Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 355 1 ON SOMALI FRONT Reuter. Enem y Continues Recon n aissance Cairo, August 12. A communique states: “tn the Western Desert on August 10, enemy patrolling and reconnaissance activities oontinue. In Somaliland, contact on the main positions has not yet been established. The situation at Buiao and
    • – Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 142 1 —Reuter. Tokyo, August 11 NTI-BRITISH feeling, which has been comparatively dormant in Japan during the past few days, ame to life with renewed vigour today. Mass meetings were held in various parts of Japan, protesting gainst Britain’s actions and urging t* Government to strong counteraction. mdbiiis
    —Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 133 1 ALBANIAN TROOPS RISE IN REVOLT 100 Casualties Inflicted On Italians REBELLION FAST SPREADING Reuter. London, August 12. A serious clash is reported to have taken place on Friday evening near the Jugoslav frontier between Albanian kauan troops, according to a Belgrade report received in London.
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 153 1 —Reuter. Bombay. August 12. “I am not meeting the Viceroy at present as I do not find any meeting ground or scope for further discussion,” Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. President of the All-India National Congress told Reuter. He added that the Congress Working Committee which
    —Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 625 1 Waves Of Enemy Raiders Driven Back TERRIFIC EXPLOSION HEARD IN NORTHERN IRELAND London, August 12. I I EAVY fire from ground batteries on the North East coast of England drove back enemy raiders early this morning) (Monday) when successive waves of planes attempted to get through
    -b.o.w:  -  625 words
  • 59 1 —Reuter Berlin. August. 11. Dr. Karl Schaefer has been .appointed commissioner of the Bank of France and manager of the Bank s Board of Directors. tates the German Official News Agency. Dr. Schaefer, who is .1 retired bank president, will operate irona rhe head
    —Reuter  -  59 words
  • 76 1 Reuter C hungking, August u. Ninety planes raided Chungking for the second successive day, ail apfearing over the city simultaneously. The casualties are believed to he small and tl\c damage to property slight. I arious sections of the city were bombed and also the town below
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 48 1 —Reuter. Gift Of American Millionaire New Bedford, Massachusetts. Aue. 10 Mr. Waite: Laugshaw, who woiked as a mill uand in Lancashire where he wasborn and afterwards became a millionaire in the Dnited States cabled L 25.000 to Mr. Chui chill for War Relief —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 85 1 —Reuter. Shanghai, August 12. Negotiations between the French authorities in Indo-China and the Japanese are being resumed today. The talks are being closely watched by all quarters in the Far East. Reliable reports from Chungking quote the Chinese authorities as saying that they are ‘‘fully prepared to
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 71 1 —Reuter. Supplies Remain At High Level London, August 10 On the money market, supplies remained at a high level throughout the week. The whole of the J 565.000.000 Treasury Bills offered were allotted at the average rate ol JSJ Os 4 fc'sd wincliswas iracuon ally in favour
    —Reuter.  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 zTi C0 J GATE for you ft < /“<2s3z </w' Wfehi for North Malaya <£■ Penang:— iafnt» i° T 1 dispensary LTD.. Penang and Ipoh.
      23 words
    • 46 1 I; /s BESTf Agents for North Malaya A I GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY IZ a Penang and Ipoh. WHITEAWm MONDAY (Aug. 12th) TUESDAY— >4 (Aug. 13th) Ap WEDNESDAY- r /k (Aug. 14th) All oddments left over from their Sale will be- > CLEARED r) REGARDLESS OF COST... WHITEAWAYS PENANG.
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  • 835 2 Big Battle Over Straits Of Dover ATTACK ON PORTLAND AND WEYMOUTH Hospital Damaged By Bomb London, August 11. A JOINT communique issued by the Admiralty, the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Home Security states: —“Following this morning s action over the Straits of
    -—Reuter.  -  835 words
  • 390 2 TO JOIN WAR EFFORT London. August 11. The hope that Indian leaders would join the Viceroy's Council and assist in India’s war effort was expressed by Mr. Amery, speaking at Blackpool. Pointing out the success of giving freedom to countries of the Empire, he said: "We»are
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  • 126 2 Reuter. Italians Claim Advance In Progress London. August 11 Referring to the activities m British Somaliland, an Italian war communique given over the Rome wireless says that Italian forces occupied the mountain passes of Carrin and Godajere, adding:— 'The Italian advance is in full progress.” It is
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 51 2 -BOW Appointed Chief Liaison Officer, G.H.Q. London, August 10. The King has approved the appointment of Major-General the Duke of Gloucester as Chief Liaison Officer. General Headquarters, Home Forces. His Royal Highness was Chief Liaison Officer to the British Expeditionary Force in France from September at last
    -BOW  -  51 words
  • 121 2 —Reuter. Frontiers Closed To British Ankara, August 10. Syria has now closed her frontiers to British and other subjects of military age. Hitherto, despite French capitulation. British subjects have still been able to pass through Syria in transit. Now on orders from the Vichy Government, French
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 166 2 —Reuter. Many Objectives In Libya Hit Cairo, August 11. A communique states. ‘Military camps, motor transport and concentrations in the Sabra area (Libya) have been successfully attacked by bombers all of which returned. "The wreckage of an 579 which has been washed ashore near Qasaba
    —Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 148 2 Tokyo, August 11. rpHERE is considerable speculation regarding the guarding of the British Concessions in China following the withdrawal of British troops, states a Domei Agency despatch from Tientsin which adds that the local Japanese military authorities are greatly concerned at the
    -Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 123 2 8.0. W. Rugby, Aug. j#. A Bradford textile firm, iLamig had the idea of brighteniuo its f;3h port packing cases with a reproduction of the. Union Jack above the slogan “Britain Deliver» The Goods," a reproduction of th» stencil is being sent by the. F ‘port
    8.0. W.  -  123 words
  • 35 2 U. S. CONSULATES AT ST. PIERRE DAKAR Reuter. Washington, August 10 The State Department disclosed that to» United States is re-opening consulates at Dakar and St. Pierre, the capital of the French Islands off Newfoundland.—
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 1516 2 DEATH OF FAMOUS SPORTSMAN POLITICIAN Career (> f Sir Abe Bailev Rugby. August 11. The Sunday newspapers print fdl! appreciations of the career and character of Sir Abe Bailey, who died at Cape Town yesterday, aged 75. His activities as a mining magnate. |M»litician, agric ulturist, racehorse owner and all-round
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 792 3 Biack Guards Brown Shirts \'()l can distinguish the two main organisations of the Nazi Party both by the colour of their shirts and by their initials. Then- are Brown Shirts oi S.A. und Black Guards tr S.S. and closely related to the S.S. is the secret state I Mice, the
    792 words
  • 520 3  -  Bv E. F. Don HpHE historical street known as Downing Street was built by Sir Geotge Downing about the years 1663-1671 and No. 10 Downing Street is of course the official residence of die Prime Minister, and tn its Cabinet room many momentous meetings
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  • 345 3 M.P. Suggests Island Of St. Helena London. Josiah Wedgwood. M.P. Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Scot’and and Social’st M.P. for Newcastle-under-Lyme, stated recently he thought St. Helena should become Britain's prison camp for Germans. H? had suggested this to the House of Commons. “With the possibility
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  • 350 3 X\hat Happened In France C" 1 ERM AN prisoners captured by the British south of the River Seine say that they crossed the river in small boats. As soon as they reached the north bank they pushed ahead immediately. Every boat, barge and punt was at
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  • 685 3 50 in.p.h. Dash Over Boinb-l orn Roads RESCUE OF WOUNDED I MEN London. PROBABLY the most remarkable and most courageous war-time service rendered by any Australian women can be credited to Dorothy Howe and Ursula Burt, both of Perth. They have arrived in London dishevelled and
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  • 76 3 Kansas State Teachers College has selected Allan Jones, Paramount star as judge of its annual beauty contest, and the star will personally present a reward to the winner wfien he appears in Pittsburg, Kansas, on concert tour. The contest to select a queen of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 77 3 ""ASSESS S *3RW I f Zt\l Z TWt J J ’-'£s.s? 4 W7 <<< 1 'wS’Vk z a' I*' 1 i X X <*»- X V i"-s>~> —*~~s’ —s 7E i tWN ML Jg I. -M' >* THE GAMBLER WHAT A WAR! rFRTIF By Gilbert Wilkinson GESTAPO (The Synthetic s
      77 words

  • 899 4 Refused To Obey Order Of Superior DECLARES HE WAS DRUNK Singapore. CONVICTED on a charge of insubordination by refusing to obey an order by a superior officer to go on duty, Stanley Gordon Pearse, 27-year-old European police constable of the Naval Base Police Force, was fined $25,
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  • 219 4 I .S. Officials Puzzled Washington. Officials in Washington estimate that Japan’s gold resources have shrunk to less than $100,000.000. but the fact that Japan continues to pay for goods in gold puzzles them. Officials here estimate Japanese gold to be less than $100,000,000 despite the fact that
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  • 32 4 Susan and Jean Waldock, who have been schooling in England, photographed before leaving London for India. Forty-two children whose parents live in the Far East are making the journey.
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  • 311 4 Singapore. Seven applications for exemption from continuous training with the Straits Settlements Volunteers and the St. John Field Ambulance were heard by the Local Tribunal consisting of Messrs. J. C. Cobbett, P. A. B. MeKerron and R K. Prentis. The Tribunal granted exemption in three cases.
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  • 246 4 Singapore. A 22-YEAR-OLD private in the Loyal Regiment, George Alfred McGovern, was bound over in the sum of $lOO to be of good behaviour for six months, in the Singapore fifth court on Friday, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of insulting the modesty
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  • 211 4 apt. Hashim On How To Deal lUith Them re 4 WARNING to pupils oi the City High SC >] activities of filth columnists was giver. y Hashim, the Malay Legislative Councillor, w the annual prize-giving of the school. “In the East,” said Capt. Hashim, “we
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  • 295 4 Murder Verdict Against Chinese Singapore. 4 T the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of a Chinese woman. Chua Ah See, who was found dead in the Empress Hotel on the night of June 17 with a knife between her shoulder blades, the acting Singapore
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  • 213 4 Singapore. Arthur Darbyshire, described as a European police constable in the Naval Base Police Force, was on Friday acquitted by Mr. J. G. Rappoport Singapore third magistrate, on two charges alleging that he neglected his duty by absenting himself from his post and on a third charge,
    213 words
  • 220 4 ’pwo children, an 11-year-old Chines, girl and her ejght-year-old brother were chief witnesses m a case in th Singapore fifth court in which Dullah Singh, an additional police constabh attached to the Naval Base, was chare ed with voluntarily causing hurt to th boy. The
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  • 325 4 Singapore. 4 DESCRIPTION of how a young soldier of the Manchester Regiment watched a coconut tree being cat down, and neglecting shouts of wan mg. continued to gaze at it as it fel with the result that he was killed, wai given in the coroner’s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 169 4 Bn 4WF «OFF'*-> ■Bf d Un If r Br < f■ -4 f 4i |L>' HjL V rM- -Z «808 < :<■ xA»<sSfcfAt.. ♦.<. <w s BK »<■■■' S, rt A .Jjb-*? '>•• ’SR ft f ’’W Danger signal for your teeth Your teeth may be strong and Start using
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 92 5 doctors warn mothers to watch their *<et after the birth of a child. The lood is of vital importance to the ’wther and to the child she is feeding. ideal food must be easy to digest G highly nourishing, while prevent•■aS constipation For all these reasons
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  • 648 5 President’s Speech On Objects Of Society Ipoh. < REPRESENTATIVE gathering was present at the First Anniversary Dinner of th e Perak Medical Practitioner’s Society, held at the Hotel Majestic on Saturday night. Dr. J. J. Samuel, retiring, presiden t of the Society presided and the Raja
    648 words
  • 130 5 Enjoyable Taiping Function Taiping. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the Leaguers and their iriends at thi Fancy Dress Social of the Taiping Union Epworth League held at the Lady Treacher Girls' School on Saturday afternoon. Those present indulged, hi conununity singing and indoor games after
    130 words
  • 770 5 Principal's Advice To Pupils Telok Anson. i “Each of us has a contribution to make and we should find out what we can do and offer our contribution as soon a* possible.” said Mr. Lee Choon Eng, Principal of the Anglo-Chinese School. Telok Anson, addressing the
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  • 496 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. E. R. Stuait has assumed duties on Bukit Cheraka Estate, Jeram. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Brewerton, of Klang, are going to Cameron Highlands on holiday. Inspector Che Salleh, pf Klang, who has been on three months’ holiday in Penang, has returned. Mr. H. C. Mustard, manager
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  • 146 5 Inquest Likely To Be Held Quite a stir was created in town yesterday when the local Police acting under an order from the Tapah Magistrate exhumed a dead body of a Malay girl, aged about 6 or 7 years, who was buried in the Malay cemetery
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  • 63 5 Perak Stenographers To Meet A Penang Team Ipoh The Jolly Seats, a party of swimmers from Penang, will meet the Perak Stenographers Association in a friendly waterpolo match at the Kinta Swimming Club pool today. The following are selected to represent the Stenographers’ Association: Eng Leong. Yew Sek.
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  • 237 5 Appeal For Funds We publish below an appeal from Mrs. W.G. Ayton made on behalf of the Y.W.C.A. War Canteen and hutments. Referring to the work of the Y.W.C.A workers during the evacuation of Allied troops from the port of Boulogne, Mrs. Ayton refers to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 It 111 Brass» X METAL POLISH Z y FOR ALL7IETALS Agents:— Harper, Gillillan <fc Co., Ltd j I 1 M 17 The Oversea-Chinese Amusement Co., Ltd. MONDAY. 12th AUGUST 1940 LADIES’ GUEST NIGHT AT BOTH PARKS. WEMBLEY PARK CANTONESE OPERA: “HOW CAPITAL TALKIES: “BOH TENG TOH TEANG CHOW” NOOI CHEW
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 279 5 Tremendous Success—Drawing Packed Houses Nightly—Owing to South Country Booking Season must end TODAY Penang s Mos: B 4 Jk Luxurious > Air-Condition-d Theatre ’ontrolled By SHAW BROS. LTD, Singapore. Last 3 Shows Today At 3; 6. /5 9.30 p.m. Matinee At Reduced Prices including Fax 15; 25 and 60 cents
      279 words
    • 77 5 I S PARTS TODAY THREE SHOWS Metro Goidwyn Mayer’s Ml SICAL SAGA OF THE W ELD WEST j T- JP I FREEDOM, X I Oiftlf 6 Love Defy I I lie Robber M 1 r* o a °i° wt ßarons (>l Viall Street! I I Lu ly Wl th w?Pnnv
      77 words
    • 139 5 5 Sensational Days ALre-ody 17 Packed Performances! 15,.‘i00 People have seen appreciated it! You must see it, too! QUEEN'S 6th LAST DAY 3 SHOW'S AT 3 P.M., 6.15 9.30 P.M. MATINEE PRICES DOWNSTAIRS 15, 35 60 CTS. (including Tax) Special Matinee Today At 11.30 AJtf. For School Children Only Prices—Downstairs
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  • 443 6 r PHE black-out over the week- end has given Penang and Province residents valuable experience of what wartime conditions would be like. Some inconvenience was naturally experienced over the fact that the black-out was enforced on three successive nights but it was generally recognised that a blackout.
    443 words
  • 160 6 MAJESTIC CINEMA “Here I Am A Stranger” with Richard Greene, Richard Dix i Brenda Joyce 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. BEX CINEMA “One Million 8.C.” 3, 615 and 9 30 p.m. ODEON CINEMA Nelson Eddy and Virginia Bruce in “Let Freedom Ring” 3, 6 15 and 9.30
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  • 403 6 Fan Upsets Racing Funs the Races are over and so are all hopes of getting started on the road to millions. Personally, I am not disappointed at missing a fortune, only relieved that 1 did not lose one. I had quite a share of excitement on Saturday
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  • 601 6 Monday, August 12. R A F’s achievements over the week-end truly justify Mr. Duff-Cooper’s speech at South Wooford, Essex. r PHE Minister of Information claimed with complete justification that “just as we retain our command of the seas, so are we rapidly assuming command
    601 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 I <1 IM i&Vj H l!t' CRLP BECK’S < L_^Li—-I VJ *J» LI- I■I Tl !■»»«*■»*>*■ •muJk/ ■■B**> UNPA C K E D ?A NEW RANGE IN COTTON PRINTED FOR SMART FROCKS TAILORED AT A pARMANAND'SI l4, BISHOP STREET. VuG'. W A iWiaH. ntt*<j«in mJHßXAWlsx» M «c m ■piAf u
      257 words
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    • 40 6 COMPAW DIL EAS’ (FUlHft lIONECT RUBMR*!JDL'| 529.TANJ0NG BUNGAH R? PEMAML For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light St, Pecang Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Central Shoe Store, 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883.
      40 words

  • 1924 7 Contractor Tells Why He Could Not Get Out Of Ring Singapore. V lj f aIE that he ielt sorry that he had joined the con--I*> *r.'v. »rs’ ring but that he could not get out of it because h e felt at he would
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  • 161 7 A lor Star. Caught u'htle hugging and hmxing xn a public place at u little pant midnxght at Jalan Regent during the week-end, a young couple, Wong Mun and Wong Sam, a woman, were yesterday charged before Che Mohamed Zahir, the Third Magistrate,
    161 words
  • 52 7 YOUNG GAUDER, who was knocked out last night in the seventh of an eight threeminute round bout by Clever Paco, at the New World Stadium, Singapore, died this morning of cerebral haemorrhage in hospital where he was removed after the tight. He was bleeding profusely from
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  • 212 7 Campbell Street and Buckingham Street, two of the busiest Chinese streets in Penang, particularly at night, are to figure at a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners to-morrow when Dr. Ong Chong Keng will move J a motion that the “No Parking” order which is
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  • 106 7 Had Forty Fowls In One Basket A lorry-driver, Kee Hoe Soon who was asked to take delivery of several baskets of fowls, admitted neglect on his part when he was charged with cruelty to animals by over-crowding forty fowls in one basket, thereby causing unnecessary suffering. It
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  • 146 7 $4,000 From Chinese Ladies Section Of M.P.F. Latest contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Penang Women’s Section (Wocl and Material Account): c Previously Acknowledged 8,752 50 Mrs. Cathcart —West Thailand 5.00 Charity Fun Fair, N. Tebal 200.22 Georgetown Abbey Players 538.00 L.A.M. 10.00 Sale of booklets
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  • 615 7 AAOTHER GENEROUS GIFT BY HR. CHEAH LEONG KEAH 4 NOTHER generous contribution from Mr. Cheah Leong Keah, J.P., has brought the total of the War Fund in North Malaya past the million mark. L will he remembered that contribution of $390 by Mr.
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  • 56 7 .4 MESSAGE has been sent by Lord Beaverbrook, Minister for Aircraft Production, to the Malay States in which he says “Rejoicing in their loyalty and devotion to the Empire our people stand dauntless at their post of danger. When the battle breaks your aircraft
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  • 42 7 Members of this Class organised by Mrs. McLeod (and under Dr. (Miss) Newhouse and Dr. N. K. Menon) are asked to assemble at the Westlands Schoo] Hall for the St. John Ambulant» examination at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 ■WW'Vi**.'- '"’""J?!■.!' TRUFOOD BABIES 1 i become sturdy children j i v «X Atr s i I I w iV I Another I Trufood baby. 3 v this lovely little N girl is the f r daughter of Lady t. < A ukaret Jackson uu see the results of correct
      158 words

  • 146 8 Operations foe the month of July, 1940: Hours Cu. Yards Piculs Aniput Tin 1868 *****0 1638 8. Kinta Consolidated >520 *****00 6654 Kamunting Tin 3557 *****00 1586 Tongkah Harbour Tin 1855 »***** 1793 Anglo-Thai Tin 1239 *****6 590 Kampong Lanjut Tin 1323 *****0 L 892 Kuala
    146 words
  • 43 8 The output of tin ore from the property of the Bangrin Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for the month of July 1940 was piculs 1.338.19. The numlxtr of hours worke I during the same period was 1.463 and the yardage treated 261.000
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  • 17 8 The Ju’y output, of tin ore frt>m the Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Synch-
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    • 444 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL issue buyers sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 5/3 5/9 £1 Austral M. 35/ 37/6 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.55 0.60 £1 Bangrin Tin 16/6 17/6 $1 B.
      444 words
    • 240 8 MOM INAL Issue ouyw sellers Allenby 1.05 IJO Alor Gajah 0.85 0.95 Amal Malay 1.574 1.65 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Molek 0.95 1.00 Ayer Pumu 1.00 1.05 Bassett 040 0.44 Batu Untang 0.974 1.024 Bedford 0.85 0.90 Benta 0.924 0.974 Borelli 1.10 1.20 Broga 0.60 0.65 Brunei United
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    • 320 8 NOM INAL Issue cxiyen sellers A £1 (Aust* N.Z. Mln Ord 22/0 23,3 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 2.00 2 do 7F7 C Pref 1.90 2.00 x 5 B. M. T. 7.00 7.50 £5 Chartered Bank £64 £1 Con. T S. Ord 17/6 18/0 £1 Con. T. S. 7%
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    • 153 8 Company Dividend hie Books Close TIN Kampong Kamunting 3d. 1/3 bonus Aug 23 Aug. 13 Kramat 6d Aug. 28 Aug 19 K Kampars 6d Sept. 18 Sept 9 Kundangs 1/- Sept 4 Sept. 26 Murai Tin 40% Int. Aug. 21 Aug. 19 Peninsula 2/- os. (Aust)
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  • 668 8 SATISFACTORY RESULTS Mr. A.A. Henggeler’s Review The thirteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of Rawang Concessions Limited was held at the registered office of the Company. 16 Barrack Road. Kt.ala Lumpur, on Thursday. August 8. l:X0, at 12 noon Mr. A A. ppresided and, in moving the adoption
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  • 70 8 Penang, August 10. 1940 (By Courtesy of the Chartered 3ank\ SELLING London Demand 2/4 1/16 New York Demand 47 Montreal Demand 51 3/4 Batavia Demand 38 1/2 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Hongkong Demand 53 5/8 Shanghai Demand 14 5/16 Japan Demand 192 New Zealand Demand 2/10
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  • 16 8 Monthly output for July, 1940: Piculs 346. Yardage worked 133.400. Hours run 645.
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  • 24 8 Un ore outputs for July, 1940 are as follow S No. 2 Dredge 368.94 piculs. No. 3 Dredge 171.11 piculs. Gombak Dredge
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  • 651 8 Highly Satisfactory Results MINING LEASES OVER AREA OF 143 ACRES rpHE twelfth annual general meeting of shareholders o f Kuala Kampar Tin Fields Limited was held at the regi s tered office of the Company. 16 Barrack Road. Kuala Lumpur on Friday, August 9. 1940
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  • 415 8 At the thirtieth annual general meeting heid in London, of the Chersonese <FMs. Estates, Ltd., Mr Owen H. Smith (the chairman) said in the course of hummarks that the accounts for the vear resulted in a profit of £21.123 The ooard have transferred £lO,OOO to taxation
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  • 133 8 Saturday’s Close Previously TIN: LCNDON: “Spot" £265 0 0 > ‘Forward' £265 5 0 SINGAPORE: “Spot" $132.75 Business done 125 tons PENANG ‘Spot” $132 75 RUBBER: LONDON: “SP O 13d 1, 15I1W “Forward" 12 15|16d Tone Quietly, Steady SINGAPORE: r4c “Spot” 56 3|4c PENANG: l4c “Spot” 36 3|4<'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 118 8 BANKS L_—JU-- L^ 5 SAVINGS fyou to dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned. Savings Account is the best inducement to save, To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is to oe a contented person. A Savings Account may be opened with
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  • 76 9 MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1940. MAIL DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR MAILS Mails for Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Singapore 1.30 p.m. Monday 12th inst. Mails for Java Southern Sumatra (by air from Singapore) 8 a.m. Tuesday 13th inst. Mails for Australia, New Zealand Java 8 a.m. Friday 16th SURFACE
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  • 1228 9  -  By JAMES AGATE /X THE SENDAY TIMES” ..“The Tempest” Revival of Shakespeare s Piay. uld Xie. Wednesday. “Gnosts.’’ Revival oi losen s> I‘iay. Duciiess. Tuesday. “The Peaceful Inn.” A Piay. B.i Denis Ogden. Duke of 1 ork’s. Tuesnay. The greatness of “The Tempest” is to oe measuied
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  • 302 9 Singapore. In a speech to the students of the Y.M.C.A. School of Commerce at their annual prizegiving. Mi J. T. Rea. said that there weie several things the students could do to help Malaya at the present time. “They could offer themselves as blood
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  • 122 9 Singapore. Alleged to have impersonated a member of the Food Control Office, Yong Loke Kheng, a young Englishspeaking Chinese was convicted and fined $3O. or one month’s rigorous imprisonment, by the fifth magistrate, Mr. Oon Khye Khiang. At the previous hearing it was alleged by the proprietor of
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2320 9 SAN francisco «I 3 1 I «TREASURE ISLAND* ErWil W® W 1111 KGEI 9.53 mc/s (31-48 m.) WiMt W M 1 f rom 7.21» to 12.25 a.m.) F 7.50 News in English. 9.50 News in English. 10.50 News in English. 11.20 Finance! Service. TO.DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS yAI BROADCASTING SINGAPORE
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    • 636 9 i Manila Stock Exchange Quotations and i transactions. 11.55 Commercial reporter of the air. 1.5o —3.00 pan. Manila Stock Exchange Quotations ana transactions. 4.00 Commuciai reporter of the air. 8.50 News in English. KZRH 964 mc/s (31.1 m.) 5.20 a.m. News in English. 6.25 New Yone Stock Quotations. 1 9.05
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  • 600 10 American Radio Commentator (hi Censorship In Germany London, August 10 An American who spent the first eight months of war in Berlin engaged in broadcasting commentaries for a United States radio chain described his experiences in the 8.8. C. Home Service last night. Mr. Warren Irving
    —Reuter.  -  600 words
  • 343 10 Precarious Position Of Rumania -Reuter. Russo-German Backing Of Hungary Bucharest, Aug. 10 It is learned that when M. Maniu sounded Russian attitude it was only to hear indirectly that armed resistance against Hungary would lead to the occupation of the whole of Transylvania by the Germans
    -Reuter.  -  343 words
  • 561 10 Vichy Government Taking Steps To Offer Resistance Washington. August 10 The first unfavourable reactions to the British withdrawal from China have given place to a hopeful speculation whether it means the end of British appeasement of Japan and that China decks are being cleared
    —Reuter.  -  561 words
  • 228 10 BOW. 1.000 SHIPS HELP TO BRING SUPPLIES Rugby, August 10. Broadcasting to Norwegian seamen in America, the Crown Prince of Norway said seamen of his country were today more than anyone else bearing the burden and heat of the day for Norway. People of Norway,
    BOW.  -  228 words
  • 28 10 .—Reuter. London. August 10. The Admiralty announces that the submarine Odin (Lieut .-Commander K. M. Woods* is considerably overdue and must be presumed lost.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 1316 10 GUERNSEY AERODROJIF BOMBED AND MACHINf GUNNED Flushing Oil Tanks Burst Into Flames London, August in An Air Ministry communique statesOn Friday after R.A.F. aircraft made bombing and machine gun the enemy occupied aerodrome at Guernsey and seaplane at Poulmice, near Brest. Damage was done to aircraft han and the
    -Reuter-  -  1,316 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 169 10 NEW YORK VIA CAPE Geave Penang PRES. HARRISON Sept. 1 X PRES. HAYES S P ft' X PRES. POLK Oct. 10 PRES. GARFIELD oct X No Passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Leave °enang CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Aug. 22 CITY OF LOS ANGELES Sept. 6 CHARLES McCORMACK Sept. 8
      169 words

  • 1111 11 M ajor Fox Heads Trainers’ List STATISTICS OF PENANG RACES D<ml<l Champion Jockey hEAFI RE of the Penang August Meeting is the success of the Alan Loke-Fox-Woods combination which won four races on the second day of the meet. Major Fox ending up champion trainer of the meet with five
    1,111 words
  • 122 11 I Last Nigh»’ B I flexing I Work* stadium before a I t Young Venturillo (9.1 J !>«* cr0 < editaW e victory over Neil I a-nreG a n r u main bout over 12 I hit (9.8) in w I Heiud Ji oun ds. I
    122 words
  • 429 11 (lifford Shool Defeated In Low Scoring Matches I Kuala Kangsar. Piaung on the college ground on FriMalax College beat the Clifford hoo bv twt wicked and 26 runs. The Collegians 2nd XI were equally suc- counted for the Cliflordians 2nd XI or. the school ground by
    429 words
  • 98 11 Horse “B” Beat oungsters “B” ni. A ~v H u se b (siew Kuo> Youngsters B” in a basket "av h at I e latter s court on SaturT 8 points to 22. I;,. °f the four quarters were K ',7 A 8 3 and 14 8 Mr. Phoon
    98 words
  • 30 11 Sing Tao Tourists Beat D.A.F.C In a return match on the Victoria Green yesterday the Sing Tao Tourists defeated the Darul Ahzan Football Club by three goals to one.
    30 words
  • 217 11 TNSTEAD of the usual month ly dinner socials, the members of the Penang Indian Association were treated to a tiffin yesterday at their Club pre mises in Bagan Jermal Road. Covers were laid for fifty members and guests, including ladies. After the meal, the new President
    217 words
  • 272 11 Competition To Be Held lliis Year Sungei Patani. At a -representative meeting held on Tuesday night at the Kuala Muda Club, Sungei Patani, and presided over by Tuan Syed Idrus, the Assistant District Officer. Kuaia Muda, it was decided to revive the Kuala Muda Football League
    272 words
  • 112 11 Office-Bearers Elected At the sixteenth annual general meeting of the United Indian Association, Penang, held last Thursday at the Association premises No. 136, ALson Road, Penang, at 6 pun the following were elected office-bearers President: Janeb Haji P K Shakkarai Rawther. J.P Vice-Presidents: Mr P G Shah,
    112 words
  • 422 11 ;hoon Keng And Choon Wah New Champions COMBINING magnificently and smashing their way through in the first and third sets, Chee Choon Keng and Chee Choon Wah won the open Double title, beating in the final Tan Kin Hong and Ooi
    422 words
  • 88 11 —Reuter. Results Of Opening Matches London, August 10 Scottish lootball began todav with the running of only one senior League called the Southern Scottish Football League. The following art' the results of today’s matches: Airdrieonians 1, Clyde 4. Celtic 2, Hamilton 2 Falkirk 1, Rangers 3. Hibernian
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 325 11 In do- Ceylonese Beat O.M.A. Ipob. The Indo-Ceylonese ‘B’ won their second round match against the Old Michaelians’ Association yesterday by 38 runs in the Perak Knock-out Competition. The Indo-Ceylo-nese entered two teams for this year’s competition and they will play each other in the semi-final,
    325 words
  • 52 11 —Reuter. Mioland Wins From Sirocco Chicago, August IL The American Derby run over a mile and a quarter resulted in a win for Mioland with Sirocco second and Weight Anchor third. Mioland won by three lengths in 2 mins. 5 3/5 secs. There were five runners. The track
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 fcawv. Til 77w Blood is the Stream of Life." IMPURE BLOOD is the root cause of Skin Diseases, Boils, Eczema, Rashes, Ulcers, ilfi Sores, Painful Joints, Rheumatic complaints. Unless the blood is cleansed of impurities and poisons, the arteries p and internal organs are damaged, causing b premature old age.
      126 words

  • 885 12 ■WHILE RETAINING SEA COMMAND Hopes Rise With Every Battle London, August IL JUST as we retain our command of the seas, so we J are rapidly assuming command of the air,” declared Mr. Duff Cooper, Minister of Information, in a speech to a crowded audience
    Reutef.  -  885 words
  • 76 12 MONDAY, AUGUST 12. MN: Penang $132.50 Business done Buyers no Sellers Singapore $132.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 361 c Singapore Spot 36Jc NOPRA: Sundried $2.60 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.20 sellers Fair Seed $5.80 sellers RtCE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $7.80 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $7.70 Rangoon
    76 words
  • 130 12 The offices of the Electric Power Station behind the Municipal Tramways Office in Dato Kramat Road was broken into in the early hours of this morning. The padlock fastened on the door of the offices was forced open. A key to another padlock fastening the
    130 words
  • 53 12 The following will represent the Combined XI against the Sepoy Lines, in a friendly game of soccer on the Dato Kramat ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. COMBINED XI: Md. Saman; O. Hussain, A. Samad; Ahmed Ghouse, Ismail Bakar, Chuan, Lazarus; Abu Baidah, Meer as ah, V. Ismail and Bakar
    53 words
  • 82 12 —Reuter London, Aug 11 An Air Ministry communique states: “In addition to raids against the South Coast already reported, enemy aircraft carried out raids against shipping off the Cast Coast today Reports received up to g p.m show that sixty enemy aircraft have been shot
    —Reuter  -  82 words
  • 34 12 Hiboran Youngsters Beat Green Hall Juveniles The Hiboran Youngsters beat the Green Hall Juveniles by the odd goal in five in a friendly game of soccer on the Renong Ground yesterday afternoon.
    34 words
    REUTER.  -  355 words
  • 281 12 Mr. Michael fhanked For Shield The children s Day of the St. Anne's School, Prai was celebrated on Friday in the presence of friends and wellwishers of the school Tea over, the Headmaster of the School said: and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to
    281 words
  • 114 12 “Here I Am A Stranger” At Majestic “Here I Ara A stranger," w’hich is showing at the Majestic, presents Richard Greene in a stellar role. He far surpasses his previous triumphs as a youth who meets life and love for the first time, faces a
    114 words
  • 55 12 c. I’. Hughes and Kho Sin-kie, the tennis stars, will arrive in Penang in the evening of August 20. They will play in exhibition matches in aid of the War Fund on the C.R.C. courts on the next day (August 21), and will
    55 words
  • 180 12 Deanna Durbin s Latest Deanna Durbin’s latest picture. It's a Date” which had a special prescreening at a midnight matinee at the Odeon on Saturday night, sui passes even the usual high level of entertainment provided in the pictures in which Deanna has appeared
    180 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 293 12 PERAK T’JRF CLUB TAIPING .PROFESSIONAL MEETING 1940 TO BE HELD AT TAI PING RACE COURSE SATURDAY, 17th AUGUST 1940 SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST 1940 Subscriptions for Visiting Members shall be:— MEN $3 LADIES $1 for the Meeting or any day thereof VISITING MEMBERS must be introduced by Members and MUST APPLY
      293 words
    • 574 12 Telegram*: g!®- Sum fINANG Local g Montwy r Quarterly 7 80 Haff-Yeartv )Enf r .,30.00 f SUNDAY GAZFT°4 Loca. 88 a DeUvert f Quarterly r Half-Yearly a Bo ‘“g I Yearly ’-«J wvmctisement MATIs The charges ano .*Dvn t T lB &£g“ 25 cent* aer line minimum charge of 11
      574 words