Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 202 1 London, Aug. 20. I/ NEMY planes were over a North-East town last J night and, it is believed, they dropped bombs. Anti-aircraft guns opened fLe. Bombs were also dropped in two Midland districts. Salvoes of bombs were jettisoned in a South-East Coast region by a solitary
    – Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 150 1 Reuter. MURE COMING London, August 20. There is a strong possibility that further prominent members of the Belgian Government will shortly come to England to set up a Belgian Government in this country, Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent understands irom foreign circles in London. It is understood that
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 45 1 Reuter. London, August 20 1 Churchill will make a statement end of questions in the Com- tomorrow. The statement is exto be in the nature of a general and cover all theatres of war ill be publicly debated after- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 28 1 Ibrnter. Washington, August 20. nate Appropriations Committee proved the Appropriations Bill g funds for a two-ocean Navy quipping an army of 1,200,000 men.
    Ibrnter.  -  28 words
  • 40 1 —Reuter. Bombay, August. 20. 1 1 Heaverbrook has cabled his >' < nation and gratitude for a mag■'h< nt gift from Hyderabad State msisting of nearly £lOO,OOO for the purchase of fighter planes for the de'<mce of Britain. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 145 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 20. Under the heading: “Britain Stands Fast,” the Ikdam Istanbul says that Britain with all hei strength resists and answers enemy air raids. Her counteroffensive is becoming more and more devastating. Air attacks have extended to Italy. After the capitulation of France. Italy
    Reuter.  -  145 words
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  • 169 1 Chungking .lugust 20 CONTINUING their day and night raids on Chungking, Japanese aircraft subjected China's wartime capital to severe bombings yesterday morning and afternoon. —Reuter. Reuter’s office received two direct hits while 27 bombs landed on the same compound. There was no room intact in
    —Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 824 1 SOMALILAND WITHDRAWAL WILL HAVE NO EFFECT Cairo, August 20. official statement from G.H.Q. with regard to the British evacuation of Somaliland, says: “Our command of the sea and the Gulf of Aden renders the small, undeveloped harbour of Berbera and other anchorages on
    the forci —Reuter.  -  824 words
  • 146 1 -Reuter. Ottawa, August 20. Canada has appointed Captain Victor Brodeur of the Canadian Navy and Colonel S. O. Letson as naval and military attaches respectively to Washington. Both posts ate newly created but in announcing Col. Brodeur's appointment, Mr. Mackonal, the Navy Minister, said
    -Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 61 1 —/7 Ater. Berlin, .lugust 20 Il is announced that Hitler has sent a telegram to Mussolini “on .the occasion of the Italian victory in East .Ifrica" which reads ‘7 <ih7 the whole German people send heart v congratulations to you and voitr ,arm v
    —/7 Ater.  -  61 words
  • 81 1 —Reuter. British Troops' Fareivell To Shanghai Shanghai, August 20. The British-owned Shanghai Race Club was the scene of one of the most colourful ceremonies for many months when the combined bands of the Seaforth Highlanders and East Surreys played a farewell tattoo. At the end of the
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 196 1 Rtitnano-Ti ungarian Talks —Reuter. Bucharest, August 20. r |’HE Rumano-Hungarian talks on Transylvania were resumed at Turnuseverin at ,1(1.30 last night. An official coniriiunique is expected later. Rumanian Counter-proposals on the Hungarian claims have been examined by the Buda (test Government who has instructed its delegation
    —Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 94 1 —Reuter. Cairo, August 20. A G.H.Q. statement says: “On Aug--8 the Rome wireless announced the third official list of Italian casualties in North Africa showing that 45 Italian officers and 9 men were killed; 306 wounded and 188 missing. Two hundred and forty-five natives were
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
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    • 23 1 COW CATE I 9 Xj /I f i i Malaya d Penang:— M* t 6 dSPENSAKY Ll’b., 1 an g and Ipoh. i
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    • 270 1 SMILER” fed on COW GATE I A V Agents for North Malaya d GEORGETOWN DISPENSART T/HX, Penang and Ipoh. SCIENCE WINS It is a well established fact that millions of dollars are expended annually in repairing the damage done by Termites or White Ants as they are commonly called. In
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  • 160 2 -8.0. W. PURCHASE OF FURTHER STOCK OF RUBBER .330.000 TONS SHIPMENT BEFORE DEC. 1941 Rugby, August 19. AS a result of further negotiations between representatives of the United States Government and representatives appointed for the purpose by the International Rubber Regulation Committee, an
    -8.0. W.  -  160 words
  • 38 2 Reuter. Chungking, Aug. 19. Chungking is being bombed by the Japanese day and night. Over 130 enemy bombers flying in two groups raided the city this afternoon and dropped many incendiary bombs.—
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 150 2 Reuter. BIG R.A.F. RAID ON COLOGNE London. August 19. Vivid flashes and flames lit up the sky over the French coast in the direction of Boulogne early today when it is believed that a big R.A.F. raid on the port was m progress. Explosions
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 110 2 —Reuter German Sentenced And Fined In Panama Panama. August 19. Emil Wolff, described as a German chemist, was sentenced to th. ee months' imprisonment on the charge of being German without being registered with the United States Secretary of State and fined a thousand dollars
    —Reuter  -  110 words
  • 61 2 Reuter. Additional 30,000 Vehicles Needed London, Aug. 19 The rapid expansion of the Indian Army has necessitated an additional 20.000 to 30.000 military vehicles. Two American motor companies. Ford and General Motors, possessing extensive body building plants in India, are actively assisting the output and
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 139 2 —Reuter. Dutch People Help R.A.F. Plane To Get Away London, Aug. 19. German dissatisfaction with the behaviour of the Dutch people is reflected in a proclamation issued at the Hague by General Christiansen commanding the occupying forces a few hours after a British plane had landed in
    —Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 111 2 .—Reuter. Offer Of Hard Work To Help Win ar London. August 19. The “hard work” of all Belgian refugees in England is being offered to he.p win the war. This and the determination of all free Belgians to put their entire military economic and moral resources
    .—Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 299 2 —Reuter. Allied Shipping Moving Freely London. August 19. Reuter’s diplomatic correspondent writes: “It is pointed out in authoritative quarters that with regard to the German reasons for the declaration of a total blockade .against this country, merchant seamen had had enough experience of Germany's acts of ness
    —Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter. Compromise Plan Postponed Shanghai,. August 29 The Municipal Council announces that it has been decided that American marines will postpone the carrying out of the compromise plan regarding the patrolling of the British defence sector. As a temporary measure pending Ja-panese-American negotiations, the American authorities
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 65 2 Reuter. Latest Nazi Move Of No Avail London. August 19 An Ankara message states that the interview which Herr Von Papen, the German Ambassador to Turkey, had with President Ineunu does not appear to have entailed the slightest fundamental change in Turkey’s attitude. The Nazis appear to
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 283 2 Reuter Agreement Likely Bucharest. August 19 I The Rumanian and Bulgarian delegations met at Canova for negotiations which are expected to lead to an agreement ceding Southern Dcbrudja to Bulgaria. The agreement involves, it is believed, the cession to Bulgaria of areas of CUistria in a
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 183 2 Reuter. Survivors Rescued By Portuguese Warship Rugby. August 17. The following message has been sent to the Minister of Marine. Lisbon, by the First Lord of the Admiralty: “On behalf of the Board of Admiralty and the officers and men of the Royal Navy. I wish to
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 30 2 —BOW Rugby. August 19. The Fifth Newfoundland Artillery Contingent arrived today at a British port. They were welcomed by Mr. D. J. Davies. Newfoundland Trade Commissioner.
    —BOW  -  30 words
  • 220 2 6EKM4NS TALK ABOUT REPRISALS Berlin, August 19. Germany, through the Swiss Government, has sent a note to the British Government describing the uniiform and distinguishing marks of German parachute troops. After referring to previous instances in which it is alleged that German parachute troops were ill-used,
    —Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 753 2 London, i j It is officially stated that during the past seven lug 5 J 3 Nazi raiders have been shot down by Britis these 377 or 73 per cent of the total were bombers The total German losses in the past week wcr.
    —B O.W.  -  753 words
  • 108 2 Reuter. Captain Among 33 Officers Killed London. August 19. Casualties in the ait rait-carritr, Glorious, lost off NfiFway Ji;n> total 1,2’>4. it is revealed in th -ualty issued by the Admiralty. Captain G D’Oyly Hu.'. DSC, D.S.C., in command, was arm > the X officers killed
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 92 2 —Renter. ‘"Spreading News" Aboul Albania Rome. Aug. 19According to the Belgrade correspondent of the Italian News Agency. Mr Ralph Parker, described as tl* ißritish Consul at Skoplje Yug® slavia. and Mr Terence Atheron, correspondent of the Dail} Mai! in Belgrade, and a Swiss journalist, Mr. Rudolph Singer
    —Renter.  -  92 words
  • 72 2 Reutt r Italian Native I roop* Routed Near Buna Cairo. August 19 A war communique states “Western Desert F shelling of dumps in the ar Fort Capuzzo on Augu. 1 report seeing for some l t u p. columns of smoke a hi i o few ‘‘Kenya:
    Reutt r  -  72 words
  • 40 2 Heuter. Gold And Well Sup Aueust I 9 ,id miuin? On the Stock Exc! s tineu l and copper shares i support. Other sect steady with a pre; 1 gains among industi mostly unchanged. Wall Street was u
    Heuter.  -  40 words
  • 44 2 The Ministry of Inf* “It is learned on inquit lt i O n f° f Ministry that there is ;e ge en the report that German by the R.A.F. on Satuu an i ed on beaches between b
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  • 589 3 Hid In Loft fi ith German Troops Below London. I/O» li British soldier*, cut off and stranded when our troops quitted Central .Norway, have come home with a tale to tell. For days they trai;q>»(| and hid in the hills: once they were trap|»ed in
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  • 1751 3  -  By H. Fl RIH l\ hese days the best service axerage man and woman render to the State is s f diastly to resolve never to air of the Kingdom. Their be- ordial
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  • 836 3 IN an interview given on -June 13 to Mr. Karl von Wiegand, a wellknown American journalist. Hitler made a number of characteristic and revealing remarks.. His policy, he declared, was America for the Americans and Europe for the Europeans. He caustically denounced as
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  • 310 3 GIFTS TO SWEDISH MUSEUM Stockholm. r I' HE Swedish General Post Office recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the initiation ot the postage stamp with an interesting exhibition in the Postal Museum at Stockholm of the huge stamp donations made to the Museum by the well-known
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 Does this Climate Upset Your Liver and Digestion If so, take a course of Dr. In this tropical climate with its heatjand humidity the Liver becomes sluggish, the bowels irregular, and the whole digestive system disorganised, with the result your head aches and you feel generally "washed out.” To overcome
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    • 44 3 They’ve been buying :tens to-day. Percy taking home that task. The coop'3 undone—they’ll yet aw<ry. Stop» to laugh—and rest his back. eygitejyyS 2 Pocy hoists the sack —atu' teary The hens go quietly note thru and. -?«w> tf. So Percy works —they stroll behind.
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    • 24 3 Vi HAT A WAR! By Gilbert B ilkinson Jr LOVEM AND LEAVEM Yow don't haue to tell thcf bids twice to practise their music.**
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  • 287 4 Engaged Detective To IF atch Husband Singapore. HOW a Eurasian woman engaged a private detective to watch her husband's movements was described in the High Court before Mr. Justice Manning, on Thursday, during a divorce case which was adjourned for two weeks after some of
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  • 61 4 To Continue Their Studies In India Simla. It is understood that replies have now been received by the Education Commissioner with the Government of India from all Universities expressing agreement on the proposal from British Universities to change the regulations on the statute enabling Indian
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  • 349 4 Klang Rubber Goods Industry Klang is fast becoming the centre of Malaya's manufactured rubber goods industry which employs several thousands of persons. Already there exist there three of the largest of such businesses *n the country —the Bata Shoe Co., Ltd., the Shum Yip Leong Rubber
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  • 465 4 August, 16. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news buHetins will be published
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  • 31 4 R.A.F. recruiting offices in London are daily being crowded by young men eager to follow the e never say die" exanvple of British airmen.
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  • 407 4 Applications For Exemptions Singapore. I NLESS the Royal Navy could carry on with maximum effort, the whole trade of Malaya would cease, declared Commander L. N. Brownfield, staff operations officer to the Rear-Admiral, Malaya, to the Tribunal on Saturday, when he and Capt. V. E.
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  • 60 4 MAIL DEPARTURES TUESDAY AUGUST 20, 1940. Latest Time of Posting AIK MAILS Mails for Java. Southern Sumatra (by air from Singapore i 8 a.m. Wednesday 21st inst. Mails for Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur Singapore 1.30 p.m. Wednesday 21st inst. Mnil? for Australia, New Zealand Java 7 p.m. Saturday 24th
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  • 900 4 LORRY BR AKES UNDERGO QUICK DETERI IORATION Woman Ouncr Charj»e<> I LORRY passed i Board Examine: on May 10 as “in g- <>d dition” met with an acorn >n ban early the following ni when tested by the T Examiner of Negri Sen to have defective brake suit that the
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    • 122 4 fNACET W Buy Nacet end avoid V A W 1 Nk M** yy: the risk of gambling I I W on cheap blades. I N *".'J? f d Sr macet t&t. established favourites, Regd. trade mark WO |l| because of their high BB| quality and low price, MADE IN ENGLAND
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    • 131 4 The Mystery of the woman who NEVER GROWS OLD Ijilß A NJOT a line or '-mooth. clear unbh young girl 1 It seems there’s a scientific reason magical effects of Bio* mg discovery of a fam Professor. Biocel is th< ral youth-giving elemer smooth unwrinkled skm is now contained in
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  • 248 5 For Accused El >RRY OVERLOADED WITH TIMBER Ipoh. An appeal for the revision of the sentence passed on two ni e by the Kampar Magistrate was made before the Hon. Justice Howes in the Perak Supreme Court yesterday. At c nclusion of the hearing His
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  • 1049 5 Counsel Criticises System Of J Calling I p Assessors Alor Star. Criticisms* of the practice which he experienced in this State of the calling of only two jM-rsons to be Assessors in murder trials so that there was no choice at all as
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  • 143 5 Appeal Dismissed In Kedah Alor Star. Unable to win his appeal in the First Division of the High Court before the Hon Mr. Justice G. B. Kellagher against his conviction and sentence of three years imposed by the Second Division Judge for voluntarily causing hurt,
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  • 181 5 Echo Of Sunday Tragedy J The body' of a man who was di ow ned at the tenth milestone, Batu Ferringhi, on Sunday, was found in the sea at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon, a short I distance away from the spot w'here he had gone down.
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  • 214 5 Sentence On Chinese Deferred Sentence was deferred till August 26 in the case in w hich Cheah Seng Kang pleaded guilty before Mr. H.A. Forrer, the Penang District Judge, yesterday to a charge of housebreaking by night in order to commit theft Chief Court Inspector A. McLennan, who
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  • 41 5 Today at the Esplanade from 6 00 pm to 7.30 p m. March Teddy O’Neal Hume. Selection Yeomen of the Guard Sullivan. Waltz Waltzland Mackenzie Overture Montrese Bishon Selection The New Moon Romberg Fox Trot Love Walked In Gershwin
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  • 104 5 MISHAP WHEN TRYING TO AVOID DOG Ipoh A saloon car. driven by a Chinese woman along Kuala Kaugsar Road, met v. ith an accident at the oend near the Volunteers’ Headquarters last Saturday evening and came to rest with its four wheels in the air. There
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  • 81 5 Mun Soh Sin,” a Chinese talkie with full English sub-titles, opened to good houses at the Queen's Theatre yesterday. Starring Miss Huang Hee Chun, well-known Shanghai stage actress, who incidentally made her screen debut in this historical Chinese film, the picture is teplete with action
    81 words
  • 592 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Delegates from every Y W.C A centre in this country will attend the AllMalayan Conference at Malacca from August 30 to Sept. 6. 1t Hr Mr. H. N. Lett and Mr. U. Aung Chein, Burma Government officials, arrived in Singapore on Sunday from Rangoon. They declined to state
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 TURNS BACK THE CALENDAR Regains the vigour of his youth There is a certain old gentleman here in Malaya who has taken on a new' lease in life. Passed middle age, he was becoming weak, feeble; felt that life held little more in store for him. Then came his awakening.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 190 5 RW~X OFEAS TODAY WITH |M V 3 SHOWS ■>; 6.15 9.30 P.M. UNITED ARTISTS PRESENTS ■BIWTO JAN BENNETT ADOLPHE MENJOU Comedy At Its Best Hilarious Exciting I majestic ./tKTS TODAY ;i,OO. 6.15 9.30 A -.<i First-run Double-feature At Greatly Reduced Prices Of Admission ’»h<»ws: 15, 25 X 60 cts. Downr.,
      190 words
    • 115 5 j tonight at the NEW WORLD TUESDAY. 20TH AUGUST. 1940. 1. Cantonese Wayang “Lau Kam Teng” Part 4 2. Chingloo Fei Fei Magic Show 10 Streamlined 00-la-la Girls Admission 25. 20 10 cts. Nightly 9. p.m. 13. Glolie Talkies “Romance Of A Country Girl” (Cantonese Talkie) 4. Merry-Go-Round 5 cts.
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    • 106 5 QUEEN’S 3 SHOWS DAILY AT 3 P.M., 6.30 9.30 A great Chinese Historical Picture -MUN SOH SIN” (With English Sub-Titles) ACTION THRILLS ROMANCE Matinee Prices Downstairs 15. 25 50c. Evening 25, 50 60c. THURSDAY THE GRAND COMEDY HIT THAT ROCKED LONDON FOR TWO SOLID YEARS I Paramount’s British Production Directed
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  • 442 6 \jO\V that London has been raided and civilians rushing for shelter in one of the suburbs have been machine-gunned by Nazi aimien, we may expect that a policy of reprisals will be applied by Britain in no half-heart-ed manner. It does not necessarily follow tliat the German civil
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  • 151 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA "Mun Soh Sin" (Chinese picture) 3, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA "Tropic Fury" with Richard Alien and Ande Devine 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Country Gentlemen" with Ole Olern and Chio Johnson and "Gold Mine in the Sky’’ 3, 6.15 and 9.30
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  • 419 6 Gi A Regular Cabaret-Goer docs not agree with Dr. Goebbels i definition of the Lambeth Walk .’S| the passionate love cry of the noble l art of 'Terpsichore. I think it is just the opposi’c’ he writes “when I shout Oiit is to give expression to the
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  • 612 6 Tuesday, August 20. J£XCl’il’T for the British evacuation from Somaliland, there is a dearth of war news thi> morning. British withdrawal was successfully completed. An official statement from Cairo states that Britain’s command of the Red Sea and Gulf of \den renders the small
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 236 6 I Ride a I RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE I The World's Finest Cycle Value 1 7 Agents tn Penang SEGAMAT STORE AGENCY, 266, OARNABVON STREET. PEN ANO Sole Agents ROBINSON CO., LTD SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR ANNOUNCING Follow-on Trufood a z-'f"' /0 tv 2-t V The march of science brings many
      236 words
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    • 41 6 RM 13.5 HE IftMHSS P!OWE» JMSBfI WO«SI 529 TANJONG BUNGAH PENAM6. For your convenience eead your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light St.. Penan< Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Centiai Shoe Store, 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883.
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  • 1954 7 Defence Scheme Has Been Implemented WAR LOAN ENACTMENT PASSED BY MAJORITY n the imperial sense* our role is to produce rubber and tin and, although this form of service may eem to fall short of the opportunities for heroism which >ur natural impulses
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  • 515 7 $675 From Kaki Bukit Miners The biggest donation received yesterday for the War Fund in Penang was an amount of $675 from the miners of Kaki Bukit, Perlis. The Sikh and Punjabi community civilians have «-ent in $75.00. The total in Penang now stands
    515 words
  • 33 7 —Reuter. Singapore. Aug. 19 I sum of £50,000 has been sent to the British Treasury, making a total of £400,000 subscribed on behalf of the Straits Settlements H ar Fund.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 1564 7 MR. A. B. JORDAN CLARIFIES TRADE UNIONS BILL Kuala Lumpur, August 20. Further details of the Trade Unions Bill which had its second reading today at the meeting of the Federal Council were clarified by the Hon. Mr. A. B. Jordan, Secretary for
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  • 93 7 Four Applications <ln List Thu second sitting of the Penang Tribunal to hear applications for exemption or p ystponement from military training a ill be held in the Supreme Court on Thursday. August 22, at 11 a.m. The Tribunal will consist of Mr. Justice Aitken
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  • 25 7 Singapore. Thi Singapore Volunteer Field Ambulance. a unit, of the S.S.V.F., was called up for continuous" training yesterday for six weeks.
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  • 280 7 Official Replies To Mr. II .G.C. Bl unit's Questions QUESTIONS regarding the Commissions of Enquiry Bill, which was introduced at the last meeting of the Federal Council, were asked by the Hon. Mr. W. G. C. Blunn at today’s Council meeting. Official replies to
    280 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 198 7 On AoDOintmeßtio H. M. Tfje M»ng ot Siam *< H.Tbe Stfltanor H. H. The Sutta»» of Perax WATCH FOB THE ELEGANTS A pretty watch if 01 &U the lovel y an extravagance that watche our favourites are every woman can allow herself. Haven’t you OMEGA mR And beauty is not
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  • 72 8 Penang. August 19, 1940 [By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) SELLING London Demand 2/4 1/J6 New York Demand 47 Montreal Demand 51 3/4 Batavia Demand 88 1/2 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Hongkong Demand 53 5/8 Shanghai Demand 14 1/16 Japan Demand 192 3/4 New Zealand Demand
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  • 54 8 Mine statistics for the first half of August 1940: Katu Tin 297 hours run; 46,000 cubic yards treated; tin ore won 211 piculs. Renong Consol. 312 hours run; 136.000 cubic yards treated; tin ore won 409 piculs. Ratrut Basin Tin 290 hours run; 1,000 cubic yards treated; tin
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  • 31 8 Accounts for 1939 show profit of .£12,136 (£6.062). Income-tax and N.D.C. £4.500 (£800); Ordinary dividend 7J per cent. (5 per cent.); forward £4,025 (£2.8184. after writing £750 of! investments!.
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    • 457 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL iMue ouyer* sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 s'o Austral Anu. 5/3 5/6 £1 Austral M 35/0 37,6 c 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.55 0.60 £1 Bangrin Tin 16/6 17/6 $1
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    • 243 8 NOMINAL issue buyen sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah 0.81» 0.85 Amal Malay 1.62} 1.70 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Mblek 0.95 I.ooc Ayer Patras 1.00 1.05 Bassett 0.40 0.44 Batu Lintang 0.95 1.00 Bedford 0.85 0.90 c Benta 0.90 0.95 Borelll 1.10 1.20 Broga 0.57} 0.62* Brunei United
      243 words
    • 320 8 NOMINAL issue ouyer* •elb-rs A £1 (Aust? N.Z. Mln Ord 22/0 23,0 I 2 Alex. Brick Cjd. 1.75 2.00 2 do 7}% Pref 2.00 2.10 5 B M T 650 7.00 £5 Chartered Bank £6j £7j £1 Con. T. S Ord 17/6 18/0 £1 Con. T. S. 7% Pref
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    • 173 8 Company Dividend *-ay> Boon* Cios*» TIN Austral Malay 3d. A 1/3 Bonus Sept 13 Sept 2 Eatu Selangors 7f% Aug. 24 Aug 19 Ipoh Tin 3/- L. T Aug 29 Aug 5 Kampong Kamuntmgs 3d. <3c 1/3 Aug. 23 Aug 13 Kramat 6d. Aug. 28 Aug
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  • 846 8 Increased Crop STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION The twenty -fifth ordinary general, meeting of the Sungei Matang 1 Rubber Estate Ltd.. was held at the registered office of the Com-, pany, 44, Queen Victoria Street,' London. EC. 4 on Thursday. May 30. 1940. Mr. F. O. Streeten < Chairman
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  • 68 8 Straits Rubber had a net profit last rear of £45.540. or £15.361 more than in 1938. Provision for taxation is fixed at £2.500. against £4OO for N.D.C but the same amount. £7 500. is placed to reserve. A dividend of 4} per cent., less tax. for the year
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  • 1674 8 CONSIDERABLY IMPROVED RESULTS The Distribution Decision The forty-fourth annual general meeting of Linggi Plantations, Limited, was held on June 11 at the offices of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 19, Fenchurch Street, London, E. C. Mr. Charles Emerson presided m place of Sir John Hay, the chairman of
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  • 95 8 The Singapore Chamber Rubber Association 1499tb 14 1940. lbs. t ons Catalogued 2.088,87Offered 1.648.614 Sold 1.447,56»' London—Spot 13 l/8d New York —Spot 19 3 8 PRICES REALISM RIBBED SMOKED SHEF tV «7 14 Quality Good Average Quality Fair Average Quality Off Quality 4 Sheet Cuttings CREPE Fine
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 BAN K S The Indian Overseas Bank. Ltd., -inoorporateo- m British mdla* SAVE For Your FAMILY CHILDREN, INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., r -1 n 1 i i p p i |T Mi W SAVINGS sUzfy 7/otc io' dollar saved is an
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  • 228 9 Rs. 10,000 Claimed From Priest Colombo. The trial was fixed for November 22 by Dr. R.F. Dias. District Judge of 1 Colombo, in the case in which Miss Mary Seva Ratnam of 357, Ferguson Road, Colombo is suing the Rev. Bertram Wickremanayake of “St. Michael’s” Willorawatte,
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  • 659 9 iierketey Moynihan. Surgeon. By Donald Bateman. Prefaee by Lord Moynih 1:1. (Macmillan. 12s. (id.) BY SIR GEORGE NEWMAN IN THE SUNDAY TIMES London, June 9. To the many friends of the late Lcid Moyninan in England and America of every sort and class, it may be
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  • 170 9 Weapon Of Death Never Found Alor Star. Having murdered a compatriot and been convicted and sentenced to be hanged, Matt Saman bin Hussain appealed against his conviction and sentence in the Kedah Court of Appeal last Saturday. The appeal was dismissed, but the Assessors’ recommendation for mercy
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  • 297 9 CLERK ON FORGERY CHARGE Singapore. A younjr English-speaking Chinese clerk employed by Mr. Chong Thutt Pitt, a local advocate and solicitor. faced allegations of criminal breach of trust and forgery in his capacity as a lawyer's clerk, at a preliminary inquiry in the Singapore third court on
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2165 9 I fl *sfli I 1 I F B vg» W fl fl I Winds’ placed oy Biiiy X-yerl Night y riazv and Blue” piayed by Aiec TemI pieton. Black 'Blue Selection" piavea Jy Cairoi Gi coons a. Henry Ja-TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS it Dutch ZHP? 9.30 News in Hin•A 1 "u
      2,165 words
    • 601 9 MANILA KZRM 9.57 me s <31.35 m.> 5.50 a.m. News in Engiisn. 12.10 p.m. News in E..gnsn. 5.10 Stocks 5.50 Locax Market Reports 5.55 News in English.. 8.U5 News in Engiisn. KZIB 9.50 me > <3lOB mJ K 6.04 me S (49.67 ni.t 6.50 a.m. New.- m Engbsh. 8.50—10.3* Manila
      601 words

  • 508 10 Nazis Must Take Full Responsibility For Their (.rimes London. August 19 The question of the food situation in Europe during the coming winter and the possibility of widespread starvation has provoked much speculation in Britain, the United States and other parts of the world,
    —BOW.  -  508 words
  • 589 10 Hea vies! Defeat Yet Suffered At Hands Of R.A.F, London, August 19 It is officially announced that 14U enemy aircraft were destroyed yesterday. Having regard to the numbers employed, this figure represents the heaviest defeat the enemy has yet suffered at the
    —Reuter.  -  589 words
  • 28 10 Reuter. London, Aug. 19. Su Malcolm Robertson (Conservative* has been elected unopposed at the Mitcham by-election caused by the death of Sir Richard Meller (Conservative).—-
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 1063 10 Permanent Board To Be Set Up Announcement After Meeting Of Mr. Roosevelt And Mr. King Ogdensburg, New York State, Aug. 19 President Roosevelt and Mr. Mackenzie King announced in a joint statement that they had agreed that a “permanent joint board on defence should be
    —Reuter.  -  1,063 words
  • 334 10 Reuter. Young Briton’s Lucky Escape Shanghai. Aug. 19. Another person on the Nanking regime black list" was the victim of an attack by terrorists yesterday. He was Kuo Jei- I chung. Chief Reporter of the “Sin Wan j Pao." He was wounded by gunmen
    Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 25 10 -Reuter. Greatneck. Lona Islands. Aug. 19. The death has occurred o: Mr. Walter P Chnsler. the well-known motor manufacturer.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 226 10 —Reuter. Inflicting Great Losses On Italians Cairo, U g jg A communique says I n land yesterday, the enemy agai renewed determined attacks with picked Italian troops, SU n ported by artillen, aircraft. British forces continue to fi ßht with the utmost gallantry j n flicting
    —Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 123 10 [U Ul' —Reuter HANGARS HIT WD FIRE STARTED An R.A.F. communique -ax ‘hat RAF bombers raided the AdciL' Air„ mill ir aerodrome. Direct hit.- ver resister-: on four hangars and a <1 tire started as a result of me bombing. A';, our aircraft returned .-at
    [U Ul' —Reuter  -  123 words
  • 102 10 —Reuter. Amusing German Claims London August G Amusement is caused in London ■night by the manner in wh o. the German broadcast that the ctory was hit bi" bombs at PortsmouH i 1 grovr. on an impressive scale in its travels through enemy wireless s’ itions. At 10.30
    —Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 70 10 Reuter. Flow Of Fund- I xci*'l" Demand On the money market within and without th-’ 1 circle, were free lend* week with the result tha' t seeking employment demand. R The total or £65,000.0' offered were fully allott rate of £1 Os. 5.21 d. commr 5.62 d
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 49 10 —Reuter Departure Fron Ami Tieiit-' J/l Tokio r j. The Domei Agency st at t t tish troops left Peiping T! day. ending a 39 yei’ Boxer Rebellion. Troops, including Guard from Peiping. P e an iel Tangku where they for Hongkong, the adds. —Reuter
    —Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. FOR UNITED KINGDOMFor particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival fates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents Penang
      53 words

  • 566 11 Handicaps For Saturday HOitSI S—Class 4—Division I—About 6 Furlongs YING SCOTSMAN 3y 9.04 ‘\4idam Chan” Van Breukelen ~ORM AHEAD 3y 3.09 -Mr. Cryptic" ONelli J 0 pretty quiet 8y 8.07 Mr. F. O. C. O'Neill Owner 6y 8.07 T. L. Kongsi” Van Breukelen 6y
    566 words
  • 456 11 4 'in Min School Union Beat Hoy’s B.P. From Our Own Correspondent) Sungei Patani, August 19. Tne Sm Min School Union defeated tie Hoy's Badminton Party in a friendbadminton match on Sunday by 5 games to three. Results Union players mentioned first) Ltnj Huat Seng and Yeoh Yong Hooi
    456 words
  • 184 11 Krian Dauntless XI vs Kedah Hall Party Arrangements for the soccer match between the Krian Dauntless XI of Parit Buntar and the Kedah Hall Party of Penang for the "Rajah Cup” are now complete and the match will be played off on Saturday August 31, at the
    184 words
  • 171 11 W ELTER-W EIGHT TITLE HOLDER IN 1936 DA\ E IIcCLEAVE, now a sergeantinstructor with the Army Physical Training Staff, is back in the form which won him the British welterweight title in 1936 writes James Butlei in the Daily Herald. Now fighting as a
    171 words
  • 283 11 S4 000 From Chinese Ladies Section I I The Chartered Bank of India, Australia K China, as Treasurers of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, acknowledge receipt of the following Fenang subscriptions. c. Amount previously acknowledged 144,***** H. A. Forrer 50.00 Anglo-Chinese Continuation Schoo). Prtfce Money 35 00 Monthly
    283 words
  • 359 11 “Gate” To Be Donated To ar Fund Penang tennis enthusiasts are in for a treat this afternoon for G. P. Hughes and Kho Sin-kie, the well-known Davis Cup players, will appear in a series of exhibition matches on the C.R.C. courts, the
    359 words
  • 128 11 Penang oung Indians Lose To Dorai*amy‘s XI (From Our Own Correspondent> Kuhm. August 19 The Penang Young Indians were defeated by Doraisamy s XI of Kulim by 3 goals to 1 on the Tuouan Valley padanc on Sunday evening. Viettilingam opened the scoring for Doraisamy’s XI ip
    128 words
  • 87 11 'Hotspur’* Defeated By ‘‘White Horse B” The Hotspur’ team were beaten narrowly at basket-ball by “White Horse B” <Siew Kwo) by 23 points to 21 at the Argyll Road court at 5.30 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Cheah Phee Khoon refereed and the players lined up as follows: "White Horse B”—Koay
    87 words
  • 128 11 Ceylon Tour To Help War Funds Bhopal. The suggestion to the Indian Cricket Control Board and the Ceylon Cricket Association to contribute to the Viceroy’s War Purposes Fund all the net profits that may be realised from the proposed Ceylonese tour in India this Winter has
    128 words
  • 128 11 Interesting Events ()n Programme Ipoh. Competitors intending to take part in the forthcoming Taiping Cycling Carnival are reminded that the last day for posting entries is August 24. Entries clow on August 26 with Mr. Gurchan Singh. 163 Brewster Road. Ipoh. The entire proceeds of
    128 words
  • 92 11 S.L.R.C. Team To Meet M.R.C. The following will represent the S.L.R.C. against the M.R.C. in a P.F.A. cup-tie on the C.R.C. ground on Aug. 21. Foong Chm (captain»: Chm Chong, Mohd. Salleh Ismail Idns. Apparajoo. Comeliib: Choon Chooi, Beng Keat, Kok Chan. Bakar Awang and Kuppusamy.
    92 words
  • 113 11 Chin oo Beat Aspirants Association In a friendly game of table-tennL played at the Chm Woo premises, the Chin Woo defeated the Aspirants’ A.ssocuXion by 5 games to 2. Results (Chin Woo players mentioned first):— Ng Kok Hoong lo>t to Low Hung Choe o—3;0 —3; Lee Bing Seng beat
    113 words
  • 119 11 Practice At Hutchings Ground Tomorrow The P.R.C. Ladies will be holding a hockey practice tomorrow on the Hutchings School Ground at 5.20 p.m. The following are asked to turn up:— Mrs. H. J. Peterson, Mrs. C. J. Scully. Misses J. Phipps, J. Carrier, Y. Carrier, E. Scott,
    119 words
  • 185 11 Result <H August Monthly Medal The Pc nang Sports Club August Monthly Medal Stableford) played on Saturday and Sunday August 17 and 18. resulted as follows: W. Hannay (18) 40J B H. Carson (14) 34] A Jackson (13) 33f J. C. Nauen (16) 33 G. Hallidav
    185 words
  • 229 11 oimgsters Beat Sporting Eagles 3 In an interesting football maitch played on the College Ground at Alar Star on Saturday, the Youngsters defeated the Sporting Eagles by 4 goals to L From the kick-off the Youngsters attacked but weie checked by Ali, theopposing full-back, who cleared and.
    229 words
  • 59 11 oung Olympians vs Lo Pun Chew’s XI On the Renong Ground today at. 5 p.m. Young Olympians:—Monsur H. A. B.; Ibrahim b. Yusoff, Tang Eng Say; Teoh Cheng Keat, Lee Tiang Slew. Zamul Ariffin. Tan Hong Beng. Ltm Chiang Keng, M. Mirasa, (Capt.)_ Khoo Beng Een, Lim Joo Tek.
    59 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 How io Cure PILES Simple Application Stops Pah and Bleeding. Piles Heal Completely. Datil Dr. Van Vleck’a startling dneovery at hia Abnrptive Pile Plasma, the aar> geon’» knife waa the only cure fo-»bad pilea. Bat the amazing healing effect of Dr. Van Vleek’a Absorptive Pile Plasma, in many thousands of
      201 words

  • 280 12 POLICY LIKELY TO SCORE DOUBLE Westenra And Pay Out Also Impress (From Our Own Taiping, Today. TV/ESTENRA, Policy, and Pay Out were the most impressive at track work today, though no outstanding gallops were noticed. Clarissa The Flea, who was taken for a
    280 words
  • 52 12 COLUMBIA CUP Members are notified that the Columbia Cup Competition fixed for the coming week-end. 24th and 25th August, has been postponed to a date to be fixed later. MIXED FOl KSOMES The August Mixed Foursomes will be played on Wednesday. 28th August and not on.
    52 words
  • 51 12 —Reuter. Clear \A in Over Noii-Servicers Rangoon, August 19 The Sing Tao football team beat the Non-Servicers by two goals to nil today. There was no scoring at half-time. The tourists will play another two matches after which they will return via Singapore and Manila.
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 723 12 R.A.F. To Increase Weight Of Offensive London, Aug. 20. VV ELL informed observers, emphasising Britain’s outstanding challenge to the Nazi Air herpes, express the view that it does not follow that the Nazis will try an invasion now with the ‘‘luftwaffe’ acting its wellknown role as
    Reuter.  -  723 words
  • 111 12 Reuter. London. August 20. The Air Minister has received the following message from the Prime Minister: “Please convey to the C'ommander-in-Chief. Bomber Command, the congratulations of the War Cabinet on the success of operations against Germany on Friday night. “The War Cabinet is impressed by the skill
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 77 12 Two Chinese who appeared before the Penang Third Magistrate. Mr W. M. McCall, yesterday on lottery charges were each fined $2O in default fifteen days rigorous imprisonment Kee Chiam Siang pleaded guilty to the charge of giving one lottery ticket of the Penang Turf Club to Lim Tow
    77 words
  • 75 12 In connection with the all Vaudeville show by the Oversea Chinese Minstrels m aid of the War Fund, Mr. Lim Lean fTeng J.P and Mr Ch’ng Lye Hock have kindly consented to be patrons of the show Practices are being held at the Chinese
    75 words
  • 76 12 TUESDAY, AUGUSfr 20. TIN: Penang $132.62£ Business done 125 tons Singapore $132.621 RUBBER: Penang Spot 37 3/8c Singapore Spot 37 3/s c «COPRA: Sundried $2.45 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.20 sellers Fair Seed $5.80 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parbeiled No. 1 $7.80 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $7.70
    76 words
  • 35 12 The civil appeal, fil't’ qiant. Dewe Mitchell, pl yfr. against the decision 01 Justice G. B. Kellag; 0 have been heard before t Appeal on Saturday. wa> A The defendant-responden L. Dunlop.
    35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 452 12 OHce» 2 1 Per’-. Phone 147' 14-' 'G fcl •nd >uoa*T u. PINANG G*z. Lora) Deliver, I Montnij »2 sc *r- 1 Quarterly 7.jq U I 16.C0 U.K 3O 04 SUNDAY GA ZE lif Local q v Delivers Pm- Quarterly 25 Half-Yearly 2eo Ufo Yearly SOO Z Oi AOVW.UTISEMEKt RATFfi
      452 words