Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 369 1 Progress Of Salla Battle SOVIET AIRMEN'S POOR AIM I Stockholm, Jan. 23. HERE is little official informal.on about the Salla fighting but it is believed that the Finns are steadily driving the Russians back. ihe Russians are believed to have organised a fresh air base
    .—Reuter  -  369 words
  • 164 1 nc Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. 22. Surprise and regret at Mr. Wins <;n Churchill’s call to the S: "iitral countries to jcin the A'u s against Germany was ex>sed by the “Telegraaf” which at had Mr. Churchill adhimself to the United Italy and Japan,
    nc Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 21 1 y.—Reuter. London, Jan. 23. The King and Queen, who spent the week-end at Windsor Gastie, returned to London today.—Reuter.
    y.—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 172 1 Removal Of Germans Prom “Asama Maru” Tokyo, Jan. 23. The news of the removal by British warships yesterday of a number of Germans of military age from the “Asama Maru” is displayed with banner headlines in Japanese papers this morning. —Reuter. The Asahi Shimbun says
    ’—Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 494 1 Broadcast By Archbishop Of York .—8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 24. In a broadcast on Monday evening, the Archbishop of York recalled that in his previous talk in October, in contrast to the public mood in Germany he had described the British peoples’ war temper was
    .—8.0. W.  -  494 words
  • 120 1 —Reuter. Moscow, Jan. 23. iirpHE impressive Allied troop concentrations” in Egypt, Palcsr- tine and Syria is the subject of an article in the General Staff organ “Red Star” which says that such concentration should not be under-est'mated in putting pressure on potential enemies. These
    —Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 254 1 —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 23. Christians in- neutral countlies can- 1 not remain neutral in the present international conflicts, declares a manifesto issued by 33 prominent Protestant I clergy and laymen. The manifesto says: “The basic dis- tinctions between civilisations in which justice and rreedom are still
    .—Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 61 1 .—8.0. W. Conservative Choice For M.P.Rugby, Jan. 23. The City of* London Conservatives decided to invite Sir Andrew Duncan, President of the Board of Trade, to meet them with a view to his adoption as their candidate for Parliament and his un-opposed return as
    .—8.0. W.  -  61 words
  • 177 1 L— B.O.W. UNITED KINGDOM TO BEAR COST It ugh y, Jua. 23. J Tie uh avej* of tKp gstJibli: c£ an Empire T/. vii?fg senerne ii* Southern E.ffjoeswi. The cost will be borne by the United Kingdom Government, the Southern Rhodesian Government contributing thereto. Whilst
    L—B.O.W.  -  177 words
  • 173 1 --8.0. W. Message From Mr. Eden Rugby, Jan. 23. At the New Zealand centenary celebrations, Lord Willingdon, representative of the U.K. Government read a message from the Secretary of Dominion Affairs, in which Mr. Eden said that the participation alike by Maori and Pakeha, was an
    --8.0. W.  -  173 words
  • 24 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 23. A French official evening communique states that there was no incident during the day.—B.O.W.
    —8.0. W.  -  24 words
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  • 106 2 i. —Reuter. Russian Threat To Finns SURRENDER DEMANDED Invaders Repelled In Lake Ladoga Battle Helsinki, Jan. 22. A COMMUNIQUE states: —“Late yesterday after- noon the enemy began concentrating for a new attack on Taipale but. the attack was smothered at the outset. “The enemy
    i.—Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 166 2 fortable and care-free life. —Chinese Central News. Views Of Japanese Prisoner Of Vi ar Ichang, Jan. 20. “For the benefit of both China and Japan, I hope that my people wou'd shake hands with the Chinese people and with all their efforts oust our militarists to
    fortable and care-free life.—Chinese Central News.  -  166 words
  • 76 2 L —Reuter. Foreigners Attend Special Memorial Service Peiping, January 22 Many prominent foreigners, including diplomatic officials, were present at the special memorial ceremony for the late Marshal Wu Pei-fu this afternoon when foreigners paid their respects at the late marshal’s home. Each of „hose attending bowed
    L—Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 105 2 r.—Reuter. 200 Police On Duty At Old Bailey London, January 22 Exceptional .precautions were taken when the I.R.A. appeals against the death sentences for the Coventry bomb outrage were heard at the Old Bailey. Rare'.y have there been such measures in the history of the Law Courts. A
    r.—Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 71 2 r.—Reuter. Gilt-Edged Home Rails Higher London, January 22 On the Stock Exchange, gilt-edged and home rails were active and higher, the former on further consideration of the conversion proposal and the latter on rumours regarding the compensation agreement. Leading industrials were also better. Indian stocks improved in sympathy
    r.—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 50 2 —Reuter. Transport Difficulties In Germany London, January 21. All leave for German troops at the front are restricted according to an official German wireless announcer. It was stated that the restriction is due to transport difficulties owing to the bitter co’d. Leave for home garrisons are also restricted.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 154 2 ’—Reuter. Pans, January 2? Bitter cold and snow prevails on tne Western Front. The general disposition of the German troops on the frontiers and in tne interior of Germany remains unchanged. Their concentrations on the Belgian-French frontier are able, as they have been for weeks,
    ’—Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 364 2 >. Chinese Central News. Japanese Suffer Heavy Casualties Chungking, Jan. 20. Three days vigorous fighting at the south of Hukwan in south-eastern Shansi province, about twenty kilometres from Changchih, has resulted in the death of more than 1,000 Japanese out of the 10.000 invaders massed «for
    >. Chinese Central News.  -  364 words
  • 278 2 Stopping Of “Asama Maru” —Reuter. Against “Unfriendly Act” Tokyo, Jan. 22. The Government has formally protested to the British Ambassador with regard to the stopping of the “Asama Maru.” The Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs told the Ambassador that the Government “cannot but regard the British action as a
    —Reuter.  -  278 words
  • 50 2 I—BOW Rugby, January 22 Sir Wyndham Decdes and Professor Garstang are going to Turkey with the approval of the Turkish Government to assist in the distribution of goods sent by the Anglo-Turkish Relief Fund for which goods are sti’l being collected in London and at Port. Said.—B.O.W
    I—BOW  -  50 words
  • 466 2 R ec<mnaissanee Flights Rugby, Jan. 21. In connection with the publication on Sunday of specimens of photographs taken by the R.A.F. during reconnaissance flights over Germany, a description of a typical reconnaissance flight, during which photographs of important enemy strategical points have been taken, is contained
    e.—8.0.W.  -  466 words
  • 1142 2 Churchill’s Broadcast Not Statement Of Policy London, Jan. 22. It is pointed out in London today that Mr. Churchill’s broadcast on January 20 is one of a series in which Ministers from time to time make personal comments on the war situation. The broadcast was in
    Reuter  -  1,142 words
  • 109 2 —Reuter. Fire On “Orazio’ Still Burning Marseilles J an The owners of the “Orazio nounced that all 417 passenger» 0 lir fl ID* liner were saved and o a were s**** chanics belonging to the roOl n missing. They were in t vnter. at the time of
    —Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 54 2 —Reuter- Anti-Aircraft Open Fire r The Hague, Foreign planes, t id* ty of which aS nan d J titled, flew over Cl rcP eri* afternoon and were trraft Ci i over The Hague. Ant p atr ol 6 opened fire and Dutch r I off to
    —Reuter-  -  54 words
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    • 136 2 J I FEEL SO NEED 15 /L 'AI WEAK -NO iWATERBURYsA; 5 Y VIGOUR-NO/ /COMPOUND I AMBITION 1 THAT WILL V l\ ISL_ J V BUILD you UP Xv Waterbury’s Compound helps to build you up quickly, properly. It stimulates the appetite and so k Ak aids nature in building
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  • 255 3 Man From The Line A} justice Stable looked at a Manchester Assize Court. sol l you find this a nice change Maginot Line?" he said. oi too happy here," replied the I Berry had come straight from )t ,n with the B.E.F. in the l ue
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  • 80 3 No Poisoner Cot Past This Coroner L on. "I luce to flunk tie secret has never g< gust me, althmtyi he has occasionally got fast >r iicrs,” said .Wr Ingleby I i Nstminster, when lie held his last inquest a‘ Paddington, ll after 27M years on the Bench. It teas
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  • 83 3 Full-time members of fire salvage corps are to be reserved at the age of 25 instead of 30. The same age limit will apply to railway porters who are qualified as signalmen, guards, and shunters; and to maintenance and repair men. Other reductions in
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  • 292 3 Defence Firms Refuse To Show Boohs iTU IE salary of a managing A director whose firm were doing war work went up from £5OO to £15,000 a year and ma-chine-tool makers suspected of charging the Government too much and making excessive profits have refused to submit
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  • 162 3 Hundreds of women doing their shopping in Hill-road, in Wimbledon’s busiest district, saw a masked mai< jump from a car, smash a window, and grab jewellery valued at £l,BOO from Messrs. Halfhide and Co. One of the firm’s assistants said: “We were serving several
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  • 64 3 Miss Helen Quinn, of Charlton-street, Grimsby, is learning to walk at the age of 36. For 34 years her legs had been paralysed, but after six months’ special treatment by a local surgeon, Dr. Guy R. Pulvertaft, she is getting better. “I cannot
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  • 101 3 Istanbul The Turkish authorities have drawn the “serious attention” of the commander of a Soviet Black Sea naval squadron to the possibility ot his ships trespassing Turkish territorial waters. During the squadron’s manoeuvres, it is reported, some of the ships were exercising too close to
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  • 136 3 The Potato Marketing Board, the most successful of these marketing bodies, will cease to function shortly. Its regulatory powers will be taken over for the duration of the war by the Ministry of Food. This decision, announced recently, is the inevitable sequel to the great expansion of
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  • 131 3 Bigger Fall Than Expet'ted London. A fall of £629,942 in the Post Office net surplus for the year ended March 31, compared with the previous yeat, is shown by the statement issued by Capt. Crookshank, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. The figures are £9,539,582 this year, compared
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  • 85 3 1 father who refused to allow his soldier son to marry because his marriage allowance would be additional expense to the country—unnecessary expense was told by Mr. David Plackey, chairman of the ll’atford magistrates. “\'our son is considered old enough by the country
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  • 258 3 London. Evidence of an offer by Major Edward Beddingtpn Behrens to pay his wife, Mrs. Barbara Jessie Behrens only daughter of Sir Montague Burton of Kent-road, Harrogate, £20,000 and give her the custody of their only child if she would provide him with divorce
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  • 67 3 London. John Jarvis, of Bath-road, Hounslow, Middlesex, started a one-man grocer’s shop just after the Great War. His business grew to a chain of 50 shops. He turned it into a limited company— Jarvis’s Stores Mr. Jarvis was found dead the other day on
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  • 255 3 While Germany’s exports, as revealed in Marshal Goering’s periodical, “The Four Years’ Plan,” are at a standstill, trade not only in these islands but also in other parts of the Empire has already recovered the losses of the early days of the war. Mr. Oliver Stanley's
    255 words
  • 71 3 The Russian airman Gaidukoff, who carried out the successful flight over the North Pole last year, paid a tribute to Stalin the host in a Moscow broadcast recently. The airman said he was at a dinner party in Stalin’s house some time ago. Stalin
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    • 5 3 Gleanings From The Home Papers
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    • 53 3 our THAILAND Home of Hospitality and Ready Welcome* with the assistance of The Bureau of Tourist Promotion Dept, of Commerce, New Road, Bangkok Cable: “TOURIST” Telephone: .*****. This bureau supplies free Information to tourists, Introduces them to famous sights and resorts, rentiers ass stance in providing guides or interpreters, planning
      53 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 88 3 Jfll 11 m, llions of German Lives II A II zwAl A- A Ift 1 I M r J <. H 1 gl A Irra chon Vk r :i k ■T'/ 'A I 1 Millions of I 1 I |w N |K Germ.'- n' 1 1 0E flWpy < ft
      88 words
    • 64 3 niEws wxm a s»diuĔ\ By T. H. Pajmer J The legendary home of Juliet’s family, a castle near Verona, has become a luxury restaurant, The Romeo and Juliet Tavern.” 1 t .Jw AM 1 vJn pi \yi3j L ■n I I I ’I I I Ei i i 1 If
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  • 614 4 Che Sulaiman Relates His Experiences MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM GANGSTERS' BULLETS UEW Malayan officials have and still live to tel! their Klang Magistrate. At the last luncheon meeting of the Klang and Coast Rotary Club, Che Sulaiman held the Rotarians spell-bound when he recounted some
    614 words
  • 82 4 New York. Ernie Haas, 23-years-old amateur boxer, has been arrested here for th murder of Dr. Walter Engelberg, first secretary at the German Consulate and a Nazi spy, who was found dead at his Brooklyn, New Jersey, home on December 6. Haas was arrested
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  • 200 4 Singapore. Clamouring for the release of some of their number who were arested on the accusation of being their ringleaders, several hundred of the artisan strikers from the Singapore Harbour Board attempted a demonstration march into town on Thursday. The procession was formed at Keppel Harbour about
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  • 188 4 Floating Barrage London. Increasing use is being, made of barrage balloons carried on barges to hamper German aeroplanes sowing magnetic mines. The floating, mobile balloon barrage is a powerful inducement to air pilots to refrain from coming below its level. It is difficult to see at
    188 words
  • 1962 4 Malaya’s Leading Role In Present War APART of the Empire's war effort in which Malaya plays a leading role, and in which the (Government is makini; it possible for everyone to play a part, was discussed by Dr. T. H. Silcock, Professor of Economics, in a
    1,962 words
  • 174 4 Malay Pressman On Trial Malacca. Mr. Oscar Wilson, Government document and handwriting expert, and Mr. Arthur Cecil Brooks, senior' assistant Government analyst, gave evidence in the case in which Abu bin Daud, a 33-year old Malay pressman, employed at the Stamp Office claimed trial before Mr.
    174 words
  • 98 4 Singapore. A European, D. A. Rushton, who attributed his bankruptcy to a civil judgment for $B,OOO against him, was ordered to pay $25 a month to the Official Assignee by Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice, in the High Court on Saturday. Rushton told the
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  • 105 4 Birthday Celebrations At Klang Klang. The 43rd birthday of Subhas Chandr» Bose is to be celebrated at Klang at the Chettiars’ Chamber of Commerce < Mariamman temple) on Tuesday. January 23 at 6 pjn. Sri R. H. Nathan will preside. The programme consists of the following Items
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  • 80 4 Singapore. Tay Nam Kiang, 23-year-old Government clerk, who was made bankrupt a second time, was ordered to pay $1 a month to the Official Assignee by Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice, in the High Court on Saturday. Mir. G. H. Po, representing the Official Assignee, stated that Tay
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  • 38 4 English housewives are to register for baron and ham, butter and sugar. (Sugar is not being rationed but one must register jbist the same. Picture shows a woman doing her morning shopping with the ration book.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 New Springtide Hotel PHONE No. 60 TANJONG BUNGAH PENANG. THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR Drinks Prices are the same as that of E. 0.. Elysee, Wembley, etc. COME AND SPEND AN EVENING HERE
      50 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 51 4 All in a Day’s Work—by Rick Elmes HOW TON mat e# X Oom'-A THAT Mavs. Voq GET VANT TO AX Got TE ki SA 'A Vou, J A S’ 7 \LOA N? A™ LIKE GRETA V, y -‘ySi (a .J S W Ivo < WIW JW AL,-7 7 -Fwl' .—,y.
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  • 961 5 Injured On Head While Passing Bullock-cart Taiping. |_JOVV tragedy overtook a 16-y ear-old Chinese boy, who, while standing at the back of a lorry, was stated to have been suddenly struck by a projecting object in a passing bullockcart along Swettenham Road, on December 11
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  • 420 5 Preparations In Progress Elaborate preparations are in progress to welcome the Wuhan Songsters, who will be arriving at Penangl on February 2. This troupe of talented artistes, about 30 in number, arrived in Singa- 1 pore from Wuhan in China over a year ago. From
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  • 201 5 Balik Pulau. At the conclusion of the maintenance case in which a young Chinese woman named Quah Guat Loon summoned her husband, a well-known landed proprietor of Balik Pulau, before Mr. S. T. Stewart at the Police Court, Balik Pulau.- for neglecting to maintain her
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  • 85 5 Early Settlement Likely Singapore. A number of Malay workers at the Singapore Harbour Board have resumed work. They are the launch crew and drivers. Yesterday when Malay members of the power station attempted to return they were prevented by pickets. Negotiations with Chinese worker? are continuing
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  • 222 5 Sanitary Board To Discuss Matter Taiping. IIICYCLE paths along the sides of main roads may be introduced at Taiping in the near future, according to a suggestion which will be discussed by the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board at the ordinary monthly meeting today. The suggestion
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  • 282 5 Mr. Ng Siew Chong Miss Lee Chew Gaik rpiHE Penang Buddhist Association, Anson Road, was the scene of a Chinese wedding at 11 a.m. yesterday, when Miss Mary Lee Chew Gaik, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eng Nam, was married to Mr. Nig Siew Chong,
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  • 551 5 Social Personal The resignation by Sub-Lieutenant E. G. Bird of his Commission in fa.S. R. List 11, has been accepted. The relinquishment by Acting SubLieutenant W. J. Henman of his Commission in S.S.R.N.V.R., has been accepted. Mr. E. E. F. Pretty, an officer of Class 18, M.C.S., has been appointed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 220 5 El Freckles Secretly and Quickly Removed! Stillman’s Freckle ('ream bleaches them out while you sleep. Leaves the skin soft and white, the complexion fresh, clear and transparent, the face rejuvenated with new beauty of natural coloring. The first jar proves its magic worth. Removes C Whitens Freckles The Skm cfttAM
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 297 5 MAJESTIC Last Two Shows Tonight 6.15 9.30 Hie Picture That Hits A New High in Serial Thrills the FIRST 6 CHAPTERS OF Republic’s Action-Packed Adventure Serial •HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS” Herman Brix, Jill Martin, Monte Blue, Mala. Hew Thrills Action I Excitement I Adventure Tomorrow THE FINAL 6 CHAPTERS iSBaSQHIIIIIIi
      297 words
    • 207 5 QUEEN'S (The Big Theatre With The Big Pictures). Opening Tonight 6.15 9.30 The Flashing Story of Championship Crews Packed With Thrills of the Year’s Biggest Race I MILLION DOLLAR LEGS” A Paramount Picture with Betty Grable, Jackie Coogan, Joyce Mathews, Donald O’Connor, Larry Crabbe It’s A Swell Hit You Should
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  • 420 6 rplIE Tokio report that the new Japanese Cabinet is planning a “good neighbour” policy indicates how far Japan has travelled from Tientsin since the SovietNazi Pact shattered the antiComintern bloc and left Japan to shift for herself without allies in Europe. When Admiral Yonai and his Foreign
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  • 110 6 QUEEN’S CTNEMA “Million Dollar Legs” 6.15 and 9.30 p. m REX CINEMA “Kid From Kokomo” 6 15 and 9.30 p.m MAJESTIC CINEMA “Hawk Of The Wilderness” (first six chapters) 615 and 9.30 p.m WINDSOR “Thyagabhoomi" (Tamil picture) 6.30 9.30 p.m WEMBLEY PARK Ladies Guest Night. Nooran Opera,
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  • 558 6 Achievement By Prayer DO not touch on religious subjects as a rule, but one little article which 1 read this morning deserves to be reproduced, if only as a guide. It is by the Very Rev. C. A. Alington, the Dean of Durham “During the last months
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  • 500 6 Tuesday, Jan. 23. npHE best answer to those who object to Mr. Churchill’s broadcast is given by the manifesto issued in Washington yesterday by 33 prominent Protestant clergy and laymen. /CHRISTIANS in neutral coun tries, they say, cannot remain neutral in the present international
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 I Ride a I RALEIGH I THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE I I The World's Finest Cycle Value I I I *v J I Agents in Penang SEGAMAT STORE AGENCY, I 2G6, CARNARVON STREET, PENANG Sole Agents 9 ROBINSON CO., LTD. I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUB J ssMßßMSßi«H!&BaanaoaL;niiaßHPHid B a ■H9aXk3HMAaMaBKBHaMHB«K I E.
      170 words
    • 14 6 Wtelabef U/ Sole Agents for Penang, Perak Kedah Henry Waugh Co. Ltd. PENANG TI’OII
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  • 536 7 D.R. HARPER KILLED IN PLANE CRASH Bound For Australia To loin His Wife JJEATH, tragic and sudden, has removed from Malayan rugger circles a personality whose ability in that field of sport was outstanding) and whose memory will remain green as long as
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  • 185 7 Car Crashes Into Another At Garden Two motor accidents occurred yesterday evening. The first occurred at the Botanical Gardens abcut 6 p.m. when a Fiat car, traveling along the road in the Gardens, crashed it is reported, into the rear of f stationary car, an Austin “7”,
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  • 87 7 An Indian gardener was found dead in a vacant house in Concordia Road, off Kelawei Road today. The man Rasee, aged 45 years, is suspected to have succumbed to alcoholic poisoning. The deceased is rd'ported to have celebrated the Hari Raya Haji. He was the only occupant
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  • 239 7 SCENES AT RAILWAY STATION; Ipoh Unprecedented scenes were witnessed at the Ipoh Railway Station yesterday, Bhen the remains of the late Mr. Leong: Sin Nam was Drought from Port Dickson in a special train. The station platform aas packed with thousands of people who had
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  • 230 7 No Rain For Ten Days Taipmg. According to the figures for last month, Taiping has had four days of very warm weather in December 3, 4 5 and 16 when the thermomet r reached the 91-degree mark. There was an absence of rain for ten days
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  • 61 7 Alor Star. Three Kedah Students who recently turned from England have been osted to their respective departments. lun ”ku Nong bin Tungku Md. Jewa is attached to the Agricultural DepartChe Hassan bin Haji Md. Saaid has been posted to the Audit Office, 1 ungku Saad has assumed
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  • 213 7 Five To Be Awarded This Year A circular letter regarding the Sir George Maxwell Memorial Co-operative Scholarship Fund has been addressed by the trustees of the Midlands Urban Cooperative Union, Ltd., to the contributing societies and schools. In this it is stated that the Union aa
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  • 164 7 Today on the Esplanade Irom 8 SO p m te 10.30 pm. March Punjaub Payne Overture Fingal’s Cave Mendelssohn This picturesque Overture owes its origin to the Highland tour undertaken by Mendelsschn in 1829 and he was then just 20 years of age It is said that
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  • 697 7 Letters Of Thanks To Governor From London Letters of thanks have been received in Malaya from London for Patriotic Fund gifts to the National Y.M.C.A. War Service Fund, the Shipwrecked Fishermen And Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society, and the Red Cross and
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  • 100 7 fine of sioo or ten weeks' rigorous imprisonment was imposed by the District Judge, Mr. H. A i'orrer, in the District ourt this morning on a 35~y ear ~°ld Malay, Salemun oin Haji Basir, who pleaded guilty to
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  • 166 7 •*Khendtiri~ At Mosque Alor Star. Kcd?h observed Hari Raya Haji on Saturday. In Alor Star the Istana Kam jeng Bahru, Balei Besar and many private houses were decorated with lanterns and van-coloured lights on Friday night, end a “knenduri” was heid at the Zahara Mosque which
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  • 82 7 Informal “At Home” To Be Held Bishop Edwin F. Lee, LL.D. Resident Bishop of the Methodist Church for Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo ar J the Philippines, will arrive in Penang today. He is accompanied by Mrs. Lee. Bishop and Mrs. Lee returned to Singapore early in
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  • 60 7 The Staff of the Posts and Telegraphs Department, Penang ard Province Wellesley have contributed 533.39 to the China Relief Fund. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday the wedding took place of Mr. Cyril Walter Warner, estate manager of Eldred Estate, Bekok, Johore, and Miss Edith Vera Juster,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 OF rv I f W 1 -•-I Adi* 1; rP/oC -aJi* i r. c ow 4 gate J > /kS/ ll raAlTk\ CSX a THE MARCH OF THE CHILDREN” Let your Baby, too, join this joyous company and march to Health and Happiness on COW GATE I From all over
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  • 144 8 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 1469th Auction, L7th January, 1940 resulted as follows: Catalogued 2,056,966 918 29 Offered 1,832,975 818.29 Sold 1,259,945 562.47 London—Spot 11 3/4d. New York —Spot 18 7/Bcts. PRICES REALISED. RIBBED SMOKED SHEET cts. per lb. Standard Quality 38 to 38} (One
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  • 70 8 Ottawa. Canada’s brewing industry utilizes large -quantities of imported in the manufacture of its products which readied the value of $57 875,450 in 1938. This included 1 160 652 pounds of hnnS, obtained principally from the United States, the United Kingdom and Central European countries. 100.061
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  • 1081 8 Green And Collier Limited Singapore, Friday The market broke this afternoon on the news that deliveries of cotton for the months of February, March and April under the Barter scheme, were to be postponed. At present it is impossible to say what bearing (if any) this
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    • 281 8 RUBBER Buyers SeJen Affenbys 1.45 1.52} Ayer Panas 1.45 1.52} Bassetts 52} 57} Batu Lintangs 1.10 1.15 c Bentas 1.05 1.10 Borellis 1.42} 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1.40 1.47} Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.47} 2.57} Lunas 1.70 1.80 Malaka Pin das 1.45 1.52} Mentakabs
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    • 377 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST RUBBERS Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.40 1.47} Ayer Hitam 90 1.00 Ayer Molek 1.05 1.15 Ayer Panas 1.35 1.45 Bassett 50 55 Batu Lintang 1.10 1.15 c Borelli 1.30 1.45 Bukit K. B. 30 40 Bukit Kepong 1.15 1.25 Changkat Serdang 90 1.00 Connemara 1.35 1.45 Glenealy
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    • 137 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TINS Buyers Sellei Bangrin 22/6 24/ Batu Selangor 1.57} 1.62} Hitam Tin 45 47} Hong Fati 1.15 1-20 Jelebu. 92} 97} Kampong Lanjut 22/9 23/3f Killinghall 16/6 17/6 Klang River 2.12} 2.17} Kramat Tin 1 12/ 12/6 Kuchai Tin 1.65 1.70 Laruts 6/3 6/6 Mambau 67}
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    • 237 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Sellers Ampats 5/3 5/6 A. Amalgamateds 6/1} 6/7} Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 1.65 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.17 1.21 Johans 32} 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35/6 Jelebus 971 1.02} Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kamuntings 9/ 9/4}cd Katus 23/6 24/6 Kramats 12/ 12/6 KuchaLs 1.60 1.67} Kundangs
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    • 308 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Seiiet» Ampat 4/9 5/3 A. Ainalg. 6/6 7/ A. Hitam 24/ 25/ Bangrins 22/9 23/9 B. Selangors 1.60 1.65 Hong Fatts 1.17} 1.20 Jelebus 95 100 Johans 32 34 Kamras 2/ 2 3c Kamuntings 12/3 13/ c K. Lanjuts 25/ 25'8c Katus 24/3 25/3
      308 words
    • 140 8 Saturday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £231 10. 0 £234 10. 0. "Forward" £231 15 0. £234 10. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” (22.1 40) $120.00 $120.87’4 Business done jqo tons 125 tons PENANG “Spot” $120.00 $l2O 87% RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” (22.1.40) Is. o%d Is. 0d “Forward" (22.1 40) Is.
      140 words
  • 99 8 During the week ending 6th January. '940, exports from Malayan ports imounted to 25,797 cases, of which: 24.762 (96 per cent) cases were to the United Kingdom, 500 (2 per cent) caseD the Continent of Europe. Nil pel cent) cases to Canada, and 535 2 p»-:
    99 words
  • 116 8 Canada has ordered 1,000,000 boxes n! Welsh tin plate lor delivery during this year This Ls part of the contract madt a year ago by Sir Wiliam Firth, chairman ot Richard Thomas and Co., who secured an order for 5.000.000 boxes to be delivered over
    116 words
  • 168 8 Big Order For Szechwan Factories Chungking, Jan. 20 Upon the eve of the completion of making 400.000 army blankets for the army, the Chinese Industrial Cooperatives have received anoher order from the Ministry of War for another 1,500,000 blankets. Eight factories, four in the Northwest and four in
    168 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 BANKS INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated <« British India) Head Office ‘‘United India Buildings,” Esplanade, Madras. Branches Penang. Kuala Lumpur, Rangoon, Karatkudi, Siva* ganga, Pudukottah and Devacottah. Authorised Capital Rs. 60,00,004 Issued and Subscribed Capital RS. 25,00,000 Paid up Capital Rs. 12,50,000 Current and fixed deposits received, on terms which
      145 words

  • 344 9 Millions Of Victims, Says President Washington. Though the matter has attracted but little attention, a definite difference of opinion exists between the views on refugee settlement held by the President and those held by the majority of the delegates on the Inter-Governmental Committee on Political Refugees In
    344 words
  • 214 9 “Somewhere In France.” The French Army is doing its best ,o amuse its men. Apart from football and other games, every reginental band is preparing programmes for the entertainment of troops British and French bands are giving a series of concerts in towns behind the lines
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  • 77 9 London. Men suffering from nervous breakdown as the result of war service should be treated early and efficiently instead of being discharged, says the report of a conference called by the Ministry of Pensions. The question of pension should not be raised until everything had
    77 words
  • 900 9 Shortage Of Coal And Food Tokyo, Dec. 22. JAPAN, after more than two years of fairly normal conditions while engaged in hostilities against China, now carries the definite imprint of a nation at war. Shortages of rice, coal and other necessities have reached
    900 words
  • 158 9 London. Mr. Justice Greaves-Lord refused for a second time to approve a proposed damages payment to 12-year-old Vera Caswell, of Peckham, S.E., who developed a “snub” nose and whose mentality was said to have ehanged aftei- a street accident. He said in the King’s Bench Division
    158 words
  • 204 9 This was the last wish of Miss Evelyn Mary Muriel Pearson, of Duke’s-avenue, Chiswick, W.. expressed in her will which was published recently: "I desire that my remains should be. cremated and the ashes taken in a cab to Hyde Park early in the
    204 words
  • 88 9 London. A 15-years-old boy was charged at Ongar with the wilful murder of Dericke James Saunders, aged seven and a half, of Nine Ashes, Blackmore, Essex, who had been missing since December 6. Det.-Sergt. Jeavons said that he and another detective found the boy’s body
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  • 69 9 London. Gordon Richards Chilcott, aged 25, was remanded at Tynemouth charged with the murder of Jean Watson Moore. A police-officer said that just after midnight he saw Chilcott and the woman in the back seat of a ear parked without lights. The woman appeared
    69 words
  • 285 9 London. TVIISS Constance Eleanor Potter, of Shoot-up-hill, N.W., who is suing Mr. Hairy Cousins, of Golders Greenroad, N.W., for breach of promise, was wearing an engagement ring when she gave evidence in the King’s BentM Division. She said that she did not still consider herself
    285 words
  • 207 9 London. Lieut. Robert Jenks, R. N., younger son of Sir Maurice Jenks, Bart., former Lord Mayor of London, was married recently after a three-weeks courtship to a former shopgirl he met in the Women’s Royal Naval Service the “Wrens.” The crew of the naval vessel
    207 words
  • 233 9 Skip ton, Yorkshire. When a young man asked Mr. Edward Fairhurst the way to the famous Gaping Ghyll pot-hole on Ingleborough. a lonely hill of the West Riding, the farmer was careful to warn him how dangerous the road was in the dark. The young man looked
    233 words
  • 67 9 London. Troops in France want stockings to wear with gum-boots. It has been found that thick, long stockings are more comfortable than socks to wear with boots of this Lyp*. The stockings should be about 24 1 n. long and should have an Ilin. foot.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1526 9 >■ «g X wl Jtjy Hi k E TO-DAY I SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING 8.8. C. News In English TRANSMISSION—FIVE. From 6.40 —9.3 c C. GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55 m./ (Local Time) GSC 9.58 Mc/s (3132 m.) Transmission 5 650 a m GSE 11.86 Mc/s (25.29 m.) < l GSD 11-75
      1,526 words
    • 107 9 7.15 Film selections. 7.30 About paediagogical difficulties. 7.50 Records. 8.40 Guitarre solis. 8.50 Hetty Wertheim-Gijse Weenink (Songs). 9.20 Dance music. 9.48 Exchange rates. 9.50 Time signal. Robert pikler and his orchestra. 10.20 Two sonatas. 10.50 Close down. PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (49.3 m.) A.M. 7.30 Light Music. 7.50 8.8. C.
      107 words

  • 134 10 Ihms Which Must Not Be Used lu Reports Amsterdam, January 22 The Government has instituted a new form of censorship. Th press service has 1 sent letter:, to corr pendents telling them that the following items must not be us'd in their repo s. Firstly,
    134 words
  • 260 10 FOREIGN AIRMEN TAKE PART IN BOMBING Captured Russians Admit Shortage Of Petrol By Red Army Helsinki. Jan. 22 I’innish planes bombed the Soviet naval base at Kronstadt and also raided the Estonian port of Baltiski where a Russian air base is established under
    260 words
  • 129 10 -Reuter. Germans ()ccupy Railway line London, Jan. 22 There is again feverish political activity in the Balkans, reports the Daily Telegraph’s Balkan correspondent. While officially a calm attitude is preserved, there is a substantial undercurrent of nervousness. There is uncertainty as regards Italy’s ultimate policy in
    -Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 310 10 .—Reuter. Ablaze Off Toulon: 539 Souls Picked I p By Rescue Ships Toulon, Jan. 21 I he Italian liner “Orazio,” with 600 passengers on board, was on fire off Toulon. A number of the “Orazio’s” passengers were taken aboard two French warships; the remainder are
    .—Reuter.  -  310 words
  • 73 10 —Reuter. British Preparing To Spend £250.000.000 New York. January 22. The Nev York Times learns from offiI cial circles in Washington that Britain is preparing to spend about £250,000,000 on planes and othei military supplies in the United States. It is stated that Mr. Morgenthau,
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 81 10 —8.0. W. Arrival Of Parly Of French Y ar Correspondents Rugby, January 21. The party of French war correspondents attached to the 8.E.F., who are touring Britain as guests of His Majesty’s Government, arrived in London on Sunday, and were entertained to dinner by the Ministry of
    —8.0. W.  -  81 words
  • 218 10 —Reuter. More Victims Of Nazi Mines London. January 21. The Blue Funnel steamer “Pyotesilaus” 9.U00 tons, struck a mine off the West Coast. The crew of sixty were landed; thirteen, mostly Chinese, were injured.—Reuter. IHI “FERRI HILI London, January 21. The Aberdeen steamer “Ferryhill" 11,000 tons, was
    —Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 52 10 —Reuter Arrival hi Rumania From Russ*a London, January 22. Fifty United States citizens who were expelled from Soviet Russia have arrived at the Polish-Rumanian frontier station, Oraseni, according to the Times’ Bucharest correspondent. They confirm the news that German troops have entered the southern parts of
    —Reuter «  -  52 words
  • 310 10 .—Reuter. Diverted 1 o Finnish Front London, Januaiy 23. The consignment of petroleum recently dispatched from Rumania via Cernauti and Lwow to the Get man military authorities at Cracow has not been delivered, reports the Times' Balkans I correspondent. A Commission of German officers stated to
    .—Reuter.  -  310 words
  • 65 10 i. —Reuter. Taken To Tokio Police Station Tokyo. January 22. .Mr. James Russell, young Far Eastern representative of the International News Service and former busines manager of the “Japanese Advertiser”, has been taken to the Marunouchi police station for examination of a’l documents seized. The charge is
    i.—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 439 10 .—8.0. W. Difference Of Small Proportion Washington. Januai The New York Times in a 1» er written by the Managing Director h Edwin James, regarding the Bri’.sh censorship of United States mails, “Unless care is exercised b Washington and London, th< i nc making of
    .—8.0. W.  -  439 words
  • 164 10 —8.0. W. Damage Repaired During Week-End Rugby, January 21. According to the Ministry of Supply statement, work will b- resumed tomorrow morning in some of the buildings .at the Royal gunpowder factory at Waitham Abbey, where repairs to the damage, caused by a n explosion, have been
    —8.0. W.  -  164 words
  • 43 10 Reutar Paris, January 21 Seven were killed, including two engine drivers and a stoker and about forty injured but none seriously, when a tram, carrying French troops on leave collided with a goods train near Troyes this morning Reuter
    ; – Reutar  -  43 words
  • 398 10 Ncic Central Govt. To Indemnify All Losses In China Hongkong, Jan. 22 The terms of an agreement alleged to have been signed in Shanghai on Dec. 30 between Mr. Wang Ching-wei and the Japanese are revealed in a joint letter to
    398 words
  • 40 10 B.O.W’’ Arrival In Lond’ Discussions- 21 Rugby, The French Minister of j B accompanied by' Frenc ~j vej eluding the Director of in London on Sunday, from Paris. the They will hold discus President of the Boar
    B.O.W’’  -  40 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 221 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644. PENANG, -■■■■■■■■nils BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.,
      221 words

  • 1264 11 Fernlet Harlowe To Score Doubles SECOND DAY OF JANUARY MEETING (Ry “TIC-TAC”) A /ERY open racing is promised again tomorrow at Ipoh, the second day of the Ipoh January Meeting, hut Fernlet and Harlowe appear to be good things and should win again
    1,264 words
  • 1275 11 pENANG FOOTBALL ASSN. ANNUAL REPORT Of P.C.F.A. And Marines riiujli'lEEN suspensions and seven warnings were imposed i players during the past soccer season. This is revealed in the Annual Report of the Penang Football Association u h' states that the incidence of rough play
    1,275 words
  • 571 11 IPOH YW.C.A. WIN BY ONE GOAL In a colourless game played on the Hutchings School ground yesterday, the Ipoh Y.W.C.A. defeated the P.L.H.C. by the only goal of the match, scored late in the first half. Penang were slightly superior m the first half and the goal
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  • 257 11 Andersojnians Become Champions Ipoh. The Anderson School Seniors became the champions in the six-a-side hockey league organised by the Ipoh District Hockey Association when they narrowly defeated the Police in the final played on the Ipoh Club padang yesterday. The game resulted in a goalless draw,
    257 words
  • 290 11 One-goal Win For M.R.C. At Soccer i The Penang Chinese Football As* .sociation surprisingly went down to the Muslims Recreation. Club when they; were beaten by the only goal scored by Jamal of the M.R.C. in a soccer friendly on the S.X.I. ground yesterday, evening. The Muslims
    290 words
  • 98 11 C.R.C. vs Punjab Regt. On the Victoria Green today:— C.R.C. —Ng Teik Lee; Wee Chong Ghee, Khoo Boon Choo; Eok Chye, Boey Seng Poe, Ooi Siang Huah; Eu Cheow Hin, Lim Keng Hock, Tan Hong Beng, Chong Foong Chin and Leong Poh Seng. Kedah Hall Party vs The
    98 words
  • 63 11 Staynes Wins Windeatt Cup Ipoh. G. F. Staynes won the Windeatt Cup in the annual competition of the Perak Flying Club for first year ab initio pupils, on Sunday. Staynes recently obtained his “A” licences Mack won the aerobatic cup. Entries for the event were disappointing. At
    63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 225 11 FEEL UPSET? C Late Irregular hours and overindulgence call for Aika-Seltzor Why endure a headache, add inefige*- baaed on proved medic*! prfneMm tion, “morning after” misery, or sow Get Alka-Seltzer today keep to M stomach? These common ailments are hand always, at home and at work. Uao often associated with
      225 words

  • 341 12 DOUBLE ESSO A GOOD THING FOR TOMORROW Harriford An Outsider Likely To Score (By ‘EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. IVO fast mes were recorded on the Ipoh race track this -morning, but several interesting gaHops came under observation, most of the candidates being worked
    341 words
  • 85 12 —Reuter. London, Jan. 23. French circles in London state that a French auxiliary cruiser stopped the “Orazio” after the latter had left port, and removed eight Germans who were aboard. J Shortly afterwards the “Orazio’s” S.O.S. was picked up by the Toulon radio, and the French
    ’.—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 26 12 .—Reuter. Paris, Jan. 22 The death has occurred of Count Damien Martel, former High Commissioner <tf Syria and formerly Ambassador al Tokyo.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 43 12 —Reuter. To Be Rowed At Henley Over ly-Mile Course London, Jan. 22 Cambridge have agreed to the Oxford .suggestion to row this year’s Boat Race at Henley on March 2 over a course of about a mile and a half.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 95 12 TUESDAY, JANUARY TIN: Penang $119.25 Business done IGO tons Singapore $119.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 381 c Singapore Spot 382 c copea 6: $4.25 buyers Diack Pepper Nominal TAPI Of Medium $6 25 selkrs 1 S'wcl $"».25 sellers RIFF: Indian Parboiled 133 Tbs. $6 20 New Crop Old Cron
    95 words
  • 1340 12 RACE 1 2.15 p.m. PONIES—CIass 2—Division 2—6 Furlongs 03 0 SPRING GIRL 6y 9.02 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval 0 0 3 EXPLODE lOy 8.09 Mr. Teoh Cheow Ghee Van Breukelen 0 14 MABEL SMITH 4y 8.08 Dr. L. M. Thompson Turley 2 2 0 CHAR 6y
    1,340 words
    48 words
    1 BO W  -  276 words
  • 152 12 PRE-WAR PRICES PREVAIL Rugby, Jan. 22. With tiie war in its fifth month and rationing in its third week, a survey of food supplies and prices shows that many foods are as cheap and plentiful as before the war and that some prices are
    152 words
  • 436 12 Rugby, June 23. Little credence is given by those who; make a close study of ship-building matters, to the Nazi claims that submarines will be produced this year at the rate of one each a day. ROW. They will be surprised if more than eighty
    ROW.  -  436 words
  • 89 12 —8.0. W. Rugby. Jan. 23. Speaking today to the Westminster National Savings Committee of the Treasury, the Financial Secretary stated that a special committee had been formed in the Royal household with the King’s approval, as part of the already existing National Savings group.
    —8.0. W.  -  89 words
  • 71 12 .—8.0. W. Rugby, Jan, 23. The Dominions Office announces that the King has approved of the extension for six months of the term of office of Viscount Galway as Governor-General of New Zealand. Lord Galway’s tenure would normally end in April 1940 but owing to
    .—8.0. W.  -  71 words
  • 82 12 BOW. Rugby, Jan. 23. In a message to the Kuruman electors, where a byle-election is pending, General Smuts, dealing with the feasibility of the Union remaining neutral in the present war, said: “To me, it is clear as daylight that neutrality would have struck the
    BOW.  -  82 words
  • 153 12 5.—8.0. W Interfered With By “Jamming” Rugby, Jan. 23. Shortly after the inauguration, it was found that Turkish broadcasts in English were being interfered with by “jamming” and competent London circles thought this interference probably came from the Soviet Union. Whether this “jamming” is deliberate was
    5.—8.0. W  -  153 words
  • 37 12 —Reuter. The ex-Kaiser will be 81 on Seta* when his b’rthday will be celebrated aui ly and without ceremony. H" is st?' to be in excellent health despite his ag< and the severe weather.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 66 12 President Roosevelt Attends Service Washington, Jan. 22 The President and Mrs. Roose members of the Supreme Court and t Diplomatic Corps and many others tended the funeral service for Senat Borah in the Senate Chamber. Floral tributes included one of glad li lilies sent jointly from the
    66 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 131 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road, Penane Phone 1477 1478 with extension. Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang. Rales of Subscription for Pinang GaxetU and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Loca’ S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Foreign Monthly $2.50 $3.00 $4 00 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 12 CO Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 '’Ujj Yearly 30.C0 36.00 4b cc SUNDAE
      131 words