Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 617 1 WAS ON DEFENSIVE EHROUGHOUE Usual Lies About War Being Forced on Germany LONDON REACTION London, Jan. 31. it is not possible to give any considered re action to Hitler’s speech, it is pointed out in authoritative circles in London that the greater part of the
    ung to st -8.0. W.  -  617 words
  • 96 1 —Reuter U hat Yugoslav Minister Thinks Belgrade, Jan. 31. "There is no menace to the Balkans,” declared the Yugoslav Foreign Minister M. Markowitch, according to the newspaper "Naplo.” The meeting of the Balkan Entente on Friday “will produce no surprises or sensational result,” he added. M.
    ’—Reuter  -  96 words
  • 51 1 j- -Reuter. Paris, Jan. 31. It is announced that during the week ending Jan. 28 the French Navy stopped twelve ships and seized 21,000 tons of merchandise. Since the beginning of the war the Frer _h had stopped 266 ships and seized 512 tons of
    j- -Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 331 1 CONSIDERING HUGE NAVAL EXPANSION Washington, Jan. 31. HE need for providing “cruising weapons to protect our wealth” was stressed by Mr. Edison, the Secretary of the Navy, in advocating to the House of Representatives Naval Committee the approval of the 1,300,000,000 fleet expansion programme, said,
    e.—Reuter.  -  331 words
  • 83 1 —Reuter. 4 ‘Going On At Great Speed” London, Jan. 31.' “The executions of Poles are going on all over the country at great speed” declared the Paris Radio. Stating that the Nazis have speeded up the mass-expulsion of Poles from German-occupied Poland, vae announcer added that “reckless
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 209 1 ANGLO AMERICAN RELATIONS Lord Lothian And Mr. Hull Have Friendly Talk Washington, Jan. 31. I ORD Lothian and Mr. Cordel Hull conferred today regarding the British restrictions on United States shipping. Later Lord Lothian told the Press that they discussed the possibility of guaranteeing United States ships and would exempt
    I.—Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 64 1 Router. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT 5 V today and is celebrating > A birth-day quietly. 7'he doctor says that the President is in as perfect a condition as any man f his age could be '[any birth day dinners and d iltces are being* held through>ut the United States
    Router.  -  64 words
  • 225 1 —Reuter. London, Jan. 31. It is authoritatively stated that German raiders received a surprise when for the second day in succession they tried to attack shipping yesterday morning along 500 miles of the British coast. The raiders retired leaving one bomber in the sea and another
    [.—Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 42 1 Rugby, Jan. 31. The Minister 'f Economic Warfare stated in the House of Commons that such statistical information as was available showed that it was probable that exports of rice to Germany had now virtually ceased.—B.O.W.
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  • 56 1 .—Reuter. Ignominious Retreat Of Nazi Plane London, Jan. 31. It is learned that the explosions of gun-fire heard at sp.m. at Great Yarmouth was due to an attack by a German plane on an armed British trawler. The trawler fired back and drove off the plane, making
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 50 1 r.—Reuter. Great Importance Attached New Delhi, Jan. 31. Mr. Gandhi will have an interview with the Viceroy on Feb. 5.’ Considerable importance is attached to this conversation owing to the critical stage reached in the political controversy in India since the outbreak of the war.—Reuter.
    r.—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 u </CATE you# |L_ P>. wL ,<. j^^|i^^^ t r tor North Malaya <f> Penan#■ DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Ipoh.
      19 words
    • 82 1 Loorr jfgSKk Agent» for North Malaya A 1 GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. SAUSAGES tkat will you ask for a suond helping 1 Oi <l* M w wit V wb. It’S always a treat when S.C.S. |T.. J SAUSAGES are put on the table. T WF Every sausage is
      82 words

  • 879 2 Two Enemy Planes Shot Down OTHERS CHASED OFF BY R.A.F. FIGHTERS Rugby, Jan. 30 The Air Ministry announced at two o’clock: “The enemy are repeating the widespread attack on East Coast shipping which they undertook yesterday. The reports so far to hand indicate that
    ‘—Reuter.  -  879 words
  • 41 2 Reuter learns that Sir William Seeds is likely to return to his post during the coming month. Sir William has been on short leave in England and has been absent from the Soviet Union since the New Year.
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  • 91 2 .—Reuter. Paris, Jan. 30. Heavy snowfalls on the Western Front brought infantry activity almost to a standstill. The artillery have been active, especially in the Vosges and on the banks of the Rhine. At these points the guns opened fire to disperse German working parties. The
    .—Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 32 2 Reuter. Cairo’ Jan. 30. The wife of an Egyptian named Sayed Hamada Deheza has given birth to quintuplets. They are all girls and are all in good health.—
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 449 2 —8.0. W U-BOATS GIVE NO WARNING Rugby, Jan. 30, In addition to those neutral ships already reported, namely, the Danish “England,” 2,767 tons, the Norwegian “Faro,” 844 tons, and the Norwegian “Hossanger,” 1,591 tons, sunk by submarine without warning and in conditions which give the crews
    —8.0. W  -  449 words
  • 280 2 Helsinki, Jan. All through the night further reports of yesterday’s air raids poured into Helsinki from all over Southern Finland Right along the coast from Viborg in the east and Abo in the west come fresh revelations of the horror and destruction marking
    .—Reuter.; —Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 165 2 .—8.0. W. Broadcast To U.S. By Paderewski Rugby, Jan. 30 Sir Ignaz Paderewski, in a broadcast address to the United States last night, said: “Wo worlds are at war—one of bloody barbarism and the other determined to uphold and respect liberty and human dignity.
    .—8.0. W.  -  165 words
  • 63 2 .—Reuter Two Of Ship’s Lifeboats Washed Up London, January 30 The London steamer, “Eston,” 1,487 tons, with a crew of 18, is feared lost in the North sea. The vessel was bound for a North-East Coast port where she was expected to arrive on January 28. Wo
    .—Reuter  -  63 words
  • 58 2 —Reuter. MORE U.S. PLANES Order For 200 New Type Bombers Burbank, California, Jan, 30 The Lockheed Aircraft Corporation announce the receipt of an order from the British Government for two hundred new type bombers and also spare parts to the value of $18,000,000. The machines are faster and
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 45 2 .—Reuter. Gilt-Edged Continue To Improve London, Jan. 30 On the Stock Exchange, although trading was quiet, gilt-edged continued to improve but the recent demand for home rails was somewhat smaller. stocks encountered some request in sympathy with gilt-edged. Wall Street was steady.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 38 2 l —Reuter. The Hague, January 30 German planes were sighted over North-Eastern and Central Holland yes-t'-rday evenir/r. Dutch air patrols went up and anti-aircraft guns open?.! tire Representations are being made in EerEn. —Reuter.
    l—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 102 2 —Reuter. London, Jan. 3®. It is am ounced by the Germa» wireless that Hitler is speaking to the German people tonight at p.m. G.MZ?. The speech will be broadcast by all German siatioM. Hitler h expected to give a sharp reply to Mr. Churchill, an
    —Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 374 2 —Reuter Army Casualties London. Jan. 30 The War Office has issued the first o sualty list of the present war coverinf all names to December 31 and comprising 758 names;. Of these 719 died, one died of 24 were wounded, one was missing, and 13 were
    —Reuter  -  374 words
  • 64 2 FIRST OFFICER TO FALL ON FR O NT Reuler. Singapore-Born Son d Sir C. Everitl London, The first British Offioel’ t(1 encounter on the W. 1! ant P. A. C. Everitt, fi the cU 11 folk Regiment, was i’a or A jpdi Ex’eritt and the late S r 31 Lieutenart
    Reuler.  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 g is best for S Bronchitis. Colds B and Coughs of Elderly A Angier's 4 JO is the answer Those who have the care of the Angier’s is unequalled for bronaged and feeble can confidently rely I chitis, and for coughs and chronic on Angier’s Emulsion to afford catarrhal affections
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  • 120 3 OBJECT to the police-ser- geant asking me for my ©reap lion and age; he even askm what my wages are and H my children I have.” <topher Rossen made this pi at Basingstoke, Hamps lice court when summone showing a light at his > Deep-lane.
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  • 125 3 formerly Employed (in German finals Bombay. Aboui 200 Indian seamen, who were aixiard the German steamers “Lichtenfells’’ "Libenfels”, ‘Braunfels” and “Wartenfels’ when war broke out, have now returned to Bombay by the Italian steamer “Conte Verde". The seamen had signed on when those vessels were in Bombay
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  • 171 3 Factories Vi ork At Full Blast New Deihi. “Somewhere in India” munitions are now being produced at a speed and in quantities which a few months ago would hardly have been contemplated. India’s effort in munitions production for the war is now getting well under way. Ordnance
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  • 130 3 inter Shortage Fea." Tientsin. and indignation is being by the 250.000 residents of th,- gio-French Concessions over nsion of the Japanese blockoal supplies, which are eso house-holders during the inter in North China. ng the obstruction of river t into the concessions, emeripplies, which were
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  • 592 3 Turned Water Into Petrol! DUPES HELD BY GUNMEN Cardiff. Janies Sheriff, 40-years-ofd car dealer told Cardiff Bankruptcy Cfcurt that he and a. friend had been held captive by gunmen in a Ixmdon flat and robbed of £1,8(X), which they had paid for a secret powder
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  • 205 3 Brussels. Frequent it. A. F. reconnaissance flights over the Ruhr are making Krupps nervous, according to reports received in Brussels. It is said that, to get it as far as possible out of the air-raid area, the tank factory is being moved from Essen
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  • 60 3 London. Because she was under 16 years of age when married, Mrs. Eunice Winifred Collins, of the Crown Hotel, Codsall near Wolverhampton, was granted, in the Divorce Court a decree nisi of nullity of her marriage to Mr. Thomas George Collins. The marriage took
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  • 184 3 omen Replace Men In Factory And Farm London. M. Reynaud, French M nister of Finance, broadcasting in the 8.8. C. home news service said: “Fiance possessses today greater gold and foreign exchange reserves than at the beginning of the war. The poor are making their money available
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  • 275 3 Nazi T rade Bid Germany is making frantic efforts to conclude trade agreements with, other nations in order to break the grip of the Allied blockade. Several hitches in this plan are reported. A Bucarest message says that agreement has been reached on:y on a few
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 DISCLOSED BY Tek Often hidden behind a row of gleaming white teeth, decay is eating its way to their nerve centres. Tek “Short-Head" toothbrush, is the only genuine and patented brush which will reach those hidden danger spots, because the specially designed head, fits into the arch behind the teeth,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 34 3 i Q&Dg-) "-Di A OVER-LOADED WHAT A WAR! By Gilbert Willimson I I f 7'W I I X i'y SWASTIK AND SIEGFRIED Gestapo? nonsense Siegfried, that’s ’he fiddle dog. ’E ides from der chef!
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  • 379 4 Extension To Kota Bharu AN air connection bringing Kuala Lumpur within four hours of the east coast will be possible from Wednesday, April 3, when Malaya’s internal air service, which now operates between Singapore and Penang, will be extended to, Kota Bahru with a biweekly schedule. The
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  • 360 4 Judgment Reserved Kuala Lumpur.. JUDGMENT was reserved until February 5, by Mr. Justice Cussen in the Supreme Court on Monday when J. Rowland, manuger of a Government toddy shop appealed against the conviction and sentence of $250 in default two months’ rigorous imprisonment passed by
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  • 201 4 Company Sees Difficulties “A rigid enforcement of the latest regulations might well bring about an impasse in the local supply of Medicines,” said Mr. R. Renton, presiding at the annual general meeting of Maynard and Co., Ltd., druggists, in Singapore on Saturday. “As this question seriously
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  • 102 4 London. Ten-year-old Gladys Mary Burton, daughter of a farmer, of Easton, Huntingdonshire, was riding her pony when the animal slipped. Her foot was trapped in the stirrup. Her father said that he heard her shout. Then the pony galloped oft. His daughter was dragged 250
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  • 563 4 News In Malay Janvary 29, 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins will
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  • 371 4 Labour Will Not Rp Illiterate Forever KAISCUSSING an interim report of a sub-committee n the U', European Association of Malaya, the Commiit expresses the opinion that labour in Malaya will not o»v< ’s be illiterate and consequently some form of Trade unit
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  • 203 4 Two Chinese Women Convicted Kuala Lumpur. It was revealed in the First Court on Monday before Mr. W. J. Thorogood when two Chinese women were charged with assisting a common betting house, how the police had the unusual task of searching both accused and finding
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  • 283 4 Money Lender Found Dead Singapore. A/IYSTERY surrounds the death ot Sikh money-lendf r, Nirmal Sin,gh, whose dismembf i re<l Ixxly was found on the rail track near the bridge at Bukit Timah ota Jan. 23. Mr. W. G. Porter, who is holding an inquiry into his death
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  • 155 4 Pamphlets For Farmers Malacca. A campaign to stimulate the cultivate® of food crops among the Malay kampouf dwellers and padi farmers is in progrt® in Malacca. Over 3,000 pamphlets Jawi relating to the methods of ing food crops have been received and cir culated by the
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  • 107 4 Mr. A. F. Bruce And Miss Haze Sober Mr. A. F. Bruce, g ral f Penang Rubber Esta? C b3 er .p’anting adviser of s tSf allied, companies, wa ril Singapore Presbyteria? 11 n ve( j h’ to Miss Hazel Sob plane from Australia anda r eb ot*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 TAKE ENO REGULARLY Eno’s “Fruit Salt,” the famous household all poisons—the cause of lack of vitalityremedy for digestive ailments and disorders tones up the liver and, being alkaline, corrects of the stomach, acts gently and naturally. acidity. regulates the system and helps the body to Because it cools and purifies
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  • 50 5 I’oday at the Waterfall Gardens from 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m; March Sons Of The Brave Bidgood Selection Kissing Time Cary 11 'Aa’tz One Day When We Were Young Straus >vcrture The Marriage Of Figaro Mozart -Selection Leslie Stuart’s Songs Godfre. ■grenade Birthday Serenade Linckc ango Lolita BarsotH
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  • 4166 5 More Consideration From Govt. Needed CHAIRMAN’S STRONG PLEA AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING 4 BITTER complaint that Singapore merchants had many advantages over Penang firms in that they were in close contact with Government departments and had ready access to them, were made by Mr. Jules Martin, Chairman, Penang
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  • 176 5 Tamil Girl Relieved Of Gold Chain A NOTHER daylight robbery took place in town yesterday afternoon, when a little Tamil girl, who was playing about on the live-foot way of her house in Hutton Lane, was relieved of her gold chain and pendant. The culprit
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  • 487 5 Social Personal The death occurred yesterday at the i General Hospital, Penang in his sixtieth year of Mr. Sola Singh, son of Polo Ram The Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved the appointment of Mr. Douglas Aikman Weir to be a Cadet. Malayan Police Service. The eleventh annual
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 When Poisons Clog KIDNEYS and Irritate Bladder Flush Them Out And Feel Young Again Go to vour chemist today and get this safe, swift and harm ess d uretio and stimulant ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, (Dutch Drjps in capsule form) the famous urinary antiseptic, and start at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 387 5 MAJESTIC LAST 2 SHOWS Tonight 6.15 9.30 Destined to be one of the great films of the year Dorothy Brandon’s Great Play Now Screen’s Biggest Dramatic Triumph. The Year’s Mightiest Hit -urge Sanders and Mary Maguire in THE OUTSIDER” lans at Robinson’s ’Phone 567. Opening Tomorrow >i< serial sensation of
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    • 174 5 QUEEN’S 3 SHCWS DAILY 3.00, 6.30 9.30 3 p.m. Prices: Downstairs 15, 30 50k Evening Prices: Downstairs 20, 40 60c. The Biggest picture ever brought out of China The only one that can stand side by side with Hollywood’s Best Jungle Thrillers “CHINESE TARZAN” Romantic Fascinating Exciting Thrilling Desperate struggle
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  • 395 6 CANNOT something be done to prevent a recurrence of the General Hospital tragedies? The fatal fall on Monday afternoon of Mr. Mun Soon Hong, a patient in the “A” block, brings the total of such deaths to nine within six years. Tragedies of this nature are, we suppose,
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  • 119 6 REX CINEMA Laurel and Hardy m “A Chump At Oxford” 6.15 and 9 30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA “Chinese Tarzan” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA 1 George Sanders and Mary Maguire in “The Outsider” 6.15 and 9.30 pm. WINDSOR “Thyagahhoomi” (Tamil picture) 5.30 9.30 p.m. WEMBLEY
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  • 347 6 New Legislative Councillor M/IR. F. D. BISSEKER, General Manager of Eastern Smelting Co. Ltd., who was yesterday elected by the Penang Chamber of Commerce as their nominee on the I legislative Council, has an interesting commercial career. He has had 23 years’ residence in several big cities
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  • 657 6 Wednesday, Jan. 31. 1-|ITLER indulges in sar- casm but it is a very poor attempt. Speaking at a meeting at the Berlin Sports Palace last night, he referred to Britain’s “most marvellous war aims” and claimed that the Germans were “successors of democracy.’* 3/.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 §et our (Sold Storage soods AT PRITCHARDS Where Everything is of the ftest «Zn< SOLES HALIBUT SALMON SEA TROUT—SMOKED SALMON—KIPPERS HERRINGS SMOKED HADDIE FILLETS. Pritchard Co., Ltd., PENANG Phone 335. Gifts of Pleasure to the Giver and Receiver A LARGE VARIETY OF SILVER WARE DISPLAYED AT OUR SHOWROOMS. Select yours
      214 words
    • 37 6 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER Roontq THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in, the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: I Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh, Sr Kuala Lumpur-
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    • 487 7 he Editor, “I’riang Gazette’’) The Kiel pageant was the most r >us and hypocritical farce ever 1 on this planet. The principal n this comedy was the Kaiser is 36 years old at the time and been on the throne for 7 years, blowing statement was made
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  • 248 7 E.P.B. GOOD SATIRE IN “THE OUTSIDER” Adult entertainment of the first water is my honest opinion of “The Outsider” now showing at the Majestic. It has not been acclaimed super production, but originality -lory, vivid and forceful portrayals by the principals and crisp dialogue all contribute to
    E.P.B.  -  248 words
  • 362 7 MR. W.L. BLYTHE TO GO TO KUALA LUMPUR Presiding at the fortnightly meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners yesterday, Mr. W. L. Blythe said he had received a letter from the Resident Councillor the previous day informing him that Mr. C. W.
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  • 280 7 The Municipal Commissioners having considered an application from Mr. A. J. Brown, Superintendent of the Penang Fire Brigade for the regrading of his post in Class C of the Senior Officers’ Salary Scheme have unanimously decided to inform him that: (a) the Commissioners are
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  • 95 7 Indian Coolie Injured In Fall An accident occurred on board a steamer in the Penang Harbour about 9.15 last night, when an Indian coc':e fell down from a considerab;3 height, while working in one of the batches o the steamer. The man was taken ashore at the
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  • 73 7 The Municipal Commissioners have approved the erection of a shed for a “Ghost Train' at Wemlfyey Park, for a period of &ix months only on the clear Understanding that no extension will be allowed and that the shed be used for no other purpose i The
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  • 197 7 COMMISSIONERS AGREE TO PAY MORE At a special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday, a motion accepting an increase of $2 per ton in the price of fuel oil supplied under contract by the Asiatic Petroleum Company (S.S.) Ltd., thereby rescinding a motion passed
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  • 148 7 Injured Cyclist In The r Wrong "What business have you to go on the road with this car?” asked the Third Magistrate, when Sze Hung Foo, a proprietor of a laundry-shop, pleaded guilty this morning to a charge of driving car P. 1347 without two dependent
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  • 233 7 Second Visitation By Burglars On Same Premises Articles of gold jewellery and cash amounting to more than $2OO were stolen from a safe at No. 16 Krian Road, which was broken into in the early hours of this morning. The premises
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  • 301 7 Thousands Pay Last Tribute Seldom has Perak witnessed such an impressive funeral as that which took place this morning of Towkay Leong Sin Nam, leader of the Chinese community in the State, his remains being interred in the new Chinese cemetery at Pinji. The
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  • 181 7 ADHERE TO DEMAND FOR 25 PER CENT. RISE Publication of three of the leading Chinese dailies in Penang was held up this morning, owing to the Chinese printers’ strike which was called on Monday. The three Chinese newspapers, which have stopped publication temporarily are
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  • 37 7 A further extension of time to the end of March 1940 in which to complete the new Cinema Operating Rooms at the Queen’s and the Majestic Theatres has been granted by the Municipal Commissioners.
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  • 523 7 Six owners of houses who had frontages on Singora Lane yesterday strenuously opposed the payment of anything towards the cost of making up the lane by tht Municipality on the ground that they had been pre- viously promised,
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  • 97 7 $2,(100 For Protecting Site The Water Department Committee of the Municipal Commissioners inspected the site of the Guillemard Filtration Plant two days ago and have decided that sanction be given to the Municipal Water Engineer to incur the additional expenditure up to $2,000 for strengthening the back
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 DOCTORS CHOOSE HUMANISED WOOD FOR life THEIR OWN I If z f wBMrZ z I IM MW'WIF WjjL Jf v Z/ accor^ttnc9 JF medical etiquette, ths Doctor's name u IMO Z Wi published.) Bp wgH SI After Humanised Trufood, from the 10th to the 24th month—FOLLOW-ON TRUFOOD—a complete diet allowing
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  • 449 8 Gaol Sentence Confirmed On Miner’s Wife J •> Ipoh. Ng Loke Koo, wife of a well-known local miner unsuccessfully appealed before the Hon. Mr Justice Howes in the Perak Supreme Court yesterday against the sentence of two months’ rigorous imprisonment imposed on her by the
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  • 170 8 Condition Reported Serious An Indian cow-herd was found hanging! from the branch of a tree in a plantation behind the Mount Erskine Cemetery yesterday. The man whose name was given as Doraisamy was brought to the General Hospital by ambulance in a senous condition. He had considerable
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  • 96 8 Penang, January 30, 1940. (B'j Courtesy of 'the Chartered Bank/. On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/lb On New York Demand 4G ***** Canadian 51 11/16 On France Demand 2060 1/4
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  • 298 8 Rig Vaudeville Troupe Coming Penang will see a grand American vaudeville show some time in May this year. Chang’s Show will perform at the Queen’s Theatre, which gave their patrons the opportunity of seeing the Marcus Show last year Chang’s Show features a company of
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  • 240 8 Additional P.C. Fined Alleged to have passed certain remarks on some women while on board the s.s. Kulim. Kadcra Singh, an Additional Police Constable was convicted and lined $5 by the Third Magistrate, Mr. Lirn Koon Teck yesterday, for disorderly conduct by fighting at 10.55 pm on January
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  • 121 8 Asked I o Help Clean Up Gang Singapore. Remarking that the ollence of which he had been convicted was from many aspects a very serious one injuring the whole community and falling most heavily on the poorer classes, Mr. Justice Pedlow yesterday afternoon sentenced to five
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    • 272 8 RUBBER Buyers Seder» Allenbys 1.37 1.45 Ayer Panas 1.37 J 1.45 Bassetts 50 55 Batu Lintangs 1.05 l.lOex Bentas GOO 1.05 Borellis 1-40 1.50 Brogas 47£ 52} Indragiris 1.32 i 1.37» Kempas 2.20 2.30 Kuala Sidwx» -.45 2.55 Lunas 1.70 1.80 Malaka Pindas 1.40 1.50 Mentakabs
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    • 233 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Sellers Ampats 5/ 5/4} A. Amalgamateds 6/1} 6/7} Bcrjuntais 10/3 11/ B. Selangorx 1.65 1.72} Hitams 44 48 Hong Fatts 1.24 1.28 Jelebus 87} 92} Jelapangs 34/ 35/ Johans 32} 35 K. Kamuntings 9/ 9/3cd K. Lanjuts 22/3 23/3xd Katus 24/ 25/ Kramats 11/3 11/9
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    • 207 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST MINING Buyers Sellers Am pat 4/ 9 5/3 Austral Amal. 6/3 6/9c Batu Selangor 1.60 1.65 Hitam 40 45 Hon g Fatt 1.24 1.26 Johan. 30 33 Jelebu 90 95 Kamra 1/9 2/ Killinghall 15/ 16/ Kinta Kellas 6/3 7/ Kramat 11/6 12/3 Kuala Kam par
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    • 195 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TINS Buyers Sellers Anlpat 5/ 5/3 A. Amalgamated 6/3 6/9 ChenderJaJng 16/6 17/6 Hong Fatt 1.22} 1.27} Jelebu 87} 92} Kampong Lanjut 22/6 23/ex Kamunting 11/9 12/6 Katu Tin 24/ 25/ Kinta 12/ 13/ Kuchai 1.57} 1.62} Larut Tui 6/ 6/3 Lukut Tin 85 90 Nawng
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    • 296 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sel'en Arnpat 4/10} 5/<A. Amalg. 6/6 A. Hitam 23/6 m/6 Bangrins 22/9 23/9 B. Selangors 1.60 Hong Fatts 1.24 1 2 Jelebus 90 95 Johans 31 33 Kamras 2/ 2 ;ic Kamuntings 12/3 13/e K. Lanjuts 22/6 23/ex Katus 24/3 25/3 Kramats 11/9
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    • 130 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £238 5. 0. £238 10. 0. “Forward” £238 5. 0. £238 10. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $122.00 $122.00 Business done 100 tons 100 tons PENANG “Spot” $122.00 $122.00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 11 13|16d. H' d“Forward" ll%d. 11 U;l6d. SINGAPORE: •‘Spot’’ 36%c PENANG: “Spot”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 BANKS t ll OUR SERVICES ARE i AT YOUR DISPOSAL I j To keep abreast with the progress of economic deve~ lopments, no business concern can afford not to I take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. sJ a jJ|T
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  • 405 9 Effects Of The 1929 Treaty Washingte*. Prisoners taken in the current conflict between Germany and the Allies are getting a better deal than those captured during the World War. The American Embassy in Berlin now is conducting diplomatic relations with Germany on behalf of Great
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  • 311 9 Inadequate Rolling Stock Further details concerning the condition of German railways (tragically revealed in recent crashes) is provided by The Economist, which points out that despite the construction of the “Autobahnen” (concrete motor highways,) transport by rail is still the major means of moving troops and material,
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  • 960 9 Three It ears Progress In Three Months Britain is now spending six million pounds a day. Of this sum one-third —two million pounds a day—is being spent by the Ministry of Supply. Some indication of how this enormous task of spending money is organised was given
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  • 730 9 I heir Duty In The Home With attention centred upon events at the front, little notice has been taken of the efforts the women of Franc»have been quietly making as their contribution in the war (writes the Paris correspondent of "The Observer”). It has been no
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1364 9 -4. I>yji TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS 1 W BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English KANSMISSION— FIVE. B. B. C. Tom 6.4 V 9.35 a.m rSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55 m.) (Local Time; JSC 9.58 Mc/s (3132 m.) Transmission 5 650 am GSE 11.86 Mc/s (25 29 m.) am GSD 11.75 Mc/s
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    • 638 9 MANILA KZ RM 95.7 mc/s (31.35 m.) 4.50 a.m. Mus.c. 5.05 News in Spanish. 5.20 Music. 3.35 News in Chinese. 5.55 News in EngLsih. 6.05 Program Previews. 6.10 New York Stack Quotations. 6.20 Your Hit Paracie. 6.50 Popular Records. 7.20 Sign Off. 8.50 Mia-Morning Meloaies. 9.20 Music Ly Lissar. (dance).
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  • 270 10 No Operations For A Fortnight Owing To Thair London, Jan. 30 Freezing conditions returned to the Western Front, arresting the thaw which started on Friday. The prospects of a real thaw appeared small last night. Reuter’s special correspondent with the B.E.F. says that ground
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 758 10 Bombs Dropped By Russians Oi German Origin DIRECT HIT ON HOSPITAL BEHIND THE LINES Copenhagen, Jan. 30 A Danish volunteer in Finland who has just returned to Denmark declared in an interview with the National Tidendc that the experts have established
    Reuter.  -  758 words
  • 226 10 —Reuter Fight For Trade Nearing Climax Bucharest. January 30 The tight for Rumania trade is ap- oroaching a climax with. Germany exerting pressure increasingly and the Allie- carefully watching for any encroachment on their rights under the existing agree- ments. Germany < drive to obtain
    —Reuter  -  226 words
  • 38 10 —BOW Received In Audience B\ The Kin<» Rugby. Jan. 30. General Sir Edmund Ironside. Chief of the Imperial Staff, was received by th” King on Monday evening. His Majesty also received Air Vice-Marshal R E. Prirse.—BOW.
    —BOW  -  38 words
  • 42 10 —Reuter. Civilian Population Evacuation Copenhagen. Jan. 30 It is reported from Toender that tram after train are leaving tht German air bast at Svit and the Hindenberg Dam. which connects it with the mainland, crowded w ith evacuated persons —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 55 10 G.O.W Rugby. Jan. 3D. T! Loro Mayor'.- Red Cross Fund for flu Sick ai d Wounded in War ha.- air 'dy nearly reached a £1.000.000 the attaument of which total i- to be celebrated by a Mansion Hous< luncheon on w o ruar. 2 The
    G.O.W  -  55 words
  • 61 10 1 -Reuter. Believed To Be From H.M.S. Exmouth London, January 30. Fifteen bodies were washed ashore and are believed to be from the destroyer “Exmouth". The bodies were covered with oil and all were wearing life-jackets. At one spot, a piece of wood from a small
    1 -Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 99 10 Uli ivv —Reuter. Italy Prefers To Believe Vatican Report Rome, January 30. Commenting on the denial issued by Berlin of the report broadcast from the Vatican on the German atrocities in Poland, the Avverire writes: “We should like to believe the German denial if it corresponds
    Uli ivv —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 114 10 .—Re l iter Planes Over German Territory Berlin, January' 30. Swiss violation of the German frontier is alleged in a commentary issued by the German news agency which states tha c on January' 26, an aeroplane, definitely recognised .as Swiss, flew over the German frontier to
    .—Rel iter  -  114 words
  • 74 10 —Reuter. To Be Incorporated Into German System Paris. January 30, The German Government is reported to have infotmed the Balkan countries that the piotectorate, of Bohemia and Moravia will be incorporated into the Gei man Customs system in March or April and that all commercial agreements with Czechoslovakia
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 142 10 .—Reuter People Marooned In Country Londor .’a.,. :’,i) Britain’s great transpott described as the most set v tic ever known—continueAll over the country p t a marooned, trains are fun b i on g tortuous journeys and bu.-i located through late mails Owing to
    .—Reuter  -  142 words
  • 141 10 Fighting Breaks Out A’tcr Long Lull Chungking. Januar 2a After long lull in the Hangchov. tor severe fighting has flared up aion. the southern, bank of the Chientang River between Hsiaoshan. twenty kil i.i-tres southeast of Hangchow, and Kanshan. about seventeen kilometres east of Hsiao--shan. since
    141 words
  • 87 10 .—8.0. W Given Same Rations A* British Troops Rugby, January 30 The War Secretary stated in the House of Commons that in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention of 1929. German prisoners of war in the United Kingdom were supplied da:” -ntli the same
    .—8.0. W  -  87 words
  • 462 10 Policy Of Frustrating Attempts To Secure Control hi China London, Jan The possibility that the United States’ interest in niiitlii lead her to participation in the European war was suggested \v T>' Frederick ll’hytc. Director of the American Division of ti: ,!,l>
    ’—Reute»  -  462 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 248 10 NEW YORK SERVICE (via Suez) Leave Arrive Penang New York Feb 6 Mar. 18 PRES. POLK Apl. w PRES GARFIELD Mar. PRES. MONROE Via Cape Mar. 14 Ap. PRES. ADAMS Mar Carries no passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Loads Penang CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS Feb 18 For Pacific Coast
      248 words

  • 100 11 Hockey i North-South Teams To Re Selected Lpoh u will Play her mos t> important Hockey fixture this Saturday i innpur against Selangor, At a encounter in Ipoh Perak’s 11, tation received a surprising a she lost to Selangor by a soli'" 1 r 'l. j
    100 words
  • 229 11 l ist Of Helpers And Donors The committee of the Penang Ladies Hockey C'Jb wish to thank the following who helped to make the Penang v. Perak Ladies Inter-State Hockey Match in aid ef the Malaya patriotic Fund a success— Lt.-Cl. C. L. L. Stokes and the
    229 words
  • 99 11 Office-Bearers For Current Year At the annual general meeting of the Teluk Anson Chinese Club held on Friday, January 26, 1940, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year; President; Towkay Chin Leong Seng. Vice-President: Towkay Lim Ewe Cheng, JP. Hen. Sr cretary: Mr. Ung
    99 words
  • 73 11 Office-Bearers For 1940 Ipoh. At the Annual General Meeting of the Ipoh A.C.S. Teachers’ Union held at the School Hall on Monday evening, the following were elected office bearers for the year 1940. President, Mr. P.S. Dempsey; Vice-pre-ident, Mr. K. Balagopal; Hon Sect, (ary Mr. Yong
    73 words
  • 33 11 Further List Of Contributions Al; nt previously acknowledged $166,520.05 Ku ived from Hon. easurer, Lower Perak. ata Estate, European 54.00 Golf, Majong, Bridge Tiffin party 150.00 Thuan Beng 5.00 $166,729.05
    33 words
  • 51 11 loung Cyclist Fined Taiping, charged with carrying another n bicycle, a young Chinese. Keang Ho, stated that he had ’ng his father to the hospital ■atter had a sore leg. He added ad been unable to obtain a car. as fined $2 bv the Magistrate, Raja
    51 words
  • 617 11 135 Candidates Entered For Spring Meeting (From Our Own Correspondent) v Singapore, Jan. 30. entries have been received for the Singapore Turf Club Spring Meeting to be held on Saturday, Feb. 10, Wednesday, Feb. 14 and Saturday, Feb. 17. A total ol 135 horses and
    617 words
  • 67 11 Ipoh Y .M.(LA. Tennis Ipoh. In the Ipoh Y.M.C.A. Open Doubles competition, Foo Choon Tan and Md. Khalily become new champions by bearing last year’s champions, Aw Boon Jin and Au-Yeong Koh Choon in the final in straight sets 6—3, 7—5. In the Handicap Doubles final AuYeong
    67 words
  • 86 11 C.R.C. To Meet S.L.R.C. In “Friendly” A friendly football match between two First Division Clubs will be played for the first time this season on the Victoria Green today at 5.15 p.m. when the Chinese Recreation Club will meet the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club The following will
    86 words
  • 79 11 Pahit Dance Tomorrow Night The Penang Swimming Club will hold a Pahit Dance on Thursday, February 1, 1940 commencing at 7.15 pjn.. which will be a Guest Night. By kind permission ol The Captain and Officers, the band of H.M.S. “Nameless” (late of one of the Naval
    79 words
  • 86 11 Funeral Yesterday Evening ipon. The death occurred early yesterday morning of Mrs. Wadsworth, wife of Mr. A. J. Wadsworth, schoolmaster attached to the Anderson School, at the age of 40. The funeral took place the same evening from the deceased’s residence at Lorong Abdul Rashid,
    86 words
  • 72 11 Talk On Economics In Everyday Life At today’s literary meeting of the As-1 pirants’ Association, Aspirant Khoo Lye Hock. Second Vice-President of the Association will speak on ‘‘Economics In Everyday Life.” If time permits, the talk will be followed by an impromptu discussion on anv subject of
    72 words
  • 212 11 P.R.C. Victorious By Odd Goal In an interesting hockey match on the Esplanade yesterday, the Penang Recreation Club defeated the Penang Garrison by the narrow margin of the odd gpal in five. The teams were evenly matched and the exchanges were fairly even, the teams attacking in
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  • 49 11 At the Esplanade at 5.15 p.m today. Punjab Regiment:—L/N. Said Mohd.; Hav. Mohd. Din, Hav. Lal Singh; Sep. Ram Nath, Lieut. W. G. S. Wilson, L/N. Sardara Singh; Sep. Harbhajan Singh, Lieut. H.TJB.B. Brooke, Sep: Shahjahan Khan, Elect. Jagmohan Vohra. Jem. Mohd Sadiq Khan
    49 words
  • 145 11 Ipoh. A Imk with Perak has been severed by the death in France of Edward Smith who was stationed 10 years ago in Ipoh as Sergeant-Major. At the end of his service in Ipoh, Mr. Smith went back to rejoin his regiment, the Manchester Fusiliers. Reporting
    145 words
  • 248 11 Five Tournaments To Be Held During Year Ipoh. At a Committee Meeting of the Kinta Badminton Association, it was decided to play the following tournaments during 1940. 1. Men’s Inter-Team Singles League in February. 2. Ladies Inter-Team Doubles League in April. 3. Open Junior Championships (Mens, Womens
    248 words
  • 109 11 ESPLANADE AS PUBLIC PLAY GROUND The Municipal Commissioners have accepted the Report of the Special Committee on the subject of the Commissioners’ proposal to purchase the Sports (lub pavilion on the Esplanade and to control the Esplanade ground as a public playing ground. The Commissioners
    109 words
  • 225 11 Sungei Patani. Jan. 30. The following are the entries for the Kuala Muda Open Badminton Tournament: SINGLES Ng See Hoon, Lim Huat Chye, Lim Say Seng, Lim Huat Seng, Yeoh Yong Hooi, Ooi Chooi Soo, Chiam Joo Chua, Tan Peng Earn, C.J. Richard, S.A. Joseph, R.S. Muthusamy, I.P. Philipose,
    225 words
  • 284 11 In Aid Of Perak Patriotic Fund t Ipoh. As already announced in thes»columns recently, a Dance and Variety Entertainment, under the distinguished patronage of His Highness the Sultan of Perak, the Hon’ble the British Resident, Perak, and Mrs. Mather and Captain and Mrs. H. Dane, will
    284 words
  • 62 11 Kuala Kangsar Inche samsuddin, Cfficer-’.n-Charcc of Police District, Sungei Siput will shortly be proceeding on transfer to Batu Gajah. He will be succeeded by Inspector Mahyuddin of Batu Gajah. During his stay in Surgei Siput, Mr. Samsuddin was Captain of the local football and hockey
    62 words
  • 76 11 Ipoh. The only remaining major strike in Perak has been settled this week when workers employed at the United Engineers Ltd., resumed work following successful negotiations in Singapore. It is understood that the terms agreed on were 3% cents increase per hour for those getting $1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 Get INSTANT RELIEF from terrible SKINTORMEHT a If you arc a sufferer from Eczema, Ulcers, Sores, Itching Eruptions, Rashes, or any form of skin disease, use D.D.I). Prescription. .Just a few drops of this marvellous healing lotion and you have instant relief. Irritation and pain go at once, and a
      150 words

  • 784 12 HITLER'S BERLIN CPFFCM First Phase Of War Ending London, January 31. Speaking at a meeting at the Berlin Sports Palace tonight to mark the seventh anniversary of the Nazi revolution, Hitler, in his first big speech since the Munich bomb explosion, said that there was much talk
    784 words
  • 167 12 Chung Ung Teachers Fete Mr. Um Saik Ghee •The teachers of Chung Ling High School entertained Mr. Lim Saik Ghee to a farewell dinner at Thai Pak Low yesterday evening, on the occasion of his departure to take up an appointment in a Government English school. Dinner over,
    167 words
  • 139 12 Classification Of Horses And Ponies Amendment No. 5 To List No. 25. The following alterations relating to List No. 25 are included in new List No. 26: HORSES.— DELETIONS.— Class 3 Sahara. Class 4.—Green Eyes LIST NO. 26. AMENDMENT NO. 1. ISSUED 29TH JANUARY. 1940 HORSES.— TRANSFERS.
    139 words
  • 65 12 Match In Aid Of Patriotic Fund z\n interesting soccer match in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund between a team representing the Penang Football Association and a strong team from the Navy is being arranged to ba played on the C.R.C. ground on Sunday. February
    65 words
  • 123 12 The result of the P.S.C January Men’s Medal (stroke) Compet tion, played on the 20th./21st instant was as follows: —< G. A. Maltby 79 3=76 winner H. P. Wales 99—20—79 W. Rintoul 95—16=79 S. M. Middlebrook 97—17=80 R. H. Williams 89— 9 80 R. J. Hutton
    123 words
  • 102 12 A Special Committee Meet ng of the Penang Badminton Association will be held at the Hu Yew Seah on Thursday Feb. 1 st 8 pm. The agenda will be as follows: (1) To read and confirm the minutes of the last Committee Meeting on 14.1.40. (2) To approve of
    102 words
  • 88 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 TIN: Penang $122 50 Business done IOJ tons Singapore $122.50 RUBBER: Penang Spot 37c Singapore Spot 37c COPRA: Sundricd $4 10 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $5.60 sellers Fair Seed $4.75 sellers RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. SG.2O New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled
    88 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 454 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road p Phone 1477 1478 with ter Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang Rates of Subscription for rtnanr Ga, and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Loca’ S.S.& Delivery FM s Monthly $2.50' $3.00 Quarterly 7.50 900 Half-Yearly 15.00 18 Yearly 30.C0 36.00 t SUNDAY GAZETTE Local S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Quarterly
      454 words