Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 256 1 AIR-MARSHAL BARRATT APPOINTED C-l-C London, Jan. 10. It is officially announced that an Air Force Command to include all units of the Air Force in France will he formed shortly. It is to be designated the “British Air Force in France" and
    Reuter.  -  256 words
  • 108 1 —Reuter. Only Th ree Hits Scored hi Numerous Duels London. Jan. 2. It is authoritatively announced that in their numerous duels since the outbreak of tin- war. British warships emerged with fly ng colours from encounter-» with German aircraft. Only three hits were hitherto register ed with
    '—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 111 1 ■■nemy action whilst in convoy.—B.O.W. bit."— Reuter. Five Ships Sunk Last Week Rugby, Jan. 9 Sinkm i.s due to enemy action during the Week ended January 6 numbered five, representing a total tonnage of 11,143. Two of the five ships were British, namely, th£ Box Hill." 5,677 tons,
    ■■nemy action whilst in convoy.—B.O.W. bit."—Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 59 1 >. —Reuter. Wrecked In Storm Off Vigo Madrid,’ January 9. A French patrol boat "Barsac,” 1.000 »ns ran aground off Vigo and became a total wreck during a heavy storm on. January 6. Forty-five survivors were •anded at Vigo by a Spanish merchant vessel, ft is
    >.—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 95 1 .—Reuter. Ankara, Jan. 10. The front pages of all Tuikish newspapers prominently display the news of the signature of the trade agreements between Britain, France and Turkey. Political circles consider that the newly signed agieements constitute a new link considerably strengthening the sincere friendship
    .—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. Onlv Fwo Lost Of Total Of 1.080 Vessels Paris. Jan. 9 According to the Journal, I.UBO vessels were convoyed by the French Navy mice the outbreak of the war and only wo were lost through enemy action.—
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 132 1 Mr. Cliamberlaiifs Speech Welcomed In France Paris, Jan. 10. CHAMBER I .AIN’S speech is warmly welcomed and approved in official circles. Again proof has been given of the complete identity of view between the two Governments as shown by the parallelism on all important points between
    —Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 56 1 —Reuter. Death From Wounds In German Hospital Berlin, Jan. 9 The Official News Agency claims that the Germans captured the first British officer to fall in their hands on the Western Front who died later in hospital from wounds. The statement adds that he was left
    ?.—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 150 1 —Reuter. VI4 Y SEE THE DICE Something .1 loot Rome, Jan. 10. The report from Budapest that Count Csaky is flying to Rome tomorrow to confer again with Count Ciano and probably with the lYuce, has convinced political observers here that definite proposals must have
    —Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 37 1 .—Reuter. London, January 9. The King returned to London from Sandringham and drove to Buckingham Palace where he gave a farewell audience to Mr. Hore-Belisha on his resignation as War Minister. Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 36 1 Reuter. London. January 9 On the slock Exchange, gilt-edged reacted on profit-taking after the recent improvement while Kaffirs non-producers advanced on renewed hopes that capital would become available for development. Wall Street was steady.—Reuter.
    ’.— Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 127 1 Rugby, January .9. In a speech in the city today, inaugurating the great nationwide campaign in which members of the War Cabinet are addressing the people directly, the Prime Minister referred to his own dedication to victory. After a brief allusion to his own efforts to
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  • 116 1 —Reuter. 200 ON BOARD: 90 RESCUED Victim Of Nazi Mine Condon, January 10. J7URTHER details of the “Dunbar Castle” sinking show that the 10,(XX)-ton Union Castle liner struck a Nazi mine yesterday afternoon, after leaving Condon in the morning, and was sunk off the south-east
    —Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 63 1 -Reuter. Istanbul, Jan. io. More earthquake shocks were felt last night in Western Turkey, says a message, but no loss of life is reported. The evacuation of injured and other survivors from other distressed areas in the north continues and it is possible that another
    . – -Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 193 1 —Reuter. German “Feeler” To Know \X hereabouts London, January 9. The reasons for the Admiralty's reticence about certain items of news are disclosed today. The German radio broadcasts claims of sinkings in the hope of provoking a reply which might give them information of value, writes Reuter s
    —Reuter.  -  193 words
  • 32 1 .—Reuter. London, Jan. 10. Mr. Oliver Stanley is ill with influenza and a slight temperature. He is not likely to take up duties for two or three days.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 20 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 9 Mr. Churchill has arrived in England from his visit to the B.E.F. in France.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 99 1 .—Reuter London, Jan. 10. An Admiralty announcement issued at midnight says that attacks by enemy aircraft on small unescorted merchant vessels are reported in the North Sea. Reports received indicate that three ships were sunk namely the British ship “Gowrie” (689 tons) the crew
    .—Reuter  -  99 words
  • 120 1 —Reuter. Enemy Planes MachineGun Deck For Half-hour London. January 9, 2A German plane today attacked a lighthouse service vessel off the Fast Coast. Dull explosions were heard by ixople on the shore and a little later British fighter planes were seen gojng cut to sen at
    .—Reuter.  -  120 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 Wjpb/GATE Ur Wl for youu i, \g^ z i fronts for North Malaya t£ Fenany— Georgetown dispensary ltd., Penang and Ipoh.
      21 words
    • 129 1 coorr dESTf. Agents /or North Malaya d .Pwjr GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. C.S. 97A Z-V U' f A wMc -U x -J '-’•Bl Z j/ «""J: 'v V/ TMy ONE LOAF will convince you that bake very good bread tAT# Tt wiH also convince you tnat it is
      129 words

  • 650 2 Result Of Brilliant Finnish Victory Rugby, Jan. 9. Military experts offer warm congratulations to the Finns on their brilliant victory in the Suomussalmi area where a Russian division was moving to the support of the 163rd Russian division which was surrounded and destroyed near Lake Kiarita a
    ’—B.O.W.  -  650 words
  • 218 2 —Reuter. BUT DO LITTLE DAMAGE London, Jan. 9. The Air Ministry announces that enemy aircraft this morning, under cover of mist, attacked with bombs and machine-gun fire two merchant ships off the East Coast of Scotland and two further south. Reports hitherto received from the
    .—Reuter.  -  218 words
  • 84 2 .—Reuter. Two-Hour Fight With L-Boat Rio de Janeiro, January 9. The British liner "Highland Patriot” (14.000 tons) which arrived here yesterday is reported to have been attacked by a IF-boat in the course of her voyage from Europe. Three torpedoes were fired but all missed; the submarine then
    .—Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 64 2 —Reuter. Sunk By Mine In North Sea London. January 9 It is feared that twenty members of the crew of the tanker, British Liberty.” 8.485 tons, were lost when the ship was sunk, it is believed, iby a mine in the North Sea during the week-end. The captain
    —Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 58 2 —Reuter. New Decree Imposing Daylight Curfew Copenhagen, January 9. According to the Berlin correspondent oi the National Tidende, a new decree forbids all Jews in occupied Poland to appear on the streets between the hours of 9 am. anri 5 p.m., thus imposing daylight curfew. Another decree
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 73 2 London. The Moscow Narodny Bank in London has stated that instructions had been received to pay the tenth halfyearly instalment of £92.500 against the presentation of U.S.S.R. Government notes issued to Lena Goldfields. The instalment brings the total paid to approximately £975,000. The claims of Lena
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  • 162 2 NOW WORRIED OVER ITALOHUNGARIAN TALKS AMSTERDAM, JAN. 9. TAL™ E BETWr F F^ XbANn E Y« GRAAF SAYS THAT E —Reuter. At the same time it can no longer t»> denied m Berlin that the value of the Soviet, both as an economic and military
    —Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 2731 2 Premier Predicts Fateful Year In World's History SPEECH AT MANSION HOUSE No Reference To War Minister's Resignation London, June 9. Speaking} at the Mansion House, Mr. Chamberlain said that the New Year, which would probably be a fateful one in the
    —Reuter.  -  2,731 words
  • 74 2 —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 9. There was more animation than usual on the Westei n front. During the night patrols were out on both sides investigating the enemy’s movements German patrols were more aggressive than usual and u some points west of the Saar and west
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 a f Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! A It’s just my mark MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Saies Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore. If you use a solid dentifrice, try MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE ill Ĕ lip Sheaffers H lifetime: 'lulllH» P en wh ch writes •with'
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  • 1866 3 A Study And A Tribute impressions of AN IMPARTIAL U.S. OBSERVER come back to the fresh, clean air of England after breathing the foul atmosphere of Germany, so poisoned by its murderous Government’s malignity, hate and vituperation—not only against England and every other 1 nation
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  • 135 3 U.S. Navy’s Problem A decision as to the final design of the battleships lowa and New Jersey, the construction of which is authorised under the current building programme of the United States Navy, has still to be taken. It was understood that these would be
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  • 451 3 Time Saved In Less Serious Cases WITH THE FRENCH AR MY. rpHE idea of making’ tanks do the work of stretcher-bearers would have seemed fantastic in the other war. But a day or two ago, when on a visit to a battalion in the line,
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  • 142 3 Heavy Loss Of Capital Brussels. Y JUDICIAL inquiry has taken place in Brussels and Antwerp into the affairs of the Credit Anversois Bank. This intervention was in consequence of disagreements which arose concerning the evaluation of assets. It seems that the bank’s capital, amounting to £500,000,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 /7 Quite most K delicious real custard I 9 9 JF it r s a neuu reapel make custard with Milkmaid” Milk now—--IMB the family wont let me make lt any other way IWF 1 MX J Nestle’s custard is nourishment in its finest form y 1 You couldn’t give
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 36 3 —tl I .WHAT A WAR! by Gilbert Wilkinson b r—V. J r 1 V x Wirw JEBSHRiW LOVEM AND LBAVEM J “Don s t sit on my fenee, ped, or they'll think I’m a blinkin’ ventriloquist"
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    • 51 3 99 1 R MS!W« WJKR- 4! C fly r. H. Palmer Troops used the rough for cover while on manoeuvres on a Surrey golf course I IA 0 t /L Mehsw''Sva' 1 K lit 1 "iliF I shall be glad when we get to France, Jack. This place is downrighi
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  • 715 4 News In Malay January 8, 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins will
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  • 271 4 Prison Sentence. For Young Chinese rpHE case in which Lee Sin Ban, an English-speaking 27- year-old Chinese, charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $2.60, was concluded before Mr. J. G. Rappoport in the Police Court on Friday. The Magistrate convicted the accused and
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  • 144 4 Establishment Opened In Busy Cent're Malacca. Malacca's wayside barbers who eke out their existence by tending to customers at their open air pitches and often exposed to sun and rain, have pooled their resources by opening a barber’s shop in town. Situated in one of the busiest
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  • 493 4 MALAY CONVICTED FOR USING CRIMINAL FORCE Malacca. A/fR. J. G. RAPPOPORT, the Magistrate, on Tuesday, heard 1 r three criminal summons cases, in which the parties were all related to one another. The parties were Arshad bin Torani, an elderly Malay, his wife Haji Katijah
    493 words
  • 466 4 Assessment Board Sits For First Time Singapore. WENTY-TWO applications by Singapore landlords for adjustment of rents were dealt with by the Rent Assessment Board for the first time on Monday under the Increase of Rents (Restriction) Ordinance enforced since the outbreak of war to
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  • 229 4 Malay With Bad Record Gaoled Malacca. CON VICTED on a charge of possession of two chisels, which were implements for committing housebreaking, without lawful excuse, Hamid bin Rahmat. a 27-year-old Malay, was sentenced to two months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. J. G. Raj>poport in the Police Court
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 f the best remedy for Sjjjjsx. W Wasting Diseases is the answer Angier’s Emulsion is widely and scrofula, rickets, anaemia wasting successfully used in the treatment bowel disorders and after any of consumption and in all forms of I serious illness. ill-health in which there is loss of j n
      277 words

  • 127 5 Occurred At Magazine Traffic Circus motor collision, involving a tourer a ring a Kedah registration number 1 an Indian cyclist, occurred at the azine Traffic Circus at about 11 lock last night. 1 rtunately the cyclist escaped with t injuries although his bicycle waslun<f -eath the
    127 words
  • 981 5 Alleged Stabbing Of Betrothed TEN WITNESSES GIVE EVIDENCE Sungei Patani. TAMIL, Solai, who was charged with the murder of a Tamil girl named Muniamah, at Harvard Estate, Gurun, on Nov. 3, 1939, stood his trial before the Hon. Mr. Justice G. B. Kellagher in
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  • 218 5 Following Quarrel At Sea Parit Buntar. A MIDDLE-AGED Malay, Yusoff bin Saad, a fisherman who was alleged to have been murdered in a fishing boat on Monday morning by a young Malay, aged 21, said to be a cousin of the deceased, at sea about
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  • 259 5 Sympathies With Expelled Member A joint meeting of The China Distress Relief Tumi Commiti tee and its Branch Committees and Affiliated Societies was held on Jan. at the Chinese C hamber of Commerce and attended by about 500 delegates representing more than 100 organizations.
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  • 173 5 NO LICENCE UNLESS SATISFACTORILY REPAIRED At a recent meeting of the Engineer’s Department Committee the Municipal Engineer reported on the condition of the Theatre Royal Building and the development of cracks in the walls which he considered had rendered the building unfit for licensing as a
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  • 88 5 Miss Elizabeth Djeo And Mr. Huang Hsi Wen At the Chinese Consulate at Northam Road on Monday, Miss Elizabeth Djeo. sister-in-law of Mr. David Chen, former headmaster of the Chung Ling High School, was married to Mr. Huang Hsi Wen, the fourth son of Mr. and
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  • 70 5 Appointment As J.P. Celebrated Ipoh. Mr Lau Pak Khuan. who was recent'y appointed as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Perak, was entertained by members of the Perak Chinese Mining Association last night at the Association’s new premises at Hale Street
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  • 306 5 < Tai ping Bungalow Fire Sequel Taiping. Haji Suleiman, the former chauffeur to Capt. G. W. Somerville for about nine years, was acquitted by the Magistrate, Inche’ S. M. Abdullah, on a charge of theft of a sum of $62 from Capt. Somerville on the afternoon
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  • 156 5 Ipoh Palliah, a young ex-P.WD. coolie, was sentenced to 35 days’ rigorous imprison ment by the Ipoh First Magistrate. Mr. P.F.Y. Radcliffe, yesterday when he pleac’ed guilty to two charges of theft of a sarong, and criminal misappropriation of a gold ring. There are three further
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  • 529 5 Social Personal The promotion of Capt. T. H. Newey. S.S.V.F., to the rank of Major has been approved. Mr. Justice A. K. aßeckett Terrell, Appeal Judge, arrived in Singapore from home leave on Saturday. sk sk The resignation by Lieut. D. McMullin of his Commission in the S.S.V.F. has been
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  • 111 5 The big problem with sufferers from gastritis or other digestive disturbances is how to avoid pain and discomfort when eating. The inflamed stomach walls are so sensitive that solid foods can’t be retained. Even liquid foods are often vomited. Yet the patient must get quick
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  • 65 5 Dies In Hospital From Injuries An elderly Indian woman, while feeding her cows at a cow-shed at Ayer Itam. slipped and fell, sustaining serious injuries. The woman, whose name was given as Minachee, aged 82. was brought to the General Hospital where she died yesterday morning.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 FOR BACKACHE KIDNEY AND BLADDERTROUBLE Stop Getting Up Nights Purify Blood and Feel Younger Here’s one good way to flush harmful waste and germs from kidneys, purify blood and stop bladder irritation that often causes scanty, burning and smarting passage. Ask your chemist for a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
      133 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 295 5 The Most Entertaining MALAY Picture Ever Made MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.00, 6.15 9.30 (3 p.m. Prices 15/30 50 Cents Downstairs) First Malay Jungle Musical Drama “ALANG ALANG” Starring Miss Hatijah Mohamed Much H*ar the Latest Kronchong Hits and Popular Malay Songs See the Thrills Action in the Picture made
      295 words
    • 146 5 We know you like action so her» it is Brought back in response to numerous requests QUEEN'S TONIGHT ONLY One Show At 7.30 p.m. MATINEE TOMORROW AT 1.30 P.M. Complete Screening 31 BIG REELS Universal’s Thrill-packed, action crammed, excitement jammed serial “FLAMING FRONTIERS” with JOHN MACK BROWN ACTION THRILLS SUSPENSE
      146 words

  • 429 6 QIR JOHN REITH yesterday took over the helm of the Ministry of Information. As we pointed out the other day. the resignation of Lord Macmillan was not unexpected; the criticism which had been levelled at the Ministry both by the Press and public ever since the outbreak
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  • 135 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA "Flaming Frontiers” (whole serial) <?ne show at 7.30 p.m. REX CINEMA Alice Faye, Constance Eennett and Nancy Kelly in “Tail Spin” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Alang Alang” with Miss Hatijah and Md. Moch Malay picture) 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR "Madam Makan” (Cantonese
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  • 634 6 Penang Troops On Parade L may be wrong, of course, but 1 thought our Indian troops looked tired when they marched past Penang Road at about ten this morning. 1 do not blame them. The parade started at an early hour and to have to march for
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  • 509 6 Wednesday, Jan. 10. COULD anything be more stirring than Mr. Chamberlain’s dedication of all his efforts to final victory? Whatever his mistakes in the past, the Premier’s sincerity cannot be questioned. And in his speech yesterday at the Mansion House, he reaffirmed British war
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 THE J LOOK" (r f«F v* -7 IS THE REWARD l OF DAILY CARE W--x I t —i Mgg Sna CleXg Cream. Next tone with Ardena Skin Tonic to stimulate the circulation and assure fine texture and fresh colouring. Finally to keep the skin smooth and prevent untimely wrinklea nourish
      233 words
    • 37 6 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER •«AN© /JI THEY ARE THE Best Obtainable in the markets AND need no further Recommendation. :o: Fresh Stocks Received regularly by SOLE AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG Singapore, Ipoh, A Kuala Lnmpi’r.
      37 words

    • 299 7 (To the Editor, Pinang Gazette) Sir, I must add my complaint to the many which have been made from time to time regarding the difficulties experienced by Malayan listeners to get a good reception of Singapore broad casts at nights. That station is fine and
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    • 255 7 It seems strange that the Home Press nave united in singing the praises of Air Hore-Belisha, while completely overlooking the other side of the question— Discipline. He may have performed miracles in the course of carrying out his duties at the War Office and probably he has been
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  • 281 7 A E have seen Constance Bennett so much in madcap comedy that it is somewhat of a pleasant change to find her in a dramatic role. She brings to the drama of “Tail Spin” at the Bex a restraint that blends ’■•ost happily
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  • 1037 7 As Deputy President PLAN FOR EXTENSION OF NEW PARK APPROVED Stating that he was very glad to be back in Penang, Mr. W. L. Blythe, Deputy Municipal President, who will act during the absence of Mr. J. A. Black on leave, compared the
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  • 150 7 The sth Battalion 14th Punjab (Pathans) Regiment now stationed in Penang presented an impressive spectacle when they carried out a route march this morning through the principal streets of the towns. The parade, which was 705 strong, was commanded by Lieut.-Col. C. L.
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  • 72 7 Sequel To Motor Accident Pleading guilty to a charge of causing hurt by a rash act, a European, Donald Wilkie, was fined $5O in the Penang Middle Court this morning. The charge was the sequel to a motor accident which occurred at Jelutong Road on December 20,
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  • 63 7 A fine of $250 was imposed on a Chinese woman, Che?h Pauh Kim, in the Penang Middle Court th s morning on her pleadng guilty to a charge of possession of nine gallons of samsu and 64 gallons of fermented rice. The woman admitting the
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  • 377 7 WORK REST MED TEMPORARILY Although Indian waterfront coolies, who were on strike yr.rfen/av, resumed work this morning, the "Pinang Gazette” learns that the strike is bx no means over. No definite settlement, it is understood, has been reached between the workers and their cm ploxers. A
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  • 710 7 MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENTS TO BE RE-AMALGAMATED Mr. W. F. Fletcher To Act As Engineer On Year’s Trial At yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners it was revealed that 20 applications were received locally and 30 by the Commissioners' agents in London for the post of Municipal Engineer rendered vacant by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 Announcing A NEW TRUFOOD PRODUCT A PROGRESSIVE NUTRITIVE FOOD FOR BABY FROM 10 TO 24 MONTHS w CONTAINS Anima! Protein Bone Marrow emulsified Crean» Fat; the soluble Carbohydrates, Lactose and Giucose Mineral salts Organic Iron Lecithin Calcium witn tested Vitamins A and D from natural sources and Vitamins 81, 82.
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  • 263 8 Woman’s Report Discredited Kuala Lumpur. Allegations that the accused had threatened to hit her if she refused to grant him a loan of $3 were made by a Chinese woman, Chan Lin Ho, in the Police Court before Mr. W. ’J. Thorogood when Cheong Yok Sam a
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  • 366 8 BIG INCREASE RECORDED FROM the December issue of the Statistical Bulletin, just published by the Hague Office of the International! Tin Research and Development Council, we derive the following information: World tin production, amounting to 10,800 tons a month, on an average,
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  • 196 8 Weekly Rubber Report Singapore, Friday. THE market has again passed through a very quiet week and prices show little change on balance. Although there has been no marked buying or selling pressure, the undertone of the market remains steady. Latest quotations to hand are as follows:
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  • 49 8 The rubber returns of the following companies for the month of December, 1939 were: Alor Gajah 15,200 lbs. Australasia 17,000 Ayer Panas 78,000 Bukit Kubu 12,700 Glenealy 55,000 Jalan Ke bun 10,400 Kluang 55,000 Pajam 176,000 Port Swettenham 7,200 Tambalak 21,500 Teluk Anson 46,187 Ulu Benut 38,000
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  • 199 8 MESSRS. BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Report Of Rubber Sales Department Penang, January 4. After the Christmas Hol’days the market was rather unsettled and prices tended to fall away. The New Year Holidays had also a disquieting effect. Since then, however, the market has firmed up considerably owing mainly to a keener
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  • 97 8 Penang. January 9. 1940. (Bj Courtesy of the Chartered Lank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/16 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/16 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/16 On New York Demand 46 15/16 Canadian 51 11'16 On France Demand 2060 12
    97 words
  • 53 8 Latest List Of Donations Amount previously acknowlec ’B ed $159,635.39 L. Lowe (monthly) 15.00 A. Buchanan (monthly) 50.00 T. A. Reid (monthly) 4.00 Anonymous 10.00 >• 20.00 Asiatic staff Labour force of Moyaalpy Estate 15.00 The Personnel of Perak Detective Branch 42.00 Asiatic Staff Labour force of
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  • 94 8 Mr. Boey Sin Thum And Miss Chin Kheng Sen Parit Buntar. There was a large gathering present at the Tong Wah Chinese School, Bagan Serai on Sunday when the marriage of Mr. Boey Sin Thum, son of the late Mr. Boey Toong Chim, an old pupil
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    • 284 8 RUBBER Buyers Seller» Allenbys 145 1.52 J Ayer Panas 1.47 1.55 Bassetts 52 J 574 B. Lintangs 1.15 1.20 Bentas 1124 Borellis 1.45 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1.42} 1.474 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.50 2.60 Lunas 1.82 j 1.90 Malaka Pindas 1.45 1.524 Mentakabs
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    • 234 8 LEAN CO's QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Seilers Arnpats 5/3 5/6 A. Amalgamated 6/6 6,104 A. Wengs 85 90 Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 1.65 1.724 Hong Fatts 1.224 1.27 J Hitams 45 49 Jelebus 1.05 1.10 Johans 324 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35/6 Kamras 2/ 2 3xd K. Kamuntings 9/ 9'6 Katus
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    • 170 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO's QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 5/3 5/C Austral Amalgamated 6/9 7/ Ayer Hitam 25/ 26/ Ayer Weng 90 95 Batu Selangor 1.674 1.72} Hitam Tin 45 474 Hong Fatt 1.25 1.30 Jelebu 1.024 1.07’ Kam. Kamunting 8/9 9/3 Kampong Lanjut 24/9 25/3 Kamra Tin 2 2/3
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    • 276 8 KENNEDY CO's SHARE LIST MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/I4 5/6 Austral Amal. 6 9 7/3 Ayer Weng 90 95 Ayer Hitam 25' 26 Batu Selangor 1.69 1.72} Ber junta! 10/9 11/3 Hitam 47 50 Hong Fatt 1.274 130 Jelebu 1.03 1.074 K. Lanjut 24 9 25/3 K. Kamunting 9/ 9/6
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    • 299 8 SOON THEAM CO's QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/14 5/4} A. Amaig. 6/6 7/ A. Hitam 24/6 25/6 Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 1.67} 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.26 1.29 Jelebus 1.03 1.08 Johans 33 35 Kamras 2/ 2,'3c Kamuntings 12/6 13/3 K. Lanjuts 24/9 25/3 Katus 24/3 25/3 Kramats 12/3
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    • 140 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £250 0. 0. £246 0. 0. “Forward” £249 0. 0. £245 0. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $126.00 $125.75 Business done 100 tons 50 tons PENANG “Spot” $126.00 $125.75 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” H 13;16d. H llll6d. “Forward” H 13|16d. 11 %d. SINGAPORE: “Spot” 38%c
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 BANKS OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic deve--lopme n t s, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. The Indian Overseas Bank, Ltd., (Incorporated Id
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  • 375 9 Treaty Abrogation May Have Grave Results Washington, Nov. 22. Indications that the U.S. Government will maintain a firm attitude toward Japan were given today in the statement made by the Assistant State Secretary, Mr. Sumner Welles, observers of Far Eastern affairs stated this afternoon.
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  • 814 9 Transport Difficulties London. RECENT reports suggest that the Nazis have underestimated the task of transporting supplies from SouthEastern Europe by water, their rolling stock being notoriously in bad condition and inadequate. In view of German interest in these supplies—among them oil supplies from Rumania—an article
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  • 761 9 J Their Strong And Weak Points V t Really there are two German airforces, writes Willi Frischaver in the Daily Mail. One has been “built up” by Goebbels and has been used to frighten e small States into srtnender, and to e threaten the British people
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  • 384 9 No Shipments To Germany Changchun, Nov. 16. The outbreak of war in Europe has caused serious displacements in the interior economy of Manchoukuo. On the one hand, it has stopped the export of soya beans and by-products to Germany, and on the other it has
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  • 458 9 i By the Very Rev. C. A. Alington, D.D. Dean of Durham THERE was recently told in the British Press a little story which throws a very clear light on Nazi mentality, and show’s inevitable it is that we should fight it to the death. The
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1504 9 k. vf* 4HEL jH TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS 8.8. C. BROADCASTING transmission— five. News In English From 6.40 9.35 a.m. S GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55 m.) BBC GSC 9.58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) GSE 11.38 Mc/s (25.29 m) (Local Time) GSD 11.75 Mc/s (25 53 m) Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. TRANSMISSION— SIX.
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    • 372 9 repeated. 7.50 Close down. 10.50 Time signal. Classical concert. 11.30 Morning devotions. 11.50 Hans Bund and his Orchestra. 12.20 p.m. Matinee concert (I). 1.10 News and weather reports. 1.25 Matinee concert (ID. 2.10 News and weather reports repeated. 2.20 Close down 4.50 Time signal. Programme preview. 4.53 Tea concert. 5.50
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  • 126 10 —Reuter. Minister Of War Demands Resignation Of Premier Tokyo, Jan. 9 The Japanese political situation is tenser following the reported demand by the Minister of War to the Premier to resign. After conferring with the leading generals, the War Minister, according to the Kokumin
    —Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 23 10 —Reuter. Paris, January 9. A French war communique says: “During the night enemy patrols were repulsed at various points.”—Reuter.
    ’—Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 20 10 —Reuter. Paris, January 9. The Anglo-Franco-Turkish commercial ,and financial agreement was signed here today.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 513 10 ITALIAN PLANES AND ARMS TO FINLAND HELD UP BY GERMANY Rome Government Asks For Information Amsterdam, Jan. 9 Herr Hitler is holding a series of urgent conferences in Berlin regarding Germany’s relations with Italy and Russia. The Berlin correspondent of the Telegraaf confirms that
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  • 77 10 —Reuter. INITIAL PROGRAMME OF £70,000,000 Ottawa, Jan. 9 Canada’s initial financial programme as part of her war effort exceeds <£70,000,000 which is fifty per cent greater than the expenditures during the first twenty months of tjie last war. To this must be added the heavy cost
    .—Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 69 10 Reuter. For British Red Cross Fund And Relief Of Finns Ottawa, January 9. The Red Cross has authorised the donation of $lOO.OOO to the British Red Crass Fund initiated by the Lord Mayor of London and a further $50.000 is donated for relief work in
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 61 10 Reuter. Bomb Thrown Into Constabulary H.Q. London, January 8. A bomb was thrown tonight at the headquarters of the Special Constabulary in Londonderry. The city was shaken by a terrific explosion. All windows in front of the building was smashed but nobody was injured. About a
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 110 10 —Reuter. VIGOROUS SEIGE OF GERMANY New York, January 9. Commenting on the British Cabinet changes. the Washington Post says they are of world-wide importance because they revealed considered anticipation on the part of Britain of a long war in which leadership of tenacity’ and quiet
    :.—Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 190 10 —Reuter. Headquarters Only 40 Miles From Dutch Frontier HEAVY ARTILLERY POSITIONS PREPARED: ABLE TO BOMBARD UTRECHT London. Jan. 9 The Daily Telegraph’s Amsterdam correspondent states that he has received from a reliable source in Western Germany that the new German Army headquarters has been
    —Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 133 10 —Reuter. British Soldier On Murder Charge In Shanghai Shanghai, Jan. 9. The trial of Private David Eckford on a charge of murder opens today. This is the first murder trial of a British subject in Shanghai since the case of Atma Singh three years ago when
    .—Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 22 10 .—Reuter London, January 9. The death has occurred of Lord Waring who organised aeroplane production during the last war.—Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  22 words
  • 69 10 8.0. W. Rugby. January 9. It was disclosed yesterday' that R.A.F. Fighter Command pilots have brought down nearly half the number of German raiders engaged by them. Although all but one German machine crashed into the sea, an examination of
    8.0. W.  -  69 words
  • 66 10 .—8.0. W. One Trawler Blown Up One Unharmed Rugby, January 9. Agency messages recently reported the case of a trawler which was blown up through catching a mine. Today comes the news of the miraculous escape of another fishing vessel which caught unharmed a live
    .—8.0. W.  -  66 words
  • 53 10 y—Reuter. Seven Soldiers Killed In France Paris, January* 9. Seven soldiers were killed and 19 injured in a train accident while proceeding on home leave near Orly’ on Saturday. It is learned in official circles that there is no news of any British troops involved in the French
    y—Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 47 10 .—Reuter. To Be Submitted To Supreme Court Dublin, January 8. It is officially' announced that the President has decided after consulta- tion with the Council of State to refer to the Supreme Court the question whei ther the Bill is repugnant to the constitution.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 156 10 Eiiemv’s Vast Air Force Slill Intact Reuter. London. January’ 9. ‘‘lt would be criminal folly' to allow the people of this country’ to slip into thinking that because the blow has not fallen in the first four months of the war, the danger
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 7 10 —8.0. W. —Reuter.
    —8.0. W.  -  7 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 212 10 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT A new service is announced each 28 days from Penang to San Francisco and Dos Angeles via Pacific thence New York via Panama. This service will be inaugurated by:— S.S. “CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS” LOADING AT PENANG 15th FEBRUARY It is further announced that s.s. “PRESIDENT HAYES” from
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  • 542 11 P.S.C. TROUNCED AT HOCKE Y Old Frees Win By Five Goals To One I HE Old Frees Association overwhelmed the Penang Sports lub at hockey yesterday, the former winning by five goals to one in a match played at the Hutchings School ground. A fast pace was maintained throughout. The
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  • 110 11 Mr. Goh Kok Leong And Miss Chan Siew Cooke The wedding will shortly take place of -•It. Goh Kok Leong, third son of the late -dr. Goh Boon Hoe and Mrs. Goh Boon Hoe, and Miss Chan Siew Cooke, fourth iaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bachee
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  • 87 11 Vancouver. A 32-year-old Yorkshire woman, Mrs. < Dye, has given birth to twins for the I; 'th time in five years. All are well. he father, also of Yorkshire and now proprietor of a petrol station here, 11 ted in the British Expeditionary Force "the last
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  • 47 11 To Continue As Usual Mr. Joseph McGrath, Managing Director of the Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes, denies a report in the British papers that the Irish sweepstakes are to close down, and he states that all arrangements are continuing as usual for the Grand National draw.
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  • 238 11 In a fast and interesting game of hockey on the Esplanade yesterday, the Indian Association held the Penang Recreation Club to a draw, each side scoring one goal. The P.R.C. had the better of the exchanges and should have won the game. Their forwards,
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  • 186 11 The C.R.C. lost to Government Trade School at hockey by 4 goals to 1. The game was very fast and interesting from beginning to end. B. La Brooy opened the scoring for the school and Foong Chin equalised. Just before the interval, Carrier scored from
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  • 97 11 Pun jab Regiment vs Penang Colts At Hutchings School Ground, at 5.15 p.m. today:— Punjab Regiment: —Lance Naik Said Mohd; Havildar Mohd. Din, 2,-Lt. H. B. Harpham; Sepoy Ram Nath. Lieut. W. G. S Wilson, L/N Sardara Singh; L/N Diwan Khan. Lieut. H. T. B. B. Rooke. Sepoy
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 11 PAT GLOVER. Welsh international soccer star.
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  • 81 11 PENANG TEAM TO MEET KEDAH The following have been selected to represent Penang in the inter-State hockey fixture against Kedah on the Hutchings School ground on Friday:— NG TEIK LEE WEE CHONG GHEE ISMAIL HASHIM BOEY SENG POH CHEE PHUI SAN GAN THEAN BENG Lt. H. T.
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  • 181 11 Enthusiasts Get Together Ipoh. With a view to encourage amateur boxing in Perak, efforts are being made by a band of local enthusiasts to form an Amateur Boxing Association. A temporary committee comprising Messrs. C H. Fenner, D. Storch. Chin Thin Yee and H. Mylvanaganam
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  • 169 11 When Mobilised Under Volunteer Ordinance At a recent meeting of the Municipal Commissioners in Committee the President referred to the decision of the Commissioners to follow the principle laid down by Government regarding the pay of officers mobilised unde i the provision of the Volunteer Ordinance. He
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  • 52 11 Following the resignation and departure for Home of Dr. T. W. Hill, Deputy Municipal Health Officer, the Commissioners have agreed to ask Government if they are willing to second an officer from their Health Service to act as Deputy Municipal Health Officer for the duration of
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  • 1186 11 Material In The World Today MANY PROMISING YOUNGSTERS I 4 DRIAN QUIST for the moment leaves the sterner side of Davis Cupping to talk of the wonderful crop of tennis colts in the United States. He met these youngsters in tournaments while there. Quist says they
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  • 289 11 Indians Defeat O.M.A. 3 -1 Brilliant goalkeeping by F. Toft saved the O.M A. from defeat by a heavier margin when they went down to the unbeaten Kinta Indian Association by three goals to one in a game of hockey played bn the former’s ground yesterday.
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  • 104 11 Mrs. Halliday Wins Ladies Gold Medal The following is the result of the Ladies Gold Medal Competition at the Penang Sports Club <Golf Section): Winner: Mrs. Halliday 91 —16 —75 nett Runner-up: Mrs. Knight 95—14 —Bl nett. P.S.C. LADIES GOLF The following is the result
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 ALMOST MAD WITH SKIN TROUBLE Thousands of sufferers afflicted with Eczema, Pruritus, Psoriasis, or other skin troubles have been completely cured by Dr. D. Dennis’ wonderful heal* ing Prescription. A few drops applied to the part stops ths j tormenting itch instantly. Healing begins at once, the desire to scratc^l
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  • 294 12 L/Cpl Cole Unable To Play: Pestana Steps Into The Breach THE Penang team to meet the Army in the ‘Malaya Cup final on Saturday at Kuala Lumpur will leave Penang y the night mail on Friday and will return on Sunday evening. It is
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  • 55 12 Thousand Pineapple Workers Now On Strike Singapore. Employers having agreed to give the 10 per cent increase in wages which they had previously promised, 5,000 lightermen resumed work yesterday morning. About 1,000 workers from four pineapple factories have gone on strike after presenting five demands
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  • 250 12 “Cost of Living Allowances’’ for subordinates up to a salary of $65 and to all labourers and artisans and all other daily paid employees are being paid by the Government in Penang on he same lines as in Singapore. This was announced in a circular issued
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  • 85 12 Charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery valued at $1214, a Chinese named Poh Lian Soo appeared in the Penang Middle Couit this morning. The accused in claiming trial explained that he had been given thio jewellery to be pledged. He had done
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  • 206 12 “Our Team Spirit M ill Prevail .—Reuter, Rugby, January 9. In the course of a broadcast in French sent out from French stations on Monday, Dr. Burgin, the British Supply Minister, shortly dealt with the British war effort. In appreciation of Anglo-French unity, the Supply
    .—Reuter,  -  206 words
  • 84 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10 TIN: Penang $126.25 Business done 103 tons Singapore $126.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 39£c Singapore Spot 39Jc COPRA: Sundried $4.85 buyers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $7.00 nom. Fair Seed $6.70 sellers RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled No. 1
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  • 88 12 i. —Reuter. Washington, Jan. 9. President Roosevelt indicated to a group of Protestant churchmen today that he hoped his efforts for peace would find some practical encouragement by spring. Spokesmen for various groups of churchmen who have criticised President Roosevelt’s decision to send Mr. Taylor as his
    i.—Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 494 12 Unarmed Trawler Sunk After Three Raids Rugby, Jan. 9. rpHE story of how a British fishing trawler, “River Earn,” unarmed and devoid of any protection for ship or crew, was brought face to face with Germany’s brutal and illegal methods of waging the war at
    1.—8.0. W.  -  494 words
  • 278 12 Toothpaste I nder The -Name Of “The local market is being flooded with this ’Lux Toothpaste,’ which is being sold as a product of the wellknown firm of Lever Bros, who manufacture Lux Soap, said Detective Inspector Bytde asking the Court to take a
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  • 167 12 Although in 1937 the Commissioners decided to reduce the number of buses by 50 over a period of 18 monttjs. the Commissioner? have- now decided that no reduction be made in the number of motor buses to be re-istered in 1940 This decision arrived
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  • 115 12 -8.0. W. CYPRIOT ‘TRANSPORT UNIT Rugby, Jan. 10. Today’s despatches from France announce the arrival there of the first Colonial troops, these being a Cypriot transport unit. The Cypriot contingent was enlisted in the early days of the war and their departure from the colony two
    -8.0. W.  -  115 words
  • 290 12 White as snow strong as a horse rich as Croesus! These are comparisons that we hear used every day by young and old in every walk of life. What would language be like without comparisons? How could we express our ideas, if the word “like" did not exist When
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 181 12 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH TENDERS will be received at the office of the State Engineer, Kedah up to 3 p.m. of the 22nd January, 1940 for the construction of one Senior Officer’s Quarters at Anak Bukit, Alor Star, Kedah. Every person applying for a form of tender will be required to
      181 words
    • 591 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road, Penang Phone 1477 1478 with extension» Telegrams: “Gazette" Penang. Rales of Subscription for Pinang and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTE Loca l S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Foreign Monthly $2.50 $3.00 $4 00 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 12 00 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 00 Yearly 36.00 4« Ofc SUNDAY GAZETTE
      591 words