Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 128 1 I.—Reuter. TWO FACTS Facinp united states Roosevelt s Address Party -ri,„ “shinglon. January 9. Iwo facts today. Rie ih*’ reco Bnist8 nistG in a Zpe“ SX limner of the Democratic Party. The function The function derived its nane from the $4OO Party members pay to
    I.—Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 30 1 !A our of infantry tra ainy centres recently, the King inspected forials at a Berk shin cur p. a,id is seen talking to Company Commoner JW>. Corbett.
    30 words
  • 228 1 REPORTED HUNG AROITALIAN PACT M. Molotov May Visit Berlin London, Jan. 9. pOUNT Ciano is expected to visit Budapest in April or May. according to the Budapest Radio. It is also expected that M. Molotov will visit Berlin early in January to return Herr von Ribbentrop’s visit to Moscow, according
    .—Reuter.  -  228 words
  • 112 1 —8.0. W. One Survivor Blown 20 Feet Into Air Rugby, Jan. 8. AH of the crew of 34 of the London «'atgo steamer “Codrir.gton Court” (5,160 tons) which were sunk yesterday *»y a mine off the South Coast, were saved, although the vessel sank within
    —8.0. W.  -  112 words
  • 68 1 —Reuter. Breakdown In Negotiations Washington, Jar 8. It is officially announced that the i States and Argentine have l greed to abandon completely negotiations .or a trade treaty which broke down last week. e State Department ascribes the ■t.HiK of the negotiations to impossijri reaching agreement on
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 75 1 .—Reuter. Zurich, Jan. g. liar material from Italy despatched to Finland is being held up in German Baltic ports, according to the Berlin correspondent of the “Neuizuerchcr Zcitung" which says that the shipment was stopped on orders from Berlin on the ground that even indirect
    .—Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 87 1 —Reuter. To Start In Britain Tn June Rugby, Jan. 9. The British Overseas Ait ways Cot potation is sending a technical expert to the United States, Canada and Newfoundland in anticipation of the opening of a trans-Atlantic air service in June from Britain. The 1940 service will
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 188 1 —Reuter. Helsinki, January 9. Russian defeat on the Suomusfront yesterday was due to the use heat quantities of material taken 'oni the Russian 163rd division which out to pieces on the same front week ago. Ihe victory was made possible by suicide sguads
    —Reuter.  -  188 words
    NECTION SHORTLY. REUTER.  -  51 words
  • 65 1 .—8.0. W. Rugby. Jan. 9. Soldiers, sailors and airmen on leave in England will have much larger ration allowances than civilians. The latter are entitled to 12 ounces sugar, 4 ounces bacon and ham and fourounces butter weekly whereas members of forces on leave
    .—8.0. W.  -  65 words
  • 161 1 Peiping, Jan. 9. “There is no possibility of the withdrawal of the Japanese Army from China —at least not for the time being,” declared a Japanese spokesman here today. Referring to the proposed formation of a new Central Government for China, he
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 476 1 .—Reuter. Shanghai. Jan. 9. The trial of Private David Eckford on a charge of murder opens today. This is the first murder trial of a British subject in Shanghai since the case of Atma Singh three years ago when accused, after having been sentenced to
    .—Reuter.  -  476 words
  • 60 1 .—Reuter. Paris, Jan. 9. A communique states there is nothing of importance to report. A communique issued from the Prime Minister’s office announces that M. Daladier yesterday afternoon was the victim of an accident. His foot was fractured but the fracture has been satisfactorily reduced. M.
    .—Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 14 1 Router. Paris, Jan. g. The Inglo-Franco-Turkish maul 7c-t.< signed here today.
    Router.  -  14 words
  • 148 1 8.0. W. Tribute By Minister Of Agriculture Rugby, Jan. 9. A tribute to the farmer’s determination to respond to demands made on agriculture was made today' by the Minister of Agriculture in a speech at the Farmers’ Club. “The response has already been magnificent'’ Mi-.
    8.0. W.  -  148 words
  • 63 1 i.—Reuter. Special Committee Appointed In U.S. Washington, Jan. 9. The State Department has appointed a special committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Sumner Welles, Undersecretary of State, to study economic problems which the war has created foi the United States and readjustment of problems affecting the United States
    i.—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 45 1 —8.0. W. To Be Purchased By Food Ministry Rugby, Jan. 8. Mr. Lennox-Boyd. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, disclosed today that from Jan. 15, the Food Ministry will buy all fat stock, including pigs, which are sent for slaughter throughout Britain—B.O.W.
    —8.0. W.  -  45 words
  • 30 1 —BOW. Rugby, Jan. 9. Rear Admiral the Duke of Kent paid a short informal visit to the R.A.F. fighter command station, Scotland, on Monday morning.—B O W.
    —BOW.  -  30 words
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  • 572 2 WHOLE SOVIET DI VISION DESTROYED Valuable Rooty Captured Helsinki, Jan. 8. COMMUNIQUE claims that the Finns scored a striking victory in destroying a Soviet division along the road from Suomussalmi to the Soviet frontier. Besides taking a thousand prisoners, the Finns captured much war material,
    .—Reuter.  -  572 words
  • 112 2 I. —Reuter. Return Of Normalcy In Quotations London, January 8. Today’s alterations in the Bank of England’s official exchange rates are viewed by banking circles as the probable result of pressure by commercial institutions who have believed for some time that the spread between buying
    I.—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 31 2 .—Reuter. London, January 8 Registered unemployed on December 11 totalled 1,361,000 which is 41,000 less than on November 13 and 469,800 less than on December 12, 1938.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 128 2 —B O.W. 800-Year-Old Ceremony At St. James’s Chapel Rugby. January 8. The 809-year-old ceremony at which offerings of gold frank incense and myrrh are made by the Kings of England at the Feast, of Epiphany, took place on Saturday in the chapel Royal, st. James’s Palace, when two Gentlemen
    —B O.W.  -  128 words
  • 187 2 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 8. Rain and mists are general over the French Front and there has been almost a complete calm all along the line during the past twenty-four hours. Air activity has been practically nil though a lore German plane made a reconnaissance
    Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 435 2 War Time Plan To Replace German Exports London Conferences between motor manufacturers, the Ministry of Supply and the Board of Trade have resulted in a plan to increase the export of British motor cars and commercial vehicles all over the world, and specially to secure a
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  • 44 2 .—Reuter. Over 500 Arrests Made At Haifa Haifa, January 8. Over five hundred Jewish refugees from Germany and other countries were arrested yesterday within territorial waters. A schooner with 360 on board was towing another sailing vessel with 160 on board. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 201 2 DOERING’S FIRST TASK AS ECONOMIC DICTATOR Copenhagen, Jan. 8. THE Berlin correspondent of the Politiken says that Marshal Goering’s first task as economic dictator is to secure fresh funds for war purposes. It adds :—“The last war cost Germany thirty-five milliards marks yearly. The
    Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 148 2 Ruter. I Need For Big U.S. Naval Expansion New York. Jan. 8. Because the international situation, “in injunction with Far Eastern conditions, pesents the threat of a world conflagation,” Admiral Stark. Chief of the Javal Operations, appearing before the louse of Representatives Naval Committ e, urged
    Ruter.  -  148 words
  • 138 2 —Reuter. Sir John Anderson On Gvil Defence Measures London, January 8. Sir John Anderson, speaking at Glasgow, reviewed the civil defence measures and said that householders’ steel shelters and other forms of domestic shelter provided protection for over eleven million people in the vulnerable areas. Stating that
    —Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 74 2 —Reuter. Sunk Ten Minutes After Explosion London, January 8. The British steamer, “Codrington Court,” 5,000 tons, was sunk ten minutest after an explosion off the southeast coast yesterday. The crew of 34 were saved. A deck-toy had a remarkable escape. He was on the lookout on the forecastle
    —Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 60 2 Reuter. Soviet Plane On First Trial Flight Moscow, January 8 The radio announces that a Soviet passenger plane has left Moscow on its first trial flight on the new MoscowBerlin air service. It says that a German plane makes the flight on January 12 and the regular
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 169 2 8.0. W. Allowed In Britain And Banned In Germany Rugby, January 8. The attitude of the authorities in Britain and, Germany towards the circulation of foreign news and comment afjfords an InJtelrestirg contrast. Information reaching London shows that increasing publicity is being given in Berlin to the
    8.0. W.  -  169 words
  • 62 2 .—Reut er. Upward Movement Maintained London, Jan. 8. On the Stock Exchange the market was initially henitant owing to the recent political reshuffle but the upward movement was quickly resumed under the lead of gilt-edged which closed higher on the further influx of buying orders. Indian Government bonds
    .—Reut er.  -  62 words
  • 103 2 —Reuter, London, Jan S. Mr. Hore-Belisha today took farewell ot his staff at the. War Office. Reuter’s Parliamentary correspondent learns that there is no question at present of an earlier recall of Parliament to discuss the resignation. There has been seme concern expressed by
    ,—Reuter,  -  103 words
  • 113 2 —Reuter. Tribute By Minister Of Agriculture London, January 8. A tribute to the inspiring indication which the farming community had givenof their intention and determination to respond to the demands made upon them was paid by Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith. Minister of Agriculture, in a speech in London. After
    ;.—Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 90 2 —Reuter. Placed At Disposal Of U.K. Government London, Jan. 8 Mr. W. J. Jordan, High Commissioner for New Zealand, announced that the New Zealand Government had placed at the disposal of the United Kingdom authorities tne new Zealand anti-tank battery training in England, the sole restriction being
    .—Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 70 2 Reuter. Members Of Opposition Party Appointed Dublin, J,an. 8. President Hyde has nominated six additional members to sit on the Council of State. They mostly belong to Mr. Cosgrave’s Party. Some see in it an indication of closer political cooperation between the Government and Opposition Parties
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 62 2 —Reuter. Arrival Of 40.000 At Lodz Berlin, January 8 The Official German News Agency announces that forty thousand repatriated Germans from former Eastern Poland have arrived at Lodz where they are accommodated in camps. The first contingent of Germans from former North and Central Poland, many of
    .—Reuter.  -  62 words
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 30 2 .—Reuter. Washington. Jan- s President Roosevelt has nomma e Mr. Gauss, at present Consu'-L 1 1 in Shanghai, to be the first Minister Australia. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 New Springtide Hotel PHONE No. 60 TANJONG BUNGAH PENANG. THE IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HOLIDAYS BAR DANCE HALL SEA-BATHING with Diving Stage Complete with Spring Board MEALS AT ANY HOUR Drinks Prices are the same as that of E. 0., Runnymede, Elysee, Wembley, etc. COME AND SPEND AN EVENING
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  • 1572 3 Mr. Ryti’s Ministry Of Bankers And Business Men By GEORGE SOLOVEYTCHIK rji() anyone who knows the shy, even reticent, disposition of the present Finnish Prime Minister, his broadcast declaration that Finland not merely intends to fight on but expects to win is doubly impressive.
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  • 106 3 London. Mr. Thomas Cecil Yorath Hughes, a chartered accountant, of Connaughtgardens, W., was granted a decree nisi in the Divorce Court against his wife Alys Emily Hughes because of her misconduct with Lieut.-Comman-der Russell Lister-Kaye, R.N. He was awarded costs against Lieut.-Comman-der Lister-Kaye. Mr.
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  • 44 3 A lesson in progress at the Army Railway School “somewhere in Hampshire,” where men who will be in charge of mililtary trains in war zones are trained for the work. The school has a miniature railway depot, complete with workshopsand loco sheds.
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  • 468 3 Boy Friends Fly Them BETTY —no surnames, by request makes the 265-m.p.h. bombers in which her boy friend, a gunner in an R.A, F. bombing squadron, flies over Germany. Until war broke out Betty was a manicurist. But nobody wanted manicures, her boy friend went
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  • 298 3 20 Offer Aid PAULINE GOWER, 27-year-cld daughter of Sir Robert Gower, M.P.-—she was once an air circus acrobat and is now a leader of the women’s section of the Air Transport Auxiliary has a score of famous women pilots among her friends. They all want
    298 words
  • 518 3 3 Czechs Swim to Freedom Bale. THE three Czechs who escaped from Baden by swimming across the Rhine to Switzerland are now interned, awaiting the Swiss Government’s decision as to their future. One of them stated that they belonged to a group of 46 men rounded up
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 laour THAILAND Home of Hospitality and Ready Welcome; with the assistance of The Bureau of Tourist Promotion Dept, of Oonunercs, New Road, Bangkok Cable: “TOURIST” Telephone: *****. This bureau supplies free information to tourists, introduces them to famous sights and resorts, renders assistance in pro» viding guides or interpreters, planning
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 2571 4 Important Movements Taking Place BRIG. GAMBIER-PARRY'S 8.M.8.C. BROADCAST T AST night, listeners in Malaya had the benefit of hearing Brigadier M. D. Gambier-Parry, M. C., over the air, when he broadcast again from Singapore, the subject being “More About the Western Front.” Dealing
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  • 440 4 Secret Society Members Arrested Singapore. NINE officers of the Cantonese section of the Singapore Detective Branch arrested 97 people connected, or believed to be connected, with dangerous secret societies in a raid made on a recent afternoon on the Pik Saan Theng Cemetery in Thomson
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  • 94 4 Constable Watches Proceedings Singapore. Accused of syphoning $1 worth of petrol from a motor car in Cross Street on Saturday morning by means of a rubber tube and tin, Gan Eng Teck was convicted but had sentence deferred until Jan. 12 in the Singapore third
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  • 637 4 Yews In Malay January 6. 1940. It is suggested that readers should cut out this news in Romanised Malay and hand it to Malay members of their households, thus helping to keep the Malay population informed about the progress of the war. These Malay news bulletins will
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  • 50 4 BAND PROGR AMME Band programme at the from 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p m t i v. 1. March—The Contemptib 'S- stan e 2. Selection—Bran Pie —Date' 1 1 3. Waltz—Espagnole—Mascliei 4. Overture—Le Domino Noir— Au e 5. Selection—Song Of The Dr^j fre y. 6. Fox Trot—Wish Me Luck— pavie
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  • 87 5 Accident In Campbell Street A. saloon car and a riesha were involved in a collision at Campbell street near the junction of Cintra Street about 2.30 yesterday afternoon. The car, a Hillman, driven ‘W a Chinese woman, crashed into the r 'g >t wheel of the
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  • 721 5 Wives Start And Husbands Continue ALLEGED ISE OF KNIFE rpHAT a chipped enamel spitoon started a quarrel between 1 two Chinese married wonen, which was later taken up by the husbands, was revealed ft the District Court yesterday, before Mr. H. A. Forrer, when
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  • 239 5 Misadventure Vedict O(> Chinese Parit Buntar A verdict of death by misadventure returned ty Inche Jaal bin Jaman, A.D.O. Krian. who sat as Coroner in the District Court. Parit Buntar, at the I conclusion ot an inquiry into the death of a Chinese. Ong Hock
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  • 188 5 Failed To Obey “Stop-Look-Go” Sign Ipoh Pleading guilty to three charges, of disobeying a “stop-look-go” sign board, knocking into a policeman cyclist and failing to report the accident, a Chinese, Boon Yoon Huat was yesterday fined sf, $l5 and $lO respectively by Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe,
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  • 587 5 Penang Chinese Ladies* Effort The following is a list of contributions collected by Mrs. Tan Min Chee, Chooi Weng Koon and Mrs. Low Hooi Seat for the charity fair to be held at the St. Xavier’s ground on February 9, 10, 12 and 13. The fair which
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  • 405 5 Social Personal The Rev. Colin King, who entered rhe General Hospital. Penang, last week has left hospital. sk Mr p n. Knight who was operated on for appendicitis at the General Hos pital, Penang. last week is making satisfactory progress. The Governor has appointed Mr. A. j. Newby to be
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  • 369 5 Alleged Assault On Malay Woman Kuala Kangsar. Q ERIOUS allegations were made by a pretty young Malay woman, Kayah binti Ibrahim, in the Magistrate’s Court, Kuala Kangsar, against a young Tamil Mohammedan Yahaya bin Sarif, who claimed trial before Che Ahmad bin Mahmud, Magistrate, Kuala
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  • 51 5 Singapore. Nearly 5,000 lightermen struck work yesterday morning, alleging that their employers had failed to keep their promise to increase their wages. Consequently, 3,000 twakows are lying idle and several steamers were unable to load and unload cargo. Negotiations are proceeding and an early settlement is
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  • 138 5 12 Men Convicted In the Penang Middle Court yestorcay morning, before Mr. Lim Koon Teck, 12 Chinese pleaded guilty to a charge of playing in a common gaming house. No. 150. Pitt Street, on January 6. 1910. and were fined $3 each or five days' rigorous
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  • 96 5 Today on the Esplanade from 6 pm. to 7.30 p.m. March Blaze Away Holzmann Selection No No Nanette Youmans Waltz Waltzland Mackenzie Overture Carnivalia Williams Intermezzo The Kiltie’s Courtship Mackenzie Serenade La Paloma Hartmann Selection Rose Marie Stothart The wedding was solemnised at St. Peter’s Church, Malacca, on
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  • 207 5 $30,000 Collected In Three Nights Kuala Kangsar The Wuhan Songsters, the well-known Chinese dramatic troupe now touring the country, were given a "big hand to Kuala Kangsar theatre audiences when they staged three shows in the Royal Town on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in aid
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  • 102 5 New Premises Opening On Saturday The President and members of the Indian Association, Penang, have Issued invitations to ;be opening of their new premises at Pagan Jermal Road. Penang, on Saturday. January 13. 1940. at 5 p.m. by Mr. C. S. Venkatachar. 1.C.5.. the agent of the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 303 5 TIW; MOST ENTERTAINING MALAY TALKIE EVER PRODUCED A. Picture Made to Break “FATIMA” Records MAJESTIC 3 SHOWS TODAY 3.00, 6.15 9.30 First Malay Musical Jungle Film “ALANG ALANG” with MISS HATIJAH (Malay Dorothy Lamour). and MOH MOGH (Malay Tarzan). Hear Miss Hatijah Sing New Kronchongs and Popular Songs. Next Attraction
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    • 123 5 OWING TO SUCCESS SEASON EXTENDED TILL TONIGHT 6.15 AND 9.30 P.M. QUEEN'S Paramount Presents FRANK LLOYD’S “RULERS OF THE SEA” Starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Margaret Lockwood Wil! Fyffe. We know you like action so here it is Brought back in response to numerous requests ONE SHOW TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY AT
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  • 51 6 A son was born on January 7 at the Penang Maternity Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greer of Yala. Thailand. Mr. Greer, who is a civil engineer, is the son of the Rev. John Laurence Greer, of Auckland, New Zealand, and nephew of Lord Fairfield, Caldy, Cheshire,
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  • 507 6 THE strike by coolies on the local waterfront serves to emphasise the immediate need for a trades union in Penang. At the same time, the frequency with which strikes are occurring is becoming tiresome and labourers would be well advised to seek redress in a more
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  • 99 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA “Rulers of the Sea” with DouFairbanks Jr., Margaret Lockwood and 111 Fyffe 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. REX CINEMA Alice Faye, Constance Bennett and Nancy Kelly in “Tail Spin” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. MAJESTIC CINEMA "Alang Alang” with Miss Hatijah and Md. Moch (Malay picture) 6.15
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  • Article, Illustration
    440 6 Anti-Love Sony TTERE is something to alleviate that morning-after feeling A poster has been issued to the troops warning them against the danger of giving away information to girls with whom they may fall in love. The following anti-love song can be sung to a well-known tune
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  • 569 6 Tuesday, Jan. 9. VV/HEN the Prime Minister speaks at the Mansion House today, he is expected (says Reuter’s lobby correspondent) to warn the people against the sterner times ahead. IT is generally felt that there will be an increase in the tempo of war
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 330 6 Ride a RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE The World’s Finest Cycle Value Am .1 £7 A //1 Agents in Penang I SEGAMAT STORE AGENCY, 266, CARNARVON STREET, PENANG Sole Agents I ROBINSON CO., LTD. S SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR i I -in F lBW I, By Aooolntment To H. M. The Kina
      330 words
    • 21 6 a 1 jM I BSSWvf 1 Wbitelabd W Sole Agents for ITnartg, Perak Kedah I Henry atigh Co. Ltd. PENANG IPOH
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  • 77 7 CHINESE CHARGED WITH POSSESSION Charged with possession of 300 lottery tickets of the Wah Keat Association of Ipoh, a Chinese, Tan Ah Beng, was produced in the Penang Middle Court this morning. The accused claimed trial and the case was adjourned until January 16, bail being fixed
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  • 163 7 Chinese and Indian coolies employed at the godowns at the Penang Harbour called a special meeting at their club premises in Noordin Street at 8.30 last night to petition their employers for an increase of ■JS P er cent, of their wages. fhe
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  • 204 7 Chulia Street House Raided As a result of a raid conducted by the Detective Department on a house in Chulia Street yesterday, nine women and two men were produced in the Penang Middle Court this morning on a charge of playing in a common gaming house. Seven
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  • 47 7 I ribute By Indian Shippers Indian Shippers of Penang have 1 mvitations to a Tea Party in l of Mr. James Dick, J.PK r of Messrs. Islay Kerr Co., at The E. o. Hotel on Friday, 12, 1940 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 1204 7 SHORT-LIVED STRIKE ON LOCAL WA TERFRONT Settlemen t Reach ed Last Night CHINESE ACCEPT TERMS OF EMPLOYERSwas at a standstill on Weld Quay yesterday, the thousands of Chinese and Indian coolies employed for loading and unloading cargo from tongkangs and ships having gone on strike as no settlement had been
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  • 117 7 Singapore. The 8.M.8.C. will stay on the air past its usual time to-night to relay the broadcast of the Prime Minister’s speech at Mansion House. This speech will be heard in Malaya at 10.05 p.m. The speech is expected to last for about three-quarters of
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  • 162 7 Employer Meets Most Of The Demands By the generous gesture of the Government toddy contractor, Mr. S. K. Sithampara Pillai, in granting most of the demands of the strikers, the strike of the Government toddy tappers was settled yesterday afternoon and it is
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  • 75 7 Sinn Set Aside For Wedding Dinner A sum of $l,OOO has been donated to the China Relief Fund by Mr. Yeoh Cheang Kok, brother of Mr. Yeoh Cheang Lim, who was recently married in Ipoh. This sum was set aside for a dinner to be
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  • 164 7 Driving his car after the Malaya’’’ Cup Rugby match between Penang and Selangor on November 19 last year J T. Horsburgh the well-known, Penang rugby player, collided with a Tamil at th© junction of Western and Residency Roads. The Tamil had to be removed
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  • 88 7 An accident occurred in Penang Road shortly before one o’clock this afternoon, when a Chinese motor-cyclist and Chinese cyclist collided at the junction of Kampong Malabar. Both riders jumped off their machines at the time of impact and escaped injuries. The moior-cyclist was proceeding along
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  • 199 7 PAYING FOR THEIR TRIP OUT OF THEIR SAVINGS Ipoh. bix ipoh Chinese girls, still i n their teens, have left for China to offer their services to the Chinese National Government as Red Cross nurses. Their departure from Ipoh on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 99 7 Another British Triumph sH i ii rtW f "A, ISw If x -An. Asdo IIH ZIW N. Si a Nk f S iwn —••-Tj Here she comes, with her rich gift r >***** from the green pastures of England I Factory packed with its fresh whole- some nutrition intact —Cow
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  • 893 8 £6,543 Profit For Year Recorded The fourteenth annual general meeting of the members of Eungkap Para Plantations, Limited, was held on Friday, 3rd November, 1939, at the Registered Office of the Company, Regis House, King William Street, London, E.C.4. Mr. A. P. Hadow (the Chairman) presided. The
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  • 964 8 Contributions From North Kedah Indians Alor Star. The North Kedah Indian Community of Alor Star, under Mr. Bhagwan Singh, the President of the Kedah Indian Association, Alor Star and the Vice-President of the General Sikh Temple of this town, did their bit to swell the Kedah Branch
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    • 316 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers' Ampat 5/14 5/4} A. Amalg. 6/6 A. Hitam 24/3 25/3 Bangrins 23/6 24/6 B. Selangors 1-6" 1-70 Hong Fatts 1-24 1.26} Jelebus 1-03 1-08 Johans 33 35 Kamras 2/ 2 3c Kamuntings 12 /6 13 3 K. Lan juts 24 9 25 3
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    • 250 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Seilers Ampats 5/3 5 6 A. Amalgamated 6/6 6 10-1 A Wengs 35 90 Bangrins 23 6 24/6 B. Selangors 1-65 1.721 Hon g Fatts 122 4 1.27 4 Hitams 44 4b Jelebus 1-05 1.10 Johans 321 35 Jelapangs 34/6 35/6 Kamras 2/ 2 3xd
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    • 170 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 5/3 5/6 Austral Amalgamated 6, 9 7; Ayer Hitam 25 26/ Batu Selangor 1.674 1.72 J Berjuntai 10 9 11/3 Hitam Tin 45 471 Hong Fatt 1.221 1.25 Jelebu Tin 1.00 1.05 Kam. Kamuiiting 8/9 9/3 Kampong Lanjut 24/9 25/3 Katu
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    • 249 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/14 5/44 Austral Ainal. 6/9 7/ Batu Selangor 1.674 1.724 Berjuntai 11 11/6 Hitam 47 50 Hong Fatt 1.24 1.274 Johan 324 35 K. Kamunting 9 9/6 K. Lanjut 24 9 25 Kamra 2/ 2/3ex Kamunting 12 6 13/ Kiang River 2.10
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    • 282 8 RUBBER Buyers Seller» Allenbys 1-45 1.521 Ayer Panas 1.474 1.55 Bassetts 524 57 j B. Lintangs 1.15 1.3() Bentas 1.074 1.121 ex Borellis 1-45 1.50 Brogas 70 75 Indragiris 1.424 1.474 Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.60 2.70 c Lunas 1.824 1.90 Malaka Pindas 1.45 1.524
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    • 137 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £246 0. 0. £245 5. C. “Forward” £245 0. 0. £244 10. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $125.75 $125.50 Business done 50 tons 75 tons PENANG “Spot” $125.75 $125.50 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” llfcjd. llfjd. “Forward” ll%d. SINGAPORE: “Spot” 38%c 38%c PENANG: “Spot” 38%c 38%c
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 BANKS INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD. (Incorporated to British India) Head Office “United India Buildings,” Esplanade, Madras. Branches Penang. Kuala Lumpur, Rangoon, Karaikudl, Sivaganga, Pudukottah and Devacottah. Aufthorlsea Capita] Rs. 00,00,009 Issued and Subscribed Capital RS- 25,00,000 Paid up Capital Rs. 12,50,000 Current and fixed deposits received, on terms which may
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  • 633 9 Address By Warden Of All Souls London. The Warden of All Souls College. Oxford (Professor W.G.S. Adams), delivered the first address recently on “The deeper causes of the war and thi issues involved in it,” in a series ai ranged by the British Institute of
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  • 1331 9 Test Of Authority ith Duce In Mobilisation Issue rpHE following account by Joseph C. Harsch, Staff Correspondent of “The Christian Science Monitor,” of happenings in Rome, during the critical days when the Italian Government was hesitating on the verge of war, comes from
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  • 97 9 The “black-out” cannot be regarded as “an act of the King’s enemies.” Mr. Registrar Friend gave this ruling at Clerkenwell County Court recently. He held that, although it prevented the lighting of advertisement signs, it did not justify traders from refusing to pay rent
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  • 831 9 Experiments In India The Industrial Section of the Indian Museum, Calcutta (Bontanical Survey of India), has recently acquired and placed on show specimens of Derris root, commercially known as Tuba root, and flowers and plants of Pyrethrum. The Derris root and Pyrethrum flowers are considered to be
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1504 9 TO-DAY I SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING 8.8. C. News In English TRANSMISSION—FIVE B B C From 6.40 9.35 am (Local Time) GSB 9.51 Mc/s (31.55 m.) Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. GSC 9.58 Mc/s (31.32 m.) 750 am SS ll:?f K <<gg s Z s TRANSMISSION— SIX. 6.05 p m From 10.00
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    • 259 9 PENANG ZHJ 6.08 mc/s (49.3 m.)| A.M. 7.30 Light Music 7.50 8.8. C. Full News Bulletin. e_ broadcast). 8.10 Close Down, (approx.) P.M. 5.30 Indian Programme. 5.45 News in Tamil. 5.55 Malay programme. 6.10 News in Malay. 6.20 Chinese Programme. 6.40 News in Hokkien. 6.50 8.8. C. Full News Bulletin
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  • 111 10 Reuter. From Various Hazards Of War Service London, January 8. The Admiralty has published a list of casualties of officers and men in the naval service. It is stated that the names, in addition to those already published, represent all naval casualties up to December 14. Ihe casualties
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 209 10 Reuter. MR. GANDHI’S ANXIETY EXPRESSED IN FIRM LANGUAGE Keeping Left Wing Elements In (h’der Bombay, Jan. 8 Mr. Gandhi, in his paper, Harijan, declares that the Congress organisation shows signs of disintegration and continues:—“The Bengal Committee is frankly defiant, Orissa is split in two
    Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 90 10 British Ambassador Bad At Chungking Chungking, Jan. Sir Archibald Kerr Clark-Kerr, Brit h Ambassador to China, returned here fr m Shanghai via Hongkong by airplane Yesterday, accompanied by Lady Clark-Lf rr, Mr. P. M. Broadmead. Counsellor off the British Embassy, and Mr. John Aleimder. the Ambassador's
    90 words
  • 859 10 “Three Big Heads Meeting Next Week To Push Operations Tokio, Jan. S Japan has formally decided to make every effort to assist in the formation of the new Chinese Central Government by Mr. Wang Ching-wei. This was announced after the emergency meeting of
    .—Chinese Central News.  -  859 words
  • 265 10 —Reuter. Adm. Usborne For Construction Work London, lanua: The Home Office announces that Admiral Usborne. Director of -j since the outbreak of the war. ha resigned to undertake new work o > tional imncxtance for which his ence and service will specially q
    —Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 167 10 Golden Opportunity For Japanese Shipping Tokyo. January 4. Mr. Noboru Otani, President of the Nippon Yusen. Kaisha Steamship Company, in his New Year statement, stated that the outbreak of the current Euiopean war had served Japanese shipping circles with a golden opportunity for expansion. The N.Y.K.
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  • 264 10 —Reuter. Task Of Taking Over Duties London, January 8. Sir Andrew Duncan, the new President of the Board of Trade, is living up to his reputation for beginning tne day’s [v.ork early. He arrived at the Board o' Trade before 10 am. and immediately began the
    .-—Reuter.  -  264 words
  • 65 10 —Reuter. Diplomatic Relations Established Washington, January 8. The United States and Australian Governments have announced the establishment of diplomatic relations. New Zealand will then be the only British Dominion without direct representation at Washington. Mr. Richard Casey, Minister of Supply, will be the first Australian Minister to
    .—Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 101 10 —Chinese Central News. Message Of Greetings To Chungking Chungking, Jan. 5 A message of greetings has been received by the secretary-general of the Cultural Association from U. Ba Lwin, leader of the Burmese Goodwill Mission to China, after its departure from Kunming for Rangoon. The message
    —Chinese Central News.  -  101 words
  • 114 10 Ice In Danbue And Snow In Greece t Belgrade. A great part of Yugoslavia Is suffering from a cold wave of almost unprecendented severity. From west Bosnia, thirty degrees centigrade of frost are reported, a phenomenon which had not occurred for more than twenty years. Even the
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  • 346 10 TWO COURSES ELIMINATED FROM MENU OF ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Rugby, Jai At the King’s request, the rationing of the Royal II will be as strict as possible. The King and Queen and other m of the Royal Family, in readiness for the rationing of bacon,
    ,—Reuter.  -  346 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 231 10 i’ the ben' lTne FAR EAST SERVICE. UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, arrival dates, and other information please apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO., Telephone No. 644. PENANG. BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated in Australia) For particulars regarding Freight, Passage, Sailings and other information please apply to BOUSTEAD
      231 words

  • 714 11 Annual Report For 1939 Season Ipoh. r pHE Perak Cricket Association’s Report for the season 1939 1 has been issued, and in one item, referring- to the Association’s finances, it says:— “It will be noticed on comparing this repci t with last year’s, that
    714 words
  • 70 11 Sitiawan. araticns arc being made by the .m Malays to stage a variety conthe Central Talkies. Sitiawan on r ay. January 27 at 9 p.m. proceeds of the concert are for rak Patriotic Fund (Malay Secllor. 1 -et> are obtainable at all the u in
    70 words
  • 143 11 Jubilee Beat Cevlon Associatio.ii In a friendly match against the Ceylon Association Badminton Party played at their Courts last Sunday, the Jubilee Badminton Party beat them by 6 games to 1. The match consisted of 5 Doubles and 2 Singles. Results (Jubilee players mentioned first): SINGLES Yap
    143 words
  • 66 11 Greenhall Juveniles vs Sporting Wamlerers On the Renong Ground today at 5.15 p.m. sharp:— G.H.T. —Chan Fui Kum: Ooi Boon Chye, Joseph Regis; Gan Thean Chye. Tan Teik Siew, Lee Eng Huat: Tai How Kheng, Tye Thoon Tuck, Cheah Boh Eye, Gan Thean Beng (capt.) and Ng Jit Theam.
    66 words
  • 839 11 ENGLISH RUGBY UNION NOT OUT OF ACTION London. THE announcement that professionals and Rugby Union players are to take part together in Services matches during the war has been taken j n some quarters to mean that there will be a general slacken ing
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  • 296 11 Volunteers Hold Ipoh Club Ipoh. Playing one short throughout, the Volunteers just managed to hold the Ipoh Club to a two-all draw in a game of hockey played on the padang yesterday. The game was full of thrills despite being played on a slippery ground. Except for
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  • 251 11 PRACTICE GAME ON THURSDAY There will be a P.L.H.C. practice game on Thursday, January 11 at 5.30 p.m. en the Francis Light School Ground. The following are asked to turn up in colours: Misses Von Bulow, J. Phipps, C. Phipps, E. Scott. Ong Kim Eng, P. Walden.
    251 words
  • 52 11 In preparation for the coming interstate women’s hockey match against Penang next Saturday at Penang, the Perak Women’s Hockey Association Umpire: Mr. Umra Singh. I.A. will play in whites, will play a final trial today. The match at Penang will be in aid of the Malaya
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  • 620 11 DECISION OF S.R.A. AT MEETING ON SUNDA Y A T a meeting of the Straits Racing Association held at the Runnymede Hotel, Penang, on Sunday morning the case of J. (Mickey) Donnelly, who was suspended after his riding of Sultana in the
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  • 114 11 Plays Tennis With Local Players Sitiawan. On New Year's day His Highness the Sultan of Perak, accompanied Ly Yang Mulia Raja Abdul Hamid, the new A.D.C. to his highness, and O.K.K Tungku Maakurnia. Yang Mulia Raja Seriman, the territorial Chief for Sitiawan and Dindings arrived
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  • 288 11 Aeroplane Game In Guard Room While taking part in an aeroplane game with other young soldiers in a guardroom at a London Dock, private George Lewis Culling, 18, was accidentally shot and killed by one of the players. Private John Hatter, at the Poplar inquest, said
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  • 35 11 The following is the result of January Men’s Medal: Sta.pleford Bogey:—Winner: Mr. C. H. Fell 29 381. 1939 Club Golf Championship: Mr. F. T. Laidlaw beat Mr. F. Lucock 7 and 6.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 230 11 Freckles Secretly and Quickly Removed! Stillman’s Freckle Cream bleaches them out while you sleep. Leaves the skin soft and white, the complexion fresh, clear and natural. For 49 years thousands of users have endorsed it. So easy to use. The first jar proves its magic worth. Stillman's Freckle Cream Removes
      230 words

  • 678 12 Men Of All Callings Visit Premises House Under Police Observation On Race Days Kuala Lumpur. rpHE local detective branch had a busy day on Saturday last, 1 when they successfully raided a house in Jalan Sekola where bookmaking had been going
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  • 82 12 New A.D.Os. For Kulim And Kuala Muda Alor Star. Several transfers will ta’je place in the Kedah Civil Service at the beginning of the new Mohammedan Year next month. Che Abu Bakar bin Sulaiman is going to Kulim as Assistant District Officer in place of Syed
    82 words
  • 121 12 Rugger Final PESTANA TO PIAY FOR COLE The “Pinang Gazette” understands that Lance Corporal Cole will be unable to take part in the “Malaya” Cup rugger Final between Penang and the Army and that M. Pestana will be brought into the team as a result and
    121 words
  • 227 12 Events For Older Members The O. X. A annual sports will be held on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 4 30 p.m. on the S. X. I. ground. As it is the intention of the Committee to encourage as many membeis as possible to
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  • 82 12 List Of Wreath-Senders At the funeral of Miss Khoo Joo Bee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Khoo Ban Pon. on Jan 5. wreaths were received from: Messrs. Chuah Khean Yean. Cheah Swee Wan, Ooi Boon Lay. Saw Kooi Lim. Ang Chong Lean. Ang Chong
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  • 42 12 Following reorganisation of their beats, AS P Mr. J. J. Higgins of the Magazine Police Station and Inspector B. Lewis. Inspector-in-charge of the Station, have been carrying out their daily patrols in their districts on bicycles.
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  • 240 12 Sterner Davs Ahead WAR TEMPO BOUND TO INCREASE London, Jan. 9. r HE Prime Minister, when he speaks at the Mansion House today, is expected to warn the people against sterner times ahead, says Reuter’s lobby correspondent. It is felt that there will be a
    '.—Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 138 12 Grandmother Of Fhree Teachers Th< funeral of Madam Char Chit Tiew (Nya Besar 1 wife of the late Mr. Ooi Hoe Jan. who passed away on January 1 took place from her residence, No. 88, J.ahudi Road at 10.30 p.m. yesterday for interment at
    138 words
  • 69 12 Reptile W hich Attacked Dog Sitiawan. Eaily on Thursday morning an Indian hunter who went out to a jungle hi Dindines caught alive a huge python measuring over 20 feet long. The reptile, which was exhibited in front oi the Pawnshop. Sitiawan and sold for $lO
    69 words
  • 55 12 Car Crashes Into Lorry i An Indian motorist, driving a Riley i sports car. had a narrow escape from i serious injury during the week-end when he crashed into the rear portion of a 1 lorry at Brewster Road. The accident occurred near the Traffic Office.
    55 words
  • 149 12 In a friendly return match of badminton. The Jolly Batch B.P. of Ayer Itam were defeated by the A.B.C. by 6 games to 1 on Sunday, at their court at Ayer Itam. In the previous encounter, the A.B.C. lost narrowly to them by 3 games to 4. Results (A.B.C.
    149 words
  • 135 12 Reuter. MR. MENZIES* STATEMENT Canberra, Jan. 9. Problem."» which concern nations surrounding the Pacific Ocean are of special vital interest to Australia. declared Mr. Menzies when announcing the appointment of Mr. Casey, as Minister to Washington. "As an independent nation within the British family of nations,
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 80 12 —BOW Rugby. Jan. 9. A further reduction in unemployment is recorded in a Ministry of Labour announcement which states that at December 11, the numbers of unemployed persons on the registers of employment exchanges in Britain, including those wholly unemployed, temporarily stopped and normally in casual
    —BOW  -  80 words
  • 101 12 Two Houses Crushed Ry Huge Rock Milan. January 4. Ter are feared to have been killed in an accident at Ponte del Diavolo Udine. A huge xock broke loose from the mountain slope and fell on two houses beneath, crashing them completely. One house was inhabited
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  • 197 12 —BOW Rugby, Jan. 9. Reports have reached London that certain shipping agencies are engaged in organising the transport of emigrants from the Danubian countries to Palestine. There is reason to believe that intending emigrants are unaware that they will not be admitted into Palestine
    —BOW  -  197 words
  • 78 12 Probable Four-Dav Meeting It is understood that very good entries arc likely for the Ipoh January Meeting opening on Saturday, January 20, and that as a result the nieetiiF/, which has been arranged as a thrcc-day affair, may have to be extended to four. The advertised
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  • 89 12 Case Against Others Postponed Kuala Lumpur. Sentence of three months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. F. Staynes in the Raub Police Court yesterday morning on Cpl Ahmad bin Itam, who was charged with receiving illegal gratification from the Pahang Lin Sizing Motor Company as
    89 words
  • 58 12 Penang Road, opposite “Juai Morah” was the scene of a commotion this afternoon when, it is alleged, following a dispute between a motor-car driver and a riesha puller, others joined in and assaulted the puller who hied profusely from the nose. The ambulance was summoned
    58 words
  • 84 12 TUESDAY JANUARY 9. TIN: Penang $126.00 Business done 103 tons Singapore §126.00 RUBBER: Penang Spot Singapore Spot 38Jc COPRA: Sundried $4.85 buye r s Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $7.00 nom. Fair Seed $6.70 nom. RICE: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon Parboiled No.
    84 words
  • 50 12 SELANGOR CLUB PADANG SATURDAY, 13th January, 1940. Club side $2.00 Govt. Offices sidle 1.00 Church end .50 Remittance must be sent when applying for tickets. Bookings at the Secretary's Office, Selangoi- Club. Tickets must be paid /or at time of booking. 936—16 19 26-12 2 9-1.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 592 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road, Penang Phone 1477 <fc 1478 with extension! Telegrams: “Gazette” Penang. Rales of Subscription for Pinang GavetU and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Loca 5 S.S. Delivery F.M.S. Foreicx Monthly $2.50 $3.00 $4 00 Quarterly 7.50 9.00 12.00 I Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 04 0« Yearly 30.C0 36.00
      592 words