Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 695 1 Enemy Forced To Turn Back From Coast ATTACK ON LONDON AREA A DISMAL FAILDEE London, 26. |NE in every four enemy raiders was shot down in the course of air attacks late yesterday afternoon against British shores, states the Air Ministry News Service. About
    ..—Reuter.  -  695 words
  • 131 1 —Reuter. London, August 26. Air Ministry News Service says rornber which attacked Dinard <' < set fire to woods. The fury flames indicated that a large ore in the woods was hit. The I’ l 'ad rapidly and floodlit the •irome for the Blenheims which fol5,1
    ’.—Reuter.  -  131 words
    —REUTER.  -  147 words
  • 148 1 .—Reuter. Cairo. August 26. silken tri-colour, embroidered by the French Sisters of Mercy in Cairo, was presented with an imposing ceremony yesterday to the newly-formed contingent of French troops at their headquarters on the Suez Canal. The presentation was made by the President of the
    .—Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 64 1 —Reuter. American States Asked To Semi Army Chiefs Washington, August 25. The War Department has announced that the L’nited States’ Commander-’n-Chief. General G. C. Marshall, has invited the Commander-in-Chief and one officer fiom each Republic of South and Central America to visit the United States in
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 27 1 Hongkong, Aug. 25. Mr. George Fowler, a member of the Hongkong Volunteer Air Arm. was killed last night in a crash while re-
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  • 160 1 New York, August 26. “/AUR common tradition of freedom has been tested on a thousand battlefields from Waterloo to Gettysburg; it is now meeting its supreme test on the white cliffs of Dover,” said Mr. Robert Sherwood, the American dramatist, broadcasting from
    .—Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 34 1 Reuter Argentine President's Resignation Refused Buenos Aires. Aug. 25. The Argentine Congress has refused to accept th-* resignation of the President of the Republic. Dr. Ortiz, oy 170 votes to one.— Reuter
    . Reuter  -  34 words
  • 31 1 Reuter. Rome. August 25. The Rome radio has .announced that an additional agreement to the one at prespnf. in force between G my and Spain has been signed rifle-ridrid
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 75 1 .—Reuter. London, August 26. An Air Ministry statement says that nearly 300 German planes have been shot down over and round Britain during the last eight days. The number of Nazi aircraft which had fallen to the Royal Air Force and anti-aircraft fire in
    .—Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 103 1 DOMINION STATUS FOR India —Reuter. Allahabad. August 26. rpHE Council of National Liberal Federation has adopted a 1 resolution suggesting certain clarifications and modifications in the Viceroy’s oiler in order to evoke whole-hearted response from the people of India in the prosecution of the
    .—Reuter.  -  103 words
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    • 22 1 I 1* CATE FOR YOUR hr/' Ijglllh 0 ,-th Malaga <£ Penang t r i DISPENSARY ltd.. -gjORGb 1 u Penang and Ipoh.
      22 words
    • 69 1 I 1 Jl I BEST! f ijy niiMmtei I Agents for North Malaya A Pvnunfi GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. i|| I JUST I THE IMPROVED I r*\Co££zi I FOLDING 1 PUSH CAR I Iw-rt H 'HL J brand I Black Enamelled, Upholstered in Pediflex Leather Cloth. Folds quite
      69 words

  • 1175 2 WHAT INSPECTION TOUR REVEALS Brigade's Fine Response To Two Fire Calls PEOPLE STANDING VP TO STRAIN VERY WELL London, August 25. lAAMAGE done in the London area and the city by the week-end air raids was very small indeed, an official of
    .—Reuter.  -  1,175 words
  • 117 2 Britain and the Continent.—Reuter. Stockholm, August 25. It is generally expected here that the Germans will attempt some action against the East Coast of Greenland during the short time that access is possible. The September ice precludes approach to Greenland from the sea while huts
    Britain and the Continent.—Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 205 2 .—Reuter. Cairo. August 25 The British forces have made no attempt to occupy the cheerless ruins of Fort Capuzzo following the naval bombardment for it was little strategic value from the British standpoint, but serves as an excellent bait to draw the enemy from the strongly
    .—Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 79 2 —Reuter. tir. Hull's Appeal Eor United Support Washington. August 25. Declaring that "Possibilities of danger to American Republic are real'' Mr. Cordell Hull in a statement appealed to American people for the united support for full and adequate preparations to defend the Western Hemisphere. Meanwhile.
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 52 2 I. —Reuter. No Italian Warships Cruising Off Crete Athens. August 25 Greek circles say that they have no Knowledge of the report that Italian warships are reported to be cruising off Crete and British circles add that they have no indication at present that Italian warships are in
    I.—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 38 2 —Reuter. To Be Made Available To U. S. Washington, Aug. 25. The Bermuda air base is to be made available tc the United States it is announced at a special session of the Bermuda Assembly.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 446 2 .—Reuter. London. August 25 German raiders dropped thousands of mce id.arv bombs in a South-Western area early today, but the damage was negligible and there were no casualties. At one little village, only one small fire was started although two hundred incendiarv bombs were dropped in
    .—Reuter.  -  446 words
  • 33 2 Reuter. London, August 25. The Admiralty announces that the mine-sweeping trawler “Resparko” was damaged as the result of an enemy attack and subsequently sank. There was no loss of life. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter. Sydney, Auo The search for the raider which attacke c steamer, “Turakina” in the Tasman Sea is being c- r a wide area, said the Acting Ministry of t> \avy. Naval and air units from Australia and New Zealan part in the
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 557 2 20 Enemy Bombers Over Portsmouth London, August 24. PORTSMOUTH was raided by waves of enemy an it late this afternoon. Only twenty succeeded in pie cing the barrage. A cinema was hit during the performances and the gallery collapsed. Several people were trapped, \nother cinema
    —Reuter.  -  557 words
  • 342 2 Rugby, August 25. A neutral press correspondent who recently visited the SouthLust areas of England, which have borne the brunt so far of the y'<>Hiun air attack on Britain, has contributed an interesting acount of his experiences in dispatch to his newspaper, the “Huqvudstadbalet.” /N SOUTH-EAST
    —Reuter.  -  342 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. 1939 Figure* I rebled In 19ID Washing: August 24. The Department of reported that exports •hp nrst engines accessories months in 1940 are v law Tn* those in the same p' 1 1 vag total value of the men $138,000,000 half of was sen France.
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 39 2 NORWAY 'S FOOD SUPPLIES -Reuter. Stated By cian? Be Sati-fa 4 v ,.-ncy An Official Gem N orW egiaJJ patch from Oslo that tb« Minister of Suppl .uppli*® present state of m Norway “may {er I.* secure and l
    -Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 37 2 .—Reute? Appointed Attache U Gita" \ug ust f The United State? Naval Captain O. M. Re.-J is an ot^er Air Attache at O g relate’ move towards the with Canada. Cap' fill the poet—Rcute
    .—Reute?  -  37 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 98 2 6/ AtnrtDntmen* to H. M. The Kbit of Sfam **H«Tbe StfitMib? «EBS» H.H. The Suß«n of Per&jt WATCH FOR THE ELEGANTS, J A pretty watch is ■H Of e lovely watches we know our an extravagance that favourites are every woman can allow OMEGA herself. Haven’t you ■Kuw- And beauty
      98 words

  • 358 3 Their Own Ship Torpedoed London. < HEWS on board a sinking tish merchantman —straight from a ship’s concert, still in fancy -id with the grease-paint running <’°wn their faces—fought dll J rtith a U-boat for 2* 2 hours d nt it to
    358 words
  • 179 3 Dublin. Stephen Cai roll Held, 43-year-ol 1 Dublin business man, was sentenced to five years’ penal servitude by the Dublin Military Criminal Court recently for: Aiding and abetting someone unknown to have instructions for receiving and recording information: Aiding someone unknown to attempt to
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  • 39 3 London. A dia md and emerald necklace for £6,800 and a diamond 2,700 at a sale of jewellery 01 Die ar effort at Christie's the °thei day. n c hours the sale realised
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  • 145 3 Polish soldiers who fought the Germans in Flanders and others who held part of the Maginot Line, are now in Britain to fight side by side with British soldiers. They arrived at a west coast port after travelling five days through France without food
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  • 1124 3 This article, written by David Walker in “The Tablet” (London) a few months ago, is of special interest in view of more recent developments in Rumania: T I does not need a vast understanding of the modern Balkan States to realize that today their
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  • 602 3 The following are extracts from a translation of a talk in Hindustani recently broadcast from the Delhi Station by Dr. Taseer: TJERLIN has come out in her true colours at last. And what was being said generally in India, i.e., that our fellow-Indians who broadcast
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  • 608 3 London. VERYBODY'S mind today is turned to the possibility of invasion. VYe know what we ought to do if the Germans try to establish a foothold here, but it may help us if we kne*v something more of the sort of things the
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    • 76 3 Ag xOfisW WHAT A WARS iMF fl fl by ®fl fl’ fl Gilbert ifl 110 ’W IS ilkinson fl S B' fl Ipw flfll] gt- fl'» LOVEM and LEAVEM See, the fifth one's always been lousy! EpBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Hay Day ■t- ’Si t oof drinks for workers who Instantly
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  • 3177 4 Authority To Borrow Not Exceeding $10,000,000 4 MONG the Bills to be introduced at today’s meeting of the A Legislative Council are the War Loan (Local) Bill and War Savings Certificates Bill. The War Savings Certificates Bill is to authorise the Governor to
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  • 99 4 MR. ERNEST BEVIN, Minister of Labour (second from left), u-ith members of the Factory and Welfare Advisory Board when then met for the first time in London. Their job will be to stimulate and develop to the fullest extent the safety, health and welfare
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  • 394 4 Friday, August 23, 1940. OERKHABARAN dari London berkata bahawa Jexman telah memakai meriam2 besax- penembak jauh di-pan-tai negeri Peranchis bagi membedil pantai negeri England sa-malam, dan juga membedil kapal2 di-laut. Dalam siaran kita sa-malam telah di-sebutkan meriam2 besax- ini ia-lah di-dirikan pada tempat yang sempit
    394 words
  • 453 4 jMagisU ale's Comment Assault Case ITVTAKING his dt r r I pore third court s’si his trial on tv.o cha tarily causing hurt Pitiable, and the othex n staforce on a second i ni >nal Rais, an 18-yeax-oL; I that he was n.anh; policemen
    453 words
  • 239 4 Singapore. O EMARKING that youth was attempt!-- '<> gain 3C cess to a portion of th*- jccniises A goods were stored wher. W. MacQuarrie, ac'.mg SingaP u e coroner, returned a fir mi deal.* misadventure,” at the s inquiry into the deatl
    239 words
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    • 171 4 In Only 7 Zfo/s-ThiS Amazing Change! Miss Dorothy Bramhall, 16, Southwood House, Southwood Rd., London, England hat expressed her amazement at the astonishing effect of this New Beauty Treatment even in one week. k Bl L~ elr! 1 Short Wesk! Thousands of de- deep skin cells, called ‘Biocel’, is now
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    • 35 4 All in a Day’s Work— By kick Elnies THAT’b M»' L OM&. Pace. k 1' 11 "“"J'V-. l i i i i vzxho SHORTvS C--U-4 Oo 1I THERE w -I I j /Lnfc.. UufeSsA -fei
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  • 325 5 WOODCUTTER’S DEATH BY MISADVENTURE “Death by misadventure due to a tree falling on the deceased’s head” was the verdict returned by the Butterworth Coroner, Mr. R. C. Hoffman. in the Police Court here on Saturday when an inquiry was held into the death of Lim Hua
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  • 75 5 Mrs. P. A. Andrews As Acting Superintendent Mrs. P.A. Andrews of Muar is acting as Superintendent of St. Nicholas Home following the departure of Miss B. E. Sherman. The Home is fortunate in having so capable a person in charge during a difficult period of reorganization and
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  • 78 5 Ipoh. Saminathan. a well-built Tamil, was produced before the Ipoh First Magistrate. Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, on Saturday on a charge of loitering for the purpose cf bookmaking at Togo Street on August 9. The accused claimed trial, and the case was postponed till September 25. bad
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  • 1385 5 Case For Prosecution Closes After Eleven Days Singapore. Charles Woodcock, a European accountant, related in the trial by court martial of R. C. Loveday on Friday afternoon how he came to take custody, for two days, of a box containing bearer bonds “because
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  • 165 5 Nine Youths Ln Custody Alor Star. A party of Malay boys are alleged to have smashed the windows of the Volunteer Hall here during the week-end when damage estimated at S5OO was done. Entry was effected through a window, after it had been broken, and the
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  • 158 5 Drama Of Gun-Runners In Pacific An airplane flight to test new flying equipment that brings romance, tragedy and thrills on a mid-Pacific island—hide-away of a. gun runner—is the theme of “Isie of Destiny” at the Majestic Theatre. In a carefree moment an adventuresome miss. possessed
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  • 472 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Inche Abdul Rauf bin Haji Mohamec Sa at has been appointed magistrate, Klang, Miss J. I. Smith. Nursing Sister of the Malayan Nursing Service, has been sconded foi service in Johore A Commission as Lieutenant in the S.S. Volunteer Force has been granted to Dr. Lau Yong Boon.
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    • 228 5 NEW WORLD CELEBRATING ON 30TH, 31ST AUG. ANO IST SEPT. festival T,,E Chinese 7th HUNGRY I Moon Festival I GHOSTS" j “PHOR TOR” Kingly sacrifices huge paper gods ••Priests chanting prayers Join ia this annual offering Welcome the SPIRITS OF HELL Let their hunger be appeased lest they create pestilence
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    • 139 5 R V *P ells Today X\ ith 3 Shows JC d At 3: 6.15 9.30 p.m. not her Sparkling Frivolous Comedy From 20th Century-Fox McCREA NANCY KELLY’ IRdfeAtie fttwaW ffe ?OIANO YOUNG MARY 80LAND CESAR ROMERO majestic SHOWS TODAY i.OO, 6.15 9.30 ATI NI E PRICES: 15. 25 bo UTS.
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    • 98 5 QUEEN’S 3 SHOWS Today Tomorrow At 2. 6 9 p.m. A Grand Chinese Double-feature Attraction An excellent Cantonese Hit 6 *Kani Hong Tee*’ Together with A Great Mandarin Picture “Heroes Of Chaotic” Matinee Prices including Tax Downstairs 15, 25 50 cents WEDNESDAY Delicious comedy Piquant Dialogue and manv wartime tunes
      98 words

  • 153 6 rpO say that Madame Chiang Kai-shek is assured of a very warm welcome to Malaya is but to state the obvious. China's First Lady has never visited this country but she has intimate connection with it, and the friendly letters which she writes personally in acknowledging relief
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  • 247 6 decision to resist any invader and respect her treaty obligations is at once a smack on the nose for totalitarian dictatorship and a pat on the back for Great Britain. The fact is doubly significant, not only for the renewed confidence inspired by the brilliant series of
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  • 133 6 ODEON CINEMA "Ninotchka” with Greta Garbo and Melvyn Douglas 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Isle of Destiny” with William Gargan, Wallace Ford and June Lang. 3, 6 15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA "He Married His Wife” with Joel McCrea and Nancy Kelly 3, 6.15 and
    133 words
  • 313 6 A Mistake Corrected. “TAX-PAYER”, in congratulating our City Fathers on their decision at Friday s special meeting, writes: (i \ever was a mistake more courageously corrected. The Municipal Commissioners have now set a worthy lead to the public. .Is a tax-payer, I commend their decision to give
    313 words
  • 689 6 Monday, August 26. r pHE R.A.F. still maintains A its proud record of victories over the enemy. Yesterday's mass raid resulted in 50 enemy planes being shot down at a loss of 19 British aircraft. OTORIES of the magnificent courage of civilians under heavy
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    • 43 6 iWRpt PM I Til 'TI lAj'P' PIONEER RU8MII««»i 529.TANJ0NG BUNG AH R? PfNANfc, For your convenience rend yew tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 L;ght St. Penanf Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Centra» Shoe Store, 134 Campbel] Street, Phone 2883.
      43 words

  • 970 7 Will Buy 150 Bombers Or 300 Fighters SAVING CERTIFICATES ALSO SANCTIONED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. 4 T today's meeting of the Legislative Council, the A ar Loan Bill, authorising the flotation of a Loan of in the Colony was moved by the
    970 words
  • 195 7 Enthusiatic Reception At Festival The "Sri Krishna Jayanti” was celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Ashram premises, 109 Chuha Street, Penang, yesterday. Prayers and "Puja were recited in the forenoon. In the afternoon there was a party for children. At 5 30 pm. there was a crowded
    195 words
  • 57 7 A double-feature programme—"Kam Hong Tee” in Cantonese and “Heroes cl the Chaotic" in Mandarin is being offered at the Queen’s Theatre at reduced prices. “Kam Hong Tee” is a grand Cantonese drama, replete with songs. It depicts a modern romance. “Heroes of the Chaotic” is
    57 words
  • 360 7 Jeff And D’Arcy Irvine The latest Air Ministry casualty list shows as missing Flight Lieutenant R. V. Jeff and Flying Officer B. W. J. D'Arcy Irvine, lx>th born in Kuala Lumpur. Flight Lieut. Jeff was awarded the D.F.C. and later a Bar to the Cross. He
    360 words
  • 815 7 CERTIFICATE OF URGENCY INTRODUCED (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore Today. HEN the acting Attorney-General moved the first reading of the Contribution to War Fund Bill. Mr. Bisseker (Penang) moved that Standing Orders relative to the reading and publication of bills be suspended to enable this bill
    815 words
  • 324 7 Further L 3.000 Remitted By F.M.S. ’’T'HE War Fund in North Malaya reached $1,036,201.93 over the week-end, made up of Penang $586,045.77 and Perak $450,156.16. The Singapore total stands at $3,470,727 while the F.M.S. War Fund is $1,112,119. Previously acknowledged $585,848.07 Chop Boay Y urn,
    324 words
  • 127 7 Burglary in Burinah Read Jewellery, amounting to m<ae than S4OO, was stolen from a i Chinese residence in Burmah Road in the early hours of yesterday morning. The jewellery was kepk. in a drawer of the dressing table in the front rocm upstairs. The key
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 DOCTORS CHOOSE HUMANISED TRIFOOD FOR |gjh THEIR OWN BABIES N ti w x Nk» (Tn accordant wM medical etiquette, Mt Jr Doctor’s name is u/t > JF J||W published.) dßem ggW H H sL 'WIM M I 1 I I "n ft I ft E ft TF/193/6W •8 k Tv
      88 words

  • 125 8 With rapidly growing children, nou(rishment must keep pace with growth. When it doesn't the child gets thin, pale, weedy, with no energy or inclination for food For extra nourishment, doctors and •xmrses say there is nothing better than Horlicks. It builds up flesh, bone and
    125 words
    • 464 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL. laaue ouyer» sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amai 5/3 5/6 £1 Austral M. 35/0 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.57$ 0 62$ £1 Bangrin Tin 16/6 17/6 SI
      464 words
    • 241 8 NOMINAL. Issue ouyer. sellers Allenby 1.07$ 1.15 Alor Gajah 0.80 0.85 Amal Malay 1.65 1.75 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Molek 0.95 I.ooc Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett 0.42/ 0.47$ Batu Lintang 1.00 1.05 Bedford 0.85 0.90 c Benta 0.97$ 1.02$ Borelll 1.10 1.20 Broga 0.62$ 0.67 Brunei United
      241 words
    • 314 8 NOMINAL. issue ouyen tellers A £1 (Aust.- N.Z. Mln Ord 22/n 9 2 Alex. Brick Grd. 1.75 2.00 2 do 75% Pref 2.00 2.10 b B. M. T. 6-50 7.00 Chartered Bank £tfi £6; £1 Con. T. S. Ord 17/6 18 0 £1 Con. T. 8. 7% Pref 21/0
      314 words
    • 172 8 Company OlridenG Haynie Buocs Close TIN Austral Malay 3d. 1/3 Bonus Sept. 13 sept 2 Ipoh Tin 3/- I- T. Aug. 29 Aug. 5 Kramat 6d. Aug. 28 Aug 19 K. Kampars 6d. Sept. 18 Sept 9 Kundangs 1/- S«ot. 4 Aug. 26 Raub Gold 4d.
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  • 246 8 8.0. W Ihe King Meets General De Gaulle For Ist Time Rugby', August 24 Among the men the King inspected were men of the Foreign Legion, who had fought the Germans in Norway many of them still wearing ski boots. They wore French uniform and had
    8.0. W  -  246 words
  • 77 8 y.—Reuter. I reasurv Bills Fully Allotted London, Aug. 24. On the money market, glut of funds seeking employment had been pronounced. Hence borrowers continued to obtain overnight loans cheaply. The £65.000.000 Treasury Bills offered were fully allotted at the average rate of £l. os. 5.63 d. which
    y.—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 60 8 MAIL DEPARTURES MONDAY. AUGUST 26, 1940. Latest Time of Posting AIR MAILS Mails far Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur Singapore 1.30 p.m. Monday 26th inst. Mails for Java, Southern Sumatra (by air from Singapore a.m. Tuesday 27th inst. Mails for Australia, New Zealand. Java 8 a m. Thursday 29th inst.
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  • 259 8 British Submarine Nazi Ship. Returns Hom e Travelling Blind London, < ,z Travelling blind through the loss of both feris, u i-dc r' damaged bv a German ship, the British submarine turned to her base after a patrol in which she sank > carrying ship, chased a G~boat. attacked a
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 192 8 .—B O.W. One Messerschmitt Chased To France In clear air at this great height which each pilat inhaled from his oxygen appatus. a series of dog fights began. Two Messerschmitts 109 and Messerschmitt 110 went down. The Spitfire -squadron chased one Messerschmitt 109 across
    .—B O.W.  -  192 words
  • 59 8 I.—Reuter. Mr. La Guardia To Be I S. Chairman Washington. August 24. Americans on the United StatesCanada Defence Board have named the Mayor of New York. Mr. La Guardia, as their Chairman. Mr. La Guardia announced that Americans will be leaving for Canada on Sunday for the
    I.—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 448 8 .—8.0. W Assurance Sought That States Will Be < hanged Lugby, August 24 At a session of the Beimuda Hou Of Assembly a memorial signed bv Speaker of the House was to the Governor for transmission to the Secretary of State for the Colonies
    .—8.0. W  -  448 words
  • 134 8 Saturdav’s Close Previously TIN: LCNDON: “Spot” £260. 5. 0 £260 0. 0. "Forward” £261. 0. f £260 15. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot" ,$132.37U $132 Business done N 50 tons PENANG •‘Spot” §132.374 $132 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 12 s|Bd. “Forward” 12 58d. Tone Dull SINGAPORE: "Spot” 37 3jBc PENANG: “Spot”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 BAN K J .I ggl SAVINGS 7/ott A dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned. Savings Account Is the best Inducement to save. k To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is to oe a contented person. A Savings Account may be
      142 words

  • 321 9 The Health Bulletin issued by the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, Singapore, for the week ended August 17 is as follows: PLAGUE No case of plague has been reported during the week from any of the eastern ports. CHOLERA BRITISH INDIA— The chief features are a
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    • 2815 9 BBC. Full HONGKONG flh fl II W| 7.20 (approx) 1 W I fl fl I .-40 Light Music. Ofc Z MW> cnn ,n W fl fl Dance Music. 8.20 BB.C. Full News Bulletin < Rebroadcast). *g* 4 10 £•> 8.50 Topical Talk n o S M cl 116-90 “•> A
      2,815 words
    • 130 9 dio. 5.45 Teochew Dramas and Selections 6.45 Warning to Mariners. Musical Interlude.? Weather Report. 6-50 News. Relayed from London. 7.20 News in Malay. 7.35 Nick's Concert Six. 8.20 News and topidal talks. Relayed from London. 9.05 News En Dutch. Relayed from London. <ZHP\ 9.05 Jay Wilbur s Variety.t <ZHL> 9.20*
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  • 345 10 OIL REFINERIES AND SUPPLY DEPOTS BOMBED London, August 25 An Air Ministry communique states “R.A.F. bombers carried out daylight operations on aerodromes and other objectives in North-West France, low countries and Germany yesterday. At night oil refineries in the Ruhr and
    .<—Reuter.  -  345 words
  • 374 10 —Reuter. Damage Slight, Casualties Few London. August 25. Germans again shelled a part of South-East England early in the evening from the French coast. The shelling lasted nearly 45 minutes. The Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security have issued the following communique: “This morning
    —Reuter.  -  374 words
  • 1306 10 OPERATIONS CARRIED OUT SINGLY Casualties In London And Other Parts Small London, August 25 Up to 8.30 p.m. G.M.T. 45 enemy aircraft were destroyed today of which 40 were accounted for by Fighters. An Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique, dealing with
    .—Reuter.  -  1,306 words
  • 385 10 Reuter. Long Dog-fights Ch er Thames London, Aug. 25. The Royal Canadian Fighter Squadron to reach England went into action yesterday for the first time. Flying Canada-built Hurricanes, the plots this afternoon shot down two Dornier bombers. A sergeant of a Spitfire squadron yesterday shot down
    . Reuter.  -  385 words
  • 61 10 —Reuter. Collection In China For Conversion Chungking. August 25. The Chinese Government has designated the Bank of China as agent for the collection of Bank of England notes in China. The Ministry* of Finance has informed all holders of Bank of England notes to convert them
    —Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 64 10 a—Reuter. Report Of Demands To Turkey Moscow. August 25 The Tass Agency says that it is authorised to describe as a complete fabrication tne reports appearing in the foreign press alleging that the Soviet recently demanded rom Turkey consent to the passage of the Soviet Navy through the
    a—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 147 10 —Reuter. Chinese Capt Ule Chichoyy Peiping, Aug. 24 Following the Japanese admision of recent activities of Eig’Uh Route (Redi army it j s now authoritatively learned that the countryside around P eip j nR has been considerably disturbed None of the Eastern gates of the
    —Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 45 10 —Reuter. Nazi Leader In Rumania Killed In Air Crash Vichy*, August 24. Herr Fabricus. head of the German .minority in Rumania, was among the 20 killed in the crash in the BucharestVienna aeroplane yesterday, says a Havas Agency despatch ft am Bucharest. —Reuter.
    :.—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 34 10 .—Reuter. Final Agreement Reached Craiova, August 25. Ramano-Bulgarian negotiations over Dobrudja ended here this evening with the reaching of a final agreement which probably will be signed during the weekend. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 232 10 Rumanian Disapproval Of Counter-proposals Bucharest, August 24 Rumania’s talks with Hungary at Turnu Severin were suiTlenh r 0 en off today without any result being achieved. The lVjngana n delegation left the Conference Room at 4 p.m. ant t 0 ship anchored on the Danube.
    _Reuter  -  232 words
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    • 163 10 NEW YORK VIA CAPE Leave P*nang pres. Harrison Sept- 1 X PRES. HAYES Sept. 19 X PRES POLK Oct- 10 PRES. GARFIELD Oct. 23 x No Passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Leave Penang CITY OF LOS ANGELES Sept. 6 CHABXSS McCORMACK Sept. 8 Via Manilla, Hongkong, San 4fcancisoov Loe
      163 words

  • 1150 11 HANDICAPS Fl IK FIRST DA Y u()RSi —Class —1 Division I—61 —6 Furlongs I if &gt;)RAGON 5y 9.05 Mrs. I. Yeap Van Breukelen HAMPTON 6y 9.04 Mr. Cheah Van Breukelen ?,:&gt;GE LAW 6y 9.02 Mr. Cheah Van Breukelen TATION 4y 9.00 Mr. Mrs. Foo Meow Chin Mr. Choo
    1,150 words
  • 514 11 ALJav oungstrrs’ Hockev Defeat Alor Star, August 25. The Combined Malay Youngsters of Penang who travelled down to the Kedah capital during the week-end were defeated at hockey by five got Is to one by the Police Depot XI on the Kedah Hockey Association ground on
    514 words
  • 202 11 Tungku Mahakurnia President Ipoh. At the first general meeting of I the recently formed Perak Cycling Club held at the Ipoh Town Hall yesterday. the drafted rules were passed. Mr. Poo Wha Cheng presided. The following were elected office-bearers: President: Tungku Mahakurnia; Vice-presidents: Datoh Muda Panglima Kinta,
    202 words
  • 30 11 Ipoh The annual general meeting of the Perak Asiatic Rugby Football Club will be held at the Y MCA. on Wednesday, August 28 at 7 .o.m.
    30 words
  • 192 11 Newcomers Improving Rapidly STRATHMORE BOW RAIN SHOULD SCORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. I? AST gallops were done on the second track this morning. Turley’s horses were the first out. Hue And Cry, Hot Flash and Winchliff doing individual slow work. These newcomers
    192 words
  • 123 11 Tea Partv To Mr. Leong Ming Sen Ipoh. One of the most prominent of the younger set of sportsmen in Perak, Mr. Leong Ming Sen, prior to his leaving Ipoh for higher studies in Hong Kong, was entertained to a tea-party by his team-mates, the Ramblers at
    123 words
  • 137 11 The Penang Indian Association met the Penang Harbour Board Junior Service Club at billiards at the latter’s club at Anson Road on Saturday evening, the Indian Association winning by three matches to one. The following are the results:— Amra Sing (1.A.) beat H. Kassim (P.H.B. &gt;. A. C. David
    137 words
  • 106 11 —Reuter. I n Englaml Lend n. August 24 At Milihill the Royal Aii Force beat a British Empire XI by nm&lt; runs. The R.A.F. scored 175. George Cox (Sussex* contributing 46. C.arKe (West Indies» took 4 wickets for 45 and Ray Smith (Essex»
    .—Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 53 11 Amateur Ramblers Beat Youngsters The Amateur Ramblers neat the O. Youngsters in a friendly soccer match yesterday by two goals to one. In the first half, Guan See opened the scoring for the Ramblers, and Rajoo equalised for the Youngsters. On the resumption the Ramblers scored the winning goal
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  • 108 11 Ipoh. After a brief visit to Perak—his third since his assumption of office—Mr S. H. Sih, Chinese Consul for the F. M S. has returned to Kuala Lumpur. During his stay here. Mr. Sih met leading members of the Chinese Communivy to renew contacts and
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  • 148 11 Luke’s XI Beat Carson’s XT Ipoh Lee Ah Loke’s XI beat CarsoiPg XI by two goals to nil. m a friendly hockey encounter on the padang on Saturday. The game was characterised by fast exchanges The losers were prevented from, scoring on several occasions by the winners’ superb
    148 words
  • 231 11 Cold Storage Draw ith Cheng Wah Ipoh. A penalty saved by Kap Seng, the Singapore Cold Storage goalkeeper, enabled his .side to share honours when they met the Cheng Wah in the semifinal of the Lim Seng Fook Cup competition on the padang on Saturday.
    231 words
  • 58 11 I.—Reuter. London, Aug. 24. The following are the results of the matches played in the Scottish Southern League today:— Airdrieonians 6. Dumbarton 1. Celtic 2, Hearts 1. Falkirk 3, Clyde 2. Hibernian 2, Morton 1. Motherwell 2, Rangers 3. Partick 1, Albion 0. St. Mirren 2,
    I.—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR CUSTOMERS. j TONG Great Annual Autumn i; From 25th August to October, 1940. v Large Selection of Dress Materials. Guaranteed European Make: A PRINTS, POPLINS, J (checks, limbrics, F STRIPES, CAMBRICS, .»9 A DYED GOODS, ORGANDIES, V I jMk HAIRCORDS, SILK ART SILKS, ak He PIQUE
      104 words

  • 1047 12 4th Air Raid Warning In London In 2 Days INDISCRIMINATE BOMBING OF CIVILIANS London, Aug. 25. ON DON had its fourth air raid w arning in two days when sirens wailed again tonight. The hum of planes could be heard in the outskirts. Searchlights swept
    —Reuter.  -  1,047 words
  • 83 12 MONDAY, AUGUST 26 TIN: Penang $132.50 Business done 50 tons Singapore $132.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 37 1 2c Singapore Spot 37 i 2c NOPRA: Sundried $2.60 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Med, uni $6.80 sellers s ’d $6.50 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $8 10 Rangoon Parboiled
    83 words
  • 247 12 1.—8.0. W. Itah Following German Method Rugby. August. 24. The situation created by the campaign in the Italian Press and wireless and the Italian controlled Press in Albania which has been taken ail the world over as foreshadowing or reflecting Italian demands upon Greece continues to
    1.—8.0. W.  -  247 words
  • 125 12 -BOW. Arrangements With South Africa London. Auv. 24 The Ministry of Supply announced tocay that a fresh arrangement has now been made with the Government of the L nion of South Africa for the remaining period of the war and one wool year after it under which the
    -BOW.  -  125 words
  • 76 12 —Reuter London, .luc/ugsf 26. Lord A orth and his sister. Lady u ynthia Williams, were killed as the result of an cxpl&lt;&gt;si&lt;:t d: A* .r coast ioda\ Lad-' .V r*’,. erid a’’-, injured. T e exp ose it zvas ea 1 and felt several miles
    —Reuter  -  76 words
  • 30 12 u —Reuter. London, August 24. The Minister for Aircraft Production has received £6.000 for the purchase of aircraft from Malta contributed by the Anglo-Maltese League.—Reuter.
    u—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 46 12 .—Reuter. I .S. Commerce Secretary Resigns Washington. August 24. The Secretary" of Commerce. Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, resigned from the Cabinet on account of ill-health. President Roosevelt has accepted the resignation and announced that he would offer the post to Mr Jesse H. Jones.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 779 12 FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT three per cent, war loan, 1952-1959. ISSUE OF 820,000,000 Bonds to Bearer, authorised by Federated Malay State*» War Loan Enactment No. 16 ot 1910. REPAYABLE XT PAR NOT EARLIER THAN THE 1952, AND NOT LAI EK THAN THE 30th SEPTEMBER, 19a9. INTEREST THREE PER CENT. PER
      779 words
    • 281 12 Pl BLIC NOTICE THE ROBINSON PIANO CO. (S.S.) LTD,. PENANG. The Robinson Piano Co. (S.S.) Ltd. hereby gives notice that it has sold as at 30th April, 1940 its stock-in-trade, books debts and all its business which was I carried on at 1 Union Street, Penang, and has given the
      281 words
    • 564 12 7l P*r &gt;r, Phone 1477 ma B«bscrlptfoc&lt; f( *34 Suna*i i, plnang g Lxx.&gt;. g g Icr y viouin;» ,7 Fjrt QuarteHy 7 .5 0 Halt-Yearly 15.0 t ‘Wi' 30.06 SUNDAY GAZFiij 91 8 S Delivery p Quarterly »1.2? r &gt; Half-fearl, 2 nt. V-arlr ..100 M advertisement The and
      564 words