Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 July 1940

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 154 1 Reuter. POLISH AND CZECH ARMIES BEING REORGANISED War Minister’s Statement In Commons London, July 3. r pHE ar Secretary told the House of Commons that units of the Polish and Czech armies had arrived in Britain, and were being reorganised. These units
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 251 1 .—Reuter. Serious Emergency Unlikely Ho ng ko ng, July 2. A greatly-improved atmosphere and a considerable restoration of confidence have resulted trorn the Government s purely precautionary move of evacuation, and the fielk-i is held in well-informed quuiters that no serious emergency is likely to develop.
    .—Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 154 1 —Reuter. Attack Repulsed, Says Japanese Spokesman Peiping. July 3. A Japanese military spokesman today admitted that Chinese troops again penetrated inside Kaifeng, capital of Honan Province. The Chinese attack, he declared, was delivered on June 29 .tnd peace was restored after a hundred Chinese had been “annihilated
    —Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 41 1 —Reuter. London, July 3. Lieut.-Generai G. J. Giffard. General Officer commanding British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan, has been appointed General Officer Commanding West Africa. This new appointment and command wili embrace Gold Coast, Nigeria, Sierra, Leone. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 170 1 —Reuter. Satisfaction In Turkish Circles Ankara, July 3. The British declaration as regards Syria has been received with satisfaction in Turkish circles. Although no official comment is voiced, it is generally understood that Turkey would view with disfavour the presence of Axis powers in her Anatolian
    .—Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 51 1 —Reuter Berlin, July 2. The German High Command announces that losses on land, sea and air from May 10 when the invasion of the Low Countries until the signing of the armistice with France, reached the almost incredibly small total of 27,074 ‘killed, 18.384 missing and 1,034 wounded.
    .—Reuter  -  51 words
  • 151 1 —Reuter Oil Tanks In Sicily Attacked Cairo, July 3. An R.A.F. communique issued in Cairo states that RAF. machines bombed Gondar and Azozo aerodromes in Ethopia yesterday setting fire to one tri-motored bomber and seriously damaging five others. Buildings were set on fire and
    —Reuter  -  151 words
    —REUTER.  -  78 words
  • 198 1 .—Reuter. Vfvocatr* Method* Of Non-Violence New Delhi, July 3. Mr. Gandhi has issued an appeal “to every Briton, wherever he may be, to accept the method of non-violence instead of the method of war. for the adjustment of relations between nations.” Mr. Gandhi reveals, in
    .—Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 81 1 —BOW Appointment Of Sir F. Stockdale Rugby, July 2 The Colonial Office announces that Sir Frank Stockdale. Agricultural Adviser to the Secretary for the Colonies, has been selected fcr appointment as Comptroller for Development, and Welfare in the West Indies. Sir P. Stockdale, who has been
    —BOW  -  81 words
  • 928 1 SUCCESSFUL R.A.F. RAID ON KIEL NAVAL BASE London, July 3 |1 is officially announced that the German battleship Schai r»horst” was heavily bombed in an R.A.F. attack on Kiel. The ship was undergoing repairs and the attack took the defenders completely by surprise.
    1.—Reuter.  -  928 words
  • 131 1 —Reuter. "XV e Could Count On No Help’ Bucharest, July 3. The Foreign Minister, M. Argetoianu, explaining to the Senate of the Foreign Affairs Commissions for reasons why Rumania had acceded to the Russian demand for Bessarabia and North Bukovinia said: "Our friends and allies advised
    —Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 177 1 Air Member For Training Appointed London, July 2. The Air Secretary announced in a House of Commons answer, that a number of steps had already been taken, which would have the effect of speeding up very considerable output of pilots and other flying personnel during
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 '■Mgr'J CATE W “Z. A 2/? yotw 5S£° Z 'x /or North Malaya <£ Penang.— r HTTOWN DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Tpoh.
      21 words
    • 69 1 BESTf 4 Agents for North Malaya GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. Often! we have just received a new delivery of Exclusive in their superiority and individual style, these ties are made in a large variety of neat distinctive designs in delightful and blending tones which will please the most
      69 words

  • 93 2 .—Reuter. Giant Strides In Planes Output Ottawa, July 2. “Canada is whipping her air might into fighting trim and with the aid of the United Kingdom will be able to complete the whole production programme of the British Commonwealth air training plan without overseas assistance.” declared
    .—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 236 2 —Reuter. Uruguay Escape Due To Brazilian Help New York, July 2 According to the ‘New York Times’’ Monte Video correspondent, quoting “unimpeachable sources,” Brazil helped Uruguay to escape by only the narrowest of margins from a serious fifth column revolt supported by Nazi organisations in early
    —Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 35 2 —Reuter. Appointed Libyan Governor-General Rome, July 2 Marshal Graziani, Marshal Balbo's successor as Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Forces in North Africa, is also apoointed Governor-General of Libya, the Official Italian News Agency announces.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 474 2 Third Attack On Moyale Fails OPERATIONS IN WESTERN DESERT Successful British Raid In Italian Somaliland Rugby, July 2. THE latest official information regarding the East African operations is contained in communiques issued today in Cairo and Nairobi. The former says:—‘‘Operations are continuing in the Fort Capuzza-Sidi
    .—Reuter.  -  474 words
  • 89 2 —Reuter. ITALY'S LOSSES Cairo, July 2 British naval and air forces operating in the Eastern Mediterranean in the period from June 27 to June 30 destroyed four Italian submarines, says a naval communique. It is understood unofficially there were some survivors from the -submarines all of
    —Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 122 2 —Reuter. Falkland Islands’ £50.000 Gift Lon-top. July 2 The Legislative Council of the Falkland Islands has decided to transfer stock of a redemption value of £50.000 to the Imperial Government for the purchase of warplanes. The population of the islands is only 2.400 and they already
    ’—Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 75 2 —Reuter. 91 Reported Killed And 392 Wounded Rome, July 2 Ninety-one civilians were killed and 392 wounded as a result of enemy action bei tween June 11 and June 30, according to an official announcement. Of the dead 77 are stated to have been killed by bombs,
    .—Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 32 2 —Reuter. London, July 2 The Soviet Ambassador, M. Maisky, called at the Foreign Office. It is learned that the call is connected with “routine matters.” —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 177 2 Reuter. Mrs. Ingram Sentenced To 10 Years London. July 2 Mrs. Ingram was sentenced at the Old Bailey to ten years’ penal servitude. She was found guilty of conspiring to contravene the defence regulations and doing an act with intent to assist an enemy and was
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 47 2 —Reuter. Being Organised In Britain London. July 2 In the House of Commons, Mr. Eden stated that the Polish and Czech troops who had arrived in Britain were being organised and were a very welcome reinforcement in the struggle against the common enemy.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 24 2 .—Reuter. Bucharest, July 2 The police have arrested three thousand communists in Bucharest and transported them to Bessarabia. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 17 2 —Reuter. London, July 2 The Duke of Kent has returned to London from Portugal.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 292 2 —Reuter. ALL HELP FOR BRITAIN URGED New War Minister Speaks Out Washington, July 2. STIMSON, whom President Roosevelt nominated for Secretary of War, testifying before the Senate Military Committee regarding his qualifications to hold the post, said that he did not believe “we shall
    —Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 159 2 Reuter. Speeding Up Output Of Pilots London. July 2 In the House of Commons, Sir Archibald Sinclair announced that a number of steps have been taken which would have the effect of speeding up very considerably the output of pilots and other flying personnel during the
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 132 2 Reuter Every Encouragement To Be Given London. July 2. Mr. Attlee said that the Government were fully alive to the importance of encouraging to the um. st of their power all French forces able and willing to continue the struggle, and that the Government were devoting their urgent
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 57 2 .—Reuter. Rome, July 2. The rounding-up of foreign and native Jews in Italy is continuing, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency which states that it is now believed that the round-up will include all foreien Jews and all Jews who were deprived of Italian citizenshin
    .—Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 165 2 Reuter. Railwaymen Urge Their Resignation London, July 2. The National Union of Rail way men’ conference at Morecambe unanimously carried a resolution request ng that Cabinet Ministers and other persons if high office associated with the previou Government’s policy of appeasemen should be immediately removed inn., office. The
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 527 2 Reuter Eight British Vessels Sunk Last Week London, July 2. i The Admiralty announced that the total of British mercantile losses due •to enemy action for the week ended 'midnight June 24 was 88,259 tons. Of I this figure, however, 30,446 tons were lost during combined operations off
    Reuter  -  527 words
  • 60 2 Reuter. Gilt-Edged And Home Rails Strong London. July 2 On the Stock Exchange trading was much larger owing to the influx of investment orders from provincial and other sources. Gilt-edged were notably strong while the upward movement of the leading industrials continued. Home rail debentures were in active
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 557 3 MR. ROOSEVELT SIGNS BILL IMPOSING BAN Certificates From Army And Navy Chiefs Required New York, July 2 According to the Washington correspondent of the New York Times, President Roosevelt has signed a bill banning the supply to Great Britain of muni.ions
    .—Reuter.  -  557 words
  • 34 3 —Reuter. Calcutta. July 2 Mr. Sub has Chandra Bose, Congress Leftist leader, has been arrested. He was taken into custody at his Calcutta residence under the Defence of India Regulations.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 136 3 .—8.0. W. Leading Part In Defence Of Calais London. July 1. Amongst the decorations awarded to officers and men of the B.E.F. appears that of the Military Cross given to Captain Francis Robinson of the Royal Artillery. After taking a leading part in the defence of
    .—8.0. W.  -  136 words
  • 98 3 —BOW. Exhibition At National Gallery London. July 1. An exhibition of war pictures by some of the best known British artists is to be opened to the public on July 3 Housed at the National Gallery, the exhibition contains pictures of every phase of wax —naval, military, air,
    —BOW.  -  98 words
  • 148 3 .—Reuter. Attacks On British Moyale Repulsed Cairo, July 1. A war communique issued by G.H.Q. says, “‘ln west desert operations by forward troops on contact are continuing in the area of Sedi, Azezi j and Capuzzo. On Eritera and ItaloEast Africa borders there is
    .—Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 34 3 Reuter. Berne, July 2. Twelve bombs fell today in the Jura legion of Switzerland close to the FrancoSwiss frontier. There were no casualties, end material damage was negligible.—
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 23 3 —Reuter. Locus Valley. New York. July 2. Tlm? death has occurred of Mr. Paul Drennan Cravath, the well-known lawyer.—Reuter,
    —Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 189 3 Increase In Unemployment: Commodities Severely Rationed London, July 2 News received in London from Holland makes clear that the situation has been steadily deteriorating ever since the German occupation. Before then, only sugar was rationed but now —less than two months after the invasion—commodities of
    189 words
  • 709 3 B.O.W. MAIN STRENGTH LIES IN RESERVES London, July 2. The Tinies, discussing invasion possibilities, says:—“Our first concern is to resist defeat and the possible invasion of Great Britain or of Ireland —which, as in the days of Elizabeth has proved a possible springboard
    B.O.W.  -  709 words
  • 76 3 .—Reuter. London, July 2 Mr. Attlee said that the Prime Minister would make a statement on the war situation as soon as possible, but he was not in a position to indicate the likely date. Mr. Churchill was most anxious to give ail information at the earliest
    .—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 HOW TO OVERCOME FEVER EXHAUSTION Doctors now know that the greatest ■danger in fever comes from the poi•)ns it sets up in the blood-stream, righting these poisons leaves every crve and organ in the body exhausted. One of those tired organs is the omach. Just when the body requires lourishment
      132 words
    • 84 3 Why I use New VEET to remove hair" I US. Ox. X. W' Ac New Feet*ends all unwanted hair in 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. New Veet leaves the skin soft and v •ivety-sinooth, without a trace of ugly bristly stubble like the razor leaves. New Veet is
      84 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 273 3 jT Controlled By I > l\/> SHAW BROS LTD. Singapore LIST 3 SHOWS TODAY At 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. Warner Bros.’ Action Thriller ‘•KING OF THE LI MBERJ ACKS” with John Payne Gloria Dickson A Powerful Lusty Drama Packed With Heart-Pounding Action. ISajestTc LAST 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.00, 6.15
      273 words
    • 391 3 QUEEN'S LAST 2 SHOWS TODAY 3 p.m. 8.30 p.m. The complete screening of New Universal’s First Run Action-Jammed, Thrill-Packed Serial More Exciting, More Thrilling Than 5 Serials Put Together “BU C K ROGERS” with Larry Crabbe, Constance Moorei Jackie Moran. A New Universal Picture. If You Love Action Be Sure
      391 words

  • 443 4 A N interesting controversy was recently carried on in the Press in England over the legality of Germany’s war upon her neighbours. It was contended, on the one hand, that the right of a Sovereign State to make war upon another at its pleasure is among the
    443 words
  • 142 4 MAJESTIC CINEMA "The Saint’s Double Trouble” with George Sandersand Het< ne Whitney. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA "Buck Rogers” (12 chapters) 3 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. REX CINEMA "King of the Lumberjacks” with John Payne and Gloria Dickson. 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p m. WINDSOR
    142 words
  • 356 4 A Luxury KEEN “Cinema Fan", commenting on my notes yesterday, maintains that the entertainment tax is unjustified, because cinema-going in these days is a necessity, not a luxury. “It might be considered unnecessary in peacetime, but certainly not in wartime." my correspondent argues. "In peacetime, one can
    356 words
  • 594 4 Wednesday, July 3. ITIVIC arc reported to have been killed and many injured, including children, when a bomb fell in a town in north-east England last night. Houses and a school were badly damaged. Only one raider appeared. 4 GREATLY-IMPROVED atmosphere now prevails in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 274 4 TWO MORE DAYS before the opening of the Kedah Agri-Horticultural Livestock Exhibition ALOR STAR F R 1 D A Y sth JULY SATURDAY 6th JULY SUN D A Y 7th JULY in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund The largest exhibition ever held in Kedah. Classes for all kinds of
      274 words
    • 43 4 3 B g3B a Label* a M'J ST Scotch w A MBSx L MtAT »tc E PiM iRJ 1 1 7 BIVztwIMKMIMHfI I Sole Agents ,or Penang, Perak Kedah H r a Henry Waugh X Co. Ltd. a PEN ano IPOH a SasaaaBBBBBBBH
      43 words
    • 37 4 <PtI*N6VPiCNfERRUBBfRWOWb f 529. TANJONC B'JNGAH R? PEMAN6 For your convenience send your tyres to our Sales Depot, 11 Light Street Penang. Pbone 4121, cr to our Town Representatives, the Central Shoe Store, 134 Campbell Street, Phone 2883.
      37 words

  • 210 5 MANNED BY MALAYAN Pl LO I S has fourteen bombers in the Colonial Air Fleet of two hundred aircraft ready for service, says a Reuter message from London. fhe Ministry of Aircraft Production told Reuter’s air correspondent today that the
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  • 379 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. P. Nadaiajah of the Oriental Govt. Security Life Assurance Co. Ltd., Kuala Lumpur has been confirmed in his appointment as Inspector of Agencies for the Company's Central Malaya District. Dr. S. R. Krishnan has been appointed a member of the Indian Immigration Committee for a period of
    379 words
  • 210 5 Mi Minnigerode To Act As American Consul I jVIR. K. B. STREEPER American Consul in Penang for the past two and a half years will be proceeding on leave in about a week’s time. His departure will rob Penang of a very popular personality. Since
    210 words
  • 60 5 Installation Of Office-Bearers The installation of office bearers for the current year of the Penang Rotary Club took place at the E. O. Hotel at the luncheon meeting today: Piesident: Mr. N. Raghavan. Vice-President: Mr. A. P. H. Holmes. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Cheah Inn Kiong. Hon. Secretary:
    60 words
  • 235 5 QUESTION RAISED AT SELANGOR STATE COUNCIL MEETING Kuala Lumpur. DEFERENCE to the menace of tuberculosis in Malaya and 1 particularly in Kuala Lumpur was made by Mr. K. K. Benjamin at yesterday’s meeting of the State Council at the Astana Makhota, Klang. Mr. Benjamin
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  • 88 5 The following persons are asked to caU at the St. John Ambulance Association Brigade Headquarters c/o Francis Light L’chool. Penang, for their certilicates: Messrs. Teoh dheng Kooi, Andrew Vincent Fredericks, Lim Say Locke, Foo Yew Theng, Khoo Teng Guan, Mohamed Saard bin Hamad Noordin, Oh Lock
    88 words
  • 42 5 False Evacuation Rumour Singapore. The Department of Information states that a rumour is circulating that the wives and families of the Sendees are being removed from Singapore. There is no truth in this zvhatsoever, the communique adds.
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  • 200 5 Alleged to have driven his car at a speed exceeding 12 miles an hour along Waterfall Road and at the same time driven the car in a manner which was dangerous to the public, Lim Joo Chye, a pupil at a local English School, was fined
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  • 490 5 War Fund SECOND GIFT OF $502 FROM LOCAL TEACHERS YJ7ITH $473,007.26 from Penang and $162,283.68 from Perak, the North Malayan total of the War Fund has reached $635,290.94. A sum of £300,000 has, to date, been remitted to the Chancellor ‘of the Exchequer from Singapore,
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  • 110 5 Third Victim Dies In Hospital A third person injured in the explosion which occurred in a room of a block-maker’s establishment in King Street at the beginning of last month, died in the General Hospital this morning. The man was one of the assistants employed in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 LATEST FASHION FABRICS BROUGHT FOR YOUR SELECTION For charming and up-to-date morning and KI evening dresses, our Expert Dress-Maker will give you entire satisfaction il K EASTERN BAZAAR (The Blue Shop) 8, BISHOP STREET, PENANG.
      35 words
    • 173 5 HEDGES i. BUTLER iVML ''W r (Ir or I i r K <a pF'. f sf ft Bi >4 iWrou' lw Tliv’® flB kA Established Z7l years ago in the -y IW Wwl BPSi time of Samuel Pepys the Diarist JLv BPwf in a tradition ever since upheld of iVZT
      173 words

  • 71 6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1940. MAIL DEPARTURES Latest Time of Posting AIR MAILS Java and South Sumatra (by ail from Singapore) 8 a.m. Wednesday 3rd imstant. Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Singapore 1.30 p.m. Wednesday 3rd instant. Australia, New Zealand Java 8 a.m. Thursday 4th instant. SURFACE. MAILS Sumatra 11 a.m.
    71 words
  • 68 6 Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited 1,050 piculs. Satupulo No Liability output 437 piculs, yardage 90,000 cubic yards, hours run 629 hours. Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging N.L. Dredge Takuapa No. 1, 636 hours, 155,000 cubic yards, 504 piculs. Dredge Takuapa No 2, 613 hours. 175,000 cubic yards, 470
    68 words
    • 452 6 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association (Penang and Ipoh sections) at noon to-day NOMINAL Value Issue buyers sellers 4/0 Ampat Tin 3/3 *3/9 5/0 Austral Amal. 4/9 5/3 £1 Austral M. 37/6 40'0 s'o Ayer Hitam 16 17/ $1 Ayer Weng 45 50 £1 Bangrin Tin 16 6 17'6
      452 words
    • 236 6 NOMIN \b Value Issue buyers sellers Allenby 1.05 1.10 Alor Gajah .85 .90 Amal. Malay 1.55 1.65 Ayer Hitam .90 .95 Ayer Molek 1.07 1.12 Ayer Panas .90 .95 Bassett .30 .40 Batu Lintarig 0.85 0.90 Bedford .72 .77 Bent-a 0.85 0 90 Borelli 1.40 1.45 Broga .47 i
      236 words
    • 317 6 NOMIN \L Value Issue buyers sellers A. £1 (Aust» N.Z. Min Ord 22/0 23/0 2 Alex. Brick Ord. 2.00 2.10 2 do 7A% Pref 2.00 2.10 5 B. M. T. 7.00 7.50 £5 Chartered Bank £5 A £6A £1 Con. T. 6- Ord 18 0 19 0 £1 Con.
      317 words
  • 195 6 First And Final Dividends At a meeting of the Board of The Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, held in London, it was decided to recommend the undermentioned dividends:— First and Final on the 7 A Per Cent Cumulative Participating Stock: 71% (Is. 6d. per £l. unit) less income
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  • 35 6 Following is a summary of the Company’s dredging operations at Kalumpang for June: No. 1 Dredge:— Hours 625.05, Yards *****. Output 120. No. 2 Dredge:— Hours 354.30, Yards *****1. Output 380 piculs.
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  • 27 6 Ocean-Shipments of rubber, including latex, concentrated latex and revertex, being final shipment on ocean-steamers ar all Malayan ports, during June, 1940. totalled 60.814 tons.
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  • 147 6 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LCNDON: “Spot” 15. 0. £257. 10. 0. “Forward” £265. 5. 0. £260. 5. 0. SINGAPORE: «‘Spot” $129.00 $129.6.2 ft Business done tons 75 tons PENANG ■‘Spot” $129.00 $129.62 ft RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 13d. 13 l|Bd. “Forward" 12 H 2 l 12 3|Bd. T one
    147 words
  • 69 6 Penang, July 2. 1940. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) SELLING London Demand 2 1/16 New York Demand 47 Montreal Demand 51 3 4 Batavia Demand 88 1/2 Calcutta, Bombay) Rangoon Demand) 155 7/8 Shanghai Demand 14 3/4 Japan Demand 183 1/2 Australia Demand 2/11 1/16 New Zealand
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  • 80 6 Rubber outputs for the month of June 1940: Alor Pongsu Amalgamated Estates ***** lbs. Bedong (Malaya) Rubber ***** lbs. Temerloh Rubber Estates ***** lbs. Penang Rubber Estates 239,500 lbs. Sabrang Rubber 108,000 lbs. Straits Rubber 266,000 lbs. Rubana Rubber Estates 126,000 lbs. Bagan Serai Rubber 83,500 lbs.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 69 6 BANKS i The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., (Incorporated in British India) ENTRUST YOUR SAVINGS WITH THE ENDIAN OVERSEAS 11 BANK, LTD., AND W atch How It Grows. INTEREST 2ft ALLOWED. WITHDRAWALS BY HANDY CHEQUES ALLOWED. YU II Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged
      69 words
    • 175 6 NEW YORK VIA CAPE Leave Penang x PRES. MONROE j u ]y 4 PRES. ADAMS Aug. 1 x PRES. VAN BUREN Aug. 6 PRES. HARRISON Aug. 15 x No Passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Leave Penang CITY OF NORFOLK July 12 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO Aug. 20 CITY OF
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 735 6 RADIO r TO-DAY B. B. C. TRANSMISSION—FIVE From 6.40 9.35 a.m. GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55 mJ GSC 958 Mc/s (31.32 mJ GSE 11.86 Mc/s (25.29 m.) GSD 11.75 Mc/S (25.53 m.> TRANSMISSION—SIX. From 10.00 11.50 am. GSD 11.75 Mc/S (25.53 m.) GSC 9.58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55
      735 words
    • 22 6 layed from London. (ZHP>. 9.50 Hindustani Music.) (ZHP). 10.00 Arabic Music (ZHL ZHP).) 10.10 News in Arabic 'ZHL ZHP). 10.30 Close Down.
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  • 634 7 Good entries have been received for the Singapore Turf Club July Meeting which will beheld on Saturday July 13, Wednesday July 17 and Saturday July 20. I he entries total 150 made up as follows: Class 1 Horses 42 Class 3 Horses 75
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  • 69 7 S.X.I. Beaten In Soccer Friendly The Marines Department Sports Club scored a convincing win of five goals to nil over the St. Xaviers Institution in a soccer friendly on the latter’s ground yesterday. Md. Noor was responsible for three goats and Che Ani and Zain scored one
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  • 640 7 Entries In Badminton Tourney The following are the entries for the A C.S. Union Badminton Tournament 1940: MIXED DOUBLES HANDICAP Miss Ong Eok Earn and Khor Kok Meng, Miss Chew Seok Eng and J A Montano, Miss Boey Phaik Wan and H.P. Boey, Miss Boey Ch wee
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  • 564 7 OLD XAVERIANS BEATEN 3-1 hinese Recreation Club, probable champions in the First Division League this season, continued their run of successes by defeating the Old Xaverians’ Association by three goals to one in a fast and interesting game before a large
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  • 459 7 Further Remit» In Perak Tennis Championships Ipoh. second day’s play in th e Perak Tennis Championships was confined to Doubles matches —six in the men’s section and one in the Ladies —and provided much interest as many opposing pairs were thought to
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  • 30 7 In the Doubles Handicap Final played yesterday Cheah Gynn Seong and Tan Cheng Guan —3O beat Khoo Sim Teong and S. Toolscram Scr. 6 —-0: 6—3.
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  • 45 7 TODAY SOCCER: I R C. vs. P M R C. Victoria Green TENNIS: Penang Teachers’ Tournament F.L.S. Court. TOMORROW SOCCER: ■P.H.B.J.S.C. vs. Police S.C. Renong Ground. M R.C. vs. M.D.S.C. Dato Kramat Ground. P.C.F.A. vs. P.W.D. Western Road Ground. ’Cow Gate Cup.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 111 7 THAT’S DANGEROUS BLEEDING GUMS’—that’s the fim sign that your teeth arc in danger, the first sign of gum-rot (pyorrhoea) and gumbleeding (gingivitis). These are the diseases hich so often result in the extraction of fleetly sound, white teeth. But you can i ird against this danger by using Gibbs SR.
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    • 216 7 DEMPSEY STAGES COME-BACK Wins On K.O. In Second Round Atlanta, Georgia, July 2. TACK DEMPSEY, returning after thirteen years’ retirement at the age of 45, knocked Clarence Luttrell of Texas from the ring in the second round. His manager says that he may attempt to regain the world championship.— Reuter.
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  • 476 8 Advocate Of Compulsory Training And Service Washington, July 3. Mr. Stimson’s nomination as Secretary of War was approved by a Committee vote of 14 to 3. Mr. Stimson in a prepared statement read to the Committee recommended ‘‘prompt enactment of the statute
    Reuter.  -  476 words
  • 90 8 S.K A. Classification (>f Ilorses The following are the latest amendments to the SS.R.A. Classification List of Horses and Ponies:— HORSES TRANSFERS From Class 2 to Class 1. Booklaw, G ggolette, Rumination, Sir Victor. From Class 4 to Class 3.—New Zealand. NEW < I.ASSIITCATION S
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  • 111 8 Sluirtages As Result Of National Defence Plans Washington, July 2. Mr. Roosevelt has signed a bill providing authority for control of exports from the United States of munitions, materials and machinery essential for national defence. Items, subject to licensing for export, include
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  • 214 8 —BO W Public Halls For I lomeless London, July 2. The death roll in the north-east town air raid is now reported to be ten, while the injured total 10. including twelve serious cases. Public halls had to Im* opened to accommodate
    —BO W  -  214 words
  • 121 8 —Reuter. Two Newspaper* Suspended London, July 3. I Reports have been received from Holland showing that the Germans are coming up against the independent spirit of the Dutch in their persistent attempts to win over the population to the German side. It is learned that
    ’—Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 184 8 Singapore. THE trial of Inspectors Chua Keng Lin and Seah Keng Loy on charges of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Sahri and voluntarily' causing hurt to another Malay, Muslih, terminated yesterday, the fifth day with the conviction of both accused. Ihe jury found them
    184 words
  • 355 8 .—Reuter ALL INFORMATION WHEN PRACTICABLE London, July 2. Mr. C. R. Attlee informed the House of Commons this afternoon that it was impossible to indicate the date when the Prime Minister would be in a position to make a full statement on the I war situation.
    .—Reuter  -  355 words
  • 94 8 .—Reuter. Methods Changed By Recent Events London, July 2. In the House of Commons, Mr. Dalton announced that events in the last five weeks had changed methods of waging economic warfare, but it would Le contrary to national interests to indicate tne nature of the changes. Contraband control
    .—Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 36 8 —Reuter Orders Placed For 45 Warships Washington, July 2 The Navy has placed orders for 45 warships costing $500.000,000. Eleven cruisers, twenty destroyers, thirteen submarines and one seaplane tender are to be built. —Reuter
    —Reuter  -  36 words
  • 87 8 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. TIN. Penang $130.00 Business done 50 tons Singapore $130.00 RUBBER: Penang spot 37Jc Singapore Spot 87« c COPRA: Sundnvd $2 90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $5.65 sellers Fair Seed M 95 sellers RICE: Indian Parboiled White Samba 164 lbs. $6.80 Red Samba 164
    87 words
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    • 143 8 ST. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE, HONG KONG BOARDING SCHOOL FOR CHI rVFSE STUDENTS: Classes in English by Resident English and Chinese Gra duates. Chinese classes from beginner? upwards. Fine buildings on healthy sitt 80 acres. Prepares students for the Uni versifies. Recognised by Chinese Government. Also Primary School (Chinese National Curriculum). For
      143 words
    • 486 8 I -Head Office) 316 Penanv Read. Penan» Phone 1477 1478 with extension» Telegram*: “Gaiette'’ Penang. Ratea of Subscription for rflnang QasetM an 4 Sunday Gaiette. PINANG GAZETTF Local B.S. Delivery F.M.S. Foreig* Monthly >2.50 >3.00 >4 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 1300 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 ’a 00 Yearly 30.00 36.00 »8 3«
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