Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 88 1 —Reuter. “No German Pilots Sent To Assist Russia” London, January 26. declaration* of neutrality regarding the Finnish Soviet war was made by an off cial German nircios announcer who repeated the denial of the reporb that German pilots had ac ed as aL-raiders lor
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 96 1 Belgium Always Knows That. '•—Reuter. BRITISH GUARANTEE HILL HE EFFECTIVE Brussels, January 26. “It ha- always been well-known that if Belg urn is invaded and appealed to her guarantors for help, E.igland would come to her assistance with lightning speed and full effectiveness.” This was the daclaraticn of official circles
    '•—Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 107 1 E.O.w' >hie o Higher Motor Tax Petrol Rationing Rugby, Jan. 35 •al reduction in the number or cars cn the roads has -!:i Lie increase in the vehicle i.d strict rationing of petro. This is Reflected in the licensing authorities for r the current quarter.
    E.O.w'  -  107 words
  • 102 1 —8.0. W. nder Secretary’s Speech Rugby, Jan. 26. his constituents today, uter-Secretary expressed the t the progress of the war 1 :or an increase in the conctions to ensure that an d consumption were didirection most favourable economy. of the aim of destroying Balfour said: “I believe
    —8.0. W. |  -  102 words
  • 59 1 —8.0. W Rugby, Jan. 26. After his visit to the Canadian troops yesterday, the following note, auth irised bv the King, appeared in Divisional orders: “Dis Majesty was pleased with zvhat he saw. He was greatly impressed by the smartness of the
    —8.0. W  -  59 words
  • 35 1 8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 26. The 8.8. C. Oversea Service announces that the speech by Mr. Churchill will be heard on Jan. 27 at 14.30 G.M.T. on G., G.S.F.F.F., G.S.V.V.V., G.S.T.T,T
    8.0. W.  -  35 words
  • 217 1 .—Reuter and 8.0. W Rugby, Jan. 26. According to Helsinki news reports, Sir Walter Citrine, the general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, Mr. Philip Noel-Baker, representing the Labour Party and Mr.. John Downie, representing the Co-operative Union, arrived by air at Abo yesterday. The
    .—Reuter and 8.0. W  -  217 words
  • 76 1 Reuter. Closed By Germany To “Prevent Smuggling” Geneva, Jan. 23. Germany closed her frontier with Switzerland between the hours of 8 pin. and 6 a.m.; the reason given was stated to be the prevention of smuggling and the clandestine crossing of the frontier. The Germans are also
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 131 1 Ottawa, Jan. 26. A N “immediate appeal to the country” was announced by Lord Twcedsmuir, the Governor-General, in a speech from the throne at the opening of Parliament. The speech did not give any specific date for the polling. It was probably one
    i.—Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 38 1 —Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 26. Marshal Goering today received Mr. Aikawa, Chairman of the Manchukuo Company for building up of the heavy industry and discus-ed wi'h b m ‘tie problems of German-Manchukuoan trade relations.”' —Reuter.
    ”—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 174 1 Reuter. -SAYS “LG.” London, Jan. 26. “Every scrap of land ought to be conscripted in the fight for freedom” declared Mr. LJoyd George in the course of a debate in the House of Commons on Agriculture in which Mr Morrison, the Minister for
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 89 1 Reuter. Tsingau, January 26. Japan’s proposed Puppet Government in Ch’na is to be called “The National Government of the Ch n se Republic” and will use the Kuomintang flag (the flag of the Chinese Government at Chvngkrg). Th) capital will be at Nanking. This was
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 58 1 Latest War Communique —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 25. To-night’s French communique states that it was a quiet day on the whole, with some artillery action. The German freighter “Albert Janus” 1,600 tons was scuttled, on being inter cepted by one of our patrol ships. A U-Boat was also
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 58 1 —Reuter. Smoke Trails Caused By R.A.F. Patrols London, Jan. 26. The Air Ministry announced that “reports that anti-aircraft guns were in action along the Thames estuary at about noon today are inaccurate. There were no e"emy aircraft in the area. The smoke trails in the
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 368 1 U.S. Keeping Calm Over Expiration Of Treaty Washington, Jan. 26. The expiration of the commercial treaty with Japan is taken calmly here. The general attitude is that any move to convert the trade relations between the two countries from the transitory basis which begins on
    —Reuter.  -  368 words
  • 101 1 —8.0. W. On Speeches Of French Ministers Rugby. Jan. 26. The White Paper, issued today, contains the texts of the speeches by the French Premier and the French Minister of Finance in the Chamber and Senate on Dec. 22, 24. 28 and 29. It is stated
    —8.0. W.  -  101 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 «.V-» 1 Sbs’/cXte rr Lf OR yoUR jc*r; yffre/ I /or V' -HX Malaya Penang- dispensary ltd., I Penang and Ipoh.
      21 words
    • 147 1 /S’ BEsrf. 4 Agents for North ATalaya A Penangt— GEORGETOWN DISPENSARX LTD« Penang and Ipoh. n-n lt C.S. 97A 1 x 'K f W7> X /7 tJWrlt B V I r Tn. < i 3 ONE LOAF will convince you that we bake very good bread Z' J* a^so convlnce
      147 words

  • 920 2 What Catholics In Poland Suffer DISCLOSURES BY VATICAN RADIO Daily Tale Of Infamy And Destruction Rugby, January 25. Further disclosures from Vatican sources of the martyrdom of Poland is described as constituting the worst religious persecution in one thousand years of history. These disclosures supplement
    Reuter.  -  920 words
  • 274 2 .—Reuter Nation Behind Government The Hague, Jan. 25. “The nation is ent.rely behind the Government in its neutrality policy, declared the Foreign Minister, M. Van Kieffens, in the First Chamberof the State-General, replying to the debate in which Mr. Churchill’s broadcast speech on Saturday received considerable criticism. The
    .—Reuter  -  274 words
  • 186 2 .—Reuter. Flying Ax About 25,000 Feet London, Jan. 25. A plane believed to be German, was seen Lying at a great height over the Thames estuary this afternoon. Antiaircraft gunfire was heard. As the guns sounded the plane suddenly rose higher and disappeared. The plane was
    .—Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 73 2 —8.0. W. Best Known Actors And Actresses Take Part Rugby, January 25. Many of Britain’s best known actors and actresses have, during the past eiglr weeks, taken part in entertainments tn France for the benefit of troops of the British Expeditionary Force. These shows ar
    —8.0. W.  -  73 words
  • 67 2 .—Reuter. Miners Accept Owners’’ Offer London, Jan. 25. The National Delegate Conference of the Mineworkers Federation decided by 524,000 votes against 70,000 to recommend the districts to accept the offer of the coal owners for an advance in wages on the cost of
    .—Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 41 2 —Reuter. Thai Decoration For Duke Of Gloucester Imdon, Jan. 25. Vicc-AtTn'ral Phya Rafawangsan. That Minister in London, handed the Duke of Gloucester the Order of the Royal House o’ Chakri on behalf of King Ananda of Thailand. Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 82 2 —Reuter. Berlin, Jan. 25. Hitler has ordered the pocket battleship, “Deutschland,” to be renamed the “Buetzow.” according to the Official German News Agency, which says that the name “Deutschland” is intended for a larger ship. It is added that the heavy cruiser now named “Luetzow” will
    ’—Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 141 2 VIOLENT BATTLE AT AITTOJOKI Helsinki, January 25 In the Karelian Isthmus, the situation is re atively quiet and activity limited to reconnaissances and harassing artillery fire. "North of the Lake Ladoga the enemy continued their attacks all day and the most violent fighting occurred at Aittojoki. Ihe
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  • 111 2 ?.—8.0.W. ReducXion Announced Rugby, January 25. A substantial reduction in the number of long term unemployed, namely thes on the register for a year or more, was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour in the House of Commons.
    ?.—8.0.W.  -  111 words
  • 73 2 —Reuter Military Alliance With Turkey Proposed London. Jan. 25. The Daily Mail Cairo correspondx’nt says that the Government cf Iran and Aighanistan have proposed to Iraq that the Saadabad Non-Aggression IMct betv’en these powers and Turkey be converted into a m’litary alliance in. nrcer to form a
    .—Reuter  -  73 words
  • 78 2 —8.0. W. 271 R.A.F. Officers And Men Arrive In Canada Rugby. January 25. Two hundred men and seventy-one officers of the R.A.F. have arrived in Canada to assist in training pilots, observers and gunners under the Empire air training scheme. The first meeting of the Supervisor’/ Board
    —8.0. W.  -  78 words
  • 30 2 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 25. M. Stalin will shortly visit the Finnish front, according to reliable information from Moscow, says the Stefani Agency’s Riga correspondent.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 343 2 Another Setback For Japanese In Hupeh Chungking, Jan. 25, THE Chinese press claim a general retreat of Japanese forces in Northern Hupeh where the Japanese .r e reported to have suffered “very heavy casualties.” General Chiang Kai-shek has issued a statenu bitterly attacking the “so-called peace
    Reuter.  -  343 words
  • 105 2 —Reuter. Strikes Reef Near Sebenico Rome, January 25. The Yugo-Slav destroyer “Ljubljana” sank today after striking a reef near Sebenico. accordir.g to the Belgrade Telegram. The “Ljubljana” was attempting to enter Sebenico in a violent storm and sank almost instantaneously. There were 130 officers and men on
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 148 2 8.0 W. Registration Next Month Rugb Jan. 25 The Ministry of Labour ;nd Serv.ce announced that the i< .'-.ration cf men of the 23 age group would take pace on February 17. This announcement put into operation the royal proclamation made on January 1
    8.0 W.  -  148 words
  • 107 2 '—Reuter. Deep GraXilude Of Peopk Of Mollierland London, January 25 A well-attended meet ng of the Efl» tive Committee of the Empire Industra Association held in the House of Cci> n»t?ns in the even’ng, unanimously oassri i a resolution recording “profound appfr ciation of the loyal
    '—Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 77 2 —Renter Paris, January A decree has been published up the laws referring to the P ubiica J of information calculated to haiea influence on the spirit of the army the .population.” The decree amplifies earlier and makes the pub icaticn of
    —Renter  -  77 words
  • 37 2 —Reuter. Windows Of British Consulate Srnasltf Tokyo, J A deputation from a P atr J known the “Tohokai" ca’^ d Ush Consulate-General at re [presentedan anti-Bnt re resolute J ’paving smashed the windows consulate. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 359 2 Why Seizure Is Necessary 8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 25. Details of the seizures from the United States mails by British authorities and the methods whereby citizens of German origin in America attempt to use the United States mail to transport valuables and food to Ger-many
    8.0. W.  -  359 words
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  • 186 3 London. Anderson, Minister of inty, was trapped in > steel shelters the and was pulled out by his a’ making a tour of the 1 Defence Region, was «Iter, cleverly disrockery, in the garu>e at Waddon, near Croydt shelter so much l( i on
    186 words
  • 199 3 London A suggestion that a railway worker had “received” a sweet by eating it after a carton of confectionery had been damaged in a goods van resulted in a “lightning” strike of nearly 400 men at the Forth Goods Station. Newcastle on Tyne. The strike
    199 words
  • 77 3 London. i and his bride-to-lis, both aged 25, red while cycling Cambridge, are v ridden into the he black-out and tee '> drowned. ri ia y, police dragging the Midsummer Common Prom lf a a bicycle which has jj a p 1 ng belonging to
    77 words
  • 54 3 London. rotherton, 18-year-old perator, was killed in a I 1 ident at Harpenden T oe) Post Office. hose home was in SandSt. Albans. was the retired po’ice officer. s on duty in the telephone woyr. upper floor and was in the head. ine nvftrvu giitgs
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  • 245 3 AFTER 20 YEARS IN LONDON London. Monsieur Charles Paravicini, Swiss Minister in London for 20 years and doyen of fore’gn envoys here, has packed up to leave. He passed the retiring age of 65 la c t summer, and shou’d have left then. But he stayed on
    245 words
  • 450 3 London. J_£LK DREGS oi tough Canadj ans f or w hom cc id has always been. soineLhing bciow zero stamping around a gariTsvu town Somewhere in saying to one another: out it s cold.” Later in the black-out they were bumping into one anothei
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  • 252 3 London. Eric Fogg, formerly “Uncle Eric” of the 8.8.C.’s Northern Children’s Hour, musical director for the five years before war broke out of the 8.8.C.’s Empire Service, fell under a Tube train at Waterloo Station and was killed. Eric Fogg, composer, conductor, and a
    252 words
  • 161 3 London. Labour councillors’ protests again» t the refusal of Slough Borough Council to let a council house to a w onian because her husband is o« active service have succeeded. Second Thoughts— The Housing Committee’s attitude had been that it should be cautious about letting
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  • 416 3 Two More 0.8.E.S London. More honours have gone to “Britain’s Other Navy”—the merchant fleet of Sir It. Ropnei and Co., West Hartlepool. It was announced in a recent Official Gazette that the captains of two Ropner ships have been awarded the 0.8. E. (Civil Division).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 5 Great Health Benefits You Need Every Day m Delicious Quaker Oats rich in THIAMIN* and 4 other vital food necessities A daily diet of (Quaker Oats builds you up, adds strength and stamina, keeps you feeling fit and well. Its Thiamin, Proteins, Iron, Phosphorus and Food Energy make it
      154 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 114 3 T3SI MJ < J m Z? “WHEN Dll) YOU LAST SEE YOUR FATHER?” .1 suspected anti-l!itler plot by the ex-Crown Prince and other relatives oj the exited Kaiser is being investigated by the Nazis, say reports from Germany. NEWS WITH A SMzifi! JBy Paltrier Football pools which were suspended for
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  • 43 4 Kuala Lumpur. Colonel Cecil Rae C.BJC. the Senior Unofficial member of the Federal Council, has been appointed a member of the Council for a further period of one year with effect from Feb. 1. HON. COL. CECIL RAE
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  • 169 4 Suii Following Deal In Singapore. A broker’s claim for $960 for work alleged to have been done in connection with the purchasing and mortgaging of landed property was dismissed by Sir Percy McElwaine, the Chief Justice, in the Singapore High Court on Wednesday. The plaintiff, Solomon
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  • 519 4 Matter Raised In Kuala Lumpur Bankruptcy A FTER hearing evidence on Tuesday, in a case in which a Chinese named Chan Chee Ming was charged with failing to disclose to the Official Assignee when making a statement to him on or about Sept. 22, 1938, that
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  • 196 4 Dispute Over Fare Paid Singapore. How he was assaulted by three riesha pullers was described in the Singapore second police court on Wednesday by James Bishop, a British sa.lor. Bishop was giving evidence against Ong Chee Lock and Yew Cho Mui who were fined $2
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  • 391 4 News In Malay January 24. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins zvill be
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  • 88 4 Singapore. Mr. J.- A. Carr, one of the European wardei attached to the Johore Prison, who was m charge of a party of prisoners working outside the gaol, was on Monday assaulted by one of the prisoners. Mr. Carr was admitted to hospital, but his injuries
    88 words
  • 478 4 Kuala Lumpur /CHARGED with counterfeiting current Straits Settleme t coins, a Chinese, Te Sai Kce, was committe i to forthcoming Selangor Assizes to stand trial by \i r w. e Thorogood, First Magistrate, at the close of the p> iimin inquiry held on
    478 words
  • 82 4 Singapore Interference with the Singapore mine-sweeping forces in the approaches to Singapore is being caused by the failure of some ships to obey the instructions laid down in Admiralty Annual Notice to Mariners No. 1 Part 111, states, a notice issued on Wednesday. It requests all
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  • 517 4 Report Discloses Assistance Given To Poor '■MIE extent of the relief given by the Silver Jubilee Fund in 'SingaB pore last year and the diflicult es it faces as a result of the increased ptrices of foodstuffs, which are needed for the poor, are described
    517 words
  • 217 4 One Says They Went To Play Football Kuala Luinp’ff Alleged to have broken into a he» belonging to the Loke Yew estate ■various dates in December and also t» [have committed mischief by causing i (9 'or damage est mated at $3OO. six you hs_ Nadarajah, Au-Yong Kim
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  • 250 4 Luncheon Given Yam Tuan SeremlM. The Hon. Mr. G. L. Ham, the 1/T9 Resident Negri Sembilan. who ’S retinng» the end of this month, was entertsiai to lunch by His Highness the Yang 4Pertuan Besar at the Astana Sri Mena"£ among those present being members
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  • 169 4 Francis Merriman and dor, of the Royal Arti claimed trial in the 8 rt to a charge of bree Sembawang Read cr ev. 21. I )nej jd steal $7, were fined when they pleaded charge of causing m coJ pt!*l They were ordered m P a
    169 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 33 4 1 unchanging quality rTnfWJliJJ.jt. M F ’Wir /IBBik I M I 1 koi k Ui f rS n 11 TIGER BEER MADE FROM THE FIBEST malt hops yeast Distributed by Fraser Neave Ltd.
      33 words

  • 1264 5 Using China Conflict As Screen SIX CONVICTED IN IPOH TRIAL Ipoh. HEARING commenced before Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, in the Ipoh First Magistrate’s Court, yesterday in the case in which nine young Chinese, including Chinese school teachers, clerks and newspapermen were charged with being
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  • 537 5 Four Committed To Assizes Kuala Kangsar. a se Q ue t to a fatal assault on one of their compatriots in Heywood Estate, Sungei Siput, four Malayalee coolies, Appoo, Arumugam, Raman and Velloo, were committed to stand their trial in the Perak Assize Court on
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  • 600 5 Social Personal Mr. G. W. de Silva, the I” lala Lumpur lawyer, who went to Ceylon on a holiday has returned. Tungku Ismail and Mr. R. P. S. Raja-; sooria, lawyers in Kuala Lumpur, have joined in partnership under the style of “Tungku Ismail and Rajasooria. 4: Mr. Cheow Fook
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  • 702 5 Probable Departure Of Chairman AT a meeting of the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board, held at the Sanitary Board Office, Taiping, on Tuesday, January 23, 1940, at 10 a.m. the Chairman, Mr. C. R. Forsythe, informed the Board of his probable departure before the next meeting. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 ■’jit !< iHiftwi i IS
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    • 434 5 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel—And You’ll Jump Out of Bed Full of Vim and Vigour. Your liver should pour out two pinta of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your fooddoesn’tdigesL It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 395 5 1 Here Conies Cisco That Gallant Robin »Ioo<! of the Rio Grande is back again To Thrill You MAJESTIC YONIOHT 6.15 9.30 His love songs ring in the hills again as his guns bark out their challenge I WARNER BAXTER in «The Return Of The Cisco Kid” -ith Lynn Bari
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    • 108 5 Yesterday’s Opening Pacßed to the Doors QUEEN'S 3 SHOWS DAILY 3 p.m., 6.15 9.30 p.m. 3 p.m. Prices Downstairs 15, 30 and 50 cents. The First of our 1940 RKO Radio Pictures “SELECTED” From The Best! BOBBY BREEN in “WAY DOWN SOUTH’’ Endorsed by everyone Bobby Breen's Big—That’s why we
      108 words

  • 449 6 WE are told (by the Nazis) that the real war will begin in the spring of 1910 (within four or six weeks from now), that Germany has at least 30,000 planes ready, that her vast fleet oi submarines is being reinforced at the rate of one a
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  • 120 6 REX CINEMA Anna Neagle in “Nurse Edith Cavell” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA Bobby Breen in “Way Down South” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA Warner Baxter in “The Return of the Cisco Kid” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR “Thyagnbhocmi” (Tamil picture) 5.30
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  • Article, Illustration
    453 6 Foor IF oman T LIKI£ the story sent by Reuter x yesterday regarding the suit brought by Mrs. Valerie Porter against her mother-in-law for enticing her husband away from her. My aunt, when she heard.this, burst into tears. “The poor woman,” she cried. “Fancy being robbed of
    453 words
  • 565 6 Friday, Jan. 26. DIG sensation today is provided by Canada. An "ininiediate appeal to the country” was announced by die Governor-General (Lord Tweedsmuir) in a speech from the throne. The announcement which came as a complete surprise indicates a winter election —a rare even!
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 432 6 1 SSSsSSw.»;»: 1 T '**'v. jjOS^^iJSSBBSte i, &SS* > I i I 4 «ph- .<&-Aa L« h"\;R//Sa sS» n < V>X /\l 1 i W /Av rxl s /Fe Y«4W \O \MHI gB;- > KSu. f UW V -|W mOT ■fell 1 AISLE AND FAREWELL “So the condemned man ate
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  • 436 7 RICSHA PULLER SUCCUMBS TO NUMEROUS STAB WOUNDS dispute, which arose during a game of “chikki” among several ricksha pullers, culminated in a stabbing affray and the death of one of the players. He was set upon at Irving Road shortly after 3 o’clock yesterday
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  • 599 7 EDITH CAV ELL LIVES AGAIN brilliant acting by ANNA NEAGLE Anna Neagle’s brilliant portrayal m ‘Nurse Edith CaVeliz’ now showing at the Rex, will long be rememoered by all who see the picture. Based on what undoubtedly was one of the most shocking chapters of the Great
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  • 225 7 Tuesday, January 16. Mr. M. V. del Tufo, Lieut.-Comcr. Mrs. M. Beach Thomas and Mr. N. E. Hughes had luncheon at Government House. His Excellency and Lady Thomas were host and hostess to 35 children of the Childrens Aid Society Home at a tea party at Government
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  • 163 7 A fire broke out in prem ses 88 Bagan Luar Road, Butterworth, at 9.50 p.m I last n ghr, resulting in the dwelling, an attap structure, being partially destroyed. The back portion of the house, where the fire originated, was mest damaged. The house in question is
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  • 122 7 Works hi Chinese Ink A splendid array of paintings in water colours in Chinese ink, calligraphy and woodcut was on view at the Hoay Aun Association in Magazine Road this morninT, when the exhibition given by Professor Chang Tan-noon, foremost Chinese artist, was declared open. The opening
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  • 183 7 Kuala Kangsai Convicted on an amended charge of I criminal breach of trust of a bicycle valued at $8 and a pair of “chapals”) ornamented Malay sandals valued at $3 a young Malay rubber tapper was fined $25 in default 3 weeks’ rigorous imprisonment
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  • 56 7 Run Over By Early Train Singapore. The mutilated bodv of a male Skh w?s found on the railway track near Holland Road, Hingaoore. cn Tuesday morning. The police MWe that th? man was run over by one of the e’rly trains. An inquiry w’ll be held
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  • 480 7 Three Malays And A Tamil On Tria] evidence was recorded by the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, in the District Court this morning, in the case in which three Malays an I a Tamil, ranging between the ages of 17 and 19, stand
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  • 88 7 ACCUSED REMANDED IN CUSTODY Having been arrested on a charge of assembling with dangerous weapons for the purpose of committing a gang rob» bery, four Chinese, Lee Ah Yon, Cheang Yong, Lee Cheong Meng and Sean Hooi Sean, were produced in the Penang Middle Court, this morning.
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  • 115 7 Celebration On A Modified Scale with the great Hindu festival, Thaipusam, were modified somewhat owing w the present war conditions. Nevertheless Tamils in Ipch as in all other towns iu Malaya observed this religious festival with the same enthusiasm. The Hindu temples in Ipoh were ihronged with
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  • 170 7 BEK CHUAN LANE HOUSE BURGLED Over $5OO worth of jewellery Was stolen from No. 6, Sek Chuan Lgrie yesterday. The articles .were plaited on a dresser in the front room i|]|— stairs. 1 A frequent visiter to the house, A Chinese woman, clad in a shirt
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  • 80 7 Jewellery Valued At $4BB Eton-cropped and wearing men’s apparel, a European cut cream coat and trousers, a young Chinese woman, Khoo Saw Paik, made her appearance in the Penang Middle Court this morning on a charge of theft of jewellery, valued £448, at No. 6, Sek
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  • 86 7 Case Against Lorry Driver As the result of fatal motor 'accident which occurred at Pranjgin Road on Tuesday afternoon, a Chinese lorry driver, Koay Eng Hooi, waa produced in the Penang Middle Court this morning on a charge of causing th& death of a woman
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 206 7 For babies from 10-24 months i Follow-on Trufood 0 highly nutritive food with feeding-tables allowing for the I progressive introduction of solids /lux L An infant is fed accurately with a measured amount of food during i Aft rJMMi. -A the sta S es D^ne months of life. A carefully
      206 words

  • 104 8 Talk By A Singapore Ceylonese Mr. V. Paramsothy. an assistant master at Victoria School, Singapore, will broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. at 7.30 p.m. this evening in the series “The War From Various Viewpoints.” This talk will preser t the Ceylonese view of the war —the viewpoint
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  • 89 8 Manager Of Metal Works Convicled W. Hansen, manager of the Emko Metal Works, appeared before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court on Wednesday ■on a charge of operating machinery at River Road without a permit cn December IP J'st year. The charge was made
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  • 1657 8 Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company FOREIGN COMPETITION PROBLEMS War Time Conditions SIR WILLIAM CURRIE’S STATEMENT AT ANNUAL MEETING Sir William Crawford Currie, the chairman, presiding at the 99th ordinary general meeting of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, held at the P. and O. Company’s offices on December 6,
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    • 234 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Sellers Arnpats 5/ 5/4} A. Amalgamateds 6/1} 6/7$ Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 1.65 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.16 1.20 Johans 32$ 35 Jelapangs 34/ 35/ Jelebus 05 1.00 Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kainuntingß 9/ 9/4}ca Katus 23/6 24/6 Kramats 11/6 ’l2/ Kuchais 1.55 1.62$ Kundangs
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    • 217 8 A.A. Anthony CO’s QUOTATIONS TINS Buyers Sellers Ampat 4/9 5/ Ayer Hitam 24 25/ Batu Selangor 1.57$ 1.62$ Hitam Tin 45 47$ Hong Fatt 1.17$ 1.20 Hongkong Tin 24/6 25/6 JeleLu 85 90 Kamra Tin 1/9 2/ Kent 2/6 2/9 Klang River 2.12$ 2.17$ Kramat Tin 12/ 12/6 Kuchai Tin
      217 words
    • 278 8 RUBBER Buyers SeUen Allenbys 1.35 1.42$ Ayer Panas 1.37$ 1.45 Bassetts 50 55 Batu Lintangs 1.07} 1.125 c Bentas 1.00 1.05 Borellis 1.40 1.50 Brogas 67} 72} Indragiris 1.37} 1.45 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Siduns 2.47} 2.57} Lunas 1.70 1.80 Malaka Pindas 1.40 L5O Mentakabs 42}
      278 words
    • 306 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Seller» Ampat 4/9 5/3 A. Amalg. 6/6 H A. Hitam 23/6 24'6 Bangrins 22/9 23/9 B. Selangors 1.55 1.60 Hong Fatts 1.18 1.20 Jelebus 90 95 Johans 32 34 Kamras 2/ 2 3c Kamuntings 12/3 13 'c K. Lan juts 22/6 23/ex Katus 24/3
      306 words
    • 316 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST RUBBER Buyers Sdlera Allenby 1.371 142 > Amal. Malay 1.85 Ayer Panas 1.35 Batu Lintang 1.05 1 Bedford 95 i. o(> Benta 97} i, 05 Bukit K_ B. 32} 40 Kamasan 1.25 135 Kempas 2.20 2 30 Kundong 1.50 1.55 New Serendah 90 i.(x) Nyalas 80
      316 words
  • 58 8 —Reuter. Applications Reach New High Record London, Jan. 19. This week's applications of £122,000. 000 for £65,000,000 Treasury Bills ofTetcl constitutes a high record. A total of £61.000.000 was allotted at the average rate of 21s. Bd. which is 6d cheaper the Treasury than the rate at
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 79 8 Less Money Available London, Jan. 21Heavy withdrawals of cash from th® clearing banks for taxation P’ jr poses reduced the supplies of available for lending this wort Nevertheless, borrowers found overnight accommodation easily obtain.'. Owing to the keen demand 'c-r sury Bills the market received only per cent,
    79 words
  • 58 8 The official opening of the Chang Noon Art exhibition of pai" graphy and woodcut will ta. ;ljCe r the Hoay Aun Association. r- n Road at 10 a.m. today. The sul, Mr. Huang Yen-ka the exhibition open. The exhibition will be V sunpublic from 10
    58 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 89 8 BANKS I J OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL I To keep abreast with the 1 progress of economic deve- lopments, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. r.H wJi h Jill The
      89 words

  • 351 9 U.S. Journalist As Eye-witness Amsterdam, Dec. 21. “The Russian troops which the Kremlin has sent into the fie d on the Karelian Isthmus sector are probably the most miserab’.e-lock.ner beings in uniform which th s part of Europe has seen s’nee Napoleon’s half-starved and ragged men retreated
    351 words
  • 934 9 Disaster in Severe Snowstorm Wakkanai, The Hokkaido, Dec. 14. Rescued after clinging for 30 hour» to the lurching deck of their stranded ship, buffetted by a furious northern blizzard and mountainous grey seas, the survivors of the 2,336-ton Soviet steamer Indigirka left here at 1.30
    934 words
  • 650 9 Experiments In Shanghai Shanghai. A .movement has been started by Chinese experts in Shanghai for making soya bean milk now officially known as soybean milk which is scientifically proved as good as cow’s milk but which is about a tenth of the cost. As the cow’s
    650 words
  • 784 9 The Cabbage Roll is Popular Munich restaurants have what is called a “plat du jour” which, five days in the week, may include meal. It is, according to the Munchner Neueste Nachrichten, made up of kitchen left-overs, and no ratios, cards are needed. One big hotel reports
    784 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1474 9 j s M > Wfll ISBr i JF JS MB wl Iw vU TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English b. b. c. P KI o (Local Time) 6.05 News Summary. Transmission s -n 6.20 Fantasies by Eric Coates. transmission 5 6xo a.m. 6.50 Full News Bulletin.
      1,474 words
    • 427 9 NIROM YDA 6.04 mc/s (49.6 m.; YDB 11.u6 mc/s (25.3 m.) YDB 9.65 mc/s (31.20 m PMN 10.26 mc/s (29.2 m. YDC 15.16 mc/s (19.80 m.) 6.20 am. Ope—ing. News. 6.28 Gymnastics. 6.40 Recoids. 7.20 News repeated 7.27 Records. 7.50 Close down. 10.50 Time signal. Walter Fenske and his orchestra.
      427 words

  • 107 10 —Reuier. MOTION TABLED BY LABOUR PARTY London. Jan. 25. “Recognising the vital necessity of planning to the best advantage the resources of the nation lor the successful prosecution of the war and for meeting the requirements of the civilian population, this House opines that there should
    —Reuier.  -  107 words
  • 23 10 BO.W. Rugby. Jan 25. The French Government have arranged for the publication, in English, of th 1 French Yellow Book.—BO.W.
    BO.W.  -  23 words
  • 643 10 Attempt To Outflank Mannerheim Line SUCCESS UNCERTAIN BUT LOSSES VERY HEAVY Helsinki, Jan. 25 Struggling through forests across the frozen marshes north of Lake Ladoga, the Russians are continuing their biggest offensive in many weeks with the object of outflanking the Mannerheim Line. The
    Reuter.  -  643 words
  • 283 10 'upon to face post-war problems" -Reu,ter WAR EXPENDITURE i Govt. Demand For Borrowed Money Ia) nd on, Jan. 25. It would be unsound for the Government war expenditure to continue to be indefinitely financed ty an increasing floating debt through the issue of Treasury Bills, said
    'upon to face post-war problems" -Reu,ter  -  283 words
  • 93 10 Reuter. Japanese Diplomats In Europe To Meet Benin, January 25 A conference of Japanese Ministers to the Balkan and Danube States and the Ambassadors to Turkey and Italy will be held at Budapest on January 26 and 27, according to a Rome dispatch to the German
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 647 10 HO W ECONOMIC WARFARE IS AFFECTING GERMANS No Immediate Collapse To Be Expected Rugby, Jan. 25 Explaining the work of the Ministry of Economic Warfare in a broadcast to-night, Mr. Cross said it was the business of the Ministry to prevent the enemy from obtaining a supply of those things
    -BO.W  -  647 words
  • 286 10 —Reuter NO GERMANS OF MILITARY AGE TO E TAKEN San Francisco. Jan. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha (owners of the “Asama M announces that henceforl: it will not accept as passt Germans subject to military vice. The announcement preven: stranded crew of the sc d liner,
    —Reuter  -  286 words
  • 35 10 To Be Amalgamated With C.N.A.C, Chungking, January 25. ft is persistently rumoured that the Eurasia Corporation, a Sino-German concern will be amalgamated with the Chin National Aviation Corporation which is a Sino-American cono”.
    35 words
  • 318 10 NO FAVOURING GERMANS MOKi THAN OTHER POWERS Bucharest, Jan. 25 A statement intended to allay the anxiety of London and lest the recent decree placing the oil industry under a forn t dictatorship which might mean an increase in the oil t to Germany, was
    _JiCUtCr*  -  318 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 325 10 NEW YORK SERVICE (via Suez) Leave Arrive Penang New York Feb 7 Mar. 18 ™®s. rou F 29 9 PRES. GARFIELD PRES. MONROE Via Cape Mar. 14 NpL PRES. hDAMS 28 May Carries no passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Loads Penang CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS Feb 18 For Pacific
      325 words

  • 1101 11 Acceptances For Tomorrow RACE 1 2.15 p.m. HORSES— Class 4 —Division 3—6 Furlongs WAIT-A-BIT 7y 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval q BRASS BULLET 6y 8.10 Mr. Teoh Cheow. Ghee Van Breukelen o RAWANG lOy 8.09 Mr. M. van Breukelen';,; NONIA MANIS 5y 8.09 “W.
    1,101 words
  • 57 11 —-Reuter. Pedro Montanez Beaten On T.K.O. New York, Jan. 25 At the Madison Square Car den, Henry Armstrong retained the world welter-weight title, beating Pedro the "Tropical Terror’' of Puerto Rico, on a technical knock-out in the ninth round. The bell twice saved Monianez who was hopelessly
    —-Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 228 11 Excellent Bouts Arranged With revival of boxing in Penang, local promoters have started panning several interesting bouts which will come off soon. Two promotions will be staged during the week-end. On Saturday night, Cheah Boon Cheng, well-known as Penang’s K.O. King will exchange blows with
    228 words
  • 183 11 Indians Beat A.C.S. By Odd Goal In Seven Teluk Anson. In an mter-club fixture of the Lower Perak District Hockey Association played on the Speedy Road padang here on Wednesday afternoon the Lower Perak Indians defeated the Anglo-Chinese School by four goals to three. The Indians drew
    183 words
  • 26 11 -Reuter. London Jan. 24. In the south B section of the reg’onal soccer compot tion Che’sea boat Brentford by 3 goals to 2. —Reuter.
    .- -Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 520 11 Racing Very Open For Last Day Of Ipoh Meeting <Bv “TIC-TAC”) On both the first and second days at Ipoh good dividends were paid out and although form has been revealed to a large extertt, yet the racing should be very open again tomorrow,
    520 words
  • 48 11 At a meeting ol the cricketers of the Chinese RecreaMon Club at the Club premises on Tuesday. Messrs. Lim Khye Seng, Lim Khye Su and Tan Ah Ee were re-elected Chairman, Captain and Convener respectively for the forthcoming season. A sub-comm ittce was also elected.
    48 words
  • 35 11 Further progress was grade in the doubles of the Ipoh Y.M.C.A. Tennis Tournament yesterday when Soo Choon Tan and Khalily beat Chong Mun Siew and Teoh Ah Khoon 6—o, B—o.8 —0.
    35 words
  • 336 11 North Perak Sports Review Taiping. The outstanding feature of sports in North Perak during the past week was the commencement of the Inter-Team Doubles Badminton Tournament for the Shep- pard Cup. True to expectations, keen competition was in the majority of cases the order of the
    336 words
  • 65 11 —-Reuter. Substitute Races Likely At Newmarket London, Jan. 24. The Jockey Club announces that the Epsom Spring and Sumfner Race Meetings have been abandoned Thus the Derby will not be held at Epsom but doubtless substitute races for the Derby and Oaks will be held,
    .■—-Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 62 11 Strong Team From Australia Sydney, Jan. 12 A strong Australian lawn team will compete in the New Zealand Centennial tournament to take place from February 5 —12. They include John Bromwich, J. EL Crawford and Misses N. Wynne, T. Coyne and M. Hardcastle. The Australians are
    62 words
  • 118 11 HENRY COTTON’S golf A matches to raise funds for the Red Cross have now realised a sum of approximately £4,500. Cotton and three other leading professionals played before a gate of I,OOD over the Abbeydale Course. Sheffield. A total of £325 was raised by the match. Of
    118 words
  • 158 11 Convincing Victory By Three Goals The Ramblers scored another convincing victory at hockey yesterday when they defeated the Ipoh Club 3—o on the Ipoh Padang. The Ramblers had the better of the exchanges throughout. Heng Teik scored the first goal of n short comer five minutes
    158 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 138 11 SHERLEYS DOG BOOK Firstly, it is a complete and reliable guide to the breeding, rearing, feeding, training and showing of dogs. Secondly, It gives expert Veterinary advice on paper, for it tells you exactly what to do In canine illness —explaining how you can diagnose the complain 4 telling you
      138 words

  • 327 12 PLAYBOY NO MATCH FOR BEANO Jubilee Son Will Take Some Beating (By “EPSOM JEEP”) i Ipoh, Today. AY/ ITH little prospect of any rain today, the going} tor .V tomorrow’s races at Ipoh, the last day of the Perak Turf Club January meeting, is
    327 words
  • 85 12 —Reuter. Three Rexists Arrested Following Search Brussels, Jan. 25 Interrogations of certain members of the Rexist Party and searches of their bouses carried out at Charleroi last night resulted in the arrest to-day of three persons alleged to have been ,in communication with a German who
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 43 12 —Reuter. London, Jan. 25 The Stock Exchange were quieter, gilt<dged reacting slightly on profit-taking. Home Rails were irregular. Industrials, however, tended to improve. Commodities. Shellac was active and higher on renewed trade and investment buying. Wall Street was firm. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 91 12 FRIDAY. JANUARY 26. TIN: Penang $120.75 Business dene 125 tans Singapore $12)9.75 •«ÜBIER; Pcr.cng Spot 37i c Singapore Spot 37 j c -«HT.A: Sundried $4.05 buyers Flack Pepper Nominal Tiriot v Medium SS.CO sellers $4.80 sellers <R>: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Cid Crop Rangoon Parboiled
    91 words
    53 words
  • 138 12 Reuter. CONCEDED BY UNITED STATES Washington, Jan. 26. The public revelation of the recent enormous growth in the dispatch of food and clothing to Germany has produced a dimintut on in the feeling aroused by the Anglo-American controversies over the British exami nation of United
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 42 12 Reuter. in Camp For Field Training Auckland. Jan. 25. After forming their own infantry unit. Maori troops for the New Zealand Expeditionary Force entered camp for field tiaining today. The unit has native non cpmnnssione.d officers. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 29 12 tonight by the Foreign Minister.—Reuter. Helsinki. Jan. 25. Tlie British labour delegation has arrived and will be entertained to dinner tonight by the Foreign Minister.—Reuter.
    tonight by the Foreign Minister.—Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 93 12 .—Reuter. One Of Joint Holders Of Long Distance Record London, Jan 25. Among the 68 officers and other ranks, dead or missing, contained in the list of the Air Force casualties is the name of Flight-Sergeant T. D. Dixon “Killed on active service.” Dixon war. a member
    .—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 62 12 .—Reuter Over Involved New Yor’.t, Jan. 25. The most extensive aircraft purchase programme ever undertaken in the United States Is now under consideration for the British and French Governments, accordI ing to the Wall Street Journal, involving l«?tween $1,000,000 000 and $1,700 000.000 fcr
    .—Reuter  -  62 words
  • 67 12 -BOW The death took place suddenly on Jan. 9 at Stenworth, Quarry Rise. Tenbridge, of Rosy Emma, wffe of Mr. Hude brand William Havelock Stevens, whip on the same date there passed awav a* ■Ridgemount. St. pin, Wev bridge. Aggie, wife of Mr. J. L. Sim-, late of
    67 words
  • 588 12 -BOW Rugby, Jan. 26. i The stories to which British newspapers have given considerable prominence in the last few days of the ruthless methods of Nazi representatives with the German forces occupying Poland, throw a somewhat lurid light upon today’s anniversary of the
    -BOW  -  588 words
  • 114 12 8.0. W. Natives Contribute £l,OOO For War Purposes Rugby, January 25. Members of the Killimangaro Native Co-Operative Union, who belong to the Chaggo tribe in Tanganyika, have made a magnificent contribution of £l,OOO for war purposes. In a letter from the Pres'dent and Officers and the Committee of
    8.0. W.  -  114 words
  • 85 12 H.E.’s Message Of Sympathy Kuala Lumpur. His Excellency the High Commissioner has sent the following telegram to the British Resident, Selangor expressing deep regret at the death of Mr. D. R. Harper, who was killed in the air crash off Bali on Monday morning:— “Please convey
    85 words
  • 67 12 —8.0. W. £ll,OOO Contributions From British Empire Rugby, January 25. Over £ll,OOO has already been contributed to the Polish Relief Fund through’the specia’ committees organised in India, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Jamaica, Mauritius .and Malta Canada sent a large quantity of clothes and 25 more consignments are
    —8.0. W.  -  67 words
  • 61 12 Reuter. To Control Press And Censorship Bureau London, January 26. The Press and Censorship Bureau, for which the Home Secretary is presently responsible to Parliament, is to come under the control of ,S.r John Reith; who in future will be responsible to Parliament fob any
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 101 12 —Reuter. Appointment Of Air Attache New York, Jan. 25. According to the New York Times, Canada has notified the State Depart ment that for the first time in history she is sending a representative of hex armed forces to Washington. He is Commodore W. R. Kenny of
    —Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 33 12 .—Reuter. Paris, January 25 A credit, of fifteen million francs for the relief of the Turkish earthquake sufferers is authorised by a decree in the Official Journal. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 198 12 —Router. “Biarritz” Sunk Off Ymuiden Amsterdam, Jan. 25. The Norwegian steamer, “Biarritz.” 1.752 tons, struck a mine and sank during the night north-west of Ymuiden. The wounded among the rescued who were picked up by another Norwegian vessel, are being brought to Ymuiden.— Reuter. Amsterdam. Jan. 25
    —Router.  -  198 words
  • 117 12 Inter State Hockey Penang*’» Team Against Selangor There is one change in the Penang hockey team to meet Selangor and Malacca at Kuala Lumpur on January 27 and 28 respectively, T. Jacobs coming into the side in place of Gan Thean Beng who is unable to make the trip. The
    117 words
  • 156 12 Views Of South African Nationalist Leader Capetown. Jah 25 When the debate on General Hertzog motion was resumed in the Assembly, Dr Malun; Leader .oD the Nationalist Repffi'Lcan Party, said he wanted to tynphasise th? view that South Africa should be neutral, and not actuaU-d by
    156 words
  • 108 12 —B.O W “At One With People Of Britain Empire” Rugby, Jan. 25. In a message to the United Kingdom Government expressing the appreciation ol the New Zealand Government and people, of the greetings conveyed by Lord Willingdqn, who is in New Zealand representing the U K.
    —B.O W  -  108 words
  • 43 12 —Reuter. Temporary Transfer To Admiralty London, Jan. 25 Rear-Admiral the Duke of Kent, who has been serving in Scotland since the beginning of the war, is temporarily transferred to the Admiralty. The Duke spends every day working at the Admiralty.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 56 12 —Reuter. Total Missing Now Staled To Be 68 London, January 25 The Admiralty announces that the number of those missing and presumed dead from H.M.S. Grenville is 68 and not 73. Seven ratings previously report "d massing are now known to be wfrwhile there are two additions to
    —Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 227 12 .—Reuter. All Naval Losses I Announced SHARP CONTRAST TO GERMAN PRACTICE Rugby, January 25. With the Admiralty’s announcements of the less of the destroyers “Gren- vide” and “Exmouth”. British destroyer losses in the war are brought, in a'l, to something just over two per cent of the
    .—Reuter.  -  227 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 334 12 Telegrams: “Gazette" Penang Rates of Subscription for Pinanr and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Local s.s. Delivery F.M S. Fn rt Monthly $2.50 $3.00 $4 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 1200 Half-Yearly 15.00 18 00 <>« Yearly 30.10 36.00 00 SUNDAY GAZETTE Local S.S. rx Delivery F.M.S. Foreign Quarterly $1.25 $1.50 12 oy
      334 words