Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 687 1 Will l\ 7 ot Believe In Change Of Face CHINA CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS Chungking, July 25. General Chiang Kai-shek has issued a lengthy statement expressing confidence that Britain, much as she desires a peaceful settlement of the Tientsin dispute, can only make concessions such as
    Reuter.  -  687 words
  • 165 1 8.0. W. Rugby, July 24. i wholly shared by the id people of thia country, n.aae her position quit/* is unchanged. This counits assistance to Poland of a clear threat to her w hich she considers it vital t„ i h r national forces. Great
    8.0. W.  -  165 words
  • 58 1 Reuter. Berlin, July 25. s announced that Lord K» 1 ;|cy. the well-known Bri- newspaper proprietor, is coming to Germany ■h invitation of the Reich Chief, Herr Dietrich, latest development is initiative of Lord who has been seekexchange of articles 1 .nation, uncensored, ii
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 55 1 lieu «»!!<• As Long As Is Possibility London. July 24. i <n the Admiralty and to discuss the next of the submarine, id at the Admiralty on Civil Lord of the AdHouse of Commons, was a reasonable nos■ubmarine. ‘‘‘Thetis.’ I be generally agreed ild continue in ord°r formation
    lieu  -  55 words
  • 774 1 PLAN TO BOMB PARLIAMENT Second Reading Of I.R.A. Bill Adopted London, July 24. The Commons today adopted the second reading of the Prevention of Violence Bill by' 218 votes to 17, after a lengthy statement by Sir Samuel Hoare giving details of the I.R.A. terrorist activities
    —Reuter.  -  774 words
  • 32 1 There was a rumour in Penang this mprning regarding an alleged attempt on the life of Herr Hitler. No news to thks effect has reached us from Berlin.
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  • 106 1 Reuter. Paris, July 25. The whereabouts of General Dellano are the subject of confl cting reports. A report from St. lean de Luz declare that he is in ,nn. on at Vitoria after having attempted to cross the frontier. Several Paris newspapers pr’nt unconfirmed reports that
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 353 1 Official Nazi Version Of Peace Loan Talks Berlin, July 25. An official statement issued by the News Agency says: “The British press has published alleged declarations by Mr. Hudson about his talks with Herr Wohltat at which a plan transmitted by Herr Wohltat is
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  • 109 1 Reuter. Chungking, July 24. Twenty seven Japanese planes bombed Chungking this evening. Several bombs landed in the vicinity of the French Embassy, the nearest one only a hundred yards distant. The raiders encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire. An aerial battle took place above the city as Chinese planes engaged
    Reuter.  -  109 words
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  • 846 2 NO DE FACTO RECOGNITION OF JAPAN London, July 24. “The -declaration does not connote any change' in the British Government’s policy in China,” said Mr. Chamberlain replying to questions in the bf Commons on the Tokyo agreement. Mr.
    .—Reuter.  -  846 words
  • 74 2 i—Reuter. 145,000 Men To Be Engaged London. July 24. An exp’anatory memorandum accompanying the Navy Estimates states that as a result of the decisi. n of the Government to call up a number of retired nava’ officers, pensioners ana reservists for the combined fleet and air exercises in
    i—Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 106 2 —Reuter. Chinclien Abandoned By Chinese Chungking, July 24. Successes for the Japanese are recorded in Chinese despatches from south-east Shansi where bitter fighting has been in progress since the Japanese launched their offensive designed at encircling Chinese forces in Taisan mountains. Unable to withstand the Japanese attacks from
    —Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 135 2 Reuter. Ender Black-out Conditions London, July 24. Port of London authority officials are studying aircraft reports on the visibility of the Tilbury dock area under black-out conditions test d there at midnight to examine the ability of the Port of London to carry on in wartime. Special
    Reuter.  -  135 words
    -Reuter.  -  766 words
  • 841 2 Tangku Incidents Itu 1 Tientsin, July 24. Serious Japanese sponsored antiBritish demonstrations staged last night at Tangku, a port at the mouth of the Hai River largely developed by British shipping and mining interests. About six hundred rioters stoned the home of the manager
    Itu – 1  -  841 words
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    • 62 2 Mr c th 47// 1 your ideal tß|l' refresher! «■Pi Kall A ISKf HI m* 4»fiffKlWar m? Be KK b r“ »,7> r A AU sharing the same secret of fragrance and charm for the cooling H r -ouch of 47/r’ WOW Classical Eaude Cologne is the common heritage of
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  • 23 3 1,1 u l 1111 iU -'l expression on his face and l his tv it romtsiUnin the at Southuniptow.
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  • 793 3 -To Mark Time Is Invitation To Defeat” Says President Kuala Lumpur. b»! days, I am airaid it is impossible for any person of i>sociation, such as ours to mark time. To mark time, is an invitation t<r defeat part, was the advice given to members
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  • 417 3 “Prohibi*ion Not Unfair,” Saji Chief Justice “To prohibit the use of loud speakers and gramophones in close proximity to offices and business premises does not appear unreasonable or unfair; and, further, I see no uncertainty in regard to this by-law. Nuisance is not defined, but i*
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  • 238 3 Fostering Unity By Personal Touch MISS A. V. DE SOUZA PRESIDENT Eurasian women of Singapore have inaugurated an association to further the interests of the community, and Miss A. de Souza has been elected president. The Eurasian Women’s Association, whose motto is “Loyalty, Unity, Charity, Kinship,"
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  • 445 3 An Interesting Speculation VALUABLE WORK OF R.R.I. Kuala Lumpur use of rubber is almost unJL ITnited, but whether all will be produced from trees is an interesting speculation and a vital question,” said Mr. John Hands, M.C.H., himself a veteran of the rubber industry in Malaya,
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  • 177 3 Knocked Down By Car Kuala Lumpur. Alleged to have caused the death of a Chinese named Lai Heng by a negligent act on Monday, at 9 a.m.. at Sungei Besi, Tai Tuck Chong was charged in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Wednesday morning before
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  • 224 3 Hospital Employees Charged Kuala Lumpur. Serious allegations have been made against a dresser and an attendant in the General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, by a former patient, as a result of which Gon Boon Swee and Suah Ah Teng appeared before Mr. R. c. Rennan, the First Magistrate,
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  • 391 3 Application For Licence NO KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH Seremban gOME time ago a Chinese motor-car driver was charged with having made a false declaration in an application form which he signed when applying for a licence to drive. The magistrate (Mr. J.P. Biddulph) acquitted him and commented upon
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  • 164 3 Rush Of Remittance To China OVER $30.000 in Chinese currency has been sent by local Chinese to relatives Li C'hiiia through the Chinese bmks during the last two days. This follows the fluctuation in Chfciese currency, the exchange of which now stands at the record low
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    • 117 3 YOUR CHILDREN yUtfe Teefv YO U 8 Independence in old age is even more precious than H independence in youth, THE PRUDENTIAL GUARANTEED INCOME PLAN enables you to make certain that you will never have to rely upon others to provide for your old age. iThis plan can secure for
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    • 413 4 Bombay, July 11. i TT is understood that at an 1 emergent meeting of the League of Radical Congressmen held today under the presidency of Mr. M.N. Roy, it was decided that the Royist Group should sever its connection entirely with the Forward Bloc. The League,
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    • 362 4 To Follow Uniform Policy Bombay, July 12. It<R. K.F. NARIMAN, one of the nine to whom the General Secretary of the Bombay Provincial Congress Committee had addressed a letter asking whether it was true that he participated in the protest meeting against the A.I.C.C. decision, has replied
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    • 74 4 Bombay, July 12. The Bombay Government are understood to have completed their arrangements for the appointment of an A. R- P- officer for Bombay. Mr. R. H. Haslam, who is at present Superintendent of Police in Thana district, will, it is understood, be transferr-d to Bombay
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    • 74 4 Cuddapah. July 10. The Government, in a communication, suggested the desirability of asking the cinema owners to exhibit, free of charge, short reels on sanitation, improved methods of agriculture, animal husbandry, etc., for a short time before each show for the benefit of the g?n"ral
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    • 461 4 PROTEST AGAINST ASIATICS ACT Decision Taken At Johannesburg Meeting Bombay, July 12. dr- Dadoo, leader of the National Group of the Transvaal Indian Congress, has sent to the Associated Press the following report tof a meeting of Indians held at Johannesburg on Sunday last, at
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    • 365 4 Proper Criterion For Judging Peshawar. F rontier is in the vanguard of the national struggle for freedom. There is a talk of ‘Forward’ and of ‘Backward’ Blocs. But one thing is certain. In case the British Government do not come to terms with Mr. Gandhi
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    • 158 4 Motion To Suspend Repatriation Colombo, July 11. S. NATESAN’S motion to sua--ITJE pend the repatriation of Travancorean daily-paid workers :n Government service, wth a view to beginning negotiations with Travancore regarding the tax on tobacco met with what Indian circles regard as a “surprising fate”. The
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    • 148 4 Historic Exhibition To Be Organised Madras, July 12. cgTHE Secretaries of the Madras Tercentenary Celebration Committee write: The Historical Exhibition in connection with the Madras Tercentenary Celebrations will be held at the University Examination Hall. Marina, Madras, on the 4th August 1939. His Excellency the Governor of
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    • 83 4 Calcutta. Two labour leaders were arres-ted on a charge of loitering! in the vicinity of the Hukumchand Electric Works (Ballygunge) about six hundred employees of which struck work. Vn order under Section 144, Cr. P. C. has been promulgated in the area orohibiting meetings, demonstrations, picketing
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    • 92 4 Discussion In Simla Simla, July 12. Sir George Cunningham, Governor of the Frontier Province, and Mr. Caroe, Revenue Commissioner. Baluchistan. are at present at Simla. It is believed that in addition to consideration of routine matters oi administration, opportunity hag beer, taken of their presence to discuss the
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    • 297 4 Increase In Imports Of Radi o Apparatus Calcutta, July 8. A CCORDING to returns received in the Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, the total gross Indian sea customs revenue, including land customs and excluding salt revenue, collected in British India during the month of
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    • 45 4 ■nr /1 I m z wi 1 TxiEETH like Ibe STARS o/HOLLYWOOO Don’t envy the beaut of the movie stars, i can have sparkling t< < flashing smile. Just us<the dentifrice that t of dentists recommend of its remarkable, ing action. BRIGHTEN your SMILE with KOLYNOS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 96 4 MAJESTIC OPENING TONIGHT 6.15 9.30 P.M. RKO-Radio Presents A Howling Cast Of Murder in the Mirth Degree Victor Moore Helen Broderick ‘WE’RE ON THE JURY’ RKO-Radio Picture. with Philip Huston, Louise Latimer, Vinton Haworth, Robert Me Wade. Guilty or Not Guilty, the Evidence Says You’ll Have A Swell Time I
      96 words
    • 48 4 BOBBY BEAR'S ADVENTURES: Paper Hanger C I A TH S 3 MU'. I4T Iw/B? if) J\7 j J r ■■cr i t I r,■•'(<'/ n op. It wraps aroi.nd Him. makes Him trip. 0 tion I iou da>h arowM. Ju LC ,!l d»per >irop la/talcd m tHe strip.
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    • 93 4 QUEEN’S TOMORROW’S O TS'I V. s j x EVENT TWO BIG SHOWS Foil t PAYMENT! Paramount’s Million Production Isa Miranda Ray Mi'i “HOTEL IMPERIAL Together with Exclusive Official Motion I < the World’s Heavyweight ship Fight arrived by ai> JOE LOUIS (World's Champion! vs. TONY galento (No. 1 ChaLenger) Each
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    • 448 5 Hills Brinf! Memories Of Bitter Defeats JAPANESE troops in their two-year operations in various parts of China, have suffered so bitterly in hilly regions that, it is said, their commanders have developed a marked dislike to any place that bears as a suffix to
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    • 192 5 to information received here.- Central News. Streets Placarded I With Posters Chungking, July 18. IN view of Japan’s insistence in dictating Brita'n’s foreign policy in the Far East by the anti-British agitation and hostile acts, a conflict might arise even without Japan’s southward naval advance,” writes the
      to information received here.- Central News.  -  192 words
    • 555 5 H R TRADE MOSTLY INTERNAL C ntry’s Economy Need Not Be Affected p of the recent drop in the Chinese dollar, the /ing statement from Chungking by the spokesman hinese Ministry of Finance, dated July 20 will be f i st to readers:
      .—Central News.  -  555 words
    • 223 5 I‘resH ui; authorities.— United Campaign To Raise I .S, $5,000 9 000 Chungking, July 14. (auspices of Christian ns, a Chna Relief As.s !s been formed in Ameriaw’ •quarters at New York. i i It, it is stated, is ipporter of the associa- j upporters are
      I‘resH ui; authorities.—United  -  223 words
    • 148 5 RENEGADE’S CAMPAIGN Shanghai. ’■pHE political activities of Wang Ching-wei, former Chinese Prime Minister who made friends with the Japanese and is mentioned as a possible president of a Ja-panese-sponsored Federal Government, has assumed a wider sphere. In a broadcast speech he denounced Chiang Kai-shek. the Chinese
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    • 80 5 American losses at Swatow. —Centra News. .J? Hongkong, July 20. An unconfirmed report has it that an American brawn thread exporters firm at Swatow. a manufacturing and exporting centre of lace drawnwork, embroidery handkerchieves and mosaic cross-stitch, was raided by the Japanese during their recent wide-spread looting in
      American losses at Swatow.—Centra News. .J?  -  80 words
    • 46 5 military dispatch received here.—Central News. Hongkong, July 20. Chaochow, a railway terminal fifty kilometres north of Swatow, was again abandoned by the Chinese in the night of July 17. as a result of fierce Japanese counter-offensive, according to a military dispatch received here.—Central News.
      military dispatch received here.—Central News.  -  46 words
    • 295 5 Shanghai Journalist’s Pertinent Observations Hongkong, July 20 ‘«TOKIO and Chungking!” formed the subject of an article 1 written by Mr. Randall Gould, editor of the American Shanghai Evening Post, in which he made pertinent observations on! the conditions of the two capitals to which
      —Central News.  -  295 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 Tonight Tuesday, 25th July, 1939. FOR A CONVIVIAL EVENING COME TO THE WEMBLEY CABARET FOR YOUR PLEASURE AND ENJOYMENT For Your Partners Our Charming Hostesses Await You. For Your Refreshments Our First Class Bar Is Open To You. For Excellent Music Our Two Popular Bands Are At Your Servtoei MORALES
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  • 417 6 What Is Needed By Family Of Five London. DOCTORS have planned an A.R.l*. Larder for housewives. A guide on what to buy and how much, Is given in a leaflet issued by the British Medical Association. The object of the leaflet is to translate
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  • 88 6 'J 1 AKE a long breath These are the jobs I’J-pear-oM Mr. John W. Smith, of Ketton, Rutland, has had .since he left school at the age oj nine:—• I jouseboy Coal carter Baker Shop assistant X alet Chorister F'Ntman Turner Gardener Driller Carpenter Boilerman
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  • 1111 6 Thetis Tuffs Radio Wds ‘‘‘Fery Weak London, July 12. qplIE, Naval officer with the tug which accompanied the submarine Thetis on her fatal trial told the Court of Inquiry at the Law Courts yesterday that he did not know the duration of her dive. When
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  • 77 6 Y Admiralty or. st motion in Davi-. s rine escape tanks is not n to dockyard personnel This was admitted at -p. quiry by Lient.-( ormi• i R. C. MacVicker, instrn< j officer for the apparatus Home flotill as. He said that if they u. to a
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  • 76 6 THE most frightened man in raid s—the a rman. That is the view of Dr Manother, Professor of 1’ at University, dressed a conference of and nerve soecialists. con the Ex-Serv ces Wei far- Among civilians them plete absence of anv casualties from a'r past,” Dr.
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  • 253 6 JL r F H A WEMBLEY PARK, Middlesex, husband was recenti to repay £21,582, with costs, to his wife; both, it were living under the same roof. The wife, Mrs. May Alice Mary Keogh, of Barn Hill, Wembley Park, Sued her nusband, Mr.
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    • 174 6 ■■HHHHMBBMHHHMBHHHKHIBEinnHfIBHHHMHHBMHBBW /I m Jr J 1 x a Lr* wrA J /1f 1/ YW Ljl f f/ g In view of the great popularity of “ALPINE” Condensed v Milk, certain unscrupulous persons found it profitable W 1 |W B EETEN ED lw I I I tO kbels from used tins
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  • 1052 7 Police Supervisee Pleads Guilty ARTICLES RETURNED TO OWNER ASa sequel to the burglary which occurred in the early hours ol the morning of July 17, whe n jewellery, cash, etc., all amounting to $4,728 were stolen from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. 11.
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  • 19 7 H sions <it the wedding s ni‘-t ie and Miss Hol if Trinity, Brampton.
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  • 287 7 Pacing Through Penang On Thursday T V. Bond. C. 8., Officer Commanding th<-Troops in Malaya, acnis v iff is due to pass through I ’«• on Thursday by the P. ft O liner s s. “Carthage’’ for Singapore. the full list of Malay- 1 <>r board
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  • 344 7 TO STUDY EASTERN CULTURE AN board the “Saarland” which VZ passed through Penang yesteii^mai eV r ing WeFe two G™ journalists, M. Feldmann and H Lilienthal, who are touring the Far East in search of first- hand material aStern cu,ture and kindred sub1 hey are on
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  • 647 7 Mr. C. A. Travers was a passenger by the s.s. Kumsang which arrived here from Singapore yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Oak-Rhind and Mrs. I c E. Van Ditmar passed through I Penang yesterday by the s.s. Kedah j from Belawan-Deli en route to Sini gapore. Mr. A.
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  • 184 7 A charge cf abetting the commission of an offence of receiving an illegal gratification other than legal remuneration, namely, by handing $2 to one Ma’arof. Assistant Inspector of Vehicles, as a motive for forbearing to do an official act namely, to allow’ him to have a new
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  • 708 7 MR. J. S. FERGUSON AGAIN CIUEFIAIN Ipoh. r HE thirtieth ordinary general meeting of the Perak St. Andrew’s Society was held at the Ipoh Club last night at seven o’clock, with Mr. J. S. Ferguson in the chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting
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  • 70 7 Today on the Esplanade from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.— March Scotland The Brave Hume Selection A Waltz Dream Strauss Waltz Cardoda Gomez Overture Idomeneo Muzart Intermezzo Malinda’s Fairy Bower Hum? Selection Chu Chin Chow Norton Fox Trot Love Walked In Gershwin MOONLIGHT BAND There will be Mconlicrht
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 336 7 REGULAR USE OF TOOTH PASTE Clears up unhcalthv gums and makes the mouth sweet and fresh; the gums firm, and gives your teeth a sparkling whiteness, M Agents: JI BARLOW GO., V '1 (SOOTH 4 TEEVrV 1 4h A J 1 Hfei (TOOTH PASTE) -HI'!“• for Teeth and Gum ijTT;
      336 words

  • 472 8 jyjK-.R. S. HUDSON’S admission yesterday that he had been discussing a certain ’’scheme” with Herr Wohl tat confirms press reports of a new British peace move. While appreciating the British Government’s anxiety to secure an undertaking that Germany would limit her armaments, we are surprised that faith should
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  • 216 8 A Modern Pied Piper A few years ago people of Izsak m Hungary were badly in need of someone to rid them of a plague of wasps. These warlike and workmanI like creatures, known as the black long-winged wasps of the I Z/unf/'tiruiH Plains, had deset nded in
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  • 638 8 Not Enough Initiative Tl we are to accept the I result of a debate held locally last. Saturday, immigrants have better business acumen than the local-borns. Assuming this view is correct, 1 think the blame rests greatly with the educational system and partly with the local horns
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  • 566 8 Tuesday, July 25. rpWO important statements were made by Mr. Chamberlain in 1 h< Commons yesterday. The first, concerning British policy in the Far Fast, reiterates that the present discussions at Tokio are confined to local issues at Tientsin and do not constitute a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 345 8 GUARANTEED FOR EVER! O’ Hv’JC w J5nX t jOh t RALEIGH The all-steel bicycle YOU CAN PURCHASE NO FEVER CYCLE PRICES FROM $49.50 EACH. (Attractive Hire Purchase Terms.). Sole Agents: ROBINSON CO, LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Sub-Agents SEGAMAT STORE AGENCY. 266, CARNARVON ST, PENANG. la our THAILAND Home of Hospitality
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    • 34 8 "BULLFINCH* 1 BUTTER Australia's Best and the favourite of Malaya THE BRAND OF PURITY Obtainable at all High Class Provision Dealers. Sole Agents Henry Waugh Co., Ltd. PENANG, Ipoh, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. .■.■■■■“■“.■■■■WaWu'
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  • 228 9 jUalinee Performance For School Children Today I PenanK Chinese Amateur Players’ production of -Lady recious Stream will be presented nt o <• lor school children and adults at'the To T'*"'’’ day. Seats will he at $1 and 50 cents 6 !-<• performances proper will ho
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  • 186 9 Officials For Year Alor Star. The seventh annual general meeting of the Kedah Aledical Recreation Club, Alor Star, was held at the Club premises on Monday evening with Mr. Ayathurai, the Vice-President, in the chair. About twenty-four members were present, including Drs. P. T. K Nayar, M.
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  • 107 9 Paramount Drama At Queen’s A highly powerful story is contained in “One Third of a Nation,” the Paramount film now showing at the Queen’s. Sylvia Sidney as the girl of the slums who ultimately persuades the owner of the row of filthy houses in one
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  • 603 9 I legations Of Extortion IH» f \R A MONTH M;d.iy was alleged to have II S' is a wunseng and (lexmuid1,1 money from an Indian family living at Malacca Street wne n-latcd in the I'enang Police Court befon Mi. A. w. Bellamy, built Malay, Mohamed bin (he
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  • 64 9 r pill< weekly A.R.P. Wardens’ meeting will be held at Mortimer Hall, Hutch ings School, at 6 p.m. on 'fhursday, July 27. The subject for discussion will be “The Black-Out." Suggestions and questions will be welcome, and may be forwarded in writing by any
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  • 205 9 NEW ADVOCATE SOLICITOR t Mr. Cheah Heng Sin Admitted To Bar MIL Cheah Heng Sin, B.A. (Oxon), Barrister-atiLaw, was yesterday admitted as advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. Mr. Cheah Heng Sin is a son of Mr. j and Mrs. Cheah Seow Boo, of Penang.
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  • 114 9 Chinese Woman Fined For Acting As Carrier A fine of $lO, in default seven days’ rigorous imprisonment, was imposed by Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court this morning on a Chinese woman, Lye Ah Sin, who pleaded guilty to a charge of acting as carrier or
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  • 85 9 A charge of cheating was preferred against a 29-year-old Chinese naihed Ooi Eng Chong in the Middle Court this morning before Mr. Lim Koon Teck. The accused was alleged to have dishonestly induced one Tang Guan Seng to deliver 34 bags of rice, valued at
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  • 201 9 Local Charity Show By Actors From Perak Ipoh. DETERMINED to follow op their sucxwse.s in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, the Perak Chinese Amateur Dramatic Association are staging nightly rehearsals at their club premises in preparation for the two shows which they will stage at WembDy Park,
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  • 160 9 Councillor Of State Interviewed CHIDAMBARAM CHETTIAR (brom Our Own Correspondent) r> Kuala Lumpur, Today. J E need for among the Indians in this country was urged by Chidambaram Chettiar, a member of the Council of State of the Upper House of the Indian
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  • 232 9 First Prosecution Singapore. "The maximum fine for this oifence I is $l,OOO, but as this is the first prosccuI tion of its kind I shall impose a tine of $l5, in default of payment two weeks’ I rigorous imprisonment,” remarked Mr. I L. C. Goh
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  • 241 9 BETTING CHARGE Ipoh. How he had worked on the case for" j three months before conducting a successi ful raid was recounted by Mr. D. N. Livingi.stone, 0.C.D., Perak, yesterday when he I produced a lawyers clerk named Ng HongI Kee and a Tamil peon
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  • 49 9 Chinese Benevolent Association The speciaJ genera! meeting of the Penang Chinese Benevolent Association which was to have been held yesterday at 5 pan.., at the Penang. Chinese Chamber of Commerce premises, was postponed tc Monday next, owing to lack of members to form a quorum of 25.
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  • 56 9 At the Y.W.C.A.. Cooking class on Wednesday, July 26, at the Rest Room. Weld Quay, Miss Matthieu will demonstrate "Country Captain.” Detective-Inspector A. McLennan of the Detective Branch will succeed Inspector D. R. Cowie as Chief Court Inspector, Penang, when the latter leaves for
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  • 164 9 A Chiwzxe, ijhn Ben-g, trho took two flower from the Western Ro<ul cemetery yesterday afternoon but teas detected whiie he teas walking away was charged with, theft in the Middle Court this morning before Mr. Lim Koon Teck. He pleaded guilty, saying that he did
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  • 98 9 St. John Ambulance Association The lollowing examinations have been arranged to take place at General Hospital. Penang Block “A”: Y.W.C.A, Class Thursday July ,27 at 6 p.m. Govt. Office Staff Class E Friday July 28 at 5.30 p.m. Oversea Chinese Banking Corp. Monday July 31 at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 i i I>w T® COv* gate Lf<». I I /pTtuj IM “THE MARCH OF THE CHILDREN n Let your Baby, too, join this joyous company and march to Health and Happiness on COW GATE From all over the world they come—a grow ng army saved from sickness and disease— sometimes
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  • 112 10 Wellington, (N.Z.). As a means of preventing th? future flight of capital from New Zealand. the Government intends to tighten the restrictions governing the remittance of money overseas by money order. The new method will involve filling in a .special application form and is intended
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  • 916 10 Green And Collier, Limited Singapore, July 21. We quote the following influences which have affecteu the market this week: SATURDAY, (15TJH):— The market has been stagnant \vith’ no' business passing?. Oct./Deo. 28 i; Jan./March 2g 9/16 buyers, sellers l/Bth over MONDAY. (17TH):— Remarks for Saturday apply to
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  • 740 10 Weekly Rubber Market Report London, July 12. We have once more to report a dull and featureless Market with practically no variation in price from day to day and very little business. There has been some enquiry from America and such Afloat Rubber as has been
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  • 670 10 Singapore Share Circular £500,000,000 for additional defence. Just like that. In 1694 William 111 started the National Debt ball rolling at £1,000,000, Waterloo shot it up to £BB5 million and after the last War it stood at £4,065 million. The last we heard of it in
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  • 662 10 Initial Stage Passed The following are amoi ments that have been made by Captain Oliver I. t M.C., (the Chairman c: p at the thirteenth ordinal ing held in London on ,j London Tin Corporation THE “FINANCIAL TIM» "The Tin buffer stock < vived it's early criticism
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  • 53 10 i; uter. London, Monday. The early improvenr nt v. a 1 maintained owing to the ab sustained demand, but th< were mostly represented 1 gains apart from Gilt E tended to be COMMODITIES: Cotton lowing the announcement <> States’ Export Subsidy L u led towards the close.
    i; uter.  -  53 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 739 10 BANKS I r THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. r (Incorporated in. England) Capitel Authorised £3.000.000 BJL Capital Subscribed £l.BOOOOO Reserve fund and Rest £1,252.770. Capital Paid Up £1,050.000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS air Charles Alexander Innes, OUR SERVICES ARE Right Hon. Lord Catto of Caimcatto at your disposal James Steuart,
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 37 10 All in a Day's Work— Rick Eime» SPl’i 11RL A”i VUiSH TheV z O 7 HOW ABSURD. V"I ‘-ffes Let me Pilot Vou'D l One or KILL KNOW• SP)TF!KE J X Z'X I A N -x 11
      37 words

  • 558 11 p mands Opportunity To Kef ute Accusations ill: BE DE BERNALES is to appeal to the Board of investigate the af fairs of his eight goldmining comshares have been banned by the Stock Exchange .on was announced in a letter to shareholders from .Mining
    558 words
  • 192 11 EV ACUATE your pet, if you can, in the event of an emergency. It not, you must consider whether he would be best destroyed. If you take your dog into your household refuge room he should be- muzzled as he may become frenzied during an air
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  • 146 11 Fifty-Seven Arrests Lucknow. July 12. Fifty-seven persons were arrested oday in connection with the strike in I. G Cotton Mills, including Mr. Shaiq Ahmed Naqvi. a Communist. The mill authorities, it will be r- nemhered, declared a lock-out two lays ago following *Le refusal of a ection
    146 words
  • 118 11 port Figure DRitatj tis trade improved t month. Total ext;,r '23, against £4l,- xjiort figure this -month comparison t ns. The rise may I by the fact that 1 last year, but in £82.000.000 in June 'OO higher than in also the biggest > STEEL is
    118 words
  • 17 11 STR ERNEST OPPEN 11 EIV ER, fha.n ia i De Deers Consolidated 'ilines. Ltd.
    17 words
  • 272 11 TRADE IMPAIRED BY INFERIOR QUALITY IN view of the fact that Japan’s exports of wocllen goods are being seriously affected by the deterioration of quality of the goods exported, the Depaitment of Commerce and Industry is making every effort to enforce a rigid control over
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  • 305 11 Suffolk towng and villages 750 schoolboys and girls came to London yesterday to see the sights. They saw the Tower. St. Paul’s, the Houses of Parliament, find the rest. And they went home giggling as though they had been
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  • 1314 11  -  TRANSPORT AND GENERAL WORKERS BY FRANK MACHIN Bridlington. jyjß. ERNEST BEVIN, in a great speech 1 at the biennial conference of the Transport and General Workers’ Union here today, pleaded for economic measures now by the nations which control the raw materials of
    1,314 words
  • 135 11 WHEN prospective customers tel Mr. Sidney Smith, a 30-year old commereja) traveller, that they “don’t want anything today. <* whips out a pack of cards and conjures “Tke.y are amused, and my performance often gets me an older, he told a newspaper represen--tative. Mr. Smith, a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 586 12 Witness At Woman’s j Death Bed FEARED REPORT TO MEDICAL COUNCIL Watford. A doctor s fear of being reported to the General Med cal Council because he and his wife had witnessed a dying woman’s will was mentioned at the inquest recently on Dr. James
    586 words
  • 447 12 Latest Posting Times At K Ml/ Lumpur, Ipoh And AIR MAILS Outward EUROPE AND THE WEST IMPERIAL (Emp:re Air Mail) For Burma (except Victoria Point)), India, Aden, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Zanzibar, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South Africa, Great Britain. Ireland. Canada and Newfoundland. Kuala
    447 words
  • 492 12 Encouraging Bigger Families The Imperial Social Hygiene Congress in London recently discussed the tendency to later marriage in Britain. Mr. Kenneth White and Dr. Grace G. Leyboume, research associate of the Population Investigation Committee. in a joint paper, suggested: Extension of maternal and child welfare clinics:
    492 words
  • 357 12 Sabotage Theory Rejected Brussels, June 27 M. Vanderpoorten, tin ?.i mister of Public Works, announced in the Senate this afternoon that the whole length of the new 100-mih Albert Canal is to be surveyed following yesterday’s disaster at Ha J, when the banks gave way at
    357 words
  • 166 12 18 Months Afti’i Lond< i’ Moina, the Zoo gorilh evening at the age of 1 death, 18 months after h ■f- n| is believed to be due to caused by wounds on h feet. When Moina and Mo the London Zoo in 19?? first gorillas
    166 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2580 12 HOLLAND WW |Sj?M B&s «3 Transmission Schedule of the Nether|jy Wmjll wj ||g|| I||! lands Shortwave. w!l!B Bffik i® Phcni-Stations. P.H.I. and PC J KB? X Wlf! iBsF sßfr Swt» WISSsBsP O 7.30—8.35 pm. <16.88—19 71 mJ EH Ik ’©F J||| jM PHOHI.t 9.50—11.50 (19.71 mJ PC.J. UxOXLAW^ M HONGKONG
      2,580 words

  • 1182 13 Arrivali TODAY. JI LY 25. sjs. “De Weert” from Belawan-Deli, LiioSeumawe, Sibil, SaOang, Olehleh, Tjalang. Meulabon, Tupatouan Sinabang, Banjak-eil, Singkel, Baros Sibolga and Padang. TOMORROW, JULY 26. m.s. Jutlandia” from Singapore. m.v. “Fusijama” from Italy. s.s. "TroiJus” from Singapore. s.s. “Bulan” from Singapore via ports, s.s. “Somali”
    1,182 words
  • 92 13 Son’s Wedding Proceeds The son of a man who was charged on Monday with the murder of his wife and another woman was mamol recently at Salisbury register off ce. He was Mr. William Cousins, 28, a dairyman, working at Countess Farm, Amesbury, Wiltshire, son
    92 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 626 13 3L E FUNNEL LINE >' FKI V SERVICE IO LONDON A NORTH CONTINENT Marseilles, Antwerp MiddlesMro'".^^ 0 dasgow I? lIV «r.HVICE TO LIVERPOOL VIA HaVbZ° WIB s: Omits Havre July 25 /«•'i calls Glasgow 17 £rt i™ I M W Ywun axaiVlCE (Via Cap* of Good Hop*; j 'alls
      626 words
    • 813 13 PS r and V BRITISH INDIA (iDCorpor feted in England) SINGAPORE, CHINA JAPAN S.S. “CARTHAGE” SAILING THURSDAY, 27th JULY, 19.39. Onward, or for )apaD Teiuh BaganDatoh Peninsular and Oriental S N Swettenham Malacca and Singapore, contract with Hi? r-o, Mail MARI” Aug. U S/S "Somali” Juiv 26 Sa,hn £Df. Steamers
      813 words

  • 77 14 T O. 30.—A very short poser this time. “Can a batsman hit wide.?” Answer to No. vq The umpire had no right to call “one extra run for obstruc lion.” The umpires are part of the game, and while they should make every effort to get out
    77 words
  • 216 14 Squash Rackets No Ijower Play-Line Yet IpOR the second time the proposals made by the executive committee ■<of the Squash Rackets Association that the play-line should be lowered from 19in to 17 n and that a faster ball should be used has been shelved. At a meeting
    216 words
  • 93 14 According to an American writer 75,000 people annually visit the Faraway stud farm where Man o’VVar is located. The great racehorse and sire is now 22 years old, but is said not to look more than 12 years. The horse still retains
    93 words
  • 60 14 The “Racing Calendar” contains the following: “Carlisle Meeting, Devonshire Plate. The Stewards saw Mr. W. Carr, the rider of the winner in the above race and having heard the evidence of Mr. R. Petre, the rider of Desperado 11., reprimanded Mr. Carr for not keeping a straight
    60 words
  • 1280 14 REMINISCENCES OF GREAT GOLFERS Dramatic Start To Cyril Tolle y’s Career ’’IV) the plaver who does not care tuppence about the history of the game, but only wants to know' how to reduce his handicap from clotible to single figures so that he can swagger on to the first tee
    1,280 words
  • 15 14 MISS MEGAN TAYLOR, the famous- figure-skating star, who is now touring Australia.
    15 words
  • 108 14 New brick-built semi-cantilever stand, erected to plans drawn up by the architect to the Racecourse Betting Control Board, in co-operation with Mr. Ralph Hubbard, assistant to the Clerk of the House, has been constructed in the public (7s. 6d.) enclosure on Goodwood Racecourse. It is well
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  • 620 14 WIMBLEDON has come and gone—not by any mcnas the best of the long series, but with many interesting features, writes Sir Norman Bennett in the “Daily Telegraph and Morning Post.” The management, as usual, was generally excellent, but there are certain defects which go far
    620 words
  • 578 14 Returning To Soccer Next Winter HAT has been wrong with Bill Edrich, who as not very long ago hailed as one of the mosi promising batsmen England has had for a long while? His failure in the South African Tests shocked the cricket world, and
    578 words
  • 88 14 London, July 12 Ono hundred and fifty members and friends were present at the Royal MidSurrey Golf Club when Miss Pam Barton was the recipient of a silver Pa tray, suitably inscribed, in recognition of her winning the Ladies’ Open bo Championslrp at Portrush rece
    88 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 102 14 l3 k Vai k I yjßj WBBIi' 00 YOU know that REGAL EVAPORATED UNSWEETENED MILK Ls pure cow’s milk reduced to its pre- ✓> /9•£. CLt sent cream y consistency by evapora(1 JuW f\ J f) tion, and made completely sterile. It jUfry contains no preservative or other addiJ S\>.
      102 words

  • 586 15 igland Declare At 164 For 7 V <T INDIES 85 FOR 3 at CLOSE OF PLAY gressive 76 by Hardstaff wic- was the best score in Enrjand’s first innings in ..nd Test which Hammond declared closed at hX-nXts tlhrl Pky hi day and again early
    586 words
  • 336 15 Coming Races B ith Ajax Sydney. ZEALAND will probably have i.-'t e honour in the Metrot of top weight with Defaulter. t start in Sydney he easily <'• 1 jr Prince and Mosaic at The actual difference chief and Defaulter was 121 b. t b too much
    336 words
  • 109 15 Local Badminton Tournament The following are the ties in the Open Badminton Championship to be played during the week-end: SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1939 3.00 p.m. Men’s Singles Final —Ooi Teik Hock vs Lim Ewe Chye. Umpire —Tan Boon Piew. 4.30 p.m. Men’s Doubles Final —Ooi Teik Hock
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  • 767 15 SULTAN OF PERAK AND S. J. SEOW NOT PLAYING 7 f Ipoh. TTIS HIGHNESS THE SULTAN OF PERAK and S. J. Seow, the Perak singles and doubles champion, will not be competing’ in the Malayan Lawn Tennis Championships to be played at Ipoh during the
    767 words
  • 713 15 Race 1: Horses Class 5 Div. 2 —Abt. 5F. —3.00 p.m. 0 1 1 LOVERS IDOL 8y 10.12 Mrs. F. L. Hardiug Capt. Harding 0 0 INEZ 3y 10.08 Mr. F. O. C. O’Neill Owner 0 0 0 MARCO KING 3y
    713 words
  • 43 15 Soccer: P. F. A. League, Div. 2: Police v. Eastern Smelting Club, Renong ground; “C” Company v. Marine S. C., Dato Kramat ground. Lawn Bowls: P. S. C. Ladies v. Wives of B. S. A. Members, Western Road, 5 p.m.
    43 words
  • 35 15 .—Reuter. Four Horses Scratched From Today’s Race London, July 24. Ambrose Light was scratched from the Stewards’ Cup at 9 a.m. today. Old Reliance, Ipswich and Lpvely Woman have also been scratched. —Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 325 15 May Fight Farr In October ItLARVEY, who defeated Jock (McAvoy for the world, British and Empire light-heavyweight titles at White City, has decided not to fight in America, either in defence of his world title or. against Joe Louis for the world heavy weight crown. Britain's
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  • 72 15 This Week’s Fixtures Today: Police S.C. v. Eastern S.C. at Renong ground (Referee H. R. Pawanteh); “C” Company v. Marine D.S.C. at Dato Kramat (Ref. Tamby Kechil). Thursday: Malay R.C. v. Min Sin Stab at Dato Kramat (Ref. Koothayan); Tfadf School v. P.G.F.A. “B” at G.T.S. (Ref
    72 words
  • 58 15 On the Dato Kramat gardens yesterday, the G.C.D.S. trounced Stamford School by nine clear goals. Mr. Yeang Kar Chong refereed and the G.C.D.S. team was made up as follows: Min Hock; Thangiah, Eng Chye; Susa) Dass, Lsmail Noor, Cheng Poh; Hoc Teong.
    58 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 Drink and enjoy JbQg LIPTON’S TEA Lipton 8 Tea r<— wor ld-fam° us for its delightful flavour. LIPTON'S TEA is on sale everywhere. Look for the famous Ytllow Label. LIPTOH LTD.; Tea Planters. Ceylon. Offices: Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo /or AfaZaya.— HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., PENANG. SINGAPORE, iron and KUAL.X LIMI’LK.
      50 words

  • 586 16 Britain Denounced For Betrayal Of China London, July 25. ’l'he first meeting of the Anglo- Japanese round table conference at Tokio lasted 2*4 hours and Was adjourned until 4 p.m. The China Campaign Committee has issued a statement “denouncing as undeniable betrayal of China now
    —Reuter.  -  586 words
  • 27 16 -—Reuter. 100 Winners For The Season London. July 24. The champion jockev. Gordon Richards, with three winners at Worcester today reached 100 winners this season.—Reuter.
    -—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 79 16 —Reuter. Tokyo, Julj’ 25. The combined Japanese fleet together with another newly-oremised fleet shortly begins special wartime training, announced the Navy Minister, Admiral Yonai. Referring to the talks between Sir Robert: Craigie and Mr. Arita, Admiral Yonai issued a warning to the nation against assuming
    —Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 27 16 —Reuter. London, July 25. Sir Lancelot Oliphant, Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, fias been appointed British Ambassador at Brussels and Minister for Luxembourg.—Reuter.
    •.—Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 96 16 Penang, July 24, 1939. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). On London Ban's Demand 2/4 On London Bank 4 months 2,4 1/32 Private O. D. 2/4 1/4 Private 3 m/s Documentary 2/4 5/16 On New York Demand 54 9/16 Canadian 54 9/16 Oil France Demand 2055 Lire 1034
    96 words
  • 128 16 MONDAY, JULY 24. Prev. Latest Paris 176 23/32 176 23/3.° New York 4.68 9'32 4.68 1/4 Montreal 4.68 5/8 4.68 11/16 Brussels 27.55 1/2 27.55 3/4 Geneva 20.74 1/2 20.74 Amsterdam 8.73 7/8 8.73 3/8 Milan 89 1/16 89 1/8 Berlin 11.66 1/2 11.67 Stockholm 19.42 19 41
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  • 76 16 TUESDAY, JULY 25. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $112.87$ Business 25 tons Singapore Tin $112.87$ RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 l/2c Singapore (Spot) 28 11/16c COPRA: Sundried $3.70 Black Pepper $9.50 TAPIOCA: Medium $315 Fair Seed $2 75 «ICE: Rangoon Parboiled No. 1 »8 40 No. 3 SR an Rangoon
    76 words
  • 496 16 Tai pin g Races rpHE following is the list of horses and ponies in training for the Taiping Turf Club’s July Skye Meeting to be held on Friday and Saturday S. E. SHERIDA 1 East Lynne ch a m Mrs. S. E. Sherida 2
    496 words
  • 69 16 “At Home And Prize Distribution Today The Francis Light School Tennis Party will hold a tea party at the Francis Light School Hall today at 4.30 p.m. The prizes won in the annual tennis tournament will be distributed. An exhibition tennis doubles match will be
    69 words
  • 63 16 .—Reuter. The Hague, July 25. Dr. Colijn’s new Cabinet met to arrange a programme. Th s is undestood to include strengthening of defences in Holland and the East Indies, reduction of unemployment and maintenance of a sound Budget position. The new Ministers will
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 182 16 RUBBER Buyer! BeUen Ayer Panas 1.10 1-15 Bassetts 47$ 52$ Batu Lintanga 1.02$ 1.07$ Bentas LOO 1.05 Brogas 56 59 Indragiris 1.20 1.25 Kuala Siduns 2.10 2.25 Lunas 1.45 1.55 M. Pindas 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 39 411 Pa jams 1.70 1.77$ Sungei Tukangs 1.00 1.05 Tapahs
      182 words
    • 129 16 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ampat 3/6 3/9 B. Selangor 1.20 1.23 Berjuntai 8/3 8/9 Hitain 31 33 Hong Fatt 61$ 63$ Kampong Kamunting 6/3 6/6 K. Lan jut 14/ 14/3c Kuala Kampar 10/6 11/ Kuchai 1.18 1.21 Laruts 4/ 4/3 Pattanis 2/10$ 3/ Petalings 6.70 6.80
      129 words
    • 216 16 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST Buyers Seller! RUBBER. BoreUi 1.07$ 1.15 Broga 55 57$ Jeram 60 65 Kempas 1.75 1.85 Kluang 60 65 Kuala Sidun 2.00 2.15 Mentakab 40 42$ Sungei Tukang 97$ 1.02$ Utan Simpan 1.10 1.20 MININ'! Ampat 3/6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/3 4/6 Ayer Weng 72$ 76 B.
      216 words
    • 167 16 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyer! Seller! MINING Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Amalgamated 4/1$ 4/4$ Bangrins 18/ 18/9 B. Selangors 1.20 1.25 Hitams 31 34 Hong Fatts 62$ 65 Johans 23 26 Katus 21/ 21/9 K. Lanjut*, 14/3 14/7scd Kuchais 1.17$ 1.22$ Kundangs 6/9 7/3 Laruts 4/ 4/3 Luktfts 40 60 Nawng
      167 words
    • 251 16 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS TIN. Buyers Beller 1 Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Hitams 19/3 20/3 A. Weng 70 75 Bangrins 18/0 19/3 B. Selangors 1.20 1.23 Beriuntais 6,6 9/ Chenderiangs 11/ 11/9 Hong Fatt 61 63 Kamras 1/3 1/6 Kamuntlngs 8/ 8/6 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9c Kramats 9/3 9/9
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 69 16 M/V “GLENBEG” VOYAGE 40 (Outward) ARRIVED ON 21-7-39. Consignees of cargo per the above vessel from Europe are hereby notified that a General Survey of all cargo landed in a damaged condition will be held at the Penang Harbour Board’s godown No. 4 at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, the 27th
      69 words
    • 563 16 Head Office) 216 Penan* r Pbone 1477 1 Telegrams: Rates of Subscription for and Sunday Pinang Gazed» Local Delivery S.S. afonthly $1.25 Quarterly 3.75 Half-Yearly 7.50 ic Yearly IS.OC Sunday GazedLocal Delivery S.S. Quarterly $125 $i r r 'n Half-Yearly 2.50 Yearly sno 6 n A DVERTISEMExNT The vharges and
      563 words