Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 22 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE LAST EDITION ESTAB. 1833 miISHED MILV No. ii. Vol. xcvni. FRIDAY, JAMJAR 12, 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 537 1 Weaknesses I n German Army PROSPECTS OF SPRING OFFEN SI VE jtoZ Jan. 12. now that so many weaknesses have been unmasked in the Russian Army, it is a natural question to ask: How good is the German army, writes Reuter’s military correspondent. Is
    —Reuter  -  537 words
  • 218 1 Reuter. Death Sentence Paused In Shanghai Shanghai, Jan. 12. Standing .smartly to attention, Private Eckford of the Seaforth Highlanders today heard the Judge pass the death sentence on him for the murder of Lance Corporal Davies. The jury deliberated for two hours and Ifb minutes before reaching
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 236 1 Reuter. The Hague, Jan. 12. While expressing regret that the peace efforts made by Queen W ilhelmina and King Leopold had not succeeded, the Foreign Minister, M. Van Kleffens, in a statement to the Senate, declared he 'bought they would not in future be
    Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 40 1 —Reuter. Brussels, Jan. u. It is announced that German aeroplanes flew over Belgium yesterday at many points. Belgian patrols gave chase and anti-aircraft guns came into action. The Belgian Government has decided to protest to Germany.
    —Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 570 1 Bombers No Match For The R. 4. F. Rugby, Jan. 12. four montljs of war, the reasons why the German threat of a large scale air attack on Britain has not yet taken place'are advanced in official London air circles. .—8.0. W. Disregarding political and
    .—8.0. W.  -  570 words
  • 32 1 —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 12. A communique reports increased artillery activitioo and a fair amount of activity in the air. One enemy reconnoitring plane was brought down within French lines.
    —Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 48 1 —Reuter. London, Jan. 12. The London tanker “El Oso” (7,267 tons) was blown up apparently by a German mine off the west coast of England. Three members of the crew are believed drowned out of 36 while eight others are seriously injured.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 235 1 First Open Sign Ol Axis Crack Zurich, Jan. 12. A CCORDING to the Berlin correspondent of the “Basler Nachrichten’’ the Italian request for the return of Italian aircraft destined for Finland and detained in Germany has met with no response and the machines are still
    .—Reuter  -  235 words
  • 81 1 —8.0. W. Token Of Sympathy In Earthquake Disaster Rugby, Jan. 12. As a token of the deep sympathy of the Government and peoples of India in the terrible calamity that has overtaken Turkey, the Government of India have presented one thousand tents to the Turkish Government
    —8.0. W.  -  81 words
  • 34 1 Cousin Of King Of Denmark Stockholm, Jan. 12. It is understood that Prince Aage, cousin of the King of Denmark, has written offering his services as a sol-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 GATE YOUR /or North Malaya <£ Penang:— DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Ipoh.
      11 words
    • 92 1 MSB IS /wlffp BESTf Aganta for North Malaya d GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Pan«ng Uld IpOtU z. < i X M g&a gllll aoI" si ■MMkfor nourishing goodness Wm»»- jOll and fall rich flavourS.C.S. Butter has all the fine qualities you expect in good butter —nourishing goodness creamy flavour and rich
      92 words

  • 690 2 Enemy Planes Ov# Newcastle Area DRIVEN OUT TO SE4 Raiders Also Seen Off Firth Of Forth London, Jan. 11. There has been considerable air activity off tl east coasts of England and Scotland this morning states an official communique. Enemy aircraft crossed the coast
    —Reuter.  -  690 words
  • 83 2 —Reuter. Strikes Iceberg Off Iceland Reykjavik, Jan. 11 Sixty-two men of the German steamer, “Bahia Blanca,’’ 8,558 tons, which struck an iceberg sixty miles off Iceland, are being brought here by an Icelandic trawler. The ‘Bahia Blanca” sailed from Rio de Janiero with a cargo of
    —Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 83 2 >. —Reuter. 25,000 Estimated Killed Ankara, Jan. 11 Thirty thousand houses were totally destroyed in the recent Anatolian earthquakes, according to a statement to the National Assembly by M. Euztrak. Minister of the Interior, who has just returned from the ravaged areas. M. Euztrak gave lower figures
    >.—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 68 2 -8.0. W. Nucleus Of Staff Leaving For Canada Rugby, Jan. 11. The nucleus of the staff for the Empire air training scheme in Canada has (been selected and will leave for Canada shortly. The officers chosen will include flying instructors, engineers, equipment and staff officers to
    -8.0. W.  -  68 words
  • 88 2 —8.0. W 165 Released On Parole Rugby, Jan. 11 Of just under 1.000 Germans interned in Tanganyika at the outbreak of the war 165 have been released on parole. Other enemy aliens in that territory not militarily efficient are being repatriated. Some 300 German men, women
    —8.0. W  -  88 words
  • 51 2 —Reuter. 1,650,000 Tons Bought By Ministry Of Food London. Jan. 11 The Ministry of Food announces that they have entered into an agreement with the Australian Wheat Board to purchase 1,650,000 tons of wheat and flour. Arrangements for shipping are in hand and loading has commenced.
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 47 2 Reuter. London, Jan. 11 A steamer, belief ed to be Italian, struck a mine off an East Coast town today and crowds on the promenade saw the vessel burst into flames. A lifeboat rescued the crew of thirty and the English .pilot.—
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 30 2 —Reuter. Moscow, January 11. It is announced that M. Kaganovitch, Commissar for the aviation industry, has been transferred to another post. He will be succeeded by M. Shakhurin.
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 46 2 Reuter. Recommendation Of Mercy Shanghai, Jan. 11. Private David Eckford of the Seaforth Highlanders, who was charged with killing another soldier while on sentry duty in the British defence perimeter in Shanghai, was found guilty of murder with a recommendation to mercy.—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 138 2 —8.0. W. Tribute To Their Courage And Heroism Rugby, January' 11. The Yorkshire Post today pays editorial tribute to the heroism of merchant seamen. "These men of the merchant fleet follow' a tradition as courageous and enduring as that of the fighting services It is the tradition upon
    —8.0. W.  -  138 words
  • 107 2 —Reuter. Amendment To Existing Scale Expected Shortly London, January' 11 An amendment to the existing scale of war risk insurance rates is expected to be issued shortly. This action is being taken at the request of many underwriters following the recent resignation of Lloyd’s War Risk Rating
    —Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 39 2 MR. PADEREWSKI, the wellknown pianist and former Premier of Poland, who has been appointed first member of the Polish Council of State, has arrived at Angers, headquarters of the Polish Government, says a Reuter message from Paris.
    39 words
  • 109 2 .—Reuter. PLANES ON BOTH SIDES ACTIVE Paris. January 11. A fresh outburst of air activity occurred on the Western Front where he severely cold and dry weather brought excellent visibility. Planes took to the air in large numbers on both sides and were engaged principally
    .—Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 170 2 8.0. W. To Be Supplied By Own Beet Industry Rugby. Jan. 11 More than half Britain's annual wartime requirements of sugar will be supplied this year by her own sugar beet industry thanks to th e record 1939 crop yielding 500.000 tons of white sugar. Besides providing
    8.0. W.  -  170 words
  • 354 2 Guarding Security The First Consideration KING GUSTAVS ADDRESS TO PARLIAMENT Stockholm, Jan. 11. itQWEDEN was and is conscious of her obligations to g've the valiant Finnish people alFmaterial and humanitarian help she can give in view of her own position and possibilities,” said King Gustav,
    illicit .—8.0. W.  -  354 words
  • 56 2 VJlk IUCIVU, —8.0. W. To Be Published Before End Of Month Rugby, Jan. 11. The White Paper on the negotiations between Britain. Russia and Fiance will probably be published before the end of the present month. Sir William Seeds. British Ambassador in Moscow, who is
    VJlk IUCIVU, —8.0. W.  -  56 words
    VIUIVIJ 11 —8.0. W.  -  414 words
  • 75 2 —Reuter. Rousing Welcome For Admiral Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 11 A large crowd thronged the Rio clocks and cheered warmly when the British cruiser. “Ajax,” flying the flag of RearAdmiral Harwood, victor over the “Graf Spee,” entered the harbour for the first time since the battle.
    —Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 216 2 —8.0. W. New Form Of Ruthless German Warfare Rugby, January 11. Reports of attacks by Nazi aircraft upon unarmed fishing boats and similar vessels given by survivors have given rise to comment that the German Air Force, during the last few days, prosecuted vigorously a
    —8.0. W.  -  216 words
  • 90 2 —Reuter Offer ‘Of Personnel For 3 R.A.F. Squadrons London, Jan. H Conversations between Mr. Eden and Mr. R. C. Tredgold. Rhodesian Minister of Defence, who arrived m L' ndon yesterday, began at the Dominions It is understood that they are work-nf out details of the destinations of
    —Reuter  -  90 words
  • 62 2 -Reuter. Brighter Conditions Yesterdav Lordon. Jan. HOn the stock Exchange, eau cy gave way to brighter edged met with renewed buy and dian loans made headway. ,i r tur es home rails picducca some eo w while Woolworths advanced 63 shillings on the mainter: ear’s distribution of
    -Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 24 2 —Reuter. Brussels. The Government has J fo j. against flying over Belgian ?nfl lowing the landing of a G< yesterday.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 mourns Them paraaltM, 1b addition to oauslnc ravenous appetl e, /1 /4} IndlcMtlon. leanness, and a starins coat, can so weaken I the system of the infected dor that his vitality is sapped and his very life endangered. No dor can be completely L JI protected from worm Infection, therefore
      104 words

  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1254 3 20th Century-Fox presents ZIfAS f' L Z Mflh Darryl F. Zanuck's Z Storing O t-T Pr U r MYRNA LOY TYRONE POWER GEORGE BRENT BM by Louis Bromld WW Directed by CLARENCE BROWN L<W T&l apgaMMl Errl ■Jfe’Sß* I -'^v?HfcwJfc. fl Wy ~M Jhim~ *JBM I i Sblm i wife
      1,254 words

  • 184 4 Gives Chase In A Motor Car: Gets Him Arrested A 16-YEAR-OLD Post Office ‘Court, N., how she stood u clerk told, at Tottenham Police to a 6-ft. constable who demanded she should hand over the money in the till to him. The policeman, William
    184 words
  • 129 4 Sanitary Beard Negotiations Kuala Lumnur. Regarding the reservation of land at the junction of Ipoh and Maxwell Roads as a public common, the chairman (Mr. N. Jones) reported at a recent meeting of open spaces committee of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board that the deputation of
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  • 77 4 Malacca. Charged at the instance of Chief Detective-Inspector Uphill, Tan Chow, a 48-year-old Hokkien, appeared in the Police Court on Saturday on a charge of going armed in public at night with offensive weapons, namely, a knife and a sharp pointed iron instrument with intent
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  • 184 4 Chinese Charged With Theft Of Scrap Iron Seremban. Before Mr. J. S. H. Cunyngham Brown in the police court on Saturday, two Chinese, Ng Tai and Ong Chin Onn. were charged with the theft of a quantity of scrap-iron, fi cm a heap lying in a timber-yard
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  • 132 4 Kuala Lumpur. “BATTLE” between two groups of Chinese women rubber tappers armed zeith tapping knives was described on Tuesday at the Kit-ala Kubu Bahru Police Court when two women, Law Kim and Ong Loh, mother and daughter, were charged with causing hurt to two other
    132 words
  • 209 4 rami! Stabbed itli Spear Kuala Lumpur. A dispute after gambling has led to Aa man named Palaniappan becoming an inmate of the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, as the result of an assault upon himself and his son-in-law, Ponniah, by five compatriots. that Ponniah gambled with five
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  • 390 4 45 MILES AN HOUR ON CIRCULAR ROAD Koala Lumpur. TWO Chinese lorry drivers ‘were prosecuted on Tuesday before Raja Ayoub, the Third Magistrate Kuala Lumpur, for driving their lorries at excessive speed* In the first case Lim Choon was fined $2O. In the second case
    390 words
  • 982 4 )irector n Story Of Assault Seremban. ITJEFORE Inche Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abdul Hamid, A D 0., Kuala Pilah, the hearing was continued on Tuesday of |the case in which four car-drivers, one Malay and three Tamils, stand charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt
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  • 113 4 Chinese Car Driver .Fined A fine of $lO was imposed by Raja Ayoub (Third Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur) on a Chinese named Kam Hooi who pleaded guilty by letter on Tuesday to driving a car with inefficient brakes. Mr. G. R. Livett, Officer-in-Charge of Traffic Branch, Kuala Lumpur, said
    113 words
  • 90 4 Traffic Committee’s Decision The Kuala Lumpur Traffic Committee at a recent meeting decided that the present was a convenient time to carry out its policy of reducing the number of rieshas as discharged labour could readily be absorbed into other industries. To enable the mandores to have
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  • 99 4 Improvement Scheme Adopted Regarding improvements to the Circular and Ampang Roads junction, a plan prepared by the Town Engineer was submitted at a recent meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Traffic Advisory Committee, shewing the suggested improvements and the provision of a roundabout. In this connection the Chief
    99 words
  • 718 4 News In Malay January 10, 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in 1 .omanised Malay and hand it to Malay members »f their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 (Bjr Aooointment to H. M. The King of Siam M?M..Th« Sultan ©♦.Johor* (EEmS H. H. The Suita* ot_P*ran Omega Waterproof 1’ JI Al jMfSih -r' '<W<* SEa z <£ v > -■> a IN THIS REMARKABLE WATCH WE OFFER A TIME-KEEPER OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AT A REASONABLE PRICE. BJWSSJLV.AI?
      53 words

  • 528 5 His Excellency the Governor has accepted the resignation of his commission in the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, List 11, by Sub-Lieutenant Robert Wallace Morris. Donations remitted to China by the Distress Relief Fund Committee in Selangor at present total $10.110,226 (Chinese currency). This includes the
    528 words
  • 2023 5 Sentenced Ti Death For Stabbing betrothed GIRL OFFEREI HIM KNIFE SAYS ACCUSED Sungei Patani. SENTENCE of death was pasd on a Tamil tapper, Solai, when he was found guilt ;on Wednesday in the High Court, First Division, of the mider of a girl named
    2,023 words
  • 616 5 NORMAL ACTIVITY AT WELD QUAY Timber Workers Present Their Demands AS briefly reported in our yesterday’s issue an amicable settlement was reached by the Indian loading coolies last night when they accepted an offer of 25 per cent, rise in wages by the Indian Merchants’
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel—And You’ll Jump Out of Bed Full of Vim and Vigour. Your liver should pour out two pints of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 270 5 RENDEZVOUS IN COOL COMFORT AT THE J 0) QS ’vU/’ OPENS today with J 3 SHOWS At 3.OO; 6.15 9.30 p.m. MYRNA LOY "V PYRONE POWER and J** GEORGE BRENT 1 20th Century-Fox presents Darryl F. Zanuck's l|pS I production of 1 V by Louis Bromfield RESERVATIONS AT THEATRE ’PHONE
      270 words
    • 149 5 MATINEE TODAY AT 1.15 P.M. The Whole Serial 31 Big Reels “FLAMING FRONTIERS” Prices Downstairs 15 and 30 cents. AT QUEEN'S (The Big Theatre with the Big Pictures) 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 MATINEE TOMORROW AT 11.30 A M. REDUCED PRICES Another Hit From M-G-M Entertainment That Entertains “MAISIE” "with Ann Sothem
      149 words

  • 416 6 THE news yesterday was cheering. It tells of R.A.F. planes meeting a new Nazi air challenge and successfully tackling it. The British Air Force strikes hard, and effectively, against the enemy. The German bombers which took part in the North Sea battle were supposed to represent the latest
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  • 117 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA "Maisie” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power and George Brent in “The Rains Came.” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Alang Alang” with Miss Hatijah and Md. Moch (Malay picture) 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR “Old Tomb Mystery” (Cantonese picture). LII’ERTY
    117 words
  • 39 6 -B O W Rugby, Jan. 12. The King has approved the appointment of Sir Edw’ard St. John Jackson, legal Secretary, Malta, to be LieutenantGovernor of Malta in succession to Mr. John Adams Hunter --8.0. W.
    – -B O W  -  39 words
  • 586 6 Not Tiresome People IUfR- G- HAWKINS, Assistant Director of Co-operation, does not like Jeeves. He calls him a pain in the neck. I’smith is equally unpopular. He is a “pssest But no ordinary pest, lam sure. The beauty of Wodehouse’s novels is that the characters are all
    586 words
  • 472 6 Friday, Jan. 12. rpi IE latest communique from the Western front reports increased artillery action on both sides as well as a fair amount of aerial activity. Several enemy reconnoitring planes were brought down within French lines. rjELIEF that the war -LJ' would be
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 379 6 n— iF s ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Good party last night, wasn’t it to disgustingly cheerful and bright this morning." “Er —yes I suppose so. Somehow I M know. It must be very exasperate don't seem to remember things very medicine man warned me to clearly. Vve got a vague recollect,on
      379 words
    • 23 6 r 5 I I I > I a cepeA FASHION J M AS NEW AS TOMORROW C€P£A FABRICS Sole Agents: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD.
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  • 553 7 Evidence Of Stone-age Found By Danish Hunter Discoveries of stone implements used by men who lived in Malaya thousands of years ago have been made by an expedition comprising three Europea is led bv Mr. A E ScottSkovso, who arrived in Penang yesterday after 18
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  • 66 7 Charged with voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon, a Chinese Lee Eng Teik, claimed trial in the Penang Middle Court this morning. The accused is alleged to have used the handle bar of a bicycle as a weapon in assaulting a compatriot named Thean Soo at Jelutong
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  • 300 7 New Road Being Rapidly Built Teluk Anson. Caused by the erosion of the Perak River, a land slide occurred at the Teluk Anson Wharf on Tuesday afternoon when a portion of the approach road to the Wharf parallel to the railway line sank about
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  • 112 7 Tungku Ismail, Piesident of the Selangor Malay Association, will be the speaker this evening at 7.30 in the 8.M.8.C. series “The War from Various Viewpoints." Tungku Ismail, who is one of the few Malays who have qualified as barristers in England, will speak on the
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  • 38 7 'Sappers at work somewhere in England, training to lay a heavy pontoon raft across a stretch of w ater. Some seem quite unconcerned, standling-at-ease in the water while wasting for further instructions.
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  • 320 7  -  E. P. B. “Maisie,” the M.G.M. production now showing at the Queen’s, is neither i ’stupendous” nor “colossal,” but it is comedy-drama, which though inconsequential, will amuse most filmgoers. The picture is notable for the success of Ann Sothern, who makes the best of a meaty
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  • 275 7 Further Echo Of Smuggling Case A fine of $4OO or five months' rigorous imprisonment was imposed by the District Judge, Mr. H. A Forrer, in the District Court yesterday morning on a Chinese, Tan Chew Poh, who was convicted on his plea of guilty to
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  • 102 7 INTRUDERS WITH A EIKING FOR WHISKY A burglar or burglars paid another visit to the Penang Bankruptcy Office, adjoining the Supreme Court, last night. The intruders presumably got in through a side door, then entered Mr. C. O. Lim’s office and broke open the padlock
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  • 113 7 Partial Opening On Mail Days J The Runnymede, Penang, one of the most famous hotels in the East, has been closed to business from Monday. The last dance was held last Saturday night, the last tiffin was served on Sunday when those who sat down included
    113 words
  • 235 7 DETECTIVE WITNESSES SALE Butterworth. Convict d on three lottery charges, Chong Seow Kuan, a Teochew was altogether fined $3OO in default three months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. R. C. Hoffman in the Butterworth Police Court yesterday. The three charges preferred were (1) assisting in
    235 words
  • 570 7 Air Mail Letter Tells Of Cheerful Spirit Of The People Below is published a letter received by air mail by a local resident from a friend in England, and in simple language tells of the cheer- Jul state of affairs at Home despite the hardships
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  • 86 7 Alleged to have committed theft of $45 from his employer at Kuala Kangsar, a Tamil juvenile, Vellasamy, was produced in the Penang Middle Court this morning. Markandu, a planter of Kuala Kangsar, was in Court to identify the accused and said he had made a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 E. 0. HOTEL DANCING on Saturday 13 th tin 1 A.M. to HARRY LAMMERTS ORCHESTRA
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    • 211 7 ANNOUNCING Follow-on Trufood nr The march of science brings many blessings. Until now, weaning Baby from the bottle to more advanced food has been a most difficult peiiod, full of guess work and uncertainty, resulting all too often in a falling-back of Baby’s condition. Now, accuracy takes the place of
      211 words

  • 96 8 Penang, January 11, 1940. (B'j Courtesy 0/ the Chartered Bank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. d. Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On Nev/ York Demand 46 15/16 Canadian 51 n 16 -On France Demand 2060 1/2 re
    96 words
  • 1102 8 Confident Of Ultimate Victory J Taiping. While refuting the allegations of certain deserters to the efect that they had been ill-treated while serving as motor-lori; drivers, and stressing the paramount importance of sending on competent drivers who have at least two years’ experience b
    1,102 words
  • 412 8 Donations From Kedah Alor Star The Hon. Secretary of the Malays Patriotic Fund, Kedah Branch grateful!} acknowledges the following donations ano subscriptions:— Amount previously acknowledged $19,968.74 Contributions from the Punjabi Community North Kedah as under: S. Bagga Singh $lO.OO S. Ratan Singh (Police) 5.00 Saudger Din (K.
    412 words
    • 279 8 RUBBER Buyers Seller* Allenbys 1-45 1.52$ Ayer Panas 1.47 J 1.55 Bassetts 52$ 57 B. Lintangs 1.15 1.20 Bentas 1.07$ 1.124 Borellis 1.42$ 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1.42$ 150 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.45 2.55 Lunas 1.82$ 1:90c Malaka Pindas 1.45 1.52$ Mentakabs 44
      279 words
    • 310 8 KENNEDY CO's SHARE LIST RUBBER Buyers Sellers Batu Lintang 1.15 1.20 Broga 70 75 Sungei Tukang 1.10 1.15 MINING Ampat 5/1$ 5/6 Austral /Imai. 6/9 7/3 Ayer Weng 90 95 Batu Selangor 165 1.70 Berjuntai 10/9 11/3 Hitam 47 50 Hong Fatt 1.27$ 1.30 Johan 32$ 35 Jelebu 1.03 1.07$
      310 words
    • 231 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO's QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/3 5/6 A. Amalgamated 6/9 7/ Bangrin Tin 23/ 24/ Batu Selangor 1.65 1.70 Berjuntai 11/ 12/ Burma Malay 23/ 24/ Gopeng 10/ 11/ Hong Fatt 1.25 1.30 Hongkong Tin 25/ 26/ K Kamunting 9/ 9/3 K. Lanjut 25/ 25/6 Klang River
      231 words
    • 235 8 LEAN CO's QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Seller» Ampats 5/3 5/6 A. Amalgamated 6/6 6 10$ A. Wengs 85 90 Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 165 1.72$ Hong Fatts 1.24 1.28 Hitams 45 49 Johans 32$ 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35/6 Jelebus 1.00 1.05 Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kainuntmgs 9/1$ 9/6 Katus 24/3
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    • 297 8 SOON THEAM CO's QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Seller, Ampat 5/.ls 5/4$ A. Amalg. 6/6 7/ A. Hitam 24/6 25/6 Bangrins 23/3 24/2 B. Selangors 1.66$ 1.70 Hong Fatts 1.27$ 1.30 Jelebus 1-63 1.06 Johans 33 35 Kamras 2/ Kamuntings 12/6 13/3 K. Lanjuts 24/9 25/3 Katus 24/3 25/3 Kramats 12/3 12/9
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    • 145 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £246 10. 0. £248 0. 0 "Forward” £245 0. 0. £246 15 0 SINGAPORE: "Spot" $125.37% $126.25 Business done 75 tons 100 tons PENANG "Spot” $125.37% $126.25 RUBBER: LONDON: "Spot” H 13|16d. ll%d “Forward” 11 13|16d 11 15|16< SINGAPORE: “Spot” 39 %o
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 BAN K S I -41- _—l i hgmwQ|__ J SrA B| SAVINGS 7/otC fo' A dollar saved Is an extra dollar earned. i A Savings Account is the best inducement to save. To have a Savings Account and to see this account grow from time to time is to be
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  • 155 9 K.L. Chi nese omen To Stage Play Kuala Lunipur. As the first big effort by local Chinese women in aid of the China Relief Fund this year they will stage in Kuala Lumpur, some time in March, three plays, including one with sketches from Lady Precious Stream.
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  • 259 9 Took $2O For “Fimerar* Expenses Kuala Lumpur, A Chinese, Lim Siong appeared before Mr. \V. J. Thorogood in the Police Court on a charge of cheating in respect of $2O. It was revealed by the prosecuting officer, Mr. A. E. Jakeman that the accused and another man
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  • 1006 9 Most Of America's Commodity Imports Are From Far East RESPITE the tact that nearly all of the crude rubber consumed in the United States comes from possessions of the Netherlands and Great Britain in the Far East, there is little danger of these supplies being
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  • 157 9 No Reason Given For Assault Malacca. Karuppiah, a Tamil, was fined $25, in default, 4 weeks’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. J. G. Rappoport in the Police Court on Tuesday when he was convicted on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt. Paliamah, the complainant, said that
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  • 154 9 Story Behind Transfer Of Father's House Singapore. Lim Kim Choan, who was convicted in the Singapore fifth police court on a charge of making a false report to the police, was on Monday sentenced to three weeks’ rigorous imprisonment, without the option of a fine,
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  • 77 9 FIRST AID NURSING CERTIFICATES Singapore. Lady Small, wife of the Colonial Secretary, Sir Alexander Small, presented St. John Ambulance First Aid and Home Nursing certificates to more than 40 members of the Salvation Army on Monday evening at the Salvation Army Headquarters in Tank Road. Lieut.-Col. H. A. Lord, head
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  • 74 9 Alleg’ed to have committed housetrespass by remaining in the room of a Malay woman, Sabidah binte Haji Amat, at the General Hospital Quarters on January 3 with intent to annoy the woman, Yahaya bin Haji Yusoff, a 21-year-old Malay, claimed trial to the chrge in the
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  • 888 9 Quick Minds And The Latest Weapons The brief communiques on Allied progress on the Western Front have many times mentioned “artillery activity,” and recently I was privileged to watch gunners in the making, and to marvel at their cool mastery of the giant, yet delicately balanced,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1483 9 |.> O w TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS 8.8. C. broadcasting transmission— five. News In English From F4O 9-35 a.m. GSB 951 Mc/s (31.55 m) BBC 3SC 958 Mc/s (31.32 mJ -E 11.38 Mc/s (25.29 m.) (Local Time) jsJ 1L75 Mc/s (25 53 mj Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. TRANSMISSION —SIX. 7 5Q
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    • 385 9 Symohonie No. 101 by Haydn. 11.50 Studio orchestra. 12.40 p.m. popular songs. 1.10 News and weather reports. 1.25 Julius Tauster and his band. 1.50 Peter Kreuder «piano). 2.10 News and weather reports repeated. 2.20 down. 4.50 Time signal. Programme preview. 4.53 Tea concert. 5.50 South African music. 6.00 “Scheherezaae” by
      385 words

  • 200 10 Cl 1 V —Reuter Italian Backing Against Bolshevist Menace “BOUND TOGETHER FOR GOOD OR BAD FORTUNE” London, Jan. 11 A Rome Radio message broadcast to New York states that Italy has agreed to send military aid to Hungary in the event of
    Cl 1 V —Reuter  -  200 words
  • 72 10 —Reuter. Waiting To Escort Merchantmen New York, Jan. 10 The “New York Times” Rio de Janeiro correspondent says that German warships have been reported to be cruising about the equator. It is presumed that they are waiting to escort German merchantmen which have been ordered
    —Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 44 10 BO W Passengers Slightly Injured Rugby, January 11. According to an Agency message, two electric trains collided at Stretford near Manchester last night. Many passengers were slightly injured. Ten were detained in hospital six of whom were seriously hurt. —8.0. W.
    BO W  -  44 words
  • 292 10 Chungking, Jan. 11. A despatch from Anhwei claims that on January 2, Chinese forces entered the east gate of Anking, the capital of Anhwei, withdrawing after a brief period of street fighting.— Reuter. >r the Nakamura Brigade.—Chinese Central News. Chungking, Jan.
    >r the Nakamura Brigade.—Chinese Central News.  -  292 words
  • 340 10 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.—Chinese Central News. Chungking, January 4 The military developments during the past year has proved conclusively that the enemy has embarked upon a downward trail, observed the Tang Kung Pao in an editorial today. In 1939, the journal said, the Japanese
    Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.—Chinese Central News.  -  340 words
  • 34 10 —Reuter. Paris, January 11 A French communique says that: “There was nothing to report during the night. Two enemy aeroplanes were brought down within our lines on January 10.”—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 61 10 Reuter. II est I irginia, January n. Ninety-five men are trapped in a coal mine following an explosion. Rescue parties are endeavouring to get into contact with them but it is stated that there is little hope. According to one report two and according
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 271 10 aiUILSLU .—Reuter. Shortage Of Fuel And Foodstuffs Amsterdam, Jan. n According to the Telegraaj's Ber[ correspondent, economic problems dI J Russo-German relations are two subject» in the forefront of political activit- m lh highest Nazi circles. Dr. Ritter, chief of the delegation to Russia is
    aiUILSLU £ .—Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 25 10 Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 11. Wreckage, believed from a German warship struck by a mine, was washed up today at Esjberg.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 637 10 Another Defenceless Ship MachineGunned By Nazi Plane CREW GIVEN LITTLE CHANCE TO GET AWAY London, Jan. 11 Three persons are believed to be killed when a Nazi plane attacked the London steamer “Upminister” in the North Sea yesterday. Ten survivors out of the crew of thirteen were landed at an
    —Reuter.  -  637 words
  • 163 10 wuiougmy destroyed the eighty-kilometre highway.—Chinese Central News. Chinese Advancing On Fenghsin Chungking January’ 9. Fighting yesterday was centred mostly’ on both sides of the Yangtze River with local action on other fronts. Three companies of the Ida Regiment have been wiped out by the Chinese
    wuiougmy destroyed the eighty-kilometre highway.—Chinese Central News.  -  163 words
  • 184 10 :.—Reuter. 1 I Mr. Stimson Asks For Congress Action New York. Jan. 11 Mr. Stimson, former Secretary' of State, in a letter to the New York Times, urges that Congress should prohibit the export of arms, munitions and raw material for arms to
    :.—Reuter.  -  184 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 321 10 NEW YORK SERVICE (via Leave Arrive Penang New York PRES. HAYES (via Cape) Jan- 21 ar 7 PRES. POLK Feb. 7 1 PRES. GARFIELD Feb. 29 ApL 9 i Carries no passengers NEW YORK SERVICE (via Panama) Loads Penang 1 CITY OF NEWPORT .NEWS Feb. 15 For Pacific Coast and
      321 words

  • 604 11 I'hree Hockey Matches At Ipoh Ipoh. DELIGHTFULLY cool weather was associated with three f hockey games at Ipoh yesterday. On the padang the Ipoh Club and the Malays shared two goals; on the Coronation Park ground, the Kinta Indian Association trounced the Y.M.C.A. by six
    604 words
  • 38 11 P.O.R.C. vs Padang Party Dato Kramat padang on Sun--14. at 5.15 p.m. sharp. T R c L. Lesslar; G. Gregory. !1 Mar; Foo Yeow Thong, H. B. Murad; Noor Ali. G. Reutens. Ln. A. Rahim, p. Ratnam.
    38 words
  • 122 11 Teams For PenangKedah Match There are two changes in the Penang team to meet Kedah at hockey on the Hutchings School ground at 5.15 pm. today. Jagmohan Vohra, centre-forward, and Chong Foong chin, outside-left, are unable to play and their places will be taken by C. Danker
    122 words
  • 208 11 Innovation In Raffles Institution Singapore. A New evening class in radio-servicing, which may te attended after office hours, is being introduced at Raffles Institution and will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 5.30 p.m. at the school. The class will be taught by Mr. R. J. C.
    208 words
  • 353 11 THE Whites defeated the Colours by three goals to one in a practice game of the Penang Ladies Hockey Club on the Francis Light School ground yesterday. The winners had the better of the exchanges and were well-served in practically all
    353 words
  • 347 11 ARMY TEAM TO MEET PENANG Singapore, Jan. 11 The Army Team against Penang in the “Malaya” Cup Final on Saturday will be as follows: Spr Pass; Ransome, Lt. Pierce, Capt. Murphy, Capt. Christie; Lt. Toker, Capt. Simpson; Lt. Gardner, L/Cpl. Roberts, L/Cop. Sunman, L/Bom. Miekevezia, L/Cpl.
    347 words
  • 103 11 Penang vs. Perak Tomorrow The Penang Police hockey team will be travelling down to Ipoh tomorrow to meet the Perak Police in their annual hockey engagement. In addition to the hockey team a number of Penang Police boxers will also travel down and meet a team of Perak
    103 words
  • 1410 11 Double Esso. Sir Victor And Stonechat nPHREE new English importations that have yet to run in •Malaya—Double Esso, Sir Victor and Stonechat—are among the Class 2 Horses entered for the Perak January Meeting. The first named won a six-furlong race at Leicester
    1,410 words
  • 78 11 Irvinians B.P. vs Ansonian Novices B.P. The Irvinians B.P. will meet the Ansonian Novices B.P. at tudminon in a match of 3 singles and 4 doubles at the Irvinians’ Court on Saturday and Sunday at 4.30 p.m each day. The following will represent the Irvinians 8.P.: Liew Peng Hai,
    78 words
  • 319 11 Sultan Of Perak Offers Prizes Kuala Kangsar The Home Garden Competition organised by the District Officer, Mr. A. C. Jomaron. with the enthusiastic support of His Highness the Sultan of Perak has been a great success. Entries for this novel competition numbered forty-six and was confined to
    319 words
  • 197 11 Old-Timers To Be Seen In Action Again A Gala Boxing Tournament, the first promotion of the year, will be staged at the Wembley park arena on Sunday, January 14. Boxing fans will be served with some excellent bouts, in which oldtimers are making a come-back. It
    197 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 FOOD PROBLEM WITH GASTRITIS For years, doctors wanted to find a food that would not irritate the inflamed, stomach walls of patients suffering fromT gastritis and that at the same time! would rebuild the patient’s strength. In severe cases of gastritis solid foods are out of the question, even liquid
      126 words

  • 201 12 TRACK IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Slow Work For Candidates This Morning (By “EPSOM JEEP”) > Ipoh, Today. OFFICIAL training for the Perak Turf Club January race meeting began this morning, when candidates under Trainers Turley, McMillen and Logue were given slow work on the inner
    201 words
  • 67 12 it.s Ameral of Mr. Koay Boon Eok who passed recently took place from his residence, No. 32. Stewtuf Lane at 10 o’clock yesterday morning for interment at the Batu Gantong Cemetery The deceased who was 60 years of age leaves three sons and three
    67 words
  • 41 12 —Reuter. Rome, Jan. 12 According to a Copenhagen telegram the Danish Government has instructed its Minister in Berlin to lodge a protest with the German Government against the air attack on the two Danish ships yesterday. —Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 271 12 Uli f cl II I .—8.0. W Rugby, Jan. 12. The next issue of petrol ration books for private motor cars will cover a period of three months from the end of January. Apart from ordinary supplementary allowances which, generally speaking; will be made on
    Uli f cl II I .—8.0. W  -  271 words
  • 867 12 THUMB-NAIL SKETCHES OF PENANG PLAYERS HPHE Penang Rugby XV leave tonight for Kuala Lumpur —for the second time since the inauguration of the series —in an attempt to wrest the “Malaya” Cup, that fine trophy presented by Capt. Buller and his Officers to commemorate their
    867 words
  • 710 12 RURAL BOARD’S FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR A welcome back to Mr. W. L. Blythe was extended by Mr. J Falconer, presiding yesterday at the first meeting of the Penang Rural Board for 1940 at which a number of matters, purely rural. were discussed.
    710 words
  • 84 12 FRIDAY. JANUARY 12. TIN: Penang $125.374 Business done 50 tons Singapore $125.37i RUBBER: Penang Spot 38Jc Singapore Spot 38£c COPRA: Sundried $4.80 nom. Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $7.00 nom. Fair Seed $6.60 sell ?rs RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled No.
    84 words
  • 256 12 AMBASSADOR THANKS MALAYA Singapore. The Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, as Chairman of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, has received the following telegram from His Excellency the Ambassador for France in London “1 offer to you and the Malaya Patriotic Fund my warmest thanks for your
    256 words
  • 397 12 FURTHER DETAILS OF NORTH SEA CLASH Rugby, Jan. 12. rffjRTHER details are now available for yesterday’s clash over the North Sea between British aircraft and German Messer-Schmitt 110’s in which one British aircraft was lost and one enemy fighter brought down and another
    —BOW.  -  397 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 201 12 -FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Live a Healthier, Longer Life of gold medal Haarlem oil Capi <7. su l?. s and take as directed. ItCgain I outniul V Igor This harmless, tried and true medicine j always works—you should reel better in Thousands of men and
      201 words
    • 152 12 TRADE-MARK RIGHTS IN FEDERATED MALAY STATES, JOHORE, KELANTAN, TRENGGANU, KEDAH AND PERLIS. ALPASTE Notice is hereby given that the above Trade-Mark consisting of the word ALPASTE is the Trade-Mark of ALUMINIUM UNION LIMITED, a i Corporation organized and existing un- der the laws of the Dominion of Canada, and having
      152 words
    • 608 12 (Head Office) 216 Penang Road. Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extension# Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang.* Rates of Subscription for Pinang Gazette and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Loca’ S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Foreign Monthly $2.50 $3.00 $4 00 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 12 00 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 Yearly 30.00 36.00 00 SUNDAY GAZETTE Local
      608 words