Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 November 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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    —Reuter.  -  570 words
  • 248 1 —Reuter. BROADCAST BY MR. WILLKIE Arte Fort, 6. f a striking statement breadeasting from Xew )< rk tday, Mr. li ended Il’Uikie. after finally admitting defeat, said: "t accept the result of tM i ee'ion zvitg c mfyctc g/WLi- i Ti e Popular
    —Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 79 1 Reuter. Charities Allowed Except Winter Fund London. November 6. <’ “forth no chanties except the Help Fund” will be allowed "llected in Belgium, according ”un controlled Brussels radio, n’t-i Help Fund is one of the 1 of revenue of the Nazi Party. announcement from the adbj
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 67 1 -Reuter. ’’an Parties Forced I <> V» itlidraw Cairo. November 6. 01' south-east of Sidi iccessfulty engaged by; n Tuesday and forced to a G HO. communique. n Jianised patrols have again !1 the Kassa la sector of 111 casualties were inflicted on ”t the enemy
    -Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 59 1 —Reuter. Shanghai Comment On French Surrender Shanghai. November 6. Instead of an “honourable peace” France has got from her surrender onlyterms ensuring lasting slavery, declares the “China News”. adding that if Germany- is willing to make concessions it is only to turn France against Britain and “Later
    ”—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 132 1 -Reuter. Future Will Not Differ Greatly Washington, Nov. 6. 7' s 's.i <ett. embarking on an unpreceu ->te t i third term as first iau> of the 1« d declared, while serving scrambled egg.- breakfast party this morning, that she expected the future would not
    -Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 125 1 —Reuter. London. Nov. 6 A fairly quiet day of air* fighting followed London’s longest night alert. A number of enemy- aircraft approached Southampton area this afternoon but were intercepted by R A F. fighters and as a result the majority did not penetrate
    —Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 215 1 ’—Reuter. London, Nov. 6. The South England village where a vision of Christ is reported to have been seen is taking the vision as a sign of British victory. It will be recalled that in the last war many soldiers claimed to have
    ’—Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 308 1 London Nov. 7. I/I\ E million pounds have been placed at the disposal of the 1 Greek Government by the British Government. An official announcement says that in response to the Greek request for financial assistance, the British Government have assured Greece of their readiness
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  • 52 1 —Reuter. London, November 6 The British Government do not contemplate the need of any- further compulsory- evacuations of British women and children from Hongkong, it is learned in authoritative circles in London. There is no question, however, of the return to the Colony- of those already
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 55 1 GENERAL HERTZOG, (above) leader of the official opposition in South Africa, has resigned his leadership of the reunited Nationalist party of the Free State. It is reported there was a complete split between the followers of General Hertzog and members of the old Nationalist Party during the inaugural
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  • 58 1 Elizabethville. Nov. 7. Inhabitants of Lamberene in French Equatorial Africa have offered to surrender to General de Gaulle. They had previously declared I themselves supporters of the I ichy Government and offered I strong resistance to General de GauUj Xis UDderstood t'iat lie 1
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  • 98 1 —Reuter Agreement Reached On Amount Of Imports London. November 6. An agreement has been reached with the Spanish Government on the programme of imports of oil to Spain for the last four months of the y-ear. This was announced in the House of Commons by Mr. Foot.
    —Reuter  -  98 words
  • 66 1 —Reuter. One Reported To Be Damaged London. November 6. Reuter’> diplomatic correspondent states that one of the two submarines which recently sheltered at Tangier is damaged and will require repairs before going co sea. according to reports received in authoritative quarters here. The condition of the
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 I COW GATE f’Atr UriW I far North Malaya d Penang: GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD., I t Penang and Ipoh. I
      20 words
    • 77 1 “SMILER” fed m COW GATE I ti Apenfs fwr North Malaya Penang>GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. DESTROY WHITE ANTS 7 Scientifically. USE A PRICES. I Sets. Refills. LARGE for godowns. j factories, coolie- < lines, etc. $22.50 $18.50 J SMALL for indi- A vidual householders 7.50 5.50 I FIELD
      77 words

  • 903 2 WILLKIE CONCEDES DEFEAT AND SENDS CONGRATULATIONS Democrats Sure Of Control In Both Houses New York, Nov. 6. 'T'HE sizeable character of Mr. Roosevelt’s majority A became apparent by the time New Yorkers reached their offices at 9 when the President’s third term was ratified
    —8.0. W  -  903 words
  • 308 2 —Reuter. FIRES AT EMDEN AND HAMBURG London. Nov. 6 Thirty tires were caused in the target area at Emden when the R.A.F. bombed a petroleum depot, stated an. Air Ministry communique. Ship-buildin? yards at Bremenhaven and Bremen were also bombed. Other operations we r e directed against
    —Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 201 2 BOW. To Be Known As Duke Of Gloucester’s Fund London. November 6 The Lord Mayor of London s Red Cross and St. John Ambulance Fund will in future te known as the Duke of Gloucester's Fund and contributions should be addressed to him at St. James’ Palace
    BOW.  -  201 words
  • 73 2 -Reuter. To Be Used In Hamburg Air Raid Shelters Stockholm. November 5 Sleeping bunks taken from the Maginot Line will be used for a new system of air raid shelters to be built in Hamburg, most bombed of all German towns, according to a Berlin dispatch in
    -Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 83 2 —Reuter. Less Anxiety Regarding French Colonies Washington. November 6. Lessening anxiety about French possessions in the Caribbean was indicated by Mr. Cordell Hull at a press conference. He said that naval and other activities of the United States in those regions were only part of the usual
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 423 2 Enemy Detachment Cut Off In Pindus NUMBER OF PRISONERS TAKEN IN SOUTH London, Nov. 6 The nine tanks destroyed by the Gteek troops were destroyed by British anti-tank rifles supplied since the invasion began, according to an announcement by the Greek War Minister.
    ’—Reuter.  -  423 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter. London, November 6. Britain's effective army has suddenly increased by a gigantic total of 1.700.000 men by the fundamental reorganisation of the Home Guard. The Home Guard will have a DirectorGeneral with a fully equipped directorate of its own on the administrative
    ,.—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 54 2 —Reuter. Attacked By Italian Planes Stockholm. Nov. 6. Planes attacking Monastir and Ochrida yesterday were clearly observed to be lhe Fiat type of machines, states Jugoslav circles, according to the Berlin correspondent of the ‘Dagcns Nyheter Other reports received in Berlin affirm that th e bombing was
    —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 51 2 -BOW. £16,5000 From Southern Rhodesia London, November 5. Amongst the many’ generous gifts received for the relief of air raid distress civilians, is one of £16,500 from Southern Rhodesia. The public subscription raised £15.500 of this sum, and £l,OOO came from the National War Fund.—B
    -BOW.  -  51 words
  • 63 2 Reuter. London. Nov. 6. Switzerland will have a complete blackcut from 8 p.m. until dawn beginning tomorrow, according to the Swiss radio. The news was prefaced by an announcement that the Swiss Minister in London bad been instructed to lodge with the British authorities an energetic protest
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 95 2 .—Reuter. Copies Confiscated At Fronter Montreaux, Nov- ,r The Italian ban on the sa Swiss newspapers except tin Nachrichtcn” and the "Nene Zeitung" has caused a regre’ pressiioni in Switzerland. The and Tuesday editions of the S papers which are widely react were confiscated at
    .—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 110 2 .—8.0. W. Captain’s Story < Air Attack London. Nov. 5. Giving an account of a C plane’s attack on the 19.00'' Castle liner. Windsor arrived safely at a British u Brown, who commands the four bombs were dropped. n The Nazi bomber tried attack, but an alteration of
    .—8.0. W.  -  110 words
  • 184 2 .—Reuter. Tuesday’s Battles Over Britain London. November 6. The Air Ministry stated that seven enemy aircraft were destroyed in yesterday's air combats. Six British fighters were lost but the pilots of three are safe. A number of persons sheltering in public houses in a town in
    .—Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 35 2 —Reuter. London. November 6. The death has occurred of Captain Robert Latta, former Commodore of the Canadian Pacific Fleet and first commander of the Empress of Britain, aged 68. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 389 2 Preparing Army Of 500,000 Men Of All Arms Rugby, Nov. 6. The rapid development of India’s war effort and the measures being taken for the further expansion of the fighting services were discussed in a speech yesterday by the Finance Member of the Viceroy’s
    ?.—8.0.W.  -  389 words
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    • 50 2 New Springtide Hotel PHONE No. 60 TANJONG BUNGAH PENANG THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR Drinks Prices are the same as that of E. 0., Elysee, Wembley, etc. COME AND SPEND AN EVENING HERE
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  • 163 3 SECRET GERMA* experiments SECRET German army experiments with solidified petrol are reported bv the Berlin correspondent of a Swiss newspaper 1 Il is suggested that the secret leaked out as a result of indiscretions in French newspapers in the occupied territory’. The belief is that the Germans have
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  • 292 3 £250.000 Empire I'rnst Created The will of Sir Abe Bailey sets no figure on the value of the estate which is estimated to run into some millions sterling. It provides for the establishment of an Abe Bailey trust of £250,000 for fostering the interests of
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  • 135 3 Ti p. -.-ibility of the Germans using < raiders, as they did in the 1914 18 is discussed by the Daily Sketch. "T‘approach of winter is giving n opportunity to overhaul their t o Zeppelins,” it says. ‘TI if ti ie Graf Zeppelin, which carried
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  • 85 3 Singapore. have dragged a married > ndama, fr om her house a Lanjang, put her into a a and driven off to a house Serangoon, where they agnt together, an Indian II B on trial before How at the Assizes. laiming trial on charges nd
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  • 922 3 China War Through American Eyes Chungking. /CROUCHING on a hill commanding a bird’s eye view of the city of Shaokwan in northern Kwangtung, Mr. Edward H. Lockwood, American secretary of the Shaokwan Y.M. C.A., watched Japanese bombers flying on American oil. release explosives made of American
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  • 524 3 ’T’WELVE-VEAK-OLI) Meryl Reid spent two days on the stormy Atlantic in ah open boat, wearing only pyjamas and a coat. Her second coat and a scarf she insisted on giving to other survivors of a cargo ship which was torpedoed without warning by a U-boat
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  • 1007 3 Dr. George Glasgow, a leading authority on foreign affairs, tells the story of the collapse of France, in the “Contemporary Review,” and gives his views on the reasons for tragedy. He writes:— 'TUIOSE who have had as long enough experience oi international affairs have
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  • 168 3 British ships in convoy are now being kept “in step” by a new electrical device. Hitherto the adjustment of the varying speeds of the cargo boats in a convoy has meant the continuous issue of instructions by phone from the officer on the bridge to his
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  • 109 3 Singapore. Eighteen months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Pedlow at the Singapore Assizes on Ah Kun On. who had returned to the Colony after being banished from Johore in 1929. Admitting that he returned to the Colony, Ah Kun On said he was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 NATURE for Constipation leads to endless trouble Nature has decreed that the Bowels shall operate regularly —at least once a day. Defiance or neglect of this law leads to many kinds of suffering, including Headaches, Bad Breath, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pimples, etc. Constipation also makes you look and feel dull, bad-tempered
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 37 3 WHAT A WAR! By Gilbert Wilkinson 1 W£ss t q < ntf 11 h .j. pF .-y- x v rwswr -r q.r t ,"< J®/ Li MA.£ r Inr n j t *Se t«ed to toor-fc M theatre queues.”
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  • 627 4 JUDGE ON A "GREAT CONCESSION" Singapore. rpWO reasons were stated by Mr. D. K. Walters, appearing for Mamoru Shinozaki, the Japanese, who has been committed for trial on charges under the Official Secrets Act, when he applied to the Singapore Assize Judge, Mr.
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  • 144 4 Singapore Airport Arrangements FYING from Medan, Gen. Wu Teh-chen. chairman of the Overseas Department of the Chinese Government, who is visiting Malaya as Gen. Chiang K.ii-shek’s personal representative. will arrive in Singapore on Nov. 14. From more than 400 representatives of local Chinese associations who
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  • 437 4 Characteristic Chinese Touch Singapore. DECAUSE Poppy Day falls on the eleventh day of the eleventh moon, several cheques received for the Poppy Day fund are made out for eleven dollars and eleven cents precisely. This is a pleasantly characteristic Chinese touch in the splendid collection
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  • 79 4 Singapore. The death took place at the Singapore General Hospital on Monday of Capt. Ernest Gamblen. at the age of 65 years. An old resident of Singapore, Capt. Gamblen was for many years with the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. He retired a few years ago.
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  • 219 4 Idea Of Australian T. L. C. Chairman npHE new chaiiman of the Australian Trade Union Council (Mr. George Gibson», who is a song writer in his spare time, is Empire-minded. He describes his pet idea as “cheapening and popularising inter-Empue communications.” Post war improvements which he
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  • 168 4 Singapore. “A deliberate and flagrant attempt to defeat the Exchange Control", was the description applied by Court Inspector E. H Tunn in the criminal district court on Monday to an attempt ty a Chinese to send $1.500 Chinese National Currency out of
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  • 305 4 Chungking. Breaking all precedents, ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, the Chinese Government is keeping 30,000 students in colleges and middle schools on its “feeding” roll. It involves a yearly out-lay of well over $5,000,000 from the nation’s already heavily taxed treasury. Practically all
    305 words
  • 416 4 November 4 1940 Perkhabaran yang akhir sa-kali s terima berkenaan dengan peix-rangan yang sedans berlaku dalam negeri Gm*.* ada-lah menvatakan bahawa lepa pada sa-mineeu peperangan jtu merebak tentera Greek maseh lagi menahankan serangan2 tentera Itali di-sapan.iaim >. padan negeri Greece. Dan lagi tentera Greek sedang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 H love the al perfume so Q siceel andrejres -e Sa! 71 Film stars, world famous for their beauty, use Lux Toilet ,/WSb I Soap because it safely cleanses I their skin so gently and I thoroughly —keeps it g’oriously Joan i A 1 T 'T' ‘1 Walter star, says
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 468 5 Elaborate Programme Of Dancing And Field Events Highland dancing, piping contests and field events will be the features of a Highland Gatherin" to be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium. Singa|>ore, on Saturday, November 30 at 2.30 p.m. by the Singapore St. Andrew’s
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  • 308 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Surface mails by the s.s. Teucer despatched from Singapore on Aug. 31 I were delivered in London on Nov 4. A Bridge and Mahjong evening is beI ing held this evening by the Selangor Ladies’ Golf Club in aid of Earl Haigs Fund. The Controller of Rubber, Malaya,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 317 5 FUN FROLIC PARK THURSDAY. 7th NOVEMBER 1940 SOORAN OPERA: “ROMEO and JULIET Supported by Malaya’s leading chorines in latest extra turns, songs and dances. CANTONESE OPERA: FEE FOOK PAH LENG KIU”. With Miss Siew Lan Hiong and Cheang Yoke Thong the brilliant Cantonese Stage artistes. TE<)( HEW OPERA: TNEE SUNG
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    • 41 5 THURSDAY, 7th NOV., 1940. EVERYTHING AT WEMBLEY CABARET IS AT ITS BEST FIRST CLASS BAR BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED HOSTESSES. Leave Other Appointments For The Present And Be Our Guests. TODAY—TEA DANCE—--7 p.m. 9 p.m. 6 Coupons for $1 Night Dance—9.3o p.m.—Midnight.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 157 5 The harming Star of “Gone With The Wind” Is Back In A New Happy HiT R|J PENANG’S MOST LUXURIOUS 1 J AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE /H’EVS TOD. 4 SHbn At 3: 6.15 9.30 p.m. WARNER BROS.’ HAPPY HIT K 's THE 7>t/NG lH ml[u 11 *i ■ll 4 l kll 'OWTW'» xJz
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    • 76 5 ’LAST 3 SHOWS* TO-DAY AT [QUEEN 9 S\ |3 P.M., 6.15 9.30 1 I Matinee Reduced Prices A Grand Chinese Musical Comedy Hit! ‘Mr. Lee Ah Moh’ J SONGS LAUGHTEP J I ROMANCE FUN! I k mv «ht jaw MP «ar Mr aap aw 4m MAJESTIC TO-MORROW AT 3.00 8.00
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  • 451 6 rpilE practical rather than traditional case against a third term President is that nu man is strong enough to wield the immense power and responsibility of the Presidential office for as much as twelve years. The point is a substantial one; but Mr. Roosevelt who made history
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  • 133 6 REX CINEMA “My Love Came Back” with Olivia De Havilland Jeffrey Lynn 3, 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. QUEEN'S CINEMA “Mr. Lee Ah Moh” (Chinese picture) 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA “Tower of London” with Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m.
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  • 333 6 Gallant Loser OPARE a thought for Wendcil Willkie today. By far the ablest man the Republican Daily could have chosen as its representative in the Presidential election, he went down to third-term Roosevelt —smilingly and gallantly. But if any seasoned American observer had written six months ago
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  • 1013 6 Man II ho Makes Third Term History IN EUROPE’S GRIMMEST HOUR ,4 T the time of Europe’s grimmest crisis, the President of the United States is again Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He brings a fund of assurance to that bemused world from the most unlikely
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 PRITCHARD’S FOOD DEPARTMENT. High Class Canadian Fresh Frozen j Fruits JhU Vegetables i\ \\l J and Fish. TlnSlS IMPORTANT NEWS---Apricots, Strawberries, Peaches. Dover Soles Kipper Snacks I Lobster I Bloaters I Oysters j Mackerel I Salmon I Halibut. I Salmon Trout Herrings I 1 Green Peas, Green Beans, Asparagus and
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    • 30 6 Frl'Ki yl F "t PIONfER 3UBMU WOU:. I 529. TANJONG BUN6AH R» For your convenience send your tyres to out 4^ es Dr P ot 11 Light Street, Penang, Phone
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  • 187 7 4 LLEGED GUNSHOT WOUNDS Mr. And Mrs. Charleton Seville Maxwell (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Today. ELL known in Malaya and closely connected w ith the Maxwell family, who held high appointments in the Civil Service in this country, Mr. and Mrs. Charieton Neville Maxwell
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  • 188 7 Mussolini s "Solemn Assurances** On the occasion of the Hindu >\sti.val of Deepavali the Ita'ians ad impertinence to h'- idcast in Hindustani irmn I'ari station a “solemn as- rance’ that Italy “would rcs- r India's independence.” intimately for the Fascist prothe people of India fully •t.aiise
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  • 103 7 Several Children A number of Malayans including serial children arrived in Penang this lining from London. Among them were: Mr. B. W. Hallett, Mr. Mrs. W. G. Tate, Mrs. M G. Jack. Miss Jack, Mrs. W. A Brown, Miss F. B. Brown, Mrs A H. Stuart
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  • 24 7 American Consulate To Close The American Consulate at Penang will be closed on Monday. Novembei 11, 1940, in observance of “Armistice Day.”
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  • 70 7 Hokkien Assn. To Approach Govt. At a meeting held at the Hokkien Remittances Association in Kinta Lane last night it was unanimously' decided to engage counsel to approach the Government regarding the limited amount of S5O allowed to be remitted to China monthly. Mr. Choong Tat Beng
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  • 79 7 Celebrations In Penang On Nov. 12 Chinese in Penang will be celebrating the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China, which falls on November 12. There will be a mass meeting at the Penang Philomathic Union, Acheen Street, at 2 o’clock
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  • 1531 7 MR. BISSEKER’S PLEA IN COUNCIL Singapore. E are not at concert pitch yet,” declared the Hon. Mr. F. D. Bisseker, Senior Unofficial Member, speaking on passive defence measures at the continued Budget Meeting of Legislative Council yesterday. Stating that he knew of no
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  • 264 7 DEEP IMPRESSION .MADE BA BROADCAST A deep impression was made by the broadcast of greetings to southern Arabia .iom Malay Sultans and other Muslim lulers during the Id-ul-Fiti festival. Rulers of ten Malay States were associated with seven Rulers of Arabia an< Afiica in this remarkable
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  • 128 7 In the Supieme Court this morning, two brokers succeeded in obtaining a brokerage of 3 per cent, on a sum of 565.500 as the result of a sale of Kiat Kee Estate in the Province. The claim was resisted by Mohamed Omar, the purchaser of the estate,
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  • 210 7 Urgent Needs' In Britain And Middle East Singapore. 4 N appeal for redoubled support lor the Red Cross and St. John Fund is made in a telegram received in Singapore from London. The telegram is from Field-Marshal, Sir Philip Chetwode, K.C.8., and is addressed to
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  • 85 7 Malacca Man A Prisoner Of War “Captain F. D. Massey who was reported missing just before the Dunkirk, evacuation is now reported a prisoner of war. Captain Massey was with the legal firm of Allen Gledhill, Malacca, before the outbreak of war.” His wife «formerly Miss
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 «THERMOS ICY-HOT SETS A. .£0 j J KEEPS HOT FOR 24 HRS. I/ KEEPS COLD FOR 48 HRS. f (Incorporated In Ceylon.) Z SINGAPORE PENANG IPOH I P® Z;:..<•■ A jfigg! > I M gaga I• ijx.A IMM >4 iOy Ml B t*. Il IkFood i| AJjaagy A M M
      184 words

  • 72 8 Penang, November 6, 1940. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) SELLING .London Demand 2/4 1/16 New York Demand 47 5/32 Montreal Demand 51 29/32 Batavia Demand 88 13/16 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Hongkong Demand 53 5/8 Shanghai Demand 14 3/4 Jo pan Demand 193 1/2 New
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  • 47 8 Profit for year to March 31. 1940, -*£2.177 (net loss of £500); dividend for J ear 2£ per cent, (nil); to special cultivation reserve, £750 (£350); forward, ojt'ct to estate staff bonus. £l.llB (£1.566 nought in,). Crop amounted to 240 827 lb (207.550 lb.)
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  • 23 8 »utpuis lor the month o! October 1940: 11>S ilor Pongsu Amalgamated Estates 8456 •Adong (Malaya) Rubber ***** .emerloh Rubber Estates *****
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    • 490 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon 7th November. 1940. Issue Buyers Sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3-3 3 6 5/0 Austral Amal. 5/6 5, 9 £1 Austral Malay 33/6 35/6 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/3 18/0 $1 Ayer Weng 0.77 0.82£ £1 Bangrin Tin 15/0
      490 words
    • 238 8 Issue Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.02 J 1.07 Alor Gajah 0.75 0.80 Amal. Malay 1.50 1.60 Ayer Hitam 0.90 10C Ayer Molek 1.10 1.15 Ayer Panas 1.00 1.05 Bassett 0.40 0.42 Batu Lintang 0.97/ I.o2£ex Bedford 0.85 0.90 Benta 0.87£ 0.92£ Borel li 1.25 1.35 I Broga 0.53 0.56 Brunei
      238 words
    • 336 8 Issue Buyers Sellers A. £1 (Aust) N. Z. Min Ord 22/0 23/0 2 Alex Brick On 1.85 1.95 2 Alex Brick 7£% Prefs 2.10 2.20 5 B. M. T. 7.25 7.50 £5 Chartered Bank £7 £7£ £1 Con. T. S. Ord. 16 6 17/6 £1 Con. T. S. 7%
      336 words
    • 75 8 MINING. Dividend Books Close Payable Kuchais 25% Final 23.11.40 29.11.40 Lingui 5% Final 25.11.40 29.11.40 Peninsula 1/- a.C. 8.11.40 15.11.40 Rahmans 6% Final 31.10.40 9 1140 Rawang Con. 6‘% (Is 3d) 12.11.40 20.11*40 Sungej Bidor Tin 2s Aust. Curr 18 1140 *>2 1140 Ulu Klangs 5%
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  • 864 8 Teo Much rime Wasted Already SUigairofe. I An assurance that the report of the Joint Income Tax Committee would be 1 published immediately after it had been considered by Government was given by the Acting Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Mr. H. Weisberg, when he answered
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  • 790 8 INCREASE’ IN EXPENDITI Rt OF OVER THREE MILLIONS Singapore. The Amended Draft Estimates for the Colony for 1941 < passed yesterday at the continued Budget Meeting of the lative Council on the motion of the Hon. the Acting Financi tl Secretary, Mr. L. G. Corney. Moving
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  • 125 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: £258. O. O. £257. 10 “Spot” £260 0. 0. £259 15 “Forward” SINGAPORE: “Spot” $1.32.50 $132 Business done 150 tons 125 to PENANG: “Spot” $132.50 $132 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 11 li;i6d. 11 11 Forward” J 11 1316 d. Tone Quiet Features SINGAPORE: “Spot”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 52 8 BANKS The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., omcorperateo- m British India > For Your FAMILY CHILDREN. INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES also obtainable at Oversea-Chinese Banking Corpn., Ltd., Tor particulars please apply Manager, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd., Nos: 28 30
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  • 400 9 Waitresses And Novelists The wcikshops of an L.C.C. institute. not far from the Thames and a mere hundred yards from Lambethwalk. have never been so strangely populated. Women who had little or no knowledge of machinery until this summer are now taking an engineering course before geing
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  • 79 9 German engineers aie doing their utmost to devise the most efficient method of piotecting military targets from bombing, says the Berlin correspondent of the American Associated Press. They are expeiimenting with huge steel nets over factories and key defence points designed to explode bombs above
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  • 190 9 Dublin. A Detective was shot dead and two other officers were seriously wounded by gunmen in Dublin recently. The shooting took place at a disused shop which is believed to have been used by an illegal organisation. An official account of the
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  • 239 9 Australian Societies Help Letters from the branches of the Victoria League in Melbourne and Brisbane to the branch of the League m Hong Kong, tell of the assistance which nas been extended to evacuees from the Colony. When the evacuees arrived in Australia, the League had
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  • 75 9 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1940. MAIL DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR MAILS Mails for Great Britain <via Durban) India. Africa. Egypt, Burma Bangkok U.S.A. Great Britain by surface transport to Hongkong and thence by Transpacific Air Service 8 a.m. Saturday 9th inst. (Registration 7.30 a.m.), MAIL .ARRIVALS AIR
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 BfnorcUly u»eful Mtlicine for all CUmatoa ollis Browjg BTi S* S I «djl There if ■Mg yj < t I g H k I NO Subttitiite. Acts like charm in Checks and arrests DIARRHEA and FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. STOMACH CHILLS r INFLUENZA, COUGHS, COLDS CHOLERA and CATARBH, ASTHMA, iBOhCHITIS. A
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1335 9 TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING b. B. C. News In English A J.I Florence Wiese. Soprano, in a w .raaune of Finnish Songs. bulletin. “g™ Tench A ouileS tr Band Transmission 6 11.20 am. Midweek Service. Transmission 1 150 p.m. Canada Calls from London”: P lll British Sketchbook. Transmission 2 8-20
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    • 866 9 SINGAPORE ZHL 1,333 kc/s (ZZo mJ t-tii'l B.oa mc/s (3u.96 mj ziHP3 7.20 mc/s (41.38 mj (ZHL. ZHPI ZHP3?. 8.15 a.m. Music, t 8.20 News. Relayed from London. 8.35 Interval. 10.00 Kronchongs.? 10.40 Indian Music, t 11.20 Teocuew Music, t 11.50 Chinese Programme Summary. 11.55 European Musical Interlude.! 12.00 News
      866 words
    • 883 9 KUALA LUMPUR ZGB4 5.00 mc/s (60.00 m.) 6.15 p.m. News in Tamil Indian Music. 6.45 News in Malay Malay Music. 7.15 News in Cantonese Chinese Music. 7 45—8.15 News m Hokkien Hakka on alternate days with Chinese Music. 8.20 Full News Bulletin (Relayed from London". KWEIYANG XPSA (49.0 metres). 4.50
      883 words
    • 160 9 Bitter Sweet” Selection (Coward'. “Estase” Thomas'—"Serenade” (Wider) "Music Hall ScrapbooK" 9.31» ’.With Cowan and Bailey at the Cathay Cafe.” 10.00 Warning to Mariners. Close down. ZHP3. 5.00 p.m. Recitation 01 the Koran, followed by a Religious Talk in Malay. 5.50 Hindustani Music.! 6.10 News in Hindustani 6.20 Tamil Music, i
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  • 851 10 NEW SERIES OF FORTIFIED HEIGHTS CAPTURED Athens, Nov. 6 The Greeks have captured a new series of fortified heights with semi-permanent defences on th? Western Macedonian Front, according to a High Command communique Sections of the retreating enemy were attacked by their own tanks.
    Reuter.  -  851 words
  • 1233 10 ROOSEVELT’S FEAT NEVER BEFORE ACHIEVED All Americans Urged To Support President New York, Nov. 6 The New York Times, New York Herald and other leading papers throughout the United States conceded before midnight (5.00 G.M.T.), that Mr. Roosevelt would be re-elected by what appears to be
    .—Reuter.  -  1,233 words
  • 312 10 .—Reuter. Channel Ports Attacked London. Nov. 5. Adverse weather over Germany on Monday 7 night again hampered operations by aircraft of the Bomber Command. Channel coast areas were less obscured and early in the night, opportunity was. taken of a temporary improvement in the.
    .—Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 65 10 SECOND SERIOUS RAIL DISASTER London. Nov. 5 The second serious railway accident within a few days occurred tonight, when the Scotch express from Euston was in collision w ith a good.- train near Gretna. Two passengers are believed to have been killed and 16 seriously in
    65 words
  • 113 10 —Reuter. Democrats Obtain Majority Early New York. Nov. 6. The Democrats clinched coni ml of the Senate as the early results were announced. They quickly won the elections for nine seats which added to the 44 ‘‘held over" gave them 53 seats against 49 needed for the majority.
    —Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 68 10 —Reuter Direct Hits Scored On Target Area Nairobi. Nov. 5. Neghelli (Abyssinia) was attacked for the eighth time by South African Air Force bombers and direct hits were scored on the target area. This was in addition to extensive reconnaissances over Abyssinia and Italian Somaliland, states
    ”—Reuter  -  68 words
  • 74 10 —Reuter. 291 Greek Civilians Killed Athens. November 6. Civilians killed in Italian air raids since October 28 total 291 and the wounded 690. according to a communique issued by the Ministry of Public Security. During the same period no military objective was hit. The communique also states
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 41 10 .—8.0. W. London. November 5. Welcomed by the High Commissioner and a representative of the Dominions Office, further drafts of Naval and Air Force officers and men have arrived in England from New Zealand. —8.0. W.
    .—8.0. W.  -  41 words
  • 139 10 .1. —Reuter. Confusion Japanese Officer Shot Shanghai, Nov 6 Hongkew—the Japanese-occupied portion of the International Settlement —was thrown into considerable confusion yesterdav afternoon, when several Chinese fired or. a certain Lieutenant Hisao Nakamura, who was hit in the back by several pistol shots as he was walking.
    .1.—Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 312 10 Reuter. Great Satisfaction In Athens Ath Nov. 6 Mr. Churchills speech has given ver greatest satisfaction here. Offiria: *pokf>men declare. His words a* er. ally r.jme straight to our hearts". Particular ei thusiasm is aroused by Mr. Churchill’.- announcement that Britain ha* lx _>ur. the bombing of
    Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 146 10 BOW 60 Craft Taken Over By Government London. No) Replying to a Parliament. ques./>the Minister of Shipping decree of the Rumanian u rnni under which British-owned vessels in Rumanian terntoi taken over by the Governmt nt a. approximately 60 craft, ma: 7 and barges, of
    BOW  -  146 words
  • 36 10 —Reuter. New York. Mr. W. McGarrah. inf' a '7'p r e known American banker w -o ident of the Bank of Interna i a( ments from 1930 to 1933. aged 77. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particular» regarding Freight, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang Telephone
      52 words

  • 1458 11 Movement And Creation Of Better World MK. F.H. GRUMITTS ADDRESS TO MEMBERS u |Kirt that the co-operative movement would play in the creation of a better world was touched upon by Mr. F< H. Gruinitt. '’resident of the Penang I rban Co-operative Union, at the sewnth
    1,458 words
  • 153 11 MEETING EXTENDED TO THREE DAYS The Selangor Turf Club December Meeting which hitherto has been a twoday affair has been extended to three days and will now be run on Saturday, December 7, Wednesday, December 11 and Saturday, December 14. There will be two runs each
    153 words
  • 178 11 O.X.A. vs S.X.I. On the Esplanade -round to-morrow at 5.15 p.m. O.X.A.—Georgie Lymn; Lim Cheng Hoe. Khoo Boon Choo; A. Muttu. F. Lopez. M. Carrier; N. A. Perera. J. Reutens, C. Danker. J. Read. N. Danker. Reserves: L. Lopez. Hooi Cheng. M. G. Foley, Kheng San. C.R.C. vs Punjab
    178 words
  • 733 11 Singapore R. A. F. Beat Penang Indians 2 —0 SOUND DISPLAY BY VISITORS J In a soccer match before a poor crowd on the Victoria Green yesterday in aid of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, the Singapore R.A.F., league champions, defeated the Penang Indians by two goals to nil, both scored
    733 words
  • 494 11 TN a continuous, steady drizzle, which made handling of the 1 ball difficult, the Penang Sports Club defeated the Gan-ison by 19 points (2 goals and 3 tries) to nil yesterday at Western Road. The Gan-ison did well in the first half, the Club
    494 words
  • 152 11 The Penang Football Association will meet the Singapoie Royal Air Force the 1940 Singapore League Champions in a soccer match in aid of the R.A.F Benevolent Fund on the S.X.I. ground at 5.15 p.m. today. Today, they will have sti onger opposition and a thrilling
    152 words
  • 112 11 Kedah P.W. Volunteers vs Penang Volunteers A rugger match in aid of the Poppy Day Fund between the Kedah and P.W. Volunteers and the Penang Volunteers will be played at Butterworth on Thursday. November 14 at 5.15 p.m. By kind permission of Lt. Cel.
    112 words
  • 244 11 Results And List Of Prizes The following are the results of tbo Malay Exhibition Cycling Carnival held, on October 2 ind 3 in the exhibition grounds: CL) Ladies’ Race: Miss Ethel Scott. Prize: Malay Exhibition Consolation Prize. (2) 1 Mile Fast Race: Ist Paulinu»Peters (Gopeng). Prize:
    244 words
  • 146 11 G.C.D.S. Beat Free School In a friendly badminton match at the Free School Had ye.sterday, the Government Commercial Day School defeated The Penang Free Schoo) by 4 games to 3. The following were the results: (G. C. D. S. players mentioned first): SINGLES Tech Chooi Lye lost to Cheah
    146 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 197 11 GOKE Then read this No need n<jw to be em- barrassed with dull, yd- low-tinged false teeth. Fill the cap of the tin with ‘Steradent’ and pour the powder into a glass containing sufficient warm water to cdvls the dentures. Stir well. Put in your denttires antf leave while you
      197 words

  • 352 12 MURRAY COURT IN VERY GOOD FORM Happy Sal Should Run Prominently (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. TRAINING for the Singapore races started today, when horses from all local and Bowden’s stables were exercised on the second track at Bukit Timah. The exercises were confined
    352 words
  • 132 12 Smart Appearance In Uniform In spite of inclement weather, about 40 members of the Local Defence Corps fell iu for their second parade yesterday near the Old Racecourse near the Sports Club. About half of the members were in uni form and looked very smart. Rifles had
    132 words
  • 73 12 —Reuter. No Large Scale Attacks Reported London, November 6. London had its longest night raid hitherto, beginning earlier and ending later than any previously.A communique says that enemy raids on Britain last night did not develop on a large scale. Ea>t Scotland. the Midlands and the
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 35 12 Burma Chinese Tour Postponed The Burma Chinese Football Team, who intended to visit Penang on their way to Hongkong sometime in the month of December, have postponed .h- ir tour to next y ear.
    35 words
  • 555 12 All America Rallying To Third Term President New York, Nov. 7. comments on the result of the Presidential election indicate that everybody wants to forget the bitterness of the campaign and rally round the thirdterm President. Countless assertions before the
    Reuter.  -  555 words
  • 268 12 —Reuter. CONFERS WITH MR. HILL Hyde Park, Nov. 6. President Roosevelt conferred with Mr. Cordell Hull by telephone this morning on international affairs. The President plans to return to Washington tomorrow. What The Returns Show President Roosevelt's majority on popular vote had climbed to over
    —Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 110 12 NORTH MALAYA TOTAL 81.427.445 Th»* War Fund in North Malaya stands at $1 427.445.77, mad»* up of Penang $921,619.61 and Perak $505,826.13. Yesterday, at th»* annual general meeting of Batu Lintang Rubber in Penang, a sum of $5,000 was generously voted to the
    110 words
  • 75 12 —Reuter. Industrials Attract Buyers London, Nov. 6. On the Stock Exchange business was more widespread with the growing demand revealing shortage of stock. Hence prices advanced. Kaffirs were prominent on Cape support while other minings, including coppers, were well Bought. Home rails were helped by the resumption of
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 110 12 The Sultan of Johore was married at the Caxton Hall Registry Office yesterday to Miss Marcella Mendl, a Rumanian girl aged 25, says a Reuter’s message from London. The ceremony lasted only a few minutes. The bride’s mother, Mrs. Mendl, and the Sultan’s equerry.
    110 words
  • 154 12 Sport* Club Ladies Monthly Medal Th? Penang Sport.' Club Ladies November Monthly Medal (Stapleford wa.played on November 6 and resulted as follows: Winner: Mrs. Allen 10 8 5 16 18 5/16. Runner-up: Mrs. Hamilton 5 10 15. The December monthly medal (stroke» will be played on December 4 over
    154 words
    238 words
  • 185 12 An American Mlair. Savs Berlin Berlin. Nov The official German Nev.s Agency says the result of the election objectively with equa^uniy• political circles.’ It adds that the- circles now as always, believe that the U S fotr at Government and also th»- lection of the President of
    185 words
  • 41 12 THURSDAY, 'a T,N Business done Singapore RUBBER: Penang Spot Singapore Spot COPRA: Sundried $2 'g Bljick Pepper TAPIOCA: Medium Fair Seed I RICE: Rangoon Parboiled N Rangoon Parboil Rangoon Whit Rangoon White 30 Local Parboiled N>. Local Parboiled N<
    41 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      22 words
    • 274 12 Telegrams: “Gazette' P A, Rates of Subscription for Ph. and Sunday Gazttti PINANG GAZE 1 I r Locai s.S Delivery f pj s Monthly $2.50 <- 3 A? Quarterly 7.50 '9 M HaU- Yearly 15.00 Yearly 30.00 30 h, 24 SUNDAY GAZETTE 48 0<) Local S.S.& Delivery Fm 8 Quarterly
      274 words