Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 467 1 Running Fight Over North Sea SHOULDER-TO-SHOULDER” FORMATION One Messerschmitt Crashes London, January 11. Additional details oi ye-L relay's Noith Sea a r tiai.ile iii>c]ose that twin-engined miilli-gun Al ’sserschmitis, Germany’s latest t apd c with vantage of tiie sun l.efiind tTium. were unable to shake
    .—Reuter.  -  467 words
  • 116 1 On Ihe Finnish Front —Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 11. According to the Stockholm correspondent of the ‘,‘Berlingske Tidende” it was decided at a Leningrad meeting of 300 Soviet Commissars to call new Commissars from Moscow to replace, those at the front blamed for the Soviet defeats. USUAL ACTIVITY
    ..—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 140 1 sailors who brought JL ships of the Polish Navy from the Baltic through enemy waters to Britain recently met their Prime, Gereral ski. ,1 u ,Le UA w. of a British vessel in a S otfish port, where the General reviewed Polish naval units.
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  • 59 1 BOW. As a recognition of the importance of air gunners in aerial warfare, a new badge has been approved for wear by officers and men qualified as air gunners. Tne badge which is reminiscent of the observer’s “wing" consists of the letters “A.G.” within a
    BOW.  -  59 words
  • 121 1 —Reuter. ’’Sensational Revelations" By Stevens And Best Amsterdam, Jan. 11. The Gestapo is preparing a report based on “sensational revelations” allegedly made by Stevens and Best, the two Britons kidnapped at Venloo. This report, says the Berlin correspondent of the “Handels Bladklis,” will be Germany’s reply
    —Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 290 1 Seaforth Highlander’s Defence .—Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 11. At the resumption of the Eckford murder trial in the British Supreme Court this morning Dr. I. G. Anderson testifying contradicted the previous belief that Private Davies was shot at the back of the neck. Dr.
    .—Reuter.  -  290 words
    —REUTER.  -  127 words
  • 230 1 Reuter. London, Jan. n. Hr Marshall Barratt who has been app anted I-C British Air Force in France, arrived by air today at the hcarquarters of the Air Force from the place where he has been stationed since the start of
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 34 1 BOW. Rugby, Jan. 11. To commemorate the centenary of the introduction of adhesive postage stamps, the Post-Master-General announces that in May a special series of lower priced stamps will be issued.—
    BOW.  -  34 words
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  • 286 2 Heavy Losses Inflicted On Enemy WIDE RANGE ON OPERATIONS Despite Thick Fog Over Western Front Paris, Jan. 10. A pall of thick fog hanging over the Western F ront shadowed extensive patrol activity on both sides. Though not going as far as planned raids,
    .—Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 44 2 8.0. W. £1,500 Gift From Java Rugby. January 10. Last night the Lord Mayor s Red Cross and St. John. Fund rose by £5.000 ant is now £930,000. Yesterday’s largest gift was £1,500 from the British war charities fund in Java.-
    8.0. W.  -  44 words
  • 37 2 Reuter. Proposal To Issue Special Series London. January 10 The Pastmaster-General announces that he will proceed with the proposal to issue a special series of postage stamps to commemorate the centenary of stamps.—
    Reuter.  -  37 words
    —REUTER.  -  27 words
  • 218 2 —BOW. 6,200 Tons Intercepted Last Week London, January 10. The control intercepted and detained 6,200 tons contraband goods destined for Germany during the week ending January 6, bringing the total since the war began to 544,000 tons The total of 6,200 tons included 2.400 tons
    —BOW.  -  218 words
  • 65 2 8.0. W. Seals Of Office Delivered To His Majesty Rugby. January 10 The Prime Minister had an audience of the King this evening. Mr Hore-Belisha had an audrance of the King, delivered his seals of office and took leave upon relinquishing his appointment as War Secretary. Lord Macmillan
    8.0. W.  -  65 words
  • 64 2 Reuter. Labour Council Deferring Opinion Ijondon. Jan. 10. The National Council of Labour decided to defer opinion upon the changes in the Government until after discussion in Parliament and also nominated three members. Sir Walter Citrine. Mr. Noel-Baker and Mr. John Dowmie of the Cooperative Union,
    . Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 47 2 will be interned with the plane.—Reuter. German Plane Officers Interned Brussels, Jan 10. A German monoplane made a forced landing at Mechlen-sur-Meuse, Belgium, striking a tree as it came down. The officers on board were unhurt and will be interned with the plane.—Reuter.
    will be interned with the plane.—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 50 2 Reuter. R.A.F. Security Patrols Continuing Activity London, January 10. It is learned that R.A.F. machines carried out reconnaissance flights over North-Western Germany during the night. Security patrols formed some time ago to keep watch over the German mine-laying bases in the Friesian Islands, are continuing their activity.—
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 50 2 .—8.0. W. New Controller Of Iron And Steel Rugby, January 10. The Supply Minister has appointed Colonel Sir w. Charles Wright to be Controller of Iron and, steel in place of Sir Andrew Duncan who has teen recently appointed President of the Board of Trade. —8.0. W.
    .—8.0. W.  -  50 words
  • 34 2 —Reuter. Berlin, January 10. A German News Agency report from Moscow states that the Black Sea at Odessa is frozen over for the first time for many years.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 127 2 8.0. W. One Difference Between 1914 And 1940 Rugby. January 10 Mr. Ernest Brown, speaking today at Edinburgh, expressed the view that events which will decide the war would take place this year although they might not be worked out to victorious results in 1940.
    8.0. W.  -  127 words
  • 76 2 —BOW. Big Increase In Revenue And Expenditure Rugby, January 10. Exchequer returns show that the total ordinary’ revenue amounts to £577.035,401 compared with £518.047.998 at the corresponding date last year. The total expenditure, less stlf-L'alancing items, is £894,571.148 compared With .*****.715.416 at the corresponding date of 1939. The
    —BOW.  -  76 words
  • 59 2 .—Reuter. Two-Hour Fight With “Highland Patriot” Rio de Janeiro. Jan. 10 The U-boat which attacked the ‘‘Highland Patriot” is reported to have been sunk after a two-hour fight according to the newspaper o Globo which says that the information was supplied by members of the "Highland Patriot’s” crew.
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 212 2 —Reuter. Ready To Give Every Help Bombay, Jan. 10. Lord Linlithgow, speaking at a luncheon in his honour at the Orient Club, made a fresh appeal to political parties to get together between themselves in order to facilitate the Government’s task in dealing
    —Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 116 2 .—Reuter. Likely To Become Total Loss London, January 10. It is learned today that the Union Castle liner, "Rothesay Castle,” 7.000 tons, struck a reef off the West Coast of Scotland last Thursday night and sustained damage The crew were transferred by lifeboat to a tug.
    .—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 22 2 .—Reuter. London, January 10 The Countess of Athlone has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Women’s Transport Services. —Reuter
    .—Reuter.  -  22 words
    ..—B OW.  -  340 words
  • 159 2 .—Reuter. Seven Men Charged At Dublin Dublin, January 10. Seven men were accused today in connection with the raid on the magazine fort at Phoenix Park. They are being remanded until next week. The sentry who was on duty described how the man put a revolver to
    .—Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 424 2 Rugby, Jan. 10. Passages in the Prime Minister’s Mansion House speech singled out for comment in most newspapers are those in which Mr. Chamberlain declared that the war would grow grimmer and that the greater increasing production of armaments must involve a decreasing production of civilian
    8.0. W.  -  424 words
  • 480 2 —Reuter. Rugby, Jan. 10. Information reaching official circle» here from all over the world indicate» that the effect of the British reprisal against German exports is already being felt after the scheme has been in operation only one month. Many orders for German goods from overseas
    —Reuter.  -  480 words
  • 77 2 —Reuter. Police Sergeant Wounded In Chest Shanghai, Jan. 10 Duncan Crank, a 21-year-old ary sergeant of the Municipal 1 "V-not lying in hospital with a seriou» unSl wound in the chest whic hh' while trying to settle a quarrel General Post Office today. One man detained. Crank,
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 30 2 —Reuter. Copenhagen. Jan. It is officially announced that an tilled plane dropped two bomb> Danish island of Romoe. J f no damage nor any casualties.—
    —Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 24 2 .—Reuter. Lausanne, Januar The death has occurred of Berdez. Secretary of the Ii Olympic Committee, aged 65. R‘- u e
    .—Reuter.  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 I 111 d STEEL j WINDOW FRAMES F FRENCH DOORS B etc e c p HI IO Equal to the best I Hf imported makes. I MB |j j I I I j fcj MANUFACTURED BY EASTERN MFG. CO. > m lj| I 1, River Road, |l I Penang. 1
      53 words

  • 301 3 Kepi £22,000 PROFESSOR Sigmund Freud, worldfamous founder of psychoanalysis whom the Nazis gloated ovei as a “broken, bankrupt Jew” when he sought refuge in England last year tricked them of a fortune. It was announced the other day that he had left £22,850. The story was told
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  • 67 3 The Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, unddi date January 3rd., issues the following: The total acreage in the whole Kingdom in B. E. 2482 is estimate at 22,400,000 rai or 3.584,000 hectares and the area damaged at 2,460.000 rai or 394,000 hectares The exportable surplus
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  • 52 3 Police bail was extended in the case of Ang Guan Huat, who claimed trial in the third court on Monday to a charge of dishonestly retaining $589 worth of rice and barley, alleged to be stolen property, on July 21. last. Tlie case was postponed
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  • 1958 3 Britain’s Strategic Neeils Cannot Alford It /CLAIMS are being advanced on behalf of the British Army for full control over a substantial portion of the Rotial Air Force. It is contended that the Army Command has its own
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  • 411 3 Spotlight On Germany JEWS in the Polish province of Kalisch have been threatened with the penalty of death if they break the curfew which prohibits them leaving their homes between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. The Berlin correspondent of the Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung adds that if
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 75 our THAILAND Home of Hospitality and Ready Welcome? with the assistance of The Bureau of Tourist Promotion Dept, of Co min er New Road, Bangkok Cable: “TOURIST” Telephone: *****. This bureau auppHes free information to tourists, introduce® them to famous sights and rt sorts, rentiers assistance tn providing guides
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    • 53 3 is 1 _sr—zz «u' Ff., i*' j 'a L L I WANT IS PEACE!” WHAT A WAR! by Gilbert Wilkinson (gj > i z. Oi 1 ZZ 11 A gCzZjZ Z X' -j' '<>- ZdDx Z X Jr\ "S' s' 'V, > ,z SWASTIK AND SIEGFRIED Blitzen —and now the
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  • 741 4 News In Malay January 9. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins will be
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  • 45 4 Army sappers gave a convincing demonstration of their methods of dealing with water at a military engineering school in England recently. Above, you see them, undeterred by the difficulties, advancing, “at the double” to construct a pontoon bridge.
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  • 408 4 Unqualified Success LARGE ATTENDANCE DESPITE INCLEMENT WE ATHER Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 10. rpHE first annual competition of the K.L. Camera Club held last night at the Kilat Club was an unqualified success judging from the large number of spectators who attended despite the bad weather.
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  • 1194 4 TYRE LEVERS AND STARTING HANDLES USED STORY of how two Malay police constables whom he had hired for his protection ran away while four motor-car drivers brutally assaulted him with tyre levers and starting handles was told in the Kuala Pilah Police Court on Monday
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  • 63 4 Singapore. Tan Boon Poh, convicted on a charge of theft of three pieces of pig» iron valued at $2 was sentenced to two months’ rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore police court on Monday. Inspector S. Dodds said that the accused was a specialist
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  • 409 4 Hirelings At Work CIRCULATING ANTI-BRITISH LEAFLETS Singapore. THREE forces at work “to discredit the China Relief r .nd in the eyes of the public as well as of the authorities” were mentioned by Mr. Tan Kah Kee its chairman, at a joint meetin of the China Relief
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  • 209 4 GUESTS RE INVITED FOR SCREENING Singapore. A CHINESE couple who were married in Singapore a few months ago with all the traditional ritual of the “old style” wedding ceremony, on Monday night saw a colour film record of their wedding thrown on to a screen
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  • 236 4 Cook And "Boy" Chase Intruder Singapore. A STORY of how Major J. D. Wyatt’s cook was awakened by creeping noises on Christinas morning, and how he ran out with a torch and saw a man climbing onto the roof of the house, via a window, 'was
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    • 134 4 Why I use New VEET to remove hair" SgSXXX XAK A lifcv > -i New Feet ’ends all unwanted han -O 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. New ‘Veet* leaves the skin soft velvety-smooth, without a trace of ugiy bristly stubble like the razor leaves. New Veet* is a
      134 words

  • 68 5 Ipoh. A Chinese woman. Ngow Ah Ng claimed trial before the Ipch First Magistrate Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, yesterday to a charge of assisting in the management of a brothel at Clarke Street. As the accused was unable to find oa’l iu the sum of $5OO,
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  • 904 5 BETROTHED STABBED Alleged Confession Oft Accused Sungei Patani. A CONFESSION that he had stabbed the girl he was betrothed to was alleged to have been made by Solai, who is being tried in the High Court, First Division, before the Hon. Mr. Justice G. B. Kellagher,
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  • 190 5 Vi andering Abo u t At 4 a.m. “You have no business to wander about at 4 o’clock in the morning” said the Third Magistrate, Mr. Lim Koon Teck, yesterday to Hamid bin HanifT who was convicted and sentenced to one month’s rigorous imprisonment, on a charge
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  • 148 5 Member Of Well-known Family Engaged Ipoh. The engagement is announced of Che Wan Ashari, eldest son of Che Wan Soc. Health Inspector of the Kinta Sanitatv Beard, Ipoh, to Che Wan Rahmah, only daughter of Che Wan Hamaruddin, Comn issioner of Land, Perlis. Che Wan Ashari and
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  • 41 5 Today on the Esplanade from 6 p.m. tc 7.30 p.m. March The Little Drummer Dowell Selection Joy Bells Chappe’ie Waltz Les Patineurs Waldteufel Overture Rienzi Wagner Selection Madame Butterfly Pucemi Serenade Simonetta Curzon Fox Trot Back To Back Beriin
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  • 569 5 Social Personal Mr. and Mrs. D D. Chelliah returned to Penang from England yesterday. Mr. D.W. Grehan. Assistant Engineer, Batu Gajah. is proceeding on long leave. Captain I.L. Cronyn has been appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Prisons, Perak. Inspector Abu Bakar from Kampai has arrived in Taiping to take
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  • 138 5 Chinese On Causing Death Charge fTaiping. 1 There was an echo of the accident in which a motor lorry collided with a younsr Malay girl with fatal results to the ?irl at Krian, in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday when one Saw Ah Lee, driver of motor-lorry
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  • 123 5 Protest Against Dis missal Of Member Ipoh. /"AVER 70 labourers of the Tai Seng Foundry in Kampar have ceased work as a protest against the dismissal of one of their number. Since last month when the employers discharged this man there has been some agitation in the
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  • 411 5 Food Controller's List For Penang The Food Controller has issued new maximum prices at which Rangoon Parboiled and White Rice, Saigon White Rice, Thailand No. 2 White Rice and Thailand No. 1 Broken Rice shall be sold in Penang: RANGOON PARBOILED RICE Milchar No. 1 New Crop.
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  • 86 5 Alleged Deal In Scrap Iron Ipoh. An elderly Bengalee. Inder Mohamed was arraigned on a cheating charge before Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, in the Ipoh First Magistrate’s Court, yesterday. The accused claimed trial to having cheated a compatriot of $2O, which was alleged to have been paid
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  • 55 5 Knocked Down By Ipoh. A young Chinese lad riding a bicycle had a very narrow escape froitt serious injury when he was knocked down oy a lorry near Chemor on Tuesday afternoon. The boy was none the worse except for a bad shaking and some slight
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 —and j 'A A H Jr MfrTTn ENDED BY YEAST VITE There is a smiling face in every bottle of YEAST VITE a quick tonic pick-me-up in every tablet YOU can enjoy YEAST-VUE relief from those ailments that spoil existence. If you are depressed, sleepless, nervv ”—you can revel in
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 310 5 The Most Entertaining MALAY Picture Ever Made MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.00. 6.15 9.30 (3 p.m. Prices 15, 30 50 Cents Downstairs) First Malay Jungle Musical Drama “ALANG ALANG’* Starring Miss Hatijah Mohamed Moch Hear the Latest Kronchong Hits and Popular Malay Songs See the Thrills Action in the Picture
      310 words
    • 115 5 HERE’S Y OUR BIG SHOW OF 71H» WEEK Entertainment that Entertains I QUEEN’S (The Big Theatre with the Big Pictures) Opening Tonight* 6.15 9.30 p.m. Another Hit From M-G-M Possibly you won’t say ‘SpectaciAar* ‘Colossal’ or ‘Epic’ But you’ll shout Feel And say you had a good time and that’s
      115 words

  • 407 6 rpUESDAY’S meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the first for the year—was comparatively tame, but Mr. W .L. Blythe, the Acting President, need entertain no fears on that score. Indeed it last years activities are any criterion at all, he can be assured of yet another interesting period of
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  • 129 6 I QUEEN’S CINEMA “Maisie” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. j REX CINEMA Alice Faye, Constance Bennett and Nancy Kelly in "Tail Spin" 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Alang Alang” with Miss Hatijah and Md. Moch (Malay picture) 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR -5 "Madam Makan” (Cantonese picture).
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  • 657 6 The Personal touch TT is not often that a Municipal President introduces the personal touch at a meeting and Mr. Blythe’s reference to his previous period of service in Penang was a happy one indeed. Mr. Blythe recalled “most pleasant memories”; he spoke of ‘patterns seen through
    657 words
  • 555 6 Thursday, Jan. 11. r PHF3 Gestapo is reported to A be preparing a report based on “sensational revelations” allegedly made by Stevens and Best, the two Englishmen kidnapped at Venloo. But knowing the Gestapo for what it is worth, how many people will believe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 I 1 AQ'j “KODAK Film never lets you down” It’s always a joy to get your snaps back when you’ve been using Kodak Film. That’s the A way to make sure of good pictures. tf Kodak ‘Verichrome’ is the most widely used film in il the world. Its speed gives
      283 words
    • 31 6 EVERYBODY’S FAVOURITE .For ANY OCCASION COG\ll ■MsMui UhV' KSProduce of THE FAMOUS FIRM DENIS MOUNIE Co., COGNAC. Established in 1838. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. Penang, Singapore, Ipoh Kuala Lumpur.
      31 words

  • 1945 7 Rotarian Hau kins Critical Estimate Of Humorist > G. WODEHOUSE, the famous humorist, was critically 1 dealt with by Mr. G. Hawkins, Asst. Director of Co-ope-rators, Malaya, who delivered an address on the subject to Penang Rotarians yesterday afternoon at their
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  • 35 7 Children at lessons in the Canal Boat School, somewhere in Middlesex. None stays longer than a fortnight, and owing to the movement of barges it is sometimes years before they return.
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  • 474 7 ECHO OF PROVINCE RUBBER SMUGGLING CASE /CHARGED with intentionally giving false evidence in the course of judicial proceedings at Butterworth, during the trial of one Ng Lay Soon before Mr. R. C. Hohman, Loy Ah Gnay was yesterday convicted in the District Court,
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  • 119 7 RUGGER PLAYER FINED ON DRIVING CHARGE Kuala Lumpur. The sequel to a motor accident which occurred on Nov. 13 last year in which D Mcßride, the Selangor State rugger player, miraculously escaped death but sustained several injuries to the head and body was enacted before Raja
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  • 80 7 Mr. J. C. Miller, the well-known Penang architect, has returned to Penang after a health trip to Europe. Mr. Miller is the architect who designed the new grandstand and buildings for the Penang Turf Club. During the last few months in England, after
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  • 189 7 A further consignment of warm clothing for necessitous evacuated children has been despatched to England and Mrs. Goodman is grateful to the following ladies for their contributions Mrs. W.B. Paterson, Madam Cheah Poh Soon, Mrs. Pallister, Mrs. Shannon (2nd contribution), Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Ide
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  • 530 7 Alleged Fraud On B oman (her Share In Lottery Klang. ALLEGATIONS of how she h ad been duped of several sums of money through investing in a bogus lottery ticket were related by a woman, when Muniandy and Karapayee (son and mother) were
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  • 42 7 All is quiet on the local waterfront and work of loading and unloading cargo is going on as usual, Tamil coolies working, as they ad- here, on a stipulated day-to-day basis until the dispute is finally settled.
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  • 125 7 Wayside Sellers Rounded Up Over 500 durfans were collected last night, when the police constables went round town to clear the public roads from obstruction. The roadside in front of the new police barracks in Penang Road where durians have been exposed for sale daily,
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  • 110 7 j As a result of further Investigations, Looi Sooil, who had been remanded in police custody for twenty-four hours, was produced before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Third Magistrate’s Court this morning on another charge of housebreaking in order to commit theft by entering 4, Cintra Street
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 ji GwWbttr F R infants valid 5 i lA II “THE MARCH OF THE CHILDREN” Let your Baby, too, join this joyous company and march to Health and Happiness on COW GATE From all over the world they come—a growing army saved from sickness and disease— sometimes saved from death!
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  • 591 8 Total Passes $160,000 Mark Amount previously acknowledged $159,816.39 Lower Perak Sikhs Patriotic Fund. Hira Singh (Health Inspector) 1.00 HJardit Singh 1.00 Ghona Singh 1.00 Lehna Singh .50 Sardara Singh .50 Uja-gar Singh .50 Harcharan Singh .50 Nicka Singh .50 Nand Singh .50 Kartar Singh .50 Meher Singh
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  • 397 8 GREEN COLLIER LIMITED Weekly Rubber Review Singapore. January 5. We quote the following influences which have affected the market this week:— SATURDAY, (30TH)I— MarKet closed steady with a seasonal slackness in trading but there was rather more interest in the far distant futures. At the close w<* quoted buyers Jan
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  • 95 8 Penang. January 10, 1940, Courtesy of 'the Chartered On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 Qp London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On Nevz York Demand 46 15/16 Canadian 51 11'16 On France Demand 2060 1/2 Lire
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  • 72 8 Tamil Sentenced To Six Months IpOh. Kandiah, a young Tamil was Lound over for six months in the sum of $5O by the Ipoh First Magistrate, Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, yesterday when he pleaded guilty to the theft of a bundle of clothing. Chief Court Inspector N.
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    • 277 8 RUBBER Buyers Seller* Allenbys 1-45 1.52} Ayer Panas 1.47} 1.55 Bassetts 52} 5 B. Lintangs 1-15 I- 20 Bentas 1.07} 1.12} Borellis 1.42} 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1.42} 150 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.45 2.55 Lunas 1.82} 1.90 c Malaka Pindas 1-45 1.52} Mentakabs
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    • 234 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Seller! Ampats 5/3 5/6 A. Amalgamated 6/6 6,10} A. Wengs «5 90 Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 165 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.22} 1.27} Hitams 45 49 Johans 32} 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35/6 Jelebus 1.02} 1.07} Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kamuntings 9/1} 9/6 Katus 24/3 25/3
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    • 168 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers A. Amalgamated 6/9 7/ Bangrin 23/6 24/6 Batu Selangor 1.67} 1.72} Burma Malay 17/ 18/ Hitam Tin 45 47} Hong Fatt 1.25 1.30 Jelebu 1.02} 1.07} Kam. Kamunting 8/9 9/3 Kampong Lan jut 24/9 25/3 Kamunting 12/ 13/ Kent 2/9 3/3 Kinta Kellas
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    • 293 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/1} 5/4} A. Amaig. 6/6 7/ A. Hitam 24/6 25/6 Bangrins 23/6 24/C B. Selangors 1.67} 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.26 1.28 Jelebus 1.03 1.08 Johans 33 35 Kamras 2/ 2/3c Kamuntings 12/6 13/3 K. Lanjuts 24/9 25/3 Katus 24/3 25/3 Kramats 12/3
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    • 215 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST RUBBER Buyers Selte. Alor Gajah 90 Sungei Ramal 1.10 j Sungei Tukang 1.12} > MINING Ampat 5/1 5,5 Austral Amal. 6/9 Ayer Weng 90 g 5 Batu Selangor 1.67} ijq Hitam 47 50 Hong Fatt 1.27} 139 Ipoh 24 25/ c Johan 32} 35 K. Kamunting
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    • 36 8 —BOW In London For Negotiations Rugby, Jan. 11. Mr. A. Apostolides, Greek Minister ot Finance and Mr. K. Varvaressos, Governor of the Bank of Greece, have arrived in London for commercial negotiations.—B O.W
      —BOW  -  36 words
    • 141 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £248 6. 3. £250 0. 0 “Forward” £246 15. 0. £249 0 0 SINGAPORE: «Spot” $126.25 $126.00 Business done 100 tons 100 tons PENANG “Spot” $126.25 $126 00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” H%d. U Hil6o “Forward” U 15|16d 11 ***** d SINGAPORE “Spot”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 BANKS The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., cmoorperateo m British mdia’ SAVE For Your FAMILY CHILDREN, INDEPENDENCE IN OLD AGE HAPPINESS By Banking WITH The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., f VTFxt] yTo—. Advances against goods and produce at low rates of interest may be arranged with us. We also offer Godown
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  • 305 9 A YOUNG man at the Newcastle 1 Conscientious Objectors Tribunal recently, told Judge Richardson that his father was onp of seven brothers of whom six lost their lives in the war. There was a moment’s silence, then Judge Richardson said quietly: “I am one
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  • 105 9 WOMAN CLAIMS MONTHLY ALLOWANCE Malacca. “The child is not mine. The mother left me about 13 months ago,” said Chidambaram, a Tamil, in the Police Court on Tuesday when he appeared before Mr. J. G. Rappoport on a summons, as a defendant, to show cause why
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  • 2464 9 AN EAKLY DECLARATION OF PEACE AIMS URGED Labour Must Have V oice In The Final Settlement rpHE real tragedy of the present European conflict is not that there is fighting and increasing hatred on both sides. The real tragedy lies in the fact that neither side
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1545 9 J k HibSl JH jr TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS 8.8. C. broadcasting transmission—five. News In English I tow 6.40 9.35 a.m. GSB 951 Mc/s (31.55 tn.) R r GSC 9-58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) v GSE 11.88 Mc/s (25.29 m.) (Local Time) GSD 11-75 Mc/s (25 53 m.) Transmission 5 6.50 a.m.
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    • 342 9 Orchestra with Guest Stars. 6.35 Organ Reveries. 6.50 Priscilla. 7.05 Classical Music. 7.35 La Voz de los Plantadores .Spanish). 7.50 iSparjish Music. 8.10 down. 10.50 Time signal. Paedagogical Talk. 11.20 Alfredo Campoli and his orchestra. 11.50 Maurice Marechai (Cello) 12.20 p.m. Studio Orchestra. 1.10 News and Weather report. 1.25 Lunch
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  • 110 10 —BOW Less Than One-Fifth Per Cent. Lost Rugby, January 10 Authoritative circles in London regard the latest figures of convoyed- ships as evidence that the German attack on merchant shipping. is being well k'pt in hand. Of 5,911 ships which up to January 6 sailed under convoy, only
    —BOW  -  110 words
  • 248 10 EXPERIMENTS ON 18-INCH GUNS Washington, Jan. 10 Admiral Stark addressing the House Naval Committee stated that according to present naval studies the United States may build 50,000 or 52,000-ton battleships but not larger vessels. Reuter. He revealed that the two battleships for which President
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 397 10 FINNS ENCOURAGED BY PREMIER’S HINT More Donations And Help For Finland Helsinki, Jan. 10 Heavy fighting is continuing near Salla, according to reports received here. it is understood that Russian troops to the west of the town are putting up a much
    . Reuter.  -  397 words
  • 73 10 —Reuter. Bearing On Ciano-Csaky Talks? Bucharest, Jan. 10 It is officially announced that a meeting of the Balkan Entente to be attended by the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, Greece, Rumania and Yugoslavia will be held at Belgrade commencing on February 1. The conference is considered in
    —Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 66 10 .—Reuter. No Loss Of Life Reported Istanbul, Jan. 10. More earthquake shocks were felt last night in Western Turkey, says a message, but no loss of life is reported. The evacuation of injuied and other survivors from other distressed areas in the north continues and
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 626 10 Only Three Lives Lost Including Commander London. Jan. 10 The 10.000-ton Union Castle liner, “Dunbar Castle.’ was sunk by a mine five hours after leaving England for South Africa. The vessel broke in two and sank in a little over fifteen
    —Reuter.  -  626 words
  • 41 10 .—Reuter. I liable To Take Up Duties For Few Days London. Jan. 10. Mr. Oliver Stanley is ill with influenza and a slight temperature. He is not likely to take up duties for two or three days.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 156 10 —Reuter. ALLEGED ADMISSION TO SERGEANT Shanghai. January 10. Piivate Eekford pleaded not guilty when his trial on a charge of murder was opened today. j Giving evidence Pi ivate Hugh McCormick of the Seaforth Highlanders said he was on duty at the blockhouse at the time
    ’—Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 75 10 .-8.0. W. omen’s Organisations Dissolved London, January 10. According to the Vatican Radio, the Gestapo has dissolved two Roman Catholic womens organisations and the central office of one of these organisations at Duesseldrof has been confiscated. The Vatican Radio furthermore reports that by a decree of
    .-8.0. W.  -  75 words
  • 121 10 .—Reuter. To Be Allowed To Sail In Japanese Ship New York, Jan. 10 Over four hundred members of the crew of the scuttled German liner “Columbus" who are of military age will be released from Ellis Island on Sunday, according to the New York Herald Tribune and
    .—Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 189 10 —Reuter. RAILWAY I.lNj INTERRUPTED Shanghai, Jan. w learned from r maii reliable sources tha bombing activities c Yunan section of the F>-,i /lanoi-Kunming railed serious that the line terrupted for a c period.—Reuter. ATTEMPT ON LIFE OF MR. PHILLIPS Revelations By Shanghai Municipal Council Shaighai. p.
    —Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 554 10 Commonsense And ision in Premier’s Mansion House Review New York, Jan. 10 Commenting on Mr. Chamberlain’s speech, the New York Times says :—“Mr. Chamberlain showed plenty of commonsense as well as vision on the subject of Anglo-French co-operation. His speech crackled with
    '■—Reuter.  -  554 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 117 10 ■‘the Bn" hnĕ FAR EAST SERVICE. UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. For particular» regarding Freight, Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to SANDHANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644. PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia.) For particulars regarding Freight, Passage. Sailings and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD CO.,
      117 words

  • 908 11 Mine Events On Each Of I Three-day Meet E" X( ELLENT entries have been received for the Perak Turf Club’s January 1940 meeting. A total of 164 horses and H ponii- have been entered for the three-day meeting on January 2d. 2-1.
    908 words
  • 140 11 Green Hall Juveniles Beat Wanderers In an interesting soccer match on the nong Ground yesterday, the Green Hall Juveniles defeated the Sporting Vanderers by the comfortable margin of our goals to two. The winners had the better of the exchanges and fully deserved their victory, oeing better served in
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  • 146 11 S.R.A. Classifications Of Horses The following are the latest amendments to the S.R.A. Classification List of Horses and Ponies:— HORSES—TRANSFERS From Class 3 to Class 2: Beano, and Esquire. From Class 4 to Class 3: Jade Lady, Lav Off. Resistance, and Sacrifice. From Class
    146 words
  • 81 11 Perak Team For Game At Penang The following will represent Perak against Penang in the inter-State women’s charity hockey match on Saturday at Penang:— Misses M. La Brooy; L. La Brooy and D. Clay; Kim Lin Oy, E. Cay and L. Lian; Chiew Yin. M. Toft, D.
    81 words
  • 57 11 Inter-District Match On Saturday Tapah The Batang Padang District Hockey Association XI will be playing the Lower Perak District XI here on Saturday. January 20. In view of the fact that several players in both these districts have played for the State, the match should tu r
    57 words
  • 954 11 Eastern Zone SUGGESTION BY INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION r pHE International Badminton Association have written to the Malayan Association asking whether this country is interested in a Pacific or Eastern Zone competition, in which Malaya, India, Australia, New Zealand etc., will take part. This matter will be discussed when
    954 words
  • 334 11 Winners Make Amends For Previous Defeat up HE Punjab Regiment avenged their earlier defeat at the hands of the Penang Colts at hockey yesterday when they emerged victorious in the return fixture on the Hutchings School ground by two clear goals. The game was played
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  • 136 11 Committee Meeting On Sunday The first Committee Meeting of the Penang Badminton Association will be held at the Hu Yew Seah premises on Sunday, January 14 at 7.45 p.m. sharp. The agenda is as follows: 1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Committee Meeting.
    136 words
  • 188 11 Rules Of Proposed Tournament The Ipoh District Hockey Association has organised ipoh's first 6-a-side tournament, the ties to be played off on Hart Raja, January 22, on the Ipoh Club padangs. No entry forms will be circulated to clubs, the rules of entry being:— Each team entering must
    188 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 A torpid, sluggish liver leaves poisonous u morbid bile in the blood, which upsets the action of the whole system. The complexion assumes a yellowish hue and the appetite disappears. The digestion is upset, with coated tongue and head- aches. The bowels are irregular. It is advisable to take steps
      101 words

  • 108 12 Meadownian Chased By Dogs Down The Straight ALTHOUGH official training for the Perak Turf Club January meeting does not begin until Saturday, a few candidates from McMillen, Turley and Logue s stables were exercised on the Ipoh track this morning. Bagby on Meadowman very
    108 words
  • 321 12 WATCHMAN ALLEGES ATTACK WITH STICKS Five Sikhs, Banta Singh, Saddhu Singh, Manga! Singh, Foaja Singh and Dalip Singh, were summoned by another Sikh, Jaginda Singh, in the Police Court before Mr. A. W. Bellamy, the Police Magistrate, yesterday on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt on November
    321 words
  • 110 12 —8.0. W. £38,000,000 Still Being Spent Every Year Rugby, Jan. 11. Twenty-one years after the end of the Great War, the Pensions Ministry is still spending £38,000,000 each year. This figure was given by the Pensions Minister today when speaking on the work of his Department. added that
    —8.0. W.  -  110 words
  • 86 12 THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. TIN: Penang $125,371 Business done 75 tons Singapore $125.37' RUBBER: Penang Spot 39jc Singapore Spot 39’ 1C COPRA: Sundr ied $4.90 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $7.00 nom. Fair Seed $6.60 sellers RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled
    86 words
  • 278 12 Reuter and 8.0. W GERMAN CHARGE PROVED FALSE London, Jan. 11. The Uruguayan Medical Commission in a. rtqxirt which has reached London finds the German allegation that British cruisers used mustard gas in the “Graf tSpee” battle untrue. It says that none of
    Reuter and 8.0. W  -  278 words
  • 106 12 Endorsed By Cabinet Council Lisbon January 3 The official Gazette has published the State Budget for 1940 which has been endorsed by the Cabinet Council. The decrease of revenues of about one hundred and twenty million escudos, expected as a consequence of the war. is intended to be
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  • 206 12 But Men Adhere To Former Demands QHINESE sampan coolies plying between Weld Quay and ships anchored in the Penang Harbour who presented a petition to the various Chinese Merchants’ Associations asking for an increase of 25 per cent in their fares per trip have
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  • 244 12 Reuter. London, Jan. 11. Replying to Hitler’s bombastic New Year message to the Nazi Party in which he declared that the German battle was being waged against “old powers of a decaying world,” Mr. Malcolm Macdonald, broadcasting to the Empire, said inter alia:
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 202 12 Two Cents Increase Eor Trip To Balik Pulau Balik Pulau At the conclusion of a meeting a -Id b the various owners of the yellow buses plying on route 3. Balik PulauGecrgetown bus service—it was decided to raise the fare to 32 cents per head
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  • 153 12 Will More Than Offset German Superiority Washington, Jan. 11. Allies’ purchasing agents in the United States are rapidly negotiating) orders for war planes for 1940-1941. The result is expected to be a flow of planes, particularly bombers, across the Atlantic, more than offsetting Germany’s
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 218 12 Whereabouts Of ’’Exeter** ’’—B OW. Rugby, Jan. 10. The “Manchester Guardian.” commenting this morning on the attempts of the German Radio to suggest that the cruiser “Exeter” was sunk, says: “They hope to extract from the Admiralty for reassurance of the home
    ’’—B OW.  -  218 words
  • 58 12 Kulim. More than 100 cigar-rollers, including women, who are employed by Chop Jin Seng, local cigar manufacturers, have gone on strike. They want increased wages and different working conditions. They have approached the Protector of Chinese. Kedah, who, it is learnt, has invited leading members
    58 words
  • 237 12 Ipoh Overwhelm Kuala Kangsar Ipoh Proving themselves to be superior in all departments, the Ipoh Police defeated their Kuala Kangsar confreres ponvincingly, by four goals to one. in an interdistrict police match on the padang yesterday. The home team possessed a formidable forward line. every member of which
    237 words
  • 195 12 ELIMINATION BOLTS FOR BANTAMWEIGHT The first boxing promotion to be staged this year will be held at the Wembley Park on Sunday', Jan. 14. Local supporters of boxing will see thrills in this contest, as this will be the elimination for the bantamweight title
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  • 106 12 Annual Match Between Penang And Perak The Penang Police hockey team will be travelling down to Ipoh on Saturday to meet the Perak Police in their annual hockey engagement. In addition to the hockey team a number of Penang Police boxers will also travel down and meet a
    106 words
  • 60 12 January Stroke Competition The Penang Sports Club January men’s medal (stroke competition) has been postponed from Saturday the 13th, and Sunday, the 14th instant, to Saturday, the 20th. and Sunday, the 21st instant. It will be played in conjunction with the 1939 Gold Medal for which
    60 words
  • 69 12 Reuter. Earthquake Death-Roll Exceeds 35,000 Istanbul. January 10. New snowstorms and avalanches are seriously hampering the rescue work in districts stricken by the recent earthquakes and the lack of medical attention, cold .and starvation are adding daily to the deathroll. Even after a fortnight, some villages are
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 78 12 —Reuter. Whole Crewi Safe London, Jan. 11. The French steamer “Montauban” (4,191 tons) went aground on the northeast coast of Britain on Tuesday. All the crew are safe. The captain and three members of the crew remained aboard. A lifeboat took off the remaining 39. —Reuter. NORWEGIAN
    —Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 43 12 .—Reuter. Prices Mostly Slipping Back London, Jan. 10 On the Stock Exchange trading was quieter, prices mostly slipping back. Far Eastern bonds, however, continued to attract buyers while Chinese railway bonds were also particularly favoured by investors. Wall Street was irregular.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 609 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road Pf Phone 1477 1478 with ex Lt Telegrams: "Gazette” Penan Rates of Subscription for Pinang Gai. u and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTE Loca’ S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Fo- Monthly $2.50 $3.00 Quarterly 7.50 900 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 dearly 30.C0 36.00 4 7 SUNDAY GAZETTE Local S.S.
      609 words