of Serom Rubber Estates Ltd was held at 5 and 7 Eastchean, London E.C. Mr. Nicolas C. S. Bosanquet (the chairman) said: The past twelve months \o September, 1940, to which these accounts refer, has
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  • 42 8 The for/lwing inlormatHon has beer, supplied to us the above Company's Aline Office in* respect of operations fev the month of May. Output. 397 piculs Yardage 99.006 cubic yards Hours run 499 hours Remarks Dredge stopped for repairs on 23rd.
    42 words
  • 127 8 A. esterdav’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £266. 5. 0. £265. 0. 0“Forward” £266. 0. 0. £265. 0. 0. SINGAPORE “Spot” $137.00 $137.00 Business done 25 tons 25 tons PENANG “Spot” $137.00 $137.00 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 13 s’Bd. 13 l|2d. “Forward” 13 5,8 d. 13 l|2d. Tone Quiet
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 BANKS -t« OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developmenti, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed hanking institution with years of financial experience. INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. {lncorporated 4n British India/ Head
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  • 110 9 For five hours Dr. Stephen George, of Glasgow, risked his life in a 2ft. tunnel to save a woman who had been buried alive for five and a half days under the ruins of a three-storey Clydeside tenement. Rescue workers heard faint groans underneath tons
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  • 128 9 Boys from Warwick School who were doing war work on a farm at Charlecote, Warwickshire, were playing, when one of them threw a clod of earth It struck a fellow-schoolboy, Robert Alexander Camkin, in the face, and as a result he lost an eye. 1 At
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  • 276 9 FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per Va oz, each Ordinary Regn. AIR MAILS SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE REVISED TIMES OF CLOSING AIR MAILS AND REVISED CHARGES PAN-AMERICAN CLIPPER Correspondence for connection with the Pan-American Clipper Service
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  • 414 9 London. “hush-hush” devices, almost uncanny in their accuracy, are gaining increasing successes in the fight against the German raiders. Our defence experts hope eventually to be able to destroy ten per cent, of any attacking force—the figure at which they think Germany will regard bombing
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 3162 9 SAIGON CALCUTTA I W I I I 11.780 mc/s (25.46 m.) VUC2 7.21 mc/s (41.61 m) W I I 6,116 mc^s (4905 in.) VUC2 9.53 mc/s (31.48 m) 7 a m News ln trench. VUC2 4.84 mc/s (6198 m) .12,20 pm. News in French—Rice quota- VUC2 3.39 mc/s (90.77 m)
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    • 193 9 RANGOON XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 m.) XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 m.) 6.50 pm. Indian Session (Recorded Programme). 7.05 English Session (Recorded Programme). 8.20 Burmese News and Mfarke.t Quotations. 9.35 Recorded Programme. 10.00 News. 10.15 Recorded Pregramme. 11.05 Dance Programme. 11.26 Close down. SAIGON 11.780 mc/s (25.46 m.) 6.116 mc/s (49.05
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  • 715 10 NUMBERS SUFFICIENT TO OVERWHELM ENEMY Belgian Finance Minister On His Visit Washington, June 5 “American mass production methods are now geared to the manufacture of aeroplanes in numbers sufficient to overwhelm the enemies of democracy,” declared the Assistant Secretary for War, Mr. Robert
    Reuter.  -  715 words
  • 286 10 .—Reuter. Large Stocks Ready For Shipment Bangkok, June 5. How the Japanese are fast ousting the Chinese in rubter markets in South Thailand is revealed by a correspondent of the newspaper. “Laemthong,” who .says that the Japanese already own several estates in Songkhla and have
    .—Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 592 10 Moves In Middle East To Avoid Repetition Of Past Defeats Melbourne, June 5 The Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies, declared in a statement that the Government was constantly in contact with London over the moves and lessons in the Middle East and every possible step would
    Reuter,  -  592 words
  • 60 10 —Reuter. Zurich, June 5 Well-informed circles in Vichy are joining in the chorus of rumours that a new Hitler peace offensive is to be made. The reason given is that to avoid American intervention and consolidate Germany’s successes, Germany would declare that she
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 334 10 —B.Q.W. British System On Same Lines As German Rugby, June 4. The general system of clothes rationing just introduced into Britain is very much the same as the German, according to the Ministry of Economic Warfare, both being based on the freedom of spending by coupons and mainly
    —B.Q.W.  -  334 words
  • 53 10 Reuter. •‘Most Important Stage Reached” Tokyo, June 4. The- Batavia parleys have come to the most 'mportant stage, Mr. Ishii, Deputy spokesman of the Board of Information, stated at a press conference. “We may receive a reply from the Netherlands East Indies to our proposals in the near
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 122 10 .—Reuter. Bottom Half Of Mayo Composite Aircraft London, June 4. The Maia, the bottom half of the Mayo composite “Pick-a-Back” aircraft has been damaged and rendered unser—iceable in a British harbour. At the beginning of the war the Pick-a-back plane, which is one of the world’s most expensive
    .—Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 90 10 -Reuter. Great Leader Interned By Nazis Jerusalem, June 4 The Croat Peasant Party leader. Dr. Matchek, whose whereabouts have been unknown for some rime and who was feared dead, Is now interned at Kupenich, it is learnt in authoritative Croat circles in the Middle East. The Vice-President of
    -Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 225 10 —Reuter NO INCIDENTS IN LONDON AREA London, June 5 Thiee enemy bombers were destroyed during attacks on Britain last night, jis teamed The “raiders passed” signal was sofinj. ed in the London area sometime befor dawn after a long quiet period. No in cidents were
    —Reuter  -  225 words
  • 81 10 —Reuter. 82.000 Dismissed By Nazi Authorities London, June 4. Eighty-two thousand officials have been dismissed by the German authorities in Moravia, Bohemia protectorate, according to advices received by the Czechoslovak authorities in London. Dismissed officials include civil servants in Government departments in Prague, municipal and local employees, postmen,
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 58 10 .—Reuter. Night Assaults On Germans London, June 4. Night assaults on Germans in Paris are becoming so frequent tb#»t a special tribunal has teen set up in the city to deal with all such cases, stated the Ger-man-controlled Paris wireless. It will be recalled, added the announcer, that
    .—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 56 10 -Reuter Sandakan, June 4. The United States naval observer. Commander J. A. Murray, and his Secretary, Mr. L. S. Rogers, have arrived in the Dutch East Indies frem San Francisco. Also arrived is the new Japanese Consul, Mr. K. Yamamoto, tc replace Mr. Tanaguchi
    -Reuter  -  56 words
  • 320 10 Story Of A Bold And Skilful Action Simla, June 5 How a sloop of the Royal Indian Navy was responsible for the capture of two Italian islands off Massawa and how a small party from the same vessel chased and finally captured a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 136 10 NEW YORK VIA CAPE DUF TO ARRH I! PRES. TAYLOR (via Capp) -J une x PRUSA (via Panama' PRES MONROE June x THOMPSON LYKES (via Panama) June PRES. MADISON (via Panama) Ju e x DOROTHY LUCKENBACK (via Panama) July x HYBERT (via Panama) 5 x HARRY LUCKENBACH (via Panama' July
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  • 501 11 Issue In Balance Till Last Few Minutes Ipoh. A crowd of about six thousand spectators, among whom was His Highness the Sultan of Perak, saw the South China Athletic Association Football Team defeat the Perak Football Association by the narrow margin of three
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  • 63 11 Indian Youngsters vs Indian Youth Club Or. th* I.A. ground tomorrow at 5.15 Indian Youngsters—P. S. Velloo; A. -ur.lar.dy, Ponniah; Arlandu, Baida i, Eusoff; Sheriff, Suppiah, Sinniah, Raiaiingsjn, Ibramsa. Reserves—Kuttimalai, Mastan, Kan•uan, Kalimuttu. Indian Association Youth Club Radha Krishnan; A. V. Panikken, A Naderajah; Loganathan, Leo, Hairy, Saminathan. Ratnam,
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  • 99 11 6 'Malaya“ Cup Team Against R.A.F. Surreys Alor Star. Another War Fund football match will be played on Sunday, June 15, on the K.F.A. ground between last year’s “Malaya Cup” State finalists and the R.A.F. and East Surreys Combined. Last year’s State
    99 words
  • 101 11 Y.M.C.A. Easily Beat I puli Chib Ipoh. In the opening round of the Sultan Cup Tennis, the Y.M.C.A. beat the Ipoh Club by four matches to nil on the former’s courts yesterday. The following are the results: Lope Abdul Aziz and N. Caleb beat A. Davy and
    101 words
  • 122 11 The qualifying rounds for the Championship <lB holes) and Duffer’s Cup (18 holes) will be played on Saturday and Sunday next. June 7 and 8. Players with handicaps of 12 and under are eligible for the championship and those with handicaps over 12 only
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  • 55 11 Penang Colts vs P.S.C. On the Western Road ground on Sunday, at 10.30 a.m. Penang Colts;—W. Taveira (Capt), D. C. Stewart, C. da Silva, D. A. Thomasz, J. Ritchie, V. Bracken, G. Windsor, O. Phipps, H. Stewart, B. Kleininann and C. A M. Robinson. Reserves:—J. Robless. D. Mehta and
    55 words
  • 219 11 Still Room For Local Exploitation The area planted with tea in Malaya having increasedl by some 2.000 acres, the production now stands at over ih. while Malayan consumption of tea inclu es P e '°cally grown tea, states the Malayan nc ura L„ n irv during
    219 words
  • 728 11 Good Display By Cheng Eng For Winners The Penang Chinese Football Association enhanced their chances for the First Division League honours this season when they scored a convincing victory by four goals to two over the Chinese Recreation Club before a large
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  • 61 11 O.X.A. vs Fortress Malays At Glugor on Saturday at 5.15 p.m. 0.X.A.:— Heng Thuan; Lim Cheng Hoe, Tung Sin Huat; C. Danker, Chin Cheok, A. Muthu; Ramasamy, Read, Jan, D’Orville, Boh Eye. Reserves: —J. Reutens, Thoon Tuck, G. Lim. Players are requested to be at the club
    61 words
  • 767 11 Prizes Distributed To Winners Of Various Events The Penang Lawn Tennis Championships were concluded on the Penang Sports Club courts yesterday afternoon with the playing of the finals in the mixed doubles and veterans doubles. .In the mixed doubles, Goon Kok Lem and Mrs. Low Hooi Seah
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  • 201 11 Carrie And Nara To Meet Tommy Carrie, the Singapore Eurasian, who easily outfought the local Indian welterweight. Gunboat Smith, in their fight at the New World recently, will again make an appearance in the qume place tonight when he meets Boy Nara in the main
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  • 57 11 The Chop Singa Kronchong Party with its Prima Donna, Miss Dinah and Ave other star singers will be featured at the non-stop dance at the Elysee Cabaret from 7 p.m. until midnight today. In conjunction with this band, Montano and His Swing Band and Donn’s
    57 words
  • 130 11 Third Accused Arrested Taiping. Further investigations into the mysterious disappearance of the engine driver, Nagamuttu, who was last seen on the night of May 19 and whose highly decomposed body was found burled in the vegetable garden at the back of his house on May 25
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  • 133 11 Headquarters XI Beat Signals XI Sungei Patani, June 4 The Headquarters XI defeated the Signals XI by four goals to one at soccer on the Public Padang here on Tuesday evening. Graves scored in the Bth minute of the game for the Headquarters. Scon after the
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  • 72 11 —Reuter. Gilt-Edged Securities Lower London, June 4. The Stock Exchange was narrowly irregular, operators tending to mark tittle in view of the Eastern Mediterranean uncertainty. Gilt-edged were practically, lower and industrials irregular B.A.T.S were quoted at 84/4 against 87/6 on the reduction, of the interim dividend from ninepence
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 143 11 Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don’t have to take nasty-tasti ne oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives uf LAXOBAC the modern chocolate laxative- Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it It chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your* bowels
      143 words

  • 168 12 British Trading Ceases AUSTRALIA, EGYPT FOLLOWING SUIT London, June 6. TT’OR about ten days now, British trading with Syria has completely ceased. Yesterday’s reports that the Australian and Egyptian Governments have declared that country to be enemy territory under the trading with the enemy Act will
    —Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 482 12 STRIKING INCREASE DESPITE DECLINE IN TOURISTS Although the Penang Hill Railway has lost considerable revenue, owing to lack of tourist ships calling at Penang, the number of passengers actually carried has greatly increased, indicating that more use is being made of the
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  • 186 12 Reuter. Lambert Simnel Still Favourite London, June 5. War time history may well be repeated in the race for the Derby which only twice in its long history has been won by a woman owner. Lady James Douglas’s Gainborough triumphed in 1918 and the other occasion was Mrs.
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 126 12 Reuter. oung Professional Equals Outward Record Fort worth, Texas, June 5. Henry Ransom, a young professional from the nearby Glen Garden Club, playing in the 45th American Open Golf Championship yesterday, equalled the outward record with a brilliant 31. With half the field still playing Denny Shute
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 74 12 Penang Sports Club Versus Leicesters The Penang Sports Club will play the Leicester Regiment at soccer on the Western Road ground this evening, and the following will represent the Sports Club: H. S. Thomas; J. T. Horsburgh, W. G. S. Wilson; R. J. S. Franks,
    74 words
  • 122 12 —Reuter. Byron Nelson This Year’s Favourite Fort Worth, Texas, June 5. Byron Nelson, the winner two years ago, is favourite for the American Open Golf Championship which starts hertoday There is a field of over 150 for the event, the qualifying rounds previously having thinned a bigger
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 90 12 .—Reuter. One-Day Match At End Of June London, June 5. Oxford and Cambridge have agreed to meet in the inter-University cricket match at Lord's on June 28. This is the first cccasion the Universities will have met in wartime cricket. All proceeds of the one-day match will go
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 252 12 Nairobi, June 6. qpHE atmosphere in the court wag distinctly stormy on ocx casions during the lon ff cross-examination of Lady Delamere, who gave evidence yest day when the Errol murder trial was resumed. ERROL MURDER TRIAL —Reuter. Answering questions with regard to
    —Reuter.  -  252 words
  • 123 12 Reuter New 1 ork, June 5. The number of workers striking in defence industries has been raised to 52,800 —the largest total out of any day this year by today’s walk-out from the warplane factory of the North American Aviation Corporation. Pacific C oast, according
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 1010 12 ACCEPTANCES FOR TOMORROW RACE 1 2.30 p.m. HORSES—CIass 3—Div. 3—5 Furs. Straight 33 4 SANS AME 3y 9.00 “Seagate Stable" Fenn 0 EDELWEISS 3y 8.11 “Mr. Cheah” van Breukelen 4 4 0 THE EMPEROR 6y 8.11 Mr. Chee Soon Keng H. Sleigh '0 0 0
    1,010 words
  • 121 12 The monthly Mixed Foursomes Stroke competition was played yesterday and resulted in a win for Mrs. Yeap Kim Hoe and Dr. G. van Egmond with a score of 51 less 12=39. The following cards were returned:— Mrs. Yeap Kim Hoe Dr. van Egmond 51 less 12
    121 words
  • 48 12 FRIDAY JUNE 6. TIN: Penang $137.62J Business done 25 tons Singapore $137.62| RUBBER: Penang Spot 40jc Singapore Spot 40 ic COPRA: Sundried $2.75 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $8.50 sellers Fair Seed $B.OO sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $952 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.10
    48 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 458 12 Telegrrai “Gazette” Rate, nr iwhacrtytion for pit...» anq Sunday aa<e) 4 PINANCi GAZET7* Local j a Deliver» Monthly UJAC Quarterly 7.50 Half-Yearly 12.04 Yearly <lO.OO J 140« SUNDAY’ GAZETTi ,W Local 3 Is A Delivery y m Quarterly sl.2* n,,’ Half-Yearjv 2.R, W.OJ advertisement Ratl4 '-Orgeft and uistructim-. CLAJBSIFTTD ADVER"
      458 words