Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 511 1 London, Aug. 22. INGLED with the boom of German heavy guns which fired shells cr. the Soutn-East Coast today was the crash of anti-aircraft fire and of exploding bombs as R.A.F. fighters were believed to be delivering avy attacks to silence the batteries. Ihe first
    —BOW.  -  511 words
  • 96 1 optrmis ""Reuter. HISSES small for a ARCE SCALE WAR London. August 23. i o paper “Albalagh” commentn Britain’s total casualties of ays: “This is Britain's loss !s very small when we consider this war depends the fate of nole world. After a year, Britill intact or
    optrmis ""Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 446 1 GENERAL DE GAULLE’S TRIBUTE TO BRITAIN —Reuter. London, August 23. F Britain becomes strongei and strongei every day and an irresistible current is bearing a nev. world towards rescuing the arms of freedom." declared General de Gaulle, leader of the free French foices, in
    —Reuter.  -  446 words
    —REUTER.  -  64 words
  • 136 1 .—Reuter. State Of Suspended Animation Bucharest, August 23. Following yesterday's agreement on the question of Southern Dobruja, negotiations with Bulgaria are now concerned with military and administrative details in connection with the exchange of populations and the question of compensation. Rumania would like signature of the political
    .—Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 154 1 Reuter. Nairobi, August 23. A communique states: “Ground patrols were again active in Northern frontier districts and gathered very valuable information. ‘‘The South African Air Force raided Mogadiscio. Direct hits were obtained on transport and administrative buildings. A wireless station and hangars were set on fire.
    – Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 165 1 Canton, August 23 77/t’ already serious rice situation is now becoming more acute with the large increase in the population as a result of the evacuation of Chinese from Hongkong and the flood menace now threatening rice-producing districts around Canton. .—Reuter. Apart from the
    .—Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 84 1 —Reuter. Canberra, August 23. The Premier, Mr. Menzies. in a broadcast, said that during the three months' existence of the Ministry of Munitions, he had approved a hundred million Australian pounds munitions programme. Australia, he said, is now supplying munitions to Britain. India and New Zealand. According
    —Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 116 1 —leuter. Sir Francis Wyglie Appointed London, August 23. The India Office announces that Sir Francis Wyglie, Governor of Central Provinces and Behar, has accepted appointment as political adviser rendered vacant by the selection of Sir Belrand Grancy to be the Governor of Punjab on the expiry
    —leuter.  -  116 words
  • 91 1 —Reuter. LAUNCHED AS PREDICTED Peiping, August 23. Regarding the offensive predicted by Chungking, a local Japanese spokesman stated thatsince August 20, considerable Chinese forces were attacking three railways at Kinhan, Tungpu and Chentai, damaging lines and destroying telegraph. HE ADMITTED THE OFFENSIVE SHOWED SIGNS THAT IT HAS
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 26 1 .—Reuter. Moscow, August 23. Sir Stafford Cripps, the British Ambassador. saw the Foreign Trade Commissar, M. Mikoyan, today. The talk lasted 45 minutes.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 I n c< GATE V if OR YOUR liMf g wel fA Malaya <& Penang i( V N DISPENSARY LTD., Pennng and Ipoh.
      22 words
    • 113 1 &EST[ i if r iiiiiiiMOii I Agents for North Malaya d f GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY Penang and Ipoh. I LADIES HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY SALON B MISS SHEILA MUNRO B (Nestle London) Expert in Hairdressing Facia! Treatment I MAX FACTOR I MAKE UP ARTISTE MISS GWEN CRAIG B has just returned from
      113 words

  • 1106 2 SHELLS FIRED FROM GERMAN GUNS ON FRENCH COAST Ineffective Attack: No Vessel Hit London, August 22. 1 ERM AN guns mounted on the French coast shelled a convoy passing through the Straits of Dover today. This is the first time since the war
    —8.0. W  -  1,106 words
  • 581 2 —Reuter. MANY DIRECT HITS Cairo, August 22. A communique states that during the night of August 19|20 R.A.F. bombers raided Tobruk harbour. Naval oil tanks on the foreshore, which were the main objectives, suffered direct hits. Othei bombers attacked with success the landing grounds at
    —Reuter.  -  581 words
  • 42 2 L—Reuter. London, August 22. Mr. Butler informed the House of Commons that the situation in Thailand (Siam) was being watched. Lord Halifax had no information that any Japanese demands had been made on the Government of Thailand.—Reuter.
    L—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 168 2 .—Reuter. Offensive Likely AMBASSADORS RECALLED Tokyo, August 22. r pHE Foreign Minister, Mr. Mat- suoka, has sent telegrams to forty diplomatic representatives abroad ordering them to return to Tokyo. This action foreshadows a wholesale reshuffle of appointments as a preliminary to a new “diplomatic offensive,” stated Domei
    .—Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 350 2 London, August 22. JN place of the three months’ peacetime recess, botl Houses of Parliament adjourned this afternoon for a foi l night with power given to call them together earlier should cumstances require that course. The break is in no sense a holiday for the
    —Reuter.  -  350 words
  • 835 2 Cases Of Genuine Anti-Nazis To Be Examined London, August 22. I N the House of Commons, Sir John Anderson, replying to the adjournment debate on the internment of Aliens, said: “The policy of general internment inevitably resulted in the internment of some of the bitterest and most
    Reuter.  -  835 words
  • 280 2 -8.0. W. Nazi Blockade A Failure Rugby August 22 The pubheation of the Board o! Trade figures showing that durinu the sevea months ending July, import» :nn Britain amounted to £698.500.000 including £268.00 '.OOO worth of>. offers an eloquent commentary of the German to convince
    -8.0. W.  -  280 words
  • 37 2 SWISS BAN ON SALE OF SUGAR FLOUR —Reuter. Berne Aug. 22. It is announced that from August 23 to October 13 the sale to tht public of certain foodstuffs, including ric sugar end flour, is forbidden. —Reuter
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 D A N C ING EVERY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT THE E.&O. JHOTEL Harry Lammert And His Orchestra Reserved Tables not taken up by 10.30 p.m. will be disposed of otherwise TEL. 322
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  • 430 3 DISPLAY SULL AN ART London. H OP-WINDOW dressing still rei'tins one of the arts of ii v in London, in spite of the P .'i > hane and paper strips and per-black-out boardings which so many windows. 1 j I!( j the window-displays of >f the big
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  • 1060 3  -  Was There Ever Sueh Folly? John Gordan fin the “Sunday Express”) ’JpWENTY years ago the greatest army this great Empire of ours ever sent into the field of battle was streaming home across the Channel. Never had so great a victory come to British aims. Never was our
    fin the “Sunday Express”)  -  1,060 words
  • 398 3 Wife Brings Radio Set In Vain SIR OSWALD MOSLEY, now No. 2,461 in Brixton Prison, where he is interned, is living on little more than the prison diet. Most of the 100 other Fascists in Brixton send out for wine, beer, tobacco, and
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  • 171 3 MISS ANN LIN ES LX TUNNEL London. lis the smallest and most premature baby to be born and kept alive in the new Westminster Hospital. A month ago she was born —ten weeks too soon in the surgery of the hospital at 6 am. She weighed
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  • 266 3 Ministry’s Hint London. Many-course luncheons and dinners in hotels and restaurants may soon be cut down. Mr. Robert Boothby', Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry’ of Food, was asked in the House of Commons if the Ministry would consider such a restriction so as to conserve
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  • 80 3 “While people in Germany say the Fuehrer is always right, people abroad say he is always lucky,” writes Goebbels in a new German weekly, Das Reich. “But the Fuehrer earns his luck. His rule is that in political life one must always be
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  • 210 3 Detroit. J_£ENRY FORD received one of the highest awards of the mechanical engineering world, the James Watt International Medal, at a dinner recently at the Detroit Club. The honour was conferred last year by the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and plans were made for
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  • 312 3 26 ears Ago r |'"HE MONUMENT commemorating the first British shot fired in Belgium in the Great War and the first British cavalry charge in the War was unveiled near Mons on August 20 last year. The ceremony was attended by Major-General R. L. Mullens, C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 The Fifth Column Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. ll' "11 iMT J 1 TOT I 1 I I 1 1 I STOP PRESS “Talk About Tiger Instead” i Advt. of TIGERS! BEER
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  • 2995 4 Places of historical Interest Comparable To Any In World ROTARIAN SAMUEL'S IMPRESSIONS VIVID impressions of a visit to Agra were related by Mr. C. R. Samuel to the Penang Rotary Club at its luncheon meeting on Wednesday. u lt is somewhat surprising that we
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  • 607 4 Coroners Sympathy Gander’s Pa ren t s “T THINK it is very sad that a young- boxer should d,< llnd such circumstances, and the parents have th wnipatlT of this court”, said the acting Singapore coronet \i r> \y a u y Mac-Quarrie, on Tuesday, when he
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  • 458 4 A 20 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These s[ai a) news bulletins will be
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  • 46 4 SingaP° re The Officer Administering tr Government has appointed aBo mine disputes as to the compensation under the pensation) Regulations ir claims arising in the St Singapore, composed officers and persons Judge (Chairman), Mr. Mr. C. R. Reuben, Mr A L The Accountant-Genei ments.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 BUT Al Ml FINEST FAUIIS CANNID BY ■ATTAIN’S LEADING HtvMT CAHNERS R T J I I the wide kange includes STRAWBERRIES ’SfiV XtdE&U#! RASPBERRIES 1 I U BLACKCURRANTS b p golden plums VfrgVCK K GREENGAGES V* O DAMSONS ETC. VJR 1 With a stock of Chivers Canned fruits in your
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  • 74 5 first General Meeting Today Butterworth. Le fiist general meeting of the '"'d Indian Association. Butter,l' will be held at the St. Mark’S' 0001. Butterworth, at 6 o’clock this ‘'•moon. Mr. V. Karupayan, J.P. President, will preside. meeting will be preceded by a 1 party, the
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  • 1736 5 i orced To Join Ring In Order To Get Contracts Singapore. An allegation that he was forced to join the ring of contractors by Soh Hun Swee under the threat that he would otherwise not receive invitations to tender for War Department contracts
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  • 786 5 Allegations That ounds Were Not Self-inflicted Kuala Kangsar. A copy of a petition which was sent to the Protector of Chinese, the Chief Police Officer, the Judge and the Assistant Legal Adviser containing allegations that the deceased was assaulted by several persons and the
    786 words
  • 557 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL His Excellency the High Commissioner, the Hon'ble Mr. S. W. Jones, left Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday for Singapore by the night mail. Mr. G. V. Thaver, Indian Cooperative Officer Negri Sembilan and president of the Negri Sembilan Indian Association is indisposed and confined to his residence. Mr. H.
    557 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 THE NEW WORLD BOXING TO-NITE AT 9.30 P.M. XBOAT SMITH vs. RIO GILL 12 ROUNDS Record of Gill in East ighting Ah How Won K.O. 2nd Round Arquerro K.O. 10th imo Osman T.K.O. 7th HeLsloot T.K.O. 7th ‘-■•isluot is Dutch. Ventura Marques could only beat him on points) ‘nil has
      81 words
    • 348 5 HOW TO RALLY AFTER ILLNESS It’s an uphill business getting your strength back after serious illness or operation. There’s only one thing that can help you—nourishment, plenty of it. But your stomach is as weak as your legs and you hate the thought and sight of food. Doctors save the
      348 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 183 5 majestic 3 sUfIH S TOD 44 3,00. 6./5 9.30 >lV jjX?.E: ,5 25 60 CENTS P...vnstairs (Including Tax) MV (lIIXESE DETECTIVE ON A THE SCREEN Boris Karloff pt I.iHM» Faces As The Chinese i <<th In A New Exciting Murder Mystery Drama “MR. WONG DETECTIVE” wj( i.'.XT WITHERS MAXINE jl
      183 words
      81 words
    • 89 5 QUEEN’S NIGHTLY 6.15 9.30 MATINEE TODAY AT 3 P.M. REDUCED PRICES Paramount’s British Production Uproariously funny Sparkling with wit Bubbling with romance RAY MILLAND ELLEN DREW in FRENCH without TEARS” PLANS AT M. GRAND CO., LTD., —PHONE 1476 MATINEES TOMORROW AND SUNDAY AT 11.30 A.M. “Battle Of Broadway” with VICTOR
      89 words

  • 201 6 r pHE resumption of work by the 1 Penang Chinese packing coolies has not come too soon. For one week, the men went on strike and all shipment of rubber was accordingly held up. This, in ordinary circumstances, would be serious enough; in wartime, it is deplorable. While
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  • 219 6 ITITLER wants a quick victory. 1 Not because Germany cannot survive another winter, but because his first big clash with Britain has revealed defects in his strategy’ and forces. His planes, though superior in quantity, are shown again to be inferior in quality. Every day
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  • 132 6 REX CINEMA "Shipyard Sally” with Gracie Fields and Sydney Howard 3, 1 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA "French Without Tears” with Ray Milland and Ellen Drew 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA "Ninotchka” with Greta Garbo and Melvyn Douglas 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA
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  • 1402 6 LEON TROISKV PASSES AWAY LEON Trotsky, known as the “Napoleon ol B s m dead. As announced yesterday, he succumbed to i.i received at the hands of an assassin. His life, sketched below, offers an interest!, j t that of Kopiespierre. Like the “incorruptible,” H f()r time
    1,402 words
  • 657 6 Friday, August 23. that they have found mass. air raids on Britain ineffec- j live, the Germans seem to be carrying out a new method of attack. I AST night heavy enemy 1J guns on the French Coast shelled the South-East (oast of Britain.
    657 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 323 6 .^ifesl Ip?-? Jso > IwtwA/r Wi’i Sl! > w /SL& ILJIm zLW‘-' mL Ri sMba w JtjsTTsr iF-'L—-tl SBJBSe iL 7TS» fe~- V*-? *v 7BW v &SB i$ ii' A££l < "<lf UP THE SPOUT Your name and college, Sir imp™ mce .cm. .«...anding c tf t.” academic achte»enient no
      323 words
    • 18 6 youjMiy DEL MONJE Agents for Malaya: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh KuaLß Lumpur. a s ncaßcaae»wßK*
      18 words
    • 39 6 HE (PtMlhfS PIONfI’IUBSfIWMt 529. TANJONG BUNGAH R? PEMAM6. For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light St. Penang Phone 4121, or .to our Town Representatives, the Cential Shoe Store. 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883. I
      39 words

  • 372 7 750 OFFICERS AND MEN IN FELL BATTLE DRESS ESPITE the heavy rain which fell this morning, the 3rd Battalion S.SA .F. (the Penang and Province Wellesley orps), who are in training in camp, went out for a long ►ate march in full battle equipment,
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  • 116 7 Export Ban To Be Removed The Food Controller announces that as a result of agreement with local biscuit manufacturers to hold substantial minimum stocks, it has now been possible to remove restriction on the export of biscuits from Malaya. The manufacture of biscuits forms an
    116 words
  • 211 7 r he following new books have been •reived at the Library:— Aunt Sunday Sees It Through. by J. Farjeon. \tracts from Letters About Bencocn etc., by Lt.-Col. Nahuijs. aked Passports, by Dennis Wheat- I I The Fire and The Wood, by R. C. itchinson. < iolden
    211 words
  • 76 7 Owing to the urgent need of funds at home, the Committee of the Penang Y W.C.A. have derided to take $5OO from their Building Fund and donate $250 to the London centre of the War Canteens and another $250 to the Malaya Patriotic Fund.
    76 words
  • 197 7 ONE TURNS OVER ON ITS SIDE The junction of Light Street and Union Street was the scene of a motor collision this morning at 10.45 a.m., in which an Austin Saloon P. 510, belonging to Mr. E. A Staines of the Posts and Telegiaphs, and
    197 words
  • 60 7 The teachers of local Chinese Schools will be celebrating "Teachers’ Day” on Tuesday, August 27. when they will hold a mass meeting at the Shanghai Hotel, Kelawei Road. The Chinese Consul. Mr. Yeh Tehming, will preside at the function. The day coincides with the birth-day of
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  • 496 7 Garbo Goes Gay SPARKLING COMEDY DRAMA AT ODEON When the great Gai bo makes her rare appearances on the screen, you may be sure that the picture is not unworthy of her reputation, and such is the case in her latest vehicle "Ninotchka” now showing at the
    496 words
  • 462 7 IMPORTANT BILLS TO BE PRESENTED The next meeting of the Legislative Council will be held in Singapore on I Monday, August 26, when the Honourable Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader, C.8.E., will take the oath on his re-appoint-ment. The motions are: The Honourable The Acting Colonial Secretary
    462 words
  • 63 7 —Reuter. SQL ADROX-LEADER OLIVER AXD PAY MASTER-CC IMMAXDER BISHOP London, Aug. 22. Squadron Leader Dennis Clare Oliver, who has been killed on active service, served in Singapore between 1935 to 1938. Naval Paymaster-Commander Cecil Stanley Bishop, now reported killed in the loss of
    —Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 34 7 >.—Reuter. Singapore, Aug. 22. The Straits Settlements has already contributed £400,099 to the British Treasury. Its War Fund together with that of the Federated Malay States totals £509,000. —Reuter.
    >.—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 91 7 A collision involving a motor lorry and a Municipal trolley bus occurred at Brick Kiln Road, near the junction of River Road, this morning. Both the vehicles were slightly damaged. The lorry, driven by a Tamil, was proceeding along Brick Kiln Road towards Glugor with the
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  • 249 7 Chinese Effort In Aid Of Aft ar Fund Ipoh. Chinese public bodies in Perak are assisting in the drive for funds on behalf of the F.M.S. War Fund. On September 1, a Charity Fair will be held at the Jubilee Park and the entire proceeds
    249 words
  • 224 7 Exhibition Tennis Nets 5560 As a result of the Tennis Exhibition matches played at ’he C.R.C. courts recently, in which Messrs. G. P. Hughes and Kho Sin-kie, famed Davis Cup players, featured, the Penang War Fund has benefitted by a handsome donation of $560.50, thus
    224 words
  • 66 7 Butterworth. Hearing was again adjourned till this morning in the preliminary inquiry held» before Mr. R.C. Hoffman, the Police Magistrate, yesterday, in the case inv.hich a young Tamil. Rajamani, stands charged with the attempted murder of a police constable and attempting to rescue his brother,
    66 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 K--.i- v i TBUFOOD BABIES become sturdy children OWi I Another Trufood baby t this lovely kttle girl is the j daughter of Lady I Ankaret A <>u see the results of correct infant-feeding when a Trufood baby begins to sit erect and to crawl. The straight back, the firm
      139 words

  • 63 8 Reuter. No Japanese Gasoline Depots In Island Kupang, August 20. The Governor of Portuguese Timor has informed the Aneta Press Agency that there is no truth whatsoever in the story broadcast over a Far-Eastern radio station to the effect that Japanese have gasoline depots in Timor. He said
    Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 462 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL issue buyers sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5 0 Austral Amal 5/3 5/6 £1 Austral M 35/0 37/6c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.57* 0.62* £1 Bangrin Tin 16/6 17/6 $1
      462 words
    • 244 8 NOM INAL Issue buyer. sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah 0.80 0.86 Amal Malay 1.62* 1.70 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Molek 0.95 I.ooc Ayer Panas 1.00 1.05 Bassett 0.40 0.44 Batu Lintang 0.95 1.00 Bedford 0.85 0.90 c Benta 0.92* 0.97* Borelli 1.10 1.20 Broga 0.60 0.65 Brunei
      244 words
    • 312 8 NOMINAL issue buyers Sellers A. £1 (Aust N.Z. Mln Ord 22/0 33,0 2 Alex. Brick Gfd. 1.75 2.00 2 do 7*% Pref 2.00 2.10 5 B. M. T. 650 7.00 £5 Chartered. Bank £64 £7* £1 Con. T. S. Ord 17/6 18/0 £1 Con. T. 8. 7% Pref 21/0
      312 words
    • 160 8 Company Dividend Haynie Books Close TIN Austral Malay 3d. 1/3 Bonus Sept 13 sept 2 Eatu Selangors 7*% Aug.’ 24 Aug 19 T P° h Tin 3'-L. T. Aug. 29 Aug. 5 Kramat 6a. Aug. 28 Aug 19 K. Kampars 6d. Sept. 18 Sept 9 Kundangs
      160 words
  • 1065 8 Return To Confidence In Future Green Collier, Ltd. Singapore. Aug. 16. We quote the tollowing influences which have affected the market this week:— SATURDAY. 10th/ —Values remained > unchanged and trading was active aroujid quotations with fair consumer support. At the close we quoted buyers Aug.'Sept. 36i.
    1,065 words
  • 146 8 esterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £260. 0. 0. £261. 0. 0. “Forward” £260. 15. 0. £261 15. 0 SINGAPORE: “Spot” $132.62 L $132.62*4 Business done > 50 tons 75 ton® PENANG ’‘Spot" $132.624 $132.624 RUBBER-: LONDON: “Soot” 12 5,8 d 12 3 4d “Forward” 12 s<Bd. 12
    146 words
  • 34 8 Net .profit for 1939. £H 4 Tax reserve. £5,200: fou* (£15.589). No dividend 1 Chairman's speech circulate**. directors will be prepared to r ment of an interim for 1940 date.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 156 8 BA N K S i—0 r 4 JO SAVINGS fy&u &>' jl dollar saved la an extra dollar earned. Savings Account is the best inducement to save. To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is to be a contented person. A Savings
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  • 100 9 mail departures FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1940. Latest Time of Pasting AIR MAILS Mails for Medan. Batavia Centrum 9 a.m. Saturday 24th inst. Mails for Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 1.30 p.m. Saturday 24th inst. Mails for Great Britain (via Durban) India, Africa, Egypt, Burma. Bangkok, Hongkong Saigon, U.S.A. Great
    100 words
  • 1394 9 Svint>n>'He. Edited l>y Richard Church. Everyman’s Library. (Dent. 2s. fid.) By DESMOND MacCARTHY in the Sunday Times London, June 9. This week I have had less need to hunt for an author who might prop my spirits: this week I have read, reread, and read again
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  • 265 9 —Reuter. Gallantry In Attack NOTABLE EXPLOITS IN GERMANY London, Saturday. The King has confei red the Victoria Cross on Acting Flight-Lieutenant Roderick Alastair Brook Learoyd—the third R.A.F. award of the kind and the seventh of the war. As first pilot of a Hampden aircraft, Fl.-Lt. Learoyd
    —Reuter.  -  265 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2130 9 jpk j ySINGAPORE SL J W 1 1 I ZHL 1.333 kc/s (225 m.) R. y y R R 115 p.m. Light Music. t 1.30 Warnint. Programme day Tin. Copra Rubber prices. 1.35 News. 1.50 Interval. 5.00 Recitation of rhe Koran, followed by a Religious Talk. Wrx A X 7
      2,130 words
    • 582 9 MANILA KZRM 9.57 mc/s <31.35 m.) 5 50 a m. News in English. 12.10 p.m. News in English. 5.10 Stocks 5.50 Local Market Reports. B.oa News in English. KZIB 9.50 liic s <31.58 m.) 6.04 mc/s <49.67 mj 6.50 a.m. News in English. 8.50 —10.30 Manila Stock Exchange Quotations and
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  • 580 10 (hitlook For Future Darker Thau lu The Past New York. August 22 Major Fielding Eliot, Military commentator of the Herald Tribune, writes: —“From the German point of view the results of the past week must be discouraging. The outlook for the future perhaps
    —Reuter.  -  580 words
  • 243 10 ARMY AT PEAK OF EFFICIENCY “Stands Four-Square With British Against Invader” Cairo, August 22 IJ is revealed that the Prime Minister, Hassan Sabry Pasha, declared at a secret session of the Chamber last night that Egypt would declare war on Italy if
    —Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 132 10 .—Reuter. ar ork. Must Go Ou London. August 22 Sir John Anderson, in the course of a further statement on air raid warnings cir culated to the House, points out that the public must be “prepared not only to ne warned without being
    .—Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 261 10 .—Reuter. Small Directorate To Be Set Up London. August 22. Mr. Ramsbottom. President of the Board of Education, in the course of a statement on physical training for youths, announced that he had decided to set up a small directorate to secure the development of physical
    .—Reuter.  -  261 words
  • 117 10 Reuter. Bill Passed By House Of Representatives Washington. August 22 The House of Representatives voted a bill with the main provision authorising 5500.000.000 credit loans to American nations. An amendment by Mr. Wolcott, which would have denied loans to Canada and to British and French
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 100 10 —8.0. W. Effect On Value Of Imports To U.S. Rugby. Aug. 22. The President of the Board of Trade stated in the Commons that the effect of the Purchase Tax on dutiable value of imports into the United States of America has been the subject of friendly discussion
    —8.0. W.  -  100 words
  • 64 10 —BOW. £20,000 Interest-Free Loan To Britain Rugby, Aug. 22. The governors of Falkland Islands Company, incorporated by Royal Charter in December 1851. meeting recently to consider “how to give practical expression to their appreciation of the long and .pleasant relationship with the Crown since the Charter was granted.”
    —BOW.  -  64 words
  • 194 10 —Reuter. resolution, by COMMITTEE ardha, Aug. 22 The Congress Working Committee has passed a resolution rejecting Britain’s latest offer outlined in the Viceroy’s state ment of Aug. 8. The resolution calls upon the people of India to condemn the attitude of the Br tish
    —Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 152 10 —Reuter. 3.000 Examined And 832 Already Released London. August 22. The House of Commons met this morning for the final sitting before adjourning for a short recess. The Home Secretary, Sir John Anderson. answered several questions on tr.s subject of Aliens and said that up to last Tuesday
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 33 10 8.0. W. Rugby. Aug. 22. The Gold Coast Spitfire Fund has reached £300.000 with a fifth instalment of £5.000. The Northern Ireland Spitfire Fund is now evr £25.00'
    8.0. W.  -  33 words
  • 96 10 Need For Action Before Elections Due London. August 22. In the House of Commons, Mr. Attlee. replying to questions, said that he was not in a position to make a statement about legislation to prolong the life of the present Parliament. Sir Percy Harris (Liberal): “Is
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  • 48 10 —Reuter. July Exports from U.S. Total 524.000.000 Washington. Aug. 22. The State Department monthly report issued last night showed that Britain received over $24.000.000 worth of arms exported from the United States in July, nearly half as much as for the previous six months. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 182 10 —Reuter. Commons Questions On Trade Restrictions London, August 22. In the Commons, replying to Captain Alan Graham. Mr. R. A. Butler said that Lord Halifax had no information of any recent revision of the customs tariff for Japanese occupied parts of China. Captain Graham asked whether
    —Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 81 10 BOW. Photographs Sent To Portugal Rugby, Aug. 22. One hundred architectural photographs of British schools, prepared in resuonse to requests from Portugal, will soon be exhibited in the hall of the faculty of letters of Coimbra University. The exhibit illustrates almost every type of British school buildings. One
    BOW.  -  81 words
  • 523 10 —-Reuter. Canada I ndertakes Responsibility St. Johns. Newfoundland. Aus. 22. The conference on common defence between representatives of Canada and Newfoundland closed here last night after an announcement that general agreement was reached on all points involved in the talks. The announcement said
    —-Reuter.  -  523 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 122 10 mi j si agiWwOglOeljl Iw S. S. “CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO’’ (via Panama) DUE PENANG 23rd AUGUST, 194«. Luxuriously appointed passenger vessel with swimming pool and air conditioned dining room. PENANG TO MANILA U.S. $lOl-90 PENANG TO HONGKONG U.S $126-00 PENANG TO SAN FRANCISCO U.S. $486-00 Prices shown are minimum
      122 words

  • 1309 11 BANCO BEST OF THE NEW HORSES Eleven Making Debut At Bnkit l imah 'T’EN horses anal one pony are running for the first time on the Malayan Turf at the coming Singapore Gold Cup Meeting. They are:— Class 2 Horses—Banco. Eelgrass, Hot Flash and Marie Bruce.
    1,309 words
  • 947 11 HORSES POMES IN TRAINING uh Breukelen’s Bis Siring Of 47 rc}H owing is the full list of horses and ponies in train--1 the Singapore races:— H. TVKLEY •awak —Mr. Ong Hood Hin \\>nva awak do u/r. i;; sn -“Mr. Harrison” -do5 Hue and ry -do- First Fiddle -do7 Winsome —do—-
    947 words
  • 151 11 The schedule of racing for the Singapore Gold Cup meeting has been amended as follows: FIRST DAY —Saturday, August 31 Horses—Class I—Div.1 —Div. 1, 2 3 —6 furs. Horses —Class 2—Div. 1. 2. 3, 4 s—6f.5 —6f. SECOND DAY’—Wednesday, September 4 Horses —Class 3—Div. 1. 2.
    151 words
  • 52 11 Jinnah XI vs Kedah Hal! Party On the Renong Ground today, at 5.15 p.m. sharp. Jinnah Football Team:—Z. Abidin; A. Aziz. K. Ibramshah (capt.); D. Madarsah, N. Shariff, M. Mohd. Yasin; M. Sultan, K. Sulaiman, Hanifa Khan, S. M. Sultan, S. S. Syed Mohd. Reserves. —P. M. Syed Meerah,
    52 words
  • 665 11 ACCEPTANCES FOR TOMORROW RACE 1 3.00 p.m. PONIES —Class 2 —Division 3 —About 6 Furlongs 4 3 4 PHAR PAR 10v 904 Mr. H. S. Kirwan Logue 00 0 BALI GIRL 8v 9.00 Mr. J. R. Booth O’Neill 3 2 1 EAST LYNNE 7y
    665 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 The new NACET De Luxe J INI TIT rT T Blade has been introduced LEi 11 to carry on the tradition of perfect shaving established by that great favourite, the I UDE ERJXE J popular NACET Blade. But hade in ihgund J this time with improvements the new blade is
      156 words

  • 549 12 MAGILL’S MOUNTS IMPRESS AT TAI PING TRACK WORK Fine Gallop By Poor Bill In Drizzle Diwise Du Ventre And Jonathan Should Score (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. Today. AUTHENTIC. K.C.G., Glamour. Monaveen and Poor Bill were the most impressive in today’s track work, when most of the candidates were given
    549 words
  • 78 12 Restrictions To Be Relaxed Singapore. It is understood that the Government now has under consideration the question of relaxing to si.jne extent the prohibition on Europeans going on leave outside Malaya. An announcement is likely to be made ■n the near future. Meanwhile it is understood that
    78 words
  • 50 12 London, August 22. At Lords, Sir Pelham Warner’s team beat. West Indies by 117 runs. Warners: 263 (Hutton 44 Denis i Compton 73, Clarke 5 for 68; Constantine and Martindale one wicket each». West Indies: 14G (E. B. Eytle 42, Leslie Compton 25, Denis Compton 2.5 20.3).
    50 words
    43 words
  • 98 12 —Reuter. SUBSTITUTE ST. LEGER ON 28th London, August 22. The Jockey Club has published Flat Race fixtures covering nine days* racing in September beginning at Hurst Park on September 11 and ending at Hurst Park on September 28. whereon the substitute St. Leger will
    —Reuter.  -  98 words
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 90 12 —Reuter. Atlantic Bases From Britain Washington, August 23. President Roosevelt conferred with Mr. Stimson, Mr. Knox, Mr. Sumner Welles and the AttorneyGeneral, Mr. Jackson, on the lease of Atlantic bases from Britain. Difficulties in connection with the transfer of over-age destroyers to Britain were not completely resolved.
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 289 12 —Reuter. Small Number Gross (.oast London, August 22. An Air Ministry communique states: “Reports received at 6 p.m. show that a small number of enemy’ aircraft, in most cases operating singly, crossed the I Coast during the day hut none penetrated more than a few miles.
    —Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 68 12 S.L.R.C. vs P.H.B.J.S.C. The following will represent the s.L. R C in a badminton match against the P.H.B. J.S.C. on the S.L.R.C. courts, on Saturday at 4.30 p.m. Singles: Tan Choon Chooi. Tan Ghim Chong and Tan Beng Keat. Doubles. Tan Choon Chooi and Tan Ghim Chong. Yeoh Oon
    68 words
  • 153 12 CHARITY MATCH AT SINGAPORE Singapore. August 22 Pat Hughes this evening beat Kho Sinkie in an exhibition match of one set piaved at the S.C.R.C. in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund and China Relief Fund in the presence of a large crowd which included the Hon.
    153 words
  • 76 12 Haji ec,p Adlan Singles Champion Kuala Kangsar. The Ellerton Club Billiards Handicap toui nament was brought to a successful close with the playing of the finals in the singles and doubles events. Haji V eop Adlan annex the singles championship when he beat Meor Abdul Rahman by
    76 words
  • 171 12 Chow Jee Man’s XI Beat Loh Pun Chew's XI In a friendly soccer match on the Victoria Green yesterday, Chow Jee Mans XI defeated Loh Pun Chew's XI by four goals to one. Ma Ta Kniah opened the scoring for the winners after which L. Seng Im equalised Thai
    171 words
  • 116 12 Kalili And Y ule Call Very Fit (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Today. Only slow work was done at Bukit Timah Valley this morning, when a few of Major Fox's horses were exercised. Kalili and Yule Call were given two rounds, both looking very fit.
    116 words
  • 62 12 FRIDAY. AUGUST 23 TIN: Penang $132.37 Business done 100 tons Singapore $132 37. RUBBER: Penang Spot Singapore Spot COPRA: Sundried $2 50 on *’r> Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.70 uom na Fair Seed RICE: Rangoon Parboiled N 1 Rangoon Parboiled Nr Rangoon White Nc 1 F' Rangoon
    62 words
  • 134 12 London, ,lugu: Immediate and uneonditionai re-opening of the I •>’! is demanded by a deputation of the C htna, (fampaign t on ed by Miss Margery Fry who saw Mr. R. J Rutler, Under-Seeretary, on Monday. Reuter. The deputation dwelt on the human suffering
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 re!»-srr&DM-it*to 4>f SvbscrtptE c t< t Snnday PINANG GA7 IlOC*' fS 3 MontiUT 12 EC 7 BO Half-Yearly ig.OO UH Yearlr 30 0c «UNDAY G AZFT I 4 Local S S A Delivers y m Quarterly ***** >:n Half-Yearlv ..280 Yearly J.OC WVFRTISEMZNT Rw, The and f CLASSIFIED ADVER-HseM? under:.—
      329 words