Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 778 1 “SI {RENDER TO JAPAN” Br e Force The Only Language Now Shanghai, July 26. no’. deep bitterness marks Chinese comment on the ipanese formula at Tokyo which is variously (hscrilH- is a British compromise, surrender and betrayal. < liinese feeling in Chungking against Britain is
    ’—Reuter.  -  778 words
  • 115 1 Japanese A rmy Not Pleased .—Reuter. Peiping, July 26. According to well-informed Japanese sources the Japanese Army in North China is not ent rely pleased by the Arita-Craigie memorandum and may issue a statement of its own shortly. Meanwhile the Chinese language organ of the Japanese army in North China
    .—Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 49 1 —Reuter. Paying Visit To Newfoundland London, Ju’y 25. It is learnt that Sir Thomas Inskip, Dominions Secretary', is visiting Newfoundland during the Parliamentary recess. He is probably leaving at the end of August and the length of his stay will d >pend on the European situation.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 100 1 •—Reuter. Warsaw Reports All “Nonsense” Berlin, July 26. The fact that Herr Hitler was present yesterday evenin'" at the opening of the Wagner festival at Bayreuth is considered sufficient to disprove widely circulated rumours emanating from Warsaw that the Fuehrer is in ill-health. “Nobody suffering from
    •—Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 80 1 —Reuten London, July 26. J he Labour Party intend asking the Government to restrict the summer recess to a brief period in view of the present situation, says Reuter’s lobby correspondent. Parliament adjourns on August 4 and would normally resume alwut end of October but provisional
    —Reuten  -  80 words
  • 124 1 —Reuter. London, July 26. Today’s Air Force flight by 240 bombers over France was even more spectacular than its two predecessors. Paris streets and squares were crowded with sightseers as Wellington bombers roared along Champs Elyssees over the Arc de Triomphe and later above the
    —Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 141 1 Reuter. Of Ending Reign Of Terror London, July 25. The progress of the Prevention of Violence Bill is being watched with particular interest by Scotland Yard where plans for dealing with the situation when the Bill becomes law have already been formulated. A
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 182 1 Anglo-Soviet Staff Talks Will Begin Shortly Paris, July 26. Optimism concerning the progress of the Anglb-French-Soviet negotiations is expressed’ in well-inform-ed circles. It is stated in one quarter that there has been a “very clear advance.” t It is considered very probable that the decision
    .—Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 46 1 —Reuter. Paris, July 25. About forty R.A.F. bomb rs flew over the city and crowds watched them roar past at a height of on’y 1,500 feet. Well over two hundred machines and over a thousand pilots and crews are participating in the flight.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 131 1 Personnel Increased To 145 000 London, July 25. A White Paper has been pub ished giving the estimate of further numbers required to be voted for the Navy for the year ending March 31 next as 12,000 officers, seamen, boys and Royal Marines. The original estimate was 133,000
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 >" fed on VTE V J f I I 'i.7,'- r ,r peo*««
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    • 48 1 CONTENTS Page Latest Telegrams 1 16 Earlier Telegrams 2 Malayan News 3 Indian News 4 China News 5 The Highest Paid In Hollywood Local News Editorial 8 Local News 9 Financial News 10 Pictures H Radio News 12 Shipping News 13 Sports 14 15 Penang Race Entries 16
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    • 78 1 COW GATE Agents for North Malaya Penang!— GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY Penang and Ipoh. ’that "will ask for a suoad helping I 4 IMf >) I W 'X It’s always a treat when S.C.S. SAUSAGES are put on the table. f Every sausage is packed with good- f ness and flavour. Delicious,
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  • 512 2 General British Policy Not Changed CLEAR DISTINCTION FROM LOCAL ISSUES London, July 25. The restatement of British neutrality between the two sides to the conflict in China, which is contained in the formula agreed upon at Tokyo, as revealed in the announcements in both
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  • 236 2 Cannot Be Accepted By Britain London, July 25. The China Association met yesterday to consider whether the British Government should be asked to replenish the stabilisation fund now believed to be virtually exhausted, declares the Financial News. No agree ment on policy was reached and the meeting adjourned
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  • 89 2 —Reuter. Japanese Claim 81 Soviet Planes Shot Down Tokyo, July 25. Furious fighting was resumed today on the Outer Mongolian-Manchukuo frontier, according to Japanese field despatches. About two thousand Soviet and Outer Mongolian troops are reported to have crossed the Hkala River and the Japanese and Manchukuc forces
    .—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 87 2 —Reuter. Manhandling Of Naval Officer By Japanese Washington, July 24. The Navy Department announces that a strong protest has been lodged with Japanesa officials against the manhandling of a naval warrant officer by a Japanese naval sentry of Hankow. Mr. Cordell Hull stated that the Government is observing
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 221 2 —Reuter Wireless. Madrid, July 25. “Spain must be neutral in European conflict,” declared General Aranda, Chief of the Spanish mission which recently returned from Germany, in an interview with the Diario de Lisboa. He added: "It is clear we should not fail to favour
    .—Reuter Wireless.  -  221 words
  • 186 2 Reuter. Fears Of Misinterpretation By Japanese f The Manchester Guardian a’ charitable view is that’tl 1 British Government accepted a deliberately’ vague formula in the hope that it will lead to an early settlement of the Tientsin dispute. It adds that if the Japanese are I going to
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 311 2 DISCRETION IMPOSED ON MINISTERIAL TONGUE London, July 25. The Times editorial says that so far there can be no censure of Mr. Hudson. Nothing he advanced was in the least degree inconsistent with national policy, as all schools of thought now understand and accept it.
    Reuter.  -  311 words
  • 734 2 Campaign Spreads To Canton A nd Weihaiwei Shanghai, July 25. The Japanese sponsored anti-British movement in occupied territory in China is spreading. The movement has reached Wei-hai-Wei which, before its retrocession to China in 1930, was more than thirty years under British rule. An organisation
    Reuter.  -  734 words
  • 69 2 Reuter. Reorganisation Announced Madrid, July 25. Reorganisation of the Spanish Army is announced in the Official Gazette published today. The peninsular army will be composed of eight Army corps with two further Army Corps in Morocco, one separate cavalry division and garrisions in the Balearic and Canary Islands.
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 226 2 —Reuter. lar don, July y The r Committee has fixed t < quotas ior the third and fourth o sixty per cent. It is provisionally meeting in early 8 r j f meBrjWhU| a request is received the British Government for the r,
    —Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 21 2 .—Reuter. Jerusalem, July 25. Yussef Abundurra. 1 notorious gang L ad» 5 Trans-Jordan by Emir lullahs legions.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 139 2 F How Good A Suit dn $l2-50 Buy? IRISH TUSSORE For $12.50, you can buy S a two-piece real Irish Tussore suit. Cut and fitted expertly by our jk, European cutter, care- fully tailored, and gua- i ranteed not to shrink, Jt/w\ JLr W or fade. Obtainable in A >
      139 words

  • 295 3 I RS FEEL IXSI LTED nj.iiix >n Between Guests S’ngapore. i distinction drawn 0- pt 1 and other guests opening ceremony e Court, the vast ore’s legal profestend the function, e place on Aug. 3. Committee is holdthis question will he ion, and a decision be taken.
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  • 233 3 I innage To Rubber Estates VI Wll RS’ COMPLAINT Johore. t.« regarding the hints on rubber tsl it the meeting of the .ation, held on Julv 13 m Singapore <>f the meeting it is 'ter was received from it ni that he viewed Will’ nient complaints of
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  • 41 3 T/be Abbot of Buckfast, with monks in attendance, conducted a wedding m the Abbey, uhen Mr. Denis H. Ferens, only son of Vweountess Torrington, of Liesse Buckfast, was married to Miss Mary Milner, of Moore, Cheshire.
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  • 645 3 CASE AGAINST EURASIAN Singapore. W/IIEN a young Eurasian named Guthrie William Perreau ap- peared before the Singapore District Judge on Monday he declared during his trial on a charge of obtaining $lOO without disclosing that a wage earner’s administration order had lieen made against him
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  • 279 3 “Bad Hat” Sentenced For Tenth Conviction Kuala Lumpur. Wanted in Kuala Lumpur in connection with the theft of a motor car belonging to Mr. R. Karlakandan. Hussein w r as arrested at Alor Gajah last month when it was discovered that he w r as
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  • 157 3 Children Drowned In Well Singapore. Playing near their father who was making pig's food, two children were suddenly found missing. A search by the father. Ang Tak. and his wife, found the two children one aged five pfid the other three, drowned in a nearby well. At
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  • 289 3 Overseas Chinese l ieu: Of Tokio Talks Singapore. Mr. Tan Kah Kee, the Malayan Chinese leader, on Monday night announced that he had sent telegrams to a number of British statesmen and to newspapers regarding the overseas Chinese view of the Tokio talks. Singapore Chinese
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  • 280 3 Only Malacca Recipient Of Birthday Honours Only Ma’acca recipient of birthday honours in June last, Demang Haji Abu of Jasin received the insignia of the Certificate of Honour from the Hon. Mr. G. W. Bryant, Resident Councillor, Malacca, at the Village Fair held in Jasin on
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  • 219 3 Indian’s Allegations Klang. Before Che Mohktar, District Officer. Telok Datoh. Murugasu was charged with criminal intimidation and causing mischief by setting fire to a house. It was stated for the prosecution that on the night of June 21 there was an altercation between the accused and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 UNABLE TO KNEEL Neuritis Hampered Her In writing of the pain a: d inconvenience she suffered from n ur.tis, this woman tells also how she rid herself of it: “I have been using Kruschen Salts for neuritis, and it certainly has the most wonderful effect. My knees were very painful,
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  • 78 4 Simla (By Air) The Marquess of Linlithgow, Viceroy of India accompanied by his personal staff, will leave Simla on a tour of Orissa and Dehra Dun towards the end of July, it is announced. The Marchioness of Linlithgow proceeded to England by air early this month
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    • 735 4 Taught As Optional Subject In Several High Schools Mysore, July 12. jyjß. R. R. DIWAKAR, President of the Karnataka Hindi Prachar Sabha, and Acharya Kaka Kalelkar arrived here this momingi and are staying at the Indian Guests* Quarters. Mr. Amble Subramanya Aiyar, retired InspectorGeneral
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    • 254 4 Progress Of Work In Gaya Jail Gaya, July 12. Certificates were conferred this evening by Dr. Syed Mahmud, Education Minister of Bihar, on 150 literate prisoners in the Gaya Central Jail who passed the upper and lower primary examinations of Bihar Schools. Addressing the literate convicts, the
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    • 90 4 Lohore. An important charge in the law relating to the recovery of loans in he Punjab has been introduced with the enforcement of the Punjab Registration of Moneylenders’ Act from July 1. No moneylender can now sue successfully for the recovery of a loan or secure the
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    • 237 4 There Should Be No Discrimination Bangalore, 'J'HE treatment of Indians overseas was one of the most important causes for the lukewarm, if not hostile, attitude of many Indians towards the British Empire, declared Mr. F.E. James, M.L.A. (Central), addressing a meeting of
      237 words
    • 175 4 Electric Firm’s Works Calcutta. About 600 employees of the Hukumchand Electric Works, Ballygunj. went on a stay-in strike. The management stated that the strikers had not given any notice of their intention to go on strike; neither did they mention reasons for doing so. The police,
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    • 415 4 Subhas Bose's Plea Dharwar, July 12. AN appeal for “the consolidation of all the Radical elements with a view to capturing lower in the Congress” was made iy Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose, addressing a crowded meeting held in a local theatre. Mr. Bose criticised the “reformist and constitutional”
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    • 95 4 Quilon. A meeting of the Cashew Factory Workers was held at Kilikolloor un der the auspices of the Quilon Factory Workers’ Union with Mr. P. N. Krishna Pillai in the chair. Mr. K. C. Govlndan, Secretary cu the Union, in the course of his welcome
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    • 116 4 Lucknow Incident Lucknow. The first serious hitch over the United Provinces’ new experiment of rural broadcasting has arisen over a talk of Mr. Venkatesh Nara’n Tiwari, Parliamentary f o th'* Premier and former Oi’f Whin of th« Congress Ass<*mb’v Party. The talk had finally to be cancelled
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    • 244 4 Government Help STEPS have been taken hy the Government of Bcm’ iy to <iev lop the bee-keeping industry. A centre for apiculture has bt en > ’-tbli.shed at the Ganeshkhind Fruit E-:p> nme-nt Station, Kirkee, to invt ‘i; ite into the problems relating to it. With
      244 words
    • 155 4 Research Officer's isit To Tripunithura Tripunithura, July 11 Dr. A. Krishnasw'C special duty -with the Imperial Co® cil of Agricultural E ed to investigate into the efficacy otherwise of the indigef v n treatment of cattle in r here from Trichur a< < _K. Krishna Warr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? I never overlook it MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore. If you use a solid dentifrice, Ury MAC! FAWS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIHUCE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 93 4 MAJESTIC Last Night 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 MATINEE TODAY AT 3 P.M. AT REDUCED PRICES The Screen’s New Scream Team solving a howling case of murder in the mirth degree I Victor Moore and Helen Broderick in “WE’RE ON THE JURY’’ with Philip Huston, Louise Latimer, Vinton Haworth, Robert Me Wade.
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    • 10 4 All in a Day's Work— by Kick Elines PAPER CHASE
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    • 108 4 Tonight’s E tcnl QUEfeifS 6.15 p.m. and > 9 p rn GRAND DOUBLE A Trcw Each Alone Is Wor Admit erice oiuw Paramount a Production r ISA MIRANDA “HOTEL IVi |{|A| Togeti Exclusive Official the World’s Heavyv, frB<rf WMghia./ ."S,”» JOE LOt IS (World’s C; 3 vs. TONY GAit XTO
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    • 908 5 Spirit Ot lhe Mings Regenerated CRy I Paul Gregory\ NA is blessed with reserves of man-power which are piacticalljr inexhaustible and it is to these mili ons of tial soldiers that sne regardless of her seeming tiefeats .any fronts owes the fact that she still holds the
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    • 92 5 Tok’O, July 13. The Municipal Council of the International Settlement at Kulangsu has rejected the Japanese demands for the appointment of a Japanese chief of police and the employment of Japanese .policemen to hunt down Chinese "terrorists,” according to a Japanese news agency. The demands, were presented
      92 words
    • 46 5 UNGLE MAC of 4he 8.8. C. children’s Hour .vent to the Victoria Station against his doctor’s orders to I W goodbye to 25 boys and girls from the distressed arm who were off for a month’s holiday to the Swiss Oberland.
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    • 459 5 Former Journalist, Alleged Renegade, Shot In Street Hong Kong. A murder which is believed to have a political background, W as committed in a busy sedtion of the Yaumati district when Mr. Wong Yin-shan former sub-editor of the “Tin Lam Pao” which has been
      459 words
    • 161 5 Actually Only Two Soviet Planes Brought Down —Central Newa Hong Kong, July 20. ■ww'THIDB the Japanese made a big fanfare over their aerial victories, what foreign correspondents at the Khalka River front saw of the Nipponese fruits of victory merely the wrecked wings bearing
      .—Central Newa  -  161 words
    • 299 5 Hong Kong. TIE future of Japan’s "Federal Reserve Bank” currency in North China is as uncertain as its present condition is pitiable. F.R.B. notes are being refused by everybody who is out of reach of physical Japanese coercion. Whoever has to accept them, however, spends
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 481 5 Tonight Wednesday, 26th July, 1939. FOR A CONVIVIAL EVENING COME TO THE WEMBLEY CABARET FOR YOUR PLEASURE AND ENJOYMENT For Your Partners Our Charming Hostesses Await You. For Your Refreshments Our First Class Bar Is Open To You. For Excellent Music Our Two Popular Bands Are At Your Service. MORALES
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 50 5 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENIURES; Trouble Again ’(Or—- X 'i- -_.7 Then bnno The mud is ->o/t below, each boot They haul him out nil right, b'H hr.l Boat’s becalmed cut r thmul sticks fast as ij it’s taking root, Thai Dad’s old bools ate IQt bcktndl Dad's boots to waai m
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 6 JOAN CRAWFORD, who secured her divorce from Franchot Tone' tear!? this year, is now seen making the night spots with writer Charlie M artin.
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  • 826 6  -  How The Standard Has Improved (By JOHN K. NEWNHAM) npHE screen is still a favourite target for attacks by people who 1 rarely go to see pictures. Wherever you go, you still get people who regard pictures as the most inferior type of entertainment ever
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  • 70 6 Paramount started a publicity romance between John (Bulldog Drummond) Howard and Dorothy Lanwur to drum up interest in “Disputed Passage,” but, as those things do, the romance got out of hand what with John asking Dorothy to marry him. She refused, however, for the sting of
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  • 106 6 HOLLYWOOD isn't good a pleading causes. Film folk are more for fun. For instance they ribbed each other abou J Washington’s film salary disclosures, which ho'ivever, showed ur how much the U. S. Government gets out of the movies through in-come-tax. B. Mayer, highest-paid man in
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  • 387 6 THIS year will go down in theatrical history as the year the movies rediscovered Abe Lincoln, America s greatest leader. “Abe Lincoln in Illinois.” and “Young Mr. Lincoln” are the two major offerings, with smaller studios preparing three more Lincoln stories. Incidentally, the very resourceful Darryl Zanuck stole
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 6 Harpo Marx, who chases blondes in pictures, is famous as one of Hollywood’s foremost practical jokers, but when he tried a joke on the dignified Garbo (above) the other day, it was one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Without realising whom he was speaking to, Harro
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 Jheneur»7ijatyefo« product restore* vitality BW RaTy&i's W (bayefA tonic LEi T" WHflß*. le****»neA. Gecmony XF* Bayer's T O N i C the oborant and stimiH fating remedy in all conditions of weak* ness and exhaustion, loss of appetite and digestive disturbances, nervousness, weak* ness of memory and rapid onset of
      165 words
    • 583 6 NEW VITALITY’ AFTER FEVER During fever body tissues rapl away and the patient quick, weight unless he Is supplu adequate and suitable food. Horlicks supplies the nutritive which the body requires an the exhausted bedv to reb quickly. Doctors have proved tnat 1 not only easily digested, but gr. body
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  • 1230 7 heiusal To Renew Licences JUSTIFICATION” SAYS MR. H. H. ABDOOLCADER r pil REE motor buses, plying for hire on Route No. 3, Balik Pulau section, U l )SC i, lc nccs Registrar of Vehicles, Penang, had refused to renew in v!t 1 le n,n
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  • 323 7 Bl ILDING OPEN TO Pt BI.IC DAILY the Mdnicipal < oirunissionerH had at the last meeting unanimously «MMlorse.i the Preslden’s views regardthe Penang Oj>orts Club pavilion and pulang (in the event of the Commissioners taking these over), Mr J. A. Black,
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  • 443 7 A Roman Catholic Chapel at Banda Hilir Malacca, was struck by lightning but the damage done was shght. Captain R. L. Cuscaden, who is tiring from Government service, left Spire for Australia in the Centaur on Friday last. Mr 3 Main has arrived f rOTn home and
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  • Penang Municipal Matters
    • 633 7 PRESIDENTS REPLIES Details Of the numi>er of labourers employed by the Penang Municipality and housing aocommolation were given by the President, Mr. J. A. Black, in his replies to the Hon. Mr. H. H. AbdoolcadePs questions, which were tabled at yesterday’s meeting of the Conunissioners.
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  • 600 7 SUGGESTION BY MR. F.H. GRUMITT r pHAT the widow, and her family should not be penalised for the sins of her husband and that the Commissioners should tern* per justice with mercy was the plea put forward by Mr. F. H.
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  • 159 7 GOLD CUP MEETING 1939. Ist DAY, SATURDAY, sth AUGUST, 1939. 2nd DAY, MONDAY, (PUBLIC HOLIDAY) 7th AUGUST, 1939. 3rd DAY, WEDNESDAY, 9th AUGUST, 1939. 4th DAY, SATURDAY, 12th AUGUST, 1939. ENTRIES close at 12 o’clock Noon on Wednesday, 26th July, 1919, at the Secretary’s Office. SWEEPS. A
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  • 729 8 yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, the President tabled a letter he had sent to the Resident Councillor, Penang, embodying his suggestion regarding the Padang and the Penang Sports Club Pavilion in the event of the Government agreeing, to the Municipal Commissioners taking them over and maintaining them
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  • 636 8 Lady Precious Stream T had an interesting time at the Town Hall last evening, trying to spot familiar faces behind false whiskers and traditional Chinese coiffures. The occasion, as you may have guessed, was the matinee performance of “Lady Precious Stream,’’ that eminently successful play by S.
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  • 538 8 Wednesday, July 26. IVrO attempt has been made on Hitler’s life. Yesterday several readers rang up asking if we had news of the Fuehrer. We had none then. Today, a Reuter’s message states that the fact that Hitler was present at the opening of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 185 8 11 mi mu -j 2550 I njn* 1 1 I don’t VAGU CwBI I a V tZ. alia ifeZ c< £*<- d h J Hl J V***-/ ORDER Haig NO FINER WHISKY GOES INTO AMY BOTTLE I fl^MßßMßWWMMMMP* ia l^*^ l^^^^ji^^ z 8001 AGENTS:-JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., PENANG. (Incorporated in
      185 words
    • 37 8 «W/AVAVAV? EVERYBODY'S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION cggml /jrni Itfpgjll KuH gßgjß Pr«Mluee of THE FAMOUS FIRM iJSNIS MOUNIE CO.. COGNAC. ■otabllßhed in IMS Sole Agentn s Henry Wauah Co., Ltd. POKUMIg, aingapora, Ipoh A KuaK Lumpm V.V/A’A'.W/.V
      37 words

  • 74 9 Short Meeting <hi Monday Monday’s meeting of the Lc- <• Council will be a short one i ing three items on the agenda, j. follows: .notes of the meeting held on the of June, 1939. Oaths of New Memoers. Hon. Mr. N. R. Jarrett (Acting oiler of Customs).
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  • 149 9 ty motor collision, involving x»n car and a delivery van ocit Northam Road near the n of Transfer Road at about < k yesterday afternoon. vehicles involved were a M “12” saloon, bearing a Selregistration number (8.460), t Singapore delivery van (S 785), an
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  • 66 9 Malay killed A very old Malay was knocked over and killed instantly by a train near the bridge at Jarak, Province Wellesley, on Monday morning at about 10 o’clock. The man, Man bin Kassim, was walking along the line between Tasek Glugor and Jarak to
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  • 32 9 Thai Consulate To Close For Two Davs The Royal Thai Consulate will be •iosed for two days, Monday, July 31, and Tuesday, Aug. 1, 1939, on the occasion of Buddhist
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  • 54 9 R<-opening Of Western Road Clubhouse Tim r- opening of the Penang Sports ’"mi'.; Western Road clubhouse has n fixf i for tomorrow. Several v 11 be played to mark the occasion. l-iwrt bowls match, starting at (three woods each. 2 ends) p aved between the President’» J
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  • 34 9 LADY PRECIOUS STREAM (Mrs. Yeap Hock Hoe) throwing the ball to her suitors. A scene from yesterday’s matvnee performance at the Town Hall (comments by “Alpha'* in “By the Way” column).
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  • 1037 9 Applications For Licences Close On Julv 31 GAZETTE ANNOUNCEMENT A GOVERNMENT Gazette extraordinary published on Monday notifies the public the registration of rice dealers in the Colony under the Food Control Ordinance, 1939, which came into force last FridayThe attention of all dealers in rice
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  • 857 9 Strong Speech By Mr. Tan Kah Kee SINGAPORE CHINESE HOLO MASS MEETING Protest Against Tientsin Compromise (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. STRONG speech pionting out the inadvisability of Great Britain surrendering herself to Japan was made by Mr. Tan Kah Kee at
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  • 80 9 E N C E of nine k months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, this morning on Ang Ah Huat, a 29-y earold Chinese, who had, on Monday, pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of articled of
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  • 82 9 Called To Penang Road, But No Accident The ambulance, proceeding at a slow pace along Penang Road at about S> o’clock last night, attracted considerable attention from-pedestrlans and residenta. The ambulance went to Penang Roa<> in response to a telephone message that there had been an accident.
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  • 35 9 Miss Doreen Sansoni of Ceylon, who holds the Malayan women’s singles lawn tennis title, is arriving at Singapore by the s.s. ‘President Dnuniflr” tomorrow. She is coming to defen*<> her tennis title
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 96 9 THE SECRET OF COOL A PERFECTION 4)» < by J flatten, ‘f /o' i f To acbi eve immaculate > finish, always use a powder foundation. Rouge will then blend easily, powder will stay smooth and lasting. First coo i and refresh your skin A 1 lena Skin Tonic, then
      96 words
    • 207 9 ANNOUNCING Follow-on Trufood The march of science brings many blessings. Until now, weaning Baby from the boi tic to more advanced food has been a most difficult period, full of guess work and uncertainty,resulting all too often in a falling-back of Baby’s condition. Now, accuracy lake* rhe place of guess
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  • 107 10 During the week ending 15th July. 1939, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 33,261 cases, of which24 841 (75 per cent) cases were to th? United Kingdom. 2 190 (7 per cent) case:* to the Continent of Europe. 2 838 (8 tier cent) cases to Canada,
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  • 2690 10 DIFFICULT YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRY Success Of The Buffer Pool The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the London Tin Corporation, Ltd., was held on July 10 at the Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London, E.C.2. Captain diver* Lyttelton,, D».S.O„ M.C., (the chairman of the company),
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  • 209 10 Figures For Mav Consumption of crude rubber b\ facturers in the United Stat, the month May, 1939 is estimat 44,377 long tons, which compan 44,166 long tons during April, 1 -3: ’,i ay consumption, while less than 1 er April, is 44.3% over May a
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  • 97 10 Penang, July 25, 1939. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). On London Bank Demand 2/4 On London Bank 4 months 2/4 1/32 Private O. D. 2/4 1/4 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 5/16 On New York Demand 54 9/16 Canadian 54 9/16 On France Demand 2055 Lire 1034
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  • 129 10 TUESDAY, JULY 25. Prev. latest Paris 176 23/32 176 23/3? New York 4.68 1/4 4.68 3/16 Montreal 4.68 11/16 4.68 9/16 Brussels 27.55 3/4 27.55 1/3 Geneva 20.74 20.75 Amsterdam 8.73 3/8 8.75 1 3 M.lan 89 1/8 89 1/16 Berlin 11.67 11 66 3/4 Stockholm 19.42 19.41
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  • 82 10 Reuter. London, Tuesday. After the initial hesitation tl Exchange became brighter and more active owing to Paris sup; Kaffirs and Oils together with ing of industrials which record'd n.i- 1 gains. r Rubbers advanced following t! national Rubber Regulation C< decision to increase the export cr the third
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 603 10 BANKS THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 18L53) n Paid-up Capital XSo’oOO Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 Head Office No. 38 Bishopgate. London, EC. 2 LONDON BRANCHES 117/122, Leade-.hall Street. E.C, 4 14/16, CocKsnur Street. S.W. 1 Manchester Office No.
      603 words
    • 163 10 Nederlansche Handel-Maatschappij N.V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY) (Incorporated in the Netherlands With limited liability.) Established by Royal Charter in 1824. Head Office: AMSTERDAM With 46 Agencies, Apart from correspondents in Holland. Head Office for the East BATAVIA Branches throughput the Netherlands Indies and in the I Straits Settlements, India, Burma, China.
      163 words

  • 166 11 and Quern began b’c last Mage of their homeward •-»•.<> ironi :hr White Hoi;-c io Buckingham Palace whew |*< <1 inh» their carriage at V alerloo Station. The resident.- < rioo-road uad hung out flags (above) to welcome the rojai couple tiome. T h c
    166 words

  • 534 12 Safety At Distance Of 50 Feet London. Results of extensive Government experiments on the Andersen steel aii laid shelter, to prove that adequate protection is given against bomii splinters and blast, were published as a White Paper. The main conclusions may be summarised as follows: At
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  • 372 12 Historian Of The War Dies Dr. Harold W. V. Temperley, University Professor of Modern History and Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, died recently at the age of 60. There was no greater historian of the War than Prof. Temperley. Apart from edltmg the History of the Peace Conference
    372 words
  • 377 12 Latest Posting limes At la a Lumpur, Ipoll And !tl g AIR MAILS Outward EUROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Emp'rc Air Mail) For Burma (except Victoria Point)), Ind:a, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia Nyasaland, South Africa, Great Britan, Ireland, Canada and
    377 words
  • 123 12 Surprise Decision The Special commissioners for In-come-Tax recently decided that recipients of sickness and disablement benefit paid by approved societies are to be liable to income-tax on the amounts received. This decision affects more than 18.000,000 members of such societies 7.000,000 of whom are also members
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  • 67 12 Mails for BANGK leave nang at 9.40 a.m. Fridays, and incon rive in Penang at V T days and Thursdays Mails for F.M.S., ?ORE will leave Penang a m p.m.; Ipoh 1.36 p.m. 2.10 a m and Kuala Lumpui and a.m. daily. Arriv.i nang Win be 7 a.m. and
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  • 268 12 Man Unwanted As Chief Considerable discontent is b»uig caused in the women’s branch of the London Auxiliary Fire <■ rvice by th» London County Council's proposal to reorganise personnel, and to appoint a man in charge, writes a Special Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. About 5,000
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  • 193 12 Political Allusions Must Be Changed Madrid The Spanish authorities are ing from birth reg). t- rs ttie names of children born in territory during the war whlt w consider not Chi 1 political names. In several cities Nationalists some cb which were conside.' extravagant.” d
    193 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2562 12 OpeTa Omcert. 4.05 Press Review (EngJisn). 4.20 Music fur Violin and Piano. 'Ss&HBs vwOfa wSSIy 4.50 Ncws 1111(1 Economic Review in GerHig ftf a Wm laßßw §ME? man. 5.05 Dance Music. 62u Concert of gSBW WMF A MB KI j&HEK vB Light Music. 7.20 News in English. 7.30 BB Bhßw
      2,562 words

  • 414 13 Registration Fees In Peace-time •ov< mment's plans for insur- < argoes and commod in <>f war were announced when n Risks Insurance Bill was rst reading in the House of Commons. f tr.< es of the insurance scheme i < provided for by the
    414 words
  • 115 13 > UISE RAINER, Viennese stage and 1-4 film star, wants a play. You may be able to -write it for her. It must be a play that will tell the world what the youth of the world is really thinking and doing. Miss Rainer
    115 words
  • 102 13 To Act In British Best Seller Hollywood. Mr. Laurence Olivier, the Brit’sh film star and Shakespearean actor, has captured one of Hollywood’s prize roles of the year. He has been signed by Mr. David O. Selznick for the part of Max de Winter, in the
    102 words
  • 1091 13 Arrivals TODAY JULY 26 I m.s. Juiiauaia” from Singapore. I ui.v. “Fusijaxna” from Italy. s.s. “Troilus” from Singapore. s.s. “Bulan" from Singapore via ports. s.s. “Somali” from London via ports, s-s. “Bangka” from Tandjong-Poera TOMORROW, JULY 27. s.s. “Carthage” from London via ports, s.s. "Balikpapan” from Singapore,
    1,091 words
  • 114 13 Women Run To Safety Alton, Hants. One of a convoy ef Army tanks passing through Bentley, Alton, recently lurched out of the convoy, mounted a pavement and crashed into a wall. The tank had a broken wheeltrack, and as it careered out of control two women
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 371 13 LUE FUN NEL LINE WEEKLY REKVICE TO LONDON a NORTH CONTINENT (JNEARN CaEs Marseilles Antwpm n b"» txw-* j m oCLUS cans MarseilS i c7i?ow ddleSbOrO < XLCHAS Calls Hull J < TO LIVERPOOL VIA x’TTT OCHUS n MA EUS Calls Glasgow !{XUDON rw v CaUS Je<Wah Havre SpL 24
      371 words
    • 735 13 P 0 BRITISH d |NDIA (Incorporated tn HMgland) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “CARTHAGE” SAILING THITRSDAY, 27th JULY, 1939. I eninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards froir* London for China A Japan Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port due
      735 words

  • 613 14 Agrees He Was A “Mug” At Racing STORY OF CYCLISTS TO SPREAD RETS CITY man who said he was a “mug” at racing and lost £12,000 on one horse gave evidence in the King’s Bench in a dispute with a bookmaker. He is
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  • 255 14 London, July 15 THE defeat of G. von Gramm, a former German Davis Cup player and Wimbledon finalist, by an old British Davis Cup player, H. F. David, in the Midland counties championships at Edgbaston yesterday, was the biggest surpr’se of the lawn tenn g
    255 words
  • 66 14 Honolulu. William Pai, 30-year-old Hawaiian, is in training for a projected swim through the 75 miles of rough water between Oahu and Kauai Islands. Mrs, Kamokila Campbell has offered her launch to escort Pai in his marathon. Pai said he believed he could negotiate the
    66 words
  • 93 14 TVTO. 31.—1 n playing a stroke a batsman moved out of his ground and missed the ball, which went straight into the wic-ket-keeper’s pads. The wicket-keeper immediately broke the wicket with his pads while the batsman was still out of his ground. The umpire's decision was “out”
    93 words
  • 487 14 Eclipse Stakes BUT WON BY 1| LENGTHS London. July 15. SELDOM a horse received such a ■wonderful reception as did Blue Peter when he won the Eclipse Stakes at Sandown Park yesterday. Starting at odds of 7 to 2 on, Lord Rosebery’s brilliant colt
    487 words
  • 367 14 by the "COACH" For Our Junior Readers EVERY now and again we see a real old-timer in football, a player who keeps going lor season after season without any seeming diminution in his powers. In this type of player the schoolboy can find
    367 words
  • 44 14 Chahokia, 111. JIMMY SNYDER, 31,, racing v driver whe set a lap record of 130.7 miles per hour at the bfiianapolis speedway on Memorial Day, was killed when he lost controls of his midget racer and overturned on the track.
    44 words
  • 647 14 ONIC of the most intricate problems in soccer ha> h that connected with charging, many disputes ing arisen; over the interpretation of the rule. It even been admitted by the Football Associatioi Home that Law 12, which deals with
    647 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 127 14 r'' v '.r. ;r '.<-< "V. x. L .11 H X J w i ***'*'> Nitis «»lte i fi'li V wakf?i7 i w ,Ev d T I WW u-4 I '*W C N •axWi ISLE OF MAN AIR RACE |BMKMfI| <J lllt l Y.inner: Geoffrey de Havilland in I Pr*
      127 words

  • 784 15 J wes Captures 6 Wickets For 33 Runs Manchester, July 25. expected, the Second Test etween England and the West fizzled out in a draw today, ores being: England 164 for (Hardstaff 76) declared and r five declared, West Indies Headley 51), and 43
    —Reuter.  -  784 words
  • 170 15 Two Competitors From Penang Kua’a Luirnur. Only two entries have been received from Penang for the Malayan A.A.A. to be held this week-end here. They are J. S. S. Prest and Siow Leong Joo. The former has entered for the sprints (100 yards and 220
    170 words
  • 161 15 Narrow Win For Wives Of E. S. A. Members In a bow’s match on the Snorts Club ••alley” in Western Road yesterday evening the wives of the Ex-Services Association defeated the P.S.C. ladies by three games to two. The following are the results (P.S C. ladies
    161 words
  • 9 15 Soccer: Custom» v. C.H.C., Victoria Green.
    9 words
  • 354 15 STEWARDS’ CUP Knight's Caprice Romps Home London, July 25. THE following is the result of the Stewards Cup run at Goodwood today over six furlongs. KNIGHT’S CAPRICE sy. 811 (Col. J T. H. M. Clarke) Canty J FASTSTEP 4y. 7.13 (Mrs. C. Jones) Gcthin 2 LINKLATER
    354 words
  • 123 15 Freedom Promoted To Class 1 The following are the latest amendments to the S R.A. Classification List of Horses and Ponies: HORSES Transfers: From Class 2 to Class 1— Freedom; Class 1 to 2 —Cc’cstial. Temple; Class 2 to 3—Baft alien, Bilsdean. Dainty Silvius. Merry Widow, Red Dot,
    123 words
  • 502 15 Ipoh. V■ FOLLOWING their runaway victory overihe Ipoh Chinese Corinthians, the South China I'ootballers. scored another easy win yesterday when they beat a Perak State Combined XI by 4—l at the Kuala Kangsar Road Stadium. The visitors thrilled a large crowd
    502 words
  • 28 15 premises the Penang Chin Woo “B” will meet the Penang Tailoring Association "A” in a friendly game of table-tennis consisting of five singles and two doubles.
    28 words
  • 75 15 Penang XI Against Perak 'jp///; following have been select- ed to represent Penang in the Malaya Cup soccer match against Perak on Saturday on the C.R.C. ground'.— C. I. R. Burton; L./Sgt. Anderson, N. A. Rahman, C. Danker, Ng Kam Teong, Yeang Kah Chong; Tan Swee Cheng,. Sapper
    75 words
  • 88 15 Yesterday’s Matches In July Tourney The following were the results of the P.S.C. July Tennis tournament ties played yesterday:— J. H. Wagstaff (—30.4) beat S. J. E'gar (—4) 3—6, 6—l, 6—4. W. T. Francis. (—15.4) beat R. Heath (—l5) 4—6. 6—5, 3. B H. Willson (—l5)
    88 words
  • 146 15 Sunday’s Bouts After a lapse of time, an amateur boxing meeting will be staged on Sunday next, July 30, at the Fun Frolic Stadium by the well-known promoter. Mr. Billy George, in aid of the China Distress Relief Fund. Army boxers, from the Glugor Barracks, will take
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  • 299 15 Penang League 3 Goals In Last 10 Minutes THE Police, leaders in the Second Divis on of the P.F.A. League, scored three goals :’n the last ten minutes of match against the Eastern Smelting Club on the Renong ground Yesterday. There had been no scoring until then,
    299 words
  • 55 15 Customs XI To Flay C. R. C. Today at 5.30 p.m. at the Victoria. Green: Customs A.C.: M. Y. Sookiman; Khaw Eok Choo. Gh :-’a ii; Somoo, Hashim. P. HPargess; I Say Khoon, Md. Noor, J. F. Carvalho, rahim b. Ali and M. Z. Hassan. Res-rvrs': A. Rengasamy,
    55 words
  • 35 15 In a friendly game of soccer on the K. Bahru ground yesterday the P.L.C. XI scored a convinch g victory by two goals to nil over the Kampong XI Mr. Peter Ycoh refereed.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 531 16 Racing On Only Three Days rtbNLY 135 entries have been received for the Penang Turf Club’s Gold Cwp Meeting, and the has been reduced to three days—Saturday, Aug. 5, Monday, Aug. 7 and Saturday, Aug. 12. •The entries are as follows: Horses Class
    531 words
  • 240 16 —Reuter. London, July 25. At Elackhoath Surrey won on the first innings. Surrey 231 (Parker 96 >, Kent 201 (Gover 6 for 93); Surrey 187 for 8 wickets (Gregory 108 not out, Lewis 6 for 49) At Derby, Derbyshire won on the first innings. Derbyshire 201 (Bose
    —Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 142 16 i From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. Today. ONLY hacks and Sherida's horses were seen out on the course this morning, as all other outstation strings have not yet arrived, except for Mr. A. Van Toorens horses, which arrived later in the morning Other strings are due tomorrow.
    142 words
    • 171 16 LEAN CO's QUOTATIONS c oujci* Beliert xVLIMAu Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/11 4/4) Bangrins 18/ 18/9 B. Selangora 1.20 1.25 Hong. h aiLe 62> 65 Jelebus 50 55 Johans 33 26 Katus 21/ 21/9 K. Lanjuts 18/9 14/3xd Kuchais IJ.7J 1.22| Kundangi 6/9 7/3 Laruts 4/ 4/3 T.iikUM 43
      171 words
    • 205 16 KENNEDY CO's SHARE LIST Buyers Sellers RUBBER. Bukit Katil 65 70c MINING Ampat 3/6 8/9 A. Amalgamated 4/3 4(6 Bangrin 18/3 19/ B. Selangor 1.20 1.25 Hong Fatt 61 63 Jelebu 50 -55 K Kamunting 6/3 6/9c K. Lan jut 13/9 14/3ex Kamra 1/5 1/6* Katu 20/6 21/6 Kramat 9/6
      205 words
    • 157 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 Batu Selangor 1.21 1.24 Hong Fatt 61* 63* Johan 23 25 Kampong Kamunting 6/3 6/6 K. Lanjut 14/ 14/3c Katu 21/ 22/ Kuala Kampar 10/6 11/ Kuchai 1.18 1.21 Laruts 4/ 4/3 Pattani 2/9 3/ Petalings 6.70 6.80 Pungah
      157 words
    • 246 16 SOON THEAM CO's NOUN QUOTATIONS ILN. Buyer» »euer» Ampats 3/6 A. Hitams 19/3 20/3 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrms 18/6 19/3 B. Selangors 1.20 1.23 Berjuntais 8/6 9/ Chenderiangs 11/ 11 /9 Hong Fatt 61 03 Kamras 1/3 1/® Kamunting» 8/ K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9c Kramats 9/3 9/9 Kundanga 6/6
      246 words
    • 187 16 RUBBER Buyer* Seller* Ayer Pana* 1.10 116 Bassette 47* 53* Batu I -In tonga 1.02* 1.07* Bentas 1.00 LO5 Brogas 56 59 Indragiris 120 1.25 Kuala. Sidtma 3.10 2.25 Lunas 1.45 1.55 M. Pindas L2O 1.25 Mentakabs 39 41* Pa jams 1.70 1.77* Sungei Tukangs 1.09
      187 words
    • 76 16 WEDNESDAY, JULY 26. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.12* Business 75 tons Singapore Tin $113.12* RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28c Singapore (Spot) 28 7/16c COPRA: Sundried $3.65 Black Pepper $9 50 TAPIOCA: Medium $315 Fair Seed $2 75 RICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 $6 40 No. 3 $630 Rangoon White
      76 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 99 16 M/V “GLENBEG” VOYAGE 40 (Outward) ARRIV ED ON 21-7-89. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel from Europe are hereby notifies that a General Survey of all cargo landed in a damaged condition wall be held at the Penang Harbour Board’s godown No. 4 at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday. the
      99 words
    • 537 16 JptaWMfljavlle Head Office: 216 Penang R< Phone 1477 A iv- '‘Or Telegram»: "Caret»- n Rates of Subscription for Pin B and Sunday Gazette Pinang Gazette Local Delivery S. S A- p Monthly $1.25 sl.7' Quarterly 375 Half-Yearly 750 jq r Yearly 15 (C 21 r Sunday Gazett. Local Delivery S.S.
      537 words