Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 242 1 MILITARY TARGETS AJ\D LORRY MACHINE-GUNNED London, August 9. N Admiralty communique states early yesterday Walrus aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm, operating from His Majesty’s Australian cruiser Hobart, carried out dive-bombing attacks on the Italian military headquarters recently set up at
    —BO W  -  242 words
    ■ —Reuter.  -  411 words
  • 47 1 Reuter Now Amounts To Twelve Thousand Million Washington. August 9 Owing to increased defence expenditure, the United States now faces a Government expenditure of $12,000,000,000 for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1940. Mr. Morgenthau gave the above figures to the Congress Committee.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 105 1 —Reuter Ready For Any Eventuality From Land Or Sea Gibraltar, /lugust 9 war in the Mediterranean gathers momentum, the Portress 1 Graltar stands ready for any eventuality from land or sea Ita raiders already had tested Gibraltar’s mettle. rto, they had been able to cross the
    —Reuter  -  105 words
  • 29 1 Princess Maria of Savoy (above), youngest daughter of the King of Italy has given birth to a son, states a Reuter message "nxii Rome.
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  • 65 1 —Reuter. Madrid, August 9. According to the Casablanca corresiMindent of the Tangier newspaper “Espana,” large numbers of people in Morocco are still opposed to the Petain Government. General De Gaulle’s broadcasts have many enthusiastic hearers, he says, despite the decree forbidding listening to stations other
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 196 1 Reuter. ONLY TRAWLERS AND DRIFTERS London, August 9. It is learn»*d authoritatively that losses of British minesweepers hitherto total 39 compared with 254 during the whole of the last war despite the fact that they now have to deal with magnetic as well as moored mines
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 44 1 —Reuter. Madrid, August 9. Senor Serrano Suner, Spanish Minister of the Interior, who is General Franco's brother-in-law, attended a reception given by the British Ambassador Sir Samuel Hoare. It was the first occasion that he was present at the British Embassy
    —Reuter.  -  44 words
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  • 139 1 .—Reuter Reprimanded 4 )ve=Inter» Jew Washington August 9 Mr Roosevelt has ordered Mr. Cudahy to return to the United States for consultations Mr. Cudahy has been publicly reprimanded by the State Department for his interview tn LondonMr. Sumner Welles, announcing Mr Cudahy’s recall, read
    .—Reuter  -  139 words
  • 66 1 .—Reuter. On Verge Of Starvation Istanbul, August 9. Th»- Turkish Rod Crescent has received a moving appeal from the International R»d Cross, says an Ankara despatch to the newspaper “Yenisabah,” requesting foodstuffs for large numbers of French refugees "already on the verge of starvation with the
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 66 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, August 9. An Air Ministry and Ministry for Home Security communique states that shortly before midday a single enemy aircraft crossed the north-east coast oi England and dropped a number of high explosive bombs. There were a number of casualties one only
    —8.0. W.  -  66 words
  • 48 1 Reuter London, August 9. The Air Ministry announces that in yesterday's actions over the Channel, sixty enemy aircraft were destroyed and many others damaged Sixteen of our fighters were lost, but three of the pilots are now reported to be safe, two being wounded
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 38 1 .—Reuter. Washington, August 9. An initial order for a number of monster tanks, weighing seventy tons and mounting seventy-five millimetre cannon for the United States Army has been placed with the Bethlehem Locomotive Company.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 54 1 1. —Reuter. Gif: To Replace Thursday’s Air Losses London, August 9. Mr Gerfield Western, M.P. for Macclesfield. has presented to the Minister for Aircraft Production, a cheque for £lOO.OOO to build sixteen Hurricanes and Sn> :.r s to replace the total British losses in Thursday’s air battle
    1.—Reuter.  -  54 words
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    • 14 1 COW GATE J /ft I Nortn Malaya Penang:— Oq>WGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Ipoh.
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  • 256 2 PROMISE TO TROOPS NOT KEPT JNo Sign Of Peace ANXIETY OVER DAILY R.A.F. RAIDS Berne, August 9. rpHE “Eclaireur de Nice’s” Berne correspondent reports that the delay of the offensive is upsetting German morale and the prospect of continued British bombing is causing anxiety inside
    —8.0. W.  -  256 words
  • 470 2 —Reuter. London, August 9. With reference to the German and Italian claims on the effect of the Italian advance into British Somaliland, Reuter’s correspondent says that authoritative circles in London point out that even if the Italians succeeded in occupying the whole of the Protectorate,
    —Reuter.  -  470 words
  • 92 2 .—Reuter I ir*t Fighter Squadron In Britain London. August 9. Mr Vincent Massey. High Commissioner for Canada, today inspected the first Royal Canadian Air Force fiehter squadron to reach Britain The squadron has hitherto been on '"oastal duties off Nt wfoundland and Eastern Canada. It has now
    .—Reuter  -  92 words
  • 48 2 .—Reuter. 39 Killed And 500 Injured Berlin. August 8 The German News Agency states that according to the latest reports from Rome, thirty-nine persons were killed and five hundred injured in an explosion in a munitions factory at Piacenzo. The factory building was completely destroyed.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 27 2 Reuter. New York. August 9 The British flying boat "Clare’' took off yesterday on her return flight to England via Montreal and Newfoundland.—
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 46 2 I.—Reuter. Chungking, August 9. Many Japanese aircraft in three flights bombed Chungking heavily and extensively this afternoon. Parts of the city on the south bank of the Yangtse River, where the foreign Embassies, Legations and Consulates are situated, were among the places bombed.
    I.—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 61 2 Reuter. Arrested Japanese Put On Board British Steamer Tokio, August 9. One of the thiee Japanese nationals arrested by the British authorities in Rangoon last Friday has been. deported to Japan, said the JDomei Agency which quotes a despatch to Tokio from the Japanese Consul in Rangoon,
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 60 2 —Reuter Seven People Believed Killed London. August 9 Seven people are believed to have been killed and twelve injured when part of the extension of a large factory fell in a North-West England town today. After the accident the building was surrounded by the factory’s own members of
    —Reuter  -  60 words
  • 28 2 Reuter. London, August 9 The Bremen wireless states that an agreement has been signed at Bucharest for the export of Rumanian wheat to Germany
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 491 2 Bttgby, August 9. The general press comment on the Viceroy’s pronounce, ment is epitomised in the following passage from the leading article of the weekly journal the “Spectator.” “Here then are the essentials—a fixed goal, dominion status; a fixed date, the end of
    —Reuter.  -  491 words
    . Reuter.  -  633 words
  • 48 2 —Reuter. Brighter Undertone: Business Small London, August 9. On the Stock Exchange the undertone was brighte* on the news of yesterday’s war activity in the Channel but business was not large. Gilt-edged were steady and industrials showed both small gains and losses. Wall Street was steady—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 87 2 l— Reuter. Plan To Remain In Force For Two Years Washington, August 9 The Compromise Bill, providing ft» giving temporary haven in the United States to European children under si> teen years, totalling, it is estimated, two hundred thousand, was speedily and practically unanimously
    l—Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 42 2 5. —Reuter. Magnificent Response To Call For Recruits Jerusalem, ADgust It is officially announced that to the magnificent respouse for recru from Palestine, and Transjordan Royal Air Force is suspendinc local enlistments. The recruiting for arm) vice units continues
    5.—Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 54 2 B O.W «20 Realised For Red Cross Rugby. Augus w Leaflets dropped by a Germa- in South East England, sold as venirs, have realised £26 been sent to the British Red ciety. Two of the leaflets tioned at a local Rotary 1,19 11 which realised
    B O.W  -  54 words
  • 31 2 —Reuter. Berlin. The Police have made 1 the rests including many Jews discovery of an illegal Propaganda Centre’’ in a Slo\ reports,the Official German from Bratislava. —Reuter.
    ,.—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 25 2 I,—Reuter. .(Hyde Park’ New Y re lir nsMr. Roa c evelt has accepted. tion of Senator James Farit y ter-General. —Reuter.
    I,—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 62 2 Reuter. London, August 9. Hundreds of thousands of engineers not at present on war production work are called u(M»n by the Government under the industrial or registration order to register at employment exchanges. By this means it is hoped to obtain the names of 300,000
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 321 2 .—Reuter Only Five Ships Totalling 5.039 Tons Sunk London. August 9. It is learned in London that five ships were sunk in yesterday’s Channel raids on a convoy by motor torpedo-boats and by planes with a total tonnage 0£,5,039 compared with the fantastic Nazi claim o', having
    .—Reuter  -  321 words
  • 50 2 Greenland Commission Leaves For U. S. Rome, August 9. As a result of the interruption of communications between Denmark and Greenland, a commission has left Greenland for Washington to discuss tne possibility of ensuring American food supplies to Greenland, says a Copenhagen telegram to the Stefani Agency.
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  • 29 2 Reuter Rome, August 9. The Rome wireless announces that the Crown Princess gave birth to a son on Wednesday. Both are doing well.
    Reuter  -  29 words
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  • 966 3  -  BY Lt.-Col. T. A. Loire rVIIF of Britain as a fortress is nothing’ I new. When Napoleon scowled at us the Channel from Boulogne we hastily i< .i rhain of Martello towel’s mounted with i)Uii> dnance to repel invasion. r ia weie called up to
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  • 52 3 O little Force that in your agony Stood fast while England girt her anno ur on. Held high our honour in your wounded hands. Carried our honour safe with bleeding feet— We have no glory great enough for you. The very soul of England keeps yoiir day.
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  • 570 3  -  ZERO hour for the Empire Air Training Plan broke by rhance when I was in Canada. There was a brief aiUiounce«ne«t that H>9 young Canadians had entered number one initial training school near Toronto for a four weeks’ preliminary course before their specialised instruction as pilots,
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  • 675 3 B oman Accused Of Aiding Enemy London. 4 PASS in German, signed by Dr. Goebbels, a message from Hitler, addressed from his private office, and a document signed “Unity Mitford” were stated at Bath Police Court recently to have been found in the possession of Mrs.
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  • 252 3 Sppks To Eject A Soldier s Family London. W'HEN a solicitor, who is also a con- scientious objector, applied for possession of a house in which a soldier’s wife with nine children are living, Judge Dale said to him in Birmingham County Court: “I have a conscientious objection
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  • 119 3 The odd. things Britons are doing in war-time [FARMERS are asked to build hayricks in the middle of meadows to make invasion more difficult. They would prevent landings byenemy planes. The Ministry- of Agriculture say: “Where the field is large and the ground level, it will
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  • 168 3 Melbourne. Women doctor's will be appointed to the Australian Military- Forces for service overseas and at home. They will have a military status on first appointment equivalent to the rank of captain, and will wear a uniform to be designed. The Minister for the Army Mr Street,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 IRIUM FOR SPARKLING TEETH d to clean your teeth with Pepsodent containing < IRIUM. The minute it touches your teeth you have a delightful sensation of its invigorating, refreshing foam. And A Xjk what a wholesome tingle of freshness it leaves behind it! But bigg 6sl tes: Q y° ur
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 50 3 WISMT A WAR By. Gilbert Wilkinson MF" XV Jr ■il Ira 1 1 'lf V St is-L -rf ZTSfPvV ib k 1' I > 1 in 7 > 1 X XIW LOVEM AND LEAVEM way fascinate you to sit here. pal, but to me it’s like being in a ruddy
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    • 45 3 NEWS WITH A SMILE Dy T. H. Patmer IT F i T r kw J- x XX- Banners in front of Gi-rman lines I All it ■'«igs, Lucemoie, is. to attract British troops are I “Lost. gold-mounted fountain among latest propaganda *tunt. pen. Finder reivarded."
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  • 1766 4 Drama In Officer’s Room TRIAL OF CAPT. LOVEDAY CONTINUES Singapore. TAe account of how an Army officer enabled his superior officers, through a microphone concealed in his room, to listen in to a conversation between him and a man who had offered the officer a
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  • 37 4 77/£ Kl.\'C inspecting Scots 'I roops in the South of England. He is seen speaking to a soldier who served in the last war. The regiment is shortly to leave for active service.
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  • 479 4 Kuala Lumpur 4 LLIDGATIONS that they accepted gratifications were made in summonses issued on A.E.P. Kershaw. Warden of Mines. FJMS., and A G. MacDonald. Senior Warden of Mine»». Ipoh, who appeared before 1 Mr W. J. Tltorogood. the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday
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  • 366 4 Storv Told At Inquiry Singapore. That a 30-year-old Sikh. Fauja Singh, lost his temper when he was refused admission into the Sikh temple at Kerbau Road, created a general disturbance, and finally fatally stabbed another Sikh named Keesin Singh, were the allegations made ai a
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  • 384 4 War News I n Romanised Malay Perkhabaran dari Kahir th it* menyatakan bahawa tentera r ulj Ip rnasok ka-dalam kawasan ne KU lah bcuntang dengaj tanar. Arab yang bema ma IHadzramaut -tu. Maka dan Hadzramaut itu-iah datan -nx a lyakan orang2 Arab yang a da dj T Melayu mi.
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  • 76 4 Accident At Sungei Siput Mine Ipoh. While working near a Chine»owned open cast hydraulic mine n faz Sungei Siput on Thursday afternoon a middle-aged Chinese was bu l alive when a portion of land him suddenly gave way. Digging operations to rescue ti* man were immediately made
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  • 43 4 Auckland. New Zealani Every woman in New provide sufficient clothing ar- 1 co for one refugee from the inva e aunC btries in Europe under a ed by Viscountess Galway, 9,-1 e Governor-General. The plan is receiving support.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 99 4 Does this Climate Upset Your Liver and Digestion If so, take a course of z miij In this tropical climate with its heat and humidity the Liver becomes sluggish, the bowels irregular, and the whole digestive system disorganised, with the result your head aches and you feel generally "washed out.”
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 177 5 Two Europeans From Perak Selected Ipoh. Two Perak men have been chosen to undergo two months’ gaining at Singapore in connection with the Malayan Volunteer \ir Training Scheme. After their period of training in Singapore they will be posted to R.A.F. schools and subsequently be attached
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  • 80 5 Alor Star HH. the Sultan of Trengganu, nis soosort, and their suite arrived at Alor yesterday morning, on a visit to H H. the Regent and his oom, H. H. Tunku Asmah, •ho is a daughter of the Sultan. The ®eeent met his guests at
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  • 219 5 I’rior I<> Departur< On transfer Taiping. .J* 1 1 to his departure on transfer as headmajster of th e Government English 001. Gopeng, Mr E.A. Moissinac of «he King Edward VII School, Taiping, ••*> entertained to a farewell dinner by 'tall of the School at
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  • 340 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The High Commissioner has accepted the resignation of his commission in the F.M.S V.F by Captain B. Preedy. M.C The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period Aug. 9 to Aug 15, inclusive, as 36 cents per pound A
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  • 144 5 Eurasian Lad Bound Over Taipuig Convicted on a charge >f theft of a chidien valued at fifty cents Michael Folev a fourteen year old boy was cautioned and discharged by Raja Salim in the Taipmg Magistrate’s Court yesterday The paronks of the boy who were present
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  • 181 5 Ipoh. dadayam, a nuddie-agea Tamil was nned $4O in default one month’s rigorous imprisonment by the Ipoh First Magistrate. Mr. P.F’.Y Radcliffe, yesterday when convicted on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon to a compatriot, Munusamy. The accused was alleged to
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  • 245 5 Sultan Opens New Building Kuala Kangaar Manual labour is not a dishonourable occupation. If boys after completing their school terms .will look to other fields of employment —such as tilling the soil —instead of looking towards the Government for jobs, the unemployment problem among youths
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 After The BLACKOUT Come to the TO-NITE, SAT. 10th AUG. Under Special Licence Opens 5 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. For the Festival of the “7 IMMORTAL SISTERS” Gate Admission 10 cents No Admission to see the 7 Sisters No Wayangs or Talkies Re-o]>ens 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. All Wayangs
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 159 5 1 lEC T I n ri „m»nw llu-krnl To Doom tV| JA J 3 I W> nCV Control” 4ST :i S ™WS ™>l>4Y Kit A. SHAW BROS LTD f 5 9(){) LlL*4 Singapore. < A. Thrilling Musical Romance of the South Seas 3 SHOWS DAILY A M>VERS IN PARADISE I
      159 words
    • 159 5 roDEON~I I I After the Black-out I Enjoy a Good MIDNIGHT SHOW!I I PRE SCREENING TO-NIGHT AT 12.15 O’CLOCK GENTJRAL SCREENING THURSDAY 15th AUGUST Deanna Durbin in I K* X i I J.O’~ '-1 i® f I 4 O s -J i i W W 'T > 3c.T.e along with
      159 words
    • 359 5 You’ve seen Various Cartoon Pictures But you’ve never seen one like this! I€> TJ' E E •S j *aMMaßaiMaKxn«rwMwn -jk».-. ixsaMMaE 5 SHOWS TO-DAY AT 11.30 a.m., 3pjn., 6.15 p.m., 9 p.m. and 12 Midnight! Mato»»’ Pn<** irx-Ming Midnite Show Downstairs 15, 25 60 cents < including Tax) The Lyrical,
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  • 288 6 r pHE glorious success of Royal 1 Air Force fighters in the biggest aerial battle so far fought over the Channel inspires confidence in the heart of every Britisher that the defence of Britain is in very capable hands. Sixty enemy dive-bombers and lighters are now known
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  • 183 6 HPIIE announcement that the 1 reports of the committees set up by the Governments of the Straits Settlements and F.M.S. to consider war loan proposals are about to be published, and that recommendations are made there- ii favouring these proposals, will he received with satisfaction
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  • 151 6 ODEON CINEMA “Broadway Melody of 1940" with Fred Aataire and Eleanor Powell 3, 6.00 and 9 00 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA “Gulliver’s Travels” 11.30 a.m., 3, 6.15, 9 p.m and 12 midnight. VAAJESUC CINEMA “Paradise Isle” with Movita and Warren Hull 3, 6.15 9.00 p.m. KEX CINEMA "One
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  • 424 6 Signallers Wanted 1 OCAL Eurasians who have been agitating for the formation of a regiment of their own will welcome the- announcement that recruits are wanted in the ranks of the Penang Signal Section. Successful applicants who must be Eurasians, unmarried and between the ages of 19
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  • 628 6 Saturday, August 10. /I’HE Air Ministry announces that in Thursday’s air battles over the Channel, sixty enemy aircraft were destroyed and many others damaged. Sixteen British fighters were lost, but three of our pilots are now reported to i>e safe, two j I cing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 28 6 w-v-v--"BULLFINCH 11 BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at ah High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Apente Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG,
      28 words
    • 43 6 COMPAN™ I IE E Av. (PtMMfl PIONEER PUBBEAWOBM 529. TANJONG BUNGAH R? PENANG, For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 L;ght St., Penanf Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Central Shoe Store, 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883,
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  • 974 7 Mr. Bayliss" Speech To A.GC.S. Boys At Prize-giving MX LA YA is a green and pleasant land also. It is your country, and you, the trained soldiers in the struggle, never cease to strive to make it better than you find
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  • 83 7 (F. O. O. C.) Singapore, Aug. 9 The import duty on table waters which is in force is un- i satisfactory and the excise duty, for which provision exists in the i War Duties Ordinance, has never been imposed because it would be
    83 words
  • 140 7 Incident At Bus Stand Alleged to have assaulted a compatriot, Ch’ng Peng Boon, four Chinese. Khor Ah Bung, Tan Twa Thow. Khor Kim Seng and Wan Ah Chew stood their trial before Mr. W. M McCall, Penang Third Magistrate, yesterday, on a charge
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  • 329 7 With the War Fund total in Penang siandingat $564,756.70 j (of which $51,750.25 has been contributed from Kedah) and the Perak total at $421,400.49. the North Malaya aggregate is now $986.157.19, only $13,842.81 short of the million mark. In Sm^aport. tne coUecUon r $3.*****9.
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  • 105 7 Partnering Miss June Tan, Mr. Loot Choo Eng will be presenting at the Elysee Cabaret tonight, an exhibition of Dngo’s “Serenade,” a ballet dance with adagio and acrobatic lifts At Wembley There will be a Novices’ Quickstep Competition at the Wembley Cabaret tonight. Silver cups for
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  • 292 7 HAJI PIJTEH BIN MOHD. AMIN Balik Pulau. HAJI Puteh bin Mohamed Amin, first resident of Balik Pulau to be made a Justice of the Peace by the British Govment, was yesterday evening entertained to a dinner held by the Persandara’an Sahabat Pena, Malaya, Balik Pulau
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  • 102 7 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION LIKELY NEXT MONTH HE. reports of the Committees appointed by the Governments of the Straits Settlements and the F.M.S. to consider war loan proposals are ready for printing and will be published at an early date, states an official communique. 'fhese
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  • 73 7 Possibilities Of Local Manufacture It is announced by the Department of Information that a committee has been appointed to investigate the possibilities of manufacturing locally articles which have hitherto been imported from Great Britain and elsewhere, particularly articles required for the defence forces of Malaya. The Committee
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  • 141 7 Balik Pulau. Sui.iH with round bodies and scarcely one foot in lei-gtb, a type of venomous snake never before seen in the district are said to be infesting the Jaian Bharu river of late It is learned that several fishermen have already been bitten by
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  • 19 7 The novices quick-step competition to be held at the Wembley Cabaret to night has been cancelled.
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  • 110 7 Few Radio Transmitter For S ’pore Singapore. i'or some it me past the quesrum of >t broadcasting policy of All-Malayan scope has been under consideration by Government, it is announced officially. It is now proposed to erect a coo kilowatt transmitted in Singapore This transmitter zvill not only serz't the
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  • 333 7 ESCAPES GAOL BECAUSE OF VALUE TO SERVICES Kuala Lumpur. r p i HE sole reason why a gaol sentence has not been given is because you are a volunteer and an essential man in the Services,” said Mr. W. J. Thorogood in the First
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 100 7 Another British Triumph 1 I iM iW [r XT v Affii A x \i vlcW '■’xN I 1 -Vasa. f Z Here she comes, with her rich gift 1 from *he green pastures of England! Factory packed with its fresh whole- 1 u some nutrition intact —Cow Gate gijiiM iwn
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  • 71 8 Penang. August 9, 1940 (Bp Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand 2/4 1/16 New York Demand 47 Montreal Demand 51 3/4 Batavia Demand ftj 1/2 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Hongkong Demand 53 5/8 Shanghai Demand 14 1/4 Japan Demand 189 1/4 New Zealand Demand 2/10
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  • 89 8 Big R ise In Ford’s Figures An indication of the progress being made in the drive to British motor exports is given by the results obtained in seven important markets by Ford Motor. The company states that in the first lour months of the present year
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    • 438 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. yesterday. NOMINAL Issue buyers sellers 4/0 Ampac Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 5/3 5/9 £1 Austral M 35/ 37/0 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.55 0.60 £1 Bangnn Tin 16/6 17/6 $1
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    • 245 8 NOMINAL Issue buyer. sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Aior Gajah 0.85 0.95 Amal Malay 1.57 j 1.65 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Molek 0.95 1.00 Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett 0 42fr 0.47| Batu Lintang 0.97 J 1.02 j Bedford 0.85 0.90 Benta 0.924 0.97 j Borelll 1.10 1.20 Broga
      245 words
    • 323 8 NOMINAL Issue buyer tellers A. £1 (Aust N.Z. Mln Ord 22/0 23, 3 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 2.00 2 do 74% Pref 1.90 2.00 x 5 B. M. T. 7.00 /50 £5 Chartered Bank £64 £7 £1 Con. T. S. Ord 17/9 18/3 £1 Con. T. S. 7%
      323 words
    • 134 8 Company Dividend Pay* ble Books Close TIN Kampong Kamunting 3d. 1/3 bonus Aug. 23 Aug. 13 Murai Tin 40% Int. Aug. 21 Aug. 19 Peninsula 2/- os (Aust) A«ig. 14 Aug. 7 Satupulo 1/- Aug. 27 Aug 16 Soutnera Kinta 124% Fin. less tax Sept 10
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  • 541 8 Directors' Report The Directors ot Kramat Tin Dredging Ltd. m their Report for the jtar ended March 31, 1940, state: Operations were restricted during the early part of the year to accord witi? quota releases The allowed rate of free quota lor export for the year averaged
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  • 20 8 Output Aver Weng (Rahman) Development <fc Prospecting Co, Dtd for the month of July 1940 was 43 piculs
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  • 16 8 Foreign .mports of rubber during July, 1940. totalled 27.625 in dry' tons.
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  • 1206 8 Mr. A. A. Henggeler’s Speech PRODUCERS AND SMELTING CHARGES <pHE eleventh annual general meeting of shareholders of Rawang Tin Fields Limited was held at the registered office of the Company, 16 Barrack Road. Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, August 8, 1940, at 10 a.m. Mr
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  • 129 8 Yesterday's Close Previously Hl IN: LONDON: “Spot” 0. 0 t 265 15. 0 -Forward” £265 0 0 £265 15 •> SINGAPORE: “Spot” $132.50 Business done tons PENANG $***** ‘Spot” 132 50 RUBBER: LON N: I 2 15)160 Tone SINGAPORE: 14c “Spot” PENANG: 4c “Spot” 56 COPRA: PENANG: Man
    129 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 BANKS The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., rxDcorporateo- m isritlsn mdia> SAVE For Your FAMILY CHILDREN, INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., NBStttfcv J iwfeffelß I Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer
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  • 804 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR 121 H SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7.15 am. and Litany 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.15 a.m. Mat tins (Tamil) 10.30 a.m. Mattins Holy Communicn (Chinese) 6.o‘j pun. Evensong and Sermon Psalm 68 W. I—2o. Hymns 517, 520. 169, 38. MONDAY 7.00 a.m. Mattins. 7.30 am.
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  • 1411 9 Candide, or Optimism. By Voltaire. Translated by Richaid Aldington. I (Nonesuch Press. 155.) Euiope in the 19th and 20th Centuries, 1786-1939. By A J Giant and H.VV.V. Temperly. Supplementary Chapter (1938-1939). By Lilian M. Penson- (Longmans. 165.) BY DESMOND MueC’.YRTHY’ LN THE SUNDAY TEHES. London. June 2. SOON
    1,411 words
  • 86 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1940. MAIL DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR SLAILS Mails for Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur, Singapore 1 p.m. Saturday 10th inst. Mails for Great Britain (via Durban) India, Africa. Egypt, Burma. Bangkok. Hongkong, Saigon, U.S.A. Great Britain (via Transpacific Air Service) 7 p.m. Saturday 10th inst.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1315 9 WRAY 820 News and Topical Talk. Relajed -tzr 1 :rom London. 9.05 News in Dutch. Relayed from London. <ZHP' 9.05 Harolc B„ Ramsay a: the Organ. (ZHL*. Popular R Melodies—“ Manhattan Serenade" —‘Sov U w<i<nN %T’’F Utude”—“Mood Indigo"—Love's Joy"— IRANSMISb^ON— FI.E Las Cuatro Milpas.” “Medley”. 9.20 From 6.40 9.35 am.
      1,315 words
    • 82 9 930 Httdustani bulletin (GSF, GSG only). 9.50 Programme summary. 10.05 "A Parmer’s Diarv” —Talk by A. G. Street. 10.20 Orchestral Half Ho ir. 10.50 Sunday Service. 11.20 News and Topical Talks. 11.50 Close Down. PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc/s <49.3 m.) AM. 6.45 Opening Record 6.50 8.8. C. Full News Bulletin
      82 words

  • 263 10 SITUATION IN INDO CHINA BECOMES MORE TENSE Shanghai, August 9 The situation in Indo-China is hourly becoming more tense. The increased activity by the Japanese naval units and troopships in South China waters gives rise to the belief that the Japanese forces are
    Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 104 10 .—Reuter. Passed By Senate By 71 Votes To 7 Washington August 8. The Senate passed by 71 votes to 7 and sent to the House the bill for debate on the Burke Wadsworth Conscription Bill, which will probably begin tomorrow. As passed by the Senate, the measure
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 33 10 Reuter. Bucharest. August 9 The British Government have released the Rumanian freighter Bucegi." which was one of the three Rumanian vessels seized at Port Said at the end of July
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 158 10 —Reuter. Mr. Butler Give* List Of Prohibited Good* London. August 8. Tn the .House of Commons, Mr. Mander asked if the Government would publish the terms, including the schedule of the agreement with Japan, in regard to closing the Burma Road. Mr. Butler replied that all
    .•—Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 243 10 REASONABLE APPROACH TO DEMAND FOR INDEPENDENCE Reuter Bombay. August 9 The pre».- reception of the Viceroy's statement follows the usual lines and there is evidence that the Indian leaders are carefully studying it. There is .i significant air of reserve among the Congress Leader.- though
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 544 10 BIGGEST AERIAL BATTLE OVER LIBYA R.A.F. Outnumbered But Only Two Fail To Return London. August 9 An R.A.F. communique issued at Cairo announces the “biggest aerial battle over Libya. Fifteen Italian fighters were destroyed in a battle in which the R.A.F. were outnumbered by two to
    I.—Reuter.  -  544 words
  • 194 10 —Reuter. Better Service Elsewhere I London, Aug. 9 Ihe ar Office announced that the British troops at present sta- tioned in Shanghai and North China are being withdrawn for service elsewhere. Reuter learns authoritatively that Great Britain has informed the Japanese Government of the withdrawal
    —Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 289 10 —Reqter. Foreign Comment Ihi Invasion Prospect* London. August 9f The Ankaia Yenisabah’ writes “In the next two months, certain matters will be cleared up "I: the German attack materialises and results, as all hope, in a German defeat. Germany’s dark hour will have sti uck. Again, if
    —Reqter.  -  289 words
  • 36 10 —Reuter. 21 Day* Overdue At Rangoon Rangoon. August 8 A communique states that the British liner “Kemmendmi' (7.769 tons) with its destination at Rangoon is 21 days overdue and must be presumed lost —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 97 10 —Reuter, NO FRICTION OVER NAVICERTS Madrid. August 8. Talks betw ee>n Spanish and British officials regaiding Spains oil and petrol supplies are proceeding in a very friendly spirit. A large measure of agreement has been reached, including the extent of the present Spanish stocks. There
    .—Reuter,  -  97 words
  • 116 10 —Reutf r. May Be Taken Out Of Frozen French Funds Washington. August 9 Mr. Morgenthau. at a Press conference today, disclosed that the United States was considering the possibility of taking World War debt payments out of “frozen" French funds in the United States. He added
    —Reutf r.  -  116 words
  • 32 10 r. —Reuter. Canberra. Aug. 9. Mr. Menzies announced that Australia will be attending the conference of British Empire countries in the East at New Delhi in October
    r.—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 65 10 —Reuter. Nothing More To Lear From Djibouti Aden. August 9. It is generally realised here that tilt* Italian attack on British Somaliland is mainly due to the situation which arosafter the Italians had nothing more to fear from the French in French Somaliland. The position
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 25 10 Reuter. London. August 8 Lord Beaverbrook announces that contribution» from the public for the purpo-e of aircraft now exceed £2 4‘K).000
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 64 10 Reuter. Mr. ’Welle.-' Talk With Ambassadi r Washington, 9 Mr- Sumner Welles indicated today that the United States and Soviet Russia were seeking a general improvement in their relations. Commenting on t had yesterday with M Oui Soviet Ambassador i Welles said that ,mai.\ .ustions cerning Russo-American
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 119 10 >•-Reuter. Will Pass 18.000 Mark By Jan uary New Y brk August 0 The production of aircraft ;t; United States ha.- r-acl: nu< 10.800 yearly, and w ill mark by January. .ncrea»n._ iteadily r ter that declared Mr Wild Knudsen,* Production Chief of the Na'.
    >•-Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 126 10 j—Reutet. Bar To U.S. Production Of \X ar Supplies New York, Aug. 9. A special Federal grand jury ha> been empanelled to receive tesnmqij 1 from Government experts in ten vital fields that are alleged t- have suffered from monopolistic control exercised partly by German
    j—Reutet.  -  126 words
  • 442 10 Mr. Revin's Plea For Co-operatio ll From Employers London, August b In the House of Commons, discussing the training of workers, Mr Bevin declared that there appeared a lack of appreciation in the industry generally, of the enormous for rapid expansion training to
    °rl' n>r  -  442 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 THE BEN LINF FAR EAST SERVICE. FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) Cor particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival £ates, and other infonnatiun please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 1080 11 1: Horses Class 2 Div. 3 —6 Furs.— p.m. I'd qoRUGAN 7y 3.00 Mr. Ong Huck Lim Van Breukelen ’THUMBS UP 4y 8.13 Mr. Sim Teng Boon Major Fox i .uLDEN BLAZE 6y 8.11 "Mr. Hercules” Van Breukelen 3 uTRECHT Uy 8.11 “Holland Kongsi” Marland 4
    1,080 words
  • 86 11 Ipoh. V have been chosen to the Kinta Swimming Club at md two relay races against thegy' 1 nan K on Sunday at h-C. pool: ’P” Wong Mook Lum, Lim Y.. w <■ tr Chee Leong, Cheang eoh Cheang Eow, Toh Goay 3ui y Lim En Leong,
    86 words
  • 29 11 Westlands School vs S.A.H.C. Juniors Westlands School, Penang, will meet the Juniors of the Sultan Abdul Hamid College, Alor Star, in a whole-day* cricket match at Westlands to-day.
    29 words
  • 34 11 In a inendly game of football played on the College ground at Alor Star on Monday the Alor Star Police defeated a team of Pathans by 4 goal* to 1.
    34 words
  • 234 11 ‘THE RIDING BOY’ “TIC TAC” “EPSOM JEEP” “EUREKA” “MAN-ON-THE "THE MAJOR” Penang f’enang Ipoh K- Lumpur SPOT*’ Ipoh Singapore P A(’L Golden Blaze Ramborough Golden Blaze Utrecht King’s Gambit Oorugan Oorugan Utrecht King’s Gambit Golden Blaze Utrecht King’s Gambit Scribbl Pay om Pay Out ScribbF Pay
    234 words
  • 120 11 Boxing At The New orid Two leading lightweights ol Malaya—Neil Hemchit Young Venturillo —will feature in the mam even’ of Sunday’s boxing promotion at the New World Stadium While Hemchit holds a record of having beaten such class boxers as Ventura Marquez, light-weight champion of Malaya,
    120 words
  • 366 11 Fixtures For Next Week The following are A C.S U Badminton fixtures for next weez. Monday, August 12; Mis* P. V. Boey and H P. Boey vs Miss Yeoh and Teoh Chye Lock Umpire: Mr. G Thye San. Miss C. B. Lim and Keat
    366 words
  • 76 11 Jelotians B.P. vs Jelutong Group A.R.P. Jelotians B.P. will meet the A.R.P. (Jelutong Group) B.P. at the latter’s court tomorrow at 4.00 p.m. sharp in a match of 3 singles and 4 doubles. The following will represent the Jetotians B.P.: Jimmy Yeoh, Cheah Eng Hai, Ong Hock Cheng, Ong
    76 words
  • 16 11 The August monthly medal (Stapleford) will be played on Saturday August 17.
    16 words
  • 421 11 P.C.F. A. Trounce Municipal XI By 5 Goals To Nil FIRST H4TCH IN P.F.A. SENIOR CUP COMPETITION IN the opening match of the Penang Football Association cup competition the Penang Chinese Football Association, displaying an all-round superiority, trounced the Penang Municipal Recreation Club to t he tune of five goals
    421 words
  • 197 11 Black Birds Beat Sam Kuang Team (From Our Own Correspondent' Kulim, August 9 The unbeaten Black Bird Basket-ball team of Kulim defeated the Sungei Bunting Basket-ball team (also known as Sam Kuang Basket-ball team) by 37 points to 7 on Thursday evening on the Chio Min School ground Kulim,
    197 words
  • 150 11 Selangor Champion Beaten 6-0 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 9. Despite the steady drizzle which nearly spoilt a fine afternoon’s sport» the Davis Cup stars obliged local tennis enthusiasts by giving exhibition matches with local players. Kho Sin-kie proved too good for the local champion
    150 words
  • 150 11 Durbin Hh At Midnight Matinee The long-awaited latest Deanna Durbin picture “It’s A Date,” scheduled for official screening at the Odeon Theatre next week, will have a special prescreening at a midnight matinee tonight. It’s A Date” is reported to be the most colourful of
    150 words
  • 82 11 Four Coolies Severely Burnt Ipob. An accident occurred in a tin mine at Tambun on Friday afternoon resulting in four mining coolies being severely burnt- It appears that these four men were working on an Acytelene lamp when it suddenly exploded. Two of them were severely
    82 words
  • 71 11 Today on the Esplanade” from 6.00 pan. to 7.30 p.m March Secunderabad McKenna Suite A Lover In Damascus Woodforde 1 Far Across The Desert Sands Pinden 2. Where The Atuna Flows 3. How Many A Lonely Caravan 4. If In The Great Bazaars 5 Allah Be With Us
    71 words
  • 80 11 A Chinese travelling on board a trolley bus plying between Weld Quay and Ayer Itam yesterday lost his wallet containing a sum of $4O. The man discovered the loss while he was alighting from the bus stop at the Magazine Circus. The bus on which
    80 words
  • 172 11 Inter-State Police Soccer Taiping Displaying ail round superiority, the Kedah Police convincingly defeated the Perak Police by four goals to one on the Esplanade yesterday in their Annual Inter-Police Soccer fixture for the Perak-Kedab Police Officers Cup thus retaining the trophy foi the fourth i year
    172 words
  • 183 11 G.H.J. “A”’ v» Hihor Hiboran Party On the Renong Ground tomorrow at 515 p.m. sharp. G.H.J. “A” —Dubarra Singh; Tan Teik Siew and Cheah Thean Swee; Lee Tiang Siew, Cheah Boh Eye, Khoo Hong Lim; Ng Jit Theam, Tan Hong Beng, Khoo Ong Lee, Tye Thoon Tuck and Chin
    183 words

  • 407 12 PAY OUT AND WESTENRA HARD TO BEAT Creme tie Menlhe And Aerial Post Also Likely Winners (By “TIC-TAC”) ALTHOUGH there were two showers yesterday the going should be good today (unless, of course, we have further rain) —the concluding day of the Penang
    407 words
  • 71 12 .—Reuter 258 Civilians KHleii In U.K. In July London, August 8. Sir John Anderson announced that during the month of July. 258 civilians were reported to the Ministry for Home Security as killed, and 321 seriously injured in air raids on the United Kingdom. Fifty-seven women
    .—Reuter  -  71 words
  • 62 12 Reuter. Invitation To Enter Negotiations Berlin, August 9. According to a telegram to the Official German News Agency, the Rumanian Government through M. Bossy has ofiicia’ly invited Hungary to enter into negotiations on matters in dispute between the two countries The dispatch adds that negotiations are to
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 125 12 Weeklv Flights To Be Resumed London, August 8. The Eire Department of Posts and Telegwolus announce.- that the Transatlantic Air Mil Service between Foynes and the United States, Canada. New Foundland end the countries beyond has been resumed. The service will operate once weekly in each direction.
    125 words
  • 331 12 Nursing Unit On Duty First Time Penang experienced another black-out last night, commenc- i ing from 9 o’clock till 11 o clock, the second of the three consecutive nights. for the first, time a nursing unit of the St. John Ambulance Association was on duty during the
    331 words
  • 184 12 —E O W One Of Greatest Of Living Poets Rugbv. Aug 3 AL a sjxccuii convocation of Oxiord University held yesterday in the picturesque surroundings of Santiniketan. Bengal. Sir Maurice Gwyer, India's Frd-ral Chief Justice, conferred or. Dr Rabindranath Tagore, the distinguished Indian poet, til» degr«*e
    —E O W  -  184 words
  • 1690 12 List Of Wreaths And Attendance The sent wreaths to the funeral of Mrs. Chee Wor Lok yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Cheang] Um, Mr. and Mrs Law Seng Hock, Misses Kim Hiang i. Lim Kim Cheng, The President, Committee Members of Aspirants
    1,690 words
  • 38 12 With reference to this afternoon's races, the attention of readers is drawn to alterations in the numbers of horses running in certain races. The programme published on page 11 Is according to the official P.T.C. programme
    38 words
  • 146 12 —Rioter Administration To Be Reorganised Vichy. Aug 8 The reorganisation of the administration of French African possessions is brought about by a new decree just issued, according to inc Havas Agent-v French Equatorial Africa originally d Tided into three colonies but t single administrative ur.’t finer 1934'
    —Rioter  -  146 words
  • 73 12 London. Aug 8 The Ministry of Laoour and National Security announced tHwt. between June 10 and July 11 orders were issued for the release from the Army of 3.200 skilled tradesmen required to expedite aircraft and armament production It is explained that
    73 words
  • 30 12 A further cheque for the Malaya Patriotic Fund in memory of the late Captain Retz has been received from Lieutenant Mrs W T Woods. Royal Artillery
    30 words
  • 350 12 Chinese girls in Penang will be celebrating the feast of the “Seven Immortal Sisters.” which falls tonight the seventh day of the Chinese Seventh Moon. This annual celebration is observed with much reverence among the Cantonese. Ladies' toilet, requisites, cosmetics, flowers and
    350 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 97 12 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office at 4 pan. on Tuesday the 13th instant. (By Order). T. W. DOUGLAS Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. ST. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE. HONG KONG BOARDING SCHOOL FOP. CH? ixESE STUDENTS: Classes in Dnghsl by Resident
      97 words
    • 505 12 u»v-» ?qMcrtpq«. n fo r sa4 Sunday Fl VANG GAS.J toca) qn D*Pv.?rt wX i 3 5p Quarterly 7 w ?earlv SO.Ofl SUNDAY GAZl’m Local s < Dehverv Quarterly Yearly 3 f «'i 100 J™ la WVEitnSEMEM R Arrjl are approximate)- six wore. T vBirths, Marriages, ,Jr f iedgment*. Annour
      505 words