Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 April 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 305 1 Special Fund Created CONTRIBUTIONS AT M PER HEAD CHUNGKING, APRIL 1. IT IS OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED THAT A MOVEMENT IS GOING ON TO COLLECT A FUND FOR THE ASSASSINATION OF WANG CHING-WEI. S< .ue weeks hain letters were widejy circulated here, the recipients beirff one
    .—Reuter.  -  305 words
  • 106 1 Reuter*. Extension To South Africa London, April 1. The extended E ipire Flying-Boat Service to South Af ca will commence this week; At the outbreak o the war the Empire Air Services t Africa were reduced to once-week; return flight to Durban and once-w. ;kly return
    Reuter*.  -  106 words
  • 34 1 The full list of success* ’1 Penang candidates in the Cambridge School Certificate and Junior Examinations held ito»», ...A x 7 12. Perak and Kedah passes will t io.Uv>r. uw “Straits Echo
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  • 62 1 Rugby, Mar. 31. The boadcast by the Minister for Economic Warfare will be heard on April 3 at 15.00 GMT on GSD, GSF, GSG. GSV. and GST. Recordings on the same cay at 22.45 GMT on GSC, GSP, GSD, GSF, GSB, on April 4 at 04.30
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  • 266 1 Rugby, April 1. The pilot of an R.A.F. fighter which badly damaged a Dornier 17 over the North Sea on Sunday, had not before been in action with the enemy. His first experience is as satisfactory as that of his brother, who is also his
    —8.0. W.  -  266 words
  • 310 1 GERMAN BOMBING OF FISHING BOATS Amsterdam, April i. A wave of bitterness ami indignation has swept over Ilolland following the latest attacks by German planes on Hutch fishing boats. In addition to the “Protinus” it is learned that two other Ymuiden trawlers the S.S. “Groen” and
    —Reuter.  -  310 words
  • 80 1 —Renter. Only One Per Cent Want German Victory New York, April I. ’’American sentiment is overwhelmingly behind the Allies after seven months of war,” according to the latest nation-wide poll organised by the American Institute of Public Opinion, says the “New York Times.” Eighty-four per cent,
    —Renter.  -  80 words
  • 69 1 Ke ute r. London, April 1. The first batch of the Czech volunteer “Little Army" recruited in London is leaving for service in France shortly. Those first on the ealling-up list received instructions to prepare for departure. It will be equivalent to continuation of their service
    Ke ute r.  -  69 words
  • 26 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, April 1. A French official evening communique states that “there was fairly intense activity of both air forces.” —8.0. W.
    —8.0. W.  -  26 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. Santiago, April 1. Admiral Byrd has arrived at Punta Arenas. He said.jU»flt he was very satisfied with ttfe results of the expedition and that the widest region had been covered by air to gather meteorological data. Admiral Byrd added that they had sailed 7,0(10 miles
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. Heard By People On Slesvig Coast Copenhagen, March 30 What is thought to be the sound of heavy’ gunfire at sea is reported heard by various people at different places on the west coast of Northern Slesvig about midday today. It is stated that the
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 1 MBr/CATE lsi£ your B|m> Agents for N "th Malaya d Penang:— GEORGETOWN' DISPENSARY LTD., Pen <ng and Ipoh.
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    • 68 1 LOOK' is Agents for North Malaya <6 GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. r tell 11 ~'V-' j 'Tiiiijft IS iff ll 1 •J No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at all times from deterioration or This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 781 2 GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED Heavy Artillery Fire _ln Vosges Area ISO BIC OFFENSIVE PRESAGED Paris, March 30. Guns thundered all day yesterday west of in what, for the first time since the war began, officials described as violent artillery activity. MILITARISTS DO NOT CONSIDER
    —Reuter.  -  781 words
  • 374 2 —Reuter. PARIS VIEW Soviet Cannot Have Peace And War Paris, Mar. 81 Declaring that M. Molotov’s speech was a "masterpiece of hypocrisy,** the Paris Midi writes; "M. Molotov is Jealous because where justice is concerned. he is hound to be distrusted. The laws of shows that
    —Reuter.  -  374 words
  • 33 2 —Reuter. Rashit Ali Forms New Ministry Baghdad. Marcfc 31 The Cabinet has resigned. A new Cabinet w’as formed under Rashit Ali Gailani with General Nuri Baid as Foreign Minister. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 607 2 .—Reuter. WAR TO BE INTENSIFIED Allies May Take Initiative Ottawa, March 30. Mr. Churchill’s broadcast is considered as giving, a final warning to neutrals to enter the Allied Crusade against Hitlerism or suffer a consequent German invasion. Mr. Churchill’s references to time will be regarded as
    .—Reuter.  -  607 words
  • 431 2 Public Excluded From Simple Ceremony Nanking, March 31. THE (kivernment inauguration proclaimation, which was read by Mr. Wang Ching-wei, said that the two main policies of the new regime would be the realisation of peace t and the enforcement of a constitutional government. It also called on
    —Reuter.  -  431 words
  • 100 2 Reuter. Moscow Impressions Of Molotov’s Speech Moscow. March 30 The general impression created here by M. Molotov's speech is that the Soviet Union, fresh from its triumph in Finland. desires peace on all frontiers. It is also thought that Germany too must have noticed M.
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 66 2 —Reuter. Sequel To Strike Of Scavengers Calcutta, March 31 Ten died of cholera here as a result of the strike of municipal scavengers which began on March 26. Disregarding religious laws which forbid higher castes to defile themselves by sweeping refuse, the citizens, the majority
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 131 2 PREMIER LAID TO REST rn. Auckland, March 31. The funeral of Mr. Savage took place today at the old fort bastion overlooking Auckland harbour in the presence of two hundred thousand people. Maori and Roman Catholic rites were observed at the ceremony 200.000 ATTENDED
    .—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 339 2 —B O.W. Revenue Exceeds Estimates Ruaby. March 30. The British official financial year ends to-morrow and the Exchequer return# were published tonight. Expenditure in 1939 40 exceeded revenue ty £767.685.000. This was £170.000.000 less than was expected. The revenue for the year was £54.000,000 more
    —B O.W.  -  339 words
  • 92 2 —Reuter. Allies Allowed To Buy Latest U.S. Planes New York, Mar. 81. The newspapers describe the Government’s decision to permit the Allies to purchase the latest American aeroplanes as a landmark in the war. The Herald Tiibune savs: "The Allies are to have practically unlimited access to
    —Reuter.  -  92 words
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  • 522 3 Clubs For Lonely Girls Being Started MRS. WALTER ELLIOT, wife of the Minister of Health, has become tile champion of Britain's lonely girls—young Civil Servants in billets far from their homes, girls who have gone into industry to help our war effort, girls with little
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  • 245 3 Essential Issues At Stake “Hitler has not built the Nazi regime on common sense —he despises it as a timid form of bourgeois calculation,” says the Yorkshire Post, commenting on the timely speech of Mr. Stanley, Secretary for War. at Newcastle. The paper continues: “He
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  • 144 3 Belgian Reluctance Brussels. It is confirmed that the German Government has presented to the Belgian Government a request for the loan or hire of thousands of railway trucks. The views in official circles are that a loan of this kind would constitute a considerable indirect
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  • 613 3 X-ray For All Plan Companionship, No Flats For Children PERb ECT town, 7,000 acres in extent, is to be built near London immediately after the war. The plans are now being made. It will not be a dormitory suburb” where London’s workers sleep, nit
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  • 305 3 r on Germany Spotlight today is a collection of odd little items from the German Press, from the neutral Press, from our own correspondents J AUGH with the Germans (and its a non-poiitical. non-propaganda joke, too): Cartoon in the Muenchener Neueste Nachricten shows mouse disdaining invitation
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  • 447 3  -  By LOTHROP STODDARD The woman who goes to shop in Berlin armed with stacks of food cards has to have plenty of time. rpHE scanty look of the stock in the grocer’s shop is partly due to the fact that there are no canned
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  • 228 3 Belfast. IVTORE than 200 probationer 1 nurses staged a stay-in strike for eight hours at the Belfast Union Infirmary because a bunch of keys for their own cubicles was lost. They sang “Roll Out the Barrel” it was hinted that the keys had probably been
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  • 94 3 Viscount Charlemont was granted a divorce decree in the Belfast High Court because of his wife’s misconduct ■with Frederick Ryan, a chauffeur formerly employed by him. It was alleged that Lady Charlemont and Ryan stayed at an hotel at Mere, Wiltshire. WTien application was made for Lady
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    • 98 3 Does this Climate Upset Your Liver and Digestion If so, take a course of Dr. |P I. In this tropical climate with its heat and humidity the Liver becomes sluggish, the bowels irregular, and the whole digestive system disorganised, with the result your head aches and you feel generally "washed
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    • 86 3 I WHAT aWa/FUI by Qilbert Wilkinson B ft fl 7k;, w z fwRM >£l A VrWL. jfPk XwN x'W sSf VWL u <* 7U^®<iitaw^kS‘'■TH JrW i {R&jsfSr C 4 jypß '> <!! *w f IK V KjKM Vft. x W y HI nBWA M JsSr w»> i TWK j JL
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  • 712 4 Court Question Of Identity ACCUSED GIVEN BENEFIT OF DOUBT Kuala Lumpur. EMARKING that there was an element of doubt as to the identity of Arjan Singh, a Sikh police constable attached to the Traffic Branch, Kuala Lumpur, who is alleged to have gone to the
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  • 325 4 Singapore. 'JTHE report of a special committee re- commending the appointment of Mr. J. Ephraim and Mr. A. J. Vaz as divisional inspectors of the town cleansing department was adopted by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners at Friday’s meeting. An amendment to the report moved
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  • 275 4 Bride Who Flew From England QT. MARK’S Church, Seremban, was filled to capacity, on Friday afternoon, when the marriage took place between Lieut. D.E.D. Morris, of the Royal Berkshire Regiment,—and Miss Joan Louise Richardson of Warren» Pont, County Down, Ireland. Miss Richardson arrived in
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  • 231 4 Ah Unsavoury Story From Malacca Malacca. Sentence of six months’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of $l5O, in default a further three months’ imprisonment, was passed by Mr. J.G Rappoport, in the Police Court on Friday on Lei Tam Fong, a 25-year-old Cantonese woman, who was
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  • 79 4 Over $680,000 For Last Y ear Straits Steamship Company, Ltd., earned a profit of $680,953 for the year ended December last, compaied with $500,050 the previous year. The directors recommend payment of the usual half-yearly dividend of 75 cents a share with a bonus of 25 cents
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  • 74 4 Chong Ah Wing, a middle-aged Chinese, pleaded guilty when produced on Friday before Raja Ayoub. Third Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, to having in his possession on March 28. a basket, a gunny sack and two tins containing intoxicating liquor, the duty on which was $13.09.
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  • 428 4 Air-Cooled “Cathay’’ Opens Next Week INCORPORATING the latest I designs in modern architecture and acoustical effects, the Cathay Cinema, at Brickfields Road, Kuala Lumpur, owned by the Cathay Theatres, Ltd., will be opened on April 2. The building occupies the site of the Old Prince’s
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  • 70 4 Father Kidnapped Son Of Lindbergh New York. Mrs. Anna Hauptmann, whose husband was electrocuted for kidnapping and killing Col. Lindbergh’s child, has obtained £6,500 damages for injuries in- flicted on her six-year-old son Manfred, in a motor accident. She claimed £25,000 on the grounds that rhe boy
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  • 56 4 Young patients at Slough Emergency Hospital taking a peep at Baby Frank Swinney. The baby’s life is believed to have been saved by putting him into an impromptu oxygen tent made from an A.R.P. gas protector and part of the inner tube of a motor car tyre.
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  • 443 4 Bulletin In Romanised Malay March 29. Fehak Jerman telah hilang sa-buair kapal selam lagi. Kapal itu terkendas di-pantai Norway, dan telah dimasokkan tahanan cleh Norway bersama2 Grang2nya semua. Orang2 Jerman menuntut di-lepaskan kapal itu. kata mereka ia telah masok ka-dalam kawasan pantai Norway itu kerena berlindong t’a.ripada ribut
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    • 42 4 unchanging quality /?L w\ s F /Jk/ S I l&h '""•->•• I Wff 7 hV r Sh< IK* 1 Wn 7 It' I 1 Jw ®f/ iLL WL i TIGER BEER MADE FROM THE FIREST malt hops yeast Distributed by Fraser Neave Ltd.
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  • 419 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. N. Grice, M.C.S., has been appointed Superintendent of Prisons for; the Settlement of Penang. Mrs. Mclntosh, wife of Dr. J. Mclntosh, of Kuala Lumpur, returned from England by air on Friday night. Mr. C. M. Robertson has been appointed an Assistant Commissioner in the Volunteer Police Reserve,
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  • 96 5 Daughters Of Tengku Mentri Taiping. The ceremony of the “Bertindek” (bor-irtg-of-the-Ears) of the three daughters of Tengku Mentri J.P. (Wan Ahmad Razdi) took place yesterday at 10 a.m. and in celebration ci this, a feast was held at the same place, to which a good gatheiing of the
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  • 96 5 Miss Lee Siew Chin And Mr. A. Wong Chin Batu Gajah. The marriage took place on Saturday morning at St. Joseph’s Church, Batu Ga'ah, of Mr. Andrew Wong Chin and Miss Mary Lee Siew Chin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kah Lok and niece
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  • 128 5 Chinese Acquitted Of Negligent Driving Ipoh. Chua Ah Keat, of Ipoh, special repre tentative of the Crown Life Insurance Co. Ltd., was on Thursday, acquitted and; discharged by the Sungei Siput magistrate, Che Ahmad, when he came up for judgment on a charge of negligent driving.
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  • 381 5 Chinese Woman’s Suicide WORRIED OVER SON’S DEATH Kuala Kangsar. lIOW the Sino-Japanese war had a bearing upon a tragedy which occurred in a little village in Upper Perak, when a middle-aged Chinese woman, anguished by the death of her eldest son, who was stated to have
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  • 77 5 Ipoh. The Hon. Col Cecil Rae was elected president of the Ipoh Club for the fifteenth year in succession at the annual general xieeting of members held last week. Other office bearers elected were Vice-president: Mr. J. L. Woods: Committee: Messrs. A. C. Godding, T.
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  • 70 5 Miny High Officials Present Ipoh. Y.T.M the Raja Muda of Perak was the host to Tungku Yacob, son of H. H. the Sultan of Kedah, and Mr. J. D. M. Smith MGS. at .t d’nner held at the Astana, Teluk Anson on Wednesday 26. Besides Tungku Yacob
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  • 805 5 Taiping Actors Score Creditable Success Taiping. r I HE Taiping Players scored a creditable success in their latest production “For The Love Of Mike” a farce in three acts by H. F. Maltby, at the Town Hall on Saturday night, in the presence of
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  • 182 5 Eight Months For Young Chinese Ipoh. Having previously stolen a police constable’s bicycle for which he was sentenced, a young Chinese. Ah Fook apparently undeterred went further and stole another bicycle from outside the Ipoh Police Court. Tliis was revealed when Ah Fook pleaded guilty before
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  • 88 5 Taiping. The wedding of Wan Teh Naz riah to Che Tahwin bin Che On eh of Ipoh will take place at the Tengku Mentri’s house on April 18. and the celebrations will extend to three days. The Bersanding ceremony will take place on Saturday night, April 20
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    • 375 5 WHAT STOMACH SUFFERERS CAN EAT You can’t lay up a sick stomach. Your body must be nourished even though solid food and most liquid foods cause pain and vomiting. The problem has always been to find a food that soothes the inflamed stomach walls and provides all the nourishment needed
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 232 5 THE IpXYEST LAUGH HIT OF THE YEAR OPENS POD AY WITH 3 SHOWS AT 3.00 6.15 9.30 P.M. J J 1 Penang’s Most w r Luxurious 1 aL Air-Conditioned Theatre Conti oiled By Shaw Bros. Ltd Singapore. LORETTA YOUNG Livelier than in “Love Is News’’ Lovelier than in “Kentucky" W\RNER
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    • 106 5 MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.00, 6.15 9.30 BROUGHT BACK FDR ONE DAY ONLY! Night Show Prices—Ls, 30 50 cents Downstairs. Matinee Prices—ls 30 cents. Downstairs •THE SAINT STRIKES BACK” with George Sanders Wendy Barrie Jonathan Hale, Jerome Cowan, Neil Hamilton. Barry Fitzgerald. TOGETHER WITH INTERESTING SUPPORTING SHORTS. TOMORROW Beauties and
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    • 90 5 OWING TO THE ALTERATIONS, THIS THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED TODAY. QUEEN’S SHOWING SOON 6.15 9.30 MURDER! That Shadowed The Lives The Love Of A Hunted Man And A Wanted Girl 48 Hours to trace a fateful $lOO ransom bill Because of it a girl was kidnapped a prize-fighter died a
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  • 432 6 rplIE advice to save paper, broadcast recently from Singapore, appears to have taken effect. A letter received by us the other day from the Resident Councillor’s office was written on only half a sheet of the usual memorandum paper, the other half having been carefully torn out to
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  • 131 6 REX CINEMA “Wife, Husband and Friend" with Loretta Young and Warner Baxter 3, 6.15 9.30 p m. CINEMA “The Saint Strikes Back" 3. 6.15 and 9.30 p. m WINDSOR “Angel” (Chinese picture) 6.15 9.30 p .m. SUN CINEMA “Husband’s Return” (Cantonese picture) 6.30 and 9.30 p m
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  • 438 6 Keeping A Diary is April Fools’ Day—-a. suitable time to pause and take stock of what the first-quarter of the year has brought. Take this business of keeping a diary for instance. How many would-be autobiographers who had sternly resolved to prevent his record keeping a clean
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  • 673 6 Monday, April 1. OFFICIAL circles in Paris received Mr. Churchill’s speech with cordiality. They regard it as an up-to-date statement of the Allies’ position towards neutrals and non-belligerents. They specially welcome its uncompromising clarity on two points—that Germany is the enemy and that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 349 6 J LOOK” C i*” ■w* v 5 IS THE REWARD I K. OF DAILY CARE ULa n/ z v7 M IV j ffl SKWjI I rf tokicS— 3 I r —9 gc— ri 1 X r- til 'l §1 vT** o 1 Jl 1 X ill il rjiMBX Tun I
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    • 38 6 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER pOhnten hitAHb x-n /IB THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG lpoh, A Kual» Lump*’*.
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  • 2306 7 FULL LIST OF LOCAL PASSES KpiAlß results were achieved by Penang candidates in the Cambridge examinations held last December, according to the Class List received by air mail in Penang this morning. Following is the full list of successful candidates: SPECIAL CERTIFICATE —BOYS •The j,.mes
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  • 756 7 HEAVIER ESTATE DUTIES Kuala Lumpur today. The War Taxation Bill was introduced by the Federal Secretary at this morning's emergency meeting of the Federal Council. The Bill was moved through all stages on a certificate of urgency. Ten resolutions were introduced by the Federal Secretary.
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  • 944 7 Information Of Boys Leads To Arrest Of Tamil H o ,X>yS Wh Went up fw a stream on the hillslopes near the Botanical Gardens in Waterfall Road on the afternoon of Febrna™ 10 vvaienan finer fire t., a been t .f i" 19 another
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  • 102 7 Raffles Professor To Speak Tonight The Balkans” is the subject, of a talk to be broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. this evening at 7.30 by Professor H. Amon, of Raffles College. With the British Ambassadors and Ministers from all the Balkan capitals now on, their way to
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  • 58 7 Indian Removed To Hospital An Indian was brought to the General Hospital yesterday afternoon with a his tory of having been stabbed by a compatriot in Pitt Street. The incident is reported to have occurred following an argument between the two men. Inspector K. C.
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  • 349 7 The first of three trial swims to select representatives for the Singapore Meet on April 27 was swum off at Tanjong BungaH. yesterday. Excellent timeswere recorded. Results were as follows: 100 METRES BACK STROKE 1. Kee Soon Bee 76 3[5 secs. 2. Lim
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    • 184 7 aCBIB 1 f J I a B I iW bl I Bi 1 1 Cm IH IF I IF /IB I Mr. H. E. K. Laurance has < been described by the K Press as “the personifi- z J"«a v cation of the figure of a Greek god.” There is
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  • 48 8 Per Cent. Recommended The Mercantile Bank of India Ltd advice that they have received the following from their Head Office:— “Final dividend recommended less income tax of 6% making 12% for the year. Carried forward £179.639. Reserve Nil. Property 25.000 Contingencies 30,000.
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  • 93 8 Penang, March 30, 1040. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Rank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/<_ 7/16 On New York Demand 47 Canadian 51 3/4 On France Demand 2062 3/1 Lire
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  • 2244 8 The Effect Of War On Rubber Industry PRODUCTION LEVEL REACHING CAPACITY Ipoh. A wave of prosperity came to Malaya’s chief industries as soon as war was declared Rubber, the export of which for the twelve months ended last June had averaged only 461% of the basic
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    • 201 8 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TINS Buyers Sellers Ampat 4/9 5/ Ayer Hitam 21 22/ Ayer Weng 65 70 Batu Selangor 1.45 1.50 Hong Fatt 1.02| 1.074 Hongkong Tin 21/ 22/ Ipoh Tin 24/ 25/ Jelapang 29/ 30/ Jelebu 774 80 K. Kamuntmg 8/3 8/9 Katu Tin 22 23/ Kinta
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    • 293 8 RUBBERS Buyers Sellers Allenbys 1.25 1.324 Ayer Panas 1.274 I.32jex Bassetts 424 474 1 Batu Lintangs 1.00 1.05 Bentas 974 1.024 Borellis 1.424 Brogas 674 ’7O Indragiris 1.27* 1.32’ Kempas 2.15 2.25 c Kuala Sidims 2.30 2.40 c Lunas 1.65 1.724 M. Pindas 1.35 1.45 Mentakabs
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    • 257 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Sellers Ampats 4/104 5/14 A. Amalgamateds 5/74 5/10Jxd B. Selangors 1.47 J 1.55 Hitams 40 42j Hong Fatts 1.02 1.06xd Jelebus 774 824 Jelapangs 29/ 30/ Johans 29 324cd K. Kamuntings 8/I4 8/6 K. Kampars 13/ 13/9 Kinta Kellas 5/6 6/ K. Lanjuts 22/3 23/
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    • 245 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST RUBBER Buyers Sellers Changkat Serdaiig 90 I.ooc Pa jam 180 i.9oex MINING Ampat 4/lOi 5/14 Austral Amal. 5/9 6/3 Ayer Weng 65 70 Batu Selangor 1.45 1.50 Berjuntai 10/ 10/6 Chenderiang 15/6 16/6c Hitam 40 43 Hong Fatt 1.024 1.05 Johan 30 32|c Jelebu 774 82|
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    • 304 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Seller» Ampats 4/9 5/ A. Amalg. 6/ 6/6 A Hitams 21/3 22/3 Bangrins 21/3 22 '3 B. Selangors 1.434 1.474 Hong Fatts 1.03 1.05 Jelebus 80 824 Johans 30 32c Kamras 1/6 1/9 Kamuntings 10/6 11/3 K. Lanjuts 22/3 23/ Katus 23/ 24/ Kramats
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 BANKS! i aS 7~~ Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Godown spaces to let at low rentals, f Further particulars will be supplied on application. The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., (Incorporated Id British India) ENTRUST YOUR SAVINGS WITH
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  • 456 9  -  WHAT THE WAR \EW S MEANS BY GEN. SIR CHARLES GWYNN, K.C.8., C.M.G., D.S.O. London. Feb. 23. There are some so obsessed by the undoubted strength of defensive positions. that they believe that neither one of the two sides in this war can defeat the other.
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  • 292 9 Reaction To Nazi Broadcasts Tunis. Scathing Arab comment on German radio propaganda is being published here. The Arabic weekly Jahjouh says that Germany is trying to win the war by means of lying broadcasts, and asserts that those who believe these radio speeches are traitors to
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  • 231 9 Beyrouth, Syria. Three ex-Prime Ministers of Syria, all well-known nationalists, have publicly stressed the advisability of support for the democracies by the Muslims of the world and the Arabs in particular. These statements are published in the Beyrouth newspaper AUMarahil. Ata Bey Ayoubi expresses full
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  • 142 9 Pilgrims View Of War New York. The Nazi doctrine of the supremacy of the State was described as a fundamental challenge not only to Britain and France but also to the United States by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, at the annual meeting of the
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  • 307 9 People Too Weak To Fight Disease London, Feb. 16. A few hours before dawn today Dutch villagers on the frontier were awakened by a series of explosions on the outskirts of the German market town of Cleve, about two miles from the border (writes Leonard Mosley
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1241 9 TTMapM BSWBME9 ISV e jEH—JBk RA Si TO DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS 1 W-LAf* 1 BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English TRANSMISSION—FIVE. From 640 9.35 a.m. jj g q. GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31 55 m.) (Local Time) GSC 9.58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. GSE 11.86 Mc/s (25.29
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    • 633 9 ROME 1.48 a.m. News in English <31.15 m.) 2.45 News in English (19.61 m; 25.40 m.» 4.35 (Approx.) News in English <31.15 m.) 6.50 News in English (31.02 m.) 10.20 News in English (19.61 m; 25.40 m; 31.15 m.) 1.55 pm. News in English (19.61 m; 31.15 m.) 6.35 News
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    • 600 9 KUALA LUMPUR ZGB4 5.00 mc/s <60.00 m.) 7.50 am. Full News Bulletin (Relayed from London). 6.30 p.m. Records and News in Tamil. 7.00 Records and News in Malay. 7.30 Records and News in Hokkien. 8.00 Records and News in Cantonese. 8.35 News Summary (Relaved from London*. MADRAS VUM2 9.57 mc/s
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  • 370 10 Britain To Continue To Recognise Chiang Kai-shek Peiping, March 30 The inauguration of Wang Ching-wei’s Government passed off practically unnoticed here to-day. Contrasting with the installation of the original Peking Provisional Government, there were no public celebrations, no posters and the city was unflaged. Only a
    —Reuter.  -  370 words
  • 114 10 —8.0. W. Day And Night Work 1 In Northern Ireland r Rugby, March 30. Aitor an intensive effort involving day and night work Northern Ireland has won the War Ploughing Race just “on tne point.” As part of the war effort, it was the aim of the
    —8.0. W.  -  114 words
  • 44 10 -Reuter. London. March 30. According to British figures 133 planes have been shat down by the British alone in all fronts since the war began and 47 British aircraft have been shet down on all fronts during the same period.— j
    -Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 2216 10 MR. W. CHURCHILL REVIEWS THE WAR 4 Outrages I pon Sea Pale Before \illainous Agony Of Poland London, March 30 Broadcasting his review of the progress of the war, Mr. Churchill again referred to the attitude of neutral states who had the misfortune to be Germany
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  • 161 10 .—Reuter. OUTCOME OF MR. S. WELLES’ MISSION Washington, March 30 President Roosevelt, in a statement, said there was scant hope of the immediate prospect of a stable peace but the information gathered by Mr. Welles would be valuable when the time came for establishing peace.
    .—Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 275 10 .—Reuter. NO NEW DEPARTURE IN MOLOTOV’S SPEECH Amsterdam. March 30. Reuter learns that there is intense disappointment behind the scenes in Wilheimstrasse over M. Molotov’s speech. Hitler is said to be furiously angry at the way the Russian Premier's words have been interpreted in London and Paris
    .—Reuter.  -  275 words
  • 67 10 Hope Of Better Relations With U.S. Abandoned Amsterdam, March 30. According to neutral quarters in Berlin, the publication of the new German White Book means that Nazis have abandoned all hope of better relations with the United States. Well-informed quarters are quoted as saying that the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 93 10 I' IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new service is announced each 28 days from Penang to San Francisco ■nd Los Angeles via Pacific thence New York via Panama. This service will be inaugurated by:— S.S. “CITY OF LOS ANGELES’* LOADING AT PENANG 15th APRIL For full particulars enquire at SIME, DARBY C
      93 words

  • 919 11 Foong Chin And Teik Lee Bat Well A ninth wicket partnership realising 58 runs between Chong Foons} Chin (44) and Ng Teik Lee saved the Authentics from Jefea at the hands of the Penang Sports Club in an exciting cricket match yesterday on
    919 words
  • 105 11 Programme For Three-Day May Races The official programme has been issued of the Penang Turf Club Extra Meeting to be held on Saturday, May 11, Monday, May 13 and Saturday, May 18. Two runs are .provided for Classes 3 and 4 Horses and Classes 1 and 2
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  • 37 11 TODAY SOCCER, P.R.C. vs. C.R.C. Esplanade. P.F.S. vs. Kedah Hall Party Free School Ground. TOMORROW SOCCER Malay C. Y. vs. Police S. C. Renong Ground. “C” Malay Coy. vs. Glugor Club Dato Kramat Ground.
    37 words
  • 293 11 Ong Lee Scores 65 Not Out A captain’s innings of 65 not out, including eleven boundaries, by Khoo Ong Lee enabled the Green Hall Juveniles to register a creditable victory by 55 runs over the Old Xaverians’ Association in a cricket match on the St. Xavier’s
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  • 363 11 Baby Low Outpoints Jayaraj (By “SOUTHPAW”) GOOD boxing was provided for the excellent crowd that turned up at the New World last night, for all the four bouts provided their full quota of thrills. In the main event, over ten two-minute rounds, Baby
    363 words
  • 862 11 HORSES PONIES IN TRAINING FOR SINGAPORE RACES r T'HE following is the full list of horses and ponies in training for the Singapore Turf Club Summer Meeting:— C.W. TURLEY 1 Waetere —Mr. Lee Kim Puat. 2 Kerrena —do—--3 Regiment —do—--4 Smiling—Dr. L. M. Thompson 5 Vapour —do—--6 Spear of Sarawak—Mr.
    862 words
  • 43 11 P.R.C. vs C.R.C. At the Esplanade today at 5.15 p.m. P.R.C. —J. Robeless; R. A. Acria, C. O. Thomasz; R. F. Coombs, R. B. Lesslar. V. A. Theseira; B. H. Lesslar S. D’Orville, D. A. Thomasz, M. H. Foley, J. R. Andres.
    43 words
  • 562 11 eslerday s Play (By “DEFENDER) Some very interesting matches in the Junior Open Badminton Tournament were seen yesterday at the»Penang Free School Hall —the high* lights of the day’s play being the women’s doubles in which the Missen Clare Chan and S. S. Goh were extended by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 207 12 i Strathmore Now Well Back Into Form (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, Today. SLOW work was the order of this morning's training at Bukit Timah, when the majority of horses exercised on Saturday were out again. First Ra, Winchcliff, and Spear Of Sarawak were the
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  • 72 12 Coronation Youngsters Meeting Police The Malay Coronation Youngsters will meet the Police Sports Club in a -Second Division League soccer fixture on the Renong ground tomorrow at 5.15 p.m The following will turn out for the Youngsters:—Euibi; H. B. Hamid, M Yusoff; Ahmed Ghows, B. Ismail,
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  • 138 12 —Reuter Held Many Important Appointments Rugby, March 30 Colonel Sir John Gilmour. Minister of Shipping, died in London to-day aged 63. He was appointed to the newly formed Ministry of Shipping in October last. Sir John Gilmour had formerly served as Home Secretary for Agriculture and
    :.—Reuter  -  138 words
  • 59 12 —Reuter. Restrictions Announced In Australia Sydney, Mar. 30. Restrictions on the import of goods from non-sterlirg countries are announced by Mr. Menzies. The restrictions will become effective on Monday. Based on last year’s import figures, the restrictions represent £y,650,000. Mr. Menzies explained that the conservation of
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 60 12 JReuter. Nationalisation By Turkish Govt. Ankara, Mar. 30. The Turkish Government is to nationalise the Zonguldak coal basin on the Black Sea to ensure increased production and reduction of output costs. It is believed that British firms will shortly be invited to submit offers with view
    JReuter.  -  60 words
  • 81 12 MONDAY, APRIL 1. TIN: Penang $llB.OO Business dene 150 tons Singapore $llB.OO RUBBER: Penang Spot 35jc Singapore Spot 35jc COPRA: Sundried $3.95 buyers Black Pepper Nomina! TAPIOCA: Medium $5.50 sellers Fair Seed $4.60 sellers «ICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $5.65 Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $7 40 No. 2
    81 words
  • 321 12 WEIGHTS FOR FIRST DAY Following are the weights for the first day of the Singapore races. THE ANNIVERSARY' CUP HORSES, CLASS 1. DIV I—6 FURLONGS ROYAL HAMPTON 9.07 COOLTIPT 8.12 JACK DRUCE. 8.12 PURE GOLD 8.12 TOYMAN 8.09 NIEUWSGIERIG 8.08 BAY DRAGON 8.08 CARLOCA 8.06 BOMBUS 8..04 TONROE
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  • 177 12 I. —Reuter. Safebreaker Who Asks To Be Believed New York, March 31 Commenting on the German White Book, the New York Times says: “The first thing to be noted is that the documents come from a safebreaker who asks credence for his word
    I.—Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 94 12 —Reuter. Solely For Protection Of D.E.I. The Hague. March 30 The official explanation of the naval building programme states that it does not aim at giving Holland decisive naval power in the Archipelago but at strengthening the defence of the Dutch East Indies so that if any
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 488 12 1,000 Demand Increase Of 20 Per Cent. In Wages 1 Chinese building coolies in Penang employed in the erection of houses and repair work went on strike yesterday morning as a protest against the refusal of their employers to grant them an increase of 20 per
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  • 111 12 —Reute r. LONDON, APRIL 1. POLITICAL CIRCLES REGARD MR. CHURCHILL’S SPEECH AS FORESHADOWING INTENSIFICATION OF THE ALLIED BLOCKADE. They expect in particular sharper control of exports to neutral countries with the object of ruling out the possibility of goods being forwarded to Germany. The speech
    —Reute r.  -  111 words
  • 75 12 Reuter. Paris, April 1. Mr. Sumner Welles wrote letters to the Polish Prime Minister M. Sikorski and the Foreign Minister. M. Zaleski, before he left Rome. This was announced at a Cabinet meeting of Polish Ministers at Angers. The letters stress the importance
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 74 12 .—Reuter. Supplies Flowing More Freely London. March 30 On the money market, after some stringency in the early part of the week owing to War Loan repayments and preparations to meet end of the month settlements supplies latterly flowed more freely and overnight loans were easily obtainable.
    .—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 91 12 —Reuter. Norwegian Protest To Germany Oslo, March 30. Norway has delivered a protest to Berlin against the torpedoing of the Oslo steamer “Steinsted.” 2 476 tons, off the Irish Coast by a U-boat on February 15 while en route from Turkey to Norwsv with a cargo
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 60 12 —Reuter. Permission Granted To Fly Over Spain London. March 30 1 he Spanish Government has given formal permission to the British Overseas Airways Corporation to fly from England to Lisbon over Spanish territory, thus allowing a twice weekly service to be established between the United Kingdom and
    —Reuter.  -  60 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 257 12 RUBBER REGULATION Rights for New Planting in 1940. I It is hereby notified that rights for new planting during the year 1940 on j an area of B5O acres as permitted by Article 12 (b) of the International Rubber Regulation Agreement have not been utilised and are available for distribution
      257 words
    • 543 12 Head Office, 216 Penang Road, Penan»i Phone 1477 1478 with extensioua relegrams: “Gazette'’ Penang. Rale* of Sobscription for rtnanr Gasetu and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Local S.S. Delivery FM.S. Forelgs Monthly $2.5(1 $3.00 $4.00 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 17.00 nau-Yearlv 15.00 18.00 ?*.06 Yearly 30.00 36.00 4« o*= SUNDAY GAZETTE Local
      543 words