Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 253 1 FIRM ATTITUDE MAINTAINED TOWARDS HUNGARY Two Planes Down In Frontier Region Bucharest. Aug. 28. Rumanian troops are still moving to Transylvania. It is understood that by the week-end Rumania will have as many men under arms as during the Russian crises. Troops today were also
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  • 286 1 London, August 28. 4 GERMAN raider, it is believed, was shot down in South West England today. Raiders in North East England machine-giunned a passenger train. Passengers clearly heard bullets striking rows of carriages. The train proceeded until •it reached the tunnel when it stopped and the
    —Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 201 1 —BOW. Rugby, August 27. Acting Squadron Leader M N. Crossley, who was tonight appointed Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, is stated in an official account io have now destroyed a total of 18 enemy aircraft and a possible another five. Th'' account
    —BOW.  -  201 words
  • 53 1 The British Ambassador to China SIR ARCHIBALD CLARK-KERR (above) has left Shanghai for Hongkong en route to Chungking where, it i.s reported, he will stay for probably one month. Vice-Admiral Sir Jeoffrey Layton, Commander-an-Chief. China Station Lada Layton are traveUirg on sck:
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  • 147 1 —REUTER. London, August 28. Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent writes: ‘‘The recall of forty Japanese diplomatists to Tokio has been variously interpreted in both the foreign and Japanese press but the following statement by the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Shigemitsu, may be regarded as an authoritative comment
    —REUTER.  -  147 words
  • 146 1 —Reuter. London, August 28. GENERAL DE GAULLE, broadcasting from London, de- dared that the decision of the people of the Chad territory was the signal for a rising of the whole French people. “I have reason to believe that their example will be
    —Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 77 1 Dropping Of Bombs hi Eire Berlin, August German responsibility for the dropping of bombs in Eire is disavowed by the Official German News Agencv which states that it learns from authoritative military circles that the ‘‘route o~ er Irish territory is not used by German planes flying
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  • 67 1 —8.0. W. Another Remittance From Australia Rugby, August 28. Yesterday the Lord Mayor of London received £5OO for the Red Cross Fund from a sergeant in an anti-air-craft battery stationed in Kent. Last night the fund reached a total of £2,677,000 rising by £9,000 in one day.
    —8.0. W.  -  67 words
  • 119 1 Measures Taken To Combat It Shanghai, August 28. Measures to combat terrorism were discussed today at a conference called by the Chairman of the Municipal Council, Mr. W. J. Keswick. The Japanese Consul-General, Mr. Miura and Mayor Fu-siao-en, head of the Japanese-sponsored city government of Greater Shanghai,
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    REUTER.  -  60 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. London, August 28. An Admiralty communique announces that the “Spearfish” (Lieut. Commander J. H. Forbes) is considerably overdue and must be presumed lost. It is announced that the casualties in the destroyer “Hostile” were four ratings killed and three wounded
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 •vj fi Kr/CATE I rfTT- W&k i ff <(M North Malaya d> Penang:— 1 gjQRGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Ipoh. --I
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    • 132 1 IZOOA7ItSMUtjCTMyj ZS 3 <©»» Agents for North MdUa d GEORGETOWN DISFNSARY LTO, Penang andooh. i SPEaAL TODAY (JUST UNPACKED) "SWEATRAG" SPORTS SHIRTS ‘“IT LETS THE BODY BREATHE” H Ideal fo r all t f H Sports and H Estate wear. /4, H Very absorbent < H and hard wearK ing
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  • 476 2 R.A.F. Bomb Fiat Marelli Factories NO RESISTANCE MET INDUSTRIAL targets in Northern Italy were again successfully attacked last night when for the fifth time in a fortnight R.A.F. bombers made the double journey over France and the Alps. The objectives on this occasion
    .—Reuter.  -  476 words
  • 51 2 —Reuter. EFFECT OF R.A.F. RAID Stockholm, August £7. According to a Swedish /respondent, in Berlin, the streets of the German capital were strewn with shell splinters and heaps of leaflets following the British air raid on Sunday night. Last night’s air raid warning lasted thirty minutes.
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 52 2 —-Reuter. 200 Shanghai Britons Leave On Troopship Shanghai. August 27 About two hundred local Britons, who have enlisted for service with the British fighting units, embarked yesterday in a troopship. This is the first contingent of British subjects to leave Shanghai for service in His Majesty's
    —-Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 43 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, August 27. The tenth naval contingent from Newfoundland arrived at a West Coast port today. The men were welcomed by ihe Mayor of the port and by Mr. D. 4. Davies, Trade Commissioner for Newfoundland. —8.0. W.
    —8.0. W.  -  43 words
  • 25 2 London. August 24. The King received Sir Edmund Ironside at Buckingham Palace yesterday and presented him with the baton of a Field-Marshal.
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  • 25 2 —Reuter. Cairo. August 27 Hassan Sabry Pasha denied to press representatives this afternoon the repprt that his Cabinet had resigned.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 102 2 —Reuter. Bolshevist Actions Closely Followed New York. August 27 Between Trotsky and Hitler there is a remarkable resemblancesays the “Louisville Courier Journal.” The .similarity is between Red and Brown Bolshevism. If there had beep no Cheka, no Red Terror, no Ogpu and no Coinmumst cells to
    ’’—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 68 2 Reuter. 18 Enemy Aircraft Drought Down London, August 27. The air ace, Acting Squadron Leader Michael NichoLson Crossley, has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order on bringing his total of enemy aircraft destroyed to eighteen and possibly another five. Crossley is 28. He was awarded
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. Dealings Confined Tq Leading Groups London, August 27. On the Stock Exchange, today’s record proved uninspiring, dealings for most part being confined to certain leaders. Gilt-edged was supported and rails met with small provincial offerings. The recent firmness of Egyptian bonds were unimpaired by the latest political
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 543 2 —Reuter. More Raids On S.E. Coast London, August 27. Enemy planes were reported in the vicinity of South-East coastal towns and the Midlands this afternoon. Two raiders are believed to have been brought down in a Midlands town. Bombs fell in a park, on a golf
    —Reuter.  -  543 words
  • 626 2 SECOND BATTLE FOR AIR SUPREMACY Rugby, August 27. npHE change in tactics resorted to by the enemy since he broke off the first battle for air supremacy ten days ago has been so marked that already the engagements n )w pro ceeding are being referred
    ’—BOW.  -  626 words
  • 33 2 ;.—Reuter. Tokyo. Aug. 27 The dispatch of Mr. Kobayashi. Minister of Commerce and Industry, as special envoy to the Netherlands Indies, has been approved by the Cabinet. —Reuter.
    ;.—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 327 2 London, August 27. Reuter's diplomatic correspondent writes that although there is no decrease in the 'ltalian press and radio campaign against Greece, the situation has not deteriorated materially and there is no new evidence that Italy means to break the Balkan peace herself or use
    .—Reuter.  -  327 words
  • 227 2 —Chinese Central News Only Slight Damage Caused Chungking. August 24 Two Japanese «ombm- squadrons rf 54 and 27 each raided Chungking iate yesterday morning causing slight u» The South Baptist Mi ssion jio; prtal at Kweilir was „_a:n oombe.’ and wrecked in a Japanese air raid
    —Chinese Central News  -  227 words
  • 106 2 lion six hundred operatives, five million I Central News. I $100,000.000 Tl |ree Year Project Chungking, August ft The first portion. cxmprlS!^. bßßforty million dollars, <■ dred-million-dollar three-yea development project, thus far, according to official issued here. The main econon. rhi-’b h ave construction projects g Z
    lion six hundred operatives, five million I Central News. I  -  106 words
  • 43 2 -4. German I J Surprise? Rori-e. .->! Another sharp rebl! is contained in the e£ of "Voelkischer Official Italian News a= The newspaper of mentality with pathy towards ne* ability to cope with T tfpr I situation can provoke j
    -4.  -  43 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 634 2 ,r MM— FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT THREE PER CENT. WAR LOAN, 1952-1959. ISSUE OF $20,000,000 Bonds to Bearer, authorised by Federated Malay S ates War I>oan tkiactment No. 16 of 1940. REPAYABLE AT PAR NOT FLAK LI HR THAJX THE Ist OCTOBER, 1952, AND NOT LATER THAN THE 30th SEPTEMBER,
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  • 513 3 NAZI' HAVE GOOD TIME Paris. TIARIS has settled into the kind of j life it may live until a peace treaty is signedSince war reached it this city has vastly changed from the gay, cosmolitan centre which Englishmen knew J°year ago writes Robert Okm in the
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  • 79 3 Nepd For United War Effort In India Mmnagar. I’ is imperative that, without any further delay, ‘the best patriotic dements in State® and British India should forthwith put their shoulders to the wheel and set about grappling "‘th the life arid death issues facing Us all
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  • 763 3  -  Mussolini... by W. N. Ewer OENITO MUSSOLINI has fulfilled his ambition. He has flung Italy into a great war, into that “bath of blood” for which he has openly longed all his life. This is not Italy's war. It is Mussolini's war. Italy is for him
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  • 496 3 HIDDEN GINS 4 WRITER in the “Daily Herald” says: All women and children, aged people and invalids in Gibraltar have been ordered to evacuate from the Colony because—well, because there is no room for anybody but the combatants in a battleship. For Gibraltar is a battleship. It
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  • 158 3 As Height Limit Is Lowered Melbourne (Victoria). “Tom Thumbs” all over Australia hurried to enlist wtien the military authorities here announced that the height limit for certain units of the A.I.F. had been reduced to five feet. The previous minimum height was 5 feet
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  • 116 3 Ruler Of Ranpur Cuttack. It is understood that the Crown Repi-esentative has deprived the Ruler of Ranpur in Orissa States of his powers as ruling chief and the administration has been taken over by the Court of Wards under the control of the Political Agent. It is
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  • 384 3 Substitutes For Mineral Oils oil resources being limited in the world, the Industrial Research Bureau has been investigating the possibilities of utilising vegetable oils as high grade lubricants for use in internal combustion engines. India is one of the largest producers of vegetable oil seeds and
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  • 88 3 Keeping Indian Waters Free For Trade Simla. How the Royal Indian Navy is co-operating with the British Navy in keeping the seas free for Indian trade and transport of war material which India is supplying the Allies is illustrated by the official shipping figures showing that
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  • 86 3 Two young members of the wellknown Arab Alsagoff family arrived in Singapore on Sunday from Caine. They are Mr. Hamid Ahmat Alsagoff, aged 21, and Sheikh Abdul Rahman Alsagoff, aged 23, who have been schooling in Cairo. They told a Press reporter that Egypt is expecting
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  • 61 3 MAIL DEPARTURES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1940. Latest Time of Posting Am MAILS Mails for Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Singapore 1.30 p.m. Wednesday 28th inst. Mails for Australia, New Zealand Java 8 a.m. Friday 30th inst. MAIL ARRIVALS AIR MAILS From Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Noon Wednesday. From Australia, New
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 73 3 ■WHAT A WAR! t. f J > ’inf-***** I /R l w v-v <i m WA V I T i I lovem’ and leavem do fAey sleep on. ckttm, dramimg pmm 5 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Penny Wise r \t i atvtng jor pennies wMeh There are pennies to get! Now
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  • 860 4 Opening Of Selangor Assizes ALLEGED SLAYING OF WOMAN Kuala Lumpur. OFFICIOUS and too energetic” were expressions used by Mr. Justice Cussen on Monday morning when policemen guarding prisoners in the dock tried to hustle them downstairs before he could issue final instructions.
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  • 188 4 Many Have Enlisted The owner of an orange grove in Tel-Aviv (Palestine), where he has lived for the past eleven, years, Mr. E. Becker, an Australian who arrived in Singapore on Sunday, told a Press reporter that since the outbreak of war, the Jews and the
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  • 433 4 Woman Charger! In Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur. Ng Kim, a Chinese woman, appeared oefore Mr. W. J. Thorogood (First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur) on Monday morning, charged with importing into the F.M.S. a girl named Yap Tai for the purpose of traffic, and subsequently disposing of her
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  • 308 4 Matter Hehl Over For 1941 Budget Malacca. An ordinary meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners was held in the Municipal Office on Wednesday, August 21. at 2.15 p.m. A paper dealing with the survev of tuberculosis was read by the President. A reply to
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  • 552 4 New Regulations Published New Netherlands Indies Planters’ Regulations have just been issued by the N.I. Government which give an indication of the regulated- conditions under which men charged with expert management or supervision are engaged. They offer an interesting comparison with Malaya. Extracts from the regulations are
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  • 468 4 Special Convocation m Poet's Home Town k unique academic function was held at Santiniketan (Ben gal) on Aug. 7 when Sir Maurice Gwyer on ehui >f t i' le Oxford University conferred the degree of Doctor gi Letters upon Dr. Rabindranath Tagore. Mr. Justice Henderson
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  • 347 4 Aliens’ Holiday In Isle Of Man Three thousand alien women and many alien men are spending their internment in holiday atmosphere in the Isle of Man. Two resorts, Port Erin and Port St. Mary, have been reserved for women’s exclusive use. They have been arbitrarily accommodated in
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  • 155 4 Chinese To Raise f und pLAN'S have been fc.r lated for a $150,000 Chinese sc he 1 at Cameron Highlands. A campaign j raise tbja sum has already been launched. Although primarily intended i w Malayan Chinese, the ser.v 1 win also be open to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 I b Jewellery, Silver Ware, AMD E. P. Ware OF BEST BRITISH MAKE P. H. HENDRY JEWELLERS BISHOP STREET PENANG K. LUMPUR SINGAPORE. THE TURNING POINT IN CONVALESCENCE When the crisis is past m illness» recovery may still be a long way off. The -ea] turning point for the better
      158 words
    • 106 4 I BQ; L 'I tPliw A J THAT’S DANGEROUS BLEEDING GUMS!-that’s the first sign that your teeth are in danger, the first sign of gum-rot (pyorrhoea) and ginbleeding (gingivitis). These are which so often result in the extraction perfectly sound, white teeth. Bui you guard against this danger by using
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 103 5 Th Dp er Government Medical ‘hi.ent Co-operative Thrift and Society, Ltd., wall hold their halfB|, m en aral meeting at the “A” pi, first Floor of the General Hosbr n SeP^ em l® er 0® E U. Lindow, Chief Medical M f lhi e President of
    103 words
  • 706 5 No Compensation For Contractor A motion by Mr. D. A. Mackay that the refusal of the Penang iMunicipal Commissioners to grant compensation to Messrs. Malcolm Co. to cover heavy loss incurred by them in excavation wotk for the new Guillemard Filtration Plant be reconsidered was lost
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  • 71 5 An elderly Chinese woman was i oifght to the General Hospital in the early hours of this morning suffering from u hat is suspected to be the effects of caustic soda poisoning. The woman was found in her room at her house in Macalister Road the
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  • 141 5 Kedah's Move To Check False Rumours Alor Star Acting under the Emergency Regulations Enactment the President cf the Kedah State Council has made a new regulation to check war rumours. Any person putiishing any report or statement relating to matters connected with the war. which is
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  • 583 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Government Offices in Kedah will be closed on Saturday, August 31. on the occasion of the Feast of Ma’araj. 'Jr Messrs. Ooi Kee Salk and Teoh’Tiaw Teong. two Old Frees, have sailed for Singapore en route to Hongkong where they will read Medicine in Hongkong University. Yesterday being
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  • 610 5 Unfaithful Wife Slain: Assessors At Variance Ipoh. The Assessors disagreed in their verdict at the conclusion of the trial of Dharuman, a middle-aged Tamil estate labourer, on a charge of murder at the Assizes, here yesterday—one finding the accused guilty of culpable homicide not amounting
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  • 95 5 Damage Of $lO,OOO In Kampong Gajali Telok Anson. A fire is reported to have occurred at Kampong Gajah, an up-river village about 20 miles from Telok Anson, on Saturday afternoon when a row of about 20 attap houses were burned down. It appears that the
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  • 138 5 $lO.OOO Loan To Britain Singapore. The Garrison Golf Club* Singapore, has offered the imperial Government $lO.OOO free of interest towards the prosecution of the war. This decision was taken at a special general meeting on Sunday at which the General Officer Commanding. Malaya, Major-General L. V.
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  • 125 5 Lee Chow Tniah and Chuah. Peng Koay were arraigned before the Penang Third Magistrate, Mr W. M. McCall, yesterday on a charge of possession of non-Government chandu on August 26 in a vessel at the Penang Harbour. The accused, it was alleged, had eight tubes of Thai Government
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 THE NEW WORLD -BOXING—TOMORROW vr TH!-; PENANG HALL (Covered) Cup Presented To Winner By S. R. Sithambaranathen Valentino Ait Hair Dresser 189 Dato Kramat Road Sympathetic Control Board Lifts Ban BOY NARA Returns To The Ring To Fight FIGHTING AH KOW 12 SMASHING ROUNDS
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    • 191 5 The Oversea-Chinese Amusement Co., Ltd. WEDNESDAY. 28th AUGUST 1944) LADIES 9 GUEST NIGHT AT BOTH PARKS. WEMBLEY PARK CANTONESE OPERA: “PAK TOKF. WAN” NOORAN OPERA: To-morrow night: CAPITAL TALKIES: “FAH SIN “ULAR BERMA SAKTI” KOK LIANG” r. 4 j Grand presentation night bj MERRY-GO-ROUND: 5 cents a ride -J Messrs.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 241 5 R< I-xist 3 Shows Todav JCrf A At 3: 6.15 &9. Controlled By BROS. LTD.. Singapore. 20th CENTURY-FOX’S UPROARIOUS ROMANTIC COMEDY Hilarious Situations Comedy Galore McCREA nancy KELLY! i' jEjXi'fe HU'***<f His Wtk 801X1,0 YOONG BOtANO CESAR ROM£RO majestic 5 7 1K T 5 7 OL) 4 i 3.OH* 6.15
      241 words
    • 104 5 hT* wW rOT LgaSr IL w II M IM ffik in yi fljC:on hd 4^i*|o n£ p Last Three Shows TO-DAY I f Hugh Herbert Baby Sandy j “Little Accident” I A BARRAGE OF BRIGHT QUIPS HILARIOUS ANTICS! g r NEXT CHANGE TO-MORROW I MICKEY ROONEY j in THE LUCKY’
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    • 140 5 ANOTHER FINE COMEDY’ YOU’LL EINJOY QUEEN’S S 'TARTS TODAY At 0.15 9.30 p.m. You'll have grand fun when you see this funny BRITISH Film. Rocketing with sparkling and humorous dialogue and robust comedy “FRENCH LEAVE” with EDMUND BREON-JOHN LONGDEN BETTY LYNNE SIT* PORTED BY’ A magnificent pulsating Short Subject “DRUMS
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  • 558 6 TT has been said that the mills of the gods grind slowly. 1 he Hitler \outh Movement, which enrolls each Nazi infant as soon as it is born, is also supposed to develop in the same laborious manner but although it is barely eight years since
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  • 295 6 All In Silver A MAN got up suddenly at a National Savings meeting at Ipswich, made his way on to the platform and whispered something to the Mayor. The Mayor smiled, and stopd up to announce that the man had offered f 350 to the Government, free
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  • 686 6 Wednesday, August 28. rT'HE Germans seem to be observ- ing punctuality in their night raids on the London area. Last 1 night’s warning was sounded within 1 two or three minutes of the tyme of I the previous night s raid. 1/’’IN EM A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 469 6 ®kMbl 8 WWi WiSl iHr v x < *®m iA wltp J*3S*r STOUT FELLER Where are you going with that whacking b’t? black cheroot. Not atf p after last mgat... “I don't like the way you say not I'm going to do altttle deforesta- a j Ur lasf n^b t.'
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    • 59 6 J I 9 lAj'’-' KIOMFEK Rua&fß «wil 529.TAMJ0NG BUNGAH R? PEUABLJ < (Penang’s Pioneer 529, Tanjong Bungah R <i. Penan? For your convenience send x.,ur t rr. >nr Safes Depot, 11 Light Street, Penang 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the entral Shoe Store. 134, <. r>ell Street Phone 2883.
      59 words

  • 965 7 PAYMENT TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY ON OFFICIAL CONSENT Dr. Ong Huck Chye's Motion Carried I nanimously < MOTION moved by Dr. Ong Huck Chye, and seconded by x Mr. C. Grumitt, that the sum of §306.000. which it was decided at the
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  • 229 7 iSoitii Malaya Total $1,036,501 7 n second contributions have been received to the Penang War Fund, these being $91.50 from the Mail and Labour Force of Tonghurst Estate and $5O from jtfr. Heng Choon Thian, Messrs. Hoe Seng Motor Garage, Butterworth. With these latest
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  • 113 7 That it was a mean type of offence although the amount involved was very trivial was said by the Penang Third Magistrate, Mr. W. M. McCall,, this morning, of a cheating case in rich a young Chinese, Khoh Ah Hua. was alleged to have falsely repiesented
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  • 924 7 Compromise Effected Over Costs Of Penaga Road Extension pOR the first time in the annals of the Penang Municipality, a Chinese woman appeared in person to address the Commissioners in English, protesting against Municipal apportionment of costs in the making up
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  • 103 7 Prize Appointment In Municipality The Municipal Electrical Engineer s recommendation that Mr. A. L. Ogle, Testing Assistant in the Electrical Supply Department, be promoted to a prize appointment ($250-15A-325) on the Sut>ordinate Salaries Scheme as from January 1, 1941, which had been approved by the Electrical Supply
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  • 88 7 Navy Paymaster As Complainant Singapore. Alleged to have offered a bribe of $2OO to Paymaster Commander N. H. Sherhourne, Royal Navy, Wang Chee, a 30-year-old Hainanese. appeared in the Singapore fifth court on Monday. Wong Chee claimed trial and the case was postponed a week for mention,
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  • 212 7 Sentenced To Fifteen Days A 25-year-old Malay. Hassan bin Mohammed Khir, was arraigned before the Penang Third Magistrate, Mi. W. M. McCall, this morning, on a charge of theft of a gold bangle, valued $9. belonging to Mohammed Jai Hashim of 69. Patani Road, on
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  • 2098 7 Written Statement At End Of Evidence Singapore. Evidence of afieged conversations listened in through a microphone, of bov he planned to get as much information about an alleged contractors ring, of how he was offered rewards and bribes, was related on Monday by Lieut.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 455 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL. Uau- buyers seders 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 5/3 5/6 £1 Austral M. 35/0 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.57$ 0 62* £1 Bangrin Tin 16/6 17/6 $1
      455 words
    • 243 8 NOMEN U. Issue buyer. eeiiers Allenby 1.07* 1.15 Alor Gajah 0.85 0 90 Amal Malay 1.65 1.75 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Moiek 0.97* 1.02*c Ayer Panas 1.10 1.15 Bassett 0.42 j 0.47* Batu Lintang 1.00 1.05 Bedford 0.85 0.90 ex Benta 0.97* 1.02* Borelli 1.15 1.25 Broga 0.62*
      243 words
    • 312 8 NOMINAL Issue ouyerr sellers A £1 (AuM- N-2L Mln Ord 32/« 23/0 2 Alex. Brick ucd. L 75 2.00 2 do 7*% Pref 2.00 2.10 t B. M T. 656 7.00 £f> Chartered Bank £fci £6* £1 Cao. T. S Ord 17/6 18/0 £1 Con. T. 8. 7% Pref
      312 words
    • 149 8 Company l>l Tide no Way» -Me Bojxs Clove TUN Malay 3d. 1/3 Bonus Sept. 13 Sept. 2 Ipoh Tin 3/- I- Aug. 29 Aug. 5 K. Kampars 6d. Sept. 1« Sept 9 Kundangs 1/. S-ot 4 Aug. 26 Raub Gold 4d Sept. 2b Sept. 14 Southern
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  • 344 8 Quiet But Steady jGL’THRIE CO.'s REPORT Singapore, August 22. The Singapore market remains quiet. but steady, and Londonos dull, owing to lack of interest. The most interesting news from NewYork is that the Rubber Reserve Co. (.which has been formed for the purpose of building up rubber reserve
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  • 229 8 The following monthly meetings have been fixed: Thursday 29th August. Ayer Itam Group. Monday 2nd September. Magazine Staff Senior Wardens at Group Centre. Tuesday 3rd September. Hutton Lane Staff Senior Wardens at S.X.T. Thursday sth September. Dato Kramat Staff Senior Wardens at H.Qrs. Monday 9th September.
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  • 75 8 Penang. August 27. 1940. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) SELLING I London Demand 2/4 1/J6 1 New York Demand 47 1 Montreal Demand 51 3/4 Batavia Demand gg Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7,3 Hongkong Demand 53 5/3 Shanghai Demand 13 13 16 J- pan Demand 193
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  • 1125 8 RENEWED ASSURANCE OF Us BUYING POWER Stanton Nelson Co., Limited Singapore, August -2. The main feature of the week ha.> been i the agreement made with the United i States Government for the purchase of aj further 180.00*) tons for national defence purpo,->es. This means that with
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  • 125 8 The p.ofit for the year ended Mav 31. 1940 amounts to $81.033.28 <as compared with $20.751.81 for the previous year» to which must be added the balance of $13.192.51 brought forward from lart account making a total of $94.225.79. From this sum there has to be
    125 words
  • 140 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: ECNDON: “Spot” £258. 5. 0 £260 0. 0 “Forward” £258. 15. 0. £260 10. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $132.37% $132.50 Business done 75 tons 50 ton c PENANG ‘Spot” $132 37 g; $132.50 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” IS 7Jl6d 12 l|2d “Forward" 12 7Jl6d 12 9[l6d.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 232 8 BANKS P^. I— i npgiigyfljg gwBI J>> K* I iakw l> i feaMKo SAVINGS tyotc ia yZm/t&<sn. a dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned. a Savings Account Is the best Inducement to save, To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is
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  • 133 9 t At Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, the Finance Committee’s report on applications of supplementarv expenditure, which had been approved was tabled. Under Defence, a fresh expenditure of $450,000 is approved for Censorship. The provision made in the estimates was $310.000. The estimate for 1940 was
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  • 1460 9 Review Of Six Months’ At •tivities The July issue of The Planter, con- tains a review of the work done by the Society during the first six months of the year. Usually this statement is made at the half-yearly meeting which, owing to the prevailing abnormal
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  • 158 9 Cardinal Villeneuve’s Condemnation Ottawa. Cardinal Villeneuve, head of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, writing in his archdiocesan weekly, described Hitler as a persecuting, sacrilegious potentate, who unmindful of Divine prescriptions, had invaded with battalions of iron neighbouring peoples and put their countries to fire and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2289 9 domino —Chocolate plus beau ft ft retrain —Hollyhock—The night is tilled I I v --tn nnu-ic. 6.05 News in English—Top> ft ft ft I cal lalli —Dance music. 8-V5 French ft w ft ft Childrens Hour: "Lt. premiere lettre. The great maritime discoveries. IV. 9.30 "Psycne,” orchestral suite by Cesar
      2,289 words
    • 787 9 g MADRAS i. VUM2 7.27 mc/s <41.27 m.) h VUM2 9.57 mc/s (31.35 m.) VuAiP 4.92 mt s (60.98 m.) 5 <9.2u 1U.50 a.m.; G 2.50 4.20 p.m.) q 5.50— 6.2-» p.m. Schools Broadcast. 6.50 r Musxc Programme. 7.00 News m Telugu. 7.05 News m Tamil. 7.10 Tamil or lelugu
      787 words

  • 411 10 Full Realisation Of Issues Involved Cairo, August 27 Hefez Affifti Pasha, broadcasting in Arabic on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the signing of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty, said “If the British had not been in Egypt, we should have been invaded at
    ..—Reuter.  -  411 words
  • 183 10 Targets Engaged At Point Blank Range HARBOUR PENETRATED: NO CASUALTIES SUSTAINED Cairo, August 27. A naval communique says that during the night of August 23 24 British naval forces attacked the Italian harbour of Bardia where there were troops concentrations and the seaplane
    —Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 64 10 —Reuter. Demonstration Bv Transylvanians Bucharest, Aug: 27 Transylvanians are organising meetings to demonstrate their solidarity against the cession of territory to Hungary. A gathering at a club attended by two Under-Secretaries of State sent a telegram to the King assuring him that the “Rumanian nation is
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 94 10 .—Reuter. Allege< 1 Attacks By British Forces Berlin, August 27. The Foreign Office has sent a note to the Swiss Government, asserting that a number of cases occurred in which •German “ambulance seaplanes" had been exposed to attacks by' British forces.* The note declares these attacks are
    .—Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 53 10 —Reueter. Amendment Rejected By I S. Senate Washington, August 27. The Senate rejected by sixty' votes to nineteen proposals to liipit compulsory military service to men between the ages of 21 and 24. As now drafted, the Bill renders all men between the ages of 21 and 30
    —Reueter.  -  53 words
  • 51 10 —Reuter. French Police Director Attacked By Gunmen Shanghai, August 27 Six Chinese gunmen attacked Lieutenant Pierre Blanchet, acting Director of the French Municipal Police today. He leapt out cf his car. returned the revolver fire despite two wounds and drove off the attackers. M. Blanchet's condition is not
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 275 10 ENEMY ADMITS FIAT’ FACTORY AT TURIN HIT London. August 27 An Air Ministry communique states that bombers delivered successful attacks on a number of important military objectives in Germany and Italy last night. The Official German News Agency states that a general air
    I.—Reuter.  -  275 words
  • 30 10 e.—Reuter. London, August 27 It is authoritatively stated in London that the recent German claim to have Kink a destroyer of the Viscount class is not true.—Reuter.
    e.—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 286 10 —8.0. W. Record Production Of Fighters And Bombers Rugby, August 27 Referring to the fact that last week British aircraft workers turned out more bombers and fighters than ever before, the “Daily Express’’ says that this provides an answer to German'."s mass raids, her tip-and-run
    —8.0. W.  -  286 words
  • 136 10 .—Reuter. Ex-Air Minister Reveals Bungling By Petain And Wevgand New York, August 27 The former French Air Minister. M. Pierre Cot. in an exclusive interview over the New York radio, declared Petain and Wevgand gave our country to Hitler.” He blamed the French
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 162 10 —Reuter. AGENTS PLACED LN KEY INDUSTRIES New York, Aug. •>; The Axis powers have a “deft nite programme” in the United States, according to Mr Dj e Chairman of the Congressional Committee investigating Un American activities. Mr. Dies told the press that he had evidence
    —Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 22 10 —Reuter. Buenos Atres, Aug. 27 President Ortiz has withdrawn his resignation following the refusal of Caigress to accept it. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 117 10 —Reuter. Ten British Vessels Sunk Last Week London. August 27 It is authoritatively announced that mercantile losses for the week ending August 18/19 were ten British ships totalling 41,175 tons and one Allied ship of 7.592 tons. The total is slightly above the weekly average for the previous
    .—Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 641 10 Another Taste Of Strength Of Britain’s Opposition London. August 27 Hitler unleashed his biggest air attack on Britain from nightfall yesterday until dawn today. In these. Britain's most extensive night raids since the war, a coastline of over five hundred miles was attacked and enemy
    Reuter.  -  641 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 113 10 S.S. “CITY OF LOS ANGELES** (via Panama) DUE PENANG 6th SEPT., 1940. Luxuriously appointed passenger vessel with swimming pool and air conditioned dining room PENANG TO MANILA U.S. $lOl-00 PENANG TO HONGKONG U.S, $126-00 PENANG TO SAN FRANCISCO U.S. $486-00 Prices shown are minimum rates. Cabins with private bathrooms available
      113 words

  • 216 11 MAKE (.(ESACK ON THURSDAY (Bl RINGSIDE s NARA, the pride of local Indian boxing fans, will make his come-back on Thursday night at the New a orld Covered Stadium, when he meets Fighting Ah Kow in main bout over 12 two-minute rounds. Nara, who has
    216 words
  • 58 11 Miss Grace Lowe And Mr. ong Hock Sim Ipoh. The marriage took place quietly at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Ipoh. on Saturday af Mr. Ong Hock Sim. the local lawyer, to Miss Grace Lowe of Oaklin, California. The Rev J. Hamilton Aiken officiated. The witnesses vere Mr
    58 words
  • 125 11 Oiialil'ving Rounds for Championships Qualifying rounds for the Penang j ur f Club Golf Championship wjll be played over the week-jLiu-t 31-Septdnber 1 and (L ibtr 7-8. 18 holes stroke play under r i .<ap to be played each week-end. P rs to arrange their own
    125 words
  • 189 11 lr»oh Beat Tehik Anson By Odd Goal Telok Anson. Ji :he Perak Malay School Teachers’ eague. the Ipoh Malay School learners defeated Telok Anson by three ;.>ais to two playing on the Speedy upper padang here during the reek-end. Mr. Niuh Tay Poh refereed the match.
    189 words
  • 159 11 laiping C.R.C. Beat Clayton Club Taiping. In a friendly inter-club tennis fixUr played at Parit Buntar on Sunday ifternoon, the second string of the C hinese Recreation Club, Taiping, defeated the Clayton Club "B” team by three matches to two. This is the first 'friendly fixture be- veen the
    159 words
  • 57 11 ‘ig Coinbine XI vs Amazing XI lollowmg will represent the Young r tne Xi against the Amazing XI in i'i ndly game cf soccer on the School ground on August Albert; Teik Leng, Kim Siew; Hanif(Captain), Ah Beng, T. M. Sheriff; Hock Seng, Theam Ho. Keat 0( U. S
    57 words
  • 201 11 .Two Prizes For Local Men Taiping. The organisers of *the Taiping Cycl:mg Carnival in aid of the War Fund, to be held on Sept. 1, wish to announce that two prizes will be given to the first and second Taiping competitors to complete the course. There will
    201 words
  • 840 11 COMISSIONERS PASSING OF BUILDING PLANS President Explains Delay That the passing of plans had been delayed owing to the Building •Surveyor being on mobilisation was levealed by the Municipal President at a I meeting of the Municipal Commissioners j yesterday when., Dr. Ong Huck Chye complained that plans appeared to
    840 words
  • 108 11 Total Now $319,124 The following is a list of donations to the Perak Patriotic Fund: c Amount previously acknowledged 318.894.94 The Manager, Sub. Staff k- Labour Force of Kota’ Bahxoe Gunong Rapat, Canning Batu Dua Estates, 10th monthly subscriptions 41.00 Kinta Sanitary Board Staff 48 70 Local
    108 words
  • 183 11 Ipoh. The first title bout of the year will be staged at the Jubilee Park arena tomorrow night when Nai Boon Mah, the Perak lightweight champion, meets his old rival and contender, David Dharmaraj over ten three-minute rounds. A bumper crowd is
    183 words
  • 191 11 Fixtures Ln Chinese rffurnamenl S»ii awan The following are the fixtures Ot /he Sitiawan Chinese Badminton ment for this week-end, August 31, and September 1: SATURDAY—OPEN SINGLES 3.00 p.m. Chua Khian Seng vs. Ngooi Ee How. 3.30 p.m. Aw Sieng Tong vs. Hoong Woo Mee. 4.00 p.m.
    191 words
  • 57 11 Taiping. The Taiping Chin Nyean Basketball team beat the Kamunting Chin Nyean team 70-48 Ln a friendly game played at the former’s court Sunday afternoon. The visitors played an improved game in the second half. Wong Yoong Yew and Foong Chew were outstanding for the homsters while
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 252 12 DADABHOY SHOULD WIN AT MEETING 'Turley’s Newcomers Again Impress (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. CLOW work was done on the second track, which was slightly on the soft side owing to early rain. Artful Sailor, Kerrena, First Ra and Amplify looked very fit.
    252 words
  • 78 12 V7EDNESi>* .xY. AUGUST 28. f fcnang $132.37| Business done 75 tons Singapore $132 37J BOBBER: Penang Spot 37 3/4c Singapore Spot 37 3/4c XOPRA: Sur.dried $2.75 buyers Kiack Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.75 sellers Fair Seed 56.45 sellers BICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $B.lO Rangoon Parboiled No. 2
    78 words
  • 154 12 BEX CINEMA “He Marrjed His Wife” with Joel McCrea and Nancy Kelly 3, 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA “French Leave” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. O» EON CINEMA Baby Sandy in “Little Accident" 3, 6.15 and 9.30 pm. MAJESTIC CINEMA John Wayne in “Westward Ho’’ and
    154 words
  • 354 12 HANDICAPS FOR SECOND DAY (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Following are the weights for the Second Day of the Singapore Gold Cup Meeting. HORSES—CLASS 3, DIVA— 6 FURS. OLD COW 9.00 GOLDEN MELODY 813 AUTUMN BRIDE 8 12 STELLA’S PET f 8.11 COURTING 8 11 ALBA
    354 words
  • 443 12 London, August 27. An air raid warning was sounded in the London area tonight. The warning came within two or three minutes of the time of last night’s warning. Cinema and theatre audiences again took the warning coolly and hardly had any one left
    -’-Reuter.  -  443 words
  • 54 12 The funeral of the late Mr M Jegarow took place yesterday evening from his residence at .5. Pilau Tikus Lane, for interment at th? Western Road Cemetery. There was a large gathering of friends and relatives and many wreaths were received. Rev. Father Riooud officiated
    54 words
  • 301 12 Successful Raid On Hills An account of how they had to crawl for some distance before they could get a clear view of a place where a 30-gal-lon still was kept working by two men. was related to the Penang Third Magistrate, Mr. W M McCall,
    301 words
  • 413 12 .—Reuter. London. August 28. i N Air Ministry conununkiue states: Yesterday R.A.F. bombers made daylight attacks on enemy aerodromes. The scope of these attacks was greatly extended last night. 'Twenty-seven aerodromes in Germany, Holland. Belgium and enemyoccupied France were bombed. Over Nivelles aerodrome, one R.A.F. iMimber
    .—Reuter.  -  413 words
  • 92 12 r J’HE Sing Tao Soccer tourists of Hong Kong returned to Penang this morning from Rangoon. where they had been playing a series of matches against leading local teams. They won two games and drew in one during their Rangoon tour. Auangements are
    92 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 115 12 PUBLIC NOTICE THE ROBINSON PIANO CO. (S.S.) LTD., PENANG. The Robinson Piano Co. (S.S.) Ltd. hereby gives notice that it has sold as at 30th April, 1940 its stock-in-trade, books debts and all its business which was carried on at 1 Union Street, Penang, and has given the purchasers authority
      115 words
    • 561 12 I *Q* SuaxaT Ga PLVANG B,g A Montoj5 j a «0 J Quartet y lUe y e«lY 30.0 C SUNDAY GAZ L Ix>cai ss t Delivers U Quarterly Half-Yearly 2.50 Yearly l 0() ADV»!RTISEMF VT K < Th,e tn»»-, ADVKR, nBKM^ O 'E' fc 25 cente per line per
      561 words