Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 251 1 -Reuter. Severe Casualties On Enemy Cairo, August 7. A communique states: “On August 5 an Italian column entered Zeila un opposed The same day, HargeLsa was captured by a strong force which included tanks, artillery, machine-guns and aircraft. Our delaying force fell back after indicting severe casualties,
    -Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 395 1 CHARACTER' OF FRENCH FORCE TO BE RETAINED London, August 7. r THE memorandum of agreement between the British Government and General De Gaulle states that the French Force assisting Britain will never be required to take up arms against France. The memorandum was issued
    ’—Reuter.  -  395 words
  • 100 1 Reuter Alsace, Lorraine And Luxemburg Berlin, August 7 Indications of Hitler’s plans with regard to the absorption of Alsace, Lorraine and Luxemburg into the Reich are contained in two decrees issued by him today, whereby the entire administration of Alsace, Lorraine and Luxemburg will in future
    -- Reuter  -  100 words
  • 65 1 —Reuter 125 Britons Landed At Scottish Port London, August 7. A Swedish steamer has arrived at a Scottish port from Petsamo, Finland, with 125 Britons, who had been interned in Sweden after being cut off between Trondheim and Narvik, when the British Army was evacuated. They are
    —Reuter  -  65 words
  • 50 1 .—Reuter London, August 7 In the House of Commons, asked for information on the present whereabouts and attitude of the Belgian Government, Mr. Butler told the House that Lord Halifax was awaiting certain information. In the meantime he preferred not to give a detailed reply. —Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  50 words
    .—REUTER.  -  59 words
  • 137 1 i.—Reuter. I S. Stair Department Not Consulted Washington, August 7. The State Department has asked Mr. Joseph Kennedy to supply the compete text of the interview given to the Press in London yesterd£/, by Mr. Cuoshy. United States Ambassador in Belgium, defending King Leopold’s decision
    i.—Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 446 1 Mr. Bevin On Planning Towards Final Victory London, August 7. In the House oi Commons, Wedgwood urged the need oi finding markets for our sur plus produce, giving as an instance the case of Gold (’oast cocoa and Straits tin and rubber. Mr. Bevin declared
    .—Reuter.  -  446 words
    —Reuter.  -  343 words
    REUTER.  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 cow GATE < *S3 Z. y 1 1 ■'■•s ’< 'Yy J '~'<- 1 I lr’ .V- 3-’ r S^- jggr V O th Malaya d> Penany:— Af** I,,ur I ovv N LISPJbSNSAKY LTD., iv»>* I'enang and Ipoh.
      35 words
    • 69 1 SMILER" fed on COW GATT X I V iU I I I Agents for North MaUtya 4 GEORGETOWN DISPENBART IZ Penang and Ipoh. DESTROY PRICES WHITE ANTS Sets. Refills. Scientifically, large for godowns, p factories, coolieG b lines, etc $22.50 $18.50 SMALL for individual householders 7.50 5.50 FIELD for rubber
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  • 530 2 TROOPS MASSED ON EGYPTIAN BORDER Possible Attack From Abyssinia And Libya EFFECT OF BRITISH BLOCKADE London, August 7. r pHE vigilance of the British Navy is believed here to have caused Rome to decide to launch at once a combined offensive from Abyssinia and
    —Reuter.  -  530 words
  • 61 2 Reuter. Incendiary Bombs And Leaflets Dropped London. August 7 The Ministry of Home Security announces that during the night enemy aircraft dropped incendiary bombs on two districts in Scotland. More leaflets giving Hitler’s recent Reichstag speech and a small number of bombs also fell in the Bristol
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 64 2 7. Reuter. 40 Members Of League Staff Involved Berlin. August 7. Forty members of the League of Nations staff were involved in a motor bus accident near Grenoble when en route to Lisbon to embark for the United States to establish the economic and financial section
    7.—Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 716 2 NAZI AIMS —BOW. Rugby, August 7 The growing disillusionment in countries immediately concerned in Hitler’s plans for reorganisnig the Balkans is reflected in despatches from newspapers’ correspondents in these and other neutral countries. The "Tunes’’, in a leading article, Says: “Hitler’s ostentatious undertaking to square the
    —BOW.  -  716 words
  • 30 2 .—BOW Rugby, August 7 Th° King held another investiture at Buckingham Palace today at which he conferred more than three hundred decorations on army men.—B O W
    .—BOW  -  30 words
  • 1950 2 CO-ORDINATION QF ALL STRATEGY Hint Economic Resources Can Help To Win II London, August 7. *t«rpHE Government has directed its energies sim its 1 formation to strengthening the sinews of war,” declared Mr. Greenwood, initiating the discussion on econonrc organisation in the House of
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  • 312 2 Reuter. Isodont, August 7. 'ptiLE First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. Alexander, speaking at a Ixmdon luncheon, said that our defence plans provided a counter to earh and every possible method of attack. The weeks which had ekqised since the <*ollapse of
    Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 138 2 ‘’•Not Impossible To Defeat Continental Powers’* Commenting on. the possibility of a German invasion of England, the “Central Daily News?’ the official organ of the Chinese Government, declares: “Careful study reveals that there are unsurmountable difficulties confronting such .an undertaking, for Britain remains the major sea-power
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  • 195 2 Anglo-Soviet Trade Talks Reuter. London. August 7 In the House of Commons, answering a series of questions about the Anglo-Soviet trade negotiations. Mr. Butler said that Lord Halifax hsd recently sent instructions to Sir Stafford Cripps to seek a further interview with the Commissar for
    Reuter.  -  195 words
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    • 88 2 E Sj| I Among* the «ymptom* of Biliousne»» are a dizzy headache, furred tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, ■pots floating before the bowal» loose one day and con atipated the next. On the appearance of bilious symptoms resort to Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills will be found
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  • 459 3 ]V. Z. illing To Send Skilled Men I}. Ilt ,»ary New Zewtland will make available skilled men to AustraUa’s conversion into an ...i ti-r the defence of the I)oarsen.u > lie- (om mon wealth. fiiini 0 1 ii<l n x, u Zealand Minister for other din
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  • 135 3 London. Plans for feeding those who may be<We homeless during the attempted German invasion of Britain are being completed by the Government. Each public eating establishment hi the United Kingdom. is being required to supply details >f its staff cooking '■fl'iipment, and seating facilities. Cuffimunal
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  • 162 3 London URENUH radio listeners are boin# subjected to a series of weird programmes featuring German artists and containing blatant Nazi propaganda, states the former Paris correspondent of “The Times. “The ultimate humiliation for Parisians must be hearing Paul Ferdonnet, the traitor announcer of Stuttgart,
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  • 991 3 Ihe following impressions of 11 visit to Chiang Kai-shek's capital some months ago are from an article by Gunther Stein in the "China Air Mail'' Hongkong) TTAHEspiiit prevailing in Chungking, the temporary Chinese capital, is impressively strong and optimistic. The shortcomings of the backward provincial city
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  • 123 3 New York. p the >und> of self-interest alone, the United States '-rm an alliance with the British Dominions. uT v was made by Majoi dln F,.nt loted military commutator ,r T rticle in Life. e 11,1 that this would enor-stn-n ex in tj, txfnca s
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  • 62 3 THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1940. MAff DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR MAHJS Mails for Great Britain (via Durban) India Africa Egypt, Burma, Bangkok. Hongkong. Saigon, U.S.A., Great Britain (via Transpacific Air Service) 1 p.m. Saturday 10th inst. SURFACE MAILS Mails for Sumatra 4 p.m. Thursday Bth inat. MAIL
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  • 99 3 Canada Asked To Seize Subsidiaries Ottawa. Following the refusal of Mr. Henry* Ford. American automobile magnate, to manufacture Rolls-Royce plane motors for Great Britain, Mr. James Condwell, leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Party, today urged in the House of Commons that the Canadian Government take
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  • 105 3 Honolulu. Japan does not want Hongkong, she simply wants to block that supply route to China, and the private interests involved will appease her. This view was expressed by the new American Minister to Australia. Mr. Clarence Gauss, who is on his way to Sydney.
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  • 614 3 Pillb< >xes Replace Bathing Boxes London. The strip o£ English coast from Berwick in the north, to Bognor in tiie mid-south, which is usua/Us teeming with holiday-makers at this time of year, is now thickly studded with pillboxes and machine-gun posts. p>EHIN» the fortifications stand trained troops,
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    • 50 3 Fwhat a war Wilkinacr i( w 'J r A I Wl < J > GERTIE GESTAPO i (the Synthetic Spy) 9 Metu Fuehrer.—The evacuation of Britain has begun. Whole families are being herded into open boats by > Admiralty officials. The undisguised joy at leaving Is good ii «< to
      50 words

  • 1726 4 Alleged To Have ‘Organised System of Wholesale Corruption’ Singapore. THE allegation that he ‘‘organised a system of wholesale corruption for his own benefit was made against apt. Robert Charles Loveday, R.E. whose trial by Court Martial on charges of conspiracy to defraud the War
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  • 206 4 MANAGER OF ‘EASTERN NEWS” Singapore. V<R. K. Toyoda, the Japanese Consul-General in Singapore, called on the acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. 11. Weisberg on Tuesday to discuss with hi m the detention on Sunday of Mr. Ishira Kobayashi, the Singapore correspondent of the Domei news agency and
    206 words
  • 340 4 August 5. 1940. Btnta ang di-terima dari negeri Jepun mengat-akan bahawa dua orang lagi da» pada bangsa Inggeris telab di-lepaskaa Sckarang ada tinggal tujoh orang lac daripada bangsa Inggeris dalam tahanw di-negeri Jepun. Ada-lah di-khabarkan bahawa daisi oandar Smgapura sa-orang pti.uhs dkhl» Jepun telah di-tahan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 74 //ns- cJ»\>aulv eJoab IyRHOk JI 7 Clrti* Mil with its MOSSk lovely fjevjume t sRBIIIir I 1W WOllii’ jf Why do so many film stars use Lux I I Toilet Soap? Because they know it is 1 the finest beauty soap they can buy for MgS > an I
      130 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 89 4 Wews Wiifc/.'A Smit? BY T- H. PAUWEK ’<l 1 I 7..., j 1«. i,..: m .j nave to new regulations mad bj th; Admiralty. Put out youi hand, Hemmiuys. He e going to j,/ All in a Day's Work— by Rick Elmes STONE GER lAI AH CV »-'Ow Dio Vou
      89 words

  • 70 5 I'amil On Lais Ipoh. Ramasamy, a Tamil was allowed bail in the sum of $5OO, when he claimed trial before the Ipoh First Magistrate, Mr P F Y. Radcliffe, on a charge of selling a lottery ticket to a Malay 1 named Awang b. Man
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  • 408 5 Facilities For Defence Of Accused Persons Alor Star. That in view of the fact that lawyers were not allowed to practise in this State, especially in regard to matters brought up before the Magistrate, every facility should be given to an accused person for his
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  • 154 5 New Building Occupied Telok Anson. The extension to tbe Telok Anson Government Offices has been completed and the Education, Forest, Cooperative and Agricultural Departments have moved into the new building. The extension is a semi-permanent single-floor plank building costing in the neighbourhood of $25.000 and is
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  • 189 5 Business Meeting Yesterday Ipoh. The mid-week meet of Ipoh Rotarians at the Hotel Majestic yesterday was confined to a business meeting. Rotarian G. A. Thamsen, President, took the chair and there was a good attendance of rotarians. In the Secretarial announcement, it was stated that there were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 j HiR-conpmqneo _.,i |~THREE SHOWS TO-DAY j 'I 3.00 pan., 6.00 p.m. and 9.00 pm. I I FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE PHONK 4131 I i I You’ve thrilled J J I jM v to them singly! I I N° w see them I I r/ together for the I S- nxa
      114 words
    • 262 5 The Oversea-Chinese Amusement Co., Ltd. Announces that during the BLACKOUT on Bth, 9th and 10th August, there will be no Shows at Wembley Park. The Fun Frolic Park will be opened and all Shows will perform from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. and after the Blackout from 11 p.m. to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 475 5 f> r, Yesterday’s Opening wais a sensational success! f > K urv Vf ry body s Been Waiting tor, Downstair’s Tickets sold out long before starting time! Shirls TODAY with 3 shows at PriceB (T) 9'F F f 53; 6.15 <>.6o .Mil. v B owing to the ‘buackotjt the 2nd
      475 words

  • 164 6 YVTITH their conquest of France, the task of the Nazis becomes increasingly big. Germany has now to defend an enormous coastline extending from the North Cape, along the Norwegian. Danish, 4 German, Dutch, Belgian and French Coasts, down to the Spanish frontier —a distance not far short of
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  • 290 6 IT is different in wartime, even 1 in this comparatively waiting wartime, to think of the future, and to take any trouble to plan for it. But though difficult, it is surely all-important? We are thinking of the young generally, and of the girls in
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  • 124 6 ODEDN CINEMA “Broadway Melody of 1940" with Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell 3, 6.00 and 9 00 p.m Qt EKN’S CINEMA “GulLiver’s Travels” 3, 6.00 and 9.00 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Paradise Isle” with Movita and Warren Hull 3. 6.15 9.00 p.m. 1 I REX CINEMA “One Million
    124 words
  • 403 6 Too Many Cinemas? IT’XCLUDING the number of talkie halls in the amusement parks, Penang, with the opening of the Odeon yesterday, has no>v six cinemas serving a population of some 220,000. This, on the face of it, is hardly sufficient, but then how many per cent of
    403 words
  • 532 6 Thursday, August 8. 'j'HE memorandum of an agreement between the British Government and General De Gaulle states that the French Force assisting Britain will never be required to take up arms against I'rance. 'l' HE agreement goes on to state that the French Force
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 329 6 'I take SWAPS You’ll BE Troud jjg| TO SHOW fj7; ■UF < wf The kind of snaps you will prize and l| 1 your frirtids will admire arc easy to 1 I lake unh any Kodak camera. Clever w Si I 1 design, tested lens, unsurpassed work- 1 11 1
      329 words
    • 48 6 «■■■■■■■■■■ann 3 M I 3 tS *2 S s c a b rpl 9 9 B B i Label F? IO *st scotch 9 G B Sole Agents g for 9 9 Penang Perak Kedah g V- I' !<•.«» Henry Waugh Co. Ltd. B PENANG U’OH 9 z fIBSBaaBBBBBBBB
      48 words
    • 41 6 COMPANI 'HE EASUW* (PINING PKWttER RUBBER WttSl 529.TANJONC B'JNGAH R? PENAW. For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 L.’ght St, Penang Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Central Shoe Store, 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883.
      41 words

  • 721 7 FA THER’S EVIDENCE AT INQUIRY M<« ’< r And Daughter Found Dead In Back Lane daughter and his wife regarded a broken engagement honour on the family was a statement made by the r at the joint inquiry held before Mr. A. W.
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  • 269 7 Performances Odetm Opens With Benefit Shows Staging two benefit performances with the Malayan premiere of “The Broadway Melody of 1940” for its Opening in Penang yesterday, the Odeou Theatre"was packed with enthusiastic audiences for both shows. The evening show, which was for the benefit of the
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  • 332 7 Hospital Gardener, To Hang Veeriah, formerly employed as a gardener at the Penang General Hospital was this morning sentenced to death at the Penang Assizes for the murder of his exmistress. The jury returned a majority verdict of 5—2 of guilty and sentence of death was passed
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  • 90 7 Neuter Simla, August 7. JT is understood that a conference where South Africa, Australia, New Zealand atui Malaya will be represented is likely to be convended at New Delhi in October with the object o' settling their joint policy for war
    – Neuter  -  90 words
  • 261 7 SEQUEL TO RECENT IPOH WILL DISPUTE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Another sequel to the recent will dispute in Ipoh was enacted this morning in the First Magistrate’s Court before Mr. W. .1. Thorogood, when A. E. Kershaw and A. G. Macdonald of
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  • 391 7 ROTARIANS APPEAL FOR ENTERTAINMENT AT the Club luncheon held yesterday at the E. O. Hotel, Rotarian G. W. Lawes, the Convenor of the Defence Services Sub-Committee of the Penang Rotary Club made a spirited appeal for the entertainment of members of the fighting services
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  • 38 7 Capt. F: S. Bell, Commander of H.M.S. Exeter, which, with the Ajax and the Achilles, fought so gloriously in the battle of the River Plate, has arrived in Singapore with his wife.
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  • 94 7 It is regretted tnat among the chief mourners at the funeral of Capt. G. C. Retz yesterday the names of Dr. and Mrs. Goh Kok Kee were omitted. After going to press another Token of Remembrance was received from Major and Mrs. R. P
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  • 340 7 -WAR FUND- The North Malayan War Fund total stands at $979,422.02, made up of Penang $563,526.33 and Perak $415,995.69. The Singapore Turf Club have given another $35,000, bringing their contributions to $85,000. The Singapore total las reached $3.280,292. c. Previously Acknowledged 563,285.83 The Staff of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 1 8y AoDdlnlmentlO V*. M M. Th® King of Siam The Sultan bt «»*>• tKgjM&l H. H. The Sultan ot Perg* VICH FOR THE ELEGANTS) tty watch is watches we know our j agance that I f a v u r 11 e s ar e y raCttnaUoW OMEGA Haven’t
      105 words
    • 97 7 Strong, sturdy limbs, sour J bones, the happiness oi abounding health —these are some of the gifts bestowed by A th* B famous English Food. Something a little better, something a little different, x® Wr have made Cow Gate fl pre*eminent. That is why Mothers say X u There is
      97 words

  • 312 8 The black-out practice in Penang, Butterworth and Prai commences tonight at 9.00 p.m. and is continued until 11.00 p.m. The practice will be continued tomorrow and on Saturday at the same time During the restricted periods all indoor lighting must be extinguished or obscured
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  • 23 8 Foreign exports of Tin, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at ail Malayan ports during July 1940, totalled 640 tons.
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  • 111 8 Estimated output of rubber for July, 1940: lbs. Lesong Tujoli Rubber 12.500 Yanik Rubber 10,300 It was announced in Liverpool on June 11 that Miss Mary Edith Barbara Whittingham-Jones, Assistant Section Officer in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. E. E. WhttinghamsJones, of
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  • 152 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: IX NOON: "Spot” £286. 10 .0. £266. 10. 0 "Forward” £266. 10* .0 266 10. 0 SINGAPORE: "Spot” 133.12% $133.25 Business done 100 tons 100 tons PENANG ‘Spot” 133 12% $133 25 RUBBER: LONDON: "Spot” 13 l|Bd 13 l|l6d “Forward” 13d. 12 15'16d Tone
    152 words
    • 439 8 Issued bv the Malayan. Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day. NOMINAL issue ouyers sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 3/6 5/0 Austral Amal 5/3 5/9 £1 Austral M. 35/ 37/6 5/0 Ayer Hitain 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Weng 0.55 0.60 £1 Bangrin Tin 17/0 18/0 $1 B.
      439 words
    • 237 8 NOM I N AL Issue nuj er. sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah 0.85 0.95 Amal Malay 1.624 1.724 Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Mciek 0.95 100 Iyer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett 0.40 0.45 Eatu Lin tang 0.974 1.024 Bedford 0.85 0.90 Benta 0.924 0.974 Bcrelli 1.10 1.20 Broga
      237 words
    • 311 8 NOM INAL Issue ouyer «ellers A £1 (Aust N.2L Mln Ord 22/0 23, J 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 2.00 2 do 7*% Pref 1.90 2.00 x 5 B. M. T. 7.00 7.50 £5 Chartered Bank £64 £7 £1 Con. T. 8. Ord 17/9 18/t £1 Con. T. a
      311 words
    • 153 8 Company Dividend Payable Books GlosTIN Kampong Kamunting 3d. 1/3 bonus Aug. 23 Au T 13 Murai Tin 40% Int. Aug. 21 Aug 19 Peninsula 2/- us. (Aust) A-ig. 14 Alig 7 Pufigah 9d. 2/3 bonus Aug. y July 27 Soutnera Kinta 124% Pin. less tax Sept.
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  • 1125 8 Bright Trade Ou Book Or Remainder Of Year Stanton Nelson Co, Singapore, Aug 1. The renewal 01 tension in the Far East, and the continued uncertainty regaj-ding the rubber buying arrangements to l?e I adopted by the American Government, i have tended to deaden activity, though
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 136 8 B INKS INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India) Head Office: “United India Buildings,” Esplanade, Madras. OtaDcbes: Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Rangoon, Karaikudl, Sivaganga, Pudukottah, Devacottah and Cann an ore. Authorised Capital Rar 50,00,000 Issued and Subscribed Capital Rs. 25,00,000 Paid up Capital Rs. 12,50,000 Current and fixed deposits received,
      136 words
    • 77 8 Th 9 n:nst generally useful Medicine for all G pCollis Browijw'S Acts like a charm in Checks and arre DIARRHOEA and *EVER, CROUP STOMACH CHILLS jNF "a.cough •"di, t».,„ CATARRH. ASTHMA, 8«-" IT CHOLERA and A true DYSENTERY Neuralgia, iout, Rheu Convincing Mtdical Testimony arrompantes each Bottle. Of j
      77 words

  • 901 9 liy HORM.W Rl MP. MF THE SI XI) 4Y TIMES” London. June 2. Amidst all the inevitable unsettlement of markets one striking contrast stands out. Since the German invasion of the Low Countries British Government securities have only fallen in price by 2 per cent.,
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  • 277 9 Refutation Of Nazi Allegations Bandot nc. Contrary to German allegations that Nazis interned in the Netherlands Indies have been ill-treated, the internees have expressed to a United Press of America correspondent their appreciation of the degree of freedom allowed them by the Dutch authorities, states the
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  • 911 9  -  By ERNEST NEWMAN in the <EST NEWMAN in the Sunday Tinies. London June 2. There are not many things to amuse us just now, hut music has given me at least two laughs this week. The first came when I happened to read through the first
    <EST NEWMAN in the Sunday Tinies.  -  911 words
  • 52 9 Auckland. School headmasters have begun an economy campaign in the use of paper in schools. A return to the use of slates is thought unlikely as they would be more difficult to procure than paper. New Zealand schools, teaching] 300,000 children, use vast quantities of
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2278 9 U “T W’ IS" T JT I Wi SAN FRANCISCO W f I K i •‘REASURE ISLAND? 1 S E KGEI 9.53 (31.48 n *X mHL w 9 Vfe. W JSKS&ct Ficin 7.2. &gt;l2 2 7.50 New&gt; in English. 9.50 News in In. ik-n. TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS SYDNEY i&gt;
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    • 375 9 giamniv preview. 453 Tea concert. 5.50 Childrens houi 6.30 Vibraphon and Xylophon soils 6.50 New&lt; and weather 7.15 Tino Rossi sings. 7.35 Chamber music. 8.0!» Pol.tical review. 820 Studio Orchestra. 8.50 Radioplaj 9.35 Piano music. 9.50 Time signal Two sonatas 10 20 Dance hui-k 10 50 Close down. PENANG ZHJ
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  • 257 10 DISCOVERIES IN UNITED STATES Masquerading As Diplomat* And Business Men London. August 7 German and Italian espionage agents, masquerading as diplomats and business representatives, have swarmed into the Lnited States and Latin America since the war began. This is revealed in the report drawn up
    . —Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 118 10 .—Reuter. Russian Purchases To Total $40.000.000 Washington. Aug 7. Soviet Russia undertakes to buy $40,000.000 worth of goods from America next year under th- new trade agreement with the United States, it was announced 1: re' to-day. The agreement contains the reservation. however, pennittuu. the Soviet Union
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 57 10 —Reuter Always Considered By Britain Canberra. Aug is* 7 Mr. McEwen, the Commonwealth Minister lor External Affairs, gave assurance m the House of Representatives that Australia’s views were considered Britain when they affected decis’ &gt;ns imperial and the Pacific policy from tune to cum Britain was constantly consul
    —Reuter  -  57 words
  • 114 10 i —Reuter. Tokio Aug. 8. .The United States Ambassador had an interview with Mr. Matsuoka this afternoon and it is understood that he made enquiries about press reports that negotiations were proceeding with France regarding French IndoChina. According to the Domei Agency Mr. Matsuoka replied
    i —Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 97 10 —Reuter. No Major Drive Expected I util Later Months Chungking, August 7 Ihe comparative lull on all fronts, and the easing up of the Japanese aerial bombing of Chungking are about the only significant events in the present Sino-japanese military situation. Well-informed Chinese sources
    —Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 620 10 NO TRUTH IN REPORT OF INVASION Strength Of Italian Forces c 1 Grossly Exaggerated. Alexandria, August 7 There is no foundation for the report that Egyptian territory has been invaded by the Italian forces. It is, however, believed that an Italian attack from Libya
    .—Reuter.—  -  620 words
  • 319 10 .—Reuter. Definite Aim For Concoctions London. August 7. Expert opinion here is greatly' interested in the continuous repetition of the German Hierh Command claims to have sunk a huge tonnage of British merchant shipping. No doubt that. for many reasons. German airmen and submarine commanders
    .—Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 78 10 —Reuter Following Precedent Of Last War London. August 7 Mr. Davies Liberal* said that the question hr had on paper had been postponed by request until Thursday The question asked Government "whether following the precedent of the last war it was prepared to invite ministers
    —Reuter  -  78 words
  • 103 10 .-.—Reuter. N.Y. Pre** Expresses Admiration New York. August 7 Admiration for tlu British people s coolness while awaiting invasion is expressed by the New York Times', which says:— "The islander.' are not terrorised. The' bear the suspense so jauntily that the British Government ha.' deein»-d it ne-ces-ary
    .-.—Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 69 10 Reuter. I .S.S.R. Agrees To Incorporation Moscow. Aug. 7 Before a crowded session of the Supreme Soviet. Estonia appealed for incorporation in the U.S.SJR. The appeal was made by Mr. Lauretskis. Secretary of the E.toman Communist Party, in similar tone to the appeals made and accepted by Lithuania
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 135 10 —Reuter. Food Stock-* Taken Away By Nazis London. August 7. Commenting on the American Am--1 bassador to Brussels, Mr. Joseph i Cudahy’s forecast that there would be famine soon in Belgium, the "Daily Express" -asks: "Why can’t refugees return to gather the harvest? Because the Nazis
    ’—Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 43 10 —Reuter, Ex-Premier Of Burma Released On Bai! Manaalay, Aug. 7. Dr. Ba Maw, former Premier of Burma who -was arrested yesterday under the defence regulations, has been released on bail. The hearing of the case is fixed for August 19.—Reuter,
    .—Reuter,  -  43 words
  • 25 10 —Reuter. Trieste, Aug. 7. Five workmen were fatally burned in a machinery factory when an explosion occurred in a smelting furnace.—Reuter.
    ■.—Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 139 10 8.0. W. Privileges Cominittee Meet In Commons Loudon. August 6. At its first meeting today, the Committee of Privileges ordered by the House of Commons to consider whether the detention of Gapt. Ramsay under the Defence Regulations constitutes a breach of privileges of the House, the Lord Privy
    8.0. W.  -  139 words
  • 40 10 —Reuter. London, August 7 Mr. Harcourt, Johnstone (Liberal* Secretary to the Department of Overseas Trade, was returned unopposed at the byelection at West Middlesbrough in place of Mr. Kingsley Griffith who has been appointed County Court Judge.—Reuter.
    ■.—Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 26 10 —Reuter. London, Aug. 7. Ihe Dominion and Colonial Offices announce that a contingent of Southern Rhodesian airmen have arrived in Great Britain.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 113 10 —Rear Ktt mania &gt;mk Envo\ Sofia. \ug The visit of M. Cader manian Ambassadu grade, as a special env to dis. cuss the Dobrudja qut q the Bulgarian authu !v &lt; ha resulted in some n&gt; cording to well-inn.r J here. M. Cadera h. v to Bucharest
    —Rear  -  113 words
  • 195 10 Revelation;* In Stnuwo| r&lt; j Letter From Gernuuß An echo of British i Hamburg has been heard &gt;• &gt;. t i„, re Here is an extract from ni a resident of Hamburg Was smuggled out ot Germany n China and received in Sin"Last week the Enghs visited
    195 words
  • 62 10 .—Reuter. Bucharest. A igust The note replying to the British protest made at the end of Jul; at the antiBritish action of the Govemmvi.i ..a,- been under consideration and it is bea»iec na‘ it will be accommodating. Th- que.-fion of the mobilisation of British shippnrr
    .—Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 33 10 Reuter. London. August t An explosicii occurred y. -ier r. c coastal village In East AngL- Swera civilians were injured and- mt dantag w’as don»- to surrounding i-rierty
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 25 10 Reuter. London. Aug &lt; The death ha.' occurred Sir Hugv de Bathe, second husband of a Lilly Langtm the delebrat»
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 24 10 Reuter. Canberra Ku.. Mr. Menzies announced that t Lao*’’» l Party has rejected th»- offer seats in the New Nations G*
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 207 10 Open Letter Telling Mussolini His Efforts Are Futile .—Reuter. London. August 7 The Egyptian weekly "Almussawarin in an open letter to Mussolini, refers to the long established friendly bonds of Britain and Egypt, culminating in rhe Treaty ot Alliance. Egypt does not wish
    .—Reuter.  -  207 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 "the BEN UNF FAR EAST SERVICE. FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particular's regarding Freight, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival lates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Agents
      54 words

  • 990 11 Class —Division I—61 —6 Furlongs I 4y 9.00 Mr. T. H. Menzies Owner I vc IIC 4y 9jJ&lt;) Mrs T H Menzies Mr. Menzies 4 (i 5y 8.11 Ong Huck Lim Van Breukelen I 6 y 810 H.H. Tuanku Amaloedin Van Breukelen
    990 words
  • 73 11 •II I» S.C. Tournament j. Results p HI are the results of the Tourn St rvice Club Billiards F()I concluded:— HANDICAP DOUBLES Ban Huat A. R. Dass. 01 g Ah Kan D. Wil- 1 CALLS HANDICAP Run- n Sin Kee T Ah Kan. w B ALLS OPEN Runner-i ,rn
    73 words
  • 68 11 O.X.A. vs H.M.S. “Nameless' At Renong ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m.— O.X.A. —Ow Heng Thuan, Tung Ghim Huat, Tung Sin Huat; A. Mattu, Chee Chin Cheok, C. Danker; Teoh Cheng San, S. N. Soon. C. B. Tan. G. Reutens. Georgie Lim Reserves: Lim Cheng Hoe, Lee Yeow Soon, Lazarus,
    68 words
  • 358 11 S. Beklior, a European, appeared m Court yesterday to apswei a summons lor ouving his car in a marner which was dangerous to the public at Penang Road and Farquhar Street about 1.05 p.m. on June 26. He was convicted and lined $5O by the
    358 words
  • 492 11 D.A.F.C. BEATEN BY ODD GOAL IN FIVE Osman’s Good Display For Malays J A LEAD of three clear goals in the first half, enabled the Sing Tao tourists to win again yesterday, when they defeated the Darul Aishan Football Club by three goals to
    492 words
  • 1169 11 GARDENER ON TRIAL FOR MURDER That he had seen Manikam and Periyan jump out of his mistress’ room and suspected her of having misconducted herself with these two men, and that she had spat upon him on the day of the attack, as a result
    1,169 words
  • 173 11 Second Period Of Intensive Training The members of the 3rd Battalion of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force (Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps) re-entered camp last night for their second period of intensive training which will last till the 28th of this month. The first period
    173 words
  • 61 11 Young Indians Lose To •j. Malays A/ j» 1 (From. .Our €&gt;wn Correspondent» Kulim Tnf,- Kuhrn Yomifc Indians played their second, match against the Kulim Malay boys on Tuesday ou the new Kulim padang. before a poor crowd, the Malays •winning narrowly by a solitary goal scored by
    61 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 174 11 1 j. J rV' W’ 1 R j i u k y j How on earth did she make such delicious ice cream—so smooth, so rich and with such a real home-made flavour? How simple the answer is— Jell-O Freezing Mix! And how simple it is to make marvellous ice
      174 words

  • 806 12 HORSES LIKELY TO WIN ON SATURDAY Several Good Workouts This Morning (By “TIC-TAC”) THE “final gallops” for the last day of the Penang Meeting this morning were watched by a fair crowd, work being confined to the second track and sand track
    806 words
  • 78 12 THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 TIN: Penang $i33.00 Business done 100 tons S.ngapore. $133 qo CUBBEK: Penang Spot 36«‘c Singapore Spot 36’c NOPRA: Sundried $2.80 sellers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: $6.10 sellers Fa. Seed $5.75 sellers RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $7.80 Rangoon Parboiled No. 2 $7 70 Rangoon White
    78 words
  • 277 12 Reuter Boast Of Huge Food Reserves London, August 7 While authoritative London circles still maintain theii previous st .ndpoint that acute local food shortages in Europe this winter may become, a distinct possibility, they assert that if such a famine should occui, it
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 70 12 Tonight** Lecture Under the auspices of the Ramakrishna Ashrama there .will be a magic lantei n lecture today at 6 45 p.m. at 109, Chulia Street in English on Swami Vivekauanda’s life by Bhramachan Kailasam The public are invited to attend. Another in Tamil, on Ramayana, has also
    70 words
  • 169 12 No Official List Of Accused London, Auguist 7. LITER learns that the Supreme Court to try the men regarded as responsible for the declaration and conduct of war opens tomorrow at Riom, ten miles northward of Cleront Ferrand. There is apparently, at present,
    .—Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 68 12 ‘V Pre are requcst'tcb by Mr Ooi Sim Hoc, manager of Sex Cinema, to draw the artention of his patrons to the activities of pickpockets around the box-offices of Idea! theatres. especially during rush hoitrs ll bi/e the cinema authorities are taking al! steps possible to check
    68 words
  • 84 12 Reuter. London, August 7. An Air Ministry communique states that last night R.AJ?. bombers, hampered by low clouds and poor visibility, were forced to abandon many of their primary objectives. In spite of this, the oil plant at Homburg, a supply depot at Scherte
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 337 12 /Vo Dtmprer Now Of Bulk Being Left Unsold London, August 7 In the House of Commons, the establishment of a (Aimmission with powers to purchase Egypt’s cotton crop was announced by Mr. Butler, who declared that anxiety had been growing for some
    —Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 45 12 8.0 W “For Defence Of F Anil Justii &gt; it An eminent Brazilian associated with Briti sent through his represer country a sum of £l,o!’' Treasury as “my own cont. great country defending tlce in this world. It and not a subscription
    8.0 W  -  45 words
  • 322 12 Reuter. London August 7. The liner “Accra’’ was sunk off the west coast of Eire. Over 459 survivors have been landed at a north-west English port and 25 are missing. The Admiralty state that there were no children aboard The “Accra.” a motor-ship of 9,337
    – Reuter.  -  322 words
  • 194 12 Assault On Neighbour Alleged A woman and her nephew, both pig rearers, were this morning brought before Mr. S. T. Stewart, Police Magistrate, on a charge of causing grievous hurt to an Indian, a neighbouring estate caretaker. When the case was called the court Was
    194 words
  • 63 12 Reuter Official Announcement Of Casualties London. August 7 It is officially announced that the casual t es in the trawler Marsona, were one officer killed, ten ratings missing and presumed killed and six ratings wounded. The casualties in another trawler were one officer wounded, one rating killed
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 267 12 at-.- y, v e .lce; i’lf per, 1477 i leieKraau: Qa*. PINANG Loca&gt; ec L&gt;?Uve*r r t MLonUuy |2 Quarterly 7.M 4r .J Half-Yearly !6 oo 4|| Yaar V 30 (X) ’«•&lt; SUNDAY GAZ f f ‘«0« Local a.O 4 Quarterly HaL'-iTe.ri, ■&gt;„” Yearly B.OC J AD V »:«TlS£MKnt i.
      267 words