Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 July 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 364 1 SECOND IN SIX WEEKS Higher Cost Of Living H ILL BRITAIN GIVE Fl RTHER SUPPORT? Shanghai, July 18. Prospects /of a further sharp increase in the cost of living face Shanghai owing to the fall of tae Chinese dollar today to 5-J pence. This
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  • 160 1 Franco Will See For Himself —Reuter. Rome, July 19. Spain has already “lined up in the camp opposed to that of the two great democracies’’ declares a statement issued by the Italian Foreign Office commenting on Count Ciano’s visit to Spain. Spain (it says) has already accomplished two of the
    —Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 331 1 Spread Of Anti-British Campaign Tientsin, July 19. Attempts are being made to stir up anti-British sentiment in Peitaiho where many British “refugees” from Tientsin are awaiting the lifting of the blockade. It is reliably learnt that Chinese servants of Britons have been questioned
    .—Reuter.  -  331 words
  • 173 1 .—B.O W. Further Large Area For National Trust Rugby. July 18A further large area of the South Downs at Birlinz Gap, a beauty spot on the Sussex Coast, will, it is hoped, I'3 preserved for the public as a result of the action of the National Trust. Already
    .—B.O W.  -  173 words
  • 28 1 —Reuter. London, July 19. In the Commons, the Overseas Trade Garantee Bill was read a third time without division and sent to the Lords.
    —Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 164 1 On Neutrality Legislation Washington, July 18. An extraordinary night conference on neutrality leg’slation has been arranged by Administration and Senate leaders at the White House. It :s understood those attending will include President Roosevelt, Mr. Hull, Senator Barkley, Senator Pittman and three Republican Senators. The Republican leader
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  • 74 1 —Reuter Redesignated Royal Army Reserve London, July 18. The Army Reserve has been redesignated the Royal Army Reserve and a silver ba age will be issued to members of the Regular Reserves of Officers, the Royal Army Reserve, including officers and other ranks, and the Supplementary Reserve and
    —Reuter  -  74 words
  • 101 1 Reuter. 100 Reported Missing Mexico City, July 19. At least one hundred people are reported missing in Puebla City as a result of the Atoyac river overflowing its banks. Rescue parties are working feverishly but hitherto have accounted for only twenty victims. The castastrophe w’as due
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 118 1 —Reuter. Six Million Ready For Action Moscow, July 19. The Soviet now has six million persons who have passed the sports test entitling them to wear a badge: “ready for labour and defence.” This announcement was made in connection with the sports parade of forty thousand men
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 86 1 :.—Reuter. A nti-Polish Cam pa ign Strong As Ever Berlin, July 19. German political circles are busy today politely but emphatically counter-acting the impression that a relaxation in the tension over Danzig has set in. They declare that nothing whatever has occurred to justify such
    :.—Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 61 1 —Reuter. Shanghai, July 19. The Japanese naval authorities have notified foreign consular bodies of their in* tention to close three more ports in Fukien Province namely Santuao, Loyuan and Shacheng, all in North Foochow. It is understood the British authorities will reject
    .—Reuter.  -  61 words
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    • 35 1 o w GATE Fan /VnaHjr. l/.r-' AItYLW., CONTENTS Page ‘ms 1 16 ams 2 sows 3 4 5 6 7 8 News 9 10 11 12 News 13 14 15 Latest Hints ’he Course <6
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    • 78 1 “SMIICH” Zed on COW GATE for North Malawi Penang:— GEORGETOWN DISPENSARY L'i JL. Penang and I poll. i will' 1 1 'll h l( j Iff !l illlillilil ii II I IL JI No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER it protected at all times from deterioration or contamination. This
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  • 127 2 —Reuter. Surprise Coup Not Possible BRITAIN NOT ASLEEP Moves To Win Over Y ugoslavia Paris, July 18. The B ritish are not asleep,” writes the Petit Journal on the visit of General Ironside to Warsaw. It adds that Britain is taking all
    —Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 52 2 —Reuter. New York, July 18. Senator Bark fry “A Deal' leader announced that he had sounded Rcpub'ican Laders in the Senate with regard t <> two-party conference with Pr si lent R oscve t on neutrality legislate n and the Republicans had expressed their wd’ingness to attend such
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 83 2 —Reuter. Moscow, July 18. The Soviet returned without considering it, a note from the Japanese Government with r 'gard to oil and coa concessions in Sakhalin which was pre sented by Mr. Togo, the Japanese Ambassador, on Sunday and demanded an answer to the questions raised
    ’—Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 133 2 .—Reuter. Supplementary Estimate Of £19,500 003 London. July 18 The total amount of £19,500 O’JO it provided in the supplementary estimate for the Civil Service, the largest sum being about £lO 000 000 for emergency hospitals, evacuation and otner services. Air Raid Precautions services lequire £5.300,000, the Czechoslovak
    .—Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 117 2 Reuter. Fire To Be Put Out With Dynamite New York, July 18 Three specialists from Texas arc flying to Europe on the Atlantic Clipper en route to Dammam, Arabia, to extinguish with dynamite an oil well fire which has been burning for nine days. They will
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 98 2 Reuter. Berlin, July 18 Over-eating is ‘‘a of high treason,” according to Dr. ITira, a member of the Xa-i Experts Committee for National H adh "c L r 'cat'ng de “average t'nd 'n 'y of the entire German population to eat too much, particularly
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 101 2 .—Reuter. Diver Or on Gives Evidence London. July 18 The d ver. Mr. Orton, who examined the "Thetis” on the morning following her dive, told the Court of Inquiry that he ft und wir entangling the conning tower He expressed the opin on this might have prevented the
    .—Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 100 2 Impression Of Moscow Talks Paris, July 18. The impression following yesterday’s Moscow talks, says th'* Havas Agency, is that London and Paris maintained their point of view on the question at issue. There arc stated to be: (1) the states to lx guaranteed •2) the
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  • 99 2 —Reutei- Pledge To Maintain Increased Trade London, July 18 The Congress of the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire I passed a resolution reaffirming the advo- cacy of the extension of trade within I the Empire, and pledging the support of I all efforts to
    —Reutei-  -  99 words
  • 69 2 —Reuter. Decline Due To Increase foreign Investments New York. July 18. The “creditor position” of the United States at the end of 1938. excluding war d bts, showed a dec ine of sixteen centum compared with the previous vear; the decline is due to a
    —Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 57 2 Reuter. Half-Hours Talk With Colonel Beck Warsaw. July 18 General Ironside had half an hour s AversaUcn with Colonel Beck this morn'lhe Kurjerp:>ranny. commenting on the mission, says that it is not simply a cour tesy visit. Paris, London and Warsaw ’re preparing a force which wi 1
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 50 2 Reuter. Berlin, July 18 Fifteen were killed and eighteen wounded in a boiler explosion on board the German liner. Berlin, at sea last night. The explosion, which was revealed when the liner arrived at Swinemuende occurred fifte n miles oft the coast. There were no passengers aboard.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 159 2 .—Reuter. PASSENGERS RESCUED By American Steamer Tokyo. July 18 An S.O.S. was picked up thirteen hours ago from the Japanese N.Y.K. liner. Bokuyo Maru .stating that she was on fire in mid-Pacific with 110 passengers and a crew- of 102 on board since when
    .—Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 87 2 —Reuter. Bill To Be Introduced In Commons London, July 18. According to the newspapers, legislation is to be rushed through Parliament immediately declaring the I.R.A. illegal and empowering the Government to end their activities. It is stated that Sir Samuel
    —Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 56 2 —Reuter. Flight Of 30 Machines Pass Over London London, July 18. Londoners out in the streets at the mid-day lunch hour saw some of Britain’s latest bombers when a flight of thirty twin-engined machines in arrowhead formations of three passed over the city at 1 p.m. flying
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 640 2 JAPAN’S BOAST Shanghai, July 18 With Anglo-Japanese talks in Tokyo marking time while Sir Robert Craigie awaits instructions from London, the Japanese sponsored anti-British campaign in China is being intensified. AntiBritish posters have now made their appearance in Japanese occupied Chinese areas in Shanghai and the
    .—Reuter.  -  640 words
  • 71 2 —Reuter. Need To Eliminate High Dividends Washington, July 18. The primary needs of the American banking system include the elimination of excessive bank dividends with the object of preventing dissipation of bank capital together with provisions to relieve the banks of the necessity of liquidating assets at
    .—Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 95 2 ,—Reuter. Hitler To Repbir< Greiser Danzig, July I’l. Herr Arthur Grt i President of the Dai. Senate, is still in full [>< session of his official 1m tions, states a semi-ollie;, announcement issued Danzig, referring to t alleged foreign press reports that the visit of lb Forster
    ,—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 101 2 .—Reuter Warsaw, July lb A. fresh warning to Germany agan any attempt in whatever form to incorporate Danzig in the Reich is conveyed in an official communique which tat' “Quite apart from the matter in which Germany may desire to incorporal; Danzig in the Reich, Polish
    .—Reuter  -  101 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 W.NtPTUNt v N'/*/t M-E NS WAT t -R-P-R OOf WRIST WAT CM I U All ”7 UNBREAKABLE WATERPROOF DUSTPROOF SHOCKPROOF GLASS Ideal for the man who wants a Watch that will give him service in a tropical climate and under the most arduous conditions. Price $9.50 each. 7 he new
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  • 67 3 fJTHERE are graceful jump» and ju nps atl.-nipted for self preservation. and here are two examples. On the top is Gerd€9i, the young Norwegi n ballerina, rehearsing at the Regent’s Park open-air theatre for her London as leading dancer of the spectacular ballet
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  • 476 3 ague Enactment* Says Counsel Kuala Lumpur, July 17. Die submission that the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board enactment with regard to the “playing of gramophones or any musical instruments in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance," was vague and therefore could not bind the
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  • 557 3 Meeting Place For Women Of 111 Repute MAXIMUM FINE IMPOSED Singapore. “I WILL take the view that the accused be allowed a chance to run the Cafe in a proper manner. I will not cancel his licence, but will impose the maximum fine. Warn the
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  • 741 3 Eurasians Dissatisfied W ith II ork Done Malacca. 11/JALACCA Eurasians, at the annual general meeting of their Association on Thu rsday, expressed concern over the delay in providing some form of poor relief for the really needy people in this Settle ment, of whom Eurasians were
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  • 233 3 Motor Van With Loudspeakers Kuala Lumpur. The Kuala Lumpur Police Traffic Branch, in order to further their campaign of educating cyclists regarding the rules of the road, have been fortunate in obtaining the assistance of the Posts and Telegraphs Departmei t, who have loaned the police
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  • 134 3 The prosecution and defence closed when tne court rose on Monday at the trial of Loo Ho Cheng, which had occupied two days, before Mr. Justice Manning in the Singapore Assizes. Three charges of forgery and three alternative charges of abetment of forgery were preferred against
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  • 183 3 Penalty of Excess .Fat Although she has lost but 7 lbs. of her overweight, this woman finds that 7 lbs. has made a remarkable difference to her. There can certainly be nothing wron j with a reducing treatment that brings such increased energy and vigour. Her
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    • 158 4 Report Contradicted Bangalore. g N a Press interview, Mr. Satyam u rthi contradicts the report that he told anj lx>dy in Bangalore or elsewhere that he thought the Mysoie State Congress should accep* whatever constitution was oJ fered and work it. Mr. Satyamurthi considers
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    • 165 4 —Reuter. Sentences Son To Imprisonment Peshawar. 'THE Congress Premier of the North West frontier province, Dr. Khan Sahib, who has an English wife recently had to order the arrest of his son Obeidullah, who was later sentenced to 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment. Obeidul’ah, Secretary of th? NorthWest
      .—Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 644 4 Calcutta, July 1. LIHOLGH the Central Gcvernment do not believe that allIndia legislation on the comprehensive lines indicated by the draft Convention concerning the age for admission of children to non-industrial employments (revised 1937), adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 23rd session, is called
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    • 179 4 *T have read Mr. Gandhi’s editorial note in the Harijan on the suspension of civil d sobedience in Indian States, and his reference to Cutch has surprised all of us in Cutch not a little,” says Mr. Yusuf Meherally, President of the Cutch Prajakiya Parishad, in
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    • 107 4 i —Reuter. Bombay (By Air). Through circumvention of the quota restrictions imposed by the Indo-Japan-ese Trade Agreement, imports into India of Japanese cotton piecegoods are believed to have exceeded the quota, according to the “Times of India.” The newspaper states that Japanese piece»TOods are first
      i—Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 308 4 Biggest Single Monument Yet Discovered —Reuter. Simla. A great four-storeyed temple, built to a unique plan, with a huge monastery containing nearly 190 cells enclosing it. has been unearthed at Paharpur, Bengal. This is believed to be the biggest single monument in India. It
      —Reuter.  -  308 words
    • 411 4 Orissa Committee’s Proposal Cuttack. '■pHE Chaukidari Enquiry Committee, which was appointed some time ago by the Government of Orissa to enquire into the working of the village police stations in the districts of Cuttack, including Angul, Puri, i Balasore and Sambalpur, has now published its report.
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    • 110 4 —Reuter. Instruction In Bomb-throwing Calcutta (By Air). The Calcutta .police were armed for the first time with tear gas equipment for use against workers of the B i ench Motor Car Co., who had declared a stay-in strike and refused to leave their workshops.
      .—Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 172 4 Workers Without Homes To Stay Colombo, June 30. THE TIMES OF CEYLON understands that the daily-paid nonCeylonese in Government service, who have no permanent home outside the island, will not be repatriated to India. Such persons will be treated as special cases and their services will be
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    • 231 4 Bezwada, July 3. Mr. M. Annapurmah, Organising Secretary of the Forward Bloc in Andhradesa, in the course of an appeal, states: The first All-India Forward Bloc Conference held at Bombay on the 22nd and. 23rd June under the presidentship of Babu Subhas Chandra Bose was a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 MAJESTIC LAST NIGHT 6.15 TONIGHT 9.30 The Greatest Pict”re Ever Made About Uncle Sam’s West Point |A ML RIC Ai* on parade! tA tXWAJTI SMALL FfiVLk'v. L 7 0l»’«« ‘a c,,T,t I i 1 Monste- M" 4 r i» m. Sp< al Double Attraction On the Screen “THL ','F WEST
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 116 4 PACKED HOUSES SINCE OPENING QUEEN'S LAST NIGHT 6.15 TONIGHT p,30 One of the Greatest Chinese Pictur-.a of the year The famous star o± ’SABLE CICADA' 1 VIOLET KOO in “800 SIONG SAT SOO' (or FAMILY TRAGEDY. A Film You’ll Want To See Moi. Than Once. Don’t Miss It TO MORROWS
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    • 355 5 One-! ion Of Survival Of The Fittest Shanghai, .July 14. rpilriL lnp;in. 'V forces ate or the defensive in almost all of I t h< oo tipitd arras in Chi na, uncertain of what to do next, t im■> »J foreign military cbservers. <t
      —lnternational News.  -  355 words
    • 263 5 —Central News. Heavy Japanese Casualties Hongkong, July 15. ACCORDING to foreign reports. Japanese re'nforcements were rushed from Japan proper to Manchuria Coupled with the information from loreign travellers arriving at. Tientsin from Manchuria, the. impression gathered that fightmg along the Khalha River front on the Outer Mongolian
      . —Central News.  -  263 words
    • 284 5 —Central News. Bring Settlement Question A t An gio-J a panese Negotiations Hongkong, July 12. •«■APANESE resident* in Shanghai !h’ve passed a resolution re- >. nesting Tokio to bring up also the Shanghai International Settlement question at the forthcoming AngloJapancse negotiations. and also suggesting that
      .—Central News.  -  284 words
    • 265 5 —Central News. (Jhungking, July 12. B FOLLOWING up the recent successes, tin Chinese troops in Kwangtuhg province m South Chin-, forced more vigorously toward Canton where the Japanese w, re busy strengthening defences during the last week, acc. rding to a Chinese military’ spokesman. reviewing
      —Central News.  -  265 words
    • 128 5 —lnternational News. To Meet Japanese At Shansi Shanghai, July 14. O’er 100,000 Chinese reinforcements crossed the Yellow River last night from the south bank to southeast Shansi to meet a Japanese offensive. The fresh troops have effected a junction with the garrison. and heavy’
      —lnternational News.  -  128 words
    • 75 5 tu. w demonstration against Japan.—lnternational News. Shanghai, July’ 14. Making the usual threat, the ,rXomiuri Shimbun,” a vernacular Japanese newspaper, says that in the event of war between Jasan and Britain, the end will be in favour ot the former, reports Tokio message! The paper further adds
      tu. -- w demonstration against Japan.—lnternational News.  -  75 words
    • 53 5 Kunming, July 4. To meet the growing demand of the increased population, a new pov. er plant capable of delivering 4,000 kilowatt is being built here by the Reconstru'-tion Department of the Yumian Provincial Govamment. Construction work, on tht plant was begun last March and
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    • 54 5 by Rome and Berlin— International News. Shanghai, July 14. It is reported that aC high Nazi official recently passed through here for Japan to induce the Japanese Government to join the Rome-Berlin military pact. A London report stated that tn<‘ Tientsin taffair was largely* inspired by
      by Rome and Berlin— International News.  -  54 words
    • 33 5 .—Central News. Hongkong, July 12. Chinese regulars and militiamen have repulsed four to five hundred Japanese marines who recently landed at Oishek along the Chungshan coast adjacent to Macao.—Central News.
      .—Central News.  -  33 words
    • 35 5 only $99.40 (Chinese currency).—Central News Hongkong, July 15. The «dump of the Japanese Yen in the Shanghai market was noted ye£>ter<?ay, in which every Y’loo was v.ortn only $99.40 (Chinese currency).—Central News
      only $99.40 (Chinese currency).—Central News  -  35 words
    • 102 5 1 .i.assador to China.—Cen- Ihi I h ath (>f lmba*sador bid Wife* in zking, July 12. j 'mbassy in Moscow has < !>■ convey to the So••r Foreign Affairs the v md condolences of the <• m ent on the death of .id Madame Ivan Lou-
      1 .i.assador to China.—Cen-  -  102 words
    • 65 5 C’et'lnd News. Chungking, July 12. I t<> the sympathy message Henry Stimson on the be-. •"f .wond war anniversary, 0 nil Chiarig Kai-shek stitI ii tnd I feel deeply touched Y u Excellency's message. Wc are!? nviK’d by the support and symf'hinas loyal friends. Our
      C’et'lnd News.  -  65 words
    • 56 5 Central News. Hongkong, July 12. I' iih< me the Peiping-Mukden been seriously dislocated < hiie guerillas around the Tahu just beyond the Great Wall. Ti ntsin report. Peiping--lu’ul i .>■ and slow trains from u ivi 1 at tile old Capital over 1 'i. h.
      Central News.  -  56 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 432 5 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands in 24 Hours New Discovery Brings Pleasures of Life to Men Who Feel Old Before iRTN Their Time uu art? Are you tion? 1 >o you ev- Wi W women? I'o Wml Vy 1 weak memimpure blood, C ;i<ui half a man? j > for
      432 words
    • 412 5 Tonight. II l9*h hiiy\ 1939, IF IT IS WEMBLEY CABARET THE PIONEER CABARET IN NORTH MALAYA It Is Bound To Give You Satisfaction For Your Money. Tonight Dancing 9.00 p.m. I o 12 Midnight TWO POPULAR BANDS IN ATTENDANCE MORALES HIS SWING BOYS MORALES HIS HAWAIIAN BOYS tomorrow Tea Dance
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  • 455 6 laontlon. July 6. J lEUTENANT F. G. WOODS. one of the four survivors f f the disaster to the sub narine Thetis, was closely questioned at the Inquiry yesterday. Most ot his evidence concerned hi action in opening the door of No. torpedo
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  • 6 6
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  • 74 6 JUNE 1 1.4 U p.m.— Thetia s'y.iall'd “dtcii:g for three hcurs*’ to tug. 3p.m. < approx, t. 7 het is sti uck bottom. 3.30 p.m.— Marker buoy released. 1.40 p.m. —T’icZws due to reappear but aid not do so JUNE 2 2 a.m. Marker buoy found by 7
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  • 1163 6 .1 Demonstration Attached tc the test cock by a chain was a large brass pin called a rimer, which is inserted into a hole in the test cock to see if there is any obstruction and to remove an obstruction. Mr.
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  • 2428 6 Did you have any t ;i h v :i body about who had filial t; > —The question whether th ti; filled or not did not. wl. n I submarine, appear to hav. levance as to the t! .in torpedo tube compartment I
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    • 122 6 Remember when you feel like this that there is ||U x*.o sabsti tute X ENO fl Only ENO s Fruit Sait can produce the beneficial and invigorating effects for which ENO is renowned throughout thentire civilised world. *Vith so-called ‘iust-as-good’ preparations, you are forced to Wl| experiment with your health—an
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  • 201 7 Coilee-shop Politicians 4nd Black-out Balik Pulau. -p ir>t official black-out was successfully carried out on Mon- night, when punctually at 1] o’clock all lights were j <df. The commencement of the black-out was heralded <d shrill notes from Police whistles and immediatei i hiu
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  • 63 7 riuorx Examination Results •it j ii pupils of Mrs. M. Taveitb< Trinity College of Music T. r; nun: lion on June 10, all obtainin' honours: lit. Iri Chelliah (94> and Miss Jasjnyn Ch liah (95), daughters of Mr D I). Chelliah and Miss Lin G'< I
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  • 58 7 B. K. Debate Tonight rtK Butterworth Recreation Club iten.ry Circle ill be holding' a de.l? t> .'.j at 0.30 p.m. at the Club house. i'ht 'hi’i is. That modern women bke >: r wives.” Th»- principal ’p akers arc Messrs. Teoh Chyc Lok, Lim K»-’
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  • 36 7 BAND PROGRAMME <( the Waterfall Gardens from 5.15 p.m. to 6.4.5 .p.m. Out On The Deep Lohr Marinarella Fucik Cleches de Corneville Godfrey Unina Linckc Santiago Corbin Roberta Kerr. nen The Robin Sings His Song Again Coots
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  • 209 7 Man Io Be Tried fu District Court The case in which a young Chinese named Tor Ah Sw’ee was arrested on a charge of attempted murder of his wife at Bayan Lepas, was again mentioned yesterday morning at the Balik Pulau Police Court before Mr. S.
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  • 166 7 Supreme Court Suit Settled Although two days had been reserved for the hearing of the suit between N. Kader Batcha, plaintiff, and N. Abdul Hamid, defendant, the case was settled immediately before the hearing yesterdayin rhe Penang Supreme Court before the Hon. Mr. Justice Aitkin. Mr. R. D.
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  • 85 7 Penang's cat burglars, probably scared by the shrill blasts of police whistles and the presence of a numtei of police constables patrolling the streets during the black-outs, remained under cover on Monday during the black-cut. No report of any burglary’ was made to the police yesterday' morning.
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  • 431 7 Importance Of Domestic Science Ipoh “A giri should be taught to cook whole- some, well-balanced meals, keep the home clean hygienic and attractive, be an intelligent companion for her husband ana i take proper care of her children.” said Mrs. Van Dor Noordaa in the
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  • 173 7 Mr, Oh Lock Heng Starts Practice Mr. Oh Lock Heng, L.D.S., Dental Surgeon, who received his diploma at the Medical College, Singapore cn Saturday last, arrived in Penang by' Wearne’s Internal Air plane. Mr. Oh Lock Heng is tile fourth sen of Mi-. Oh Hock Tcik.
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  • 41 7 Information has been received by telegraph that 23 statt-aided labourers will arrive tomorrow by the -.s. Rajula. It expected that eight will be sent to Pulau Jerejak and the balance will proceed to Port Swettenham for quarantine there
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  • 208 7 Special Police Patrols To Check Activities Ipoh. r pHE prevalence ol bicycle theft sin Ipoh and the suburbs lias piompted the Ipoh Police to assign special patrols tn combat the alarming; activities of bicycle thieves. In order to check an increase of these offences culprits are
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  • 65 7 'lhe death occurred at the Genera! Hospital y esteruay oi Mr. Lim Teow Ker formerly on the staff of the Straits Echo, after a prolonged illness, at the age of 36. Tiie funeral will take place this evening at 4.30 p.rn. when the cortege
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  • 76 7 Kulim A farewell tea jjarty will be held by th Kulim Chinese community in honour o Tuan Syed Hassan, Kulim District Ofn cer. who is going on transfer to Aloi Star, as Assistant Director of Lands, at the Kulim Chinese School Hall on Sunday,
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  • 82 7 Dr. J. C. Hayward, M.D., D.N.8., (U.S.A.), L.R.C.P and S. (EdinburghV has returned to Penang from Bangkok, Siam, where he passed the Siamese Medical Examinations Dr. Hayward is now attached to the Penang Sanitarium and the Mission Clinic in collaboration with Dr. H. g. Hebard.
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  • 187 7 Breach Of lmmigrati<»n Rules The excuse that they had just gone down for a stroll as the Blue Funnel liner s.s. Ajax came alongside the Penang Harbour, was given by’ eight Chinese who were arraigned before Mr. Lim Koon Teck in the Middle Court yesterday’ afternoon, on
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  • 24 7 The Weekly Wardens’ Meeting will be held at Westlands Schoo! tomorrow. Guest Speaker—Dr. Nicholas—Subject ‘First Air and Gas Casualties.’
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  • 62 7 Sungei Piitani. A grand Charity Variety Show, in aid of the bungei Patani China Distress Relief Fund, will be staged by the Abella Dancing and. Acrobatic Troupe at the Empire Taikies Hall, Sungei Patani today ai 2.30 p.m. The admission prices will be cheap, and it is
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  • 556 7 Cupt. R. L. Cuscaden, of the Sercmbun Customs, is reported to be retiring from the service shortly. Mr. E. Grvguiy-Jones and Mr. E. O. H. Charlwood have been invited to serve on the committee of the Euro- pean Association of Malaya. Mrs. G. F. Strickland, who was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 A 3 keep your linen wK v GOOD COLOUR 1 WL ItY USING ni:< KITT'S «.1« BLUE V .t'lts HARPER, GILFILLAN CO. LTD. i'3re, A Kuala Lumpur > A M 15
      30 words
    • 252 7 Ws. t w _2_x___ Did you CLEAN your teeth to-day 4< W” /'W Sk y- r 7 Yes, positively MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Soles Reijresentatfve T. Gillespie. P.O. Box 217, Singapore. 1: y:>u u-e a solid dentifrice, try MACLEANS SOt.lD PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE a the whits dot identify *h<? Genuine LIFETWE
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  • 462 8 A i a time when there is so much talk about appeasement in the Far East, it is indeed reassuiing to hear the Premier declaring emphatically in the Commons that Britain “would not and could not act in regard to its foreign policy on the demand
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  • 300 8 Moving Atoms The days when scientists have to take to pieces a new composition, in the same icay as a little boy breaks up a clock to discover the ticking, will soon be left behind, for the new science of crystal-analysis with X-rays is dealing with all manner
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  • 650 8 Out Eor A Duck inner workings of the radio, or the wireless as you may like to call it, had intrigued me for quite a long time, and when a friend of mine who is a very keen radio enthusiast, told me that it was all quite
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  • 511 8 Wednesday, July 19. TJAVE you heard this one? Overeating, according to a Nazi leader, is high treason in Germany? I can understand gluttony as high treason to one’s body but surely not to one’s country: TTERR Greiser, President of the Danzig Senate, is reported
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 ASK y\, LT ’ssss N&.' %BfM Ah hIIIII NO FINER WHISKY GOES INFO ANY BOTTLE sole agents:- JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD., PENANG. i tn England) SINGAPORE KVAU% LUMFIR IPOH ft i I a s| > g si bs i fe i OilMiHliiilK g&o H $8 il i Hlf P si
      226 words
    • 39 8 EVERYBODY’S FAVOURITE For ANY OCCASION >?S5k mSa Aran Bwl IhpH Produce nf THF V AMOU? FIRM DENIS MOUNIE A CO COGNAC c Established Ln 183!» Henry Wauoh Co., Ltd. PSMUtg, *if>va'»‘» r r. Ipt ft r»cal«t I nrnpnj «■■aaaaaßßPßß
      39 words

  • 319 9 Men Arrested In Kitehen rpWENTY Chinese paraded before Mr. Lim Eton Teck in the Middle Court this morning, when they were charged with playing in a common h inning house at No. 12, Sek Chuan Lane, at about 3.50 p.m. yesterday. The accused were Ng Ah Way,
    319 words
  • 255 9 l’h< Lady Superior of the Penang nvi-nt offers her sincere thanks to <ll who contributed to the success of ihf Convent Sports on Saturday last. hanks arc specially due to Rev. Hi t'lor Director who cordially lent 'hi Xaverian Sports’ field for the occasion. To the Hon.
    255 words
  • 130 9 Penang Bus Singapore Car Involved X SEEIOUS motor collision between a car and a motor-bus took place yesterday afternoon at 145 ,t Nibong Tebal at the junction of the main j the Trans-Krian Read. A Sin.™™ ad and °T' nS k ?P J^ !ng
    130 words
  • 115 9 $3,000 Damage Ipoh. A serious outbreak of fire occurred at Pusing Town on Monday night at a shophouse occupied by a Chinese sundry goods merchant and a Chinese medicine seller. The loss is estimated at $3,000. Fortunately, nobody was hurt the occupants getting away immediately the alarm
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  • 168 9 Claim For $4BO The District Court civil suit in which Mr. Chew Joo Cheong is plaintiff and Mr. Lim Keong Lay defendant was this mornirg postponed to August 11 by Mi. H. A. Forrer. The plaintiff's ciaim is for $4BO, being the balance of money payable to
    168 words
  • 125 9 A motor accident occurred at the junction of China Street and Pitt Street at about 7.45 this morning when a car (P. 2193), driven by a Chinese, collided with an elderly pedestrian. The driver, who was proceeding along Pitt Street towards Chulia Street, was sounding his
    125 words
  • 207 9 LIQUOR IN CYCLE TUBE Balik Pulau. A young Chinese named Lye Ah Fook who was ar- rested last week at Gertak Sunggal Road with dutiable liquor in the cycle tube he was carrying, was yesterday produced at the Police Court, Balik Pulau, before Mr. S. T. Stewart i
    207 words
  • 46 9 Slipped And Fell A Chinese while working on board a tongkang at Weld Quay at about 11.30 this morning, slipped and fell, sustaining some bad injuries. The ambulance was summoned and. on its arrival, the man was removed to the General Hospital.
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  • 42 9 The next meeting of the Federal Council will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, August 22, 1939. at 10 am. There will be no ceremonial opening and uniform will not be worn. Time of meeting 6 p m
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  • 225 9 $BOO And Two Cheques Taken By Gunmen Kuala Kangsar. 4 KUALA KANGSAR Chettiar businessmail was the victim of a daring armed hold-up carried out by two Chinese gunmen near Grik in broad daylight on Monday morning. It is stated that he was relieved of
    225 words
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  • 212 9 “The Duke Of West Point’" The Duke of West Point.” which 1 opened at the Majestic last night exceeded all expectations. America’s military academy has been glorified I many times on the screen but the traditions at the great institution have never been so vividly struck home as
    212 words
  • 36 9 The annual general meeting of the Perak St. Andrew Society will be held at the Ipoh Club on Monday, July 24 at 7 p.m. All Scotsmen are cordially invited —members or non-members.
    36 words
  • 153 9 Mr. John Brown And Miss E. I. Speers A PRETTY wedding was solemn’zed at the St. Andrew’s Church, Penang, at ten o’clock th s morning, the contracting parties being Mr. John Brown and Miss Edith Irene Speers. The bridegroom is attached to Messrs. Harrisons, aßrker and
    153 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 261 9 Outwit The Mercury L A COOLING TREATMENT j Elizabeth Arden lias a deliciously cool and N. beautifying treatment for days when the mercury runs riot. Pour Arden Skin Tonic into a chßled bowl with it moisten a i pad of cotton wool. Dip into your jar of Arden a Cleansing
      261 words

  • 72 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 19. MIDDAY QUOTATIONS. Penang Tin $113.375c Business 25 tons Singapore Tin $113.37|c RUBBER: Penang (Spot) 28 5/8c Singapore (Spot) 28 15/16c COPRA: S undried $3.75 Black Pepper $9.50 TAPIOCA: Medium $3.15 Fair Seed $2.80 RICE: Rangoon parboiled No. 1 $0.40 No. 2 $6.30 Rangoon White No.
    72 words
  • 134 10 p.eutcr Tokio Report Denied Peiping, July 18. A Japanese Army spokesman, referring to the position of Col. Spear, denied the Tokyo report that the trial has already started. He added that they recognised Col. Spear was a miVtary attache and had certain diplomatic standing but the
    p.eutcr  -  134 words
    • 176 10 A. A. ANTHONY CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Sellers TIN Ainpat 3/6 3/9 Ayer Weng 73 76 Bangrin 18/3 18/9 Batu Selangor 1.20 1.22 Berjuntai 8/3 3/9 Hitam 31 33 K. Kamunting 5/9 6/3 Kampong Lan jut 14/ 14/6 Kuala Kampar 10/ 10/6 Kuchai 1.17 1.20 1 I.aruts 4/1$ 4/4$ f Pattani
      176 words
    • 221 10 KENNEDY CO’s SHARE LIST Buyers Sellers RUBBER. A. Malay 1.40 1.45 Ayer Panas 1.10 1.20 Batu Lintang 1.02$ 1.07$ Benta 1.00 1.05 Brunei United 50 60 Indragiri 1.22$ 1.27$ Kempas 1.75 1.85 Mentakab 40 45 Pajam 1.75 1.85 Sungei Tukang 1.00 1.05 Tambalak 45 50 Tapah 1-57$ 1.65 Ulu Benut
      221 words
    • 204 10 Record Profits Hongkong. A profit of nearly HK52.000,000 an all time record—was obtained by the Hongkong General Post Office during the past year, according to its annual report. There was a large increase in all the mails handled and the balance of revenue over the expenditure charged
      204 words
    • 183 10 RUBBER Buyers Beilen Ayer Panas 1.12$ 1.17$ Bassetts 47$ 52$ Batu Lintangs 1.02$ 1.97$ Bentas I.UU 1.05 Brogas 56 60 Indragiris 1.20 1.25 Kuala Sidims 2.15 2.25 Lunas 1.50 1.60 M. Pin das 1.20 1.25 Mentakabs 39 41 Pajams 1.65 1.75 Sungei Tukangs 1.09 1.05 Tapaiis
      183 words
    • 638 10 London, June 27. PLANTATION. —The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the exchange of Cotton and Rubber was published in a White Paper on June 23. The British Government will deliver rubber free on board in Singapore or
      638 words
    • 167 10 LEAN CO’s QUOTATIONS Buyers Beliefs MINING A. Wengs 72$ 77$ A. Amalgamated 4/1$ 4/4$ Burma Malays 29/ 21/ Hitarns $1 34 Hong Fatts 61 63 Jelebus 55 60 Johans 24 27 Katus 21/ 21/9 K. Lan juts 14/3 14/9co Kuehais 1.15 1-20 Kundangs 6/9 7/3 Laruts 4/ 4 Z 3
      167 words
    • 245 10 SOON THEAM CO’s NOON QUOTATIONS UN. Buyer» tJektr* Ampats 3/6 3/9 A. Hitams 19/3 20/3 A. Weng 7C 73 Bangrins 18/0 19/3 B. Selangors 1.20 1.23 Berjuntai* a, 6 Chenderiaaga 10/9 11/6 Hong Fatt 62 64 Kamras 1/S 1/6 Kamuntings 8/ 3/6 K. Lanjuts 14/3 14/9c Kramats 9/6 10/ Kundang»
      245 words
  • 208 10 Periodical Redistribution Of Ouota I i’2i The 10th annua Malaysiam Tin La. at the Central IT The Right Hon V chairman) said t: h was .£13.490. co interim dividend >1 1 ready been paid, a; c 1 mended a final diviti' The year under revi appointing on
    208 words
  • 73 10 Penang. Jui 1' '9, titl Courtesv On London Ba- v On London Baffi Private O. D. Private 3 m/s D? On New York Demand 54 5/8 Canadian 4 5/8 On France Demi i -055 Lire 031 Swiss ElancBeiges Marks 1 3a Java 102 3 <> On India L'»G
    73 words
  • 98 10 TUESDAY, JULY 13. Prcv. Latest Paris L7n 25'32 176 -3 3 New York 4.68 7 32 4.68 i I*’ Montreal 4.6' 15 16 4.69 1 16 Brussels 27.56 27 57 Geneva .77 1 2 20.75 1 Amsterdam 8.77 3 4 8.74 Milan 89 1 32 Berlin 11.66 i
    98 words
  • 62 10 —Reuter. I iondon. ruesdaj Moi International situ.;- < strength on Wall St- J the increasing market Gilt Euv- ii G- but Oils. Incu triei- Kafffi nd -i”’" strongly. COM MO 011 lE'S. to iched the recoi d level Central. Th- ma i. at' n<'< >' sure on actual
    —Reuter.  -  62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 594 10 BANKS THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid-up Capital £3 000.000 Reserve Fund £3.000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 Head Office No. 38 Bishopgate, London, E.C. 2 LONDON BRANCHES 117/122, Leadenhall Street, E.C. 3 14/16, CocKsnur Street, S.W. 1 Manchester Office
      594 words
    • 171 10 INederlansche Handel-Maatschappij N.V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY) (Incorporated in the Netherlands With limited liability.) Established by Royal Charter in 1824. Head Office: AMSTERDAM With 46 Agencies, Apart from correspondents in Holland. Head Office for the East BATAVIA Brunches throughout the Netherlands Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, Burma, China, Japan
      171 words
    • 54 10 FOS -'IS BLADDER TROUBLE Stop Getting Up Night» Purify Blood :;-.d ■'>el Young-'' Here’s one good -a t" irritation that oft' n < smarting passage. cjH D Ask yotir chemi-• i ML DA I II antiseptic a and stimulant lur irritated blade r. kidney trouble a&d snout but --it's the
      54 words

  • 193 11 HH> BOH "TROXGIA OBJECTED TO Hi R NEW "lEEE-HELMETED XI RSE A.R.P. WORKER I OP." I X\l «(j.oot) watching the daylight rehearsal, and they various methods of keeping; cool. Schoolboys above were fortrfiuite h their straw hats. Schoolboys <>« t«»P were not—so they adapted their handle rehiefs.
    193 words

  • 396 12 Latest Posting Times At Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Ami Penang SEA MAULS Outward For Victoria Point, Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein will close by Juna at 7 a.m. on July 21. For Burma, Northern India, Aden Egypt, Canada, Europe U.S.A, will close by Karapara at 10.30 a.m. on July 22.
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  • 83 12 Mails for BANGKOK will leave Penang at 9.40 a.m. on Mondays and Fridays, and incoming mails will arrive in Penang at 6.30 p.m. on Sundays and Thursdays. Mails for F.M.S., SINGAPORE, etc. will leave Penang at 8.30 a.m. and 9 p.m.; Ipoh 1.36 p.m. and 2.10 a.m.; and
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 2691 12 4.50 News and Economic Review in GerM^r a man 5.05 BeauLful Mri<--c* 6?r f y. T< MB '1 *3O r iSr 00X1 Muslc 7 20 Ne 7, s cin MB B* 735 Concert of T V?ht Music. (con) 820 News and Economic Review In German. wEtfe: W 5 H 835
      2,691 words

  • 230 13 Sir l{. ansittart’s l.vrics In Film London, June 26. Denham studios these days are a ■>rner of the East. writes the him correspondent of the “Daily Donkeys, shaggy as if, stand patiently in 111 11 camels gaze down disdain's< < '.rthj men and veiled women shuffle
    230 words
  • 116 13 T t Madura. July 2 "mb, ’t the sight of E 'haloes which came o; ir 'l‘phant, which wa 1 th<. s 1 !l Tirumanjanam 41 ’.v f„, :Hi 1 Krishnan Koil terday and run- i lal Imies, attempt m South Mas -S”--' -ou-; u Eht di=a e
    116 words
  • 304 13 7(10 M.P.H. Tests In Wind 'Tunnel London, June 28. Air Ministry tests to be made in the wind tunnel now under construction at the National Physical Laboratory, T> yington, may result in R.A.F. tighter ’planes capable of 700 miles an hour, or nearly as fast
    304 words
  • 1142 13 Arrivals TODAY, JULY 19. m.s. ".Meonia” from Europe. e.s. “Piesiaent oarheid' from San Francisco. 5.8. “JUangKu” from Tandjong-Poera. TOMORROW, JULY 20. s,s. “Necfcar” from Far East via Sixiga’ pore. sa. “Havana Maru” from Singapore via Bela wan. m.v. “Hoegh SiiverlighV’ from Bombay and Colombo. m.v. “Riv” from
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 369 13 bL ue funnel line v.i I M-V SERVICE TO LONDON NORTH CONTINENT .’ails Marseilles Glasgow 21° I 1 falls Marseilles, Antwerp Middlesboro July 28 Ant ,lE> f calls Marseilles Glasgow Au< 4 A P* TF lf > OAT «r.KVIcE IO VIA HAVRE g vrAO> Falls Glasgow' July 21 Al Omits
      369 words
    • 687 13 P 0 BRITISH d |NDIA (Incorpozkted In England),’ PORT SWETTENHAM SINGAPORE S.S. “RAJULA” SAILING THURSDAY, 20th JULY, 1939. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., under contract with His Majesty’s Government, London and Far East Mail Service. Outwards from Ix>ndon for China Japan Homewards for Colombo, Aden, Port Sal<\ •c/0 due
      687 words

  • 1525 14 Fast, Loose Type Of Forward Favoured TEAM LIKELY TO SHINE IN ENGLAND L can be confident that the 1939 Wallaby Rugby Ur ion team for Britain will blend into one of the finest Australia has ever sent away, writes V. C. Davis in
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  • 18 14 HENRY ARMSTRONG, the famous Negro boxer, photographed j n hh training camp with his little daughter.
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  • 588 14 JT is surprising that swimming is not more popular with the Asiatics in Penang. \ye know that it is one of the finest exercises for both old and young. On this fair island of ours especially, it is one of the most
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 408 14 yotUv HEALTHS ENERGY Boyer’s TONIC f/Wu/ j The new roboront and stimu- g W i I ■Er| loting remedy. I. *7a The ideal composition and V Jt J&/S high vitamin content impart new strength and ensure rapid and marked improvement in all conditions of weakness and exhaustion, nervousness, rapid onset
      408 words

  • 193 15 •the RIDING BOY’ “TRESPASSER”i mTUok Ti.r Penang Penan- EPSOM JEEP” I “EUREKA” “THE MAJOR” “CAPT. DASH’ i SPOT Ipoh Ipoh K Lumpur Singapore 1 Polo Polo I Rex Patrambie Glenarr™ Po, Patrambie Harap Harap v>ienarroA Patrambie Pride of Perak Patrambie Polo o Achilles Achilles Sea Maiden
    193 words
  • 728 15 ACCEPTANCES FOR TODA Y Perak Turf Club’s July Meeting Race I Horses Class 4 Div. 2 —6 Furs. —2.45 p.m. 3y 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval 4 o I \TILAMBH' 4y 9.02 ‘‘Mac Kongsi” Magill i o HAF aP 5y 9.00 Mrs. S. E. Sherida Sherida N ARROW 7y
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  • 17 15 SPECIAL telegram from the course containing last-minute hints for today's races appears on page 16.
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  • 384 15 Soccer Harbour Board Win 4-0 THE Penang Harbour Board Junior Service Club asserted their super- iority over the Indian Recreation Club by winning 4—o in their Second Division soccer match on the Dato Kramat ground yesterday. The game was rather scrappy. The Indians conceded two gift
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  • 72 15 The Penang Hook Exchange Basketball Team will meet the Huah Suah Cheng Basket-ball Team this evening in a friendly game at 5.30 pm. sharp at the Sing Kung Court, Victoria Street. The following have been chosen to play for the Book Exchange Team—Ong Leng, Khoo Hock Poey, Teh
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  • 205 15 P.S.C. Held To A Draw THE Penang Sports Club were held to a one-nil draw by the Malay Recreation Club in their soccer friendly on the Esplanade yesterday, but had their forwards showed better finishing they would have won. They also missed a penalty. Although the game was
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  • 84 15 —Reuter. Course Now Longer Newcastle, County' Down, July 18. JAMES Bruen led the Held at the end of the first round in the Irish Open Golf Championship with a record round of 66 over the lengthened course. P. Mahon of Royal Dublin
    —Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 29 15 SOCCER: P.F.A. League, Div. 1: P.G.F.A. v. I. R. C., C.R.C.; S.L.R. C. v. P.M.R.C., Hospital ground. RACING: Second Day of Perak Turf Club July Meeting.
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  • 97 15 M eek-End Fixtures The following are the Senior Badminton fixtures for this week-end; FIXTURES FOR SATURDAY 3.00 p.m. Men’s Doubles (semi-final Tan Kin Hong and Ooi Teik Hock v. Chee Choon Keng and Khoo Eng Tong (Umpire L. Teik Liang). 3.30 p.m. Mixed Doubles (final): Miss Cecilia
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  • Article, Illustration
    246 15 ESSEX TROUNCE SI RREY London, July 18 At Colchester Essex won by ten wickets. Surrey 285 and JOO (Peter Smith 7 for 47); Essex 361 (Eastman 99, Nichols 93) and 27 for no wickets. The match at Worcester between Worcestershire and Leicestershire was abandoned owing to rain. There
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 I 1 x' I i I x I ISLE OF MAN AIR RACE fl' I Winner: Geoffrey de Havilland in x/b'V/ 1 T.K.2 Aeroplane I TYNEWALD AIR RACE CL 1 Scdrn. Ldr. H.R.A. Edwards in Avro WMBMB II ■(WjO/ y OI U I Avian WBB I MANX AIR DERBY 1
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  • 320 16 Harriford May Spring Surprise FINAL SELECTIONS FROM COURSE (By “EPSOM JEEP”) Ip oh, Today. 'j’HERE was a bright and cloudless sky this morning and the possibility of rain seems remote. The track is hard and fast, and I expect excellent times today
    320 words
  • 95 16 Seven new records were established at the Territorial Army championships at Motspur Park, and London Scottish won the mter-Unit championship with a total of 32 points. Pte. A.L. Milligan (London Scottish), the Southern Counties discus champion, put up a new' record in putting the weight 41 ft.
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  • 249 16 Ladies’ Teams To Meet AS a result of the recent sweeping victory of the Ex-Services Association, Penang, over the Penang Sports Club, their wives have got somewhat “uppish” and have thrown out a challenge to the lady members of the Sports Club. Th’s has been accepted and
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  • 46 16 Today on the Trade School ground at 5.15 p.m. v. Trade School. G.C.D.S.: Chan Min Hock, Boey Ghee Chiang. Ong Eng Chye, Lim Cheng Poh, Ismail Noor, Susai Dass, Omar Mohd. Tan Kheng Liang, Yeo Chui Oon, Teoh Choon Chooi, Quah Hock Soon.
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  • 30 16 Death Reported In Concentration Camp A semi-official statement denies the reports that Pastor Niemoller has dieu in the concentration camp at Oranienburg, says a Reuter message from Berlin.
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  • 56 16 There will be an unaccustomed opening to the flat racing season next year. On Easter Monday, March 25, the season will begin at Kempton, Newcastle and Birmingham. In previous years the Lincoln meeting has started the season. Lincoln races will commence on Monday, April 1, the
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  • 234 16 Extended British Credits For China? London, July 18. |T is evident fcom Mr. Chamberlain’s declaration that unofficial Japanese demands will be totally unacceptable and that Sir Robert Craigie’s report attaches some importance to these unofficial demands, says the Birmingham Post. .—Reuter. The Manchester Guardian says
    .—Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 132 16 Charge Of Assaulting Compatriot Balik Pulau. Two Chinese, father and son. were produced at the Police Court, Balik Pulau, yesterday before Mr. S. T. Stewart on a charge of causing hurt to one. Lye Ah Cheng, at Telok Kumbar hill on the 10th instant with
    132 words
  • 137 16 —8.0. W. Order Placed For General Post Office Rugby, July 18 An order has been placed for the construction on the Tyne of an armed cable ship for the General Post Office, which has already had two cable ships constantly engaged in the supervision and repair of
    —8.0. W.  -  137 words
  • 79 16 TOUR IN ENGLAND A party of Canadian schoolboys, who are to play a series of cricket matches in England, arrive at Southampton today. The boys will practice at Winchester for two or three days before start ng their programme, which includes several matches against leading Public Schools.
    79 words
  • 200 16 TENDERS will be received at the office of the State Engineer, Kedah, at Alor Star up to noon of the 2nd August, 1939, for the erection and completion of alterations and addition?, new Reception Rcoms, Bed-rooms Bath-rooms, Kitchen and Store, new Porch and Pergola, including Sanitary Installation
    200 words
  • 81 16 —Reuter. Ironside Sees Polish Leaders Warsaw, July 1 8. General Ironside spent a busy day meeting Polish civil and military leaders including Col. Beck, the Foreign Minister, Marshal Smigly-Rydz, In-pector-General of PoFsh Forces, General Kaspazycki, War Minister and General Stachiwcz, Chief of the General Staff. It is
    .—Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 284 16 Labourers Claim Wages Ipch. An interesting civil suit was heard before Che Ismail bin Mat Sah in the poh Second Magistrate’s Court yesterday in which 11 Chinese labourers, in- eluding three women, claimed various amounts as wages between September of last year and January of this year from
    284 words
  • 104 16 All In Three Years Reuter. British Anti-Aircraft Army's Progress London, July 18. “Britain’s anti-aircraft guns and searchlights are spread in the wide chequer board over land, alongside farm buildings in hills, in fen country keeping unceasing watch over our homes day and night,” declared Mr. Hore-Belisha
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 64 16 ‘TRUST FORT’ TILES WONT LEAK <— —i lIW, 'TP oou»it t»ocvii at cibc T *"1 1». IM.UM MM.CT «ITTIN* AMO HIVIHT TYI PS A «AM* j I L H® J A j&h 1 U 11 L J I 'll i it^ 1 I u 11 II JII 1111 11 -II
      64 words
    • 544 16 Head Office 216 Penang Roar, Po Phone 1477 147« w ,th Telegrams: «Gazette” Pen»ng‘ Oa Rates of Subscription for Pinang and Sunday Gazette tU Pin an g Gazette Local Delivery S.S. F M p Monthly $1.25 $1.75 Quarterly J. 75 525 2 Half-Yearly ..7,50 10% Yearly 15. DC 21. (X)
      544 words