Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 191 1 HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIRE HEARD ALL THE TIME Planes Seen Coming And Going London, January 19. Further reports of the air hattie in Sy.t state that there was heavy anti-aircraft fire the whole time and machine-gun fire from five planes was also heard. Great activity continues
    —Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 101 1 Reuter. CHAMBER PRESIDENT'S WIFE SHOT DEAD Peiping, Jan. 18. Believed to be as a direct result of the present acute food situation here, the wife of the President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was shot dead by gunmen on Jan. 17 when leaving her home on a
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 35 1 .—Reuter. London, January 18. "Jr. Malcolm Morrison has been award- the Gold Medal for Gallantry of the ■i pwreckcd Fishermen and Mannes Ro- Benevolent Society together with a >um of money.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 182 1 ’—B.O.W. Rugby, Jan. 18. The French Minister of Aimament, Mr. Raoul D’Autry, has been in London for consultations with the Minister of Supply and today the two Ministers received the Press. Their statements showed that an agreement had been reached on a pooling of
    ’—B.O.W.  -  182 words
  • 55 1 —8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 19. The King and Queen spent the morning inspecting a division in the Aidershot Command. Among the various units visited was the Anti-Tank Gun Unit. By the end of the visit, the King had walked some eight miles and the Queen about
    —8.0. W.  -  55 words
  • 269 1 —Reuter. London, Jan. 19. The Labour Party is pressing the Government for a statglnMt to be made soon by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on “Economic Co-ordination.” Phis statement is expected to be made the week after next, when there will >e a
    —Reuter.  -  269 words
  • 246 1 —8.0. W. ANOTHER NAZI MISCALCULATION Rugby, Jan. 19. The Trans-Ocean this morning cited from a Munich newspaper what purported to be an account of a speech delivered at the “secret sitting of the 1 House of Commons on December 15.” The report is said to be
    —8.0. W.  -  246 words
  • 81 1 8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 19. The broadcast by Mr. W. Churchill will be heai’d on Jan. 20 at 21.15 G.M.T. on GSCCC, GSDDD. GSFFF and GSBBB. Recordings will be given on Jan. 21 at 01.15 on GSLLL, GSCCC, GSEEE GSBBB, at 0.815 on GSBBB, GSDDD, GSPPP,
    8.0. W.  -  81 words
  • 45 1 “Arendskerk,” may be discussed. —Reuter. ‘"Arendskerk” Sinking Discussed Hague, Jan. 19. At a special meeting of the Cabinet, held unexpectedly today, it was believed that the despatch of a protest to Germany concerning the sinking of the “Arendskerk,” may be discussed. —Reu-
    “Arendskerk,” may be discussed.—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 79 1 —Reuter. Rome, Jan. 19. The Italian Empire in Africa has concluded its phase of complete dependence on the Mother Country, declared Signor Mussolini in a speech here today, presiding at the first meeting of the newly-created General Council of corporative and consultative organs for
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 97 1 Reuter. ANOTHER NAZI LIE EXPLODED London, Jan. 19. A German news bulletin published in Tokio boasted that German aircraft recently “annihilated” two Danish steamers “Feddy” and “Ivan Kondrup” in the North Sea. This is a typical instance, not only of German attempts to bully neutrals by
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 76 1 —Reuter. Survivors Rescued After 15 Hours Adrift London, Jan. 19. The Greek steamer, “Asteria” (3,313 tons), was sunk by a mine in the North Sea last night at 11 o’clock. The survivors and the body of another member of the crew were landed today at an East
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 72 1 —8.0. W. Peer Serving As Private Rugby, Jan. 18. It was disclosed in a Parliamentary answer today that 65 Members of Parliament are serving in the Army, apart from those holding honorary positions. Naturally, not a few Members of the Upper House are also serving. It
    —8.0. W.  -  72 words
  • 37 1 —Reuter. Oslo, Jan. 19. A voluntary military training system is to be started shortly throughout Norway under the leadership of Crown Prince Olav; even instructors will be asked to give their services voluntarily.
    —Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 168 1 “Central Government” Of China —Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 19. It is reliably learned that the oft postponed meeting between Wang Ching-wei, Liang Hang-cheh, head of the Japanese-sponsored reformed government of Nanking, and Wang Kehmin, head of the Japanese-sponsored provisional government of Peiping, which will thrash
    —Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 63 1 .—8.0. W. Rugby, Jan. 19. On Jan. 21, eight distinguished French War correspondents, attached to the 8.E.F., including the well-known French writer M. Andre Maurois, will arrive in London as guests of the Ministry of Information on a visit which has been arranged to afford them
    .—8.0. W.  -  63 words
  • 100 1 —Reuter Washington, Jan. 18. Senator Borah is in a deep coma with a running high fever. He is given an outside chance to live. His doctor says, however, that the crisis is si'.ll ahead and will perhaps be reached within 24 hours. A
    —Reuter  -  100 words
  • 46 1 .—Reuter. Moscow, Jan. 19. It was announced from Habarovsk that four important officials, including the District Head of Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Police) and the District Secretary of the Communist Party have been relieved of their duties and given other work.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 > J CATE YOUR i 5L700/ xil WMaaMMMMMaMai39ifiU l <rrt *or North Malaya <£ FenangTOWN dispensary ltd., Penang and Ipoh.
      18 words
    • 59 1 hhQwl is -xXjLZijs Agents for North Malaya A Ponangt— GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. niuiiii (2 11 Q (I/ iil! (7 I r 1 > Ji 11 (J J The Reliable New Zealand Butler of steadfast quality and unvarying flavour. A dependable source of essential vitamins. PHONE PENANG 1500
      59 words

  • 138 2 —Reuter. Two .Further Shocks Reported HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE Landslide In Recently Flooded Area Istanbul, Jan. 18. TWO violent earthquake shocks occurred in the Nigde districts in Southern Anatolia, according to a message from Ankara. Fifty persons were reported killed and 160 injured.
    —Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 44 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, January 18 The Air Ministry announces: “Limited leave has been opened for units of the R.A.F. in France. As opportunity offers, leave will be granted to officers and other ranks to whom it is due.”—B.O.W.
    —8.0. W.  -  44 words
  • 39 2 —8.0. W. Rugby, January 18 According to an Ottawa press report. Air Vice Marshal G. M. Croil, Chief of the Canadian Air Staff, is being appointed head of the Empire air training scheme.
    —8.0. W.  -  39 words
  • 346 2 —8.0. W. LAUNCHING OF NEW LOAN Rugby, Jan. 18. The large conversion operation announced yesterday, although it has nothing to do with new loans to finance the war, is regarded by the press as a useful test of conditions in which those new loans must be
    —8.0. W.  -  346 words
  • 94 2 —Reutei Helsinki, Jan. 18. A communique states: "On the east frontier our troops yesterday repulsed all enemy attacks north-east of Lake Ladoga. In the Aittojoki and Kuhmo sectors, our patrols annihilated several large enemy patrols. In Lappland our troops advanced 45 kilometres towards
    —Reutei  -  94 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. Accident At Crossing In Snowstorm Berlin, Jan. 18, According to the German News Agency twelve were killed and twenty injured in a railway smash yesterday in Saxony. The accident occurred at a level crossing during a snowstorm. A bus filled with people was smashed to
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 66 2 .—Reuter. 90 Passengers Taken Off Brought To Darwin Darwin, January 18. Ninety passengers of the “Merkur” which went aground on a coast off the North Australian Coast, were taken off and brought to Darwin. The steamer is not yet floated. A salvage freighter which went to
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 52 2 —Reuter. Training To Enter Lines As Complete Unit Stockholm, Jan. 18. It is reported that Swedish volunteers fcr Finland —believed to number ten thousand—are going into training to fit them for conditions of semi-Arctic war-, fare to be ready to enter the fighting line as a complete
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 41 2 —Reuter London, Jan. 18. It is officially stated in Southampton that sir Charles Barrie is prepared to put his seat, Southampton East, at the disposal of Sir John Rpith, the new Minister of Information.—Reuter.
    —Reuter  -  41 words
  • 114 2 —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 18. French and British troops on the Western Front resumed their full activity of patrols and reconnaissances despite the intense cold. Germany, however, showed practically no signs of infantry activity and consequently no encounters or incidents were reported. There was scarcely any
    —Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 120 2 Reuter. Outstanding Feature Of Stock Exchange London, Jan. 18. 1 The outstanding feature of the Stock I Exchange this morning is the sharp appreciation of British funds following Sir John Simon’s announcement regarding the conversion loan offer. War Loan shows an improvement of lj points nt 97
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 102 2 8.0. W. To Be Fully Utilised For War Purposes Rugbv. January 13 Full utilisation of the manufacturing resources of the country for war purposes which Is the aim of the Government and of industrial and labour chiefs is being vigorously pursued and organisations both of employers and employed
    8.0. W.  -  102 words
  • 86 2 certain —8.0. W. Position Found To Be Favourable Rugby. January 18 The Ministry of Food in a statement issued last night reveals that as a result of the Ministry’s policy of conserving supplies of bacon since the outbreak of war, though it recognises the impossibility of
    certain —8.0. W.  -  86 words
  • 63 2 .—Reuter. Negotiations With 14 Countries London, January 18. The fourteen countries with whom Britain is conducting trade negotiations, referred to by Mr. Ronald Cross in his review of economic warfare in the Housi of Commons yesterday, are Norway. Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Iceland, Spain, Switzerland, Estonia Lithunia, Latvia,
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 29 2 —Reuter. Madrid, January 18. The trade agreement signed between France and Spain will be operated by a mixed Franco-Spanish committee which will meet every three months.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 198 2 London Factory Explosions —Reuter. London, Jan. 18. Two terrific explosions we re heard in the northern outskirts of London this morning followed by thick tall smoke which covered the district fo r some minutes. Shop windows in the neighbourhood weie blown out by the
    —Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 182 2 t.—Reuter. Britain’s Talent Fully Mobilised London, January 18 Lord Chatfield, Minister for the Coordination of Defence, dealing, in the House of Lords, with the work of scientists in relation to the war, said that the scientific research organisations which Britain had before were entirely different to
    t.—Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 96 2 Reuter. Norwegian Ship Shelled And Torpedoed London, January 18 The Norwegian steamer "Enid” 1,140 tons was torpedoed and shelled by a U-boat off the north-east coast cf Scotland. Eight of the crew reached an island in their small boat and the remaining eight were rescued by
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 75 2 Reuter. Special Ships Being Fitted London, Jan. 18. Mr. Shakespeare, in the House of Commons, stated that special ships are being fitted for exploding floating mines and these ships will work in an area where most of the floating mires are to be found. It is
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 152 2 —Reuter. M. Dautry On AngloFrench Collaboration London, Jan. 18 Mr. Burgin. Minister of Supply, receiving journalists on the e ve of the return to Paris of M. Dautry, French Minister of Supply, said: “We are making a pool not only of raw materials of both our Empires;
    —Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 86 2 —Reuter. Assailant A Former Inspector Baghdad, Jan. 18. The Finance Minister, M. Rustam Haidar, was shot in his office ty a former inspector who had asked to speak to him. The bullet entered his left side and passed right through the abdomen. M. Haidar was
    —Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 77 2 js ana an .—Reuter Cut Of $500,000,000 Proposed Washington. Jan. 18 A cut of $500,000,000 in th e United States’ £1,300,000,000 fleet expansion programme was proposed by Mr. Carl Vinson, Chairman at today’s session of the House of Representatives Naval Committee. Tfiis would reduce the total
    js ana an .—Reuter  -  77 words
  • 21 2 Washington, Jan. 19. Senator Borah is critically ill cerebral haemorrhage as a result of an accidental! fall.
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  • 471 2 —8.0. W. R ugby, Jan. 18. A sharp shock has been administered to German economy as a result of the operation of Britain’s economic warfare, and the revelation of the Minister, Mr. Ronald Cross, in the House of Commons last night made it clear that
    —8.0. W.  -  471 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 t 9 X '"v t rau Q viw j) V V 1 Good morning, sunshine You'll get one now if you don't “Go to blazes! cZear out. [Pause.] What did Now, now temper That’s abmd ‘‘’"‘W* not like mummy’s little blue- “My dear fellow the patheyed boy.” ology of the
      177 words

  • 2394 3  -  Nazi Provocation Which Led To Prague Bloodshed ISSIDE GERMANV TODAY-1V By OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD l ’Ward's article today is ti >rd of his personal invesi rati ns in Czechoslovakia, /lac: a been in Prague during i listurbances of -October 28 un
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    • 37 3 NEWS WITH 4 S&IXJ& By T. H, Palmer trench Government is arr winter sports for officers in the French Alps. 77 ms 1 1 > nl i, A -L Z f 1 I went ski-ing without his varachute.”
      37 words
    • 58 3 AiKVttXx*» |l l| I ll HI n W ■>/<’'■ I 1 tlxY» 'yr MK HeLl H I -C, 1 I—i1 —i 1 ■Hu I ■I —X c i BIG BROTHER: “Why not try this sonny?” Since the recent disturbances in Czechoslovakia, all German males in Prague, including members of Ihe
      58 words

  • 338 4 Heavy Fines For Women Occupants Of Houses Kuala Lumpur. 4 PARTY of police headed by N Detective Inspector Tang Kivan Kun effected several arrests during raids on Monday, and as a result two batches of men and women were produced in the Kuala Lumpur Police
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  • 311 4 RASHNESS ALLEGED IN RECENT ACCIDENTS Kuala Lumpur. rpWO Asiatic drivers were charged before Mr. W.J. Thorogood, the First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday with rash driving. The first was a young Chinese, Lam Chee Heng, who on Jan. 10, at 10 a.m. is alleged to
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  • 67 4 Singapore. Singapore has a new dance and amusement centre. It is the open air dance floor which was opened at the Gap Road House on Wednesday. Situated at the well-known peak near the town, some 500 feet above sea level, the dance floor can hold 40
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  • 726 4 News In Malay January 17, 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins will
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  • 84 4 Demonstration Which Failed Singapore. A demonstration of the ability of a fortune-teller’s bird to pick out certain cards in a Singapore police court failed on Monday and also had unfortunate consequences for a court interpreter. Ob(Continued at foot of next column) stinately refusing to do its bit,
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  • 1023 4 Agricultural Officer’s Rotary Address Kuala Lumpur. REFERENCE to the new padi growing schemes in the State was made by Mr. J.L. Greig, State Agricultural Officer, Selangor, in the course of an interesting address to the Kuala Lumpur Rotarians on Wednesday afternoon. The subject of
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  • 295 4 Tamil Woman Duped Klang. The case in which a Tamil nam.4 Muniandy and his mother, Karapayee, are alleged to have falsely represented u another woman named Karapayee that the lottery in which she had a share hari won a prize, and thereby induced her to deliver
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  • 192 4 Chinese On Renian<l For Rioting Kuala Lump ur Nine Chinese were arrested a fracas in Segambut Village on day night. Seven of them charged in the Kuala Lumpur j Court on Tuesday before Mr. Thorogood, the First Magistra e. were produced in two I heS
    192 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 77 4 WILLIAM JACKS I CO., (MALAYA) LTD. I SOLE AGENTS FOR PHI lIP S RADIOPLAYERS I ANNOUNCE I That they will not be responsible I for the maintenance, service, and supply of spare parts for the repair of any I PHILIPS RADIOPLAYERS I other than those sold through their authorized distributors,
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  • 576 5 Kulim Court Packed To Hear Case PLAINTIFF ALLEGES ASSAULT BY DEFENDANT Alor Star. r PHE District Court at Kulim was crowded when a maintenance case was brought for hearing before H. H. Tunku Abdul Rahman, the District Officer, in which a young Indian woman, K.
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  • 34 5 The amount of $124, which was published in the “Straits Echo” on January 16, was received from the European and Asiatic Staff and the labour force of Southern Tronoh Tin Dredging.
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  • 55 5 A STRAY CAT turned up when Miss Aileen Penny father, of Melbourne, Australia, was married at St. Mark’s Church, Maida Vale, to Mr. 11. S. Roe, of Ireland. The breeze made her veil flutter and the cat jumped up to play with it. The bride
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  • 304 5 DISCUSSION AT MEETING OF KINTA SANITARY BOARD Ipoh. Referring to the question of standardisation and price control of bread at yesterday’s meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board the Chairman said that it was a suggestion from the Food Controller, and that the principal idea was to
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  • 601 5 Mr. S. H. Shuttleworth of the Prisons Department, Taiping, and family have returned from leave. rt- AfMr. C. Maxwell, younger son of Sir George and Lady Maxwell, is now in an Officers’ Training Unit at home. 3; Mr. A. V. Aston. M C.S. District Officer. Lower Perak,
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  • 77 5 Ipoh. At the monthly meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board held at the Town Hall yesterday it was agreed to charge an assessment fee of one per cent on the Tamil and Malay Settlements in Ipoh. The Chairman said that the Tamil Settlement did not pay
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    • 25 5 RADIOS All Radio Receivers purchased from M. GRAND CO., LTD. are sold under guarantee of service, reliability efficiency with, of course, our usual prompt attention.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 269 5 majestic TONIGHT 6.15 9.30 »9 t v r Before Has The Screen Teemed Such Daring Revealing Excitepient A Thrill A Minute For 90 Unforgettable Minutes. [IE L AST FLING OF UNTAMED MAN! “DARK RAPTURE” A 20th Century-Fox Release BLE HET RITUALS! Signaling manhood of forest boys! WELCOMING FLOGGING! Subthemselves to
      269 words
    • 280 5 Here’s Your Grand Week-End Entertainment QUEEN'S (The Big Theatre With The Big Pictures) TONIGHT 6.15 P.M. 9.30 P.M. MATINEE TOMORROW AT 3 P.M.— Reduced Prices —Downstairs 15, 3® and 50 cents. Definitely a show to sec “HONEYMOON IN BALI” WITH Fred McMurray, Madeleine Carroll, Allan Jones, Akim Tamiroff and the
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  • 562 6 IN his general review of the war, the Prime Minister, Mr. Chamberlain, said the past week had brought renewed anxiety about German designs against Belgium and the Netherlands. The precautionary measures taken in the two countries are no panic measures but natural and wise precautions of two
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  • 48 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA "Honeymoon in Bali” with Madeliene Carroll and Fred McMurray 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA "Espionage Agent” with Joel McCrea and Brenda Marshall 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Dark Rapture” 6.15 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR “Charlie’s Green Ghost” (Cantonese picture) 6.30 9.30 p.m.
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  • 480 6 i own Planning jplIE amount of building that has gone on in the town these last two years proved to be a pleasant surprise to a colleague who has been away during that period and has just returned. Still more pleasant, he says, is the fact that
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  • 564 6 Friday, Jan. 19. r FHE Labour Party (says Reuter) is pressing for a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on economic co-ordination. It is expected that the statement will be made in the week after next when a general debate will be held
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 W is tasty JtgiigM, healthful ■Bran®) too! WtejiF Marmite, the Great \east Food, is concentrated nutriment, extremely rich in Vitamin B, which is essential to perfect health. It keeps the system active and definite!}’ does you good. Aiarmite makes soups, stews and all meat and vegetable dishes more appetising, more
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  • 429 7 Vehicle Driven By Woman Crashes Into Wall »lON involving a car and a Chinese cyclist occurred .1 the junction of Farquhar Street and Leith Street at .45 this morning. ie cyclist sustained injuries and had to be removed to eral Hospital by ambulance. He
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  • 219 7 PROMINENT RETIRED PLANTER The funeral of Mr. Lee Tian Siew, -IP, who passed away last Friday took place from his residence, No. 17A, Northarn Road at 11 a.m. today for nterment at the Mount Erskine Cemetery. It was largely attended. The deceased leaves besides
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  • 26 7 There will be Moonlight Band performances on the Esplanade Bandstand on January 22, 23 and 24 from 8.30 to 10,30 p.m., weather permitting.
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  • 111 7 Bail Fixed At $3,000 In Lottery Case As a sequel to a raid conducted by the Penang Detective Department on a Chinese shop in Beach Street yesterday, an Indian collector of the firm, Dorai Rengam Pillai, was produced this morning in the Penang Middle Court before Mr.
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  • 261 7 “DARK RAPTURE,” now showing' at the Majestic, is a splendid pictorial I record of one of the most arduous expeditions into the Dark Continent yet undertaken by white men. There is no story, no plot and no stars yet it is
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  • 197 7 “Honeymoon In Bali,” the current attraction at the Queen’s, is «a deceptive title for a romantic light comedy. It has little to do with that island, which tourists flock in their thousands to see. The former title of this picture “Are Husbands Necessary?” would doubtless
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  • 48 7 V 7 year ,d J ,Onkey has COme out of winter retirement to do his bit for the troops. In the last war this donkey helped to raise hundreds »1 pounds ior comfort funds Joev is now resuming the good work by giving
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  • 749 7 Grants Of Money Owing To Lack O f Supplies LETTER has been received by Lady Thomas from the Secretary of the Soldiers,’ Sailors’ and Airmen's Families Association acknowledtnng' the receipt of clothing sent from Malaya. It states “Owing to the lack of adequate
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  • 94 7 Following the passing of the new Municipal bylaws for itinerant hawkers, the “Pinang Gazette” understands that after io o'clock this morning, 108 hawkers have taken out licences for the current year. The majority of applicants are Indian Mohamedans but a few Chinese have also come
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  • 88 7 Mr. Goh Lim Kim Choon And Miss Ng Phaik Im A pretty Chinese wedding took place at No. 41 F, Cantonment Road today in the old style of Mr. Goh Lim Kim Choon, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Goh Kheng Chua, and Miss Ng Phaik Im, fourth
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  • 522 7 Swerved To Avoid Goal And Brakes Got Jammed At the close of the prosecution yesterday afternoon in the case inwhich Yusoff bin Dakar, a motor bus driver, was charged with causing the death of Teh Say Thoe by a rash act and with causing grievous
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  • 87 7 ALLEGED ASSAULT OF WELL-KNOWN CHINESE S. Btkhor, Sales Manager of Messrs. Borneo Motors Ltd., was ■Jummoned before the Penang Third Magistrate, this morning on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to one Teh Soo Beng; a. well-known Chinese and landed proprietor, at the firm’s workshop at Northarn
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    • 73 7 DOCTORS CHOOSE HUMANISED WOOD FOR THEIR OWN ff '*3l sJj i itz V' J accordanet with medical etiquette, tht Doctor’s name is Mt published.) 9 Bl I H 9 n 9 iSKiri 811 Kg i ||l| TEI9V6U After Humanised Trufood, from the 10th to the 24th month—FOLLOW-ON TRUFOOD—a complete diet
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  • 313 8 LEWIS PEAT LIMITED Weekly Rubber Report Singapore, January 11. With a good enquiry from America prices have shown an appreciable advance during the week, and a fair volume of business has taken place here. The fresh supplies are rather slow in coming in and a strike of lightermen did not
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  • 164 8 Marked Upward Movement Ottawa. Business in Canada took a marked upward movement in October and the government index of the physical volume of business jumped over 7 points from Sept, level to 133.1. This is the highest October level on record and was only exceeded by January. 1929.
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  • 182 8 First Half Month Of January Katu Tin Dredging Ltd. hours run 319; cubic yards treated 70,000; tin ore won 326 piculs. Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co. Ltd. hours run 107; cubic yards treated 26.000; tin ore won 86 piculs. Ratrut. Basin Tin Dredging Company h UrS FUn 2B0:
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  • 411 8 Half Of New Property Planted At the annual meeting of Broome Plantation Ltd., in London recently, Sir Lionel Smith-Gordon, the chairman, said: Standard production for the calendai year has been assessed at 2,855,324 lb. and as from Jan. 1 next this figure should be increased somewhat in
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  • 318 8 To Aid Patriotic Fund A meeting was convened by Mr. C. A. Joseph of Butterworth to discus the organising of a committee of all the communities to hold a charity fair in aid of the Patriotic Fund. The meeting was held at the St. Mark’s School, Butterworth
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  • 97 8 Penang, January 18 1940 Courtew ot the Chartered bank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On Nev,’ York Demand 46 15/16 Canadian 51 n/!6 On France Demand 2060 1/4 Lire
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    • 284 8 RUBBER Buyers Seller» Allenbys I- 45 1.52 J Ayer Panas 1-45 1.524 Bassetts 52| 57i Batu Lintangs Ll2| 1.174 Bentas 1-05 LlO Borellis 1-424 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1-40 1.474 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.474 2.574 Lunas < 1.75 1.82 tex Malaka Pindas 1.45
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    • 316 8 SOON THEAM CO's QUOTATIONS Tiv Buvers Seller» Ampat 5/ 5/4 4 A. Amalg 6/6 7 A. Hitam 24/6 25’6 Bangrins 23/ 24/ B. Selangors 1.62 1 65 Hong Fatts 1.20 1.23 Jelebus 97 J 1.02| Johans 324 35 Kamras 2/ 2 3c Kamuntings 12/6 13/3c K. Lanjuts 25/3 25/9c Katus
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    • 203 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO's QUOTATIONS TINS Buyers Seller; Ampat 4/4) 5/3 A. Amalgamated 6/6 6/9 Ayer Hitam 24/6 25/6 Ayer Weng 90 95 Bangrin 22/6 24/ Batu Selangor 1.624 1.6 a Hitam 45 474 Hong Fatt 1.20 1.25 Jelebu 974 1.024 K. Kamunting 9/ 9/6 Kampong Lanjut 25/3 25/Sc Kamunting 12/
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    • 233 8 LEAN CO's QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Sellers Ampats 5/3 5/6 A. Wengs 824 874 Bangrins 23/6 24'6 B. Selangors 1.65 1.724 Hong Fatts 1.174 1.224 Johans 324 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35'6 Jelebus 1.00 1.05 Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kamuntings 9/14 9/6 Kamuntings 12/3 12'9cd Kramats 12/3 12 9 Kuchais 1.624 170
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    • 249 8 KENNEDY CO's SHARE LIST RUBBERS Buyers Seller» Glenealy 1.50 15 MIMNG Ampat 5/ 5 /e Austral Arnal. 6/9 7/» Bangrin 23 23 6 Batu Selangor 1.60 Berjuntai 11/ u Chenderiang 17/ Hitam 46 59 Hong Fatt 1.22 Ipoh 24 25 .a x Kamunting 12/6 13/ C Kent 2/6 Klang River
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    • 144 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £237 10. 0. £241 15. 0. “Forward” £238 0. 0. £242 0. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $124.00 $124.00 Business done 100 tons 75 tons PENANG "Spot” $124.00 $124.00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 11 %d. H%d. “Forward” 11 13j16d. 11 1116 d SINGAPORE: **Spot” 38
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 BANKS t ‘[peg» q I py i r z I II ”y u. Jr 1 I j SAVINGS silelfo 7/ou fo' f fi&zcMz A dollar saved is an extra dollar 1 earned. A Savings Account is the best inducement to save. .To have a Savings Account and to see this
      288 words

  • 72 9 1 ne terrible sufferings of Jews sent U ‘T* erina Prague and Polish centres l ast Poland are revealed in reports caching Amsterdam. •*hen thousands of Jews reached Lu*hi there was no accommodation for m Thp V were sent back 25 miles forced to sperd
    72 words
  • 169 9 Police Lectures To Asiatics If the effoits of the Singapore Traffic Branch to spread more road knowledge among professional drivers succeed, Singapore will soon have a better type of driver of taxis, lorries and buses. The Traffic Branch in Singapore has for some time past been giving
    169 words
  • 1611 9 Remarkable Developments In Spite Of War SIX hundred and sixty years ago, it took Marco Polo several months to travel from Chungking, Szechwan, to Kunming, capital of the south-west ern Chinese province of Yunnan. Today, one is able to cover this distance by
    —China at War.  -  1,611 words
  • 703 9 Industrial Court To Function Kuala Lumpur. The Industrial Courts and Trade Union Bills, duly enacted by the F.M.S. Rulers with the consent of the Federal Council are issued in a supplement to the F.M.S. Gazette issued on Wednesday evening. These enactments will come into
    703 words
  • 352 9 Duke Commends Empire Campaign London, Dec. 15. Despite the war, grants totalling£3s,ooo for cancer research during 1940 were announced at the annual meeting here of the British Empire Cancer Campaign. A letter was read from the President, Major-General the Duke of Gloucester, written from the headquarters
    352 words
  • 335 9 Atlantic City. A cup of coffee and a cup of tea. both steaming hot, resting side-by-side on a window sill on a zero winter day in Switzerland have given science a new method of diagnosing cancer. A i eport on this method was made to the
    335 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 560 9 h v liSSi KS wiH TO-DAY 8.8. C. TRANSMISSION—FIVE. From 6.40 9.35 a.m. GSB 9.51 MC/S (.31.55 m./ GrSC 9-58 MC/s (3132 m.) GSE 11-86 Mc/s (25.29 m.) GSD 11.75 iviC/S (20.a3 m.) TRANSMISSION—SIX. From 10.00 11 50 a.m GSD 11.75 Mc/s (20.53 m.) GSC 9-58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) GSB
      560 words
    • 86 9 SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING News In English B. B. C. (Local Time) Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. 7.50 a.m. Transmission 6 11.20 a.m. Transmission 1 1.50 p. m 6.05 p.m. 6 50 p.m. Transmission 2 8.35 n.m. 10.20 p.m. Transmission 3 11.20 p.m. Transmission 4 1.20 a.m. 4.50 a.m. HONGKONG Local Time
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  • 84 10 —Reuter. Ships Allowed To Pass Without Detention London, Jaunary 18. Extension of the navicert system, recently introduced, enables ships in certain circumstances to pass without detention or examination. The new system called “ship’s navicert” covers cases where the whole cargo of the vessel is granted a “navicert”
    —Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 34 10 Reuter. New Delhi, January 18 Mr. B. J. Gould, Political Agent in Sikkim, is going to Lhasa to represent the British Government at the forthcoming installation of the Dalai Lama.—
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 295 10 150 Finnish Planes To Counter Daily Air Raids From 400 Enemy Machines Tidningen, Jan. 18 Reuter’s special correspondent with the Northern Finnish forces says that it is reliably reported from the Salla front that Russian troops, who have been trying to drive westward
    —Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 71 10 Reuter. For Speedy Delivery Washington, January 18. According to reliable reports, proposals by Britain and France for trebling their present orders for American warplanes were discussed yesterday by President Roosevelt. Mr. Morgenthau and Army and Navy officials. Britain and Fiance are said
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 126 10 —Reuter. Turkish Balkan Blends To Be Used London, January 18. British tobacco manufacturers have stopped importing American tobacco. They have already enough in stock for a normal 2!£ years’ demand and it is likely that Turkish or Balkan blends will be made with these stocks. Mr.
    —Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 61 10 U 1 SUHIU -8.0. W. £8.000,000 Saved In Interest Rugby, January 18 It is anticipated as a result of the repayment of the 41 .per cent, conversion loan (1940/44) and the issue of a new loan announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday afternoon, will entail a
    U 1 SUHIU -8.0. W.  -  61 words
  • 313 10 Plans Revealed in Papers Found On German Officer London, Jan. 18 A remarkable story of how the Belgian and Dutch Governments came into possession of the Nazi plans which led them to take special defence measures appears in the Daily Telegraph, which stated that a
    Reuter.  -  313 words
  • 52 10 VWVpul ctLl .--Reuter. 70,000 Inoculated Against Typhus Berlin, January 18. That severe epidemics are raging in Warsaw is implied in a Warsaw despatch which says that hitherto 700,000 people have been inoculated against typhus and the German municipal and military authorities are co-operating in the fight
    VWVpul ctLl .--Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 81 10 —Reuter. 95 Per Cent. Against War New York, Jan. 18. Seventy-five per cent of the Germans are bitterly opposed to Hitler and ninety-five per cent are against war, according to the well-known journalist, Mr. 0 G. Villard, who has just returned from a visit to
    —Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 90 10 —Reuter. Crew Of “Columbus'* Held Up Sun Francisco. J ig It is reported that there arc tralian cruisers and one Canad :Un boat off san Francisco Harbour oread fanwise a hundred miles out. 1 has prompted the immigration auto to change their plans to ship
    —Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 122 10 —Reuter. January Figures Highest For Decade New York, January 18. Exports from the United States last month amounted to $358.000.000— the largest for nearly a decade, $79,000.000 more than November and $92,000,000 higher than December 1938. The Large shipments of aeroplanes, petroleum and metals to the Allies constituted
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 129 10 —Reuter. RELIEF FOR STRICKEN INHABITANTS Peiping, January 18. The food situation, which has been causing such acute distress to the Chinese population of Peiping, especially the poorer classes, is expected to be greatly relieved following an official announcement that the fixed prices for cereals have been
    —Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 65 10 .—Reuter. Reports Of Transport Uncertainties London. January 16. Rubber closed steady owing to transport uncertainties. Rubber circles believe that the Government requisitioning of freight space from February 1 is likely to cause some diversion of shipping space which is now available for the transport of rubber. This view
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 307 10 —Reuter. Cargo For Enemy Country •f The “ArencLskerk's” Captain. C. H. J. Wyker, in an interview with Reuter, said that he was bound for Capetown, Durban with a general cargo. After passing Ushant, he saw a small boat in the horizon, which he thought was a
    —Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 386 10 Trains Through Soviet-occupied Poland Ceased To Function Bucharest, Jan. 18 The Czernauti-Lwow-Cracow railway whereby Germans hoped to import large quantities of Rumanian produces following its reopening in December has again ceased to function. The Germans accuse the Russians of making difficulties for transit trains
    ISUS WIIIU. —Reuter.  -  386 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 296 10 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new service is announced each 28 days from Penang to San Francisco iTJLs Angeles via Pacific thence New York via Panama Tins w.ll be inaugurated by:— S 3. “CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS” LOADING AT PENANG 18th FEBRUARY It is further announced that s.s. “PRESIDENT HAYES” from
      296 words

  • 1126 11 acceptances for FIRST DAY RACE 1 2.15 p.m. pONIi S—Class 2—Division 2—5 J Furlongs •a 3 GIRL 6y 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren e Duval 42 Fl »LE T 6y 812 Rlr Cheong Yok Chong Hobbs 6y 8.08 Mr. Alan Loke
    1,126 words
  • 909 11 The Penang Kedah Branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya, will hold a Hill Climb for Motor-cars and Motor-cycles, starting at 9 a.m. on Friday, February 9, 1940 on Mount Pleasure Hill, Penang. The following are the preliminary regulations:— JURISDICTION The Hill Climb will be
    909 words
  • 1385 11 (B\ “TIC-TAC”) Very open racing is promised tomorrow at Ipoh, the first day of the Perak Turf Club January Meeting. Van Breukelen is not likely to have, such a big say as he did at Penang, so that other trainers should get
    1,385 words
  • 173 11 Teams For Game At Western Road A State Hockey Trial will be held at the Penano- Sports Club Grourl at Western Road at 5.15 p.m. today and the following are the teams: State Team (Colours): —Ng Teik Lee (C.R.C.); Wee Chong Ghee (C.R.C.), Ismail Hashim (K.H.P.);
    173 words
  • 180 11 Police Beaten 2—l At Hockey The Penang Colts scored a narrow win of two goals to one over the Penang Police in a hockey friendly on the Esplanade yesterday evening. The initial half was an even affair, the Colts getting the better of the exchanges. Vaz
    180 words
  • 68 11 Taiping. By command of His Highness the Sultan of Perak, and also by popular request the Taiping Malay Amateur Dramatic Troupe will re-stage the play, “Mirror Of Life” at the Town Hall on January 22. starting at 9 p. m. for the benefit of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 243 11 LIES AWAKE NIGHTS Worries over husband's Husbands alt too often neglect their health, keep drawing upon their reserve energy until it is exhausted. Weakness, sickness, a nervous breakdown follows. How much better it is to keep replenishing strength daily with nourishing, invigorating Waterbury’s Compound. Waterbury’s contains iron, copper, and other
      243 words

  • 1524 12 Stonechat Should Go Far When Acclimatised FAIR KING AND MAJORS SHOULD SCORE AT MEETING (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ipoh, Today. THE arrival of more outstation strings lent interest to this morning’s training on the Ipoh race track, The track was never in better condition,
    1,524 words
    48 words
  • 132 12 Reuter Dutch Rebuke* Of Nazi Naval Warfare Amsterdam, Jan. 18. The Telegracij in an extremely sharp editorial declares: “We regard the whole plan of the German Navy to isolate Britain “a deed of senseless violence bringing no glory to the German Navy.” “Germany has as little
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 59 12 —Reuter. Frontier Thoroughly Frozen London. Jan. 18 The German frontier bordering Holktndi and Belgium is thoroughly frozen and there is little or no anxiety' among the population, according to drispatchcs from Amsterdam and Brussels Nevertheless across the snowdrifts the Dutch and Belgians are keeping watch in conditions which
    —Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 113 12 Helsinki, Jan. 18. 'T’HE announcement that the Finns advanced 28 miles on the Salla front appears to indicate that the Russian drive westward to cut Finland's wais t has again been stemmed. The Russian advance was made in arrow formation with the point towards Kemijaervi. Tonight’s
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 159 12 Sealing Frontier With Holland Amsterdam. Jam 18. While Arctic conditions prevail on the German frontier with snowdrifts and frozen .1 vers, the Germans are busy hermetically sealing the frontier and erecting tremendous barbed wire barriers. It appears that persons wishing to enter or 'eave Germany will
    159 words
  • 280 12 BOW WHAT ALLIES FIGHT FOR Rugby, January 18. Addressing the American club luncheon in Paris today, the British Ambassador recalled the issues. of the American War of Independence and argued that the issues lor which the Allies were at war with the Nazis today' concerned
    BOW  -  280 words
  • 44 12 —8.0. W. Rugby, January 18 The King today inspected the Anny division in South England which is shortly going overseas. He made a fifty miles’ tour by car inspecting the various units which comprised the Division. —8.0. W.
    —8.0. W.  -  44 words
  • 85 12 The January Men's Medal (Stroke) Competition will be played on Saturday, the 20th instant, and Sunday, the 21st instant. The 1939 Gold Medal—lB Holes (Stroke) Competition will be played in conjunction with the Monthly Medal on Saturday, the 20th instant. The following members only are eligible
    85 words
  • 87 12 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. TIN: Penang $122.37j Business done 75 tons Singapore $122.371 RUBBER: Penang Spot 39]c Singapore Spot 39] c COPRA: Sundricd $4.40 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.50 sellers Fair Seed $5 90 sellers RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled
    87 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 130 12 BAClvv;’ Rid Kidneys of Germs, Poi; and Acid and Slop Getting Un Nights When your kidnevs are clogged and T^^/ adder I s irr itated and passage a ts and bu’ ns. you need GO D ME DAI, Haarlem Oi’ Cap sules, D itch Drops in capsule form) a fine
      130 words
    • 225 12 Penang Sports Cl til; DANCE There will he Dancing on Saturday 20th January from 10 a.m. MONTANO’S BAND. J PUBLIC BANK HOLIDAYS PENANG The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday, January 22 and Thurs* day, January 25 which have been proclaimed Public Bank Holidays. (Hari Raya Haji Thaipusam) BATU
      225 words
    • 617 12 Heari 2® ce) 216 Penang Road. P< Phone 1477 1478 with ex 1 elegrams: “Gazette” Penang. Rales of Subscription for Pinang Ga wtt| and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTE Loca’ s.S. Delivery F.M.S. F Ore Monthly ..$2.50 $3.00 4 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 Yearly ..30x0 36.00 SUNDAY GAZETTE Local
      617 words