Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 188 1 FIRST SPEECH SINCE MUNICH BOMB EXPLOSION Reuter. FOLLOW FREDERiCK IHE GREAT” Large-Scale Nazi Offensive EXPECTED WITHIN FOUR OR SIX WEEKS London., January 24. According to the German wireless, Hitler today addressed, an audience of German Army and Air Force cadets in the Berlin Sport Palast.
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 169 1 ’—B.O.W SUNK VESSELS ALL SAFE Rugby, Jan. 25 The German press and broadcasts in foreign languages continue to proclaim that the losses of British oil tankers have been very heavy. Sinkings of more than twenty British tankers have been claimed. A list of British ships, alleged to
    ’—B.O.W  -  169 words
  • 109 1 —Reuter. U.S. Labour Leader’s Views Columbus, Jan. 25. In Ohio, the view that President Roosevelt would not be nominated for re-election to the Presidency, was expressed by Mr. John Lewis, the Labour leader, in a bitter attack on the democratic party’s administration before the United
    —Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 112 1 "8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 5. The Prime Minister, asked by Mr. Arthur Henderson, in the House of Commons today whether the exchange of military information affecting the Mediterranean and Near East areas, as provided in the Anglo-Italian Agreement of 1918, had taken place, said “Yes.
    "8.0. W.  -  112 words
  • 129 1 —B. O. W. Rugby, Jan. 25. The French Minister of Commerce, M. Gentin, accompanied by officials, has visited London for two days for the purpose of discussing with the President of the Board of Trade and the Parliamentary Secretary for Oversea Trade Department a number of matters
    —B. O. W.  -  129 words
  • 102 1 —8.0. W. 113 Cargoes Examined Last Week Rugby, January 24 On January 23, there were 35 neutral ships in the three United Kingdom contraband control bases of which 25 had been there five days or less. During the week ended January 25, contraband cargoes of 80 ships, which
    —8.0. W.  -  102 words
  • 37 1 UIIB 0.11V4 —Reuter. Oslo, Jan. 25. It was announced that since the war began, Norway has lost thirty-two ships of a total tonnage of 112,000 tons and 150 sailors have lost their lives. —Reuter.
    UIIB 0.11V4 —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 186 1 Nazi Bombs Miss Their Mark London, Jan. 25. The Air Ministry announces that enemy aircraft, yesterday morning attacked with bombs a cargo vessel off the Shetlands. Later, the same air-craft passed over the islands and dropped bombs which fell upon moor-land and did no material damage.
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  • 73 1 —Reuter. Tokio, Jan. 25. Police guards outside the British Embassy were withdrawn yesterday evening when a small crowd which had stood outside the Embassy during the day quietly dispersed. Admit al Yoshida, Navy Minister, announced at a meeting of the Cabinet members and about
    ”.—Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 78 1 —Reuter. London, Jan. 25. With regard to Mr. Chamberlain's statement in the House of Commons regarding the guarantee to Belgium, especially his remark that the Government must maintain the right to decide what is the test of aggression, it was pointed out in Belgian quarters in
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 109 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 25. French War Correspondents, attached to G.H.Q. of the 8.E.F., who are at present in England, today paid a visit to the big armoured fighting vehicle school in the Southern Command. They saw tank instructors, and tank I gunners being trained to
    —8.0. W.  -  109 words
  • 319 1 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 25. The recent film, depicting and commenting on the return (a) of Miss Unity Mitford at Folkestone and (b) of the resignation of Mr. Hore-Belisha, led to an interesting debate in the House of Lords, where Lord Denman asked the House
    .—Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 341 1 Violent Fighting North Of Lake Ladoga “ANGEL” SEEN BY FINNISH TROOPS Helsinki, Jan. 25. A S violent fighting continues north of Lake Ladoga, where the Russians are attempting to turn the Finns’ flank, at becomes more evident that Lie Soviet Command is staking a
    —Reuter.  -  341 words
  • 34 1 .—Reuter. Washington, Jan. 25. The Senate Banking Committee approved the increase of G. $100.000,000 in the captital of the Export and Import Bank to permit a non-military loan to Finland.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 243 1 jr liberty ar .”—8.0.W. Only Brute Force Can Expel Them Rugby, Jan. 24 The Vatican broadcast denouncing conditions in Poland and the meeting of the National Council of Poland in Paris at which M. Paderewski, despite his age. delivered a speech which deeply moved his audience, are
    jr liberty ar .”—8.0.W.  -  243 words
  • 58 1 .—Reuter. Practice Of Nazi Ships To Be Frustrated London, Jan. 24 In the House of Commons, Mr. Hudson, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, stated that special orders had been given to H’s Majesty’s ships with a view to frustrating tfie regular practice of crews of German
    .—Reuter.  -  58 words
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  • 190 2 —Reuter. Recognises Only Chiang Kai-Shek Government STATEMENT BY MR. CHAMBERLAIN London, Jan. 24. TN the House of Commons, the Prime Minister replying to Mr. M. P. Price (Labour) said that on January 9, the Japanese Government made a statement, saying that the movement
    —Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 155 2 —Reuter. WITH “NIG HIM NG SPEED” London, Jan. 24 In the House of Commons. Mr. Chamberlain was asked whether the announcement by Lord Gort to the effect that if Belgium were attacked, the Franco-Bri-tish guarantee would come into play lightning speed represented the
    —Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 105 2 Reuter. Liinit Of Federal Debt To Be Raised Wash.ngton, Jan. 24 Mr. Morgenthau informed representatives of the Appropriations Committee, during the hearings of the Treasury Department on the 1941 Supply Bill, that he contended that the limit oi the Federal debt should be raised to $50,000,000. 000.
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 48 2 Reuter. Arrival At North-West Port London, January 24 The second contingent of Empire naval volunteers arrived at a north-west port today. All Newfoundlanders, the number 170. They were welcomed by the civic heads, Rear-Admiral Bromley representing the Dominions Secretary, and Mr. Davies. Trade Commissioner of Newfoundland.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 30 2 —Reuter. Oslo, January 24. The Norwegian steamer, "SydfcJd,” 2,400 tons, was sunk off the Scottish coast. Nineteen o r the crew were rescued and five were missing.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 160 2 -BOW No Appearance Yel Of Any Vicious Spiral Rugby, January 24. Speaking in the course of a Lords debate, in which the subject of increases in prices .and wages came under discussion, Lord Stamp, who early in the war was appointed Chairman of the Expert
    -BOW  -  160 words
  • 148 2 —Reuter. No Increased Purchases By Holland London, Jan. 24 In the House of Commons, Mr. Loftus drew attention to the increase of soya bean purchases by Holland and certain Scandinavian countries since the war and asked whether, in view of the fact that Germany was in great need
    —Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 76 2 correction s.—Reuter. Direction Of All Major Policies New York, Jan. 24. All major policies, of lyith British and French Purchasing Commissions in the United States will be subject to the direction of the new Anglo-French Purchasing Board which aims to avoid competition andi overlapping between
    correction s.—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    93 2 —Reuter. London, Jan. 24. George Bernard Shaw, replying to a questionnaire addressed to him by the Indian Swaraj League on current Indian problems declares: —“The Indian people must be prepared for startling curtailments to their personal liberties under Dominion home rule. In Eire, five military officers can
    —Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 123 2 .—Reuter. Action Against German Ships Must Be Taken Paris, Jan. 24 The French reply to the Panama Note refers to the attempt of the “Graf Spec’’ to attack the French merchant ship “Formosa.” It is clear that if such things are committed or attempted, France
    .—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 78 2 —Reuter. Possibility Of Drastic Reduction Washington, Jan. 24 The possibility of a drastic reduction in the new fleet expansion programme was raised by Mr. Vinson, when he asked the Navy Department to submit plans for a two-year budding programme which would replace the three-ycar plan. Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 66 2 icts to e —Reuter. Dutch Red Cross Gives 100,000 Guilders The Hague, Jan. 24 A bill Is being drafted, voting 100,000 guilders to the Dutch Red Cross, for the use of the Finnish Red Cross, stated the Minister of General Affairs in Parliament. He also said that
    icts to e —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 242 2 —Reuter. London. Jan. 24 A special jury of five men and two wo. men awarded £3,500 damn in the Kings Bench Division to Mrs. Valerie Porter, the 26-year-old wifi of an Army Lieutenant, who alleged that i r husband's parents enticed him away fr i
    —Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 52 2 mmicu nu .—Reuter Transit Of Soviet Goods Through Lithuania Kaunas, January 24. Germany and Lithuania have signed aa agreement for transit through Lithuania of goods fetween Germany, Russia and Manchukuo. Owing to the shortage of German rolling stock, Lithuania haa sent, a hundred trucks to Germany to
    mmicu nu .—Reuter  -  52 words
  • 46 2 -Reuter. 518 Sail For Europe In Two Steamers Dar-es-Salam. January 24 Four hundred and fifty-nine enemy aliens, including 169 who had been interned, sailed for Europe on board the Italian liner, “Urania” and a further 59 sailed on board the “Durban Castle.”—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 54 2 IVIvUIILCu —Reuter. Visit To Canadian Troop* At Aldershot London, January 24 The Lang, as King of Canada, spent the day at Aidershot with the Canadian troops in training there. His Majesty motored from Buckingham Palace to Aidershot accompanied by an escort of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    IVIvUIILCu —Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 565 2 i a field wit E.D.W. Rugby, Jan. 24. On recent night flights over Germany, temperatures as low as 52 degrees of frost have been encountered by RJLF. aircraft and ice has formed in layers on the cockpit floor inside the aircraft This extreme
    i a field wit E.D.W.  -  565 words
  • 473 2 No British Demarche Yet To BucharesLondon, Jan. 24. TT is learned in official circles in London to-day that le Bri tish Government has been in contact with the Rumanian Government regarding the reorganisation of the la. laniaQ oilfields and the reports, of which there is no
    – B O.W  -  473 words
  • 49 2 —Reuter. Fails To Return From Fishing Trip London, January 24. The Lowestoft trawler, “Newhaven,” failed to return from a fishing trip. She is a week overdue and it is feared that she has struck a mine and has sunk without trace. She carried a crew of nme.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
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    • 138 2 New Springtide Hotel PHONE No. 60 TANJONG BUNGhH PENANG. THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR Drinks Prices are the same as that of E. 0.. Elysee, Wembley, etc. COME AND SPEND AN EVENING HERE
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  • 210 3 London. Civil servants are angry, and so are their wives, at reports that many inure of them are threatened with evacuation from London. An ultimatum has been issued on behalf of the Civil servants. We are not going to stand for any ;1
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  • 75 3 London. After dragging the River Cam during the week-end police recovered the body of Edward Lord, aged 25, of Amsden-square. Cambridge. He and his sweetheart. Miss Joyce Halls, also 25. of Fallowfield, Cambridge. left a friend’s house on their bicycles on Friday night and had not
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  • 118 3 London. t'e ire inexhaustible supplies of should not be used extravagantly. -tr. Lennox-Boyd. Parliamentary to the Food Ministry, said this. t >f the ingredients of margari; snipped from abroad at great r so there should be prudence in use,” he added. Lennox-Boyd revealed that pr.o--1 -lor
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  • 105 3 London. “It is sheer humbug, to say that the old age pension cannot be increased by at least 10s a week,” said Mr. Frank Bailey, general secretary of the National Union ot Railwaymen’s Approved Society. He urged that the Government should introduce emergency legislation on this subject
    105 words
  • 121 3 London. After receiving a deputation representing nearly every trade union in the borough. Croydon Town Council decided to appoint a special sub-com-mittee to consider unemployment. The committee will ask the Government for permission to put in hand scheme/; which would absorb workers dismissed
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  • 21 3 Germans are now allowed to buy only one pair of gloves a year, it was officially announced in Berlin
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  • 922 3 E TELLS B HAT IT’S LIKE TO HE THERE O'WENTY-I'TVE years ago—within a few hours —-an officer in H.M.S. Invincible sat down to write, in a letter to his father, the story of the sinking of Admiral Von Spee’s squadron off the Falkland Islands. The letter was
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  • 87 3 rpiHKEE members of the St. J John Ambulance organbatim were involved in a spy Mt;re the other day. They were touriiiig first-aid points in North Lincolnshire, and had reached the lonely village of Sta’nton-le-Vale. “Don’t Talk” proclaims a large poster in the village. As the strangers made
    87 words
  • 223 3 London. Mr. Oliver Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, has issued an Order that sets the mechanism of the I*rofitdaring Act in action. His order sets out a list of about 150 goods in common use and names the maximum prices at which they
    223 words
  • 151 3 London Two A.R.P. officials at Hendon, N.W., who were fined 10s. each at the police court for being drunk and disorderly are being asked to resign. This was announced after a special meeting of Hendon’s civil defence committee recently. They are Captain E. C. Smith
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    • 165 3 T" STEEL I WINDOWFRAMES I I FRENCH DOORS i i I B P Equal to the best Hl L i W imported makes. I It 1 ra d /4 -M I I j® manufactured by I EASTERN MFC. CO. I l S’ I r River Road, B I Penan r.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 46 3 &WS WrTH A SMILE By T. H. Palmer FRENCH VILLAGERS are helping British troops to hunt rabbits, which are damaging electrical work ■m v. A «te? 1 rfou intena to go on living here, t>reT Rabbit, you wih have to adopt a P°Hcy of complete neutrality."
      46 words
    • 93 3 X IBSO y >Ar nW sv Ox Ift v£ W M IF -W Bbi inJi IS* y i (L,. Joseph Goebbels has announced that there must be more optimism and joy in Germany.) Aypical German cecne i Distributing crackers tn a concentration camp» i WXMT A WAR! by Gilbert Wilkinson
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  • 1164 4 Act Prejudicial To Discipline STATISTICS 111 BEFORE LEADING STOKER Singapore. rpRIED by a Naval court martial in Singapore on Tuesd; v. Hercules Wright, Warrant Engineer, R. N„ attached to one of His Majesty’s ships, was found guilty of an act prejudicial to good order
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  • 345 4 Telephone Post I] prooted BEFORE Raja Ayoub, third magistrate on Tuesday, a European named (B, Ritson was charged with neghgemt driving a* 12.25 amn on January 4 in Ampiuig Road. On his plea of gluilty, accused was fined $125 and his licence was endorsed. Mr.
    345 words
  • 537 4 J udgmen I Against Shopkeeper Reserved Seremban. The case in which Loh Teck San, proprietor of Chop Sm Cheong, of LaL'u Village, was charged with having at various times between Oct. 19 and Nov. 3, 1939, fraudulently transferred to various persons the stock-in-trade of the shop,
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  • 111 4 Mr. M. Murphy And Miss K. Johnson Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Maurice Murphy, chartered accountant of Kuala Lumpur, was married during the week-end after having to nostpone his wedd'ng to Miss Kathleen Bridget Lousie Johnson twice on account of her ship arriving from Europe late. They were married at
    111 words
  • 156 4 Other Judges And Staff Attend Singapore. On Saturday the main hall of Singapore Supreme Court building was the scene of a pleasant gathering, when Sir Percy McElwaire, Chief Justice. S.S., entertained the other judges and the staff to lunch. Seating, was arranged by the drawing of lots,
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  • 438 4 News In Malay January 23. 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins Will
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  • 193 4 Constable Not To Blame Singapore. A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr.. W. G. Porter, on Tuesday at an inquest on an elderly woman, Teck Neo, who died from injuries received when she was knocked down by a motor-cycle
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  • 106 4 Complainant Untraced Kuala Lumpur. Charged with haring cheated one Lee Hee Jin on Dec. 27 by dishonestly inducing him to deliver a gramophone, a shirt and a pair of trousers, Tim Kam Yin on Monday claimed trial before Mr. W. J. Thorogood. First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 259 4 Hari Raya Cards Given As Cheques Klang. The case in which Muniandy and Kartpayee are charged with cheating Karupayee, a Tamil woman by inducing her to deliver $166 and giving her two Hari Raya greeting cards as cheques fw $7,000 (saying that she won a prize
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    • 456 4 Spoil Your Qil Whole Life I i wx Remedy i Up and down the connI y a\\\\\\\\\\\A try there are literally I LjfiiSA' l \\\\w\'' thou sands upon J V\ thousands of men and I women who have lost I the joy of health! They i are the people to
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  • 36 5 London. ,4. Slovak emigrants are waiting an English coastal town for mobilisation. have been under training for l -1 months so as to become a repre--fn ative Czecho-Slovafc unit on the Western Front.
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  • 546 5 Pose As Officers Of The Customs Dept. “TOOK MONEY AFTER SEARCH FOR SAMS IF rpHREE Malays and one Tamil, ranging between the ages of 17 and 19, stood their trial before the District Judge, Mr. H.A. Forrer, in the District Court yesterday
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  • 514 5 Bribery Allegation In Petition A Bengali, All Munshi, who was alleged to have defamed the character of one Guni Meah. No. 2 enginedriver of the Ban Hin Lee Oil Mills by sending a petition or letter to Mr. B. G. Andrews, chief engineer of the firm, alleging
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  • 404 5 In Memory Of The Late Mr. Leong Sin Nam Ipoh. AS a mark of respect to the late Mr. Leong Sin Nani, an Honorary ineni- her of the Ipoh Rotary Club, members observed a brief period of silence at the weekly tiffin meeting held
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  • 682 5 Malay Show Great Success Enthusiastic response from ail communities greeted the charity Malay Bangsawan organised by the local Malay section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund and staged at the Wembley Park last night. The'Nooran Opera of Malacca presented a play from the Arabian Nights, “Aladdin and the
    682 words
  • 579 5 Mr. and Mis. S. B. Pa’mer, of Bruas, have ieturned from Home leave. Mr. J. A. Henderson, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Johore Bahru, is on long leave. Mr Oliver Marks, Secretary of the association of British Malaya, is an inmate of the Masonic Hosp ta)
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  • 135 5 Failed io Transfer Land I Ipoh. The civil suit in which Mr. and Mrs. B Victor Perera of Ipoh are suing Mr. D. W. Basnayake, father of Mrs. Perera, for the specific performance of an agreement in respect of the transfer of a certain piece of land,
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  • 119 5 A Chinese pedestrian was knocked down by a lorry at Dato Kramat Road near the Magazine traffic circus at about 6 o’clock yesterday evening. The man sustained slight injuries and was treated at the Magazine Police Station. The ambulance was summoned to the Station, but the man
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    • 394 5 I ler Comes Cisco That Gallant Robin ■ino<l <>f the Kio Grande is back again To Thrill You majestic 3 S/79H S TCDAY 3.00, 6.75 9.30 M matinee at reduce» PRICES fl ,p songs ring in the hills again as runs bark out their challenge WARNER BAXTER in flu* Return
      394 words
    • 293 5 WHEN YOU SEE AN IIKO RADIO PICTURE AT QUEEN'S It’s “Selected” From The Best Today With 3 Shows Daily At 3 P.M. 6.15 P.M. 9.30 P.M. MATINEES AT 3 P.M. REDUCED PRICES—DOWNSTAIRS 15, 30 50 CENTS. The First of Our ‘SELECTED* RKORadio Pictures for 1940! The screen’s greatest singing boy
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  • 427 6 A SHREWD observer of politics remarked to us the other day that Russia had feet of clay. This is a view with which we are in complete agreement. Stalin may have dreams of being a greater Peter the Great. But we cannot see him as an Empire
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  • 119 6 REX CINEMA Anna Neagle in “Nurse Edith Cavell” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. QUEEN’S CINEMA Bobby Breen in “Way Down South” 3, 6.15 and 9.30 p.m MAJESTIC CINEMA Warner Baxter in “The Return of the Cisco Kid” 3. 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR “Thyagabhoomi” (Tamil picture) 5.30
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  • 602 6 Styles And Authors jDVIDENTLY my education has been sadly neglected—at least the literary side of it. Up to this time, I had fondly imagined that Mr. James Joyce was the only author who wrote without regard to the rules of punctuation and whose sentences were so interjected
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  • 591 6 Thursday, Jan. 25. IT is now the turn of the Scandinavian countries to get panicky. Having failed to invade Holland and Belgium, Hitler turns his attention to other possible victims in his war of nerves. TAETAILS concerning the German troop concentration on the Baltic
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    • 252 6 He takes his own family pictures j Wrv -DOYOU? (xL yif You can get a BROWNIE’ camera for as little as $2.10 You can’t have too many photo- reliable. Just look through graphs of your family. Why not the viewfinder and press the start taking them yourself? trigger a child
      252 words
    • 35 6 EVERYBODY’S FAVOURITE .For ANY OCCASION Xt rfl gk.xm 4 NlbMull ja hBRAgI Produce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DEMS MOUNIE Co., COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole .Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 243 7 Plan Frustrated By Detectives Four Chinese With Knives And Gags Arrested Behind the arrest last night of four armed Chinese in the compound of a Chinese residence at Bagan Jermal lies the story of an alleged carefully-planned gang robbery, which was only frustrated
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    • 231 7 Editor "Pinang Gazette”) j since the opening of the Kiel C 1895 which was followed by a geaht, there has never been in Europe. “This great inter•oclamation of peace, bearing cn very face the stamp of insinC) a forcible reminder of the r: the poet
      231 words
  • 206 7 Promised Receipts For “Tax” With a record of four previous convictions within a period of two years, 25-year-old Lee Tong Peng, who had pleaded guilty to being a bogus collector, having: taken various sums of money as tax from people living in Kampong Paya Terubong,
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  • 29 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. Mr. H. K Rodgers, Chairman of the S. 11. B. today stated that there zvas no change in the dockyard strike.
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  • 123 7 Kuala Lumpur. Mild excitement was caused yesterday evening at the Madras Theatre in Drury when the store room adjoining the theatre broke out into flames. At that time more than 500 persons were inside the hall, waiting for the first performance to begin, and strangely enough
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  • 155 7 Message To Overseas Troops Ry War Secretary ;ie following message from the Secretary of State for received by the General Officer Commanding Troops in va is published as a Special Order of the Day in the Hon Orders of the various Volunteer Companies: r
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  • 106 7 BAIL FOR ACCUSED WITHDRAWN (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. The case in which a Hainanese, Tong Hoa Tee, who was arrested in connection with the General Hospital strike and charged with assisting in the management of an unlawful society, to wit, the Singapore Domestic Servants
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  • 268 7 17-Year-Old Youth On Trial Seventeen-year-old ?oh Lean Soo stood trial before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Middle Court, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery worth $214 belonging to a woman, Khoo Poh Gaik of
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  • 357 7 CASE OVER BETROTHAL MONEY Ipoh. “It is common sense though it may not be law that when a person cannot comply with the contract he should return the money,” said the lion. Mr. Justice Howes, in the Perak Supreme Court yesterday, during the course
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  • 35 7 r —Reuter. On the Stock Exchange, gilt-edged and home rails were again actively bought, prices r'sing sharply. Kaffirs were initially dull but later improved. Industrials attracted more attention. Wall Street was steady.—Reuter.
    r.—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 458 7 Evidence Of Three Men With Faces Covered Riddled zvith knife wounds a ‘chin-chew, l Khoo Oh Tin was found dead and lying in a pool of blood almost on the doorstep of a lodging house in China Street, in which he had lived for
    458 words
  • 60 7 Charge Amended To Rioting Singapore. The Police today amended charges of assault and wrongful confinement they had originally preferred against two men and four women in connection with the incident by strikers at the cane factory of Messrs. Brinkmann Co. last week to one of rioting
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  • 204 7 Succumbs WOMAN UNCONSCIOUS UNTIL DEATH Without fully regaining consciousness, an elderly Chinese woman who was knocked down by a motor-lorry at Carnarvon Street near the Prangin Road Carnarvon Street Traffic Circus on Tuesday afternoon, died at the General Hospital at 12.45 yesterday afternoon. The woman whose age
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    • 136 7 SUPREME 4c In the Sunday Despatch* -Sk Bonnyßaby Com petition 1934» open to all comers j t 7 Aw?' I® babies out of the final f 12 were fed on COW gate. Here are three including y m the first prize-winner I M IS M Could there be a more
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  • 182 8 List Of Contributions Amount previously acknowledged $163,788.24 Bv the Labour Force of Cluny Estate 23.10 By the South porak Customs Club T. Anson 11.10 Received from B. Gajah Representative Kinta Club 70.38 Mrs. Audrey' Harvey 20.00 Prisons Staff 4 °o Received from Sitiawan: Mr R. E. L.
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  • 123 8 Hawkers Rounded Up By Police More than one dozen Chinese hawkers who were rounded* up by the police on Tuesday evening were arraigned before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Penang Middle Court yesterday. The majority of these hawkers were arrested by the side of the
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  • 125 8 Goldsmith Apprentice’s Breach Of Trust Tharn Joo Tih, 18-year-old apprentice to a goldsmith was bound over in the sum of $5O for six months by the Third Magistrate, Mr. Lim Koon Teck, yesterday, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of
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  • 95 8 Sentence of four months’ rigorous imprisonment, in addition to six months’ police supervision, was passed on Kuan Hooi who had pleaded guilty to theft of a fowl from a hen-coop, by Mr. Lim Koon Teck, Penang Third Magistrate, yesterday. Inspector Windsor told the Magistrate that
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  • 110 8 Kuala Lumpur. The opinion that the question of the despatch of a delegation to the conference i'.i Chungking in March this year was not within the bounds of the China Relief Fund Committee of Selangor was expressed by Mr. H S. Lee, the Chairman in an interview
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  • 431 8 To Study The Question Of Trade After War Dealing with the question of economic demobilisation. Lord Luke, chairman of the British National Committee of the International of Commerce, declared to the annual meeting of the Committee in London that as soon as peace and disarmament arrived,
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  • 311 8 Maintaining Overseas Purchasing Power Increasing attention is being paid to the problem of improving exports. The need for maintaining overseas purchasing power provides the main incentive, and the disappearance of Germany from export markets in which she was a serious competitor gives the opportunity. Prominent among the
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  • 96 8 Penang, January 24. 1940. (B'j Covrteiv ot <thp ChariereP Bank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 46 15/16 Canadian 51 11/16 On France Demand 2060 1/4
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  • 112 8 Breaks Loose While Under Tow A car which was being towed along Tanjong Bung Ji Road towards town at the 7th milestone yesterday left the road and plunged into the drain. The car (P. 606 had engine trouble, and the Chinese driver summoned another car to
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  • 283 8 The marriage will take place at the Ipoh Town Hall on Sunday next at 10 a.m. of Mr. Chew Kum Peng, eldest son of Mr. Chew Sin Onn, a well-known local miner, and Mrs. Chew Sin Onn, to Miss Wen Wan Hsiang, eldest grand daughter of Mr.
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  • 225 8 Ramblers'’ Convincing Victory tpoh The Ramblers defeated the Ipoh Police by the convincing margin of five goals to one in a game of hockey play'd on the Padang yesterday Playing with rare understanding, the Ramblers fully deserved their victory but the Police players although subdued never gave up
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  • 72 8 Today on the Esplanade from 6 p.m, to 7.30 p.m_ March Secunderabad McKenna Suite “A Lover In Damascus" Woodforde-Finden 1 Far Across The Desert Sands 2. Where The Abana Flows. 3. How Many A Lonely Caravan 4. If In The Great Bazaars 5. Allah Be With Us. Waltz
    72 words
  • 557 8 Directors’ Report For Annual Meeting Tne following is the report of the directors to be presented at the 29th annual general meeting of the Perak River Valley Rubber Co. Ltd., to be held at the Registered Offices of the Companv at No. 1 Downing Street, Penang
    557 words
  • 155 8 Mr. D. F. Pillay And Miss Susaikanon Feluk Auson A pretty wedding was solemnised at the St. Anthony’s Church. Teluk Anson during the week-end when Air. d cis Pillay, son of the late Mr. A. Pillay and Madam Sandanamari Animal of Teluk Anson, was married u Maria
    155 words
  • 171 8 Taipuig. Miss Della Olson, Principal of the Lady Treacher Girls’ School, will be giving an “at home” at the Scho tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. to the member, f the Union Epworth League, the <mday School and Wesley Church The function, it is stated, is m niy to
    171 words
  • 62 8 Ottawa. Increases in imports into Canada from a number of Latin American countries were recorded in the month of September, Imports from these countries, with figures for September. 1938, within parenthesis, are as follows Argentina $458,792 ($293 498); Brazil, $203 362 ($56,191); Costa Rica. 544.373 (14,153); Guatemala.
    62 words
  • 118 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £232 15. 0 £232 0. 0. “Forward” £232 15. 0 £232 0 0 SINGAPORE: Spot $119.25 $119.25 Busi-less done i OO tons 10') Lns PENANG S P ot $119.25 $119.25 RUBBER: LONDON: "Spot” 11 13|16d Is. Od. “Forward” 11 ll|l6d SINGAPORE: “Spot”
    118 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 BANKS The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., cmoorporateo m British mdia’ SAVE For Your FAMILY CHILDREN, INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic developments, no business concern can afford not to
      97 words

  • 483 9 Collapse Of The Army Hitler’s Speech began with a repetition of the bld, old story: “Britain and France did not defeat us on the battlefield; that was a great lie.” If you say a thing often enough and loudly enough, you finally reach a state of
    483 words
  • 1821 9 No Divided Command W ith llie Army .—Daily Telegraph. In view of the suggestion that Mr. Hore-Belisha’s resignation may have been due./ to differences of opinion regarding command of the Royal Air Force in France the following article by a writer who is
    .—Daily Telegraph.  -  1,821 words
  • 651 9 Deals With 500 Calls An Hour The switchboard was housed in a cellar. Three soldiers, the Corps of Signals badgte on the tunics, worked feverishly without a momen’ts pause, their voices murmuring an incessant chant as they pushed in or pulled out plugs completing
    651 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1402 9 w |i i ra&g jssSi illll TODAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING B. B. C. News In English opening Announcements. B. B. C. iva Hartley and his Novelty Sex- (LoC ai Thne) vitii Brian Lawrance. Transmission 5 650 am Full News Bulletin. 750 iht Music by the Italian Quar- Transmission 6 11.20
      1,402 words
    • 310 9 Time signal. Programme preview. 4.53 Various tea concert. 5.50 Songs for the cnildren. 6.30 Cartoon music. 6.50 News and weather. 7.15 “Soft lights and sweet music.” 7.35 Popular music 7.55 General political review. 8.10 Studio orchestra. 8.35 Ligr.t Opera Company. 8.50 Radioplay. 9.35 Arthur Young and his orchestra. 9.48 Exchange
      310 words

  • 74 10 —Reuter. Oniy Two Barrets Sold To Soviet Last Y ear Washington, Jan. 24 Following reports from Helsinki that Russia is using aviation spirit imported some months ago from the United States, the Department of Commerce announced that in the first eleven months of last year, the Soviet-
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 243 10 —Reuter. Clearly Directed Against Scandinavian Countries Paris, Jan. 25 Details concerning the German troop concentration on the Baltic Coast, the Rumanian frontier and the Western frontier, from Cnblenz to the North Sea now released for publication, state that large troop concentrations in the Baltic
    .—Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 140 10 “Exmouth’’ Sunk With All Hands London, January 24. The loss of the British destroyer flotilla leader “Exmouth” by a mine or torpedo presumably with all hands, was announced by the Admiralty early this morning. This is the second British destroyer to be sunk within a week
    140 words
  • 36 10 t er Lisbon. January 24. The survivors of the “Ekatontarchos Dracoulis" were Landed at Penich by a Spanish steamer; some, suffering from injuries, were taken to h< spit .u R< uter.
    t er  -  36 words
  • 985 10 FALSITA OF XEAAS ITEMS IH COI TED BY MR. W. A. SINCL AIR Rugby, Jan. 24 in the third of the series of broadcasts given by Mr. W. A. Sinclair entitled "1 he Voice of tht? Nazi illuminating examples are given of Nazi propaganda methods
    985 words
  • 393 10 HITLER’S MEMORANDUM TO DUCE Resistance To Soviet Violation Of Zones Paris, Jan. 24. r PHE ‘‘Petit Parisien” says that according to information 1 from Berlin, Herr Hitler is reported to have given Signor Mussolini a formal guarantee that at no time will Russia
    —Reuter  -  393 words
  • 40 10 iLui vie i.— Reut London. J nu .1 24 The Duke of Windsor v u Office this afternoon, 1: c as Liaison Officer wit! Army and had an int. Sir Edmund Ironside. -Ren'
    iLui vie i.—Reut  -  40 words
  • 821 10 Britain Notified Of Effecl t Measures To Be Taken Tokyo, Jan. 24 Japan has notified Britain that she “is taking effective apnr. 'n; measures of self-defence” regarding her vessels comin■. across the Pacific, accordingto the Asahi Shimbun which sa. that the
    – Reuter.  -  821 words
  • 75 10 issages ar.-' Reuter I .All 11 11 04 London. Jann a J 1 n co” Two of the seven accu:nection with the Phoenix were discharged, inform fused against them. we e More precautions than taken by the authorities ing t ere Gates leading to the
    issages ar.-' Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 116 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and either information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644. PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) For particulars regarding Freight. Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD.,
      116 words

  • 2349 11 cash destroyed after MISHAP Doubles For Van Breukelen And Duval Ipoh, Jan. 24 Brilliant weather favoured the second day of the Perak f Club January Meeting. The going was very good and re was a fair crowd present. An unfortunate mishap occurred in the opening
    2,349 words
  • 308 11 Meeting Appoints Officials For 1940 At the tenth annual general meeting of the Penang Football Association held yesterday at 7 at the Association’s Office. No. 47. Leith Street, Penang, Dr. W. H. Brodie was unanimously re-elected President. Others present at the meeting were
    308 words
  • 153 11 Result Of Gold Medal Competition The fol'owing are the results of the P.S.C. 1939 Gold Medal played on Saturday last:— R. H. Williams 89— 9= 80 R. J. Hutton 86— 6= 80 G. Halliday 81—SCI. =Bl W. H. Brodie 90— 8= 82 A. Jackson 98— 15 =B3 The
    153 words
  • 176 11 Tournament Fixtures For Next Week The following are P.S.C. tennis tournar ment fixtures for next week: MONDAY, JANUARY 29 Men’s Singles “B”: +l5 J. E. Miller vs +l5 J. W. Clark. Men’s Doubles Handicap: —3 J. F. Keay and J. L. M. Boyd vs —15.3 W. R. Dobbs
    176 words
  • 342 11 (CONSIDERABLE dissatisfaction is being expressed in box- 4 ing circles regarding the manner in which certain charity shows are being run. Roxing Scandal Boxers engaged on these programmes receive purse money in greater proportion to what they would receive if they were booked to fight
    342 words
  • 62 11 Ipoh. The following are the results of the Y.M.CA. Men’s Doubles Open Tenris Championships played at the Y.M.C A. Courts on Tuesday afternoon. Quarter Finals: Timothy Lee and C. R. Labrooy ibeat S S. Duray and R. A. Parthan 6—3, 6 —2. Aw Boon Jin and A.
    62 words
  • 173 11 Billiards and snooker players, amateur and professional, are being organised in a national drive to help Red Cross. Details were discussed ata. meeting in London attended by Davis, world snooker champion, Sidney Smith, his greatest rivaL Smith stated after the meeting that all the leading
    173 words
  • 173 11 In a return match between the “Juvenile” and the “Enolin” played at the FretSchool Hall on Monday, the former again won by 5 games to 4. Results (Juvenile players mentioned first):- Gan Teng Seang beat Chee Choon Leng 15—7, 9—15, 15—2; Loh Hin Khoe lost to Soon Swee Kee
    173 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 I. 11 By Aooolntrnent To H. M, The King Ol Slanj > h. H. The Sultan of Jonora H. h. The. Sultan ol_Paran Omega Waterproof a h r- )1 Li \1 It IN THIS REMARKABLE WATCH It WE OFFER A TIME-KEEPER OF )V THE HIGHEST QUALITY AT A I) REASONABLE
      68 words

  • 262 12 SIN? Y CHARM’S CHANCES ON SATURDAY Beano And Jubilee Son In Good Form (By “EPSOM JEEP") Ipoh, Today. ziNLY a tew good gallops were seen on the Ipoh race track V this morning, most of the runners for Saturday being exercised in
    262 words
  • 80 12 moasures, the communique adds. —Reuter. Agreement Reached In London London, Jan. 24. A Ministry of Commerce communique says that there is complete agreement between the French trade delegation in in London and the British Government representatives on measures tp be taken to develop trade between the two countries
    moasures, the communique adds.—Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 360 12 Weights For Last Day Following are the weights for Saturday, the last day of the Perak Turf Club January meeting: HOUSES—CLASS 2—DIV. I—! MILE 1 FURLONG SUNNY CHARM 9.07 SCARLET TIGER 9.00 BEANO 8.11 PLAYBOY 8.10 DISTINGUISHED 8.07 DEWBERRY 8.05 ESQUIRE 8.04 MAJORS 8.04 STRATHMOKE
    360 words
  • 33 12 Here are .some Penang women busy at work in the Sewing Room of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, in the Chartered Bank building, turning out comforts for the troops.
    33 words
  • 175 12 —8.0. W No Intention To Wound Japanese Feelings Rugby, January 24 A reply to the Japanese protest agairst the removal bv a British cruiser of 21 Germans of military age from the Japanese liner, “Asama Maru,” will be despatched to Tokyo with the minimum
    —8.0. W  -  175 words
  • 156 12 i.— Reuter. Saved Through British Consideration London. Jan. 24 In connection with the removal of 21 German seamen from the “Asama Maru’’ which is made the occasion for a storm of indignation in the Japanese press, it is recalled that the “Asama Maru" ran
    i.—Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 151 12 All Suffering Great Hardship London, Jan. 24 Asked whether any information regarding the conditions of British subjects in Poland, Mr. Chamberlain said that the Government had news relating to a total of 74 British subjects and 268 Palestinians, about half of whom were in German occupied
    151 words
  • 92 12 Reuter Agreement Contains No Time Limit Istanbul, Jan. 24 The Minister of Commerce announced that Turkey will shortly sign a trade agreement with Germany. The trade involved will not exceed £1,500,000. The agreement contains no time limit.— The shipment clauses in the TurkoGermau agreement exclusively favour Turkey.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 173 12 —Reuter. No Definite Dale Given Yet For Publicat’on London, January 24 Ln the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain regretted that he was not yet in a position to give the definite date for the issue of the White Pa.per dealing with the negotiations between the British
    —Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 92 12 —Reuter. Six Bombs Dropped Bn! No Damage London, January 24 Three planes, believed to be Germans, flow high over the Shetlands today. The air raid warning lasted half-an-hour. British fighters ascended but failed to make contact. An eye-witness stated that the planes dodged behind the clouds
    —Reuter. '  -  92 words
  • 64 12 jp ane lac —Reuter. $30,000,000 Orders To Be Placed Ottawa, Jan. 24. A programme involving the purchase of we’l over $30,000 0(10 worth of naval units and aircraft is announced by Mr. Howe, Canadian Minister of Trans- port, on behalf of the War Supply Board.
    jp ane lac —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 224 12 Dealer Who Misled Public Fined Having learnt how to make perfumery while he was with his uncle in Hongkong, Loh Ah Hoi, appearing before the. Third Magistrate, Mr. Lim Koon Teck, yesterday, on a summons charge, remarked that he was just making a small living
    224 words
  • 46 12 64 Killed M issiii.. Latest List o 4 London, Ja: Hie Air Ministry announce lowing R.A.F. casualties in 1 No. 18: Killed in action or previ< reported missing 0 Missing Killed or missing on activ’ vice and believed killed Died on active service jtfcr
    46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 135 12 r I I/ micdity I never varies I w I JHHf < M, t UK. I «18 I s v 8 > F 1® ilt is many y remember wha. thou ght lhc a differ- made on me- S j°rvc been thinking 1 about it, C-P pleasure. And 1 t/V
      135 words
    • 509 12 P?one 1477 H? 8 g P Tetorom,; Rales of Subscription for Pinan r Ga.e lu and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTE Local S.S. Month!, Quarterly 7.50 900 Halt-Yearly 15.00 i B .OO 1 early 30.C0 36.00 SUNDAY GAZETTE. Local SJS. Delivery huvi.6. Quarterly $1.25 $1.50 «2 1 Half-Yearly 2.50 300 Yearly
      509 words