Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 March 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 502 1 Anti-Axis Riots In Belgrade MINISTERS LEAVE FOR VIENNA Difficulty In Finding Drivers For 1 rain Berlin, March 25. JHE Y ugoslav Prime Minister, M. 1 svetkovitch, ai?-d Foreigp Minister, M. Cincarmarkovitch, left Belgrade for Germany accompanied by Herr Von Herren. German Minister, according to a
    —Reuter.  -  502 words
  • 147 1 u—Beuter Washington, March 25/’AN AD A and the United Stat*-s V are b» build Army and Navy vessels in ship-building yards on th*' Great Lakes. The conclusion of an agreement on this point now announced by the United States Administration, is
    u—Beuter  -  147 words
  • 75 1 —Reuter. London, March 25. T' e was little enemy sm? activity yesterday afternoon tn South-West England and South Wales. Shortly before dawn several bombs were dropped on South-East Kent. According to an Air Ministry communique, damage was small and casualties were few. One enemy
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 427 1 FIGHTING 3 MILES FROM KEREN —Reuter Cairo, March 25. n CUTER'S Special corrcsponL«- dent with the South African forces in Abyssinia reveals that after a strenuous battle, British Imperial forces striking west from JtgJi(/d, have broken through mountains forming one of
    —Reuter  -  427 words
  • 359 1 ASSURANCES OFFICIALLY RENEWED Ankara, March 25. npHE Soviet Government has informed the Turkish Govern1 ment that should Turkey be the object of aggression and be led to go to war for defence of her territory, Turkey may count on entire Soviet
    .—Reuter.  -  359 words
  • 155 1 —Reuter Gen. Cavailero Replaced AA/ten-x, March 25. RTILLERY activity was lively <w both sides in Albania yesterday Several enemy batteries were silenced, says a Greek Press Ministry statement broadcast by the Athens radio last night. “In the region of Aoos river in the central sector,
    —Reuter  -  155 words
  • 90 1 .—Reuter. Appropriation Bill Passed In Half An Hour Washington, March 25. Shattering all records for passage of legislation, the United States Senate has passed the Bill authorising the appropriation of $7,000,000,000 to implement the Lease ard Lend Act for aiding the Democracies. After only half an hour's
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 295 1 CHINESE INTEREST IN TRIP •-—Reuter Berlin, March 25. Mr. Matsuoka left Moscow for Berlin at 11.15 p.m. local time. According to a Chungking message, Chinese circles are, following closely the activities of Mr Matsuoka in Moscow and Berlin, aithiiijgh apparently very little definite information is
    •-—Reuter  -  295 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 COW GATE I for North Malaya 4 Penang:— DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh.
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    • 267 1 fed on COW GATE i Agents for North Malaya Jk GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY UTD, Penang and Ipoh. SCIENCE WINS It is a well established fact that millions of dollars are expended annually in repairing the damage done by Termites or White Ants as they are commonly called. In a recent press
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  • 380 2 Nairobi, March 24. whole of British Somaliland is now under British control and the toad from Bergera to Hargeisa is now open. This announcement is made in today’s communique here which also announces further successes in Abyssinia. Reuter. British forward tiopos attacked
    ■.— Reuter.  -  380 words
  • 169 2 r.— Reuter. London, March 24The “Yorkshire Post' military correspondent tabulates the British successes and assets in facing the spring campaign. (1) Complete recovery after the enemy's Franco-Belgian success. (t) The defeat of the German Air Force and invasion plan* of 191fO. (St
    r.—Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 77 2 .—Reuter Berlin. March 24 Mr Matsuoka accompanied by the Japanese Ambassador. Mr Tatekawa, today visited M. Molotov m the Kremlin, says a Moscow telegram to the official German news agency. Despite contrary reports. adds the despatch. Sir Stafford Cripps did not visit Mr. Matsuoka.—Reuter. TOKYO REPORT
    .—Reuter  -  77 words
  • 230 2 —BOW. Another Squadron Formed In Britain Rugby, March 24. At dawn today, yet another Polish squadron took the air ready to defend Britain as part of the great and ev< r growing organisation of the Fighter Command of the RA F Its name wifi be Vilna. It is
    —BOW.  -  230 words
  • 34 2 Reuter. Three Enemy Bombers Destroyed Malta. March 24. At least three enemy bombers were destroyed and others damaged in raids on Malta during the week-end. Two enemy losses are confirmed Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 48 2 —Reuter. Rome. Mar. 24 Because of the war. the Pope will not celebrate the Pontifical High Mass in St Peter s Cathedral this Easter. It is mought possible that the Pope will give benediction urbi et orbi from an outside balcony.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 50 2 .—Reuter. Simultaneous Siniemenl Expected Ankara, March 24. The Turkish Government has handed the Soviet Government a note through the Turkish Ambassador in Mom’ow, giving samilar assurances to those recently given by Russia to Turkey, ft is passible that the notes will be publisiied in both capitals siinult aneously.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 368 2 —BOW. HOW THEY CAIN BE DEFEATED Rugby, March 24 With the grim battle of the Atlantic opened in earnest and the German battle-cruisers, Gneisenau and Scharnhorst. at large the British press is taking stock of the methods by which German defeat in her barbarous conduct of sea
    —BOW.  -  368 words
  • 79 2 —Reuter I o Be Entertained By Viceroy At Delhi New Delhi, March 24 The unofficial Chmesc goodwill military mission led by General Shang Chen have arrived During their stay extending to Thursday, they will be entertained by the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief They are leaving on Thursday
    .-—Reuter  -  79 words
  • 59 2 Reuter London, March 24 On the Stock Exchange, gilt-edged and also Indian bonds are strong on reinvestment demand arising from todays Indian loan redemption payments. Home rails also met with investment demand but other sections were overshadowed by the Yugoslav uncertainties which offset the early firmness. Among industrials.
    . Reuter  -  59 words
  • 237 2 aiiu —Reuter. London, March 24. of the. R.A.F. Bomber Command made successful raids last night upon Berlm, Kiel and Hanover while the weather upset for the second night in succession the continuation of the German blitz on British ports. It is learned that ten thousand incendiary
    » aiiu – —Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 875 2 Cdiro, March 24 British Minister Belgrade has addressed a note to the n Yugoslav (i The contents are not disclosed. Tin note is m the nature of a 'last moment appeal and warning. It states the British attitude once again and appeals to
    .—Reuter.  -  875 words
  • 313 2 —8.0. W. Successful Raid On Berat Aerodrome Athens. March 24. R.A.F numbers raided Berat aerodrow» I yesterday with good results, today’s communique from British Headquarter reports. Two grounded aircraft burst into flames and others were (•rtainh damaged. dashes with enemy fighters an recorded. The first, when
    —8.0. W.  -  313 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 No other Pen on earth Offers These RevolutionartX Parker Advancements S-' v #39 Vacumatlc Pena gy marked with the Blue Diamond on V the Arrow Chp are I Guaranteed for Life "Lubricated" Osmiridium Tipped Point i When you try tins fabulously resilient, I precisian ground, exhaustively tested 14K j GfEfy
      262 words

  • 269 3 ‘Curly Risked Fire To Save Her London. riot RTEEN hours after her home I i(1 a South Coast town Juul been limbed. 12-year-old Peggj Byng was brought out almost unharmed from the cellar in which she had been trappl by piles of debris. •T,> the accompaniment
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  • 145 3 London. /"’ELIA SELENER and Edith ThompV* sor two young servants at Westminster Hospital. were nervous the other day. They had to meet the chairman. Lord Wigram md shake hands —“with matron -.nd everybody looking on.” Recently the hospital was hit during raid High explosives and
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  • 476 3 Men. Munitions And Material The last great war was fought on many- fronts, the NEW ELEMENT IN THIS W YR IS THAT IT IS BEING FOUGHT —ON THE BRITISH SIDE. FROM A NUMBER OF MAJOR BASES. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SOURCES
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  • 671 3 Hi britannicus Pl BLK opinion in Europe, is waking up after being dazed by the swift triumph of German force between the invasion of Norway and the coflapse of France. And it w akes to the voice of Britain Sin. rh- victory of the RA F
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  • 926 3  -  By Maurice Webb A VIOLENT storm has broken over my head. My recent article, “Are there any good Germans?” has led to the outbreak of tierce hostilities. I am assailed because of the pioposition I put forward that we should blackout the “unworthy, inaccurate and highly dangerous
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  • 1072 3 BF STRATEGTCUS'’ IN an account of the first year of the war. I pointed out that the development of the struggle must be governed by the circumstances in which it began. Nothing but sheer miracle could prevent the Germans, who had for years been
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 552 4 FATHER'S STATEMENT AT MURDER INQUIRY Singapore. THE story of how. peeping through the curtain of a back room, she saw her lover in a struggle with another man, her lover eventually emerging covered with blood, was related by a Malay girl,
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  • 83 4 Two American surgeons in New. York claim that in nearly every case they can eliminate, with newly discovered methods, deformities resulting from broken bones. The surgeons Dr. Waltei Stuck and Dr. Charles Venables, forecast that n.ilitaiy surgeons would use the new technioue extensively for
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  • 97 4 Si: John Auld Mactaggart, Fait. 73 year-old Scottish millionaire and philanthropist, uttered only one word in London court when he admitted selling securities valued at £8.300 in Ne v Y<-rk without the Treasury’s permission. That was to say “pounds" when he thought his counsel had said
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 Scxteen-year-oUi twins Joyce and. Mary Hadfield were bombed out of their jobs in Dover. To-day you see carrying on. They are working in a Lancashire cotton ntul nud are happy in their new job.
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  • 176 4 ARRESTS BY X.l. SECRET POLICE Batavia. Poking as refugees from occupied Holland. two Dutch spies hav been arrest d by the Netherlands Indies secret police. One of them was taken aboard the ship in which he was travelling at Macassar. Investigations into the other case have
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  • 134 4 MR. L. I). <;AAFMANS A former M.C.S. officer Mr. L.D. Gammans, who is at present working for the Ministry oi Information, has been selected as Conservative candidate for Hornsey in the forthcoming b>-election, according to the Straits Times Lindon correspondent. The by-election has been caused by
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  • 194 4 I sell Roily To Shield His (xtmrade An A.I.F warrant-officer, fatally wounded, used his body to shield an Australian Bren gunner in the Libyan campaign. His action is described in a letter from Lieutenant Bill Bates, of Mosman, to his fiancee. Miss Nancy Watson, of
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  • 166 4 Trespass Charge Muar. I was invited to the house by Timah. when I was going to my relation’s house that evening. Otherwise I would have not have been there.” said Othman bin Dalip, a Malay youth, when he was produced before Inche Abdullah bin Ahamad and charged
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  • 1199 4 Viost Majestic And (k)herent Trade Union FAREWELL TO MR. C. S. VENKATACHAR Kuala Lumpur. “qpHE Indian Civil Service is the world’s most majestic and 1 coherent trade union.'* The above quotation was math by Mr. C. S. Venkatachar. Agent of the Government of India for Malaya,
    1,199 words
  • 184 4 Evidence in Kniic Assault Case Muar Convicted on a charge of having caused hurt to a compatriot named Nazir Khan an elderly Punjabi giving his name as Hat Suleiman was fined $5O. or, in default, sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment, by Inche Abdul Hamic
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    • 44 4 All in a Day's Work— —by Rick L Z vmpcc note: «5 I /OH rao, A I I A/t" f DiRTV. I I SiR I i I HOPE Vbo'REl V Z x I AC X i’^T'7)k 0^“ oeBS T Fiw,^—fl xp&y i Ji v
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  • 71 5 Ipoh. A Tamil woman, Rajamah, trial before Mr. S. Angus in e First Magistrate’s Court yesterday, a charge of voluntarily causing gri ous hurt to another woman, Chmammah at Hale Street about 430 P m o March 22. The accused stated that they grappling with
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  • 251 5 Mail Train Delayed Two Hours Kuala Kangsar The Penang-Kuala Lumpur express was delayed for nearly two hours as the result of the line being blocked at Kuala Kaßgsar by a minor derailment A goods wagon attached to a goods train went off the rails yesterday morning.
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  • 428 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. A E. Mullaly. of Seremban. wife of Mr A E. Mullaly, Negri Sembilan State Councillor, has gone to Australia on a holiday. J Mr G. Hernot, manager of Reading and Golden Hope Estates, has arrived back from long leave, spent in Australia, and resumed duty. The annual
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  • 554 5 (.anloiiese IT omon Dies In Motor Accident Juagnten: was reserved till April 7 by Mr. H A. Forrer in the District Court yesterday at the conclusion of the case in which Zamurrad Khan, a Mohamedan Punjabi private, stood his trial on a charge of
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  • 215 5 The death occurred of Mrs. Tan Peng Mooi at her residence in Bukit Mertajam on Saturday March 22 after a prolonged illness. The deceased leaves her husband and two children. The funeral took place yesterday when the remains were taken to Kubang Semang for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 427 5 T) T} 'W’ SHOWS TODAY JTv I v .zv. 0 6/s y °p-"«-wi—K*n»«ta w Ofl i tellta Ti For M lti uw PrTforaaOM(l TOVIX HOWL WITH LAUGHTER IT THIS IHXJBIOIisI.Y FI NNY DELiIGHTFULLV romantic comedo JF/x AWk CHARLIE RUGGLES Ac ,,b 0«A MUNSON "SLAPSIE” A NEW UNIVERSAL PICTURE Ol ENS
      427 words
    • 182 5 THREE SHOWS TO-DAY ONLY BROUGHT BAOK BY POPULAR REQUEST! THE GAYEST, SWINGIEST HIT OF THE YEAR' f /?0G DOWH TO R/pT jfl jjF Nights of romance and Doie of deffmess with Brazilian OK nots singing Senoritas! Y» TH! RITZ BROTHERS fcgk I) fe the ANDREWS SISTERS wrjy Constance Moore George
      182 words
    • 167 5 Al TETKPQ TO-DAY 3 SHOWS yUEEII at 3 P.M., 6.15, 9.30 THE MOST CLAMOUROUS HOT A NIGHT AT EARL LCARROLLS WSR Featunns !he *ost Baautitu; Girls m the World' Lavish! Luscious! Rhythmic! PARAMOUNT’S RIOT OF ROSLANCE AND RHYTHM WITH THE WORLD’S MOST BEAUTIFUL GALS! Hear 4 Sparkling Song Hits! OPENS
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  • 431 6 r |NE question which we in Malaya, as part of the British Empire, should with advantage ask ourselves continually is: How can the Colonies help more in the struggle? Thousands of men have enlisted in the armed forces but that is a relatively part of the
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  • 90 6 DEX CINEMA: Charles Ruggles in 'His Exciting Night.” 3.30. 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN'S CINEMA: “A Night at Earl Carroll’s with Ken Murray. 3. 6 15 and 9.30 p m ODEON CINEMA: "Argentine Nights. 3. 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: ‘Safari” with Douglas Fairbanks Jr.,
    90 words
  • 333 6 ur Miracles TY EADI NG th ri >ugh the a< Id resses from the pulpit delivered on National Prayer Day, one cannot but agree dial there is certainly a great deal to be thankful for. lam not much of a believer in miracles but intercession in the
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  • 831 6 Tuesday, March 25. LIBRE'S American hustle at its best. Shattering all records for passage of legislation, the U.S. Senate has now passed the Bill authorising the appropriation of $7,000,000,000 to implement the Lease and Lend Act for helping the Democracies. The Bill was passed,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 337 6 ■WKi. Mo Hong Soap Makes Washing a Pleasure by its Sweet Lemon Flavour and Saves Time Labour and Money. After continuous scrubbing and boiling you still find your clothes and linen depressing dull and dirty, then something must be wrong. Correct this defect by using HO HONG PALM TREE WASHING
      337 words
    • 38 6 irßiaeEuusii» "BULLFINCH" BUTTER The Brand well-known throughout the whole of Malaya for itr Excellence and P'urity. THE BUTTER FOB EVERYBODY Obtainable at all the leading Provision Stores Bole Agents Henry Waugh Ca., Ltd PENANG, 3 B tt ÜBRKBBBBBBBBBB
      38 words

  • 151 7 SVrr-| communique was issued by the Seer, tamai Saturday wM regard ;o prospecting, •ded to r '<‘'"-‘l' "'r" U elt <-’rated Malay States has dec ded to M ,s, .ts policy i„ regard to the prospecting and alienatian or land tor >.”ii<
    151 words
  • 133 7 TAKING UP APPOINTMENT OF ACTING LEGAL ADVISER OH. TRrA OR D. HUGHES, Crown Counsel, Penang, will be leaving Penang for Tohore on Sunday to take over the appointment of acting Legal Adviser, Johore, in place of Mr. R. Moor who is going on
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  • 474 7 Butterwa+th Yesuirday afternoon's evidence before Mr. li. C. Hoffman, the Police Magistrate, at the preliminary inquiry into a charge of attempting to commit the murder by poisoning of Samuel Isaac. on January fl, against Munasamy, an estate tindal, consisted of medo-aJ evidence. Dr. A. Jackson, semoi
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  • 223 7 Emergency Steps Discussed Singapore. During an emergency, overseas Chinese who wish to return to China should be given all facilities to do so, states a communique addressed to all Chinese Consulates by the Foreign Office in Chungking. On receipt of this communique, a
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  • 353 7 CHUNGKING OFFICIAL DISCUSSES DISPERSAL OF COMMUNIST ARMY Measure To Ensure Strict Discipline J£Ml'H ATICALLY denying th a t there was any truth in the u rumour of the threat of civil war in China following Government action in the disbandment of one of
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    • 155 7 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette') Sir, Permit me, through the medium of your columns, to draw the attention of the Country Police to bird trapping which goes on in upper Kelawei Road near the Pulau Tikus cemetery. For some time 1 have noticed
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    • 126 7 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette”) Sir, 1 am surprised that Mi. F. Ismail denies that he was not captaining the team. When I wanted to send Ismail out of the field for making an objectionable remark, 1 asked him who was the. captain, and he
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  • 102 7 Wardens To Hold Discussions The recent ‘black-ouf practice will be i discuss* d at meetings to be held as follows: I Tomorrow: Magazine Group i Staff and Senior Wardens 6 p.m. Group Centre. Thursday 27 Hutton Lane Group Staff and Seriibr Wordens 6 p.m. Group Centre. Monday
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  • 63 7 LJnlr Damage Caused Taiping. The Taiping Fire Brigade was called out at 12.30 aan. on Sunday night to attend to an outbreak of fire at a ricestore in front of the Post Office in Barrack Road. The firemen quickly put out the fire which had
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  • 131 7 §5 And $1 Denominations Not To Be Issued Yet The first release of the new issue of Malayan currency notes has now been made. The notes released are of SlO denomination only. The Financial Secretary, S.S., who is chairman of the Board of Commissioners of
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  • 30 7 No Change For April The Competent Authori= ty for Gil. Fuel and Lubri= cants. Malaya. advises that the basic petrol ration for April will be unciiang ed.
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  • 89 7 Two members of the Local Defence Corps, E. Schoen, violinist. and 11. Haekmeyer, pianist, of the Selangor Club orchestra have composed the “March of the L.D.C.” which was played for the first time at the Selangor Club 1 on Saturday evening. It was well received. The
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  • 123 7 Chinese Charity Effort Local Chinese organisations and associations are making elaborate prepalations fo’ the coming Chinese chai'ity fair to t»e held at the New World Amusement Park and the Fun and Frolic Amusemem Park in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund. The fair at
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  • 83 7 Public Relations Officer Here Mr. G. E. D. Dewis, Public Relations Officer of the War Tax Department is in Penang for a few days. Members of the public who would like to discuss their liability to War Tax in confidence are invited to call on him at the
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  • 42 7 CHAIRMAN OF TAKUAPA VALLEY TIN News has been received in Penang by cable from Sydney of the death of Mr. G H Blakemore on Saturday, March 22. The deceased was Chairman of Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging Co.
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  • 22 7 A meeting of the Kent Restriction Board will be held in the Supreme Court on Friday at 10.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 OMEGA WATERPROOF i b' < I i f z” ,v -t—jaHMF-... ‘-'ly- V.'«f < -MIL-’ EXACT TIME FOR LIFE BJVDISJLVAE 1 (INCORPORATED IN CEYLON) SINGAPORE PENANG IPOH Another British Triumph II mt nJ... 7 V X Mil) S' 'IA- i V i** I i 'Nik v. /1&/X /C I V
      135 words

  • 126 8 After providing for depreciation of UMiildings and machinery, profit for the Year to June 30. 1940, was £14,080 (£361) interim dividends of 2 per cent, and 4 per cent, for the year paid on August 5 November 15, 1940, respectively, abgross, £6.677 (nil); for taxation, £5,000
    126 words
    • 445 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penan}» and Ipoh sections) at noon 25th March, 1941 Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/1} 3/71 5/0 Austral Amal 6/9 7/oex £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 18/0 19/0c $1 Ayer Weng 82} .871 £1 Baugrm Tin 12/0 13/0 $1
      445 words
    • 228 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1124 1174 Alor bajah .774 821 Amal. Malay 165 1.75 Ayer Hitam 85 .90 Ayer Molek 1.074 1.12} Ayer Panas 1.05 I.loc Bassett .42 45 Batu Lintang 1.05 1.08 Bedford 82} .875 Benta 974 1.02} Borelli 1.32} 1.40 Broga 58 61 Brunei United .50 55
      228 words
    • 341 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A£l Austral N.Z. Ord 22/0 23/0 $2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.87} 1.92 j $2 Alex Brick 7}% Pref. 2.10 2.15 $5 B. M. T, 7.50 7.75 £5 Chartered Bank £B} £9 £1 Con. T. 8. Ord 16/6 17/0 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref. 19/9 20/6
      341 words
    • 223 8 MINING Dividend Books Close Payable Austral Amal. 3d. IjcL Bonus 15.3.4) 28 341 Ayer Hitam Tin 10% Int. L.T. 19.3.41 4.4.41 Burma Malay 6d. 20.3.41 27 341 Gopeng Consol 3 3/4% L.T. 7441 Idris 2J% Int. L.T. 8441 Kent 5% L.T. 30 4 41 Kinta Tin
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  • 365 8 I Increased Revenue And Dividend The thirteenth ordmary general meeting of Pangnga River Tin Concessions, Ltd., was held at 55-61 Moorgate, EC., Sir Archibald Mitchelson. Bt. (the chairman), presiding. Tlie Chairman said: Gentlemen, you vill have received a copy of the report and accounts of Kamunting
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  • 187 8 »220.000 Offer For Estate An offer of $220,000 from the Johore Government for the Majedie Estate has been tentativeip accepted by the board of Majedie (Johore» Rubber Estates, and a meeting is to be held so that shareholders may confirm the acceptance. As tlie Majedie property is a
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  • 128 8 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce ItublxT Association 1530th Auction, 19th March. 1941 lbs. tons. Catalogued 2.454.686 1.095.84 Offered 2,234.184 997.40 Sold 1,691,396 755.09 London—Spot 14 l/Bd. New York—Spot 21 7/8 cts. PRICES REALISED RIBBED SMOKED SHEET cents per lb. Standard Quality 38 3/B—3B 5/8 Good Average Quality
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  • 48 8 Net profit for year to June 30, £9.839 (£5,486); to reserve for taxation. £1.548 (£4.216); reserve for depreciation of investments. £2,361 (nil); dividend 11 per cent., less tax (21 per cent.); forward, £5.482 (£5.590). Meeting. 4 London wall buildings, E.C. 2, December 11, at noon
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  • 889 8 Increased Investments In S.S. War Loan The eighteenth annual general meeting of Lesong Tujoh Rubber Estates, Limited was held at the offices of the company, 23 Beach Street, Penang. on Thursday March 20. 1941, at 11 a.m. Present; Mr J. G. Brown (chairman), Mr. G Martin
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  • 70 8 Penang March 24 1941 'By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING London Demand 2/4 3/32 New York, Demand 47.16 Montreal Demand 51.91 Batavia Demand 88.82 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 156 Hongkong Demand 53 5 8 Shanghai Demand 12 1/8 Japan Demand 193 1/2 New Zealand Demand 2/10 7/8
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  • 42 8 The Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., Penang, has received the following advice from their London office:—“Board declared second interim dividend 1940 on all shares 6% less tax. At. general Meeting Board will not recommend any further dividend 1940
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  • 119 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON “Spot” £272 5. 0. “Forward” £270. 0. 0 SINGAPORE “Spot” $134.75 $135.00 Business done 25 tons 50 tons PENANG “Spot” $134 75 $135.00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 14 i|2d. “Forward” 14 i|2d Tone Steady SINGAPORE “Spot” 38 518 c 38 3|4c PENANG “Spot” 38
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 BANKS OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developments, no business j concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed i banking institution with years of financial experience. -> j The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., (Incorporated
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  • 904 9  -  PROBLEMS OF CONDUCT "Babe*, in the Darkling Wood.” By H. G. Wells. (Seeker and War- burg. 9s. *<i. net.) “Strangers and Brothers.” By C. P. Snow. (Fhber and Faber. Bs. 6d. net.) “Whiteoak Heritage.” By Maio de la Roche. <Macmillan. 7s. Gd. net.) “GoMcross.” By Eden Phillpotts. (Methuen.
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  • 208 9 TUESDAY, MARCH 25. 1941. Postage Latest Time of Destination Letters Posstcards Superscription Posting at Penang per’/2 oz. each. Ordinary Regn. AIR MAILS Tues. 25th inst. Ipoh, K. Lumpur Weames Air Singapore -10 05 Sei vices 130 p.m. 1 p.m. AFRICA All destinations 55 .30 8 a.m. 7.30 a.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2173 9 SB «'lt PENANG 1 rSfl Kill MH ZHJ 6.08 mc/s «493 mJ Sdw 1 B f p.m. y y W 5.30 Indian Programme. 5.40 News in Tamil 5.55 Malay Programme. 6.05 News in Malay. I 6.30 8.8. C. News tßcoroaaeastj TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS S B. B. C. broadcasting <*“«« 7.35
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 555 9 10 50 Orchestral Half Hour- the BB.C Orchestra, conducted bv Sir Adnan Boult. 1120 News bulletin. 11.35 Questions of the Hour. 11.50 Close Down. BOMBAY VUB2 7.24 mc/s <4144 mA VUB2 9.55 me’s (31.4 m.> VUB2 4.83 mc/s <61.48 mA VUB2 3.36 mc/.< (8915 m. <9.50 a.m. 12.20 p.m.; 2.20
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  • 295 10 Enemy Naval Bases Also Attacked London, March 24 It is learned authoritatively in London that last night's raid on the German capital—the thirty-eighth of the war—was substantial but not particularly heavy.’' The naval base of Kiel and Germany's principal railway junction and distribution centre, Hano-er,
    —Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 109 10 8.0. W. Inauguration In Edinburgh Rugby. March 22. The inauguration in Edinburgh on Saturday of a Polish School of Medicine will give facilities to men nowserving in the Polish forces in Britain, to complete studies interrupted by war The University Principal, Sir Thomas i Holland, who
    8.0. W.  -  109 words
  • 89 10 Reuter. Mills Running At Full Capacity New York. March n t The united States steel Corporation is producing a much greater amount, <>f for aims production than during tl world war running its mills it 9 ra t equalling about 99 per cent of the theor/tical
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 71 10 Dr. Chaim Heizmann, President of the World Zionist organisation, has arrived in New York “to discuss his share” in Britain’s war effort with American scientists, says a Reuter’s message from New York. Dr. Weizmann declined to make any further statement on his activities in
    71 words
  • 442 10 —Reuter. Question Of U.S. Action PRESENCE OF BATTLESHIPS New York. March 24 Reports of German battleships raiding r in the Atlantic have somewhat over- shadowed the Balkan situation, newspaper commentators remarking that the Atlantic is a dansrer spot as urgent if not more so.
    .—Reuter.  -  442 words
    Reuter.  -  607 words
  • 240 10 —Reuter. Experts Report On Findings Wellington. March 24. A.- a result of th-- delegation of New Zealand representatives to the Eastern group conference at New Delhi, a specially .-elected group of British technicians have examined the industrial possibilities ot New Zealand with a view to
    —Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 382 10 8.0. W I npleasant Experience Of R.A.F. Pilot London. March 22. A British pilot attached to an R.A.F. night Fighter Squadron thinks he has earned the Iron Cross, says an Air Ministry News Service. He knows just how it feels to he a German pilot
    8.0. W  -  382 words
  • 149 10 —Reuter. SWATOW ALSO OCCUPIED Tokyo, March 24. A strong Japanese detachment a surprise landing at dawn today east of Bias Bay. the notorious pirates lair in Kwangtung Province states a communique issued by the High Coni mand of the Japanese Expeditionary force. The landing was
    —Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 108 10 .—Reuter. Incident At Dinner On Night Before Tragedy Nairobi March 24 In the resumed inquiry mtq the death of Lord Errol, evidence is given of a-after-lunch scene in which Sir DelveBroughton is alleged to have burst n o tears after *aying how upset he wa. about Lord Errol’*
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 105 10 —Reuter. London Mat ch 2< Empire countries can assLt the war eft or: by saving their dollar.' fcr munitions. emphasised Lore. Stamp the v.eii-kncwn economist, in. a speed today. Many, he said were no forced to introduce food rationing as ir. England and it should make
    .—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 525 10 Action Of Washington Condemned By New York Press New York, March 24 The despatch of American foodships to Unoccupied France is condemned in an outspoken article today in the “New York Daily Mirror.” It writes:—“Washington thought, and forced London to agree, that the sending of
    —Reuter.  -  525 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars 'regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 64*> PENANG. BURNS PHILP 3 1 LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight. Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 863 11 Govt. Grants Concessions To Jockey Club rjAHE conferences between the Stewards of the Jockey Oub and the Government havc had a most satisfactory result. There is to be racing every w eek during the first half of the season. Ire the
    863 words
  • 95 11 Reuter. 'I vi o Miles Ln <{ Mins. 51 1/10 Secs. Loudon. March 24 t ;y Rice, whose brilliance was a jeat American indoor athletics durir' winter, ran two miles m 3 minute 51 1/10 seconds at Chicago duijn;. week-end, beating his own world
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 89 11 G. Richards To Ride yirartier-JWaitre London. March 24 The following are the probable starters for the Lincolnshirt to be run on March 26 QUARTIER-MAITRE G. Richards BOLD NICK Carey TIME STEP Lane RTr>LEY J. Taylor LION TAMER Harry Wragg RUE DE LA PAIN S. Wragg MICKIE BULGER P
    89 words
  • 207 11 i.—Reutei London, March 24. Shorn cf :he usual peacetime glamjour and bound by restrictions thiough •wartime conditions, the fiat racing I season begins with the Lincolnshire Handle o at Lincoln on Wednesday. Despite the anti-sport element which has been lespensible for the cancellai '.ion of
    i.—Reutei  -  207 words
  • 599 11 Full Points For Fortress Malays: Second Teams Of Marines C.R.C. Share Spoils Fht Fortress Malays scored a comfortable victory by four goals to two over, the Malay Coronation oungsters in an interesting Second Division soccer match on the Dato Kramat Ground yesterday. The winners showed better opportunism
    599 words
  • 254 11 Foong Seong B.P. Beat Kampar A.C.S. Kampar. 7m Foong Seong Badminton Party beat Kampar A.C.S. by 8 games to nil in tncndly over the week-end. The results (Foong Seong players mentioned first) SINGLES G C. Hee beat Lee Yee Meng 15 —2 15--1. A l. Wahab beat Oh Kay
    254 words
  • 31 11 This month’s Play-reading evening will be held at 9.00 pan. tomorrow at Mrs. Himeley’s bouse 20A, Ayer Rajah Road. The play chosen is "Hay Fever’ by Moel Coward.
    31 words
  • 147 11 Perak Volunteers Beat Punjab Rejnment At Hockey Ipoh. Lieut. Dabra. once star centre-forward of th«• Hockey XI which overwhelmed al! opposition a. the 1., figured in a hockey game on the I» da when he turned out as centre-forward for a F unjab
    147 words
  • 193 11 Mayfield Beat Morning Dew In a friendly return badminton match played on Saturday and Sunday last at the Morning Dew court, the Mayfield BP. defeated the Morning Dew BP. by 7 games The following are the results (Mayfield players mentioned first? SINGLES Miss Lun Keat Em' lost to Miss
    193 words
  • 1212 11 Application To Protect Interests Oi Infant Beneficiary Proof of the will in solemn form of the late Lee Theam Siew, a wealthy Penang and Pro- vince Wellesley Chinese who di?d in Penang on February 5 was sought in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice
    1,212 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 1 End up your I JSridg? or <; > Jong with a satisfying J I“Mapi o’s* J Malayan Mackerels They go w ®!L'X!5! l vv b Svra I the light curry gravy give j the right touch of Mamy < relish. Canned for Ma nning the Malayan Products Canning Co.,
      51 words
    • 43 11 vXpex v COLD soon tanimef: ii-iiiiiiii New Springtide Hotel PHONE No. CO TANJONG BUNGAH PENANG. THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR COME AND SPEND AN EVENING HERE
      43 words

  • 798 12 ARMY AND CEYLON SPORTS CLUB DRAW CRICKET is now in full swing in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and interesting matches between clubs were played over the week-end. Service teams also participating in some games. Below some of the more important fixtures are reviewed In Singapore
    798 words
  • 488 12 Big Formations Sent Over, Heavy Losses Inflicted (b'y Ralph Walling, Reuter's air correspondent) London, March 25. r FHE German night blitz on British ports has been checked for two nights in succes- sion by prevailing variable weather which may eventually have the effect of upsetting
    .—Reuter  -  488 words
  • 76 12 Press Vrr-ns C.R.C. ”B** The Press will meet the C. R. c “B at cricket on Sunday at 10 a.m. on the Victoria Green. The Press team will be selected from the following M. Saravanamuttu, Lini Seng Kim Hoey Seng Poh, A. de Zilva, Khoo Boon Choo. A.
    76 words
  • 165 12 Fire On Estate In Kedah Causes $lO/100 Damage Kulim. Damage estimated at more than $lO,OOO was caused when a smoke-house with its stock of rubber belonging to Buntar Estate situated about 30 miles from Kulim was gutted in a fire on Sunday morning at 9 o’clock.
    165 words
  • 50 12 TUESDAY. MARCH 25 UN: Penang §134 87' Business done 50 ton> Singapore §134.87) •RUBBER: Penang Spot 38« c Singapore Spot 83 jc OOPRA: Sundried $2.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium §7.85 sellers Fair Seed $8.30 sellers KWE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $9.52 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $9.10
    50 words
  • 229 12 German Defences Penetrated London, March 25 fJRITISH bomlters attacking thf centre of Berlin on Sunday •<tgh.r had to make their way through intense box bajrage. In >pite of this attempt to protect the hea f i- of the German capital, a iargt force of British
    229 words
  • 58 12 Honour For Woman Player The first member of the Suiaiman Golf Club, Kuala Lumpur, to hole her tee shot is Mrs. G. H. Oorloff, who, while playing with Mrs. O. Dorail last week, holed in one the second hole. 132 yards. She, naturally, paid the penalty while
    58 words
  • 213 12 —Reuter. Toronto, March 25. “rriHE uwr -in Europe must end in eradication of Nazism,” declared Mr. Wendell Willkis, broadcasting here last night. Removal of trade barriers must be the keynote, of the new ptxice which should not “again lock eighty ■million
    .—Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 135 12 Final Arrangenivnt* Now Complete Ipoh Intending competitors in th E M Weight-Lifting Championship will be held at the Jubilee I’an-, reminded that entries close on Bl 31. The final airangements m com'- 1 with this tournament arc being pleted by the management of th and so far
    135 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 200 12 W MONEY THE MOST VITAL NEED IN BRITAIN’S FIGHT H MW FOR FREEDOM VJ jSn Because Malaya is “the dollar arsenal of {s Knipire, most people who live m this RsJ/ peaceful country are better off. l s P eace aR d prosperity depends L on Britain’s strength outlasting that
      200 words
    • 285 12 (Bead Office) 21fl Penam- p Phone 1477 1473 -t. ei Telegrams: "Gazette gL. 4 Rates of Subscription for P’nanc, and pinang GAZETTE Local Delivery p-M e Monthly 12 50 tacn F °’i ei K» Quarterly 7.50 'nJ Vt.CQ Half-Yearly 15.00 -2'JO Yearly 30.00 3G ‘J SUNDAY GAZETTE Delivery EM 8
      285 words