Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 February 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 254 1 OVER 7,000 PRISONERS TAKEN AT ONE POINT London, Feb. 15. 'CHE Greek Array yesterday continued its offensive all along the 89-mile battlefront in Albania and at one point captured 7,0-GO Italian prisoners, including many officers, states the Athens radio. The Greeks attained their objectives at every
    .—Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 161 1 —Reuter. Bring inculcated Into German Youths London, Feb, 14. 1 morals of savages were being inc>" t.d into nnlLons of German boys said Mr. Herwald Ramsbotham, Educin,.' a Minister, speaking at Salford. It would ke, he said, at least a generation before Germany was Lkely to make
    —Reuter.  -  161 words
    —REUTER.  -  106 words
  • 49 1 Versailles. Versailles is to become the French capital, according to reports in authoritative quarters in Versa)ll'*j. Renovation of the buildings is under way, and most of the Germans are understood to have left. A house is reported to be undec preparation for Marsha! Pstain.
    49 words
  • 314 1 ’—Reuter. London, Feb. 15. ur^e the Tokio paper expresses grave misI i gard ing Germany’s win tiie war. Ger.,, Cr Poi* l 3 ou t that although rubl accumu a ted stock of oil, 3tit heae are steadily being coqcun d ll Aspite
    ’—Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 93 1 Reuter Restricted To Short Period At Night Lori don, February German air activity over Britain during the night was restricted to a short period soon after nightfall, says an Air Ministry communique. Single enemy aircraft dropped bombs on a London district, causing considerable damage to houses
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 207 1 (By K. Anderson, Reuter's special correspondent with the Patriot Army in Abyssinia). KluirtiMiin, Feb. 15. MI’EROR HAILE SELASSIE completed a triumphal tour of the highlands of Abyssinia. Bands of armed Abyssinians took a few days leave from fighting to greet the Emperor as he approached, prostrating
    Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 146 1 .—Reuter. Bombs Dropped In Kent And N.E. Scotland London, February 14. Enemy aircraft flying singly dropped bombs at a point in North-East Scotland I and in Kent today, but caused no damage or casualties, states an Air Ministry communique. During patrol activity in the Straits of Dover this
    .—Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 116 1 REST OF THE NEWS Rĕuter. Berlin, Feb. 15. Hitler in the presence of Herr von Ribbentrop yesterday leceived the Yugoslav Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, says a Salzburg despatch which adds: “Their talk on questions of common interest was conducted in a spirit of traditional
    —Rĕuter.  -  116 words
    REUTER.  -  38 words
  • 282 1 —Reuter. London, February 14. A vigorously worded plea that member» of the Church of England shou d more closely identify themselves with social and economic reform coupled with a criticism of the existing social order is issued by the Archb shop ,of
    ’—Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 402 1 London, Feb. 15. YY HILE the main newspapers devote large headlines to Japan’s plans for entering the war with an attack on Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, there are signs of recoil in well-informed circles against excessive scares. It is pointed
    —Reuter.  -  402 words
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  • 119 2 ANNOUNCEMENT IN ROME COMMUNIQUE London, Feb. 14. N Italian communique mentions a daring escapade by British parachutists during Monday A night in the Lucania district of Catavri at the southern extremity of Italy It declares that the parachute troops were
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 241 2 Reuter. OPERATIONS IN KEREN ARFA PROGRESSING Rugby, Feb. 14. A Cairo G.H.Q. communique states Entrea —operations for the reduction of Keren are proceeding while our troops continue their progress in difficult country towards Arreza. "Abyssinia—in cooperation with our activities patriot forces an steadily extending the spheres
    Reuter.  -  241 words
  • 191 2 Reuter Only Ont Escapes Since War London, February 14 Two hundred and thirty-three German and Italian ships totalling over one million gross tons are sheltering in neutral harbours, according to the latest figures computed in Ixmdon. These ships are free to leave, but are deterred
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 125 2 Their Majesties Cheered By Big Crowds Rugby. February 14 Th'? King and Queen visited the Potteries and at went to the home of the Spode pottery., Their Majesties saw pottery in all the stages of the process of preparation for export abroad and watched girls hand painting
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  • 329 2 Router London. Feb 14 The R A.F made another daylight sweep over the German invasion bases along the French coast, this afternoon, it is believed At intervals for several hours, heavy explosions could be heard across the sea while the sky above the French
    Router  -  329 words
  • 699 2 NON-AGGRESSION p 4(T RESPECTED Bangkok, Feb 14 reaffirmation of cordial relations exists tween Thailand and Great Britain is the theL a communique issued by the Thailand Govern which states:— ‘According to news from various ces, the British military authorities hav. land, naval and air forces
    -Reuter.  -  699 words
  • 548 2 London, Feb. 14 It is officially stated that the British Government has decided from February 15 that Rumania K regarded as under enemy occupation for contraband purposes. Britain has broken off trade relations with Rumania. The Board of Trade announce that the provisions of
    —Reuter.  -  548 words
  • 77 2 —Reuter I 4 r Fettiwu The Government to solve tn its declared Lord Simo'- ple sy r for the war an ing to restrict th- < {orjns of Ref erring to two uat h? vestment. Lord Sim on heved that the J(] r cates subscribed jle
    —Reuter  -  77 words
  • 178 2 Athens, Feb. 14. •JPHS heaviest and most successful bombing attacks of the Albanian campaign were made by the R.A.F. during Wednesday night and Thursday, says a communique from British Headquarters in Greece. BOW. AU day on Thursday concentrated and repeated attacks were made on
    BOW.  -  178 words
  • 29 2 —Reuter. London. February 14 The death has occurred of Mr. EL J. Davies, Sub-manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in London. —Reuter
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 120 2 I. —Reuter. Government To Become Sole Importer London, Feb. 14. The Government has decided to become the sole importer of all growths of raw cotton, states a notice issued this afternoon on the Liverpool Cotton Exchange. The decision is a result of six months negotiations between the representatives
    I.—Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 64 2 —Reuter. London, February 14. The Stock Exchange closed steadier after an early general setback due to Far Eastern uncertainties. The issues directly affected, including Austral am Japanese and Chinese loans and also tin. rubber and some oil shares, recorded fair losses. Gilt-edged made up the early moderate decline
    .—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 In offering you Wines from the YALUMBA VINEYARDS OP SOUTH AUSTRALIA We are offering yon Australia s Best A glass or two of good Wine taken regularly is one of the finest tonics extant. CARTE D*OR HOCK FOUR CROWN CLARET RED SPARKLING BURGUNDY FOUR CROWN SHERRY SPARKLING HOCK ETC Sale
      102 words

  • 314 3 U .S. Court Asked To Define ‘Spying‘ W aH»ujMgU>a. qillß Supn««* Court to I define what constttata*. apyins T e question arose in arguments on htl gation to determine who is subject to punishment under federal anti-spy laws. iuthoritative construction” of the (917 Espionage Act was sought by attornt for
    314 words
  • 141 3 Canadian Miner* Tunnel Defences London. Hatdiock miners representing every Province in Canada have been engag night and day in extensive tunnelling perations on the Rocks of Gibralta Britain’s vital defence bastion guarding the Mediterranean entrance, <t was disclosed recently. Maj. Colin Campbell, former Ontario Public Works Minister, who
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  • 1113 3 Vast Resources Of Countries With 500 Million People II AL AYA now has an official Supply Department to organJ L ise its war effort that effort is being intensified, and coordinated with that of the other countries in the Empire’s “Eastern Group.” as a
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  • 451 3 Forecast Of General Molesworth New Delhi. A TILLY trainee, and equipped Army of half a m Ilion in todia in 1941 waa forecast by ’’Cnei.ii Molesworth in a broadcast from the Delhi Ali-India Radio in which he dwelt upon the lessons of toe
    451 words
  • 890 3 Views Of American Observers New York. THE British are determined to end tha war with a “knockout” 1 victory over Germany. There is no present thought among them of any compromise settlement. They are supremely confident of victory “with the increasing help of the United
    890 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 DISCLOSED BY Tek Often hidden behind a row of gleamin? white teeth, decay is eating its way to their nerve centres. Tek "Short-Head" toothbrush, is the only genuine and patented brush which will reach those hidden danger spots, because the specially designed head, fits into the arch behind the teeth,
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  • 1516 4 IMPROVISED AMBULANCES TO BE MAINTAINED Hospital Facilities Singapore. I?IFTY improvised ambulance s will be available for service in Singapore town, 100 pri vale motor-cars are required as soon as possible and arrange ments for increased reception facilities are being made at aH the three hospitals
    1,516 words
  • 1291 4 Negri Sembilan APPEAL FOR PUBLIC CO-OPERATION Seremban. < N Appeal for public help and co-operation in passive defence measures and air raid precautions being taken in the State was made by Mr. J. V. Cowgill British Resident, Negri Sembilan at the meeting of the
    1,291 words
  • 95 4 to have beaten by three point just short of tt.. 1 side of Salak Soutt j r v of Wednesday morris Foh Shin, manager of Hun p oh e bus Company, Pudu, died at tn ral Hospital, Kuala Lum:, ur hours later foil. jpp fe a ruptured
    95 words
  • 132 4 ChmfcMe Charged With Possession Kuala Lumpur Forged Straits Settlements cuirenev notes, 29 of ten-dollar value and 20 five-dollar value, and a large number of ■oounterfeit coins were produced in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court before Mr G. Ll Howe, the First Magistrate, when the preliminary inquiry
    132 words
  • 133 4 Singapore. For failing to report his arrival >■ the Colony on Feb. 4 to the Aliens Registration Office, Phong Varnaying, a 22-year-oid Thai was fined $4O by the third magistrate, Mr. J. G. Rappoport Phong plead guilty, and Mr. G. D. Hunter-Gray, of
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    • 207 4 ff -Waal S I Jn 1. j Oiß- Jf A ft ■■<■■■ 1 II >..Z< I i I f- 9\\ Ii [||g|M l 7 I.dok after Inner Cleanliness v»ith Andrews, and you will enjoy real fitness every dav ,UeS that thicken your figure and of your life. coarsen your skin.
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    • 52 4 nnnrmrmnTTUi itij What a War j r I 4 O 'W I p Frightfully ry, sw. hut being married, man umi t seeing all this sand—well, you knov> hew it is.” k AAAAIxm AAAILX A Al AAAI A AJULAA A. AAA A A A A 1 A A A A
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  • 687 5 REPORT ON PENANG PROVINCE WELLESLEY MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUND The following is the short report submitted to Headquarters, Singapore. *iy the Hon. Organiser, Penang Main Fund This fund, which now totals $176,- j *****, and from which nothing whatever has Ih-en deducted has doubtless been tailed in the same manner, and
    687 words
  • 456 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr W. G. Ashford has been appointed Major and Mr. P. H. Goss Captain in tho Pahang Local Defence Chips. Commissions in the F.M.S.V.F. have been granted to Mr. C. P Purcell as Lieutenant and Mr. J G. Clemetson as Second Lieutenant. The High Commissioner has fixed the
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  • 106 5 Period Not More Than Two Months The Volunteer Air Force (Continuous Training) Order published yesterday evening in a Gazette Extraordinary states that all members of the V.A.F. other than those who may be exempted shall be called up individually for continuous training at Singapore during 1941
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  • 243 5 Office-Bearers For 1941 At the Annual General Meeting of the Penang Chinese Epworth League he’d at the Chinese Methodist Chiirch Hall, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year. President Mr. Tio S?ng Hee Ist Vice-President: Mr. Khoo Oon Soo. Assistants: Mr. Lim Lian Loh
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    • 188 5 ZjST MAJESTIC [C. JtJk starts TODAY TO7)AY AT 3 615 9u3 PM yti 3 1 'l h an KNTKKTAINMENT Ff)K AJjl< IlJli 1.1 V., 3.00, 6.15 THRILL-LOVERS! >/» f» 1« Two Thrs,,in K First-nm Features At <£ ,M, Reduced Prices High Adventure Flaming Action WHAT A TIHRiiLL’ Tropical Romance The
      188 words
    • 601 5 ONHOUBTEDI.Y THE BEST WEEK, s KNO ENTKRTAINMKNTf AinTN’C LAST FOUR SHOWS TODAY UIULiUI 11.30 a.m., 3.00, 6.15 and 930 pm. 4 shoips today IX) NOT MISS THE TRUE, THRILLING STORY OF 1.30 A.M. 9 3.00, 6.15 THE BOYHOOD OF THOMAS AL A EDISON* <fc 9.30 P.M. T-* 1 r 00
      601 words

  • 467 6 A RE the Japanese starting a war of nerves in the Far East? Certain well-informed circles in the United States seem to think so and although the situation is admittedly serious, there seems to be ground for supporting this theory. If bluff alone could bring
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  • 90 6 ODEON CINEMA: Mickey Rooney as Young “Tom Edison.” 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA: “Typhoon Treasure” and “Riders of the Whistling Skull.” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 pjn. REX CINEMA: "Flowing Gold” with John Garfield, Frances Farmer and Pat O’Brien. 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15 A 9.30
    90 words
  • 378 6 Locating Incendiary Hombs 1 DON’T doubt that the local A.R.P. authorities have an efficient method for dealing with incendiary bombs should they ever be unloaded on the town, but I wonder if there is any device for locating these bombs when they fall on buildings? One of
    378 words
  • 923 6  -  Attack oik# victory as seen by J. L. Garvin writing in THE OBSERVER YV/E never had a doubt about the quality of the British people from top to bottom. At every test their spirit rises with emergency. They are of one piece in this business. They are
    writing in THE OBSERVER  -  923 words
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    • 164 6 Freshly roasted coffee retains the essential oils responsible for the flavour i I j and aroma of the beverage. It stimulates the heart and nervous centres. It energises and has an exhilarating effect, removing fatigue. < I It smells good, tastes good, and is good. But it must be freshly
      164 words
    • 33 6 SMOjll "BULLFINCH" BUTTEB Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agen*r Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. .V. h .V. b b V.".V.-.%
      33 words

  • 124 7 DECISIONS TAKEN AT MEETING AT CHINESE CONSULATE JMPORTANT decisions affecting the social welfare of the local Chinese community at a meeting of various Chinese public bodies held at the Chinese Consulate east nigjht. It was decided to launch a campaign to discourage opium smoking.
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  • 585 7 INFLICTED 120 LASHES ON 14-YEAR-OLD SON Right Of Father Exceeded Singapore [f ....iking that the punishment meted -t by a father to his 14-year-old son re ;,.lnded him of "mediaeval customs,” an joi pictures of a Chinese hell which jje bad once seen,” Mr. L. C. Goh, the g-.j. G
    585 words
  • 112 7 Electric Supply Eads Kuala Kangsar Vivid flashes of lightning followed by peals of thunder rocked houses in Kuala Kangsar about 7.30 p.m. last night. A high wind also blew over the town throughout the duration of this atmospheric disturbance v hich lasted about half-an-hour. There was
    112 words
  • 1069 7 Malaya’s Part In Prodigious Empire Effort Malaya now has an official Supply Department to organise its war effort. That effort is being intensified, and co-ordinated with that of the other countries in the Empire’s “Eastern Group,” as a direct result of the Supply
    1,069 words
  • 113 7 Swiimining Co&ch As Co*’R.espo ne j ea f Singapore. CO h granted on Thursday n si be absolute within six monthN an S~* Ngo Bong FrlnZ PetA^ ner aUeged that his wife, ancesca Ngo, had been intimate with a swimming coach named Sim Boon Hoon, wfa
    113 words
  • 211 7 VIVID NEWSREEL OF FALL OF BARDIA Romance and adventure are well blended in "Flowing Gold,” the current attraction at the Rex, in which John Garfield, Frances Farmer and Pat O’Brien are featured. This is a drama of the early days of the oil industry and
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  • 34 7 Annua! General Meeting The annual general meeting of mem bers of the Ipoh Town Library will b held at the Library, Town Hal), on Wed nesday, March 5, at 5 p.m.
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  • 868 7 Inquiry Into Death Of Thai The details of a motor drive, followirwj a supper party, which culminated in an accident in which the driver of the car «stained fatal injuries were given at an inquiry held yesterday by the Penang Coroner. Mr. A. W. Bellamy,
    868 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 A Sili. Ism /a <&• m f KI 4 grew! %IBk 'w' UHlAowiGiite W MilkF-iod t jM| r I W ;fl 3nd tfc® reasons arc OThat Cow Gate is made and packed in the gnjen English meadows untouched and unopened until it reaches the consumer. G That Cow Gate is
      141 words

  • 117 8 Manufacture Of New Shell tn addition to the large money contri ♦mlions already made, India is making a •lig effort to erganise her resources for the production of war materials. Several Cresh aspects of India’s growing war effort were revealed at New Delhi recently. Th? Indian
    117 words
  • 97 8 Washington. At conferences held between copner producers and consumers for national deU WaS decided that the ui-.tcd states needs more copper than she -can herself produce this year A number of vital steps have been or be taken. These include, firstly a decision to
    97 words
    • 450 8 issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. 14th February, 1941 zssue Buyers Sellers ■rf/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amai 6/3 6/6« £1 Austral Malay 35/0 36/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 19/9 6 §1 Ayer Weng 0.80 0.85 £1 Bangrin Tin 14/0 15/0
      450 words
    • 231 8 Buyers Sellers Allenby 1-15 1.20 Alor Gajah 0.82} 0.87} Amal. Malay 1.70 1.75 ex Ayer Hitam 0.85 0.92} Ayer Molek Ll2} 1.17}c Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett 0.38 0.40 Batu Lintang 1.09 1.05 ex Bedford 0.85 0.90 Benta 0.95 1.00 Borelh L32J 1.40 BfOga 0.56 0.60 Brunel United 0.55
      231 words
    • 343 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A. £1 (Kust,- N.Z. Min Ord 22/0 23/0 2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.90 1.95 2 Alex. Brick 71% Pref. 2.12} 2.17} 5 B. M. T. 7.75 8.00 £5 Chartered Bank £B} .£B2 £1 On. T. 8. Ord 16/9 17/0 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Prei 19/9
      343 words
    • 132 8 MINING Dividend Books Close Payable Austral Amalgamated 3d. div l|d. Bonus (total 4}<J. p. share Austrr Malay (9d div. 9d. bonus (total of l/6d. Hong Fatt Tin 14% Int 10% 10.3.41 Kuala Kampar 1/3 17.2.41 26.2.41 Kundangs 10% 2/- 26/2-5.3.41 5 3.41 Malayan Tin Fin.
      132 words
  • 969 8 Increased Profit And Record Yield .The seventeenth ordinary general meeting of patani Para Plantations, Limited, was held at the office of the company. I£, Philpot Lane, London, E C. 3, on Friday November 22, 1940, Mr A. P fiadow (Chairman of the Company), presiding. A
    969 words
  • 34 8 A forward sale has been, .made on Jan. 30 of 5. tons Standard Smoked Sheet monthly for the period April to June, 1941, inclusive, at 37 cents per lb. f o.b.
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  • 40 8 The directors of the Alliance Assurance Co have declared an interim dividend, payable January 4, of Bs. pxt share, less tax 1939's interim was also Bs. per share and was followed by a final of 10s ner share
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  • 263 8 SATURDAY. 15TH FEBRUARY 194) Postage Latest Tune Destination Superscription Letters Postcards of Posting per oz. each Ordinary Regn. AIR MAILS (Saturday 15th Inst Gt. Britain na Durban A 5 -30 800 a.m 7.30 am. India, Africa Burma Egypt by 8.0.A.C. 730 a Bangkok by 8.0.A.C. 800 ajn 730
    263 words
  • 122 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £263. 10. 0 £259 5. 0. “Forward” £262. 10. 0 £259. 0. 0 SINGAPORE: "Spot” $133.62*4 >133.62% Business done 100 tons PENANG: “Spot" $l3B 62% $133.62% RUBBER: LONDON: "Spot” 12 13|16d "Forward" 12 7|BdTone Firm SINGAPORE: "Spot” 37 s|Bc PENANG: “Spot” 37
    122 words
  • 89 8 output for DecerolHtr, UP4<> DREDGE NO. 638 hours 170,000 cubic yards 193 Dlr DREDGE NO. 608 hours 165,000 cubic yarn s-xi Estimated value of <m^ t 1 and 2) for Ik member. 1940 $54 Mine working cost December ({UA $30,857. 940 Output for January, 1941 DREDGE NO.
    89 words
  • 24 8 The rubber crop of the .flxwe estate for the month of January 1941 wa}; Jbfi Total for 9 months *****0 H>-
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  • 42 8 The output of tin ore from the property of the Bangrin Tin Dredging Co tor the month of January 194) ***** piculs The number oi hours worked during the same period was 1,352 ana th< Z ar 1 treated 267,700
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  • 31 8 A forward t>ale has been made on Jan, 30, of 5 tons Standard Smokeu sheet monthly for the period April U> Jfune, 1941, inclusive, at 37 cents lb rob.
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  • 16 8 Monthly output for Jan. 19)1: punils 863.65 yardage worked *****8 hours >l® 614,56.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 BAN K S F't I j 4JI J L f* I SAVINGS 1 sllefy you. to' R&zttitze A dollar saved la an extra dollar Mamed .x Savings Account la the best inducement to save. I u To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from i rime
      128 words

  • 909 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY 7.15 aan. Mattins Litany 800 ajn, Holy Communion. 9.15 am. Holy Communion (Tamil) 10.30 a.m Mattins <t Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 p.m Sunday School in the Parsonage. 600 pjn Evensong and Sermon Psalm 25. Hymns 283, 232, 370, 186. MONDAY 7.00 aan
    909 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 3033 9 RANGOON HONGKONG O'V W 1 I 9 I W XYO 6.01 mc/s (49.94 m °Xd following frequencies will «iRy, S arxl «I a MCI XYO 3.48 mc/s (86 mJ I ru y TtV1 nn (>W t, W I JP I JjaESßt 6.60 p.m. Indian Session (Recorder qw Programme.) 7.05 English
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  • 392 10 Call To Australians To Face Crisis Calmly NEED TO PLACE NATION’S INTEREST FIRST Sydney, Feb. 14 The War Cabinet in consultation with the Chiefs of Staff met today to discuss the international situation. Subsequently it stated that the latest information from overseas “disclosed
    —Reuter.  -  392 words
  • 127 10 —Reuter PETAIN AFFIRMS REFUSAL London, Feb. 14 General Franco has refused to join the axis in the war against Britain, according to reports from Vichy quoted by the “Daily Mail” special correspondent on the French frontier. Tiie correspondent says that at cue I meeting
    ,—Reuter  -  127 words
  • 44 10 .—Reuter Peters Appeal* To The Japanese Supreme Court Osaka February 14 Vincent Peters whose 8-year hard labour sentence was reduced to five years following an appeal hearing on February 8, yesterday morning filed a motion of appeal with the Supreme Court. —Router
    .—Reuter  -  44 words
  • 1534 10 Forces Of Defence Not Inadequate To Meet Weight Of Threat London, Feb. 14 The great naval and air base of Singapore is the chief barrier agaihst any Japanese drive in the Pacific, says the “Daily Telegraph” commenting on the Far East situation.
    .—Reuter.  -  1,534 words
  • 132 10 LEASE LEND BILL —Reuter. Senate Start* Debate Immediately Washington, February 14. Contrary to expectations, the Senate has started the debate on the Lease and Lend Bill immediately. Senator Lee appeared to the Senate to act quickly, asserting that “delays are <as effective az defeat.” Senator Austin, Assistant Republican leader, urged
    —Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 45 10 Reuter Suffering From Heart 'I rouble Vichy, February 14. Ex-Kiiig Alfonso is suffering from heart trouble, according to a Rome dispatch to tiie Havas Agency. He has been ordered to remain in bed but his doctors state that “all danger ha> been removed.”
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 204 10 I—Reuter. 1 —Reuter. Enthusiastic Welcome At Home Town Sydney, February 14. Sydney awoke today to the exciting i realisation that the. famous H.M.S. “Sydney”, conqueror of the Italian cruiser “Bartolomeo Colleoni”, had arrived in harbour overnight .and was riding peacefully' at anchor in their midst after nearly a
    I—Reuter.1—Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 106 10 Reuter. KNOX CONFERS ttim ROOSEVELT New York, Feb. 14 The transfer of forty or m O rc United States destroyers tu Britain shortly appeared to be likely last night following the conference between President Roosevelt and the Navy Secretary Colonel Frank Knox, according to a
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 107 10 —Reuter. Report Regarded PremaibiirA Chungking. F- tuary The report that Britain h.»- a_ to the establishment f «Thui-it Con sulate at Hongkong premature Reuter learns from auth rita'’v& sources. That Britain had .l sat as lishment of a Chinese Ccn-ulatc u t Crown Colony was reported
    —Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 102 10 GENERAL SUMITA ’S VISIT TO BANGKOK .—Reuter •’Very Friendly*’ Talk* AX itti Thai Premier Bangkok February 14 Discussions between Major-Genera’ Sumita —a member of the Japanesf Mediation Commission —and th. Prim» Minister of Thailand, Luang Bipul Son gram, are described as very friendly' m a communique dealing with Gener Sumita’s
    .—Reuter  -  102 words
  • 412 10 BRITISH OFFICIALS SUBJECTS LEAVIXC RUMANIA BYTURKISH IJ NEB Rome, Feb. 14 The Yugoslav Prime Minister and Foreign iMinister will meet tlx Nazi Foreign Minister, Herr von Ribbentrop, at Sahbiiring to the “Popolo di Roma.” .—Reuter. The Yugoslav premier, M. TsvetkoI vitch, and the Foreign
    .—Reuter.  -  412 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 THE BEN LINE J..' FAK EAST SERVICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particular* regarding Freight, and other information please apply to SAXDH.AKDS. BUTTERY CO.. Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. (■■■■ft* BURNS PHBLP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight. Passage. and other information please apply to 80USTEAD CO.. LTD, Agents
      54 words

  • 1112 11 acceptances for today 4?ace 1: Ponies Class 1 Div. 2—7 Furs.—2.3o p.m. 1 o 4 3 VERY DEAR 3y 9.04 Mr. Alan Loke Major Fox 30 0 ST. CHARLES 8y 9.02 Mr. AJ R. Rappard Van Breukelen j’ 40 2 IADY WARRIOR fly 8.08 Messrs C.Y. Choy
    1,112 words
  • 77 11 Taiping. 1 Baeza was very successful in n '4 February Golf competitions less than three events. The s as follows: Jedal— Stroke (on handicap): Dr J. Baeza 69 (10.) Ball Sweep: Round- Winners: E. T. Jac- G. C. Booth 35 (4). d Round: Winner: Dr. J. I.
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  • 83 11 Two seven-a-side soccer matches will be played on the Renong Ground tomorrow at 5 p.m. sharp and the following are teams taking part:— P. S. Velio (Capt.), A S. Ramasamy, Nadeson, Chelliah, Singan, Nagu and Slnnappan. Kolandi Raju, Santhiago, Santhanam, Suppuretty (Capt.), V. Nadeson, Somoo and Mathava Nair.
    83 words
  • 197 11 'THE RIDING BOY’ TIC TA4F "EUREKA” "MAN-ON-THE “EPSOM JEEP" I THE xMAJOR' Penaag Penang K. Lumpov SPOT’ Ipoh Ipeb Singapore Jui iju- Lady Warrior Lady Warrior Rosalie L«ufy Warrior RACE* 3 Pyinble Lady Warrior Nightshade Silver Lace Clarissa the Flea Silver I.4ice Teddy Boy Teddy Boy
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  • 222 11 Sepoy Lines Beaten 4-0 At Soccer It, a friendly soccer match on the Victoria Green yesterday, the Chinese Recreation Club, displaying better combination, defeated the Sepoy Lines’ Recreation 'dub by four goals to nil The opening goal of tne match was scored in the first half
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  • 76 11 By kind permission ol Lt. CoL E. A. de Buriatte the Band of the 3rd Bn. S.S.V.F. (P. P. W.V.C.) will perform the following programme: Tonight on the Esplanade” irom 600 pm. to 7.30 pm. March Blaze Of Glory Holzmann (iverture Le Macon Auber Selection Patience Sullivan Waltz
    76 words
  • 600 11 Evidence was given by Lee Soon Ann, a well-known Penang Chinese, who was summoned before Mr Lim Koon T'eck in the Middle Court, yesterday on a charge of driving his car in a negligent manner at the junction of Burmah Road and
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  • 492 11 MODEL SCHEME FOR SINGAPORE CHINESE FIRMS A model of what air-raid protection should be in a commercial building is provided by the work which is now going on at China Building, in Chulia Street, Singapore. The scheme which is being carried out to protect
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  • 152 11 Opening Ceremony By Kedah Regent H H the Regent will declare open the new Assembly Hail at the Sultan ADdul Hamid College in Alor Stax tonight. In connection with the opening, the College Players are staging a “bangsawan" entitled “Terang Bulan.' Built, of reinforced concrete
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  • 48 11 A military lorry and a car were involved in a collision at Penang Road near the junction of Argyll Road last night. “Both vehicles were slightly damaged while the occupants escaped unhurt A report was later made at the Central Police Station.
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  • 138 11 TODAY’ S WOMEN’S INTER-STATE HOCKEY Strong Teams On Both Sides The following will be the two teams»in the Ladies Inter-State Hockeymatch between Penang and Selangor on the Hutchings School ground this evening at 5.15 p.m Penang will play in white. Penang: Miss P von Bulow; Miss JE Perrin, Mrs. C.
    138 words
  • 140 11 I (XX.A. Second String I Beat P.M.R.E. In a friendly billiards match played yesterday bet ween the second string <jt the Old Xaverians’ Association and tbe Penang Municipal Recreation Club tbe former won by three matches to two. The match comprised two matches JtP the English game and three
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  • 84 11 Successful Local Candidates News has been received that the following who sat for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London in June, 1940, have passed: FIRST DIVISION Gill, Sarwan Singh, Private study. SECOND DIVISION Choy Kok Wah, Ng Cheng Kiat and Seenfvasagam, Dharma Raja, Privatestudy. Lim Teik
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 61 11 CHARITY HOCKEY MATCH (UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE CHINESE RECREATION CLUB) Gross Proceeds in aid of the “SPITFIRE FUND” C.R,C. Ladies versus Veterans oi Penang Gn the (iitib ground (Victoria Green) on Saturday 22nd February, 1941. t at 5.15 p.m. sharp. SEATS $1 &50 CTS. STANDING 19 CTS. Please Help
      61 words

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  • 325 12 Story Of Quarrel Over Loan Kyala Kjangsar. Alleged to have assaulted a fellowcompatriot with a horse-shoe one «edge of which had been sharpened. «Abdullah bin Ngali, a Malay, was i convicted by Che Wan Hamarudin, the Magistrate in the Police C .urt. Kuala Kangsar, on a
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  • 119 12 —Reuter. Government To Become Sole Importer London, Feb. 14. The Government ha» decided to become the sole importer of all growths of raw cotton, states a notice issued this afternoon on the L’verpool Cotton Exchange. The decision is a result of six months’ negotiation.** between the representatives of
    —Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 293 12 .—8.0. W. No A’adrid Comment On Visit To Italy 1 Rugby, Feb. 14 General Franco has returned to Spain after hLs visit to Signor Mussolini at I- and Marsha] retain, who m.t the Caudillo at Montpellier op his return journey, is back in Vichy. There
    .—8.0. W.  -  293 words
  • 38 12 The War Fund tn North Malaya stands at $1,486,328.99, mads up of Penang $951,773.70 (of which $77,055.77 comes from Kedah) and Perak $534,555.29. There were no contributions to the Penang collection yesterday.
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  • 254 12 Sultan Organises American Tourney Kuala Kangsar Malaya’s tennis playing Sultan, His Highness the Sultan of Perak, is holding an American Tennis Tournament, in. aid of the War Fund. Tiie tournament will be played on the Astana Iskandriah courts in Bukit Chandan on Sunday, Fetor,nary
    254 words
  • 283 12 Arrest Of Well-Known Compatriot Taiping. A petition, it is understood, has been forwarded to the British Resident of Perak, signed by about 140 leading Chinese firms and individuals in Taiping, declaring the ‘innocence’ of Feh Giong Hong, a prominent Taiping Chinese, who was arrested On January
    283 words
  • 74 12 .—Reuter. Swinging Light Wins Waterloo Cap London, February 14 Swinging Light, owned by Mr. c. m Cohan, won the Waterloo Cup. the' blue riband of the coursing world, run. at AIV-1 car. Liverpool. Mr. Cohan, well known in Liverpool shipping circles, has never previously won (he Cup though he
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 1027 12 Cyrenaican Campaign Reviewed Rugby, February 14. The conclusion of the Cyrenaica campaign enables a survey to be given of this achievement which, by general consent, will go down in history as one of the mast brilliant military operations ever accomplished and as an outstanding example
    —u.e w  -  1,027 words
  • 168 12 First Aid Classes For Ladies Tapah The St. John Ambulance Association first aid class for ladies will commence at the Government English School. Tapah at 4.45 pjn. on March 4. Mrs. M. Adamson will ’>* in charge of the class while Dr J. G Reed
    168 words
  • 152 12 Sultan To Perform Opening Ipoh. His Highness the Sultan of Perak, will officially open the Annual Rotary District Conference of the 80th. E>istrict Rotary International which will be held in Ipoh during the Easter holidays, April 11, 12 and 13. An elaborate programme has been arranged,
    152 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 26 12 I «SESHaBLssssBEIEo 1 BMKixjEnrs ixrra* TROUbLEfe even Omura.Bale Sure, World-’ At all Chemists 1 Of im tor rn ~f t p JBOON PHARMACY, PEN ING fl'OH
      26 words
    • 431 12 ‘Head Office) 21u ?STJ 47 7 &14 TP .egrams: ’Gaiecte Rates Of Subscription "c*- pand Sunday 2 ■-> PINANG GAZETTE BS.& Monthly $2 5O 5 j 3 0 S E Quarterly 7 50 o’m 14 W Half-Yearly 15-10 12.00 Nearly 30.00 SUNDAY GAZET’TE <B<Xl 1 Q Q P. Delivery P
      431 words