Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 444 1 Rehearsal Of Ten Weeks With Regular Army NORTHERN COMMAND’S CONFIDENCE IN THE PEOPLE I .ondon, August 2. DEUTER’S special correspondent at the headquarters of the Northern Command writes that armed industrial workers of the North, enrolled in the Home Guard and training side
    —Reuter.  -  444 words
  • 127 1 —Reuter ILA.b. Carry <hit Dav light Attacks London, August 2. \n An Hinistry communique states that Royal Air Force bombers yesterday made < /light attacks on the aerodrome of Leewarden and Hammsted in Holland Th- mgar was hit and many enemv aiicraft were machine-gunned
    —Reuter  -  127 words
  • 207 1 -Reuter ReMTies From Burning Bomb Room London, August 2 The rescue of wounded men from a warships bomb-room, filled with fumes and smoke as a result of an explosion, al th< risk of further explosions which might have blown them to pieces earned awards announced in the
    -Reuter  -  207 words
  • 42 1 Reuter Tl r» v of some eighty children a Canadian East Coast m under the Government 1 'in. They were in very d lined the ship’s rails, such as there will always 1 “Roll Out the Barrel” Walk Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 176 1 multi pest Newspapers Indignant Ri f, r Rumanian ’''Manoeuvres —Reuter Budapest, August 2 Whih c tiatio, >r °P enin K direct negoR UI i n ng Hungarian and p n s on Rumania are exRumania Government in- s the opinion is gainhe f well-informed
    —Reuter  -  176 words
  • 233 1 -Reuter. GERMANY CUT OFF FROM SUPPLIES New York, August 2. Writing in the "Heiald Tribune,” Major Eliot does not anticipate an invasion and warns the United States that war is now blockade waifare. In the event of there being no invasion, he sees
    -Reuter.  -  233 words
  • 57 1 —Reuter. London. Aug 2. "1 consider the act of the men of lAcliy as void,” said General De Gaulle in an interview tonight in regard to the "death sentence” passed on him by the Petain Government. General De Gaulle added: "I shall have a settlement
    —Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 135 1 —Reuter. Sidi liar rani Posts Still Held News from the Libyan-Egyptian bolder indicates that the Italians iae assembling a.nurr»l*ers of troop* the majority of which would appear to be in the neighbourhood of Solium, writes Reuter’s military correspondent. They have been enabled to do this
    —Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 141 1 .—Reuter. MACHINE-GUNNED WHILE ON THE WAY London. August 2. Diving to a hundred feet, three Nazi planes last week attacked with bombs and guns the Trinity House tender “Alert” while it was en route to a lightship Some of the crew of 39 and relief lighthouse
    .—Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 122 1 —Reuter Twisted Version Of ■M. Molotov's Speech Ankara, August 2. While M. Molotov’s speech is regarded in political circles on Turkey as a careful statemanlike declaration of policy, which does not in the least change Soviet-Turkish relations, great irritation has been caused by the discovery
    —Reuter  -  122 words
  • 125 1 —Reuter. Future Ministerial Changes x.j ..likely London, August 2. It is officially announced that the Prime Minister has invited Lord Beaverbrook to be a member of the War Cabinet. For the time being, Lord Beaverbrook will continue to be Minister of Aircraft Production. The
    .—Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 102 1 —Reuter Toronto, August 2 The first party of British airmen i.urn boring 22 have arrived in Canada fo; ’•aming under the Comnunweallh I Air rr jmng Ph.,'.-Reuter. Washington, August 2. The War Department stated that the persons detained in the Panama Canal Z'->ne «'ere aliens and not
    ,.—Reuter  -  102 words
  • 66 1 .-Reuter R Je* committee Passes Legislation Washington, August 2. Legislation permitting American ships to transport war refugee children was passed today by the House Rulps Committee and it provides that such transport is subject to American ships being granted safe conduct by all belligerents.
    .-Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 fp\V GATE I -J 4 IflW f Iv IT' I I I I >j,i Penang: l rU«/ orNOr ■f* nSARYLTD., I pe n.nB lp n I
      26 words
    • 61 1 "SMILER” fed on COW GATE j ©J c S -A Agents for North Malaya dl GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTIK, Penang and Ipoh. INSIST HAVING ONLY ELEPHANT BRAND COOKING OIL r Er i I* Hj;, Eli i j. 7 lb. Packing Because FT IS VEGETABLE IT IS RICH IT IS PUREST IT
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  • 527 2 Daylight Raid By R.A.F. BOMBERS DIVE DOWN TO HIT GROUND DEFENCES Attack Pressed Home In Spite Of Heavy Fire London. August 2. r pHE Air Ministry announces that a strong force of air- craft of the Coastal Command made a successful daylight attack
    —Reuter.  -  527 words
  • 55 2 —Renter. Clermont Ferrand. Aug 2. General De Gaulle has been sentenced to death in his absence by the military court, states Havas Agency. The sentence also includes degradation and the confiscation of his property. General De Gaulle was charged with treason and
    —Renter.  -  55 words
  • 77 2 .—Reuter. London. August 2. It is stated in authoritative quarters that there is a considerable force of Italians concentrated on the North Libyan frontier. These forces have been gradually advancing towards the frontier taking careful protective steps as they go with anti-tank and field artillery.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 146 2 —8.0. W. ■'Alcantara Scores Hits At 9.000 Yards Rugby. August 2. From further details available in London todap. of the action in the South Atlantic by a British merchant cruiser, against a German raider, it appears that the action began at about 16.000 yards
    —8.0. W.  -  146 words
  • 72 2 -Reuter I ~300 Fishing Boats W ashed A wav Tokyo. Aug. 2 A tidal wave swept the western coast r Hokkaido Island early this morning and washed away 1,300 fishing boats Much loss of life is feared The wave followed an eartnquake shock which rocked
    -Reuter  -  72 words
  • 46 2 —Reuter. Britain Buys Lurther Bushels London. August 2. The Ministry of Food has entered an agreement with the Canadian Wheat Board to purchase during the cereal year July 1940/41 a further hundred million bushels of wheat. This is the largest purchase ever recorded —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 70 2 —Reuter Raniniing Of British Submarine Rome. August 2. A communique states that the Italian destroyer, Vivaldi, last night rammed and sank the British submarine, Oswald, in the lonian Sea. Fifty-two of the crew of 55. including Commander David Frazer. were rescued unhurt by the destroyer. The communique claims
    —Reuter  -  70 words
  • 183 2 -8.0. W From Dakar Harbour Rugby, August 2. Another Polish merchant ship has been preserved for further service in the Allied cause through the deteimination and skill of its officers and crew. The 1,864-ton Polish steamer. Krol man, was lying at Dakar and she had been immobilised
    -8.0. W  -  183 words
  • 140 2 Reuter. R.A.F. Operations Over Norwegian Coast London. August 2 An Admiralty communique states that during operations over the Norwegian coast on Thursday, Skua aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm successfully bombed a wireless station and attacked an enemy supply ship of about four thousand tons. When
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 152 2 —Reuter. Including Many Americans Ottawa. August 2. The safe arrival in England of “another large contingent of Canadian Active Service Force” is announced by the Ministry of Defence, Colonel Ralston, in the House of Commons. The contingent includes part of the Second Division under Odlam
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 148 2 Reuter. I o Fake In Children From Britain London. August 2. It is reported that the Government of Argentina have published a decree authorising immigration into Argentina of a number of children from the United Kingdom This action is very much appreciated in London, where it is regarded
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 49 2 I.—Reuter. Quirt Trading: Steady Tone London. August 2. On the Stock Exchange, although trading was very quiet, the tone was steady. Gilt-edtred were fractionally strongei and Indian bonds were maintained. Oils continued yesterday’s improvement but a slower pace while rubbers inclined to advance Wall Stieet was dull.—Reuter.
    I.—Reuter.  -  49 words
    REUTER.  -  56 words
  • 190 2 Moscow, Aug. A significant despatch from Helsinki published by the Official' y Agency states that the authorities there prevent'd a meeting the “Society for Friendship and Peace with the Soviet I nion and that the police beat a crowd <»n the orders of the Chief of
    .—Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 55 2 —Reuter. Argentine Maps Found In His Possession Buenos Aires. August 2. A former officer of the scuttled German battleship Graf Spee, named Gottloff, has been arrested. He had escaped from internment and was hiding in Chaco. Military maps tend photographs of the Argentine oilfields were
    —Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 404 2 VL MOLOTOVS SPEECH NOTED IN LONDON London, August 2. Authoritative comment is made in London today on some points in M Molotov’s speech. It is true, as M. Molotov stated, that the appointment of Sir Stafford Cripps was made with the desire to improve relations
    a.—8.0 W  -  404 words
  • 31 2 Reuter Tokio, ‘lug. 2. The post of specie envoy to the Netherlands East Indies hoi been offered to General KuntoHi Kaiso, former Minister Oimrseas 1 ffa-irs —Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 212 2 week, while th< centra* be once pei week Muese News. Chinese Mopping-I p Operations Chungking, July 2 Continuing their mopping-up iMF tions at the south bank of the Yaig® River across Ichang, the Chinese.’.'» recently surrounded the Japan» quarters and inflicted 300 casualte® the
    week, while th< centra* be once pei week Muese News.  -  212 words
  • 67 2 —Reuter Ttotal Of »"e &gt;0 In Custody London. that It is learned ofiicu y British subjects were by the Japanese o i U* Reverened Chadwell, a English Church £t r Mr. Sandford, who Teljo. 3 v seen iade 1 Representations have &lt; Cra igte.
    —Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 One Of Britain’s Best I Pianos "JOHN BRINSMEAD" have One In Stock Returned From Hire Original Price $B5O Reduced To $425 I ouch Tom- Perfect Appearance As Ne r ROBINSON PIANO Co. Ltd ,PENANG
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  • 943 3 By (i South African Fit.-Lt. of the Lighter Command tP Ti\G ot: on araid, the 1A 1 N ,4 srzniricant thing is haimening inside you—- feeling you have tllt 1 i -ie other pilots. You tovvaid-" u.. -t n uch interest in
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  • 400 3 Considerable Increase In Padi Area It would be inappropriate to close this section of the report without a mention of the steps that have been taken to increase the production of foodstuffs, as a war measure, and of the results of what has been done, says
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  • 94 3 Canada Asked to Seize Subsidiaries Ottawa Following the refusal of Mr. Henry Ford. Ainverican automobile magnate, to manufacture Rolls-Royce plane motors for Great Britain. Mr. James Condw’ell. leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Party, urged in the House of Commons that the Canadian Government take over
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  • 460 3 Analysis Of Chief Justice Mysore i k\E thing is now surely’ plain to us all. and that is that in this cruellest and most appalling war in history we are face to face with philosophy which holds that a State is bound by none
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  • 1044 3 Kuomintang Narrowing Communistic Breach Shanghai. and Communist leaders are working 1 out a formula for “satisfactory solution ot their differences,” according to word from Chungking, the Provisional capital. In general, this acccuds with earlint information concerning negotiation on Government maintenance of Red forces —six
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  • 177 3 FLIERS DISCOVER LOST Lima, Peru. 4 TOWN of 80 white families, without contact with civilisation for 25 years was discovered at the mouth of the Rio Pinquen. in the south-east comer of Peru. by a corps of Peruvian aviators recently The aviators
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  • 222 3 4 PILOT Officer at a Fighter Com- mand station in the south of Engr i land has a badge problem? to solve. His wings, won before 1918. he still wears above his last war ribbons. But he is also an air gunner and an observer. He
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 BOBBY BEAR Trickery 1/ L-.-' uZC ASZ I Percy/ planned a trick to play Then Dad arrived. Wake up.’ said he. On i:&lt;&gt;bby— so he crept away. And do some gardening for me.” —J h. L Here’s Percy’s trick. He’s unaware Percy now knows all about it. It is l
      63 words
    • 33 3 W HAT A WA RI By Gilbert II ilhinson jx-x'-V AzJ MIA kJeSfcWMM» f LO\ EM AM) LEAVEM IVe yot lt! 1 tle (,f hcr gas mask zeill be tor the moke. ,f
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  • 783 4 FAILS TO MAKE GOOD ESCAPE TO THAILAND Singapore. THE amazing escapades of Thomas McGuire, a soldier of the Manchester Regiment, over the past week-end. were related in the fifth and third police courts on Wednesday. It was alleged in the Singapore fifth court that
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  • 841 4 J'HK Pahang fisheries may be considered under three categories. (1) sea fisheries: &lt;2) inland fisheries, indigenous fish; &lt;3&gt; inland fisheries, imported fish, writes the British Resident of Pahang in his annual report. The sea fisher,es of Pahang, which has a coast line of 124 miles
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  • 381 4 Stations ZHP ZHL To Be Used Singapore. The Singapore broadcasting station is to be used to transmit urgent warning &gt; notices to mariners, it is announced. This will enable masters of small ships I not normally equipped with rad.o installaI tions to hear the warnings by
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  • 113 4 Alleged Dangerous Driving Mr. S. W. Coleman, a Kuala Lumpui resident, appeared before Mr. W. J. Thorogood, the First Magistrate, in the Police Court on two charges of driving while under the influence of alcohol to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control
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  • 295 4 “War Behind The Front” Singapore. r UHE war that will be fought behind the front will be a war between the past and the future. In that war, there will not be a No-man’s-Land,” declared Mr. J. L. L’Epagniol in an address on "Me
    295 words
  • 189 4 Charge Of Assault Withdrawn THE charge against a Tamil named Sinnarajah and a woman named Achipillai for alleged assault on a woman, whose body was found in a pond at Sentul on May 5 this year, was withdrawn by Mr. A. E. Jakeman (Chief Court Inspector), when
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  • 152 4 Lack of oxygen brought a fighter pilot fighting luck recently. A section of ”Spitfires,” patrolling high over the battlefields of France, had failed to find any German bombers or fighters. One pilot a Flying Officer, found his oxygen supply i-unning low as they flew
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  • 90 4 Today on the Esplanade from 6 P.m. to 7.30 p.m. March Amparito Roca Texidor Overture Morning Moon Night Suppe Selection The Earl Anfi The Girl Cary 11 Waltz Auf Wiedersehen. My Dear Ager Selection The Flyirg Trapeze Benatzky Gavotte Hearts And Flowers Tobani Quick Step Jolly Good Company
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  • 403 4 July, 13. Perkhabaran lari Ankara Turk! berkata satu Lagi gonthang gt-mpa telah terjadi dalam nege.'; Tiuk rat us orang telah terbunoh dan hebeiapa ratus pula luka2. Dua helxs kampong dan pekan kechil telah binasa. Keia. jaan Turki sedang met 1 ..n p. )I}&lt; gan. Berita
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  • 28 4 The Penang Hawaiian Quintet broadcast several modem Mala; ngs fiom Station ZHJ tonight at 8 4 '.m-, immediately after the 8.8. C. Rebr a- t-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 150 4 to-night Fun &lt;£ Frolic Arena WRESTLING to-night ISt Event 9.30 p in. A BATTLE &lt;)F THE GIANTS!... ACTIONS THRILLS I SUSPENSE! APLENTY! Ist Event 9.30 p.m- Y QVR BREATH W m LE THE y GASP FOR THEIRS. W YOU CAN A Q Cat &lt;*% MAINEVENT FORD TO MISS J A
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 101 5 ’Gak ol Likely To Be Represented It Ipoh. inc Giat Chinese associations in Perak win send represenme Kin ”apore for a proposed i n ntatively fixed to be held ’his month. &lt;USs of this meeting is co dis- &lt; Vl affecting the welfare of bro
    101 words
  • 257 5 H H Tunku Abdul Ajziz is confined to his house with malaria. Mr. J. O’Callaghan and Mr. C. D. B. White are inmates of the Alor Star Hospital Ur G. W. Davis. M.C.S., has been appointed to act as Protector of Chinese. Negri Sembilan His Highness the
    257 words
  • 182 5 Mr. A. E. Coojir Takes Over In Few Days Butterworth. Mr. Arthur Sgerton Coope, the new District Officer. Province Wellesley ha&gt; arrived here from Home and is expected to take over the duties on Tuesdav from Mi. F K. Wilson who will be going to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 THE NEW WORLD tonight &gt;• TOMORKOVi W EIGHT LIFTING NORTH MALAYAN AMATEUR &lt; HAMPIONSHHUS Jr W oth A 6th Aug. 8.30 p.m. Tug-of-War v &gt; 1". 945 p.m Sepak Raga sr ’l to 6th Aug. Greasy Pole and Pukul Pnok Entries on the Spot Metf. fpo te Talkies Tonight “FOUR
      48 words
    • 166 5 The Oversea-Chinese Amusement Co., Ltd. PRESENTING TO-MORROW NIGHT SUNDAY, 4th AUGUST 1940 THE ACTUAL CEREMONY. PEACE OFFERING AND PRAYING TO THE (CHUT CHAIR) SEVEN HEAVENLY 77-1 SISTERS (CHIT CHI AH) Ay are cordially invited to join in the -T. ’■w’a, 'Tn AI prayers and ceremony. Do not miss a y
      166 words
    • 259 5 The Oversea-Chinese Amusement Co,, Ltd. SATURDAY, 3rd AUGUST 1940 WEMBLEY PARK CANTONESE OPERA: Day show CAPITAL TALKIES; BOEY KWEE "CHEE HAR POAY” Part 1 OON” Thrilling Cantonese Talkie Night show "CHOK CHIT KAK Seats: 5 .arid 10 cents CHEONG" MERRY-GO-ROUND: 5 cents a ride THE GHOST TRAIN: 10 cts. a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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    • 121 5 Another Great Picture Is Brought To You AT 3 Shous Today at 3; 6.15 9.30 p.m. The Novel That Took America By Storm Now Comes To You On The Screen. Honestly Fearlessly' .On The Screen I Darryl F. Zanuck’s production of •THE GRAPES OF WRATH" by JOHN STEINBECK Starring Henry
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  • 452 6 JVIEVER more opportune than at x the present moment is the formation of an International Laliour Branch as part of the Employment Department of the Ministry of Labour. Mr. Ernest Bevin, in making the announcement in the House of Commons, said that this was being done with
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  • 139 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA Stage Show. Chang in "Trip to Hades” 6.30 and 9.30 p.m MAJESTIC CINEMA Charlie Chan in "City In Dark ness’’ 3, 6.15 9 30 p m REX CINEMA "The Grapes of Wrath with Henry Fonda and Jane Harwell 3, 6.15 9.30 p.m WINDSOR CINEMA "Ramba’s
    139 words
  • 486 6 4 Tip For This A/ter noon r (''O malaria and typhoid must now be added a new epidemic. Today my colleagues without exception have high temperatures, hysterical speech and a wild look in their eyes —sure symptoms of racing fever. Handicaps have been consulted, calculations completed; all
    486 words
  • 549 6 Saturday, August 3. I EGiSLATION permitting Anuncan ships to transport war icfugee children to the United States was passed yesterday by the Rules Committee and is subject to such ships being granted safe conduct by all belligerents. lAIVING to a hundred feet three Nazi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 224 6 HEDGESsBIWR Vary Im -O VjF jB&r* jklPsjS 4 9r mh J■ l. jffW.4.l &lt; U— j I Bal BIRk Established 271 years ago in the 'V® ■w*||.;®h| time of Samuel Pepys the Diarist BMr Kfi£9 in a tra&lt;Jition ever since upheld of TL'T"* 1 wut'» supplying only the Finest and
      224 words
    • 35 6 "BULLFINCH" BUTTER The Brand well-known throughout the whole of Malaya for its Excellence and Purity. iwwiiftWi THE BUTTER FOB EVERYBODY Obtainable at all the Leading Provision Stores Sole Agent» Henry Waugh Co., L&gt;d PENANU iVAV-V-V-VATA
      35 words
    • 42 6 Br piJUuffi hi L7f (PflUlto PIONEER BUBBUWKI 529. TANJONC BUNGAH R? Pftt*. For vour convenience sead your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light St., Pen»n&lt; Phone 4121, or to our Town Representatives, the Central Shoe Store. 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883
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  • 906 7 MR. ABDOOLCADER RE-APPOINTED FOR ONE YEAR IT was notified in yesterday's S.S. Government Gazette that H.M. the King has been pleased to approve the re-appoint-ment of the Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader C.B.E. to be a nominated Unofficial Member of the Legislative
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  • 353 7 'TIME FLIES' &lt; T QUEEN'S ,ive me jifty persons irst night Chang had Penang the—teas more genegaue mm nearly that number The cis a very triumphant »k&lt; en’s last evening Ct ’-fie Mighty—lean, pokerfaced &gt;rous—fully lives up to his speaks pidgin English but with
    353 words
  • 107 7 LaM Distribution Of Relief Money BatU-TworU-Tiit vicuna of we Tassek Glugor fire m Province Wellesley, which broke out «Mnet.uu»! ui December last year received their last relief payment yesterday A Kuu. of more than $3OO was distributed V» them by Mr R. C. Hoffman, Assistant District
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  • 53 7 i.«lna Askey And I 4di&lt;‘ Marshal Th' ige took place yesterday A. Forrer, Senior Rerar V. images, at the Registry a Askey, second daughter f and Mrs. A M Askey of id Mr. Eddie Marshall, shal gt of tJie ’ate Mr. G. MarInspector of Machinery, L
    53 words
  • 75 7 have passed the St. ’•xamination held on Lydia Urech, Miss Tan Lim Suan Loci, M’ss c J °y Urg, Miss Tan Kee Yong San. Miis Khoo' 5 Khoo Gim Pha k, Miss Ooi Loh Tek. Miss Ung Teh Buat Im, Miss Ung &lt; Ss Bek
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  • 43 7 Restricted Applicalion At Present The Food Supply Officer, I’rnang. states that the exjxirt quota system, so far as Penang is concerned, will for the present be applied only in respect of the following commodities: rice, milk, sugar, flour ;ui&lt;i giu*-.
    43 words
  • 120 7 A deep, stirringly human appeal in film entertainment is provided in ‘The Grapes of Wrath,” which optind at the Rex Theatre yesterday. The Joads com» io Hfĕ with all the warmth, vitality and rugged humour that characterized John Steinbecks widely acclaimed novel. Both the spirit
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  • 210 7 The Mende Badminton Party will send its lull team to Alor Star dunng the August holidays for their annual friendly match with the sunroc Badminton Party. The team, which includes Ooi Teik Hock Tan Kin Hong. Lee Eng Aun. Lee Hoo Chye.
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  • 39 7 The annual speech day of the AngloChinese Girls’ School will be held on Tuesday, August 6. The Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe will address the girls and Mrs. Khoo Sian Kwe will give away the prizes.
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  • 407 7 UAR FU]\D MR. ALMA BAKER (.IVES $20,000 IN PERAK I he North Malayan War Fund total is now $820,785.51, representing an increase of more than $23.000 over the previous day’s amount. Penang’s total is $561.635.02 and Perak’s $259,150.49. Ihe Singapore total is now I
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  • 2006 7 Bodies Fount! In Back Lane STORY OF BROKEN ENGAGEMENT TDHE double tragedy in a back lane near Carnarvon Street, was recalled at a joint inquiry held before Mr. A. W. Bellamy, the Coroner, in the Police Court yesterday, into the deaths of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 SUPREME r^e Sunday Despatch Y Bonny Baby Competition J 1934, open to all comers babies out of the final 12 were fed on COW M- GATE. ,V- A Here are three including BE A the first prize-winner! if S M Could there be a more convincing proof of the W
      124 words

  • 247 8 Roof Garden Party Formed The Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe, 0.8. E. was elected the first President of the -Chambers Roof Garden Party, which was -sponsored by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The objects of the Garden Party are (a) To keep the members of the
    247 words
    • 443 8 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penans and Ipoh sections) at 4 p.m. yesterday. NOMINAL hssue buyers sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/6 4/0 5/O Austral Aniai 5/0 5/4$ £1 Austral M. 35/ 37/6 5/0 Ayer Hitam 17/6 18/6 $1 Ayer Wong 0.55 0.60 £1 Bangrin Tin 17/0 18/0 $1
      443 words
    • 236 8 NOM INAL Issue 3uj er. sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 AJor Gajah 0.85 0.95 Amal Mala&gt; 1.62$ 1.72$ Ayer Hitam 0.90 1.00 Ayer Molek 0.95 1.00 Ayer Panas 1.05 1.10 Bassett 0.40 0.45 Batu Lintang 0.97$ 1.02$ Bedford 0.85 0 90 Bcnta 0.92$ 0.97$ Borelli 1.10 1.20 Brega 0.60 0.65
      236 words
    • 310 8 NOM INAJL issue buyer le Ilers A £1 (Aust- N.Z. Mln Ord 22/0 23,3 2 .Alex. Brick Ord. 1.75 2.00 2 do 75% Pref 1.90 2.00 x 5 B. M. T. 7.00 L5O £5 Chartered Bank £6s £7 £1 Con T. 6. Ord 17/9 18/3 £1 Con. T. S.
      310 words
    • 162 8 Company Dividend Pay bie Books Close TIN Berjuntai 5% less tax. Aug. 7 July 29 Kampong Kamunting 3d. 1/3 bonus Aug. 23 Aug. 13 Peninsula 2/- os. (Aust) Aug. 14 Aug. 7 Petaling 20% Inf Aug. 8 July. 27 Puiigah 9d. 2/3 bonus Aug. 9 July
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  • 278 8 Penang. Butterworth and Prai will have another black-out practice on August 8. 9 and 10 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 11 p.m In connection with the practice, the I following lighting restrictions w ill be I in forcer All in-dooi lights other than
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  • 336 8 K lI.P. v* Mirasa’s Xi On the Renong Ground to-morrow a: 5.30 p.m .-harp K.H.P. —Gan Thean Beng; Lun Cheng Poh, Lee Eng Huat; Chee Chin Cheok. A. N. Other. Tye Thoon Choy Ng Beng Heng, Lee Tiang Lok C Danker. Toh Chin Guan. George Lim. Reserves. —Chan Fui
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  • 68 8 Penang. August 2. 1940 (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank, SELLING (London Demand 2/4 1/16 New York Demand 47 Montreal Demand 51 3/4 Batavia Demand 88 1/2 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Hongkong. Demand 53 5/8 Shanghai Demand 14 3/4 Japan Demand 187 New Zealand Demand 2/10
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  • 1066 8 More than 200 Malayans have just arrived in Penang from Home. Ar- I rivals include: Mr. and Mrs. H C. Allen and tv.o children of Singapore; Mrs. I. Arnold,, Edinburgh Estate, Kepong. Selangor; Miss E. Aidworth, Malayan Establishment Officer. Singapore; Major S. Addison,
    1,066 words
  • 123 8 Yesterday’s Close Previ- Uv TIN: LCNDON: “Spot" 0- £267 15 "Forward” t 265. 5. 0 SINGAPORE: "Spot” $135.50 Business done tons PENANG ‘Spot" *135 50 RUBBER: LONDON: "Spot" 12 15 1 16 d sd “Forward” 12 7. dy Tone I Dull Quietly SINGAPORE: ‘‘Spot’’ 370 PENANG: "Spot” 37c
    123 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 137 8 BANKS INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated in British India) Head Office: “United India Buildings,” Esplanade, Madras. Branches: Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Rangoon, Karalkudl, Sivaganga, Pudukottah, Devacottah and Cannanore. Authorised Capital Rs. 50,00,000 Issued and Subscribed Capital Rs. 25,00,000 Paid up Capital Rs. 12,50,000 Current and fixed deposits received, on terms which
      137 words

  • 309 9 Why Mr. P. G. ap Quit Municipal Seal, Singapore. INCRBASED volunteering duties consequent upon his becoming the &lt; Officer Commanding the Chinese Com- i pany of the Singapore Volunteers led to his decision to vacate his seat or. the Municipal Commission. Mr. Yap j Pheng Geek told
    309 words
  • 816 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR ***** SUNDAY HiLK TRINITY. 7.15 a.m. Mattins and Litany 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). 10.3 c a.m. Mattins &lt;k Holy Communicn (Chinese) &gt; 4.15 p.m. Sunday School in the Far i sonage 6.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon MONDAY 7.00 a.m.
    816 words
  • 107 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1940. MAIL DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR MAILS Mails for Great Britain (via Durban) India, Africa Egypt, Burma, Bangkok. Hongkong, Saigon, U.S.A. Great Britain (via Transpacific Air Service) 7 pan. Saturday 3rd Inst. SURFACE MAILS Mails for Sumatra 4 p.m. Saturday 3rd inst. HOLIDAYS
    107 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 2115 9 Banc. 9.30 Some French singers: G«t mauie Sano* —Suzy Sohdor —Rina Ketty ojO I 10 50 English programme: Concern 1105 m'-M News in English—-Topical Talk. SAN FRANCISCO TREASURE ISLAND) TO DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS j’mp’S/w 'till BROADCASTING i&gt; 1? KT 9-50 News in English. J&gt;, E&gt;. V News In English 10.50
      2,115 words
    • 491 9 NIROM YDB 15.31 mc s (19.61 m YDC 15.15 me -19.86 m.» PLP 11.00 me s &lt;27.27 m.) PMN 10.26 me s &lt;29.24 m.) YDB 9.55 mc/s &lt;31.41 m.) YDD 6-04 mc s &lt;49.67 m. 5.50 a.m. Time signal. Records. 6.20 News. 6.35 Records. 7.05 News repeated 7.20 Church Service.
      491 words

  • 314 10 WHAT CAREFUL SL R\ EY BY EXPERTS HAS REVEALED New York. August 2 The New York Sun states that famine is not imminent in Europe—it is already there. This is the conclusion reached by experts after a careful survey. Half the population of the
    Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 121 10 —8.0. W Mining Employees Give One Day’s Pay London. August 2. Included in the £52,000 which has been -contributed in Fiji to the Bomber Fund are contributions from employees of the Theodore Mining Group. At meetings held by mining employees it was agreed that European employees would
    —8.0. W  -  121 words
  • 34 10 Arrival At Brussels From Lisbon London, August 1. The Rome Radio states that a plane has arrived at Brussels from Lisbon with the children of King" Leo—Rf.J f p J
    34 words
  • 103 10 —Reuter. Men Swimming In Sea Machine-Gunned London. August 2. It is learned in London that when i small coasting vessels were sunk in the German air attack on a convoy in the i Channel on July 25. the men from one ship -ink u*eile machine-gunned by a
    —Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 63 10 —BOW Visit To Free F rench London. August 1. The Duke of Kent visited an R.A F. station in East Anglia and met officers and airmen of General De Gaulle’s army of free Frenchmen who have taken part in recent operations over Germany. His Highness made a
    —BOW  -  63 words
  • 302 10 —Reuter Britain Acts V» bile Hitler Vi aits London. August 1 The Cairo paper "Mokattam” discussing the causes of the delay in the date of the German offensive against Britain, publicly announced for the 15th. then the 20th and then xhe 25th July.states‘ Nevertheless.
    —Reuter  -  302 words
  • 306 10 “HITLER’S LAST APPEAL TO REASON’ Others Drop Bombs On Wales Eastern Scotland London, August 2 German planes made their first leaflet raid on Britain during the night. Containing extracts of Hitler’s recent speech and headed ‘‘Hitler’s Last Appeal To Reason.’’ they fell in thousands
    —Reuter.  -  306 words
  • 99 10 —Reuter. JI ell Known In Far East Shanghai, August 2. M. Charles Metzler. Chairman of the Russian Emigiants Committee Relief Association. wa&gt; shot dead outside his home at 8 a.m. by Chinese gunmen. It is known that the Japanese authorities had plans to establish
    —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 178 10 —Reuter PROBLEM FOR GIGI RTI GOVERNMENT Bucharest. August 2. Hungarian claims to Transylvania continue to dominate the situation in Rumania. The question of cession of Dobruja to Bulgaria does not loom so large and it is expected that a settlement on this will be reached
    _—Reuter  -  178 words
  • 65 10 —Reuter. Reaffirmation By King Gustav Stockholm. Aug. 2 Kins Gi.-tav reaffirmed Sweden &gt; policy of neutrality in a speech from the throne at the opening of the extraordinary session of the Riksdag. He declared: "I firmly maintain friendly relations on all sides. I shall not relax
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 75 10 .—Reuter. Oil Chief Feature Of Day London. August 1. On the Stock Exchange, although general trading wa-&gt; quiet, there were some good spots, the chief being oils which sharply strengthened following the United State.- restriction on the exports of aviation spirit which f he market considered bullish for
    .—Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 59 10 —Reuter. Engineer** Repairing Engine Room Rio de Janeiro. August 2. Engineers today are repairing the damaged engine-room of the Alcantara and the British naval attache here is supervising the work, which is now expected to be completed in .about three days. The Alcantara’s successful action forms the biggest
    ».—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 199 10 .—Reuter. Earl' Nazi-Soviet Rift I nlikely London. August 2. Speaking before the Foreign Relations Committee of the Polish Parliament now in session in London. M. Zaleski. Polish Foreign Minister, said that Hitler s conquest had not brought him any nearer to the much-coveted peace. Although
    .—Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 45 10 .—Reuter. Special Bureau To Be Established In I .S. Washington. August 1. President Roosevelt has asked. Congress to .appropriate immediate!}’ $125,1») to be used for a children’s bureau to establish and maintain a standard of care for European refugee children. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 164 10 ’’—B.O.W. Tribute To Courage Of Inhabitants London. August 2. Paying a tribute to Malta in a broadcast speech tonight. Admiral E. B. C. Dicken saicj,: “The Navy have always a very' warm spot in their hearts for Malta. It is a place where most of us
    ’’—B.O.W.  -  164 words
  • 17 10 —Reuter. London. August 2. The death has occurred of Admiral Henry Wise Parker. —Reuter.
    ,—Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 318 10 —Reuter. Ammunition Dump Near Bardia Blown Up Cairo, A An RA F communique a highly successful raid 1 out by RAF bombing ait large ammunition dump 7. 1 yesterday. The noise an the explosion was felt 9.1)00 t the flames rose 500 feet
    —Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 35 10 s.—Reuter. Wellington. August 1. It is announced that virtual moratorium has been imposed for the duration! of the war by new reg nations to give protection to mortgag t md debtors.—Reuter.
    s.—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 414 10 Prosperity Of Eastern Asia (-Hi Only Be Attained Bv Peace London. August In the statement of policy issued by the new Japanese Government and its amplification by Mr. Matsuoka. the ice o tone and the lack of clarity are strangely combined. Daily Telegraph
    —Reuter.  -  414 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. FOR UNITED KINGDOM For particulars regarding Freight, and other information please apply to: SANDDLANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644 645 PENANG. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) for particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD.,
      55 words

  • 1010 11 kact 1 P° n eS Class 2 Div. 3 —s| Furs —2.30 p.m. ITTLE By 9.00 Major Lindsay Years Owner p A U GIRL 8y 8.13 Mr. J. R. Booth O’Neil] 2 pHAR PAR 10 &gt; 8.12 Mr H. S Kirwan Logue 3 4 4 CHAR
    1,010 words
  • 95 11 71k- AC S. Old Boys’ Association will v ing Pe nang during t-he August and will engage the Chin Woo r ation and the A.C.S. Union Tennis today and tomorrow at 8 the premises of the Chin Woo r and A.CS. Union respectively. &lt;representing the two local are as
    95 words
  • 30 11 Walk-Over For Customs The Penang Recreation Cluo have given a walk-over to the Customs Athletic Club in today’s Ist Division soccer match on the Dato Kramat Ground.
    30 words
  • 57 11 The following amounts have teen received by St. Nicholas’ Home from Collecting Boxes: Carlton Hotel $21.00 Georgetown Dispensary 3.55 Old Xaver:ans Assn 6-91 The amounts, together with those previously acknowledged, have meant a contribution of $110.07 to the funds. and this will keep the Home going for
    57 words
  • 199 11 THE RIDING BOY’ "TIC TAC” F EPSOM JEFP” "EUREKA” MAN-ON-THE “THE MAJOR’ Penang Penang Ipob K. Lumpur SPOT” Ipoh Singapore RACE 1 Char .&gt;• East. Lynne Faith Phar Par Bay Rose Ladolet- V- Char Bavfi&e Char Glamour Bali Girl o Velocity Rye Seamus Noma Manis Noma
    199 words
  • 553 11 War Fund Fancy Dress Soccer A spectacle that is very rarely seen in Penang will be provided when the Penang Journalists meet the Malay Journalists of Malaya in the fancy dress soccer match in aid of the War Fund on the Hutchings School Ground (by kind permission
    553 words
  • 154 11 Sabatino Beats Young Frisco On Points From Our Own Correspondent' Singapore, August 2 A large crowd saw Atilio Sabatino (11.01) outpoint Young Frisco (11.61) over ten rounds at the Happy World Stadium tonight. Rated among the world.' middleweights, he did not impress much. He was by far the
    154 words
  • 510 11 Police Sports Club Win Cow Gate Cup GLUGOR CLUB GO DOWN BY SEVEN GOAES TO TWO I DISPLAYING an all-round superiority, the Police Sports Club, unbeaten 1940 2nd. Division League champions, trounced the Glugor Club by seven goals to two in the “Cow Gate” Final on the Victoria Green yesterday.
    510 words
  • 129 11 P. F. A. CUP DRAW FIXTURES Tht draw for the P.F.A. Cu&lt;&gt; Competition ior First Division League teams resulted as follows: FIRST ROUND August 9 P.M.RC vs PC.FA. Ref. F. A. Reutens). Aug. 14 O. X. A vs. CRC. &lt;L Cpl. Roberts SECOND ROUND Aug. 16: M.D.S.C. (bye) vs IRC.
    129 words
  • 131 11 $1,076 Raised In Aid Of Patriotic Funds The suoKtanual amount of $1,076 was realised by staging of the two one-act plays last Friday and Saturday and it is made up as follows Sale of tickets $Bll 00 Donations—including two amounts of $lO each by Mrs D M
    131 words
  • 188 11 Welterweight Title Fight A large crowd saw Nai Boon Malx (9.10), holder of the light and welterweight titles. outpoint Gunboat Smith (10.6 1 over twelve rounds for the welterweight title of Penang, last night at the New World Stadium. After considerable sparring in the first two
    188 words
  • 92 11 TODAY SOCCER: F R.C. vs. Customs A. C. Dato Kramat Ground. WEIGHT LIFTING North Malayan Championship New World Park. WRESTLING Fun Frolic Stadium. RACES: Penang Autumn Meeting Batu Gantong. TOMORROW’ WAR FIND SOCCER: Penang Journalists vs. Malay Journalists. Hutchings School Ground. Kedah Police vs. C.R.C. Victoria Green.
    92 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 88 11 rIRIUM THRILLS MILLIONS'. in PespAoti&ni Tooth Paste is thrilling millions morning after morning, by the new WO darling whiteness of their teeth! Never before has there been such radiance with a tooth paste so utterly safe Yes, there’s never a risk with IRBJM-containing Pepsodent.,. never a chance of harming your
      88 words

  • 717 12 PENZANCE, WESTENRA. ROSALIE AND MABEL SMITH BEST BETS Going Expected To Be Good (By “TIC-FAC”) PENZANCE and Westenra, Rosalie and Mabel Smith were reported to be among the best bets on the track this morning, and I agree. Ladolet and Benedict and .Velocity
    717 words
  • 97 12 The Sing Tao footballers from Hongkong arrived at Penang by the mail train this morning from Singapore. They are housed at the the Chinese Recreation Club. Penang. Arrangements are being made fo the tourists to meet the Kedah Police on Monday August 5. on
    97 words
  • 351 12 Fund To (&gt;ive Aid After ar At a mass meeting of the Penang I Eurasian Association held at the Pen- i ang Recreation Club last night it was decided to create a common fund to assist Penang Eurasians who may enlist in the A. A. Regiment
    351 words
  • 427 12 LACK 01 UNDERSTANDING OF BRITISH CONDITIONS ■3.0 W Rugby. August 2 Leaflets wen* dropped by German aircrait on Britain for the first time last night. There will be keen competition to obtain specimens of the leaflets as souvenirs but no one here is quite
    ■3.0 W  -  427 words
  • 70 12 His Excellency, the Officer Administrating the Government, the Hon. Mr. S. W. Jones, accompanied by his Private Secretary and Aide-de-Camp. is expected to arrive in Penang at 10 o’clock this morning by the President Adams, from Singapore. On arrival he will be met by the Hon.
    70 words
  • 453 12 Malayan Tennis Cliampienships From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, August 2 Despite the smart shower which fell about 3.30 p.m. good progress was made in the opening day of the Malayan Tennis Championships. There was only one upset so far Kamis and Mrs. Archer, a
    453 words
  • 260 12 Northern Malayan Champions Twenty-nine entries have been received by the New W'orld for the Northern Malayan Weight-Lifting Championships to be held on August 3 and 4. Before the contests, Lee Guan Seang, a (bantam weight of the Health Strength Weight-Lifting Party, wdl try to repeat his
    260 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 LOON CHEONG Co.. Building Contractors. Furniture Makers, Painters. Polishers. Signboard Writers. And Teek Wood Merchants Stockists:-Mirrors Plate Glass, all sizes. 23 Farquhar Street, PENANG. Perak Branch LOON CHEONG A Co., No. 6 Station Road. Ipoh. i
      36 words
    • 464 12 Telegrams: “Gasette p,’-’.. SoMcrtptlon for rin* c&lt; G PINANG GAZETT» GocaJ a ka Delivery Monthly «2.50 »3 Oi Quarterly 7,g0 o-oo Half-Yearly 16.0&lt;j Yearly 30. W se’.Od SUNDAY GAZETTE. Local SB. A Delivery F.M s Quarterly Half-ifearly 3.80 3S Yearly 6,o&lt;b e .oo ADVRIKTISEMEM it A TEs, The charges and
      464 words