Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 191 1 IIEINKEL BOMBER DRIVEN OVE 10 SEA DAMAGED IN FIGHT WITH R.A.F. London, January 20. ihe Air Ministry' announced yeslerday: ”An enemy a»*r-craft was attacked by R.A.F. fighters r ti-e "ra eas? ol Aberdeen this afternoon and was driven off.” Il is learned authoritatively that the
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 20. The Board of Education has informed the local education authorities that a number of Government school and holiday camps, which have been under construction since last summer, are now avail; > for use as boarding schools for evacuated children. Th.? camps
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 154 1 jaieu in tni -Reuter. Nearly £lOO,OOO Collected Rugby, Jan. 20. National Commissioner of the “i-.m Red Cross Society, which has <u nearly £lOO,OOO since the War, for France to present £3OO to ,l; t ench Red Cross from subscribers a the Canadian Red Cross funds in
    jaieu in tni . -Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 29 1 —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 20. A communique says that a quiet day Passed on land front. There was actiV y of aviation on both sides.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 48 1 T urkey Chooses Democracy —Reuter. AuA-ara, Jan Jo. I; e t’r me lUinister, in closing the session of the assembly, declared that order and security reign throughout the country; our aim is to lead the country on the path of prosperity by following the best course, namely democracy.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 50 1 .—Reuter. Washington, Jan. 20. The Apostolic delegate has delivered the Pope’s reply to President Roosevelt’s Christmas peace message. After delivering the reply the delegate said that Mr. Roosevelt was very pleased with the contents of the note. It is understood this will be published later.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 158 1 Reuter. Seven Neutral Ships Added To Loll London, Jan. 20. As evidence that Germany’s war at sea is directed as much against neutral shipping as against the Allies,’ an authoritative statement instances that the seven neutral shipping casualties during the last few days of which
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 59 1 —Reuter. Stockholm, Jan. 20. Three hundred and ten thousand Polish prisoners of war are being employed for labour in Germany, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Dagbladet. The remaining 400 000 are still in Poland. One hundred thousand Poles who prisoners of war will shortly
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 127 1 conimiiu —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 20. Representatives of public bodies in the United States, interested in securing legislation to enable an embargo to be placed on exports to Japan, are beginning to gather in Washington to prepare for a renewed drive, coincident with the
    conimiiu .-—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. According to the Paris wireless, five people were killed and ten seriously injured in yet another accident on the German railway system. A passenger train and a goods train collided at Cracow. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 37 1 THEY PIPED THE KING ASHORE The Kino. f< tlo—ed b?» Lord Corf, British Commander in-Chicf, piped ashore as he walked down the gangway of a destroyer on his arrival in France to visit the British Expeditionary Force.
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 20. Dr. Goebbels, broadcasting from Posen, violently attacked England. He said that with regard to the English, there can only be one opinion—destroy them, they are ferocious wolves, wearing lamb-skins; the British want to force us into a new Treaty of Versailles and to
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 52 1 Reuter. Washington. Jan. 20. Mr. Cordell Hull indicated at a Press conference today the possibility that Bermuda might be used no more as the stopping place on the Trans-Atlantic air service, unless a satisfactory solution concerning the searching of United States mails by Great Britain, was
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 35 1 -8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 20. The Duke of Gloucester, chief LiasonC 'icer on Lord Gort’s staff, arrived in London this evening on a few days’ leave from France. 8.0. W.
    ■. -8.0. W.  -  35 words
  • 227 1 Russians Up Against Counter-Attack Helsinki, Jan. 20. fighting is raging round Merkijaervi where the Russians whose offensive towards Kemikaervi has been broken, are now facing a counterattack that has already driven them back many miies. The outcome of the struggle is still in suspense. —Reuter. The
    —Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 169 1 UL dllLl <tl —8.0. W. £lO,OOO War Gift To Mother Country Rugby, Jan. 20. It was announced by the Colonial Office that the Banabans—a native community on an Ocean Island in the Gilbert and Elliice Islands colony -have placed at the disposal of the King, a
    UL dllLl-<tl —8.0. W.  -  169 words
  • 36 1 Reuter Rome, Jan. 20. Italy has banned all imports of foreign textiles into her colonies v East Africa upon the ground that Italian Empire can produce all silk, cotton and textiles needed.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 21 1 .—Reuter. Paris, Jan. 20. The Senate passed the Bill unseatinr unrepentant Communist deputies by 294 votes to none.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 17 1 —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 20. It is stated that Senator Borah’s pulse is growing much weaker.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 356 1 —Reuter. Dispute Among Senators Washington, Jan. 19. The United States Administration is understood to be seeking a compromise in the dispute over the question of a United States loan to Finland which would enable America to aid the Finns Without risk of violating her neutrally. Werf-fni.'rmed
    —Reuter.  -  356 words
  • 85 1 —Reuter. New York, Jan. 20. The Department of Agriculture reinstated the Wheat Export subsidy on shipments from the Pacific coast to China and Hong g. The department also extended a flour subsidy programme to include exports to these places. This action was taken primarily to
    '.—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 177 2 ’—B.O.W. Invasion Of Low Countries Now Unlikely BELGIUM AND HOLLAND STILL ALERT Rugby, Jan. 19. In a leading article headed, ‘‘The tension relaxes,” The Times writes: —“Wintry weather with poor visibility and snowed up roads have probably settled for the moment, at any rate, the
    ’—B.O.W.  -  177 words
  • 70 2 .—Reuter. Germany Asked To Remove XV reek Paris, January 19. It is understood here that the Government of Uruguay has sent a note to Germany requesting that the wreck of the ‘Graf Spee” be removed within sixty days as a danger to shipping on the River Plate. The
    .—Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 59 2 IUIU lb —Reuter. Indication That They Are British Machines The Hague, January 19. xt is officially announced that foreign planes flew over North-Eastern Holland yesterday at a great height and were fired on by Dutch anti-aircraft batteries. There is some indication that the planes were British
    IUIU lb —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 246 2 —Reuter. Capetown. Jan. 19. At the opening of the new session, of Parliament, the Governor-General, Sir Patrick Duncan, said that Parliament would be asked to give statutory validity to the Union’s declaration of war and the Government’s consequential measures. It would also be asked
    —Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 185 2 11 CU LXOCtJ —B O.W Owing To Lack Of Raw Materials Rugby, January 19. The lack of raw materials in Germany and the restrictions on production for civilian purposes have led to a number of economy devices which go far teyond the recovery of scrap and
    11 CU LXOCtJ —B O.W  -  185 words
  • 102 2 .—8.0. W. Danish Reports Again Lacking Confirmation Rugby, Jan. 19 There is no confirmation in London of the circumstancial reports from Copenhagen of a new air attack on the German seaplane base at the Island of Sylt to the north of Helgoland Bight. The Air
    .—8.0. W.  -  102 words
  • 66 2 —Reuter. Gilt-Edged Again Improve London, Jan. 19. On the Stock Exchange, gilt-edged again improved. Kaffirs met with selective buying otherwise the markets were generally quiet. This weeks applications totalling £122,000.000 for £65.000,000 Treasury Bills offered constitute a high record. £61.000.000 were allotted at an average rate of 21
    —Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 45 2 .—8.0. W. Previous Year’s Record Exceeded Rugby, Jan. 19 It is authoritatively stated that the British steel output last year exceeded by a considerable margin the previous year’s record of nearly 13,000,000 tons. The actual figures are not made public in war time.—B.O.W.
    .—8.0. W.  -  45 words
  • 27 2 .—Reuter. Brussels, January 19. It is learned that Belgian Army leave suspended during the week-end crisis is :o be resumed shortly.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 334 2 IXLIUIIX. L\ .—Reuter. To Be Changed PUPPETS MEET TODAY Peiping, Jan. 19. Apparently with the aim of clearing rumours of dissension between the Peiping Provincian Government and Mr. Wang Ching-wei and his followers, Lieutenant-General Kita, Director of the North China Liaison Office, told foreign correspondents in an
    IXLIUIIX. L\ .—Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 87 2 It? X t&l, VI Reuter. Crew Of 46 Missing And Feared Lost London, Jan. 19. Fourteen British officers and engineers were among the crew of about 46 of the oil tanker, “Inverdargle,” 9.406 tons, all of whom, it is feared lost their lives when the vesel sank off
    It? X t&l, VI Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 186 2 Paris, Jan. 19. A BIG Russian force has been cut off from all supplies near Pitkaranta on the northern shores of Lake Ladoga, accord ing to reliable information reaching Paris. It is stated that the Finns are not wasting lives in attacking the Russians but
    '—Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 138 2 .—Reuter. Issue Of By-Election At Cambridge Rugby, January 19. The idea of a world federation will be the issue of the by-election at Cambridge University caused by the death of the Conservative, Sir John Withers. The well-known lawyer, Mr. Patrick Ransome, who worked at the International Labour Office
    .—Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 49 2 Reuter. No Reason To Suspect Sabotage London, Janu. 19. It is officially stated on information at present available that there is no reason to suspect that the Waltham Abbey explosion is caused by sabotage. The whole matter is being investigated by an official committee of enquiry.—
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 44 2 veu, wax x7.—8.0. W. Favourable Market Reaction Rugby, Jan. 19 The markets generally reacted favourably yesterday to the terms of the new two per cent Conversion Ix&gt;an. The improvement in Government stocks was marked. War Loan advancing from 95J to 97,—8.0.W.
    veu, wax x-7.—8.0. W.  -  44 words
  • 433 2 omcer pris —Reuter. Rugby, January 19. The view is held by competent critics in London that Germany’s latest challenge to Britain's command of the sea I —the indiscriminate bombing and machine-gunning of merchant and fish--1 ing ships—has had, and will have, no greater success than
    omcer pris —Reuter.  -  433 words
  • 97 2 —8.0. W Rugby, Jan. 19. In the Convocation of York Yesterday, the Archbishop of ork said:—“l cannot use the phrase a holy war’ for war in its own nature is always an expression of the sin of man, but without hesitation I .peak of this
    —8.0. W  -  97 words
  • 273 2 8.0. W. Not All Of 1,300,000 Without Work Rugoy. Jan. 19 An inadequate study of Britain's published Unemployment returns. which are much more exhaustive than those of any other leading power, have aroused comment in some countries which is less favourable than the true facts warrant. The Daily
    8.0. W.  -  273 words
  • 102 2 —8.0. W. Statement By Lord Chatfield Rugby. January 19 The importance of scientific research m war and methods of testing the value of inventions offered to the defence services were discussed in the House of Lord s yesterday. The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence. Lord Chatfield,
    —8.0. W.  -  102 words
  • 55 2 —8.0. W. Visit To Aldershot Command Rugby, Jan. 19The King and Queen spent the ing inspecting a division in the 1 shot Command. Among the various units visite the Anti-Tank Gun Unit By t of the visit, the King had walke ha jf eight miles and the Queen
    —8.0. W.  -  55 words
  • 40 2 fie I -13 0 I rikCiv January M. Dautry, French Mm ments, returned to Fran with his staff after d st” lilies’ Minister of Supply regarding lll £g O f. joint .production of war apaucs-
    fie I -13 0 I  -  40 words
  • 42 2 ,Ab&lt;’ !U i E^ ter I vrr 19 London. Ja* 0 The Air Ministry an :nce^.t b ..4.F enemy aircraft was au el de fll I fighters over the sea p eU tef- I this afternoon and d
    .• ,Ab<’!U i .• E^ter' I  -  42 words
  • 18 2 I SEJNAiUK 19. Washington. Ja J;U Senator Borah is still &gt; 111 There is apparently no hope-
    I  -  18 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 95 2 The, Record That Is Breaking All Records. GRACIE FIELDS Singing Her Famous Song j 44 WISH ME LUCK AS YOU WAVE ME GOOD-BYE” ROBINSON PIANO Co. s.s.Ltd, PENANG J ALSO OBTAINABLE AT:— Gramophone Music Store, 170, Campbell Street. 1 1 I' T' h' STEEL ft WINDOW FRAMES i r FRENCH
      95 words

  • 2043 3  -  Cleavages In \azi Party Among Masses 64 IF e Have Done Terrible Things In Poland” But Popularity Of Hitler Is Still Unchallenged By OSWALD G. VILLARD J-N the following article Mr. Villard reveals the depth of the cleavages which have
    2,043 words
  • 255 3 Nazis Sending Hate Writers To Holland Amsterdam. is to start a niew and more intensive propaganda campaign in the Netherlands. The fact that Holland has protested to England against the reprisals to bo taken for the Nazis’ ruthless mine war has prompted Dr. Goebbels to attempt He hopes that some
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 EIfEN MORPHIA did not stop her PAIN Have you ever known the des- How pain is driven away by pair and haunting dread that Maclean Brand Stomach Powder comes with unbearable suffering Almost every form of stomach that nothing relieves? Then you trouble is due to excess of acid in
      390 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 749 4 TEN WEEKS' IMPRISONMENT FOR SOLDIER Singapore. PRIVATE William Tomney of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, who was.described by an officer as a good soldier and “a type of man who is useful in the Army,” was sentenced to 10 weeks’ rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore
    749 words
  • 179 4 Eve Bridget kinealLY, a 22-year-old cinema usherette, i s due to be married. But she had to appear be- fore the magistrates at Acton, W., on a theft charge a week earlier. They told Bridget that their decision would be suspended for a week
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  • 503 4 Army Officer 1 Prompt Help Saves Man’s Life N army medical officer who was an eye-witness to a stabbing incident in a Singapore hotel gave an account of how he rendered first aid to the victim, in the Singapore Assize Court on Thursday. The officer
    503 words
  • 253 4 Eleven Chinese Charged Singapore. Eleven alleged strikers from the Singapore Harbour Board were on Thursday afternoon produced in the Singapore fifth Court under the Defence Regulations. The men were Liu Ah Kei, Fok Man Chi, Mak Ka Luk, Kan Chhuen, Sin Ah Kau, Siu Chung Kang,
    253 words
  • 417 4 Dismissal If Work Not Resumed Singapore. A LARGE number of the Tamil servants who went on strike at the General Hospital on Wednesday have resumed work. Chinese strikers are still out. Since Wednesday, more volunteers have come forward and thanks to their help the services
    417 words
  • 777 4 News In Malay January 18. i 940 It is suggested that i aders should' cut out this n.aes i n Komaniscd Malay ana hand it to Malay members their households, thus helping t keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the iear These Malay news
    777 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 un mc*c«o«m ATKINSONS o{ HJond Street HUerfumerzi ter W er very presence jj I is refreshing.. she uses Atk insons Eau de C ologne In the most difficult climate, at the most JF trying hours of the heat-laden day she remains fresh and vital as a cooling sea breeze. About
      165 words
    • 30 4 r iiix if AS g NEED ST! Mix a little HelflZ ill (5/) Ivapor Radish vith gar or v3tef fresh. ,u ng en horse radishyour a s n 3f I
      30 words

  • 763 5 Prominent Miner And Keen Turfite STARTED BUSINESS AT 19 Ipoh. ,The death occurred at Port Dickson yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, of Mr. Leong Sin Nam 0.8. E., M.C.H., M.S.C., J.P., at the age of 60. News of his death was received at Ipoh
    763 words
  • 628 5 Allegedly Knocked Down By Lorry Taiping. The fatal accident which occurred near Krian Road Station on the evening of December 2 of last year when a four-year-old Malay girl, Sepiah binti Che Lah, was killed after being allegedly knocked down by a motor lorry,
    628 words
  • 365 5 HEAVY FOREIGN BUYING RESULTS IN INCREASES In a Gazette Extraordinary published on Wednesday night, new prices for rice are announced. Prices in Bangkok have advanced steeply as a result largely of heavy foreign buying, and in order to maintain adequate supplies to this market,
    365 words
  • 417 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL The Resident of Perak has appointed Mr. A.B. Walton, Senior Assistant Conservator of Forests, to officiate as District Forest Officer, Tapah. The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period Jan. 19 to Jan. 25, inclusive, as 37 cents per
    417 words
  • 109 5 Singapore. This will be a notable weekend for radio listeners in Malaya for they will be able to hear both Lord Halifax and Mr. Winston Churchill, two of the outstanding figures in the British War Cabinet. The speech by Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary,
    109 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 Cot Kid Of SUPERFLUOUS HAlR forever Sy a TRAINED WUPSE Z" 'Ar 1 legsW X ■&lt;! M k k IB I tried &lt;jgt ers -B pak W: ‘ini T tyW... hide the tagjiO! i t&lt; randUß? 1 ,len W 1 me about "ULw 1 removed every trace three minutes. V&lt;\
      98 words
    • 213 5 Millions Must Face this Fact After forty, we have passed the meridian of life. We must lake thought to guard ourselves against growing old prematurely. It is not the years that make us old. It is the deterioration of our tissues and the decline of our vital forces. Although we
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 242 5 MAJESTIC 3 S/I6’R5 TODAY 3.00. 6.15 9.30 matinee tomorrow at 11.30 A M. THf LAST FUNG OF UNTAMED «PARK RAPTURE” A 2,'th Century-Fox Release SEFS! aKCIKH RITUALS! Signaling manhood of forest boys! V ELCOMING FLOGGING! Subiectinr hemselves to punishing agony to win female esteem! OBI STING” ELEPHANTS! Bare-toinded capture and
      242 words
    • 38 5 All in a Day’s Work—by Rick Elnies GIVE LI UP ZIBIS ISOMER I P'RAPS THAT'S I OF «YOURS (S 1 I f qxxvE I J An a6SqLute I 4 k HINAS.E.LF &lt;JF&gt; &lt; fSIDDLE, Sift. A S TW w
      38 words
    • 309 5 I SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI TO ALL MOHAMMEDAN PATRONS QUEEN'S Last 3 Shows Today 3. 6.15 9.30 Matinee at 3 Reduced Prices» Downstairs 15, 30 and 50 cents YOU NEED NOT GO TO BALI BALI IS COMING TO YOU Meet those beautiful Balinese Ladies See how Fred love to
      309 words

  • 497 6 IN his recent broadcast to the French people, Dr. Leslie Burgin, British Supply Minister, used a happy phrase when he referred to the excellent team work of the Allies. If anything can win the war, it is this spirit, this unity, this collaboration not only on the field
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  • 110 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA "Honeymoon in Bali” with Madeliene Carroll and Fred McMurray 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA Barry K. Barnes, Sophie Stewart Jack Hack ins in ‘Who Goes Next?” 3.00 615 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA “Dark Rapture” 6.15 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR Capt. Kirtikumur” (Hindu- stani picture» 6.30
    110 words
  • 700 6 j J 11AV E just been reading Lin Yui tang's latest best-seller “Moment in Peking’’. I will not discuss its literary merits or demerits; suffice it to say that it is an American Book-pof-the-Month Club choice; also, that it is the first incursion into the field i
    700 words
  • 509 6 Saturday, January 20. ACCORDING to the latest information, bitter fighting is raging round Merkijaervi where the Russians whose offensive towards Kemikaervi has been broken arc now facing a counter-attack that has already driven them back many miles. r PHE outcome of the battle is
    509 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 W I 25’ ico%« Kjjj BECK’S Vrjous'Guv» Good Food Hi ST ARRIVED SCOTCH FISH ENGLISH and CONTINENTAL CHEESE PRIME SELECTED MEA TS PRITCHARDS FOOD DEPTS. Phone Penang 335. Bulterworth 4. I poll 132. Xd our THAILAND Home of Hospitality and Ready Welcome.* with the assistance of The Bureau of Tourist
      93 words
      22 words

  • 1585 7 Y.M.C.A. Head Predicts Great Future For China A man who was in the Nanking siege, has been behind the ■ing lines in China, and who believes in the eventual success i. liina, and that there is a gieat future for that country, is in
    1,585 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 7 TWO OF THE Lennox Sisters making a fuss of Private S. F. Godley, winner of the first V.C. in the last war.
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  • 263 7 THREAT OF DISMISSAL HEEDED Singapore. The strike at the General Hospital ended yesterday with the return of the Chinese. Four hundred Chinese and Tamil attendants, ayahs, cooks, boys and toties went on strike on Wednesday after making certain demands. Volunteers from the St. John Ambulance Association,
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  • 23 7 There will be dancing at the Penang. Sports Club tonight from 10 o’clock. Montano’s band will supply the music.
    23 words
  • 116 7 Sir A. Small Not In Favour Of XV ar Fund Lotteries Singapore. A statement that he was not in favour of lotteries for the Malaya Patriotic Fund was made in an interview by Sir Alexander Small, retiring Colonial Secretary, who, accompanied by Lady
    116 words
  • 109 7 District Judge Reserves Judgment Judgment was reserved till January 29 by the Penang District Judge, Mr. H.A. Forrer, yesterday afternoon at the conc lusioji of the case in which four Sikhs, Bella Singh. Bantar Singh, Foaja Singh and Dulip Singh, were charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt
    109 words
  • 73 7 20-Year-Old Youth Arrested Twenty-years-old Emile Galliyot, was produced before the Penang Third Magistrate, Mr. Um Koon Teck, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of kidnapping within the jurisdiction of Ipoh. Following the charge being explained to the accused, Chief DetectiveInspector L. W. C. Byrde told the Magistrate that he
    73 words
  • 64 7 Penang Donations Total $97,523 Penang contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund have reached the total of $97,523.02, according to the list just issused by the Chartered Bank, treasurers of the Funo. The gross proceeds from the Patriotic Race run at the Penang Turf Club Xmas New Year
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  • 220 7 Detective Executes Warrant A Chinese on whom a warrant of arrest had been sworn out took refuge on the roof of his house yesterday morning, when he noticed a detective from the Central Police Station coming to his house to take him into custody. Despite persuasion,
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  • 93 7 Charged with theft of a bicycle belonging to one Santiago about 9 a.m. on January 26 and granted bail. Ewe Choo Weng who appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. Um Koo Teck, yesterday claimed trial, stating that he bought the machine for S 3. The accused
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  • 27 7 The Hon. Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe, 0.8. E. whose reappointment as a nominated Unofficial member of the Legislative Council was announced
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 165 7 'Ji !0 seconds! matter h° w severe HHI your stomach trouble, Eisurated Magnesia will always give you quick relief by removing w the cause. Try it now! Don’t suffer another day. J ®3S v -iSs Bisurated’ Magnesia costs .rery little, frorri any good chemist or drug store, 10-t al'iavs see
      165 words

  • 1663 8 Drop In Profits Recorded The twenty-first ordinary general meeting of the Bukit Palong Syndicate, Limited was held at the Registered Office, 50/51, Birch Road, Seremban, on Friday 29th December, 1939, at 11.30 a.m. The Chairman Mr. W. H. W. Gubbins, addressed the meeting as follows:
    1,663 words
  • 80 8 Montreal. It has been estimated that approximately one million passengers eat in the well equipped dining cars of the Canadian National Railways everv year and almost a similar number in the dining cars of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Requirements for the dining cars of the C. N. R
    80 words
  • 172 8 Visit To Sungei Manik Area Teiuk Anson. His Highness the Sultan of Perak and the Acting British Resident of Perak were on a short visit to Teiuk Anson this week. His Highness arrived here from Kuala Kangsar on Monday evening and was the guest of
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  • 561 8 Prominent Retired Planter And Miner The funeral of Mr. Lee Tian Siew, J.P., who passed away last Friday took place from his residence, No. 17A, Northam Road at 11 a.m. yesterday for interment at the Mount Erskine Cemetery. It was largely attended. The deceased
    561 words
  • 85 8 $3lO Collected For Patriotic Fund The President and Committee Butterworth Asiatic Amateur Dramatic Party have forwarded to the Treasurers, Malaya Patriotic Fund the amount of $310.27 being the nett collection of the “Varictv Entertainments” show held on December 16, 1939 at Shanghai Talkie Hall, Butterworth and
    85 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 BAN K S The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., rmoorperatea- m British India* SAVE For Your FAMILY CHILDREN, INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., ——X —I i —J 1 I 11 I --U r J &lt; 1 SAVINGS 7/ou, io' S&nrfi&cn A. dollar saved
      145 words
  • 96 8 Ottawa. October trade figures for Canada indicate that with overseas’ sources of sunply greatly curtailed, countries in Central and South America as well as in the Caribbean are looking to Canada to supply many of their requirements. Canadian exports to such countries in October were
    96 words
  • 102 8 I Penang, January 19 1940 i (By Courtesy of 'the Chartered Hank). lOn London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On Nevz York Demand 46 15 18 Canadian 51 11/16 On France
    102 words
  • 123 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £234 10. 0. £237 10. 0. “Forward" £234 10. 0. £238 0. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $122.37% $124.00 Business done 75 tons 100 tons PENANG “Spot” $122.37% $124.00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” is. od. 11 %d. “Forward" 11 15|16d. 11 13|16d SINGAPORE: “Spot" 39
    123 words

  • 2626 9 Pilot Officer Stumni’s 8.M.8.C. Broadcast SPIRIT OF PARENTS, WIVES AND EVEN CHILDREN “The War From Various Viewpoints” has now become a regular feature of broadcast programmes of the (8.M.8.C.) Singapore and last night, the Australian point of view was advanced by Pilot Officer H.
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  • 734 9 BURMAH ROAD HALL (Corner of Chow Thye Road) 164 Burmah Road. English Services SUNDAY, JANUARY 21. 8.30 a.m. The Lord’s Supper. 4.30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes. 5.45 p.m. Organ Recital and Community Singing. 6.00 pun. Evangelistic Service. Preacher:—Mr. S. S. Adams. Subject:— “Enemies and Aliens.” MONDAY
    734 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1504 9 reffiaSjaSw?* pul JoISI sillr ffi; HI HI H fll U TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING 8.8. C. News In English TRANSMISSION—FIVE. From 6.40 9.35 a.m. B B. C. GSB 9.51 Mc/s (.31.55 m.; (Local Time) GSC 9.58 Mc/s (3132 m.) Transmission 5 650 am GSE 11-86 Mc/s (25.29 m.) am GSD
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    • 396 9 NIROM YDA 6.04 mc/s (49.6 m.) YDB 9.65 mc/s (31.20 m.) PMN 10.26 mc/s (29.2 m.) YDB 11.86 mc/s (25.3 m.) YDC 15.16 mc/s (19.80 m. 7 7.20 a.m. National Anthem. Opening. 7.21 Church Service. 10.50 Morning concert. 11.50 P. Karstel (Songs). 12.20 p.m. Will Glahe and his Musette Orchestra.
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  • 120 10 a compter* —Reuter. Ontario Motion Of Censure Ottawa, Jan. 19. The Ontario Legislature passed by 44 votes to 10 the motion condemning the Canadian Government's prosecution of the war. The motion was proposed by the Premier, Mr. Hepburn, who announced that he would resign if
    a compter* —Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 108 10 .—Reuter. Valuer Appointed For Foreign Companies Mexico City, January 19. Fernandez, Federal Judge, has appointed the engine sr. Senor Paredes, to act as valuer on behalf of the foreign oil companies. This step was taken following the refusal of all the companies concerned to recognise
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 192 10 BITTER FIGHTING FOR MAERKIJARVI Tireless Patrols Harass Russian Flanks Helsinki, Jan. 19 Bitter fighting for the possession of the little village of Maerkijarvi is continuing to-day along the only main railway which leads across Finland’s waist in the Salla sector. While the Finnish artillery harass
    r possible ’—Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 234 10 —8.0. W. Great Improvement In Nutrition Rugby, January 19. Some interesting facts are revealed in the report issued on Thursday by the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education, the general impression of which can be summed up in the officer’s own words: “While we
    —8.0. W.  -  234 words
  • 100 10 uovu CHIU VJI r—B.O.W. Report Of Committee On National Expenditure Rugby, January 19. The first report or the Select Committee on National Expenditure, issued in the form of a White Paper on Thursday night, makes an appeal to avoid waste not only in Government departments and
    uovu CHIU VJI r—B.O.W.  -  100 words
  • 151 10 —Reuter. Crossing Of Frontiers By Planes Moscow, January 19. The Government has apologised to Norway and Sweden for the infringement of their frontiers by Soviet warplanes. The reply to the Norwegian note states that Soviet planes accidentally crossed the Norwegian frontier owing to extremely
    —Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 885 10 No Intention Of Japanese To Bargain Over Question Tokyo, Jan. 19 An intimation that the Pearl River will also be opened to Third Power shipping as well as the Yangtse, was given by the naval spokesman in a press interview. Stating that the
    885 words
  • 173 10 —Reuter. Shortage Of Space In U.S. Ships Rugby, Jan. 19 The Ministry of Supply announces that it has been agreed between the British and American Governments that shipments of cotton under the Cot-ton-Rubber Exchange Agreement should be postponed during the months of February. March
    —Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 37 10 —Reuter. Washington, January 19. Mr. Morgenthau stated that as a matter of policy he was still opposed to using Government funds in any way to overtake the British holdings of American securities.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 104 10 .—Reuter. Mr. V inson Explains Proposed Cut Washington, January 19. The House Naval Committee, discussing the recent appropriations proposals of the Chairman, Mr. Vinson, proposed a $500.000,000 reduction in the projected $1,300 000,000 Fleet Expansion Programme, which would cut the tonnage from 400.000 to 218.000. Mr. Vinson
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 38 10 —Reuter. British Planes Not Involved London, January 19. Reuter is informed on enquiry at the Air Ministry that the R.A.F. yas not involved in the bombing raid on the Island cf sylt yesterday.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 116 10 .—8.0. W. All Leave Ships Escorted Across Channel Rugby, January 19. All pilots of the Royal Air Force have assumed a new responsibility since leave for the B.E.F. began. Thty escort across the channel all leave ships, bringing troops home or taking them back to the
    .—8.0. W.  -  116 words
  • 70 10 —Reuter. Reply Regarded As Rejection Of Protest Washington, January 19. The State Department is reported to be disappointed with Britain’s reply to the United States protest against the opening of the American mails. It is said to regard the reply as a rejection of the
    —Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 334 10 COLLABORATION TO EXTEND OVER RAW MATERIALS iriier bi -8.0. W. DECISIONS REACHED Intensifying Arms Production Rugby, January 19. At the conclusion of the talks between the French Minister of Armaments and the Minister of Supply at London today, the following official 'communique was issued:
    iriier bi -8.0. W.  -  334 words
  • 90 10 _peut®- Only Communal Clash A* Burhanpur o New Delhi, Jan An official denial has been IN u y‘ allegations from German and sources in the past two day- of n ir e, disturbances in Nagpur. Ca a j wn s Gorakhpur, Jubbulpore and other in India.
    _peut®-  -  90 words
  • 102 10 tion Greatly Extended I* Of System 19 Rugby. Tanua, reat iy Since the outbreak of w u extended use has been ma e Balloon Barrage system. o tect- s The balloon barrage no v pr f3n d strategic centres from c Ja jjJ Land’s End, by sea as
    ; tion  -  102 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 116 10 THE BEN LINE FAR EAST SERVICE. UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, and other information please apply to: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644. PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) For particular's regarding Freight, Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD.,
      116 words

  • 1230 11 Race 1: Ponies Class 2 Div. 2—s| Furs— p.m. 1 30 3 SPRING GIRL 6y 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval 2 14 2 FERNLET 6y 8.12 Mr. Cheong Yok Chong Hobbs 3 02 2 CHAR 6y 8.08 Mr. Alan Loke Major Fox a
    1,230 words
  • 258 11 •THE RIDING BUY’ ‘TIC TAC “EPSOM JEEP” “EUREKA” “MAN-ON-THE- 'CAPT. DASH” “THE MAJOR” Penang Penang Ipoh Kuala Lumpur SPOT” Ipoh Singapore Singapore RACE 1 Cftar Mabel Smith Mabel Smith Chaz Mabel Smith Mabel Smith Mabel Smith Explode Explode Bali Girl Bay Rose Fernlet Char East Lynne
    258 words
  • 66 11 The above is NOT a reproduction of an ancient Egyptian painting. It is only a reminder of the women’s inter-State hockey match, in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund on the Hutchings School ground today. The picture, shows at
    66 words
  • 535 11 Yesterday's State Hockey Trial IMMEDIATELY after the State Hockey Trial on the Penang Sports Club Ground at Western Road yesterday, resulting in the Rest (Whites) defeating the State side (Colours) by the narrow margin of the odd goal in three, the following were selected to
    535 words
  • 185 11 M.R.C. To Meet League Champions On Monday The Muslim Recreation Club will be meeting the Penang Chinese F.A., last year’s P.F.A. triple soccer champions, jn an interesting soccer match on Monday, January 22, at the S.X.I. Ground, at 5.15 p.m. sharp. The match is being played in aid of
    185 words
  • 321 11 Penang vs Perak Today On Hutchings School Ground A MATCH well-worth seeing is the return inter-State fixture between the Penang Ladies and the Perak Ladies on the Hutchings School ground today at 5.15 p.m. Both teams are at full strength and a thrilling game is anticipated. As
    321 words
  • 77 11 The following will play for the “Juveniles” in a return match of 3 singles, 3 doubles and 3 mixed doubles against the “Enolin” B. P. on Monday, January 22, at the Free School Hall, at 10 am.:— Gan Teng Seang, Khor Chin Lum, Tan Teik Pin. Loh Hin Khoe,
    77 words
  • 237 11 Alor Star Police Beat Kulim Police Sungei Patani, On the Ibrahim School ground at Kolam Ayer. Sungei Patani. the Alor Star Police Depot XI scored a creditable victory by five goals to one over the Kulim Police XI on Thursday evening in the interPolice Football League
    237 words
  • 88 11 Results In Ladies' Medal Batu Gajah. The following are the results of the Kinta Club’s Ladies Golf Medal for the month of January:— Winner: Mrs. W. S. Paterson, 46—12= 34. Runners up: Mrs. O. Watson, 47—9 38; Mrs. F. C. Calvert, 56—18=38. Among those who competed were:
    88 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 163 11 This new metal cap seals your Brylcreem against substitution BRYLCREEM is the Perfect Hair Dressing. J /I/ 11 keeps your hair in good qT condition as well as in good Np appearance. It is important, therefore, when you v buy to insist on genuine Brylcreem. For your procection every bottle
      163 words

  • 467 12 BEANO, JUST MY LUCK AND PRATIQUE THE BEST EACH-WAY WAGERS Jack Duval’s Stable To Score Today (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. IYEANO, Just My Luck and Pratique are my best three best each-way wagers for the Ipoh races today—the opening day of the
    467 words
  • 344 12 Thanks to the intensive efforts made for fighting malaria, that terrible epidemic malady that ravages many parts of the world, the knowledge of methods that enable this fight to be carried on successfully has made very great progress. Thus until 1914, it was not known that petroleum
    344 words
  • 77 12 —Reuter. Special Powers For Government Ankara, January 19. The National Assembly has unanimously passed a law granting the government special powers w’ith a view to assuring national defence and protection of national economy in case of extraordinary circumstances. The law confers on the Government extra-Parliamentary powers with regard
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 160 12 Why He Failed To Report “I feel ashamed to go and report to the police,” said Awang, a Malay police supervisee, who pleaded guilty before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Magistrate’s Court yesterday, to a charge of failing to report for the month of
    160 words
  • 201 12 Today on the Esplanade from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. March Fighting Strength Jordan Selection Sweet Adeline Kern Waltz Riviens Christine Overture Le Trompette Bazin Selection H.M.S. Pinafore Sullivan Intermezzo Malinda’s Fairy Bower Hume Fox Trot March Winds April Showers Poweli TO-MORROW Tomorrow at the Waterfall Gardens fioni
    201 words
  • 419 12 Boon Mali Outpoints Dharmaraj Singapore, January 20 Caesar M. Houghton, whose promotions have become very popul&r. once again presented local fight fans with a tophole card. In the curtain raiser of ten threeminute rounds Tommy Carrie (9.61 outpointed K.O. Gustilo (9.8 A who. in his
    419 words
  • 35 12 —Reuter. It is understood that sabotage is suspected as the cause of the explosion in a North London factory yesterday. It is learned that there have been attempts at sabotage.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 233 12 Over $5OO Collected In Lower Perak Teluk Anson. Mainly due to the efforts of Raja Puan Besar, the consort of Y.T.M. the Raja Muda of Perak, the Malay ladies tn Lower Perak have been able to collect to date towards the Malaya Patriotic Fund a
    233 words
  • 87 12 Ipoh. A fatal motor accident occurred near Simpang Pulai on Thursday night in which a young Malay constable, attached to the Simpang Pulai Police Station, was killed and two others slightly hurt. Deceased who was at the wheel apparently lost control after passing a junction
    87 words
  • 37 12 The following, will represent Perak at hockey against Kedah on Sunday at Alor Star: Toft; Shariff, H. Laßrooy; K. Sivam, Selvanayagam, C. Laßrooy; A. N. Other, Devan, Uttam Singh, L. de Oliveiro and A. N. Other.
    37 words
  • 84 12 longkang Owner Charged Teluk Anson. Alleged to have caused damage to the telephone wires across the Perak River near the Teluk Anson town jetty with the mast -of his tongkang, a Chinese named Kok Mah Kee appeared before Che Samsudin bin Ham. the Teluk Anson
    84 words
  • 88 12 —Reuter. Government Assured Of Folketing's Support Copenhagen, Jan. 19. If necessary Denmark must use the means at het disposal to protect and ensure respect foi het peace and independence, says a resolution drafted by representatives of all Parties in the Folketing with the exception of the Communists
    —Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 94 12 Ipoh. Wong Stew Lam. a 26-year-old Chinese, died at the Ipoh District Hospital early yesterday morning as the result of i fatal accident near Gopenu on Wednesday. The deceased was travelling from Kampar to Ipoh on a motor-cycle when he met with an .accident just
    94 words
  • 119 12 SEPTUAGESIMA 8.00 am. Holy Communion 8.45 a.m Mattins &lt;fc Litany. 9.30 a.m Holy Communion (Tamil' 10 30 am. Mattins Holy Communion (Chinese) 4.15 p.m. Sunday School in the Parsonage 600 p.m. Evensong Sermon Psalms 117, 148 Hymns 83, 82. 162, 36 MONDAY 7.00 a.m. Mattins 400
    119 words
  • 164 12 Breach Of Trust Case Ipoh. A charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of diamonds valued at $6OO, the property of Messrs. Storch Brothers, Ipoh, was yesterday withdrawn against a Chinese woman, named Chin Pek Sim, before Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe, in the Ipoh First
    164 words
  • 202 12 Miss Yeoh Saw Ai And Mr. Tneoh Chin Aik The Shanghai Hotel. Kelawei Road, was the scene of a Chinese wedding at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when Miss Yeoh Saw Ai. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yeoh Cheng Huan, was married to Mr. Tneoh Chin Aik,
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  • 102 12 —Reuter. Partial Agreement To Meet Situation Paris. Jan. 19. The Franco-Spanish trade agreement signed yesterday in Madrid is described here as a partial pact to meet the present situation and the leading principle is to satisfy the immediate neec’s both of Spain and France. Thus Spain will
    .—Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 27 12 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 19. The “Preniuda,’’ 4,427 tons, which was stranded on the Goodwins on Tuesday night, has been refloated. The vessel was beached.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 40 12 Sungei Patani. The Sungei Patani District Courts and other Government Offices will be closed for five days from today to January 24 for the Hari Raya Haji holidays. They will re-open on Jan 25.
    40 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 Penang Sports Club DANCE There will be Dancing on Saturday 20th January from 10 p.m. MONTANO’S BAND. DRESS INFORMAL. LOON CHEONG Co., Building Contractors, Furniture Makers, Painters, Polishers Signboard Writers And Teak Wood Merchants. Stockists:-Mirrors Plate Glass, all sizes. 19 A, Leith Street, PENANG. Perak Branch:LOON CHEONG Co., No. 6
      53 words
    • 550 12 .Head Office» 21« Penang Road. Penamz Phone 1477 A- 1478 with -xtensioa» Telegrams: “Gazette’’ Penang. Rales of Subscription for Pinang GavetU aud Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Loca? S.S. &lt;fc Delivery F.M S Forei m Monthly $2.50 $3.00’ $4 0 Quarterly 7.30 9.00 1200 Half-Year!» 15.00 18 00 'M©® Yearly 30.-C0
      550 words