Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 January 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 281 1 CONGRESS SESSION TOMORROW Probable Theme Of Mr. Roosevelt’s Message UNITED F RONT IN W OR LD PEACE EFFORTS p j t D Washington, Jan. 3. r resident Roosevelt s annual message at the opening of Congress tomorrow is expected to be devoted primarily to the
    Rente.'.  -  281 words
  • 151 1 .—Reuter. U.S. PROTEST TO BRITAIN Washington, Jan. 3. The Government has formally protested to Britain against the seizure of United States mails destined for Germany. The protest is contained in a note which cites four specific cases in which the British authorities are stated to
    .—Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 135 1 Reuter. Bucharest, Jan. 3. German trade with the Balkans has suffered a serious blow by the Rumanian Government’s decision to suspend for the rest of the winter permits to navigate partly the frozen Danube. Since the start of the allied blockade, the Danube
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. Miss Milford Expected Home Tomorrow London, Jan. 2. Miss Unity Mitfoid, “Hitler’s friend’ who is returning to England from Germany, failed to arrive by either of the two air liners which reached England this afternoon. Her father was waiting at Folkestone where Miss
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 99 1 —Reuter. German Aid For Russia London, Jan. 3. In response to an appeal from Stalin, Germany has sent a military mission to Leningrad to aid the Russians to fight against the Finns, states the News Chronicle Amsterdam correspondent. Stalin's request was for the assistance of German officers who
    —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 136 1 —Reuter. 3 R.A.F. Bombers Give Battle To 12 Nazi Planes A big battle between three R.A.F. bombers and twelve Na?■! fighters was fought near the German coast today. The story is told by the Air Ministry in the following bulletin: There has been extensive
    —Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 76 1 —Reuter. London, Jan. 3. Six shells believed to have been fired from warships engaged in firing practice struck houses in different parts of Belfast but no injuries are reported. In one instance, a shell urst through the front wall into the hall, then pierced another
    —Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 205 1 Reuter. FRANCE SPEAKS F4>R BRITAIN TOO Paris, Jan. 3. was revealed here today that it -’rnx! x a P ersonat telephone call from the Senate on Saturday spoke on behalF of the two Governments regarding sympathy with Turkey. Mr. Chamberlain made this declaration of solidarity as the British
    Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 106 1 —8.0. W. E’rencli Newspaper’s Tribute Rugby, Jan. 2. The Paris newspaper “Le Temps” writes: “This afternoon the traditionally great naval power, England, has in a very short time become a great military power under pressure of necessity of conducting a victorious war. “This is a
    —8.0. W.  -  106 words
  • 55 1 —BOW. Rugby, Jan. 3. Prince Axel of Denmark and M. Mohr, leaders \of the Danish delegation returned to London yesterday to resume Anglo-Danish trade negotiations which were adjourned over the Christmas holidays. The rest of the Danish delegation is expected to arrive in London at
    —BOW.  -  55 words
  • 404 1 Helsinki, Jan. 3. rpHE latest military despatches show that while fierce local I fighting continues, no co-ordinated Soviet offensive has yet been launched against the Mannerheim Line. It is reported that part of the huge reserves recently brought up has been thrown
    —Reuter.  -  404 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 ®|Bf/CATE < -X #qa you# Xg a/ wTJ®* Jf*nt« for North Malaya <£ PenangGEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD., Penang and Ipoh. t—
      18 words
    • 85 1 LOOKf /S BESTf 4 Agents for North Malaya Penang t GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY LTD, Penang and Ipoh. r SMSAGES that uiill make ywc ask for a second helping f 1 A w I h ’ll W 4 ISM It’S always a treat when S.C.S. Jjp SAUSAGES are put on the table.
      85 words

  • 284 2 Grack Soviet Troops Sent To Front STALIN’S ANXIETY TO WIN WAR But Situation Still Favours The Finns Viborg, Jan. 2. JJEUTER’S special correspondent, who has just returned from a visit to the neighbourhood of Vuoksi, on the eastern side of the Karelian Isthmus, confirms
    a,A LlllUA y -Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 200 2 Reuter. Ammunitio Theft Sequu Dublin, Jarry 2 Seven men were charged at ttDublin District Court with breaking anditering the magazine fort in Phoenix ark in connection with the recent anunition theft. The court precincts wentrongly guarded by police. The prosecution stated thatm the night of December 23
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 199 2 —8.0. W. 1.356 Lives Saved In 1939 Rugby. January 2 The exceptionally hea\y demands made upon these services of the Royal National Lifeboat Instituticn during the past four months owing to the brutal and indiscriminate use of mines and torpedoes by Germany are reflected in a
    —8.0. W.  -  199 words
  • 176 2 —Reuter. Exchange Of New ear Greetings Berlin. January 2 Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini exchanged New Year greetings, according to the Official German News Agency. Herr Hitler telegraphed: “On the occasion of the New Year I express my heartiest congratulations to you. Duce, in sincere friendship. Under
    —Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 79 2 .—Reuter. Early Brisk Activity Not Maintained At Close London, Jan. 2 On the Stock Exchange, the week-end accumulation of buying orders caused early brisk activity which, however, was not maintained though the prices held the initial gains. Gilt-edged and home industrials were particularly prominent on good investment demand
    .—Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 381 2 —Chinese Central News. JAPANESE NOW f EXHAUSTED I’ Chungking, Jan. 2. “China is confident of winning the war,” declared the Foreign Minister, Dr. Wang Chung-kui, broadcasting to America. He added that the events of the past year proved that the invading army was
    —Chinese Central News.  -  381 words
  • 156 2 MISS UNITY MITFORD AND A BULLET WOUND London, Jan. 2. Miss Unity Mitford, the 26-year-old daughter of Lord Redesdale, who had been in Munich since the outbreak of the war, is arriving in England today. Miss Mitford is reported to be seriously ill with a revolver
    —Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 124 2 —Reuter. Vain Raid On Shetlands London. January 2 A German aeroplane which reached the Shetlands this morning made off when British fighters appeared. The visibility was poor. No bombs were reported to have been dropped and no air raid warning was sounded. A Berlin High Command
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 85 2 .—Reuter. His Majesty Cheered By Troops London, January 2 The King visited the Southern Command. Wealing the uniform of a FieldMarshal His Majesty was cheered by troops in battle dress. At one .point the King walked over a mile along a road lined with troops. An
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    —8.0. W.  -  427 words
  • 384 2 —8.0. W. IMPORTANCE OF BRITISH SYSTEM Rugby, Jan. 2. The importance of maintaining a free press in time of war was strongly emphasised by Mr. J. A. Spender, veteran journalist, in a speech in London. Recalling that during the American Civil War Abraham Lincoln had asked
    —8.0. W.  -  384 words
  • 69 2 —Reuter. Over 700 Dead In Kemal Pasha Region Istanbul, January 2. Over seven hundred are estimated to have lost their lives when torrents swept through Kemal Pasha region in Westr ern Anatolia where the dams gave w'ay and destroyed four hundred houses. It is impossible to estimate
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 58 2 -8.0. W. £25,000 Contribution By Lord Nuffield Rugby, Januan The response to the broadcast appeal by Lord Baldwin on December 17 for King George’s Fund for Sailors yesterday reached £25.01)0 and thereby qualified for a contribution fr-m Lcrd Nuffield to bring the total to £50,000
    -8.0. W.  -  58 words
  • 35 2 .—Reuter German Protest To Uruguay Berlin. Januan 2 The German Ambassador at Video has protested to the Uni Government against the internm the “Tacoma”, according to the G .n.ia’i News Agency.—Reuter
    .—Reuter  -  35 words
  • 36 2 Brussels, Foreign aircraft flew' over L‘ l< drawing fire of anti-aircraft Belgmm fighters went up to i them. The plants are believed to be German l but oiuctal coniirmacion is 1 Reuter.
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  • 33 2 uanuoe, cne Rumanian suspended all navigation permits.— L eU ter. Paris, January Owing to ice floes blocking <ze Danube, the Rumanian authorities ha»’e suspended all navigation permits'.— L eU
    uanuoe, cne Rumanian suspended all navigation permits.—LeU ter.  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 44 2 O Z f OWMR- ■*s: •A «:x A Ofc Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? XlilOW The answer is “Yes” MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative: A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore If you use a solid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid Peroxide Dentifrice
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  • 403 3 Monster Gun Shows Its Paces DEVASTATION FROM LONG RANGE WITH THE FRENCH ARMY If the question is asked, what progress has there been made in the material of the French artillery since the other war, the only answer, if it is to be fit for
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  • 445 3 Return To Vital Civil Jobs London. A/TEN who are vitally essential to Britain’s war-time industrial production are being released from the Forces as a result of urgent appeals from employers, which, it is understood, number several thousands. Those who are being released were called up as
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  • 83 3 Nazis’ 300.000 Garrison Paris. It is considered in Paris quarters which are in touch with Czechoslovakia that Germany will resort to extreme terrorism to repress attempted risings rather than increase the garrison now in occupation of the Protectorate. It is believed to number about 300,000
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  • 219 3 Appeal To Allies Washington American fruit growers, particularly Virginia apple-growers have shown a natural tendency to protest against the war-time restrictions placed upon the importation of their products by belligerents. The Administration has taken up their case, the Acting-Secretary of Statb, Mr. Sumner Welles, explained.
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  • 158 3 4 MEDAL to Adolphe Menjou for making the frank statement that acting ability is helpful but not necessary to a film star. Says Adolphe, “I’ve acted in films only since ‘The Front Page.’ Before that, I always played myself in a dress suit. Even now, if
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  • 339 3 Britain France Exchange Ideas TNIFIED aircraft production in Brita n and France is one of the implications of the decision by the Supreme War Council to pool resources. First steps were taken in this direction many months ago with the free exchange of plans and ideas between
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  • 175 3 Officer Shot In Mess London. Second Lt. John Gay French, 33, only son of Mr. John J. French, a Har-ley-street specialist was shot in an officers’ mess with a revolver which he thought was unloaded. This at the inquest when a verdict of accidental death was
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  • 288 3 SpaHsghf On Germany i( EAT It READ' r UHE German authorities are worried at the many accidents which are occurring in Berlin’s darkened streets, “Night-blunders” is the reason, they say. Now the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung has found a cure. “Eat more brown bread and laugh at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 W N every corner of the world there are hale and hearty men who owe r their fitness to Eno. Every morning wlililllk Z during the past ten, twenty, perhaps f I thirty or forty years —they have taken I i their E no as as they have shaved their
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 47 3 j WITH ASMf&E By T. H. Palmer Musicians in dance bands are trying to join the same units so that they may stay together for the duration. A —A m s Mr I I- I yoM! The pompom’s his job. He used to play a cinema organ.’*
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    • 64 3 .t, x.’ ax,xa.a.s.a.x.a.x. a, a. a. a. s. &2.&»&axxa, a a. .a a a. a. a a. z 1 WHAT A WAR! t I bv Gilbert Wilkinson g j Ju X NMBk, --.188 IBM SWASTIK AND SIEGFRIED ‘7/ goot,.it is goot, again we sink the .Irk Royal, the Hood, the
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  • 130 4 “Hitler Fund” BERLIN messages received in Amsterdam state that Germans are to be asked to offer their gold w6d<<fing rings and jewels to a “Hitler Fund” to be used to pay for imports from Russia. In this way their most precious possessions will find
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  • 21 4 French sailors of the contraband control fleet examining a seized carcass of beef destined for Hamburg.
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  • 248 4 Police Help To Destroy Cobra ON an evening in Novemberone of the children of the ciief clerk at Mempakul in Briish North Borneo saw a black srake emerging from the firevood stack. The Police were informed and four men quickly appeared on the scene to
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  • 177 4 Miss Tan Sim To Mr. Gan Kee Teck Malacca. Many prominent people foregathered at the Heeren Street residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Soo Ghi on Saturday the occasion being the marriage of their second daughter Miss Tan Sim Neo to Mr Gan Kee Teck, the fourth son
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  • 1306 4  -  First-Hand Impression Of Germany And Britain (By Oswald Garrison Villard) —a citizen of a neutral land—have just returned to England after three and a half weeks in the Germany of Adolf Hitler, during which I visited Hanover, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Nuremburg and Frankfurt. I
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  • 243 4 Leaps Out Of Hospital Window: Death Follows Injury Malacca. r pHE death of a 73-year-old Hainauesd patient of the Decrepit Ward, General Hospital, had a sequel in the Coroner’s Court on Wednesday when Mr. J. G. Rappoport opened an inquiry into the death
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  • 292 4 Regular Services Maintained Nearly 15,000 deck passengers have travelled from Malaya to India and vice versa since the outbreak of war That will probably mot surprise the newspaper-reading public, but among the labouring class of the Indian community in Malaya there still seems to be a certain
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  • 411 4 Tamil Gets Off With A Caution Malacca. Appearing on a summons, Rajoo, a 10-year-old Tamil, claimed trial before Mr. J. G. Rappoport in the Police Court to a charge of giving false information to a police officer, intending to cause such officer to use his lawful
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 f “How can I keep my children I free from Colds ]Mb and Coughs? jf 'k*’ is the The surest way to keep children weakly and run-down after measles healthy and robust and able to go or a fever, Angier’s quickly restores out in all weathers without any ill strength
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 28 4 BOBBY BEAR: The Raft (1) Tins firewood’s heavy, it would float. It’s jolly, ■punting,” Bobby said. Why not use it as a boat?. There is trouble, though, ahead.
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  • 40 5 Today at the Waterfall Gardens irom 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. March Gallito Lope Selection The Dollar Princess Fad Waltz Ah' Sweet Mystery Of Life Herbert Overture Gnalda Adam Selection Roberta Kern Fox Tr< You’re A Sweetheart Bavfcrd
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  • 505 5 Judgment On Second Charge Reserved ACCUSED DENIES ALL KNOWLEDGE OF THEFT Taiping’. HAJI Sulaiman bin Haji Abdul Wahid, former chauffeur to Capt. G. W. Somerville, who was originally charged with having caused mischief by fire to certain property belonging to Mrs. Somerville on the afternoon
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  • 338 5 Party In Honour Of Wedding IN honour of their wedding which took place the same morning at 32, Katz Street, Mr. and Mrs. Ram Das Sharma entertained their friends and relatives to a tea party at the Elysee Hotel yesterday evening. The guests as they
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  • 142 5 POSSESSION OF RIFLE BULLETS ALLEGED Chinese Merchant Charged Alor Star. A Chinese merchant of Aior Star, Cheng Thean Soo, was produced before the Second Magistrate, H.H. Tunku Abdullah on a charge of having in his possession ammunition, namely a rifle and pistol bullets in his house at Pengkalan Kapa’. Alor
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  • 67 5 Unemployed Alan Gaoled F or Stealing Duck Having pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of a cluck, a Chinese namec Ee Ah Scrg w r as sentenced to three weeks’ rigorous imprisonment in the Penang Middle Court yesterday. The accused pleaded that he had
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  • 530 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. O. K. Tay, Field manager of the Bcrnam Oil Plantations, returned to Malaya yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Chong Ah Khoon and family of Seremban are at present in Peiang 1 staying at Tanjong Bungah. I Miss Ruth Liu B.A. (Shanghai Uni versify) has joined the Staff of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 332 5 t AU Eyes Are On To-day s Most Topical Film Sensation! M‘ AI P 0 'T' TP 3 SHOWS DAILY rx JIL O 1 IV/ 3 00 6 15 9 30 ffl® J PASSED UNCUT BY THE BOARD OF APPEAL! J W 111 11 |(y PKESS \C!ih E> I i
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 100 5 RENDEZVOUS IN COOL COMFORT AT ■><>■ 4*WC »>O<St is^iSs® PENANG’S LUXURIOUS AIR-CONDITIONED THEATRE Controlled By SHAW BROS., Ltd., Singapore. TREMENDOUS SUCCESS Season Further Extended SHOWS TODAY At .3.00: 6.15 9.30 p.m. The Thrilling Exploits of AUSTRALIA’S ROBIN HOOD j dt Ne* Robin-Hood i I JUIQSSfIBBSt For Reservations Plans At REX
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  • 441 6 IN a recent broadcast Mr. Winston Churchill said that only on the seas was there a real war. He did not mean that there were any large naval engagements or even the prospect of another “Graf Spee” battle. There will be no Jutlands in this war because Germans have
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  • 125 6 QUEEN’S CINEMA Moon and Spirit” (Chinese picture) 6.15 and 930 pm. REX CINEMA "Captain Fury” 6.15 and 9.30 pan. MAJESTIC CINEMA Valerie Hobson, Conrad Veidt and Jane Leprez in ‘‘U-boat 29” 6.15 and 9.30 p.m. WINDSOR "White Chrysanthemum” (Cantonese talkie) 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. CAPITAL TALKIE "The
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  • 552 6 A Good S art T HAVE started the New Year well. I did not keep my resolution not to go to the races and I am a few dollars richer for it. No, I did not back Dangerous Lover but my colleague Tic-Tac nearly did, and was
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  • 564 6 Wednesday, Jan. 3. ORITISH fighting spirit is well depicted by yesterday’s dog fight over the North Sea in which three R.A.F. bombers gave battle to no less than twelve Nazi fighters. TAESITTE the odds, the British ’planes gave a good account of themselves, shooting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 293 6 v LOOK" C ~<J 1 f-LT V* r/ IS THE REWARD 1 v y OF DAILY CARE Hml I < ill I jfi OuKSc oCI If'wwtu flj gprJ Only daily care ensures a lovely complexion Cleanse Tone Nourish say 8 Elizabeth Arden. Cleanse deeply, thoroughly with Ardena Cleansing Cream. Next
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    • 34 6 WHEN BUYING TIN PROVISIONS Always Specify. del monte PRODUCTS are known the world over. OBTAINABIJE AT All the leading dealers. o SOLB AGENTS: Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., PENANG. Blngapore, Ipoh and Kuala Dumpur. -.W.W-W.W.V
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  • 97 7 On Saturday, Jan. 6. Station ZIIJ Penang (49.3 metres) will broadcast the special race which has been arranged by the Penang Turf Club in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. The race, which will be over a distance of 7 Furlongs, is to run at
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  • 141 7 To Swell Patriotic Fund At all the leading past offices m the country yesterday there were on sale poster stamps, costing one cent each, for affixment to letters and parcels. The proceeds of the sale of these stamps go to the Malaya Patriotic Fund —now,
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  • 154 7 T am fatherless and my mother is doing nothing,” said Oh Boon Teck, a Chinese youth still attending a local school, when he appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. Lim Koon Teck, this morning on a charge of possession of one gallon of samsu, the
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  • 93 7 The wedding took place at the Church of the Assumption, Penang, yesterday of Mr. Harold Foley, son of the Late Mr. W. J. Foley, Senior Chief Inspector of Police, F.M.S., and Miss Amelia (Millie) Andres, daughter of Mr. C. Andres, retired Chief Clerk, Penang Municipality, and the late Mrs.
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  • 418 7 Magnificent Acting In “Banned Film At Majestic A FTER attending the preview of “U-Boat 29” at the Majes- tic, I cannot see any reason for banning this film in the first instance. There is nothing in any of the scenes derogatory to the British,
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  • 788 7 Estate Labourer Faces Charge Of Murder Sungei Patani. Harvard Estate, Sungei Patani, is alleged to have been the scene of a brutal murder of a young Tamil girl on Nov. 3, 1939 at about 2.30 p.m., and as a sequel, Solai. a labourer
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  • 99 7 A SENSATION AL armed robbery took place this morning at five o’clock, when four Chinese raided the premises of a timber merchant at 167, Beach Street and decamped with $1,317 in cash. The robbers, armed with knives, threatened the watchman, and while one stood guard over him,
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  • 126 7 “Something Snapped In My Brain” “I cared for her much and when she told me that she was going to leave me .something snapped in my brain. Then I seized a knife and cut her not realising what I was doing,” said a Malay youth, Bahrom
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  • 106 7 Australian Artistes For Wembley Cabaret The Astor Girls and Les Rohmer, the well-known dancing and musical trio, will appear in tteir various numbers at the Wembley Cabaret on Saturday night. These Australian artistes have just concluded a six months’ season in Java, having appeared for an extended
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  • 490 7 New Order To Implement Scheme A new order relating to the control of coagulant supplies has been published in the Government Gazettes of the Colony and the Federated Malay States. I his order, which supersedes the Control of Coagulants Order of December 12 came into force
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  • 524 7 Borrowed Diamond Ring Alleged To Have Been Pawned How a diamond ring, valued which she was alleged to have obtained from her friend on the pretext of finding a purchaser for it. was said to hcuue been Pawned was related in the Penang Police
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  • 172 7 $5O FINE FOR TONGKANG OWNER For contravening the navigation order regulating the movements of vessels within the Penang Harbour limits, by disobeying the order of the Patrol Boarding Officer, Mohammed Ali, a tongkang owner, was this morning fined $5O in default two weeks’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 213 7 For babies from 10-24 months Follow-on Trufood a highly nutritive food with feeding-tables allowing for the progressive introduction of solids A *x. t i An infant is fed accurately with a measured amount of food during I’W J all the stages of the first nine months of life. A carefully
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  • 71 8 Appointed To Staff Of d Malay College Kuala Kangsar. Che Salleh bin Hussein, Raffles College graduate and formerly on the tea<*r.ihg staff of the Cliffcrd School, Kuala tipis, has been appointed to the staff <jf' the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, He fills the post left vacant
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  • 1195 8 Good Results Expected In New Planted Area The Seventh Ordinary General Meeting of South Malay Rubber Plantations (1932) Limited, was held at the Office of the Company, 16. Philpot Lane, Lon don. E. C. 3, on Tuesday, 7th November, 1939, Mr. Robert Stewart (Chairman of
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  • 336 8 Weekly Hiibber Market Report Singapore. December 29. Little change in market conditions has been seen during the week which, of i course, has been broken up by the holidays. A certain amount of covering for near positions steadied New York just lx fo r e I
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  • 95 8 Penang, January 2, 1940. Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). -«t». < On London Bank Demand 2/4 1/lf On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/8 Private O. D. 2/4 5/l< Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 7/K On New York Demand 46 7/8 Canadian 51 11 'lĕ On France Demand
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    • 238 8 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST RUBBER Buyers Sellers Allenby 1.47} 1.52} Batu Lintang 1.17} 1.22} Bukit K. B. 35 40 Connemara 1-45 1.50 Malaka Pinda 1.50 1.55 ex Sungei Tukang 1.12} 1.15 Teluk Anson 1.55 1.60 Ulu Benut 37} 40 MINING Ampat 5/3 5 6 Austral Amal. 6/9 7/ Batu Selangor
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    • 311 8 SOON THEAM CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Ampat 5/3 5/6 A. Ainalg. 6'9 7/3 A. Hitam 24/9 25/9 Bangrins 23/9 24/9 B. Selangors 1.67} 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.23 1.26 1 07} 1 12} Johans 33 35 Kamras 2/ 2 '3c Kamuntings 13/ 13/9 K. Lanjuts 24/9 25/6 Kalils 24 6
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    • 155 8 A.A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS TIN Buyers Sellers Austral Amalgamated 7/ 7/3 Ayer Weng 90 95 Bangrin 24/ 25/ Batu Selangor 1.67} 1.72} Eerjuntai 10/9 11/3 Hitam 45 50 Hong Fatt 1.20 1.25 K. Kamunting 8/9 9/3 Kamra 2/ 2/3c Kepong 15/ 16/ Kramat Tin 12/ 12/9 Kuchai 1.72} 1.77} Laruts
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    • 252 8 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS MINING Buyers Seilers Am pats 5/4} 5/7} A. Amalgamated 6/7} 7/ A. Wengs 87} 92} Bangrins 24/ 25/ B. Selangors 1.65 1.72} Hong Fatts 1.20 1.25 Hitams 44 48 Jelebus 1.10 1.15 Johans 32} 35 Jelapangs 35/ 36 z Kamras 2/ 2/3 K. Kamuntings 9/ 9'6 K.
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    • 277 8 RLBBEK Buyers Sellerf Allenbys 1.45 1.52} Ayer Pana;-, 1.47} 1.55 Bassetts 52} 57} Batu Lintangs 1.17} 1.22 j Bentas 1.12} 1.17}c Borellis 1.45 I.s2}ex Broga.-> 70 75 Indragu-is 1.45 1.50e.< Kempas 2.25 2.35 Kuala Sidims 2.60 2.70 c Lunas 1.82} 1.92}c Malaka Pindas 1.47} 1.55 ex
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    • 143 8 Yesterday’s Close Previously TIN: LONDON: “Spot” £246 5. 0. £247 15 0. “Forward” £246 0. 0. £247 15. 0. SINGAPORE: “Spot” $125.62% $125.50 Business dona 100 tons 100 tons PENANG “Spot $125.62% $125.00 RUBBER: LONDON: “Spot” 11 ll|l6d. U%d. “Forward” H H|l6d. 11 9|l6d. SINGAPORE: “Spot” 38%c ,38c
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 201 8 BANKS I OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To keep abreast with the progress of economic deve* lopme n t s, no business concern can afford not to take advantage of the multifarious services offered by a reputed banking institution with years of financial experience. The Indian Overseas Bank* Ltd..
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  • 158 9 .Found With Fractured Ribs An open verdict was returned by Mr. J. G. Rappoport, the Malacca Coroner, at the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of New Ah Gay, a 40-year-old Hokkien. It was shown at the inquiry that the deceased was once
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  • 118 9 Charge Gtf Fraud Preferred Malacca. The case against Abu bin Daud, a 33-year-old Malay, who recently successfully appealed against a conviction and sentence of nine months’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of fraudulently using used Government stamps, was transferred from the Police Court to the District
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  • 1592 9 His Threats Of “War With A Vengeance” Have No Effect Upon British Nerves London. Nov. 19. lur determination is that we shall not have this business again. We fight through to remove its causes and prevent its recurrence. There mu st be a world’s relief.
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  • 826 9 Must Be Based On Bigger Trade 1 The Times does well to remind »3 1 that unless trade can be maintained and stimulated tnere are no material foundations on which a prolonged war effort can rest. To many observers it seems imperative that all business men should
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1397 9 r B IiSI V ■Mr TO-DAY SHORTWAVE STATIONS BROADCASTING B News In English K <Local Time) u. V/. B B c TRANSMISSION—FIVE. Transmission 5 6.50 a.m. From 6.40 9.35 a.m. J’J? anl -«d aki R <„ /e /O 1 cc x Transmission 6 11.20 a.m. x_zSß 9.51 Me/s (31.55 m.)
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    • 452 9 7.05 Popular Music. 7.20 On the Mall. 7.35 Hagio Voice of RCA. 750 DMHM presents Juan Silos, Jr. and his Moonlight Troubadours, with the Silos Sisters, (dialect). 8.10 Tabacalcra’s Overseas News Period. 8.20 Listerine Amoeur Hour. 9.05 Records. 9.20 Music by Lissar. (dance). 9.50 Legaspi Garden Orchestra, (dance). 10.20 Sign
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  • 217 10 supping i. —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 2 The Petit Parisian states that its correspondent in Italy has sent a report which must be read with ail reserve but which indicates that the Reich is striving its utmost to organise a dqiloniatic offensive for peace
    supping i.—Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 88 10 —8.0. W. Mo re Trooj )s Arrive In England Rugby, January 2. This week’s arrival of ,a further contingent of Canadians has been made the occasion for reviews in the press of Canada’s contribution. The extent of Canadian war effort in the four years of the great
    —8.0. W.  -  88 words
  • 709 10 ASSAULTS OF GREATER INTENSITY EXPECTED Huge Reinforcements From Siberia And Caucasus Helsinki, Jan. 2 Following the rout of the Soviet troops in Finland’s “waist,’ the Finns now claim to have repulsed the Russian attacks on the Mannerheim Line. A communique says that the Russians,
    oi ine itsrii —BOW.  -  709 words
  • 186 10 .—Reuter. Mass Air Raids V) it li Thermite ‘‘Eggs’* London. Jan. 2 German preparations for a violent onslaught directed mainly against Britain will be completed by March, suggest Berlin correspondents of American newspapers quoted by the Daily Telegraph. The attack is likely to take the
    .—Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 105 10 —Reuter. CREW OF BRI FISH SHIPS THW ART U-BOATS London. Jan 2 The West Hartlepool shipowners Rop" ner and Company, presented New Year gifts to the masters and twelve other members of the crews of the steamers "Stonepool" and Rockpool" in recognition of the gallantry displayed
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 65 10 Reuter. U ’W indliuk** Expect**! To Leave Santos Hourly Rio de Janeiro. January 2 The departure of the 16,000-ton German liner. “Windhuk.” from Santos in an attempt to elude the British blockade is expected hourly. The vessel arrived a month ago from Lobito where she
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 69 10 .—R< uter. Determined To Remain Neutral Sofia, Jan. 2. The Bulgarian people are firmly determined to remain outside the present conflict, declared the Prime Minister, M. Kiosseivatove, in his New Year message broadcast to the nation. He said the Government would make every effort tc ensure that the
    .—R< uter.  -  69 words
  • 58 10 inree gu .—Reuter. Two More Gunboats To Be Laid I p London, Jan. 2 The Admiralty announce at 10 a.m. that following the withdrawal of five gunboats from the Yangtse patrol in October and a further three last month, the Government has now decided to lay up two
    inree gu .—Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 22 10 -aaniirdi —Reuter. Dunedin, January 2 After a brief stay here, Rear-Admii*al Byrd has left for the Antarctic.—Reuter.
    -aaniirdi —Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 111 10 —Reuter. 3,000 More To Go Abroad This Year Melbourne, January 2. Three thousand more Australian airmen would go abroad this year, said Mr. Fairbairn, Air Minister, in an interview on his return from attending the Fmpire air training conference in Canada. Members of the Australian Air Force abroad
    —Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 213 10 p every 00c ’—B.O.W. Enormous Stores Built Up Rugby, Jan. 2. Sir John Boyd Orr the distn .uished. nutrition authority broadcasting People’s Food in Wartime" said We are a better fed nation and a healthier nation today than we were at the b&lt; inning of
    p every 00c ’—B.O.W.  -  213 words
  • 71 10 promises .—Reuter. Repatriation Of Last Batch London, Jan. 2. The last batch of Germain, living in Tyrol left by midnight on Dec 31 and were met at the frontier by Gestapo agents who escorted them to Austria, according to the Daily Express Rome correspondent. Over 50.000 preferred
    promises .—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 54 10 Reuter. 200 Bombs Recovered By Police Dublin. January 2. The biggest quantity of ammunition so far discovered following the Phoenix Park raid was recovered by the police and military in the vicinity of Swords near Dublin last night. The dump contained 200 bombs weighing between
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 428 10 Britain's Inflexible Resolution To Spare Nothing London, Jan. 2 The British official proclamation under the National Service Armed Forces Act issued yesterday makes liable for service six age groups affecting men of 19 years, men who attained 20 years since December
    —Reuter.  -  428 words
  • 27 10 Berln, January 2. The Russo-German Commercial and Financial Agreement of Dec. 19, 1938, has been prolonged until Dec. 31, 1940, says a Moscow despatch.
    27 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 237 10 NEW YORK SERVICE (via Suez) Leave Arrive Penang New York PJLES. HARRISON Jan. 4 Feb. 13 PRES. HAYES (via Cape) Jan. 21 Mar. 7 PRES. POLK Feb. 1 Mar. 12 Carries no passengers NEW YOKE SERVICE (via Panama) Loads Penang CITY OF NEWPORT .NEWS Feb. 15 For Pacific Coast and
      237 words

  • 926 11 WINTER GAMES ALSO IN AMERICA? Finland is not able to stage the Olympic Games, which should take place at Helsinki next year, the United States Olympic Committee would be willing to organise them in America provided that they had reasonable warning, according to
    926 words
  • 62 11 Auckland, New Zealand. Miss Doreen Lumley, the 18-year-old New Zealand champion woman sprinter, and her twin sister, Bernice, were killed in a motor accident near here. Miss Lumley represented New Zealand at the Empire Games in Sydney last year. She beat Miss Decima Norman, the Empire
    62 words
  • 18 11 MRS. S. FABYAN, the American Tennis Star, slips on a wet court during a match.
    18 words
  • 260 11 Title Bout To Be Staged At Sydney Sydney, Dec. 1. Whether the British Boxing Board of Control likes it or not, Ron Richards and Fred Henneberry are to fight at tile Sydney Stadium in February for the “middleweight championship of the British Empire.” Mike Jacobs, the
    260 words
  • 178 11 Singles Champion Of Victoria Melbourne, Victoria, Dec. 13. John Bromwich, Australia’s No. 1 lawn tennis .player, has added the Victorian singles title to the Queensland and New South Wales championships he won recently. Once again he fought out the final with A. K. Quisb, his perennial
    178 words
  • 113 11 Kwong Wah Win Silver Cup The Kwong Wah Basket-Ball team added another victory to their credit iby beating the Chinese Association i team of Butterworth by 55 points to 26 in a charity match at the latter’s court at Butterworth on New Year’s day. A beautiful silver eup
    113 words
  • 270 11 JANSZ’ XI LOSE TO CARS! IN S XI Ipoh. Some of the best hockey players in the state were seen in action yesterday in a hockey match between Carson’s XI and Jansz’ XI on the Ipoh Club padang, the game ending in a win for
    270 words
  • 121 11 Annual S’pore Hockey Gaine (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, January 2 In the annual hockey match between the Europeans and the Rest this evening, the former won by 4 goals to 2. The Europeans scored the first two goals when the Rest goal was untenented
    121 words
  • 100 11 Rich New Race At Melbourne Melbourne, Dec. 19. Conditions of the Centenary Cup, to be run at Flemington on Saturday, March 2, the first lay of the V.R.C. autumn meeting, were announced here Ly the V.R.C. c ommittee. The race will be worth .£2.000, with a trophy valued
    100 words
  • 117 11 Australian Test Bowler Dead Bathurst, N.S.W., Dec. 19 The death has occurcd here of Thomas Robert McKibbin, a veteran Australian Test cricketer w r ho had the “wickedest” break of any slow bowler of his day. He played for Australia in five Tests against England. He headed
    117 words
  • 63 11 Hudson’s 209 Runs In 90 Minutes Dungog, N.S.W., Dec. 13 Glen Hudson, a Marshdale batsman, gave a remarkable display of big hitting in a match here against a Dungog team. He scored 209 (retired) in 90 minutes, including 18 sixes and 14 fours. After slamming five consecut've sixes
    63 words
  • 296 11 London. ’TWIIEN Tommy Godwin, 27- years-old cyclist, of Ilemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, pedalled into Trafalgar-square he did two things at the same time. He broke the world’s distance record and turned a somersault. The somersault was due to the weather. It was raining hard, and
    296 words
  • 146 11 Celebration Of Second Anniversary Thirty members of the Golden Arrow Badminton Party sat down to dinner at the Yat Wah Restaurant on December 30, 1939 to celebrate their second anniversary. A general meeting took place before dinner, and one of the subjects discussed thereat was the proposed
    146 words
  • 81 11 Sunroc Badminton Party &lt;From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. January 2. At the annual general meeting of the Sunroc Badminton Party, Jalan Langgar, Alor Star, at the Club premises the following were appointed office-bearers for 1940. President- Dr. m. Sundara Rajan. Vice-President*: Tuan Syed Abdul Hamid
    81 words
  • 53 11 Ballina, N.S.W., Dec. 19 Alan Barow, a medium-paced left-hand bowler, playing for the Riversleigh Club in the Lower Richmond cricket competition, took seven wickets for no runs. Barrow, who had seven overs into a strong northerly wind, performed the “hat-trick”. The opposing team was dismissed
    53 words
  • 204 11 Kulim Beat Sungei Patani I Sungei Patani. Playing in the Inter-Police Soccer League for the “J. D. Hall Cup,” th© Sungei Patani Police was defeated by the Kulim Police by the only goal scored in the match, on the Ibrahim School Ground at Kolam Ayer. In the
    204 words
  • 88 11 Greenhall Juveniles vs P.L.H.C. On the Franck: Light School ground tomorrow at 5.20 p.m. sharp:— G.H.J. —Cheam Kim Chye; Lim Chong Gain, Oon Hooi Boon; Cheah Ming Kee, Lim Hock Siang, Ng Jit Nang; Lee Chin Har, Sucha Singh, Woon Shook Kin, Ooi Kok Chang and Lim Chong Poh.
    88 words
  • 59 11 Seven new horses have just been landed for Trainer Silley, of Taiping. They are: Mercury for the Seagate Stable. Autumn Bride and Foxdown for H. W. Cowling. Scottish Rifle, Clarissa The Fleu, Neol and Victoria for Mr. S. B. Palmer. Two other horses, which
    59 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 103 11 ADVICE TO NURSING MOTHERS It is very important, doctors say, not» to overtax your system immediately, after the birth of a child. W&gt;hen you are feeding baby yourself, you should take plenty of easily digested nourishment. For that reason, doctors throughout Malaya recommend Horlicks. They have proved that Horlicks stimulates
      103 words

  • 658 12 LJDY WARRIOR ONE TO FOLLOW i Candidates Indulge In Slow W ork (Ry “WIC-TAC” ALTHOUGH slow work was the order of the day this morning, the (wo that impressed me most were Inez and .Warrior, both of whom are likely winners on Saturday.
    658 words
  • 86 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 TIN: Penang $125.25 Business done 100 tons Singapore $125.25 RUBBER: Penang Spot 37gc Singapore Spot 37’c &lt;X&gt;PKA: Sundried $4.50 buyers no sellers Black Pepper Nominal TAPIOCA: Medium $6.2U nom Fair Seed $6.50 n «in Kill: Indian Parboiled 133 lbs. $6.20 New Crop Old Crop Rangoon
    86 words
  • 54 12 The first annual golf match between the Trainers and .Jockeys for the Mayo Challenge Cup was played over the Penang Turf Club Golf Course during the week and was won by McPherson (-4) with a score of 44 487 83 net, beating Jockey Whalan (-9) whose
    54 words
  • 268 12 in Vid Of Patriotic Fund Kuala Kangsar. &gt; r |MIE Idris Players, composed of members of the Idris Club, made a successful presentation of three short sketches entitled “The Match Maker,’’ “No Man’s Land” and “A.R.P.” in Nether Duckworth at the club premises on Friday
    268 words
  • 108 12 "The Moon and the Spirit a Chinese talkie, opened its season at the Queens Theatre yesterday with Miss Tham Ying and Wang Ying in the leading roles. The story is based on the famous Chinese legend of life after death. It concerns two lovers who
    108 words
  • 350 12 Following are the weights for the last day of the Penang Turf Club Xmas/Yew Year race meeting on Saturday. HORSES, CLASS 1, I&gt;4 MILES SULTANA. 9.04 ROYAL WORLINGTON 9.03 BAY DRAGON 9.02 KAI TERE 8.06 TONROE 8.02 JEREMIAH 8.01 MEASURE 8.00 GOLDEN GLIMPSE
    350 words
  • 71 12 After a short illness at her Penang residence, No. 144 F Burmah Road, the death took place early this morning of Mrs. Lau Cheng Guan (nee Lim Hean Kim) of 63 Station Road, Bukit Mertajam. The deceased is survived by her husband, Mr. Lau
    71 words
  • 104 12 .—Reuter. May Ask Nazis For Technical Aid London, Jan. 3. If M. Stalin accepts technical reinforcements from Germany to help him in his war with Finland, it will not be the first time that the Red Army has been stiffened with German military instructors, says Reuter’s
    .—Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 238 12 EIGHT HEROES DECORAIED London, Jan. 3. Eight members of the R A.F. received special recognition by the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to five Squadron-Leaders and Pilot-Officers and the Distinguished Flying Medals to three Corporals and a Leading Aircraftman. The recipients are: Squadron Leader
    238 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 85 12 T’.’ «""I™"*** 3 1 HIM MI APPLIANCES APPROVED BY THE HOME OFFICE RI 0 PI I j f-H K PYRENE" Sand Con- -B catner complete with .on -han died Scoop and- PHOMENE Foam Hoc for removing light c, Cv,:» incendiary bombs as pro- Mnd-i F I 7 ii PYReNE Stirrup
      85 words
    • 283 12 HAADYAI BUILDINGS Haadyai Buildings will be opened on Monday, January Ist. 1940. Within the precincts of the nuiidings are amusements, ball-room, hotel, dining-room (European and Chinese meals) and a CASINO Admission to the buildings is charged one tical only. The entrance tickets served as numbers of lottery as well which
      283 words
    • 608 12 Head Office) 216 Penang Road, Per Phone 1477 1478 with exten Telegrams: "Gazette” Penane Rales of Subscription for Pinang (,a?. 4 and Sunday Gazette. PINANG GAZETTF Local S.S.& Delivery F.M.S. For- t Monthly $2.50 $3.00 sGa Quartet ly 7.50 9.00 Half-Yearly 15.00 18.00 &lt;o® yearly 30.C0 36.00 &lt;ao o SUNDAI
      608 words