Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 April 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 430 1 SAME ACTION AS TAKEN AGAINST AXIS Captured Vessels May Be Given To Britain Washington, April 1. ĔLL-INT OR.'IED circles here think there is a strong possibility that following the seizure of Italian* German and Danish ships, the United States will take the
    Rtsiter.  -  430 words
  • 62 1 —Reuter Mysterious Departure Shanghai, March 31 Much specul.-tion has been aroused by the mysterious an i unobstrusive departure from Shanghai of the Large German freighter “Ramses” 7,983 tons which had been tied up in the harbour, since the outbreak of wai It is believed that she
    —Reuter  -  62 words
  • 420 1 Belgrade, April 1. r pHE T ugoslav Minister in Berlin, General Amevitch, has gone to Belgrade to inform his 1 Government of the “effect which events in Yugoslavia have produced in Germany.” This is announced in a Berne dispatch to the official French
    —Reuter  -  420 words
    ' Reuter.  -  503 words
  • 91 1 —Reuter. German L ltiniatum To Yuttosltrvia Imminent Beigrade, April 1. W7ITH the reported departure for Berlin last night of Herr von Heeren, German Minister in Belgrade, it is possible that GermanYugoslav relations are entering their final stage. German circles here believe that he is returning to give a
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 77 1 —Reuter. Alexandria, April I. /"YUESTIONED about the prese.nt effcctivff strengthof the Italian Fleet, Admiral Cunningham estimated its losses as follows: battleships two-thirds; eight-inch gun cruisers aud destroyers over fifty per cent.; six-inch gun cruisers and destroyer* 25 per cent.; submarines 20 to .30 e»‘iit.—there
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 137 1 —Reuter Seeing Duce Today. Pope Tomorrow Rome, April 1. Vf R. MATSUOKA who arrived here yesterday by special trair,' was met at the station by Count Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister and other members of the Italian Government, the Secretary of the Fascist Party, and the German Ambassador.
    —Reuter  -  137 words
  • 264 1 Athena, April I. I’HE lull on the Albanian front which followed the Italians' disastrous offensive attempt has been broken by Greeks again taking the initiative. Yesterday several small storm detachments entered Italian lines at various points states the Athens radio, inflicting tosses, taking
    Reuter.  -  264 words
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    • 21 1 COW GATE i I tl*issffi| f gw I i lAfiotv for North Malaya <£ Pwvng I CHKWSETOWN DISPENSARY LTD.J EYmang and Ipoh.
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    • 268 1 “SMILER” fed COW GAY Agents for North Malaya, <£ Penang. »l GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, I Penang and Ipoh. jl SCIENCE WINS It is a well established fact that millions of dollars ace. expended annually in repairing the damage done by Termites or White Ants as they are commonly called. In
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  • 295 2 FURTHER ADVANCE WESTWARDS Drive To Eritrean Capital Continues Rugby, March 31. entry into Diredawa on the Addis Ababa— Jibuti Railway on Saturday afternoon and the continued advance towards Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, are announced in a Cairo G.H.Q. communique which states: “Eritrea—Our advance towards
    —BOW  -  295 words
  • 99 2 —Reuter. Tepelini Area Raided With Good Results Athens, Match 31 British bombers attacked objectives in and near Elbasan (an Italian inland base in Albania lying midway between their front' near the Yugoslav frontier and the port of Durazzo) with successful results, states today’s British R.A.F. communique.
    —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 17 2 —Reuter Rome. March 31 The Japanese Foreign Minister. Mr MatsuoKa has arrived —Reuter
    —Reuter  -  17 words
    —REUTER.  -  50 words
  • 66 2 I.—Reuter. Tanks Patrolling Streets London, March 31. Tanks are patrolling the streets of Damascus. Aleppo and Homs Hama—all big Syrian cities—daily, says a Jerusalem correspondent who adds that tension continues in these cities and it is believed that about twelve persons lost their lives in demonstrations.
    I.—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 326 2 Washington, March yi President Roosevelt has indiatcd that he personally ordered the seizure of Italian, German and Danish ships at American J during the iceek-end. This was revealed at the press conference the train taking him back to Washington, but he declined
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 95 2 —BOW Italia.) OffvnMAt Ceased Rugby, While Gi»-»k ffensive p.h .r. vity sterns one»' m<>ie tc hav. fOPHSH Messages from Athens state there have been no enemy patrols since Thursday night. Cold weather is affecting the Italians and prisoners speak of as many as thirty thousand “frost" casualties
    —BOW  -  95 words
  • 106 2 —8.0. W Tribute By Sir Walter Womersley Rugby. March 3it Opening Grimsby’s first civil restaurant, Sir Walter Womersley. Minister of I>»®“ sions. paid a high tribute to the gallon try of merchant seamen and fishermen “•’ho daily risked their lives in order to ke» P Britain supplied
    —8.0. W  -  106 words
  • 88 2 Reuter. Cheerful Tendency: Markets Firm London. March 31. On the Stock Exchange there was a cheerful tendency on the naval success in the Mediterranean but pnee movements were small though the markets were generally firm. There was fair support for gilt-edged which closed slightly higher though a trifle
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 53 2 —Reuter. London, March 31 .Another lightning daylight sweep across the Channel and over the French occupied ports is believed to have been made by a formation of R.A.F bombers and fighters this afternoon. A heavy crump of falling bombs was clearly heard on the English side
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 27 2 —Reuter. New York. March 31. Having concluded his holiday cruise on the Presidential yacht “Potomac,” President Roosevelt yesterday left by train for Washington.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 300 2 —Reuter. London, March 31. 'T’HE German propaganda machine is whipping up feeling against Yugoslavia. The German radio this morning was freely making allegar taons of “ill-treatment” of Germans in Yugoslavia and talked of Germans “fleeing from Yugoslavia” who had arrived in Temesvar and
    —Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 54 2 —Reuter. pßeport Math* By Retiring Japanese Ambassador Tokyo, March 31. Mr Eiji Amou, retiring Japanese Ambassador to Rome, who returned to Japan recently, called on the Prime Minister. jrrince Konoye. this morning. He reported to Prince Konoye on the Italian Situation but no indication is given of .tht
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 37 2 —Reuter. London, March 31. Only three German bomters ventured over the British coast at daylight yesterday, one of them crashing near Middlesborough. shot down by a Spitfire patrol. All the crew were killed.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 1090 2 Adm. Cunningham On lonian Sea Battle Rugby, March 31. Athens reports say that among the survivors from the three Italian cruisers and destroyers sunk in the Mediterranean battle are 35 German officers, petty officers and gunners. Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, in a
    8.0. W.  -  1,090 words
  • 411 2 London, March 31. IBy Fergus J. Ferguson, Reuter's diplomatic correspondent) The Germans are playing up the incident off the Algerian coast when four French merchantmen forced the British contraband control. The British have excellent reasons for believing that the ships were laden
    —Reuter.  -  411 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 YALUMBA VINEYARDS I I Four Crown Claret A Full Wine of St. Julien Type i Very pleasing to the palate Soft and round. I I Sole .Ipents CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under the Companies’ Ordinances of Hongkong) (Incorporated in Shanghai.» I PENANG SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR
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  • 387 3 £)KOBLEMS which arose or thn'aU-ivd to arise, tk-tween nations were not insoluble if faced with courage, frankness, and the will to understand the other’s point of view, said Mr. Tatsuo Kawai, first Japanese Minister to Australia. Mr. Kawai was responding to the toast to himself, proposed
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  • 102 3 The acting Australian Prime Minister (Mi A. W. Fadden), dressed in “civvies,” gave the military salute during a march past at Bondi Beach recently. An army officer at Victoria Barracks said later that this was “simply not done.” He added: “You never salute
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  • 1142 3 Victims (B>j Viscount Maugham. Ex-Lord Chan ccUor of Great Britain.! (This article is an extract from a pamphlet by Lord Maugham which is to be published by the Oxford University Press under the title "Lies as Allies, or Hitler at War
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  • 557 3  -  BY JOHN BARWICK. AMERICAN visitors have often told that London policemen are wonderful, and John Barwick, an American too, warmly endorses their judgment. He was knocked down the other evening by blast from a bomb. “I waded across the street, convinced no other person in my range
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  • 994 3 yjORE transports have sighted the shores of Malaya and ’Drought more splendid manhood to the defence of this Far Eastern strong point. Not so ago, the warrior-laden vessels were entering from the south-east. This time they came from the west. The thrill was no less
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  • 95 3 A German court has sentenced 18 persons to death for alleged espionage and sabotage. The Free Belgian News Agency states that the German authorities in Belgium have heavily fined the city of Ypres and suspended their traffic after 7.30 p.m. each day. The punishment is for
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  • 714 4 European Fined Singapore. •61^ VEN before the siren had stopped an A.R.P. warden was banging on the door, and when 1 opened it he was taking down the number of my Hat.” alleged John Herbert Wright in the Singapore fifth court. Wright was
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  • 255 4 £4,000 Loan RESOLUTION OUT OF ORDER Kuala Lumpur. 4 RESOLUTION to hand £4,000 from the Reserve Fund as a loan free of interest to the Imperial Government wfws not passed at the 18th annual general meeting of the Selangor Government Servants’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society on
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  • 3882 4 Tribute To Mr. Venkatachar At C. I. A. M. Function Kuala Lumpur. “TJ7E are keenly interested in the maintenance of friendly and cordial relations between Indian communities resident in an overseas country and the Government of that country. I would request you and through you my
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  • 334 4 “IT is possible that most churchmen A without taking much thought have assumed the position of th® Church here to be the same as in England,” said Mr. Justice N. A. Worley when addressing the annual general meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association
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  • 360 4 Mines Officials As Pall-bearers The funeral of Mr. C. F. S. Jameson, Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., took place on Saturday evening at the Cheras Road cemetery in the presence of a large gathering. The funeral service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev.
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    • 153 4 a THE IDEAL EASTER K S GIFT FOR HITLER g Rs/ Few will dispute that a live bomb in the right V/fl place, at the right time is the ideal gift for vX Hitler the arch destroyer of freedom. By purchasing vSk savings certificates you can at least help to
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  • 230 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Leslie James Donaldson has b.*en appointed to be a Junior Assistant Immigration Officer for Singapore. Che Long bin Osman a Kedah Government Scholar of Queens’ College, Cambridge, has obtained his degree and is now studying Law. The G.O.C Malaya, Lieut.-Gen. L. V. Bond, took the salute at
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  • 118 5 Singapore. Speaking on the War Duties Ordinance extension motion yesterday in the Legislative Council, the Hon. Mr. J. I. Dawson said that the price of the 3 per cent War Loan teas standing at 103, showing fairly clearly that a good deal
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  • 154 5 NO INTERVENTION: M.C.P TENDER FOR GRANITE In connection with the decision of the Municipal Commissioneis at theii meeting on February 25 to accept the tender of S.K S. Mohamed for the suj>ply of granite for 1941-1943, a petition was sent to His Excellency the Gov ernor.
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  • 820 5 People Should Be Told Where They Can Go Singapore. Drawing the attention of Government to the question of arrangements for evacuation should Mich an eventuality occur, the Hon. Mr. Claude da Silva, speaking on the adjournment of the Legislative Council .yesterday, said that beyond
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  • 119 5 Fine Performance At Sun Cinema Two well-known stage and screen artistes from Hong Kong, Miss Patt Yee Mui and Mr. Liew Moong Kok, made their stage debut at the Sun Theatre last night when they sang a number of new Cantonese songs. There was a full
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  • 126 5 Tonight on the "Esplanade” from 6.00 pm. to 7.30 p.m.: March Stars Stripes For Ever Sousa Overture Poet And Peasant Suppe. Selection Gold Diggers Of 1933 Warren Waltz Blue Kentucky Moon Donaldson IntermeiM.? Secrets Ancliffe Selection Cheep Smith z Fox Trot The King’s Navee Dunn G. S. K.
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  • 272 5 TWO MONTHS’ INTENSIVE TRAINING The first volunteer embodiment for Penang Volunteers for this year which stalled on February 1 came to an end yesterday. Unlike the first embodiment period in 1940 there were no public demonstrations, such as a combined route march, on this occasion with
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    • 215 5 QUEEN’S TODAY AiT 3 P. W. 6.30 9.30 Ask Those Who Saw The Pre-screen-ing During The Week-end They'll Tell You It’s One Of The Best Off All Chow Scan Pictures.. MISS CHOW SUAN “TONG SIOW WAN" Or ’’The Mad Emperor” With Full EngiLsh Sub-Tities Come and Meet Britain’s King 4
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  • 483 6 AVZITII the announcement last week of the Raffles College diploma examination results, attention is once more focussed on the question of providing wider opportunities for the batch of graduates which the College produces annually. This year some 24 students receive diplomas which should launch them on
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  • 406 6 April Petrol IVJOTORISTS who have not yet taken their petrol coupons for April will be glad to know that there is a great improvement in the issue system. In the first place, there is hardly any delay now. I sent for mine this morning and the messenger
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  • 89 6 MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Sai Siong Kee” «Chinese picture). 3, 6 30 and 9 30 p.m. WINDSOR CINEMA: "Sit Yan Kwai and Lau Ying Choon" (Chinese picture). 3, 6 30 and 9 30 pm. REX CINEMA; "Charter Pilot’’ with Lloyd Nolan and Lynn Bari. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m.
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  • 826 6 Tuesday, April 1. r LiIE United States Government by its firm action in seizing Axis ships has shown openly that where necessary it will not hesitate to protect its interests. VfR. CORDELL HULL in defending this line of action emphasised that n was justified
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    • 239 6 T J* 11 f™e BBC II It'OOdCflJU II J I CUI T ,o I maiAva K 13 95 m B B K K B B K B' MV\ AU\\ a M So easy-so quick-with Brasso H METAL POLISH M 3 ANNOUNCING Follow-on Trufood WF The march of science brings many
      239 words
    • 29 6 ■■ESEHBHaBHBI "BULLFINCH'' BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. I Bolt' Aoen»t> Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG,
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  • 133 7 Reuter. BURMA UNFURLS NEW FLAG Rangoon, Mar. 31 Evidence of the type of "new order" which Britain dispenses was witnessed by great crowds in all cities of Burma today as Burma’s new national flag was ceremonially unfurled. In Rangoon, the Governor, Sir Archibald Cochrane,
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 222 7 The War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1,498,125.42, made up of Ptnang $956,480.65 and Perak $541.644 77 c Previously acknowledged 956.452.48 R< sident Councillor's Office Staff (10th monthly instalment) 18 17 Mr H. Conn. B'worth 10.00 Total $956 480.65 PERAK A sum of $44.80
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  • 155 7 Hundreds Attend Temple Balik Pulau. Hundreds of young girls, elderly women and men flocked to the Temple of the Goddess of Mercy (Lam Hye Hood Chor) at Balik Pulau on Sunday when a fire-walking ceremony was performed in the compound of the temple. The onlookers numbered
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  • 69 7 A Malay, Ibrahim bin Dewan, now being detained in the Civil Prison pending his tidal, appeared before Mr Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court this morning on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to one William at the Prison compound at 2.30 p.m. on
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  • 37 7 -n addition to the pt ewer fit! .lustralian reinforcements which recently been announced, reinforcements of British Infantry have also just arrived in .Malaya The photograph thaws troops disembarking after their voyage
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  • 339 7 PLANS OF SALVATION ARMY WORKERS ytALAYA WILL SHORTLY BE STUDDED WITH RE--11 CREATIONAL CENTRES FOR THE EXCLUSIVE ISE OF THE AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE HERE. Plans tor the establishment of these centres by Australian Salvation Army workers are afoot, and one centre is already functioning
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  • 73 7 Court Allots* Foor Days The divorce petition of J. D. Nelligan versus Amanda Theodora Nelligan and Billy George was mentioned in the Supreme Court this morning before Mr. Justice Carey. Hearing was fixed for the suit on May 12 after summons cases in chambers, May 13,
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  • 38 7 "The Poet Office in Wartime" is the title of a talk to be broadcast from the Singapore station tomorrow, April 2, at 7 p.m. by Mr. W. Gilliam. Acting Controller of Posts, Singapore
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  • 101 7 There will be a cooking demonstration at the Y. W.C. A. Rest Room, Weld Quay, at 10 a.m. today. The menu will be: Baked crab, Tournedos Oriental, Savoury veal slices. Mandarin orange cake. News has been received in Kuala Lumpur of the death in hospital ir Madras
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  • 98 7 Court Issues Severe arning I severe warning to Penang cyclists zcho are in the habit of riding abreast was issued by Mr. Koon Teck, in the Third Magistrate's court, when about 20 of them, in tzeo batches, were summoned tor committing this offence in the
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  • 93 7 Findings Of Appeal Gouri The Court of Appeal judgment in the suit over the estate duty of the late T. M. R. M Vengadasalam Chettiar was delivered this morning in the Supreme Court, the findings of the appeal judges being read by Mr. Justice
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  • 769 7 MR. N. RAGHAVAN ANNOUNCES ARRANGEMENTS 1 N connection with strikes, on estates in the Kiang district a gentleman s agreement” h as been reached and labourers were expected to return to work yesterday. Pending the consideration of the question pf an increase in wages
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  • 93 7 .Although estate labourers wlw have been on strike returned to work yesterday morning, the request of Mr. N. president of the C.1.A.M., workers'» on four estates—Treinelby, Enter- k r aid, Sungei Kengani and Port i Swettenham—went out on strike k yesterday, hut it is expected that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 132 7 OMEGA WATERPROOF i Br I* y 1 Jtv >■ y■. EXACT TIME FOR LIFE (INCORPORATED IN CEYLON) SINGAPORE PENANG IPOH tags* w T jWtwW 5 I-» 1 J.O > I v 4 ~M 5 J s f .1 I i A *Vv egM' tX'W j INFANTS OIHVAIJJ 5 L NKs.
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  • 149 8 BOUSTEAD CO., LIMITED Rubber Sales Report Penang, March 26 Since out last report the local market has again been active and demand for nearby deliveries was particularly good. London and New York have remained steady and are to-day quoted at 14 *d. end 22* cents respectively. Our Auction this morning
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  • 46 8 Profit for year to June 30, £4,887 ,<d,412). To taxation reserve, £2.750 (£600); to reserve for replanting. £l.OOO (same); dividend. 4 per cent, (nil); forward. £1.090 (£1,678). Restricted crop of 267.707 lb. was harvested. Of this quantity 266,168 lb. were covered hv export rights.
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    • 459 8 issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon Ist April, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/1* 3/7* 5/0 Austral Amal 6/10* 7/14 £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0c $1 Ayer Weng .82* .87* £1 Bangrin Tin 12/0 13/0 $1
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    • 227 8 Issue Buyers Seilers Allenby 1.12* 1.17* Aior Gajah .77* .82* Amal. Malay 165 1.70 Ayer Hitam *0 .95 Ayer Molek 1.074 1.12* Aver Panas 1.07* 1.12*c Bassett .42 .45 Batu Lintang 1.05 108 Bedford .85 .90 Bents .97 1.00 Borelli 1.32* 1.40 Broga .624 .65 Brunel United .52j .55
      227 words
    • 344 8 Issue Buyers Seilers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord. 22/0 23/0 Alex Brick Ord. 1.37* 1.92* $2 Alex Brick 7*% Pref. 2.10 2.15 $5 B. M. T. 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B* £9c £1 Con. T. S. OiM 16/6 17/0 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref 19/9 20/6 $5 P.
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    • 147 8 MINING Dividend Books Close Pavable Ayer Hitam Tin 10% int. L.T. 19 341 44 4i Anglo-Malayan Develop 15% Ist Divid 14 4.41 ***** Gopeng Consol 3 3/4% LT. 24% Int UT. Lent 5% L.T. 3q 4 Kuala Lumpur Is. a.C. 24 441 40% int. 7.4.41 10.441
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  • 310 8 530,782 Profit The annual general meeting of Haytor Rubber Estates Lta., wiil be heid at the registered office of the company, N.T.S. Building, Singapore on Saturday, April 5, at 12 noon. The net profit for the year, ended Dec 3’, 1940. amounts to $30.782.07 subject to directors’
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  • 73 8 Penang. March 31. 1941 (By Courtes-y of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York, Demana 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand > 156 Hongkong Demand 53 5 8 Shanghai Demand 12 1/8 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2
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  • 699 8 Substantial Increase In Profit: Improved Factory Facilities The fourteenth annual general meeting of the Wilkinson Process Rubber Company. Limited, was held at the office of the company. 96 Ampang Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday. March 27. at 12 noon. Present: Mr. J. B. Leask (chairman), Messrs. H.
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  • 224 8 TUESDAY APRIL 1. 1941 Postage Latest Tune of Destination Letters Postcards Superscription Posting at Penang per H oz each Ordinary Regn. AIK MAILS Tues Ist April AFRICA All destinations .55 .30 8 a.m. 7.30 EUROPE All destinations .55 .30 1.30 .65 Air to New York Despatched by
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  • 119 8 Yesterday s Close Previously TIN: LONDON S P ot £272 10. 0. “Forward" £269 5. 0 SINGAPORE S P o t” $138.87% *****5 Business done 100 tons 100 tons PENANG Spot «38 87*4 $134.75 RUBBER: LONDON “Spot” 14 ij 16d Forward” Nomine! T °ne Quiet SINGAPORE “SP 01
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 159 8 BANKS 'W JBBjjSkj 6 1 *xy i /Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals, f m^S^MIAIUS 8 Further particulars will be supplied on application. i n 111 111 II 111 j I
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  • 214 9 Remarking that Tan ifai Chai was either walking across the dam ar working on it when it collapsed and he fell into the fish pond and met Iris death. Mr. W. G. Porte I the Singapoie coioner, recorded a verdict of death by misadventure at
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  • 206 9 Satisfactory Financial Position K. Lumpur. Speaking at the annual general meeting of the Selangor Badminton Association on Sunday, Mr. Khoo Teik Ee (president) said that the incoming committee should bear in mind the desirability of having their own hall. Mr. Khoo also referred to the
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    • 2128 9 PENANG I ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (493 mJ Iwl 1 B I K W 5.30 Indian Programme. Tamil 5.55 Malay Programme. 6.05 News in Malay. I 6.20 8.8. C. News (Rebroadcast) Wry < XT ...r, 6.35 BBC. Talk (Rebroadcast) ■DA, Jl SHORTWAVE STATIONS 650 Chinese programme j 6.55 News in Hokkien
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  • 1366 10 MEDITERRANEAN FLEETS SPECTACULAR NAVAL SUCCESSES Probable Two More Enemy Warships Sunk London, March 31 An Admiralty communique states that it is possible that the 6inch gun cruiser, Giovanni delle Bande, and also one destroyer were sunk. One thousand Italian survivors were rescued. The Admiralty adds
    .—Reuter.  -  1,366 words
  • 124 10 —Reuter. Becoming Mere Tool Of Nazis? Washington, March 31 The American policy towards Unoccupied France may .be affected when the full official details are studied of the French use of gunfire to protect German war material traversing the Straits of Gibraltar. Hitherto the State
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 66 10 .—Reuter. Severely Damaged By Fire London. Farch 31. The famous Bath Club in Piccadilly severely' damaged by a fire which broke out in the gymnasium early today. All ten guests and fifteen of the staff were saved except one R.A.F. officer who was suffocated in a third
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 907 10 MEASURES ADOPTED BY SIMOVITCH GOVT. Belgrade, March 31 4 *A return to the line of policy agreed to by Yugoslavia at Vienna no longer seems possible for the Simovitch Government deciares a Budapest despatch to the Official German News Agency, it adds that political
    .—Reuter.  -  907 words
  • 258 10 —Reuter. Danish Ships Ln Port Taken Over New York. Mar. 31 Between 120 and 140 American vessels are soon to be transferred to the British registry from the United States coastaltrade routes, says the Journal of Commerce.” quoting authoritative sources in WashingtonThe United
    —Reuter.  -  258 words
  • 90 10 —Reuter. Big Advance Made In Aircraft Production Wellington, March 31. Development of military aviation has become one of the outstanding features of New Zealand’s war effort. A notable advance has been made in the manufacture of aircraft. The Directo-’ of Education service for the Air Force,
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 247 10 explosicns could clearly be heard. —Reuter. Powerful Raid Bv R.A.F. Bombers London, Mar. 31 Brest, where two enemy warships, the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau, are known to be sheltering, bore the main weight of the R.A.F. attack last night. The Air Ministry communique says that
    explosicns could clearly be heard.—Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 145 10 —Reuter. Heavy Bombardment Of Italian Positions Athens. March 31. Greek artillery have carried out successful bembardments of enemy troops and fortifications while a squadron of Greek bombers attacking the Italian rear hit an enemy supply and munitions depot. stated an official spokesman. In a bombing raid,
    —Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 85 10 Reuter. Arrival At Brenner Pass On Way To Rome Rome. Mar. 31 The Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr Matsuoka. reached the Brenner Pass on the journei from Berlin to the Italian capital. He was met at the Brenner station by the Japanese Ambassador to Italy and by the Italian
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 87 10 Reuter. Lnique Window Display In Shanghai Store Shanghai. March 31. A large British department store in Shanghai is treating local inhabitants tc a unique window display with large packing cases sharing honours with the latest dress materials just received direct from Britain. On each side of
    Reuter.  -  87 words
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    • 48 10 thebenune FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang Telephone No. 1604.
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  • 1688 11 FULL PARTICULARS OF NEW ORDER On and after April 16. 1941 ail purchasers of uncooked rice, {either white or parboiled) or padi will be required to register and are given one month until May 15, 1941 to do so. This applies only to the Municipality
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  • 119 11 -Reuter Candidates Third In Two Events London, March 29 Hk-. Majesty the King, who led a good example by encouraging other racehorse owners to keep the sport going despite reduced prizes and feeding difficulties, was unsuccessful in two attempts to win an early flat racing
    -Reuter  -  119 words
  • 71 11 Collision With Motor Cycle Taiping. A Tiuxh pedestrian was knocked down and sustained injuries in a collision with a motor-< ycle ridden by a Chinese on Sunday ai- Kota Road. As a .sequel, Soo Tecig the motorcyclist was charged before Raja Salim, the Taiping Magistrate, yesterday with
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  • 901 11 HANDICAPS FOR SECOND DAY HORSES—CIass 2—Division I—About 7 Furlongs 20 1 at,A NPA 4y 9.00 Mr. Alan Loke Major TL. Fox 04 0 THANKS 6y 813 "Bulan Stable’ Bowden 1 o 0 DEADLOCK 5y 8.11 Mr. C. U. Stafford Hobbs 10 0 RET .EASE 808 Mr
    901 words
  • 662 11 Sinnappan Scores Three Goals For Winners The Indian Recreation Club “B” proved too strong for the Marine Department Sports Club “B” in their Second Division league football match on the Dato Kramat Ground yesterday, the final result being Indians 5, Marines 2. The Indiass
    662 words
  • 143 11 At the funeral of Miss Iris HaderupJ wreaths were received from the follow-» ing: Mummy and Daddy, Mum, Uncle* Hector, Aunty Sirly and Cousin, Uncle Ted (Kuala Lumpur), Messrs. S. Sellappah and A. Selvaratnam, Lionel, Sybil and Anne, grand-uncle Ted, Uncle Gerald and
    143 words
  • 778 11 Triumph For British Arms I Singapore. On the adjournment of the Legislative Council yesterday, Capt. N. M. Hashim said: With the brilliant success of the ever victorious Imperial British arms in Africa and around the Mediterranean, the liberation of races and countries in
    778 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 76 11 Soaring higher and higher’ I > There must be a Reason why the local sales of “Mapro’s” canned products are steadily rising. Outstanding Merit is always recognised, and the Malayan public is not slow to recognise the unvarying quality of Malayan curries, jams, fruits and fruit juices canned by the
      76 words

  • 318 12 Gallops Trumpeter did a full five, finishing Strongly and is one to back over the 3*even Hot Flash finished strongly to beat Clued Voor at the end of a fast four. Mot Flash looks a ceitain winner. Duke Carrington had fast work over •three,
    318 words
  • 77 12 Mrs. K. Ackrill Wins Play-Off Of Tie Tn the play-off of the tie for the Indies Medal (March) Mrs. R. Ackrill won with a score of 46 less 14 32 against Mrs. D. P White with 51 less IB =33. The Mixed Foursomes competition foi April
    77 words
  • 43 12 Anib’di G«>lf Meeting Tomorrow All members interested in Golf are reminded of the Annual ’Golf Meeting to be held at the Glugor Clubhouse on Wednesday April 2, at 7 p.m for electing a Captain and a Committee for the year.
    43 words
  • 152 12 Clerk Bound Over Pleading guilty to a charge of committing criminal breach of trust in respect of $5OO cash while being employed as a clerk to V. Varusamy Rowther on Jan. 8, an Indian Moliamcdan, Seeni Hussain bin Mohamed Kata, was convicted by Mr H.
    152 words
  • 289 12 NEW PREMIER'S BROADCAST TO NATION Belgrade, April 1. GENERAL SIMOVITCH, the Yugoslav Prime Minister, has issued an Order of the Day which was broadcast to the nation yesterday. The manifesto dec hired “The interests of the country' and the nation demand that the
    —Reuter  -  289 words
  • 31 12 The War Tax Additional Duties) pili. the War Savings Certificate (Amendment) Bill and the inquiry Commissions Bill were read a first time in the Legislative Council yesterday.
    31 words
  • 130 12 TWO-DAY MEETING- ON APRIL 30 ANO MAY 3 The Selangor Turf Club Spring two-da y meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 30 and Saturday. Max 3—that is after the Singapore Spring Meeting and just before th*-three-day meeting in Penang. There will be tv-o runs for Class
    130 words
  • 177 12 Charity Performance At Fun Frolic At the Fun Frolic Amusement Park last night a variety performance in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund was staged by the Yue Lok Party The hail was packed to capacity and the programme, which consisted of several musical items, was ably presented. Chief
    177 words
  • 50 12 TUESDAY. APRIL 1. tin. Penang $133 25 Business done 100 tons Singapore $133.25 RUBBER: Penang 33 Sc Singapore Sjot 38'.c COPRA: Sundried $2.95 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA Mcdivut $7.80 sellers Fair Seed $3 30 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled N). 1 $9 52 Rangoon Parboiled No 2 $9lO
    50 words
  • 434 12 Alexandria, April I. HOU' Italian warships in the lonian Sea battle were led into a trap is n<rw revealed. The cruiser “Orion” (a sister ship of the “Achilles” and “Ajax” of Graf Spec fame) contacted enemy ships and lured them towards the British
    est naval victory of the war —Rewter.  -  434 words
  • 480 12 Centuries By McNamara And Lal! Singh 4 FAST century on the padang by F. K. McNamara against the T.P.C.A. “B.” and resolute batting and good bowling by the Victoria Institution against a team captained by WyattSmith. were the chief features of week-end cricket matches in Kuala Lumpur.
    480 words
  • 97 12 —Reuter. London, March 31. I ON DON had no air raid waming tonight (Monday). This is the eleventh, quiet night running. though over and around Britain tonight again there was slight activity and mainly off the North-East Coast. Raiders were reiiorted over several other areas,
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 73 12 With effect from Marcn 22 the maximum price for Kedah No 1 White and Parboiled Rice has been fixed as follows: A. Ex-Mill $7 per bag of 168 katies. B. Districts of Kubang Pasu, Padang Terap. Kota Star, Yen and Kuala Muda 26 cents, per
    73 words
  • 117 12 Charity Show At Fun And Frolic There was a good crowd at the Fun and Frolic Amusement Park last night, when a charity show was held in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of China’s
    117 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 629 12 (Head Office) 218 Penarx Road. Penam Phone 1477 1478 with extension Tekgrams: 'Gaiette'’ P“DanR Rate» at Subscription lor Pinang GaaetH and Sunday Gazette P.TNANG GAZETTS Local 3.5.& Delivery F.MS Foreisrz Monthly $2.50 13.00 »4.00 I Quarterly 7.50 12 00 Half-Yearly 15 00 ig.oc 3400 Yearly 30.00 36.00 48 00
      629 words